What can you eat if you are diabetic? Healthy and dangerous foods, or what to eat if you have diabetes

Diabetes mellitus directly depends on the quality of nutrition. In order to reduce the load on the pancreas, you need to reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed. And for this you need to know which products are useful for diabetes mellitus, and which ones will only cause harm.

What foods can and should be eaten if you have diabetes?

Compliance with nutritional rules plays an important role. Eating large amounts of carbohydrates will lead to an increase in blood sugar levels, which, in turn, will contribute to the creation of conditions for the development of complications.

Correct therapeutic nutrition will reduce the load on the pancreas.

The basic rules for eating are as follows:

  • You need to eat not 1-2 times a day, but 5-6. And at the same time. For those who forget, you can use an alarm clock. After some time, the body will adapt and will remind you of this.
  • Increase the amount of foods containing protein.
  • Eliminate fast-digesting carbohydrates.
  • Fried, smoked and spicy foods are not allowed. All dishes must be steamed, stewed or baked.
  • Each product you choose, fruit or vegetable, should contain a lot minerals and vitamins

Important to remember! Carbohydrates are glucose in the blood. Proteins are amino acids in the blood and cells that slow the absorption of glucose.

Pay attention to - natural drops for the treatment of diabetes.

Can you eat if you have diabetes? following products:

  1. Among cereals, give preference to millet. It is the lowest calorie cereal. Millet for type 2 diabetes mellitus has a good effect on the body as a whole.
  2. Corn porridge is useful, as it stabilizes blood pressure and prevents the onset of disease.
  3. Nutritionists love beets because they have low glycemic index 5, known for laxative functions. It is useful not only for constipation, but also for patients with diabetes. For type 2 diabetes, beets should be consumed no more than 200 grams per day.
  4. It is recommended to take greens, vegetables, legumes, and potatoes in limited quantities. Lentils are also used in small portions.
  5. You need to drink at least two liters of clean drinking water per day.
  6. Many patients suffer from excess weight. Celery has fat-burning properties and will help normalize stomach function.
  7. Dates and marshmallows should also be included in the menu. The fructose contained in them increases sugar levels gradually. They contain vitamin A and potassium; for type 1 and type 2 diabetes, they reduce the likelihood of complications.
  8. Pasta is eaten only with vegetable dishes together.
  9. Diabetics' food should be rich high content vitamins, citrus fruits will help with this, to preserve vision you need to eat blueberries.
  10. Peanuts and nuts are rich in protein and low in carbohydrates.
  11. Fructose halva may be present in the diet.
  12. The seeds are very high in calories, you can eat them, but in small portions.
  13. Red and black caviar are eaten, but not more than one tablespoon at a time.
  14. Vinaigrette has virtually no effect on sugar.

IN Tatar families they love horse meat, which is good for diabetics. To combat the specific smell, you can add prunes during cooking.

Mushrooms do not carry harmful sugars, but how protein products can have an ambiguous effect on well-being. If after use there is unpleasant symptoms, you should measure your sugar level or call an ambulance. Do the same with egg whites. It is better to include it in the diet in small quantities.

When cooking, it is better to soak the beans first. This will lower its glycemic index. It is better to replace peas with this product. Even though these are approved foods for diabetics, certain standards must still be followed. This does not mean that you can sit down and eat a kilogram of apples. Don't go overboard and eat everything at once healthy foods, you need to eat according to the rules prescribed by your doctor.

And this is not the entire list of foods that can be eaten with diabetes. The doctor will tell you in more detail what exactly is possible and why you should refuse.

Foods prohibited for diabetes

Can I drink alcohol? You can, but only low-alcohol ones with low sugar content. The consumption of vodka, rum, cognac and other strong drinks is prohibited.

You should be careful when buying products in a store; the percentage of fats and carbohydrates contained is not always written on the label.

All confectionery contain a large number of sugar, so they need to be completely eliminated.

Try to exclude salty foods from your diet as much as possible.

For type 2 diabetes, lard should be excluded as a source of large amounts of fat. Even excess fat should be trimmed from meat.

The list of undesirable products includes the following products:

  • sweet;
  • pastries, sweet buns and croissants;
  • tomato sauces, fried sauces, hot gravies, spices;
  • fatty meats;
  • carbonated drinks and ready-made juices that contain sugar.

It is worth reviewing your diet and limiting the consumption of bananas, strawberries, and grapes. It is better to replace semolina with coarsely ground cereals.

It is forbidden to eat pilaf and rice if you have type 2 diabetes, because they have a high glycemic index.

Unfortunately, everyone’s favorite dumplings will also have to be forgotten.

Prohibited foods sometimes include quince, but this fruit has a very interesting vitamin composition and is rich in fiber, so the exact degree of its harm cannot be determined.

What you can eat and what you can’t eat (table)

This table contains information about what recommended products are available. In other words, what can and cannot be eaten (table) with such a diagnosis.

Doctor's opinion

Kolosov Sergey Yurievich, nutritionist

By following a diet, first of all, metabolism is normalized, due to which blood sugar levels decrease. The basic rules of diet came to us from ancient times from the Egyptians.

You must follow the principles of nutrition impeccably, without deviating from the prescribed diet.

The diet is prescribed by the doctor, guided by test results, age, gender and physical activity.

The main point in the diet is to limit the intake of carbohydrates and starch, and also increase the amount of vitamins and fiber in the body. By adhering to the diet and recommendations of a specialist, the patient’s life will become much better. Of course, in special cases The diet must be accompanied by medication.

  • To calculate the amount of carbohydrates, the concept “ grain unit" Doctors invented it to make it easier for patients to calculate their diet.
  • You need to eat lean meat or fish every day. As for cooking, only boiled and baked.
  • Mayonnaise is possible, but only natural.
  • You need to cross out all products from the menu instant cooking, seasonings.
  • It is necessary to regulate your diet based on your well-being. IN difficult situations attract doctors.
  • Consumption of any type of fat is prohibited. It is recommended to cook food in vegetable or sunflower oil with low percentage fat By analogy, margarine should also be excluded.
  • You need to consume foods that lower blood sugar.

Following the doctor's instructions and dietary principles, you can get rid of not only the symptoms of diabetes that make life difficult, but also excess weight.

16/12/2014 13:32

Endocrine disease occurs because the body needs insulin. And this hormone secreted from the pancreas, in turn, is responsible for the absorption of glucose. Thus, unused sugar quickly enters the blood, insulin is released, while glucose levels increase and all types of metabolism in the body are disrupted.

List of foods to avoid if you have diabetes

To overcome diabetes, you should stick to a diet. It should consist of 40-50% from carbohydrates, 30-40% proteins and 15-20% fats.

You need to eat 5-6 times a day. If you are insulin dependent, then the same amount of time should pass between meals and injections.

Note that the most dangerous and prohibited foods are those with a high glycemic index of 70-90%, that is, those that are quickly broken down in the body and lead to the release of insulin.

Here is a list of prohibited foods for diabetes:

  1. Sweet products. These include candies, chocolate, honey, jam, marshmallows, marmalade, and ice cream.
  2. Confectionery products, especially rich ones. They may contain fats or cocoa butter substitutes.
  3. White bread.
  4. Alcohol.
  5. Pickled, spicy and salty foods.
  6. Smoked sausages, frankfurters, lard.
  7. Fast food, especially French fries, hot dogs and hamburgers.
  8. Meat - pork and beef.
  9. Fruits containing great amount carbohydrates. For example, it is better to avoid bananas, raisins, dates, and grapes.
  10. Some vegetables rich in carbohydrates: potatoes, beets, carrots.
  11. Fatty dairy products: sour cream, butter, margarine, spreads, yogurt, cream, milk.
  12. Cheese varieties are yellow in color.
  13. Mayonnaise, mustard, pepper.
  14. White, brown sugar.
  15. Cereals – rice, millet, semolina.
  16. Sparkling water.
  17. Juices that contain sugar.
  18. Any products containing fructose.
  19. Popcorn, cornflakes, muesli.

Allowed foods for diabetes - list

Foods with a low and even medium glycemic index are allowed to be eaten if you have diabetes. They will not harm and will saturate the body useful substances, necessary for the operation of all systems.

Here is a list of foods that can be consumed if you have diabetes:

  • Brown bread or whole grain products.
  • Low-fat broths and soups.
  • Lean meat - chicken, rabbit, turkey.
  • Pasta.
  • Cereals – buckwheat, oatmeal.
  • Legumes - peas, beans, lentils.
  • Eggs.
  • Sea and river fish.
  • Some seafood - caviar, shrimp.
  • Some dairy products - cottage cheese, kefir, skim milk, yogurt.
  • Vegetables - cucumbers, tomatoes, all types of cabbage, radish, avocado, zucchini, eggplant.
  • Greens – spinach, asparagus, onions green onions, basil, lettuce, parsley.
  • Almost all fruits - apples, oranges, lemons, quinces, pears, apricots, pomegranates. And tropical fruits - pineapple, kiwi, mango, papaya.
  • Propolis, in limited quantities.
  • Tea and coffee.
  • Mineral water and sparkling water, just so it is without sugar.
  • Nuts – hazelnuts, pistachios, peanuts, almonds, walnuts and pine.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Berries - strawberries, strawberries, cherries, plums, raspberries, currants, blackberries, blueberries, lingonberries, blueberries, gooseberries, melon, watermelon.
  • Kissel, compote, jam without sugar.
  • Soy sauce, tofu, soy milk.
  • Sesame seeds, sunflower, pumpkin.
  • Some foods can lower your blood sugar. But they should not be used together with medications.

Foods that lower blood sugar:

  • Cabbage juice.
  • Grapefruit and grapefruit juice.
  • Chicory.
  • Jerusalem artichoke.
  • Rose hip.
  • Ginseng.
  • Eleutherococcus, St. John's wort, nettle, dandelion.
  • Flax seeds.
  • Celery, parsley, horseradish, and onion.

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Diabetes mellitus is a disease endocrine system, is associated with a lack of insulin in the body.

As a result, the glucose content in the blood increases, which leads to metabolic disorders and gradual damage to almost all functional systems in the human body. The disease is divided into type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Today, issues of nutrition and diet for diabetes of any type are an extremely serious topic that is raised by every patient after he is diagnosed with the disease.

Generally, proper nutrition in case of diabetes mellitus, it must be observed every day, since without a diet, a person’s health will deteriorate.

Diet is necessary for patients with diabetes of any type, but nutritional recommendations have certain differences for diabetes types I and II. With the latter, reducing excess body weight through diet may be the only therapeutic measure.

The type of diabetes mellitus is determined by the endocrinologist who is treating you.

  1. For type 1 diabetes: proper nutrition is a necessary background for insulin therapy. If you do not pay attention to it, all efforts to reduce blood sugar will be in vain: this indicator does not stabilize, and this affects the condition of the blood vessels of all organs and systems.
  2. Type 2 diabetes: does not always need drug therapy. First, the patient is recommended a diet that will help reduce weight. If the dynamics are good, in this case medications may not be required at all.

General tips to help reduce blood sugar:

  1. Reduce your intake soft drinks, lemonade and juices. At regular use Sweetened drinks increase the risk of developing diabetes by about 15%. When drinking tea and coffee, reduce the amount of cream and sweeteners.
  2. Try to choose unsweetened foods, such as unsweetened iced tea, yogurt, or unsweetened cereals. You can sweeten the food to your liking. Most likely, you will add much less sugar to your food than the manufacturing company.
  3. Replace your favorite sweets with more healthy food. Instead of ice cream, crush frozen bananas and beat the mixture with a mixer to make a wonderful dessert. Instead of your favorite milk chocolate, it is better to eat a piece of dark chocolate.

It is especially important to follow a diet when mild flow diabetes, since it is practically the main method of treatment.

Differences in diet for type 1 and type 2 diabetes

For the sick type 1 diabetes mellitus a low-calorie diet is required (25–30 kcal per 1 kg of body weight), preventing late complications diseases. In this case, the diet is extremely important and must be strictly observed. The main thing you should pay attention to when creating a diet is the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Sick type 2 diabetes a subcalorie diet is prescribed (daily energy value food 1600–1800 kcal). On such a diet, patients should lose about 300–400 g of body weight per week. In the presence of a strong overweight the daily amount of calories decreases according to the percentage of excess body weight to 15–17 kcal per 1 kg.

Nutrition Basics

In each individual case, the doctor prescribes a patient with diabetes mellitus special diet which must be followed to maintain the body normally.

When starting to eat right, follow these simple rules every day:

  1. You need to eat food 5-6 times in small portions during the day (every 2-3 hours).
  2. The ratio of proteins, carbohydrates and fats should be balanced.
  3. The amount of calories received from food should be equal to the patient’s energy expenditure.
  4. A person must receive proper nutrition: certain vegetables and fruits, cereals, dietary meat and fish, natural juices no added sugar, dairy products, soups.

The food of a patient with diabetes should be rich in vitamins, so it is useful to introduce vitamin carriers into the diet: baker's yeast, brewer's yeast, rosehip decoction, dietary supplements, dietary supplements.

Diet rules for diabetes for every day

If you have diabetes, you can eat the following foods:

  1. Bread - up to 200 grams per day, mostly black or special diabetic.
  2. Prepare soups using vegetable broth; consuming weak meat and fish broths is acceptable 1-2 times a week.
  3. Dishes from meat products and birds. For diabetes mellitus, patients are allowed to eat boiled beef, chicken, and rabbit meat.
  4. Vegetables and greens. Potatoes, beets, carrots are recommended to consume no more than 200 grams per day. But other vegetables (cabbage, lettuce, radishes, cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes) and greens (except spicy) can be consumed almost without restrictions, raw and boiled, and occasionally baked.
  5. Cereals, legumes, and pasta products should not be consumed frequently. If you decide to eat a plate of spaghetti, give up bread and other carbohydrate foods and dishes that day.
  6. Eggs can be consumed no more than 2 times a day, adding them to other dishes, soft-boiled or in the form of an omelet.
  7. Fruits and berries of sour and sweet and sour varieties (Antonovka apples, oranges, lemons, cranberries, red currants...) - up to 200-300 grams per day.
  8. Milk - with a doctor’s permission, kefir, yogurt (only 1-2 glasses per day), cottage cheese (50-200 grams per day) in in kind or in the form of cottage cheese, cheesecakes and puddings.
  9. It is recommended to consume cottage cheese daily, up to 100-200 grams per day in its natural form or in the form of cottage cheese, cheesecakes, puddings, casseroles. Cottage cheese, as well as oatmeal and buckwheat porridge, bran, rose hips improve fat metabolism and normalize liver function, and prevent fatty changes in the liver.
  10. Tea with milk, weak coffee, tomato juice, fruit and berry juices (total liquids with soup up to 5 glasses per day).

Carefully plan your menu every day and eat only foods that are healthy and necessary for you.

Prohibited products

The diet of patients with diabetes must be thoughtful, first of all, people who have been diagnosed with this disease need to give up the following foods:

  1. Sweets, chocolate, confectionery, baked goods, jam, honey, ice cream and other sweets;
  2. Hot, spicy, salty and smoked snacks and dishes, lamb and pork fat;
  3. Pepper, mustard;
  4. Alcoholic drinks;
  5. Grapes, bananas, raisins;
  6. Sugar is allowed only in small quantities with a doctor's permission.

All foods for diabetes should be consumed according to a schedule, and to control blood glucose, daily menu must contain fiber.

Sample menu for the day

Following a diet for type 2 diabetes mellitus, you can stick to simple menu, alternating products from among those allowed.

Example #1:

  1. Breakfast – oatmeal, egg. Bread. Coffee.
  2. Snack – natural yogurt with berries.
  3. Dinner - vegetable soup, chicken breast with salad (beets, onions and olive oil) and stewed cabbage. Bread. Compote.
  4. Afternoon snack – low-fat cottage cheese. Tea.
  5. Dinner – hake baked in sour cream, vegetable salad(cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs or any other seasonal vegetables) with vegetable oil. Bread. Cocoa.
  6. Second dinner (a few hours before bedtime) – natural yogurt, baked apple.

Example #2:

  1. Breakfast: cottage cheese 150 g, buckwheat or oatmeal 150 g, black bread, unsweetened tea.
  2. Second breakfast: unsweetened compote 250 ml.
  3. Dinner: chicken bouillon 250 g, boiled lean meat 75 g, stewed cabbage - 100 g, sugar-free jelly - 100 g, bread, mineral water 250 ml.
  4. Afternoon snack – apple 1 pc.
  5. Dinner: vegetable stew 150 g, meatballs 100 g, cabbage schnitzel - 200 g, bread, unsweetened rosehip broth.
  6. Second dinner: drinking yoghurt – 250 ml.

Example #3:

  1. Breakfast: carrot-apple salad – 100 g, low-fat cottage cheese with milk – 150 g Bread with bran – 50 g Tea without sugar – 1 glass. Second breakfast: mineral water – 1 glass, apple.
  2. Lunch: vegetable soup with soy – 200 g, meat goulash – 150 g, vegetable caviar – 50 g. Rye bread – 50 g. Tea with xylitol – 1 glass.
  3. Afternoon snack: fruit salad – 100 g. Tea without sugar – 1 glass.
  4. Dinner: fish schnitzel – 150 g, millet milk porridge – 150 g. Bread with bran – 50 g Tea without sugar – 1 glass. Second dinner: kefir – 1 glass.

Remember: a diabetic patient should not be hungry. You should eat at the same time, but if slight hunger occurs between main meals, you should definitely muffle it with a cup of tea or vegetables. But it should be just a light snack - overeating is dangerous for a diabetic.

Widespread complex disease, which usually requires not only constant reception hypoglycemic agents, but also mandatory adherence to a diet.

Moreover dietary food for diabetes mellitus - this is 50% success in treatment. This is a disease of older people: it mainly develops after 40 years of age, and the risk of the disease increases with age.

The main risk factor for this pathology is excess weight- it is dangerous even for people who do not have hereditary predisposition. Type 1 diabetes mellitus if the diet is not followed can be complicated by coma and even end fatal. Since with this pathology there is a violation of not only carbohydrate, but also fat metabolism, nutrition for diabetes is aimed at normalizing them. Its goal: reducing excess weight and replacing part of the carbohydrates in the diet with other components.

General principles of nutrition for diabetes mellitus

To successfully cope with the disease, you must strictly follow the basic principles of nutrition for diabetes. They relate to the main components, calorie content, frequency of meals:

1. Good nutrition. It depends on the patient’s body weight:

At normal weight The body's need is 1600 - 2500 kcal per day;

If exceeded normal weight body - 1300 - 1500 kcal per day;

For obesity - 600 - 900 kcal per day.

There are certain features in the calculation daily norm nutrition: for some diseases, a low-calorie diet is contraindicated, despite the existing overweight bodies. These include, first of all, complications of diabetes itself:

Severe retinopathy (damage choroid eye);

Nephropathy in diabetes with nephrotic syndrome(kidney damage with high content protein in urine);

As a result of nephropathy - developed chronic failure kidney (CRF);

Heavy diabetic polyneuropathy.

Contraindications are mental illness And somatic pathology:

Unstable angina and the presence of life-threatening arrhythmias;


Serious illnesses liver;

Other related chronic pathology

2. The specific portion of carbohydrates in the daily diet of a diabetic should be no more than 55% - 300 - 350 g. This refers to complex, slowly splitting carbohydrate products with vitamins, microelements, and hard-to-digest fibers contained in them:

Various cereals from whole grain;

Wholemeal bread;


They must be evenly distributed in the daily diet, divided into 5 - 6 doses. Sugar and products containing it are strictly excluded; it is replaced with xylitol or sorbitol: 1 g per 0.5 kg of body weight (40 - 50 g per day for 2 - 3 doses).

3. The amount of protein is approximately 90 g per day, That is physiological norm for anyone healthy person With normal content blood sugar. This amount corresponds to 15 - 20% of the total daily ration. Recommended protein foods:

Meat of any poultry without skin (except goose meat);

Chicken eggs(2 – 3 pieces per week);

Lean fish;

Low-fat dairy products (kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese).

5. Limitation table salt up to 12 g per day(for the purpose of preventing certain types of complications of diabetes), products containing a lot of cholesterol and extractives (strong meat broths).

Prohibited Products

There are foods (containing glucose) that absolutely must be excluded from the diet for diabetes. Even in small quantities, their use is contraindicated. These include:

Sugar, honey, all sweets made from fruits and berries (jam, marmalade, preserves, marmalade), chocolate, candies, grapes, bananas, dates, figs;

Fruit drinks with sugar, Coca-Cola, tonic, lemonade, liqueur;

Sweet and semi-sweet wines, fruits preserved in sugar syrup;

Pies, butter flour products, cookies with sweet cream, puddings;

Canned food, smoked meats, sausages;

Alcoholic drinks - even the weakest of them contain a large number of calories.

Products allowed in limited quantities

The following products are allowed in very small quantities:

Low-fat varieties meat, fish products, skinless chicken, eggs, cheese (only one of the listed protein products can be consumed once during the day);

Butter, margarine, whole and baked milk;

Any vegetable oil;

Nuts (up to 50 g).

Products that can be consumed in measured quantities

Porridge, bran flakes;

Wholemeal bread, whole grain biscuits (crackers);


All fresh fruits(no more than 1-2 per day).

Green vegetables;

Berries: gooseberries, cherries - flask, any kind of currants, blueberries;

Citrus fruits: lemons, grapefruits;

Tea, coffee, fruit drinks without added sugar, water;

Pepper, seasonings, mustard, various herbs, vinegar;


Example of daily meals for diabetes for a week


First breakfast: low-calorie cottage cheese with a small amount milk rosehip decoction.

Second breakfast: jelly from any permitted fruits or berries with xylitol, orange.

Lunch: cabbage soup white cabbage, lean boiled meat with stewed vegetables, a decoction of dried fruits without sugar.

Afternoon snack: rosehip decoction.

Dinner: seaweed, baked lean fish, vinaigrette with corn oil, stewed eggplant with onions, tea.


First breakfast: buckwheat with added corn oil, steamed omelette, vegetable salad with sunflower oil(tomatoes cucumbers, Bell pepper), bran bread, unsweetened tea with added milk.

Second breakfast: a decoction made from wheat bran.

Lunch: borscht with a spoonful of sour cream, boiled lean meat, stew from various permitted vegetables, xylitol jelly from unsweetened fruits.

Afternoon snack: grapefruit.

Dinner: steamed fish, carrot and cabbage schnitzel, fruit broth.


First breakfast: low-calorie cottage cheese casserole.

Second breakfast: oranges (2 medium sized).

Lunch: cabbage soup, 2 cutlets lean fish, fresh vegetables, fruit compote without sugar.

Afternoon snack: 1 boiled egg.

Dinner: braised cabbage, 2 small sizes meat cutlets steamed or cooked in the oven.


First breakfast: wheat milk porridge, boiled beet salad with corn oil, tea.

Second breakfast: yogurt with minimal fat content - 1 cup.

Dinner: fish soup, barley porridge, meat goulash.

Afternoon snack: salad from different fresh vegetables.

Dinner: vegetables stewed with lamb.


First breakfast: oatmeal, carrot salad, apple.

Second breakfast: 2 medium-sized oranges.

Lunch: cabbage soup, 2 stuffed with meat and permitted peppercorns.

Afternoon snack: carrot casserole with low-fat cottage cheese.

Dinner: salad of any vegetables, stewed chicken without skin.


First breakfast: any porridge with added bran, 1 pear.

Second breakfast: soft-boiled egg, unsweetened drink.

Lunch: vegetable stew with lean meat.

Afternoon snack: several permitted fruits.

Dinner: vegetable salad with stewed lamb.


First breakfast: low-calorie cottage cheese, fresh berries.

Second breakfast: boiled chicken.

Lunch: vegetarian vegetable soup, goulash. squash caviar.

Afternoon snack: berry salad.

Dinner: beans, steamed shrimp.

It must be remembered that with mild and medium degree the severity of the disease, diet is decisive therapeutic measure. At severe course disease, it is a necessary component of treatment.