Educational technologies in intellectual development. Optimizing the intellectual development of preschool children using innovative technologies. IIT Development Trends

Today in the field of management automation, information analysis dominates at the preliminary stage of preparing decisions - processing primary information, decomposing a problem situation.

Today in the field of management automation, information analysis dominates at the preliminary stage of preparing decisions - processing primary information, decomposing a problem situation. All this allows us to understand only fragments and details of processes, and not the situation as a whole. To overcome this shortcoming, you need to learn how to build knowledge bases using the experience of the best specialists, as well as generate the missing knowledge.

The use of information technologies (IT) in various spheres of human activity, the exponential growth of information volumes and the need to respond quickly in any situation required the search for adequate ways to solve emerging problems. The most effective of them is the path of intellectualization of information technologies.

Intelligent information technologies usually mean those information technologies that provide the following capabilities:

  • the presence of knowledge bases reflecting the experience of specific people, groups, societies, humanity as a whole, in solving creative problems in selected areas of activity that have traditionally been considered the prerogative of human intelligence (for example, poorly formalized tasks such as decision making, design, extraction of meaning, explanation, training, etc.);
  • the presence of thinking models based on knowledge bases: rules and logical conclusions; argumentation and reasoning; recognition and classification of situations; generalizations and understanding, etc.;
  • the ability to form very clear decisions based on fuzzy, lax, incomplete, underdetermined data;
  • the ability to explain conclusions and decisions, that is, the presence of an explanation mechanism;
  • the ability to learn, retrain and, therefore, develop.

In Fig. 1 shows a schematic representation of the intelligent system.

The unique feature of Intelligent Information Technologies (IIT) is its “versatility”. They have virtually no restrictions on their use in areas such as control, design, machine translation, diagnostics, pattern recognition, speech synthesis, etc.

IITs are also widely used for distributed solution of complex problems, collaborative product design, building virtual enterprises, modeling large production systems and electronic commerce, electronic development of complex computer systems, managing knowledge and information systems, etc. Another effective application is information retrieval on the Internet and other global networks, its structuring and delivery to the customer.

However, management automation and informatization tools have still not become real assistants to managers at all levels. Moreover, where these tools can bring the greatest effect (supporting timely and informed decisions at the highest levels of the management hierarchy), they are practically not used.

Problems of managerial decision making

First problem. The modern leader makes decisions in very contradictory conditions. On the one hand, he must take into account an increasing number of factors and data in decisions, on the other hand, he must improve the quality of decisions made. At the same time, the factors differ in significance and influence on the quality of the decision.

The manager is required to have clarity and timeliness of actions, validity and understanding of the possible consequences of decisions made. He must have a good understanding of all aspects of the activities of the facility, enterprise or company entrusted to him, as well as their “environment” (external organizations, administrative bodies, etc.). At the same time, he cannot make mistakes, since the mistakes of a high-ranking manager, for example, one responsible for the development of an industry (region), are very costly. The problem of adequate leadership is not as simple as it seems, and is one of the most complex. It is clear that it is impossible to solve it by simply increasing the administrative apparatus. Here everything is determined not by quantity, but by quality.

Often, managers do not want to “get involved” with information technologies at all, since they take a lot of effort and money and require endless learning. Some very experienced managers actually make fairly intelligent decisions without the benefit of a huge staff of experts and computer scientists. This is possible because such a leader has mentally formed a systematic picture of his huge economy, like a good doctor observing and treating the same patient for a long time. This picture gradually developed along with the development of his economy and was firmly imprinted in his brain in the form of a systemic model of knowledge. It is she who helps him make the right decisions. Such a leader builds his conclusions and decisions fundamentally differently than those who do not have such experience, although they use information technology. Having information about the current state of his management object and using his huge and well-structured knowledge base (that is, his system model), an experienced manager acts by recognizing situations and classifying them. Automatically and almost instantly, the current picture is superimposed on the model and all its contradictions, advantages and disadvantages are highlighted; it relates to fundamental decisions that produced good results. If there is no prototype in his knowledge base model, then it is quite easy for him to construct a new solution, mentally superimposing it on his model, which he “sees” and feels well.

It is precisely the presence of such a knowledge base that distinguishes a good expert from everyone else - a professional in his activity. Statistics say that out of 100 specialists, only three to five can be high-quality experts. Only they are able to offer good (excellent and even brilliant) solutions without any technical miracles. But where can we find such specialists in our time, when everything quickly becomes outdated, especially in the field of control technologies. Samples from decades ago may now do more harm than good. The training of such specialists lasts for decades.

Second problem it seems that the “old culture” of automation, based on natural science and technocentric approaches, continues to dominate in the field of management. It is focused on technical support of administrative-command management methods. The old idea that any prepared decision must have retrospective analogues and precedents also interferes - this is a big limitation. It is necessary to move away from focusing on rigid models and normative decision-making procedures. Today, intellectual support for management activities is relevant. From this point of view, the conditions have now been created for the true manifestation of the gigantic capabilities of artificial intelligence and IIT.

Third problem. Existing means of automating the decision-making process are “skewed” towards the analysis of situations and systems, but a new “orientation” is needed - towards the synthesis of decisions and new knowledge, which requires the use of IIT.

Prospects for the development of IITs

It seems that IITs have now reached a fundamentally new stage in their development. Thus, over the past 10 years, the capabilities of IIT have significantly expanded due to the development of new types of logical models, the emergence of new theories and concepts. The “nodal” points in the development of IITs are:

  • transition from logical inference to models of argumentation and reasoning;
  • searching for relevant knowledge and generating explanations;
  • understanding and synthesis of texts;
  • cognitive graphics, that is, graphic and figurative representation of knowledge;
  • multi-agent systems;
  • intelligent network models;
  • calculations based on fuzzy logic, neural networks, genetic algorithms, probabilistic calculations (implemented in various combinations with each other and with expert systems);
  • the problem of metaknowledge.

Multi-agent systems have become a new paradigm for creating promising IITs. Here it is assumed that the agent is an independent intellectual system that has its own system of goal setting and motivation, its own area of ​​action and responsibility. Interaction between agents is ensured by a higher level system - METAINTELLIGENCE. In multi-agent systems (MAS), a virtual community of intelligent agents is modeled - objects that are autonomous, active, and enter into various “social” relationships - cooperation and collaboration (friendship), competition, rivalry, enmity, etc. The “social” aspect of modern solutions tasks is a fundamental feature of the conceptual novelty of advanced intellectual technologies - virtual organizations, virtual society.

IIT Development Trends

Communications systems

Global information networks and IITs can radically change the way we think about companies and knowledge work itself. The presence of employees at the workplace will become virtually unnecessary. People can work from home and interact with each other as needed through networks. For example, there is a well-known successful experience in creating a new modification of the Boeing 747 aircraft by a distributed team of specialists interacting via the Internet. The location of participants in any development will play a less and lesser role, but the importance of the level of qualifications of the participants is increasing.

Another reason that determined the rapid development of IITs is related to the increasing complexity of communication systems and the problems solved on their basis. A qualitatively new level of “intellectualization” of such software products as systems for analyzing heterogeneous and weak data, ensuring information security, developing solutions in distributed systems, etc. was required.

Use of IIT in the military sphere

With the use of IIT in the army, military strategies have changed significantly. Thus, the leadership of the US armed forces plans to reduce time management cycles by three to four times by introducing intelligent automated control systems to support commanders’ decision-making and combat planning.


Already today, distance learning is beginning to play an important role in education. And the introduction of IIT will make it possible to significantly individualize this process in accordance with the needs and abilities of each student.


The informatization of everyday life has already begun, but with the development of IIT, fundamentally new opportunities will appear. Gradually, more and more new functions will be transferred to the computer: monitoring the user’s health, controlling household appliances such as humidifiers, air fresheners, heaters, ionizers, stereo systems, medical diagnostic tools, etc. In other words, the systems will also become diagnostics of the condition of a person and his home. A comfortable information space will be provided in premises where the information environment will become part of the human environment.


IITs are constantly developing, and the quality of our lives depends on how actively we use them in all areas of activity (be it business management, management decision support or education).


Sources cited for definitions:[i1] ​​- Yuzvishin I. I. Encyclopedia of Informationology / Ed. acad. A. M. Prokhorova. M.: Informationology, 2000.

[i2] - Waterman D. Guide to expert systems. (Translated from English). M.: Mir, 1989.

Update- implementation, transition from a state of possibility to a state of reality. In network planning - reflection in the network schedule of completed work. [i1]

Knowledge base- an information base reflecting the experience of specific people, groups, societies, humanity as a whole, in solving creative problems in selected areas of activity, traditionally considered the prerogative of human intelligence. [and 2]

Knowledge- a practice-tested result of knowledge of reality, its correct reflection in human thinking, possession of experience and understanding that are correct both subjectively and objectively, on the basis of which it is possible to build judgments and conclusions that seem reliable enough to be considered as knowledge . [i1]

Knowledge Engineer- a person who designs or creates an expert system. This is usually a computer scientist with experience in applying applied artificial intelligence methods. [and 2]

Artificial intelligence- a branch of computer science related to the development of intelligent programs for computers. [and 2]

Metaknowledge (Metaintelligence)- knowledge of an expert system about how the system works or reasons. In a broader sense, it is knowledge about knowledge. [and 2]

Mechanism of explanation (Generation of explanations - models of argumentation and reasoning)- part of an expert system that explains how decisions were obtained and justifies the actions taken to obtain them. [and 2]

Thinking- an internal active desire to master one’s own ideas, concepts, impulses of feelings and will, memories, expectations, etc. Thinking, which in its structure can be cognitive or emotional, consists in the constant regrouping of all possible contents of consciousness and the formation or destruction of existing ones them connections. [i1]

Thinking Forms (Human Intelligence)- methods and types of formal organization of the thought process, abstracted from its content component. [i1]

Fuzzy Mathematics (Fuzzy Logic - Underdetermined Data)- a branch of mathematics associated with fuzzy objects, data, and algorithms. [and 2]

Optimization- finding the largest or smallest value of a function, selecting the best (optimal) option from a variety of possible ones, for example, control optimization. [i1]

Perceptron (Neural Networks)- a learning system that models perception and pattern recognition. [i1]

User- a person using an expert system, such as an end user, expert, knowledge engineer, tool developer, or laboratory technician. [and 2]

Knowledge representation- the process of structuring subject knowledge in order to facilitate the search for a solution to a problem. [and 2]

Technology- 1) a set of methods of processing, manufacturing, changing the state, properties, form of raw materials, materials or semi-finished products during the production process; 2) the science of methods of influencing raw materials, materials or semi-finished products with appropriate production tools. [i1]

Heuristics (Heuristic programming)- a rule of thumb that simplifies or limits the search for solutions in a subject area that is complex or inaccessible to any understanding. [and 2]

Expert- a person who, over years of study and practice, has learned to solve problems related to a specific subject area extremely effectively. [and 2]

Expert system- a computer program that uses expert knowledge to provide highly effective solutions to problems in a certain narrow subject area. Such programs typically represent knowledge symbolically, explore and explain their reasoning processes, and are designed for subject areas in which individuals require years of specialized training and practice to achieve mastery. [and 2]

  1. Lepsky V. E. Subjective approach - a paradigm of artificial intelligence. AII "AI News". 1999. No. 1.
  2. Tarasov V. B., Arsenyev S. V., Egorov S. V. Methodology for mixed V-shaped design of multi-agent systems and virtual organizations / Sat. proceedings of the conference. KII" 2000. M.: Fizmatgiz, 2000.
  3. Shabtsev V. A. Human-centric approach to informatization. / Abstract. reports of the IV Congress "Social Development and Public Information" of the VI International Forum on Informatization (IFI-97). M.: MAI, 1997.

History of Intelligent Information Technologies

Let us turn to the history of the development of IIT, which dates back to the 60s of the last century and includes several main periods.

  • 60-70s. These are the years of awareness of the capabilities of artificial intelligence and the formation of a social order to support decision-making and management processes. Science responds to this order with the appearance of the first perceptrons (neural networks), the development of methods of heuristic programming and situational control of large systems (the latter was developed in the USSR).
  • 70-80s. At this stage, there is an awareness of the importance of knowledge for the formation of adequate decisions; EXPERT SYSTEMS appear, in which the apparatus of fuzzy mathematics is actively used, models of plausible inference and plausible reasoning are developed.
  • 80-90s. Integrated (hybrid) models of knowledge representation are emerging, combining intelligence: search, computation, logical and figurative.
Examples of systems developed to date using IIT.
  1. Asanov A. A., Larichev O. I., Naryzhny E. V. Expert system for diagnosing drug poisoning, ESTER.

    The system works with 19 groups of common drugs and uses more than 60 diagnostic signs. It imitates the reasoning of a doctor who is an expert in toxicology. The system is currently being tested at the Toxicology Center of the Russian Ministry of Health.

  2. Avdeev P. A., Eremeev A. P., Katovich V. N. A prototype of the diagnostic expert system for pre-launch preparation (DES PP) and its technical implementation based on the highly efficient instrumental complex G2+GDA.

    Basic principles are proposed for the design of intelligent decision support systems for operators, work managers and crew during the preparation and operation of complex rocket and space complexes.

  3. Gorodetsky V. N., Kotenko I. V., Karsaev O. V. Intelligent agents for detecting attacks in computer networks.

    Based on licensed software products such as G2, GDA, NeurOn-Line, Rethink, etc., it becomes possible to create dynamic systems for diagnosing complex technical systems.

  4. Telnov Yu. F. Component technology for reengineering business processes and configuration of an enterprise information system based on knowledge management.

    The approach to configuring the structure of business processes and information systems is based on the use of an object-oriented model and generalized production rules for limiting the integrity of the enterprise model. Certain experience in solving problems of intelligent configuration of objects, accumulated in expert systems (for example, XCON, COCOS, VEXED, VT, DIDS, etc.), can be used when configuring business processes.

Increasing the professional competence of teachers, allowing for the intellectual development of preschool children, using educational innovative gaming technologies. For preschoolers, life in kindergarten will be interesting only if it is filled with play. Children love and should play! But not only computer games, but games with live communication between children.



"Kindergarten No. 12 "Rosinka"


"New generation games

In the intellectual development of a preschooler"

Prepared and conducted:

Kazantseva M.A.

November, 2016


teacher Kazantseva M.A.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 12 "Rosinka"

Topic: “New generation games in the intellectual development of preschoolers”

Purpose of the seminar:

Increasing the professional competence of teachers, allowing for the intellectual development of preschool children using educational innovative gaming technologies

The use of game development technologies (Kuziner sticks, Dienesh blocks, TRIZ, RTV, ICT, Mobius strip) in the teaching and educational process in preschool age groups.


Development of intellectual and creative activity of teachers;

Training teachers in methods of using educational games (ICT, Möbius strip).


1. Introductory speech “Innovative technologies for developing the intelligence of preschool children.”

2. Presentation “Innovative technologies: Kuziner sticks, Dienesh blocks, TRIZ, RTV, ICT, Mobius strip for the development of intelligence in preschool children.”

3. Practical part: ICT, Mobius strip.

Dear colleagues.

The topic of our meeting: “New generation games in the intellectual development of preschoolers.”

Intelligence - Complex integral education,including various cognitive processes and functions (thinking,memory, attention, imagination,speech) in their interrelation.

P. Ya. Galperin

The intellectual development of children is aimed at developing the child’s mental abilities in the process of various preschool activities, mainly in a fun way.

The basis of human intelligence, his sensory experience is laid in the first years of a child’s life. In preschool childhood, the formation of the first forms of abstraction, the generalization of simple conclusions, the transition from practical to logical thinking, the development of perception, attention, memory, and imagination occur.

The development of intellectual abilities of preschool children is one of the pressing problems of our time. Preschoolers with developed intelligence remember material faster, are more confident in their abilities, adapt more easily to a new environment, and are better prepared for school.

Play is of particular importance in a child’s life. What a child is like at play, so will he be at work when he grows up. It prepares the child for a future independent life. Imagination is always present in play activities, and play and imagination are interconnected.

And today we will pay attention to the educational game “The Amazing Mobius Strip”.

“The game is a huge bright window throughwhich flows into the spiritual world of the child

life-giving flow of ideas, conceptsabout the world around us."

V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

"Journey through educational games"


"Waiting Tree"

Target: develop the ability to determine the predicted outcome of a meeting.

Since today we will talk about games, I suggest you also join the game.Before we start working together, let's share with each other what mood and thoughts did you have when you came to the game? What goal have you set for what you want to achieve at the end of the game? Talk about your personal expectations.

Please come to the tree and write on some pieces of paper in a nutshell what you expect to receive from our meeting.

"Getting into the Game"

Target: intellectual workout.

The warm-up is aimed at training simple mental operations and activating mental activity.

Swamp grass, which is easy to cut. (sedge)

Accident that happened to a car (accident)

Which branch does not sway even with a strong gust of wind. (railroad)

They say that when it is there, no mind is required. What is this? (force).

Gymnasts swim underwater with fins on their feet. (Scuba divers)

A craftsman-spider wove a small net for the fish. (For the flies)

Without what letter does an airy cake exist? (Merringue - without the “e”)

Three girls walked to school under one umbrella. Why didn’t any of them get wet? (It wasn’t raining).

When is the miller in the mill without a head? (when he leans out the window)

If it weren't for him, I wouldn't say anything. What is this? (language)

What is the name of the segment connecting a point on a circle to the center? (radius).

Theoretical part


Practical part

1. “Porridge from an axe”

Target: promote the creative search of teachers, develop cooperation skills.

Exercise: From the proposed items, come up with educational games, set a goal and present.

The following items are on the table and toys:


Cat and mouse


Hedgehog and mushroom

After the presentations of the games, generalization.

In fact, any game is educational for the baby: nursery rhymes associated with massaging, tickling, stroking stimulate sensitivity and reactions, demonstration of contrasting drawings helps him learn to concentrate, placing objects of different texture and density in his hands gives tactile sensations and prepares fine motor skills hands

In Game the child experiences a real intellectual explosion - he masters the basics of speech, deepens and expands his knowledge about the world, and learns independence. All this should be taken into account by educational games for this age. When planning them, special attention should be paid to creative activities - drawing with finger paints and pencils, modeling, design, as well as group, paired and role-playing games.

For preschool childrenthe game is of exceptional importance: the game for them is study, the game for them is work, the game for them is a serious form of education. Play for preschoolers is a way of learning about the world around them.

The teacher's goal- enrich the gaming experience of each child, thereby increasing the influence of the game on his development.

2. Master class "The Amazing Mobius Strip"

The main task of developmental work is to provide the child with the opportunity to independently choose the area of ​​application of mental effort, set a goal for himself and find his own ways of achieving it.

The introduced federal state standard has definitely changed the role of the teacher in the education system, and, accordingly, the tasksactivities of the teacher. I believe that a teacher should turn from a subject who transmits knowledge into a professional who will teach a child how to obtain knowledge, help develop the child’s cognitive interest, the need for learning, and motivation to learn through innovative technologies.

A little history

A Möbius strip is a topological object, a one-sided simple surface with an edge. You can get from one point of this surface to any other without crossing the edges. The Möbius strip was discovered independently by German mathematicians August Ferdinand Möbius and Johann Benedict Listing in 1858. The Möbius strip is sometimes called the progenitor of the infinity symbol, because if you were on the surface of the Möbius strip, you could walk along it forever. Now we will try this.

Experience No. 1.

Take a strip of paper, twist it once and glue the ends together. This will be the Mobius strip. It's easy to see that it has one side.

Take the prepared Möbius strip and cut the glued tape in the middle, along the dotted line. What do you think will happen? Of course, if we had not twisted the tape before gluing, everything would have been Just : from one wide ring you would get two narrow ones. What now?

Conclusion : it turned out not two rings, but one, twice as narrow, but twice as long. In addition, it was twisted not once, but twice.

Experience No. 2.

If you cut the tape, releasing it from the edge by about a third of its width;

Conclusion : then you get two strips, one is a short Möbius strip, the other is a long strip with two half-turns.

Experience No. 3.

Cut the Mobius strip one-fourth from the edge.

Conclusion : it turns out 2 rings twice as long as the original tape and twice twisted, interlocked.

Experience No. 4.

We cut the tape with two twists in the middle along a line parallel to the edge.

Conclusion : we got two rings with two twists, interlocking with each other.

Experience No. 5.

We cut the tape with two twists one third from the edge.

Conclusion : got one Mobius strip and two rings with two twists.

Experience No. 6.

Let's take a strip, bent along its length once. Twist it a full turn and glue the ends together, overlapping"house" one end to the other. !Now let's cut the double layer of glued tape along its middle line!

Conclusion : You get three rings linked in pairs.

3. "Waiting Tree"


Target: compare the correspondence of the expected results with the results obtained during the workshop.

I would like to end our meeting with the following words:

V.A. Sukhomlinsky believed that the spiritual life of a child is complete only when he lives in the world of play, fairy tales, music, fantasy, and creativity. Without that, he is a dried flower.


workshop for teachers

teacher Kazantseva M.A.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 12 "Rosinka"

Topic: “Important secrets of teaching skills.”

The family plays the main, long-term and most important role in raising a child (Petrovsky V.A., Sukhomlinsky V.A., etc.).

What a child acquires in the family during childhood, he retains throughout his entire subsequent life. But today the need to find income, overload at work, and reduction of free time lead to a deterioration in the physical and mental condition of parents, increased irritability, fatigue, stress, cruelty, and disharmonious parent-child relationships.

Not all parents understand the intrinsic value of their family and the peculiarities of perceiving it as a social and educational institution. All this damages the child’s physical and psychological health and well-being.

Cooperation between educators and parents creates favorable opportunities for strengthening the child’s health, developing his physical qualities, moral feelings, intelligence, and introducing him to a culture of communication.

Therefore, preschool institutions pay great attention to this problem and are looking for new forms of interaction between adults and children.

The child's image of the world does not coincide with our world - the world of adults.

The world of childhood is bright and carefree. Children play a lot in it, and through play they develop. A child receives true education in the family! And kindergarten for children is a big toy. How should you spend a day in kindergarten? ... Fun, interesting for yourself and for others.

For preschoolers, life in kindergarten will be interesting only if it is filled with play. Children love and should play! But not only computer games, but games with live communication between children.

In order to actualize the creative development of a teacher, as one of the components of a teacher’s professional competence, a workshop was held with teachers.

Teachers of all age groups took part in the game.

To involve teachers in collective activities, develop the ability and desire to interact with each other to solve pedagogical situations, all teachers were divided into two teams.

To achieve this goal, favorable conditions were created for communication and interaction between teachers.

To improve the pedagogical skills of teachers, to develop teachers’ needs for: creativity, development of resourcefulness, intelligence, logical thinking, teachers were offered the following tasks:“Waiting tree”, “Getting into the game (warm-up)”, presentation, “Porridge from an axe,” master class “The Amazing Mobius Strip,” experiments No. 1-6, “Waiting tree (relaxation).”

Conclusion: the goal was achieved, teachersshowed a high level of professional preparedness, worked cohesively, demonstrated the ability to work in a team, and argued their point of view.

The following tasks were solved:

  • the professional competence of teachers was improved, indevelopment of intellectual and creative activity;
  • teachers were involved in collective activities, the ability and desire to interact with each other to solve the proposed problems developed.
  • Favorable conditions were created for communication and interaction between teachers.

Cuisiner's sticks


  • introduce the concept of color (distinguish color, classify by color).
  • introduce the concepts of size, length, height, width (practice in comparing objects by height, length, width).
  • introduce children to the sequence of natural numbers.
  • master forward and backward counting.
  • introduce the composition of a number (ones and two smaller numbers).
  • help master the arithmetic operations of addition and subtraction.
  • teach how to divide a whole into parts and measure objects.
  • develop creativity, imagination, fantasy, modeling and design abilities.
  • develop spatial representations (left, right, above, below, etc.).
  • develop logical thinking, attention, memory.
  • cultivate independence, initiative, perseverance in achieving goals.

Voskobovich games

Goals and objectives of technology.1. Development of a child’s cognitive interest, desire and need to learn new things.2. Development of observation, research approach to phenomena and objects of the surrounding reality.3. Development of imagination, creative thinking (the ability to think flexibly, originally, to see an ordinary object from a new angle).4. Harmonious, balanced development of children's emotional, figurative and logical beginnings.5. Formation of basic ideas (about the surrounding world, mathematical), speech skills.6. Development of fine motor skills and all mental processes.

Dienesha blocks


  • Introduce children to the shape, color, size, thickness of objects;
  • Develop the ability to identify properties in objects, name them, and adequately indicate their absence;
  • Summarize objects by their properties (one, two, three at a time);
  • Explain the similarities and differences of objects, justify your reasoning;
  • Develop spatial understanding;
  • Develop mental functions related to speech activity.

The purpose of using TRIZ– technology in kindergarten is the development, on the one hand, of such qualities of thinking as flexibility, mobility, consistency, dialecticity; on the other hand, search activity, the desire for novelty; speech and creative imagination.

Today in the region automation of management, information analysis dominates at the preliminary stage of preparation of decisions - processing of primary information; decomposition of a problem situation, which allows us to understand only fragments and details of processes, and not the situation as a whole. To overcome this shortcoming, you need to learn how to build knowledge bases using the experience of the best specialists, as well as generate the missing knowledge.

The use of information technologies in various spheres of human activity, the exponential growth of information volumes and the need to respond quickly in any situation required the search for adequate ways to solve emerging problems. The most effective of them is the path of intellectualization of information technologies.

Under intelligent information technologies(IIT) usually understand information technologies that provide the following capabilities:

The presence of knowledge bases that reflect the experience of specific people, groups, societies, humanity as a whole, when solving creative problems in certain areas of activity that have traditionally been considered the prerogative of human intelligence (for example, poorly formalized tasks such as decision making, design, extraction of meaning, explanation, training, etc.);

The presence of thinking models based on knowledge bases: rules and logical conclusions, argumentation and reasoning, recognition and classification of situations, generalization and understanding, etc.;

The ability to form very clear decisions based on fuzzy, lax, incomplete, underdetermined data;

Ability to explain conclusions and decisions, e.g. presence of an explanation mechanism;

The ability to learn, retrain and, therefore, develop.

Technologies for informal search for hidden patterns in data and information Knowledge Discovery (CD)) are based on the latest technologies for the formation and structuring of information images of objects, which is closest to the principles of information processing by intelligent systems.

Information technologies for supporting the decision-making process Decision Support (DS) are expert system shells or specialized expert systems that enable analysts to determine the relationships and interconnections between information structures in enterprise structured information databases, as well as predict possible results of decision-making.

IIT Development Trends. Communication and communications systems. Global information networks and IITs can radically change the way we think about companies and knowledge work itself. The presence of employees at the workplace will become virtually unnecessary. People can work from home and interact with each other as needed through networks. There is, for example, a successful experience in creating a modification of the Boeing 747 aircraft by a distributed team of specialists interacting via the Internet; The location of participants in any development will play a less and lesser role, but the importance of the level of qualifications of the participants is increasing. Another reason that determined the rapid development of IITs is related to the increasing complexity of communication systems and the problems solved on their basis. A qualitatively new level of “intellectualization” of such software products as systems for analyzing heterogeneous and weak data, ensuring information security, developing solutions in distributed systems, etc. was required.

Education. Already today, distance learning is beginning to play an important role in education, and the introduction of IIT will significantly individualize this process in accordance with the needs and abilities of each student.

Life The informatization of everyday life has already begun, but with the development of IIT, fundamentally new opportunities will appear. Gradually, more and more new functions will be transferred to the computer: monitoring the user’s health status, controlling household appliances such as humidifiers, air fresheners, heaters, ionizers, stereo systems, medical diagnostic tools, etc. In other words, the systems will also become diagnostics of the condition of a person and his home. A comfortable information space will be provided in premises where the information environment will become part of the human environment.

Prospects for the development of IITs. It seems that IITs have now reached a fundamentally new stage in their development. Thus, over the past 10 years, the capabilities of IIT have significantly expanded due to the development of new types of logical models, the emergence of new theories and concepts. The key points in the development of IITs are:

Transition from logical inference to models of argumentation and reasoning;

Searching for relevant knowledge and generating explanations;

Understanding and synthesis of texts;

Cognitive graphics, i.e. graphic and figurative representation of knowledge;

Multi-agent systems;

Intelligent network models;

Computations based on fuzzy logic, neural networks, genetic algorithms, probabilistic calculations (implemented in various combinations with each other and with expert systems);

The problem of metaknowledge.

Multi-agent systems have become a new paradigm for creating promising IITs. Here it is assumed that agent is an independent intellectual system that has its own system of goal setting and motivation, its own area of ​​action and responsibility. Interaction between agents is ensured by a higher level system – metaintelligence. In multi-agent systems, a virtual community of intelligent agents is modeled - objects that are autonomous, active, and enter into various social relationships of cooperation and collaboration (friendship), competition, rivalry, enmity, etc. The social aspect of solving modern problems is a fundamental feature of the conceptual novelty of advanced intellectual technologies - virtual organizations, virtual society.

Lyudmila Maslova
Intellectual development of preschool children using new technologies and techniques

Intellectual development of preschool children using new technologies and techniques.

The most important task intellectual development of a preschooler- full stimulation and enrichment of figurative forms of cognitive activity. Effective development of intellectual abilities of preschool children age is one of the pressing problems today. Intellectual development the child is not predestined in advance: It can be speeded up, slowed down or even stopped. Therefore, it is extremely important to properly organize the learning process and direct children’s activity in the right direction. Modern requirements for preschool education guide teachers towards developmental education, dictate the need to use new technologies, at which synthesized elements of cognitive, gaming, search and educational interaction in the process intellectual development of preschool children. Game learning fully corresponds to this concept. To do this, you can use the following innovative methods and technologies: Dienesh logical blocks ( develop logical and analytical thinking (analysis, comparison, classification, generalization, creativity, as well as perception, memory, attention and imagination); Cuisenaire's rods (promote development of children's creativity, development fantasy and imagination, cognitive activity, fine motor skills, visual-effective thinking, attention, spatial orientation, perception, combinatorial and design abilities); Doman lessons ( develop intelligence children through physical exercise); games by A. Zak and A. Stoljar (develop logical thinking and sound skills); games by V. Voskobovich ( develop design abilities, spatial thinking, attention, memory, creative imagination, fine motor skills, ability to compare, analyze and contrast); early system development M. Montessori (develops independence and initiative); educational games B. Nikitina ( develop memory, attention, imagination, creative, logical and mathematical abilities), etc.

All of the above methods and technologies contribute to the intellectual development of preschool children if they are systemic in nature and correspond to age characteristics preschooler.

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Scientists continue to assure that the brain is a unique, but at the same time the most mysterious human organ. After all, even the most outstanding minds of our time cannot fully understand what abilities he has and what his resources are. Considering the number of myths about the brain, we can conclude that today there is only one scientifically proven fact: this organ does not function at full capacity, but only at 4-8%.

Rice. Methods of intellectual development

How can you make your brain work better and more productively? For this purpose, experts have developed many techniques and exercises. The most effective of them will be described below.

Changing the main hand

Throughout the day, perform some tasks (eating, writing text by hand, brushing your teeth, cutting vegetables) with your “unusual” hand. That is, left if you are right-handed, or right if you are left-handed. This is exactly what will allow. Experts are confident that regular performance of this exercise develops not only intelligence, but also creative abilities, as well as spatial imagination.

There is a main condition here: you must have the desire to subject your body to physical activity. If the sport causes discomfort without causing the slightest interest, it is better to replace this exercise with another technique. Of course, playing sports without much desire is also useful. However, the processes of development of intellectual abilities in this case will proceed extremely sluggishly. Scientists conducted an experiment on hamsters running inside a wheel. It turned out that if physical activity is enjoyable and does not cause discomfort, it has a beneficial effect on brain function.

It has a positive effect on overall health, including brain function. The point is this: when a person laughs, endorphins (“happiness hormones”) are produced in the body. This has a positive effect on the functioning of all organs and systems. Also, these hormones help the brain tune in to work. Laugh more often. To do this, you can watch humorous programs, read relevant literature, or just have fun and joke with friends.


This character trait can be called curiosity. But we are not talking about excessive and inappropriate curiosity, for example, about an irresistible desire to know how a neighbor lives and how much he earns. It is important to be interested in things and phenomena that are new to you. And the best method for showing curiosity is recognized by scientists to be the regular question “Why?”, which you need to ask yourself. Make it a habit. Ask yourself something 8-12 times every day and immediately try to find a reasoned answer.

By developing your intellectual abilities, you will receive another pleasant bonus - you will automatically acquire a skill such as. Having it, you will be able not only to quickly read texts, but also to better perceive their meaning, as well as remember and, if necessary, reproduce information.