Model of social support for families raising a disabled child. Support program for families with a disabled child

A social worker is a link between the family of a child with disabilities and the subjects of family policy (government bodies, labor collectives, public, socio-political, religious organizations, trade unions, social movements). The functions of a social worker include organizing legal, medical, psychological, pedagogical, material and other assistance, as well as stimulating the family’s efforts to gain economic independence in a market economy.

A psychologist is engaged in diagnosing problems of the psychological climate in the family, counseling and correcting the psychological state and behavior of family members, analyzing the situation around the family, and, if necessary, working with others.

Public education authorities provide education for the child (drawing up and adjusting individual programs, analyzing quality, organizing the child’s communication with peers), and are involved in placing other children in child care institutions, special kindergartens, as well as issues of career guidance, employment, and registration in specialized institutions.

Health authorities register and compile characteristics of the family, taking into account all its members; are engaged in dispensary observation, recommendations on career guidance and employment, sanatorium-resort treatment, paperwork, medical equipment, registration in specialized institutions, rehabilitation.9

Social protection authorities make changes and additions to social security, provide benefits and services, organize material and other types of assistance, sanatorium treatment, adjustments to actions, registration in specialized institutions. Social protection bodies consist of: employment center (employment of mother and father); enterprises organizing work from home; career guidance center (career guidance for a child with disabilities).

The lawyer provides advice on legislation and legal issues, family rights, benefits, violation of rights, legal protection, employment issues and organization of family businesses.

Charitable organizations, including the Red Cross Society - material, in-kind assistance, organization of communication; trade organizations - supply of food, children's goods, furniture, appliances, books, etc.

City and district executive authorities are involved in organizing family enterprises, family businesses, and rehabilitation centers.

Neighbors partially solve problems of public opinion, communication, and provide assistance.

Trade unions and travel agencies organize vacations and provide financial assistance.

Similar families often form associations with similar families to solve problems together.

Enterprises of working parents provide financial support, improve housing if possible, organize part-time work, part-time work for working mothers, home work, protection from dismissal, and provide vacation benefits.

Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation” dated November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ defines the main benefits and benefits for disabled people and families with disabled children.

Depending on the degree of impairment of body functions and limitations in life activity, persons recognized as disabled are assigned a disability group, and persons under 18 years of age are assigned the category “disabled child.”

Main benefits and advantages:

Free provision of medications prescribed by doctors;

free sanatorium-resort treatment (a second voucher is provided to the accompanying person);

disabled children, their parents, guardians, trustees and social workers caring for them enjoy the right to free travel on all types of public transport, urban and suburban transport. In this case, for disabled children, the basis for granting this right is a certificate confirming the fact of the establishment of disability, issued by the institution of the state medical and social examination service, the form of which is approved by the Ministry of Social Protection of September 18, 1996 No. 230, or a VTEC certificate and, in addition In addition, for disabled children under the age of 18, a medical or medical-social certificate for the child issued by a state or municipal medical preventive health care institution. Parents of disabled children enjoy this right on the basis of the child’s documents establishing disability. Social protection authorities at their place of residence must issue parents, guardians, trustees and social workers with a certificate of entitlement to this benefit;

  • 50% discount on fares on intercity lines of air, rail, river and road transport from October 1 to May 15 (without limiting the number of trips). Persons accompanying a disabled child purchase tickets with the specified discount based on a certificate from disabled children for each specific trip during a given period;
  • 50% discount on travel costs once a year (round trip) from May 16 to September 30, as well as free travel once a year to the place of treatment and back. The basis for the provision of this benefit are sheets of coupons issued by social security authorities at the place of residence;

according to Art. 17 of this Law, disabled people and families with disabled children in need of improved housing conditions are registered and provided with living quarters. Families with disabled children are provided with a discount of at least 30% on rent (in houses of state, municipal and public housing stock) and payment for utilities (regardless of the ownership of the housing stock), and in residential buildings that do not have central heating, by the cost of fuel purchased within the limits established for sale to the public;

according to Art. 18 of this Law, educational institutions, together with social protection authorities and health authorities, provide pre-school, school, out-of-school education and education for disabled children, secondary and higher vocational education in accordance with the rehabilitation program for disabled people.

According to the explanation of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation and the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation dated July 19, 1995 No. 2/48 “On the procedure for providing and paying 4 additional days off per month to one of the working parents (guardian, trustee) for caring for disabled children under the age of 18 years old", 4 additional paid days off for caring for disabled children are provided per calendar month to one of the working parents (guardian, trustee) upon his application and are issued by order (instruction) of the administration of the organization on the basis of a certificate from the social protection authorities confirming the child’s disability indicating that the child is not kept in a special children's institution owned by any department with full state support. The working parent also provides a certificate from the other parent’s place of work stating that at the time of application they have not used additional paid days off in this calendar month. In cases where one of the working parents has partially used the specified additional days off in a calendar month, the other working parent is provided with the remaining additional paid days off in the same calendar month. The specified certificates are provided from social security authorities annually, from the other parent’s place of work - when applying for additional paid days off. The summation of additional paid days off provided for caring for disabled children over two or more months is not allowed

In the social educator’s classifier, family has several meanings: it is a unit of society, a small group, and an association of people based on blood kinship or marriage. It is worth noting, however, that families at risk are of particular importance in social and pedagogical activities. Many famous teachers and scientists are working on the classification of this group of families, and each offers something of their own, based on personal professional experience and the characteristics of their region. For example, A. Ivantsova offers a classification of families based on three positions - associativity; pedagogical culture and pedagogical neglect, neglect and homelessness. Accordingly, she highlights:

  • 1. A family with an irresponsible attitude towards raising children, where the situation is complicated by the immoral behavior and lifestyle of the parents.
  • 2. A family with a low pedagogical culture of parents who make mistakes in choosing means, methods and forms of working with children; parents cannot establish the correct style and tone of relationships with children.
  • 3. A family in which children are neglected for various reasons: divorce, family discord, parents’ employment

After analyzing the results of testing ten married couples, we developed the following recommendations when a social work specialist works with them:

  • 1. research into the psychological problem of each (since we got different results for different families);
  • 2. achieving adequate social adaptation;
  • 3. promoting the realization of the human potential of each family member;
  • 5. elimination of painful symptoms that correspond to various emotional problems.

Let us briefly describe each stage of family development, indicating its time frame, main tasks, typical problems and possible ways to correct these problems by means of social and pedagogical support.

1. Premarital relationships. This stage, although not formally a stage in the development of family relationships, is extremely important for the formation of a family, since at this stage its foundation is laid. Consideration of premarital relationships is rarely used in the analysis of marital problems. However, the practice of family counseling and group work with young families shows that in the premarital period difficulties often arise that will later directly or indirectly manifest themselves in marriage.

The conventional boundaries of this stage can be defined as the acquaintance of future spouses and the beginning of life together. The main tasks of this period are:

  • 1. Formation of the marital image of future spouses. This refers to a set of measures consciously taken by future spouses to enhance their own attractiveness in the eyes of a potential partner. Usually this is a certain correction of appearance and behavior.
  • 2. Getting to know the future role of the spouse. This means familiarizing partners with future rights, responsibilities, and norms acceptable in marriage in various aspects of family life.
  • 3. Collecting information about the partner. Successfully solving this problem is often the key to the success of the marriage as a whole. But usually it is only half solved: the partner’s appearance and financial capabilities, the most obvious character traits, and leisure preferences are carefully examined. At the same time, the psychological and personal characteristics of the future partner, value orientations, role settings in marriage, traditions of his parental family, etc. fall out of sight.
  • 4. Making a decision to register a marriage. Solving this problem requires a certain responsibility, as it moves the family to the next stage of the family cycle.

This period is characterized by problems, some of which are generated by independent circumstances. Thus, the fate of a marriage is reflected in the following characteristics: the place and situation of acquaintance, the first impression of each other (positive, negative, ambivalent, indifferent), the duration of the courtship period, the initiator of the marriage proposal (man, woman, other interested parties), the time for thinking about the marriage proposal , the situation of marriage registration. These circumstances cannot be controlled by means of social and pedagogical support, but special compensatory measures are possible during the work of specialists with the family.

Another part of the problems characteristic of this period is quite amenable to correction in the course of social and pedagogical support. These are problems such as:

  • lack of information about a potential spouse, about the patterns of family life, and the development of relationships; about household issues, etc.;
  • incompatibility of future spouses (value, gender role, psychological);
  • lack of conflict-free communication skills, the ability to show one’s best qualities, lack of tolerance, empathy, etc.
  • 2. Expectation and birth of a child. This stage of the life cycle of a young family begins with the registration of marriage and ends with the birth of a child.

The main tasks of this stage are:

  • 1. Family planning. This task involves young spouses making a decision to have a child. The most natural decision to have a child is if it is made before marriage and is confirmed by the fact of registration of the relationship. In the case of an unplanned pregnancy, the need to make a decision about having a child is often associated with considerable stress for the spouses. Sometimes you need not so much to make this decision as to come to terms with it, which is psychologically difficult and requires the help of specialists. In any case, spouses must be familiar with the changes that the birth of a child will entail and must be prepared for changes in the role structure and entire lifestyle.
  • 2. Adaptation of spouses to the period of pregnancy. The period of waiting for a child is quite long and full of changes in the nature of the relationship between spouses. Changes in a woman’s sense of self and behavior often destabilize the existing balance in a young family to such an extent that the man may be in a state of psychological disorientation. This, in turn, has the opposite negative impact on the spouse, who expects a certain understanding and support.

During this period, spouses need to be patient, treat each other as carefully as possible, and adapt at all levels:

  • household (the spouse needs proper nutrition, rest, walks, etc.);
  • psychological;
  • value (semantic priorities in the family change);
  • role (taking on the roles of future parents).

The period of family planning and expecting a child is characterized by the following problems:

  • * lack of awareness about the essence and nature of possible psychological problems during pregnancy;
  • lack of skills to resolve critical situations in relationships between spouses;
  • lack of self-control skills, providing psychological support to a partner, correcting one’s emotional state, etc.
  • 3. Raising a child. This is the longest stage of the family cycle. In the life of a young family, it covers the period from the birth of the child until he enters school. In pedagogy and psychology, the period of preschool childhood is unanimously considered the most sensitive to educational influences, and therefore places increased demands on parents.

The main objectives of this period are:

  • 1. Adaptation of spouses to the new role structure in the family. With the birth of a child, the spouses begin to practically master the parental role. In a young family, the nature of spending free time changes, new features appear. This does not happen well in all families. The breakdown of the direct relationship between husband and wife, the emergence of new relationships related to child care, radically restructure the entire way of life in a young family.
  • 2. Formation of a family education system. This is the main task of the third stage of the family cycle, the effectiveness of which affects not only the stability of a young family, but also goes beyond its scope, acquiring national significance. By family education we understand the process and result of joint educational influences on the child on the part of the parents, as well as all other relatives who come into contact with him. Family education also includes the child’s feedback on all family members, forcing them to improve themselves. A child provides an opportunity to return to the past stages of life, to reconsider its values, to understand its meaning more deeply; expand the range of personal and family interests, enrich and strengthen family ties, and receive deep emotional satisfaction from participating in the formation of a new human life.

Numerous studies and facts of everyday life show that the family atmosphere and parental relationships shape the child’s personality traits. A child, especially if he is the only one, finds himself in a complex system of relationships between adults, each of whom in some way influences the process of his development. Psychologist-educator U. Bronfenbrener identified a number of factors that determine the formation and development of a child’s personality. Thus, the absence of a father in the family significantly affects the development of a boy, which is associated with the lack of a role model, models of “male” behavior. In a family where the mother dominates, children have little initiative and wait for instructions from others. A sense of responsibility and independence is formed in a child when a parent of the same sex is the leader in the family. The independence of children of both sexes is higher with equally high educational activity of both parents, and they distribute their functions: one performs a disciplinary function, the other - a supporting function. The similarity of the parents' personality traits has a positive effect on the development of an active life position in the child.

Thus, there are various factors that determine the development of a child’s personality, the formation of his interests and inclinations, and the identification of abilities and cognitive sphere. V. A. Sysenko suggests highlighting among them the following factors influencing the formation of a child:

  • lifestyle, behavior, moral and cultural levels of the mother and father;
  • relationship between father and mother;
  • their attitude towards their child;
  • awareness and understanding of the goals, objectives of family education and the means and methods for achieving them.

During the period of raising a child, various problems that young parents face may arise:

  • low awareness on issues of child upbringing and education (content, methods and forms, knowledge and consideration of the child’s age characteristics);
  • lack of skills in observing a child, analyzing one’s own educational influences, inconsistency of educational influences on the part of different family members;
  • certain shortcomings of the family education system (overprotection, connivance, formalism, lack of system, etc.);
  • low awareness of parents;
  • lack of knowledge and practical skills in organizing family leisure.

The considered stages of development of family relationships logically follow one after another, as they arose due to the need to solve successive tasks (creating a family, expecting and giving birth to a child, raising a child).

However, at each of the stages described, conflict situations may arise that can lead to the destruction of the family. In this case, the tasks of overcoming conflictual relationships between family members are added to the main tasks of the current stage.

In the literature, there are numerous attempts to identify the most critical periods of serious conflicts in the family, leading to its disintegration. Sociology relies on data on the frequency of divorces for a given period of marriage, which, however, does not reflect the full picture of the phenomenon, since the reasons given for divorce are formal, and moreover, the fact of divorce often does not coincide with the period of termination of the relationship.

Disabled children are served by institutions of three departments. Children under 4 years of age with damage to the musculoskeletal system and decreased mental development are in specialized children's homes Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, where they receive care and treatment. Children with mild anomalies of physical and mental development are trained in specialized boarding schools Ministry of Education and Science. Children aged 4 to 18 years with profound psychosomatic disorders live in boarding homes systems of social protection of the population, located in the department of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection.

Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of August 4, 2008 N 379n“On approval of the forms of an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled person, an individual rehabilitation program for a disabled child, issued by federal state institutions of medical and social expertise, the procedure for their development and implementation.”

In modern Russia, for the majority of families with a disabled child and disabled adults, financial and other support from the state is very significant.

Significant practical assistance can be provided to families of disabled children by support groups (for example, associations of parents of children with disabilities); such groups can also protect the rights of families by influencing social policy and proposing various initiatives. Associations of parents of children with disabilities not only support families of disabled children, but sometimes initiate new forms, types and technologies of rehabilitation assistance for their children. Having a network of services in your community can be an invaluable support, but the level of availability and quality of services varies across regions.

The numerous problems of a family raising a disabled child require various types of social services.

The types of services are determined based on the real need, the family’s ability to independently solve some of its own problems, the capabilities of the social service and other objective circumstances. If necessary, for example, when deciding on the provision of financial assistance, allocation of subsidies, preferential vouchers, etc., an examination of the material and living conditions of the family is carried out (an inspection report is drawn up).

Social services include:

Assistance in obtaining various special payments;

Assistance in obtaining free medicines;

Attracting sponsors to provide material and in-kind assistance;

Assistance in maintaining living conditions in accordance with sanitary and hygienic requirements, etc.

Social and medical services families with disabled children are provided with assistance in organizing child care, assistance in carrying out medical rehabilitation measures, etc.

Social-psychological (psychological) assistance is aimed at correcting the psychological state of family members, correcting unformed higher mental functions, emotional-volitional disorders, speech deficiencies, relationships in the family, children's group, with teachers, etc.

Children with disabilities also need to improve their communication potential.

Social and pedagogical services families with a disabled child include assistance in raising, increasing parental competence, preventing deviations in the behavior and development of disabled children, developing positive interests in them, providing assistance in organizing leisure time (Sunday school, children's theater, organizing summer holidays, club work), developing motivation for learning in disabled children, as well as assistance in obtaining general and vocational education.

The Federal Law on Education contains a provision that the vocational education of students with disabilities is carried out on the basis of educational programs adapted, if necessary, for the training of these students, and for people with disabilities also in accordance with an individual rehabilitation program developed by the federal institution of medical and social expertise . The adapted educational program is designed taking into account the characteristics of the psychophysical development and individual capabilities of students with disabilities and people with disabilities. The introduction of adaptation disciplines into the variable part of educational programs is carried out with the aim of correcting developmental disorders and social adaptation of these individuals. These can be disciplines that provide the formation of general competencies related to working with information, which is carried out by people with disabilities, as a rule, using special technical and software tools for converting information into a format accessible to their perception. Adaptation disciplines may include disciplines that ensure that students with disabilities and people with disabilities develop skills in independent learning activities, skills for effective behavior in the labor market and adaptation in the workforce, as well as disciplines that help maintain health and develop a healthy lifestyle for these individuals.

In accordance with the law on education, students with disabilities, like all other students, have the right to study according to an individual curriculum within a specified time frame based on individualization of the content of the educational program, taking into account their characteristics and educational needs. When drawing up an individual training plan, it is advisable to provide for various options for conducting classes: in an educational institution (in an academic group and individually), as well as at home using distance learning technologies.

The choice of teaching methods should be made by the educational organization, based on their accessibility for people with disabilities and people with limited health capabilities. It is recommended to use socially active and reflective teaching methods, as well as sociocultural rehabilitation technologies in order to create conditions for the successful socialization of such students. Disabled students should be provided with printed and electronic educational and methodological resources in forms adapted to their health limitations, characteristics of perception and processing of material: for example, students with hearing impairments need to present information in visual form, with visual impairments - in auditory form. Material and technical conditions at practice sites must also be accessible to people with disabilities. Thus, one of the important directions for modernizing the environment of educational institutions in the context of the introduction of inclusive education there should be an adaptation of educational programs and educational and methodological support to the developmental characteristics of students with disabilities and people with disabilities.

Social and labor assistance is aimed at assisting in employment and professional and industrial adaptation, securing a disabled person in the workplace, etc.

Families with disabled children often need social and legal assistance: legal advice on legislation, family rights, benefits, employment, paperwork, representation of family interests in court.

Educational authorities are engaged in placing disabled children in general or specialized educational institutions. Types of schools: 1st type – for deaf children; 2nd type – for the hearing impaired and late-deafened; 3rd type – for the blind; 4th type – for the visually impaired; 5th type – for children with severe speech impairments; 6th type – for children with musculoskeletal disorders; 7th type – for children with mental retardation; Type 8 – for children with mental retardation. + Inclusive learning!

Health authorities are engaged in dispensary observation, develop recommendations for career guidance and employment, rehabilitation, sanatorium and resort treatment, draw up documents on medical equipment, as well as for referral to specialized institutions.

Social protection authorities provide the required benefits and services, organize the provision of material and other types of assistance, sanatorium treatment, and registration in specialized institutions.

Stages of family social patronage:

1. Social patronage of the family. Collection and analysis of information.

2. Diagnosis and analysis of family and children's problems. Planning the process of social work with the aim of transforming TJS in the family. = Development of an individual rehabilitation program (providing social services to the family).

3. Implementation of planned transformations. Monitoring the quality of services provided to families.

4. Analysis of the results of activities to provide social assistance to families and children. Removal from patronage register.

Abroad, social rehabilitation work with disabled children has a long history; there it is customary to distinguish between the concepts of habilitation and rehabilitation. Habilitation - This is a complex of services aimed at the formation of new and mobilization, strengthening of existing resources for social, mental and physical development of a person. Rehabilitation In international practice, it is customary to refer to the restoration of past abilities that were lost due to illness, injury, or changes in living conditions. In Russia, rehabilitation combines both of these concepts, and it assumes not a narrow medical, but a broader aspect of social rehabilitation work.

Many years of experience of specialists working with disabled children have shown that the earlier comprehensive medical, psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation of such children is started, the more effective it is. Early rehabilitation prevents the appearance of secondary defects in children with developmental disorders that arise either after an unsuccessful attempt to stop progressive primary defects, or as a result of distortion of the relationship between the child and the family.

Rehabilitation program is a system of measures aimed at solving social problems of the family, developing the capabilities of the child and the whole family, which is developed by a team of specialists together with parents. In many countries, such a program is managed by one person - a specialist - curator ( for example, a social work specialist).

The program is developed for a specific period. After the established period, the specialist supervisor meets with the child’s parents to discuss the results, successes and failures. You should also analyze all positive and negative unplanned events that occurred during the implementation of the program. After this, the specialist (team of specialists), together with the parents, if necessary, develop a rehabilitation program for the next period.

During the implementation of the program, monitoring - systematic monitoring of the progress of events in the form of regular exchange of information between a specialist supervisor and the child’s parents. If necessary, the curator helps parents overcome difficulties by negotiating with the necessary specialists, explaining, and defending the rights of the child and family. The facilitator may visit the family to better understand the difficulties encountered in implementing the program.

Thus, the rehabilitation program provides, firstly, the presence of an interdisciplinary team of specialists, and not a family with a disabled child going to many offices or institutions, but Secondly, mandatory participation of parents in the rehabilitation process as respected and equal partners.

Partnership implies complete trust, exchange of knowledge, skills and experience in providing assistance to children with disabilities. Establishing partnerships requires time and certain efforts, experience, and knowledge.

If a child is able to take part in dialogues between specialists and parents, he can become another partner whose opinion may differ from the opinion of adults and who can unexpectedly offer a new solution to the problem his rehabilitation.

The desire of parents to delve into the essence of rehabilitation activities and take initiative should be encouraged. If a specialist abuses the position of an expert and prefers a one-way transfer of knowledge, there is a risk of increasing parents’ dependence on him and reducing their independence and self-confidence.

The participation of the father in the rehabilitation process greatly increases the effectiveness of the efforts of specialists. Therefore, when starting to work with a family, you need to get to know not only the mother, but also the father, as well as other family members. It is very helpful to provide written information so that fathers who are unable to attend social worker appointments are kept in the loop, as are mothers. The father's participation in the child's rehabilitation should be encouraged in every possible way.

In order to overcome the difficulties of helping the family of a disabled child, it is useful to use the following resources:

Working in a team, where for each case being examined, one curator is assigned to coordinate the actions of the others;

Exchange of experience, organization of consultations, support groups for the specialists themselves, where they can share successes, discuss failures, and find a joint solution to the problem;

Constant study of publications on social work issues to improve professional knowledge.

You can select six components of success interaction between specialists and parents in the process of social patronage:

Regular contact (depending on opportunities and needs - once a week, every two weeks or every six weeks);

Emphasizing the child's abilities, rather than their absence or shortcomings;

Use of auxiliary materials, manuals for parents;

Involving not only parents, but also other family members and relatives in the work;

Attention to a wider range of needs of all family members;

Organizing support groups in which results and problems are discussed.

Guarantees of labor rights:

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides that one of the parents (guardian, trustee) is given four additional paid days off per month to care for a disabled child. Days off are provided upon written request and can be used by one of the parents or divided between them at their own discretion.

At the request of a parent raising a disabled child, the employer is obliged to establish a part-time working day (shift) or a part-time working week. The employee’s work is paid in proportion to the time worked or depending on the amount of work performed.

Employees with disabled children are allowed to be sent on business trips, involved in overtime work, night work, weekends and non-working holidays only with their written consent.

Pension provision:

Disabled children are paid a social pension in the amount of the basic part of the labor disability pension. A non-working able-bodied citizen caring for a disabled child under the age of 18 has the right to compensation payment.

The period of care provided by an able-bodied person for a disabled child is included in the insurance period when calculating the labor pension.

Health and social protection:

Disabled children are entitled to a monthly cash payment in accordance with the Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons”.

In addition, disabled children have the right to be provided, in accordance with the standards of medical care, according to the prescriptions of a doctor (paramedic), with the necessary medicines, medical products, as well as specialized medical nutrition products. If there are medical indications, they are provided with vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment, carried out in order to prevent major diseases. The duration of such treatment in a sanatorium-resort institution is 21 days. At the same time, free travel to the place of treatment and back on suburban railway transport, as well as on intercity transport, is guaranteed. A disabled child, under the same conditions, has the right to receive a second voucher for sanatorium-resort treatment and free travel to and from the place of treatment for the person accompanying him.

You can refuse to receive the listed social services (all or part) and receive monthly cash payments instead. An individual rehabilitation program for a disabled child may include the receipt or production of certain technical means or products (prosthetic and orthopedic products, hearing aids, etc.), as well as the receipt of a number of services. The legislation provides for the issuance of a referral to receive services, as well as to receive or manufacture a technical device or product (if necessary, for replacement or repair).

Families with disabled children are given a discount of at least 50 percent on housing costs (in state or municipal housing stock) and utility bills (regardless of the housing stock). Those families who live in houses that do not have central heating receive the specified discount on the cost of fuel purchased within the limits established for sale to the public.

Tax benefits:

Parents, as well as the spouse of a parent, adoptive parent, guardian, custodian, foster parent, spouse of a foster parent, who are supporting a disabled child under the age of 18, are entitled to a monthly tax deduction.

In a number of regions, one of the parents (adoptive parents), guardian, or trustee of a disabled child is exempt from paying transport tax.


Disabled children of preschool age are provided with the necessary rehabilitation measures, and conditions are created for their stay in general preschool institutions. For disabled children who cannot attend general preschool institutions for health reasons, special preschool institutions are created.

If it is not possible to educate and educate disabled children in general or special preschool and general education institutions, education authorities and educational institutions, with the consent of parents, provide home education for disabled children according to a full general education or individual program.

As part of our research, we analyzed the activities of the State Budgetary Institution of Social Services “Alexandrovsky Comprehensive Center for Social Services to the Population” (356300, Aleksandrovskoye village, Moskovskaya St., 4), and came to the conclusion that it was necessary to develop a program to support parents raising a disabled child .

One of the urgent tasks of modern Russian society is to provide social and pedagogical assistance to families with children with disabilities. With the steady increase in the number of such children, attention to each of them is necessary. This requires the pedagogical community to develop relationships between the educational system and the family.

Modern practical pedagogy, however, does not pay enough attention to the problems of working with families with such children.

The birth of a child with developmental disabilities is always stressful for the family. A disabled child is limited in freedom and social significance. He has a very high degree of dependence on his family, and limited skills for interacting in society. The problem of raising and developing a “special” child becomes overwhelming for the family; parents find themselves in a psychologically difficult situation: they experience pain, grief, guilt, and often fall into despair. Such families need comprehensive social and pedagogical support. Working with a family with a sick or disabled child should be approached from a humanistic perspective, parents should be oriented toward proactively preparing the child for life, developing the child’s ability to think in terms of the future, and forming positive prospects for his development.

It is no coincidence that quite a lot of attention is paid to working with parents of children with disabilities. For such children, whose contact with the outside world is narrowed, the role of the family increases immeasurably. The family has significant opportunities in solving certain issues: raising children, including them in social and labor spheres, and developing children with disabilities as active members of society. But numerous studies (G.L. Aksarina, N.Yu. Ivanova, V.N. Kasatkin, N.L. Kovalenko, A.G. Rumyantsev, etc.) indicate that the appearance of a child with disabilities in a family violates the established family functioning: the psychological climate of the family and marital relationships are changing.

Purpose of the program: creating conditions for overcoming the social isolation of disabled children and their socialization in a family environment.

1. Implementation of the strategy of socialization and social integration of disabled children in the family and society based on an individual integrated approach, including the formation of a system of creative rehabilitation of disabled children and other forms of self-realization, development of family recreation and health programs.

2. Strengthening the resource potential of families raising children with disabilities and their social rehabilitation competence, creating positive motivation for the formation of new social connections, as well as promoting the creation of networks of mutual support for parents of disabled children.

3. Formation of a unified resource methodological and educational space, increasing the professional potential of specialists involved in the provision of social services to disabled children.

4. Strengthening coordination and increasing the efficiency of government agencies, public associations and mutual support groups for families. raising children with disabilities, to improve the situation of children with disabilities and their social inclusion.

5. Formation of a tolerant attitude towards disabled children in society, popularization of ideas to promote their social inclusion.

The main goal of the social service implementing this program should be to ensure the implementation of social rehabilitation of minors with disabilities, as well as providing assistance to the families in which these children are being raised.

The structure of the social service includes:

Medical service, which includes a pediatrician, a physiotherapist, a psychiatrist, a nurse, a massage nurse and a physiotherapy nurse;

Social pedagogical service, which includes: social pedagogues, educators, teacher-psychologist, teacher of additional education, speech therapist, teacher-speech pathologist, physical education instructor.

The program provides the following forms of work with families with health problems:

Pedagogical patronage (social and pedagogical services at home);

Short-term groups for disabled children with comprehensive rehabilitation (medical and pedagogical);

Family rehabilitation groups “Saturday living rooms”, the main goal of which is to create conditions for solving intrafamily problems and educating parents in order to enhance the process of socialization and adaptation to modern society;

Organization of circle work, creative workshops and clubs.

Training and education of parents together with interested organizations.

The program is built on principles:

1. A person-oriented approach to children and parents, where the center is taking into account the personal characteristics of the child and family; providing comfortable, safe conditions.

2. Humane-personal - comprehensive respect and love for the child, for each family member, faith in them, the formation of a positive “I-concept” of each child, his/her self-image (it is necessary to hear words of approval and support, to experience a situation of success) .

3. The principle of complexity - social and pedagogical support is considered in a comprehensive manner, in close interaction of all specialists.

4. The principle of the activity approach - assistance is carried out taking into account the leading type of activity of the child (in play activities), in addition, it is also necessary to focus on the type of activity that is personally significant for the child.

Estimated progress of the program:

1. Implementation of a strategy for the socialization and social integration of disabled children in the family and society based on an individual integrated approach, including the formation of a system of creative rehabilitation of disabled children and other forms of their self-realization, the development of family recreation and health programs.

Social support for families by the social support service includes telephone consultations, observation of the child’s development, periodic invitations to undergo rehabilitation courses, participation in events and promotions of the institution, including:

Social and pedagogical patronage of families raising children with severe disabilities and who do not have the opportunity to attend the center (or young children) involves social workers conducting developmental classes with disabled children with severe health problems (who do not attend kindergartens or schools due to their illness or age) at home 2 times a week for 2 classes of various directions, with mandatory training of parents in the skills of independent pedagogical work on the development of their children.

Correctional classes in institutions with children are carried out both in the conditions of a day care group for minors and on individual development routes. Depending on the needs of the children, it is necessary to organize:

Classes on social and everyday adaptation in a day care group for children who do not attend preschool institutions and require clear instructions for action.

Depending on the existing problems, individual correctional classes are conducted by a defectologist, speech therapist or educational psychologist.

Subgroup classes in music and physical education are mandatory for everyone; individual physical therapy classes are also held separately in accordance with doctor’s prescriptions.

For medical reasons, it is necessary to consult doctors (pediatrician, physiotherapist, psychiatrist) regarding the prescription of rehabilitation measures and medical procedures: medical massage, physiotherapy (phototherapy, magnetic therapy, electrotherapy, inhalations). As well as individual physical education classes; herbal medicine and vitaminization courses.

For each child, it is necessary to draw up an individual development route and program of activities, which are agreed upon with the parents. In turn, parents receive homework and individual consultations on the dynamics of the child’s development.

1.2. To implement the principle of integration of disabled children, we propose to organize a “Healthy Child” club. Goal: prevention of diseases in children and promotion of a healthy family lifestyle.

We assume that in the process of physical activity health-improving, educational and educational tasks will be effectively solved. Through a system of special exercises and games, children will become familiar with the signs of health (correct posture, gait), and learn to protect themselves from germs. The knowledge gained will allow special children to engage in physical exercises more consciously and more fully, and to independently use the means of physical education in life.

Organized motor activity is associated with a clear focus on results (games - dramatization, sports and outdoor games, games - relay races). Children will be able to evaluate their “I” by the direct efforts they make to achieve their goal. And in connection with the development of self-esteem, such personal qualities as self-respect, conscience, and pride will develop. Complex actions demonstrate the will of a disabled child to overcome obstacles in achieving a set goal. Particularly valuable in this regard are outdoor and sports games, physical exercises based on prolonged and repeated repetition of monotonous motor actions; when performing them, it is necessary to make volitional efforts to overcome gradually growing physical and emotional stress. Thus, classes in the “Healthy Child” club will be an important factor influencing the formation of the personality of a disabled child and his socialization in society.

In order to assist the family in the development of a disabled child, it is possible to organize a club “Game is a serious matter.” Target: development of children's abilities through play activities.

Meetings at the club are held according to the program for children with disabilities and healthy children. Joint activities teach children to communicate with peers and other adults, develop the ability to cooperate with each other, forming a sense of partnership. Theatrical activities (role-playing songs, nursery rhymes, imitation of the movements and voices of birds and animals) stimulate figurative and playful manifestations, develop the sphere of feelings, awaken empathy, compassion, and develop the ability to put oneself in the place of another person. As a result, children will learn to interact with each other as play partners; children will be more attentive to each other, friendly, learn a polite form of communication, and develop aesthetic taste.

We also offer a project for a creative workshop “Very Skillful Hands” - to teach children various types of creativity: weaving from foil, designing from paper, drawing in unconventional ways, modeling from clay and painting on ceramics, which will contribute to the development of children’s creative abilities through productive - applied activities. An additional opportunity to train fine motor skills through creating a variety of crafts will allow children to develop and discover new abilities.

The creative workshop “Musical Living Room” provides an opportunity for a disabled child to realize his potential, promoting the development of creative abilities.

1.3. Great importance in organizing work on the social integration of disabled children in the family and society is given to the organization of holidays and cultural and leisure events.

Participation in festive and leisure activities not only helps to create a festive and joyful mood among the participants, but also helps to activate their internal resources. The sociocultural program is a psychological training - communication, emotional, motivational, physical. Participation in such programs will be another step for children with disabilities on the path to adaptation, acceptance of themselves and the difficulties of the world in which they live and act.

2. Strengthening the resource potential of families raising children with disabilities and their social rehabilitation competencies, creating positive motivation for the formation of new social connections, as well as promoting the creation of networks of mutual support for parents of children with disabilities:

2.1. The program provides for diagnostics and implementation of advisory assistance to parents with disabled children on their upbringing and development. An individual work route can be developed for each family, along which support will be provided.

2.2. For parents with disabled children, the “Happy Parent” project can be implemented, the main purpose which is to create conditions for solving intra-family problems and educating parents in order to enhance the process of socialization and adaptation of a disabled child to modern society.

This project involves conducting joint classes with parents and children to develop various productive communication skills, creative activities, as well as a system of group and individual consultations for parents on educational issues.

One of the directions of this project is the organization of joint creative and leisure activities of children and adults, which contributes to the development of positive relationships between children and adults and creates the necessary conditions for the successful development of a child in the environment.

As a result, parents will gain new knowledge and master practical skills for joint activities with the child, the opportunity to relieve tension and excessive anxiety associated with parental “failure”, the opportunity to exchange parenting experiences, and establish trusting relationships in the group.

In general, it can be noted that this rehabilitation work includes a system of social, pedagogical and therapeutic interventions aimed at fully or partially restoring the optimal personal and social status, developmental disorders and health of a child experiencing difficulties in the family, in education, in their microsocial environment.

Expected Results

1. The program helps strengthen the resource potential of families raising children with disabilities (the desire to take care of the child increases), and their social rehabilitation competencies (parents learn how to interact with the child), the formation of positive motivation for the formation of new social connections (the circle of contacts expands)

2. There will be an increase in the level of communication skills, strengthening the resource potential of families raising children with disabilities, and motivation to form new social connections.

3. The level of parental competence in matters of upbringing and development of children, their recreation and health improvement will increase.

4. The program will help improve the level of communication skills, increase interest in various types of creativity, strengthen the resource potential of families raising children with disabilities, and motivate them to form new social connections.

Thus, our proposed program will contribute to effective social and pedagogical support for families raising a disabled child.

Assistance to children with disabilities and people with disabilities since childhood is regulated at the state level. Such families are entitled to various monthly payments (pensions and benefits), as well as several types of labor, monetary and social benefits.

All these types of support from the state are designed to provide the disabled child, his parents and guardians with the most necessary things, assist his social adaptation, maintain health and create opportunities that correspond to the capabilities of other citizens.

Cash payments for disabled children are processed by application through departments Pension Fund of Russia(PFR) or multifunctional cents(MFC). Each of them will require independent registration and submission of the required package of documents.

Set of social services (NSS) for disabled children

Disabled children and persons with disabilities since childhood who receive a monthly cash payment are also automatically provided with a monthly set of social services by law. in kind. It consists of three main blocks and can be paid in a specified monetary equivalent.

The recipient of the NSO or his parents (guardians) may refuse from receiving social services in kind, fully or partially, receiving monetary compensation instead. You can change the order in which you receive a set of services only from January 1 each subsequent year, provided that the corresponding application to the Pension Fund is submitted before October 1 of the current year.

Amount of NSO from 02/01/2017, rub.

Note: A child with a disability, as well as a group I disabled person since childhood, who can only travel with an escort, has the right to receive a second trip to the resort for an accompanying person, as well as to be provided with free tickets when traveling to the place of treatment and back.

Since the NSO is part of the EDV, to obtain it you do not need to go to the Pension Fund and write a separate application! When prescribing EDV, a disabled child immediately automatically develops right to NSO in kind, about which the Pension Fund issues a corresponding certificate.

This help contains the following information:

  • category of beneficiary (disabled child or disabled since childhood);
  • for what period is the EDV established;
  • what social services within the NSO a citizen is entitled to in a particular year.

Based on this certificate, presented to medical, preventive institutions or railway ticket offices throughout the country, appropriate social services can be provided.

A citizen also has the right to refuse to receive NSI in kind, receiving instead the cash equivalent as part of the EDV. Relevant statement of refusal from NSO it is enough to submit no later than October 1 of the current year to the territorial body of the Pension Fund - then it will be valid from January 1 of the next year on an ongoing basis until the recipient changes his decision.

Allowance for caring for a disabled child for a non-working parent

If an able-bodied parent (guardian or other person) is caring for a child who requires constant supervision and is unable to work for this reason, he can count on. For the provision of care, each disabled child or disabled child of group I is entitled to a payment in the amount of:

  • 5500 rub.- if care is provided by a parent, adoptive parent or guardian
  • 1200 rub.- if another person is caring for you).

For II and III disability groups for a child after 18 years of age, this benefit not allowed. Below are some other features of its purpose:

  • when applying for payment, parents (guardians) will need to document that the child needs constant care;
  • the payment is transferred together with;
  • benefits are due able-bodied non-working citizens, carrying out, and is not paid to pensioners or recipients of unemployment benefits through the employment service (PES).

Unlike other payments from the Pension Fund, the amount of this benefit not subject to annual indexation. Moreover, until 2013, the payment amount was uniform and amounted to 1,200 rubles. regardless of who provides care, and now an increased amount of 5,500 rubles has been established. for parents and guardians.

To apply for benefits, you will need to contact the Pension Fund with the following: set of documents:

  • identity card and work book of the caregiver;
  • 2 statements:
    • on the assignment of benefits from a non-working able-bodied citizen caring for a child, indicating the start date;
    • about consent to provide care from a parent, guardian or other legal representative of a disabled child or a person disabled since childhood of group 1 (not required if the care is provided by these persons themselves);
  • 2 certificates for the caregiver:
    • from the pension fund at the place of residence of the caregiver that he is not being paid a pension;
    • from the employment service about his non-receipt of unemployment benefits;
  • an extract from the certificate of examination of a disabled child by the ITU (sent to the Pension Fund independently through interdepartmental interaction channels).

Maternity capital for social adaptation and integration into society

Funds from maternity capital can be spent on purchase of goods and payment for services, aimed at social adaptation and integration into society of a disabled child (any of the children in the family, and not the obligatory one who has given the right to a certificate) in the form of compensation money already spent on it.

Invest in payment for medical services, rehabilitation and purchase of medicines not allowed! In practice, it became possible to use money from maternity capital for disabled children only after the release of Order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 831-r dated April 30, 2016, approving the list of relevant goods and services (48 items).

Documents that need to be submitted to the Pension Fund for the transfer of maternity capital funds:

  • statement from the mother;
  • passport and SNILS of the applicant;
  • individual program of rehabilitation (habilitation) for a child (IPR, IPRA);
  • documents confirming the purchase of goods and services for social services. adaptation and integration;
  • a social security act confirming the availability and compliance of the purchased product with the needs of the child (if the product was purchased and not a service);
  • applicant's bank account details.

Benefits for disabled children and their parents in 2019

In addition to cash payments, children with disabilities and their parents are provided with many benefits designed to improve their standard of living.

The state assumes the obligation to support families in which family members have special needs, based on the principle categoricality. That is, assistance is provided for each disabled child whose family has grounds for receiving benefits and payments, and not. Those. All these types of assistance are assigned regardless of the financial situation of the family, and the state does not plan to revise this principle in the near future.

Tax deduction for a disabled child in 2019 (personal income tax benefit)

For everyone of disabled children under 18 years of age (or for a full-time student, graduate student with group 1 or 2 disabilities up to 24 years of age), a personal income tax benefit is provided, which is due both parents(adoptive parents, guardians) of a disabled child.

Land plot and the right to additional living space

In Art. 17 of Law No. 181-FZ of November 24, 1995 stipulates benefits for families with disabled children regarding living space and the right to improve living conditions. Among them:

  • The opportunity to obtain residential premises as a property or under a social tenancy agreement if there is a need to improve living conditions (for those registered as needing to improve living conditions). At the same time, the area of ​​the premises under the social tenancy agreement must exceed the standards per person, but not more than twice.
  • Priority acquisition of a plot of land for the construction of a residential private house, farming or gardening.
  • Compensation 50%:
    • to pay for housing and utilities (according to standards);
    • to pay a contribution for major housing repairs.

Right to additional living space(a separate room or an additional 10 sq. m.) is provided to families in which children suffer from mental disorders, central nervous system lesions with severe consequences and there is a need to use wheelchairs.

Benefits when a child enrolls in college or university

Provided that the child is disabled or has been disabled since childhood passed the entrance examination in a higher or secondary specialized educational institution, he must be enrolled without competition without taking into account the data of the certificate. But only on the condition that studying at a particular institution is not contraindicated based on the results of the medical examination.

When entering a university under a bachelor's or specialist's degree program, a disabled child or a person with disabilities from childhood of groups 1, 2, 3 is provided with the following benefits:

  • the opportunity to enroll without entrance exams on a budget;
  • admission within the quota upon successful passing of exams;
  • preferential right to admission (if an applicant without benefits and a disabled person have the same number of points, preference is given to the latter);
  • free education in the preparatory department, if the child has no contraindications to study in this institution.

These benefits can be used just one time Therefore, you should choose your educational institution and future specialty very carefully.

When submitting an application to an educational institution, you must provide the following documents:

  • statement;
  • identification;
  • confirmation of the applicant’s special rights (certificate of disability);
  • conclusion of the medical-psychological-pedagogical commission;
  • conclusion about the absence of contraindications to study at this institution.

Other social support measures for disabled children

Children with special needs can count on the following additional types of social assistance:

  • priority admission of preschoolers to kindergartens, free attendance;
  • the opportunity to study the school curriculum at home (if the inability to attend school is confirmed by a medical certificate);
  • free school meals;
  • gentle regime for passing the Unified State Exam;
  • assistance from social services in rehabilitation (social, psychological).


Unfortunately, on the way to maximum social adaptation of children and disabled people from childhood, in order to create opportunities for them to live a full life, Russian society still needs to overcome many obstacles. However, the state assumes the responsibility to support disabled children and their families. Support is provided both in monetary form (