What is anemia in simple words. Anemia: symptoms and treatment. How does the disease manifest itself?

Constant overwork, stress, rare walks and poor nutrition negatively affect women's health.

The symptoms of many diseases are mistaken for ordinary fatigue and they do not go to see a doctor. Anemia is a pathology that can easily be confused with overwork.

We will talk about the symptoms and external signs, treatment, nutrition, consequences of iron deficiency and other types of anemia in adult women, during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and in elderly women over 50 years old.


The development of the disease is determined in the blood.

– a red protein found in red blood cells. They perform the most important function - delivering oxygen to the internal organs, ensuring their functioning.

Anemia occurs when blood loss or failures in the formation of red blood cells. Most often, anemia occurs in children and adult women of reproductive age.

In medicine, there are 6 types of anemia:

  • deficient (most often lack of iron or B12);
  • posthemorrhagic;
  • hypoplastic;
  • hemolytic;
  • folate deficiency;
  • B12 deficiency.

All types have common symptoms:

  • dyspnea;
  • pallor;
  • weakness;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • decreased performance;
  • cardiopalmus.

Hemoglobin in the blood decreases in all manifestations of anemia, but a decrease in the number of red blood cells does not always occur.

Anemia is not an independent disease. This is the result of pathology of the processes of the circulatory system. It is necessary to undergo tests so that the doctor determines its type and prescribes treatment.

Severity, blood counts


Causes of the development of the disease in women of reproductive age and menopause:

You need to know how anemia manifests itself in women, because the symptoms differ depending on the type of pathology. Their diversity is reflected in the table:

Types of anemia Symptoms and signs Peculiarities
PosthemorrhagicPale skin, cold sweat, low body temperature, vomiting, rapid heartbeat, distortion of taste, craving for any odors or, conversely, their aversion, brittle hair and nails, dry skin, digestive disordersIt can be acute when there is a large loss of blood and chronic when the body systematically loses a small amount of it.
Iron deficiencyThere is difficulty breathing, migraines, tinnitus, drowsiness, loss of appetite, bleeding gums, muscle weakness; external manifestations - peeling of the skin, separation and deformation of the nail plates, pallor of the face, bruises under the eyes. In rare cases, it can lead to faintingPathology occurs when there is iron deficiency in the body. This is the most common type of anemia. Most often it occurs during pregnancy and the postpartum period.
HypoplasticUlcers appear in the nose, mouth, on the skin, fainting, the skin is easily injuredCharacterized by cell death in the bone marrow
HemolyticJaundice, enlarged liver, spleen, dark urine and feces, chillsOccurs due to the release of a large amount into the blood. May be hereditary or acquired. Appears due to a violation of the synthesis of red blood cells - their destruction occurs faster than new ones are formed
B12 deficiencyPoor memory, impaired coordination of movements, numbness of the limbs, increased acidity in the stomach, difficulty swallowing, yellowish skin toneAssociated with a lack of vitamin B12 in the body
Folate deficiencyThe functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is impairedOccurs when there is a lack of folic acid in a woman’s diet or poor absorption of this vitamin

Diagnostic methods, tests

If you feel unwell, you should consult a therapist. A general blood test will also help identify pathology.

The most common anemia associated with. If there is a suspicion of another type, an examination of the gastrointestinal tract may be required, to which your attending physician will refer you.

A blood test will show any deviations from the norm. In the presence of anemia, red blood cells in the blood will be smaller in size and less colored than in a healthy person.

The doctor will check your pulse and measure your blood pressure, will assess the condition of the skin. After examination and evaluation of tests, treatment is prescribed.

The “Live Healthy!” program will tell you what anemia is and how to treat it:

Why it is dangerous: consequences and complications

What does anemia lead to and what is dangerous for a woman? Possible consequences and complications caused by anemia:

  1. Decreased immunity. It is more difficult for the body to fight viruses. As a result, the woman often gets sick.
  2. Sleep disorders. Sleepless nights have a bad effect on well-being and performance.
  3. Mucous membranes become susceptible and vulnerable, which leads to inflammation and infections.
  4. Women are more susceptible to stress, become distracted and vulnerable.
  5. Leads to disruption of the cardiovascular system.
  6. Prolonged anemia leads to edema and liver disease.
  7. The process of absorption of nutrients is disrupted, which leads to gastrointestinal diseases.
  8. Anemia occurs oxygen starvation. This is harmful to the brain.
  9. Takes away beauty– the skin becomes sluggish, dry, hair becomes brittle, dull, nails peel.
  10. In severe cases, anemia leads to fainting, fever,...

How and what to treat: iron supplements, vitamins

For mild forms of anemia, it is enough to review the diet: include foods rich in iron and B vitamins.

If diet is not enough, a specialist will prescribe medications to replenish the deficiency of necessary substances.

There is no need to self-medicate - this can make you feel worse. In cases where therapy does not produce results, the doctor prescribes medications containing hormones.

The age of the woman suffering from anemia is taken into account. If the disease is associated with menopause, when consultation with a therapist, gynecologist, or endocrinologist is necessary.

Rules for taking iron supplements for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia in women:

  • taking tablets is more effective than intramuscular injections, since iron is better absorbed if it passes through the intestinal tract;
  • the optimal dose of pure iron is 80-160 mg - exceeding the dose is unacceptable;
  • taking it in tablet form is more effective than taking it in liquid form;
  • preparations contain divalent or trivalent iron: in the first case, vitamin C promotes good absorption, in the second - amino acids;
  • use drugs coated with a protective coating that will protect the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach from irritation.

The drugs Sorbifer Durules and Tardiferon are prescribed for ferrous iron. They are consumed twice a day, 30 minutes before meals, with a glass of water.

Ferric iron preparations– Ferrum Lek, Biofer – used during or after meals.

Injections are prescribed to patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract with large blood losses.

For complex forms of anemia- posthemorrhagic, hemolytic, hypoplastic - are prescribed:

  • glucocorticosteroids;
  • anabolic steroid;
  • androgens;
  • cytostatics;
  • erythropoietin preparations.

Uncontrolled treatment is unacceptable. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor based on the results of a blood test and diagnostics by specialists.

To ensure that iron supplements are absorbed faster, vitamins are prescribed:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamin B6;
  • folic acid.

In rare cases, the cause of anemia is lack of copper or zinc.

Together with vitamins, taking mineral complexes (your doctor will tell you their names) helps alleviate the symptoms of anemia in women and helps to quickly cope with oxygen starvation.

For posthemorrhagic anemia transfusion of blood or blood substitutes. Prescribe iron and vitamins until hemoglobin is completely restored.

Folk remedies

If you have alarming symptoms, you cannot self-medicate, because... anemia can be a sign of serious illness, including malignant tumors.

Folk remedies relieve symptoms and increase hemoglobin levels in the blood, but for some forms of anemia, home treatment will not work.

If anemia is associated with a lack of iron, natural formulations will provide a positive effect without side effects for the body.

Traditional methods of treatment:

  • strawberry infusion. A handful of dry berries should be filled with 200 ml of boiled water, covered with a lid, and left for 3-4 hours. Use the infusion once a day;
  • garlic will help overcome weakness due to anemia. A tincture is made from it. To prepare, pour 300 g of peeled garlic with a 96% alcohol solution and place the mixture in a bottle. Leave the resulting mixture for 3 weeks. Take 3 times a day, 20 drops dissolved in 100 ml of milk;
  • Rose hips are rich in vitamin C, therefore, for anemia it is useful to drink a decoction of its fruits. This will help the iron deficiency medications be absorbed. 2 tsp. The fruits should be brewed with a glass of boiling water and the decoction should be drunk after meals 3 times a day;
  • oat groats. A decoction is prepared from it. To do this, take 1 liter of water and a glass of cereal. Boil the mixture until the consistency of liquid jelly. The resulting broth is filtered through cheesecloth, 2 cups of milk, 4 tsp. honey, boil. The decoction should be consumed during the day in 2-3 doses.

What to eat: nutrition and diet

A proper diet plays an important role in the treatment of pathology. Beef will help restore strength: This meat is a record holder for the content of nutrients during oxygen starvation.

It is necessary to introduce protein-rich foods into your diet:

  • veal;
  • liver;
  • dairy products;
  • fish;
  • eggs;
  • butter and vegetable oils.

The porridges included in the menu for iron deficiency anemia in women, especially buckwheat, apples, honey, and dried fruits, will help raise hemoglobin levels.

But it’s better to avoid fatty foods and processed foods. They will only bring harm.

Coffee lovers need to limit the number of cups they drink per day, because it flushes vitamins and minerals from the body.

If a woman has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the doctor may prescribe a diet that excludes certain foods.

Course duration

The treatment regimen depends on age. Women of reproductive age most often develop anemia during pregnancy and lactation.

During the period, in old age, the doctor studies the manifestations of anemia in detail, since it is often associated with specific diseases.

The duration of treatment depends on the form and severity of anemia and age. Older women require more time for treatment.

Age-related changes slow down metabolic processes in the body, making the disease difficult to cope with.

After 60 years, most have a whole bunch of concomitant diseases, which complicates the positive dynamics of therapy.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

When a pregnant woman registers at the clinic, she is prescribed a series of tests. If a low hemoglobin level is detected, The expectant mother is prescribed iron supplements and diet.

Timely correction and therapy helps to avoid complications in the second half of pregnancy.

Oxygen starvation affects not only the woman’s condition, but also the development of the fetus and placenta. It is important to follow your doctor's recommendations.

Even mild anemia in women increases the risk of fetal hypoxia leading to disturbances in the development of the baby’s nervous system. Pathology can cause weak labor.

If a woman loses a lot of blood during childbirth, she is given a transfusion. Then hemoglobin can be raised quickly. Iron injections are less effective.

To avoid anemia while breastfeeding, a woman should eat regularly and properly. Upon discharge from the maternity hospital, they give you a list of products necessary for consumption during lactation.

In situations where it is necessary to increase hemoglobin, iron-containing drugs are prescribed. Do not exceed the dosage prescribed by a specialist in order to avoid irreversible consequences in the infant.

Prevention measures

The main factors that reduce the risk of anemia are:– proper nutrition, regular walks in the fresh air. Compliance with preventive measures is especially important for women with heavy, prolonged menstruation.

Taking vitamins from food plays an important role. Doctors recommend eating 500 g of vegetables and fruits daily. This reduces the risk of anemia and other diseases.

At risk are pregnant women and donors. For prevention, they are often prescribed iron supplements and vitamin complexes.

Timely diagnosis and treatment of anemia will relieve unpleasant symptoms. The main thing is to follow the doctor’s recommendations, reconsider your diet.

Then you can defeat anemia and continue to enjoy life.

When diagnosing posthemorrhagic anemia it is necessary to take into account information about the acute blood loss that has occurred in the presence of external bleeding. After a massive internal diagnosis is based on clinical signs and, without fail, laboratory tests ( Weber , Gregersen ). The basis for diagnosis will also be an increase in the level of residual nitrogen during bleeding from the upper digestive tract.

After the crisis and acute period have passed, the patient is prescribed iron supplements, and. This therapy is carried out for 6 months. If there is a loss of more than 50% of the circulating blood volume, the prognosis is unfavorable.

Folate deficiency anemia

The condition can develop as a result of a decrease in intake into the body or disruption of its absorption processes in the digestive tract. Treatment consists of additional intake of the missing substance.

Unlike the pathology associated with B12 deficiency, folate deficiency anemia is diagnosed much less frequently.

One of the main causes of folate deficiency anemia is insufficient folic acid in the diet. You should remember that you need to include more greens and liver in your daily menu. Also, health is significantly affected by pregnancy, malignant neoplasms, some, .

This type of disease occurs when absorption is impaired (for example, when celiac disease ), under the influence of drugs, , Triamterene , anticonvulsants, barbiturates , etc. The body’s need for folic acid increases significantly after hemodialysis and in liver diseases.

Deficiency also affects health. cyanocobalamin and its coenzyme - methylcobalamin . Under such conditions, there is no transformation of folic acid into the coenzyme form. As a result, the process of normal cell division is disrupted, and the cells of the hematopoietic tissue that were previously actively multiplying begin to suffer. The processes of maturation and reproduction of red blood cells are inhibited, and their life expectancy is reduced. Changes also affect leukocytes, and leukopenia And thrombocytopenia .

Further, as a result of incorrect mitosis, giant epithelial cells of the alimentary canal appear and inflammatory processes develop in the mucous membrane, enteritis . The primary disturbances in secretion and the process of absorption of internal factor are further aggravated, and vitamin deficiency intensifies. A vicious circle arises.

Due to the resulting lack of cyanocobalamin, metabolic products begin to accumulate in the body, which are toxic to nerve cells. At that time, fatty acids with a distorted structure begin to be synthesized in the fibers. There is a gradual change in the quality of spinal cord cells, peripheral and cranial nerve plexuses are affected, and neurological symptoms develop.

With this type of anemia, as a rule, the patient experiences standard symptoms: high fatigue, rapid heartbeat, pale nails and lips, bright red tongue. In the initial stages, it is almost impossible to track signs of damage to the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract. Based on the results of the examination, it is revealed hyperchromic macrocytic anemia , leukopenia , thrombocytopenia . And treatment with vitamin B12 does not cause improvements in laboratory parameters. The diagnosis can be confirmed by determining the level of serum folic acid and in red blood cells. Normally, its content ranges from 100 to 450 ng/l. In folate deficiency anemia, the concentration of folic acid in red blood cells is significantly reduced.

If a peripheral blood picture is analyzed, hyperchromic (macrocytic) anemia is noted with a general decrease in the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells. Indirect changes rarely.

As a preventative measure and for the treatment of folate deficiency anemia, folic acid should be prescribed at a dose of 1 mg/day, orally. If necessary, the doctor may increase the dose. Improvements should occur within 3-4 days, including neurological symptoms. Otherwise, we have to talk about a deficiency of vitamin B12, and not folic acid.

It is imperative to prevent folic acid deficiency in pregnant women and patients taking certain groups of medications. drugs. For prevention, 5 mg of the substance per day is prescribed.

B12 deficiency anemia

Refers to the species vitamin deficiency (megaloblastic) anemia , which occur when there is insufficient intake into the body ( cyanocobalamin ). As a result of B12 deficiency anemia, the hematopoietic function, nervous and digestive systems are affected. Unlike folate deficiency B12 anemia, it develops in old or senile age, most often in men. The disease manifests itself gradually.

A person suffering from B12 deficiency anemia will experience general symptoms: weakness, decreased performance, dyspnea , burning behind the sternum, pain in the legs and tongue, unsteadiness of gait. Such symptoms will be combined with icteric skin color, slight enlargement of the liver and spleen, low systolic murmur, and muffled heart sounds. The nervous system is often affected and develops combined sclerosis or funicular myelosis , sensitivity is impaired, polyneuritis , muscle atrophy, lower limb paralysis.

Anemia develops due to a lack of vitamin B12, due to an imbalanced diet, fasting, alcoholism and lack of appetite. The syndrome can also be observed against the background malabsorption , celiac disease , changes in the intestinal mucosa, sprue , intestinal lymphoma , Crohn's disease , regional ileitis , due to long-term use of anticonvulsants.

The likelihood of developing B12 deficiency anemia will be higher during pregnancy, hemolytic anemia , exfoliative dermatitis . When taking alcohol, folate antagonist drugs, inborn errors of metabolism and atrophic gastritis this disease may also occur.

As a rule, a diagnosis of B12 deficiency anemia can be made without any problems. It can do hematologist , neurologist , nephrologist or gastroenterologist based on the results of a general and biochemical blood test, the presence methylmalonic acid . An ultrasound of the abdominal cavity and a study of vitamin B12 absorption using radioisotopes . According to indications, it is possible to carry out bone marrow aspiration biopsy .

Treatment is carried out with vitamin B12 intramuscularly. A maintenance dose is used for 1-1.5 months. If the hemoglobin level has dropped to less than 60 g per liter, if hemodynamics are impaired and there is a threat of anemic coma, red blood cell transfusion .

As a preventative measure for diseases accompanied by impaired absorption of vitamin B12, as well as after operations, it is necessary to use preventive and therapeutic courses of vitamin therapy under the control of the content of vitamin B12 in the urine and blood.

Hemolytic anemia

What is this in simple words? This is a process of accelerated destruction red blood cells , it is accompanied by a significant increase in the level of direct bilirubin in blood. The disease is quite rare.

Autoimmune hemolytic anemia is usually caused by genetic defects in the membranes of red blood cells, which causes their increased destruction. Autoimmune disease and hemolysis of red blood cells in acquired anemia occurs under the influence of internal factors or any environmental factors.

The development of immune hemolytic anemias is influenced by post-transfusion reactions , vaccinations , taking certain medications (analgesics, antimalarial drugs, nitrofuran derivatives). Also, such a symptom can manifest itself in autoimmune pathologies (UC, SLE), infectious diseases (, viral pneumonia , toxoplasmosis ).

Hemolytic anemias can be divided into two broad groups of diseases: acquired And congenital.

Forms of hereditary diseases:

  • Erythrocyte membranopathies such as Minkowski-Choffar anemia or Minkowski-Choffard disease ( microspherocytosis ), acanthocytosis , ovalocytosis caused by abnormalities in the structure of red blood cell membranes. Note that spherocytosis is the most common type among pathologies (microspherocytosis).
  • Enzymopenia caused by a deficiency of certain enzymes ( pyruvate kinase , glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase ).
  • Hemoglobinopathies that arise due to qualitative disturbances in the structure of hemoglobin or changes in the ratio of its normal forms.

Acquired hemolytic anemias are divided into:

  • Acquired membranopathies ( spur cell anemia , Marchiafava-Micheli disease ).
  • Iso- and autoimmune, caused by the action of antibodies.
  • Toxic, resulting from exposure to poisons, toxins or other chemicals. agents.
  • Anemia associated with mechanical damage to the structure of red blood cells.

An increase in the concentration of residual traces after the breakdown of red blood cells in the body will be externally manifested jaundice lemon shade. There will also be an increase in the concentration of indirect bilirubin and iron in the blood. Noted urobilinuria And pleiochromy feces and bile. With intravascular hemolysis, it additionally develops hyperhemoglobinemia , hemoglobinuria , hemosiderinuria . Indicates an increase in erythropoiesis reticulocytosis And polychromatophilia in peripheral blood, or erythronormoblastosis bone marrow.

If the patient does not have microspherocytic anemia caused by hereditary spherocytosis or elliptocytosis, then it is necessary, first of all, to carry out adequate therapy for the disease that caused the hemolytic anemia.

For treatment usually used:

  • medications (for example, Desferal );
  • splenectomy ;
  • transfusion of red blood cells during a crisis;
  • HSC for autoimmune diseases in medium dosage.

Aplastic anemia

Aplastic anemia is a disease that is classified as myelodysplasia . With this disease, there is a sharp inhibition or cessation of growth and maturation of cells in the bone marrow, also called panmyelophthisis .

Typical symptoms of the disease are: leukopenia , anemia , lymphopenia And thrombocytopenia . The term itself first appeared at the beginning of the 20th century. This disease has a fairly severe course and without treatment (including medication Atgam ) has a poor prognosis.

For a very long time, this disease was considered as a syndrome combining various pathological conditions in the bone marrow. Currently, the term “aplastic anemia” is identified as an independent nosological unit. It should be clearly distinguished from hypoplasia syndrome in the hematopoietic system.

Aplastic anemia can be caused by various reasons:

  • chemical agents, benzene, salts of heavy metals and so on;
  • ionizing radiation;
  • taking certain medications cytostatics , NSAIDs, ;
  • viruses;
  • the presence of other autoimmune diseases.

There is also a form of aplastic anemia that is inherited - Fanconi anemia . Treatment of the disease consists of taking immunosuppressants and undergoing a bone marrow transplant.

Sickle cell anemia

In human sickle cell anemia, the structure of the hemoglobin protein is disrupted; it acquires an atypical crystalline structure, in the shape of a sickle. This form is called S-hemoglobin . The disease is associated with a mutation in the HBB gene, due to which an abnormal type of S-hemoglobin begins to be synthesized in the bone marrow; valine is found in the sixth position in the B chain instead of glutamic acid. Polymerization of S-hemoglobin occurs, long strands are formed, and red blood cells take on the shape of a sickle.

The mode of inheritance of sickle cell anemia is autosomal recessive with incomplete dominance. Heterozygous carriers have approximately equal amounts of hemoglobin A and S in their erythrocytes. Carriers themselves do not get sick, and sickle erythrocytes can be detected by chance during a laboratory examination. Symptoms may not appear at all. Sometimes such people begin to feel unwell due to severe dehydration.

Homozygotes have only hemoglobin S in their blood, and the disease is quite severe. Such patients have a high level of destroyed red blood cells in the spleen, a significantly shorter life span, and often show signs of chronic oxygen deficiency.

This type of anemia is quite common in regions where the incidence rate is high. Such patients have higher resistance to different strains of malarial plasmodium. Therefore, such harmful alleles often appear in Africans.

Symptoms vary greatly and can be observed in children as early as 3 months of age. Anemia can lead to loss of consciousness, less stamina, cause jaundice . In infants, thinness, weakness, curvature of the limbs, elongation of the body, changes in the structure of the skull and teeth are observed. Also, sick children have an increased tendency to develop sepsis . In adolescents, developmental delays of 2-3 years are observed. Women, as a rule, are capable of conceiving and giving birth to a child.

Megaloblastic anemia

Megaloblastic anemia ( Addison-Beermer disease , B12 deficiency, pernicious) is a disease caused by a lack of folic acid or vitamin B12. This happens due to a lack of substances in food or diseases of the digestive tract. Also, megaloblastic anemia can occur due to congenital disorders of DNA synthesis processes, acquired pathologies and due to the use of certain medications ( antimetabolites , anticonvulsants).

With a constant lack of folic acid and B12, chronic anemia develops, red blood cells change their shape and size. Milder stages are sometimes asymptomatic, then external signs begin to appear. This deficiency state is often also called pernicious anemia . The disease has received the status of anemia of chronic diseases, as it manifests itself in patients after 60 years of age and in patients who have undergone, with and bowel cancer . This type of anemia is described in more detail above.

Pernicious anemia

Develops as a result of endogenous B12 vitamin deficiency caused by atrophy of the glands of the fundus of the stomach, which normally should produce gastromucoprotein . As a result, the absorption processes of vitamin B12 are disrupted and pernicious anemia of the “pernicious” type occurs. Most often, this diagnosis is made at the age of 50 years.

The disease is accompanied by disorders of the nervous, cardiovascular, hematopoietic and digestive systems. Patients usually complain of shortness of breath, general weakness, swelling of the legs, “pins and needles” on the feet and hands, burning pain in the tongue and unsteadiness of gait. According to laboratory indicators, hyperchromic anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia are observed.

Sideroblastic anemia

Sideroblastic anemia is also called sideroachrestic anemia (SAA), iron-refractory, iron-saturated or sideroblastic. This is a pathological condition of disturbances in the synthesis of microelements and hematopoiesis, most often iron. Red blood cells contain a small amount of iron, due to the fact that the microelement is actively consumed by the bone marrow and begins to accumulate in the internal organs. The disease develops against the background of insufficient levels of protoporphyrin.

There are two forms of the disease:

  • pyridoxine-dependent resulting from pyridoxal phosphate deficiency;
  • pyridoxine-resistant , developing due to an enzyme defect (heme synthetase deficiency).

Acquired forms of sideroachrestic anemia are more often observed in old age, but the disease is not inherited from parents. Often this kind of anemia develops as a side effect of treatment with drugs for tuberculosis or depletion of pyridoxal phosphate in case of lead poisoning, myeloproliferative blood diseases, cutaneous porphyria . Idiopathic forms of SAA also occur.

Fanconi anemia

This is a rare, inherited disease. Fanconi anemia occurs in 1 in 350,000 children. The disease is most widespread among Ashkenazi Jews and residents of South Africa.

Nutritional anemia

It occurs due to the presence of defects in protein clusters responsible for the DNA repair process. The disease is characterized by high fragility of chromosomes, the presence in patients over 40 years of age myeloid leukemia And aplastic anemia .

Newborns with this disease are characterized by congenital developmental defects, unusual pigmentation, short stature, skeletal development abnormalities and some neurological symptoms (or underdevelopment of one of the eyes, deafness, mental retardation), and abnormal development of internal organs. Unfortunately, on average such patients live no more than 30 years.

Unspecified anemia

The diagnosis of unspecified anemia has a code according to ICD-10 D64.9. This is a primary diagnosis, which is clarified after examination by a doctor, since it is a secondary sign of any underlying disease. First of all, the possibility of blood loss due to injuries, surgical interventions, internal bleeding should be excluded, then laboratory diagnostics are carried out.

Myelodysplastic syndrome

According to international classification ICD-10 for myelodysplastic syndrome:

  • D46.0 Refractory anemia without sideroblasts, so designated;
  • D46.1 Refractory anemia with sideroblasts;
  • D46.2 Refractory anemia with excess blasts;
  • D46.3 Refractory anemia with excess blasts with transformation;
  • D46.4 Refractory anemia, unspecified;
  • D46.7 Other myelodysplastic syndromes;
  • D46.9 Myelodysplastic syndrome, unspecified.

Refractory anemia with excess blasts

The prefix “refractory” means the disease is resistant to taking vitamins, iron supplements, and following a diet. Most often, this type of anemia is the most common type myelodysplastic syndrome . Due to disturbances in the maturation processes of blasts in the blood, the hemoglobin content is significantly reduced, and signs appear. Approximately 40% of patients with myelodysplastic syndrome have refractory anemia. Most often, hemoglobinopathy of this kind develops in patients over 50 years of age.

The disease can be considered an intermediate stage between refractory anemia and acute leukemia. As a rule, the disease is manifested by a decrease in hemoglobin levels and general weakness. If the patient has no other reasons for such changes in the blood picture, then the main task of doctors is to further examine the patient and slow down the onset of acute leukemia as much as possible.


What kind of disease is thalassemia? This is a recessively inherited disease that develops due to a decrease in the synthesis of polypeptide chains in the structure of hemoglobin. Depending on which monomer has ceased to be synthesized normally, they distinguish alpha- , beta thalassemia And delta thalassemia . The disease is also classified according to the degree of clinical manifestations, divided into severe, mild and moderate.

Alpha thalassemia is associated with mutations in genes HBA2 And HBA1. The alpha chain is encoded by four loci and, depending on the number of abnormal ones, different degrees of severity of the disease are distinguished. The symptoms and course of hemoglobinopathy range from mild to severe hypochromic microcytic anemia.

Beta thalassemia exists in two most common variants: minor and CD8(-AA) major (the most severe form of the disease). Anemia develops due to mutations in both beta-globin alleles, when hemoglobin A begins to be replaced by hemoglobin F. Thalassemia minor is usually mild and no treatment is required.

Diamond-Blackfan anemia

According to Wikipedia, Diamond-Blackfan anemia is a hereditary form of red cell aplasia with an unclear mode of inheritance. It is assumed that the disease has an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance, which occurs in one fourth of all patients. Such patients usually exhibit symptoms of anemia during the first year of life, weakness, pallor, increased fatigue, and a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood plasma.

Diagnosis is made by complete blood count, erythropoietin levels, microscopy and bone marrow biopsy. The disease is difficult to treat; corticosteroids and blood transfusions are prescribed.


Causes of anemia

What are the causes of anemia?

There are so many different causes of the disease that some of them can only be identified after laboratory tests. It often happens that hemoglobin levels are normal, but iron is low. The disease can occur with a lack of B vitamins and folic acid. Anemia in humans occurs as a result of various injuries and abundant internal or external bleeding .

What causes anemia, the most common causes of anemia in women

A woman can be diagnosed with this if her hemoglobin level in the blood drops below 120 g per liter. In general, women, due to certain physiological characteristics, have a higher tendency to this disease. Monthly blood loss during menstruation, when a woman can lose up to 100 ml of blood within a week, pregnancy, lactation and decreased concentration ferritin – the most common causes of anemia. The disease often develops due to psychosomatics , when a woman is depressed, she eats poorly, rarely goes out into the fresh air, does not exercise, or during menopause, when global changes occur in a woman’s physiology.

Causes of anemia in men

Symptoms of anemia

Anemia manifests itself in different ways, depending on the specific type of disease. It is known that with anemia in a person, the number of red blood cells decreases, their structure changes, the iron content in the blood changes, and hemoglobin decreases. Human tissues lack oxygen and this affects the general condition and appearance of a person.

Common signs of anemia are as follows:

  • significantly reduced performance, general weakness;
  • irritability, increased fatigue, severe drowsiness;
  • and headaches, spots before the eyes, dizziness;
  • dysuria ;
  • an irresistible desire to eat chalk or lime;
  • constant shortness of breath;
  • thin and brittle hair, nails, dry, inelastic skin;
  • angina pectoris , low blood pressure;
  • tinnitus and frequent fainting;
  • change in stool color, jaundice, pallor;
  • aches in the body and joints, muscle weakness.

There are also specific symptoms of anemia that are characteristic of a particular type:

  • Iron-deficiency anemia. Characteristic for this diagnosis parorexia , the patient has a strong desire to chew chalk, earth, papers and other inedible materials. You can also highlight koilonychia , cracks in the corners of the mouth, sore tongue. Sometimes the temperature may rise to low-grade fever.
  • Main symptom B12 deficiency anemia can be called tingling in the limbs, instability of gait, stiffness and tightness in movements, low sense of touch. The patient's cognitive abilities decrease and symptoms may occur. In extremely severe cases, it may develop paranoia or .
  • A characteristic symptom sickle cell anemia There may be weakness, paroxysmal pain in the abdominal cavity and joints.
  • When poisoned by lead waste, the victim experiences characteristic dark blue lines on the gums, nausea and pain in the abdomen.
  • Chronic destruction of red blood cells can be a symptom of a malignant tumor. In this condition, emerging jaundice, ulcers and abrasions on the legs, and redness of the urine develop. Gallstones often form in the gallbladder.

Anemia, differential diagnosis, table

An accurate diagnosis of hemolytic, megaloblastic or aplastic anemia can be made after differential diagnosis. Diff. Diagnosis is carried out using appropriate tables and laboratory results.

Diseases ZhDA Chronic inflammatory diseases. Tumors Thalassemia Porphyrin metabolism disorder


Iron deficiency Impaired iron recycling Impaired synthesis of globin chains Chronic lead intoxication. Shortage vitamin B6
Degree of anemia any rarely Hb< 90 г/л moderate any
Reticulocyte count various usually normal increased increased
Average red blood cell volume demoted N or reduced sharply reduced N
Serum iron downgraded downgraded increased increased
OZhSS increased N or reduced N N or reduced
Ferritin downgraded N or increased N elevated
Iron in bone marrow absent present in macrophages present present

Symptoms of anemia in adults may also vary depending on gender and age. Often, signs of anemia in women are most pronounced in their psycho-emotional state.

Signs of anemia in adult women:

  • general weakness;
  • fatigue;
  • low ability to work;
  • perversion and loss of appetite;
  • bad mood and depression.

You can also note the characteristic external signs of anemia, which can be more difficult to recognize in men:

  • pale, thin, dry skin;
  • haggard appearance;
  • trophic changes;
  • dull and brittle nails and hair.

Signs of anemia in men:

  • muscle weakness;
  • trembling of the lower extremities;
  • distortion of taste and smell;
  • And glossitis ;
  • shortness of breath and;
  • hypotension etc.

Tests and diagnostics

When visiting a doctor, the specialist must first collect anamnesis and listen to the patient’s complaints. But a diagnosis of “anemia” can only be made after laboratory diagnostics. The doctor must prescribe a general blood test and, if necessary, additional studies depending on the cause. Except low level hemoglobin it is important to determine the number red blood cells , quantity reticulocytes , platelets And leukocytes , their shape and size, percentage of immature blood cells, level, erythrocyte volume distribution width (RDW), mean erythrocyte volume (MCV), mean hemoglobin content in erythrocyte (MCH),

General blood analysis – the main diagnostic method. Next, a series of specific tests are prescribed: ferritin, serum iron, total iron-binding capacity of serum, transferrin. Such additional studies can help diagnose the disease before its clinical manifestations appear.

Blood test results for aplastic anemia show low levels of red blood cells and hemoglobin, normal or increased mean erythrocyte volume, few platelets and increased ESR, low reticulocyte levels. To assess the condition of the bone marrow, it is further recommended to perform a sternal puncture or trepanobiopsy.

For diagnostics B12 deficiency anemia Most often, a general blood test is sufficient. With B12 deficiency anemia, there is usually a drop in the level of red blood cells, an increase in the average volume to 110-160 µm3, poikilocytosis, reticulopenia and anisocytosis are noted. The ESR will most likely be increased.

When diagnosing hemolytic anemia First of all, they look at the general blood test: low hematocrit, level of red blood cells and hemoglobin, increase in the number of reticulocytes. Biochemical blood test shows high indirect bilirubin, ferritin and iron, drop haptoglobin . Significantly elevated in urinalysis urobilinogen .

Despite the fact that the term “hypochromia” in a general blood test is somewhat outdated, the color of red blood cells usually indicates the iron content in the red blood cell and the body as a whole. For the color indicator of blood, numerical parameters were introduced, so normochromia they say if the amount of iron ranges from 0.8 to 1.15 g per liter, hypochromia – when the content is below 0.8 g/l, hyperchromia – if the amount of Fe is above 1.15.

Treatment of anemia

For those who are interested in how to treat anemia, the answer depends on the type of disease. Tactics should be determined by the attending physician depending on the causes of the disease and the type of anemia. However, in any case, you will most likely be prescribed medication. iron supplements . Mild forms are treated at home, strictly following the doctor’s recommendations; severe cases may require hospitalization.

If iron deficiency anemia occurs due to insufficient intake of the microelement from food, then iron tablets or injections are prescribed. After prolonged and heavy blood loss, a blood transfusion or red blood cell transfusion is required. At the same time, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of blood loss.

Treatment pernicious anemia also carried out using tablets. It is necessary to complete the contents and . Treatment of B12-deficiency anemia is often carried out with vitamin injections, due to impaired absorption of the substance in the intestine.

All other types of disease are treated with specific drugs. Drug treatment of anemia is carried out strictly as prescribed by a specialist. And, unfortunately, for some hereditary diseases there is currently no specific therapy.

For example, treatment hemolytic anemia , regardless of the form, is based on eliminating the influence of hemolyzing factors. Patients are prescribed blood plasma infusions, vitamin therapy, treatment and, immunosuppressants . Also carry out splenectomy .

Which doctor treats anemia?

If alarming symptoms appear, it is recommended to seek help from a specialist. Since anemia is a blood disease, treatment should be hematologist . A referral to a specialized specialist will be given by a regular local doctor or local therapist. The doctor will most likely prescribe a general blood test, a test for iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid.

The doctors


What to drink to increase hemoglobin?

In order to enhance the effectiveness of treatment, combination drugs can be prescribed, including various vitamins, amino acids, and ascorbic acid. The best iron supplements for anemia have a prolonged effect and may contain folic acid. Considering the fact that about 10-12% of the active substance is absorbed from the drug, various supplements and vitamins can significantly increase bioavailability. Many tablets have a slow release of iron and this significantly reduces the risk of adverse reactions.

During treatment with such medications you should remember:

  • The tablets should be taken exclusively with water. Do not use milk, tea or coffee.
  • With caution, medications are combined with calcium supplements, antacids (, ), antibiotics. If it was not possible to avoid this combination, then it is better to use iron injections or space out the intake as much as possible over time.
  • Liquid medications are recommended for young children. forms.
  • Do not take a double dosage of the drug or otherwise violate the instructions for use.
  • Some people are worried about what to do if the treatment turns their stool black. This is absolutely normal for therapy of this kind.
  • In patients with inflammation and ulcers on the intestinal or stomach mucosa (especially with B12-deficiency anemia), gastroenterological diseases may worsen. In this case, treatment should be carried out strictly under the supervision of the attending physician, taking into account the risk-benefit ratio. The dosage of the medication is reduced or injections are prescribed.

List of iron-containing drugs for anemia

The best iron supplements:

  • Ferlatum Foul
  • Ferro-Folgamma

The medications are well suited for adults without underlying chronic diseases.

Names of iron supplements in Russia for pregnant women:

  • Maltofer
  • Totema

List of drugs for children:

  • Maltofer Fall
  • Ferrum Lek

The medicine is also very popular Totema , reviews of which are usually very good.

Trade names of the drug Price range (Russia, rub.) Features of the drug that are important for the patient to know about

iron sulfate + serine

(Teva, Ratiopharm) 50 – 390 The α-amino acid included in the drug for anemia stimulates more efficient absorption of iron. There is lek for children and newborns. shape - drops. For children from 2 to 6 years old - syrup; from 6 years of age you can take capsules.

iron protein succinylate

(Italpharmaco) 460 – 780 The medicine is produced in the form of a solution for internal use. As part of the drug, ferric iron is surrounded by a special protein carrier so as not to harm the gastric mucosa. The medicine can be prescribed even to newborn children.

iron sulfate

Slow-release iron tablets. Applicable only from 12 years of age.

(GlaxoSmithKline) 60 – 130

iron sulfate + ascorbic acid

(Aegis, Astra Zeneca) 240 – 370

ferric hydroxide polymaltosate

(Vifor), (Lek d.d.) 250 – 320 The medicine contains ferric iron with a special complex, which will greatly reduce the risk of adverse reactions from the digestive tract. For children, the drug is usually prescribed in the form of syrup or drops. Drops are better suited for premature babies and infants. For children over 12 years old - syrup.

Procedures and operations

If necessary, they can assign physiotherapy , visiting a sauna or bath. In severe cases, with a malignant course of the disease, bone marrow transplants are performed.

Treatment of anemia with folk remedies at home

Treatment at home for mild forms of anemia involves turning to traditional medicine recipes.

Various procedures can also be very effective folk remedies:

  • drinking hydrotherapy with mineral water;
  • herbal treatment;
  • swimming pool, sauna and other wellness treatments;
  • Nordic walking;
  • conducting physiotherapy with the help of;
  • coniferous, salt, bischofite, iodine-bromine baths;
  • collar area massage and foot massage.

How to treat anemia in adults using herbs and settings?

It may be quite effective, including for older people. chicory drink with milk. Add a spoonful of ground chicory to a glass of medium-fat milk and take it three times a day.

Treatment of anemia in women does not differ significantly from the treatment tactics in men. Patients are prescribed vitamins, iron supplements, procedures, and the body requires special support during menstruation or menopause.

Treatment of anemia in pregnant women is carried out under the supervision of the attending physician using the recommended medications listed above. If we talk about the treatment of anemia in pregnant women, we can recommend the following folk recipes:

Rosehip tea with blackcurrant

Strawberry tincture

Another popular recipe for anemia in adults. You need to take fresh or dried strawberry leaves and crushed berries. For one tablespoon of the mixture you need to pour one glass of hot water. Infuse the decoction for 3-4 hours and then strain thoroughly. You need to drink the tincture immediately, one glass, 3 times a day.

You can also make tinctures and decoctions for the treatment of adults and children from the following herbs:

  • horsetail;
  • stinging nettle;
  • series;
  • water pepper;
  • dandelion;
  • viburnum bark;
  • burnet;
  • medicinal lungwort;
  • barberry leaves;
  • water pepper;
  • viburnum bark;
  • shepherd's purse.


Prevention of anemia in adults and children includes following these recommendations:

After 60 years, in men, the disease manifests itself due to chronic diseases, heart disease, malfunction of the immune system, tumors, poor ecology, and insufficient nutrition.

Anemia in women

Anemia in women is diagnosed when hemoglobin levels are below 120 g/l (or 110 g/l during pregnancy). Physiologically, women are more prone to developing anemia.

Why is it dangerous for women?

Every month during menstruation, a woman’s body loses a lot red blood cells . On average, the volume of blood loss is about 40-50 ml, but with fairly heavy menstruation, the number of discharges can reach 100 or more ml in 5-7 days. Just a few months in this mode will lead to the development of an anemic state.

There is also another hidden form of the disease. It is quite common (up to 20%). This type of anemia occurs due to a drop in concentration ferritin , a protein that replenishes the storage function of iron in the blood and releases it when hemoglobin levels decrease.

Anemia in children

This is a very common disease in children of all ages. In approximately 40% of cases, this diagnosis is made in children under 3 years of age, 30% in adolescence, and the rest in other periods of life. The fact is that the mechanism of hematopoiesis at this age has not yet been adjusted and is actively influenced by even the most insignificant factors. Affects the child's condition and active growth, which requires a large amount of nutrients.

Premature birth can lead to anemia in premature babies. In premature infants, the disease can appear either immediately or upon reaching 3 months of age. From birth it is also noted aplastic anemia , Minkowski-Choffar anemia , iron deficiency 1 or 2 degrees, hemolytic anemia .

Signs in children

To accurately diagnose anemia, you need to consult a doctor and, first of all, take a general blood test.

Along with the general signs of anemia, there are also specific symptoms of anemia in children:

  • cracks on the palms and soles of the feet;
  • frequent colds and gastrointestinal infections;
  • the child’s tearfulness, lethargy and drowsiness, poor sleep, fatigue;
  • diarrhea, vomiting and nausea;
  • Children often complain of headaches and tinnitus.

Treatment of anemia in children

Doctor Komarovsky believes that anemia in infants can be associated with. In children under one year of age, movements are often constrained due to tight swaddling, the child is deprived of freedom of movement, sleeps a lot, and the body slows down the production of red blood cells. It turns out that a lack of physical activity leads to a drop in hemoglobin and the development of anemia in an infant.

There are three degrees of the disease in children:

  • if hemoglobin is from 90 to 110 g per liter, then a mild degree is diagnosed;
  • if from 70 to 90 g per liter – average;
  • An infant with a hemoglobin level below 70 g per liter is diagnosed with severe anemia.

Both in young children and schoolchildren, therapy requires an integrated approach. It is very important to review your diet and daily routine. It is necessary for children to spend a lot of free time outdoors and play outdoor games. It is important to go to bed and get up at the same time.

Your daily diet should include fresh and high-quality foods rich in iron, beans, red meat, organ meats, eggs, cereals, seaweed and dried fruits. It is necessary to enrich the diet with vitamin C, B12 and folic acid. For severe iron deficiency anemia, your doctor will prescribe precisely dosed iron supplements. The reception gives a good effect.

Anemia during pregnancy

It is extremely important for pregnant women to maintain hemoglobin levels at physiological levels. This is why doctors recommend pregnant women to get tested regularly. Anemia during pregnancy is diagnosed if the iron level is reduced to less than 110 g per liter (grade 1). Moreover, the process of blood thinning and a drop in this indicator to 110 is considered normal, as is the fall hematocrit and quantities red blood cells . But, if the value decreases significantly, then they talk about the development of anemia. Many people write entire essays on this topic.

The disease has a code according to ICD-10:

  • O99 Other maternal diseases, not classified elsewhere, but complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium;
  • O99.0 Anemia complicating pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period.

Mild pregnancy anemia can be diagnosed by hemoglobin at the level of 90-110 g per liter, 2nd degree - from 70 to 90 g per liter, third - below 70 g per liter. Very rarely the figure drops below 70 g/l, because in this condition it is difficult to conceive and bear a child. It should be noted that grade 1 anemia during pregnancy is highly treatable. You just need to strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions, adjust your diet, and after a week, the condition can return to normal.

Characteristic symptoms of anemia during pregnancy, indicating hypoxia :

  • fatigue and increased weakness;
  • dizziness and headache, tinnitus;
  • palpitations and shortness of breath;
  • fainting, drowsiness or insomnia.

Signs during pregnancy, anemia associated with iron deficiency:

  • jamming, cracking and dry skin;
  • cracks, inflamed lip edges, brittle hair;
  • severe hair loss.

It should be noted that of all types gestational anemia the most common is iron deficiency . The expectant mother's need for iron increases to 3.5 ml per day, and this is higher than what can be absorbed from food (1.8-2 mg per day). Iron will be actively consumed in the placenta and fetal tissue, which contains many vessels.

Forums for expectant mothers often discuss treatment tactics for this condition, the dangers of anemia for the mother and the possible consequences for the child.

The following consequences of anemia during pregnancy for a child can be identified:

  • Insufficient supply of oxygen to the fetus, necessary for normal development, especially of the nervous system.
  • Poor health of the mother during pregnancy.
  • High probability of premature birth.
  • Increased risk of developing postpartum infection .
  • The likelihood of bleeding and placental abruption .

Also, women are characterized by anemia after childbirth, when after 1-2 months the blood counts have not returned to normal. In this case, we most often have to talk about iron deficiency anemia . Fatigue and drowsiness, palpitations and shortness of breath, heart failure and distortion of taste in this case do not go away after childbirth. Additional treatment may be needed, especially if the woman lost a lot of blood during childbirth.

Diet, nutrition for anemia

Anyone who is faced with a problem such as anemia is wondering what to eat to increase hemoglobin without pills?

It is known that a properly balanced diet is the main rule of well-being and good health. There is a special , which indicates what foods you should eat if you have anemia in order to quickly normalize your condition.

Ideally, the diet should be balanced, it should contain all the necessary products, but in moderation. You shouldn’t immediately rush to foods rich in iron; it’s important to follow the right combinations of foods.

What to eat to treat and prevent disease?

  • Be sure to include one piece (170 g) of lean meat in your diet, which is equivalent to 6 mg of iron. It is recommended to follow the principles of separate nutrition. The best side dish for meat is vegetables and cereals.
  • Don't forget about legumes. Beans and peas also make a good side dish.
  • Nutritionists do not recommend getting carried away with coffee and tea, especially immediately after meals. Tannin will interfere with the absorption of beneficial microelements. It is better to make yourself weak tea with honey half an hour to an hour after eating.
  • Eat a lot of nuts: walnuts, pine, almonds.
  • Many vegetables and fruits are excellent sources vitamin C , which will help the iron be absorbed. Be sure to include citrus fruits, garden berries, apples and pineapples, green onions, bell peppers, cabbage, beets, zucchini and carrots in your diet.
  • Drink mineral water from sources rich in iron.

Below is a list of iron-containing products that you cannot do without during the course of treatment:

  • fresh pomegranate or pomegranate juice;
  • rose hip;
  • black currant;
  • oatmeal and muesli;
  • buckwheat porridge;
  • strawberries, blackberries or keyberries;
  • green salad and onions;
  • dried legumes and eggplants;
  • bell pepper and garlic;
  • green apples;
  • plums, plum juice, cranberries and viburnum;
  • meat, poultry, dark meat fish;
  • cherries and apricots;
  • potato;
  • spinach;
  • grapes and gooseberries;
  • various citrus fruits;
  • tomatoes and carrots.

Also, nutrition for anemia in women and adult men may involve additional intake of small doses of alcohol. It will be useful to drink about 150 ml of red wine or 45 ml of strong drink at dinner. Don't abuse alcohol! Women can afford 1, and men - 2 servings of alcohol. Otherwise, ethyl alcohol may interfere with the absorption of beneficial microelements.

As for nutrition for anemia in elderly patients, there are no significant differences. It is recommended to prescribe a diet taking into account age needs and lifestyle. If an elderly person has problems chewing food, it is recommended to grind it.

Consequences of anemia and complications

Is it possible to cure anemia forever and what are the consequences of neglecting treatment?

Despite the fact that treatment of the disease in the current realities is quite simple and quick, many are too lazy to seek help in time. Even in large cities, with a powerful diagnostic base, patients often wait until the last minute, until general malaise and pain throughout the body become unbearable. According to the data World Health Organization, in the Russian Federation, every fourth resident, 30% of children and every third woman over 25 years old suffer from this disease. This figure is naturally much higher among older people.

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to die if anemic syndrome is not treated? With improper or delayed treatment, as well as in its absence, the following consequences of anemia may occur in women, men and children:

  • Decreased immunity. During illness, not only the number of red blood cells decreases, but also the blood cell count. Ultimately, the body's resistance to infections decreases significantly, the person begins to get sick often and ends up in a vicious circle.
  • The patient is plagued by constant fatigue, fatigue and various neurological disorders.
  • Problems with the nervous system. Tearfulness and irritability, impaired coordination of movements and attention, memory disorders, decreased level of intellectual development.
  • The process involves tissues covering vital organs, especially the cardiovascular and digestive systems. The skin becomes dry and dehydrated, nails and hair become dull and brittle.
  • More severe consequences may also occur - swelling of the lower extremities and enlargement of the liver.
  • A drop in the number in the blood leads to wear and tear of the heart muscle, it begins to work for two. And in the absence of proper treatment, there is a threat of death.

Is it possible to play sports?

It's no secret that if a person leads a healthy lifestyle and plays sports, then the risk of developing many diseases is significantly reduced. Sports are useful for improving the circulation of oxygen and supplying it to all tissues and organs in the body. However, if hemoglobin has already decreased significantly, then physical activity becomes much more difficult to endure, and the load on the heart and blood vessels increases. Hematologists insist that if organs suffer from hypoxia , then it is better to postpone sports activities. It will be possible to resume training only after normalization of hemoglobin levels.


Without proper treatment, the consequences of severe anemia may occur:

  • Excessive fatigue. Sometimes, the patient can get to such a state that he cannot perform normal daily activities.
  • Heart diseases. Developing. The heart is forced to pump large volumes of blood to compensate for the lack of oxygen. As a result, chronic heart failure .
  • There are types, for example, particularly neglected or hereditary ones, which can lead to death. Also, large blood loss will lead to the development of acute anemia and can be life-threatening.


Almost all types of anemia, provided timely treatment, have an optimistic prognosis. Normalization of the condition occurs within several months.

Survival rate aplastic anemia will depend on various factors:

  • on the age of the patient;
  • on the degree of inhibition of hematopoietic function;
  • on the nature and tolerability of the prescribed treatment.

Life expectancy is higher in patients under 30 years of age, the situation becomes more complicated in severe and super-severe forms of the disease. When prescribing exclusively symptomatic treatment, the probability of surviving a year is no more than 10%. When conducting pathogenetic therapy And TCM , life expectancy increases many times. In some cases, recovery is even possible.

List of sources

  • Vorobyov A.I. Guide to hematology. Moscow., “Medicine”. 1985.
  • Dvoretsky L.I. Iron deficiency anemia. Moscow., "Newdiamed", 1998, p. 37.
  • Abdulkadyrov K. M., Bessmeltsev S. S. Aplastic anemia. - M-SPb.: Science - KN Publishing House. - 1995. - 232 p.
  • Hematological diseases in children / Ed. prof. M. P. Pavlova. - Minsk: “Higher School”, 1996. - P. 22-114.
  • Shulutko B. I., Makarenko S. V. Standards for diagnosis and treatment of internal diseases. 3rd ed. - SPb.: ECOLOGY BUSINESS INFORMATICS - SPB, 2005.

Many experts do not classify anemia as a separate disease; most often, anemia is a consequence of another disease. According to the latest statistics, the disease affects more than 25% of the world's population, which is more than one and a half billion people, i.e. Every fourth person on Earth experiences symptoms of anemia. In women during pregnancy, anemia is diagnosed in almost 45%. By the way, it is believed that the disease is more common in women; in men one should expect the disease to appear in no more than 10% of cases. Today we will look at this disease: anemia, what is it, what complications does this disease pose? How to spot the first signs of the disease, what are its symptoms and treatment? And is it possible to cure anemia without health consequences? Let's try to figure it out, we'll tell you everything about the disease of anemia.


Let us recall that human blood consists of 3 types of cells: red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets, all of these cells perform one function or another. We will touch on red blood cells - red blood cells that contain hemoglobin, and they give our blood its characteristic color. The main function of red blood cells is to saturate the internal organs with oxygen and remove carbon dioxide, i.e. The main purpose of red blood cells is gas exchange. A low level of red blood cells leads to a drop in hemoglobin, which leads to the development of anemia in humans.

Some experts believe that anemic syndromes are exclusively concomitant diseases, while others identify them as an independent group of diseases.


Anemic syndrome is determined after a blood test, which reveals deviations from the norm. According to generally accepted criteria, depending on what gender and age group the patient belongs to, the following values ​​are considered normal:

Is there something hidden behind the disease?

Let's consider why anemia is dangerous? There are several factors due to which this disease poses a threat to people:

  • often the anemic syndrome begins to manifest itself when the situation becomes critical, because The body has the function of maintaining oxygen saturation of tissues even when the level of red blood cells is low. Therefore, the patient may not notice the development of anemia for a long time; symptoms may be visible much later;
  • with severe oxygen starvation, depletion of internal organs and tissues is observed;
  • Anemia is often concomitant with other diseases, as a result of which it aggravates the course of the underlying disease;
  • Anemia often results in a lack of vital vitamins, such as vitamin B12;
  • Anemic syndrome is also extremely dangerous for pregnant women, since this disease harms both the woman and the unborn child;
  • the most dangerous complication of anemia is hypoxic coma, 8 out of 10 patients who suffer a coma die;
  • women often have irregular menstrual cycles;
  • people with anemia syndrome may experience respiratory failure and also increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases;
  • In children, the disease causes hyperactivity, often the child is irritable and inattentive, and is susceptible to ARVI.


What anemia is is now clear, but it is necessary to distinguish this disease from other conditions of the human body.

Pseudoanemia also has other names: hydronemia or blood thinning.

This disease appears when swelling of the extremities disappears when the patient drinks a lot, when tissue fluid enters the bloodstream.

With severe dehydration of the body, on the contrary, blood thickening develops; in this situation, the blood quickly loses its liquid component. Most often, dehydration can be caused by severe vomiting, diarrhea, profuse sweating, with insufficient replenishment of the water-salt balance. During a blood test, the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin may be normal, which indicates hidden anemia.

Several types of classification

According to the generally accepted standard, anemia syndrome has several classifications; this disease is systematized into the following categories.

According to the severity of the disease, anemia or anemia:

  • if hemoglobin is at least 90 g/l - mild form;
  • hemoglobin from 90 to 70 g/l - average form;
  • A hemoglobin level below 70 g/l leads to a severe form of anemia.

The causes of anemia are divided into:

  • deficient types of anemia (with a lack of folic acid, iron, etc.);
  • posthemorrhagic - after severe blood loss;
  • hemolytic anemia caused by a shortening of the life cycle of red blood cells;
  • The dyshematopoietic form can occur when hematopoiesis is impaired.

According to severity, acute and chronic forms of anemia are distinguished.

According to the function of red bone marrow regeneration, blood anemia is divided into:

  • hyperregenerative;
  • hyporegenerative;
  • regeneration;
  • normoregenerative.

According to the level of hemoglobin in the blood:

  • hyperchromic anemia;
  • hypochromic;
  • normochromic.

Based on the size of red blood cells, they are divided into:

  • normocytic;
  • microcytic;
  • macrocytic.

The most commonly diagnosed forms of anemia

According to medical statistics, experts most often identify several types of anemia as the most common. If the type of anemia is accurately determined, it is known that treatment will be much more effective. So, what types are the most frequently diagnosed:

  1. Iron deficiency anemia occurs when the synthesis of hemoglobin and red blood cells is impaired. Its development is based on the lack of iron for sufficient hemoglobin production. This type of anemia is most common among women, preschool children, and people whose diet does not contain enough iron-containing foods.
  2. B-12 deficiency anemia develops due to a lack of B vitamin - cyanocobalamin, i.e. vitamin B12, which is mainly involved in the production of red blood cells.
  3. Diamond-Blackfan anemia is often diagnosed in infants, in which case there is a lack of erythropoiesis.
  4. Posthemorrhagic anemia occurs with severe blood loss. If a person has lost a large volume of blood at once, this is dangerous because an acute form of posthemorrhagic anemia develops.
  5. Sickle-shaped anemia is usually inherited; this type of disease got its name due to the sickle shape that the red blood cell acquires when supplied with oxygen. The main cause of this type of anemia is the replacement of normal hemoglobin with pathological one.
  6. Folate deficiency anemia. It is usually diagnosed in people with insufficient consumption of foods rich in folic acid, which is why anemia develops.
  7. Aplastic anemia is characterized as a disease in which the life cycle of red blood cells is shortened; this type of anemia is one of the most dangerous and can be treated rather difficultly, only by surgical intervention.

Main reasons

Let's talk about anemia and the causes of the disease. Experts identify three main causes of anemia:

  • blood loss;
  • hemolysis, i.e. rapid breakdown of red blood cells;
  • reduction in blood cell production;

Also, depending on the type of disease, there are several factors that influence the causes of anemia.

Genetic factor:

  • congenital pathology of the red blood cell production function;
  • enzymatic abnormalities;
  • Fanconi anemia;
  • Bassen-Kronzweig syndrome;
  • anomaly in the structure of the cellular framework of the erythrocyte;
  • spherocytosis.

Doctors have identified a direct relationship between nutrition and the development of this disease, so the nutritional factor is identified as the main one:

  • strict unbalanced diets;
  • lack of folic acid, iron, B vitamins in the diet;
  • insufficient intake of vitamin C.

Other causes include various chronic diseases, such as:

  • liver and kidney diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • benign neoplasms;
  • malignant tumors.

Infectious and viral diseases cause some types of anemia. Such infections include:

  • hepatitis;
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • malaria;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • bacterial diseases such as obstructive bronchitis, tuberculosis.

Poisoning with medications or pesticides leads to the development of anemia. Also factors that caused anemia were severe injuries, frostbite, burns.


Now let's take a closer look at how anemia manifests itself? It is best to note the first signs of anemia and immediately contact your doctor so that a specialist can prescribe competent and effective treatment for anemia.

So, the main signs of anemia in adults:

  • cyanosis of the skin;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • fainting states;
  • noise in ears;
  • constant headaches;
  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • dyspnea;
  • the development of anorexia, manifested in a complete lack of appetite or aversion to food;
  • menstrual irregularities or complete cessation;
  • chronic insomnia;
  • problems with potency;
  • development of heart failure;
  • a sharp decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • drop in red blood cell levels.

The disease often manifests itself in older people; the following are added to the general symptoms:

  • angina attacks;
  • increased risk of developing inflammatory processes in the body;
  • risk of developing dementia.

The following are signs of anemia in children:

  • loss of concentration on studies, games, hobbies;
  • fatigue;
  • pale skin;
  • shortness of breath, even with little physical activity;
  • “jams” are often observed in the corners of the lips;
  • bleeding gums;
  • numbness of the limbs, leg cramps.

It is worth noting that children do not have pronounced symptoms of anemia; with the development of anemia, the symptoms can be disguised as other diseases. Usually the disease is diagnosed only based on a blood test of the child.

Anemia in women during pregnancy

Now we will find out what anemia in pregnant women is, how it is dangerous for the woman and the fetus, and also what to do if this disease is diagnosed during pregnancy?

Recent statistics indicate that almost half of pregnant women experience symptoms of anemia; most often pregnant women are diagnosed with an iron deficiency form of the disease. In most cases, a mild degree of anemia is diagnosed, which does not pose any particular danger to the mother and baby, but the 2nd degree can be harmful. Why?

According to many experts, in mild form anemia affects the health of the woman only; the fetus receives proper oxygen.

But when the hemoglobin level reaches critical levels, then there is a risk of a health threat for the unborn child, which is caused by insufficient oxygen saturation. The fetus experiences hypoxia.

Treatment of anemia in a pregnant woman must be carried out as soon as possible, because this disease can lead to serious consequences:

  • increased susceptibility to various infectious and viral diseases;
  • the risk of developing vein thrombosis increases;
  • the risk of premature birth increases;
  • the risk of bleeding increases throughout the entire period of pregnancy;
  • the risk of developing heart failure increases, because insufficient hemoglobin production weakens the heart muscle.

It is also necessary to cure anemia in order to reduce possible harm to the child’s health, because fetal hypoxia can lead to such consequences as:

  • underdevelopment of internal organs in a child;
  • development of anemia in newborns;
  • increased risk of developing respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases;
  • risk of having a low birth weight baby;
  • Also, a newborn with anemia has practically no immunity; he cannot resist viruses and infections.

So how to treat anemia, is it possible to get rid of the disease without consequences for health, we will tell you in more detail. The main thing is to do a blood test to determine the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin.

Treatment methods

Typically, anemia is treated in a comprehensive manner. By the way, for mild anemia, sometimes drug treatment is not required; it is enough to reconsider your diet and include foods containing proteins, iron, folic acid and various vitamins and microelements.

If the degree of anemia is more severe, then treatment should only be prescribed by the attending physician, taking into account the course of the disease.

Medical treatment of anemia begins with drugs that can quickly increase the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood:

  • iron-containing preparations (Actifferin, Sorbifer Durules, etc.);
  • preparations containing folic acid and B vitamins, including B12.

If it is not possible to cure anemia with the above medications, then the doctor may prescribe a course of corticosteroid hormones, anabolic steroids, erythropoietins, etc. This therapy is usually carried out in a hospital setting. In general, if anemia is diagnosed, then the symptoms and treatment are studied exclusively by a specialist after a blood test.

Folk remedies

How to treat anemia with folk remedies? There are several effective recipes for raising hemoglobin levels:

  1. For this medicine you need to take a glass of Cahors wine, 250 g of natural honey and 150 ml of freshly squeezed aloe juice. Mix all ingredients thoroughly; it is better to store the finished mixture in a cool place. Take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day for 30 days.
  2. Strawberry tea is also perfect for treating anemia, 2 tbsp. Dry strawberry leaves need to be poured with a glass of boiling water, let stand for a few minutes, then strain and drink a few tablespoons. 3 times a day.

Now you know how to deal with anemia. In order to reduce the risk of developing this disease, you need to reconsider your diet, include more foods rich in vitamins and microelements, and also give up bad habits that provoke anemia.

We tried to tell you in more detail about anemia, what kind of disease it is, we told you all its manifestations, why it is dangerous and what ways you can overcome it.

In contact with

There are various forms of anemia - iron deficiency, cyanocobalamin deficiency, hemolytic anemia, aplastic and hypoplastic anemia.

The food of a person suffering from anemia should be simple and easily digestible. Mandatory products - milk, bread. You should eat in small portions, but often. It is not advisable to drink regular tea; herbal tea is recommended instead. You should limit your consumption of ice cream, beer, and carbonated water.

Good sources of iron are green crops, lean red meat, beef liver, poultry, fish, wheat germ, oysters, dried fruits, and cereals. Vitamin C helps absorb iron from food, so citrus fruits, tomatoes, and strawberries must be included in the diet. Physical exercise and work in the fresh air are useful.
Anemia leads to insufficient supply of oxygen and other nutrients to the most important organs, primarily the brain and heart. The main signs of anemia are dizziness, pale skin, fainting, and shortness of breath.

The causes of anemia can be: blood loss, impaired hematopoiesis, increased blood destruction.

In the treatment of anemia, nutrition is of great importance. When compiling a diet, the main attention should be paid to high-calorie foods - such as meat and liver. Old doctors and healers also recommend meat juice, raw ox blood, and undercooked steaks. Modern medicine pays more attention to products such as cream, butter, whole milk, millet porridge, and yellow corn dishes. It has long been noted that yellow vegetables, fruits, and root vegetables contain more vitamins than fruits and vegetables of other colors.

To improve blood composition, you should eat celery, zucchini, apricots, honey, liver, and nuts (especially walnuts) as often as possible.

  • Eleutherococcus. Pharmaceutical drug. Use 20-25 drops 2 times a day. You can make a decoction of thin terminal branches and leaves of Eleutherococcus: 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed raw materials per 0.5 liters of boiling water. Boil for 2-3 minutes, cool, strain. Take 50-100 ml 2-3 times a day.
  • Leuzea (moral root). Tincture is a pharmaceutical preparation. 20-25 drops morning and evening.
  • Mix 1 teaspoon of honey in 0.5 cups of beet juice and drink 3 times a day half an hour before meals.
  • Every day, for a long time, drink 2 tbsp. spoons of a mixture of beet, carrot and radish juices (in a ratio of 1:1:1).
  • Plantain juice take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.
  • Every morning on an empty stomach, eat 100 g of grated carrots with sour cream or vegetable oil.
  • When you lose strength, traditional medicine recommends eating 1 tbsp before meals. a spoonful of garlic boiled with honey.
  • Infusion of caraway fruits, 2-3 teaspoons per glass of boiling water (daily dose).
  • Infusion of Siberian rowan fruits. Pour 2 teaspoons of fruit into 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, add sugar or honey to taste and drink during the day in 3-4 doses.
  • Infusion of rose hips. Pour 2 teaspoons (heaped) of fruit into a glass of boiling water. Brew like tea and drink 3 times a day after meals. The drink is very rich in vitamin C.
  • In 400 g of pork, interior, unsalted fat, put 6 finely chopped large Antonov green apples. Mix well and put in the oven over low heat. While the lard is heating, grind the egg yolks with a glass of granulated sugar until white. Grate 400 g of good chocolate, pass it through cheesecloth or a sieve and add a mixture of yolks with chocolate and sugar. Mix everything well and let cool. Spread the resulting mixture on bread 3-4 times a day and be sure to wash it down with hot milk.
  • Fill a 4-liter bottle with wormwood from the May harvest and fill it with vodka. Place in a warm place and leave for 21 days. Strain. Take 25 drops per 1 tbsp. spoon of water 3 weeks. Drink once a day in the morning, on an empty stomach.
  • Infuse wild strawberry leaves and drink them with milk and sugar instead of tea.
  • General strengthening mixture: mix 150 g of fresh aloe juice with 250 g of honey and 350 ml of Cahors. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day before meals.
  • Dissolve gelatin powder in 400 ml of water, beat a raw egg, stir and drink. Do this 2 times a day.
  • Mix nettle and birch leaves in equal parts 2 tbsp. spoons of the mixture pour 30 ml of boiling water, leave for 3 hours, strain. Drink 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.
  • Place equal parts (200g each) of cocoa, honey, butter, rendered lard into an enamel pan and melt over low heat, stirring all the time so that it does not burn. Stir until the mixture dissolves and begins to boil. Remove the pan, cool the mixture, pour it into a glass jar and store in a cool, dark place. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.
  • Pour one parsley root and stem into a glass of water, boil for 5 minutes, leave for 4 hours. Take for a month. A glass is the daily dose.
  • Garlic juice. Pour 300 g of garlic into 0.5 liters of vodka and leave for 21 days. Take 10 drops 3 times a day before meals.
  • Grind 400 g of garlic. Squeeze juice from 24 lemons. Pour the squeezed garlic and juice into a wide-necked jar and place it in a warm, dark place for 24 days. Shake daily. Take 1 teaspoon of this mixture per glass of boiled water once a day before bed. Improvement in general condition will occur within 10-12 days.
  • A decoction of the roots or leaves of dandelion (boil 100 flower heads in 1 liter of water for 20 minutes; add 100 g of honey to the decoction) take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.
  • For anemia, decoctions of rolled oats, barley, baked apples (and apples in any form), mulberries, and blueberries work well.
  • Lungwort officinalis. Herbal infusion: 2 tbsp. spoons per glass of boiling water, drink 1 tbsp for anemia. spoon 3 times a day.
  • Buckwheat. Flowering shoots of buckwheat are infused at the rate of 1 glass of herb per liter of boiling water. Drink excessively for leukemia, leukemia, and anemia.
  • Dried seaweed, used as a seasoning for food, is a good remedy that enhances metabolism and relieves anemia.
  • Hazelnut kernels, freed from the brown husk, are eaten with honey to get rid of anemia.
  • Rose hips and black currants. Take 25 g each, mix and grind. Prepare and drink 200 ml as vitamin tea 3 times a day. You can add 1 tbsp nettle leaves to the composition. spoon.
  • Infuse 3 teaspoons of meadow clover (flower heads) for 1 hour in a glass of boiling water, strain. Take 1/4 cup 4 times a day.
  • A decoction of gray blackberries is drunk as tea. Fruits in any form.
  • 1 hour Infuse a spoonful of dandelion roots and herbs in a glass of boiling water for 1 hour, strain. Take 1/4 cup 4 times a day.
  • Rowan fruits, rose hips, 25 g each. Prepare vitamin tea and drink it 1 glass 3 times a day.
  • Three-leaf watch. 2 teaspoons of leaves are poured into 2 glasses of cold water and left for 8 hours. This is a daily dose, which is drunk in several doses. Leaf powder is taken 2 g once a day. Drink with milk. Stimulates hematopoiesis.
  • Daily consumption of 1 teaspoon of grated horseradish with sugar or honey improves your general condition.
  • For anemia, it is useful to eat grated radish 5-6 times a day, washed down with water. Along with this treatment, it is recommended to take 20 to 30 mustard grains once a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.
  • For iron deficiency anemia, fruits of plants containing large amounts of dissolved iron are widely used. These include: gooseberry, peach, pomegranate, and fig fruits.
  • Nettle leaf, flowering tops of buckwheat, fireweed leaf. Take equal amounts of everything. 3 tbsp. Brew spoons with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 3 hours, strain. Take 100 ml 4 times a day.
  • Oat decoction. Prepared with water in a ratio of 1:3. Boil a glass of oats in 3 glasses of water for 20 minutes. Take 1 glass 2 times a day.
  • To treat anemia, herbs such as tansy, yarrow, cumin, calamus, watercress, toadflax, horse sorrel, and plantain are used.
  • Patients are advised to follow a work-rest schedule and a diet high in animal protein and vitamins. Fats should be limited.
  • Walnut. A decoction of young leaves or unripe fruits (20 g per 300 ml of water), boil for 15 minutes. Drink like tea, 200 ml 3 times a day.
  • Tincture: 30 g of unripe, finely chopped fruits are poured into 1 liter of vodka and left in the sun for 14 days. Drink 25 drops 3 times a day with water.
  • Pomegranate juice with sugar is a good hematopoietic and is widely used for anemia.
  • Nettle leaf, yarrow flowers, dandelion root (equal parts). 1 tbsp. Brew 300 ml of the mixture, leave for 3 hours, strain. Take 100-150 ml 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.
  • Iron and its salts contain: potatoes, pumpkin, rutabaga, onions, garlic, dill, buckwheat, lettuce, strawberries, grapes.
  • Ascorbic acid increases the absorption of iron; along with B vitamins, it is found in eggplants, potatoes, currants, rowan berries, rose hips, pears, corn, cherries, apricots, sea buckthorn, zucchini, melon, pumpkin, etc.
  • grated carrots with sour cream or unrefined vegetable oil (100-150 grams of carrots before breakfast);

    rose hips (brew and drink like tea, 10 rose hips per glass of boiling water).

  • Grate carrots, beets, and radishes separately. Squeeze the juice of these root vegetables and pour into a dark bottle in equal quantities. Coat the bottle with dough, but so that it is not tightly sealed and the liquid can evaporate from it. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 3 months. This is a radical remedy for anemia.
  • Take 400 g of unsalted pork fat, 6 large Antonov green apples. Finely chop the apples and put in lard. Mix well and place in the oven to simmer over low heat. While the lard is heating, do the following. Take 12 egg yolks and grind them white with a glass of granulated sugar. Grate 400 g of chocolate (4 bars of the highest grade) on a fine grater. When the lard with apples has melted well, remove from the oven, strain through a sieve or cheesecloth and add the mixture of yolks with sugar and chocolate and mix everything well, let the mixture cool. Spread the puffed product on bread. Take 3-4 times a day with each meal and be sure to wash it down with warm, almost hot moloch. The action is good. A person gets rid of anemia, noticeably gains weight, feels better, strengthens the lungs, and goes away from exhaustion.
  • St. John's wort - 3 tablespoons, nettle (nettle), flowers - 2 tablespoons, blackberries, leaves - 2 tablespoons. Grind everything, mix well, pour 3 cups of boiling water. Leave, covered, for 3 hours, strain. Take 1 glass 3 times a day hot. Used for anemia.
  • Rose hips, fruits. 5 tablespoons of crushed fruits per liter of water. Boil for 10 minutes. Wrap up for the night. Drink tea at any time of the day with anything. Perfectly cleanses the circulatory system and improves metabolism. The infusion is rich in vitamins and is used for anemia, scurvy, kidney and bladder diseases, and a diseased liver as a tonic.
  • Carrot. Every morning on an empty stomach, eat 100 g of carrots with sour cream or vegetable oil.
  • Siberian rowan. An infusion of the fruit is used as a multivitamin for exhaustion and anemia (pour 2 teaspoons of the fruit into 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, add sugar to taste and drink in 3-4 doses during the day).
  • For anemia, the following fees are used:

a) nettle leaf, yarrow flowers, dandelion root (all equally). Brew a tablespoon of the mixture with 1.5 cups of boiling water, leave for 3 hours, strain. Drink 3-4 times a day, 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 8 weeks;

b) nettle leaf, flowering tops of buckwheat, fireweed leaf (all equally). Brew 3 tablespoons of the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 3 hours, strain. Drink 3-4 times a day, 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 6-8 weeks;

c) nettle leaf, birch leaf (equal parts). Pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture into 1.5 cups of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain, add 1/2 cup of beet juice. Drink 3-4 times a day, 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 8 weeks.

  • Peel and wash 300 g of garlic. Put this garlic in a 2-liter bottle, pour in 1 liter of 70-proof alcohol and leave for 3 weeks. Dose: 20 drops of tincture in 1/2 glass of milk 3 times a day. However, garlic tincture is considered a weaker remedy than garlic itself. You can take capsules, fill them with garlic and swallow 2 or 3 of them. in the morning on an empty stomach and before bed. When swallowing capsules filled with garlic juice, the user does not smell like garlic at all. When treating anemia, you should take 4 to 5 capsules per dose 2 times a day, as indicated above.
  • Fill a four-liter bottle with wormwood. It is necessary to take wormwood exclusively from the May harvest. Pour vodka over wormwood. Leave for 21 days in a dry, semi-warm, dark place (temperature should be above room temperature). Dose: a drop of tincture per 1 tbsp. spoon of water. Drink in the morning, once a day, on an empty stomach. Take the medicine for 3 weeks. If anemia ost swarm form, then after 3 weeks take a break for 2 weeks, and then resume taking the medicine again for 3 weeks.

A human condition characterized by a low level of hemoglobin in the blood is called anemia. We will consider the symptoms, causes and principles of treatment of this pathology in the article.

General information

This disease, anemia (another name is anemia), can be independent, or it can act as a concomitant symptom or complication of other ailments or conditions. The provoking factors and the mechanism of development of pathology in each specific case are different. Anemia occurs due to insufficient oxygen supply to internal organs. The supply of oxygen is disrupted due to insufficient production of red blood cells.

If we look at specific numbers, anemia is diagnosed when the amount of hemoglobin decreases to below 120 g/l in women and children from 6 to 14 years old, 130 g/l in men, 110 g/l in children from 6 months to 6 years.

There are also different degrees of anemia (depending on the level of the same hemoglobin):

    Mild - hemoglobin level is 90 g/l.

    Severe - hemoglobin level drops below 70 g/l.

Causes of anemia

The most common provoking factors for the development of this pathology are:

    Growth of the body against the background of intense physical activity (sports) associated with sun deficiency and unbalanced nutrition.

    The appearance of a girl's first menstruation. During this period, the body adapts to a new mode of operation.

    The presence of gastritis with low acidity, intestinal diseases, previous operations on the gastrointestinal tract.

    Helminthic intoxications that inhibit the production of red blood cells and hematopoiesis. Children are more susceptible to this condition.

    Pregnancy, during which the metabolism changes, and the woman’s body’s need for iron, as well as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, calcium and vitamins increases several times.

    Periodic bleeding: heavy menstruation (occurs with uterine fibroids, inflammation of the appendages), internal blood loss (with hemorrhoids, stomach ulcers). In this case, relative anemia occurs, in which the level of formed elements in the blood, which include hemoglobin and iron, proportionally decreases.

How effective the treatment will be depends on the correct identification of the causes of the pathology. Anemia is a serious condition that requires timely and adequate treatment.


Most often, a person is not aware of the development of anemia. You can suspect it if you have the following symptoms:

What else is characteristic of anemia? Signs may be supplemented by the following disorders:

    hair loss, lack of shine;

    brittle nails;

    cracks in the corners of the mouth;

    the emergence of strange addictions (for example, people like to eat chalk, inhale the smell of paint and varnish, etc.).

Classification of anemia

Depending on the causes of the pathology, there are several types of anemia. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Iron-deficiency anemia

This form of the disease is the most common. The disease develops as a result of impaired hemoglobin synthesis due to iron deficiency. The causes of this form of anemia are chronic blood loss, impaired absorption of iron in the intestines, and insufficient intake of this substance from food. Young children, women of reproductive age and pregnant women are more susceptible to this pathology.

In this case, anemia has the following symptoms: dizziness, spots flashing before the eyes, tinnitus. The disease also manifests itself as dry and pale skin. Nails become brittle, layered, flat. Some patients feel a burning sensation on their tongue.

Therapy consists, first of all, in eliminating the cause of iron deficiency (treatment of pathologies of the digestive tract, surgical treatment of intestinal tumors, uterine fibroids). In order to normalize hemoglobin levels, iron supplements are prescribed in combination with vitamin C (Actiferrin, Iradian, Tardiferon, Ferromed, Ferrum Lek, Ferroplex).

B12 deficiency anemia

In this case, anemia causes insufficient intake of vitamin B12 into the body or impaired absorption. Most often, this phenomenon occurs in older people. Provoking factors for the development of B12-deficiency anemia are the presence of gastritis, severe enteritis, infection with worms, and previous gastric surgery.

Anemia (anemia) of this type is manifested by weakness, fatigue, and palpitations during physical activity. The tongue becomes “polished” and a burning sensation occurs in it. The skin takes on a jaundiced tint. Often, B12 deficiency anemia can only be detected through a blood test. Over time, the nervous system is affected. In addition to red blood cells, the disease also affects white blood cells and platelets - their levels in the body decrease. What treatment is needed? In this case, they try to overcome anemia by taking vitamin B12 preparations (“Cyanocobalamin”, “Hydroxycobalamin”) and enzyme medications (“Pancreatin”).

Posthemorrhagic anemia

Anemia of a posthemorrhagic nature develops due to the loss of a large amount of blood. As a result, a lack of oxygen occurs in the tissues. Posthemorrhagic anemia, depending on the rate of blood loss, can be acute or chronic. Acute causes include injuries, bleeding from internal organs, most often due to damage to the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, uterus, heart cavities, complications of pregnancy and childbirth. The development of chronic anemia is associated with an increasing lack of iron in the body due to prolonged, often recurring bleeding due to rupture of the vascular walls.

Posthemorrhagic anemia has the following symptoms: pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, fatigue, ringing in the ears, shortness of breath, dizziness, palpitations even with little physical activity. A decrease in blood pressure is often observed. Severe blood loss can cause fainting and collapse. Gastric bleeding is usually accompanied by vomiting (the vomit is bloody or coffee-colored).

Therapy for posthemorrhagic anemia consists, first of all, of stopping bleeding; in case of large blood losses, an urgent blood transfusion is necessary. After this, long-term use of iron preparations (“Ferro-gradument”, “Hemofer”) and combined agents (“Aktiferrin”, “Irovit”, “Heferol”) is indicated.

Folate deficiency anemia

Folic acid is a complex compound that is directly involved in DNA synthesis and hematopoiesis. Absorption of this substance occurs in the upper part of the small intestine. The causes of folate deficiency anemia are divided into two groups: lack of folic acid intake from food; violation of its digestibility and transportation to the hematopoietic organs. Pregnant women, children, alcoholics, people who have undergone surgery on the small intestine are more susceptible to a pathology such as folate deficiency anemia.

Symptoms of the disease are expressed in damage to the hematopoietic tissue, digestive (“polished” tongue, burning sensation in it, decreased gastric secretion) and nervous (increased fatigue, weakness) systems. There is also an enlargement of the liver and spleen, and mild jaundice is noted.

For the treatment of the disease, folic acid and combination products with vitamin B and iron supplements are prescribed (Ferretab comp, Gyno-Tardiferon, Ferro Folgamma, Maltofer Fol).

Traditional methods of treating anemia

If you notice the first signs of anemia, you should immediately consult a doctor. Based on the results of the examination and blood test, the specialist will prescribe the necessary treatment. Therapeutic methods depend on the type and degree of anemia. Alternative medicine recipes can be used as additional methods of treatment (but not the main ones!).

The most effective of them are:

    Grate radishes, carrots, beets. Squeeze the juice from the root vegetables and combine in equal quantities in a dark glass container. Cover the dish with a lid (not tightly). Place the container in the oven to simmer over low heat for three hours. Take the resulting product three times a day, a tablespoon before meals. The treatment course lasts three months.

    To normalize the condition in case of severe loss of strength, it is recommended to mix garlic with honey and take the resulting mixture before meals.

    Mix fresh aloe juice (150 ml), honey (250 ml), Cahors wine (350 ml). Drink a tablespoon before meals three times a day.

    Place peeled garlic (300 g) in a half-liter bottle, add alcohol (96%) and leave for three weeks. Three times a day, take 20 drops of the resulting tincture mixed with ½ glass of milk.

    Pour oats or oatmeal (1 cup) with water (5 cups) and cook until the consistency of liquid jelly. Strain the broth and combine with the same amount of milk (about 2 glasses) and boil again. Drink the resulting drink, warm or cooled, during the day in 2-3 doses.

Prevention of anemia

Diet for anemia plays no less a role than proper treatment. Also, good nutrition is the basis for the prevention of anemia. It is very important to regularly consume foods that contain vitamins and microelements necessary for the hematopoiesis process.

The most iron is found in beef tongue, pork and beef liver, rabbit and turkey meat, sturgeon caviar, buckwheat, wheat, oatmeal, barley, blueberries, and peaches.

There is less iron in chicken, lamb, beef, eggs, semolina, pink salmon, mackerel, apples, persimmons, pears, spinach, sorrel.

In addition, you need to include in your daily diet foods that promote the absorption of this microelement: eggplant, broccoli, zucchini, corn, cabbage, beets, pumpkin, herbs, dried fruits.