Can be eaten while breastfeeding. List of products with different allergic activity for nursing mothers. The importance of proper nutrition

First of all, I would like to understand why a woman who is breastfeeding should pay special attention to her own nutrition. Let's start with the obvious reasons.

Firstly, pregnancy and childbirth are a serious test for a woman’s body, therefore, in the postpartum period, her body needs to be restored, replenishing those substances that were used to bear and give birth to a child.

Secondly, the child, although he is no longer directly connected to the mother’s body, continues to feed on what her body produces - breast milk. The elements that make up breast milk are produced by breast cells. In this case, nutrients that are present in the mother’s blood are used. They enter the blood from the intestines. Accordingly, we can say that all the products that make up the mother’s menu are present in one form or another in breast milk. This means that these products must be in sufficient quantity and of the required quality to ensure normal height and baby development.

Thirdly, in our time mothers very often suffer various kinds allergic diseases, dysfunction gastrointestinal tract, arising including in connection with gestosis of pregnancy, and all these conditions lead to the fact that normal barrier function The intestines change, and some antigens (substances that cause an allergic reaction), which are normally excreted from the body, are absorbed into the blood and, accordingly, penetrate into breast milk.

Taking into account all the above considerations, nutritional recommendations for nursing mothers are drawn up.

What should a nursing mother not do?

All women breastfeeding, regardless of health status, allergies, etc., Not recommended:

  • drink alcohol (including beer), smoke (alcohol and nicotine have toxic effect per child);
  • there are foods with a “notorious reputation” for allergens, and these include: chocolate, crabs, crayfish, mackerel;
  • drink strong tea and coffee, which have a stimulating effect on nervous system child;
  • eat onions and garlic (the child may not like the strong specific smell of these products).

Besides, healthy women should limit , and for women suffering from allergic diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and those who have suffered late gestosis - exclude from your diet while breastfeeding following products:

  • citrus fruits, strawberries, raspberries, tropical fruits (mango, avocado, papaya, etc.), milk, eggs, honey, nuts and sugar, delicacy fish (these products, consumed in large quantities, can cause allergies in a child);
  • products containing significant amounts of artificial preservatives and colors (for example, carbonated soft drinks, confectionery and etc.);
  • smoked meats, canned snack foods, mayonnaise;
  • brown bread, legumes and grapes (can lead to increased gas formation in a child’s intestines, especially in the first three months of his life);
  • lard and fatty varieties meat (these products contain a large number of so-called saturated fatty acids, harmful to health, and are poorly digested in the gastrointestinal tract).

What can a nursing mother do?

We hasten to reassure those who are frightened by the “severe” restrictions listed above: despite all these prohibitions, there remains enough big choice products that a nursing mother can and should include in her diet. Nursing mothers can eat:

  • Dairy products:
    • dairy products(kefir, yogurt, bifidokefir, yoghurts without fruit additives) - up to 600-800 ml per day;
    • milk - no more than 200 ml per day (it is better to use it for cooking various dishes- porridge, puree, etc.);
    • cottage cheese and mild cheese.
  • Meat and fish:
    • lean beef varieties;
    • lean pork;
    • rabbit;
    • bird;
    • fish - any types of river and sea ​​fish except those mentioned in the first list
  • Fats:
    • butter;
    • creamy varieties of margarine (limited);
    • vegetable oils (all types)
  • Any cereals, bread - better with bran.
  • Confectionery products - dry cookies, crackers, marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade.
  • Vegetables and fruits, with the exception of those mentioned in the first list.
  • Beverages:
    • tea (weak black and green)
    • herbal teas with oregano, mint, thyme (these herbs stimulate milk production);
    • weak coffee;
    • compotes;
    • fruit drinks;
    • table still mineral water.
    • Total The amount of fluid you drink should be 1.5-2 liters per day (in the first three days after birth - the period of lactation - it is recommended to limit the amount of fluid you drink to 1 liter per day).

What should a nursing mother add to her diet?

Exist specialized products for nursing mothers . These include:

    Drinks and juices for pregnant women and nursing mothers;

    Teas for pregnant and lactating women;

    Porridge instant cooking for pregnant and lactating women;

    Dry protein-vitamin-mineral complexes for nursing mothers;

    Vitamins for pregnant and lactating women.

All these products increase lactation, replenish vitamin deficiencies and minerals, and some are squirrels.

The baby is growing

Should a nursing mother's diet change depending on the age of the child? We have already mentioned that in the first three days after birth it is advisable to limit the amount of fluid consumed. At the same time, a dairy-vegetable diet is recommended. Then, until three months, while the baby is especially susceptible to colic, you should abstain from foods that causing flatulence(see above).

Quality and quantity of breast milk

The question often arises about quality breast milk. It must be said that it is unambiguous to decide whether mother’s milk contains enough necessary for the child essential nutrients, vitamins and microelements, can only be carried out chemical analysis milk. Content squirrel in breast milk practically does not depend on the amount of protein eaten by the mother, but the content fat, vitamins and minerals may indeed fluctuate depending on maternal diet. That is why you should avoid low-fat and especially fatty foods and be sure to take multivitamin-mineral complexes.

Quantity breast milk is determined more by genetic predisposition than by diet. However, if there is a shortage of breast milk, you should first of all pay attention to the amount of fluid consumed (it may simply not be enough), and also include in your diet specialized products for nursing mothers that increase lactation. They are quite effective and help cope with hypogalactia (lack of milk). If there is an excess amount of milk, it is recommended to limit fluid intake, and if this does not help and there is too much milk, it is best to consult a doctor.

How to avoid trouble?

While breastfeeding, especially if the mother suffers from allergies or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is useful to keep a “food diary”, noting the appearance of new foods in the diet. New products should be introduced one at a time and in small quantities. If the child does not appear within three days skin rashes, not noted disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, does not change sleep and behavior(that is, the baby does not have a tummy ache), which means that the child normally tolerates the innovation in the mother’s diet. And vice versa: if a child has rash, bowel movements, anxiety(usually associated with intestinal colic), you should think about whether any of the foods that the nursing mother ate in the last three days could be allergens.

Nowadays, many courses on preparation for childbirth, “ traditional healers”, and even, alas, some “smart” books advise completely avoiding eating meat during pregnancy and breastfeeding. We would like to emphasize that this can lead to the development of anemia in the child - that is, his organs and tissues begin to suffer from a lack of oxygen, which means that he grows worse and lags behind in development. Refusal of meat - one of the staple foods and the main sources of protein, iron and vitamin B 12 - will negatively affect the health of a nursing (and pregnant!) woman, and therefore, the health of the child. Therefore, blindly following such recommendations is unacceptable. If vegetarianism is a life principle for you that you do not want to compromise under any circumstances, then during breastfeeding you need to very carefully monitor the intake of iron and vitamin B12. Be sure to consult your doctor - he will recommend a suitable diet and the necessary vitamin complexes.

In conclusion I would like to say: constant nervousness, increased suspiciousness of a nursing mother can be a factor much more harmful than “wrong” food. If your baby is not yet a month old, problems arising from breastfeeding the problems are most likely connected not so much with the gastronomic “crimes” of the mother, but with objective difficulties adaptation period. Babies are often tormented up to three months intestinal colic, which is also most often a consequence of the immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract, and not of an incorrectly selected menu. Listen to the advice of experts and... to your own “ inner voice“- a mother’s instinct rarely fails.

Reading time: 8 minutes

Breast milk is rich in proteins, carbohydrates, fatty compounds, vitamins, microelements and others nutrients. This abundance comes to the child from the mother's body. Therefore, it is very important to make a nursing mother’s diet correct, balanced, and varied to regularly replenish losses. The diet must be enriched with main food groups: a variety of fruits, baked goods, dairy products, vegetables, meat, fats, fish, berries.

Food for a nursing woman

The diet of a nursing mother must include:

  • Meat – rabbit, veal, turkey, skinless chicken. Meat dishes should be present in the diet every day in stewed, baked or boiled form.
  • Dairy products - cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, plain yogurt, kefir. It is advisable for a nursing mother to eat them daily or every other day. It is forbidden to add jam, honey or sugar to dairy products, as this can cause severe gas formation.
  • Fish low-fat varieties– pike perch, cod, pollock, flounder, hake.
  • Vegetables – broccoli, pumpkin, cauliflower, turnip, cucumbers. Prepare dishes from stew mixtures without adding oil. Before use in prepared vegetables add a little unrefined vegetable oil.
  • Cereals - corn, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal.
  • Sweets – biscuits, marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows.
  • Fats – butter, vegetable oil.
  • Pasta without egg additives.
  • Nuts – Walnut, almonds, hazelnuts in moderation two hours after the main meal.
  • Fruits - bananas, peeled apples, persimmons, apricots, pomegranates, cherries. It is not recommended for a nursing mother to eat such fruits on an empty stomach, or two hours after the main meal.
  • Drinks - herbal teas with thyme, oregano, mint, non-carbonated mineral water, fruit drinks, compotes, rosehip decoction.

Daily diet to increase lactation

The nutrition of a nursing mother has a direct impact on the amount of milk produced in her body. If you don't eat well, the quality and quantity of your milk will suffer. How to increase lactation, what foods to eat? First of all, it's worth remembering that daily diet should be 2500 kcal. You shouldn’t eat for two; you need to learn how to choose the right food.

To improve the quality of milk, daily include in your diet 200 g of meat or fish, a glass of kefir or milk, 100 g of cottage cheese, 30 g of hard cheese, that is, the emphasis in nutrition should be on rich in protein food. If you supplement it with fruits, vegetables, whole grain bread, then lactation will increase, the body will be provided with everything necessary substances. It is also important to follow the correct drinking regime in the nutrition of a nursing mother. You should drink two liters of liquid per day.

Menu for a nursing mother in the first month: table

Nutrition in the first month of a nursing mother is very important for the child, since then the foundation of his health is laid. At first, the diet followed is strict, but gradually new dishes are included in it. They should be introduced carefully and gradually in order to have time to track the baby’s reaction to each product. At the same time, nutrition for a nursing mother should be equivalent in fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamin and mineral composition, calories and dietary fiber. For convenience, below is a table that describes in detail the diet of the first month.

Menu for a nursing mother in the first month

Authorized Products

Principles of nutrition

1-2 days Oatmeal with milk, vegetable soups, mashed potatoes, cutlets from lean fish and meat, vegetable stew and meat, butter, yogurt, cottage cheese, sour cream, hard cheese, whole grain bread, kefir, fermented baked milk, dry biscuits, weak tea, dried fruit compotes. The first days should be gentle in terms of nutrition. All products are stewed or boiled.
1st week Porridge with milk and water; stewed, boiled, steamed skinless chicken, rabbit, veal, beef, lean pork; stewed and boiled vegetables; soups with a second meat broth, vegetarian, without frying; fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, cheese; rye-wheat, bran, wheat bread, cracker; herbal teas for nursing mothers, compotes from apples and dried fruits, weak tea with a small amount of milk, boiled water. Dietary requirements remain just as strict. At this time, the nursing mother’s lactation begins to develop, so a nutritious diet is important. Breastfeeding mothers are prohibited from carbonated drinks, whole milk, yoghurts with fillers, strong tea, coffee, industrial juices and compotes.
7-14 days It is allowed to add boiled or baked seafood to the diet white fish, eggs, mild hard cheese, pasta in limited quantities, crackers and bagels, dried apricots, prunes. The rules remain just as strict. Each new product is introduced gradually.
Subsequent days until the end of the month It is allowed to add apricots, black currants, gooseberries, chokeberries, plums; yellow-green and green apples and pears, bananas; cucumbers, grated carrots, white cabbage, zucchini, parsley and dill; river and sea fish. The diet of nursing mothers is gradually expanding. You are allowed to add no more than one new product per day to keep up with the reaction infant. Slowly introduced fresh vegetables and fruits that provide microelements, vitamins, dietary fiber to prevent the development of constipation and healthy eating. It is mandatory for nursing mothers to consume meat and dairy products daily, a couple of times a week - boiled eggs.

Proper nutrition for a nursing mother by month

For proper nutrition a nursing mother should keep a diary where you will record the time of the meal and everything that was included in it. This will allow you to track products and adjust your diet correctly. It is better to choose whole grains as the basis of your diet, such as buckwheat, oats or rice. Give preference to bread made from wholemeal flour. The diet of a nursing mother must be enriched with dairy products with a low percentage of fat. And fermented milk products should not contain fruit substitutes, dyes or sugar.

  • First month: we consume meat in moderation, otherwise it will negatively affect the functioning of the child’s liver and kidneys. Give preference to fish and poultry. The diet of a nursing mother should be devoid of sweet, spicy and salty foods, chips, red fruits, canned food, crackers and any products containing an excess of preservatives, stabilizers and emulsifiers.
  • In the second month, we gradually introduce barley, pearl barley and wheat porridge. You can cook them in low-fat milk with a piece butter. Vegetables include pumpkin, peppers, eggplant, turnips, carrots, beets, greens, and cabbage. Enrich the diet of a nursing mother with boiled beef tongue, pasta, crackers and cookies. Eat jam or preserves in moderation. The menu must contain fruits that grow in the region of your residence.
  • From the third to the sixth month it is allowed to include fresh juices from beets, apples, carrots and pumpkins, fresh onions and honey.
  • Starting from the sixth month, gradually add legumes, beans, veal and beef, seafood to the diet of a nursing mother. fresh fruits, dried White bread, fruit juices. During this period, complementary foods are usually introduced to the baby, so you are allowed to experiment a little with products. Remember that a child’s allergies do not appear immediately after the first introduction of new foods. For example, you ate beet salad and the baby is fine the next day. But after the second intake of the same salad, diathesis may appear. Therefore, each dish must undergo double or even triple testing.

Diet for a mother with colic in a child

Nutrition for a nursing mother with colic in a child should be balanced. It should contain carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, fats, and microelements in sufficient quantities. The calorie content of the diet is 2500 kcal, which allows you to produce the required amount of milk, and at the same time will not harm the mother’s figure. The drinking regime includes two liters of liquid, represented by green and black weak tea, drinking water.

If the baby has colic, industrial juices, carbonated drinks, sweet, salty and fatty foods. You shouldn’t get too carried away with homemade juices either. Foods that provoke increased gas formation: chocolate, legumes, cabbage, whole milk, mushrooms, onions and garlic.

Nursing mothers are allowed to eat vegetables only in baked, stewed or boiled form and only in white or green color. Before consumption, apples are peeled and baked in the oven. Dairy products should be removed from the diet for a while, but kefir can be left in the diet. Their return to the diet should be gradual, while at the same time you need to monitor the baby’s reaction.

Drinking regime during lactation

To maintain normal breastfeeding, it is important for a nursing mother to follow the correct drinking regime. You should drink at least two liters of fluid per day. Immediately after birth, large amounts of water should not be administered. Before breastfeeding, when colostrum is produced, the amount of fluid consumed is limited to one liter. Otherwise, when you start producing milk, you will have an excess of it, which will make it difficult to separate.

Nursing mothers should avoid whole milk in their diet. It contains foreign proteins, which can provoke the development of allergies in the baby. Industrial juices should be completely excluded, and homemade juices should be consumed in moderation. Include mineral water in your nursing mother's drinking regimen. still water, broths, curdled milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, yoghurts, dried fruit compotes, herbal infusions and decoctions.

What not to eat during breastfeeding

  • Sweet pastries and chocolate.
  • Canned foods.
  • Strong coffee and tea.
  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Semi-finished products.
  • Horseradish, mustard.
  • Soft cheeses, blue cheeses.
  • Garlic, hot pepper.
  • Mayonnaise and hot sauces.
  • Fried meat, kebabs.
  • Smoked sausages.
  • Salo.
  • Cocoa.
  • Cheremsha.
  • Pollock and cod caviar.
  • Spicy herring, squid, mussels, octopus in sauce and other fish delicacies.

The ban on such products for nursing mothers is due to the fact that they can harm the milk (make it very salty, bitter, spicy), provoke heartburn, allergies, and colic in the baby. In general, when breastfeeding, it is necessary to monitor each dish: what is harmful to one child will not have an effect on another. Broccoli, cabbage, beans, onions, peas, coffee, and dairy products can cause bloating and colic. Nuts, citrus fruits, eggs, chocolate can provoke allergies, so during the first months you should not overuse these products.

Remember that initially nursing mothers should not give up the entire list of foods that can have Negative influence per child, otherwise you simply won’t have anything to eat. Try foods you like in small doses while keeping an eye on your baby. Introduce these dishes one by one, gradually. And if, for example, after eating stewed cabbage, your child begins to bloat, then eliminate this dish for at least a month.

Video: mother’s nutrition while breastfeeding - Dr. Komarovsky

The topic of the video below is varied diet women. Talks about five product groups that are the basis a complete diet. In addition, the doctor talks about people’s misunderstanding of the term “varied diet.”

The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on individual characteristics specific patient.

Proper nutrition while breastfeeding is extremely important. It helps prevent milk shortages, as well as maximize the duration of breastfeeding.

Nutrition Vegetable puree During lactation
dried fruits vitamin C For low blood pressure
Diet Calcium Dark Chocolate

Together with milk, the baby receives all the necessary nutrients, and can also avoid dysbiosis, intestinal colic, constipation and allergic reactions. IN in this case great importance has mother's nutrition during breastfeeding.

Features of the diet of a nursing mother

If the nutrition of a nursing mother during breastfeeding is organized correctly, then occasionally she can afford a prohibited product, if she really wants, and without feeling like a criminal.

Only healthy food during lactation

Dr. Komarovsky identifies 5 basic principles of nutrition during lactation.

  1. Danger - you must completely avoid alcoholic beverages and those products that can cause fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract and also contain harmful additives(sweeteners, dyes, flavor enhancers). Junk food should be consumed in small doses, and then monitor the baby’s reaction. If the body does not react, this product is not allergenic for your baby and may well be included in the daily menu.
  2. Quality - food during breastfeeding should consist only of fresh, healthy and healthy foods. It is necessary to completely abandon smoked meats, quick food, carbonated drinks, canned food, semi-finished products.
  3. Variety - nutrition during lactation should include all the necessary food groups - fish, meat, vegetables, berries, dairy and fermented milk products, eggs, bread, vegetable oil.
  4. Regime – you need to eat in small portions 5-6 times a day. Optimal time for eating is considered 30 minutes before feeding the baby.
  5. Individual characteristics - by gradually introducing new foods into the diet, the mother will be able to determine whether they are suitable for her baby. Some children do not feel any discomfort from cabbage salad with the addition of cucumber, but harmless zucchini may cause an allergy.

They put it on in the maternity hospital.

Mother's nutrition in the first month

The first month after childbirth is considered the most severe diet menu moms. This is because the baby's digestive and enzyme system does not yet know any nutrients other than sterile amniotic fluid.

According to many pediatricians, in the first month, a mother’s diet when feeding her baby should be subject to a strict diet, and foods should be introduced daily in a certain way. It is this approach that will help protect the baby from colic and food allergic reactions, and will also help to function properly. digestive system child.

A mother's nutrition during breastfeeding at 1 month should consist of:

  • low fat fermented milk drinks– curdled milk, kefir, yogurt;
  • cottage cheese;
  • hard cheeses;
  • raw seeds;
  • boneless beef broth;
  • boiled or steamed beef;
  • low-fat steamed fish;
  • raw fruits and vegetables, excluding cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers;
  • jacket potatoes;
  • oatmeal;
  • beets;
  • boiled egg yolks;v
  • biscuits;
  • berry fruit drinks.v

What to feed a baby at 5-6 months?

If a child was fed exclusively on mother's milk for up to six months and at the same time gained excellent weight and height, then it is time to introduce new foods into the diet. Depending on the baby’s developmental characteristics, the pediatrician’s recommendations and your personal preferences, you can introduce vegetable or fruit puree, as well as juices.

Vegetable puree for baby

If the baby is prone to allergic reactions, then first we can recommend vegetable purees(from half a teaspoon increase to 50 grams/day). After 2-3 weeks, you can offer the baby another new food.

Food 5 one month old baby while breastfeeding, she changes her routine.

  1. At night, the most active feeding shifts to the last 2-3 hours before getting up.
  2. In the first half of the day, the baby rarely latches on to the breast, as he has had enough to drink during the night.
  3. In the evening applications are more frequent.
  4. The nutrition of a 6-month-old baby is no longer limited to only mother’s milk - he begins to try “adult” food. It just means new stage in the development of the child, and not the lack of milk in the mother.
  5. The baby tries new tastes and gets used to the characteristics of food that are different from breast milk.
  6. The diet of a 6-month-old baby who is breastfed may also include vegetables, fruits and cereals recommended for this age.
  7. The baby can try safe, hypoallergenic food from the adult table.

What to feed an 8-9 month old baby?

In the diet of an 8-month-old breastfed baby, mother's milk should occupy no more than 1/3 of the total food volume.

  1. Vegetable purees can be prepared from vegetables available to you.
  2. Do not forget to add greens to vegetable purees - parsley, dill, lettuce, but avoid spicy seasonings.
  3. As you approach the age of one year, you can give your child onions.
  4. Porridge with mother's milk is usually prepared from buckwheat, oatmeal, rice and semolina. With a little effort, you can cook very tasty barley porridge.
  5. The diet of a 9-month-old child can be varied with fish dishes (low-fat) - cod or hake. However, always remove the bones from the fish thoroughly.
  6. You can steam cutlets from fish or simply boil and mash it.
  7. Porridge should be cooked with whole milk, without diluting it with water. Cow's milk must be stored in the refrigerator and boiled before use.

Let's consider what nutrition should be like when breastfeeding a mother by month.


· porridge – buckwheat, oatmeal;

· lean meat – boiled or steamed;

· dairy products;

· fish – cod, hake;

· berry fruit drinks;

· eggs – no more than 3 per week;

· wholemeal bread;

· durum pasta;

· vegetable oil – about 2 tbsp. spoons/day;

· fresh and boiled vegetables (potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, zucchini, beets);

· marshmallows and marshmallows – up to 2 times/week.

· alcoholic drinks;

· cabbage;

· canned food;

· homemade rolls;

· strong black tea;

· chocolate;

· smoked products;

· sausage.


The menu can be supplemented with:

· lean borscht;

· nuts (except peanuts and pistachios);

· poultry meat;

· homemade jam;

· fresh juices;

· fresh and dried herbs.

· alcoholic drinks;

· peanuts, pistachios;

· cabbage;

· canned food;

· homemade rolls;

· ready-made sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup);

· strong black tea;

· store-bought juices;

· chocolate;

· smoked products;

· sausage.


· the diet can be varied with fried delicacies, however fatty foods should also be avoided;

· the basic food is still stewed, boiled and steamed food;

Can be introduced gradually Exotic fruits, seafood, chocolate, legumes and garlic.

Prohibited foods become rather undesirable - they cannot be consumed in large portions and you need to monitor the baby’s reaction. You should refrain from:

· smoked meats;

· sausage;

· mayonnaise;

· condensed milk;

· canned food;

· carbonated drinks;

· margarine;

· fast food;

· ice cream;

· pickles.

Possible dangers of non-compliance with the diet

More dairy products

If a mother’s diet during breastfeeding does not correspond to the recommended monthly menu, then the baby may experience allergic reactions. According to experts, 40% of children who use exclusively mother's milk, short-term manifestations of food allergies occur, and in 10% - more severe degrees its manifestations.

Nursing mothers need to be more careful when choosing foods for their diet, excluding highly allergenic foods - honey, nuts, strawberries, oranges. If a woman has diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to adhere to an even more strict diet, which a doctor will help you create.

Not really

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The information published on the website is for informational purposes only and is intended for informational purposes only. Site visitors should not use them as medical recommendations! The site editors do not recommend self-medication. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician! Remember that only full diagnostics and therapy under the supervision of a doctor will help you completely get rid of the disease!

The first month of a child’s life is one of the most crucial moments for every mother. Completely immersed in caring for the baby, women often forget about themselves, not paying due attention to their rest and nutrition. But proper nutrition for a nursing mother must be established immediately after the birth of the child in order to avoid many problems in the future.

Are we breastfeeding? Of course yes!

Breast milk is the ideal food for a baby.

Breast milk is an ideal food for a baby, in which nature itself contains the best combination of nutritional and useful substances. Fortunately, now we don’t have to convince responsible parents of the need natural feeding. I will not repeat well-known information and describe in detail the benefits of breastfeeding; I will only recall the main points. Breastfeeding is:

  • strong immunity, healthy digestion and minimal risk of allergic reactions for your child;
  • good uterine contraction and rapid normalization of weight in postpartum period, reducing your chance of developing breast cancer;
  • convenient and cheap way feeding compared to any other.

Well, if you plan to breastfeed, you should take care of your diet.

The importance of nutrition during lactation

Proper nutrition during lactation helps solve several problems at once:

  1. Prevent hypogalactia and prolong breastfeeding as much as possible.
  2. Provide yourself and your child with the necessary nutrients, vitamins, micro- and macroelements.
  3. Prevent intestinal colic and constipation in babies.
  4. Avoid diathesis in your baby.

In addition, nutrition can influence taste qualities milk.

Why the first month?

During the first month of lactation, a woman’s diet has a number of characteristic features, in connection with which it is advisable to separate the mother’s diet during this period from the general dietary recommendations while breastfeeding. Firstly, the diet is quite strict at first; “new” products are introduced gradually and carefully so that it is possible to assess the baby’s tolerance of their components. However, the menu should remain complete and balanced in terms of the main components - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, calories, vitamin and mineral composition, and contain dietary fiber.

In addition, in the first weeks of breastfeeding, lactation is just establishing - it happens that the baby does not have enough milk. Therefore, the mother’s diet must be enriched with foods that can stimulate the production of breast milk, and she must drink plenty of fluids.

First of all, don’t go to extremes

In the diet of nursing mothers, you can often find two extreme opposites: some women begin to “lean” heavily on food, trying to provide the baby with everything necessary, while others, on the contrary, deny themselves the most familiar food, fearing that the baby will have allergies. Neither approach is correct.

Overeating and eating all foods indiscriminately can provoke intestinal colic or diathesis even in children who are not prone to allergies. On the other hand, too poor a diet reduces nutritional value breast milk, also impoverishing its taste. If the baby is healthy and does not have allergic reactions, experts do not recommend following a strict diet, against the background of which the mother herself will not receive enough valuable nutrients and will not be able to pass them on to the child. The food should be varied and tasty, but some basic rules must still be followed.

Eating right: what and how to eat

Fermented milk products are allowed for a woman from the first week of feeding.

In the first week of breastfeeding, dietary requirements are the most stringent. The following products and dishes are allowed:

  • dairy and dairy-free porridges;
  • boiled and stewed vegetables - potatoes, zucchini, cauliflower, in small quantities - white cabbage, carrots and onions;
  • lean meat (beef, veal, rabbit, lean pork) – stewed, boiled or steamed;
  • chicken - boiled or stewed, without skin;
  • vegetarian soups or with “second” meat broth without frying;
  • fermented milk products – cottage cheese, cheese, kefir, white natural yogurt, fermented baked milk (without dyes, flavors, flavorings, fruit and berry fillers);
  • wheat, bran, rye-wheat bread, dry biscuits.

Do not forget that for full lactation it is necessary drinking plenty of fluids: compotes from dried fruits or apples, special herbal teas for nursing mothers (based on fennel, dill, anise, cumin), weak tea, possibly with the addition of a small amount of milk, fermented baked milk, kefir, boiled water. You should not drink whole milk (it causes increased gas formation), carbonated drinks, lemonades and yoghurts with fruit and berry fillings (can cause allergies), coffee and strong tea (increase the child’s excitability), alcohol. Industrially produced compotes and juices are not recommended - they contain many preservatives and other harmful artificial additives.

In the following days, the diet should be gradually expanded, adding no more than one new product per day - this way you will have the opportunity to notice what exactly the child reacted to and remove this product from the diet. Nursing mothers can and should eat fresh fruits (pears, green and yellow-green apples, bananas), some berries (black currants, apricots, chokeberry, gooseberries, plums), fresh vegetables (not large quantities grated carrots, white cabbage, cucumbers), greens (dill, parsley). In addition to vitamins and microelements, fresh vegetables and fruits provide you and your baby with the dietary fiber necessary for healthy digestion and.

For adequate protein intake, the diet must include fermented milk products and lean meats every day, and boiled eggs 1-2 times a week. River and sea transport allowed lean fish(pike perch, cod) 1–2 times a week. Preference should be given to stewed, boiled and steamed dishes.

Try to formulate your menu primarily from products that grow in the region where you live. natural conditions. For example, in winter and early spring you should not buy exotic fruits, greenhouse cucumbers or imported berries.

The frequency of meals for a nursing mother should not be less than 5-6 times a day, preferably every 4-5 hours. A nursing mother should not constantly feel hungry! Even snacks at night are recommended: you can drink a glass of kefir or yogurt, hot weak tea with milk when you get up to feed the baby. To avoid overeating, consume portions of 300–400 grams per meal (including the liquid you drink).

If you need something sweet, add sugar to tea and milk porridge. If your child has normal tolerance, you can treat yourself to a couple of teaspoons of condensed milk or a piece of homemade biscuit without cream. Gradually, assessing the cleanliness skin in an infant, preserves and jams can be administered.

Strict restrictions or abrupt change The diet of a nursing mother is not needed at all - a woman’s diet during lactation should be tasty and familiar to her. The exception is some products, the consumption of which is not recommended due to the risk of developing allergic reaction or intestinal colic in infants.

As an additional source of vitamins and microelements to the diet of a nursing mother, especially if there is a tendency to hypogalactia (insufficient production of breast milk), experts recommend using the drug "Apilak Grindeks", which contains 10 mg of natural royal jelly, will provide the body with everything essential vitamins and macro- and microelements to maintain vitality And comprehensive assistance body. It contains the same valuable substances, as in breast milk: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, a group of vitamins (A, C, B1, B2 B3, B5 B6, B12, E, K, folic acid), macro and microelements (calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, sodium, potassium).
The drug Apilak Grindeks has clinically proven its effectiveness in the treatment of hypogalactia, gently stimulating milk secretion in women suffering from this problem.

Unwanted Products

Allergies are almost always caused by eating chocolate and cocoa, citrus fruits, red berries (cherries, strawberries, raspberries), melons, pineapples, smoked, fried foods and canned food. This also includes industrially produced products with the addition of large quantities of dyes, flavors and preservatives (including sausages), seafood and red fish, rich broths, honey, nuts (the use of several is allowed walnuts if well tolerated by the child).

It should be taken into account that increased sensitivity to food components can vary widely. In children prone to allergies, diathesis occurs at the most different products, which should be determined individually. Healthy children sometimes tolerate their mother’s consumption of nuts, cocoa and other potential allergens quite well.

Whole milk, a large amount of carbohydrates in the diet, especially easily digestible ones (sugar, pastries, pasta, other flour and confectionery products), coarse foods lead to bloating in the baby’s tummy and intestinal colic. vegetable fiber(large quantities of cucumbers, fresh cabbage, apples, black bread, legumes, grapes).

In addition, some foods can change the taste of milk to the point that the baby begins to refuse the breast (this happens in very in rare cases). These include:

  • garlic, raw onions;
  • hot, bitter and spicy seasonings;
  • excess sweet or salty.

An example of a menu on the 1st day after discharge from the hospital:

  • 1st breakfast: oatmeal porridge with milk 200 g with a piece of butter, a glass of weak tea, dry cookies;
  • 2nd breakfast: a glass of yogurt, dry biscuits or a sandwich with cheese;
  • Lunch: vegetable soup (about 150 g), mashed potatoes(100 g) with cutlet (50 g), bread, a glass of dried fruit compote;
  • Afternoon snack: cottage cheese with sour cream – 150 g, a glass of compote or dried fruit jelly;
  • Dinner: stewed meat with vegetable side dish (about 200 g), herbal tea;
  • Before bed: a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk, dry cookies.

Every young mother, without exception, wants her baby to grow up healthy and happy. That is why it was and remains one of the most current issues for any young mother, what her diet should be like while breastfeeding.

It is no secret that a mother’s nutrition during breastfeeding is one of the factors on which the child’s well-being depends. It is especially important to remember this in the first month after childbirth. At this time, it is quite difficult for a nursing mother to eat properly, because she suddenly has a fairly large amount of work, to which she has not yet had time to adapt. Also makes itself felt physiological state mothers after childbirth.

All these factors often disrupt the diet of a nursing mother, and thus do not allow her to eat properly and balanced.

Why is this so important

The health of the mother, as well as the well-being of her child, depends on proper nutrition during breastfeeding.

In the first 3-4 months of his life, every child requires special attention and worries, because his body adapts to the conditions environment. Many mothers at this time try to take a responsible approach to the issue of their own nutrition in order to help the child avoid such troubles as, for example, intestinal colic, food allergy, constipation, diarrhea, etc.

The first month after childbirth is a rather difficult period for a woman, associated with her well-being. Many people face such an unpleasant phenomenon as constipation.

Most often, they are associated with the fact that the intestines, which were previously strongly displaced by the grown uterus, fall into place. This occurs against the background of weakened muscles after pregnancy and childbirth, which causes constipation. Usually everything recovers on its own in the first month or two after birth.

Rules for proper nutrition during breastfeeding

Proper nutrition helps to significantly alleviate the condition of a nursing mother.

  1. In the first months after childbirth, a nursing mother's menu should contain boiled or baked vegetables and fruits as much as possible.
  2. If you have a problem with constipation, you should avoid using fresh bread and other bakery products.
  3. In the diet of a nursing mother, it is necessary to include first courses: vegetable soups, soups with a second broth.
  4. Drinking regimen is extremely important for a nursing mother. This main way fight against constipation. Also, fluid deficiency can negatively affect the amount of breast milk.
  5. For well-being and quick recovery after childbirth, the young mother’s menu should contain foods rich in B vitamins and animal proteins: chicken fillet, turkey, beef, cereals.
  6. To ease the load on the intestines, the mother’s diet should be divided into 5-6 meals a day, in small portions.

The child’s well-being directly depends on the mother’s nutrition during breastfeeding.

It is especially important to eat properly in the first 3-4 months of a baby’s life.

What to pay attention to

Sometimes even the most harmless food at first glance can cause certain problems in an infant.

Never forget that every child is individual. It is simply impossible to ignore individual intolerance to certain products!

So, the reaction to which popular healthy foods might come as a complete surprise to you?

The baby's body is very sensitive to allergenic products, an allergy can manifest itself just from eating one cherry.

What sweets can mom eat?

At first, sweets in a nursing mother’s diet can cause many problems for the baby. However, there are foods that are usually well tolerated by the baby and allow you to diversify the mother's menu. This:

  • biscuits;
  • white marshmallows;
  • Turkish delight, pastila;
  • condensed milk without palm fat;
  • marmalade without dyes;
  • curd cheeses without dyes or flavoring additives.

What is healthy for mother and baby to eat?

While breastfeeding, the mother should include foods rich in vitamins and minerals in her diet.

Although at first it is quite difficult to do this due to restrictions, but as the baby grows, the mother’s menu must be gradually expanded and enriched with all sorts of benefits. Try to eat only seasonal fruits and vegetables that grow in your region of residence:

  • greens (dill, parsley, green onions);
  • fruits, vegetables: beets, carrots, onions, potatoes, braised cabbage(not earlier than 6 months after birth);
  • porridge: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, millet, wheat, barley, etc.;
  • white meat: chicken breast, turkey, beef, poultry liver;
  • dairy products: milk, cottage cheese, low-fat kefir, yoghurts without fillers;
  • egg whites (at first after birth from no more than two eggs). Over time, you can include completely boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, etc. in your diet.

What a mother should not eat during breastfeeding

Alas, during breastfeeding, a woman’s diet should completely exclude or significantly limit the following foods:

  1. alcohol;
  2. chocolate;
  3. citrus;
  4. mayonnaise, ketchup;
  5. carbonated drinks;
  6. coffee;
  7. strong tea.

We have tried to outline in as much detail as possible the basic principles by which a nursing mother’s diet should be formulated. It is also worth noting that everything related to mother’s nutrition is quite individual, and what suits one particular mother-baby pair may not suit another. The main goal mother's nutrition during breastfeeding is wellness her and the baby.

Try to expand your menu as much as possible, because you should feel good not only physically, but also mentally. All kinds of food restrictions have a detrimental effect on a woman’s well-being. You should not limit your diet to water and lean soups. Remember that a child needs a healthy and happy mother!

Grow up healthy and happy!