How to cure bursitis in a dog. Treatment of bursitis in the early stages. Treatment of elbow bursitis in dogs

The name of the disease “bursitis” comes from the word “bursa”, which literally translates as “bag”, “purse”, “pocket”.

In dogs, it manifests itself as a chronic or acute form of inflammation of the mucous bursae in the joint area, most often the knee, hip and elbow.

Due to the constant increased friction of tendons and muscles on the bone, the walls of the bursa begin to swell. As a result, fluid accumulates in the cavity of the bursa, which is released during inflammation - exudate.

Bursitis in dogs is divided into types: chronic, acute, purulent, traumatic and false, which is also called hygroma in dogs.

Causes of joint bursitis in dogs

Bursitis is a process inflammatory in nature in the joint capsules, characterized by the presence of increased accumulation of specific fluid in the joint cavity. Disruption in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system due to inflammation of the bursa causes restriction of the animal’s movements, causing pain and discomfort.

Bursitis elbow joint in dogs, the most commonly diagnosed pathology. The main reasons for the development pathological condition in the joint capsule there are injuries and bruises.

Possible reason development of bursitis are:

  • osteomyelitis;
  • bedsores;
  • furunculosis and carbuncles.

Other causes of bursitis in dogs include:

  • overstrain of the joint (in sports and hunting dogs);
  • diseases that cause inflammatory processes in the joints - arthritis, gout, erysipelas, tonsillitis, brucellosis, abscess;
  • violations metabolic processes;
  • injuries to the joint capsule, elbow joint and adjacent tendons;
  • premature aging tissues in the joint area (leads to rapid infection of the bursa);
  • toxic substances entering the bloodstream and nearby tissue structures;
  • autoimmune diseases ( the immune system begins to produce specific antibodies that attack its own healthy cells);
  • incorrectly selected litter;
  • allergic type reactions;
  • violation of the temperature regime (hypothermia or extreme heat).

There are several triggering factors that can lead to the development of the disease:

Symptoms of bursitis

There are a number of symptoms that should serve as a clear signal to the owner pet that it is necessary to urgently show the dog to the veterinarian.

The disease usually develops quite quickly, so in this case It is unacceptable to waste time.

  • The first thing that becomes noticeable in a sick animal is the pathology of the contours of the elbow joint. As is already known, the walls of the bag swell, and because of this, exudate accumulates in the cavity. As a result, a kind of bump forms on the dog’s paw.
  • The pet will be very reluctant to use its diseased limb, perhaps even limping, as pain in the joint area begins to manifest itself.
  • In chronic forms of elbow joint disease, connective tissue growths and bridges that look like ridges and ridges may form on the paw. The liquid inside the bag becomes yellowish tint, bursolites are born in it - these are “rice bodies” that consist of dense parts of fibrin and epithelioid cells.
  • With severe inflammatory processes, a fistula may form over the joint. In external environment can come out of it purulent discharge.
  • The acute form of bursitis differs from the others in that it manifests itself as sudden, excruciating pain for the dog. The pain intensifies during movement and at night. You may notice that the pet is not sleeping, but long time sits in the same position. After several such acute attacks bursitis becomes chronic. Now the pain will be a little weaker, but very long lasting.

According to clinical signs and course, bursitis is distinguished between purulent and aseptic, acute and chronic.

Main signs of the disease:

  • pain, swelling, hyperemia in the joint area;
  • local increase temperature;
  • limited movement.

The most common symptom of bursitis is pain. The pain may come on gradually or be sudden and severe, especially if calcium deposits are present. Severe loss of movement in the shoulder, called adhesive capsulitis or frozen shoulder, can also be a result of the stiffness and pain associated with shoulder bursitis.

Treatment and diagnosis

Only a veterinarian can make an accurate diagnosis. The disease is diagnosed by clinical examination dog.

For this purpose, fluid is taken from the joint capsule, after which bacterial research and determining the presence of infectious diseases.

Once the presence of bursitis in a dog is accurately diagnosed, treatment can be carried out. conservatively and operational.


Staging accurate diagnosis, involves a clinical examination, laboratory tests and radiography. Taken together, this helps to accurately make a diagnosis, highlighting infectious or non-infectious infectious nature bursitis. It is especially important to carry out laboratory research at differential diagnosis for brucellosis.

The diagnosis is made comprehensively based on clinical signs. To confirm the diagnosis, laboratory and X-ray studies, which will help differentiate bursitis from, for example, non-infectious arthritis or joint damage due to brucellosis, which is dangerous for animals and humans.

Conservative treatment bursitis in dogs includes a regimen developed by a doctor that is optimal for a particular animal. In addition to drugs and ointments for local application it may include applying pressure bandages in combination with cold compresses, complete rest, and physical therapy.

If bursitis is complicated by a secondary infection, it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention. This can be a puncture, opening the abscess cavity, removing the inflammatory exudate and subsequent washing.

The diagnosis of bursitis is made based on signs and physical examination in dogs. The bursa wound has many common features with joint wounds and can present equally serious clinical problems.

Because the cavity is closed, natural drainage is rare. If the infection is localized in the dense fibrous wall of the bursa, it can be as persistent as an infection in the bony sequestrum.

In the infected open wounds bursa organisms appear to reproduce and persist despite apparent bactericidal properties synovial fluid.

Treatment and diagnosis

Treatment at home is possible, but it is often not very effective, so it is best to consult a veterinarian.

If this is not possible, here are a number of tips that will help at least prevent the situation from getting worse.

  • The dog needs to be provided with complete rest. If it is official, then all training should be stopped immediately.
  • The bedding where the dog rests should be soft and as deep as possible.
  • It is not recommended to make lotions and warm compresses at home. Such decisions can only be made by a veterinary specialist. After all, if aseptic bursitis can be treated by heating, then such “treatment” will only aggravate the purulent form, contribute to the development of sepsis, and the pet may die.

Therapy begins with conservative methods:

  • In case of severe pain, the immobility of the joint is ensured.
  • The limb is fixed with a pressure bandage, under which a cold compress.
  • Starting from the second day, warming with a Sollux lamp is used, together with warm wrapping.
  • If infectious agents are detected, antibiotics are prescribed.
  • Drug therapy also includes the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and if they are ineffective, hormonal drugs.

Conservative treatment of bursitis in dogs is not always effective. IN severe cases endoprosthesis replacement is recommended.

Another variant surgical intervention involves opening the bursa and cleaning out necrotic areas. The formed pathological pouch is sutured.

First important principle The key to treating a bursa wound in a dog is recognizing the injury. Any suspicious deep wound or a wound in the area of ​​a known bursa should be suspicious. A contaminated wound should be examined surgically, inseminate and irrigate. If a puncture wound is treated conservatively, the physician should be aware of the possibility of infection developing in the bursa.

Infection is confirmed by wound discharge and deep pain, and immediate exploration, surgery, and irrigation are necessary. The wound remains open or closed if drainage is provided.

Topical and parenteral antibiotics are necessary and recommended for susceptibility testing. When chronic infection accompanied by sinus discharge, may require debridement bursa and even complete removal bursa, as in the treatment of infected bone sequestration.

If infection is present, culture and susceptibility tests may be required to identify the bacteria and determine the most effective antibiotic. True bursitis usually responds to rest.

Some cases require corticosteroids to reduce swelling and pain. Hygromas are more difficult to treat, but fortunately, most can be left alone unless they cause pain, increase in size, or become infected.

Small hygromas respond well to surgical drainage, but larger ones may require surgical removal.

U heavy dogs however, wound healing is often an issue after surgical removal due to ongoing trauma to the area from the dog's weight. good health care very important. To prevent bursitis, use soft bed dress and don't let your dog overeat.

Preventive actions

But preventing bursitis at home is not only possible, but also necessary. This is especially true for those dogs that are prone to this disease.

  • You need to keep your pet in a clean, dry room; drafts should not be allowed.
  • The bed should be dry and soft. If this is an enclosure, then the floor should be covered with at least straw. If the pet lives in a house or apartment, then the dog should not be allowed to sleep on bare tiles, laminate or parquet.
  • What the dog eats is also important. Large dog breeds need to be given food or vitamin supplements, which include calcium, chondroitin and glucosamine.
  • The load on the dog must be adequate and healthy. There is no need to even force hunting dog to work a lot.

It should be understood that the disease is easier to cure if it is detected at the earliest early stages development.

You need to observe your pet and pay attention to changes in its behavior.
At the first signs of the disease, you should as soon as possible contact your veterinarian.

Timely appeal If you suspect a problem with your pet’s joints, contact a veterinarian to help the owner avoid possible complications. Often, specific scar adhesions can form in the affected bursa, causing immobility and contracture of the joint. In addition, the following may develop:

  • calcification;
  • infection of nearby organs - tendobursitis, tendon ruptures, purulent arthritis and coxarthritis;
  • fistulas with the formation of purulent exudate;
  • death of the walls of the joint capsule;
  • blood poisoning.

In order to prevent bursitis in dogs, the owner must follow a number of rules:

  • keep your pet exclusively in a warm room with the recommended air humidity for the animal and temperature conditions;
  • avoid drafts;
  • feed your dog correctly and in a balanced manner;
  • provide a comfortable place for the dog to sleep and rest;
  • choose the right exercise (focusing on individual needs canine body).

Find out also about the symptoms and treatment of dislocation hip joint in dogs.

Prevention of bursitis includes:

  • Keeping dogs in warm rooms with moderate humidity and temperature, without drafts;
  • Balanced feeding;
  • Prevention of injury;
  • Comfortable spot for sleep;
  • Exercise, selected based on physiological needs dog's body.

Bursitis (the original meaning of the word bursa is purse, pocket, bag) in dogs is usually understood as acute or chronic inflammatory disease mucous bursae most often in the area of ​​the elbows, knees or hip joints. Mainly occurs as a result of injury and infection. But veterinarians have not yet fully studied the occurrence of bursitis, some breeds of dogs, especially large dogs, are predisposed to bursitis and infection has nothing to do with it. As a result of the friction of muscles and tendons against the bone, the walls of the bursa swell, and exudate (liquid released during inflammation) accumulates in its cavity. There are several types of bursitis: acute, chronic, traumatic, purulent, false (hygroma).

Symptoms of acute bursitis in dogs.

A mobile and painful swelling appears at the bend of the joint; the lump is hotter to the touch than other parts of the dog’s body.
The mobility of the joint is preserved, but movements cause pain to the animal.
Peak painful sensations comes at night.
The dog tries not to use the affected limb or limps heavily.
At severe inflammation and the presence of microbes, suppuration is observed in the bag.
If there are signs of bursitis, the dog must be promptly shown to an experienced veterinarian, who will outline an adequate treatment plan and prevent the disease from becoming chronic.

Symptoms of chronic (false) bursitis in dogs.

With chronic bursitis, the lump on the dog's elbow swells, fluid collects in the bursa, but does not cause any discomfort to the dog. The dog does not limp, nothing hurts.

Treatment for bursitis.

Surgical intervention for this disease is used only in extreme cases, treatment is generally conservative. I consulted a veterinarian because this problem affected my dog ​​(chronic bursitis after a blow to the elbow), and he does not recommend going through with surgery; these operations are not effective today in our country, Russia. It is necessary to provide the animal with peace and immobility. During the initial phase of acute bursitis, a pressure bandage in combination with cold lotions. There are special elbow pads for dogs on sale. The next day, warm compresses are used. The doctor may also recommend using irradiation with a Sollux lamp. In the chronic form of the disease, treatment consists of using the electrotherapeutic method (diathermy), special irritating ointments, antibiotics, painkillers. In case of chronic bursitis, the liquid is pumped out with a syringe, then an injection with an antibiotic and dexamethosone (hydrocortisone) is given into the limb bursa.

Prevention of bursitis in dogs.

Favorable conditions for keeping the animal (no dampness or drafts).
A comfortable place for a dog to sleep; the place should not be hard; it is advisable not to sleep the dog on linoleum or tiles.
Balanced diet, the food should be supplemented with chondroitin and glucosamine for large dogs.
Adequate physical exercise, there is no need to force dogs to take high hurdles and jump in height; it is contraindicated for dogs predisposed to bursitis.

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Bursitis in dogs - frequent illness which occurs as a result of injury or infectious diseases. This disease brings a lot of inconvenience to the animal and its owner. Requires immediate contact with a specialist and quick treatment. If you see that something is wrong with your dog’s paws, you need to contact a veterinarian for help.

What is bursitis in dogs

Synovial bursa, which is designed to protect the joint from various mechanical damage becomes inflamed - this is bursitis in a dog. This pathology is very dangerous because it reduces the animal’s mobility and creates a powerful blow to the nervous system, depletes the pet’s body. Doctors still cannot come to an opinion about what causes this disease. Of the most obvious reasons There is:

  • infectious diseases;
  • various joint injuries;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • partially allergic reactions;
  • excessive physical activity.

Symptoms of tumor appearance

If we talk about acute bursitis, its main symptoms are:
swelling at the bend of the joint, this swelling is hotter to the touch than the rest of the animal’s body;

  • severe pain when moving, the dog may whine and lean more
  • on healthy paws, squeezing the sick one;
  • severe pain is felt at night;
  • lameness, sometimes the animal tries to move less;
  • Sometimes a purulent formation may form in the swelling. The cone becomes very dark.

By quickly identifying bursitis in a dog, you can prevent the disease from becoming chronic, thereby eliminating pain symptoms and remove swelling on the joints.
False (or chronic) bursitis is a form of disease in which a lump or swelling appears on the dog’s joints, but does not cause him any pain and does not make it difficult for him to move.

Who is affected by bursitis?

Bursitis characteristic disease large breed dogs. Little chihuahuas, Yorkshire terriers, Pekingese dogs usually do not suffer from this disease, since the structure of their joints is slightly different.

Large dogs, especially service dogs that spend a lot of time doing physical activity, are more likely to suffer from bursitis. At the age of 6-7 years, such dogs may limp slightly for one or two hind legs. Since the disease progresses quite quickly, the dog’s limbs may fail within a couple of weeks. In such cases, treatment and hospitalization do not help. Therefore, veterinarians so strictly recommend monitoring the animal’s activity.

Treatment of elbow bursitis in dogs

If bursitis is suspected, treatment should be carried out immediately. For this you need full inspection animal at the veterinarian, collection necessary tests. After which the degree and form of the disease is determined and appropriate treatment is prescribed.
Treatment is usually quite conservative, and surgery is extremely rare. At the initial stage, the animal should be given maximum rest and immobility, any physical activity and long walks should be stopped for the duration of treatment.

The doctor should attach a special bandage or elbow pad to the affected joint. In the first days of treatment, you need to apply cold lotions with an anesthetic or disinfectant. After 2-3 days, cold lotions are replaced by warm compresses. All treatment can be carried out at home.

If the form of the disease has become more complex, the dog’s bursitis must be treated in a hospital, with constant examination by a doctor. For treatment, lamp irradiation, ointments with antibacterial effect, as well as ointments based on potent antibiotics. If the doctor detects the presence of pus, it is pumped out using a special syringe. After that, an injection of hydrocortisone is given into the synovial bursa of the joint, which disinfects and heals.

Treatment of elbow bursitis

The elbow joint requires the same treatment as the hind leg joints. Special compresses and ultraviolet light will help eliminate the appearance of purulent formations, and also quickly eliminate pain. If surgery is necessary, it is performed immediately. But many experts warn about possible complications, after surgery. Namely:

  1. formation of fistulas at the suture site, which require additional intervention, as well as correction with a bandage or plaster. Such fistulas are most often
  2. found in old dogs when the recovery process takes up to 3-4 months;
  3. the anesthesia that is used can cause disruption of the circulatory system, especially in the areas where the bursa is removed. This complication can lead to prolonged use of bandages and protective pads;
  4. During the operation, an infection may occur, which will cause a severe inflammatory process. This happens often and requires further treatment strong antibiotics, to avoid purulent formations.

Surgery very often causes new diseases and complications. Since the operation will help remove bursitis, but it cannot always eliminate the inflamed areas of the skin, which, when the suture heals, again form bursitis. Elbow bursitis is often confused with dysplasia. The symptoms and external criteria are very similar. For this reason, you should only consult experienced specialists and don't use traditional treatment such a complex disease.


Usually treatment brings good results within 2-3 weeks, and in postoperative period from 3 to 6 weeks. Depending on the extent of the disease, symptoms such as pain and severe swelling disappear within a few days, after which the joint needs to heal completely.

To do this, the dog must always be in a special corset. Additionally, ointments or immunostimulants are rubbed in. During the postoperative period, the dog remains in the hospital for several days, where hydrocortisone injections are given for 7 days. If the operation does not bring the desired results, it is repeated.

Preventive measures

To avoid this unpleasant disease Like bursitis, you need to follow some rules that will protect your pet. Among them:

  • good living conditions (the dog should not sleep in a cold place or in a draft);
  • the place to sleep should be soft and warm (it is undesirable for the dog to sleep on cold tiles or linoleum), avoid dampness in the room where the animal is located;
  • for large breeds, the diet must contain chondroitin,
  • glucosamine and other supplements that affect Good work joints;
    dry food or food must be balanced and appropriate for the weight and characteristics of the animal. Food should contain plenty of grains and protein products. Do not use in diet fatty foods and bones;
  • physical activity as the dog ages. Even large breeds Don’t get carried away with activities that involve overcoming high barriers. Combine active games and long walks. In the cold and raw time avoid walking in the rain during the year, and also make sure that the dog does not get hypothermic.

Bursitis in dogs is a disease that requires immediate treatment and sometimes surgery. And although the consequences after treatment are not always positive, when proper care the dog is still for a long time will feel comfortable. To avoid disease, you need to follow the recommendations of a specialist and properly care for the animal. But if you notice symptoms of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor. Remember that home treatment may only make the problem worse.

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The wolf, as you know, feeds on his feet. Of course, this applies to his relatives, dogs, to a much lesser extent. However, homeless dogs are indeed forced to quickly move between garbage dumps in order to snatch a tastier piece, but this does not apply to them... In general, returning to the original topic - not only fatness, but also general state animal. Therefore, bursitis in dogs can become a serious problem for both the dog and its owner.

This is what inflammation of tissue is called bursa. This is a kind of “pocket” filled with a special liquid and covering the joint. Designed to both protect this organ from mechanical damage and reduce friction in the joint. There is no need to explain for a long time why this pathology is dangerous: the dog’s mobility sharply decreases, it cannot move normally, it constantly experiences severe stress from a pain reaction in the affected paw. This, in turn, is fraught with serious problems with her health in the future. So, the photo clearly shows how exhausted such animals are.

Why does it arise?

Oddly enough, this question cannot be answered with complete certainty. In general, bursitis is often caused by infectious diseases, as well as joint injuries. But in some cases, pathology occurs “on empty space", which suggests its autoimmune nature. It is possible that sometimes inflammation of the bursa can be caused by allergic reactions, which, in general, can also be attributed to cases of autoimmune damage to the body.

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Who is it typical for?

Owners of “microscopic” dogs can relax. Pocket Chihuahuas and others practically do not suffer from it. But large breeds, coupled with its predisposition to heart disease and circulatory system, have every chance of starting to hobble on three legs by the age of six or seven years (or even earlier). In general, in veterinary practice Very often there is a situation when you have to, reluctantly, euthanize Labradors, mastiffs, and similar dogs whose hind legs simply give out. Sad but true. The most common condition is elbow bursitis: a dog may have one or both paws affected.

Main classification

In general, there is nothing complicated in the classification of this disease. Bursitis is:

  • Acute and chronic.
  • Purulent variety. It is very difficult, and in old dogs it often ends in euthanasia of the animal or “natural” death.

Clinical signs

What symptoms will reliably indicate to you the need to urgently show your pet? veterinarians? As a rule, the disease develops very quickly. The animal first places its paw hesitantly, then begins to noticeably limp (this is how bursitis of the elbow joint begins in dogs). Gradually, a convex “blemba” forms in the area of ​​the affected joint, when palpated, the presence of some kind of liquid inside is clearly felt. If the bursitis is aseptic, then the dog tolerates this procedure calmly, but with purulent, acute course may squeal in pain, and the place itself is noticeably swollen and hot.

Note that bursitis of the hock joint in dogs (more precisely, its initial stage) for a long time generally goes unnoticed even by the most attentive owners, since the main Clinical signs(lameness and soreness) appear only after prolonged running. You understand that a dog in an urban environment can live for months with a constantly progressing disease, taking a sedate walk for several minutes in the nearest park. What's worse is that caring owners In these cases, a warming ointment is often used: in the case of an aseptic course, it sometimes even helps, but if the course is purulent... In general, it is better not to experiment without a veterinarian!

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The dog's general condition is rapidly deteriorating. He is weakening, losing weight, and his appetite is greatly reduced. Often the synovial bursa eventually opens, pus flows out, sometimes ichor mixed with blood and fibrin films. In older dogs it is necessary to distinguish acute bursitis and arthritis: in the first case, despite painful sensations, the motor ability of the joint is still preserved, and therefore the dog walks with difficulty. Is there any effective treatment folk remedies?

What to do if you can’t go to the vet right away?

Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to take a hefty dog ​​to the clinic, especially if the owner lives in the outback. Therefore, advice on preventing further deterioration of the situation would be useful. First, the animal should be given absolute rest. If the dog is a service dog, all training and working use must be stopped immediately. The litter is exceptionally soft and deep. No lotions or warm compresses, treatment at home should be moderate!

You are not a specialist, and therefore you can do a lot of harm. So, aseptic bursitis can be treated with warm compresses, but in the case of purulent varieties, such “therapy” can literally finish off the dog, promoting the development of deep, or even bursitis. You should also not squeeze out pus or other exudate from a “leaky” synovial bursa, as you will probably introduce a bunch of microorganisms there, which will further worsen the condition of the unfortunate dog.

So unusual word means a disease of the musculoskeletal system of dogs. Bursitis is an inflammation of the synovial bursa. This bursa is found in areas where there is increased friction between bones and muscles. It provides joint mobility, a certain flexibility, and ease of movement. Looks like small tumor under the skin.

Bursitis is most often diagnosed in the elbow, knee, and hip joints.

Causes of appearance in dogs

Veterinary medicine finds it difficult to give an exact answer to the question of why dogs begin to inflammatory process in the synovial bursa. In most patients, the development of bursitis was preceded by some kind of injury. Many ornamental breeds dogs inherited a fragile condition musculoskeletal system. Even slight pressure on the joint area can end in disaster for them. Consider this factor when getting a dog.

Dog breeds most susceptible to bursitis:

  • Saint Bernard, Newfoundland
  • Moscow Watchdog, Neapolitan Mastiff
  • Great Dane, East European Shepherd
  • Boxer, Brazilian Fila

For other breeds, the disease develops at a young or old age. Young animals may suffer from bursitis due to excessive loads on a fragile, not really formed organism. Elderly dogs accumulate excess salts in their joints and bones. Uneven load on the limbs leads to the development of bursitis.

Improper maintenance of the dog, drafts and hypothermia can also lead to the development of bursitis. In case of heat exchange disturbance, the body tries to restore thermoregulation by increasing blood flow to various bodies. As a result, the functioning of the cells lining the synovial bursa is disrupted.

Bursitis can also be caused by general infection or breed predisposition, allergic reactions. However, sometimes it develops independently, for no apparent reason.

Symptoms of bursitis

There are the following forms of the disease - acute, aseptic, chronic, traumatic, purulent, false. At acute form the pain comes suddenly and intensifies with movement. Like toothache, synovial pain worsens at night. You may notice your dog sitting in one position for long hours. The swelling area will be hot. The animal will try to move less, and lameness is observed.

Don't waste time, contact your veterinarian. If acute bursitis is not treated, it is modified into chronic form. Getting rid of this type is more difficult.

For chronic form characterized by the presence external signs, the pain is insignificant in severity, however, it lasts longer.

Visible manifestations of bursitis include:

  • Formation of a lump, swelling near the joint
  • Painful swelling
  • Sensation of fluid upon palpation at the site of the lump formation
  • In severe cases, severe swelling appears and pus leaks out

Over time, a neglected case may develop into purulent form. This happens if the swollen area has been damaged and germs have entered there. Purulent form, perhaps one of the most dangerous. Untreated bursitis can lead to surgery on the joint.

For aseptic bursitis characterized by excessive thickening of the upper layer of skin at the site of the lump formation. False bursitis or hygroma - swelling in the joint area not associated with the synovial bursa. It is a fibrous cavity filled with fluid. Typically painless.

Treatment of bursitis in dogs

During an in-person examination, the veterinarian determines the form of the disease and the main cause of the disease, and prescribes treatment. If the main culprit is an infection, treat it first. Then the source of inflammation is removed with the help of anti-inflammatory drugs. Medicines help reduce swelling and, in some cases, take away most of the pain.

Infectious lesions of the synovial bursa are treated with antibiotics. Analysis of the exudate (fluid) of the painful area will give the doctor necessary information about the sensitivity of microbes to a particular drug. Therefore, it is always important to consult a specialist before giving strong medications.

At purulent bursitis Most likely, surgery will be performed. During it, all purulent discharge, dead tissue, and damaged areas will be removed.

What to do before visiting a doctor?

Provide the dog with peace and immobility. It is recommended to apply a pressure bandage and alternate it with cold lotions. The next day, apply a warm compress. If you have the appropriate equipment, you can irradiate the damaged part with blue spectrum lamps (sollux lamp). You can use special ointments to temporarily relieve pain. Be sure to consult a specialist about which ointment is right for your dog. Remember - self-treatment may harm your pet!

Prevention of bursitis

It's quite simple - the main thing is to provide proper care. To not allow:

  • Skoznyakov
  • Hypothermia
  • Feeding with low-quality food
  • Overwork
  • Stress loads

And most importantly, seek help from a veterinarian in time!