Expert opinion: doctors and scientists about electronic cigarettes. What are electronic cigarettes, harmful or not, and doctors’ reviews about them

At a time when many people in European countries were thinking about choosing an alternative to tobacco products, medical companies combined their efforts with public figures. Ask why? They wanted to quickly understand the essence of electronic cigarettes. And most importantly, provide research results and, of course, your objective opinion to the public.

Let's look at the opinions of various scientists and medical professionals.


Pulmonologist Alexander Averyanov reports: “Using an electronic cigarette, you can overcome many psychological barriers that stubbornly prevent you from quitting smoking.”

When using an electronic cigarette, you can feel all the attributes that a person should feel when smoking regular cigarettes:

There is a feeling of an object in the hand;
Feeling of lungs being full due to a puff;
Visible process of releasing a cloud of smoke;
And finally, the tactile sensation of a cigarette in the mouth;
In addition to all of the above, the body is saturated with nicotine.

Combining all of the above, we can say that an electronic cigarette is a good tool that can fully replace a regular cigarette. However, we should not forget about the safety of using such a cigarette, because smoking it does not fill the body with carcinogenic substances found in tobacco smoke.

Also, you will not have to receive a portion of hatred from others who do not want to become “passive” smokers.

Recently, Western scientists conducted an experiment with a group of several volunteers. Clinical studies lasted for six months and, of course, took place under the full supervision of experts. 40 heavy smokers were monitored and given electronic cigarettes. After the end of the experiment it turned out that nine people gave up tobacco products completely, and three of them even managed to give up electronic cigarettes. According to final estimates, it turned out that the amount of tobacco products consumed by people decreased by 88%.

These results are truly amazing. With this study, it was possible to identify only one minor side effect - dry mouth, after using an e-cigarette. This effect almost disappeared by the end of the study.

Atlanta professor Zaharu Kahn, along with his colleague, Boston professor Michael Siegel, conducted several laboratory studies on the topic of e-cigarette liquids. After long days of work, they were still unable to prove the benefits of the substances that make up these liquids. However, they were able to argue that the Food and Drug Administration's claim of ignorance of the composition of the liquids was false.

Professor Siegel proved that the composition of e-cigarette liquids has been studied much better than the composition of conventional cigarettes, which contain tobacco. He soon came to the conclusion that too small amounts of harmful substances included in the composition of e-cigarette liquids may not pose a health hazard.

The research done by the professor, unfortunately, does not guarantee absolute safety. But fortunately, they clearly show the significant safety of vaping electronic cigarettes compared to smoking tobacco.

In addition, scientists have proven that in the process of using an electronic cigarette, the body is enriched with nicotine much more effective and faster than using an analogue. Accordingly, the number of puffs is significantly reduced, which helps reduce the desire to smoke.

New Zealand

Scientist Murray Laugesen, not believing any of his colleagues around the world, decided to conduct his own research on the topic of electronic cigarettes. He began to observe completely different electronic cigarettes, adding more and more new manufacturers to the research.

During the interview, which was devoted to this topic, he shared a little of his observations. The scientist said that tobacco products bring undoubted harm to the human body, at least because tobacco smoke contains about four thousand various components that cause different types of diseases. For example, carcinogens that contribute to the appearance of malignant tumors, and subsequently the development of cancer.

What about electronic cigarettes? They cause much less harm, since they include only purified nicotine, and in the process of vaporization it produces hundreds of times less by-products.

But do not forget that nicotine is a poison in any case, therefore, it is impossible to benefit from such a device.

Great Britain

Chris Steele is the head of a clinic that specializes in getting rid of tobacco addiction, he is considered one of the best and most famous specialists in the UK. The doctor has quite a lot of experience in this field, which goes back over 30 years.

Not long ago, he shared his views on the most effective ways to get rid of tobacco addiction. Steele believes that the best and most productive A way to treat such addiction is to have an electronic cigarette with you.

The doctor liked this electronic vaporizer at first sight. He easily explains this situation by the ability of the electronic cigarette to produce a minimal amount of harmful substances, as well as its irreplaceable help in easily overcoming the strong psychological factors encountered when choosing other similar means for quitting tobacco.

People who are used to smoking know very well that quitting this bad habit is not easy. But the inventive Chinese have come up with a new, less harmful habit - smoking an electronic cigarette. An electronic cigarette is a device that creates vapor for inhalation. The device can be charged with either nicotine or simply non-nicotine oils. The shape of a smoking electronic cigarette can be different, both in the form of a regular cigarette and other, more voluminous forms with many functions. The question arises: how harmless are electronic devices and what do doctors think about this?

Doctors' opinions on electronic cigarettes. Position against

According to a psychiatrist-narcologist, in order to really quit smoking, you need to really quit. And do not switch to other less harmful electronic means. You simply replace one tube with another. The only advantage will be the ability to smoke everywhere, regardless of the smoking area. We must not forget that a bad habit is psychological in nature and that all problems are often in our heads. According to a psychiatrist-narcologist, you need to quit smoking once and for all on your own and without smoking electronic cigarettes, patches and tablets. Therapists believe that smoking gives the smoker pleasure, since this process promotes the production of the hormone dopamine. Using electronic cigarettes, a person does not stop consuming nicotine. He simply reduces the dose of this substance.

Cardiologists believe that smoking electronic cigarettes is much better than smoking regular cigarettes. These doctors proved that smokers who switched from regular cigarettes to electronic devices felt much better after three to four months. Stopped getting out of breath while walking fast. In addition, people who smoke e-cigarettes have a much lower risk of having a heart attack. Oncologists are also supporters of the electronic substitute. It turns out that such devices do not contain a substance that can cause cancer. Of course, inhaling steam does not make a person healthier, but the fact that it is less toxic to the body cannot be denied. Vaping keeps teeth white and gives a pleasant aroma from the process.

Many smokers think that steam acts as an inhaler, relieves cough, and improves smell and taste. But doctors say this is a myth.

Despite the positive characteristics of using an electronic device, there is also a downside to the coin. A smoker constantly inhales harmful substances that are part of the liquid. This negatively affects the circulatory and nervous systems, blood vessels, kidneys, and liver.

Of course, it is important to choose the right device so that it is real and not fake. The e-cigarette must have a certificate from the World Health Organization (WHO). Consult with experts or fellow vapers to choose the right electronic device. You should not think that if you do not smoke tobacco cigarettes, but vape, then this is a victory over a bad habit. It is advisable to gradually forget about it forever and enjoy life without smoking.

Although vaping has become popular not so long ago, some doctors are already ready to draw certain conclusions about its effect on the body. And mostly doctors agree that vaping is a positive invention rather than a negative one. And that's why:

  • The body of regular cigarette smokers accumulates up to 1 liter of tar per year. Because of this, harmful substances are more difficult to remove from the body. This can lead to various lung diseases. In electronic cigarettes, unlike classic cigarettes, there is no combustion process, therefore there are no harmful tars.
  • Tobacco contains approximately four thousand harmful and toxic substances, and many studies prove that half of the substances lead to cancer. There are no harmful substances in electronic cigarette cartridges. Instead, there are aromatic oils.
  • There is certainly nicotine in an electronic device, but it is there in smaller quantities and of better quality than in classic cigarettes. Of course, any nicotine is addictive, but vaping can relieve the negative state of smoking cigarettes one hundred percent.


After analyzing the opinions of doctors, a number of conclusions can be drawn:

  • the nicotine content in an electronic cigarette can negatively affect human health;
  • changing one type of smoking to another does not guarantee that you will quickly get rid of your harmful addiction;
  • no one can guarantee that liquid for electronic devices will be of high quality and harmless;

Classic smoking has many negative factors. Smokers' teeth turn yellow, bad breath occurs, and an unpleasant taste appears in the mouth in the morning. In addition, smoking together with alcoholic beverages doubles the degree of alcohol intoxication.

So, in favor of the use of electronic cigarettes, we can say that they, unlike regular ones, are less harmful to the smoker, and are also harmless to others. They do not contain so many harmful substances. An electronic device is an excellent alternative to replacement therapy for those who want to completely quit smoking. Of course, it’s up to you to decide whether to smoke or not, but if you choose the right quality vape, you can gradually get rid of the bad habit forever.

Anyone who has ever tried to quit this habit knows how difficult it is to quit smoking. And although for some it is enough just to want, or, in extreme cases, to use various ones, for the majority it takes a long time and painfully to quit. To make life easier for smokers and, most importantly, for the people around them, resourceful Chinese invented electronic cigarettes. Are there any benefits to these fashionable cigarette substitutes, are they harmless, and what do experts say?

Electronic cigarette device, composition of liquid for electronic cigarettes

The currently fashionable device, which for many has become the only solution in light of the smoking ban law, consists of:

  • LED (imitation of the “light” on the tip of a cigarette).
  • Battery and microprocessor.
  • Sensor.
  • Sprayer and the contents of the replacement cartridge.

The electronic device is charged from the network or directly from the laptop. Its duration is 2-8 hours, depending on the intensity of use.

Concerning liquid composition, which is purchased separately and has various aromatic additives (vanilla, coffee, etc.) - it consists of basics (glycerin and propylene glycol mixed in different dosages), flavoring and nicotine . However, the latter may be absent altogether.

What are the components of the base?

  • Propylene glycol.
    A viscous, transparent liquid without color, with a faint odor, slightly sweet taste and hygroscopic properties. Approved for use (as a food additive) in all countries. Widely used in the food and pharmaceutical industries, for cars, in the production of cosmetics, etc. It is practically non-toxic in comparison with other glycols. Partially excreted from the body unchanged, the remainder is converted into lactic acid, metabolized in the body.
  • Glycerol.
    Viscous liquid, colorless, hygroscopic. It is also widely used in a variety of industries. Acrolein, formed during the dehydration of glycerol, can be toxic to the respiratory tract.

Reviews from doctors about electronic cigarettes: are electronic cigarettes harmful or beneficial?

Such an innovation as electronic cigarettes immediately attracted the majority of smokers, so the question of their harm faded into the background. And this is not surprising - You can smoke electronic cigarettes at work, in a restaurant, in bed and everywhere else , where smoking classic cigarettes has long been prohibited. The only difference, at first glance, is that instead of smoke, steam is released with a very pleasant smell and without harm to suffering passive smokers.

What other advantages of “electronics”?

  • A regular cigarette contains ammonia, benzene, cyanide, arsenic, harmful tars, carbon monoxide, carcinogens, etc. There are no such components in electronics.
  • From "electronic" leaves no marks on teeth or fingers in the form of a yellow coating.
  • At home (on clothes, in mouth) no smell of tobacco smoke .
  • You don’t have to worry too much about fire safety precautions – if you fall asleep with your electronic device, nothing will happen.
  • For the money Electronic is cheaper regular cigarettes. It is enough to buy several bottles of liquid (one is enough for several months) - different in flavor and dosage of nicotine, as well as replaceable cartridges.

At first glance, there are a lot of advantages. And no harm! But - not everything is so simple.

Firstly, electronic devices are not subject to mandatory certification. What does it mean? This means that they are not subject to supervision or control. That is, a cigarette purchased at a store checkout may not be as safe as manufacturers are trying to convince us.

Secondly, the WHO did not subject e-cigarettes to serious research - there were only superficial tests carried out more out of curiosity than for reasons of public safety.

Well, and thirdly , the opinions of experts about “electronics” are not the most optimistic:

  • Despite the external “harmlessness” of electronics, There is still nicotine in it . On the one hand, this is a plus. Because giving up regular cigarettes is easier - nicotine continues to enter the body, and the imitation cigarette “deceives” hands accustomed to the “smoking stick”. The well-being of electronic smokers also improves - because harmful impurities stop entering the body. And even oncologists stated (although they could not provide evidence based on in-depth research) that liquid for refilling cigarettes cannot cause cancer. But! Nicotine continues to enter the body. That is, you still won’t be able to quit smoking. Because as soon as you receive one dose of nicotine (no matter - from a regular cigarette, patch, e-mail or chewing gum), the body immediately begins to demand a new one. It turns out to be a vicious circle. But there is no point in talking about the dangers of nicotine - everyone knows about it.
  • Psychiatrists also confirm this fact. : electronics are a change from one “nipple” to a more fragrant one.
  • Narcologists are also joining them. : The craving for nicotine does not go away, does not decrease, and nicotine dosing options do not matter.
  • The “harmlessness” of electronic cigarettes plays a serious role in creating an interest in smoking in our children . If it’s not harmful, it means it’s possible! Yes, and somehow more respectable, with a cigarette.
  • As for toxicologists – they look at e-cigarettes with suspicion. Because the absence of harmful substances and smoke in the air is by no means proof of the harmlessness of electronics. But there were no proper tests.
  • American FDA against e-cigarettes : analysis of the cartridges showed the presence of carcinogenic substances in them and the discrepancy between the declared composition of the cartridges and the real one. In particular, nitrosamine found in the composition can cause cancer. And in nicotine-free cartridges, again, contrary to the manufacturers’ statements, nicotine was detected. That is, when buying an electronic cigarette, we cannot be sure of the absence of harm, and the “filling” of the electronic cigarette remains a mystery for us, shrouded in darkness.
  • Electronic cigarettes are good business . This is what many unscrupulous manufacturers take advantage of.
  • Inhalation of smoke and steam are different processes. The second option does not bring the saturation that a regular cigarette gives. That's why the nicotine monster begins to demand a dose more often than with regular smoking. To regain the “charm” of old sensations, many begin to smoke even more often or increase the strength of the liquid they refill. Where does this lead? To an overdose of nicotine. This is also the result of the temptation to smoke everywhere and at any time, and the illusion of harmlessness.
  • WHO warns that e-cigarettes have not been proven safe . And the tests that were carried out on these fashionable devices indicate serious discrepancies in the quality of the composition, the presence of harmful impurities and the amount of nicotine. A high concentration of propylene glycol leads to respiratory problems.

To smoke or not to smoke? And what exactly should you smoke? Everyone chooses for themselves. It will be possible to say about the harm or benefit of these devices only after many years. But to the question – will e-mail help you quit smoking – the answer is clear. Will not help. By replacing an ordinary cigarette with a beautiful and fragrant one, you can't rid your body of nicotine , and you won't stop being a smoker.

Vaping is an action that involves inhaling and exhaling steam. In this case, a special device is used – an electronic cigarette. The benefits and harms of these devices are discussed not only by doctors, but also by smokers. We can definitely say that electronic cigarettes cause less harm than regular ones.

The principle of operation of the devices and the composition of liquids

The harm or benefit of an electronic cigarette is determined by the composition of the liquid. It is loaded into the device and evaporates. These vapors are inhaled by humans. There is a huge number of liquids that are produced mainly on the basis of:

  • Propylene glycol. It is a colorless and slightly viscous liquid, which is characterized by a sweetish taste. Almost all electronic cigarettes use liquid based on this component. This component is widely used in medicine, as its benefits are invaluable. It is not capable of causing significant harm to the body.
  • Glycerin. Belongs to the category of oily, colorless liquids, which are widely used in cooking. This component is not harmful to health if inhaled or swallowed. If you smoke e-cigarettes with glycerin-based liquid, this can lead to certain side effects such as dry mouth and sore throat during the period of vapor inhalation.
  • Nicotine. Most devices use nicotine-free e-liquids. Studies have shown that vaping them is as safe as possible. Nicotine is added to some liquids, which is pre-purified as thoroughly as possible, which reduces the risk of unwanted effects.
  • Flavorings. A large number of electronic cigarettes contain flavorings. That is why smoking them is as pleasant as possible for a person.

The pros and cons of electronic devices are determined not only by the build quality of the device, but also by the composition of the liquid that is used for vaping.

The harm of electronic cigarettes

Despite the fact that the electronic cigarette is often used in the fight against smoking, it can cause some harm to health. Most people believe that vapor generators are less harmful and therefore use them for smoking more often than a regular cigarette. The filler contains nicotine and other chemical components that constantly saturate the human body, which negatively affects his health.

Doctors' opinions on e-cigarettes are not clear. Most of them believe that it negatively affects the cardiovascular system. Also, the action of the device can harm the human nervous system. In case of psychological addiction, it is impossible to get rid of smoking using an electronic cigarette, which is one of the significant disadvantages of its use.

Liquids used for electronic cigarettes can also be harmful to human health. Glycerin is often used to ensure normal fluid concentration. In case of individual intolerance to this component, hypersensitivity reactions can be diagnosed.

Nicotine-based electronic cigarettes are the most dangerous. The constant intake of this substance in the body leads to an increase in dopamine in the human blood. Against this background, the pleasure centers in the brain are excited. With regular smoking, a decrease in appetite is observed. This is why a person loses body weight. After smoking, the human body begins to displace nicotine within 20 minutes. This explains the habit of frequent smoking. With a constant supply of nicotine, oppression of various organs and systems is observed. This can cause a deterioration in health, as well as the development of various diseases.

Most smokers believe that the benefits of electronic cigarettes are invaluable, since they help cleanse the lungs. But, in most cases, an electronic device has only a psychological effect. To ensure that the device does not cause harm to human health, it is necessary to carefully and responsibly approach its choice.

Doctors' opinion: useful or harmful?

Reviews from doctors confirm the effectiveness of the electronic cigarette. This device is characterized by the presence of a large number of advantages. A vaporizer makes it as easy as possible to quit smoking. With its help, physiological as well as psychological dependence is eliminated.

When using an electronic cigarette, the tobacco habit is gradually forgotten. Thanks to the devices, it is possible to gradually reduce the dose of nicotine entering the body. When using an electronic cigarette, the possibility of an unpleasant odor is eliminated

from the mouth, from hair and clothing. The liquid is produced in a wide range, which allows a person to choose the most suitable option for himself.

Doctors believe that using vaping is not an alternative option for quitting a bad habit. When smoking it, the body regularly enters a variety of substances that are not classified as absolutely safe. This can lead to the development of various pathological processes and diseases.

The harm and benefits of electronic cigarettes are determined by doctors ambiguously. They can have a positive or negative effect on the body depending on its individual characteristics.

The benefits of electronic cigarettes

The health benefits of e-cigarettes are not significant. If you compare it with a regular tobacco product, it has certain advantages. The devices use a special liquid, the benefits of which are invaluable. It is characterized by the absence of harmful substances:

  • Ammonia;
  • Benzene;
  • Cyanide;
  • Arsenic;
  • Carbon oxides.

The undeniable advantage of the device is that it does not contain carcinogens. A regular cigarette contains more than 60 of these substances. Thanks to electronic cigarettes, it is possible to preserve the cosmetic effect. When using them, preservation of the normal color of teeth and skin is not observed.

Electronic cigarettes make it easier to combat tobacco addiction. Thanks to the electronic device, the illusion of regular smoking is supported. An e-cigarette creates vapor that matches body temperature, eliminating the possibility of a burn to the larynx. The device is an excellent preventive tool in the fight against cancer. If a person smokes regular cigarettes, the mucous membranes are constantly injured by the smoke, which causes the development of a precancerous condition.
What an electronic cigarette is, whether it is a miracle or a threat, only specialists know. Vaping is less dangerous than an ordinary cigarette, but it still needs to be abandoned, as it has a negative impact on human health.

Electronic cigarettes are becoming increasingly popular. Many tens of millions of people around the world are believed to be regular users. But is this invention really safe?

The whole truth about electronic cigarettes - latest data

E-cigarettes, seen by many as a healthy alternative to smoking tobacco, can cause lung damage. This was stated by scientists from the University of Athens at the annual congress of the European Respiratory Society in 2012. Scientists conducted experiments on 32 volunteers, of whom 8 were former non-smokers and 24 were heavy smokers. Some of the subjects had healthy lungs, while others suffered from asthma. Everyone was asked to use e-cigarettes for 10 minutes, inhaling the vapor into their lungs.

Research and reviews - what do doctors say about e-cigarettes?

Here are some of the doctors' findings:

Professor Cristina Grazu, Chairperson of the European Respiratory Society for Tobacco Control (ERS): " We do not yet have evidence that unauthorized nicotine products such as e-cigarettes are safer than regular cigarettes, despite marketing claims that they are less harmful".

"We found an immediate increase in airway resistance in subjects, suggesting that e-cigarette use may cause immediate harm after smoking the device. More research is needed to understand whether this harm will also have long-term effects". ERS recommends the use of smoking cessation techniques whose treatment guidelines are based on clinical evidence, which does not recommend the use of products such as e-cigarettes ".

What else do doctors say about e-cigarettes? " We do not fully know what exactly is in them besides nicotine and how this nicotine affects the body if inhaled in this way".

How does an electronic cigarette work?

Electronic cigarettes (the device is battery powered) are used instead of cigarettes. Manufacturers, distributors and sellers of e-cigarettes say they are effective and a healthy alternative to smoking tobacco because the user does not inhale harmful tobacco smoke, which contains more than 4,000 toxic chemicals. Regular e-cigarette smokers say the device offers them a similar experience to smoking tobacco cigarettes. However, since there is no combustion there is no smoke. Sucking on such a cigarette activates the heating element, and the liquid nicotine solution evaporates. Vapors enter the respiratory tract. The effect of an electronic cigarette is practically no different from that of regular tobacco.

For reference

Nicotine upsets the heart, disrupts the contraction rhythm, and the heart begins to work intermittently. Nicotine causes prolonged and severe constriction of blood vessels. There is a special “tobacco” form of angina, in which compression of the heart vessels occurs. There are known cases of heart attack due to excessive smoking. It has been established that heavy smokers by the age of 50 are 12 times more likely to develop angina than non-smokers. Nicotine causes a decrease in the elasticity of blood vessels. Blood vessels that have lost their elasticity can rupture easily, resulting in a risk of hemorrhage, especially in the brain.

The World Health Organization stated back in 2008 that e-cigarettes are not considered as nicotine replacement therapy.

Are there clinical studies on the safety of e-cigarettes?

The WHO says it has no scientific evidence to support the safety and effectiveness of this “invention” because the necessary clinical trials have not been conducted.