Mole on the penis: causes, possible diseases, dangerous or not. When do you need to see a doctor? Possible risks of the phenomenon

Black spots on the penis often are a manifestation of the necrotic process. Even though the pathological condition itself rarely seen in practice, but you can’t miss it from a possible option. Moreover, it is very dangerous, because necrosis spreads throughout the tissues in the future complete amputation of the penis is possible.


Mole on the penis consists of a cluster of melanocytes, it can have different sizes, shapes and even shades, it can rise above the surface of the skin, or it may not have a transition that is noticeable when touched.

In general, a birthmark on the penis absolutely not dangerous to health human, but under the influence of certain factors, such as ultraviolet radiation, they can change, becoming melanoma. Throughout life, moles can form due to changes in hormonal levels, exposure to environmental factors, or medical intervention.

Brown spots

May indicate oncological pathology, in particular for melanoma, which requires radical measures in the near future.

In most cases brown spots on penis– usual hyperpigmentation of a certain area of ​​the skin of the penis.

Dark spots

Can be associated with any disease, for example, venereal.

You should really worry about such an anomaly if the unexpected pigmentation persists on the skin for several days, without the slightest hint that it will disappear.

Also causing concern is the unexpected appearance of pigment spots on the penis, which are accompanied by some pathological sign, such as persistent, sometimes unbearable itching, the development of redness of the skin around the spot, pain and other similar symptoms. The hue of such an external anomaly may be bluish or brown.

For more information about how to remove age spots, watch the video:

Symptoms and diagnosis

Symptoms spots that appear on the surface of the penis quite diverse. They may be accompanied by the appearance of itching, from mild to unbearable, the development of pain, peeling around the spot, redness of the skin around it, and possible bleeding or suppuration of this external abnormality, causing corresponding painful sensations.

Diagnosis of the nature of the appearance of a dark formation on the penis involves an initial examination by a specialist, and then standard laboratory tests, such as a general blood and urine test. The doctor also prescribes bacteriological culture, dermoscopy, special tests to identify sexually transmitted pathology, spermogram and examination of the secretions secreted by the prostate gland.

Dark spots on the head of the penis

A dark spot that appears on a man, not accompanied by the appearance of any additional symptoms, and also does not change over time may be a simple cosmetic issue, which will not cause harm to health.

However, if the dark spots on the head of the penis change shape, increase in size, change shade, or are accompanied by other symptoms, then this is may indicate a pathological process, namely any disease of an infectious or non-infectious nature, and worst of all, these may be changes of an oncological nature.

Methods and methods of treatment

What happens if you don't treat it?

In the absence of proper treatment, dark spots on the penis progress and the disease will cause significant discomfort in the man. Among the simplest consequences are sexual dysfunction and pain that interfere with normal daily life, as well as the formation of depression and general depression associated with a feeling of inferiority.

In turn, the worst options for the progression of the disease are represented by malignancy of the process or the development of necrosis, which will become the basis for amputation of part or all of the penis.

Preventive measures

Measures aimed at preventing the appearance of any dark spots on the penis are quite simple, but it is worth considering that they do not provide a 100% guarantee of health. Among them:

  • Careful adherence to the rules of intimate hygiene, a responsible approach to the choice of genital care products and the purchase of high-quality underwear made from natural fabrics;
  • Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, quitting smoking, minimizing alcohol consumption. Having normal regular physical activity, a diet filled with vitamins and microelements, maintaining water balance;
  • Careful and careful selection of protective equipment, in particular condoms, as well as careful selection of intimate lubricants;
  • Caring for the skin of the penis, using special creams with vitamins A and E.

Of course, no one can protect themselves one hundred percent from any pathology. But subject to preventive measures and careful attention to your own body, possible problems can be minimized. Also, with due attention to his own health, a man can detect the slightest change in time and, after visiting a specialist, begin therapy in the early stages, which will increase the chances of recovery.

Let's consider whether a mole on the penis is dangerous and whether it needs to be removed. Moles on the body have long become an integral adornment of any person.

But there are also those who frighten with their appearance and make you urgently think about visiting a doctor.

Such neoplasms include nevi on the penis.

Let’s take a closer look at whether you should be afraid of them, whether you need to remove them, and what they mean.

If a man has a mole on his genitals since birth, then there is no reason to worry.

Such formations practically do not change during life and do not pose any danger to their owner, especially if the nevus has a flat shape.

When a mole appears in an intimate place at a more mature age, it may depend on many reasons: hormonal changes in the body, excessive sun exposure and other factors.

In such cases, neoplasms require constant monitoring, since there is a possibility of their degeneration into melanoma.

The latter is a type of skin cancer that can be fatal in its final stages.

If the development of melanoma is prevented or stopped at the initial stage, then with the help of the latest research in the field of oncology, the death of the patient can be completely avoided.

Moles on the penis are dangerous because the possibility of their malignancy increases due to constant rubbing of the nevus due to tight underwear, rough seams on clothes, during sex or prolonged cycling.

Owners of acquired nevi are at risk of developing skin cancer, when a tumor is formed from degenerated cells and develops very rapidly, metastasizes to other organs of the patient and often leads to his death.

This cancer also appears as a result of cutaneous horn, which in turn develops from nevi on the penis in men.

If a mole on the penis does not bother its owner and does not manifest itself in any way, then independent observation of its dynamics is enough.

But there are cases when consultation with an oncodermatologist is necessary to identify the risks of malignancy or treatment of melanoma:

  • the tumor is growing and has already reached a size of more than 5 mm;
  • its structure has changed, inclusions and cracks have appeared, density has increased, color has changed;
  • the mole was surrounded by a rim of inflamed skin;
  • if hairs grew on the nevus, but they fell out on their own;
  • the mole has cracked or started to ooze fluid (blood);
  • the tumor hurts or itches;
  • became rough, crust-like;
  • turned black.

The presence of at least one of the listed phenomena should prompt a man to immediately visit a specialist, because the described symptoms characterize the degeneration of the formation into malignant melanoma.

The reason to go to the clinic should also be the fact that several moles have appeared on the penis at once.

The technique involves exposing the mole to a high-frequency current, which is supplied through a radioknife and kills nevus cells.

  • When removing a mole using this method, the healthy tissue adjacent to it is simultaneously cauterized, so the procedure is quick and without blood loss, and the wound heals faster and without special care.
  • The procedure can last up to 20 minutes and is carried out only under anesthesia, since excision with electric current is a rather painful procedure.

After radio wave removal, no visible marks remain on the penis, and a small scar heals in the first months after removal of the formation.

Allows you to get rid of a mole on the penis in a matter of minutes and without scars or marks afterwards, since visible marks after excision of the nevus are healed after a week and are not visible in the future.

The laser beam kills the neoplasm cells layer by layer, as if evaporating them, which makes it impossible in the future to conduct a histological examination of the removed tissues.

This method is applicable for both convex and flat nevi; it can be used to remove formations on the head of the penis - the most sensitive part of the genital organ.

In this case, only affected cells are removed, healthy tissue remains untouched.

During the burning process, the laser beam seals the blood vessels, so blood loss is not observed during excision.

This operation is carried out only under anesthesia, since surgical intervention in an intimate area is very painful.

The entire process usually lasts up to one hour. After the operation, stitches are placed on the wound, after which a small scar remains.

The procedure is prescribed when the benignity of the nevus is in question.

Then, after the operation, the removed tissue is sent for histological analysis, which will help determine the patient’s subsequent treatment.

If a man has such marks, he is usually interested in what a mole on his penis means.

After all, birthmarks always carried some meaning and could tell about a person and his character traits.

So, the possible meaning of nevi:

  • a ladies' man can always guess a woman's desires, so the wives of such men are very happy with their marriage and family relationships;
  • the man is quite loving, but in marriage he does not try to look for relationships on the side. They simply pay more attention to their wives, try to diversify their sex life;
  • perceives all women equally, does not single out the most beautiful, but will also try to find internal advantages in an outwardly unattractive lady. Women always care about such men;
  • they say that men with a mole in an intimate place give birth to very beautiful children;
  • The owners of such marks are quite willful, easily achieve their goals, and do not always invest a lot of money in it.

They say that if three moles together appear on a penis, then the family of such a man will have many children. Therefore, the appearance of a nevus in childhood in an intimate place is rather a sign from above, and not a sign of a disease.

But if such a mark appeared at a more mature age, it is advised to periodically take a closer look at it.

Questions and answers

Since moles in intimate places are not as common as on the arms, chest and back, some questions arise about them. Let's look at the most common of them.

A hanging mole is medically called a papilloma, as it is caused by the human papillomavirus.

Such formations appear as a result of the pathogen entering the bloodstream, which the body’s weakened immune system cannot cope with.

As a result of this, papillomas are localized on the genitals, chest, face and other parts of the body.

If you are concerned about this problem, it is initially advised to donate blood to determine the pathogen, and then remove the tumors with a laser.

This technique is most effective and efficient in the case of papillomas.

There is no particular danger in this, since increased accumulation of melanin can be localized on any tissue of the body: skin, mucous membranes and even the head of the penis.

Therefore, no special actions are prescribed in such situations; it is only important to constantly monitor the dynamics of the development of the neoplasm and see a dermatologist in a timely manner.

These types of formations are no different from melanomas on other parts of the body and usually have an irregular shape, coloring uncharacteristic of other moles on the body, uneven edges and other features.

Since such formations are easier to injure, they are recommended to be removed after a preliminary examination for the tumor.

If their benignity is confirmed, it is more convenient to remove such nevi with a laser.

Yes, in medical practice there are cases where neoplasms on the penis led to the development of cancer as a result of degeneration of the nevus and further spread of the tumor.

It is for this reason that moles on the penis cannot be ignored.

If a man has a mole on his penis, this does not mean serious health problems.

This is just a reason to be more attentive to your intimate area and observe the condition of the neoplasm, with which you can live your whole life without problems.

Dark hyperpigmented spots on the human body are called moles. In medicine, these formations are referred to as “nevus”. They can be of different colors (brown, black, red), intensity and size. The process of mole formation involves skin cells - melanocytes, which, under the influence of a stimulating factor, actively synthesize melanin. Initially, children are born without nevi. The largest number of them appears during puberty (adolescents). Triggers for the occurrence of nevi can be:

  1. Genetic predisposition. Information regarding moles is transmitted from mother and father to the child via DNA. This explains the frequent coincidence of the location and shape of a mole in a child with one of the parents.
  2. Prolonged exposure to the sun. The ultraviolet rays that the sun emits stimulate the production of melanin.
  3. Hormonal imbalance and stress factor.
  4. Radiation or exposure of a person to x-rays. In large doses they cause stimulation of melanocytes.

Moles on the face are in first place in terms of localization, and in second place are the body and limbs. Moles on the penis are considered a rare occurrence. The peculiarity of nevi is that they tend to disappear or appear over time. Also, with further exposure to the causative factor, the mole can degenerate into a malignant neoplasm of the skin.

The appearance of a mole on the penis means that the penis was exposed to one or more provoking factors that caused the active growth of melanocytes and their synthesis of melanin. From the point of view of alternative medicine, if a mole appears on the penis, you can determine the character and future of a person:

  • Men with nevi on the penis are loving and faithful to their women;
  • Has good potency;
  • He loves women and never offends them; he looks for only positive qualities in every representative of the fair sex;
  • Such men are good female psychologists;
  • They behave naturally in any situation;
  • They always marry successfully;
  • Such men give birth to beautiful children.

However, this meaning of a mole on the penis is only an assumption and has no evidence base. Therefore, you should not compare all men with a nevus on the penis and put them on the same level. Each person is individual. The location of a mole, according to psychologists, has the least influence on character.

Moles on the penis are harmless. However, under the influence of unfavorable factors, they can be dangerous to the health and life of a man. The penis is a place that is constantly in contact with clothing and its skin is often injured. This can lead to a nevus on the penis will start to grow, change, and degenerate into a malignant skin tumor - melanoma. This is especially dangerous if a mole appears on the head of the penis. This neoplasm occurs in half of the cases in elderly men. Melanoma is dangerous because, despite its size, it metastasizes within a short period of time. It is often not possible to diagnose the primary lesion in a man due to the small size of the tumor. The prognosis for melanoma depends on how deep the tumor cells have spread into the skin. If you do not monitor the development of a mole on the penis, there is a possibility of missing the development of melanoma, which can lead to metastases to the lungs, brain, heart and bones. This disease can be fatal.

Visit a dermatologist necessary for any man who has discovered a mole on his penis, since the localization of the nevus predisposes to degeneration into melanoma. In addition, consultation with a doctor is mandatory if changes are detected in a mole:

  1. The nevus has increased significantly in size;
  2. An elevation of the mole above the surface of the skin has appeared;
  3. The shape of the nevus has changed; it now has fuzzy, irregular edges;
  4. The surface of the mole has become rough;
  5. The color has changed - the mole has become black;
  6. The skin around the mole became inflamed;
  7. The mole began to bleed, itching and discomfort appeared in it.

If you have one of these changes in your mole, a visit to a dermatologist is mandatory. This is necessary to prevent serious complications. A favorable prognostic sign is the presence of hairs on the mole. If hair stops growing from the nevus, you should immediately consult a dermatologist.

Diagnosis of moles in people who are at risk (men with moles on the penis) helps to promptly identify a malignant neoplasm of the skin, begin treatment as soon as possible and avoid the negative consequences of melanoma. The first and simplest diagnostic method is a general examination of the mole on the penis, as well as the entire body. For inspection, use a magnifying glass with polarized light. The next step in diagnosis is dermatoscopy. Using a dermatoscope (similar in structure and operating principle to a microscope), an individual nevus on the penis is examined. Using this method, the structure and type of mole is assessed. It is also possible to determine the type of course (benign or malignant). The advantage of this method is non-invasiveness, accessibility, and painlessness. A device such as a dermatoscope helps to view all layers of the skin, bypassing the stratum corneum. Digital analysis of a mole is one of the modern research methods. It helps to evaluate all parameters of the nevus and study them over time. A skin biopsy if a malignant mole is suspected will help confirm or refute the diagnosis. It is the most reliable method for examining nevi.

If you also observe blockage of the sebaceous glands (like purulent pimples) on the penis, check out this article!

After a comprehensive examination, the doctor may recommend removal of a mole on the penis. You can do this in the following ways:

  • Laser excision of nevus. The mole is removed layer by layer with a laser. Duration of the procedure is 5 minutes, after which the rehabilitation period lasts up to two weeks. Anesthesia is performed at the request of the patient. This method of removing moles is modern and popular;
  • Application of high-frequency current (electrocoagulation). After removal, a scab forms at the site of the mole, which falls off on its own. The method is gentle on sensitive skin of the penis. There is no scar left at the site of the mole. Also, with electrocoagulation, the possibility of wound infection is eliminated.
  • Use of liquid nitrogen (cryodestruction). After the procedure, a crust forms at the site of the mole, under which healthy tissue grows. However, such a wound takes a long time to heal with the possible formation of a scar.
  • For small moles, surgical removal can be used.

Removal of a mole on the penis should be carried out by an experienced doctor in a specialized office in compliance with hygienic standards. Independent attempts to remove a nevus can lead to a malignant skin tumor. After removal, it is necessary to conduct a histological examination of the mole.

A mole on the penis is not something supernatural. Moles are a ubiquitous phenomenon that can be localized on any part of the human body, and in their structure and etiology they depend little on the location of their location. The location of their specific placement can be considered as an additional factor when deciding on treatment.

A mole on the penis (nevus) in a man is a benign formation consisting of cells with an excess content of pigment - melanin. It can appear in any male. In this case, a mole can appear on the head, the outer or inner surface of the foreskin, the scrotum, the body of the penis, in general, on any part of the genital organ.

In a normal state, a nevus is detected only by appearance, without accompanying symptoms. All extraneous signs (itching, pain, inflammation) indicate the occurrence of complications and require clarification of the causes. According to their shape, moles on the genitals are divided into protruding and flat formations.

A flat mole or birthmark practically does not rise above the skin (height no more than 1 mm), and therefore, apart from a cosmetic defect, does not cause any other discomfort. Protruding nevi can rise to a certain height, which can cause problems. If such moles are located on the head of the penis or on the foreskin, then the risk of mechanical damage increases, especially during sexual intercourse.

Moles can be congenital or acquired. In the first case, they are already observed in a newborn child, but, as a rule, they have the appearance of a birthmark and do not pose any danger, but can calmly “sit” in their place all their lives without disturbing the person. Such nevi most often do not require treatment.

Acquired formations can be generated by various endogenous and exogenous factors. Among the provoking reasons are the following:

  • wearing tight underwear, especially synthetic ones;
  • mechanical damage to the skin in the genital area (cuts when shaving hair, abrasions, etc.);
  • sexually transmitted infectious diseases;
  • radiation and x-ray exposure;
  • stress;
  • violation of hygiene of intimate areas;
  • Frequent cycling or horseback riding.

The peak appearance of moles on the penis occurs during puberty in adolescents.

Normally, a mole should not cause any sensation. A person simply forgets about it, which sometimes becomes the cause of certain complications. The following risks of the existence of a nevus in the intimate area can be identified:

  1. Bleeding. With mechanical impact (usually of an abrasive or tearing nature), there is a high risk of damage to the mole. It is most likely that convex formations will be torn off during sexual intercourse, as well as walking in tight underwear. In this case, damage to the mole causes bleeding, which must be stopped as soon as possible.
  2. Infections. The intimate zone is characterized by a closed space, where pathogenic microorganisms can accumulate without access to air. With any, even microscopic, damage to a mole, this area can become infected. If an infection occurs, an inflammatory reaction occurs with characteristic signs: redness, suppuration, itching and pain.
  3. Degeneration of a mole. Nevi have a tendency to transform into melanoma - a malignant skin formation. Fortunately, this phenomenon occurs extremely rarely, but it is necessary to be wary of such a possibility. The reasons that provoke the degeneration of a mole can be considered: frequent mechanical damage; exposure to extreme temperatures; frequent inflammatory reactions. This pathology must be identified at an early stage, when effective treatment can still be provided. The main signs of transformation: a sharp increase in size (more than 6 mm); visible change in structure, cracks; darkening of the formation (to black); signs of an inflammatory reaction; itching and pain; bleeding. The appearance of any of these symptoms is considered a reason to consult a doctor.

Most moles on the penis do not require any treatment. If the nevus is damaged, measures are taken to stop bleeding, antiseptic treatment and antibacterial measures. First of all, the damaged area must be treated with iodine or hydrogen peroxide.

The only way to remove a mole is surgery. Such an impact is necessarily carried out when signs of malignancy appear. However, such operations are carried out only after the pathology has been accurately identified; this requires histological studies and biochemical analysis of tissue samples. An indication for surgical treatment is the inconvenient location of a mole, when the risk of frequent damage is quite high, or when it is significantly elevated above the surface of the skin.

Removal of a mole on the penis should only be performed in a specialized medical facility. The most widely used technologies are laser exposure, electrocoagulation, radio wave method and surgical excision with a scalpel. Laser removal provides the most effective elimination of the defect, leaving no scars. Adjacent tissues are not damaged. Surgical intervention must be used to remove the transformed formation. In this case, chemotherapy is additionally used.

A nevus on the penis most often exists painlessly from birth and throughout life, without creating any problems.

If there is a risk of complications, such formations must be removed, for which surgical treatment methods are used.

It is difficult to meet a man who does not have moles on his body. These benign formations on the skin, which in medicine are commonly called nevi, can appear in the most unexpected places, including the human genitals.

In some representatives of the stronger sex, moles on the penis appear in childhood, but there are often cases when nevi form on the male penis already in adulthood. They may vary in number, size and shape. Neoplasms on the surface of the skin of the genital organ are not always harmless. Sometimes they signal a hidden danger to the health of their owner, so they need to be taken seriously.

What is the danger of a nevus on a man’s intimate organ? In some cases, it can develop into melanoma (a malignant tumor) and cost a person his life. Any mole is an excess accumulation of the pigment melanin, which is responsible for skin color. It can be a barely noticeable brown spot, or it can look like a dark tubercle of impressive size. If a pigmented neoplasm does not cause a person any discomfort and does not change its structure, shape or size, there is no reason to panic. But you should think about an urgent visit to a dermatologist when a mole:

  • more than 5 mm in diameter;
  • turned from flat to convex;
  • has acquired an irregular shape;
  • became rough, unpleasant to the touch, crusts appeared on it;
  • changed in color, becoming lighter or darker than before;
  • cracked and bleeding;
  • began to itch or hurt.

Also an alarming sign is the appearance of a red rim around the nevus, indicating inflammation of the skin. If a mole is covered with vegetation and hairs begin to fall out of it on its own, this should also be a reason to visit a doctor. It wouldn’t hurt to make an appointment with a dermatologist if your penis is covered with many moles at once. The doctor will prescribe the patient an examination in the form of a histological tissue analysis, which allows him to find out exactly whether the nevus poses a threat to human life. If melanoma is confirmed, the man will be registered with an oncologist. The sooner this dangerous disease can be identified, the greater the patient’s chances of beating it.

Often, formations on the penis begin to cause discomfort to their owners after mechanical impact on them, so in order to avoid health problems, you need to try not to injure them. Men who have one or more moles on the penis should never try to get rid of them at home, as this can lead to their degeneration into a malignant formation. In order not to injure the nevus again, you should avoid wearing tight underwear. A mole on the penis can be damaged during sexual intercourse, while riding a bicycle, or in the process of shaving hair from an intimate area. Direct sunlight contributes to the degeneration of a mole into melanoma, so those with birthmarks on the genitals should not sunbathe naked.

Even if the presence of moles on the penis does not cause a man physical discomfort, but he wants to get rid of them, considering them unsightly or fearing their further degeneration into cancer, he should also visit a dermatologist.

After examining the patient, the doctor will refer him to remove the birthmark. If a specialist suspects possible oncology, the excised nevus will be sent for histological analysis to the laboratory. In the case where the doctor did not consider it necessary to prescribe this examination to the man, the latter may request it himself in order to make sure that the mole that “decorated” his penis was a completely harmless skin formation.

To remove nevi on male intimate organs, modern medicine uses the following methods:

  • surgical;
  • radio wave;
  • using a laser.

Large birthmarks are removed from the surface of the genital organ surgically. The surgeon completely excises the nevus from the surface of the skin with a scalpel, and places a suture on the resulting wound. Since surgical excision of a birthmark is a rather painful procedure, it is performed under local anesthesia. The duration of the operation usually does not exceed one hour. After excision, a scar remains on the penis, which becomes less noticeable over time.

When removing small nevi from the surface of the male genital organ, a radio wave method (electrocoagulation) is used. This method is less traumatic than surgery, so it is often used to destroy moles in intimate places. Instead of a scalpel, high-frequency current discharges are used here. The operation allows you to remove a mole without damaging the surrounding tissues or causing severe bleeding. The duration of the procedure rarely exceeds 20 minutes and is performed under local anesthesia. After the electrocoagulation procedure, there are practically no traces left on the penis.

Another effective way to remove a mole on the penis is the laser method. During the procedure, it is possible to achieve complete evaporation of the nevus, while the tissues surrounding it remain intact. Removal of pigmented formations on the skin of the genital organ is painless and takes only a few minutes. Due to the fact that the laser beam “seals” all blood vessels during the process of evaporating the mole, the operation can be performed without bleeding.

After laser removal of a nevus, a small mark will remain on the penis, which completely disappears within a week. The disadvantage of this method is the impossibility of conducting a histological examination of the mole after it, therefore it is not prescribed to patients in whom the benignity of the pigment formation has not been proven.

Age spots: moles (medical nevi) are present in every person on earth who is over 10 years old. The localization of birthmarks on the human body is very diverse: they are on the mucous membranes, in the mouth, tongue, in the anus and in the vagina. Probably, most men and their wives begin to worry if a mole appears on the penis.

The localization of birthmarks on the human body is very diverse.

A birthmark is a malformation of the skin in the womb or acquired during life by a benign tumor. At some point, the skin cells suddenly fill with pigment and become melaconites, the accumulation of which is a nevus.

Moles sometimes appear during puberty, in women during pregnancy. It is interesting that moles on the genitals occur in women much more often than in men. Birthmarks can appear in people regardless of age and in any place. Most often, men are very puzzled and sometimes even frightened when they first notice a mole on the penis or scrotum. Nevi vary in size. Small moles are those whose size does not exceed 1.5 centimeters. Medium spots reach a size of up to 10 centimeters. Accordingly, those spots whose size exceeds 10 centimeters in diameter are considered large. These neoplasms come in two types: vascular and pigmented. A vascular mole is often red in color and is formed due to excessive proliferation of blood capillaries. Pigmented moles vary in color, from light to almost black. They arise from an excess of melanin. In addition, a man himself is capable of provoking the appearance of birthmarks by neglecting his health.

Among the main factors for the appearance of moles on the genitals are the following:

Accidental injury to the skin on the penis or on the head of the penis can lead to the formation of a nevus

There is nothing dangerous about the birthmarks on the penis themselves. Unfortunately, the danger is posed by the fact that under the influence of certain factors, a mole can begin to change and turn into melanoma and cost a man not only his health, but also his life.

If you have moles on the penis, you need to carefully monitor them and immediately visit an oncologist in cases where:

  1. The shape has changed
  2. From a flat shape, the mole has become convex
  3. Changed in color
  4. A crust appeared on it or the nevus began to bleed
  5. Suddenly she reminded herself: she began to itch or hurt
  6. If a red rim appears around the mole, indicating inflammation
  7. There are more moles

If you have moles on the penis, you need to carefully monitor them

If you experience any of these symptoms, you should visit your doctor immediately! It also wouldn’t hurt to consult a dermatovenerologist. The man will be tested to exclude or confirm the diagnosis and immediately begin treatment in the second case.

Sometimes you come across very strange moles: as if the mole is hanging on a thin leg. They confuse with their atypical appearance and cause some inconvenience. Such moles are in some way mutants: they are a kind of mixture of nevus and papilloma. If such a mole appears on the body, and especially on the genitals, you should urgently consult a doctor. If everything is fine, but the birthmark is just in the way, then you should think about removing it.

There are different methods for removing nevi:

  • Large birthmarks are surgically excised from the surface of the skin. Then stitches are placed on the wound. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia and takes about an hour.
  • When the birthmarks are relatively small in size, they are removed from the surface of the skin by electrocoagulation. This operation is less traumatic and does not threaten bleeding. It takes about 20 minutes and leaves no stitches.
  • The laser method is used to remove small and small moles. It is practically painless, leaves no marks and takes about a few minutes.

We can summarize: birthmarks are a characteristic feature of a person. You shouldn't be afraid of them, but you need to keep a close eye on them. Doctors state that the appearance of birthmarks indicates that the body is aging. This is a natural process, and humans cannot prevent it. But at any age you need to take care of yourself and your health.

Our ancestors believed that marks on intimate organs have special meaning. "Black mark, damn mark" ©. What can a birthmark on the genitals tell about its owner?

Our ancestors believed that marks on the intimate organs have special meaning

This largely depends on its location:

  • A mole on the penis says that its owner is a very loving person. He loves women and they love him back. Such a man is well versed in the peculiarities of female psychology, loves and knows how to indulge a woman’s little whims. With all his temperament, such a man values ​​his family and his family. He usually gives birth to healthy and beautiful children. Your health is at its best, your sex life will last for many years. If there are three or more moles on the penis, then the man will have many children. In addition, people with this mark are very successful. They make excellent businessmen and jacks of all trades. These are luckier and more resourceful people. They are always honest with others, do not welcome deception and enjoy the love of others;
  • A mole on the pubic area will tell you that a man knows how to focus women’s attention on himself. He is sexy, charming and attractive. This is a flighty ladies' man who changes his girlfriends like gloves. He does not think about family and children until adulthood. Such guys love cheerful companies and make friends easily and quickly. They are very successful in the professional sphere, responsible and often occupy high positions. · A mole in the groin area characterizes a man as a true dictator who does not take into account the wishes of others.
  • A mole on the scrotum indicates a self-centered, vain nature with a slight touch of snobbery, but at the same time a very successful person and a darling of fate. He takes risks and drinks champagne. Status is very important to him; he dominates at home and at work. He is very concerned about issues of inheritance and procreation. He is a typical “patriarch” who sees himself as the head of a large family. Unfortunately, when it comes to health, not everything is smooth sailing. Problems may arise in the intimate sphere.

Almost all men have moles on their bodies. From a medical point of view, these benign formations on the skin are called nevi. They appear on various parts of the body, including the genitals. A mole on the penis is not always safe. Often it is a kind of symptom of disorders developing in the body.

A nevus can appear on the genitals in childhood or in adulthood. Its appearance is perceived ambiguously, since many consider such formations as unfavorable. This is due to the fact that in some cases moles can degenerate from benign to malignant, forming melanomas, which in advanced cases have an unfavorable outcome.

Nevi can appear in groups or one at a time. On the penis, they can be localized on any part of it (on the foreskin, on the glans penis and on the scrotum). They can have a variety of shapes and colors. Experts identify light and dark brown moles, and even black ones. This is not a deviation.

In order to understand whether a nevus on the penis is dangerous or not, you need to understand what this neoplasm is. A mole on the penis means that there is an accumulation of melanin in the genital area, which differs in pigmentation and structure from the rest of the skin. Some nevi may appear as brown bumps, while others may appear as dark spots. They cannot be injured. Otherwise, there is a high risk of developing serious complications.

A mole on the scrotum or penis can develop into melanoma or cause skin cancer. In order to avoid such violations, you need to know what a malignant tumor looks like.

The following symptoms should never be ignored:

  • Enlargement of the nevus to 5 mm or more.
  • The appearance of a bulge or irregular shape.
  • Presence of roughness or crust.
  • Color change: lightening or darkening.
  • Cracking and bleeding.
  • The appearance of pain and characteristic itching.

There are symptoms that should not be ignored

An alarming signal is the appearance of a small red rim around the mole. Its meaning is inflammation affecting the nevus and skin. The reason for contacting a specialist should be a sudden baldness of a previously hairy mole in a man, which is located on the penis.

A dangerous signal - moles appear on the head of the penis, on the scrotum and even testicles. This should alert you and prompt you to visit a doctor. If no measures are taken in time, malignant degeneration is possible. Only a specialist can determine the presence of danger by conducting a histological examination.

Melanoma at stages 3 and 4 of progression leads to death in 90% of cases. But if a malignant process is detected in a timely manner, then in the initial stages of development it is possible to completely cure cancer and save life and health.

What else are dangerous about moles on the penis? Injury to the nevus often occurs in this area.

The reason is active sex life or wearing tight underwear and clothing. Mechanical impact on moles is also extremely undesirable. Moles that appear on the testicles can be injured when riding a bicycle, so it is also recommended to avoid this means of transportation. If nevi are located on the right or left scrotum, then the shaving procedure should be carried out extremely carefully so as not to damage the formation.

Even if a mole on the left or right side of the scrotum, glans penis or testicles does not cause discomfort to a man, it is imperative to go to a dermatologist for consultation. This is necessary in order to exclude the possibility of degeneration into a malignant formation.

As a rule, nevus removal is carried out only after a histological examination has been carried out. Only after receiving the diagnostic results, the patient is sent for the removal procedure.

Before removing a mole, a histological examination is carried out

If, for medical reasons, a mole on the head, shaft of the penis, scrotum or testicles must be removed, then the specialist will select the most appropriate method for each case. The procedure, regardless of the method of implementation, is aimed at excision of the existing formation and elimination of the aesthetic defect when such a need arises.

  • Radio wave excision.

A highly effective technique that involves removing a nevus by exposing it to high-frequency current. It is applied through a radio knife and destroys the cellular structures of the mole.

During this procedure, healthy tissues that are located next to the formation are cauterized, so no blood loss is observed. The duration of radio wave exposure lasts for 20 minutes. The procedure is performed using a local anesthetic.

After radio wave correction, a small scar remains on the skin of the genital organ, which heals over 30-45 days.

  • Laser method.

Indicated if a man has a mole on the head, body of the penis, scrotum or testicular area on the left or right. This procedure allows you to get rid of a growth on the genital organ in a matter of minutes, without leaving scars or marks. Small marks that remain on the skin after removal of the nevus disappear on their own within a week.

The essence of the technique is the impact on the formation of a laser beam, which allows you to destroy cellular structures layer by layer, evaporating them. The only disadvantage of the procedure is the impossibility of conducting histological examination.

In modern medicine, there is a method for removing moles with a laser.

Laser removal is widely used to remove flat and raised moles, even in the most sensitive areas of the genitals. In this case, only damaged structures are excised, and healthy tissue is not affected. The laser beam seals the vascular structures, so blood loss does not occur.

  • Surgical removal.

Nevi in ​​the penis area are removed using this method only under anesthesia, since the procedure is quite painful. The operation lasts for an hour, after which sutures are applied to the area where the formation is localized. Subsequently, a small scar remains on the skin.

Surgical removal of a nevus on the penis is prescribed when the benignity of the neoplasm remains in question. After excision, the removed lesion is sent for histological examination, which makes it possible to determine the diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment if necessary.

A mole on the genitals appears unexpectedly or may be present almost from birth.

Regardless of where the nevus came from, it is recommended to monitor its condition. Ideally, consult a dermatologist periodically. This will allow you to timely determine the likelihood of malignancy and take therapeutic measures. Do not trigger pathological changes; consult a doctor when primary symptoms appear. It is better to prevent the development of dangerous complications than to subsequently fight for health and life.

They are an integral part of our body. Moles can appear in the most unexpected places and may differ in color, size and shape. In principle, a mole is an excess content of melanin in the skin. Moles can appear at birth, as well as throughout life. The topic of this article is moles in intimate places. Find out what this symptom means in this article.

Moles in intimate places - what does it mean?

With the appearance of moles in an intimate place, the question immediately arises: what does this mean for its owner? If a mole does not cause discomfort to its owner, namely, does not itch or peel, then it does not carry anything terrible and there is no need to worry - it is the same mole as others on the human body. However, it is worth paying special attention to changes in the mole. If it causes itching or begins to peel, change color or size, or changes its shape, then this is a good reason to consult a doctor.

The location of the mole and its appearance have attracted the attention of scientists and psychics for a long time. Thus, it was previously believed that moles in intimate places indicate that a person is not clean and has a predisposition to sexually transmitted diseases.

However, times have changed, and moles are still popular among astrologers and psychics. However, now the meaning of moles on intimate places has changed significantly. It depends on the more specific location and gender of its owner.

Moles in a woman's intimate places

So, let's see what a mole in an intimate place promises for a woman. If a mole is located on a woman’s pubic area, it promises her good luck and a good career. Such a woman is characterized by good taste. Giftedness and developed intelligence. In the future, such a woman will win the favor of the people around her and become a good mother who monitors the development and education of her children.

Also, a mole can be on a woman’s foreskin. Located in such a place, it speaks of the diligence, openness and sincerity of its owner. Such women lead an active social lifestyle and carefully monitor their appearance and wardrobe. They love to be the center of attention and always strive for it.

Women who are endowed with a mole in intimate places have natural charm and excessive emotionality. Such ladies are popular with men and depend on them.

Moles in a man's intimate places

What about men? A mole on a man's pubic area speaks of his good nature and attractive sexuality. He is successful in his career and prefers unavailable women.

Men who have a mole on the scrotum in their arsenal have determination, excessive pride, responsibility and seriousness in their actions.

A mole on a man's foreskin is very rare. A mole in intimate places gives its owner a strong masculine character and promises him success in any endeavor. Such men are purposeful and responsible. They value beauty and luxury.

Nowadays, people often talk about the meaning of moles on the body of men and women. They are trying to find different books and articles that will talk about intimate moles in women and men. Because everyone wants to know more about their character, about the character of their loved one and about the possible prediction of fate. However, few people talk about what intimate moles mean. Such marks can only be seen by people closest to each other. They talk about the most intimate details of a person’s character and life.

Intimate moles in men

If a man has intimate moles, then they are considered lucky, since this spot characterizes them as wonderful lovers. A man with an intimate mole is quite loving. This does not always mean that he is a womanizer and is trying to seduce all women. This mole indicates that he knows how to be loyal to all representatives of the fair sex. He always knows how to give a compliment even to such a woman that few people will look at. If a man with such a mole has already found his beloved companion, then he knows perfectly well what needs to be done to make his beloved happy. Such a man does not need to pretend and learn to be elegant and tactful, since this is inherent in him by nature, and he knows what and when to do in relation to a woman. Naturally, a man with an intimate mole rarely suffers from problems with potency. Such men are never alone, as their charm and charm always attract the female half. A marriage with such a man is very happy. At the same time, he may not be particularly rich, but he will not allow himself to live in poverty.

Intimate moles in women

Women with an intimate mole are not very lucky, as it causes them a lot of trouble. Typically, such women are very sensitive in the intimate area. In addition, the owner of such a mole can shock her partner due to unconventional sexual intercourse. Such a woman has no idea how to live without male affection and care. On the one hand, she is afraid that a man might mistake her for a slutty woman, and on the other hand, she does not want her partner to discover such a mole. Intimate relationships are a strong point for such a woman. She likes to take the initiative. She often resorts to harsher forms of sex. A woman with an intimate mole may seem very shy at first glance, but at the same time everyone is interested in her.

It is said that men and women who have intimate moles will have very beautiful children.

In fact, tiny and quite large moles can appear anywhere, including in quite intimate places. True, many are completely unaware of their presence and can learn about such an interesting feature from their partner or from a doctor.

What does a birthmark on private parts mean?

Surprisingly, since ancient times people have tried to determine exactly how the presence of a particular nevus affects the character and fate of a person. And during such searches, real coincidences were found, which allowed the development of a whole branch of astrology - morphoscopy (this is the name of the science that deals with deciphering the meaning of moles on the surface of the body).

Meaning for a man

On the pubic area

There is a theory that the owners of such a mark of fate are characterized by:

  • Great sexuality. Guys with a mole on their pubic area just attract girls. There are many women in their lives, but such passion does not make them womanizers, but rather allows them to be “gambling hunters.”
  • A craving for unapproachable women who need to be conquered.
  • The desire to win and achieve success everywhere. And they succeed; men with such a nevus are most often successful in their careers, make excellent money and achieve a good financial position.
  • Good nature, openness of emotions, independence and activity.
  • Love for relaxation with like-minded people, entertainment and thrills.

On the dick

According to astrologers, the presence of a mole on the penis is a sure sign of high potency and good libido. A man with a similar mark is capable of:

  • It is good to understand female psychology and clearly know what exactly a partner needs to be happy.
  • Finding the right key to a woman's heart.

The presence of a mole on the head of the penis warns that a man is not at all deprived of the love and attention of women.

He cannot imagine his life without a beautiful lady and is ready to lay his own feelings at her feet.

On the scrotum

When assessing character from the point of view of the presence of a mole on a man’s testicles, experts pay attention to the exact location of such a mark. In particular, a nevus on the right side indicates:

  • Self-centeredness and vanity, perhaps some snobbery.
  • Responsibility and seriousness.
  • Tendency to have difficulty communicating.
  • Insufficiently favorable interaction with the team.
  • Ability to achieve remarkable results in terms of finances and career growth.

At the same time, a mole on the eggs on the left indicates:

  • High luck combined with an appetite for risk. It is important to note that sharp upswings in the fortunes of such men may later end in rapid downfalls.
  • A strong-willed personality with a rather cool disposition.
  • Tendencies to dictate in relationships.
  • The importance of family issues for a man, as well as procreation.

Meaning for women

On the pubic part

Mole experts are confident that such a sign of fate is truly lucky, especially if it is located closer to the left side of the body or in the central part. Such a mole promises good luck in life, in addition, it indicates:

  • Charm and attractiveness.
  • Giftedness and highly developed intelligence.
  • Love for fashionable clothes that are combined with taste.
  • Possessing the power of persuasion and leadership qualities. Owners of a mole on the pubis want to occupy a dominant position on the personal front and in their work activities.
  • Self-sufficiency, ability to earn money and build a career.
  • The ability to be a great wife and mother.

On the right lip

A mole in the area of ​​the right labia is considered not a very good sign. Holders of this mark may encounter:

  • Life's difficulties, struggles and difficulties.
  • Gynecological diseases, problems with childbirth, dangerous or difficult childbirth.
  • Problems with sex life.

On the left lip

Girls with a similar mark often stand out for their charm, which nature gave them. They are full of attractiveness and wonderful charm, but at the same time they often have poor health, and their beauty quickly fades.

Such ladies should build relationships and make good friends in their youth, otherwise they risk facing complete loneliness in old age.

Near the anus

Moles near the anus appear quite rarely. It is believed that such marks in men and women may indicate some kind of trouble in the body, and it can be both physical and mental. Owners of such a mole are often quite selfish, and they may be characterized by cruelty.

Vaginal mass

Surprisingly, an accumulation of pigment cells in the form of a mole may well appear on the mucous membranes of the vagina. But more often than not, girls have absolutely no idea about this peculiarity of theirs. Usually only the doctor pays attention to the formation in the form of a small dark dot. And first you need to make sure that such a mark is a mole, and not a papilloma or some other dangerous symptom. This is usually done by a simple scraping.

Moles in the vagina require special control due to their location. They can easily become injured and begin to grow, cause discomfort and even degenerate into cancer. Therefore, doctors usually insist on removing such nevi.

Is it possible to mix?

Under no circumstances should you try to get rid of moles on the genitals on your own. Such zeal can pose a serious threat to health and provoke various complications ranging from infection to cancer. Removal of moles in intimate places is carried out only by specialists - a gynecologist, dermatovenerologist, etc.

Risk factors

Moles located in the genital area are considered quite dangerous for the following reasons:

  • They are often injured during the removal of excess hair (when shaving, using a trimmer, waxing, etc.).
  • They may be under constant pressure from underwear, which can lead to poor circulation, injury, and degeneration of nevi.
  • Such marks are very often injured during sexual intercourse, especially if they protrude slightly above the skin.

Danger signs

A mole in the genital area itself does not require an immediate visit to a doctor. But sometimes consultation with doctors is extremely necessary. In particular, you need to make an appointment if the nevus:

  • Changes shape, size or color.
  • It hurts or itches.
  • Inflamed.
  • Bleeds or crusts over.

Of course, such changes do not indicate one hundred percent development of cancer. But usually such symptoms are an indication for prompt removal of the mole.

Nevus removal

Most often, moles in delicate intimate places are removed using minimally invasive techniques:

  • Laser.
  • By radio waves.

Both of these methods allow you to get rid of nevus very quickly and painlessly. Removal is not accompanied by bleeding, cannot be complicated by inflammation, and extremely rarely leads to the formation of scars.

However, if there is a high risk of cancerous degeneration of the mole, doctors may insist on cutting out the problematic nevus with a scalpel. Of course, such an operation is more problematic and requires stitches. But in modern clinics it is performed at a high level, which reduces the risk of complications and unpleasant consequences to a minimum.

A mole on the penis is a benign formation in an intimate place that appears during prenatal life. From a medical point of view, any nevus is dangerous. It can develop into a malignant tumor.

The skin on the genitals is sensitive and vulnerable. A small injury or friction ends in serious consequences. There are several reasons for the appearance of pigment spots in an interesting place:

  1. Hormonal imbalances contribute to the appearance of age spots on the penis, scrotum, and testicles. Failure occurs in the presence of endocrine diseases or during adolescence.
  2. Constantly wearing tight underwear (miniature swimming trunks) contributes to chafing of the genitals. The skin of the genital organs is injured and compressed. Men feel a little discomfort and do not attach any importance to it.
  3. A birthmark is a specific mark on a specific place that is inherited. At birth, a child is endowed with a family sign.
  4. The sun has a negative effect on the skin. Rays with direct, prolonged contact with nevi provoke degeneration into malignant formations.
  5. Being in the radiation zone, under X-rays, leads to the appearance of melanomas.
  6. Accidental injuries to the penis and testicles pose a high danger to men. Injury occurs due to excessively harsh washing of the genitals, unsuccessful sexual contact, or sharp fastening of the fly. Taking good care of your intimate organs will prevent possible misfortune.

It becomes dangerous under the influence of unfavorable factors and begins to change (increases in size, changes shape, brown color turns into black). To prevent the development of cancer, suspicious nevi should be shown to dermatologists.

Features of localization and how to distinguish it from other formations

Such a mole may be located on the scrotum, testicles, or foreskin. Morphoscopists associate the specific location of the nevus with the character of a person. They are confident that a mark on the penis can accurately tell about the sexual preferences of its owner.

For a mole on the head of the penis, a careful differential diagnosis should be carried out with other neoplasms. The doctor will help in this matter. Nevi must be differentiated from diseases:

  1. Papilloma is a benign formation that protrudes above the skin in the form of a papilla. It is flesh-colored and oblong in shape. It goes away on its own when the level of immunity is normalized and stress factors disappear.
  2. Genital warts are warty growths that are pink or flesh-colored. They are located singly or grow in several layers. Condylomas are localized on the border of the head of the penis, the frenulum of the foreskin. They cause discomfort during sexual intercourse. Condylomas with minor injuries begin to bleed.
  3. Melanoma is a malignant tumor that quickly metastasizes and causes the death of the patient. The tumor is formed from skin pigment cells - melanocytes. Looks asymmetrical, black.

It is difficult to recognize a neoplasm on your own. A qualified doctor will help distinguish benign and malignant nature.

With the help of modern methods, differential diagnosis is not difficult. Early detection of the disease makes it possible to treat malignant tumors in the initial stages.

Should a mole on the penis be removed?

Removal of a mole from an intimate place occurs according to indications. A dermatologist examines a nevus. Prescribes additional examination methods.

If a malignant nature is suspected, part of the modified tissue is separated. Sends it to the laboratory, where it is studied under a microscope. After receiving the results of the study, the doctor decides on further treatment tactics.

The nevus is removed surgically, laser or electrocoagulation. After removing the nevus, the edges of the skin are sutured. The tissues are sent for histological examination to exclude a malignant nature. The operation takes about 30-40 minutes. The wound heals with the formation of a scar.

Laser surgery is a special removal procedure performed using a laser beam. Positive characteristics of the method include:

  1. There is no trauma to the skin.
  2. It is carried out in the shortest possible time (3-4 minutes).
  3. Rarely causes complications.
  4. Not accompanied by bleeding.
  5. There are no scars left after the procedure.
  6. It is carried out without anesthesia.
  7. There is a rapid restoration of the skin.

Laser excision completely destroys the mark. Its main disadvantage is that it is impossible to conduct a histological examination to exclude the malignant nature of the disease. Radio wave excision removes nevi using high-frequency current. The surrounding tissues are cauterized and do not bleed. After the procedure, a small scar remains.

Can moles on the penis degenerate?

A mole on the testicles or penis in most cases does not cause discomfort in a man. It is not a dangerous formation. Under the influence of unfavorable factors (frequent visits to solariums, beaches, wearing tight synthetic underwear), degeneration is possible.

Melanoma is a common skin cancer. It represents a malignant formation of melanocytes. The risk of developing the disease is high in men after 60 years of age. People often do not pay attention to the pathological changes in the nevus.

Melanoma is a malignant tumor that metastasizes to internal organs, bones, and brain. Causes human death. A thorough examination helps prevent degeneration.

What symptoms should you see a doctor for?

To stay healthy, you need to monitor the condition of your skin. The smallest changes in moles require consultation with a dermatologist. Common changes that require immediate consultation with a dermatologist or oncologist:

  1. The nevus has changed color. Blue or black discoloration may occur.
  2. The shape of the mole has changed. Most nevi are flat. Under the influence of unfavorable factors and pathological changes in the body, they become convex.
  3. Dimensions of education. Some moles look small, others look large. If the mole has increased in size, you should consult your doctor.
  4. Bleeding nevus is a risk of cancer.
  5. If the birthmark is itchy or painful, you should visit the hospital.
  6. Inflammatory changes in the nevus appear as a red rim around the formation.

The listed changes cannot be ignored. Early consultation with an oncodermatologist saves the patient’s health and life.

A mole on the genital organ is a benign formation that, under the influence of a number of factors, degenerates into a malignant one. Consultation with a dermatologist prevents the development of the disease.