Diaphoretic medicinal plants. Diuretic herbs and our health. General principle of preparing a diaphoretic infusion

Every day, the best diuretic herbs are increasingly used in the treatment of ailments. Unlike drug treatment, herbal medicine does not bring severe harm the body, but, on the contrary, enriches it with useful compounds. Herbs perform several functions: antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and diuretic, diaphoretic properties are present. Despite them soft action, the effect of the treatment lasts quite a long time and the herbs cause almost no adverse reactions.

General information about herbs

When a person has a strong accumulation of fluid in his cells and tissues, due to various reasons swelling appears. They appear in an absolutely healthy population that eats too salty foods and drinks a lot of water before going to bed. A person’s lack of sleep, exposure to heat, and pregnancy also have an effect. The occurrence and manifestation of edema indicates the development of some disease.

Edema can be of several types: renal, hepatic, cardiac and allergic. To cleanse the body of excess liquid diuretics are used. But herbs can also cope with swelling. Even in ancient times, people collected various plants and compiled medicinal prescriptions, which are increasingly used these days. Safe herbs that have diuretic properties are mint, parsley, dandelions and nettle roots. Fennel is a diuretic plant that stimulates kidney function and has no contraindications even for pregnant women. Nettle roots promote better renal work and clean up inflammatory processes.

How herbs work

Thanks to the use of diuretic herbs, excess fluid is removed from the body, swelling is prevented and relieved. There are herbs that have a disinfectant effect, which consists in destroying pathogenic bacteria that enter the urinary system. In addition, inflammation is relieved and the urinary tract is cleared of the products of the inflammatory process.

Diuretics have different principles actions. An increased process of urine excretion occurs when the action of the enzyme carbonic anhydrase decreases, during the synthesis of acidic substances, due to altered osmotic pressure, weakening reabsorption in the kidney canals. In some cases, the enzyme affects the regulation of hormones in water and salt metabolic processes.

Kidney herbs are used for cystitis, urethritis and other infectious diseases.

Application kidney herbs prescribed during the period of such types of ailments as:

  • swelling that appears due to renal failure;
  • heart failure, which causes shortness of breath and swollen areas;
  • cystitis, urethritis and other infectious diseases, which are characterized by acute and chronic forms;
  • appearance chronic glomerulonephritis who is in remission;
  • hypertensive disease, in which there is an accumulation of fluid;
  • food poisoning or harmful substance, after which poison and toxic compounds are removed from the body.

Basic rules for taking diuretic herbs

Patients are accustomed to using decoctions or infusions twice a day, but the use of diuretic herbs has some nuances. First of all, they are consumed before 16:00, because after taking them, increased fluid secretion will begin, and at night this only brings discomfort and the patient cannot rest properly. In this case, it is necessary to observe the dosage, because, in otherwise, the goal will not be achieved. Diuretics are taken to prevent the development of dependence and to maintain an effective effect.

But at the same time, diuretic herbs remove potassium, as a result of which, to restore it in the body, the patient must include dried apricots and avocados, which contain a trace element, in the diet. Using herbs is just as serious medicinal method, like drug therapy, therefore they are used according to the instructions that the attending physician will prescribe, taking into account individual characteristics patient and the composition of diuretic herbs, their types. If necessary, the patient takes tests or undergoes comprehensive examination to monitor the body's reactions. You cannot stop the therapeutic process on your own.

In case of nephrosis, the use of herbs that irritate the renal parenchyma is prohibited.

If the patient has previously been diagnosed with nephritis or nephrosis, taking herbs that irritate the renal parenchyma is prohibited. For better quality therapeutic effect recommend doing medicinal fees, which cope better with ailments than decoctions or infusions from one plant. But still, during the treatment process, on the doctor’s recommendation, breaks are taken so that the body does not get used to the components.

In what cases are herbs used?

Anti-inflammatory diuretic plants

One of the most common problems is inflammatory processes that can affect any human organ. Inflamed tissue they increase in size and also accumulate a lot of fluid in them. Thanks to herbal medicine, it leaves the body excess fluid, the inflammatory process stops, the functioning of all systems in the body is normalized. Special attention focuses on the quality of the plants used, especially those purchased at the market. If mold or foreign matter is visible on the grass and the plant has a faint odor, this indicates poor quality due to improper storage conditions.

Herbs for bladder cystitis

When a patient develops an inflammatory process in urinary tract, they talk about cystitis, which is most common among women. Cystitis can be dealt with not only with the help drug therapy, but also using herbal medicine. Especially it concerns chronic form an illness that lasts for several years. The main rule is to select herbs only on the recommendation of a doctor. Used in the treatment of illness bear ears, garlic, corn silk. Echinacea is also used to relieve pain.

Herbs will help cleanse the kidneys.

The kidneys are the organ responsible for filtering urine. Any disease leads to disruption of the functioning of the organ, so treatment is required. With kidney disease, it is necessary for excess fluid to come out, which, when accumulated, leads to constant improvement pressure. Bearberry, rose hips, nettle, parsley and birch leaves.

Use for high blood pressure and heart disease

A patient diagnosed with heart failure and hypertension needs to especially carefully select the best diuretic plants. If a person does not use diuretic herbs for hypertension, then the heart experiences a double load. As a result, inflammatory processes appear in the heart. With the help of diuretic herbs, excess fluid is removed from the body and vascular tone is regulated. Rowan, barberry, and arnica are used for this. There is also a need to consume calming plants. These include dill and birch.

When losing weight

The strongest diuretic herb helps get rid of the discomfort associated with overweight. Plants that have a diuretic effect help patients lose weight by removing excess fluid from the body without losing electrolytes and potassium. Fees are a popular harmless way to combat obesity, because, unlike drug therapy, they do not have chemical exposure on the body. Mint, linden, birch leaves, milk thistle, parsley, coltsfoot, and oregano are used as treatments.

Herbs for edema and decoctions for edema

What can children eat?

Herbal medicine is useful in childhood as the herbs fill children's body vitamins and microelements that fight viruses and infection. But you need to be careful with children who have allergic reactions. Children are prescribed the same herbs as adults, only the dosage is different. It is necessary to monitor the quality of the raw materials used.

In the sauna, increased sweating occurs in the body. This physiological process is normal reaction body to elevated temperature. Sweat evaporation from the skin protects the body in the steam room from overheating. With sweat, the body is cleansed of toxins, poisons, and decay products, and its healing occurs. In this case, a person is deprived of a certain amount of fluid, which leads to severe thirst. How to properly get rid of thirst and restore water balance We will tell you how to prepare and use herbal diaphoretic teas for the sauna on our website www.site.

How to properly quench your thirst while in a sauna?

The most important rule: To avoid harming your health, never drink in a bathhouse or sauna. cold water or drinks, as soon the feeling of thirst will reappear.

The best drink for a bath or sauna is a well-brewed, aromatic one. fresh tea. Green tea is best suited, as well as vitamin infusions, decoctions of medicinal herbs. You should drink such drinks, like tea, in the dressing room, after visiting the steam room, pouring them from a thermos or samovar.

While in the sauna, you can drink 3-4 servings of tea over 2-3 hours, vitamin drink. It is useful to brew tea with mint leaves, linden flowers, lemon balm, chamomile, black currant leaves, wild strawberry. These plants will help you sweat better, which means you can cleanse more effectively. skin and the entire body from accumulated harmful substances.

Just don't drink large amounts of liquid. This will increase the load on the heart and kidneys. Elderly people, as well as those with any chronic diseases. They are contraindicated from drinking strong brewed tea or coffee in the sauna, not to mention alcohol. Beer is also contraindicated for such people.

If after visiting a bathhouse or sauna, thirst still torments you, drink a couple of hours after visiting it a glass of tea with lemon, or an infusion of rose hips, hawthorn, or barberry. Freshly squeezed vegetables quench your thirst well. fruit juices(no added sugar).

How to prepare diaphoretic teas for the sauna?

Herbal teas for the sauna are drinks filled with vitamins, microelements, biologically active substances, which have a beneficial effect on our body, making it healthier.

Humanity has been using drinks from medicinal plants for a very long time. Ancient medicinal treatises that have survived to this day already contain recipes for preparing herbal mixtures for preparing such teas. We still use some of them today.

To prepare real, healthy for the body, diaphoretic tea, immediately throw away the purchased tea bags. This trash has nothing to do with healing drink. We will cook only from dry aromatic herbs.

* Use this popular recipe diaphoretic tea: Mix 1 tbsp. l. dry crushed raspberries, linden flowers. Pour the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water, cover with a towel or napkin, leave for 5-10 minutes. strain, drink the drink for increased sweating.

* Mix 1 tbsp. l. dried chamomile flowers, linden flowers, dried black elderberry berries, mint herb. Then 1 tbsp. l. pour 1 cup of boiling water over the mixture, cover, and leave for half an hour. Strain, the drink is ready to drink.

* Mix 1 tbsp. l. linden blossom, black elderberry, peppermint leaf. Pour 1 tbsp. l. mixture 1 tbsp. boiling water, wrap, leave for half an hour, strain. The tea is also suitable for use in the sauna, steam bath, as well as for colds and flu.

*Here is another recipe healthy tea: Mix 4 tsp. dry coltsfoot herb, 3 tsp. dry plantain leaves, 3 tsp. crushed licorice root. Pour 1 tbsp. l. collection 2 tbsp. boiling water, cover with a towel, leave for 30-40 minutes. Then strain and drink Not a large number of drink It cleanses the bronchi and lungs well of phlegm, and promotes sweating.

* Mix 1 tbsp. l. dry lemon balm leaves, veronica herb. Add 3 tbsp. l. dried berries strawberries, crushed rose hips or hawthorn. 1 tbsp. l. mixture pour 1.5 tbsp. boiling water Cover with a lid and leave for 10 minutes. strain and drink with honey.

Vitamin herbal teas, calming the nervous system

It is also good to drink such teas while visiting a bathhouse or sauna. They will calm you down, relieve irritability and insomnia.

* Try cooking them: Mix 1 tbsp. l. dry mint leaves, 1 tbsp. l. lemon balm, crushed valerian root, dry leaves, tartaricus flowers. Pour 1 tbsp. l. herbs 1 tbsp. boiling water, cover with a lid, leave for half an hour. Strain and drink 1-2 cups.

* Mix 1 tbsp. l. mint, motherwort herb, crushed valerian root, dry hop cones. Pour in 0.5 l. boiling water, wrap, leave for 15-20 minutes. Strain and drink no more than 1-2 cups.

Follow the dosage of medicinal herbs carefully because different amounts of herbs cause different reactions. For example, large doses of valerian act as a stimulant rather than a calming one. This fully applies to other plants. Therefore, be careful.

When preparing herbal teas, use clean bottled or purified soft water. In order for them to benefit the body, drink them hot, after visiting the steam room. After drinking tea, relax and rest for 15-20 minutes. and only after that you can continue to steam. Be healthy!

Acute respiratory diseases, as well as various ailments may be accompanied by fever and weakness. In this case, the attending physician prescribes antipyretic drugs to prevent the body cells from losing excess fluid. Although sweating during periods of illness is a clear sign that the body is fighting an infection. Together with sweat, the body gets rid of toxins accumulated in tissues during illness.

To make this process less painful and more effective, herbalists and homeopaths suggest using natural diaphoretics.

What is a diaphoretic?

Also in Ancient Greece healers offered patients herbal decoctions that could enhance metabolism and cell regeneration. To speed up the recovery process of soldiers and ordinary people, rushing about in a fever, were soldered off a huge amount liquids.

Encyclopedias and dictionaries medical terms give several explanations of the concept of “diaphoretic”, which includes the characteristics of medicinal substances, specific physical exercise and certain foods. The single meaning that unites all these terms is: “A diaphoretic is a substance of chemical or natural origin used to remove excess fluid, salts and toxins from the body by accelerating metabolic processes and increased heat transfer."


Means for accelerated sweating are divided into three types:

  • antipyretics and NSAIDs (substances synthetic origin, pharmaceuticals, such as Aspirin, Paracetamol, Ibuprofen). Reduce temperature by affecting the central nervous system and increasing heat transfer in tissues;
  • natural remedies. These are decoctions and infusions from herbal collections that have diaphoretic properties - berries and flowers of black elderberry, Linden blossom, berries and raspberry stems;
  • physical procedures - wraps, compresses, running, going to the bathhouse or sauna.

Yes or no?

It is worth remembering that each diaphoretic can only be used in a specific situation. At elevated temperature You cannot go to the bathhouse or apply compresses. For overweight people, physical activity and wraps are suitable to reduce swelling and subcutaneous fat.

If you have become a victim of acute respiratory infections, and there are no medications at hand, you can use proven traditional methods, using a herbal diaphoretic. An excellent assistant in speedy recovery There will be decoctions of elderberry flowers and berries, raspberry twigs, chamomile and linden flowers.

A collection of these herbs is poured with boiling water and left for half an hour. The resulting tea is taken in half a glass, flavored with a spoon of honey, throughout the day. Such a diaphoretic for fever will not only help speed up the healing process, but will also become an excellent supportive medicine due to the large amount of vitamins and other useful substances.

The integrated use of antipyretics and traditional medicine recipes works effectively for acute respiratory infections, inflammatory diseases throat with fever. But many studies have shown that herbal infusions When heated, they lose some of their properties. Exactly how such a medicine increases thermoregulation is unknown.

Most people agree that the accelerated release of water is associated with the effect of medicinal drugs on circulatory system. By improving the process of blood formation and the rate of oxygen delivery to tissue cells, a diaphoretic cleanses the body of toxins accumulated during the “fight” of antibodies against “aggressors”.

When and what “medicine” to use?

Speaking of diaphoretics, remember that by losing large amounts of water, you are deprived of essential microelements for the body, such as potassium and magnesium. They take an active part in the functioning of muscle tissue. Their deficiency leads to seizures, nagging pain in the arms and legs.

People leading healthy image life and those who watch their weight, love to visit baths and saunas. In such establishments, in one session, depending on the characteristics of the body, a person can lose up to two liters of fluid.

To avoid disastrous consequences and not to worsen your health, you need to monitor fluid replenishment. Herbal teas are great for this. mineral water without gas.

Health is the main thing a person needs for wellness And active image life. But if you are caught by a cold, do not hesitate to start health procedures.

Ecology of consumption. Ethnoscience: Traditional use plants with antipyretic properties is a common feature of many cultural systems throughout the world...

The traditional use of plants with antipyretic properties is a common feature of many cultural systems around the world.

All synthetic compounds, used as antipyretics, are toxic to liver cells as well as heart muscle. Therefore, the use of natural antipyretics is especially relevant at present.

There are many plants in nature that are used as antipyretics. The group of diaphoretic and antipyretic plants includes:

  • Linden,
  • raspberries,
  • cranberry,
  • viburnum (berries),
  • willow (bark),
  • series,
  • yarrow,
  • chamomile and many others...

Willow bark - natural spring salicylic acid

1 tbsp. white willow bark, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 5 minutes, then strain and take 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day at elevated body temperature.

Any type of willow is suitable - goat willow, white, red. The remedy is always at hand, because willow grows everywhere. Although for maximum extraction of salicylic acid from the bark it is necessary to collect it in the spring, but in in case of emergency It is possible in winter, by slightly increasing the investment in the decoction. It is better to use apical shoots.

  • Willow bark - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Sage, herb - 0.5 tbsp. l.

Common raspberry is used as a remedy that has an antipyretic and diaphoretic effect.

Raspberry stems (the thicker the stem, the better) - the most powerful diaphoretic and antipyretic - are boiled for 20-30 minutes until dark raspberry color and drunk in several doses (flowers and dried fruits are also effective).

2-3 tbsp. dry fruits and leaves, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Take 1-2 glasses every 2-3 hours.

Cranberry berries and juice are a good antipyretic.

Crush one glass of cranberries with a spoon, pour two glasses of boiling water and let it brew for 20-30 minutes. Take warm 2-3 times a day, you can add honey for taste.


IN folk medicine linden is used in the form of an infusion as a diaphoretic for colds, flu, and for rinsing the mouth - as bactericidal agent, as well as for pain in the head, throat, bleeding, leucorrhoea, infertility, neuroses, pulmonary tuberculosis, eczema and furunculosis.

Linden flower infusion: 2-3 tbsp. linden flowers pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for an hour and strain.

Single dose - 1 glass per dose. Take for fever and colds, as a diaphoretic.

Second recipe for linden flower infusion: Brew linden flowers with the peel of one apple, add honey and drink three to five cups quickly, one after another, hot.

More recipe: linden, flowers - 1 tbsp. l.The dose is given for one brew.

Pour 300 ml of boiling water over the entire mixture and cook over low heat for 3-5 minutes, cool, drink everything, adding a little honey. After taking the decoction, rinse your mouth with water so that the salicylic acid does not damage your tooth enamel.

Antipyretic drink made from hibiscus flowers

1 tbsp. hibiscus flowers per 0.5 liters of water. Fill hibiscus flowers with cold boiled water, leave to infuse for 8 hours. Once the drink is ready to drink, take in any quantity instead of tea.

At high temperature dissolve in a glass warm water 1 tbsp. lemon juice and give the patient something to drink. If the temperature does not subside, wipe it with water acidified with lemon.

The following also have antipyretic and diaphoretic properties:

  • peppermint,
  • blue cornflower flowers,
  • arnica flowers,
  • chamomile and centaury herb,
  • oregano,
  • tricolor violet,
  • thyme,
  • milk thistle,
  • strawberry and blackberry leaves.

Elderberry flowers, currant leaves and buds - brew and drink as tea.

Mint at extreme heat

In extreme heat, use regular mint. Part of it was wrapped in a wet cloth, and, having slightly crushed it, it was placed on the forehead, and part of it was mixed with honey in the form of balls and sucked on them until the fever passed.

Artemisia umbellata

The entire plant is used as a medicinal plant. During the day, you need to take 4-5 tablespoons of dry herb in powder form or as a decoction of water.

1 tablespoon of wormwood per 200 ml of sweet boiling water, leave for 10 minutes and drink hot.

Turn wild

Sloe bark is an ancient antipyretic.

A teaspoon of finely chopped bark is poured into a glass of boiling water and simmered over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Strain the broth, add honey and drink within an hour.

In addition to antipyretic properties, a decoction of wild plum bark has a strong diuretic property and a slight laxative effect.

Elecampane at high temperature

At high temperatures during the flu, elecampane will help well, and its root is traditionally used, but in general the whole plant works great: the stem and flowers. But since hardly anyone collects elecampane leaves, and the root is sometimes available in pharmacies, we will present recipes with the root.

Crush the elecampane root and pour it with sweet cold water by adding a teaspoon to a glass of infusion apple cider vinegar. For 200 ml of water, 0.5 teaspoon of crushed root.

You have to insist all night. Take 1/2 cup before meals. The taste is very tart.

Elecampane is an excellent cough remedy and treats serious illnesses liver and gall bladder. The only contraindications can be peptic ulcer in the acute stage (with excess acidity).

Meadowsweet at high temperature

Meadowsweet (Russian tea). This luxurious swamp plant has been completely forgotten. A tall plant, taller than a person, with a cap of white, unusually fragrant flowers - for all kinds of diseases did the Slavs use meadowsweet: arthritis, gout, and urolithiasis disease, and at women's diseases, and for hemorrhoids, and even from snake and dog bites.

Meadowsweet (the leaves are similar to the leaves of common elm) has another name - meadowsweet. Meadowsweet is a decoration of swamps, low-lying forest edges, and small forest streams. And although the ancient herbalists talk about the root, do not dig it up, the huge stem with flowers perfectly cures a lot of ailments.

At high temperature, brew a tablespoon of chopped stems with flowers, leave for about 20 minutes and drink at a time. You can take 4-5 glasses of decoction a day, rinse your mouth every time, because meadowsweet, like willow, contains a lot of salicylic acid.

Sometimes the temperature is so high that it must be lowered immediately. Especially children, seven weeks from birth,need emergency assistance - if the temperature exceeds 38°C.

Typically, in older children and adults, there is no need to treat fever below 38°C. Most medical experts point to helpful character fever in the fight against infection. published

SWEATSHOPS TREATMENT, therapist a method used since ancient times for the most various diseases, intended to cause increased sweating. “The latter can be achieved in a variety of ways - through the influence of pharmacological substances, physical agents, etc. From medicines most important for P. l. are pilocarpine and salicylates. However, pilocarpine is already in therapy. doses (0.01) leads, along with increased sweating, to a number of unpleasant side effects(palpitations, abdominal pain, visual disturbances), which greatly limits the scope of its application. As for salicylates, their diaphoretic effect is especially noticeable in febrile diseases. Much more often P. l. used in the form of water and thermal procedures - hot general and local baths, dry air and general light baths, sand baths, dry wraps, etc. All these methods of P. l. are based on increased heat generation or limited heat transfer, which leads to an increase in body temperature and increased sweating. Under such conditions, it would be incorrect to consider the effect of P. l. only as a result increased secretion with then metabolic products. Studies of what occurs in the body under the influence of P. l. processes reveal complex changes in the composition of blood, exhaled air and vegetative shifts of a two-phase nature: one during diaphoretic treatment and the opposite after the procedure. As for the scope of P. l., the most extensive group has long been infectious diseases. However, it still remains controversial issue, does P. contribute to l. abortive course infectious process. On the contrary, there is every reason to assume that P. l. (eg antipyretica or hot baths) provide purely symptomatic antipyretic effect, without affecting the course of the disease process, in particular the production of antibodies. On the other hand, the tendency to vasomotor paresis in a number of infections (influenza, pneumonia, diphtheria) requires extreme caution in the use of P. l. (see below - contraindications). - The results of P. l. are much more valuable and indicative. with water retention and various toxic substances in the body - in obese, renal and partly cardiac patients, with bronchiectasis, gout, rheumatism (not acute). In these cases, a single diaphoretic procedure can help remove from the body up to 2 liters of liquid containing 2-3 G table salt, urea. - Action of P. l. however, is not limited to sweating. P.l. also entails “increasing the general basal metabolism, a circumstance that is extremely important in the treatment of obesity. The resorptive effect of P. l. is especially successful when combined with low water consumption. n. Schroth treatment (Schroth-Kur). P.l. also finds application in chronic conditions. intoxications (mercury, lead), with neuralgia and chronic. arthritis and gout. P.'s appointment with l., especially intensive, requires considerable caution in view of its sharp cardiovascular effect. Contraindication for P. l. Thus, cases with cardiac and vascular weakness, severe and persistent hypertension should be considered, acute jade and obvious uremic conditions, perhaps. SWEATSHOPS, means used to produce increased sweating. They can be physical (heat, warmth) or chemical ( medicinal substances) character. For the first ones, see Sweating. Diaphoretic medicinal substances (diaphoretica, sudorifica, or eudorifera, hidrotica) have long been used in folk and scientific medicine, usually in combination with physical. means that increase sweating. According to the point of application of their action, these medicinal substances can be divided into the following groups: I. P. s, which have a stimulating effect on the secretion of the sweat glands through the nervous system: 1) stimulating endings of the secretory nerves in the glands after absorption into the blood (pilocarpine, to a lesser extent arecoline, eserine, etc.), 2) stimulating sweat centers (in the head and spinal cord) either by direct resorptive action (pilocarpine, camphor, many convulsive poisons like strychnine, coramine, etc.) or reflexively due to irritation of sensitive nerve endings(Ammonium aceticum, etc.); Close to this subgroup are medicinal substances that cause nausea and vomiting and at the same time increase sweating. II. P. s, causing sweating due to a direct resorptive effect on the secretory cells of the sweat glands ( salicylic acid and its preparations, substances that irritate the skin, etc.). III. P. s, increasing sweating due to increased skin circulation: 1) dilating cutaneous vessels due to the direct local effect on them (mustard, camphor alcohol and other skin irritants), 2) depressing the vasomotor center due to a direct resorptive effect on it (alcohol, and according to some authors also salicylic acid and its derivatives, antipyrine, antifebrin and other antipyretics, etc.) or reflexively from the side stomach (expectorants, emetics, etc.) and other organs. This classification, although it embraces many of the known P..s, nevertheless suffers from significant shortcomings, since it does not fully reflect the mechanism of P.’s effect from these drugs, and does not reveal the therapy. their meanings and creates groups of means, divided according to only one criterion and therefore often included simultaneously in various groups classifications. However, at present, this classification, mainly proposed by Sollmann, is still apparently the best, since it contains an attempt to illuminate to some extent the mechanism of action of P. s, the pharmacodynamics of which according to b. h. very little developed. This especially applies to the action of numerous medicinal plants, infusions and decoctions of which are widely used to increase sweating. Among them we can name the following: linden blossom, black elderberry flowers, common chamomile flowers, honeywort leaves (Folia Melissae), raspberry berries, carnation flowers, borage or borage (Flores Borraginis officinalis), dandelion leaves, flowers and stems of wild pansies, roots of steelhead, or squirrel, burdock, or lapushnik, horse sorrel, sarsaparilla, guaiac wood, sassafras and many more. etc. P. they tried to explain the effect of some of these remedies by the presence of essential oils in them, but this is hardly true, since linden blossom contains only approx. 0.04%, even less in elderberry flowers, and in decoction dried raspberries it cannot be detected at all. Since decoctions and infusions from these plants (1-3 teaspoons of dried flowers per 0.5 liters of water) are drunk hot, their effect must undoubtedly be partly attributed to the relatively increased amount of warm (hot) water introduced inside ; however, such an explanation is clearly insufficient to understand the entire effect they cause. Therefore, some suggest the possibility of a direct resorptive effect of some still unknown active principles of these plants on gland cells, sweat or vasomotor centers and skin vessels. In relation to antipyretics, salicylic acid, alcohol and certain other P. It is known that sweating is facilitated by their inhibition of the thermoregulatory center *, and through it the suction to the motor one. Moreover, the strength of action of this group of drugs increases significantly if the central nervous system is in an excited state (for example, with a fever). A smaller and more transient effect is provided by drugs that reflexively act on the vasomotor center or have local action on skin vessels (directly or through axon reflexes); their use is therefore more limited. Increased skin circulation undoubtedly occurs in the first group of P. s, since general sweating usually occurs in parallel with the degree of blood supply to the skin, but here the change in blood circulation is only an auxiliary moment in P. action, since the terminal apparatus of the secretory nerves, as is known , always respond better to central or peripheral stimulation when warm than when cold skin; at the same time, increased blood circulation creates Better conditions nutrition, and therefore the activity of the sweat glands. Of the remedies in this group, the most powerful is pilocarpine(cm.). It is possible that according to at least some of the above P. s. promote the release of water by tissues and blood, as a result of which water is released more easily sweat glands. This especially applies to those P. s, which at the same time are also diuretic. Depending on the properties or state of water metabolism in of a given organism The P. effect may therefore be different. In some way dependent on this is the fact that P. s. other things being equal, they have a stronger effect on children and a weaker effect on the elderly. Large quantities sweat, often secreted when using P. s, has the corresponding stalemate. states explicit therapy. significance, since due to this there is an increased release of water, increased transfer of heat to environment and increased excretion of salts, metabolic products, toxins and poisons. As a result of this, P. s. are used for next Pat. conditions: 1) With edema and exudates in various cavities(pleurisy, pericarditis, etc.). 2) In cases of intoxication with endogenous (metabolism) or exogenous (infectious, poisoning) poisons, since iodine, bromine, boron, phenol, salicylic acid, salol, antipyrine are released with sweat, methylene blue, arsenic, antimony, some heavy metals(Pb, Hg, Bi, Ag), quinine, lactic acid, benzoic acid, succinic acid, ether, camphor, essential oils, musk, etc. P. s. is especially often used. with chronic heavy metal poisoning/, 3) In case of skin and circulatory disorders ( rheumatic diseases, inflammation of the lungs, pleura, etc., cooling of the skin for any reason) to influence blood circulation by increasing skin circulation internal organs and lower the body temperature or restore the nutrition of the skin itself if it was insufficient (for example, with certain skin diseases). For hyperemia and exudative lesions choroid eyes, with separation of the retina, with toxic blindness, etc. 4) With metabolic disorders (obesity, gout, etc.) - with the expectation of increasing metabolism. 5) G with the goal of causing hyperemia of the skin to accelerate the appearance of exanthems in certain highly contagious illnesses, etc. establish the presence of a specific disease. 6) Sometimes P. s. are used to produce skin hyperemia in order to enhance the absorption of ointments, etc. The effectiveness of P. p. in the vast majority (except for pilocarpine) is not great compared to physical. methods of increasing sweating; In addition, the force of action is physical. agents may be easier to regulate than chemicals. Large doses of pilocarpine are dangerous due to the possibility of side effects (see. Pilocarpine); the same applies to salicylic drugs and especially to convulsive poisons (strychnine, etc.), the use of which as a P. is now abandoned. Contraindication to the use of P. s. are far advanced phenomena of degeneration of the heart muscle and blood vessels, general weakness, and for pilocarpine, in addition, pregnancy. Of the above P. s. Currently, the most commonly used are hot infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants (linden blossom, elderflower, chamomile, honey, raspberry), salicylic acid preparations (aspirin, sodium salicylic acid, etc.), antipyrine, camphor.M. Nikolaev.