Superficial atrophic hyperplastic gastritis. Hyperplastic gastritis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Timely treatment - cancer prevention

Atrophic gastritis is a chronic lesion of the stomach, which is accompanied by a decrease in the thickness of the mucous layer of the organ and total number functioning glands. This type of pathology most often turns into cancer.

Chronic atrophic gastritis is a multifactorial disease. Scientists identify more than a dozen reasons that can lead to the development of atrophy of the inner membrane and functional insufficiency organ.

The inflammatory process may be the result of damage to the digestive organs or the result of involution age-related changes. Genetic predisposition plays an important role in the pathogenesis of the disease.

The main causes of pathology:

  • Helicobacter infection.
  • Autoimmune inflammation.

H. pylori bacteria "live" on the gastric epithelium and contribute to the development superficial gastritis With hyperacidity. With long-term inflammation, the absence proper treatment the processes of atrophy of the mucous membrane of the organ are launched.

At autoimmune process the human defense system actively produces antibodies against its own epithelial cells, glands and internal factor Castle (binds vitamin B12). Over time, the parietal cells die, the glands atrophy. Often the disease is complicated by severe pernicious anemia, achlorhydria.

Forms of pathology

Depending on the location of the lesion, atrophic gastropathy is divided into:

  • Diffuse form: atrophic antral gastritis, fundamental, total.
  • Multifocal gastritis.

Antral chronic type

IN this case atrophy of the mucosa of the antrum of the stomach occurs. It is possible to assume this particular form of the disease on the basis of characteristic symptoms(early pain after eating, nausea, belching), and to confirm - only histologically.

Atrophy of the antrum of the stomach is established during gastroscopy, after histological examination biopsy from the most altered part of the mucous membrane. During the examination, the endoscopist sees a pale and thinned epithelium in the antrum.

Fundal type of inflammation

The pathological process is localized mainly in the area of ​​the body of the stomach. The fundus of the organ plays an important role in digestion, since it contains several types of functionally significant cells. Some of them produce protective mucus, others - pepsinogen, hydrochloric acid.

In most cases, all three types of cells atrophy, resulting in low acidity, impaired digestion of food, and insufficient absorption. nutrients, vitamins.

Focal form, or multifocal gastritis

Focal atrophic gastritis is one of the types of pathology in which, instead of a diffuse lesion of the mucous membrane, its atrophied areas (foci) are found on gastroscopy.

This form of inflammation is less pronounced clinical picture, however, the lack of proper treatment leads to the development of total atrophy, low secretory activity of the stomach, and its functional failure.

Atrophic-hyperplastic gastritis

Atrophic-hyperplastic type of inflammation is also called mixed. In this case, the decrease in the functions of the glands, parietal cells is compensated by increased in volume and height of the folds of the stomach, hypertrophy of the mucous membrane. Over time, in places of hypertrophy appear glandular cells that produce mucin and hydrochloric acid.

However, such compensation is rare, and atrophy captures almost all parts of the stomach. On practice mixed form pathologies are rare.

There is another classification of the disease, which is based on the prevalence of dystrophic processes, the depth of inflammation of the organ wall.

There are three types of activity of the atrophic process:

  1. Weakly expressed when inflammatory activity is at early stages of its development.
  2. Moderately pronounced, in which the middle and upper divisions glands.
  3. strongly pronounced, in which inflammation reaches the muscular layer of the mucous lining.

Based on this classification, final diagnosis may sound like this: atrophic antrum-gastritis of a low degree of activity, a period of exacerbation.

The danger of the disease lies in the fact that against its background metaplasia appears over time (morphological and functional restructuring of the epithelium). It is considered a precancerous condition - a favorable background for the development of adenocarcinoma.


Atrophic hyperplastic gastritis is a form of inflammation of the gastric mucosa, in which it also grows due to exposure to external stimuli. Some doctors hypothesize that the uncontrolled growth of the structures of the mucous layer may also be due to hereditary factor. In any case, atrophic hyperplastic gastritis is highly likely to escalate to cancer, that is, a malignant tumor will occur against the background of inflammation of the glands responsible for the synthesis of mucus, which was originally designed to protect the stomach from aggressive effects. gastric juice.

Etiology of the disease

So, what is atrophic hyperplastic gastritis and how does this disease manifest itself initially? It should immediately be noted that primary symptoms are completely absent. They already appear on late stages gastritis. The patient has:

  • dull pain in the stomach, which does not disappear when the diet is adjusted;
  • complex disorder gastrointestinal tract in which food simply cannot be fully digested;
  • the patient quickly loses weight due to the fact that fat is not broken down normally into derivatives;
  • bad breath, bitter taste (due to necrosis of the proliferating mucosa).

And here is the exact primary cause Doctors are still unable to diagnose the disease. The disease is currently poorly understood. And the treatment of atrophic hyperplastic gastritis is mostly symptomatic. Quite often, doctors prescribe a surgical intervention, in which the degraded part of the stomach is removed (if the pathology affects only a small part of it).

It is worth considering that atrophy can affect not only the stomach itself, but also the duodenum, since this form of gastritis mainly occurs in lower sections gastric cavity. In this case, there is a possibility of damage to the sphincter, which is responsible for preventing the contents of the twelve duodenal ulcer into the stomach.

Stages of atrophic hyperplastic gastritis

Hypertrophic gastritis is conditionally classified into 4 stages, which differ only in symptoms and the degree of structural changes in the mucous layer (which often affects the muscular structure of the stomach):

  • Stage 1 - the symptoms are imperceptible, but slight changes in the structure are noticeable on the mucosa, the glands function normally;
  • Stage 2 - slight growth (hypertrophy), symptoms are either absent or mild;
  • Stage 3 - a significant proliferation of tissues, the patient complains of constant dull pain;
  • Stage 4 - antral atrophic gastritis (it is this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe stomach that most often affects the disease) leads to the manifestation of necrosis of either the mucous layer, or muscle tissue epithelium.

The last stage, in fact, is already the primary form malignant tumor. Atrophy leads to excessive local intoxication of soft tissues, against which a tumor develops. It does not necessarily appear in every case of diagnosing the disease, but only in the majority. What it depends on - doctors find it difficult to answer.

Treatment of atrophic hyperplastic gastritis

Symptoms and treatment are conditionally interconnected. Before making a final diagnosis, the patient is advised symptomatic treatment, in which he is prescribed the intake of enzymes, the Pevzner diet (to reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract). In the future, drugs are taken that regulate the synthesis of the mucous layer. If this does not help, then as soon as possible to carry out surgical intervention- removal of the degraded area. Hyperplastic gastritis, however, with high probability recurs sooner or later. Up to this point, it may take decades, but it will definitely come anyway.

If such gastritis is not treated at all, then this will provoke growth to the point where the passage of food will be difficult. At the same time, the channels through which enzymes or gastric juice enter the stomach can also be blocked. And this is considered the most difficult exacerbation of the disease.

Diagnosis of hyperplastic atrophic gastritis

The main symptom of the disease is the patient's complaint of constant dull pain. It differs from that which occurs with an ulcer (with it the pain is predominantly sharp, cutting). Put the same accurate diagnosis Can only a gastroenterologist after a gastroscopy. This will also take pictures. internal environment stomach with noticeable hypertrophic areas of the mucous layer.

When diagnosing, a fecal analysis can also be performed, in which a slight content of atrophied tissues is detected. It is for them that the doctor can express his first warnings about the disease.

Hypertrophic atrophic gastritis is a severe form of the disease. It is impossible to treat it with folk methods, drug therapy does not always bring an improvement in the patient's well-being. There are cases when pathology is caused by activity pathogenic bacteria, but more often it is revealed that the growth of the mucous layer is due to an unidentified mutation (atypical form).

So, for hyperplastic atrophic gastritis, the symptoms on initial stage diseases are mild. They appear at least at stages 2–3, when the mucosa grows significantly and its local inflammation occurs. The patient's health deteriorates sharply with the appearance of necrosis upper layers stomach. At the same time, the body enters great amount toxins. The only true treatment option for such gastritis is long-term symptomatic treatment with a strict diet or surgery. Therapy is prescribed only by the attending physician on the basis of these tests and examinations.

Video: Harbingers of cancer. Atrophic gastritis

Many patients wonder what is atrophic gastritis. This ailment is the most insidious type of prolonged inflammation of the gastric mucosa and can cause a precancerous condition.

Atrophic gastritis is a long-term, accompanied by a disorder in the regenerative ability of the epithelium. Quite often it starts with structural transformation mucous membranes digestive tract(metaplasia).

atrophic form ailment can occur if the patient is not cured. As a rule, the symptoms of atrophic gastritis at the initial stage of its formation are simply ignored. This kind of attitude towards health contributes to the fact that acute form the disease turns into a protracted one, and then it is modified into atrophic gastritis.

At the stage of development of the disease, the number of atrophied cells gradually lose their functionality. This phase is characterized by metaplasia of the stomach. Metaplasia is considered a transitional state, not an autonomous one. If you do not treat the stomach with atrophic gastritis, the result of such inaction will be cancer. Metaplasia is also called the benign course of atrophy. If no measures are taken, then after a time dystrophic modifications occur in the stomach.

Patients who are diagnosed this species ailments, they are interested in - what is the danger of atrophic gastritis? According to experts, atrophic gastritis is dangerous primarily because drug therapy does not give a 100% guarantee for a perfect revival and cure. Doctors consider the atrophic type of gastritis a precancerous condition. Since in the course of modifications of the mucous membranes are significantly weakened protective functions organism. As a result, in such people, the body begins to form an insufficient amount of immunoglobulin, and antibodies that are aimed at combating foreign microorganisms are taken to destroy own cells.

Such changes in the human body cause the formation autoimmune diseases. The causes of atrophic gastritis are distinguished by diversity. External causes of the formation of atrophic gastritis:

  • Eating on the go.
  • The systematic use of low-quality products.
  • Excessively hot or cold food.

Endogenous causes of atrophic gastritis:

  • Infection with the bacterium Helicobacter.
  • Thyroid ailments.

Symptoms of atrophic gastritis

Signs of atrophic gastritis depend on the intensity of the inflammatory process. Experts highlight:

  1. Pronounced.
  2. Moderately expressed atrophic gastritis.
  3. Atrophic hyperplastic gastritis.

Suffering from atrophic gastritis in a sick person, tissue necrosis occurs in the fundus of the stomach. When the destructive process becomes brighter, there is a sharp decrease in the production of pepsin, of hydrochloric acid and gastromucoprotein. Atrophic gastritis has the following symptoms:

  • A feeling of fullness and heaviness after a meal.
  • Sometimes there is a dull pain.
  • A clear sign of the disease is.
  • Decreased appetite. In the vastness of Runet, you can often find reviews that begin like this: “I have lost a lot of weight by attaching my photos, or I am losing weight dramatically.” Experts note that it is the lack of appetite during the development of the disease that leads to the depletion of the body.
  • Chair disorder.
  • Lethargy.
  • Excessive fatigue.
  • Paleness of the epidermis.
  • After eating a meal rich in carbohydrates, the patient may feel weak, excessive sweating.
  • After a relapse, the tongue may be covered with a white coating.

Varieties of the disease

Atrophic protracted gastritis of the stomach proceeds long time with stages of remission and aggravation. Experts distinguish the following types of diseases:

  1. Moderate atrophic gastritis is considered an early stage of the course of the disease. Clinical symptoms corresponds to the usual dyspeptic disorders. Painful sensations may not be fully manifested. As a rule, patients feel slight discomfort in the epigastric region that occurs after a meal.
  2. characterized by the appearance of ulcerative lesions on the walls of the organ. The symptoms of this form of the disease practically do not differ from the signs of ordinary gastritis.
  3. Multifocal atrophic gastritis affects the glands and thins the mucosa. Abnormal processes occur in the antrum. The danger lies in the fact that the patient has expressed the prerequisites for the occurrence of oncology.
  4. A protracted form of the disease passes as an autonomous malaise. This type of disease is also called gastritis in the period of remission. During the course, a rapid death of the glands occurs. Protracted disease type A - autoimmune atrophic fundic gastritis. Autoimmune fundic gastritis is the body's response directed against the parietal cells of the stomach. With prolonged atrophic gastritis A, the location of the foci of injury is in the fundus of the organ.
  5. . This type of disease is characterized by manifestations of foci in certain parts of the stomach with a disorder of secretory activity.
  6. Atrophic antral gastritis provokes the formation of scars on the mucosa of the antrum. The atrophic form of antrum gastritis is characterized by moderately pronounced clinical symptoms dyspepsia. With a prolonged course, acidity decreases, which provokes difficulties in the digestive processes.
  7. Spicy. According to some sources, this type is referred to as active gastritis.
  8. Superficial atrophic gastritis is considered a curable type of disease. Since in this period of formation there are no fundamental painful modifications.
  9. Atopic - is quite rare.
  10. Atrophic leads to damage to the glands of the body, the main task of which is the production of gastric juice.

Atrophic hyperplastic gastritis

Experts note that it is possible to meet a mixed superficial and atrophic gastritis. As a rule, this type of disease can be formed with a high workload of the body, excessive consumption of fast foods. If timely treatment is not performed, the pathology can develop into oncology. Separately, attention should be paid to atrophic. The essence of the disease is to reduce the level of acidity. Such modifications are the basis of excessive mucus formation and a decrease in the secretion of hydrochloric acid. Atrophic hyperplastic gastritis causes atrophy of the gastric mucosa.

At the initial stages of the development of the disease, the shells of the organ are covered with polyps. Atrophic hyperplastic gastritis passes slowly and therefore almost does not express signs. The key sign of the disease is the occurrence pain in the stomach. Sometimes patients, when they come to see a specialist, say that I have such complaints:

  1. Frequent belching.
  2. The temperature rises.
  3. Chair disorder.
  4. Lethargy.

The first signs of the manifestation of the disease are similar to the manifestations of gastritis with low acidity. After the first signs appear, the disease can mature for a long time.

Important! In the treatment of atrophic gastritis, each form of the disease must be taken into account. Therefore, only the attending physician prescribes the optimal course of treatment.

Methods for the treatment of atrophic gastritis

When examining atrophic gastritis with FGDS, similar procedures are prescribed in order not to make a mistake with the diagnosis. Typically, treatment this disease does not have a specific pattern. Therefore, the treatment methods are based on the results of research and analyses. you can use the following drugs:

  • De nol. This medication has a variety of effects, quickly eliminates unpleasant symptoms. Take de-nol should be based on the instructions.
  • Omez with gastritis, lowers the production of hydrochloric acid.
  • Antibiotics (amoxicillin).
  • Analgesics and antispasmodics.
  • Antioxidants.

For the treatment of atrophic gastritis with cardia insufficiency, medications are used that stimulate the production of digestive secretions. Many patients have a question, how to restore the mucosa in a medical way. Experts note that in order to restore the gastric mucosa, you can use the medication Cymed. First of all, to cure the disease is necessary. You should also have information about what foods you can not eat in order to avoid aggravating the disease. In order for the restoration of the gastric mucosa to be more effective, spicy, fatty and fried foods should be excluded from the diet.

It is recommended to renounce drinks that contain caffeine. It is useful for such patients to drink yogurt, kefir, cook viscous cereals, and you can also eat dietary meat. For the normal functioning of the stomach, it is recommended to drink plenty of water. Atrophic gastritis has a disappointing prognosis for elderly patients, since their metaplastic processes often turn into oncology.

Important! Medical therapy V without fail supplemented by diet.

Folk remedies to cure the disease

To cure atrophic inflammation, there are many recipes. alternative therapy. Along with this, most patients have a question - is it possible to cure the disease with the help of natural medicines. Usually, traditional medicine does not prohibit the use folk methods. Existing methods treatment:

  1. it is recommended to drink 1 week. To prepare potato juice it is necessary to grate the potatoes, and squeeze the resulting slurry. Potato juice drink 100 ml on an empty stomach. Potato medicine is best consumed freshly prepared. If this is not possible, then potato juice can be stored in a cold place. Despite its simplicity, potato juice gives excellent results.
  2. It is recommended to treat the disease with recipes based on the agave. You can use aloe juice for gastritis. But it should be borne in mind that the leaves used for cooking must be older than 5 years. IN otherwise questions may arise regarding the effectiveness of this natural remedy. Take the medicine in small portions half an hour before meals.
  3. It is recommended to eat blueberries mashed with sugar on an empty stomach.
  4. Propolis has proven itself as an effective and harmless remedy. But in the vastness of the Runet there are many different, both positive and negative feedback. For example, “I developed an allergy after treatment with propolis” or “I got sick due to treatment with propolis.” Experts note that when propolis appears allergic reaction treatment must be stopped immediately. Therefore, before testing such a remedy, it is necessary that physicians allow it.
  5. Plantain is effective natural medicine for the treatment of stomach diseases. There are many reviews that say "I have decreased the manifestation of the disease thanks to the infusion of plantain." To make the drug, you must first grind the plantain. It will take 1 tbsp. l pour 1 tbsp. hot water. It should be insisted for about 30 minutes. The tincture must be consumed during the day. Plantain should be used until the condition improves significantly.

It is classified as a pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. This disease is characterized by injury to the walls of the 12th duodenum, but often the disease is accompanied by inflammatory processes in the stomach. Duodenitis is usually divided into 2 forms: protracted and acute. It is possible to make a diagnosis of duodenitis according to the results of gastroscopy. Treatment of the disease begins primarily with the elimination of the root cause of its formation. Duodenitis is treated by the following methods:

  • Medical therapy.
  • Dieting.
  • Folk remedies.

Many patients say that I have duodenitis and offer a variety of alternative therapy methods. But before testing them, you should consult a specialist.

Hyperplastic atrophic gastritis is a type of inflammation of the gastric mucosa, in which it increases. Overgrowth of tissue is formed, with the risk of polyps and tumors.

Most often, the course is asymptomatic. Changes are detected by endoscopic examination.

ICD 10 code: K 29.6

Atrophic hyperplastic gastritis, what it is figured out, but when it occurs. The disease occurs in a number of sets of specific causes. These include:

Hyperplastic gastritis develops in the presence of several risk factors. Special meaning assigned food allergies and malnutrition.

The mechanism of the development of the disease

The development of the disease begins with an increased effect on the cells of the gastric mucosa of damaging factors. Of particular importance are food allergens leading to an increase in cell permeability. It's accompanied heavy losses protein and the development of enhanced growth and development.

When exposed to other factors, the point of application is the cell membrane. It is assumed that there are changes in the activity of cell enzymes and disturbances in protein metabolism. For this reason, there is an increased growth of the gastric mucosa.

What are the variants of the course of the disease?

There are several types of hyperplastic gastritis. These include:

  • warty or focal;
  • polyposis;
  • grainy;
  • giant.

The classification is based on the degree of proliferation of the mucous membrane. With a warty variant, single outgrowths form in the stomach. The polypous form is accompanied by the presence of alternation on the shell of the organ. That is, there are areas of increased growth, and normal areas with healthy cells.

The granular form looks like areas of increased cell growth scattered throughout the stomach. Therefore, such a name was obtained, since it looks like grains. The last option is the most difficult, since large giant outgrowths form on the shell.

The peculiarity lies in the fact that with the growth of the mucosa, compression occurs healthy cells. There is a violation of the nutrition and blood supply of such areas. Depending on the location, there are:

  • antral;
  • total.

Antral atrophic hyperplastic gastritis is accompanied by the presence of outgrowths in the upper part of the stomach. The total form is accompanied by tissue growth in all parts of the organ.

What is the danger of the disease?

The danger lies in the risk of the formation tumors. Since areas of increased growth can become malignant. This is due to the fact that they are constantly affected by hydrochloric acid and food.

Another danger is the development stomach bleeding. Also associated with exposure to hydrochloric acid. going on erosion surfaces and the formation of bleeding. The intensity depends on the degree and severity hyperplastic process. Accordingly, those more area lesion, the higher6 the risk of major bleeding.

can form and chronic bleeding. This condition is associated with constant and slight erosion of the surface of the outgrowths. For this reason, undercutting is formed. Gradually, iron deficiency develops in the body.

How is it manifested?

Symptoms of hyperplastic gastritis are associated with local and general changes organism. First of all, there will be:

  • pain in the stomach area;
  • vomit after eating;
  • decreased appetite.

These symptoms are the first when the disease occurs. There is a constant loss of appetite. Disturbed by severe pain in the stomach. After eating, a feeling of heaviness and fullness is formed. The eructation joins, sometimes with a putrid smell. Such a smell indicates a violation of the evacuation of food into the intestines. Consequently, food particles stay in the stomach for a long time, and putrefaction processes occur.

Decreased appetite may be accompanied by a complete refusal to eat. A decrease in body weight is formed up to an anarexic state.

IN severe cases possible vomiting with an admixture of blood. The so-called hungry pains are formed, which disappear when eating food.

General manifestations

General symptoms develop against the background complete failure from eating, and forming chronic bleeding. Observed increased weakness And fatigue. Patients are irritable. The performance drops sharply. Perhaps the development of dizziness. All thought processes slow down, concentration decreases.

Such symptoms are associated with the development of iron deficiency in the body. But it should be understood that such a state is formed only against the background of a long-term ongoing hyperplastic process.


Great importance in the diagnosis is given to the patient's complaints and the results of the examination. Attention is drawn to itself by weight loss, pallor skin, Availability putrid smell from mouth.

Diagnosis of the disease is carried out by a gastroenterologist. Appointed laboratory examinations in the form of general clinical analyses. They include general analysis blood, which evaluates the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells. Accordingly, in the severe stage of hyperplastic gastritis, the level of these indicators is below normal.

Additionally, fecal analysis may be prescribed for occult blood. Conducted and biochemical analysis blood, for evaluation general condition health. With pronounced signs of iron deficiency, studies are prescribed to determine its level.

The gold standard for diagnosis is FGDS with biopsy. Using this method, the condition of the gastric mucosa is assessed. When conducting FGDS, it is found:

  • thickening of the folds of the mucous membrane;
  • the location can be single or in all parts of the stomach;
  • determine the severity of the growth of the mucous membrane.

At the same time assess the condition of the mucosa of the esophagus and duodenum. great attention a biopsy is given. It is necessary for diagnosing cancerous conditions. With the help of it, it is determined what nature the growth in the stomach is.

Another method is pH-metry. It is carried out to assess the level of secretion of hydrochloric acid. This method applies to helper methods. This group also includes fluoroscopy of the stomach and esophagus.

After the diagnosis is established, appropriate treatment is carried out.

How to treat the disease?

Treatment is based on the degree of mucosal overgrowth. consists of two directions:

  • drug therapy;
  • surgery.

TO surgical methods usually resorted to in severe stages of the disease.

Medical treatment

The difficulty lies in the fact that there is no treatment that would eradicate the cause of the disease. Therefore, all drug therapy is aimed at reducing the severity of symptoms.

The patient is primarily prescribed drugs that affect digestive function stomach. The following drugs are used:

Medicines such as Motillium, Mezim, Creon. The duration of admission is determined by the doctor.

With increased secretory activity of hydrochloric acid, the patient is prescribed the following drugs:

  1. Antisecretory substances. They include Omeprazole, Pantoprozol.
  2. Antacids to neutralize aggressive effects. They include Almagel, Maolokos.

In some cases, with hyperplastic gastritis, atrophy of the glands may develop. Therefore, in addition, in this situation, appoint replacement therapy. It consists of taking two drugs:

In these cases, resection of part of the stomach is performed. That is, the removal of the affected part, followed by stitching. This method is rarely used.

Useful video

Atrophic hyperplastic gastritis, the symptoms and treatment of which are discussed in detail in this article - unpleasant disease. Tips from experienced doctors are shown in this video.

Diet for atrophic hyperplastic gastritis

Hyperplastic gastritis always requires a strict diet. Nutrition should be correct and rational. You need to eat several times a day and in small portions. It is desirable that all finished products be grated or boiled. It is forbidden to eat fatty, fried and overly seasoned products.

It is recommended to refuse bad habits in the form of smoking and drinking alcohol. All food should always be chewed thoroughly. Do not eat dry food, it is advisable to drink food big amount liquids. All vegetables and fruits should be eaten, only boiled.

Perhaps with a diagnosis of atrophic hyperplastic gastritis, treatment folk remedies.

Atrophic hyperplastic gastritis: prognosis

Hyperplastic gastritis is a disease that cannot be cured. Therefore, the prognosis is relatively good for timely diagnosis. Failure to follow the doctor's recommendations can lead to the development of swelling or bleeding.

It is not difficult to understand the complex concept of what hyperplastic atrophic gastritis is. Let's start at the end of this sentence. Gastritis is inflammatory process membrane that lines the stomach.

Any inflammation disrupts it secretory function, reduces the production of hydrochloric acid, the main component of gastric juice. It is she who is involved in the breakdown and digestion of food that enters the stomach.

By different reasons(we will consider them later), there is a thinning of the stomach lining, a decrease or atrophy of the glands that produce acid, in this case, gastritis is called atrophic or gastritis with low acidity. Hydrochloric acid is an aggressive environment, another of its functions is to protect and provide antibacterial action gastric juice.

With a decrease in acidity, bacteria begin active reproduction, and the stomach produces increased amount mucus, the own layer of the stomach is already thinned, the epithelium grows in these places. Over time, in the thickening of the epithelium, new atypical cells, they create polyps or warty formations, glands degenerate and are replaced connective tissue. This process over-education new cells is called hyperplastic.

Code by international classification diseases of the 10th revision (ICD) - K29.4

Causes and risk factors

So, atrophic hyperplastic gastritis - what is it? He is considered chronic disease, because the changes in the mucosa characteristic of it do not occur in one day and not after the sudden influence of an aggressive stimulus.

Frequently recurring inflammation of the stomach, erosive, ulcerative processes, fading and sluggish, untreated acute gastritis any form, serve as a prerequisite for the occurrence of this gastritis. It is difficult to determine the only reason that can destroy, atrophy and regenerate part or the entire stomach. You need to know and remember about the risk factors that contribute to its appearance and development:

At laboratory research identify factors that can cause hyperplastic atrophic inflammation of the stomach:

  • bacterium Helicobacter(revealed in the results of analyzes and is subject to specific antibacterial treatment);
  • hormonal changes (an example would be an excess of the hormone gastrin);
  • autoimmune process (develops due to an atypical immune response that destroys its own cells, but does not fight foreign ones).

The multifactorial occurrence of this gastritis makes it complex disease and negatively affects the work of other organs of the digestive chain.

Varieties of the disease

Depending on the degree of growth of hyperplasia, the depth and form of the lesion, Hyperplastic atrophic gastritis can be:

There are some more forms, combinations of the described species, mutations of these varieties, but the main parameter that unites them is the replacement or degeneration of the cells of the stomach lining with other, at the first stages, benign cells.

Degree of danger

Hyperplastic atrophic gastritis is a disease, insidious in its secrecy of manifestations and dangerous in the degeneration of cells. It starts imperceptibly for a long time occur without significant symptoms. Unless she was accidentally diagnosed on early stages, cell hyperplasia is capable of degenerating into oncological formations.

In this case, if there is atrophic hyperplastic gastritis, the prognosis may be unfavorable and depend on the time of visiting a doctor, the degree of damage by this time, the adequacy of the chosen treatment, defensive forces body and the severity of the manipulations prescribed by the doctor.


When the disease appears, there may be little specific symptoms, their nature is irregular, the course is not acute:

Only endoscopic examination is able to fix changes in the structure of the stomach lining at the initial stage of the disease, characteristic of hyperplastic atrophic gastritis.

As it develops, gastric motility worsens, the amount of hydrochloric acid decreases, symptoms are added and look like:

  • frequent feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • weight loss;
  • belching;
  • appears nausea;
  • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • rumbling, bloating, intolerance to sour-milk products;
  • appear stool disorders.

There is no pain on palpation of the peritoneal region.


When examined by a therapist, family doctor, the patient's complaints can play a diagnostic role in the case of information about previously treated gastritis, erosions and ulcers. This may confirm the need for a gastroscopic examination. In case of feeling full health, but lack of appetite, discomfort after eating, you need to seek advice from a gastroenterologist.

For specification of the diagnosis it is necessary:

  • pass the fibrogastroscopy with biopsy, for the analysis of cytology and the exclusion of Helicobacter bacteria;
  • duodenal sounding in order to determine the concentration of hydrochloric acid;
  • blood immunologram to determine the aggressiveness of immunity;
  • an express test to determine the presence or absence of the Helicobacter bacterium (a piece of the mucous membrane obtained during fibrogastroscopy is placed in a medium with urea and an indicator, in the presence of a bacterium the test is positive).

In the future, the collection of anamnesis (complaints) is necessary to analyze his life, working conditions, and most importantly, the diet and frequently consumed dishes and products. This is necessary to identify the cause of gastritis.


The choice of treatment for hyperplastic atrophic gastritis depends on the cause that caused it and the degree of damage to the stomach. The main methods are:

Every year there are new pharmaceuticals, to help in solving problems of gastritis. Surgery develops techniques for partial and complete removal, replacement of the stomach in critical situations.

Useful video

Atrophic hyperplastic gastritis, the symptoms and treatment of which are discussed in detail in this article, is an unpleasant disease. You can help overcome it with the help of proper nutrition.

Atrophic hyperplastic gastritis: treatment with folk remedies

The effectiveness of folk remedies, with an enveloping and protective effect, has been established:

Infusions can help relieve the symptoms of inflammation of the stomach Ivan tea, chamomile, plantain, calendula, thyme. If the herbs were collected on their own, you can brew them, if not, then it is safer to give preference to pharmacy packaging.


Treatment begins, in which a diet is provided for atrophic hyperplastic gastritis with No. 1A and go to № 2 . These figures mean that the dishes should not injure the gastric mucosa, should not be hot or cold, large pieces and hard to process. These diets are based on:

  • puree soups on a vegetable basis;
  • finely chopped or minced boiled or baked meat;
  • various porridge;
  • baked vegetables, fruits;
  • dishes that exclude frying, spices.

Energy value daily nutrition should be at least 2500 kcal / day, so you need to eat little and often.