What is state social assistance and who is entitled to it? Financial support for a former employee. Labor benefits for single mothers

People with disabilities in the Russian Federation receive the status of a disabled person. It gives the right to certain guarantees from the state, due to the inability to work fully and provide for oneself and family members.

Social assistance to disabled people in Russia is provided at the federal and regional levels. Some preferences are the same throughout the country. These benefits are defined by Federal Law No. 181-FZ “On the social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation” dated November 24, 1995.

The legislation does not prohibit regional authorities from developing and implementing additional measures of state support for this group of citizens in their jurisdiction.

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Who is disabled

Citizens with serious impairments of body functions can apply for social support using budget funds. Their condition is recorded officially by a medical and social examination - a government body that has a special permit for its activities. Social support for people with disabilities is determined by two factors:

  • the degree of damage to the body, that is, the disability group;
  • causes of disability.
  1. Disabled people are divided into three groups, focusing on a person’s ability to work and care for themselves. In addition, those who have been disabled since childhood are identified. These are people who have suffered congenital diseases, injuries, or injuries.
  2. The causes of disorders are determined by the factors that affected the body. Among them are:
    • general diseases;
    • injuries and injuries received during work;
    • diseases caused by:
      • technogenic factors;
      • interactions with harmful factors during work;
    • participation in combat operations.

Important: the status of a disabled person must be confirmed regularly:

  • Groups 2 and 3 - once a year;
  • 1 group - once every two years;
  • disabled people since childhood - once.

Social support measures for citizens with disabilities

Government preferences for people with disabilities vary. They depend not only on the group, but also on the conditions under which the ability to work was lost.

This means that a group of citizens injured as a result of an accident at nuclear facilities may be provided with separate benefits that do not apply to other holders of the same disability group.

Important: in addition to the ITU certificate, which officially indicates the group, individuals also receive a preferential certificate confirming their membership in a certain group of beneficiaries.

For example, the state provides much more guarantees to combat disabled people than to general disabled people.

Social support for disabled people of group 1

This group includes citizens with persistent impairments of body functions. They are provided with the following types of assistance at the expense of the budget:

  • enrollment without competition into educational institutions with state accreditation, subject to successful passing of entrance tests;
  • provision of a scholarship, the amount of which is twice the amount for a given educational institution;
  • reduction of the working week to 35 hours in case of employment;
  • For working disabled people, the enterprise administration is obliged to provide additional unpaid leave of up to 60 days upon request;
  • free use of any type of public transport (except taxi);
  • benefits for using transport lines within the region;
  • reduction of fees for the use of utility services;
  • exemption from taxation of real estate of disabled people, as well as inherited property.

All disabled people are entitled to pension benefits. Its size depends on the degree of disability (group).

In addition, these people receive additional payments from the budget. For disabled people of group 1 they are:

  1. The disability benefit in 2017 is 3,357.23 rubles.
  2. Monthly cash payment 3538.52 rubles.
  3. The size of the social pension assigned in the absence of official work experience varies depending on the presence of dependents:
    • for the disabled person of the 1st group - 9919.73 rubles;
    • if there is one dependent - 10,637.50 rubles;
    • two - 12157.13 rubles;
    • three or more - RUB 13,767.78.
Important: EDV is a payment that replaces a set of social services from the state. If a citizen decides to use them in kind, the size of the payment will be reduced.

Preferences for disabled people of group 2

These citizens have the right to receive all the same benefits as listed above. There are no particular differences in the preferences provided at the place of duty (during employment), in the field of education, compensation for transportation costs, and payment for utilities. However, the majority of citizens with group 2 disabilities are able to work. This affects the amount of pension and other payments. Namely:

  • the supplement to the pension is 2397.59 rubles;
  • EDV - 2527.06 rub.
  • social pension (if there is no experience) - 4558.93 rubles;
  • if you have dependents:
    • one - 6078.57 rubles;
    • two - 7598.21 rubles;
    • three or more - 9117.85 rubles.
Attention: citizens with visual and hearing impairments are entitled to separate types of assistance.

Namely services:

  • sign language interpreter;
  • typhological translator;
  • audio commentary.

Measures to support disabled people of group 3

This group of citizens as a whole is provided with the same preferences, with some exceptions. Namely, they do not have the right:

  • for non-competitive enrollment in educational institutions;
  • increased stipend;
  • tax exemption.

Payments to citizens with disability group 3 are also lower:

  • supplement to pension - 1919.3 rubles;
  • EDV - 2022.24 rubles;
  • social pension 2279.47 rubles;
    • RUB 3,799.11 - if there is one dependent;
    • 5318.75 rub. - two;
    • 6838.39 rub. - three or more.
Important: working disabled people of group 3 are compensated for 50% of the costs of purchasing medicines purchased according to doctor’s prescriptions.

State support for disabled children

The legislation of the Russian Federation establishes preferences for citizens from 0 years of age who have health limitations. They are expressed as follows:

  1. Payments to parents of disabled children who are unable to receive education in regular schools (kindergartens). This money should be used to organize individual training.
  2. Compensation for the cost of traveling to a place of health once a year for a child with disabilities and an accompanying person.
  3. Public hospital services for treatment and rehabilitation are provided free of charge.
  4. Also, parents do not pay for medications prescribed by doctors for these children and technical rehabilitation products.

Disabled children receive EDV in the amount of 2,527.06 rubles in 2017. In addition, their parents receive support from the budget. On average, its size is 13 thousand rubles.

Important: guardians of children with health limitations also have the right to all payments and other preferences, like biological parents.

Social support for families raising a disabled child

Parents (guardians) of children with disabilities also enjoy certain preferences from the state.

There are several areas established by law in which these people have benefits. Namely:

  1. At the place of duty, upon application, the length of the working week is reduced and they are given additional rest time without retaining their earnings.
  2. In the area of ​​pensions, their mandatory length of service has been reduced by five years.
  3. Families raising disabled children are provided with housing subsidies if they need improved living conditions.
  4. Free medicine for the child, including:
    • provision of rehabilitation means according to the doctor’s indications;
    • discounts on the purchase of medicines.
  5. Tax preferences include exemption from certain payments, as well as the right to a tax deduction (3,000 rubles per disabled child).
Important: parents who are unable to find a job due to the need to constantly care for a sick child are paid benefits.

Measures to organize rehabilitation and habilitation

In 2016, changes occurred in the legislative framework of the Russian Federation that differentiated the terms “rehabilitation” and “habilitation”. The first means efforts aimed at restoring the functions of the affected organism. The second is working with children with physical disabilities, aimed at developing their initial skills.

Attention: all citizens with disabilities can receive rehabilitation assistance.

It includes the following types of events:

  1. Medical procedures, prosthetics, spa treatment.
  2. Providing assistance in obtaining a suitable profession and employment.
  3. Legal support free of charge.
  4. Psychological assistance with the aim of organizing the normal entry of citizens into the social environment.
Important: as part of these activities, citizens are provided with special technical devices, including cars. In addition, they are provided with information support.

Habilitation programs boil down to:

  • medical support to restore body functions;
  • organizing pedagogical support for children;
  • creating conditions for parents to obtain the necessary knowledge.
Important: as part of the state program to provide affordable housing to citizens of the Russian Federation, regions are developing measures to create residential complexes for people with disabilities.

Watch a video about social support for people with disabilities

Mar 14, 2019 10:53 website


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Document's name:
Document Number: 55
Document type: Moscow city law
Receiving authority: Moscow City Duma
Status: Active
Acceptance date: October 26, 2005
Start date: December 10, 2005
Revision date: December 16, 2015

On additional measures of social support for disabled people and other persons with disabilities in the city of Moscow


On additional social measures
support for people with disabilities and others
with disabilities
in Moscow

Document with changes made:
(Bulletin of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, N 40, 07/20/2010);
(Official website of the Moscow City Duma www.duma.mos.ru, 12/24/2015).

This Law, on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts, laws and other legal acts of the city of Moscow, regulates relations related to the provision of disabled people and other persons with disabilities with additional measures of social support for medical, professional and social rehabilitation, habilitation, providing technical means of rehabilitation, upbringing and education, promoting their employment (hereinafter referred to as social support measures).
(Preamble as amended, put into effect on January 4, 2016 by Moscow City Law of December 16, 2015 N 71.

Chapter 1. General provisions (Articles 1 - 5)

Article 1. Scope of this Law

1. This Law applies to citizens of the Russian Federation who have a place of residence in the city of Moscow, specified in Part 1 of Article 4 of this Law.

2. This Law does not regulate legal relations related to the provision of social support measures to foreign citizens, as well as stateless persons living in the city of Moscow.

Article 2. Basic principles of activities for the implementation of social support measures

1. Activities to implement social support measures established by this Law are based on the principles:

1) maintaining the previously achieved level of social protection of citizens and constantly increasing it;

2) providing citizens with the opportunity to adapt to new conditions in connection with changes in federal legislation regulating issues of social support for citizens.

Article 3. Objectives of this Law

The objectives of this Law are:

1) creation of conditions for restoring the abilities of disabled people and other persons with disabilities for everyday, social and professional activities;

2) it is possible to fully satisfy the needs of these persons for rehabilitation or habilitation;
Law of the city of Moscow dated December 16, 2015 N 71.

3) improving the quality and standard of living of these persons.

Article 4. Citizens who are provided with social support measures

1. This Law establishes social support measures for the following citizens:

1) disabled people of groups I, II, III (regardless of the cause of disability);

2) disabled children;

3) persons who are not recognized in the established order as disabled children and disabled people of groups I, II, III, but who have temporary or permanent disabilities and need social support measures.

2. Limitation of life activity is understood as the complete or partial loss of a person’s ability or ability to perform self-care, move independently, navigate, communicate, control one’s behavior, study, or engage in work.

Article 5. Implementation of social support measures

1. Social support measures established by this Law are provided without payment or on preferential terms.

2. The procedure and conditions for providing social support measures are established by the Moscow Government.
Law of the city of Moscow dated December 16, 2015 N 71.

3. Social support measures established by this Law are provided to citizens at their place of residence on the basis of a personal application or an application from their legal representatives.

Chapter 2. Provision of social support measures (Articles 6 - 15)

Article 6. Social support measures provided to disabled people and other persons with disabilities

Citizens specified in Part 1 of Article 4 of this Law, in addition to the federal list of rehabilitation measures, technical means of rehabilitation and services approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, are provided with the following social support measures:

1) services for medical, professional and social rehabilitation or habilitation services (including the creation of the necessary conditions for the upbringing and education of disabled children, vocational training), including the provision of technical means of rehabilitation and prosthetic and orthopedic products, according to the list approved by the Moscow Government ;
(Clause as amended, put into effect on January 4, 2016 by Moscow City Law of December 16, 2015 N 71.

2) assistance in ensuring employment;

3) providing access to social, transport and engineering infrastructure facilities of the city of Moscow;

4) other state guarantees established by the legislation of the city of Moscow.

Article 7. Provision of rehabilitation and habilitation services to disabled people and other persons with disabilities

(The title as amended, put into effect on January 4, 2016 by Moscow City Law of December 16, 2015 N 71.

1. In order to meet the needs of disabled people and other persons with disabilities in comprehensive rehabilitation or habilitation, the authorized executive authorities of the city of Moscow guarantee the provision by organizations under their jurisdiction of services in the field of medical, professional and social rehabilitation, habilitation services, and also attract, if necessary, organizations carrying out activities for the rehabilitation and habilitation of disabled people.
(Part as amended, put into effect on January 4, 2016 by Moscow City Law of December 16, 2015 N 71.

2. Coordination of activities in the city of Moscow in the field of medical, professional and social rehabilitation, habilitation of disabled people and other persons with disabilities is carried out by the authorized executive body of the city of Moscow in the field of social protection of the population.
(Part as amended, put into effect on January 4, 2016 by Moscow City Law of December 16, 2015 N 71.

3. The organization and provision of qualified medical care to disabled people and other persons with disabilities, including medical rehabilitation and habilitation, is carried out by authorized executive authorities of the city of Moscow in the field of healthcare and organizations subordinate to them in accordance with federal legislation and the legislation of the city of Moscow on the basis of medical care standards , approved by the authorized federal executive body in the manner established by Federal Law of November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”.
(Part as amended, put into effect on January 4, 2016 by Moscow City Law of December 16, 2015 N 71.

Article 8. Providing disabled people and other persons with disabilities with technical means of rehabilitation and prosthetic and orthopedic products

1. Technical means of rehabilitation and prosthetic and orthopedic products are provided to disabled people and other persons with disabilities based on medical indications, taking into account social criteria.

2. Medical indications for disabled persons are determined in the manner established by federal legislation; for other persons with disabilities - by medical and preventive institutions.

3. Social criteria are:

1) degree of disability;

2) level of rehabilitation capabilities;

3) the possibility of social integration.

4. Social criteria are determined by the authorized executive body of the city of Moscow in the field of social protection of the population based on the needs of a disabled person or person with disabilities to restore their previous or acquire a new social status by obtaining professional knowledge, skills and abilities, social adaptation, physical education and sports , satisfying spiritual needs.

5. The decision to provide a disabled person or other person with disabilities with technical means of rehabilitation and prosthetic and orthopedic products is made by the authorized executive authorities of the city of Moscow.

Article 9. Upbringing and education of disabled people and other persons with disabilities

1. The executive authorities of the city of Moscow create special conditions for people with disabilities, including disabled children, in accordance with an individual rehabilitation or habilitation program and other persons with disabilities (based on a medical report) for education, education and professional training, taking into account their individual characteristics psychophysical development, health and disabilities in the manner established by federal legislation and legal acts of the city of Moscow.
(Part as amended, put into effect on January 4, 2016 by Moscow City Law of December 16, 2015 N 71.

2. Ensuring that the persons specified in Part 1 of Article 4 of this Law receive preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general, secondary vocational, higher and additional education is carried out in accordance with federal legislation and regulatory legal acts of the city of Moscow.
(Part as amended, put into effect on January 4, 2016 by Moscow City Law of December 16, 2015 N 71.

3. Taking into account the needs and capabilities of people with disabilities, including disabled children, and other persons with disabilities, education can be obtained in organizations engaged in educational activities (in full-time, part-time, correspondence forms of education), and outside such organizations (in the form family education and self-education) in accordance with federal legislation. For disabled children and other persons with disabilities who, for health reasons, cannot attend educational organizations, education in basic general education programs can be organized at home.
(Part as amended, put into effect on January 4, 2016 by Moscow City Law of December 16, 2015 N 71.

4. For persons specified in part 1 of Article 4 of this Law, mastering educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary general, secondary vocational, higher education and additional educational programs, conditions are created for learning using various educational technologies, including distance learning educational technologies, e-learning.
(Part as amended, put into effect on January 4, 2016 by Moscow City Law of December 16, 2015 N 71.

5. The procedure for regulating and formalizing relations between a state or municipal educational organization and parents (legal representatives) of disabled children in terms of organizing training in basic general education programs at home (in accordance with an individual rehabilitation or habilitation program) and the amount of compensation for the costs of parents (legal representatives) for these purposes are determined by legal acts of the city of Moscow and are expenditure obligations of the city of Moscow.
(Part as amended, put into effect on January 4, 2016 by Moscow City Law of December 16, 2015 N 71.

Article 10. Ensuring employment of disabled people

1. State authorities of the city of Moscow, within their competence, provide additional guarantees of employment for people with disabilities through the development and implementation of state programs of the city of Moscow in the field of promoting employment, creating additional jobs and specialized organizations (including organizations for the work of people with disabilities), reserving jobs by profession, most suitable for the employment of disabled people, establishing a quota for hiring disabled people, providing vocational guidance and adaptation services, organizing training under special programs, determining the procedure for special events to provide disabled people with guarantees of employment and other measures to ensure the employment of disabled people.
(Part as amended, put into effect on January 4, 2016 by Moscow City Law of December 16, 2015 N 71.

2. Disabled persons, as a matter of priority, receive vocational training and additional vocational education in accordance with individual rehabilitation or habilitation programs for professions (specialties) in demand in the labor market
(Part as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow dated June 23, 2010 N 29; as amended by the Law of the City of Moscow dated 16 December 2015 N 71.

3. In order to ensure guarantees of employment, a disabled person is provided with work with the creation of the necessary working conditions in accordance with his individual rehabilitation or habilitation program.
(Part as amended, put into effect on January 4, 2016 by Moscow City Law of December 16, 2015 N 71.

Article 11. Access of disabled people to social, transport and engineering infrastructure facilities of the city of Moscow

1. Legal, organizational and economic relations related to the creation of conditions for the use of objects of social, transport and engineering infrastructure of the city of Moscow by disabled people and other persons with disabilities are regulated by federal legislation, the Law of the city of Moscow of January 17, 2001 No. 3 “On ensuring unhindered access for disabled people and other citizens with limited mobility to social, transport and engineering infrastructure facilities of the city of Moscow" and other legal acts of the city of Moscow.
(Part as amended, put into effect on January 4, 2016 by Moscow City Law of December 16, 2015 N 71.

2. Part lost force on January 4, 2016 - Moscow City Law of December 16, 2015 N 71..

Article 12. Mechanism for implementing measures of social support for disabled people and other persons with disabilities

In order to implement the measures of social support for disabled people and other persons with disabilities established by this Law, the executive authorities of the city of Moscow provide:

1) further development of the network of organizations subordinate to them operating in the field of medical, professional and social rehabilitation, habilitation of the disabled;
(Clause as amended, put into effect on January 4, 2016 by Moscow City Law of December 16, 2015 N 71.

2) development and implementation of state programs of the city of Moscow on issues of social integration of disabled people;
(Clause as amended, put into effect on January 4, 2016 by Moscow City Law of December 16, 2015 N 71.

3) operation and further development of a comprehensive automated information system on issues of rehabilitation, habilitation of disabled people and other persons with disabilities;
(Clause as amended, put into effect on January 4, 2016 by Moscow City Law of December 16, 2015 N 71.

4) assistance in the production of technical means of rehabilitation and the development of non-governmental organizations engaged in rehabilitation, habilitation of disabled people and other persons with disabilities;
(Clause as amended, put into effect on January 4, 2016 by Moscow City Law of December 16, 2015 N 71.

5) promoting the activities of public associations of disabled people and their enterprises, including by providing them with the necessary premises to carry out their statutory goals.

Article 13. Citywide special register of recipients of social support measures for disabled people and other persons with disabilities

1. The citywide special register of recipients of social support measures for disabled people and other persons with disabilities (hereinafter referred to as the Register) contains the following personalized information about citizens who have a place of residence in the city of Moscow and have the right to receive social support measures established by this Law:

1) last name, first name, patronymic;

2) date of birth;

4) address of residence;

5) series and number of the passport or identity card, the date of issue of the specified documents, on the basis of which the relevant information was included in the Register, the name of the authority that issued them;

6) date of inclusion in the Register;

7) information about documents confirming the citizen’s right to receive social support measures;

8) information about the volume and date of receipt of social support measures;

9) other information determined by the Moscow Government.

2. The Register is maintained by the social protection authorities of the city of Moscow in the manner established by legal acts of the city of Moscow. These bodies ensure, in accordance with federal legislation, the level and regime of protection, processing and use of information.

3. The register is an integral part of the information resource of the city of Moscow - the “Disabled People” data bank, which has the status of an official source of city information.

Article 14. Financing of social support measures

Social support measures provided for by this Law are expenditure obligations of the city of Moscow.

Article 15. Entry into force of this Law

1. This Law comes into force 10 days after its official publication.

2. This Law applies to legal relations that arose from January 1, 2005.

Mayor of Moscow
Yuri Luzhkov

Revision of the document taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Kodeks"

On additional measures of social support for people with disabilities and other persons with disabilities in the city of Moscow (as amended as of December 16, 2015)

Document's name: On additional measures of social support for people with disabilities and other persons with disabilities in the city of Moscow (as amended as of December 16, 2015)
Document Number: 55
Document type: Moscow city law
Receiving authority: Moscow City Duma
Status: Active
Published: Gazette of the Moscow City Duma, N 12, 12/22/2005

Bulletin of the Mayor and Government of Moscow, N 68, 05.12.2005

Tverskaya, 13, N 143, 11/29/2005

Acceptance date: October 26, 2005
Start date: December 10, 2005
Revision date: December 16, 2015

In our new material, we will talk about the types of benefits that disabled people of all groups living in the Russian Federation can take advantage of this year.

Disability insurance pension

This type of pension is awarded to people with disabilities who have been assigned group 1, 2 or 3. In this case, the insurance period plays a role, regardless of its duration. By the way, the reasons that led to disability, as well as the period of its onset, are not important. The same applies to the fact that a disabled person is employed.

In 2019 (from January 1), the monthly insurance pension accrued to disabled people of group 1 is equal to 10,668.38 rubles (without dependents). The pension changes upward if there is one dependent (12,446.44 rubles), two (14,224.50 rubles) or three (16,002.56 rubles).

Disabled people of group 2 are entitled to 5334.19 rubles. The number of dependent persons also influences here. If we are talking about one person, the payment will reach 7112.25 rubles. When there are several dependents, 8890.31 rubles are charged. With an increase of one more person, the insurance pension reaches 10,668.37 rubles.

For those who have group 3, 2667.10 rubles per month are provided. The presence of a dependent increases this amount to 4,445.16 rubles. The more dependents, the higher the pension (6223.22 rubles and 8001.28 rubles - the latter amount is issued for three dependents).

Social disability pension

Such a pension is assigned to citizens of the Russian Federation who are considered disabled.

Indexation of pensions and disability payments in 2019

If we talk about the current period, social pensions increased by 2%, while insurance pensions increased by 7.05%. As for social payments, the increase here is 4.3%. The average disability pension reached 9.1 thousand rubles. In 2018, 2.9% was added to pension payments, and the indexation of social funds reached 2.5%.

Additional information on payments to disabled people

Disabled people have the opportunity to use a range of social services (we are talking about a social package or SSS). But these services are also offered in the form of monetary compensation, which since February 1, 2019 has also undergone changes in the direction of increase. In particular, they give:

For medicines 863.75 rubles;

For a trip to the sanatorium 133.61 rubles;

Travel to the sanatorium (by train, bus, train, plane) is 124.05 rubles.

In general, this year it is equal to 1121.41 rubles.

Among other things, social security staff can provide the following services if necessary::

Caring for a person with disabilities and organizing meals;

Assistance in obtaining legal, medical, socio-psychological and other types of assistance (for example, in-kind assistance related to employment, funerals, etc.).

You have the right to receive this or that support for free:

Disabled people whose relatives, due to objective reasons, are not able to care for them, etc. (in this case, the pension of the recipient of services with all allowances must be less than the subsistence level);

Persons with disabilities living in a family with a total income below the minimum wage established in the region.

Partial (incomplete) payment for services is provided if the disabled person has:

Pension (plus bonuses) amounting to 100-150% of the current minimum subsistence level within the region;

Relatives who are unable to care for those in need, and the amount of pensions of these citizens with supplements is also equal to 100-150% of the regional minimum;

A family with an average per capita income not exceeding 100-150% of the minimum wage calculated for living in a particular region.

Benefits for people with disabilities in the field of education

Holders of disability groups 1 and 2 can enter any municipal educational institution, higher vocational education and secondary vocational education without competition. Moreover, any disabled person has the right to a scholarship.

Benefits related to spa treatment

When going to a sanatorium together with a disabled person of group 1, the accompanying person (with the approval of social security) is provided with a voucher (free of charge). He is also provided with travel under the conditions applicable to a person with disabilities. It is noteworthy that, in general, unemployed people with disabilities do not pay for travel and rest in a sanatorium, and working people receive a 50% discount.

Benefits for medicines

Disabled people of group 2 who are not employed and persons with disabilities (group 1) receive prescription medications free of charge (there is an approved list). Having group 2 and work, or group 3 (in the absence of activity), you can claim a deduction of half the cost of a certain drug prescribed by a doctor.

Transport benefits for disabled pensioners

City passenger transport carries out transportation of disabled children and those caring for them on preferential terms. Disabled people are also included in this group. Both can purchase a travel ticket at a special discounted price, which is set by the authorities in each region.

Social benefits for disabled people

Let us recall that in 2005 social. benefits have been replaced, that is, with monthly cash payments provided for both disabled children, disabled people, and veterans. Former prisoners of fascist camps and those who suffered from radiation are also indicated here.

3782.94 rubles (1st disability group);

2701.67 rubles (disabled children and group 2);

2162.51 rubles (for group 3);

Privileges of disabled people in civil and family law

Experts emphasize that people with disabilities cannot be discriminated against based on salary and other significant factors. Disabled people of groups 2 and 1 must work no more than 35 hours a week (unless they agree to other conditions). At the same time, wages are retained in full.

Plus, every year a disabled person has the right to rest for 30 days (no less if we assume that the working week is six days). An employee can work beyond the agreed time, at night or on weekends, by his own consent and agreement with the employer, unless this is directly prohibited in medical recommendations (here it is worth focusing on the IPR).

Benefits under housing legislation

Families raising disabled children, as well as adults with disabilities, receive a discount of at least 50% on apartment rent if we are talking about a house belonging to a public or municipal housing stock. Utilities are paid with the same discount (the housing stock is not important here).

In addition, disabled people and families with unhealthy children have the right to receive a plot of land first. The territory is intended for the construction of individual housing, gardening, dacha and subsidiary farming. Note that, according to the Presidential Decree, the site must be a place suitable for the life of a disabled person.

Plus, it is important to take into account some requirements regarding the purchase and sale of residential premises and payment for services. For example, a disabled person may live in an alienated house (premises) all his life or apply for another space that meets the requirements of housing legislation. In addition, a disabled person has the right to receive the required assistance, food and material components.

Tax benefits

Insurance premiums

Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities with individual entrepreneurs (we are talking about organizations) have the opportunity in the first case to pay 20.2% for a disabled person (until 2012), and in the second - 27.1% (since 2013). These contributions are mandatory, but not every Pension Fund agrees with these values.

Contributions for injuries

In relation to the heads of organizations, if necessary, a benefit is applied to payments accrued to disabled employees of groups 1, 2 or 3. From the salary of such an employee, 60% of the insurance rate should be paid (this is indicated by Articles 1 and 2 of the Federal Law of July 21, 2007 N 186-FZ). It is worth knowing that under a civil law agreement, payments when calculating the amount of contributions are taken into account only in accordance with the clauses of the concluded agreement (see paragraph 4, paragraph 1, article 5 of the above-mentioned Federal Law of July 24, 1998 N 125-FZ “On Compulsory Social Insurance from accidents at work and occupational diseases").

As for the tax on property and land owned by organizations, paragraph 3 of Article 381 and paragraph 5 of Article 395 of the Tax Code, these taxes are not paid:

Public organizations of disabled people, where the latter are at least 80%;

Organizations with an authorized capital consisting of 100% of contributions made by the institutions specified in the previous paragraph (in this case, there must be at least 50% of employees with disabilities, and their share in the wage fund is equal to 25% or more);

Organizations whose property is owned by disabled people's societies.

Income tax

Based on paragraph 1 and subparagraph 38 in Article 264 of the Tax Code, other expenses can include those borne by taxpayer organizations that provide work to disabled people and provide their social protection.

But for this, half (or more) of the employees must be with disabilities, and on average, of the total salaries, 25% or more must be spent on paying for their activities.

We emphasize that disabled people working under civil contracts (for example, contractors) or part-time cannot be considered together with other employees who have a group.

Plus, the specified point gives an idea of ​​the goals of social protection for people with disabilities. This includes:

Changing safety and working conditions for the better;

Preservation and creation of jobs for people with disabilities, including those who work at home or need special equipment (installation and purchase of the latter is not excluded);

Training and provision of work for people with disabilities;

Repair and creation of prosthetic products;

Purchase and maintenance of rehabilitation equipment (including the purchase of guide dogs);

Sanatorium and resort services for people with disabilities and their accompanying persons (important for disabled children and those with group 1);

Protecting the rights and interests of citizens with health problems;

Organization of various events that promote the integration of persons with disabilities into society;

Ensuring equal opportunities with healthy people (the same applies to support);

Directing contributions to organizations for the disabled, etc.

Labor costs

An employer who employs a disabled person is provided with the opportunity to increase labor costs. Paragraph 23 of Article 255 of the Tax Code states that the costs of additional payments to citizens with disabilities are included in labor costs, which are taken into account when determining taxable profits.

For example, if a disabled person exposed to radiation is transferred to another position with a lower salary than he had before, he has the right to receive an additional payment (clause 4 of article 14 of the Federal Law of May 15, 1991 N 1244-1 “On the social protection of citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant").

Personal income tax

There is a tax deduction of 3,000 rubles from wages if we are talking about disabled people of the Second World War, shell-shocked, maimed or wounded (groups 1, 2, 3) during the defense of the Russian Federation or the USSR. But the amount is 500 rubles. per month is provided for disabled people of the first two categories (2 or 1) and from childhood. childhood; disabled people of groups I and II.

Personal income tax is not assessed:

Vouchers to health and sanatorium-resort institutions (not counting tourist ones), if they were purchased with money remaining after the employer paid income tax (clause 9 of Article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);

Amounts used for the purchase of technical, rehabilitation and other means of assistance for people with disabilities (for example, hearing aids);

Financial assistance up to 4,000 rubles, issued by the employer to disabled pensioners (clause 28 of article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);

Reimbursement to a person with disabilities for the cost of medications prescribed by a doctor (no more than 4,000 rubles, this is discussed in clause 28 of Article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Transport tax

The rate per horsepower for disabled people and pensioners is reduced by half if they themselves purchased a passenger vehicle with an overall engine power of up to 150 hp. Also, in some regions, under these conditions, you can not pay this tax at all (if the vehicle belongs to a disabled person of groups 1, 2 or a WWII veteran).

Land tax

For disabled people since childhood, WWII and holders of group 1 or 2 for life (if the conclusion does not limit work activity and was issued before January 1, 2004), the amount not subject to tax on their own land is reduced by 10,000 rubles.

Property tax for individuals

Persons with disabilities since childhood, as well as those with groups 1 and 2, are exempt from paying it.

State duties

For disability groups 1 and 2, you can avoid paying a fee by filing a property claim with an amount of damage of less than a million rubles. The same is true for the state duty “for applying to courts of general jurisdiction.” A 50% discount applies to disabled people of categories 1 and 2 for any notary services.

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Free in Russia

Social assistance to pensioners of all categories is a priority area of ​​state social policy. Of course, this assistance does not always reach those in need in full, but this area is developing and a lot has already been achieved. There is hope that the number of satisfied applications will steadily increase and Russia will take its rightful place in the world classification of socially protected countries.

Receiving any type of assistance, in accordance with Art. 7 of Law 178 - Federal Law, is provided in the form of cash payments or in-kind assistance. A pensioner may apply for subsidies, compensation, benefits, the provision of social services and the provision of medicines, clothing or food. To receive social assistance, you must have the status of a low-income citizen or a pensioner with a low-income family.

Low-income and disabled pensioners

The subsistence minimum is the main value that social protection authorities are guided by when assignment of the status of a low-income citizen depends on the region of residence. Based on a certificate of the amount of pension and other profit, if any, the social protection department makes a decision on assigning status. To receive social assistance at the federal level, you must register a one-time cash payment at the territorial branch of the Pension Fund. Help can be received in the form of various types of benefits, services, or it can be replaced with cash payments. After reviewing the list of benefits, the citizen decides for himself which option is preferable for him.

In addition to 7 tbsp. 178 of the Law, there is Federal Law No. 181 - Federal Law, which regulates the procedure for receiving social assistance for disabled pensioners. It says that if you refuse the cash equivalent of the cost of a set of benefits, you can get:

  1. Medicines and medical products.
  2. Sanatorium-resort treatment for the underlying disease.
  3. Unpaid trips on trains.
  4. Free travel on all types of transport in the Russian Federation when traveling to the place of treatment.

State support for pensioners at the federal and regional levels

Federal beneficiaries are WWII veterans, combatants, decorated residents of besieged Leningrad, widows and widowers of WWII veterans, disabled people and disabled children, liquidators of nuclear accidents and victims of radiation after these accidents, working pensioners. All other categories are regional pensioners. For example, targeted financial assistance. Any pensioner who finds himself in a difficult situation can receive it, but depending on where he lives, the amount of this assistance may differ. Medicines, food, clothing and shoes - everything is decided at the local level.

Targeted social assistance

According to Law No. 442 - Federal Law, a pensioner can count on receiving fuel, transport and technical equipment for rehabilitation. Much depends on the capabilities of the regions; when applying for targeted assistance, be sure to read the regulations governing the provision of such assistance in this subject. The following are entitled to receive targeted assistance:

  1. Single pensioners whose income is below two subsistence levels.
  2. Unemployed pensioners and disabled people whose total family income also does not exceed two subsistence minimums per person.
  3. Pensioners receiving pensions from departmental departments, provided they have certificates of the amount of pension and other payments.

Targeted assistance is carried out on an application basis and is registered in the territorial departments of social protection. The state provides the following support measures: exemption from property tax and an increase in pensions after age 80. For employees - compensation for the cost of purchasing housing, the right to leave at their own expense without giving reasons, and no two-week pay off upon dismissal. The state guarantees the following types of pensions to citizens who have gone to live abroad:

  1. Insurance pension.
  2. State pension.
  3. Additional payment for pilots, miners, nuclear scientists (for special merits).
  4. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

To register, you must personally contact the Pension Fund branch or through a legal representative (clause 3 of the RF PP No. 1386).

Social supplement to pension up to the subsistence level in the capital

Throughout Russia, additional payments are made to pensioners up to the subsistence level in the region. 2019 was no exception for residents of the capital. This additional payment will be made to all non-working pensioners. Moscow Law No. 37 sets the cost of living for 2019 at 11,816 rubles. Regional social supplement is made in accordance with Moscow legal acts.

Subsidies for housing and communal services

The most popular among pensioners is the benefit for housing and communal services. A significant item of monthly expenses, some of which may be returned to the payer in the form of a subsidy. To receive compensation for a share of the costs of utility bills, you must collect a package of documents and submit them to the social security department at your place of residence. The list of required documents can be found on the State Services Portal or directly from the social security inspector.

If the costs of housing and communal services exceed the maximum permissible level (from 10 to 22% in different regions) in the total family income, a citizen can apply for subsidies. Documents are verified within 10 days. It is important to know that the federal category of pensioners is entitled to subsidies without taking into account their total income. The amount can be up to 50% of payment for housing and communal services.

Reimbursement for telephone expenses

Reimbursement for telephone expenses applies to the working category of pensioners. Yes, Art. 164 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation stipulates that compensation must reimburse the employee for communication costs if they are related to the performance of work duties. Compensation is paid from the enterprise’s own profit or from a state subsidy (if a state task was carried out).

Free and discounted medications and medical care

Every pensioner has the right to free services in city and district clinics and hospitals. If additional examinations are required in special centers, the decision is made at the local level. Disabled pensioners have the right to receive preferential medications if they have not refused social services. These are 360 ​​drugs, 228 of them are considered vital (order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 328 and No. 665). There are many territorial programs where disabled veterans receive free sanatorium vouchers and visit rehabilitation centers.

Pensioners over 60 years of age must undergo medical examination (Order of the Ministry of Health No. 100 bn) once every 3 years. Disabled veterans of the Great Patriotic War and survivors of the siege who received work-related injuries undergo examinations once a year. Anyone can get a flu vaccine for free.

Transport preferences

Transport preferences in municipal transport are regulated at the federal level and are provided to all pensioners. The differences are territorial: in Moscow it’s a transport card, in other regions it’s a discount on travel. Federal pensioners have the largest number of transport benefits:

  1. Free travel on public transport for WWII veterans.
  2. 50% discount on water and railway transport.
  3. For labor veterans - use of municipal transport and suburban transport without payment.

The benefits do not apply to commercial and air transport. Few airlines offer seasonal discounts to senior citizens. In many regions, a discount on commuter trains is provided for all categories of citizens of retirement age up to 50% of the ticket price.

One-time targeted government assistance and social contract

Targeted assistance is provided to individuals who, for a number of reasons, are unable to provide for themselves. For example, single pensioners whose health does not allow them to lead their usual lifestyle or whose property was damaged as a result of a natural disaster. This type of assistance is temporary and is aimed at helping a person quickly overcome negative factors. The amount of assistance depends on regional capabilities and the specific needs of the citizen. You can find out from the social security authorities whether a particular person falls into the category eligible to receive targeted assistance.

Another fairly new type of social assistance to citizens is a targeted contract. Such contracts are concluded between a low-income citizen and a social center. A targeted contract implies reasonable social assistance to a person in a difficult financial situation. For example, a low-income person can enter into a contract for financial assistance for the installation of water or gas meters. The social security authorities will assess the cost of the work being carried out and allocate the appropriate amount. You can conclude a contract for the development of a subsidiary farm, which will subsequently improve the situation of the applicant. The purpose of contract social assistance is to solve a specific problem and increase the level of social adaptation of low-income citizens.

Financial support for a former employee

Sometimes the enterprise where a citizen worked before reaching retirement age voluntarily assumes the costs of his social support, even if this is not stated in the Collective Agreement. Thus, a former employer can provide all possible financial assistance for the treatment of a citizen or pay for funeral costs in the event of the death of a former employee. Such payments are not required by law.

Who is entitled to and what is included in the comprehensive package of social assistance?

The social assistance package is available to single and family pensioners - disabled people and participants
military operations. It included:

  1. Expensive medicines.
  2. Treatment in a sanatorium (if there is a referral, once a year).
  3. Payment for travel to the sanatorium and back (all types of transport).

Special conditions for disabled people of group 1 - treatment in a sanatorium 2 times a year and preferential travel to the place of treatment for the applicant and accompanying person.

Registration deadlines and required documents

To receive this type of assistance, you must write an application to the pension fund at your place of residence, indicating the reason for this need. You will also need copies of a pension certificate, passport, income certificate for all family members (if living together), and a disability certificate indicating the group.

As in other cases, documents are submitted in person or through a legal representative and are reviewed within 10 days. If additional verification is needed, the law provides for a period of 30 days. In case of refusal, you can appeal the decision to the same body within 5 days.

Features of preferences for certain categories of pensioners in 2019

For single and low-income citizens, the full range of services can be found at local social security authorities. It is worth adding that with an increase in the cost of living, calculations for subsidizing housing and communal services will also change, and pension supplements will be increased in 2019 by 4% until 2020.

For military pensioners

Moscow military pensioners who participated in nuclear weapons testing will have their tax on one vehicle abolished from 2019. For other categories of former military personnel, preferential concessions are provided in the form of 50% of payment for housing and communal services and property tax benefits. Many military retirees can qualify for civilian pension payments and receive additional bonuses from the state for excellent service.

For disabled pensioners

Having familiarized yourself with some of the benefits for disabled pensioners, it is necessary to supplement the list with the following items for group 1:

  1. Free limb prosthetics.
  2. Installation of ramps in a house where a group 1 disabled person lives.
  3. First priority right to receive a municipal apartment.
  4. Allocation of land plots for construction.

For group 2:

  1. Exemption from income tax on cars and real estate (if the pensioner works).
  2. 50% discount on gas, water and electricity payments, solid waste removal.
  3. 50% discount on payment for firewood or coal (for stove heating).

For group 3:

  1. Paid vacation – 30 days + another 30 at your own expense.
  2. If a person does not work, there is a 50% discount on the purchase of medicines.
  3. Shortened work week with appropriate pay.

Labor veterans

The following benefits are provided for them:

Disabled people belong to a preferential category of citizens who require a special approach to financial support due to the complete or partial impossibility of fully going to work. Today, assistance to people with disabilities is provided in the form of various benefits, benefits and subsidies.

The size and rules for their provision undergo changes every year due to the financial situation of the country, as well as the need for indexation taking into account the level of inflation.

Support for people with disabilities at the state and regional level

There are several types of support for people with disabilities. They are determined at the state level, i.e. are provided to citizens with disabilities living in any corner of the country, as well as at the regional level. The latter implies a decision on the provision of benefits by local authorities. As a rule, obtaining them requires official registration of your place of residence in Moscow or the region.

The list of state benefits provided to citizens with disabilities is prescribed in the Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation.” In accordance with it, disabled people have the right to receive:

  • a set of social services;
  • disability pensions;
  • cash social security.

In the case of caring for a disabled person by a capable relative, acquaintance or any other person, subject to official registration, payment of appropriate monetary compensation is possible.

In addition to the above government support measures, at the regional level it is possible to receive:

  • benefits for housing and communal services;
  • land plots;
  • apartments;
  • discounts on public transport and taxi fares;
  • advantages for admission to educational institutions.

Thus, regional benefits can improve the standard of living of a person with disabilities. Their action is aimed at reducing financial costs.

Dependence of the amount of benefits and benefits on the disability group

According to current legislation, there are three types of disabilities. Each of them is assigned taking into account the degree of disability of the citizen. The disability group is prescribed in documents confirming poor health.

As for minors, they are given the status of a disabled child until they reach 18 years of age. Young citizens and their official representatives also have the right to receive benefits and allowances.

Disability is assigned based on the results of a medical examination. It can only be obtained during the period of validity of documents proving the citizen’s limited capabilities.

The size of the disability pension does not depend on regional programs; it is approved at the state level. In 2018, payments will be for:

  • disabled people of group 1 and disabled children of group 2 - 9919.73 rubles;
  • disabled people of group 2 - 4959.85 rubles;
  • disabled people of group 3 - 4215.90 rubles;
  • disabled children and disabled children of group 1 - 11,903.51 rubles.

The amount of payments increases if the disabled citizen has other dependent persons (no more than three).

Note that a person caring for a disabled person or a disabled child also has the right to receive a pension. The main conditions for its registration are that the person has been assigned disability group 1, i.e. it cannot take care of itself independently.

One-time cash payment to disabled people

A one-time cash payment (LCP) is also a government measure to support people with disabilities. Persons of any category can count on receiving it. Payments are assigned to everyone without exception, regardless of financial situation, equating to the level of the low-income segment of the population.

EDV is provided in kind and in cash. The choice of assistance depends solely on the disabled person. Based on personal preferences, he independently chooses the preferred type of assistance.

The list of EDV also includes:

  • full social package;
  • free travel to the place of sanatorium treatment;
  • free use of a landline phone;
  • Dental prosthetics once every five years.

You can refuse each type of assistance by choosing its cash equivalent.

In 2018, the EDV will be:

A citizen will be able to exercise the right to EDV only after completing documentation through the Pension Fund. For this purpose, it is necessary to provide:

  • passports or birth certificates (relevant for a disabled child);
  • a medical document confirming the fact of assignment of a disability group.

If an official representative of a disabled person is involved in the registration of EDV, it is also necessary to provide his personal documents and a notarized power of attorney (in the case of representing the interests of an adult citizen). Benefits will be accrued from the actual date of receipt of documents.

Additional assistance for people with disabilities

In addition to monetary payments, people with disabilities have the right to request the provision of adaptations necessary to make their lives easier. The request is submitted to the social service.

A person with disabilities can count on receiving free of charge:

  • strollers;
  • prostheses;
  • specialized shoes;
  • means for self-service;
  • guide dogs;
  • sports equipment;
  • educational aids.

Additional assistance is provided free of charge. It does not affect the size of the disability pension and the daily allowance.

A disabled person also has the right to receive free assistance from social workers.

Service specialists are required to help clean the apartment (house), prepare food, and go grocery shopping.

Regional benefits for disabled people in Moscow and the region

Citizens with disabilities living in Moscow and Moscow Region have the right to receive additional regional support. The list of benefits includes:

Social taxi

Persons with disabilities have the right to use social taxi services. The only drawback is that you will have to order a car at least 12 hours before departure. In emergency situations, this interval can be reduced to 4 hours, but you will have to wait a long time for the car. A disabled person has the right to take with him one accompanying person, as well as the devices necessary for movement (stroller).

Holiday once a year

Any disabled person, regardless of age and group, can take advantage of the right to receive a free trip to a sanatorium. Travel and accommodation are absolutely free. In addition, if it is impossible to travel independently, it is possible to pay for the travel of one accompanying person.

Free public transport

This right is exercised by obtaining a Muscovite social card. , as well as his accompanying person, can travel on any public transport absolutely free of charge. In some areas of Moscow, special bus routes equipped for wheelchairs were launched.

Benefits for utilities

People with disabilities are given a 50% discount on all utility bills (rent, gas, electricity, etc.).

Providing free medical care and medicines

Disabled people are served first and free of charge in any public clinic. They also have the right to receive a prescription to receive life-saving medications free of charge.

A person with disabilities cannot be legally denied the implementation of at least one item from the list presented above.

Charitable foundations for disabled people in Moscow

Today, a large number of charitable foundations specializing in providing assistance to people with disabilities are officially registered in Moscow. Their task is to provide financial and moral support for disabled people.

Any citizen with disabilities can contact such an organization, explaining the essence of their problem. Fund employees help disabled people with operations to restore health, rehabilitation, and purchase equipment and special equipment necessary for life.

Every citizen can contribute to the support of disabled people by transferring funds to the fund’s accounts, personally helping with moral or physical support.

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