Allergies during pregnancy: what to do. Allergies in pregnant women. Acute allergic reactions

According to statistics, more than a quarter of the world's population suffers from allergies. In megacities, more than fifty percent of residents are familiar with this disease. Allergens include viruses, dust, bird feathers, insect secretions, medicines and cosmetics, food and animal hair, synthetics, etc. Allergy sufferers do not need to be told about the symptoms of the disease - they know about them firsthand.

But how can expectant mothers treat allergies? Can I take regular medications? How to avoid harming your unborn child?

  • What is an allergy?
  • How does it manifest?
  • Does it affect the unborn child?
  • Treatment
  • Prevention
  • Folk remedies

Why do pregnant women have allergies?

Over the past few decades, the number of people with allergies has tripled. Causes:

With this disease, damage to one's own tissues occurs as a result of the body's protective reaction to an irritant. In twenty percent of all cases, allergies occur in expectant mothers between the ages of eighteen and twenty-three, twenty-five years.

How do allergies manifest themselves in expectant mothers?

The most common manifestations of allergies in expectant mothers are:

  • Allergic rhinitis: swelling of the nasal mucosa, difficulty breathing, burning in the throat, sneezing, runny nose.
  • Hives: swelling of the gastrointestinal mucosa, swelling of the subcutaneous tissue, mucous membranes and skin, suffocation due to swelling of the larynx, cough; nausea and abdominal pain, vomiting - with swelling of the gastrointestinal tract.

Can allergies affect the unborn child?

This question worries many expectant mothers. Doctors rush to reassure: the baby is not at risk of allergies. But it is worth remembering the influence of other factors on the fetus. These include:

  • Negative effects of drugs , which have to be taken, on the blood supply to the fetus.
  • General health of the mother.

When it comes to preventing allergies in your unborn baby, doctors are unanimous - pay close attention to your diet.

The best methods for treating allergies in expectant mothers

What is the main goal of treatment? In a quick and effective elimination allergy symptoms without risk to the child. It is clear that self-administration of medications without the knowledge of a doctor is strictly contraindicated. In addition, most antihistamines prohibited during pregnancy.

Allergy medications. What can and cannot be done for pregnant women?

  • Diphenhydramine.
    Taking a dosage of more than 50 mg can cause uterine contractions.
  • Terfenadine.
    Causes weight loss in newborns.

  • Astemizole.
    Has a toxic effect on the fetus.
  • Suprastin.
    Treatment of acute allergic reactions only.
  • Claritin, Fexadine.
    Acceptable only in cases where the effectiveness of the treatment outweighs the risk to the child.
  • Tavegil.
    Allowed only in case of threat to life expectant mother.
  • Pipolfen.
    Prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Even if the allergic reaction turns out to be short-lived, you should consult a doctor. Today, to identify allergens, special examinations, on the basis of which the specialist makes a decision on this or that treatment.

What is an allergy

An allergy is a specific reaction of the body to the introduction of certain substances, which occurs due to increased sensitivity to the allergen.

Allergy is considered not a type of disease, but a form of reaction immune system body to the ingested substance.

Read about the types of allergies found here.

The main symptoms of allergies may include manifestations such as rashes on the body and face, lacrimation, bronchospasms, and headaches.

More details about allergy symptoms are described on this page, paragraph – SYPTOMS.

Features of allergies during pregnancy

During pregnancy, allergies can also occur, and the reasons for its occurrence during this period become much more numerous, since the woman’s body becomes especially sensitive to all sorts of irritants.

The appearance of allergies in most cases does not pose a danger to the baby, but they often greatly worsen the condition of a pregnant woman.

During pregnancy, 4 types of allergic reactions can occur, and each requires the correct response to its occurrence.

Types of allergic reactions

  1. The occurrence of pregnancy causes allergies - you should consult an allergist who will help determine the allergen;
  2. The allergy existed before pregnancy, and its onset does not affect the manifestation of allergic reactions - you should also contact an allergist to determine medications that will help reduce or remove the symptoms;
  3. Worsening of allergy symptoms during pregnancy is a rare occurrence; you should immediately consult a doctor in order to normalize the woman’s condition;
  4. Improvement of allergy symptoms during conception - as pregnancy progresses, the production of the hormone cortisol, which is responsible for reducing allergic reactions, is activated.

Preparations for relieving allergic manifestations

The development of allergies should be under the supervision of an allergist and gynecologist. Not all may be used during this period. antihistamines. The most common helpers here are the following allergy pills during pregnancy.

Ascorbic acid helps reduce a pregnant woman’s body’s sensitivity to allergens, and is especially effective this drug when a respiratory allergy occurs.

Vitamin C tablets are taken three times a day after meals three times a day.

But before you accept ascorbic acid, read allergy to vitamin C.

Pantothenic acid Excellent helps reduce the severity of allergic reactions in the form of rhinitis. Reception is carried out three times a day, 1 pc.

Nicotinamide helps minimize symptoms of pollen allergies. Reception should be carried out after meals, 1 pc.

When taking tablets as maintenance therapy for allergies, caution should be exercised, since these drugs can also cause an allergic reaction when the dose consumed is increased.

There are also a number of drugs that can be prescribed to pregnant women for allergies.

Factors causing allergies

Pregnancy completely restructures the entire female body to meet the needs of the unborn baby. The reaction even to your favorite flowers during pregnancy can be unpredictable, so you must always be careful with cosmetics, cleaning products, nutrition, etc.

Even changeable weather outside can become a significant factor and an additional headache - seasonal allergies during pregnancy. Rather than treating the allergy itself and spending significant sums on it, it is better to take care of eliminating, if not all, then at least the majority of allergens.


The group of risky foods that, if not easily, then in most cases cause allergies in pregnant women, includes: citrus fruits, some types of fish, vegetables and fruits tried for the first time, and chocolate.

Don’t tempt fate and include this list in your diet while you’re carrying your baby; try to get by with your usual dishes, without any culinary experiments, otherwise You will experience allergies during pregnancy. How to treat and stop food allergens, we’ll look at it a little later, but for now let’s name the next and probably most dangerous factor causing allergic reactions, - stress.

Stress and environment

Severe stress and anxiety, coupled with unfavorable environment, which is located near you in the chemical industry or metallurgy, is 100% likely to give you one of the types of allergies.

Even if you are in an idyll with nature and have your own country house, it is extremely difficult to avoid allergens. Insects can be a source of real trouble. It often happens that even a bee sting, which was previously absolutely harmless to you, causes severe swelling, fever, and in some cases anaphylactic shock.


The hair of cats and dogs, and bird fluff are factors that can cause not only allergies, but also other equally unpleasant diseases. So if you have a pet, the best option for him and you would be to separate during your pregnancy.

Let him better live with friends and acquaintances, otherwise you will face persistent runny nose or skin allergy during pregnancy. How to treat this type of allergy, what are the consequences and manifestations, we will consider below.

Manifestations and consequences of allergies

All allergic reactions can occur in the lungs or severe form. They differ from each other not only in places of localization, but also in their involvement in allergic process other organs and indicators of well-being.

Light form

  1. Rhinitis. The main symptoms are a runny nose, frequent sneezing, and nasal congestion. In some cases, sinusitis, sinusitis and polyps occur.
  2. Conjunctivitis. It is caused by photophobia, redness of the cornea, lacrimation, and, as a consequence of conjunctivitis, rhinitis occurs.
  3. Hives. As a rule, this is an allergy to flowering during pregnancy. The best way to treat this disease and suffer from constant itching is to avoid contact with any wild vegetation. The places where urticaria is localized are the arms and stomach, and in its own way appearance it resembles a burn with small blisters.

Severe form

  1. Quincke's edema. Locations: face, neck and shoulders. Particularly dangerous is swelling of the larynx and trachea, which makes breathing very difficult. How to treat allergies during pregnancy during angioedema, you need to find out from a competent allergist, so in this case you should not self-medicate.
  2. Anaphylactic shock. This manifestation of an allergic reaction is accompanied by a sharp drop in blood pressure and bronchospasm. A form of shock involves loss of consciousness and therefore lack of quick help is fraught with very sad consequences.
  3. Generalized urticaria. This form is slightly similar to the urticaria described above, but, unlike the mild form, the generalized form has a chronic course and most often occurs in the second half of pregnancy, when the body begins to actively rearrange all its hormones. Just as in the first case, the whole process is accompanied by itching and blisters, coupled with weakness, irritability and poor health.

The impact of allergies on pregnancy

Both mild and severe forms of allergies do not affect the fetus in any way in the second and third trimester, since all of the above allergens cannot penetrate the placenta.

But nevertheless, taking some antihistamines can negatively affect both the general condition of the woman herself and the health of the unborn baby. Besides, allergic mom is more often in bad mood and more irritable.

Allergies during pregnancy: how to treat?

The basis of treatment for any allergic reaction is prevention, i.e. preventing any contact with a possible allergen that can trigger the entire chain of diseases. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to determine the source of the allergen and avoid it in every possible way.

Allergy symptoms and their subsequent elimination are directly related to the severity of the allergy itself, therefore, in mild cases, you can choose ointments, solutions and creams, i.e. those drugs that are applied topically; in other cases, the intervention of an allergist or therapist is necessary.

So, let's look at how allergies are treated during pregnancy and how.

Traditional medicine

The most common traditional medications for relieving symptoms and treating allergies are ointments. The herbal extracts they contain do an excellent job of treating inflammation and relieving allergic reactions.

For rhinitis, you can use special sprays and drops that will eliminate nasal congestion and practically get rid of a runny nose (for the duration of action). You can use regular vasoconstrictor drops in children's dosage without harm to the fetus.

The tablets will help cope with allergies, but will also have a negative effect on the baby, so be careful when taking any medicines.

So, trouble has overtaken you - allergies during pregnancy. The treatment and subsequent risks are outlined below.

  • "Diphenhydramine" to its chemical composition can provoke excitability of the uterus, as a result of which it will cause premature birth.
  • Pipolfen has toxic components and is therefore not recommended during breastfeeding.
  • "Terfanadine" can affect the weight of the fetus with frequent use.
  • Allertek is more or less safe in the second and third trimester of pregnancy.
  • “Suprastin” and “Tavegil” are recommended to be used only based on vital signs, i.e. when the effect of taking them may exceed the potential risk to the fetus.

Allergies during pregnancy: how to treat (folk remedies)

Eliminate local symptoms will help allergies ethnoscience, through which you can prepare ointments, mash and medicinal decoctions at home. They are considered quite reliable and have stood the test of time.

The mash consists of an active substance such as starch, talc or clay, mixed with water, alcohol or oil. The mixed components are applied to the problem area of ​​the skin and have a soothing, anti-inflammatory and softening effect.

Local decoctions of celandine, string, nettle, chamomile and calendula are excellent, i.e., everything that is used to treat allergies during pregnancy without the risk of aggravating it.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy

Balanced and proper nutrition- one of the most important factors in prevention and treatment allergic diseases. There are products that, due to their composition, can easily provoke an allergic reaction and its further development: chocolate, chicken, fish, citrus fruits, eggs, etc. For some women, this list is individual, so it all depends on the predisposition to the type of allergen.

If you do not know which food component you are allergic to, then the best solution would be to keep a food diary, which will reflect your diet and reaction to certain foods. Exclusion of such harmful products from the diet will significantly facilitate the course of pregnancy and the woman’s well-being in general.

But even if a woman does not suffer from food allergies, she is recommended to adhere to a hypoallergenic diet, starting from the 6th month of pregnancy, in order to avoid the development of diathesis in the unborn baby.

Treatment of severe allergies

In this case, it will not be possible to use only antihistamines, especially since they are effective only for topical use.

If all the symptoms of Quincke's edema are present or anaphylactic shock, then you must immediately consult a doctor or call a ambulance", in order to avoid extremely unpleasant consequences.


Without a doubt, we can say that the only reliable adviser for any manifestations of allergies should remain a specialized doctor. Careful adherence to all his recommendations and self-care during pregnancy will significantly reduce the risk of allergic reactions, which will have a positive effect on both the mother and her unborn child.

Do not overuse self-medication; at the first signs of a serious allergy, consult a doctor without delay. Remember, your health and the health of your child is priceless!

How allergies develop

So, what is the mechanism of allergic reactions? There are three stages in the development of allergies.

First stage. The allergen enters the body for the first time. This may include plant pollen, animal fur, food products, cosmetics, etc. allergy triggers. Cells of the immune system recognize foreign substances and trigger the formation of antibodies. Antibodies attach to the walls of the so-called mast cells, which in huge quantities located under the mucous membranes and epithelial tissues. Such combinations can exist for more than a year and “wait” for the next contact with the allergen.

Second stage. Allergen entering the body again, binds antibodies on the surface of mast cells. This triggers the opening mechanism of mast cells: biologically active substances (histamine, serotonin, etc.) are released from them, which cause the main symptoms of allergies; they are also called inflammatory mediators or pro-inflammatory hormones.

Third stage. Biologically active substances cause vasodilation and increase tissue permeability. Swelling and inflammation occurs. In severe cases, when the allergen enters the bloodstream, severe vasodilation and sharp drop blood pressure (anaphylactic shock).

Anaphylactic shock

Most common manifestations of allergies in pregnant women women are allergic rhinitis, urticaria and angioedema.

The effect of allergies on the fetus

So what is the mechanism occurrence of allergic reactions? There are three stages in the development of allergies. When occurring in the mother the fetus does not experience an allergic reaction of its own allergosis, since specific immunocomplexes reacting to the allergen irritant (antigens - substances that cause allergies, and antibodies produced in response to antigens) do not penetrate the placenta. But nevertheless, the child in the womb experiences the influence of the disease under the influence of three factors:

  • change in mother's condition;
  • possible effect of drugs on the blood supply to the fetus ( medications used for allergies can cause a decrease in uteroplacental blood flow, which fully ensures the life of the fetus);
  • harmful effects of drugs (this will be discussed below).

Allergy treatment

The main goal of immediate allergy treatment is to effectively and safely eliminate the symptoms of OAD in a pregnant woman without the risk of negative effects on the fetus.

Indeed, a person’s reaction to the use of drugs depends on his physiological state, the nature of the pathology and the type of therapy.

Pregnancy in this sense should be considered as a special physiological state. It must be taken into account that up to 45% of pregnant women have diseases of internal organs, and from 60 to 80% regularly take certain medications. On average, during pregnancy a woman takes up to four different medications, not counting vitamins, minerals and biological active additives. Need I say that this is far from safe for the unborn child? Moreover, if a woman makes the decision to take certain medications independently.

Let's consider a clinical example. A 31-year-old woman in the 12th week of pregnancy was taken to the hospital with a diagnosis of acute allergosis, generalized urticaria. This is her second pregnancy, and the woman did not suffer from allergies before going to the hospital. Got sick suddenly, about 1 hour after eating orange juice. A rash appeared on the chest and arms; has begun itchy skin. The woman independently decided to take the pill diphenhydramine, but this did not have the desired effect. On the advice of a doctor friend, she took 1 additional tablet suprastina, also without effect. By morning the rash had spread to the whole body, and the patient called an ambulance medical care. The ambulance doctor administered 2 ml intramuscularly tavegila, there was no effect. The doctor decided to take the woman to the hospital in the general intensive care unit. The allergic reaction disappeared completely after only 3 days.

In the example given, the woman received three different antihistamines before entering the hospital, one of which ( diphenhydramine) is contraindicated during pregnancy. Therefore, in every case of allergies, you must immediately consult a doctor for help.

Most "popular" antihistamines, used in the treatment of allergies, are contraindicated during pregnancy. So, diphenhydramine may cause excitability or contractions of the uterus at a time close to childbirth, when taken in doses greater than 50 mg; after taking terfenadine there is a decrease in the weight of newborns; astemizole has a toxic effect on the fetus; suprastin (chloropyramine), Claritin (loratadine), cetirizine (alleprtek) And Fexadine (fexofenadine) during pregnancy are permissible only if the effect of treatment outweighs the potential risk to the fetus; tavegil (clemastine) during pregnancy should be used only for health reasons; pipolfen (piperacillin) is not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

When an allergic reaction occurs for the first time, it is necessary in any case, even if this condition did not last long, to seek advice from an allergist. I would like to emphasize that the main thing in the treatment of allergic conditions and diseases is not the elimination of allergy symptoms with the help of medications, but the complete exclusion of contact with the allergen.

In order to identify the allergen, special examinations are carried out. Determination of blood levels of IgE antibodies specific for certain allergens and skin prick tests are used. For skin tests, solutions are prepared from potential allergens (extracts of herbs, trees, pollen, animal epidermis, insect venom, food, medicines). The resulting solutions are injected into minimum quantities intradermally. If the patient is allergic to one or more of the listed substances, then local swelling develops around the injection of the corresponding allergen.

What should be done if OAZ manifests itself and what drugs can be used?

  1. If the allergen is known, eliminate exposure immediately.
  2. Contact your doctor.
  3. If it is not possible to consult a doctor, be guided by the following information about antiallergic drugs.

1st generation H2-histamine blockers:

  • Suprastin (chlorpyramidine)- prescribed for the treatment of acute allergic reactions in pregnant women.
  • Pipolfen (piperacillin)— not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Allertek (cyterizine)- Can be used in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy.
  • Tavegil (clemastine)— during pregnancy, use is possible only for health reasons; since it was revealed bad influence this drug on the fetus, then the use of tavegil is possible only in cases where the allergic reaction threatens the patient’s life, and there is no possibility of using another drug for one reason or another.

2nd generation H2-histamine blockers:

Claritin (loratadine)- during pregnancy, use is possible only if the effect of therapy outweighs the potential risk to the fetus, that is, the drug should be used only when allergic condition the mother threatens the fetus more than taking the drug. This risk is assessed by the doctor in each specific case.

3rd generation H2-histamine blockers:

Fexadine (fexofenadine)- during pregnancy, use is possible only if the effect of therapy outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

What to do if you have allergies during pregnancy

One of the main causes of allergies in pregnant women is heredity. A tendency to certain manifestations occurs when there is close contact with an allergen.

Allergy itself rarely occurs for the first time during pregnancy. Most women often know what they are facing. Weakened immunity and increased susceptibility are favorable factors for the development of a non-standard reaction of the body.

Not all medications are safe and effective during this period. To understand what pregnant women can do for allergies , It is necessary to conduct a special analysis for allergens and consult a specialist. Treatment is directly related to preventive measures - it is aimed at eliminating contact with the probable causative agent of the disease. Elimination of its symptoms is directly related to the severity of the allergy.

For mild cases, it is best to choose medications local action- ointments, mash, solutions. If it is serious, any remedies are prescribed by an allergist. In any case, self-medication is a bad option.

Allergy medicine during pregnancy

It is difficult to choose a universal medicine for allergies during pregnancy, since most antihistamines have synthetic origin. They are dangerous to the health of the mother and unborn child.

  • Terfenadine leads to underweight newborn children.
  • Diphenhydramine causes premature birth when taken in the last stages.
  • Pipolfen has a number of dangerous side effects, is strictly prohibited.
  • Claritin, Tavegil and Cetirezin are prescribed only from the second trimester if there is no risk to the fetus.

To the means h then possible allergies during pregnancy include:

  • vitamins C and B12, pantothenic and nicotinic acid, their dosage and course are agreed with the doctor;
  • cold drops based on essential oils or sea salt - Aqua Maris, Pinosol;
  • non-hormonal drops without a vasoconstrictor effect - Salin;
  • homeopathic remedies - Euphorbium Compositum, pharmaceutical herbal preparations;
  • folk remedies - aloe and Kalanchoe juice for rhinitis, and celery root juice for urticaria, soaked gauze water-salt solution for local rash.

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Allergy ointment during pregnancy

Ointment for allergies during pregnancy deserves special attention. This is a hypoallergenic drug with a minimum of ingredients and does not contain hormones. It has a surface effect and is effective in local reactions.

The most famous and cheap option- pantothenic ointment, which heals damage to the epidermis and eliminates skin irritation.

Zinc ointment and modern lanolin-based products - Purelan, Oilatum - are used in small quantities. They reduce dryness and irritation, create a protective film on the skin that prevents further dissemination infections.

Allergy medications for pregnant women by trimester

Antihistamines relieve unwanted allergy symptoms, but do not treat its cause. During pregnancy it is better to avoid products with systemic action, giving preference to creams, ointments and gels. This will reduce the likelihood of side effects. But local therapy may not always give the desired result, and then it is necessary to switch to internal allergy medications for pregnant women.

Both types of medications are taken exclusively under the supervision of the attending physician. Although pregnancy itself is not considered a contraindication for taking many antihistamines.

Eat high probability that medications can harm the fetus in the first trimester of pregnancy, since during this period the internal organs of the child are formed. Exposure chemically active substances highly undesirable.

Allergy medications during pregnancy 1st trimester

Most often, the body's hypersensitivity in the first trimester makes itself felt in the form of toxicosis. But the likelihood of an allergic reaction is also quite high.

Almost any antihistamines will lead to abnormalities in fetal development. They can be prescribed by a doctor only if there is a threat to the mother’s life or there are no results from treatment of early toxicosis. These are Cetirizine, Parlazine and Zyrtec.

In some cases, Fexofenadine or Telfast are prescribed. Despite laboratory tests, doubts about the advisability of their use are still high.

Allergy medications during pregnancy 2nd trimester

In the second trimester, as in the third, antihistamines are taken on the recommendation of an allergist when their benefit exceeds probable risks. Most often these are Cetirizine, Loratadine and Fexadine.

At acute course allergies, Suprastin or Chloropyramine is prescribed, although their use during pregnancy is contraindicated. The exception is cases when the benefit of drugs for the mother is higher than potential threat for the fetus.

Diphenhydramine can also be prescribed from the second trimester, but its use requires special caution. A side effect is increased excitability uterus. Azelastine is the safest of all options, but it is also not recommended for use in the first trimester. Only from the second trimester under the supervision of a specialist.

Allergy medications during pregnancy 3rd trimester

In the third trimester, Suprastin, Chloropyramine or Azelastine may be prescribed. Again, when the benefits to the mother’s health outweigh the likely risks to the health of the unborn child.

The third trimester is directly related to childbirth. Before taking them, you should stop taking absolutely any allergy medications, since their use can cause sedation and suppress the functioning of the respiratory organs in a newborn child.

Allergies during pregnancy impact on the fetus

Allergy itself during pregnancy does not affect the fetus. Allergens cannot enter the body of the unborn child through the placenta. Their effect is limited by heredity - a child may have a negative reaction to the same substances and foods as his mother. But still, this fact does not provide a hundred percent guarantee that the baby will grow up with allergies.

The negative impact of allergies can occur when there are complications in the general health of the pregnant woman. With the development of anaphylactic shock and bronchial asthma, breathing becomes difficult, which leads to a lack of oxygen. And this leads to fetal hypoxia. General symptoms allergies also negatively affect the child - he feels a cough, a runny nose and fatigue, which leaves an imprint on his future immunity.

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How does an allergy affect a child during pregnancy? The work of a pregnant woman’s immune system is complicated by carrying a child, so it is not always possible to predict the body’s reaction even to familiar products. There are certain time patterns.

The initial period up to 15 weeks is an allergy to the fetus or toxicosis. Time for the body to adapt to an unusual state. Dermatoses may occur and asthma may develop. There are strict restrictions on taking antihistamines.

The second half of pregnancy - at 22 weeks the baby’s immune system is formed. When allergens enter through the gastrointestinal tract, antibodies are likely to appear. Upon repeated contact with the pathogen, the child will develop an allergy. Therefore, it is important to monitor your diet.

Are allergies dangerous during pregnancy?

The answer to the question whether allergies are dangerous during pregnancy depends on the degree of the allergic reaction.

Severe disease leads to:

  • anaphylactic shock - loss of consciousness, a sharp drop in blood pressure, bronchospasm, if help is not provided in a timely manner, death is likely;
  • generalized urticaria - rash and blisters all over the body, severe itching, deterioration in general health, irritability, typical for the second half of pregnancy;
  • Quincke's edema - swelling of loose tissue of the neck, face and respiratory organs - larynx and trachea, develops when an allergic reaction occurs on the face.

If you do not start treating allergies in a timely manner, then depressed state female body will affect the baby's health and lead to premature birth.

Body allergies during pregnancy

Allergic reactions on the body during pregnancy can manifest themselves in different ways depending on the source of inflammation. First of all, the symptoms are noticeable on the skin, and then on the mucous membranes of external and internal organs.

Common types of body allergies during pregnancy are:

  • Rhinitis - congestion in the nasal sinuses, difficulty breathing, inflammation of the mucous membrane, accompanied by frequent discharge, burning in the larynx, and sneezing. Its causes are dust, cosmetic odors and household chemicals, dust and pollen.
  • Reaction to cats as a result of contact with animals - sneezing, inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye, rash on the hands, itching, stuffy nose, tearing. An allergen is a protein found on the skin and secretions of cats.
  • Reaction to citrus fruit- at mild form characterized by a rash, with moderate - diarrhea and flatulence, with severe - lack of appetite, severe disorder intestines.

Allergy to the stomach during pregnancy

Allergy to the stomach during pregnancy is of a local nature. It is localized in small areas of the skin in the form of urticaria or dermatitis.

Hives appear in the form of small blisters, similar to a nettle burn.

Most often, allergies on the stomach, as well as on the back and chest, are a manifestation of allergic contact dermatitis. Hyperemia or redness appears on the affected area, characteristic - slight swelling, peeling and itching.

Facial allergies during pregnancy

Facial allergies during pregnancy appears in the form of small reddish spots or large red lesions with pronounced blisters that have a round shape.

It is usually caused by food or cosmetics. But a red rash can also be a reaction to taking large quantity vitamins If urticaria is caused by an allergy to sweets, it is rarely limited to rashes on the face. The rash covers the hands and neck.

A dangerous consequence of an allergic reaction on the face is Quincke's edema. It can lead to swelling of the respiratory system and block the access of oxygen not only to the mother, but also to the fetus.

Hand allergies during pregnancy

Hand allergies during pregnancy has several external manifestations. Usually it is a small red rash. In more serious cases- blisters accompanied by burning and itching. Swelling of the hands can also be caused by a negative reaction of the body.

Severe allergies

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The content of the article:

Allergies in pregnant women can become a serious problem that affects quality of life and health. According to statistics, about 20% of women experience some kind of hypersensitivity reaction for the first time while expecting a child. For the most part, they are minor and go away in a short period of time without treatment.

But there are women who had signs of allergies before pregnancy, and then intensified. And quite naturally the questions arise: “How to treat allergic rash in pregnant women?”, “Which allergy pills are preferable?”, “What is the effect on the fetus in case of allergies in pregnant women?” We will examine this and much more in more detail in our article.

An allergy that occurs for the first time during pregnancy is the response of the immune system to an encounter with an allergen, an incorrect reaction of the body to an irritant. Anything can act as an allergen: from book dust to... sun rays. It is difficult to predict how the immune system will behave during pregnancy. On the one hand, during this period the synthesis of the hormone cortisol increases, which can calm down any allergic reaction.

In general, the fetus itself carries half of the foreign genetic information inherited from the father. For the mother’s immunity, the fetus is not “its own,” but immune reactions during pregnancy proceed according to different laws. The immune system produces fewer antibodies, otherwise immune complexes would simply destroy the embryo. So, if a pregnant woman has a sprinkle on her nose or is constantly running from her nose, this is the exception rather than the rule.

The following contribute to the appearance of allergies:

Prolonged stress.
Excessive emotionality and nervousness.
Use of medications.
Poor nutrition, abuse of products containing many dyes, preservatives, and other chemicals.
Working conditions associated with the presence of “hazards”: aniline dye, pharmaceutical, chemical production, etc.
Hereditary predisposition.
Malfunction of the immune system.
Changing your usual household chemicals: new shampoo, perfume or detergent.
Contact with plants, flowering trees, inhalation of pollen.
Animals in the house, hobby for aquariums.
A large number of carpets, books.
Rare wet cleaning, etc.

It is impossible to predict what exactly a pregnant woman might have a hypersensitivity reaction to.

Allergy itself is not a contraindication to pregnancy.

Manifestation of allergies in pregnant women

Symptoms are similar to classic manifestations of allergies and may be present alone or in combination:

Nasal congestion, mucus discharge,
redness and swelling of the eyelids,
skin manifestations,

If we use medical terminology, then frequent consequences of allergies are the development of rhinitis, conjunctivitis, urticaria or dermatitis. Conjunctivitis and rhinitis, as a rule, occur in combination. If the allergic process continues for a long time, nasal polyps develop, a large amount of mucus is constantly produced, and vision deteriorates.

Hives is the name given to a rash that resembles blisters after contact with nettles. Sometimes such a rash is called urticarial, because “urtica” is translated as “nettle.”

What are mild and severe allergic reactions?

Allergic reactions are divided into mild and severe. The lungs develop as urticaria, runny nose, lacrimation, the manifestations are minor, and respond well to therapy.

The following conditions are considered severe:

Quincke's edema
With Quincke's edema, a pregnant woman's neck, face, larynx and trachea suddenly swell, which makes breathing much more difficult. Calling an ambulance justified emergency care. Taking hormones and antihistamines for health reasons.

Anaphylactic shock
Anaphylactic shock is characterized by the development of bronchospasm and a drop in blood pressure to critical levels. As a rule, the reaction occurs with lightning speed, the woman is unconscious, and even the immediate start of intravenous therapy does not always save life.

Generalized allergic reaction
The generalized form of urticaria occurs closer to the third trimester of pregnancy. In this case, the entire skin is involved in the pathological process. Suffering general health, since urticaria is accompanied by debilitating skin itching. Hospitalization to a skin disease clinic for inpatient treatment is indicated.

In most pregnant women, allergy symptoms appear until about halfway through pregnancy, and then gradually begin to subside, without reminding them of themselves before childbirth.

When the allergen cannot be identified, there is an assumption that the allergy developed during pregnancy itself and is associated with hormonal changes.

Food allergies

Food allergy is the occurrence of any allergic reaction after eating a specific product. Most often, this Exotic fruits and vegetables, seafood, honey, confectionery With long term storage and big amount preservatives, purchased juices based on chemistry.

There are allergies to milk, to sweets, to spicy foods - to any food. The patient is concerned about rashes, skin itching, and peeling.

What to do

Try to figure out what caused the allergic reaction and prevent contact with the allergen in the future. The rash may go away on its own in a few days without treatment.

If a pregnant woman's skin rashes do not become less noticeable within 48 hours, and the itching intensifies, it is better to consult a doctor.

Allergy to drugs

If, while taking medications, complaints characteristic of a hypersensitivity reaction appear, this issue is discussed with a doctor. Perhaps the drug will be replaced with a similar one or canceled altogether.

If a pregnant woman is allergic to Utrozhestan, and the symptoms are significant, then there are many other progesterone-based drugs, for example, Crinon. There is a possibility that if you change the form of the drug, for example, suppositories to capsules, you will not need to discontinue the medication.

Symptoms of an allergy to Utrozhestan are as follows:

Redness of the vaginal mucosa,
feeling foreign body,

It is known that during pregnancy, in order to avoid a number of problems, it is justified to take vitamins C mineral complexes. If taking multivitamins is accompanied by allergies, change the manufacturer or take separately selected vitamins, for example, folic acid, vitamin E, C, etc.

Allergy to flowers or seasonal allergies during pregnancy

Allergies to plants, flowers and trees are the most common intolerance reaction in the human population. Most likely, hay fever (another name) existed before pregnancy. One of characteristic features– seasonality. As a rule, any signs appear during the flowering of trees and grasses, and in winter period there are no symptoms.

What to do

IN ideal, pregnancy needs to be planned in order to turn off the “green” period from it. It makes sense to visit an allergist and immunologist before conception, take special tests and tests to determine the irritant. If this does not work out, perhaps a trip to another climate zone, for example, to the sea, will help.

Rinse your eyes and nose with salted water as often as possible, this will relieve you of some of the allergen.

Do not try to walk through fields and meadows, there are a lot of weeds there, most of which are dangerous for allergy sufferers.

Allergy of pregnant women to cats

Animal fur is not an allergen; the problem is caused by a special protein contained in the cat's saliva and excrement. Some people claim that you won’t get allergies if you get a Sphynx cat (hairless cat), but this is not true. A cat can carry anything on its fur: fungal spores, dust mites, pollen, mold, and albumin is synthesized in both hairless and hairy cats.

What to do

Give the cat to relatives or friends for a few months.

If this is not possible, try not to contact the animal and entrust the care to another family member.

Do not let your pet go outside.

Allergic contact dermatitis

If you have a skin allergy, you most likely have contact dermatitis. This means that the reaction occurred, for example, after using a new cream, which caused an allergy on the face of a pregnant woman.

If the immune system does not tolerate synthetics, an allergy will appear on the stomach, chest or back in the form of an itchy rash. When the cause of the reaction is grass, a rash will appear on the legs if the beautiful lady walked barefoot in the garden or meadow.

Manifestations of contact dermatitis:

skin itching,
the appearance of blisters similar to urticaria.

What to do

Find out what caused it. Do not use new unusual cosmetics and detergents during pregnancy.

Cover bare areas of the body from exposure to irritants.

Wear things only with natural ingredients.

Use hypoallergenic powders for washing.

Wash dishes using household gloves; it is better to wear them when coming into contact with any household chemicals.

Allergies during pregnancy: treatment

Proper nutrition

The most important thing is no contact with the allergen.

Particular attention is paid to diet. The following products should be excluded from the diet:

Oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapefruits,
berries: strawberries, raspberries, currants, cherries, wild strawberries,
marinades and canned food,
spicy, sour, salty dishes,
smoked meats,
caviar red and black,
store-bought juices,
peanuts and Pine nuts,
chocolate and candies,
sausages and sausages.

The exception is meat products(sausage or frankfurters) prepared without preservatives from natural meat yourself.

What can a pregnant woman eat if she has allergies?

It is impossible to allow the diet to be unbalanced or the caloric content of the diet to be too low. You can eat well with the “right” foods.

Allowed to use:

Milk and dairy - sour foods,
cottage cheese and homemade cheese from goat milk,
apples and pears,
unsweetened freshly brewed compotes,
meat low-fat varieties,
all kinds types of cereals,
bread, crackers.

Is it possible or not for pregnant women with allergies? walnuts, eggs, seafood - decided individually. IN acute period It is better to refrain from using them.

At food allergies general principle pregnant women's nutrition is the same. A product that is suspected of allergenicity to the body is subject to exclusion.

The following substances work as natural antihistamines:

Vitamins C, E, B 12.
Pantothenic and nicotinic acid.

Medicines for an allergic reaction in a pregnant woman

The use of adsorbents is justified. These include Polysorb, activated carbon, etc.

Polysorb is taken in the form of a powder diluted with water, 3 times a day, for a course of 10 days, 1.5 hours after meals.

It is believed that part of the blame for allergic reactions lies with the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, the regimen includes eubiotics (for example, Linex, Bifiform) - drugs to restore and maintain “good” intestinal microflora.

Avoid using antihistamines during pregnancy. For health reasons, it is possible to use Allertek, Loratadine, Claritin, with a preliminary assessment of the benefits and harms from taking them for the fetus and mother.

Do not use Suprastin, Diphenhydramine, Tavegil, Astemizole, Pipolfen in pregnant women.

In the early stages it is preferable local treatment using gels, creams, talkers, aerosols, absorption into the blood medicinal components at local therapy minimal.

Symptoms allergic rhinitis aerosols and drops are removed from a pregnant woman, which are used in pediatric practice.

The effect of allergies in pregnant women on the fetus

If your general health is not suffering, you should not worry too much about a rash or runny nose. Allergies do not affect the fetus, since the placenta reliably protects it from all negative impacts, including allergens.

The danger is that in the future the child may develop allergic reactions to the same plants or products as the mother.

The pills that the expectant mother takes for allergies can be harmful. Therefore, do not self-medicate; a competent doctor knows how to minimize the side effects of drugs, at what time it is possible to treat allergies in a pregnant woman with systemic medications, and at what time it is worth resorting to other regimens.

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Taking allergy pills during pregnancy is one way to reduce symptoms of this disease and improving the general condition of the body.

But given the delicate situation of a woman, allergy pills during pregnancy must be selected and taken correctly, since the components contained in these medications can adversely affect the development of the fetus.

What is an allergy

An allergy is a specific reaction of the body to the introduction of certain substances, which occurs due to increased sensitivity to the allergen.

Allergy is not considered a type of disease, but a form of reaction of the body’s immune system to an ingested substance.

The main symptoms of allergies may include manifestations such as rashes on the body and face, lacrimation, bronchospasms, and headaches.

Features of allergies during pregnancy

During pregnancy, allergies can also occur, and the reasons for its occurrence during this period become much more numerous, since the woman’s body becomes especially sensitive to all sorts of irritants.

The appearance of allergies in most cases does not pose a danger to the baby, but they often greatly worsen the condition of a pregnant woman.

During pregnancy, 4 types of allergic reactions can occur, and each requires the correct response to its occurrence.

Types of allergic reactions

  1. The occurrence of pregnancy causes allergies - you should consult an allergist who will help determine the allergen;
  2. The allergy existed before pregnancy, and its onset does not affect the manifestation of allergic reactions - you should also contact an allergist to determine medications that will help reduce or remove the symptoms;
  3. Worsening of allergy symptoms during pregnancy is a rare occurrence; you should immediately consult a doctor in order to normalize the woman’s condition;
  4. Improvement of allergy symptoms during conception - as pregnancy progresses, the production of the hormone cortisol, which is responsible for reducing allergic reactions, is activated.

Preparations for relieving allergic manifestations

The development of allergies should be under the supervision of an allergist and gynecologist. During this period, not all antihistamines can be used. The most common helpers here are the following allergy pills during pregnancy.

Ascorbic acid helps reduce the sensitivity of a pregnant woman's body to allergens; this drug is especially effective when a respiratory type of allergy occurs.

Vitamin C tablets are taken three times a day after meals three times a day.

But before taking ascorbic acid, read about vitamin C allergies.

Pantothenic acid perfectly helps reduce the severity of allergic reactions in the form of rhinitis. Reception is carried out three times a day, 1 pc.

Nicotinamide helps minimize symptoms of pollen allergies. Reception should be carried out after meals, 1 pc.

Even minor allergies during pregnancy affect the body of the woman and the fetus. The disease is especially dangerous in the first weeks, because tissues and systems of the body begin to form, and the placenta is not yet able to fully protect against negative influences from the outside. In the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, the disease does not have a serious effect on the fetus; antigens cannot penetrate the membrane surrounding it.

A woman’s poor health affects the baby’s health. And taking medications without the supervision of a doctor provokes fetal malformations and can cause miscarriage.

What causes allergies in pregnant women

There are many reasons for allergies

When the rash appeared on the face, heavy discharge from the genitals, runny nose or red eyes, you need to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist. Allergies are rarely causeless; most often there are catalysts for the process. The problem is often caused by medications:

  • Penicillin;
  • Aspirin;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Magnesia;
  • Utrozhestan;
  • Femibion;
  • Fraxiparine;
  • Duphaston;
  • Iodomarin;
  • Folic acid;
  • Anticonvulsant medications.

Problems during pregnancy are caused by household allergens - dog and cat hair, chemicals, mold, cockroaches, insects, cigarette smoke, dust. Under the influence of the increased sensitivity of the female body during pregnancy, an allergy to the sun may begin, which manifests itself as neoplasms on the body, as in the photo. The disease during pregnancy occurs due to a reaction to pollen from grasses, weeds, shrubs, and cereal plants during flowering.

Food allergies are common and occur due to food intolerances. The most common culprits are shrimp, honey, chocolate, nuts, citrus fruits, milk, fish, salmon, soy, eggs, prunes, bananas, apples, and zucchini. Depending on the body, the problem may even appear due to tomatoes, peppers, watermelon (August - September).

Symptoms of an allergic reaction

Signs of the disease appear in the area digestive system, respiratory tract, on skin. They depend on which allergen is causing the problem. The following symptoms are noted during pregnancy:

  • constant sneezing and coughing;
  • lack of air, shortness of breath;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • numbness or tingling of the tongue;
  • rash on the stomach, arms, face, legs;
  • peeling of the skin, severe itching;
  • constant runny nose, nasal discharge.

It happens that women think that the allergy has gone away, but soon the symptoms manifest themselves again. The worst option is anaphylactic shock, which can lead to the death of the mother and fetus. It manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • swelling of the throat and tongue;
  • abdominal cramps;
  • rash, itching, redness of the skin;
  • reduced arterial pressure;
  • barely noticeable pulse;
  • severe weakness;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • pain when swallowing.

It is urgent to call an ambulance. Required surgery specialists.

Urticaria during pregnancy

How to distinguish allergies from colds during pregnancy

The body's reaction to dust or food can be confused with an acute respiratory infection. Only a doctor can determine the exact allergy. But in order to first identify the cause of red eyes, runny nose and rash, you need to remember your actions before these manifestations.

When a woman for a long time was in the cold or got wet feet, perhaps the reason was a cold. If unpleasant reactions were preceded by cleaning the apartment or walking in the park among a large amount of vegetation, an allergy may have begun. In this case, the woman does not lose her appetite, and when she has a cold, she often does not feel like eating at all.

Aquamaris drops are prescribed

Treatment of allergies in pregnant women in the early stages and in the 2nd and 3rd trimester

It is not recommended to take medications in the first months after conception, since during this period the developing fetus is especially vulnerable. Allergies during pregnancy should be treated under the supervision of a specialist who knows what to do. The doctor will prescribe medications if the expected benefits of therapy are higher than the risks to the fetus.

In the initial weeks of pregnancy, nasal drops Salin and Aquamaris are prescribed for allergies. Physiogel and zinc ointment are prescribed for rashes and eczema. You Can Help With Food Allergies activated carbon, Enterosgel.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the placenta is already formed, therefore it reliably protects the baby from the influence of drugs. If an allergy exacerbation begins, you can take antihistamines (Pheniramine, Diazolin), hormonal agents(Dexamethasone, Prednisolone). Signs of pathology are reduced by creams based on vitamins B12 and C.

In the event of an allergy to last weeks During pregnancy, the list of approved medications is expanding. A woman can be given safe new generation antihistamines. It is allowed to drink Fenistil, Polysorb, Fexadin, Zyrtec, Nazaval drops for allergies.

A number of medications are strictly prohibited in any trimester. Toxic substances eliminate allergy symptoms, but at the same time negatively affect the fetus. For example, Suprastin, Zodak, Xizal, Diphenhydramine Astemizole, Pipolfen, Terfenadine.

It is prohibited to use Suprastin and others.

If after taking medications during pregnancy the manifestations of the disease have not decreased, plasmapheresis can be used in consultation with the doctor. Using this method, it is possible to purify the blood in case of allergies and thereby eliminate the reactions. The procedure is allowed even with a negative Rh factor.

Food for pregnant women with allergies

The disease can be caused by any dish if a woman has an individual intolerance to any ingredient. However, doctors have identified a list of products that provoke allergies. Sometimes eating just a little is enough to break out in a rash.

Pregnant women need to be careful with buckwheat and corn porridge, wheat products, fruits and berries (currants, cranberries, lingonberries, bananas), peas and potatoes. It is not recommended to eat exotic dishes that a woman has not tried before conception. The following foods pose a risk of allergies:

  • nuts;
  • tomatoes;
  • sorrel;
  • caviar, seafood;
  • egg white, milk;
  • chocolate;
  • coffee, black tea;
  • salty, spicy, fatty, smoked dishes.

Get tested

Folk remedies for allergies during pregnancy

At any time, you cannot fight the disease at home without the consent of your doctor. Apply homemade remedies Only permissible in combination with medications. The ingredients used may make the reaction worse.

For rashes on the body, decoctions of nettle, string, and chamomile (1 tablespoon per liter of water) help well. You need to soak a clean bandage in the liquid and apply several lotions every day for 30 minutes. Baths with the addition of 2 tbsp help. l. alternate decoction, oak bark or chamomile.

When rhinitis appears, Kalanchoe juice, aloe or water with sea ​​salt. You need to instill these homemade medicines into each nostril several times a day. The product eliminates secretions and dries out the mucous membrane.

Consult your doctor

Will the baby have allergies?

There is no 100% guarantee of transmission of the disease from mother to child. However, his chances of suffering from negative reactions of the body in the future increase.

May affect the child

Can allergies cause missed abortion?

Yes, if a woman uncontrollably took medications dangerous to the fetus.

Do not take medications uncontrollably

The changes that occur in the body of a woman expecting a baby affect all systems and organs. Pregnancy hormones also affect the immune system.

As a rule, when talking about pregnancy, they often mean a decrease in the expectant mother’s immunity and her vulnerability to viruses and infections.

However, acute immune reactions often occur during pregnancy. In this case, the allergen may be a product or phenomenon that has not previously caused allergic reactions in a woman.

What is an allergy?

Immune cells are designed to protect our body from hazardous substances. An allergic reaction is the work of “especially zealous” immune cells that see danger where it should not exist.

As a result, in response to consuming an allergen product, the same reactions occur that would protect against a virus or splinter: swelling and inflammation, lacrimation and runny nose, and the temperature may rise.

During pregnancy, when all body systems work to ensure the health of the fetus, the likelihood of allergies increases significantly.

Women suffering from seasonal hay fever or urticaria should be especially careful; during pregnancy, allergies may become more severe than usual.

Allergic reactions can vary in symptoms, rate of increase and organs affected. Doctors distinguish several subgroups of allergic manifestations.

  1. Acute allergic reactions.

These are life-threatening conditions, a manifestation of immediate hypersensitivity). Among them:

  • Quincke's edema;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • exudative erythema;
  • atopic bronchial asthma.
  1. Mild reactions.

They do not pose a direct threat to life, but can lead to chronic form. These include:

  • non-viral conjunctivitis,
  • localized urticaria.


The causes of the disease depend on the type of allergen and the presence (or absence) of allergies in the woman before pregnancy.

Some allergens provoke an acute reaction upon first contact.

This type of reaction can be caused by exotic fruits, pollen, and some types of cosmetics.

Another type of allergens (food, some types of medications, dust, fluff and fur of pets, etc.) leaves toxic breakdown products in the body, which gradually accumulate and only then cause allergies.

This is why a reaction may occur to seemingly familiar products. Quite often, pregnant women are allergic to strawberries, tomatoes, chocolate, honey, fluff, sun, and washing powders.

During pregnancy, identifying a specific allergen can be especially difficult, since the fetus itself and its waste products can act as toxins for the mother’s body.

Allergy is a total reaction to pregnancy-dependent and independent factors.


Depending on the severity of the process and its localization, the following table can be compiled of the most typical allergic reactions in pregnant women.

Acute allergic reactions

  • Quincke's edema.

Swelling of the mucous membranes, which may spread to the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Often localized in the respiratory tract (dangerous from asphyxia), genitals.

May also affect joints (pain, stiffness) or spread to the lining of the gastrointestinal tract (pain, ", ").

  • Generalized urticaria.

Severe damage to large areas of skin with severe itching and the appearance of blisters with bright (erythematous) edges. Blisters and skin thickening tend to coalesce.

Unlike milder, localized hives, this type of allergy is not usually associated with previous tactile contact with an allergen.

  • Anaphylactic shock.

May be caused by medications cosmetic product, plant pollen. Acute condition develops within an hour after contact with the allergen (usually in the first 5 minutes).

Anaphylactic shock is often accompanied by other allergic manifestations- swelling of the larynx or urticaria, all reactions can be observed simultaneously, which significantly complicates the woman’s condition.

Mild allergic reactions

  • Allergic rhinitis.

May be caused by seasonal flowering of plants, house dust or animal hair, may also be a manifestation of toxicosis in pregnant women. The disease is manifested by swelling of the nasal mucosa, congestion or secretion of copious mucous secretions, itching in the nose and sneezing.

  • Allergic conjunctivitis.

It usually has the same causes as allergic rhinitis, but the eye area is affected: swelling of the eyelids, redness and itching, blood vessels protrude eyeball, there may be lacrimation and photophobia.

  • Localized urticaria.

It usually appears at the site of contact with the allergen, but can appear without it. Blisters and itching appear on a specific area of ​​the body or limb, but do not affect the entire skin. Allergies can appear on the arms, legs, stomach, neck, chest area or even on the face.

Effect on the fetus?

In most cases, a mother's allergies are not dangerous for the fetus. The placenta takes on the function of filtering possible toxins.

But in case acute reactions, life-threatening conditions for the mother, or extensive swelling that can affect circulation, the fetus may also feel the secondary effects of maternal allergies.

If the mother’s allergy takes a chronic course, then the fetus feels changes in her body. It could be increased need in oxygen due to nasal congestion, and stressful state caused by incessant itching and discomfort.

The side effects of some antihistamines can be more dangerous for the fetus than the feeling of maternal anxiety.

Therefore, treatment of allergic reactions during pregnancy is mainly symptomatic.

However, if acute allergies occur, the health and life of the mother comes first. A woman should not resist treatment, since hypotension and breathing problems will become dangerous for the fetus over time.

In case of angioedema or anaphylactic shock, doctors use the entire arsenal necessary medications for treatment. After the threat to the woman’s life has passed (blood pressure is normalized, swelling of the larynx and gastrointestinal tract subsides), they move on to symptomatic treatment residual phenomena.

If you are allergic to later pregnancy, you must obtain a doctor's opinion that you do not have any skin diseases.]

This certificate is required for admission to the maternity hospital. If you cannot confirm the nature of urticaria or eczema on your skin, you will have to give birth in a maternity hospital for infectious patients.


There is a high probability that the child of allergic parents will also have a tendency to allergies.

That's why preventive treatment For mothers, this is not only the key to a successful pregnancy, but also concern for the future health of the child.

A hypoallergenic diet will protect mother and baby from unnecessary troubles and rid the body of possible toxins. In addition, it is based on the principles of a healthy diet, excluding fried and spicy food, that is, it is beneficial for the mother and fetus.

A strict version of the hypoallergenic diet involves limiting protein foods. But if a woman switched to this diet with for preventive purposes, the section of protein products can be expanded, they are necessary during active growth fetus

If possible, you should get rid of pets or give them to relatives for a while. Spend time in the house regularly wet cleaning, remove long-pile carpets. All this good prevention allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis.

The dietary vagaries of pregnant women are known. But if possible, it is better to refrain from exotic (especially previously unfamiliar) fruits during this period. Some families, out of concern for the health of the mother and unborn baby, decide to temporarily change their unfavorable native climate to warmer countries.

At first glance, this has its advantages. But a change of place of residence is associated with a change in diet, water quality, surrounding insects and plants - and all of this together and individually can become an impetus for the development of an allergic reaction.

Vitamins can cause allergies, but sometimes they also help combat them.

Vitamins C and P affect vascular permeability and reduce the frequency of respiratory events. Vitamin B12 is a natural antihistamine and helps with dermatitis. Fish fat facilitates the course of inflammatory processes.

Personal experience

I am 39 years old. I am a mother of four children. I am not prone to allergies, and never have been. This is what I thought until my 4th pregnancy. When I was 5 months old, I got sick. At first there was severe runny nose, then the cough started. Like common cold, I thought when I went to the doctor. Well, or, in as a last resort, inflammation, which I didn’t even want to think about.

But when the doctor began to examine me, it turned out that there was no inflammation and that I had some kind of unusual cough, and my throat was red. The therapist said that I had allergies, which I categorically denied. But, after undergoing extensive tests, it turned out that my eosinophils in my blood were already off the charts (substances that confirm the presence of an allergic reaction in the body). I was shocked. From where and to what.

The doctor said that it is impossible to treat with drugs now. She didn’t even advise determining what for, since she wouldn’t treat me, it was impossible. I didn’t like it, but I trusted her, because she is a doctor. She also did not prescribe a diet. She prescribed gargling with a decoction of string, for cough “Mukaltin”. In general, she said to be treated with folk remedies that are not harmful.

It didn't help me very much. I had such a suffocating cough that I was surprised how the fetus was still holding up after this. All my muscles ached, including my abdominal area. The doctor then allowed me to take Diazolin, and then only a child’s dose.

And it didn't really help. Time just passed, and the cough subsided on its own. Naturally, I did the assigned procedures, even though I thought that they didn’t really help me. No complications were observed until the end of pregnancy.

For expectant mothers, I advise that in case of any ailments during pregnancy and not only, immediately go to an appointment only with an experienced doctor. By the way, I decided never to contact this therapist. Later, when I told her, everyone was surprised how I could trust her.

During pregnancy, there are many external and internal factors that can cause an allergic reaction in a woman. The best remedy is prevention and it should begin at the stage of pregnancy planning.

If the disease cannot be avoided, then only a doctor can prescribe a treatment that will be effective for the mother and at the same time safe for the fetus.