Game programs for children are aimed at unleashing their creative potential. Scenario of the educational and entertaining game “Nature Experts” (for children of senior preschool age...)

"The Journey of Pencil and Samodelkin to the Country of the Drawing Studio."
Scenario of an educational and game program for children.

The office is decorated like an artist’s closet: paintings are hung everywhere, there are jars of paints, pencils, brushes on the tables, there are also palettes, easels, and the words “COUNTRY PAINTING STORE” are attached to the central wall.
The magical artist Pencil appears.
Pencil: Hello guys! Let's get to know each other. I am a magical artist, and my name is Pencil.
Next, Pencil sings a song:
My name is Pencil!
I am friendly with every kid.
One two three four five,
I can draw anything!

And all the guys, and all the guys
I'm happy to teach drawing!
But just remember: good
Only sharp pencils!

My name is Pencil!
I am friendly with inspiration,
The kids really need me
And also - adults need it!
What is your name? (children introduce themselves)
Pencil: Guys, do you know where you ended up? (the guys answer) You have found yourself in the amazing country of Drawing Studio. In this country, guys, today we will learn a lot of interesting things from the history of drawing, and also play different games. And my wonderful friend Samodelkin will help me tell you. Guys, let's call him! Sa-mo-del-kin! (name).
The little man Samodelkin enters the audience and sings a song.
Samodelkin: I am a master of decoration
And I want to tell you,
That all your creations
Always ready to give.

For this you need
Understand who I am.
Still understand that it’s friendly
I live among masters.

When we are together we can
Decorate everything around
We will help you understand
That beauty is our friend!
Hello Pencil! Hello girls and boys! I am very glad that you invited me to this amazing country.
Pencil: The guys and I are also very happy. Well, Samodelkin, let's tell the guys something interesting from the world of art?
Samodelkin: Come on! And we will begin our story with an amazing profession - an artist.
They tell, it is advisable to illustrate.
Pencil: A wonderful profession - an artist! All he has to do is take paper or canvas, paints, brushes...
Samodelkin: There was nothing on paper, but the first lines appeared. One, two, three...
Pencil: The brush runs further along the paper, and suddenly... the boy’s head. So a miracle happened before our eyes...
Samodelkin: Artists paint pictures according to their own ideas. As writers...
Pencil: They write about children, about adults, about cheerful and sad, carefree and thoughtful. They write about construction or, conversely, about destruction.
Exercise. You need to draw a fable. This is a task of ingenuity. One artist is invited from each team: the first needs to draw a swan, the second - a pike, the third - a crayfish, the fourth - a cart. Now tell me what you did. (the guys answer).
Pencil: And now we’ll talk about what kinds of paintings there are.
Talking about the paintings and their authors, Karandash and Samodelkin demonstrate the paintings.
Samodelkin: This picture was painted by V.F. Zhemerikin, and it is called “Silver Rails”.
Pencil: They will look at this picture and find out how difficult it was for people to build railways and houses, but they built them. Many people will probably want to be as strong, courageous, and ready to overcome any difficulties.
Samodelkin: But about another picture, this one is completely different. The earth and grass smell, the evening sun warms. People are a little tired, but happy, a lot has been done, the land has been plowed. Okay... Let's have dinner and then get to work.
Pencil: This picture, guys, is called “The Tractor Drivers’ Dinner,” and it was written by A.A. Plastov.
Samodelkin: And in this picture we will see how fun and friendly they live in a family, how they care about each other.
Pencil: The painting is called “Family” and its author is Yu.P. Kugach.
A game. Guys, the artist didn’t have time to finish this portrait, what element is missing? (shows a picture of Pinocchio without a nose). Right! Now we will supply the missing element, namely Pinocchio’s nose. The task of each player is to place his nose in the right place, blindfolded.
Pencil: In creating paintings, the artist is helped by his faithful friends: paints, brushes, paper, pencils.
Samodelkin: One artist will take dark colors - the picture will turn out to be alarming, sad, sad. (Display of a reproduction of A. A. Mylnikov’s painting “Farewell”).
Pencil: Another paints with paints of different colors - and the picture plays with all the colors of the rainbow, it’s so fun, joyful, you want to laugh. (Showing a reproduction of the painting by O.B. Bogaevskaya “Guests”).
Samodelkin: The third decided to paint a picture about road workers so that everyone could see and know how well they work and make sure that people feel comfortable walking and driving on the roads. All workers are in the foreground. By this, the artist emphasized that they are the main characters of the work. (Display of a reproduction of V.F. Zhemerikin’s painting “Road Workers”).
Pencil: Not everyone can create such magic, only those who know how to look around carefully, see what is beautiful, kind, important and necessary for people.
Next, Karandash and Samodelkin ask the guys questions.
Samodelkin: What is the name of the shield that supports the painting while painting? (easel).
Pencil: What are the names of the paintings that depict a seascape? (Marina).
Samodelkin: What is the name of a decorative or ornamental composition made from colored glass or other material that transmits light? (stained glass).
Pencil: What number is the thinnest brush? (No. 1).
Samodelkin: Name the main colors. (red, yellow, blue).
Pencil: Name the derivatives of colors. (green, orange, purple).
Samodelkin: Name the cold tones. (blue, purple).
Pencil: Name warm tones. (green, yellow, red).
Samodelkin: What is the name of the board for mixing paints? (palette).
Pencil: And now we will tell you about the genres of painting.
Samodelkin: And we will begin our story with the landscape.
Pencil: Landscape is a genre of fine art.
Samodelkin: The landscape can be architectural, urban, park, sea, or natural.
Pencil: A landscape is a picture in which the artist has depicted a corner of nature or a city.
Samodelkin: The artist’s choice is determined by the weather conditions, lighting, time of day, and the artist’s mood.
Talking about the landscape, Samodelkin and Karandash show examples.
Pencil: The next genre of painting that we will tell you about is called still life.
Samodelkin: Still life is a genre of fine art that reflects everyday objects, flowers in a bouquet, tools, books, dishes, food, that is, everything created by man and nature

Pencil: Method No. 3: the design is burned onto plywood through a magnifying glass that concentrates the sun's rays.
Samodelkin: Method No. 4: the design is scratched with a needle into black gouache applied to a thick sheet of cardboard.
Pencil: Method No. 5: the design is embroidered with colored threads on a handkerchief.
Samodelkin: Method No. 6: the drawing is dripped with multi-colored ink using a pipette onto paper.
Pencil: Method No. 7: the drawing, like a mosaic, is assembled on thick cardboard from petals of various colors.
Samodelkin: Method No. 8: the design is smeared with colored plasticine on glass.
Pencil: Method No. 9: the design is pierced with a needle on birch bark, thin tin or dense mica.
Samodelkin: Method No. 10: lick the design with your tongue on a plate covered with a thin layer of jam.
Pencil: The StrangePainting Hall hosts exhibitions not only of seasoned artists, but also of beginning painters. It goes something like this. Young artists are brought together. They are told about the upcoming exhibition, its unusual nature and what painting methods exist.
Samodelkin: At the same time, some techniques are demonstrated right during the story. Then the young painters go home and try to master any of the listed methods of drawing. Everyone who succeeded brings their works to the museum the next day.
Pencil: There they are carefully hung or - if the paintings cannot be hung vertically - laid out. Then art connoisseurs visit the exhibition and express their impressions in a special “Book of Reviews.” Before the museum closes, a special commission awards the authors of the best works.
Samodelkin: They say that at the last exhibition at StrangePainting Hall, the first prize was given to a painting spitting multi-colored chewing gum on a black leather jacket. It was called “Festive fireworks in the night sky.”
Pencil: Guys, let's try ourselves in this genre too?
Contest. The children are given various objects from which they must make a picture (for example, colorful paper and glue)
Samodelkin: There is also an unusual form of art - body painting.
Pencil: According to some scientists, body painting is the most ancient type of painting. It is believed that it appeared even earlier than rock painting, and to be more precise, primitive people began to paint their faces, hands and bodies around the same time when the hair began to disappear from these faces and bodies.
Samodelkin: People seemed embarrassed to look different from their hairy and feathered neighbors in the jungle, and therefore hid their hairlessness and smooth skin under a layer of paint. Millennia passed, and people improved the art of body painting: a layer of paint turned into ordered colors, patterns and ornaments: at the same time, the types of paints and methods of applying them changed.
A game. “We are drawing a blot.” Two participants are invited to the game. One draws a blot (he has a felt-tip pen and a sketchbook sheet), and the other is asked to determine what it looks like. Then the next couple is invited.

A game. "The artist's mistakes." A picture is drawn on a piece of paper where everything is mixed up. The guys must find the “artist’s mistakes.”
A game. "Self-portrait". The children are given large sheets of paper and pencils. The sheets have slits for hands. The guys put their hands through the slots and try to draw their portrait.

A game. "Rhinoceros". You will, while depicting a rhinoceros, draw a rhinoceros (while standing on all fours).

Exercise. This is a music auction. You must perform songs that mention colors. The team that performs the song last wins (use tokens to play).
Samodelkin: Our amazing journey in the country of Risovalnya has come to an end.
Pencil: We hope you guys enjoyed it.
Samodelkin, Pencil: Goodbye!

Today, every kindergarten, mini-center or school works according to a certain mastered methodology, choosing it from hundreds developed and proposed by specialists. Educators and teachers are required to draw up a development program for the upcoming school year; projects are based on the preferences and focus of the preschool and educational institution.

Game programs for children. Goals and objectives

Modern methods of developing children of both primary and school age are based on play. Experts say that it is through playing that a child learns and remembers material better. Game programs for children are aimed at making children active listeners and proactive participants. Projects of this kind combine ways to attract attention and broaden horizons. While playing, it is quite easy to convey to children information about nature, the world, and society. The main objectives of conducting game programs pursued by teachers are:

  • organization of leisure and educational activities for children;
  • involving children in activities;
  • formation of the need for a correct lifestyle;
  • providing conditions for physical, intellectual and spiritual development;
  • creation and organization of conditions for self-affirmation and self-realization.

Game programs for children are based on various methods, the main of which include:

  • conversations on various topics (educational, literary, historical, ethical, patriotic);
  • cartoon shows on a specific topic;
  • quizzes and competitions;
  • outdoor entertainment;
  • intellectual activities (game-based educational program for children);
  • relay races, marathons;
  • themed holidays;
  • discos.

As a result, participants in the gaming program will discover their creative potential, be involved in a new exciting and educational world, and acquire useful communication skills, knowledge and abilities.

Game programs for preschool children

All educational and entertainment activities are classified according to certain criteria. One of the main ones is the age of the children whose development the program is aimed at. For preschoolers, projects are more about entertainment. These include games:

  • didactic (for example, “Find the baby,” “Build a snowman”);
  • on speech development;
  • mathematical and logical;
  • with letters and words;
  • environmental;
  • experimental;
  • fingered;
  • for motor skills;
  • movable;
  • plot-role-playing.

Game programs for school-age children

They have a more educational focus. They are aimed at mastering the curriculum and successfully passing tests and exams. Game programs for learning foreign languages, which promote better learning and memorization, have become very popular today. At the end of the school year, educational and developmental programs for children continue in the summer, mainly represented by sports and leisure activities. Competitions promote active recreation and physical development of children. Most often, sporting events are alternated with game programs, the main goal of which is to complete specific tasks.

Appendix No. 3

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Scenario of an educational and gaming program for primary school children

age "Key to Health"

Time spending:

Location: st. Pravdy, 8.

Contingent: primary school students of the State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School of the Central District

Characters: presenter "Health Guardian"

P / P

Order of conduct

Technical equipment


Introductory part.

Health Guardian: Hello dear guys! I -Guardian of Health.

I think everyone knows what to say “Hello” -This first of all means wishing a person good health. And to be healthy means to be strong, strong, resilient, dexterous, beautiful and not to get sick.What should you do to be healthy?

(children's answers)

Health Guardian: That's right, to be healthy we must exercise, follow a daily routine, eat right, walk a lot in the fresh air, do exercises in the morning, maintain personal hygiene (wash your hands before eating) and, of course, smile often.

Phonogram for exit


Main part.

Health Guardian: Guys, do you like to travel?

(children's answers)

Then today we will go on an unusual and exciting journey - the Land of Health, and to get there we need a key. And in order to find it, you have to pass tests. Are you guys ready to hit the road?

(children's answers )

Then go ahead!

Guardian of Health : So, the first test. Now we will divide into two teams and play a game called “Healthy Bag”. I have collected items that will help you stay healthy. But since I was in a hurry to meet with you, I mixed up all the things in the bag, so your task is to arrange the items, in one direction, that contribute to the preservation and strengthening of health, and in the other direction, which are not related to health.

(game "Healthy Bag")

Health Guardian: Well done guys, you handled the first test so skillfully.

Do you know how these items help maintain our health?

(children's answers)

Health Guardian: Guys, do you think there are any tips on how to stay healthy?

(children's answers)

Health Guardian: Now I will ask questions that contain tips for maintaining health, if you hear them, shout “I” loudly.

If you don't hear them, then remain silent.

Game "Health Tips"

How many of you are always ready to live your life without doctors?
Who doesn't want to be healthy, cheerful, slim and cheerful?
Who among you does not walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education?
Who is not afraid of frost and flies on skates like a bird?
Well, who starts lunch with chewing gum and sweets?
Who loves tomatoes, fruits, vegetables, lemons?
Who has eaten and brushes their teeth, twice a day?
Which of you guys walks around dirty to your toes?
Who does physical exercise according to the schedule?
Who, I want to know from you, loves to sing and dance?

Health Guardian: Guys, how attentive you are, I hope that you will follow the advice and improve your health.

Guys, you and I eat a lot of different foods.
But not all of them are good for our health. Now we will decide which foods are healthy and which are harmful. I will show pictures of food, and you decide whether it is healthy food or unhealthy.

Game "Healthy and unhealthy food"

Health Guardian: Guys, now you all know what is good for your health and what is harmful. Guys, do you like to dance?(children's answers) Do you know that dancing strengthens our body, lifts our spirits and makes us cheerful, agile and cheerful. And now you and I will get up from our seats and dance a little.

"Dance of little ducks"

Guardian of Health : To always be so cheerful, do not forget to continue dancing and playing sports.

Now let's sit down, relax a little and see how the characters of the famous cartoon take care of their health!

Guardian of Health : You see guys, even Smeshariki care about their health.

As the wise owl from the cartoon said, there are three main pillars of health: an active lifestyle, hygiene and proper nutrition.

But you need to keep not only your body in good shape, but also your mind. My next challenge is health riddles.

1) In this bright store

You'll see it in the window

Not clothes, not food,

And not books, and not fruits.

Here is the medicine and pills,

Here are mustard plasters and pipettes.

Ointments, drops and balms

For you, for mom and dad.

For human health

Opens the door -...


2) It is found in vegetables and fruits.

Children need to eat a lot.

There are also pills

Tastes like candy.

Taken for health

Their cold times.

For Sashulya and Polina

What is useful? - ...


3) This house is multi-story

Clean, bright, very important.

You will meet different doctors here.

They treat adults and children.

You will lie in bed,

Kohl became seriously ill.

We don't want to end up here!

Where, tell me? - ...

(In the hospital)

4) Who is the most useful on days of illness?

And cures us of all diseases?


Health Guardian: How smart and quick-witted you are. We are getting closer to our goal, we have one last test left.

I have prepared several pictures, but in order to see them, you need to put these pictures together from parts.

"Fold the picture"

Health Guardian: Guys, today you have overcome all the challenges together, I hope you have learned a lot of new things. And now I hand you the key to the Land of Health.

magical music sounds


Showing the cartoon “Be Healthy”


a key appears on the screen, magical music sounds,

doors open to the Land of Health

Final part.

Health Guardian: Guys, now you are residents of the Land of Health.I thank you for an exciting journey, and remember, to stay healthy you need to follow all the tips we learned about today. I hope our meetings dedicated to health will become regular.

Head of the Department of Social and Cultural Work T.M. Yakimenko


Deputy Director for

educational work

O.V. Chelnokova


Deputy Director for Methodological Work

GBOU DOD Center for Extracurricular Activities

Central district of St. Petersburg

V.A. Pichugova

Spanish I. A. Kuzmin

Home > Competition

"Village Compound"

Scenario of an educational game program for children

On the stage there is a panel depicting domestic animals and birds: cows, horses, chickens, piglets, rams, dogs, cats, ducks, geese. In the middle of the stage, on a raised platform, there are simulated village huts (they can be made from cardboard boxes). The number of houses corresponds to the number of animals that will be discussed in the program. In the center is one of the largest and most beautiful houses.

The phonogram of I. Kudrin's song "My Village" is playing. When the song dies down, the voices of domestic animals and birds are heard: the clucking of chickens, the mooing of a cow, the cackling of a goose, the bleating of a lamb, the barking of a dog, etc.

HOST. Hello guys! Imagine that we are in a village courtyard. There are so many different animals and birds here! Do you recognize who is depicted in these pictures?

The children answer.

Well done! And now I propose to play a game called “Who has what voice." Do you agree? Do you want to play?

The game "Who has what voice" is played. Drawings of domestic animals and birds are placed in a prominent place. One participant is invited from the hall, who receives tablets of the same format as the drawings. The words written on the signs are: “barks”, “meows”, “cackles”, “moos”, “neighs”, “grunts”, “cackles”, “bleats”, “quacks”. The player is asked to look carefully at the drawings for a few seconds. Then the Presenter closes the drawings. The player must place the signs opposite the pictures so that the words coincide with the meaning of the picture.

Guys, now we will all help Kolya (not his real name) together. Let's imagine that cows are grazing in a village meadow. Let's try to moo all together, but only quietly, as if the cows are far away. Watch my hand. When I raise my hand, hum louder, and vice versa, when I lower my hand, be quieter, and be silent when I lower my hand. Be careful! Let's start very quietly!

The guys reproduce the mooing of a cow.

Is very similar! It seems to me that that boy (points to one and the boys) did the best job! Boy, come here. You are the first to be rewarded with a calendar with a cow on it. Take care, don’t lose it: you will still need it today. How do geese talk to each other, how do they flap their big wings, stretch out their long necks and hiss?

Children imitate.

How do geese scream?

CHILDREN. Ha-ha-ha!

HOST. Now let's see what Kolya did.

The presenter opens the drawings. It turns out that everything is mixed up: the dog moos, the ram cackles, the cat grunts.

How does this work out, guys? Cats grunt, lamb meows? Maybe some of you will help the animals “find” their voice?

Surely the second player will mess something up, but the result is already getting better.

You’ve already done better, but maybe there are guys in the audience who are more attentive?

When the next one enters, the conditions of the game change. The signs with the words are covered, and the drawings must be placed opposite them. Since the guys do not expect such a change, the result, as a rule, turns out to be the original.

What is this, really?

I can't make it out!

The cow grunts loudly

And the pig meows!

The goose moos, the ram cackles,

The duck barks as much as he can.

The rooster doesn't want to crow at all,

The ram neighs, the cat cackles,

Trezor quacks loudly -

Listen to them a little -

A very scary conversation!

Yes, guys, we are not yet very experienced villagers. But soon, many of you will go to the village to visit your grandparents. Let's now learn more about those who live in a village yard next to a person. Here (shows) huts, in each of them there are gifts. Various animals and birds sent their gifts here to those guys who love them more and know who is the most attentive and diligent.

Please look here, there is a bucket with a mug painted on this house. What do you think is the gift from what animal in this house?

The children answer.

Yes, guys, she sent us this gift

Sorceress, good fairy.

It's warm and cozy for us,

Ready to satisfy everyone in the house

Our nurse...


I love my brownie so much...

The Russian folk song "Korovushka" is playing.

HOST. Guys, what cow's milk products do you know?

The children answer.

Or maybe some of you know what they cook from milk in Kazakhstan, Georgia, Chuvashia, Udmurtia, Bashkiria, Latvia, and other republics?

Those who answer are given calendars with a picture of a cow. A small fragment from the fairy tale “Little Khavroshechka” sounds.

Guys, did you recognize this fairy tale! Well, of course, this is “Kroshechka-Khavroshechka”. What other fairy tales, poems, fables, and movies talk about cows?

The children answer. For the correct answer, they are given calendars with a picture of a cow.

Imagine now, guys, that you came to the village to visit your grandmother and you were tasked with caring for a cow. How many of you know how to care for her and what to feed her? Why do you think the proverb says “The cow has milk on her tongue”?

Children answer, and for correct answers they are given calendars with a picture of a cow.

An ancient and wise animal is the cow. Do you guys know in which country the cow is a sacred animal?

Answer: in India.

What are the names of the mothers of a fawn and elk calf?

Answer: cow.

What cow has never walked on earth?

Answer: sea.

There is a haystack in the middle of the yard, a pitchfork in front, and a broom in the back. What is this?

Answer: cow.

What other riddles and proverbs about cows do you know?

Children ask riddles and say proverbs.

Who can come up with a riddle about a cow themselves?

The guys come up with riddles. The bell is ringing. A girl comes out and brings out several bells.

The bell rang. Oh yes, this is a difficult bell. It was botal. Such botals are hung around the neck of cows when they go to the herd. Who knows why such bells are hung around the necks of cows.

The children answer.

That's right, guys. A little cow is walking through the forest, through the meadow. Ding, ding, ding - her bell rings. And if a cow gets lost, or a calf lags behind her, then the bell will help out. "I'm here, I'm here, I'm here!" - it sounds throughout the whole area. That's it (calls). Now imagine that there is a dense forest all around and a cow wanders through the forest, nibbles grass, and a shaggy bear walks nearby. If the bear hears the bell, the cow will feel bad. I’m now running a bell through the rows, I must run quickly, ringing the bell, and hand it into my hands. Agreed? Then let's begin! One, two, three, let's start!

The assistants carefully observe that the conditions of the game are fulfilled correctly. The first one to deliver the bell to the Presenter receives calendars with a picture of a cow. Children in the hall should be seated so that there is an equal number of players in each row.

And now, children, raise your hand who has one calendar with a picture of a cow. Two? Three?

Those who collect the largest number of calendar cards are invited to the stage. The song "33 Cows" from the TV movie "Goodbye" is playing. The presenter opens the box house and gives prizes to the winners. This could be a record with the fairy tale “Little Khavroshechka”, a book of fairy tales, a bucket, a bell, a shepherd’s pipe, etc.

Of course, everyone is pleased to receive a prize. And those who haven’t received it now, don’t be upset. And the opportunity to conquer it awaits you... And also, guys, please save your calendars until the end of our holiday. You will definitely need them.


A phonogram sounds: the clatter of hooves, the ringing of bells, the neighing of horses.


The hooves clatter loudly.


A calling sound is heard.

And he is familiar to every child -

Kind, sensitive and reliable friend!

He is the hero of familiar children's fairy tales.

The mane burns like fire,

You, friends, recognized him immediately.

We guessed it right away.


HOST. Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka,

Stand in front of me

Like a leaf before the grass!

Who called his horse friend like that? What is the name of this fairy tale? In what troubles did the horse help its owner?

Children's answer.

Why, guys, is the horse called Sivka? What word does this name come from? That's right, from the word gray. What does this word mean? Right. This is the color of the horse, or rather its color. Horses vary in color and color. What other colors of horses do you know?

The children answer.

What color are horses? Have you ever heard someone say something like this: a horse is black, a horse is brown, a horse is yellow? That's right, they don't say that! What is the correct name for a black horse? That's right, black is her color, and the horse is brown?.. A bay horse! And if you in the village say: “What a beautiful brown horse,” “What a frisky black horse,” they will laugh at you, because horses are identified only by color.

What color is a light yellow horse with a black tail and mane? Exactly - dun? Who answered? Get a calendar with a picture of a horse! Be careful, now I will ask very, very difficult questions. About the spotted, motley horse, we will say that he... What color is he, guys? Who was the first to say that he was piebald? Get a calendar! Such a horse is actually called piebald. And the horse is light chestnut, reddish in color? That's right, brown. Remember, as in the fairy tale: “Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka...”. This means that a gray horse can be brownish in color; the main thing is that gray and brown colors are very similar, only gray is lighter and brown is darker. closer to chestnut color. We already know gray, piebald, black, dun, brown and bay.

Karak, piebald, brown, bay

And the dappled gray one, and the black horse.

And every suit is a horse's color!

They are familiar to you, friends,

What other suits do you guys know?

Children name the suits and explain what color they correspond to. The presenter awards calendars with a picture of a horse for correct answers.

How many of you know a poem in which the hero was predicted to die from his faithful, beloved horse? Who wrote this poem and what is it called?

Answer: A.S. Pushkin “Song of the prophetic Oleg.”

Guys, what other poems, fables, stories, films, paintings by artists do you know in which horses play a very important role, that is, they are heroes of works of art?

There is a quiz. Possible answers: “Review”, “Dog and Horse” by I.A. Krylov, “The Little Humpbacked Horse” by V. Ershov, “The Adventures of Baron Munchausen” (chapters: “Horse on the Roof”, “Horse on the Table”) by R.E .Raspe, Russian folk tale "The Horse, the Tablecloth and the Horn". Films: “Property of the Republic”, “Look for the Wind”, “The Elusive Avengers”. Paintings: Vasnetsov’s “Three Heroes”, “Bathing of the Red Horse” by Petrov-Vodkin and others.

For thousands of years, the horse has been an indispensable assistant to man. The peasants called her the nurse, because with the help of the horse they plowed, harrowed, harvested grain, and brought it to the bins. The horse gives milk to the inhabitants of the steppe - nomads, from which they make a health drink - kumiss. From time immemorial, the horse has been a faithful friend in war. On war horses, Prince Igor and his retinue went to battle for the Russian land. In the peasant army of Emelyan Pugachev, the Bashkir cavalry of Salavat Yulaev and the dashing Cossack regiments distinguished themselves. The mounted detachments of partisan Denis Davydov defeated the French in the Patriotic War of 1812. During the Civil War, the Red Cavalry fought against the White Guards and interventionists. In a hat and cloak, with a drawn saber, on a rearing horse, V.I. Chapaev rushes into the battle - such a monument was erected to their legendary countryman by the residents of Cheboksary, the capital of Chuvashia. And finally, in 1941, when the fascist hordes were rushing towards Moscow, their rear was smashed by the cavalry of General Dovator.

When the trumpet called alarmingly to go,

When fire rushed across the earth,

A fighting friend, tested, reliable,

The horse shared the trouble with everyone.

The trumpet signal sounds.

Guys, listen to this signal. He calls for battle. Imagine that you are in the distant heroic time of the civil war. You are brave red horsemen. In the right hand is a saber. Raise the saber above your head. Spin it quickly! Like this (shows). Below you is a hot, daring horse. Hold the bit with your left hand, like this (shows). Let's jump quickly. Tap your feet to the beat of the music. With a song, go ahead!

Ya. Frenkel's song "Pursuit" is playing.

CHILDREN. Fatigue is forgotten,

The child is swaying.

And again the hooves

How the heart beats.

And we have no peace

Burn, but live.

HOST. Faster, faster, riders!

CHILDREN.Chase! Chase!

Chase! Chase!

In hot blood!

HOST. Saber in the scabbard! We hold the bit with both hands. Chase! Let's leave. Quicker...

During the next verse and chorus, the children “drive” the horse and beat the beat with their feet.

Saber drawn! Swipe right, left. The path is clear! Forward!

Children sing the last verse of the song.

Thanks guys! What other songs do you know about the Red Army cavalry and horses?

Children name songs they know. One of them, for example, K. Listov’s song “Tachanka,” can be performed by everyone together. In conclusion, the section of the program about horses is summed up. Owners of a large number of calendars are called to the stage. They are awarded prizes, which are placed in a house with a picture of a horseshoe. This could be a book with V. Ershov's fairy tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse", a record with songs, a toy horse, etc.


I. Kadomtsev's song "I am a pig-piggy" is playing.

Guys, I’ll read some poetry to you now, and you can please help me find the right word at the end of the poem.

The nose is round, with a snout,

The tail is small, crocheted,

Ears are poppy.

Will encounter a puddle or mud

And he is in a hurry to fall there.

It’s not easy for mom with him!

Scratching his back on the fence

Mom complains: “Shame!”

What kind of child are you?

And the child: “Oink-oink-oink!”

I do what I want,


HOST. It just so happens that an ill-mannered, sloppy child is compared to a pig. But I think that the guys sitting in this hall are well-mannered, cultured, knowledgeable. Do you know the most precious words, without which neither Piggy the pig nor any well-mannered child can do? Let's hold a competition for knowledge of polite words. We will take turns saying polite words, and whoever says the last polite word is the winner. For example, I say: “Thank you very much.” Who will say the following...

A competition is being held. The winner is awarded a calendar with a picture of a pig.

I am very glad that you know dear words, and are not at all like the pig about whom I read poems. I think this: both guys and piglets are different. Every evening the friendly and good-natured Piggy smiles at us from the TV screen.

Who said it was Piggy?

Doesn't wash your ears in the morning?

It's like Piggy is walking around dirty

And scares the whole world?

Do we guys disagree?

Answer together!


HOST. Do not agree?

All clear:

Piggy is very neat!

To be careful

And don’t be considered a slob,

What do you guys all need?

The guys name hygiene items: soap, towel, tooth powder, toothbrush, comb, shoe brush, washcloth, iron, etc. The person who names the last item is given a calendar with a picture of a pig.

Now I see that all of you, like Piggy, love cleanliness, but do you know how to use all these items?

Together we took the brushes in our hands,

Cleaning the dress

Cleaning your pants!

Now let's take the combs

And we will fix all the hairstyles!

Shows that everyone repeats after the Presenter.

Everyone is beautiful around

Now let's take the iron!

To make it smooth

Let's iron out the folds!

Our hot iron!

You go, go, my friend!

Shows, children repeat the movements.

Oh, how clean and tidy!

It's nice to look at you...

This lesson will be useful to us.

It was Piggy who helped everyone!

He is polite

Friendly, clean

Our Piggy is a neat guy!

But even with the neat Piggy, all sorts of funny adventures happen. Would you like me to tell you one of them? Only in secret.

Piggy the pig

There is a tail, eyes, ears.

But somehow the pig

I went for a walk in my sleep.

He walked and walked all day

And I lost my piglet,

Its round, pink.

The guys found him.

“Piglet”, cut out of plywood without a snout, is brought onto the stage. The presenter shows the pig's nose and invites the children to take part in the game "Put on the Piglet". Those who wish take turns being blindfolded and asked to put the patch in place. It can be on suction cups, on plasticine, or on magnets. The one who copes with this task receives a calendar with a picture of a pig as a reward.

Guys, why the pig from the television program “Good night, kids!” name is Piggy.

The children answer.

You guessed it, but you yourself want to “talk” in Khryushin’s language?

Want to?! Then I will read a poem to you, and if the word “one” appears in it - meaning “once” or the numeral “one”, then you will all grunt loudly together, like Piggy. That's how "oink-oink!" Agreed?! Well, listen carefully.

I'll tell you now

Wonderful story!

No deception, no embellishment

My story will last.

The word “one” in the next stanza must be emphasized with intonation and a pause so that the children have time to comprehend and react to it.

Once I came to a dense forest,

The prickly darkness parted.

Roses bloomed on the branches,

The dragonflies chirped.

Once - and the bird flew out,

I've seen her more than once.

She's circling above me

Where is the "oink-oink"

May I ask you?

I can ask you guys:

Is it difficult to learn to grunt?

The children answer.

And now - a more difficult task. How many of you can count, raise your hands.

Children raise their hands.

Along the path along the bushes

That thirty legs walked

We were going somewhere together

Roosters and piglets.

Now the question is:

How many roosters were there?

How many piglets were there?

And I would be glad to know.

Answer. There are 4 piglets, 7 roosters. If necessary, the condition is repeated. The first person to solve the problem is awarded a prize from Piggy's house. This could be a toy Piggy, a fairy tale "Three Fat Men". Children who received calendars earlier are also rewarded.


V. Shainsky's song "The Dog is Missing" is playing.

“Oh, great courage and long-suffering of a dog! What forces created you so powerful and indestructible that even in the dying hour you move your body forward? At least little by little, but forward. Forward, to where, perhaps, there will be trust and kindness for the unfortunate woman, a lonely, forgotten dog with a pure heart..."

Guys, each of you is familiar with the story, an excerpt from which I just read. This is a story about a dog whose name was... tell me, what was the name of a kind, smart, devoted dog, who suffered a lot after the ambulance took its owner to the hospital?

Answer: the dog’s name was “Bim”, and the story “White Bim-Black Ear” was written by Gavriil Nikolaevich Troepolsky.

What other literary works talk about dogs?

Answers: "Kashtanka" by A.P. Chekhov, "The Lion and the Dog" by L.N. Tolstoy, "Moo-moo" by I.S. Turgenev, "Tramps of the North" by D.O. Curwood, "Heart of a Dog" by M. A. Bulgakova, “The Town Musicians of Bremen” by the Brothers Grimm, “White Poodle” by A.I. Kuprin, “Elephant and Pug” and “Two Dogs” by A.I. Krylov and others.

Guys, many of you know and love dogs. Do you know the names of the dogs that went into space?

Answer: Belka and Strelka.

Many of you know the habits of dogs well. Why, for example, do dogs often run around with their tongues hanging out?

Answer: in the heat, in order to cool the whole body, dogs stick out their tongue, from which saliva evaporates, and this way the body cools down.

How to determine a dog's health status?

Answer: A healthy dog ​​has a cold nose. For correct answers, calendars with a picture of a dog are awarded.

We already know that dogs are very black and loyal friends. what other qualities do you know of them?

From your answers it is clear that you not only love, but also know dogs. Indeed, dogs are hardy and selfless in serving humans. Possessing a keen sense of smell, sense of smell, and excellent hearing, they are attentive and able to focus extremely on completing tasks. The game I suggest you play is called "Hidden Collar". It will require from you attention, concentration, and a quality that is inherent only to people - intuition.

10-12 people are invited to the stage. The leader is shown a collar in the form of a very thin strap, which, when twisted, can fit in the palm of your hand. The driver is invited to leave the hall so that at this time the collar can be hidden in the hand (sleeve) of one of the guys remaining on stage. Those sitting in the hall see who has the collar hidden. When the driver returns to the hall, he is asked to find the hidden collar. The guys sitting in the hall are invited to help the driver. While searching, they bark softly: “woof-woof-woof.” The closer the driver is to the target, the louder the barking becomes. The driver's task is to accurately name the person whose collar is hidden. If he makes a mistake, then another driver is selected from the audience, and everything is repeated again. The one who finds the collar the first time receives a calendar with a picture of a dog as a reward.

Guys, I feel that none of you are indifferent to dogs. And so I propose to collectively create poems about our faithful friend. I will start, and you finish the poetic lines. Just all together, friendly and loud!

A ringing bark suddenly rang out,

This is my funny...


HOST. My Trezor is a funny dog,

Everywhere he sticks his...


HOST. Trezor and I go anywhere,

With him comes grief...

CHILDREN. No problem!

HOST. My Trezor runs forward


CHILDREN. And go hiking!

HOST. He me without further ado

Always protect...


HOST. I become better with him

It will dispel instantly...

CHILDREN. Sadness!

HOST. He helped me by becoming a friend,

I hear it again...

CHILDREN. Woof woof woof!

A soundtrack with cheerful barking dogs sounds. Children who receive the largest number of calendars with a picture of a dog receive gifts from a house with a picture of a dog.

  1. Topic: all news Monitoring and analysis of media in the city of Kirov Date: 04/10/2011


    but not everyone wants to 17 Kiselev went to the Socialist Revolutionaries 17 Buchnev leaves for Mari-El 18 Ends in the water 18 Who will believe a polygraph? 0 BRIEFLY ABOUT IMPORTANT 1 Spring premiere in “Grotesque” 1 “I gave birth on March 8” Now progress is inevitable 3 Vyatka is eroding

  2. Media monitoring year of teacher June 18 June 25, 2010 >


    At the Armory Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin, as part of the VII International Festival “Moscow Meets Friends,” a concert was held by young students of the Vladimir Spivakov International Charitable Foundation.

  3. Materials of the 3rd regional scientific conference dedicated to the 780th anniversary of the baptism of Karelians (October 16–17, 2007, Petrozavodsk)


    Orthodoxy in Karelia: Materials of the 3rd regional scientific conference dedicated to the 780th anniversary of the baptism of Karelians / Rep. ed. V. M. Pivoev. Petrozavodsk: Publishing House of the Karelian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2008.

Track No. 1.
A musical introduction (phonogram) sounds.
The presenter comes out.

A ray of sunshine makes us laugh and teases,
We're having fun this morning.
Summer gives us a bright holiday,
And the main guest on it is the game!

She is our friend - big and smart,
Will not let you get bored and discouraged:
A cheerful, noisy argument will start,
It will help to learn new things!


Good afternoon to you guys! Both girls and boys! I see that the smiles are open, the eyes are shining, the mood is excellent, which means there WILL BE a holiday today!!! Today we invite you all to an amazing country - Igralia, to a festive parade of riddles, quizzes, and charades!

But first, let’s get to know you better. And we will do this with the help of a game. I will ask you to be attentive, listen to the poem, and fulfill all the requests that are mentioned in it. Agreed? So here I go!

Dating game

Sasha, Seryozha, Alyosha -
They clapped their hands together!
Masha, Natasha and Lenochka -
Everyone patted their knees!
Vovochki, naughty girls and pranksters -
They make faces at the celebration.
How many Oles do we have?
Say loudly: “We are here!”
Vasya, Dima, Romochka are cheerful boys,
Show off your ears as if you were bunnies!
Arina, Marina, Irina -
Bowed like ballerinas!
Vani, Grisha, Misha -
Silenced like mice!
Koli, Kostya and Antoshka -
Show your palms to everyone!
Nina, Dasha, Gali -
They rode a horse.
Kiryushechki and Lyovushki -
They puffed up like owls!
We did not name all the names,
You, friends, will not demand
Friendly, loud in this room
Shout your name!

Well done! So friendly, everyone got to know each other at once. Well, now it’s our turn to introduce ourselves. My name is _____________________

What about me ______________________________. Guys, tell me, do you want to become smarter and more resourceful, learn interesting things, solve difficult things? Do you want to spend your leisure time fun and usefully? We invite play.

- Just think, it's nonsense! I'll do it playfully! - they often talk about an easy, trivial matter. The game is truly unthinkable without lightness and ease. But does this mean that the game is a trivial, unpretentious matter?

No, the game is a serious matter. And at the same time, the game is always excitement and interest. Search, unexpected finds and discoveries. Play is a way of understanding the world around us. By playing, we learn to overcome failures and face defeats with dignity. In the game we grow and mature.

And you will see this for yourself today. Because today for you is the “Holiday parade of riddles, quizzes, charades”!
To participate in the intellectual games of our parade, we will need two teams.
(Participants of the holiday are being divided into two teams).
Our parade consists of several separate tours. For correct answers, points will be awarded to each team, the sum of which at the end of the program will help determine the winner. You will need to answer the questions posed by holding up the signal card. One team has it in yellow, the other team has it in red. We would like to make a warning right away - for shouting the answer from the spot, teams will be fined - that is, penalty points will be deducted from the points earned. Is the task clear? Then... We begin!

Track No. 2. Phonogram of solemn fanfare.

There are mysteries in our region,
So sophisticated...
Who will guess the riddle -
Will be considered a scientist!

Our first tour is called “MYSTERIOUS ASSORTED”.
This means that the teams will have to answer the riddle question. A point for each correct answer will be awarded to that team. Who will be the first to raise the signal card.
Are the teams ready? Attention! We listen to riddles - we find answers!

1. Mixed, pickled, dried, put on the table (BREAD)

2. One runs, the other lies, the third bows. (RIVER, STONE, GRASS)

4. You can easily lift it, but you can’t throw it over the mansion. (FEATHER)

5. Soft, not fluff, green, not grass. (MOSS)

6. What kind of tree is there - there is no wind, but the leaf is trembling. (ASPEN)

7. It is the cow that flies with milk, not the owl. (DANDELION)

8. She herself is cold, but she burns people. (NETTLE)

9. White peas on a green stem. (LILY OF THE VALLEY)

10. He sits with his eyes bulging and doesn’t speak Russian.
Born in water, but lives on land. (FROG)

11. He prepares his nets like a fisherman,
But he never catches fish. (SPIDER)

12. Sits on a branch, not a bird.
There is a red tail, not a fox. (SQUIRREL)

So, based on the results of the first round, our team is in the lead: ________________________

Since childhood, we all love fairy tales,
After all, that’s what’s good about a fairy tale,
That there is a happy ending in it
Hearts already have a presentiment.

And we move on to the 2nd round of our parade, which is called “FAIRY-TALE EXPLAINERS”
Now I will ask questions about fairy-tale characters. To make it easier for you to solve the problem, you will be given three hints for each question. And now, ATTENTION!

TOUR Rules:
If you guessed the answer
- from the first explanation - 3 points
- from the second explanation - 2 points
- from the third explanation - 1 point

1. He is always very sad
2. It was his birthday
3. The owl gave him a tail (Eeyore)
4. He lived in the jungle
5. He taught the wolves the laws of the jungle.
6. Mowgli was also his student (BALU BEAR)
7. He kept falling.
8. At first he didn’t know his own name
9. His friend the crocodile (CHEBURASHKA)
10. It had very narrow doors
11. He was very well-mannered.
12. Winnie the Pooh ate all his sweets (RABBIT)
13. He traveled to Africa
14. He loved all animals
15. He even cured Barmaley (DOCTOR AIBOLIT)
16. She was very kind and hardworking
17. She sewed three whole ball gowns in one night.
18. Her godmother was a fairy (CINDERELLA)
19. He runs - the earth trembles
20. He could jump to the princess’s window
21. His name was Prophetic Kaurka (SIVKA BURKA)
22. She is a brave and smart girl
23. She lived with the Bear
24. She baked pies and sent them to her grandparents (MASHENKA)
25. He argued that boys should be vacuumed too
26. He loved to play pranks
27. He wanted 8 cakes and one small candle (CARLSON)
28. He was constantly harmed by rodents
29. He didn't know how to get angry
30. He wanted to live together (LEOPOLD THE CAT)

Your knowledge of the fairy-tale world is impressive and deserves applause.
Give each other a round of applause! And now the applause should be twice as loud, because it is addressed to the team ______________________________, which is leading in THIS round!

And the overall score for the two rounds is as follows:
The team has __________ __________ points,
and the team has __________ on its account __________ points!

It is unlikely that there will be people in our country who have never heard of the Guinness Book of Records. It contains facts about the very, very, very, worthy of attention and admiration! We are also ready to talk to you about this now. That is, about the most interesting and impressive.
And we will do this with the help of the next, third round of our parade - the quiz “MOST, MOST, MOST”
The conditions of this competition are simple: after hearing a question and deciding to answer it, you also raise a signal card. The first team to pick up the card and give the correct answer receives 1 point in its competition account. Are you ready for the next challenge? Then attention, the questions of the quiz “MOST, MOST, MOST!”

 Biggest bear?
(Polar bear.)
 The most toothy cutlery?
 Most travel bag?

 Best swimming shoes?
 The most heavenly color?
 The most children's theater?
(Puppet show.)
 The most children's swimming device?
(Inflatable ring.)
 The very first school textbook?

 Biggest waves?
 The tallest fairytale policeman?
(Uncle Styopa.)
 The kindest fairy tale doctor?
(Dr. Aibolit.)
 The most loyal animal to humans?

 The most vegetable fairy tale.
(“The Adventures of Cipollino”, Gianni Rodari.)
 The most beautiful bird in the world?

 The most camp musical instrument?
 The most Russian musical instrument?
 The best crocodile in the world?
(Gena, Cheburashka's friend.)

It's time to sum up the last tour. The ____________________________________ team captivated us with their erudition, gaining _______ points in this competition and becoming the leader! Well done! Keep it up!

Time moves forward, and tells us that it’s time to move on to the next round of our parade - the fourth, which is called “CHARADES”.
By the way, can anyone give me a clear answer to what charades are? (Answers)
To know the clear definition of this word, I suggest you listen to a short reference:
“The components of a charade are individual small words that add up to a larger word. For a charade riddle, a description of each part is given, and then the meaning of the whole word.” Now that you are familiar with the decoding of this unusual word, I think you can move on to the competition itself. Its conditions, as in previous rounds, are simple - for each correctly guessed word, the team receives one point, having first raised the signal card and given the answer.
So, I announce the fourth round - “CHARADES”


I played roles on stage,
I performed in the arena
The letters, apparently, were playing a joke -
They took it and turned it into utensils,
And now it’s smart in the kitchen
I'm grating carrots.

S D I'm used to liquids,
From the west there is a huge wild bull.

With B I can be painful,
I devour clothes from M,
S R the actor needs me,
C C - important for the cook.

I am deep and full of water,
And the whole country is proud of me.
And ahead you will add -
And I will become a forest bird.

With the letter H for you I
Friend, buddy.
And it’s worth changing H to G,
How the enemy will face you.

With the letter L in the game of football
We often hear the word. . . .
With D the meaning in the word is not the same -
The measure became simple. . . .

First, name a house outside the city,
In which we live only in the summer with our family,
Add two letters to the name at the same time,
What will happen is what is destined to be decided.

Read to my left,
And I will be a despising dog.
But I will count the time
When you read it the other way around.

We all - both adults and children -
During leisure hours we entertain,
But if we put T,
We'll scare them terribly.

S K I'm at school on the wall,
There are mountains and rivers on me.
I won’t hide it from you -
I'm also standing at school.

To guess, have patience:
S L i is part of the face,
and with B - plant.

I bring tears to S L,
I'm flying through the air.

With M I am fit for your food,
And I can be a flower
They will find me in the river,
With S suddenly I will become a bag.

You can solve the problem freely:
I'm a small part of the face.
But read me from the end -
You will see anything in me.

I can't get into the branchy forest -
My horns are stuck in the branches
But exchange L for S for me -
And the leaves of the forest will all wither.

I show off magnificently in a flowerbed in the garden,
If you want, put me in a vase.
But with the letter K I will go to the garden,
And if I find cabbage in the garden,
The cabbage will get it right away.

With the sound S, I'm not tasty,
But everyone needs food,
S M beware of me, or else
I will eat both the dress and the coat.

S U - creeping, S Z - prickly.

I'm a famous dish
When will you add M?
I will fly and buzz, annoying everyone.

They carry me with the letter X,
With the letter C in the dining room they ask.

To support the birdhouse
Or an antenna, I'm fit,
With a gentle sign I, of course,
I'll be a number right away.

At the beginning of the word there is a cliff, a ravine,
Then there is a postal mark on the envelope.
In general, the place where in Rus'
Merchants brought their goods!

M have reached the finish line. But in order to announce the next, final round of our parade, we need to find out which team became the best “decipherer” of the charades.
So, the __________________ team gave ______ correct answers, earning ____________ points accordingly, and the __________________ team got ________ correct answers, which means _________ points are credited to its piggy bank.
Now everything is in place and it’s time to announce the fifth round of our parade - “AUDIO QUESTION”.
Dear friends, you need to determine by the sound which cartoon character sings a song or pronounces a phrase. Replies will also only be accepted after you pick up the signal card. For each correct answer, your competition funds will be replenished.
Ready? Attention, we are listening to the first musical fragment.

Order of music tracks:

1. “Kid and Carlson”
2. Song “If you are kind” (Leopold the Cat)
3. "Return of the Prodigal Parrot"
4. Little Mouse's Song
5. Song Shapoklyak
6. Phrase from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear”
7. Song “I’m lying in the sun” (Lion Cub and Turtle)
8. Phrase from the cartoon “Well, just wait!”
9. Song of Fun (From the cartoon “flying ship”)
10. Phrase from the cartoon “Mowgli”
11. Song of the Atamansha and the Robbers (“Musicians of Bremen”)
12. Song of Cat Matroskin
13. Song of friends “There is nothing better in the world” (“Musicians of Bremen”)

Our amazing parade of riddles, quizzes, and charades is coming to an end. It was very pleasant that the spirit of rivalry and competition reigned in the hall.
In moments we will find out which team is the winner. But it seems to me that today it would be quite appropriate to recall the principle of the Olympic movement: “The main thing is not victory, the main thing is participation!”

(The result of the last game is announced. Souvenirs are awarded.)

The competition is over, the meeting is over,
The hour of parting has come...
But don't be sad, you come to us,
We will meet with you more than once!

(Final song.)