Admissions committee pgma them Wagner. Medical serials online, Russian universities

License to exercise educational activities: Registration No. 2322 dated 08/09/2016
Certificate of state accreditation: Registration No. 2338 dated November 08, 2016
Full name: federal state budget educational institution higher education"Perm State medical University named after academician E.A. Wagner" of the Ministry of Health Russian Federation
Abbreviated names Perm State Medical University:
FGBOU VO PSMU named after A.I. Academician E.A. Wagner Ministry of Health of Russia
Year of foundation: 1916
Accreditation status: university
Organizational and legal form: state educational institution
Hostel Availability: yes, there is
Postponement from military service: yes, there is
Availability of budget places: yes, there is
Form of study:. full-time

Contacts of the admission committee Perm State Medical University

Perm, st. Krupskaya, 44 (theoretical building)

Admissions office hours
Monday-Friday: 10:00 - 15:00
Saturday, Sunday: day off.

How to get there:
stop "Friendship Square":
buses: 13, 16, 18, 26t, 27, 30, 34, 36, 38, 63, 68.
trams: 7.
trolleybuses: 2, 10, 13.
fixed-route taxis: 22t e, 24t, 27t e, 37t.

Rector of Perm State Medical University:
Koryukina Irina Petrovna

The beginning of higher medical education in the Urals

Higher medical education in the Western Urals dates back to 1916, when a State University. It was originally medical department as part of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. It was here that the most applicants were accepted: doctors accounted for 43% of all students. This was due to the fact that Russia was in dire need of medical personnel. Therefore, already in 1917, the department became an independent medical faculty, and on February 23, 1931, in accordance with the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR, it became the Perm Medical Institute.

The first rector (director, as this position was then called) was N.F. Bolshakov, assistant of the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases. Over the years, the institute was headed by: military doctor, associate professor P. P. Sumbaev (1935–1950), professors of the Department of Normal Anatomy A. F. Mamoiko (1951–1952), I. I. Kositsyn (1953–1960) .), Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacology T. V. Ivanovskaya (1961–1969), Professor of the Department hospital surgery E. A. Wagner (1970–1994). Since 1995, the rector of the institute - head. Department of Hospital Surgery, Professor V. A. Cherkasov.

At first, students were taught at the general faculty departments of the university. As the medical faculty developed, and then the institute created its own departments. The first of the clinical departments were opened in 1920, the departments of faculty therapy and surgery, diseases of the ear, throat, nose.

The first enrollment of students was carried out at seven faculties: medical and preventive, sanitary and hygienic, maternity and infancy, training of paramedics on the job, workers' faculty, higher medical personnel, chemical and pharmaceutical. Subsequently, some of them, taking into account the new requirements that the developing healthcare put forward, were closed, others were transformed.

Given the difficult times and the fact that many scientists were temporarily sent to work in Perm, the institute faced the task of training its own personnel. And it was successfully solved. Worked here scientists specialists highly qualified with extensive experience in educational, clinical, research work. These are professors B. V. Verigo, V. K. Schmidt, A. A. Zavarzin, V. F. Simonovich, A. S. Lebedev, V. N. Parin, V. P. Pervushin, P. I. Pichugin , P. I. Chistyakov, K. N. Shapshev and many others. They began to develop best traditions inherent in Russian medicine.

Already in the early 30s. a research sector was created at the educational part of the institute. More than 150 themes were developed under his leadership. Students became more actively involved in scientific work: they were engaged in circles at the departments, made presentations. And in the 1937-1938 academic year, with the aim of independently developing topics and helping teachers in scientific research, a student scientific society (SSS) was created.

The institute grew and developed and by the beginning of the 40s. became major center higher medical education and research work, capable of solving global problems. During the years of the Great Patriotic War(1941-1945) responsible work on the preparation of doctors for the front, on the organization of evacuation hospitals and qualified assistance to the population fell on the shoulders of the university. Already in the first days of the war, 92 scientists and many students went to the front. In difficult conditions, the institute continued to train military doctors. Only in 1941, 730 doctors were graduated, and in total during the war - 1540 doctors.

As the country developed, the requirements for specialists changed, and opportunities for improving the level of training of doctors improved. The institute began to actively form scientific and practical schools in the main areas - therapy, surgery, obstetrics, pediatrics.

In the 60s - 70s. The university has flourished. Many specialists with high ranks and degrees have already worked here. At that time, practical healthcare began to develop quite dynamically, the construction of large medical and preventive institutions, educational buildings, student hostels. The Central Research Laboratory was organized, equipped with modern equipment, which made it possible to start comprehensive research based on the cooperation of various departments within the institute, as well as with other universities and research institutes.

The Institute has identified 11 scientific areas. The creative potential of scientists was directed to the implementation of branch union and republican programs, to solving problems relevant to Perm and the Perm region. The Institute's scientists began to take part in international forums, and relations with foreign specialists were noticeably expanded.

Since the mid 70s. a patent-licensing group was established, and in planning scientific research information and patent search became obligatory. Active inventive and rationalization work began.

Each stage of healthcare development has its own characteristics and requirements, its own difficulties and problems, but all generations of leading Perm medical scientists have always been united by devotion to their work, high responsibility and selfless work, even in the most difficult conditions.

And today, university scientists sacredly honor and continue the traditions laid down by their predecessors, whose names have become the pride of domestic medicine. Drawing the best from the accumulated experience, they do the main thing, as in all times, they train highly qualified doctors.

In 1994, by order State Committee Russian Federation for Higher Education Perm medical institute renamed to Perm State Medical Academy.

University leaders

From 2005 to present. Koryukina Irina Petrovna

1995–2005 Cherkasov Vladimir Aristarkhovich.

1970–1995 Wagner Evgeny Antonovich.

1960–1969 Ivanovskaya Tatyana Vladimirovna

1953–1959 Kositsin Ivan Ivanovich

1951–1952 Mamoiko Sergey Fyodorovich.

1935–1950 Sumbaev Petr Petrovich

1931–1934 Bolshakov Nikolay Filippovich.

1930–1931 Stoichev Stepan Anatolievich

1924–1926 Sedykh Semyon Nikolaevich.

1923–1924 Schmidt Victor Karlovich.

1922–1923 Richter Andrey Alexandrovich.

1920–1922 Ottokar Nikolai Petrovich.

1916–1918 Pokrovsky Konstantin Dermedontovich.


The beginning of higher medical education in the Urals

Higher medical education in the Western Urals dates back to 1916, when a state university was opened in Perm. Initially, it was a medical department within the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. It was here that the most applicants were accepted: doctors accounted for 43% of all students. This was due to the fact that Russia was in dire need of medical personnel. Therefore, already in 1917, the department became an independent medical faculty, and on February 23, 1931, in accordance with the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR, it became the Perm Medical Institute.

The first rector (director, as this position was then called) was N.F. Bolshakov, assistant of the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases. Over the years, the institute was headed by: military doctor, associate professor P. P. Sumbaev (1935-1950), professors of the Department of Normal Anatomy A. F. Mamoiko (1951-1952), I. I. Kositsyn (1953-1960) .), Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacology T. V. Ivanovskaya (1961-1969), Professor of the Department of Hospital Surgery E. A. Vagner (1970-1994). Since 1995, the rector of the institute - head. Department of Hospital Surgery, Professor V. A. Cherkasov.

At first, students were taught at the general faculty departments of the university. As the medical faculty developed, and then the institute created its own departments. The first of the clinical departments were opened in 1920, the departments of faculty therapy and surgery, diseases of the ear, throat, nose.

The first enrollment of students was carried out at seven faculties: medical and preventive, sanitary and hygienic, maternity and infancy, training of paramedics on the job, workers' faculty, higher medical personnel, chemical and pharmaceutical. Subsequently, some of them, taking into account the new requirements that the developing healthcare put forward, were closed, others were transformed.

Given the difficult times and the fact that many scientists were temporarily sent to work in Perm, the institute faced the task of training its own personnel. And it was successfully solved. Highly qualified scientists with extensive experience in educational, clinical, research work worked here. These are professors B. V. Verigo, V. K. Schmidt, A. A. Zavarzin, V. F. Simonovich, A. S. Lebedev, V. N. Parin, V. P. Pervushin, P. I. Pichugin , P. I. Chistyakov, K. N. Shapshev and many others. They began to develop the best traditions inherent in Russian medicine.

Already in the early 30s. a research sector was created at the educational part of the institute. More than 150 topics were developed under his supervision. Students became more actively involved in scientific work: they were engaged in circles at the departments, made presentations. And in the 1937/38 academic year, with the aim of independently developing topics and helping teachers in scientific research, a student scientific society (SSS) was created.

The institute grew and developed and by the beginning of the 40s. has become a major center of higher medical education and research, capable of solving global problems. During the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), the university was responsible for the preparation of doctors for the front, the organization of evacuation hospitals and qualified assistance to the population. Already in the first days of the war, 92 scientists and many students went to the front. In difficult conditions, the institute continued to train military doctors. Only in 1941, 730 doctors were released, and in total during the war - 1540.

As the country developed, the requirements for specialists changed, and opportunities for improving the level of training of doctors improved. The institute began to actively form scientific and practical schools in the main areas - therapy, surgery, obstetrics, pediatrics.

In the 60s - 70s. The university has flourished. Many specialists with high ranks and degrees have already worked here. At this time, practical healthcare began to develop quite dynamically, large medical institutions, educational buildings, student dormitories were being built. The Central Research Laboratory was organized, equipped with modern equipment, which made it possible to start comprehensive research based on the cooperation of various departments within the institute, as well as with other universities and research institutes.

The Institute has identified 11 scientific areas. The creative potential of scientists was directed to the implementation of branch union and republican programs, to solving problems relevant to Perm and the Perm region. The Institute's scientists began to take part in international forums, and relations with foreign specialists were noticeably expanded.

Since the mid 70s. a patent-licensing group was created, and when planning scientific research, information and patent search became mandatory. Active inventive and rationalization work began.

Each stage of healthcare development has its own characteristics and requirements, its own difficulties and problems, but all generations of leading Perm medical scientists have always been united by devotion to their work, high responsibility and selfless work, even in the most difficult conditions.

And today, university scientists sacredly honor and continue the traditions laid down by their predecessors, whose names have become the pride of domestic medicine. Drawing the best from the accumulated experience, they do the main thing, as in all times, they train highly qualified doctors.

In 1994, by order of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Higher Education, the Perm Medical Institute was renamed the Perm State Medical Academy.

University leaders
2005 - present
Koryukina Irina Petrovna
Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
1995 - 2005
Cherkasov Vladimir Aristarkhovich
Professor, Head of the Department of Hospital Surgery. Doctor of Medical Sciences
1970 - 1995
Wagner Evgeny Antonovich
Professor, Honored Scientist of the RSFSR, Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. Head of the Department of Hospital Surgery
1960 - 1969
Ivanovskaya Tatyana Vladimirovna
Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacology
1953 - 1959
Kositsin Ivan Ivanovich

1951 - 1952
Mamoiko Sergey Fedorovich
Professor, head of the staff of normal anatomy
1935 - 1950
Sumbaev Petr Petrovich
Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Military Medical Training
1931 - 1934
Bolshakov Nikolai Filippovich
From 1930-1931 People's Commissar of Health of the Dagestan ASSR
1927 - 1931
Stoichev Stepan Anatolievich
Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Literature
1924 - 1926
Sedykh Semyon Nikolaevich
Lecturer in the history of the VKB. The first rector is a communist ("red rector")
1923 - 1924
Schmidt Viktor Karlovich
Professor of the Department of Anatomy, Head of the Department of Histology
1922 - 1923
Richter Andrey Alexandrovich
Professor, Head of the Department of Plant Anatomy and Physiology. In 1932 he was elected an academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR
Ottokar Nikolai Petrovich
Professor of the Department of General History
1916 - 1918
Pokrovsky Konstantin Dermedontovich

Professor of the Department of Astronomy and Geodesy. Arrived in Perm from Yuriev (Tartu)


Rector of the Perm State Medical Academy. ak. E.A. Wagner, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor.

It has high rating scientific work. Under her leadership, more than 10 doctoral and 50 master's theses have been defended, scientific programs are being conducted at the federal and regional levels in allergology, eco-dependent pathology, rehabilitation, iodine deficiency conditions in children, and the research work "The state of health of pregnant women and newborns in the area of ​​influence of petrochemical enterprises" has received a grant from the organization supporting public initiatives in the United States and was noted among the best in Russia.

Vice Rector for Academic Affairs
Head of the Department of Surgical Diseases of the Faculty of Preventive Medicine, Academician of the AE, Honored Doctor of Russia, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

A well-known surgeon-hepatologist with great experience and experience. Under his leadership, the Perm Center for Surgical Hepatology was established, where liver resections were performed for the first time in the region. To provide specialized care patients with thyroid disease and parathyroid glands, adrenal glands, pancreas, he organized the Center for Endocrine Surgery in Perm.

Widespread implementation of all developments in everyday clinical practice numerous scientific work and monographs. He is the author of 200 scientific papers, 2 patents, 7 certificates for an intellectual product, 15 rationalization proposals. Under his leadership, 8 candidate dissertations and 1 doctoral dissertation were prepared.

Since 1995, he has been the organizer of the educational process at the academy. How Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs leads the implementation of new educational technologies, adaptation curricula, development of elective courses, creation of a quality assurance and quality control system educational process, regulations on state attestation of graduates, intersessional attestation of students, etc.

M. F. Zarivchatsky is a member of the editorial board of the journal "Bulletin of Surgery named after I. I. Grekov", a member of the editorial board of the journals "Bulletin of the Blood Service of the Russian Federation", "Transfusiology" and "Perm Medical Journal". He is a board member of the Association of Hematologists-Transfusiologists of the Russian Federation and the Association of Doctors surgical profile Perm region. Awarded with the badge "Excellent worker of health care.

Vice-Rector for Research
Head Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology, Professor.
Doctor of Medical Sciences since 2001. Professor since 2002. The main scientific direction is the study of the reactivity of the immune organs. Prepared 1 doctor and 3 candidates of medical sciences. Author of 5 monographs, more than 200 scientific papers.
Vice-Rector for Extracurricular and social work

After graduating from the Perm State Pedagogical Institute, she came to the city of Kizel, Perm Region. Worked as a teacher in high school, then head. department of student youth, secretary of the Komsomol city committee. More than 15 years she worked in the city committee of the party, 10 of them - the head of the ideological department. In 1990 she graduated from the Faculty of practical psychologists in system public education PSPI. She worked as a psychologist in educational institutions, combining with the work of the chairman of the city trade union organization of educators. Since 2001 - vice-rector for extracurricular and social work of PSMA.

Standing at the head of educational work, O. G. Sidorova is guided by the Regulations on the Review and Competition of Higher Educational Work, continues to develop the best traditions of the Academy, replenishing them. She heads the commission for assigning state social scholarships to students.

Vice-Rector for Postgraduate Professional and Additional Education
Academic Secretary of the Council of the Academy, Head of the Department FPC dentistry and PPS.

Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Vice President of the Russian Dental Association, Vice President of the National Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry, President of the Perm Dental Association.

Author of 350 scientific papers, 4 monographs. Has 17 invention patents. Prepared 20 candidates of medical sciences. The main scientific direction is the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of caries, its complications and periodontal diseases.

Awarded with the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree, diploma Ministry of Health and Social Development, a diploma of the Perm Region.
Vice-Rector for Postgraduate Education

Highly qualified neurosurgeon. Author of 86 scientific papers, 1 monograph. He has 4 patents for invention. The main scientific direction is neurotrauma, neurooncology, vascular pathology brain. He was awarded the badge "Excellent Health Worker", the badge "Labor Glory" III Art.

In 1916, the first university in the Urals was opened in Perm, which marked the beginning of medical education in this region, since one faculty of the university was physics and mathematics with a department of medicine, from which the medical academy gradually grew. Perm land at that time was in great need of such specialists. There were no medical schools. That is why forty-three percent of applicants in the year of opening were admitted to the medical department. The following year, a separate medical faculty was organized, and in 1931, the Perm Medical Institute.


At first, students were taught at general faculty departments at the university, and when the medical institute was formed, the departments of surgery, therapy, and otolaryngology were opened. The enrollment of students has already been carried out at seven faculties: sanitary and hygienic, medical and preventive, infancy and motherhood, the workers' faculty, the training of paramedics, higher medical specialists, and chemical and pharmaceutical. In the process of work, the requirements changed, so some faculties were replaced by new ones, others were reorganized.

All medical universities in the country have gone through numerous transformations. The time was difficult, but interesting. Many scientists worked in Perm only temporarily, so the issue of training local personnel came up, which was quickly and successfully resolved. The Perm State Medical Academy has always been famous for its highly qualified scientists, who, moreover, had vast experience in both teaching and clinical research work in science. Here the best traditions of Soviet medicine were developed and maintained.


In the thirties, a research sector was opened at the institute, where more than one hundred and fifty topics immediately began to be developed. active work the students themselves led there: separate circles were organized at the departments, reports were read. In 1937, the Scientific Society of Students (SSS) was also opened to develop individual topics and help teachers conduct scientific and research work.

The medical academy was later proud of such student independence. finally began to receive highly qualified personnel trained by the institute. By the fortieth year, the Perm Medical Institute had become a significant center of research activities and high-quality higher medical education, capable of solving problems at the country level.

War years

Starting from the summer of 1941, the institute had to bear on its shoulders very responsible and enormous loads. In addition to training doctors for the front, it was necessary to organize the evacuation of hospitals, to provide qualified assistance to the wounded and the population. And this is in the conditions that most of the teachers, staff and students voluntarily went to the front.

Despite the very difficult conditions, the medical faculty continued to train military doctors: in 1941, seven hundred and thirty of them graduated, and in total during the war years - more than one and a half thousand. The war took many teachers and students forever, their memory was always honored by the medical academy.

Perm medicine continued to live thanks to the efforts and dedication of the Institute staff.


The country rose from the ruins, rebuilt, people gradually got used to peaceful life. As the state developed, the requirements for medical professionals. There are opportunities to improve the level of training of students of medical universities. The institute actively began to form scientific and practical schools in the main areas - therapeutic, surgical, obstetrics, pediatrics. In the sixties and seventies, the university really flourished: new buildings and dormitories were built, medical institutions, which became the basis for student practice. Throughout the country, health care has developed at a tremendous pace.

The institute, whose achievements were passed on to the Perm State Medical Academy, brought up excellent specialists with high degrees and titles. At the same time, the Central Research Laboratory (Central Research Laboratory) was organized, equipped with excellent equipment - the most modern for those times. Due to this, complex studies began, in which various departments of the institute participated, and other universities and research institutes were also involved.

Accumulation of experience

Eleven directions were identified in the institute scientific environment. Whole creative potential employees were directed to the implementation of sectoral programs, both federal and republican, and, of course, the cities of Perm and the region were decided. Scientists of the institute began to travel to international forums, expanding ties with colleagues abroad. The middle of the seventies is interesting in that a patent-licensing group appeared at the institute, and a mandatory information search was carried out before the planning of each scientific research.

Thus began a landmark work - rationalization and inventive work. Of course, always, at every stage of development, various problems and difficulties, features and requirements arose, but there was no generation of Perm medical scientists who would not overcome circumstances. All employees of the institute were united by devotion to their work. Even in the most difficult conditions The medical academy worked selflessly with high responsibility. Perm land is not without reason proud of this institution of higher education.


Many names that were heard for the first time in the auditoriums of the institute were the pride and honor of domestic medicine. The traditions of former times, when the university was able to survive in the most difficult times for the country, are sacredly honored by scientists who were brought up by the Perm State Medical Academy.

From the accumulated experience, the main thing passes into each new generation, as it has happened at all times. Color still grows here Russian medicine. In 1994, instead of the Perm University, it received another proud name - a higher rank - the Wagner Perm Medical Academy.


Today, university scientists are actively working on scientific problems which are relevant for the healthcare of both Perm and the region, and the entire Russian Federation - in pediatrics, cardiology, dentistry, neurology, epidemiology and all other areas. Since 2014, the university has been in a different status, now it is Perm State Medical University named after Academician E. A. Vagner. It is generally recognized as the largest science Center, one of the leading medical universities in the country.

Students are taught here by 569 highly qualified teachers, among them 143 doctors of medical sciences and 354 candidates, laureates of the State Prize, honored doctors and scientists, many are awarded by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, regional and regional, there are state scientific scholarship holders. Russia did not lack outstanding scientists and young talents. Nearly ninety percent of university professors have degrees! This is one of the best indicators among the universities of the country.

Material base

Why does the university annually become the leader in patenting inventions and utility models among the universities of the region? Why is this educational institution implements national health projects in education Perm Territory? Because modern technical equipment allows him to do this. The university has an excellent center for practical skills, electronic reading room, excellent computer classes.

Internet technologies are being introduced into education actively, using electronic information systems and deployment of interactive multimedia solutions. It operates a preparatory department, which is very popular with applicants and foreign students. There is also a distance learning center.


The university simultaneously trains more than 3,400 people. 365 clinical interns are trained in twenty-two specialties, 264 clinical residents in forty specialties, and 94 post-graduate students in twenty specialties. Every year, two thousand doctors improve their qualifications here, in more than eighty specialties.

Highly qualified doctors of various profiles leave the walls of the university with diplomas - every year more than five hundred specialists. Plus fifty specialists of secondary vocational education. The university has four dissertation councils, where applicants are awarded candidates and doctors of medical sciences. This is how high the Perm Medical Academy has reached over the past decades!

Passing score

It is always interesting for applicants to know in which university the submission of documents for them will be crowned with success in entrance examinations and enrollment in the ranks of students. for such a forecast important indicator. Perm Medical University is a strong university. Average score of applicants enrolled in the USE last year was 74.2 units. According to the competition, applicants with an average score of 77.7 units were enrolled, moreover, both results were calculated in one subject. The weakest applicant, who was lucky enough to be among the students, scored 47 points. There were many budget places - 470, from which we can conclude that Perm University has a rather high average passing score.

Today Perm State Medical University named after Academician E. A. Vagner- a large recognized scientific center of higher medical education and research work In 2014, the Academy was given the status of the University.

In August 1911, the Perm branch of the All-Russian League against Tuberculosis began its work, headed by the director of the Perm Bacteriological Institute V.M. Zdravomyslov. Every year in April-May, it organized the "Celebration white flower”: activists of the movement sold spring white flowers at a symbolic price, raising funds for the fight against tuberculosis. Seminar doctor, classmate I.P. Pavlov at the Military Medical Academy P.N. Serebrennikov and gymnasium doctor Ya.S. Davydov organized lectures on hygiene at the Perm Scientific and Industrial Museum. In 1910, the Perm Society of Physicians created a special commission for public readings on medicine and hygiene. In two city auditoriums, doctors lectured on eternal topics: “How human body, and how life goes on in it”, “Parasites living in the human body”, “On the so-called bad disease”, “Housing and how to make it healthy”, “Are alcoholic drinks healthy”, “What makes our children sick and dying”. In February 1911, the first ambulance began to operate in the city. The subject of special concern of Perm physicians and public figures there were children. On August 14, 1911, a summer children's colony (now it would be called a rest camp) was opened in the prestigious suburban area of ​​\u200b\u200bNizhnyaya Kurya for low-income students of the Mariinsky Gymnasium. However, despite all the efforts of the city medical corporation, medical care for the population remained far from ideal. Private practitioners still played the main role in serving the population of the city. In 1912, there were only 65 doctors with higher education, 53 paramedics, 26 midwives, 9 dentists, 16 dentists, 39 pharmacists in Perm. There were eight pharmacies, of which only two were state-owned. At the same time, the public of the Urals faced the problem of creating a higher school. Industrial enterprises, zemstvos, administrative structures needed specialists. Yes, and the status of higher education at that time was very high. Naturally, the idea of ​​creating the first Ural university in Perm was supported by many scientists and public figures, including D.I. Mendeleev, A.S. Popov, D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak, A.G. Denisov-Uralsky (a famous painter, stone cutter, jeweler) and others, as well as such associations as the Ural Society of Natural Science Lovers. Perm became the first university city in the Urals, primarily due to the fact that local industrialists and the city community supported the creation of the university. The first buildings were donated to the university by a merchant, philanthropist and outstanding public figure N.V. Meshkov, participation in material support the creation of the university was accepted by other eminent citizens. It was their help in the financial support of the university that made it possible even during the war years to found the first higher educational institution in the Urals. Thus, by October 1, 1916, all the prerequisites for the grand opening of the Perm branch of Petrograd University were formed. And on May 5, 1917, the Provisional Government issued a decree to establish Perm University on the basis of the Perm branch of Petrograd University, consisting of three faculties: history and philology, physics and mathematics, and law. In view of the current situation with the medical services of the city, the medical department as part of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics has become the largest education of the university - 43% total number students were physicians (therefore, the department was later transformed into a medical faculty). The first teachers of the Ural university were young professors and assistant professors from Petrograd, as well as Moscow, Kazan, Derpt, Yuriev, Tartu and other university centers. Among them is the founder of the school of medical entomologists V.N. Beklemishev, Latinist V.F. Glushkov, organic chemist A.I. Lunyak, researchers of physical chemistry D.V. Alekseev and plant physiology A.A. Richter, zoologist D.M. Fedotov, anatomist V.K. Schmidt and many others. Many of them had a reputation as "unreliable." For a long time, students of medical, biological and veterinary specialties studied from the book " General course Physiology of Animals and Humans”, written by Professor Bronislav Fortunatovich Verigo. The Russian scientific community is well aware of the name of the biologist Alexander Alexandrovich Lyubishchev. Professor of Botany, Researcher of Biology lower organisms Alexander Germanovich Genkel became the head of a whole dynasty of Permian scientists. His son Pavel Alexandrovich was also a well-known biologist, author of more than 300 scientific papers, professor, head of the department, dean of the Faculty of Biology and director of the Biological Institute of PSU. The lives of the daughters of Alexander Germanovich - Olga, Maria, Nina, Anna - are also connected with Perm University. One of the streets in Perm bears the name of A.G. Genkel. A bright mark in the history of Permian biology was left by Professor Aleksey Alekseevich Zavarzin - later a professor at several universities in Tomsk, Leningrad, Moscow, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, director of the Institute of Cytology, Histology and Embryology of the USSR Academy of Sciences, author of numerous works, laureate of the Stalin Prize. One Among the founders of the Ust-Kachka resort is a graduate and professor of Perm University Georgy Georgievich Kobyak. As an analytical chemist, he researched mineral water Perm region and established the exceptional balneological value of the hydrogen sulfide sources of the Ural Matsesta. Vasily Nikolaevich Parin (“Parin Sr.”), the father of two outstanding medical scientists Vasily and Boris Parin, came from the very bottom, only by the age of 30 had brilliantly completed the course of the medical faculty of Kazan University , former zemstvo doctor, trainee in German clinics, author of published works in German medical journals, assistant professor at Kazan University and a military surgeon during the First World War. Since 1921, he headed the Department of Surgery at the Perm University, in 1922 he became the dean of the Faculty of Medicine, edited the Perm Medical Journal (published since 1923), left the brightest mark in Perm medicine as an outstanding surgeon, teacher, administrator. The founder of the Ural pharmacology is considered Nikolai Ivanovich Kromer. Prior to taking the post of professor at Perm University in 1917, he worked at the universities of Dorpat and Kazan, trained in England, Germany, France, and worked at the St. Petersburg Military Medical Academy. He is the author of more than 120 scientific papers in the field of analytical and toxicological chemistry, pharmacognosy. These are just some of the names of almost two hundred scientists who in the first half of the 20th century formed the scientific foundation of medicine in the Perm province. They became the founders of scientific directions, schools and societies that existed in the 1920s at the university. medical universities: Perm Dental Institute (with the preservation of the Faculty of Dentistry as part of the PSMI), later reorganized into the Chita Medical Academy, the Perm Pharmaceutical Academy and the Kirov Medical Academy. The first rector (director, as this position was then called) was appointed assistant of the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases N.F. . Bolshakov. The enrollment of students was carried out at seven faculties: medical and preventive, sanitary and hygienic, maternity and infancy, training of paramedics on the job, workers' faculty, higher medical personnel, chemical and pharmaceutical. Subsequently, some of them, taking into account the new requirements that the developing healthcare put forward, were closed, others were transformed. The institute employed highly qualified specialists with extensive experience in educational, clinical, research work - Professor V.F. Simonovich, A.S. Lebedev, V.V. Parin, V.P. Pervushin, P.I. Pichugin, P.I. Chistyakov, K.P. Shapshev and many others. Already in the early 1930s, a research sector was created at the educational department, where more than 150 topics were developed. Students became more actively involved in scientific work: they were engaged in circles at the departments, made presentations. And in the 1937/38 academic year, a student scientific society (SSS) was created. The institute developed and by the 1940s became a major center of higher medical education and research work, capable of solving serious problems. During the Great Patriotic War, the hard work of preparing a large number doctors for the front, the organization of evacuation hospitals and assistance to the population in conditions of famine and a total shortage of medicines. In the Perm region, 1,130 hospitals with more than 40,000 beds were deployed. V.N. Parin became the chief surgeon of all evacuation hospitals located on the territory of the Molotov (Perm) region. Already in the first days of the war, many employees and students went to the front. But only in 1941, 730 doctors were graduated, and in total during the war - 1540. Along with time, the requirements changed and the possibilities for improving the level of training of doctors improved. At the institute after the war, scientific and practical schools began to rapidly form in the main areas - therapy, surgery, obstetrics, and pediatrics. Classes with foreign students11 scientific directions were determined. Sectoral union and republican programs were carried out, urgent problems for Perm and the Perm region were solved. There were international connections. In the mid-1970s, a patent-licensing group was created, and when planning scientific research, information and patent search became mandatory. Active inventive and rationalization work began. Practical lesson - at the pediatric facultyNow the academy is on a par with the leading medical universities in the country. The result of its activities was highly appreciated by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin, declaring in 2007 gratitude to the team for many years of fruitful scientific, pedagogical and medical activities. In terms of the number of teachers with degrees of doctors and candidates of medical sciences (almost 80% of the teaching staff), the academy ranks second among medical universities in Russia, in terms of the number of doctors of sciences and professors (this is every 3rd teacher) - the third, in terms of student participation in scientific - research work - the fourth. Every year it leads in the number of received patents for inventions and utility models among all 10 universities in the Perm region. The university is assigned the main role in the implementation of national projects in health care and education in the Perm Territory. The team of teachers includes order bearers, honored scientists of the Russian Federation, honored doctors of the Russian Federation, laureates of the State and regional awards, honored workers of the higher school of the Russian Federation, excellent health workers, honorary professors. At 72 departments of various profiles, students are taught by 140 doctors and over 450 candidates of medical sciences. Over the years of existence, the university has trained about 48,000 doctors (more than 500 graduate annually). PGMA- Member of the Association medical schools Europe. Since 1992, the academy has been listed in State Register participants in foreign economic relations, the university began training foreign citizens under the programs of pre-university, undergraduate and postgraduate education(now they are students from 21 countries of the Middle East, Africa, Asia, the CIS). The Academy works on programs of international cooperation of medical students - partial education at the Heinrich Heine University, summer internships abroad, annual trips of the best students from low-income families to Germany. Only in 2007-2009, 16 students of the academy underwent partial training: over 60 students were trained abroad and the same number of foreign students were trained on the basis of PSMA. The Academy has partnerships with 10 foreign universities. Leading scientists from Europe and the USA regularly give lectures at the academy, consult patients, and exchange the latest technologies. The academy uses two forms of education - full-time and part-time (higher nursing education). There are seven faculties: medical, pediatric, dental, medical and preventive, secondary vocational education (in the specialties "nursing", " laboratory diagnostics” and “pharmacy”), advanced training and professional retraining of specialists, pre-university training. Eight educational buildings with modern lecture halls, clinical bases in multidisciplinary medical institutions Perm, clinical diagnostic center with a polyclinic and dental clinic. Central research laboratory, museums, five well-equipped hostels in the city center for 1785 places, a sports and fitness center. Students work out practical skills in laboratories, on dummies, dummies, phantoms, simulators of computer and phantom classes. Love for future profession students acquire by participating in competitions, olympiads, quizzes, KVNakh in medical specialties. The student scientific society is the pride of the academy. The academy has 70 scientific student circles (covering about 45% of students), led by experienced teachers. Every year, over 100 young scientists participate in all-Russian, regional, interuniversity scientific conferences, congresses, competitions and publish about 500 scientific papers. Many have been awarded diplomas, honorary diplomas, thank you letters, valuable gifts. The academy has developed a system social support students. The best of them can count on receiving scholarships from the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation. Perm Territory, the city of Perm, Academic Council of the Academy and Rector, Charitable Foundation culture of the Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug "Creation", the Moscow Center for Disinfectology "Medifox". The Academic Council of the university also established 23 scholarships named after outstanding scientists of the Academy: academician E.A. Wagner, professors A.I. Egorova, A.F. Ivanova, A.A. Lischke, G.K. Knyazkova, M.A. Goat, L.B. Krasika, M.L. Krasovitskaya, S.I. Krylova, I.A. Meisakhovich, M.R. Mogendovich, V.P. Larina, P.I. Pichugin, A.V. Pshenichnova, B.I. Reicher, P.I. Chistyakova, K. I. Shapsheva, Z. Ya. Shura, P.A. Yasnitsky for outstanding achievements in educational, scientific activities, public life and sporting achievements. Personal scholarships are awarded at a meeting of the Academic Council twice a year. On the basis of the university, six profile institutes, four dissertation councils in 10 specialties successfully operate. Practical lesson in cardiology Result - deepening of scientific research with a wide implementation of results in medical practice and receiving simultaneously 10 RFBR grants totaling over 10 million rubles. The activities of the academy are being activated on an international scale. In the period from 2007 to 2009, grants worth 228,000 euros were received for organizing and holding international scientific events. Student life at the academy is multifaceted. Many holidays have become a tradition: “Initiation of first-year students into students”, student “Concert and Theater Spring”, interfaculty KVNs, evenings of meetings “1 + 6”, “1 + 5”. Medical students are active participants in the annual actions “City against drugs” , "Tree" Hope "," Lend a helping hand. Clubs of interest help to reveal and realize talents and abilities: the sports club "Medic" with 16 sections, a student club with choreographic, vocal, vocal-instrumental and theatrical creative groups. Based on For over 25 years, three student construction teams of conductors have been working at the academy: Olympia-Service, Phaeton and Legion. funds for one-time financial assistance to students, graduate students and doctoral students. For almost 90 years, the Perm Medical Journal has been published at the Perm University / Medical Institute / Medical Academy, which has become “cited” since 2003. Only five medical peripheral universities of the Russian Federation are allowed to have a journal of this rank. The journal publishes works by scientists of the academy, authors from various regions of Russia, including Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as the best scientific works of students. "Medic of the Urals" - the oldest large-circulation newspaper of universities in the city of Perm has been published since November 1931. main topic newspapers - the exchange of information, experience, achievements. The total fund of the library of the academy has 520,000, and the fund of educational literature - 300,000 items. The library has a fund of dissertations, abstracts of dissertations, rare pre-revolutionary publications on medicine, medical periodicals (more than 150 titles are issued), fiction and publications on electronic media. Science Library PSMA was recognized as the best in the Library of the Year nomination. Each stage of healthcare development has its own characteristics and requirements, but all generations of leading Perm medical scientists are united by devotion to their work. And today, university scientists sacredly honor and continue the traditions laid down by their predecessors, whose names have become the pride of domestic medicine. Drawing the best from the accumulated experience, they do the main thing, as in all times, they train highly qualified doctors.