Tar soap - properties and applications. Tar soap for acne: reviews. How to use tar soap

Tar has been used for centuries. Our ancestors knew about its healing properties. This substance is extracted from birch bark. Perhaps everyone knows about the beneficial properties of birch. Its tar has the same properties.

Soap is made from tar, this beautiful tree. Let's find out why it can be useful to us.

It is made from tar. A processed product made from the outer part of birch bark, called birch bark. As a result of processing, a thick liquid with a pungent odor, predominantly black in color, is obtained.

This substance destroys microbes and helps wound healing. Tar is an ingredient in medical ointments. The most famous of them is Vishnevsky’s balm.

The soap contains about 10% tar, thanks to which it perfectly fights skin diseases, and so as not to repel the unpleasant odor, pleasantly smelling fragrances are added to it.

When should it be used?

Tar soap will help with:

  • pediculosis;
  • acne;
  • various skin diseases, such as psoriasis, eczema, etc.;
  • with fungus on the legs;
  • for seasonal prevention of influenza and colds;
  • for the purpose of hygiene of intimate organs.

The benefits of tar soap

In addition to disinfection, it heals wounds and dries the skin. Tar kills germs and bacteria, which will be a very big plus in case of skin diseases. The substances contained in tar will also help get rid of lice.

Although soap dries the skin, if used correctly, the harm is minimal. It has only a positive effect, healing microcracks, making it cleaner.

Tar soap for leather

It is not forbidden to wash your entire face with tar soap, but it will be better if you soap only problem areas. Wash your face with it for two weeks. During the course, refrain from using other means.

If you don’t have any problems with your skin, but a small pimple accidentally appears, you can use the soap spot-on. Lubricate the area of ​​inflammation with soapy water and do not wash off until the morning.

If the rash has covered a significant part of the face, you can make a mask using this soap. Cover your face with foam for a couple of minutes. Do not rinse until you feel the skin begin to tighten.

During the course, take care of additional skin hydration. After completing the course, use it a couple of times a month.

Treatment of skin diseases

Unfortunately, this soap is not the main means of treating skin diseases, but as an auxiliary soap it is quite effective.

Psoriasis - soap will relieve the condition. This is the only cosmetic product that doctors allow patients to use for this disease. How does it affect the affected areas? Peeling of the skin will decrease, the strength and intensity of itching will decrease, the intensity of the spread of the disease will decrease, and small wounds will heal better. The condition of the skin improves, it becomes softer.

Seborrhea - with this disease, soap is used with caution; intolerance to it may develop.

Demodectic mange – destroys mites, helps heal damaged skin, relieves itching.

With excessive sweating, it helps normalize the functioning of the sweat glands.

Fungus – after visiting the pool for preventive purposes, it is recommended to wash your feet with this soap. If the disease already exists, wash your feet well with soap and, without rinsing it off, leave it overnight, after putting on socks. To get rid of the disease, a few sessions are enough.

Tar soap accelerates the healing of cracked heels. Helps with any skin damage.

Benefits of tar hair soap

Tar is a component of many shampoos that help against dandruff. In order to improve hair health, you can use this soap. We recommend using it if your hair is oily, has dandruff, or even if your hair begins to fall out. The dye is quickly washed off from dyed hair.

The course lasts from several weeks to several months. Further, for preventive purposes, the product is used several times a month.

After using the soap, a pungent odor remains. It can be removed using balms or ordinary vinegar. Dilute it with water in a ratio of 1 to 4 and wash your hair with it. Aromatic oils will do the same job perfectly. A couple of drops of oil can be added to the balm.

Treatment of lice with tar soap

This is not the most effective remedy, but it is absolutely safe. Used mainly to treat children.

The soap is applied to the hair for at least ten minutes. After which the insects are combed out with a comb. After a couple of days, the procedure can be repeated. A more effective way is to apply the soap for an hour. During this time, polyethylene is placed on the hair.

This is a cheap, natural product used for intimate hygiene. It is used to treat thrush and various infections.

It should not be used as the only treatment; most likely it is an addition to the main therapy.

It is advisable to wash yourself with it after shaving the bikini area. Soap will heal microtraumas.

Harm of tar soap

It is more advisable to talk not about the dangers of soap, but about contraindications. We recommend avoiding soap in case of individual intolerance. If you have dry hair or dry skin, soap will do more harm than good.

Tar soap is used exclusively as an external remedy. Avoid getting it inside.

Tar is an excellent natural medicine that was used by our ancestors. It is extracted from birch bark, which has long been considered by people as a green pharmacy. Anyone who has even a slight understanding of traditional medicine knows about the benefits of birch sap and buds. Birch tar in this sense is no exception.

Today, birch tar has gained recognition in many areas of healing in the form of tar soap. What are the benefits and harms of tar soap and how to properly use it for the treatment and prevention of various disorders in the body? First, let's learn more about what tar soap is and what the medicinal properties of birch tar are.

What is tar soap

Birch tar is a product of dry distillation of the outer part of birch bark (birch bark). It is a thick oily liquid that does not have adhesive characteristics. It has a specific pungent odor, and the color is black, sometimes with a bluish-green or greenish-blue tint. Tar contains substances such as phenol, toluene, xylene and resins. Birch tar has a disinfectant, insecticidal and local irritant effect. In weak concentrations (3–5%) it promotes the regeneration of skin epithelium. It is part of complex liniments and ointments:

  • Wilkinson's ointment;
  • Vishnevsky liniment and others.

The composition of tar soap includes 10% birch tar. This is a cheap and high-quality remedy for combating various skin diseases, be it regular acne or psoriasis. The properties of tar soap are determined precisely by the tar content. By the way, such soap can be made in a home soap factory by adding pleasant fragrances.

What is tar soap used for? The list is quite extensive and includes the following areas:

The benefits of tar soap

How to use tar soap correctly, and in what cases is it recommended to use it?

Benefits of tar soap for skin

Tar soap helps get rid of acne, disinfects the skin, and improves blood circulation. All this helps relieve inflammation and improve complexion. Is it possible to wash your face directly with tar soap? Yes, you can, but it is better to soap only problem areas. You need to use tar soap on your skin regularly, for at least two weeks - this is the only way to achieve the desired effect. During the period of using soap, avoid using other aggressive care products - scrubs, alcohol lotions, and so on. You can find out whether tar soap helps with acne after just a few sessions: redness will become less noticeable, and the skin will generally look healthier.

If in general the skin is in order, but a small nuisance in the form of individual pimples accidentally pops up, then you can make a spot compress. Apply a little dry soap to the pimple and lubricate the top with soap foam. Leave it like this for several hours or until the morning.

For those whose facial skin inflammation has become widespread, it is recommended to make a mask with tar soap. The foam is applied to the face and not washed off for several minutes until a feeling of tightening of the skin appears, then washed.

While using tar soap, do not forget to intensively moisturize your facial skin. After completing the course of treatment, it is not recommended to wash your face with soap every day. It is enough to do this several times a month for prevention.

Skin diseases

What does tar soap treat? Dermatologists advise using it for some diseases as an addition to the main methods of treatment.


  1. Tar soap for psoriasis eases the course of the disease and reduces the intensity of symptoms. At the same time, doctors recommend leaving it as the only cosmetic product. This achieves a number of positive effects: peeling decreases, itching subsides, the risk of contamination with secondary microflora decreases, small wounds heal, skin nutrition improves - it becomes softer and smoother.
  2. For wet and dry seborrhea, soap is used with caution, since much depends on the individual reaction of the body.
  3. Tar soap for demodicosis destroys scabies mites, relieves itching and heals damaged skin.
  4. The use of this remedy reduces sweating and normalizes the activity of the sweat glands. They wash their armpits or legs with it, depending on the location of the problem.
  5. Fungus on the feet is an unpleasant and extremely annoying disease. It can be detected after visiting a swimming pool, public baths and other places of mass water procedures. Therefore, to prevent the disease, thoroughly wash your feet and nail plates with tar soap after visiting such places. To treat mycosis, the nails are thoroughly soaped and left overnight (wearing socks or a bandage).

It is enough to do this for several days, and the fungus that appears will disappear.

This simple remedy is also used for traumatic skin injuries, wounds, frostbite, and bedsores. Tar soap helps heal cracked heels.

What are the benefits of tar soap for hair?

Tar is included in special shampoos and hair masks, mainly against dandruff and for oily hair at the roots. Is it possible to wash your hair with tar soap? Yes, this product is used to heal the scalp with increased sebum production, hair loss, and inflammation of the follicles. Tar soap eliminates dandruff and promotes better hair growth.

When using it, the foam is applied to the scalp, trying to lather the hair itself less, so as not to dry out the ends. You can only wash off the foam with warm or cool water, otherwise your curls will become covered with a greasy film. Tar will have a drying effect, so use hair balms and masks. Also take into account that soap with tar will gradually “remove” the dye from dyed hair. This effect is sometimes used to lighten a tone that is too dark.

It is not recommended to use tar products constantly. Usually, several courses are carried out, the duration of which depends on the degree of development of the problem and can range from 2 weeks to two months. Then they switch to preventive hair washing once or twice a month.

Soap leaves a specific smell on the hair, which is removed with the help of balm. You can use table vinegar. It is diluted in a ratio of 4:1 and rinsed with hair. Also, to remove the smell, use essential oils with your favorite aroma. Add a few drops to the final rinse water or directly to the balm.

Does tar soap help against lice?

A separate topic is the use of tar soap against lice. In order for the product to have the desired effect, you need to make a lot of effort. But tar is absolutely safe for health, unlike artificial insecticides, which is important when fighting head lice in children.

Quite often, tar soap is used for intimate hygiene. Compared to other products that flood store shelves, it is very cheap, and the positive effects of its use are undeniable. Tar soap is used in gynecology to treat thrush and prevent bacterial and fungal infections of the genital tract.

It should be noted that the use of tar soap is carried out in addition to drug therapy, but not as an independent and only therapeutic agent. For thrush, gynecologists recommend washing yourself with it in the morning and evening. After cure, the procedure can be performed for preventive purposes 1-2 times a week.

The use of soap promotes the healing of microtraumas and skin cuts in the bikini area during shaving or hair removal.

Harm of tar soap

Tar soap has contraindications for use. These include:

Tar soap is a product for external use only. If it gets inside, then serious poisoning should not be expected, but heartburn, stomach pain, and indigestion may occur due to the irritating effect of soap suds on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.

Forgotten tar soap is now gaining popularity, returning people to nature and natural cosmetics. The beneficial and harmful properties of tar soap are not known to everyone. Not everyone likes the specific smell and color of the product. But it still has more advantages. And with a competent approach and use, these shortcomings are completely removable. The unpleasant odor disappears after 5 minutes.

This hygiene product is 90 percent filled with soap, and the remaining 10% belongs to birch tar. It is successfully used to treat furunculosis, eczema and other skin problems. For people who have been without movement for a long time, this soap is a salvation that relieves bedsores. It heals wounds, heel cracks, burns and frostbite. People are interested in the benefits and harms of tar soap in relation to skin types.

Using tar soap for hair

The basis of tar soap is life-saving birch tar with an antiseptic. In stores you can find bar soap made from birch tar and liquid soap specially designed for hair. It is believed that tar soap in this form is healthier for hair. In fact, the effect is the same. Regularly washing your hair with this product will strengthen the hair roots and improve blood circulation. Plus, it will get rid of dandruff and have a preventive effect against its occurrence.

Tar soap is useful for oily hair by getting rid of flaking and greasiness. To avoid drying out, it is recommended to wash your hair once a week. Birch tar soap does not act quickly. At first, there will even be a feeling that the situation is worsening. But after some time, the negative aspects will disappear, and the hair will become shiny and well-groomed.

  • In order not to harm the hair with tar soap, it should not be used for dry hair types, so as not to aggravate the situation;
  • To improve the effect, it is recommended to apply conditioner after washing your hair. This is also done to protect the hair from drying out;
  • Use soap once a week, not more often;
  • After foaming the product on your head, rinse immediately without over-exposure;
  • To strengthen hair, birch tar soap is used for 2 months.

Compliance with these rules guarantees lush and thick hair. Tar soap causes damage to hair if there is personal intolerance. Basically this happens by smell. Pregnancy is a contraindication for using soap.

Recipes for masks with tar soap

To strengthen hair, take birch tar soap, grate it and foam in water. Add olive oil to it - 1 tbsp. l., vitamin A with vitamin E 7 drops. Mix everything and apply to the roots, distributing throughout the hair. After half an hour, wash your hair with shampoo. 1 procedure per week is enough.

Against hair loss, soap is also rubbed - 1 tbsp. l., add fat sour cream - 100 g and 5-7 drops of vitamin A. Apply to hair and rinse after half an hour. This mask is also suitable for dry hair.

Tar soap effectively fights lice. This problem is rare, but sometimes these insects appear in the hair. To destroy them, soap is applied to the head, foamed and left for 7 minutes. After washing off the mask, the problem was resolved.

Tar soap is also useful for the face, but you should not be fanatical about its use. It is recommended to wash your face regularly for those with oily skin and those with acne.

This product dries out the skin a lot. To neutralize the feeling of tightness and dryness after washing, it is recommended to wipe the skin with tonic, followed by applying a nourishing cream. It is advisable to drop about 5-7 drops of vegetable oil into it. Grape, wheat, peach and so on are suitable for this.

Tar soap is useful for the face in the form of masks, allowing them to be used for washing. They get rid of acne, blackheads and are suitable for deep cleansing the face.

This is a real alternative to expensive cosmetics, and it is accessible and inexpensive. There are two options for its use:

  1. Apply soap foam to acne areas, leaving for a quarter of an hour. Then wash your face with plain water. You should not keep the mask on for longer than the prescribed time, so as not to dry out your skin.
  2. If you have a painful, inflamed pimple, leave this mask on all night. By morning it will dry out and it will be easy to hide it with decorative cosmetics.

Tar soap is harmful for a dry face. In addition, it is not recommended for pregnant women and those with thin skin to use it. Tar oil is harmful for the face if you have individual intolerance to the components.

Skin and tar soap - benefits and harms

This remedy is applicable to the skin of the entire body, helping to heal psoriasis. With its help, itching and irritation are eliminated in combination with medications. Tar soap is useful for skin with dermatitis and eczema, as an auxiliary therapy.

Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties make it possible to use soap foam to treat the skin in the shaving area. This procedure relieves irritation, speeding up the healing process for cuts. Previously, stitches after surgery were even treated with this product.

Tar soap is useful for skin with an open wound to protect against the appearance of pus. It copes with heel cracks and frostbite with burns. To do this, foam is applied to the damaged area and washed thoroughly, followed by blotting with a cloth. Then the wound is treated with medications.

Women's problems and tar soap

Today's market is replete with hygiene products, most of them artificial. An alternative to them is tar soap, which is useful for intimate hygiene with its natural base.

Soap protects against sexually transmitted infections while healing at the same time. This refers to thrush, which is common in women. Another benefit of tar soap for intimate hygiene is helping to heal cuts during shaving.

Contraindications include allergies to the ingredients of this hygiene product and pregnancy.

Tar soap, of course, is sold at a retail outlet or pharmacy within easy reach of everyone. But it is easy to prepare on your own at home:

  • Buy soap (for children);
  • Tar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Plain water - half a glass;
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons.

Grate the soap using a grater and add water, followed by melting in a water bath. Add oil to the resulting mixture, mix and cool. The mass is poured into molds and left at room temperature to harden.

To remove unpleasant odors, add an aromatic oil composition. If you have long and thick hair, it is recommended that the first time you use soap, apply it over the previously applied shampoo.

It is forbidden to apply soap that has not been diluted with water or crushed into shavings. Dry hair is washed with this product once every 10 days. Before applying tar soap, lubricate split ends with peach or olive oil.

If you don’t want to use a bar product, you have the option of purchasing liquid or special shampoo with the addition of tar soap. It is also recommended to add liquid tar purchased at the pharmacy to your shampoo yourself.

Is it worth talking about the benefits of birch if humanity has been using the buds and sap of the plant for centuries to treat diseases? But from the bark of the tree they produce not only paper, but also tar, which is actively used in folk medicine and for cosmetic purposes.

It has an antiseptic effect and can eliminate itching. That is why antibacterial soaps, shampoos, creams and ointments are created on its basis.

The product contains only 10% tar, the remaining 90% is ordinary soap. The combination of phenol and alkali derivatives copes well with bacteria, fungus and viruses.

Because of this feature, soap is actively used as a treatment for wounds, cuts, drying out acne and other skin lesions. The product also does an excellent job of blocking inflammation and infection.

It is quite difficult to overestimate the benefits of the product. After all, absolutely any part of the body can be treated.

So, tar-based soap helps with the following problems:

Possible harm of tar soap

We have figured out the advantages of tar soap, now it’s worth finding out what harm can be caused by using this product?

A significant disadvantage is the ability to dry the skin.

Therefore, those with sensitive and especially dry skin should pay attention to something else. But if you decide to use tar soap, then do not forget to apply moisturizers and skin-softening cosmetics after each wash.

In addition, soap has another drawback - a strong and unpleasant odor. But for the sake of the beauty of appearance, you can endure it, right? According to buyers, over time, the olfactory organs get used to a specific “aroma”.

Tar soap: benefits and harm to hair, how to use correctly

Despite the fact that the cosmetic market is replete with an abundance of hair care products, tar soap has firmly strengthened its position as a natural product.

The packaging, unprepossessing at first glance, contains a real treasure that our grandmothers used in the old days. The product contains natural tar extracted from birch bark, which:

  • considered a good antiseptic;
  • blocks inflammation and irritation of the scalp;
  • promotes improved circulation and blood flow;
  • does not contain dyes or similar chemicals.

The beneficial properties of the product help in solving many problems related to hair health:

  • eliminates dandruff;
  • soothes the skin and reduces itching;
  • makes fine hair smooth and thick hair becomes manageable;
  • eliminates excessive greasiness;
  • helps strengthen hair follicles, thereby strengthening them from the inside and accelerating growth;
  • has a positive effect on the appearance of hair: it becomes smooth and shiny;
  • Using tar soap you can get rid of lice.

Of the minuses, we can name only 2: an unpleasant odor and the ability to dry hair (if used incorrectly).

Contraindications for use:

  • people with kidney disease;
  • nursing and pregnant women;
  • girls with dyed, over-dried and bleached hair.

As for application, you shouldn’t set yourself up for instant results. After the first use, the amount of lost hair will clearly decrease, but to get shine you will have to try.

Under no circumstances should you be upset by a specific smell. As practice shows, after the hair is completely dry, the “aroma” disappears.

Also be prepared for your hair to become dull during your first use. This is how adaptation takes place. But after a couple of weeks, maximum a month, you will notice the first results.

Application frequency:

  • for oily hair – 2 times a week;
  • for dry skin 1 time every 2 weeks.

How to use?

First, soap foam is applied to wet hair. It is rubbed into the scalp using massage movements. The duration of the process is from 5 to 10 minutes. Finally, rinse your hair thoroughly. If necessary, the procedure is repeated.

To enhance the effect, you can finally rinse your hair with water diluted with vinegar or lemon juice (ratio 2:1).

9 useful tips from a trichologist:

  1. You only need to use foam. Never allow the bar to touch your hair. The water should only be warm, otherwise the tar will lose its properties at high temperatures;
  2. Duration of the washing procedure: minimum 5 minutes, maximum 10 minutes;
  3. At the end, be sure to rinse your hair with vinegar or lemon solution. Since these products neutralize the unpleasant smell of tar;
  4. Regular use can dry out the ends of your hair. Therefore, it is best to do the procedure in courses: a month of use, a month break;
  5. Tar can cause an allergic reaction, so before use, be sure to do a sensitivity test on the crook of your elbow;
  6. After the first procedures, the hair will definitely lose its dullness, but don’t worry, it will soon get used to the product made from natural products;
  7. If the water is hard, don’t be lazy and soften it using traditional methods or filter it;
  8. It is allowed to use balm, but only high-quality one;
  9. For those with dry hair, the use of the product is not prohibited, but precautions should be taken. It is best to apply foam only to the roots, without touching the ends.

Tar soap: benefits and harm to the skin, how to use correctly

People with problem skin need this budget product most of all. In addition to washing, many girls make medicinal face masks based on birch tar. You don’t need any additional ingredients for this: just lather your face and leave the mixture on for 12-15 minutes.

To enhance the effect, you can carry out the following procedure at night: break off a small piece of soap from a bar of soap, rub it between your fingers and apply massage movements to the problem area. Do not rinse off.

The effectiveness for the face cannot be judged unambiguously. Our skin is different, which means the result will also be different. For those with normal skin type, it is advisable to wash your face once a day.

To avoid drying out the skin, you can carry out the procedure once every 2 days. For oily skin, use should be daily.

But in any case, regardless of skin type, after using tar soap you need to apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

So, the benefits and advantages of facial soap:

  • dries out purulent inflammations;
  • disinfects the skin;
  • economical;
  • budget;
  • tightens pores;
  • reduces the number of blackheads.

Other uses of tar soap

The product is created exclusively for external use. The most popular areas of use are for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. Naturally, without abuse. They are allowed to wash no more than 2 times a day.

So, areas of use:

  • intimate hygiene;
  • body washing;
  • washing head;
  • washing;
  • prevention of various skin-related diseases.

Before application, the soap must be well lathered. To do this, you can use a body washcloth.

Wash your face either with your hands or with special sponges.

Rub into the scalp with light circular massage movements, leave for a couple of minutes and rinse hair thoroughly with warm water.

How to make homemade tar soap

Despite the low cost, many people want to make soap at home. To make tar soap yourself you will need:


Tar soap: customer reviews

Many are accustomed to thinking that cheap, low-quality products are not worth our attention. However, tar soap has long shown the opposite. The product is a budget product and, as practice shows, it copes with its task perfectly. There are many reviews in favor of the soap, here are some of them.

Elena, Krasnodar: I have never encountered the problem of acne, mostly there were only blackheads. But a couple of months ago I got it all over my face. The specialist diagnosed dermatitis. I won’t tell you how much money and time I spent on unsuccessful treatment, so I’ll get straight to the point. I went to the pharmacy for another purchase and then the pharmacist advised me to buy tar soap and then miracles began. In the morning I washed my face with regular baby soap, then wiped my face with calendula tincture diluted with boiled water. In the evening I washed my face only with tar soap and applied moisturizer at night. After a month, the skin began to look much better, and after a month almost all inflammation disappeared. Therefore, having confirmed from my own experience the effectiveness of the product, I advise you to abandon all products in favor of tar soap.

Karina, Tver: For about 5 years now I have been using tar-based soap during every trip to the bathhouse. And for the same amount of time I don’t know what itching, inflammation and rashes are on my face and back. After use, I always lubricate my face and body with moisturizers. Many people talk about the unpleasant smell, but I like it, and it disappears quite quickly.

Marina, Irkutsk: My father washes his hair only with this soap all his life, and does not accept other products or even shampoos. Of course, during washing the smell is not very pleasant, but after that it disappears. What is most surprising is that he is already 63 years old, and there is enough hair on his head for three.

In addition to the article, a short review of tar soap from a video blogger.

Scientists are developing more and more new cosmetic products, coming up with many ways to prolong youthful skin, health, and beauty of hair. But we should not ignore the means that our grandmothers and mothers used. Sometimes the good old classics turn out to be more effective and healthier than expensive fashionable creams and shampoos. In this article we will talk about tar soap, the properties and uses of which are still of interest to modern women.

The effect of birch tar

Tar, which is the main active ingredient in tar soap, is obtained from birch bark by heating it for a long time to a certain temperature. The result is a dark paste-like substance with a smoky smell, which not only has a drying and antiseptic effect, but also tones, helps heal wounds, and relieves inflammation. It is birch tar that is the active component in the widely known Vishnevsky ointment.

In fact, tar soap is ordinary soap with the addition of about 10% birch tar. The remaining 90% is fats (nowadays most often coconut or palm oil), salt, water, benzoic and citric acids. The composition may vary, but usually it does not vary much.

You can make tar soap yourself: grate baby soap, heat it in a water bath and add about 10% pharmaceutical birch tar. Pour the mixture into molds and let it harden.

Using tar soap for the face

When used correctly, this soap helps combat the following problems:

  • skin inflammations,
  • acne,
  • teenage acne
  • excessive oily skin.

Basic rules for washing with tar soap:

  1. First, the soap foams on your hands, and only then the foam is applied to the skin of your face.
  2. The water must be warm so that the pores expand. Cold water, on the contrary, will narrow them, and the procedure will not be as effective.
  3. After you wash off the soap, you should rinse your face with acidified water or a pore-tightening tonic.
  4. You should not use soap more than twice a day, otherwise you may dry out your skin.

To combat problems associated with excessive oily skin, you can use masks made from tar soap:

Mask No. 1

Lather the soap with your hands and apply the resulting foam to your skin. Rinse off after 15 minutes, wipe your face with a tonic that has an acidic pH, and apply your regular cream. You can repeat this mask once a week. You can use it only for problem areas, then the foam should be applied to acne clusters and left overnight. Wash off in the morning.

Mask No. 2

Add 0.5 teaspoons of salt and soda to the soap foam, apply to the skin for 5 minutes. Rinse, wipe skin with toner, and then apply your moisturizer. When choosing a mask frequency, be guided by the condition of your skin and your feelings.

The tonic must be acidic to neutralize the alkali found in the soap. You can simply acidify the water with apple cider vinegar or lemon juice.

Using tar soap for the body

The use of tar soap is useful in the following cases:

Of course, tar soap is not a miracle cure that will help you get rid of any skin problems. But this is quite an effective additional help for skin diseases and other lesions of the epidermis.

Why does it work? This is explained by the properties of birch tar: its ability to tone and disinfect, dry and tighten pores. As a result, the soap enhances the restoration of skin cells and fights harmful microorganisms.

Many women use tar soap for intimate hygiene. And here this remedy is also very useful as a prevention against all kinds of infectious diseases.

Using tar soap for hair

There are many reasons why many people prefer tar soap to shampoo. So this is the tool:

  • Helps get rid of excess oily hair and scalp.
  • Accelerates hair growth by toning the skin.
  • Prevents hair loss.
  • It is effective in the fight against seborrhea.
  • Increases hair volume.

Many people note that after using this soap, their hair becomes soft and shiny, does not get dirty longer, and styling becomes easier.

But to avoid disappointment, it is very important to use this soap correctly.

  1. Wash your hair with warm water. Not hot and not very cold - it will make your hair look unimportant.
  2. Protect split ends of hair. Soap dries out hair, so it is a serious strain for split ends. But they can be protected by first applying oil or a special mask.
  3. Apply ready-made foam to your hair. Rubbing your hair with a bar of soap is unacceptable! Lather the soap into your palms and then rub into your hair. For long hair, it is better to use a separate bowl - make foam in it, and then use it. The same applies to liquid tar soap - do not apply it to your hair immediately, first mix with water and lather in your hands or in a cup.
  4. Do not leave soap on your hair for more than 3 minutes. Otherwise, there is a high risk of drying out both your hair and scalp.
  5. Rinse thoroughly and apply conditioner after washing.
  6. If you feel that your hair is not washed, you can soap it again.

Many people are dissatisfied with the condition of their hair after the first use of soap: the curls lose their volume, become dull and stiff, and are difficult to comb. But the effect of using this remedy does not appear immediately. Try washing your hair regularly and evaluate the effect after a couple of weeks of use, perhaps your opinion will change. It’s easy to explain: you (and your hair) are accustomed to completely different products, modern ones, which foam very well and quickly wash away all impurities. You need to find your own approach to tar soap, understand how to optimally use it specifically for your hair. Perhaps you should wash your hair less often, or soap it twice, and after using soap, apply a certain conditioner.

The frequency of using soap depends on what problems you want to solve:

  • To treat seborrhea and other scalp diseases, tar soap should be used several times a week. You can do this before every wash (even daily), applying directly to the skin so as not to dry out your hair with too much frequent use.
  • To reduce hair loss and speed up hair growth, soap should be used once or twice a week.

Be sure to protect the ends of your hair: half an hour before using soap, apply warmed peach, olive, and almond oil to them.

The smell of tar seems unpleasant to many, but it disappears a few minutes after using the soap, especially if you use a rinse aid after it. After washing, you can rinse your hair with water with the addition of essential oils - for example, citrus fruits. Their pleasant aroma will help cope with this deficiency.

To prevent the smell from being felt in the bathroom, put vanilla, cinnamon or cloves in the soap dish.


There are no universally good products, and tar soap is not suitable for everyone. It will not cause serious harm to health in any case, but you need to remember:

  • This product is not suitable for people with dry skin and hair. May cause irritation, peeling, inflammation of the skin, a feeling of tightness and burning. This remedy is also not suitable for the treatment of dry seborrhea.
  • There are cases of allergies to tar soap, although they are extremely rare.
  • During pregnancy, tar soap should not be used; it is better to choose milder products for cleansing the skin and hair.

It is important to know

  • Dyed hair will quickly lose its color if you use tar soap to wash it. But if you went too far with painting and want to make the tone lighter, this property of the soap will, on the contrary, be its advantage.
  • Using this soap on a regular basis may put too much stress on your skin. It is better to carry out the procedures in a course: after 10 - 15 uses of soap, take a break of several weeks.

Not all beauty products have to be expensive! Even such a simple product as tar soap can be a good helper in skin and hair care. But you should understand that there are no universal beauty recipes for all people, and what works for others may not be useful for you. It is important to use tar soap thoughtfully and in moderation, and then the effect of its use will certainly be positive.