Water clinic Nizhnevolzhskaya embankment. Privolzhsky District Medical Center: photos and reviews. Inpatient surgical care

Type of ownership: State

Institution website: www.pomc.ru/

The state institution “Privolzhsky District Medical Center” was established by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation by order No. 375 dated October 17, 2001. In accordance with clause 3.1. of the Charter, approved by order of the FMBA of Russia dated May 17, 2011 No. 22u, the purpose of the activities of the FBUZ POMC FMBA of Russia is to provide medical and sanitary support to employees of organizations in certain industries with particularly hazardous working conditions, including those with occupational diseases, the population territories subject to service by the FMBA of Russia in accordance with the list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, providing assistance to the insured population in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as medical and sanitary support and security of the assigned contingent, incl. primary, specialized, high-tech medical care, specialized medical care by mobile rapid response teams in case of emergencies. Having absorbed almost the entire variety of areas of modern medicine, the Federal Budgetary Institution of Medical Care and Medical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia today has a wide network of medical institutions with a total bed capacity of 1154 and 2804 visits per shift: 4 clinical hospitals, 5 clinics, including a dental clinic in Nizhny Novgorod and 16 branches located in 6 regions and 3 republics of the Russian Federation: Serving 142,200 people of the assigned contingent and working within the framework of territorial compulsory health insurance programs, the FBUZ POMC FMBA of Russia closely interacts with the territorial health authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. This ensures that therapeutic and diagnostic measures are carried out in a single protocol, guarantees continuity in the interaction of branches with the parent Center and creates the necessary conditions for maintaining waiting lists for patients in need of high-tech medical care. Workers of the nuclear industry, water transport, and state civil servants who are part of the assigned contingent currently have the opportunity to fully receive high-quality primary medical care; on-site consultations with specialists, medical examinations, and preventive vaccinations for epidemic indications are also organized for them. In 2011, the FBUZ POMC FMBA of Russia was equipped with 4 all-terrain vehicles, on which modern diagnostic and treatment equipment was installed to provide specialized medical care as part of a mobile hospital intended for deployment in response to emergency situations. A number of new branches have been opened over the past two years. The newly created ophthalmology clinic included an outpatient unit and an inpatient department. Also, departments of maxillofacial surgery, neurosurgery, traumatology and orthopedics, and cardiology, which were not previously represented in the structure of the Federal Budgetary Institution of Medical Care and Medical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia, have appeared. The institution's high-tech medical care profiles are as follows: organ and tissue transplantation, abdominal surgery, oncology, urology, cardiovascular surgery, traumatology and orthopedics, obstetrics and gynecology, IVF, neurosurgery, maxillofacial surgery, ophthalmology, endocrinology. FBUZ POMC FMBA of Russia is one of the few medical institutions of FMBA of Russia where liver transplantation is performed. In general, there are only five clinics in the country that perform these complex operations. In 2011, a group of doctors from the institution were awarded the Nizhny Novgorod City Prize in the field of medicine for developments in the field of liver surgery. This is the third city award, which was awarded to the staff of the institution over the 10-year period of its existence. Within the framework of a closed cycle of medical care, reconstructive and restorative operations for tumors of the genitourinary system, minimally invasive and interventional interventions for surgical, urological, gynecological and ENT pathologies, medical care for neurological patients (conditions after stroke, severe traumatic brain injury, operations) have become dynamically developing areas. on the brain, restorative treatment for degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine, peripheral nervous system, restorative treatment for diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system), treatment of patients with chronic renal and liver failure, with focal and diffuse liver diseases, tumor and inflammatory diseases of the pancreas glands, etc. Protocols are in the process of development and implementation, including instrumental methods of therapy, management of patients with severe forms of chronic heart failure. In a closed cycle of treatment and preventive measures, rehabilitation treatment programs are a mandatory element. A single Center for Rehabilitation Treatment has been organized at the Federal Budgetary Institution of Medical Care and Medical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia, combining outpatient and inpatient stages of rehabilitation and implementing the most modern methods of rehabilitation treatment based on the achievements of evidence-based medicine. Multidisciplinary teams in the neurology section provide an integrated approach to rehabilitation treatment through motor rehabilitation, speech therapy and psychotherapeutic correction. Techniques using highly intelligent equipment are being actively introduced for degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine and peripheral nervous system; treatment for diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, including in rheumatology, after hip replacement, arthroscopic operations on the knee joint. The rehabilitation center continues to develop in the direction of optimizing motor rehabilitation programs, electrical neuromyostimulation in the recovery period of a stroke, improving the technological lines of neurorehabilitation and vertebrology and restorative treatment of patients who have received high-tech medical care.A highly developed material and technical base and an increased professional level allow the POMC to introduce into clinical practice surgical and therapeutic measures of the highest level of complexity in patients with various pathologies and degrees of severity. In the past year, the following were mastered: endoscopic resection of the gastric mucosa for early cancer (EMR), endovideosurgical methods for the treatment of rectal cancer, the Birmingham system of superficial endoprosthetics (BHR), neuromodulation in the treatment of neurogenic bladder dysfunction. Laboratory and instrumental monitoring carried out throughout the day allows both to significantly reduce the likelihood of developing complications of the underlying disease and to take timely preventive measures to prevent multiple organ pathology. FBUZ POMC FMBA of Russia is the clinical base of 9 departments of the Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy. Conferences, master classes, and seminar schools are constantly held with the participation of leading Russian and foreign experts. Scientific reports and patented developments of POMC (9 patents for inventions) are presented at Russian and international congresses devoted to the sections of therapy, surgery, cardiology, hepatology, maxillofacial surgery, IVF, ultrasound diagnostics, and rehabilitation. Collections of articles published annually include joint work by practical doctors and department staff. Directions of scientific and clinical development of the Federal Budgetary Institution of Health and Medical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia for the near future: preparation for heart and pancreas transplantation, assessment of the structural and functional state of organs using radiophysical methods, radioisotope technologies for the diagnosis and treatment of oncological diseases, mechanical methods for restoring and preserving the lumen of hollow organs in tumor diseases, cell technologies in medicine.Thus, the FBUZ POMC FMBA of Russia is not only a high-tech clinic, it is not only a center for modern rehabilitation and not only a network of services for the assigned population - it is a single organism that combines all the elements of modern medical care. Today it is actively developing, enthusiastically mastering the most complex areas of modern medicine. The presence of a highly professional team of like-minded people and an ardent desire to open new horizons allows it to rightfully occupy a leading position among healthcare institutions of the Volga Federal District

Clinical Hospital No. 1:

An absolutely useless clinic (in terms of normal diagnosis and treatment), and, WHAT IS ESPECIALLY UNCLEAR, with fairly good equipment, a relatively low workload of doctors and their supposedly high qualifications (information from the POMC website), carry out high-quality diagnostics and prescribe adequate treatment (not just for show) they don’t know how or don’t want to (at least in my case, for payment to the POMC cash desk), while many doctors are also not familiar with medical ethics. The result of my visits to this institution: whatever problems I dealt with, I was left with them, I just “threw away” money on these visits, and also encountered rudeness, arrogance and frankly inappropriate behavior of some doctors.
And the medical staff of the surgical department of Hospital No. 3 apparently does not even “consider patients as people.” I underwent an endoscopy under “anesthesia”, having previously paid for this examination and a day of stay in the ward (about 6,500 rubles, not counting the cost of tests done in another clinic) and received an unforgettable experience:
1. The medical staff of the surgical department had never heard of an “EGD under anesthesia” being carried out in their department and persistently tried to prove to me that I was scheduled for an operation (HH, supposedly), and talked to me as if I were a “person with special needs of mental development.”
2. Naturally there was no full-fledged “good” anesthesia, and it’s difficult to call it sedation (the medical staff was in a hurry, apparently), while they raised their voices at me, the anesthesiologist behaved like a “drunk man” and openly mocked and was rude, the anesthetist, apparently , I forgot where she is (neckline “to the waist”), the nurse of the endoscopy department would be more suited to work in a prison hospital, in the operating room (or whatever it is called in Pomets) for some reason there was also an “unknown person” male (medical worker), not indicated either in the “anesthesia card” or in the inpatient card, but has learned to mockingly “smirk” at patients.
3. The nurse in the surgical department rudely tore off the patch with the catheter, although I warned about the presence of a mole on this area of ​​skin.
4. The nurse (?) of the department “remembered” to sarcastically say that the EGD results will be given to me only upon presentation of a receipt for payment (although I pre-paid for this examination in full).
5. About my last visit to this institution (with almost all the details) and even about the results of the cytological examination, without my consent, naturally, it became known to 3rd parties (some medical workers from Pomets live in the same house as me).
Naturally, after such a “magic” treatment (and I haven’t indicated everything yet), there is and cannot be any trust in the doctors and their conclusions, and I VERY regretted that I went there.

Date of entry of the operator into the register: 09.07.2009

Grounds for entering the operator into the register (order number): 253

Operator name: Federal budgetary healthcare institution "Privolzhsky District Medical Center" of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency

Operator location address: 603001, Nizhny Novgorod region, Nizhny Novgorod, emb. Nizhnevolzhskaya, 2,

Start date of personal data processing: 01.01.2004

Subjects of the Russian Federation on whose territory personal data is processed: Nizhny Novgorod Region

Purpose of processing personal data: 1. Maintaining personalized records when carrying out medical activities. 2. Processing of personal data of employees to formalize labor relations.

Description of the measures provided for in Art. 18.1 and 19 of the Law: 1. A person responsible for organizing the processing of personal data has been appointed.2. Documents have been approved defining the organization's policy regarding the processing of personal data and establishing procedures aimed at preventing and identifying violations of the law. Such documents in particular include: - an action plan to ensure the security of personal data, - a list of personal data subject to protection, - a list of personal data information systems, - a provision on restricting access to personal data, - an order approving the list of persons authorized for processing personal data, - regulations on the processing and protection of personal data, - policy regarding the processing of personal data, - rules for processing personal data without the use of automation tools, - order on approval of places of storage of personal data and persons responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of personal data during their storage .3. Elimination of the consequences of violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the regulations on the processing and protection of personal data, as well as in accordance with the instructions to the personal data security administrator and in accordance with the procedure for backing up and restoring the functionality of hardware and software, databases data and information security tools.4. Internal control of the compliance of personal data processing with the legislation of the Russian Federation in this area is carried out in accordance with the internal audit plan, the instructions of the security administrator and the regulations on the processing and protection of personal data. The rules for access to personal data are approved in the relevant regulations and are technically implemented using information security tools. Employees authorized to process personal data undergo information security training, sign a non-disclosure agreement, and become familiar with documents on the protection of personal data against signature.

Categories of personal data: surname, first name, patronymic, year of birth, month of birth, date of birth, place of birth, address, marital status, social status, education, profession, income, nationality, state of health, state of intimate life, Gender, passport details, place of work, compulsory medical insurance policy number, INN, SNILS, address of permanent residence, registration address at the place of stay, home telephone number, work, social status.

List of actions with personal data: Collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification, use, removal, destruction.

Processing of personal data: mixed, with transmission over the internal network of a legal entity, with transmission over the Internet

Legal basis for processing personal data: Article 92 of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ “On the fundamentals of protecting the health of citizens in the Russian Federation”, Article 86 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Availability of cross-border transmission: No

Database location information: Russia

17.08.17 21:40:04

-2.0 Terrible

How I underwent a medical examination at Polyclinic No. 1 of the POMC at the address: Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhnevolzhskaya embankment, 2. It all started on 08/14/17 (Monday). I arrived at this clinic in the morning, asking if I could undergo a medical examination at my own expense. I received a positive response, voicing what kind of conclusion in the medical book and medical certificates I needed. The receptionist began printing payment forms and a slider with doctors' offices and appointment times. At the checkout, the cashier didn’t really understand what medical certificates we were talking about, so I ended up paying an extra 100 rubles, which became clear later. The amount is not large and I gave up on it. Having passed the tests, I went to the doctors’ offices. Having gone through everyone who could be passed without tests, I returned home full of hope to complete everything on Tuesday. Arriving on Tuesday and picking up the test results and chemotherapy at the reception, I went to the dermatologist. I waited 15 minutes, came to the reception desk and asked: “Where is the doctor?” I received an answer that it is not open today, but only on Mon, Wed, and Fri. I note that this is not indicated in the slider! To my indignation, why the slider does not indicate the days when the doctor sees - it was *****, not their problem. Realizing that there would be no conclusion today, I left. On Wednesday I went to the dermatologist, where it was discovered that the blood results were missing. The doctor sends it to the laboratory. I came to the laboratory, they said it was to the reception desk. I came to the reception desk and they said that they gave me everything yesterday, if anything is missing, go to the laboratory. And then it started to “bomb” me, I shouted, the fuss began and lo and behold, results were found. After seeing a dermatologist, I went to a psychiatrist-narcologist. The doctor is gone for about 15 minutes, I go to this receptionist guessing what kind of answer I will get, which turned out to be true, the doctor will be on Thursday. Said with a smile on his face. To the question: “If you go through this doctor at Akson, will the occupational pathologist give the long-awaited conclusion?” I didn’t receive a clear answer, yes or no, only: “What do you want? Come tomorrow.” On Thursday, after seeing a psychiatrist-narcologist, I go to an occupational pathologist, I find out that the therapist is seen separately (my mistake, I’m used to the therapist and the occupational pathologist being in the same office). The therapist's office has the most ************** attitude. She asked the question: “Do you even have any vaccinations?” I say: "Yes." To which she replied: “Okay, at least this is there.” Arrogance and rudeness are her theme. That’s the end - an occupational pathologist, well, here in general... You hand over all the papers and a medical book, wait in the corridor, the doctor periodically comes out and asks all sorts of ***** (at the same time introducing everyone around me to the situation of my situation), but never I didn’t ask what kind of conclusion I needed. I’m sitting, waiting, wondering what these doctors will write for me as a conclusion. They also take certificates out of the office for verification before stamping them, taking into account the fact that all the source codes with my data are in their office. After waiting for about 20 minutes they take it out, check it and say, of course I’ll check it. And so it happened, the conclusion is wrong, I tell the doctor this, and in response I hear that this conclusion was in the source code. Not surprised, but amazed (for the conclusion they gave - not all tests were passed). I ask you to redo it (without shouting), the response is rudeness, a request not to shout at her (although I didn’t shout), accusing me of the fact that the source codes were with the conclusion that she put. She took the medical book and proudly retired to the office. In the medical book there was an old conclusion, which she successfully repeated, in the certificate there was another one, which I needed. As a result, the medical book contains 2 conclusions with different positions. While waiting for a medical book, the impression is that this is not the office of a professional pathologist, but the waiting room of a demigod in a white coat, who sits in the office and his servants run out into the corridor every now and then. Rudeness, incompetence, indifference, attitude like ***** - therapist's office, occupational pathologist, cash desk, receptionist. The other doctors did an adequate examination and were polite.