Mycoplasmosis: an insidious male disease. Mycoplasmosis in men: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Mycoplasmosis in men - bacterial disease, which affects the respiratory tract and genitals. This disease can also occur in women, but in the male population it causes more serious reactions.

The causative agent of mycoplasmosis is a small bacterium called mycoplasma. She's invisible to the human eye, while actively multiplying and easily transmitted. Therefore, infection and development of the disease occur quickly and mycoplasmosis in men often reaches serious stages that need to be treated.

Types of bacteria

What is mycoplasma? This is a bacterium that cannot be seen even under a microscope. Mycoplasma is represented on Earth in more than 10 species. For humans, in particular for men, 3 of them are dangerous - pathogens, urealiticum and hominis. Depending on the type, the bacterium affects humans in two ways:

The first 2 types of mycoplasma are sexual, and are more inclined to cause problems in the respiratory tract. The bacterium is dangerous for any type of illness.

Severity of the disease

Patients may underestimate mycoplasmosis and delay its diagnosis and treatment. However, the disease represents serious danger for men. As a result of others venereal diseases, genital dysfunction may occur. Mycoplasmosis can lead to serious complications:

  • damage to the penis and genital organs, leading to infertility or non-viability of sperm;
  • prostatitis;
  • kidney damage up to necrosis, the initial stage of infection is pyelonephritis;
  • arthritis.

Mycoplasma easily spreads throughout the body using blood or lymph. If left untreated for a long time, it rises from the affected genital organs upward and affects the kidneys. The microorganism also goes down, covering the area knee joints and leading to arthritis. When respiratory mycoplasmosis the disease leads to frequent bronchial pathologies. Against its background appears Chronical bronchitis and cough.

Causes of the disease

Sexual mycoplasmosis is transmitted through sexual contact with an infected partner. However, there is no proper protection (condoms). As a result of such contact, mycoplasma infection develops within 3–35 days from the moment of intercourse. The incubation period depends on the level of immunity of the infected person.

High risk of infection respiratory infection in places with large crowds of people. If a person lives next to an infected person or accidentally crosses paths with him in public places, then he can become infected through contact and household contact. It involves leaving the bacteria on a plate or doorknob and then introducing it into the mouth when yawning or eating.

Also taken into account contact path infection. When kissing an infected individual who suffers from a respiratory type of illness, the chance of becoming infected is quite high. There is a risk of transmitting the disease through simple touching.

You can become infected from a person who is unaware of the presence of the disease. In both women and men, immunity can hide the problem. But the bacterium remains in the body and can be transmitted to partners of the infected person, which poses a great danger to others.

Factors provoking the development of the disease

At good immunity Mycoplasmosis does not manifest itself in the patient’s body. He can for a long time be extinguished by the immune system, resulting in no external and internal signs there will be no illness. However, there are factors that lead to the development of mycoplasmosis.

The main causes of the first stage of the disease are decreased immunity and the problems that caused it:

  • serious injury causing state of shock and other complications;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • third-party problems (systematic diseases that weaken the body, additional ailments genitourinary system);
  • patient's age (over 40–50 years).

Promiscuous sexual intercourse increases the chance of rapid development of the disease. Because of them, a man acquires a “bouquet” of sexually transmitted and genitourinary diseases, which hit the immune system hard and allow mycoplasmosis to appear. The consequences of mixing several STDs at once are infertility and erectile dysfunction.

Symptoms of mycoplasmosis

How does mycoplasma manifest in men? Damage to the genital organs in representatives of the stronger sex does not have specific symptoms. Due to the lack of specific signs, the disease is difficult to diagnose. It is often confused with similar pathologies related to the venereological sphere and the genitourinary system. It will be possible to fully distinguish mycoplasmosis from other ailments only with the help of analysis.

A good doctor will be able to identify the problem based on minor symptoms. Signs of the disease vary depending on its stage. On early stage you can notice the following:

  • when urinating, transparent threads are released from the urethra;
  • in advanced cases, the threads may turn white or yellowish tint- This purulent discharge, occurring against the background of an inflammatory process in the penis;
  • constant desire to urinate bladder;
  • pain in the groin area and when urinating;
  • burning of the skin on the penis.

With prolonged absence of treatment, a person develops the second stage of mycoplasmosis. It is expressed as more serious problems, among which:

  • constant general intoxication, which is characterized by headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, feeling of weakness and fatigue;
  • slight enlargement of the testicles;
  • permanent painful sensations in the groin area - a sign that the lesion has gone higher and affected the internal organs.

Secondary symptoms of mycoplasmosis are more pronounced and make it possible to determine that a person is sick with a genitourinary disease. But the patient may often not notice the symptoms of the first stage, which allows the bacteria to develop and more strongly affect the body.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis of the disease is complicated by its simple symptoms, similar to everyone else general signs STD. To fully identify the disease, it is necessary to do tests. However, before taking smears or blood, a primary examination stage is required.

To undergo an examination, you need to make an appointment with a venereologist or urologist. The patient is examined in the places where the bacteria are most often spread (genitals). The doctor must collect complaints from the person, inquire about the frequency of sexual contacts and whether they were protected. Another may be required Additional Information, at the request of a specialist.

As a result, an assumption is made whether a person is susceptible to mycoplasmosis or another ailment. If a decision is made in favor of the first, then 1 of 4 tests is prescribed:

  • semen analysis;
  • Analysis of urine;
  • blood analysis;
  • a smear taken from the urethra or other affected organ.

To carry out the analysis, the PCR technique is used. During such a check, there is a 90% probability that different kinds bacteria. PCR method is based on finding the DNA of a bacterium, which allows it to be distinguished from other microorganisms.

Another way to determine the disease is serological analysis blood. In its course, proteins that are associated with mycoplasma are highlighted. These are antibodies produced to fight infection.

Also used bacteriological culture. This method requires 4 to 7 days. During the test, some important types of bacteria that seriously affect the picture of the disease may not be found. This occurs because some varieties of mycoplasma develop more slowly than others.

Therapy methods

To combat mycoplasmosis, the infected are offered. Their course is assigned depending on individual characteristics body:

  • age;
  • level of immunity;
  • antibiotic tolerance;
  • presence of concomitant diseases.

Antibiotics are taken, depending on the severity of the pathology, from 5 to 7 days. The course can be extended, but only with a doctor's prescription. You should not self-medicate.

If a person is found to have concomitant problems with the genitourinary system, additional medications are prescribed for treatment. If secondary diseases not detected, a narrowly targeted antibiotic is selected.

When taking medications, it is important not to forget about auxiliary drugs:

  • increasing immunity;
  • antifungal;
  • restoring intestinal microflora after taking antibiotics.

These medications speed up treatment and make it gentler and more effective. To ensure that the patient does not experience complications, it is necessary to coordinate the use of auxiliary medications with the attending physician.

During therapy, you need to follow certain measures aimed at maintaining health while taking antibiotics. It is strictly prohibited to consume alcohol and junk food. These factors seriously affect the intestinal mucosa and its microflora, weakened by medication.

During therapy, it is recommended to strengthen the immune system. Walking will help fresh air, but don’t start hardening. Sudden temperature changes for an unhardened body will lead to respiratory diseases and increasing the duration of treatment.

Prevention of mycoplasmosis

To protect yourself from mycoplasma, the patient must first limit the range of sexual contacts. It is necessary either to narrow the circle of partners to those who have been tested and are definitely not infected, or to constantly use protection during sexual contact.

It is necessary to increase personal hygiene measures. Antiseptics work well to kill bacteria. If contact occurs with the toilet handle in public place, you should use a special gel. And in case of unprotected sexual contact, it is recommended to use an antiseptic to treat the genitals. Most effective method- pour the solution into the genitourinary canal within an hour after contact.

You can take medications that strengthen your immune system on an ongoing basis, and vitamin supplements. A strong body is able to overcome the bacteria itself, although after this it will need to be removed with the help of a little additional therapy.

Mycoplasmosis is a disease that should not be underestimated. With prolonged development, the bacterium affects the patient’s internal organs, leading to serious complications. It is impossible to completely protect yourself from the disease, but you can increase the amount preventive examinations see a doctor in a year and improve personal hygiene.

Currently, not only medical science, but also the state is closely involved in the reproductive health of the nation. Poor nutrition, bad ecology, lack of physical activity negatively affects not only health in general, but also the ability to have offspring in particular. An important role is played by hidden reasons. Diseases of the genital area often take a long time and go unnoticed. A common pathology of the reproductive system in men is mycoplasmosis.

Mycoplasmas and the male body

A man’s body encounters many friendly and not so friendly microorganisms throughout his life. Some of them will successfully play the role of friends, using the intestines as a home and skin covering. Friendly microorganisms play an important role in the life of the male reproductive system. Firstly, normal microflora prevents colonization of the genitourinary tract pathogenic microbes. Secondly, beneficial bacteria Constantly keep your immune system in good shape.

Mycoplasmas affect the genitourinary tract in men

Due to certain circumstances, uninvited guests appear in the organs of the reproductive system. Some, like gonococcus, make themselves known literally the next day after being introduced into the body. The causative agent of syphilis, Treponema pallidum, makes its presence known after two months. The human immunodeficiency virus can hide in the depths of the body for decades, secretly undermining the functioning of the immune system.

Some apart in a row sexually transmitted infections there is mycoplasmosis. The causative agent is several types of bacteria: Micoplasma hominis, Micoplasma pneumonie, Micoplasma genitalium. These bacteria have chosen the genitourinary organs as their favorite habitat. The reason is a special type of mucous membrane that is found in the urethra, bladder, testicles and spermatic cords. Under a microscope, mycoplasma has a spherical or ovoid shape. Colonies of these bacteria grown on a nutrient medium are colorless. Mycoplasmas reproduce by forming a constriction, dividing one cell into two full-fledged microbes.

Mycoplasmas belong to the kingdom of bacteria

Mycoplasmas cause diseases not only in men. Reproductive system women also suffer from their influence. Infertility, miscarriages, stillbirths - the cause of all these pathologies are mycoplasmas. In addition, unborn children become infected. Mycoplasmas rarely live alone in the genitourinary organs of a man. These bacteria get along well with ureaplasma, chlamydia and gonococcus. In addition, mycoplasma causes not only diseases genitourinary organs men. Inflammation of the lungs () can also be a consequence of the pathogenic activity of this microbe.

Classification of mycoplasmosis in men

Mycoplasmosis is a heterogeneous disease. There are several types of this pathology:

Mycoplasmosis and ureaplasmosis are related diseases belonging to the group of venereal diseases. However, these two pathogens are significantly different. Mycoplasmas and ureaplasmas have different appearance, biochemical and pathogenic properties. Ureaplasma has an extremely negative effect on the quality of seminal fluid and its ability to fertilize an egg.

Causes and development factors

Mycoplasma infection occurs through sexual contact. The partner does not necessarily have clear signs diseases. The favorite habitat of bacteria is the mucous membrane of the urethra, bladder, and seminal vesicles. An inflammatory reaction occurs at the site of microbial penetration. From the vessels, immune cells - leukocytes - are sent to the site of action. A barrier forms around the mycoplasmas.

Single layer epithelium genitourinary tract - favorite place habitats of mycoplasmas

Immune cells fight the pathogen in two main ways. Neutrophilic white blood cells capture the microbe and digest it. Dead leukocytes and mycoplasmas form an inflammatory fluid - exudate. Another type of immune fighter - lymphocytes - secrete antibodies against bacteria. These substances are chemically proteins. Antibodies combine with mycoplasmas, deprive them of their pathogenic properties and remove them from the body.

Neutrophilic white blood cells capture and digest bacteria

Inflammation qualitatively changes blood circulation in the affected organ. Normal reaction the body on the introduction of infection becomes difficult to outflow venous blood. The consequence is swelling of the mucous membrane. Its increase in volume is annoying nerve endings, which in large quantities present in the urethra, prostate, seminal vesicles and bladder. Mycoplasmas that have settled in the genitourinary tract worsen the quality of seminal fluid. There are fewer sperm, and their shape may differ from normal. The motility of germ cells is also reduced.

Mycoplasmosis affects sperm motility

Mycoplasmosis most often affects young men aged 14 to 29 years. A number of predisposing factors contribute to infection:

  • unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • infection with other pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases - gonococcus, chlamydia, ureaplasma;
  • random contacts;
  • early onset of sexual activity.

Mycoplasmosis - video

Symptoms and signs

Between the moment of infection and the appearance of the first signs of trouble, the incubation period lasting about 20 days. Symptoms of mycoplasmosis in men may differ depending on the location of the inflammatory focus.

Symptoms of mycoplasmosis in men - table

Process localization Symptoms of mycoplasmosis
  • burning in the urethra;
  • painful urination;
  • discharge from the urethra.
  • painful urination;
  • cloudy urine;
  • pain in the lower abdomen.
Seminal vesicles
  • pain in the groin and sacrum;
  • painful urination;
  • discharge from the urethra.
Spermatic cord
  • pain in the groin and sacrum;
  • painful urination;
  • discharge from the urethra.
  • swelling of the scrotum;
  • painful urination;
  • cloudy urine.
  • swelling of the scrotum;
  • redness of the scrotum;
  • pain in the scrotum area;
  • painful urination;
  • infertility.

It is necessary to distinguish between mycoplasmosis and carriage of bacteria. In the first case, the microbe causes damage internal organs, problems with urination and reproductive function. In the second case, mycoplasmas exist peacefully together with other microorganisms without causing symptoms.

Orchitis - video

Diagnosis methods

Establishing a diagnosis of mycoplasmosis is the task of a dermatovenerologist. The first goal of a diagnostic search is to establish the specific type of pathogen that caused the disease. The second is to find out which organs are in the path of the microorganism. To solve them, it is necessary to conduct a number of examinations:

The small size of mycoplasmas does not allow them to be seen in a microscope even with significant magnification. The search for bacteria in a smear is carried out using polymerase chain reaction. Under the microscope, large bacteria are detected, in particular gonococcus.

Treatment of mycoplasmosis

Treatment of mycoplasmosis in men is carried out by a specialist dermatovenerologist. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the pathogen by prescribing antibacterial drugs. Medicines that activate the work play an important role immune system. Inflammatory process can be treated not only with drugs, but also with physiotherapeutic methods.


For the treatment of mycoplasmosis, experts prescribe several varieties pharmacological drugs. Therapy is usually comprehensive, aimed at eliminating all components of the disease.

Pharmacological treatment of mycoplasmosis - table

Pharmacological group Therapeutic effect Examples of drugs
Tetracycline antibioticsElimination of the pathogen
  • Tetracycline;
  • Rondomycin;
  • Minolexin;
  • Tigacil.
Fluoroquinolone antibioticsElimination of the pathogen
  • Tavanik;
  • Lomefloxacin;
  • Vigamox;
  • Moxifloxacin;
  • Ciprofloxacin.
ImmunomodulatorsActivate the immune system
  • Timalin;
  • T-activin.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • relieve inflammation;
  • eliminate fever;
  • relieve pain.
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Nurofen;
  • Nise;
  • Celecoxib.

Medicines for the treatment of mycoplasmosis - photo gallery

Meloxicam relieves inflammation Thymogen activates the immune system Sparflo contains the antibiotic sparfloxacin Levofloxacin belongs to the group of fluoroquinolones Doxycycline is a popular drug for the treatment of mycoplasmosis in men.


Influence physical factors - laser radiation, electric and magnetic fields, ultrasonic waves - will help cope not only with inflammation, but also avoid the formation of scars:

Traditional treatment

Medicinal herbs have all the necessary properties for the treatment of mycoplasmosis: antibacterial, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory. Can be used with doctor's permission the following means plant-based:

  1. Medicinal collection. Dry plant raw materials of lilac flowers and St. John's wort leaves must be crushed, then mixed in a ratio of 2 to 1. To prepare a decoction, 4 tbsp. l. The mixture is poured with 800 ml of boiling water and simmered over low heat for 10 minutes. The resulting product must be infused for 2 hours and strained. Drink a glass of the decoction three times a day before meals. The product has excellent antiseptic properties.
  2. Collection from medicinal plants. Mix in equal proportions crushed raw materials of chamomile, blue cornflower, knotweed, St. John's wort, corn silk. To prepare the infusion 1 tbsp. l. collection must be mixed with 300 ml of boiling water. The mixture should be infused for an hour. Ready product Drink half a glass three times a day. The mixture of herbs will have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Herbal collection. Dry plant materials of St. John's wort, black elderberry bark, and elderberry roots are mixed in a ratio of 2 to 3 to 4. A decoction is prepared from 9 tablespoons of the mixture with the addition of a liter of boiling water. Cooking time: 15 minutes over low heat. The broth is cooled, filtered, and the resulting product is consumed throughout the day in three doses.

Plants in the treatment of mycoplasmosis - photo gallery

Elderberry has an anti-inflammatory effect Cornflower is prescribed for the treatment of mycoplasmosis Chamomile is used for inflammatory diseases Lobaznik is used to treat mycoplasmosis St. John's wort has antiseptic properties


Dieting is key successful treatment mycoplasmosis. Preferably use low-fat varieties meat, vegetable dishes, fruit desserts. Possible allergens should be excluded - citrus fruits, chocolate. Alcohol consumption should be avoided strong tea and coffee.

Complications and prognosis

Mycoplasmosis, if detected in a timely manner, can be eliminated using a combination of medications, physiotherapy, herbal remedies. It is important to remember that both partners need to undergo treatment. Immunity to mycoplasmas is not developed after final recovery, so it is possible reinfection. The prolonged existence of infection in the body leads to infertility, problems with urination, and constant discomfort. The presence of mycoplasmas makes it easier for other infections - gonorrhea, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, gardnerellosis. Association pathogenic bacteria causes more severe manifestations and is more difficult to eliminate with medications and other methods.

Mycoplasma is often found in association with gonococcus


To prevent infection with mycoplasmosis, a number of recommendations must be followed:

  • avoid smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • play sports, especially during sedentary work;
  • to walk outside;
  • adjust your diet in favor fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • use barrier contraception;
  • after unprotected contact undergo examination under the guidance of a specialist;
  • promptly treat other sexually transmitted diseases.

Mycoplasmosis is an acute infectious disease that develops when special microorganisms– mycoplasmas. To date, about seventy subspecies of mycoplasmas have been identified, but only a few of them are considered dangerous. Let's take a closer look at the symptoms of mycoplasma in men and treatment methods. of this disease.

Mycoplasma in men: causes

Human cells can harbor up to eleven types of mycoplasmas, but only one subspecies of this microorganism, called Mycoplasma genitalium, can cause mycoplasmosis.

A man can accidentally catch mycoplasma in the following ways:

1. During unprotected sexual contact with a carrier of mycoplasmosis.

2. During homosexual sexual intercourse without a condom (barrier contraception).

A man cannot become infected with mycoplasmosis through oral sex or everyday life. By at least, such cases have not yet been described.

Mycoplasma in men: symptoms and signs

Like many sexually transmitted infections, mycoplasma has a “silent” course and may not make itself felt at all for quite a long time.

When does a person’s immune state weaken (under stress, respiratory disease etc.), then the patient may observe the following signs of the disease:

1. Weakness and disability.

2. Discomfort and discomfort during sexual intercourse.

3. Pain and burning during urination.

4. Frequent urge to urination.

5. Pain in the perineum and lower back.

6. Redness of the urethra.

7. The appearance of yellowish discharge from the urethra.

8. Morning discomfort in the groin and pain in the lower abdomen.

9. Characteristic rash in the genital area.

10. Itching of the genitals.

11. False urges to urination.

Moreover, if the mycoplasma infection occurred long ago, then these pathogens can reach the man’s prostate gland and cause its inflammation. This in turn will lead to prostatitis. Inflammation of the testicle and its swelling are less common.

If the above symptoms appear, a person is advised to contact specialists such as a urologist and venereologist as soon as possible. Success further treatment will largely depend on the degree of neglect of the disease.

Mycoplasma in men: treatment features and diagnosis

To identify mycoplasmas, a culture should be taken from the man for further testing. In this case, it is necessary to use bacteriological, serological and genetic methods for analysis.

The patient may also be prescribed a test to detect mycoplasma antigens, but such a study, unfortunately, has an accuracy of no more than sixty percent.

For more accurate differentiation of mycoplasmas from others pathogens The man must be cultured on a nutrient medium (the biological fluid is placed in certain conditions, and if bacteria begin to multiply, this will be a sign of obvious infection).

Also, in addition to simply identifying mycoplasmas, it is imperative to determine their variety. To do this you need to use the following diagnostic procedures as a method polymerase reaction or an enzyme-linked immunosorbent method for identifying the type of mycoplasma.

After this, the patient needs to do additional tests to determine the sensitivity of mycoplasmas to antibiotics that are supposed to be prescribed.

Moreover, if a person, in addition to the main symptoms, is bothered by other manifestations ( possible complications in the form of pyelonephritis, urethritis, etc.), then he is prescribed full examination body, especially the renal and genitourinary systems. At the same time, it is important not to lose sight of the emerging complication in order to begin timely therapy.

General scheme treatment of mycoplasma in men is somewhat similar to therapy for gardlerellosis and ureplasmosis. If the disease is chronic (which most often happens), then the patient is prescribed potent antibacterial drugs wide range actions.

To strengthen the immune state of the patient, they are prescribed vitamin preparations and immunomodulators.

As adjuvant therapy Physiotherapy and treatment of the urethra with instillations may be prescribed.

It's important to know that general selection Treatment regimens for mycoplasmosis in men largely depend on the type of mycoplasma diagnosed, because they all have different sensitivity to the antibiotics used.

For example, mycoplasmas are most susceptible to antibacterial drugs from the group of tetracyclines and macrolides. Also, these microorganisms are sensitive to anti-inflammatory drugs.

The attending physician should select antibiotics for mycoplasmosis on an individual basis. Self-medicating with such a diagnosis can be dangerous to your health.

Moreover, the success of treatment largely depends on simultaneous treatment both sexual partners, otherwise all therapy can be reduced to zero when the man becomes re-infected from a carrier of mycoplasmosis.

On average, the duration of treatment of this disease is three weeks. After this, you need to take tests to see the results of the therapy. If necessary, the course of treatment is extended.

Mycoplasmosis in men: treatment, complications, prevention

In the absence of timely drug therapy mycoplasmosis can lead to the following complications in the condition of a male patient:

1. Inflammation of the urethra.

2. Development of acute or chronic urethritis.

3. Impaired functioning of the renal system ( high risk development chronic form pyelonephritis).

4. Impaired functioning of the genitourinary system, in particular the bladder and urethra.

5. Constant discomfort during sexual intercourse.

6. Inflammation of the testicles and appendages.

7. Infertility.

8. Inflammation of the prostate gland.

Unfortunately, due to mild symptoms, mycoplasmosis is detected in an already quite advanced state, when the disease has caused complications. For this reason, the diseases described above are not uncommon and, along with mycoplasmosis, a man needs to be treated for other diseases of the kidneys or reproductive system.

To reduce the likelihood of contracting mycoplasmosis, it is important for men to adhere to the following doctor’s recommendations:

1. Every six months, undergo a full examination by a urologist and take tests for venereal diseases, including mycoplasmosis. Also, the sexual partner should also visit a gynecologist and undergo preventive tests.

2. Have one permanent (proven) sexual partner in whom you are confident.

3. When having casual sex, you must definitely use barrier method contraception (use condoms).

4. A man needs to lead. healthy image life to maintain a normal immune state.

5. Stop drinking alcohol, smoking and taking narcotic substances.

6. Avoid severe physical fatigue.

7. Have good sleep and rest.

8. Strengthen your body with sports and regular exercise physical activity.

9. Spend more time outdoors.

10. Avoid stress and strong psycho-emotional stress, as they suppress the immune system.

11. Eat right. In this case, the diet should be well balanced and rich in vitamins.

12. It is very important to discuss with your sexual partner the possibility of contracting mycoplasmosis on her part, because a man who has one sexual partner has no other way of transmitting this disease. For this reason, a woman is to a certain extent responsible for the health of her sexual partner. Moreover, the question of safe sex be especially acute if the couple wants to have a relationship in the future healthy children.

Today, mycoplasmosis is an intractable disease. The success of general therapy largely depends on timely diagnosis and initiation of treatment.

What are the best products to use? Which drugs and in what cases will be most optimal?

Mycoplasma in men: is treatment really necessary?

Many patients ask the doctor about when to treat mycoplasma in men? After all, even among specialists there is still no consensus on this matter.

This is explained by the fact that mycoplasmas are natural inhabitants of the mucous membranes of the genital tract, nasopharynx, oral cavity. These microorganisms are classified as conditionally pathogenic.

What does it mean?

This means that an infection can develop in a person if his immunity is greatly weakened. In a healthy person without pathologies of the immune system, symptoms of pathology are very unlikely to form.

So, when might a treatment regimen for mycoplasma in men come in handy?

First of all, representatives of the stronger sex who have developed symptoms of an inflammatory reaction, such as:

  • the appearance of discharge from the urethra in the morning (usually in small quantities);
  • various dysuric phenomena, including discomfort, increased urination, etc.;
  • heaviness or discomfort in the lower abdomen, etc.

Also see a doctor in mandatory It is worth contacting if the analysis reveals that the content of microorganisms exceeds the normal threshold. Even if there are still no symptoms.

Basic principles of treatment of mycoplasma in men

Drugs for the treatment of mycoplasma in men should be selected only by a doctor.

In this case, therapy should help achieve the following effects:

  • elimination of all symptoms infectious process, which affect normal life patient;
  • normalization of laboratory parameters, according to which the number of microorganisms will not exceed 10 to 3 degrees CFU per ml;
  • in some cases, they try to achieve complete disappearance of the microorganism from analyzes;
  • prevention adverse consequences, among which primarily are the development of infertility and infection of the sexual partner.

Treatment of mycoplasma in men with antibiotics

is the modern gold standard of therapy. Not only has a small amount side effects, but also gives good results. Among all antibacterial drugs, preference is recommended to be given to antibiotics belonging to the tetracycline series.

Since the sensitivity of the microorganism to them is this moment minimal. In addition to the tetracycline series, you can use other drugs that have proven their effectiveness.

Approved for use, for example:

  • Doxycycline course of 5 days, 100 mg once a day;
  • Levofloxacin three-day course once a day, 250 mg;
  • Josamycin duration is similar to Doxycycline, but the dose is 500 mg twice a day;
  • Ofloxacin in a large dosage of up to 400 mg at a time, etc.

It is important to remember that it is best not to start antibiotic therapy right away. And get tested and find out which medications the pathogenic microorganism is sensitive to.

The use of drugs to which the infection is most sensitive is modern technique choice. I wonder what drugs for the treatment of ureaplasma and mycoplasma in men similar. This is explained by the fact that infections most often occur in parallel and show sensitivity to the same drugs.

Treatment of mycoplasma genitalium in men

may be difficult, especially if we're talking about about an old infection. A few words about mycoplasma genitalium.

Newly identified pathology that has not yet fully blossomed can be successfully treated with Doxycycline. According to a scheme similar to that used when infected with a hominis type infection. However, it is important to remember this. If the patient has previously been treated for a similar infectious disease and treated with the same drugs, the microorganism may become resistant to therapy.

There is still debate among doctors about this infection: some consider mycoplasma an “absolute evil” that must be swept out of the body by any means, others are not so categorical and believe that it is necessary to fight mycoplasma only when it has led to inflammation.

Although women are more likely to get mycoplasma, men should also take this infection seriously and know what it can lead to.
Mycoplasma in men causes unpleasant symptoms, and their treatment in advanced cases can be difficult.

We talk about how mycoplasmosis occurs in men: symptoms, treatment, prevention, risks of complications.

Causes of the disease

Most progressive doctors adhere to a point of view that coincides with official position WHO : mycoplasmosis should be called inflammation urinary tract , at which no pathogens other than mycoplasma were detected.

In the body of most people, 6 types of mycoplasma can live, and in total there are about twenty of them. Most common mycoplasma hominis (mycoplasma hominis), which lives in the genitourinary tract of approximately 75% healthy people. Of all human mycoplasmas, it is considered the most aggressive mycoplasma genitalium- if it enters the human body, it causes mycoplasmosis with a very high probability.

The reasons that lead to the development of mycoplasmosis are not fully understood by scientists. However there is general pattern: Mycoplasma becomes active and causes inflammation when protective forces the body is not able to restrain the proliferation of this bacterium. That is, the weaker a person’s immunity, the greater the risk that the mycoplasmas living in him will cause illness.

It is known that mycoplasmosis develops somewhat more often in people with severe immunodeficiency - for example, HIV- people infected or who have had cancer, but, in general, people who do not have such serious violations immunity.

In men, mycoplasma is much less common than in women. So, according to the statistics provided Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in USA) in 2007, mycoplasma hominis occurs in only 5% of sexually active men, while in women this figure is 25-50%.

Methods of transmission of mycoplasma in men

An adult man can become infected with genital types of mycoplasma only in a few cases:

    during unprotected sexual intercourse - including during oral-genital contact;

    contact and household means;

    during organ transplantation.

In addition, some non-genital mycoplasmas, in particular mycoplasma pneumoniae(mycoplasma pneumoniae), transmitted by airborne droplets, but they do not cause urinary tract diseases and, in fact, are not related to genital infections.

Symptoms of mycoplasmosis in men

All this causes inflammation different organs genitourinary system.

Mycoplasmosis does not have its own unique symptoms and is manifested by inflammation of those organs that are affected by the pathogen.

In men, mycoplasma can cause:

  • inflammation of the urethra;
  • inflammation of the testicles;
  • inflammation of the epididymis;
  • inflammation of the vas deferens;
  • inflammation of the prostate;
  • inflammatory changes in the joints.

Let's look at each problem separately.

Mycoplasma urethritis

Inflammation of the urethra in men is most often caused by mycoplasma genitalium (mycoplasma genitalium) and different types ureaplasma (these are also subspecies of mycoplasma). Symptoms of inflammation are usually mild:

  • meager discharge from the urethra, often transparent;
  • moderate itching or burning in the urethra- usually not permanent.

Mycoplasma epididymitis and orchiepididymitis and ductal inflammation

This group of inflammations develops as complications of mycoplasma urethritis. Most often, the blame for inflammation of the testicle, its appendages and ducts is also placed on mycoplasma genitalium. The role of Mycoplasma hominis in the development of these diseases in men is not completely clear and is very controversial.

Damage to the testicles and their appendages in most cases occurs chronically - as a complication of mycoplasma urethritis.

At the same time, the man is worried about:

  • pain in the scrotum of varying intensity
  • and her swelling.

Scientists have yet to establish the role of other mycoplasmas in the formation of male infertility.

Prostatitis in men can be caused by both mycoplasma and ureaplasma (read about this in a separate article). Most often, mycoplasma prostatitis becomes a complication of mycoplasma urethritis.

The symptoms of this inflammation differ little from the symptoms of prostatitis caused by other causes. At the same time, the man is worried about:

  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • pain and burning when urinating;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • pain in the pelvis, lower back, groin;
  • feeling that the bladder is not completely empty.

Like other prostatitis, mycoplasma prostatitis can lead to infertility and problems with potency and is not very easy to treat.

Reactive arthritis

Arthritis (inflammation of the joint) is accompanied by:

  • swelling of the joints;
  • pain;
  • dysfunction of the joint - flexion and extension, rotation.

Among all mycoplasmas, the probable cause of arthritis is considered mycoplasma arthritidis (Mycoplasma arthritisdis). However, it does not live in the urogenital tract. It is also believed that subspecies mycoplasma hominis and especially mycoplasma fermentans(mycoplasma fermentans) can disrupt the immune system, which ultimately leads to joint damage.

It is unlikely that a man will come to an appointment with the words: “Hello, I have mycoplasmosis.” Rather, mycoplasma will become an accidental finding during examination for some other diseases.

Make a diagnosis of “mycoplasmosis” without laboratory tests impossible because the disease has no distinctive symptoms. For example, manifestations of urethritis, epididymitis, prostatitis can begin for dozens of other reasons.

We list the methods for diagnosing mycoplasma in order of decreasing effectiveness:

    Culture seeding- certainly the most exact method diagnostics, which also allows you to determine the susceptibility of the detected type of mycoplasma to antibiotics. Unfortunately, this method takes a lot of time and labor. Grow a mycoplasma culture in artificial conditions difficult. For example, to grow on a nutrient medium mycoplasma genitalium, it will take from several weeks to a month. If a person severe inflammation, which needs to be diagnosed urgently - this method is not suitable. It is most often used by researchers and rarely prescribed by practicing physicians.

    Mycoplasma infection in men has not yet been sufficiently studied, and its danger is often significantly exaggerated. However, there is a risk that mycoplasmosis may lead to male infertility and problems with potency. In addition, a person suffering from mycoplasmosis becomes a carrier of the infection and is dangerous to others. Therefore, if a man is diagnosed with mycoplasmosis, he must undergo treatment.