Pancreatitis hospital surgery. Acute pancreatitis. What is acute postoperative pancreatitis

An elderly person has many health problems - his heart is acting up, his blood pressure rises, his joints hurt, and his memory often fails. Complaints about memory impairment occur in almost every third elderly patient who comes to the clinic, but often remain without due attention against the background of his other health complaints.

With age, a certain decline in memory is observed in many people - the ability to concentrate and the speed of all psychomotor processes decreases. Such changes in memory normally do not cause significant difficulties in everyday life or professional activities.

Symptoms of memory impairment in old age

The most common diseases that cause impairment of memory and other cognitive functions in elderly and senile people are Alzheimer's disease, vascular diseases of the brain and mixed forms, which are a combination of both pathological processes.

Alzheimer's disease leads to progressive brain atrophy, and sometimes the disease is hereditary. For quite a long time, the leading symptom of this disease is steadily progressing forgetfulness, and only in the later stages other mental and neurological symptoms are added.

If memory impairment in old age reaches such a degree that it leads to a person’s inability to self-care, disruption of his adaptation in everyday life and the social sphere, they speak of the onset of dementia (dementia).

Vascular cognitive disorders occur in elderly and senile patients suffering from arterial hypertension, cerebral atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, and in patients who have suffered an ischemic stroke. In the early stages, disturbances of attention and speed of the thought process predominate, and later memory disturbances also occur.

Often these symptoms are accompanied by mood changes - emotional lability, unsteadiness when walking, increased tone in the legs, urination disorders, changes in tendon reflexes. Vascular cognitive impairment can reach the level of dementia.

Psychological distress can also affect memory. Depression, increased anxiety, poor sleep, and prolonged fatigue can cause cognitive dysfunction that is very similar to an organic disease; a person’s attention is especially affected.

Experts even have the term “pseudo-dementia” - when, with severe depression, the symptoms are very reminiscent of a severe memory disorder. To treat this type of condition, completely different medications are needed - antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, and the help of a psychologist is needed.

If emotional disorders are identified in time and properly selected therapy is prescribed, then in this case memory impairments will completely regress.

Treatment tactics for cognitive disorders depend on their severity. If the disorders reach the level of dementia, when the patient develops pronounced problems in social, everyday and professional adaptation, and self-care skills are lost, then the prescription of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (galantamine, donepizil, rivastigmine) and (or) the glutamate receptor blocker akatinol memantine is indicated for a long time, preferably for life.

This treatment can significantly slow down the progression of the disease and facilitate patient care, although it does not provide complete recovery.

If cognitive impairment does not reach the level of dementia, but the patient or his relatives actively complain about memory loss, and the results of neuropsychological tests show a deviation from the age norm in terms of cognitive activity, then sufficient mental stress and memory training are recommended to improve memory.

To prevent the development of memory impairment in old age, active intellectual activity at a young age and maintaining high intellectual activity in middle and later age are very important.

In people with mental work, dementia is less common, has a milder course and progresses more slowly. As memory training, we can recommend reading and discussing books, solving crosswords, memorizing poetry, and learning foreign languages.

Of great importance for preventing the development and slowing the progression of cognitive disorders is the correction of existing vascular risk factors, first of all, constant, independent of health, under medical supervision, taking medications for arterial hypertension, and calcium channel blockers (nitrendipine), angiotensin-converting inhibitors are advantageous in this case. enzyme (perindopril) and angiotensin-2 receptor blockers (eprosartan).

Clinical trial results have shown that long-term treatment of hypertension in middle age significantly reduces the incidence of dementia in old age. It is also necessary to normalize blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes, take antiplatelet drugs (acetylsalicylic acid, clopidogrel, ticlopidine) after an ischemic stroke and statins (simvastatin, atorvastatin, pravastatin) to control cholesterol levels in the blood if the patient has elevated cholesterol levels and atherosclerosis of blood vessels of the brain and heart.

Treatment of these diseases has a beneficial effect on preventing the development and slowing the progression of vascular cognitive disorders and reduces the manifestations of Alzheimer's disease. Quitting smoking, alcohol abuse, and moderate physical activity are also important.

To provide the body with the necessary amount of these micronutrients, you need to eat more greens, vegetables and fruits, olive oil and seafood (the so-called “Mediterranean diet”).

For the treatment of mild and moderate cognitive disorders, the use of courses or continuously of nootropic medications is indicated, of which there are quite a lot in the arsenal of a modern neurologist: piracetam 1.6-4.8 g/day, vinpocetine 15-30 mg/day, gliatilin 1200 mg /day, ginkgo biloba preparations 120-240 mg/day.

One of the most researched and promising drugs that improve memory is a highly concentrated extract of Ginkgo biloba (Memoplant).

Ginkgo biloba extract (Memoplant) is a standardized extract (EGb 761) of the relict plant Ginkgo biloba, which has a proven ability to activate the metabolism of neurons and protect them from damage by free radicals in conditions of insufficient cerebral blood flow, improve the rheological properties of blood and microcirculation, which contributes to the improvement of cerebral blood circulation

Clinical studies conducted on a significant number of patients have shown that the administration of EGb 761 (Memoplant) to elderly people with mild or moderate cognitive impairment improves well-being and regression of cognitive and emotional-affective disorders, improves the performance of neuropsychological tests, and normalizes the bioelectrical activity of the brain.

Positive effects are realized with sufficiently long-term treatment - from 4 weeks to 6 months of continuous use, depending on the severity of memory impairment.

In addition to improving memory, studies have noted an improvement in the emotional state of patients, which is associated with the mild psychotropic effect of ginkgo biloba, characterized by a combination of stimulating and anti-anxiety effects, the ability to improve sleep and the state of the autonomic nervous system.

Ginkgo biloba preparations are well tolerated, have a minimum of side effects, and are well compatible with cardiological and other nootropic drugs.

In pharmacies, Memoplant (EGb 761) is presented in tablets of 40, 80 and 120 mg, the daily dose, as agreed with your doctor, is 120 or 240 mg. The safety of Memoplant during long-term use has been confirmed by special studies that lasted at least 5 years.

Thus, in order to avoid the development of memory impairment in old age, it is necessary in middle age to maintain high intellectual activity, eat right, treat cardiovascular diseases, especially arterial hypertension, under medical supervision, and take courses of medications to improve memory. Following these recommendations will allow you to maintain a clear mind and sharp memory for many years.

Human memory is still a completely unexplored phenomenon, which can periodically fail both in young and older people. Memory is an important factor in human activity, connecting three time dimensions (past, present and future). It is necessary for human development in childhood and for normal life in adulthood and old age.

Unforeseen situations can arise at any age, but memory loss in older people is quite common.

Relatives no longer pay attention to this fact, although this can lead to significant deviations in the activities of the elderly person. When should you sound the alarm? Is it possible to improve the function of remembering past events? What are the consequences of early development of memory loss?

Memory loss: concept and types

Memory is divided into the following processes - memorization, storage, reproduction and forgetting. But not everything is “subject to” forgetting. For example, actions for your own maintenance should not be forgotten, but here you can highlight the safety of personal information.

And if there are no predisposing factors for worry, this is not yet a reason not to pay attention to the forgetfulness of an elderly loved one. After all, as a rule, everything starts small - at first a person begins to forget the events that happened a couple of days ago, and with age he cannot remember his own name.

The concept of memory loss in medicine is called amnesia. There are several types of amnesia, where two groups are conventionally distinguished - complete and partial. Partial amnesia is a completely normal phenomenon for humans, since it is characterized by partial loss of memories. Complete amnesia is the loss of all memories. Although complete amnesia is difficult, it is treatable. But before we begin to study the main points of therapy, we should look at the common types of amnesia.

Short-term memory loss

Short-term memory loss in old people is a common phenomenon. The presented phenomenon is characterized by the loss of fresh, vivid memories, but for a short time. So, a person can forget what happened yesterday or last year. This lasts for several minutes, but can last for a whole day.

Short-term amnesia can be caused by head injuries, infectious diseases, medications, and even the desire to lose weight through dieting and fasting. In older people, short-term amnesia often develops while taking medications.

Doctors call this phenomenon “senile forgetfulness,” which can be cured by taking special medications, proper nutrition, and other recommendations to improve brain activity. If measures are not taken in time, short-term amnesia will give way to complete amnesia.

Severe amnesia

Acute memory loss is similar to short-term memory loss. This phenomenon is manifested by the fact that an elderly person experiences a sharp deviation from the intended goal and plan. For example, an elderly person goes to the kitchen to get water, but on the way he forgets the purpose of his visit.

Such failures often occur in young people, which is explained by impaired brain activity - decreased blood pressure and other factors that reduce blood circulation in the brain, and, consequently, nutrition. A short-term attack occurs - something like a stroke for a split second - causing previous activities to suffer.

Sudden rise from a sitting position and other actions can cause severe amnesia. As for older people, such inattention will only worsen in old age, so measures should be taken immediately - drugs are often prescribed to improve the vascular activity of the body.

Sudden amnesia

Sudden amnesia is considered the most dangerous for human life - a striking example is the loss of old people who leave home for a nearby store and cannot remember the way back. Such amnesia is still not amenable to study, since it can occur not only in older people, but also in young people.

People who experience sudden amnesia cannot remember anything from their past. They also cannot give their name or residential address.

The danger of the disease lies in the fact that it is almost impossible to name the root causes of sudden amnesia. Yes, there are cases when such memory loss is a consequence of a head injury (which could have happened at a young age) or an infection, but to a greater extent it is impossible to identify the root causes - only a small part of patients are found by relatives, which makes it difficult to study the patient’s past. It is also difficult to formulate preventive actions for sudden failures.

Whatever type of amnesia haunts an elderly person, relatives and others habitually call any memory loss senile sclerosis. What is presented is true, but only partially, since senile sclerosis is characterized by pathological changes in the functioning of the brain, which can cause more serious disorders.

What is senile sclerosis?

Senile sclerosis is the death of brain cells associated with the development of atherosclerosis (a chronic disease of the arteries caused by disorders of lipid and protein metabolism). Cell death is caused by the accumulation of cholesterol plaques in the vessels, which disrupts the blood supply and prevents the brain from receiving nutrients and oxygen. The death of brain cells can occur at a young age, but older people suffer from such vascular disorders much more often. Why?

In addition to the main one, the following reasons contribute to the development of senile sclerosis:

Senile sclerosis causes the development of diseases such as Alzheimer's disease (complete memory impairment) and senile degeneration of the brain (loss of intellectual skills). Despite this factor, sclerosis is treatable - unlike other types of amnesia. This is what makes senile sclerosis and other types of amnesia various pathologies.


Having understood the main types of memory loss in older people, you should list the reasons for their development - this will help young people prevent problems in themselves. Reasons include:

Surprisingly, the development of memory loss of any kind can even be influenced by lack of attention and excessive brooding caused by work or other factors. Young people should carefully analyze their lifestyle and eliminate prerequisite factors. As for older people, they themselves and their loved ones should pay attention to the treatment of pathologies that lead to the development of memory impairment.

Important: general absent-mindedness and memory impairment can be aggravated by poisoning, infectious diseases, injuries or blows to the head, and impaired metabolism.

Symptoms of amnesia

Symptoms of amnesia are characteristic manifestations of forgetfulness - short-term or permanent. But before the obvious manifestations, there are also the following symptoms:

The presented symptoms can appear as early as 40-45 years of age. If this happens, then timely and special treatment should be taken. Elderly people must undergo treatment without fail, regardless of the symptoms that appear.


Before starting treatment, you should visit a specialist and undergo an appropriate examination to determine the nature of amnesia - this will give a complete picture for prescribing a recovery regimen. Diagnostic measures include:

Based on the results obtained, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment. It is strictly forbidden to resort to self-medication - taking some medications can aggravate the situation and provoke a heart attack and stroke.

Treatment of amnesia

As mentioned above, there is no exact treatment for any type of amnesia. But there are ways to prevent and partially, and sometimes completely, restore the memory of an elderly person and improve brain function. It will not be easy for the patient’s relatives, as they will have to resort to complex therapy.

Drug treatment

Drug treatment includes taking the following medications:

There are other names of drugs that differ in their contraindications and side effects.

That is why it is impossible to take up self-medication - only a doctor can, after studying all the dangerous aspects of the patient’s health, prescribe a suitable medication.


Often, to treat older people, it is necessary to resort to psychotherapy - sessions with psychologists, speech pathologists and other specialists who help normalize the functioning of the brain system. Often, specialists limit themselves to solving riddles and puzzles, memorizing poetry, and using board games.

It is especially important here to highlight hypnosuggestive therapy, which is used for senile degeneration of the brain. In this case, hypnosis helps an elderly person remember important events - childhood, the birth of children, the death of parents and other moments.

Daily routine and load

Elderly people with memory disorders are not recommended to be placed in special medical institutions - this will only worsen the situation. An elderly person should be in a familiar and calm environment under the regular supervision of relatives. It is important to ensure the following:

Loads for an elderly person should be optimal - the patient should not be overloaded, as this can only provoke a worsening of the condition. The exact intensity of the exercises will be prescribed by the doctor after the examination.

Diet food

The elderly should be provided with proper nutrition - with the exception of large amounts of fatty, fried, and fast food. The diet of a person with signs of amnesia should include first courses, hot second courses with the addition of meat, poultry or fish, vegetables and fruits. The following foods also help improve brain activity:

Meals should be freshly prepared and taken three times a day. In addition, there should be 2-3 snacks of fruits or vegetables, dairy products.

Patient Nadezhda B., 48 years old. I went to the doctor with complaints about constant absent-mindedness and forgetfulness - this affects the conduct of everyday affairs and communication with loved ones - the woman simply forgets about important events.

An examination was ordered, the results of which revealed a decrease in brain impulses. Based on the test results, treatment was prescribed - taking Trental, Actovegin and Glycine. Regular walks and memorization of poems are recommended.

The article describes in detail what memory loss is in older people and how to treat the problem presented. We should not forget about the development of problems at a young age, so you should resort to prevention now - solving crosswords, detailed retelling of films and books, memorizing poems, complex toasts, jokes - all this is an excellent therapy for improving brain activity and improving memory.

In this article we will look at what memory loss in older people is and how to treat it. Memorization is an insufficiently studied set of functions that connects the past, future and present. Violations in this area plague more than half of older people.

Since the support of loved ones is important during this period of life, the problem of memory loss is also shared by relatives who are looking for a way out of the situation. For them, the comforting news is that complex therapy can have a positive effect and prevent the progression of the disease.

The ability to remember is necessary for cognitive activity, therefore its deterioration or loss is very painful for a person: social interaction is disrupted, personality is destroyed. Preserving previously acquired skills, information and accumulating new information in memory after the 70-year threshold is difficult for more than 20% of older people.

In such situations, we are talking about a disease whose name is amnesia, and the disease is conventionally divided into two categories:

  1. Full.
  2. Partial.

In the first case, it is not possible to remember what is happening. Partial loss of memory can be called a common phenomenon, because events disappear for perception in fragments.

In everyday life, memory loss in older people and deterioration in memory abilities are called sclerosis. Senile sclerosis is caused by the death of cellular structures of the brain, which, in turn, is associated with vascular disorders.

For example, cholesterol plaques impair blood supply, as a result of which the brain suffers because it does not receive enough oxygen and necessary substances. Sclerosis is the cause of loss of intellectual skills and the development of Alzheimer's disease. Unlike other types of amnesia, this disease is curable.

Causes, types and symptoms

The cause of memory loss in older people is facilitated by negative age-related changes and may occur over a long period of development. In older people, cell regeneration slows down (the natural process of cell renewal), biochemical processes degrade (the production of neurotransmitters necessary for nerve impulses decreases).

At the same time, pathology is not always associated with the years lived. Memory can be affected by heredity, past illnesses, and lifestyle.

Among the etiological factors it is worth noting the following:

  • hypoxia (lack of oxygen), affecting areas of the brain;
  • circulatory disorders and related ailments (hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, stroke, heart attack);
  • chronic illnesses (Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, diabetes mellitus, nervous system disorders);
  • infectious diseases (tuberculosis, tertiary syphilis, etc.);
  • various types of damage (with them, the loss of the ability to remember may be short-lived);
  • consequences of using chemicals (Timolol, Disipal and others);
  • drug and alcohol abuse;
  • strong negative emotions, regular stress, depression;
  • sedentary lifestyle and monotonous work;
  • lack of quality sleep;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • neoplasms in the brain.

The most dangerous is sudden memory loss (amnesia), for example, when an elderly person forgets the way back while going to the store for bread. This kind of case can manifest itself at any age; in this case, a person cannot remember anything - neither his name, nor his place of residence. The great difficulty is identifying the causes of this phenomenon.

It is a common occurrence in old age. A person forgets for a whole day or for five minutes yesterday or memories of the past a year ago. The causes of such amnesia can be traumatic brain injuries, drugs, and infectious diseases.

Severe amnesia manifests itself in an unexpected deviation from the plan, for example, when there is a stop in the doorway with a lack of understanding of the purpose of the movement. Such memory loss occurs in many people, and is usually associated with a decrease in blood circulation in the brain, which occurs due to a decrease in blood pressure and other factors.

Most often, before obvious signs of memory loss, the following symptoms are noted:

  • forgotten agreements and promises;
  • household inattention;
  • speech disorders;
  • change in handwriting;
  • narrowing the scope of interests;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • irritability, tension and bad mood for no apparent reason, which the elderly person himself cannot explain.

These symptoms are likely to appear after 45 years. In a situation where disturbances have been noticeable for about 5 months (compared to the recent past), timely individual treatment must be undertaken, having first carried out a thorough diagnosis.

It is worth noting that older people need mandatory medical care, regardless of the detection of signs of illness in the presence of provoking diseases.

Drug treatment

Treating memory loss in older adults is challenging but feasible. First of all, medical care consists of prescribing drugs that activate cerebral circulation and metabolism, as well as drugs that help provide brain cells with oxygen and necessary elements.

Among the medications prescribed for memory loss in an elderly person are:

  • nootropics (Piracetam, Phenotropil, Vinpocetine, Phenibut);
  • vascular agents (Trental, Pentoxifylline);
  • drugs useful for memory function (Glycine, Memantine).

Of course, methods of treating memory loss depend on the type and severity of the disease, characteristic symptoms and causative factors. The main goal of therapy with memory-restoring tablets for the elderly is to prevent memory loss and stabilize the patient’s condition.

A positive effect is possible only with a course of medications, under medical supervision, and the earlier therapy is started, the greater the chance of success. At the same time, complete cure of memory loss is very difficult and does not seem feasible.

Folk remedies

Higher mental functions often depend on a decrease in vitality, which can be improved in old age and to prevent senile memory loss by restorative drugs. For the same purpose, there are the following methods of traditional medicine:

  • daily consumption of 100 grams of freshly squeezed pumpkin juice;
  • a monthly course of taking pine buds from the spring harvest (chew up to 4 pieces per day);
  • a decoction of dry rowan bark (1-2 tablespoons are poured with a glass of boiling water, infused for 2-3 hours and consumed 1-2 tablespoons up to 3 times a day);
  • clover tincture, course - 2 months (half a liter of boiling water is added to 2 tablespoons of dried flowers, the tincture is made for up to 2 days, which is taken half a glass three times a day before meals);
  • a mixture of honey and onion juice, 3 months of use (1 tablespoon of onion juice and a glass of honey are mixed and consumed an hour before meals, 1 tablespoon each);
  • ginkgo biloba (1 tablespoon of herb is brewed with 250 ml of boiling water, infused for 1.5-2 hours and taken 1/3 cup three times a day half an hour before meals).

It may be noted that pharmacies also carry herbal-based medicines, for example, from the same ginkgo biloba. But before using each product, it is recommended to consult a doctor to find out possible contraindications.

Prevention of senile sclerosis

There are no specific methods for preventing memory loss; there are only general tips for leading a healthy lifestyle. Avoiding bad habits, a balanced diet, daily walks and physical exercise help strengthen the body in relation to external influences.

To improve metabolism in case of memory loss in older people, it is necessary to eliminate excess consumption of fatty and fried foods. Not only for prevention, but also for treatment, it is recommended to include in the diet the following foods that improve brain activity:

  • carrots with raisins;
  • walnuts;
  • seaweed;
  • dairy products;
  • baked potato;
  • seeds;
  • pureed horseradish;
  • bananas;
  • apples.

Taking care of your health from an early age, controlling cholesterol levels, and treating chronic illnesses certainly help prevent memory problems in old age. Reading and other mental exercises are also useful.

Video: Causes of memory impairment, treatment with folk remedies

Memory is the specific processes of organizing, storing past experience for the purpose of using it in the future or returning to the sphere of consciousness. Memory is the most important factor that connects the three times of a person: past, present and future. It is also a critical cognitive function that underlies human learning and development.

According to memory research, it can be argued that it is present at all levels of life and is not only a process of preserving and transmitting experience, but also transmitting information of a hereditary nature.

Memory processes are memorization, storage of received material, its reproduction and forgetting. There are many types of memory: short-term, operational, long-term, autobiographical, reproductive, associative, reconstructive, episodic, verbal-logical, motor, figurative, emotional, implicit, internal, external, motor.

Thus, memory is a reflection of reality, its consolidation, preservation and reproduction of the experience gained. This is where its importance lies. After all, these seemingly logical functions are vital for humans.

What is memory loss

Memory loss is a rather mysterious phenomenon. It is characterized by complete or partial loss of memories.

In medicine, a disease in which memory loss occurs is called amnesia. It can develop rapidly (in cases of alcoholic amnesia), or it can take quite a long time, plot by plot erasing various events from memory.

Partial memory loss involves the loss of not all memories. Events are stored in the form of fragments, with vague images, and disturbances in temporal and spatial perception.

Complete amnesia is the loss of absolutely all memories over a certain period of time. A gradually developing disease is most often temporary. If such a disease occurs, do not despair, since this peculiar memory disorder is treatable.

Causes of Lost Memories

A lot of factors can cause memory loss; the available causes in medicine are divided into two groups:

  • physiological nature;
  • psychological in nature.

Physiological factors

This group of causes of memory disorders includes:

Psychological reasons

A fairly large group of factors influencing memory loss:

  • stressful situations that are regular (especially if they are repeated daily);
  • constant fatigue;
  • state of lethargy or overexcitement;
  • lack of attention;
  • excessive thoughtfulness.

All these reasons lead to the fact that a person performs certain actions completely “automatically”, without remembering what is happening at all. Therefore, they are not stored in memory.

What are the risks at a young age?

Memory loss in young people can occur as a result of sleep disturbances, regular lack of sleep (the risk group includes students and professionals whose shifts at work include long working hours), lack of vitamin B12, and regular stressful situations.

There are cases when, as a result of suffering a strong emotional shock, young people can completely forget all data about themselves.

Causes of memory loss in older people

During the aging process, changes and disturbances in certain functions occur in the body, for example, reactions to external stimuli, concentration, and the ability to switch between different types of activities.

Such disturbances indicate brain pathology and cause forgetfulness. Thus, a person’s cognitive abilities change and we can talk about memory loss.

The main reasons for the development of amnesia include:

  • age-related changes;
  • pathological processes of the brain.

Forgetfulness can be aggravated and accelerated by:

  • poisoning;
  • metabolic disease;
  • infectious diseases;

Memory loss in alcoholics and drug addicts

Alcohol, like drugs, has a destructive effect on the human brain. These bad habits lead to all a person’s reflexes weaken, and, consequently, a person after drinking or taking drugs cannot remember anything.

One of the manifestations of this problem is binge drinking (a state of a person into which he is immersed as if in a parallel reality that requires new doses of alcohol).

As for alcohol, a small dose cannot lead to forgetfulness, but regular and abundant consumption “on the chest” will provoke complete erasure of a certain period of time. Alcohol intolerance, age, gender, heredity and the presence of various diseases also play an important role.

Previously, scientists considered the cause of memory impairment to be the death of neurons as a result of destruction by ethanol, but today it has been proven that memory impairment in alcoholics is a consequence of the influence of steroids, which make connections between nerve cells impossible.

Lose your past or just a moment of it

There are several types of memory loss:

Not in all cases should you panic about memory loss. For example, after the loss of a loved one or other psychological trauma, some data may be lost, but under the influence of hypnosis all the facts are returned.

Short-term memory loss and its causes

Short-term amnesia is a memory disorder in which a person can lose memory from several minutes to a day, and such a case can be either isolated in life or repeated up to several times a year.

The cause of this forgetting can be any pathology of the brain. With this type of amnesia, a person does not reproduce all the events that were present today or a year ago and does not record current events.

What is characteristic is that a person with this memory disorder clearly realizes that he has problems with memory. Such a person asks the same questions many times, trying in vain to understand what is happening. He is lost in space and time, but remembers exactly who he is and who his loved ones are.

The causes of this problem may be:

  • depression;
  • poor nutrition;
  • mental trauma;
  • brain injury;
  • taking medications;
  • respiratory failure;
  • hormonal stress;

Diagnostic methods and criteria

To make a correct diagnosis, a thorough diagnosis of the patient is necessary. Because first of all this will be followed by therapeutic treatment, the correct diagnosis is extremely important, so the doctor may prescribe the following diagnostic methods:

  • blood analysis;
  • biochemical tests;
  • toxicological studies;
  • passing special tests that determine memory functions.

For diagnosis, it is necessary to consult with specialists: a neurologist, psychotherapist, narcologist, neurosurgeon, infectious disease doctor.

Memory restoration is difficult, but possible

Memory restoration is a labor-intensive process, but it justifies all means. In order to return the facts of the past, you need not only medical help and understanding of relatives, but also constant work on yourself.

Drug treatment

If you notice memory problems, you should immediately seek qualified medical help.

In order to restore the patient’s memories, the doctor may prescribe the following memory restoration pills: Exelon, Semax, Reminil, Memantine, Gliatilin, Cerebrolysin. In the initial stages, they work well.

Also, after determining the main cause that influenced the development of amnesia, drugs are prescribed that eliminate the cause of the disease.

In the case of alcoholics and drug addicts, you should first give up the bad habit, undergo rehabilitation, and then work on memory restoration.


Physiotherapy should also be included in drug treatment (especially if the causes of memory loss are physiological injuries): electrophoresis, administration of glutamic acid, development and implementation of special physical activity programs that allow you to restore blood circulation, develop important muscle groups, etc.

Memory training

In the case of amnesia, you should not rely entirely on medicine and physical education. In such cases, special memory training is important. It's worth starting with poems and songs - this is a wonderful way to develop memorization.

It is necessary to try to remember poems from childhood and youth. Next, learn those songs and poems that you liked but had not studied. And only then proceed to new unfamiliar material.

Diet correction

You need to watch your diet: you must include carrots with raisins and sour cream, chocolate, walnuts, and grated horseradish. Also don’t forget about seaweed, cottage cheese, cheese, baked potatoes and apples, seeds and bananas.

Traditional methods

In spring, take 7 young pine buds per day. It is also useful to take a decoction of rowan bark. To do this, pour a large spoonful of raw material into a glass of water and boil for 10 minutes. You need to leave for 5 hours, after which you take 1 large spoon 3 times a day.

Help from relatives

In addition to the fact that the patient’s relatives must understand the complexity of the situation, they are simply obliged to help restore the memory of a loved one.

So, even just walking down the street you can exercise. For example, offer to look around the area and remember the surroundings.

Then turn in the other direction and start asking: “What exactly is near the tree?”, “What color is the car?” etc.


The best prevention of amnesia is a healthy lifestyle. Quitting smoking, alcohol and drugs is the most important step towards a good memory. You also need to follow a diet that includes all groups of vitamins. It is recommended to drink fresh, clean water.

Don’t forget that oxygen starvation is the enemy of the brain, so be sure to take walks in the fresh air and supplement your normal rhythm of life with physical activity.

A person with memory loss completely loses social and work adaptation. He becomes completely helpless in everyday life.