Virtual room - get access in your personal account! Chelyabinsk residents received access to unique archival documents of the presidential library. - So, I go into the electronic reading room and

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Chelyabinsk residents gained access to unique archival documents of the Presidential Library

Nail Fattakhov / website

Would you like to see the original Laurentian Chronicle? Now you don’t have to go to Moscow, stand in line at a museum or archive - everything is available in Chelyabinsk. Moreover, today Chelyabinsk residents have the opportunity to enter a prestigious St. Petersburg university without exams, and also to listen to Yesenin’s living voice, look through Napoleon’s correspondence with Alexander I, and even make their own notes in it. All this is thanks to the fact that the Chelyabinsk regional center for access to the resources of the Presidential Library has opened in Public.

— Irina Nikolaevna, it is clear that everything connected with the word “president” is a priori cool. But what is the Presidential Library and why do ordinary people need it?

— The Presidential Library is an electronic repository of digital copies of the most important documents on the history, theory and practice of Russian statehood, the Russian language, as well as a multimedia multifunctional (cultural, educational, scientific, educational and information and analytical) center, which has the status of the national library of Russia. Any document from the Presidential Library’s collections can be viewed anywhere in the world through a system of remote electronic reading rooms (RERE), based on telecommunications technologies.

Our library connected to the UECHZ back in 2013. In 2016, a sector appeared, and in 2018, we began to operate a regional center for access to the resources of the Presidential Library - the 35th of more than 80 subjects of the Federation.

The new status imposes additional obligations on us: now we are becoming a methodological and coordinating center for the introduction of new technologies, collecting statistics and planning in the Chelyabinsk region, and are responsible for the development of a network of remote electronic reading rooms of the Presidential Library throughout the region.

This year we intend to open more than 30 such reading rooms in the central libraries of the region’s municipalities.

It must be said that the Presidential Library has remote reading rooms not only in Russia. There are 36 remote access centers of the Presidential Library in 28 countries, including Germany, the USA, Italy, Spain, Austria, the UK and others.

— What is included in the Presidential Library?

— The Presidential Library completes its collections in four main areas: history, theory and practice of Russian statehood, Russian as the state language. As you understand, thanks to the status of the library, everything related to power (both presidential and power in Russia in general) is collected here. Including a wonderful selection of materials relating to the history of the state, Russian language and literature.

The uniqueness of the Presidential Library also lies in the fact that in addition to electronic copies of documents, the library’s collections include a wide range of audiovisual resources. For example, audiovisual thematic materials presenting the history and current state of a number of exhibitions of the Russian Museum, etc.

— This must be a paradise for high school students?

- Certainly! Preparing homework assignments becomes an exciting research activity in the humanities.

The Presidential Library is holding an interactive Olympiad “Russia in the Electronic World” for students of educational institutions in individual subjects - history, social studies and the Russian language. The purpose of the Olympiads is to popularize the theory and practice of Russian statehood, identify young talents in the field of studying the history of the Fatherland and social studies, and expand the humanitarian knowledge of students through the use of modern infocommunication technologies and Internet information resources. Together with the library, the co-organizer of the Olympiad is the Russian State Pedagogical University. A. I. Herzen (St. Petersburg). It is included in the register of Olympiads of the Ministry of Education and is held in history, social studies and the Russian language.

— Why does your Center have such a huge monitor?

— The Presidential Library conducts its own Internet broadcast. You and I can listen live to a lecture by any scientist from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Tomsk and so on. They give lectures, teach lessons, and we can not only see and hear them, but also ask the lecturers questions and receive answers in real time.

Recently, by the way, our Center hosted a lecture by Werner Gephart, the founding director of the international research center for the humanities. Käthe Hamburger, sociologist-lawyer, professor at the University of Bonn. It was dedicated to cultural studies. Wonderful simultaneous interpreters worked at the Presidential Library, and we listened to the lecture in real time together with different cities of Russia. Moreover, the professor immediately warned that he would do everything to prevent listeners from looking at their phones (smiles). The students actually never looked at the smartphone.

— What is in the funds? Only old books, like on these shelves?

— Of course, the Presidential Library’s collections contain unique books, materials from archives and museums, but not only ancient ones, there are also modern ones. The library is stocked in the main areas that I have listed, but also in economics, medicine, etc. The holdings of the Presidential Library are expanding, the library is developing. Today it contains more than six hundred thousand documents, converted into electronic form, with which you can work.

— How does this happen physically? What needs to be done to work with these documents?

— You enter a virtual electronic reading room...

- Can this be done from home?

— No, only where there is an access point to the resources of the Presidential Library through a remote electronic reading room. You need to enter into an agreement with the Presidential Library and obtain permission to connect to its funds. We have 16 access points in the library. It happens that a remote reading room is installed in an educational institution, and then it is quite possible to work there. In Chelyabinsk, in the regional multidisciplinary lyceum-boarding school for gifted children, a remote reading room has been installed with six access points to the resources of the Presidential Library: in the library center, in the classrooms of history, social studies and literature. Children can work directly in class with sources that are only available in the Presidential Library.

- So, I go into the electronic reading room and...?

— You select a book through a search engine, work with it and put your notes. You can put it in the trash for a while, so that later, if necessary, you can refer to it again. Part of this book can be printed. Sometimes it is possible to print the entire book if copyright law allows this in this particular case.

You can also download the film and, with the permission of the Presidential Library, stream it anywhere. We do this if we have some kind of outdoor event. There are films that do not require permission to download. We recently held an illustrative display of materials from the Presidential Library dedicated to the centenary of the Red Army. And the other day an event was held dedicated to the memorable anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad - also based on archival video materials of the Presidential Library.

— Are these exclusive materials or have they already been broadcast somewhere?

— There is, of course, a certain amount of publicly available materials, but there are exclusive ones, available only in the Presidential Library. Documents that were previously closed to general access are displayed here. The library works with the collections of national libraries (RSL, RNL, etc.), museums, and archives.

Archival and museum materials are now available to the user of the Presidential Library.

The reader can work at home, but only with the portal of the Presidential Library, where some of the documents are displayed - approximately 30%, or he can become a user of the virtual reading room and gain access to the entire collection by coming to us or to any other UECZ of any region and any country, connected to the resources of the Presidential Library.

— Everything is clear about schoolchildren and students. But who else is a reader of the Presidential Library?

— A large layer of dissertation works and unique archival documents are presented here. For scientists there is simply no end to the work. The library fund contains exclusive materials from the central libraries of the country - the Russian State Library, the Russian National Library, the Russian Historical Museum and so on.

— Is a Public library card enough for access?

- No. You must register at the Presidential Library's UECHZ separately, providing identification documents. Passport, for example. Your personal data is stored on the Presidential Library portal, access to which is strictly limited.

— So it turns out that such a state is within a state?

- Yes. We do not have parallel recording. The Presidential Library contains not only films, but also entire archives of lectures and video lessons. Any teacher, any student can choose one or another lecture and watch it. The lecture is not just conducted in real time, it is recorded for the archive. When we worked with the Youth Chamber, we used for the event a film about the formation of elections in Russia, starting with the Novgorod Assembly. In the Presidential Library you can, for example, listen to Yesenin’s living voice, you can read Napoleon’s letters to Tsar Alexander I in the original, you can look at ancient chronicles, for example, the original Laurentian Chronicle of 1377.

You can now work with these documents right in Chelyabinsk, and you don’t have to go to Moscow or St. Petersburg, stand in line at a museum, or get permission to view closed documents from the country’s central libraries and archives.

Everything is available here and in 13 more UECHZ of the Chelyabinsk region.

— Tell me, is the Presidential Library a “one-way street”? Or does something from our local historians go to its funds? Can you find materials about the life of the region there?

— The Presidential Library has a collection called “Territories of Russia”; it covers the history of the development of the regions of the Russian Federation. Each regional and regional library, including ours, converts interesting local history materials into electronic form and builds this collection on their basis. The Chelyabinsk region is also present there. In 2018, we plan to digitize 158 books for this collection.

The Chelyabinsk Regional Center for Access to the Resources of the Presidential Library is open in reading room No. 4 (3rd floor) of the Chelyabinsk Regional Universal Scientific Library (Publichki) at the address: Lenin Avenue, 60.

“On January 25, a virtual reading room of the Presidential Library will be opened in Klin. B.N. Yeltsin, located in St. Petersburg. Our Klinsky district is one of the first in the Moscow region to join this project,” said Alena Sokolskaya.

The virtual reading room will operate on the basis of the Central Regional Library. For this purpose, there are 2 workplaces equipped there. Klin residents will have access to more than 500 thousand documents on the Russian language, history and practice of Russian statehood, located in the digital collection of the Presidential Library.

“In the year of the 700th anniversary of Klin, especially for the collections of the Presidential Library. B.N. Yeltsin will digitize several books dedicated to the history of the Klin land. The beginning of this work has already been made - the book “Klin Forget-Me-Nots” has been posted on the electronic resource,” noted Alena Sokolskaya.

A. Safronova, press service

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Presidential Library named after B.N. Yeltsin

Since 2009, the National Library of the Republic of Buryatia has opened for its users free access to electronic documents of the Presidential Library. B.N. Yeltsin (St. Petersburg).

Virtual reading room of the Presidential Library. B.N. Yeltsin is the only reading room in the republic that provides free access to unique books, valuable archival documents on history, political activity, and social and cultural life not only of the Russian Federation, but also of other countries of the world.

The electronic fund contains more than 300 thousand copies of documents:
rare books and archival documents on the history of Russian statehood, law and the Russian language;
documents of the highest and central government institutions of the Russian Empire;
maps, atlases, drawings, plans of cities and buildings;
pre-revolutionary and Soviet periodicals;
fragments of documentary chronicles, videos and audio recordings;
collections of pre-revolutionary postcards and photographs;
about 100 thematic collections of regional and international importance;
documents on the activities of government authorities and legal structures and much more.

To obtain free access to the resources of the Presidential Library. B.N. Yeltsin needs:

1. Register with the National Library of the Republic of Buryatia.
2. Register with the administrator of the remote reading room of the B.N. Presidential Library. Yeltsin (electronic reading room, 1st floor of the National Bank of Belarus).
3. Get a library card with a personal login and password.

As a user you can:

Receive qualified advice on methods of searching for information in the Virtual Reading Room;
work in a “personal account”, with the ability to leave electronic bookmarks and marks on the pages of books, save search queries, and place orders;
print the document according to the library price list.

An electronic library that brings together the collections (including dissertations) of the largest public libraries in Russia, scientific institutions and publishers.

Presidential Library

It was created on the initiative of the government in 2009 as a multifunctional information center with the status of a national library of Russia.

Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU is the largest Russian information and analytical portal in the field of science, technology, medicine and education, containing abstracts and full texts of more than 26 million scientific articles and publications, including electronic versions of more than 5,600 Russian scientific and technical journals, of which more than 4,800 journals are open access.


The liters company, founded in 2005, is today a leader in the market for distributing licensed e-books in Russia and the CIS countries. Winner of the Runet Prize 2014.

The liters assortment includes more than 750,000 e-books in Russian and foreign languages, including about 31,000 free books.

Every month more than 2,000 new books appear in the company's catalogue. liters has signed direct contracts with the largest publishing houses in Russia (Eksmo, AST, Ripol-Classic, MIF, Azbuka-Atticus, Peter, etc.) and many authors.

The liters company has developed applications for reading “liters: read!” and listening to audiobooks “liters: Listen!” for mobile platforms iOS, Android, Windows Phone 8, Windows 8 and Samsung Smart TV.

The archive of important publications is collected manually. Database with categories: 53 industries / 600 sources / 8 federal districts of the Russian Federation / 235 countries and territories / main materials / articles and interviews of 13,000 top officials. Thousands of news daily, full text in Russian. Millions of stories from news agencies and business press over 15 years. is open from all library computers and the internal network. Link "Access from home" in the "header" polpred.

Legal reference system Garant

Contains information on international, federal and regional legislation. Includes regulatory documents, clarifications, comments, draft laws, international treaties, judicial and arbitration practice, forms of documents, reference materials, articles from periodicals, monographs, textbooks, dictionaries and other documents.

Volume: approximately 1,512,536 documents.


BiblioRossika is a modern electronic library system designed for researchers, teachers and students. It presents collections of current scientific and educational literature on the humanities, technical and natural sciences. Our catalog is constantly updated and currently includes over 17,000 publications, combined into basic, special and publishing collections on educational literature, literature from leading Russian scientific publishing houses, developmental psychology, nanotechnology, bioecology, management in the field of art and culture, pathopsychology, pedagogy , architecture and urbanism and other disciplines.