Fish oil food capsules. Useful qualities of fish oil for men. Sources of useful acids

Fish fat a product that is endowed with a unique natural component, the value of which for human physiology is not questioned.

Yes, there were times when at home and in kindergarten We were “stuffed” with fish oil, we “suffered”, they said that it was not tasty and was doubtfully healthy. But the adults persistently fed us unique vitamins in the form of fish oil. Fish oil for children is even today considered one of the substances that contains a storehouse of valuable microelements and vitamins.

Vitamin fish fat in capsules it is an oil-like liquid. Fish oil is produced in pharmaceutical production from the liver of certain types of fish, almost always cod.

The value and uniqueness of the product is determined by the presence in its composition of three substances and components: vitamins of group “A” and “D”, fatty acids"Omega 3".

The ability of fish oil to have a beneficial effect on human health is very valuable. But we must remember that this medicinal product and you should take fish oil only after consultation

with a specialist. The doctor will determine the dosage and the need to take the course within a time frame. Taking the drug without medical supervision, in some cases, may cause serious problems. Therefore, it is important to take into account the doctor’s recommendations, use it correctly and choose the drug among a large number of dietary supplements for pharmaceutical market.

Components of the drug Fish oil:

Omega-3 and Omega-6 are the main source of energy for the human body. The peculiarity of the content of Omega components in the body is that a lack of fatty acids will certainly lead to malfunctions reproductive organs and pathologies nervous system.

  • antioxidants. Components that can neutralize aggressive molecules. Molecules that, in large quantities, prevent the cell from building protection, destroy its integrity, and provoke infertility and other diseases. For example, vitamin A can absorb maximum amount free radicals. It is almost impossible to replenish an insufficient amount of retinol using conventional products, but fish oil in capsules is great option"close this topic" and good source of this antioxidant.
  • DHA is especially beneficial. It is the main building block of brain cell membranes, retina and tissues of the nervous system;
  • The EKK component acts as a blocker of inflammation processes. It is necessary for the healthy functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

Today we have great opportunity take fish oil in capsules, and not in liquid-oil form, as our mothers and grandmothers did. Gelatin capsules make it possible to quickly swallow the drug and not feel its unpleasant taste. Yes, and capsules that do not allow oxygen to pass through protect fish oil from oxidation.

Fish oil happens different color: white, brown and yellow. The pharmaceutical industry uses white fat, which is the most purified and has less odor, which is important.

Therapeutic effect of the drug

The fundamental property of fish oil is the ease of oxidation processes. Thanks to this, beneficial substances are perfectly absorbed and penetrate through the cells.

The substance has beneficial influence on the body as a whole and many organs:

  • dynamics of improvement of vision and memory;
  • strengthening protective forces the whole body;
  • continued decline blood pressure;
  • improves joint mobility;
  • normalizes metabolism and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • promotes cell regeneration;
  • significantly reduces the risk of developing heart disease;
  • forms good mood and general well-being;
  • prevents early aging of the body;
  • actively nourishes hair, skin and nails;
  • activator of burning harmful fats.

The supplement will be useful in different age periods life:

  • adolescence 12-16 years;
  • pregnant women and children under 7 years of age;

Attention! Taking the drug is possible only after consultation with a specialist doctor!

  • Elderly people 65 and older;
  • For patients suffering to varying degrees diabetes;
  • Categories of overweight people;
  • Athletes.

A desirable fish oil supplement is for older men and women. At this age, the body is very vulnerable and subject to rapid development. serious illnesses. The drug can be an excellent prevention senility, inhibit processes that lead to dementia, improve memory. When diagnosed with diabetes, dietary supplements help to cope with excess weight and cleanse blood vessels, significantly reducing triglyceride levels. For people active sports the supplement helps speed up metabolic processes in tissues.

Fish oil is a preventative against pathologies such as psoriasis, arthritis, cancer, thrombophlebitis, anemia, and diabetes.

What are the benefits of fish oil capsules?

Regular and systemic use of fish oil capsules helps to dynamically improve the functioning of joints and organs, namely the heart, lungs, and brain.

Benefits for the heart muscle

Due to the PFA content, the drug actively and for a long time reduces blood pressure and the risk of developing diseases of cardio-vascular system. Systematic intake of capsules allows you to work proactively: prevent atherosclerosis and tachycardia, and prevent the formation of blockages in the arteries.

Application. Opinions vary on dosage this drug. Depending on the degree of the disease and general health, the recommended dose is from 500 milligrams to one gram of product per day.

Benefits for the nervous system

Fish oil has positive influence on brain activity, relieves stress and depression. Fish oil is prescribed in combination for the treatment of psychoemotional disorders, to get rid of chronic fatigue, agitation and sleep problems. The product improves mood and strengthens memory. This happens thanks to the vitamins and fatty acids it contains.

Application. The dosage regimen is included in the box with the drug. It is necessary to strictly follow the dosage prescribed in the instructions for use and the recommendations of your doctor.

Benefits for immunity

Experts recommend taking fish oil for frequent colds, especially in the “acute respiratory” months, when there is increased general level morbidity infectious diseases, and the body is susceptible to the development of vitamin deficiency. The vitamins contained in fish oil help protect the immune system.

Application. IN for preventive purposes It is recommended to take one or two capsules per day. For the treatment of diseases, this dose is increased several times.

On a note! Special value represents fish oil for an organ such as the liver. This ingredient is recommended to be taken both to restore the liver and during the treatment of hepatitis. Direct therapeutic effects fish oil does not have any effect on liver cells, but has general strengthening and health properties, increasing the body's resistance to disease.

Fish oil for children and pregnant women

According to the instructions for using fish oil in capsules, it is prescribed that pregnant women and children should use this additive- Not recommended.

Uncontrolled intake of the components included in the capsules can cause harm to the child’s body or fetus. The doctor should describe in detail, if necessary, the dosage and time of administration.

Pregnant women are prescribed fish oil in the following situations:

Today they are produced special drug“Fish oil” for pregnant women and children from three years of age. For a pregnant woman, this drug is very useful. Because the product has a positive effect on the health of the expectant mother, has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of the fetus, and gives it essential vitamins and minerals, has a beneficial effect on the formation of the nervous system of the baby and mother.

All listed medicinal properties also apply to children's body. The product helps schoolchildren easily assimilate information, increases the level of intelligence, prevents the development of rickets and other chronic diseases.

Hyperactive kids become more diligent, concentrated and calm. The dietary supplement has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, improves the condition respiratory organs, increases the body's resistance to external negative impacts. Fish oil activates the body and prevents the child from gaining excess weight due to withdrawal bad cholesterol and fat burning.

The product is recommended to be taken during breastfeeding. The vitamin D it contains is necessary to maintain the health of a woman and her baby. In addition, the drug acts as an antidepressant and will help cope with depression, which often visits mothers in the first months of childbirth.

Fish oil capsules and benefits for various diagnoses

Fish oil is considered safe drug for any adult, including pregnant and nursing women.

Absolutely healthy people It is recommended to take it 3g per day, which applies to daily dose adult organism. This is 1-2 capsules three times a day. It is better to take fish oil with meals, or at full stomach. And the course use of fish oil is an effective step towards maintaining health.

Benefits for brain reproduction

The enormous benefits of fish oil for older people have been talked about for a very long time. It is believed that it is simply irreplaceable for them, as it improves mental activity.

Recent studies in the field of dietary supplements have proven the significant role of fat in the prevention of Alzheimer's disease, especially in the early stages.

Studies have repeatedly confirmed that fish oil can significantly increase the productive performance of the brain. Reception of everything 1 capsule fish oil per day is the best prevention senile dementia.

The benefits of fish oil in the treatment of tuberculosis

Thanks to beneficial effects on the ability of tissue to regenerate, fish oil is often included in complex therapy in the treatment of tuberculosis. Especially bones and lungs, exhaustion after illness, rickets, anemia. In addition, it is an activator for burning saturated fat. It is often used in the fight against excess calories during mandatory physical activity.

Fish oil helps support healthy hair thanks to vitamin D and A.

Heart and fish oil

Fish oil capsules are used for prevention cardiovascular diseases. Fat significantly reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, improves the condition of cell membranes and regulates lipid metabolism.

You can buy fish oil in capsules at any pharmacy. But this substance/drug/diet has a lot of names.

Common names for fish oil in pharmacology:

How to Take Fish Oil Capsules to Reap the Benefits

Reference! For those who generally cannot tolerate fish oil, even in capsule form, you can switch to eating fatty varieties fish - salmon, halibut, mackerel, sardines

Fish oil is not a cure! This is a dietary supplement , which cannot replace medications aimed at treating the underlying disease.

TOP the best manufacturers fish oil capsules

Fat capsules from the Russian manufacturer BioPharm. the package contains 100 capsules. A choice of drug dosages is presented: 0.3 g, 0.4 g, 0.45 g.

Made from fish caught in the Arctic, which is a good indicator, since in cold water fish has better quality fat.

Mirolla fish oil is produced in combination with various flavoring and herbal additives. For example, with calcium, valerian and motherwort, with garlic oil, etc.

Pack of 100 capsules with a dosage of 50 mg Omega-3. The cost ranges from 80 to 130 rubles per package.

Russian manufacturer.

The package contains 100 ampoules, available various combinations vitamins and useful substances.

Omega-3 dosage per capsule 0.3 g.

The cost of the drug is about 85 rubles. Belongs to the category of “fish” oil.

American manufacturer, concentrated premium product.

Made from salmon fish.

Omega-3 dosage per capsule is 50 mg. Various packages of 60 and 120 capsules are available.

The cost for a 60-piece package reaches 900 rubles.

Dietary supplement from Teva. The main purpose is prevention various diseases and lack of Omega-3.

Packs of 100 pieces. Take one capsule per day. Therefore, not the most low price justified long-term use drug.

The cost of packaging reaches 1200 rubles.

Fish oil is a rather capricious substance that not only quickly deteriorates, but is also capable of forming compounds harmful to the body if stored improperly. Therefore, when purchasing and using fish oil, pay attention to the following:

  • When buying fish oil in solution, make sure that there is as little air in the bottle as possible. Ideally, the bottle should be filled to the stopper, and the bottle material should be only dark glass, no plastic.
  • Fish oil is packaged in gelatin capsules not only to eliminate the specific taste, which allows you to drink it without wincing, but also to protect it from exposure to oxygen. But if, half an hour after you took the capsule, an unpleasant “fishy” taste appeared in your mouth, this means that the capsule had already dissolved in the stomach, and hiccups or belching delivered this taste to the taste buds: the appearance or non-appearance of the taste does not depend on the quality raw materials, but on the characteristics of your digestion.
  • If fish oil tastes bitter, do not continue to take it. Bitterness means the fat has been exposed to sun rays or simply expired. In both cases, the processes of decomposition of useful substances into less useful components have already begun in it.
  • Learn to differentiate between medical and dietary fish oil. In the first case, the drug is indicated for the prevention of vitamin deficiency and its treatment, and most often contains concentrated raw materials. Dietary fish oil is intended as a supplement to the diet of athletes and people engaged in heavy work. physical labor, and its main function is to be not so much a source of vitamins and PUFAs, but energy, although it also meets the first two criteria.

Many of us were forced to drink fish oil as children. Then the drug, containing vitamins essential for bone growth and the prevention of rickets, was produced in the form liquid solution, which has an oily consistency and is not the most pleasant taste qualities. No one doubts the benefits of this product today, because it is a unique source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are present in large quantities in fish oil. These substances are indispensable for human health and must be regularly supplied to the body.

Taking into account the specific smell and taste, today fish oil is produced in capsules. Which manufacturer is better? This question is asked by everyone who cares about themselves and their loved ones. Unlike the liquid solution, the capsule version of this product does not cause any discomfort during administration. But in order for it to bring maximum benefit, it is important to know the basic rules for its use. Next, we will find out why such a dietary supplement is useful, and we will compose a kind of review-rating of fish oil in capsules, find out which of the drugs available in the pharmacy range are more effective, whether they are equally suitable for adults and children, or whether there are significant differences between them.

Why you should drink fish oil

Perhaps we should start with the cosmic cost ranges of such dietary supplements. In pharmacies you can find both budget options, the price of which ranges from 100-300 rubles, as well as products from world brands - they can cost several thousand rubles per package. Which manufacturer of fish oil capsules is better given such noticeable price differences? Why overpay if you can save money and not spend significant amounts on a purchase? It turns out there is a difference. Let's figure out what it is.

Everyone probably knows from a school anatomy course that human body urgently needs omega-3 acids, but is not able to synthesize them on its own. It would seem that there is a solution to this problem: it is necessary to regularly replenish the deficiency of missing substances with food, in particular with fish. But even if we put aside the fact that not all of us have this product in our daily diet, another argument appears in favor of pharmaceutical supplements. The fish that lies on the shelves in supermarkets, as a rule, is grown artificially, therefore it contains practically no necessary for the body polyunsaturated amino acids. The reason for this “marriage” is food, the composition of which is far from the natural diet.

Expensive and cheap dietary supplements

The only question that remains open is which manufacturer is better. Fish oil in capsules, sold at affordable prices, differs from more expensive analogues not only the subtleties of production, but also:

  • method of extraction, processing;
  • daily norm;
  • amino acid concentration.

Cheap fish oil is obtained from small fish that are not properly gutted. But for the production of expensive drugs, only selected raw materials are used - meat from fish of the salmon or cod family.

Those companies that are concerned about the quality of their products and, accordingly, their reputation, purify the product using innovative technologies. While available budget dietary supplements may contain impurities of lead, mercury and other harmful substances polluting the waters of the World Ocean.

The use of fish oil in capsules of low quality does not fully satisfy the daily needs for omega-3, since they contain no more than 10-15% fatty acids. A good food additive is one in which the concentration of the main substance reaches 50% or more.

The following criterion follows from the same criterion - the daily norm: the lower the acid content in the capsules, the more often you will have to drink the drug throughout the day. By taking high-quality nutritional supplements, you will do this no more than twice a day.

In which countries is production established?

Fish oil capsules are produced in almost every corner of the planet. This fact explains the differences between the products and, of course, their cost to the end consumer. Omega-3 preparations commercially available on the domestic pharmaceutical market are conventionally divided into:

  1. American fish oil capsules. Brands such as Carlson Labs, NOW, Natrol have the necessary quality certificates and are popular all over the world. During production, the main attention is paid to the process of purifying raw materials from mercury and toxins.
  2. Norwegian salmon fish oil capsules. These drugs are considered the most expensive today. When choosing products from Norwegian manufacturers, you must take into account that you will not pay for the weight or number of capsules in the package, but for the concentration of amino acids in one dose. For example, the cost of a Nordic Naturals dietary supplement is $25.
  3. Russian fish oil in capsules. Domestic drugs include products from the companies Biafishenol, Mirrolla, and BioKontur. At these enterprises, fish oil is produced mainly from the liver of fish of the cod family.

Carlson Labs

Belongs to the category of premium products, produced by Americans in Norway and is famous high quality. Raw materials are extracted in clean, cold waters, which, together with technological purification, guarantees the absence of impurities in the finished product. Norwegian salmon oil is characterized by its energy intensity and sufficient content of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids. The range presented by the manufacturer is quite wide. A huge range of product dosages (from 600 to 1600 mg) and its numerous variations with different flavor and vitamin components allows you to choose the best option for yourself.

Nordic Naturals

According to experts who know a lot about dietary supplements, this Norwegian brand is considered one of the best. Despite the presence of its own manufacturers, this food additive is in particular demand in America. Finding Nordic Naturals in our market is not so easy, since only certain segments of the population can afford to regularly take this fish oil. The reason is the impressive cost of the drug.


Available in capsules with different dosage options: 0.3 g, 0.4 g and 0.45 g. Each package contains 100 pieces. Even the smallest dose of fish oil, in addition to the omega-3 complex, contains vitamins A and D. “Biafishenol” (salmon) is produced from the fat of representatives of a species living in the Arctic. It turns out that this plays a big role in the quality of the product, since fish that are found in cold water have large reserves of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Depending on the dosage, you can determine how many times a day to take the supplement. The instructions for fish oil capsules say that they can be used after 14 years as an additional source of beneficial microelements.


The undoubted advantage of the products of this brand is the huge range of fish oil with additional nutritional and aromatic additives. The complex of components has a beneficial effect on the body, providing it with many valuable elements. In addition to the drug "Mirrolla" with omega-3, which contains fish oil in its pure form, other series of products can also be called popular, which include:

  • calcium;
  • garlic oil;
  • rosehip oil;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • valerian and motherwort;
  • wheat, rosehip and sea buckthorn.

Nutritional supplements from this company are available in packages of 100 capsules. Based on customer reviews, one box lasts on average 12-14 days.


More cheap analogue fish oil in Mirrolla capsules is also available in several composition options. Complexes containing:

  • kelp;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • garlic;
  • rose hip;
  • hawthorn;
  • mint;
  • chamomile;
  • eucalyptus;
  • anise;
  • milk thistle;
  • calendula;
  • wheat germ;
  • blueberries

Each package contains a standard number of capsules (100 pieces). The drug is used as an additional source of vital essential microelements. The manufacturer of fish oil capsules "BioKontur" does not indicate any contraindications with the exception of one - the product is not recommended for use by children under 14 years of age. The drug, made without the use of additional flavoring and aromatic additives, has a 20% concentration of omega-3.

Golden capsules for children from foreign manufacturers

According to pediatricians, children need to take fish oil supplements just like adults. Manufacturers offer children medications with various flavors and vitamin supplements. Among the popular ones, it is worth noting the Omega Pharma company, which produces chewable capsules for kids Tutty Frutty.

Convenient and tasty, no matter how strange it may sound, fish oil is also offered to babies by the American company Coromega, which produces a supplement in the form of chewing marmalade with citrus and caramel flavors. In Russia, many parents have already managed to appreciate dietary supplements, which is not at all surprising: it is much easier to captivate kids with colored jelly fish than with a tablespoon of fragrant fish oil.


Determining which manufacturer of fish oil in capsules is best for babies is not so easy, since only high-quality raw materials are used in the children's series of products. You should choose a dietary supplement that the child can actually use. For children over the age of seven, doctors recommend RybKu and omega-3 capsules from the aforementioned Biafishenol. This Russian manufacturer chose not to take risks with aromatic additives, but instead enriched the capsules with vitamins A and E. These products are positioned as nutritional supplements for children. They provide almost half of the daily requirement of amino acids. The optimal course of use is one month.


Children's fish oil "Kusalochka" is recommended for children over three years old. The drug is sold in convenient bottles of 60 tablets each. The RealCaps company produces capsules with vitamins and fruit flavors that help dull the specific taste of cod liver oil. They are soft enough, so some babies chew the pills rather than swallow them.

Also, among domestic manufacturers, buy omega-3 with fruity taste, which neutralizes the unpleasant fishy aroma, is offered by BioKontour and Natures Plus. For younger kids three years old Fish oil is not available in capsules. You can give the drug to your baby in liquid form, but only in the dosage determined by the doctor.

Rules of application

Before taking fish oil capsules, it is advisable to consult a specialist. It will help determine the correct amounts of consumption food additives depending on the patient’s age, chronic diseases, allergic history and other factors. In addition, fish oil capsules should not be taken without reading the instructions.

For an adult, the minimum required amount of omega-3 intake throughout the day is considered to be 0.25 g. In this case, 1 gram of amino acids is optimal. When setting the appropriate dosage for the course of supplement use, it is important to consider that these substances partially enter the body along with food. The required number of capsules also depends on the concentration and quality of the drug. Adults are usually recommended to take fish oil capsules several times, breaking them up daily norm for 2-3 doses.

There is only one way to increase the digestibility of a product - take a dietary supplement with meals. Expect any therapeutic effect It’s not worth it from a one-time dose. Doctors usually prescribe a monthly course.

As for recommendations regarding taking the drug in childhood, here, as already mentioned, you cannot self-medicate. For children, supplements are purchased that are designed according to the needs of their body. The dosage depends on the weight and age of the child, but on average, children under 14 years of age are not prescribed more than 4 capsules per day. If they have a pleasant taste, they can be given regardless of meals. Unflavored capsules are more convenient to give to your child during meals.

In order not to throw money away, before purchasing you need to not only check the expiration date, but also carefully study the packaging and instructions. Please note that the capsules should not contain anything foreign. The main components of the medical supplement:

  • fish oil directly;
  • gelatin;
  • vitamins.

The manufacturer must also indicate fragrances and other synthetic elements on the box. Keep in mind that the components for neutralizing the specific taste of the drug are tolerated differently by everyone, therefore, if you have a tendency to allergic reactions or individual intolerance to such substances, it is better to buy fish oil without any kind of impurities. At the same time, there is no need to refuse capsules enriched with vitamins. This drug can help solve several health problems at once and bring maximum benefit to the body.

Many people are scared by the phrase “molecular differentiation” that appears on the packaging. Those ignorant of modern production technologies mistakenly consider such products to be genetically modified and refuse to purchase. In fact we're talking about O special technique, which allows you to increase the omega-3 content.

When choosing capsules with fish oil, consider the dosage - the higher it is, the fewer pills you will have to take at a time. Agree, drinking 4-5 capsules is not always convenient. At the same time, do not forget about the price. Calculate your funds in such a way that the purchase is enough for a monthly course. For example, one package contains 100 capsules, the dosage of which involves taking them twice, 4 pieces each. Accordingly, if you consume 8 pills a day, you will have to purchase a couple more boxes.

When making a purchase, do not forget where the dietary supplement was produced. Some companies locate factories and processing plants near environmentally unfavorable areas where pollution levels exceed any acceptable standards. This cannot but affect the quality and usefulness of fish products.

Pros and cons of regularly consuming omega-3s

There is only one thing they say about the use of fish oil in capsules: it is very useful. Indeed, the value of fatty polyunsaturated acids for our body it is difficult to exaggerate. These substances are especially necessary for the following:

  • full intrauterine formation of organs and systems of the fetus, development of its brain;
  • maintaining hormonal balance and excellent health;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • improving the condition of skin, hair and nails;
  • prevention of cardiovascular diseases;
  • activation of brain activity.

As already stated, greatest content essential amino acids are found in fish of the salmon family - on average 1.7-1.9 grams per 100 grams of weight. For comparison: shrimp contains much less of these substances - no more than 0.3 g.

But, as you know, everything is good in moderation. And fish oil can cause harm if you take it in large quantities. In case of an overdose of amino acids, a person’s blood thins more, which negatively affects its clotting.

When is it better to avoid fish oil?

It is for the above reason that it is important to consider contraindications and precautions for the use of capsules with treasured amino acids. Firstly, this dietary supplement is not suitable for people who are intolerant to any seafood. Secondly, if there are additional flavoring additives in the composition, the possibility of an allergic reaction cannot be ruled out. Thirdly, it is dangerous for people suffering from any type of hemorrhage to drink fish oil. Doctors impose a complete ban on the use of capsules with omega-3 in the following cases:

  • hyperthyroidism ( increased activity thyroid gland);
  • urolithiasis and renal failure;
  • under the age of one and a half years;
  • stomach ulcers;
  • active form of tuberculosis.

Before you pass full course taking amino acids, consult your doctor - this will dispel all your doubts and help avoid possible problems.

Few of those who grew up during the Soviet era do not remember the taste of fish oil. Tireless mothers and grandmothers punctually fed their children an oily liquid that had a pronounced fish taste, not forgetting to remind them of the benefits of this action. And, as usual, they were not wrong. Today, the benefits of fish oil, or rather, the substances it contains, have been proven by medical science.

Benefits of fish oil

Vitamins A and D turn into a real fighter for human health! Thanks to them, the reproduction of skin and mucous cells improves. They are indispensable for the beauty and health of hair and nails. Vitamin D not only counteracts high level nervous excitability, but it will also prevent spasms and tremors from becoming uninvited guests. This same component serves as the best prevention of such a terrible disease in children as rickets. Without the help of this vitamin, calcium and phosphorus cannot be absorbed by cells. This active substance- a real natural storehouse of polyunsaturated fatty acids of the omega-3 group. They will become a reliable barrier to the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, improve blood circulation, reduce thrombus formation, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the pericardium and epicardium, reduce the amount of bad cholesterol and help avoid atherosclerosis and arrhythmia. It has been proven that fish oil, when taken, increases the level of serotonin (the hormone of happiness). It, of course, cannot be called a panacea, but definitely - the fight against depression or apathy with the help of fish oil will be much more effective than without it. And what could be better in life, which is like a constant deadline?

What's new?

Science does not stand still, and with the help of progressive manufacturers of drugs and biologically active additives, such a tasteless, but such a healthy natural cocktail of vitamins has been replaced by Biafishenol fish oil in capsules. Application of this dosage form much more pleasant, and now even children can easily cope with it - after all, swallowing a gelatin capsule is not difficult at all! From the line of dietary supplements "Biafishenol" "Omega-3 Fish Oil" (reviews indicate that using the drug does not even bring light feeling discomfort) even children enjoy using golden capsules!

Why in capsules?

Manufacturers had two main goals. Firstly, bad smell and the taste of fish oil is now imperceptible. Secondly, polyunsaturated acids oxidize very quickly when in contact with air. Now the harmful effect of oxygen on Omega-3 and Omega-6 is excluded: the gelatin capsule prevents this valuable substance spoil, and this makes Biafishenol fish oil in capsules a reliable and faithful assistant for people leading a healthy lifestyle.

What is inside?

The composition of the dietary supplement "Biafishenol" "Fish with Omega, like everything ingenious, is simple - there is nothing inside except salmon fish oil! But we can talk for a long time about what is contained in the latter. Fish oil is a cocktail of glycerides, and the most important its component is acids: oleic (its content varies within 70%), the second in specific gravity in the composition is palmitic, as well as valuable polyunsaturated acids Omega 3 and Omega 6. And it is this natural mix that is optimal for human consumption for the purpose of prevention and treatment!

Who should drink?

Fish oil is an effective preventative against rickets in children. Vitamin D contained in this product will provide normal height bones, strengthen the baby’s immune system and prevent muscle weakness. And the child will have a healthy spine and excellent posture!

The joints of an adult throughout life need fats, because if there is a lack of these substances, the joints lose elasticity, which leads to tissue rupture. In addition, these fats are part of the joint lubricant; they cover the contacting surfaces of the joints and, by increasing sliding, reduce their wear. It has long been noted that people living in close proximity to the sea, eating a large number of sea ​​fish, rarely suffer from joint pain, arthritis, arthrosis. If the doctor has already prescribed the patient treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs or antibiotics, consuming fish oil in combination with medications will give a more noticeable effect.

Fish oil can be safely called a dietary supplement for female beauty. The components it contains help hair to be strong and thick, skin to be glowing and healthy, and nails to be shiny and strong.

"Biafishenol" is often prescribed by therapists and pediatricians to improve the body's recovery process after infections, for patients with weakened immune systems, as well as for the prevention of various diseases.

How to use

"Biafishenol" "Omega-3 Fish Oil" reviews, instructions for use are recommended to be taken daily in a course. The daily dose (in capsules) for an adult and a child over 14 years of age should be:

  • In a dosage of 0.3 g - 10 pcs. per day.
  • In a dosage of 0.4 g - 8 pcs. per day.
  • In a dosage of 0.45 g - 7 pcs. per day.

The duration of treatment should not exceed 30 days. After this you need to take a break. Preventative treatment carry out courses, but no more than 2-3 times during the year.

"Biafishenol": instructions for use for children

The use of dietary supplements is not recommended for children under three years of age unless otherwise prescribed by a doctor. The dose of the drug taken depends on the age of the baby. For children from 3 to 6 years old, 4 capsules per day are recommended. Children over 6 years old - 8 capsules per day. "Biafishenol" "Omega-3 Fish Oil" (reviews about the drug are extremely positive), it is better to take it with meals. This will help avoid allergic reactions.

Contraindications. Discuss with your doctor

What should I watch out for when taking Biafishenol Omega-3 D3 Fish Oil supplement? The instructions warn that you should not use the drug if you have reduced blood clotting, hemophilia, pregnancy, or during periods of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. The product should be used with caution if hypersensitivity to the components of Biafishenol has previously been observed. That's what they're talking about clinical researches and customer review: edible fish oil ("Biopharm") "Biafishenol" when exceeding the recommended dose can cause decreased blood clotting, diarrhea, exacerbation chronic pancreatitis and cholecystitis. It is better to discuss the feasibility and safety of using the drug with your doctor.

"Biafishenol" "Omega-3 Fish Oil". Positive reviews

Many people taking the drug note an improvement in their health. It has also been noted that Biafishenol helps with problems with reproductive system, promotes the burning of subcutaneous fat, reduces inflammatory processes.

In the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, Biafishenol fish oil has proven itself well in combination with anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics. Feedback from patients indicates that the process of recovery or entry into remission occurred faster.

Many teenagers taking Biafishenol noted a decrease in inflamed areas of the facial skin due to acne or acne. The drug is also characterized very positively in treatment purulent wounds and abscesses.

Women over 50 have noticed beneficial influence Dietary supplement for the skin - it becomes less dry even in winter, when its condition is negatively affected by the influence of dry air under operating conditions of heating devices and decreased humidity in homes.

An improvement in the psycho-emotional state was noted by the majority of those taking the dietary supplement. There was an improvement in mood, especially in autumn and winter periods, increasing physical activity and the ability to endure stressful situations.

Additional components of “Biafishenol” - flax, rose hips, valerian, motherwort, sea buckthorn - were also praised. This allows dietary supplements to bring more more benefit by increasing the amount of polyunsaturated acids, vitamins and other active substances.

Animal lovers experimented and used Biafishenol even when treating their four-legged pets. According to subjective assessments, wounds in dogs healed faster, and recovery was faster. skin covering and wool.

Men reproductive age noted an improvement in spermogram results and an increase in endurance during prolonged physical activity.

Among positive qualities supplement reviews note ease of use and optimal capsule size. Swallowing fish oil is now easy even for children.

Parents of schoolchildren observe an improvement in their children’s memorization of information and an increase in daily activity. The process of falling asleep and the quality of sleep also have positive responses.

Negative reviews about the drug

Due to the fact that Biafishenol has virtually no contraindications and no cases of overdose have been established, the number of critical reviews about it is minimal. But still, in fairness, it should be noted that they are dating. Taking "Biafishenol" "Omega-3 Fish Oil" (reviews indicate such a reaction), people noted the appearance of heartburn and discomfort in the stomach. This is one of the most common effects when taking a dietary supplement on an empty stomach. The appearance of skin allergic reactions is also noted. Most often, negative reviews are due to incorrect intake of dietary supplements, because the instructions indicate that the drug should be taken with food. Also, the annotation for the dietary supplement specifies individual intolerance to the components of Biafishenol.


The shelf life of the Biafishenol Omega-3 Fish Oil supplement for both children and adults is 2 years. It should be stored in a dark place, protected from direct sunlight - they are destructive to many vitamins and polyunsaturated acids. The drug must be protected from the influence of low and high temperatures, optimally stored in the refrigerator. Even in light of the fact that no cases of overdose have been observed, it is better to store Biafishenol out of the reach of children.

Fish oil or fish oil, dietary supplement or medicine? Who knew that everything was so difficult.

Before, I had no idea what fish oil was. Because I lived in sunny Uzbekistan and I had enough sun and vitamins. But in Zlatoust you have to add fish oil to your diet. From time to time we drink it, then we forget, then we remember again. The other day, thanks to an article about the healthiest fish by Alena Yasneva, I remembered that we haven’t drunk fish oil yet this year, and I went to the pharmacy.

Fish oil or fish oil?

By the way, fish oil and fish oil- that's two big differences. Fish oil, familiar from childhood, is extracted from the liver of fish, mainly cod. They learned to obtain fish oil relatively recently and make it from fish meat (do they even say that? :)) and muscles. The first contains a lot of vitamin A, E and D, and the second more Omega 3 acids. In addition, it is believed that fish oil is less harmful, since fish oil is extracted from the liver, in which all the harmful substances obtained by fish while living in the polluted waters of the seas and oceans are deposited. Therefore, when deciding to drink fish or fish oil, everyone should proceed from the needs of their body and make a choice. Vitamin D is very important for us, so we prefer fish oil. It should be written on the packaging what kind of fat it is. About fish oil it will be written that it is extracted from the liver, about fish oil - from carcasses. Don't be confused 😉

And if everything is clear in Russian, then what about English? Here you need to look at the full name of the product and what it is made of. Let's take iHerb products as an example. This is fish oil:

The name itself says Liver - that is, liver. Derived from the liver, as stated in its description:

And here is fish oil:

Obtained from fish carcasses - body oil. This is written on the back of the bottle:

Dietary supplement or medicine?

So, I came to the pharmacy and headed straight to the refrigerator, where various perishable products like essential oils and fat. The choice of fat is quite large: in capsules, liquid, with flavorings, and with additives... And on all packages, even those containing fish oil in its pure form, it is written that it is a dietary supplement - that is, a dietary supplement. We talked with a female consultant, and she said that they have fish oil not only as a dietary supplement, but also as a medicine. I even began to wonder: what is the difference? We went to the counter where they sell medicine, and indeed, he took out a bottle of fish oil from the refrigerator, which was no longer marked as a dietary supplement. Ingredients: fish oil from cod liver. I ask: what is the difference? There's fish oil, there's fish oil - why is that one considered a dietary supplement, and this one a medicine? The answer is that dietary supplements are tested less, and the approach to medications is stricter. It is clear that the answer is so-so, but it gives us a little hope that it at least contains less of those harmful substances that environmentalists are so afraid of. Fish oil as a medicine, by the way, is more expensive than fish oil as a dietary supplement.

How to take fish oil?

Well, that's disgusting! Before this, we drank fat in capsules, so there was no taste. And then you have to pour it into a spoon and... beeeee. People's ingenuity in the person of the mother-in-law came to the rescue. She said that when they were given fish oil as children, they were then given a piece of black bread with salt to eat. And yes, when you eat salty bread, it’s not so disgusting anymore. Looks like I ate a fish sandwich :)

Do you drink fish oil? Or fishy?