Scenario March 8 in a student dormitory. I'll hear it immediately. Oh, what is that thing growing on your back?

Equipment and decoration

electronic presentation;

crowns in design;

bouquet of flowers;

composition of balloons;

props for competitions.

Fanfare. The presenters come out

Presenter 1
Good afternoon, dear guests!

Presenter 2
Hello, friends!

Presenter 1
We are endlessly glad to see your smiling faces in this room.

Presenter 2
Spring... Its first days are inhospitable. The snow has not yet melted, the snowdrifts flutter like gloomy gray caps on the side of the road, and the branches of the trees seem lifeless. The sun's rays are cold, and by the evening the melted puddle will again be covered with a crust of ice. During the day it snows like rain, or rain like snow...

Presenter 1
But the sun shines brighter every day. The first drops appeared from the roof... The sparrows and tits chirped more and more cheerfully. What about the air?! Its smell and taste are incomparable to the air at other times of the year.

Presenter 2
All these signs indicate that spring is coming. The first flowers will appear soon. People rejoice at the arrival of spring. nature wakes up from a long winter hibernation.

Presenter 1
Everything changes before our eyes every day - and we joyfully meet natural changes. Our souls are filled with light, joy, warmth. Faces light up with a smile, and we increasingly wish each other health and success.

A dancing couple performs a waltz.

Presenter 2
Today, on the eve of International Women's Day, we congratulate the beautiful half of our technical school on the first spring holiday.

Presenter 1
On this wonderful day, we wish you goodness and joy, success in all your endeavors. Smile more often and give us your beautiful smiles!

Song performed by __________________________

Presenter 2
The whole world is dressed in festive attire,

And the beauty has come to us - spring!

And the best holiday on earth

I brought it with me for the women!

Presenter 1
Our teachers are so wonderful

So charming and gentle!

Take a look and it will immediately become clear:

The breath of spring is all around!

In this difficult job,

Among computers, papers

You are blooming brighter than ever,

It’s like there’s a good magician nearby,

Who gave you a miracle -

To be young, to live lovingly,

And laundry, kitchen and dishes

The magician took it upon himself, of course!

Presenter 2
So be happy, healthy,

Take on everything ardently,

And we are ready to set you up

Your reliable shoulder.

We wish you good luck in your business,

Love is beautiful and big!

You smile, which means

Everything in life will be fine!

Presenter 1
Spring... We associate it with such words as “love”, “charm”, “life”, “beauty”.

Presenter 2
And it is not surprising that it was at this time that we decided to hold our festive competition “Miss Cheboksary Cooperative College”.

Presenter 1
The participants in our competition are like spring flowers: just as beautiful, tender, and sensual.

Presenter 2
Their beauty captivates us. And who doesn't love beauty? Beauty will save the world!

Presenter 1
Oh girls! In all ages

You were called the weaker sex.

Serenades were dedicated to you,

And they carried you in their arms.

Presenter 2
Because of your beautiful eyes

The musketeers broke their swords.

Poets spent on you

Tens of thousands of tons of paper.

Time passed in eternal bustle,

And now you are no longer the same:

Well, do we have any reasons?

Call you the weaker sex?

After all, you have long been men

They did not give in on anything.

Presenter 1
Today at our holiday we choose the most charming, attractive, intelligent, talented, in general, the most, the most, the most...

Presenter 1
The fate of the judges will be difficult. No one would want to be in their place... Let's get to know them...

The presenters call the jury members

Presenter 2
According to the terms of the competition for the 2014 season, open judging is carried out, that is, based on the scores, we will immediately be able to determine how biased the jury members are.

Presenter 1
But the conditions of the competition were also complicated for the participants. The results of the last competition showed how sometimes it can be difficult to choose the best of the best, so a time limit is set for the contestants. Their task is to show as much and as interestingly as possible in a certain amount of time. If a girl does not meet the allotted time, a punishment will follow: 0.5 points will be deducted from her. And we know that even such a small value can affect the result of the competition.

Presenter 2
So, pay attention! ( Fanfare )

Participant number 1 is invited to the stage - Yulia Matveeva, group PSO-12

The presenters call the names of the participants, presenter 1 reads poetry

The girls are brought onto the stage by the boys

Presenter 1
Here comes number one.

The sparkle of her beautiful eyes

Strikes straight to the heart

And makes you fall in love

Presenter 2
Number two - madam, what do you need!

And the whole audience is happy with her.

Let's clap her hands

She looks good!

We meet – Alexandra Loginova, group B-11

Presenter 1
Here he comes to our stage,

Knowing exactly your worth, -

Number three, business,

And the girl is like that!

Vasilyeva Anna, group PSO-11.

Presenter 2
That's number four

Smiles more and more

And laughs and laughs

Miss also wants to be first!

On stage - Kristina Nikolaeva, group F-11.

Presenter 1
You can lose your mind:

Number five enters the hall.

The way he walks, the way he looks

Exactly: it will conquer us all!

Meet Yulia Mekhtieva, group T-11.

Presenter 1
Number six, by the way,

We prophesy it to you in miss.

Look how slim she is

And she’s not bad looking.

Makarova Victoria, group BD-11.

The participants go up to the stage and stand in a semicircle.

Presenter 1
Well, all the participants are assembled, the jury is in place, the audience is ready to applaud, and we are ready to conduct competitive tests. Today we have to choose one participant who, based on the results of the competition program, will be awarded the title “Miss Cheboksary Cooperative College 2014”, “Vice Miss” in the nomination “Miss Perfection”, the rest will receive first place in the following nominations: (names nominations). And one of the participants will receive the second title - “Miss Audience Choice”. And this, dear viewers, is entirely up to you.

Presenter 2
Everyone knows that the girls of the East have the most beautiful posture and graceful gait. We believe that our girls are no worse, and now we will be convinced of this. The first competitive test is “Defile”. The girls will walk across the stage to the music, showing us their stature and grace.

We meet participants numbered 1 and 3... 2 and 5...

The presenter invites the participants one by one

Presenter 1
Thanks to all! Now let's see how the jury assessed the first competition. Please: rating of participant No. 1
(No. 2...etc.)

Presenter 2
The first height is taken, and we continue.

Presenter 1
Second competition - "Business card". In order for us to get to know our contestants better, and for them to know each other, they will now exchange business cards, that is, they will tell us about themselves and their interests. Let me remind you that each participant is given no more than 3 minutes. We meet participant number 1. Applause!

The presenters take turns inviting the participants onto the stage.

Presenter 1
The “Business Card” competition has come to an end. We ask the jury members to evaluate the ability of our contestants to tell about themselves. So, the ratings of participant No. 1...

The presenter announces the results of the “Business Card” competition

Presenter 1
Friends, let us continue the competitive test, which will be conducted by our charming presenters - Sasha and Olya. Meet!

Presenter 3
Good afternoon friends! Happy holiday of spring and beauty to you!

Presenter 4
Our contestants are not only good-looking, but also skillful housewives. Our girls received a difficult homework task, consisting of two parts. Firstly, they had to prepare a culinary masterpiece and present it beautifully, that is, talk about it. And the second part of the homework is creative. But everything is in order. I ask the girls to bring to the attention of the audience and the jury these works of culinary art that are behind the scenes and force everyone there to barely restrain themselves from the desire to pinch off a piece. Ask…

Presenter 3
So, the jury has more work to do. While they eat the dishes prepared by our incomparable hostesses, you and I will enjoy the singing of ________.

Artistic number.

(if necessary, the musical pause can be lengthened)

Presenter 4
Well, let's hear which of our girls turned out to be the most skilled pastry chef. Although I’m just sure that they are all wonderful hostesses. Well, it's the jury's word.

The jury evaluates the culinary competition.

Presenter 3
Thank you! Our girls are really great. And wonderful, simply, I would say, magical transformations await you ahead.

Presenter 4
Which, by the way, will be shown by the next stage of our competition program. A real ball of fairy-tale heroes awaits you, friends.

Presenter 3
Our girls will appear before you in the form of fairy-tale heroines. And in these images, accompanied by certain music, they will draw and bring to life for us the inhabitants of the magical land of fairy tales. Begin!

Presenter 1 (behind the stage) invites the contestants to the stage. Musical background – “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​(“The Nutcracker”, P.I. Tchaikovsky, Little Country).

Presenter 4
What a pity that this fabulous journey to a magical land has come to an end.

Presenter 3
We ask all our participants to come on stage.

Participants exit (Exit from both scenes).

Presenter 4
Now we will check how well our participants know the rules of etiquette. One point is awarded for each correct answer. Let's start!

The presenters conduct a blitz survey called “Erudite”.

Presenter 3
Wonderful! And our participants have good etiquette rules. Well done!

Presenter 4
Dear members of the jury! Over to you! What are the results of the last two competitions? Who is the leader among our talented contestants today?

The jury evaluates the competitions “Difile in the Image” and “Blitz Poll”.

Presenter 3
Thank you! Friends, before we announce the last competition, a creative one - we tentatively called it “Hello, we are looking for talents!” – and invited participant No. 1 here, we would like to announce the results of another competition held in advance.

Presenter 4
We are talking about an Internet survey conducted in advance.

The presenters announce the results of the Internet voting.

Presenter 3
In order to finally determine the winner in the “Audience Choice” nomination, we would like to determine which of the contestants you give your vote to. We ask you to write on the pieces of paper that were distributed to you before the start of the program the number of the contestant to whom you give your preference. So let's start!

The presenters and assistants conduct a survey of the audience.

The survey material is submitted to the jury.

Presenter 4
Attention friends! We are starting a creative competition. Participant No. 1 – _______________ is invited to the stage.

The presenters hold a creative competition

Presenter 3
The creative competition has come to an end. We ask the jury members to evaluate the creativity of our girls.

The jury evaluates the creative competition

Presenter 4
While our strict and fair jury sums up the results, we will announce a musical break.

A musical number (or two)


Leaders 1 and 2, 3 and 4 come out.

Presenter 1
Attention! Here it is, exciting and intriguing. We ask all participants to come on stage.

The participants take the stage.

Presenter 2
To announce the results, we ask the jury members to come up to the stage.

Presenter 1
Before the decisive assessments are made, I would like to once again congratulate all the women present in the hall on the spring holiday... And wish...

Presenter 2
Beautiful outfits,

Flowers, compliments,

Smiles, love,


Presenter 3
Have a beautiful destiny

And happy moments!

Let them come true

Congratulations to everyone!

Presenter 1
Dear girls! Your charming beauty, smiles and charm gave each of us a real holiday. And even though one holiday of female beauty has ended today, tomorrow another will come for the fair half of humanity. Thank you!

Presenter 2
So, dear jury, we ask you to speak out and decide the fate of the contestants.

Speech by the jury members.

Awards, presentation of ribbons, bouquets, crowning of the winner.

/ Lyrical music sounds /

Q1: Good afternoon, dear friends.
Q2: Hello our dear, charming, gentle, beloved women.
Q3: Surely you all felt something changed in your nature and mood.
Q4: It’s all very simple. Spring has come, a time that gives us all a lot of sun, warmth, and love.
Q1: It’s time, which gives only us women one of the most wonderful holidays of the year.
Together: Happy holiday to you, dear women.
Q2: Joy to you of love and falling in love.
Q3: Beauty, perfection and peace.
Q4: Boundless happiness, deep respect and complete mutual understanding.
Q1: On such a wonderful holiday, I cannot help but speak in poems dedicated to you, women.
Q2: Thank you for your kindness
For your friendship, devotion and even
For an extra non-working day in a year
Thank you, you are our sorceresses!
Q3: For the fact that even in difficult years,
Not inferior in valor to men,
You always remained after all
Our most beautiful half!

“Zornaya Panna”

B1: Strong-willed men,
This is the prophetic law of life:
No matter how strong you are,
You are not stronger than a woman.
Q2: No matter how hard you tried to ascend,
With strength, brilliance and knowledge -
You submitted to women,
Even in marshal ranks.
Q1: I know in difficult battles
You did not compromise on honor,
But they knelt
Hand asking women.
Q2: Don’t argue, men, hastily -
This is bequeathed by nature:
Words of love, admiration,
You present to women.

Lao-Thai boxing, Variety dance.

Q1: Listen, dear men.
The very first woman - Eva
The most beautiful is Cleopatra.
The smartest is George Sand.
Did you know this? Very good.
Q2: Now forget it.
The very first woman is the one who is nearby
The most beautiful is the one next to you
And the smartest one is the one who is nearby.
Q3: And if you don’t agree with this, then you still don’t understand a lot. For there are no ugly women, only short-sighted men.
Q4: There are no second ones, there are favorites. And there are no stupid women - there are such men.
Q1: Dear women! Today is your day! And today you are queens at our holiday!
Q2: And he will present his musical gift to you today

"Rise and Shine"

Q1: What could be more sacred in the world than the name of a mother! A person who has not yet taken a step on the ground and is just beginning to “burb”, hesitantly and diligently puts together the word MOTHER syllable by syllable, and, feeling his luck, he laughs happy...
Q2: Mom, mommy...How much warmth is hidden in this magical word that names the dearest, closest, only person.
Q3: Not one ode in the world can express our feelings for mothers. It’s better to just go up to her, so tired and busy, press your cheek to her hand and whisper so that only she can hear:
Q4: “Mommy! I really love you very much! Happy holiday!!!"

"Talk to me mom"

Q1: Childhood is a happy, carefree time of life.
Q2: And children's spontaneity and naivety always brought a smile to the face of every mother.
Q1: Meet the youngest participants in our concert.
B2: Ballroom dance studio "Empire" Director. Semenchuk Anastasia.

Q1: Yes, Lesha, what could you do without women? Who, for example, feeds you, drinks you, clothes you?
Q2: Woman.
Q3: Who raises the children?
Q4: Woman.
Q1: Who warns against bad deeds?
Q2: Police.
Q3: Let’s say... And who creates comfort in the house, maintains cleanliness and order?
Q4: Vacuum cleaner. Okay - a woman with a vacuum cleaner.
Q1: Even on a bus, an older woman’s seat is given way to a younger woman.
Q2: What do you think men do?
Q3: How can they sing beautifully? Meet

"Lanfren-Lanfra" Igor Ivanov

Q1: You are next to us at work,
Although household chores
Sometimes they still lie on you,
We, the entire male half,
We ask you to forgive us today.
Q2: Because often we men
We make noise and argue for no reason,
Needlessly annoying you.
Q1: Let's decide forever:
Today, tomorrow and beyond,
Men, take care of women,
So that they save the men.
Q2: Dear girls and women. There are so few of us here! So let's be worthy of the men who surround us.
Q1: And let's welcome...

"Love is like a dream"

Q1: You’re probably surprised why Lily isn’t next to me, she just can’t come to her senses. The fact is that the atmosphere behind the scenes is tense to the limit... And why, see for yourself!
Q1: You have dreamed about princes since childhood.
And if fate sends him
Its weapon is coquetry
You use it skillfully.
B2: Arrow of a mysterious smile
You strive in your heart to please
From a repeated mistake
You weave a living thread of love.
Q1: We wear an aesthetic bridle
Sophistication - what the hell do we need!
... About a beautiful woman, like a stove
We say: “Beautifully built!”
Q2: There is a song that our ball is earthly
The bears spin with their shaggy hand.
This mistake is all together and apart
Women turn that very axis.

"The Hijacker"

Q1: Lilya, tell me why you women are so attracted to oriental TV series?
Q2: Like what? After all, there is such love, such songs, dances that are completely different from ours. And you will now be convinced of this!
Q1: What does a Woman really need?
We more or less seem to know!
And everything that you would like to wish for yourself -
This is exactly what we wish for you!
Q2: Good luck in your work! The weather is pleasant!
Love - pure, tender and repeated!
Silky hair! Snow-white teeth!
Husbands - wealthy! Sponsors - gentle!
Q1: Stocking without puffs! A fur coat made of sable!
Neighbors both below and above - silent!
A trip - not to the garden, but to the sea!
Cookies - more, but without calories!
Q2: Foreign cars, but the steering wheel is on the left!
Perfume - from Dior! Flowers - daily!
Intentions - different, but better than serious ones!
Housing - five-room and five-star!
Q1: Tickets on buses - only happy ones!
Friends - not boring ones! Friends - not jealous!
Passions - exhausting! Difficulties - brief!
Diamonds - no less than 40 carats!
And... it seems... we forgot something else...
Oh ok!
And cupboards without dust!!!
Q2: And the dream of becoming a great artist will come true!!!
And Women's Day - at least 300 times a year!!!
Q1: Our meeting is full of surprises. Surely there are fans of raffles, lotteries, and auctions in the hall. By participating in them, everyone dreams of winning the main prize.
Q2: And today, dear viewers, there is a lucky person among you. Who will receive the holiday gift? What needs to be done for this?
Q1: Everything is very simple: there is a flower attached under one of the seats. You just need to get up and check if the place you have chosen is happy.
Q1: Please accept our heartfelt congratulations and wishes to always be young and full of health.
Q2: Let children’s talk always sound in your home, filled with peace and warmth, and your whole life will be sunny and beautiful, joyful and happy.
Q3: Of course, I would like to wish you love! The love of parents for children and children for parents, love for loved ones, for the weak and the strong.
Q4: Love for the Motherland, for the native land, for the clear sky above your head, for the pure work in your hands, for pure thoughts and pure thoughts.


The scenario is suitable for holding a concert made up of amateur performances by students of a faculty or institute.

The names of the numbers are conditional.

The framing presenter comes out, congratulates on the holiday and passes the floor to the rector (or dean).

Congratulations from the rector (dean).

Framing presenter

It is logical that on such a holiday a man should lead the festive event. I hand over the reins to a student of the specialty....

Presenter 1

Good afternoon, our dear women and girls! Congratulations on Women's Day! And I give you this applause! Well, congratulations, I think it’s time for you all to run home and prepare a festive dinner for your men. So slowly pack your things and head out.

Presenter 1 and Presenter 2 enter.

Presenter 1

Sooo... What is this?

Presenter 2

Where are you taking us all?

Presenter 1

Oh, girls, hello, by the way, happy holiday to you! Well, that’s it, I think that we need to approach the celebration of March 8th like a man. Brief and businesslike. He said 2 words, gave him a mimosa and... that’s it.

Presenter 1

How is it all??? What about the holiday? Women want a concert!!!

Presenter 1

They don't want anything. They are silent. You can't hear them at all in the hall.

Presenter 2

What are you talking about? Now we will hold a referendum on who is more in the hall and who is silent. ( Addresses the audience) Men in the hall ( only men), support Denis's idea with applause ( clap). And now all the women in the hall, clap for yourself, show that there are more of you!!! ( Gets the room going.)

Presenter 1

Do you see? The whole hall is in our hands, the whole college (faculty, institute...) in our hands, so what - the whole world is in our hands! Do not believe??? So listen!

Number 1 - the song “The whole world is in our hands” ( choir).

Presenter 1

Eh, today’s day... mmm... what a nice day. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the streams are babbling... I just want to live!

Presenters 1 and 2 run out.

Presenter 1

Presenter 1 (to the hall)

Lord, what a disgusting day... The sun is in your eyes, the birds are screaming, the water, the dirt under your feet... I don’t want to live!

Presenter 2

Denis, why don’t you want to give us a joyful mood? Why don't you like the female gender so much?

Presenter 1

On March 8, all men in the country have one disease progressing... Allergy! on women... Men on this day want to disappear, fly away, run away! Well, at least in the song.

Number 2 - song “Road to the Clouds”.

Presenter 1

Girls, that's it, enough songs, it's time to go home!

Presenter 1

Why are you in such a hurry to get home?

Presenter 1

So to the festive table! There is waiting for me...

Presenter 2

Who?? Mother?

Presenter 1

No, better.

Presenter 1

Presenter 1

Better!!! ( pause) Food!!!

Presenter 2

Everything is clear with you... No, we are girls, we don’t think about food on our holiday, we take care of our figure, we go on a diet

Presenter 1

Are you sitting? Well, get off her. Another way is much better...

Presenter 1

Presenter 1

Dance!!! Here, take an example from the fiery Spanish girls - not life, but continuous movement! So, we have a sea of ​​fire and character with us!

Number 3 - Flamenco dance.

Presenter 1

But I dream of one thing... For all the women in the world to be silent... Well, okay, in the world... at least in the hall ( pause). Lord, how wonderful, how quiet it is!!!

Presenter 1

Oh, here you are... Well, go ahead and tell me that women don’t know how to think, that they don’t have logic...

Presenter 1

What, is there? Joke! okay, okay, there are more of you. We can assume that we men are in an enemy environment. But why do you need a concert? You don’t need romance now, give you rich boys in cool cars.

Presenter 1

Yes? You shouldn't think so! Love for real men lives deep in our hearts!

Number 4 - the song “Love Girls”.

Presenter 1

There is such a person in the life of each of us whom we cannot help but congratulate. It's just sacred.

Presenter 2

I think I can guess who you are talking about.

Presenter 1

And no matter how many words are said,
For them, everything will be too little...
For you - both song and love,
Dear, dear mothers!!!

Number 5 - the song “Mommy-Mommy”.

Presenter 1

Somehow nostalgia from such songs struck me... I’m sad,... ( presenter name 2) (crying into her shoulder).

Presenter 2

Should we go home, as our 1st presenter suggested? By the way, where is he?

(Nervously looking for him.)

There is already panic, they are rushing around the stage.

Presenter 2

Ahhh, she left us!!! How will we lead alone? We can't handle it, we're girls!

Presenter 1

Calm down, sister! Until we finish the concert, we won’t go anywhere from this place!

Presenter 1

Yes? But we are weak!

Presenter 1

Are we weak? Yes, we are supermen! Try walking all this way in heels, with nails like these, with bags on your back, children around your neck and a husband under your arm!

Presenter 2

And with all this, look like a queen!

Presenter 1

Well, just some kind of song!

Number 6 - song “Queen of Inspiration...”

Presenter 2 comes out.

Presenter 2

Girls, I see that on this holiday you lack a man’s shoulder and support on stage. May I offer my assistance?

Presenter 2

Oh, that would be wonderful. Still, whatever one may say, where are we without men?

Presenter 1

Well, I don’t know, I don’t know... Will you succeed?

Presenter 2

Anh, well, let him try! We are of course the stronger sex! And freedom is good, but everyone needs love! Even the strongest...

Presenter 2

Our next heroine will talk about this too!

Number 7 - song “People Can’t Always Be Together.”

Presenter 2

Presenter 2

What makes a woman happy?

Presenter 1

Presenter 2

Presenter 2

Presenter 2

Not what, but who! A man, of course! Hence, your best gift is me!

Presenter 1 and 2

Presenter 2

Girls, I figured out what to give you!

Presenter 1

Fur coat! Food processor! ( clap their hands)

Presenter 2

Well, why so small, it’s better to immediately use a DON combine harvester!

Presenter 1

Well, then, maybe... a microwave?

Presenter 2

Or maybe... a micro-postcard?

Presenter 1

This is not enough!!!

Presenter 2

Well, then I’ll turn life into a fairy tale!

Presenter 2

Eh, men... You are all storytellers... And we need wizards!

Presenter 1

Give us a better romantic story.

Presenter 2

No problem! So, romance in bast shoes!!!

Number 8 - dance “It was in the village in Olkhovka.”

Presenter 1

You know, my friends, let's not quarrel! I realized that demanding love and tenderness as a gift and only on one day is stupid. You have to give them to yourself!

Presenter 2

But I understood one thing - women will always decorate our lives. And we should always treat them as if there were only March 8th on the calendar!

Presenter 2

How smart you are!

Presenter 2

How beautiful you are!

Presenter 1

These words make me want to sing!

Presenter 2

Well, then sing!

Presenter 1

I? I'm alone?

Presenter 2

No, we will sing! Together!

Presenter 2

And with us are 9% of men and 91% of women... ( name of the institute).

Number 9 is the final song, “This Is Love.”

Framing presenter

This is where our story ends. And yours may just be beginning. Love each other always, and not just on March 8th! Give each other gifts, and not only on holidays! Happy holiday, dear women! Patience to you, men!

Scenario for the March 8 holiday for middle classes Presenter 1. Good afternoon, dear friends! Spring has come, March has come. And March is a song! And March is a fairy tale! And March is all about miracles and spring! And March is freshness, And March is the holiday of Kind and sweet mothers!

Presenter 2.

March 8th is when the sun begins to warm the earth, when snowdrops bloom in forest thawed areas and rooks fly in... Everyone loves this holiday. After all, this is a holiday for our mothers, grandmothers, sisters and classmates. Everyone we know. And we don’t know who. Everyone who lives next to us... And far from us... A holiday for half of humanity. And what half! The most charming, the most beautiful, the kindest. Leading: And I immediately noticed how many beauties there were among them!

Presenter: Yes, it’s immediately clear that March 8 is not only a women’s holiday, but also, so to speak, the official arrival of spring! And even if the snow has not melted yet, everyone is already in a spring mood! Eyes sparkle and hearts glow. I want warm communication, humor and love!

Presenter 1:

We are glad to see you all in this room! Our concert today is dedicated to the holiday of spring, love and, of course, it is dedicated to you - our dear women.

Presenter 2: May every woman present in this hall preserve natural femininity for a long time. The floor for congratulations is given to the director of our school (full name).

Presenter 2: Poetry, music, flowers, nature - all this is wonderful, but if there were no women in the world, we would not understand the charm of poetry, music, flowers and nature. Our concert today opens with an ageless waltz.

Presenter 2: Now on this stage you will see a musical (sketch) “title” from the students of __ class.

(To the music of Ennio Maricone “The Wind is Crying”)

Nastya: Mom! The most beautiful word on Earth is mom! This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally tender in all languages ​​of the world. Mom has the kindest and most affectionate hands, she can do everything. Asya: Mom has the most loyal and sensitive heart - love never fades in it, it does not remain indifferent to anything. And no matter how old you are - 5 or 50 - you always need your mother, her affection, her gaze. And the greater your love for your mother, the happier and brighter your life!


The 1st presenter appears on the stage - a boy in home clothes, all wrapped in threads, scissors peeking out of his pocket. He has a bunch of scraps in his hands. - I wanted to sew a beautiful apron for my beloved mother, I quickly cut out the dress for my mother - I thought once - and everything is ready! What's so complicated about this? It’s not clear what happened... Nothing worked! There’s nothing to surprise mommy with - Shall I give her this? I thought my mother would be happy, but what came out was a bunch of rubbish... (shows shredded material) The 2nd presenter (a high school student) appears on the stage with a saucepan and a whisk in his hand, covered in flour, with a chef’s hat on. - Baking a cake is a simple matter, you just have to take it boldly. Seven eggs, a little flour, three tablespoons of pepper... Or no, not like that at all! It turns out to be a mess. I'm completely confused - why put pepper there? Three hours of torment in the kitchen, I spilled the cream, burned all my hands, The result is a burnt cake And it doesn’t look like a cake. (to the 1st presenter): - It looks like we’ll have to come up with other gifts, but that’s okay, let’s not be discouraged! After all, real men do not give in to difficulties! (leave)

Performance by children from the junior level:

    How courteous our dad is,

So he surprised us all day,

He called his mother charming,

He served her coffee in bed.

Around granny, mother's mother,

In the morning I carefully circled

And he called her Ivanovna,

And he was in a hurry to help in everything.

He looked after everyone politely

And he sang a romance with a guitar,

Showed tricks with a handkerchief

And he danced the waltz with me.

How sweet the house smells of roses,

I won't go to sleep any longer.

What a pity that the day is cheerful and pink

For dad only once a year!

Ved1: Attention! A holiday telegram was received: “March 8 is the best day. And on this spring day, we ask all teachers: Please accept our congratulations! Have fun, don’t get bored and rest more often, so that at home and at work you will always be held in high esteem.”

Presenter 2: Spring is a time of love, and love has inspired poets at all times. This topic is limitless: love was sung in ancient times, poets of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance sang about it, and they write about it in our days. They not only write, but also sing.

(A love song is performed. This can be a performance of a song at the request of teachers.)

Presenter 1: Love... How much has merged in this sound for the Russian heart... Although what am I talking about -... Oh, yes, about love. Where there is love there is passion. As you know, in Spain, there are the most passionate men and no less passionate women - what is to blame? Maybe the blood of bullfighters flows in their veins, or maybe their heart, which beats to the rhythm of Spanish castanets.

(A Spanish dance is performed.)

Presenter 2: To congratulate us, we invite boys from... the class to this stage.

"Gentlemen Congratulate" is written for college students, but could be the basis for or standalone episodes for it. The script was written to congratulate the girls, full of concert numbers, humorous moments and compliments to the heroes of the occasion.

Introduction to the concert program "Gentlemen congratulate"

The music from the film “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson” plays.
The presenters come out - a team of gentlemen in tuxedos and bow ties (or symbolic white scarves).

1st gentleman:
While the snow is still white on the fields
And the depths of the river are hidden under the ice,
But winter leaves are in all calendars
Already torn off... Spring has come to the country!

2nd gentleman:
Have you noticed
Does something happen to people in the spring?
Women have all become unusual -
Nice, gentle, all of them!

Dear women, what happened?
Maybe a hint to the stronger sex:
Like, I worked just as hard as you,
Do you want to be weak for a day?..

3rd gentleman:
And men have inspired faces,
Pride in posture, confident look.
A knight awakens in each of them,
An ardent poet and a fearless soldier.

He makes breakthroughs in stores,
In the queues he storms the flowers,
Like a sapper, despite the explosions,
Builds bridges to the heart.

4th gentleman:
In March, the apartment becomes paradise:
Peace... silence... the sound of consonant hearts...
The husband, like Stirlitz, selects his words:
Say something wrong and... it's over!

In March, the eighth, a man could hardly
A woman’s whim will not be taken into account.
Apparently, they are so overdue for attention,
What are the calculations for the year?

5th gentleman:
They are even in a hurry to issue scholarships...
This happens in March the eighth!
This is a short matriarchy
This has a beneficial effect on men!

We don’t yet understand what the secret is?
Dear women, we wish you -
Be like this in April and May,
Today, and tomorrow, and for a thousand years!

6th gentleman:
Be like that! And it may happen
From this day forward and for years to come
There will be a knight in every man,
An ardent poet and a fearless soldier!

7th gentleman:
Grandmothers, sisters, girls, mothers,
To everyone to whom the spring holiday is dedicated,
Your knights are the men of the program -
Sending congratulations and low bows!

6th Gentleman:
It is known that the Russian language is great and powerful, but how difficult, incredibly difficult it is to find those words that would express the full measure of love and respect for you, dear girls.
7th Gentleman: Inventions, initiatives, records - our women can do everything! We know what responsibility lies on fragile shoulders: after all, more than half of all workers in our country are women!
6th Gentleman:
True, recently more and more often it has been proposed to exempt women from work - let them, they say, have March 8 all year round.
7th Gentleman:
Can you imagine? Men work every day, babysit children, milk cows, do manicures, cook dinner.
6th Gentleman:
No, it’s impossible to even imagine such a picture! Would you women ever agree to such a proposal? I think never. You don't have the kind of character to stay out of work.
7th Gentleman: Our mothers, girls, wives, sisters, our beautiful and affectionate, attentive and smart! We men bow deeply to you for your patience and give our hearts. (Bow.)

The song “My Heart” is performed.

1st Gentleman:
“Good Mood Studio” offers you the following type of service - a win-win lottery. The following are played out: rose-colored glasses and a blue stocking, inflated numbers and fake cases, a fly in the ointment and a lost egg, an awl in a bag and a needle in a haystack, a long box and a lying stone, the skin of an unkilled bear and sleeves from a vest, donut holes, last year’s snow.

2nd Gentleman:
The first win goes to (such and such a number) - this is what a girl in love marks her admirer with (pomade).

Other prizes:

1st Gentleman:
"indicator of love" (pack of salt
- “runny nose remedy” (handkerchief), original price...
- "weightloss remedy" (jump rope)...
- dandruff remedy (shampoo)...
- Philips vacuum cleaner (broom)...
- “a means of attracting the fair sex” (bouquet)… and so on.

2nd Gentleman:
Sir, don’t you think our guests are sad, it’s time to announce the next number.
1st Gentleman:
On stage... Meet us!


2nd Gentleman:
Gentlemen. A note arrived from the hall (takes out notes). “Vasya, I love you. Wave your hand to me. 4 row. 12th place." Sorry, not that one. And here: “Vasya, don’t forget to buy bread, milk and three dozen eggs.” No no. This is not the same again. Here!
1st Gentleman:“Gentlemen, be vigilant. The girls are already backstage.” Well, let's see what kind of girls these are.

A scene is played out.

3rd Gentleman: Sir, I read in the newspaper yesterday that mood, according to scientists, has its own color, its own shade. If a person is excited, his mood is red, purple, scarlet. If calm - blue, purple. And if the next number of our concert is waiting, what color do you think he’s in the mood for?
4th Gentleman:
Well, I do not know. Maybe we'll ask our viewers (answers from the audience).
3rd Gentleman: I hope that there is not a single person among us who is in a black mood. So this evening let's bring all the colors of our moods into one big multi-colored rainbow. Into a rainbow of good mood. And so that my words do not diverge from deeds, I invite you to the stage...

(Musical number.)

5th Gentleman: You know, sir, that pop songs used to be called serenades. You probably know how they were sung. A young man came to his beloved under the balcony at midnight and sang to her about his love in the light of the moon. She, as tradition demanded then, took a flower out of the pot and threw it to her beloved. I think it's great.
6th Gentleman: And if only this had reached our days! Can you imagine? He arrives at midnight under the balcony of a sixteen-story building, behind him is a rock band performing a rock serenade. There certainly won't be any applause. Well, the flowers will probably fly, only along with the pots... from the beloved’s neighbors. I think that the next composition (dance) will not cause a similar reaction in you.
7th Gentleman: I would like to congratulate our women teachers. Even if it’s not easy for them to work with us, even if things at home aren’t always good, but on this very day, let your worries and anxieties go away from you.

1st Gentleman:
A star falls from the midnight sky,
And the birds fly away to a distant land,
But it stays with you forever
The light of a woman, beautiful and high.
7th Gentleman:
From heart to heart, from dream to dream,
The light of a woman will pave the invisible path,
Open only to eternal kindness,
And truth, and unique love...
1st Gentleman:
The dew sparkles, the clouds melt,
A new day usually comes,
And the Universe glows while
The light of a woman is splashed throughout the Universe!
2nd Gentleman:
On a short but such a beautiful day, poems are dedicated to women that speak of love and fidelity. Poets and artists glorify the woman whose name is Mother, whose name is Love, whose destiny is to give Life, Joy and Dream!
3rd Gentleman: And we join the poets and artists and praise our girls. For you, our dear, gentle, beloved ones...
4th Gentleman: The sound of a guitar, the sound of a violin, fires and knocking across the steppe. The song and dance are exciting, and on stage it’s gypsy.

A dance is being performed. All presenters and speakers are on stage.

5th Gentleman: This ends our evening. And we tell you once again: happy holiday to you, dear women! And may you not lose patience, which is so necessary for all of you now.
6th Gentleman: May your kindness bring warmth to the hearts of those around you. Let music always sound in your home, the music of love and kindness.
7th Gentleman: And let everyone admire your beauty. After all, you are the most beautiful thing there is. You are the most beautiful, delicate and fragrant flower in the world.
Goodbye! See you again!