List of antihelminthic drugs. Broad-spectrum anthelmintic drugs for humans - how to use them? Medicines for pregnant and lactating women

Antihelminthic drugs wide range actions are relevant against several types of helminths at once, which makes them relatively universal for the treatment of helminthiases and for the prevention of infection in humans.

Description of means

Most of these drugs contain the following substances in its composition as active:

  • Mebendazole;
  • Albendazole;
  • Praziquantel.

Vermox (Mebendazole)

The drug has a wide spectrum of action, is active against various human helminthiasis caused by pathogens living in the intestines and outside it. Recommended for ascariasis (infection with roundworms), enterobiasis (caused by pinworms), trichuriasis (whipworms), hookworm (hookworms), strongyloidiasis, taeniasis; echinococcosis; alveococcosis; capillariasis; gnathostomiasis; mixed helminthiases.

After use, this anthelmintic drug mostly remains within the human intestine. A very small amount penetrates the intestinal wall. Metabolism is carried out by the liver. Metabolites are excreted in urine and feces.

This drug is available in tablets containing 100 mg of Mebendazole.

Contraindicated for the treatment of pregnant, breastfeeding women, people with concomitant liver or kidney failure, chronic inflammatory diseases intestines (Crohn's disease), children under 2 years old.

Side effects such as reactions to Vermox tablets are rare. Their likelihood increases if, to get rid of worms, it was necessary to use anthelmintic medication for a long time. For example, to get rid of echinococcosis.

The following side effects are possible:

If side effects occur, you should discuss further therapy with a specialist. Its price is about 150-200 rubles.

Vormil (Albendazole)

Vormil is produced in forms convenient for treating small children - suppositories, suspension, as well as in tablets and sachets for adults. Each release form differs in dosage and composition of auxiliary ingredients. Chewable tablets contain 0.4 g of Albendazole, the suspension contains 0.4 g per 10 ml of composition.

Most of the drug is not absorbed from the human intestine. But fatty and nutritious foods increase the flow of the drug from the intestines into the blood.

The tablets are chewed and washed down big amount water. Children aged 1-2 years are prescribed 5 ml of suspension. And over 2 years - 10 ml. The suspension is less toxic and has a pleasant taste, which makes it easier for children to take.

For ascariasis, necatoriasis, hymenolepiasis, hookworm, enterobiasis, strongyloidiasis, taeniasis, 400 mg is prescribed once a day for a course of 3 days. After 3 weeks at listed diseases It is recommended to repeat the drug prophylactically.
For opisthorchiasis and clonorchiasis, it is prescribed in the same dosage for 4 days.
For childhood giardiasis – 5 days.
For capillariasis – 10 days.
For gnathostomiasis – 20 days.
For echinococcosis, for the treatment of a person weighing more than 65 kg, 400 mg per day is prescribed. Duration of treatment is 28 days.
The maximum dose of the drug for adults is 800 mg per day.

Vormil, like other anthelmintic drugs, should be prescribed by a doctor. Them, given the risk side effects of the drug during long-term treatment, changes in general condition person, his analyses.

The drug is not prescribed to pregnant women during breastfeeding, children under 2 years of age, and is also contraindicated for people with high sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Possible side effects the following:

The price of tablets is 350-450 rubles.


Praziquantel tablets are prescribed for schistosomiasis, intestinal cestodosis (taeniasis, hymenolepiasis, diphyllobothriasis, teniarynchosis), trematodes (clonorchiasis, paragonimiasis, metagonimiasis, opisthorchiasis, fasciolopsidosis, etc.), neurocysticercosis.

Regular tablets and film-coated tablets are available.

The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood after taking the tablet is determined after 1-3 hours. It is capable of binding to blood proteins by 80%. Metabolism is carried out by the liver. The tablets are taken orally whole. They are swallowed during or before meals with water. Coated tablets do not split or break. A single dose is taken in the evening. It is taken 40 mg/kg of the patient’s weight in 1 to 2 doses per day.

For infection with Schistosoma japonicum, Schistosoma mekongi - 60 mg/kg of patient’s weight per day. Can be done in 1 or 2 doses. Course 1 day.

When infected with Clonorchis sinensis, Opisthorchis viverrini, Paragonimus westermani and others, 25 mg/kg of the patient’s weight, three times a day for 1-3 days.

The drug is not prescribed:

  • pregnant women 1st trimester;
  • up to 4 years;
  • with increased sensitivity;
  • for the treatment of ocular cysticercosis;
  • together with treatment with Rifampicin;
  • when breastfeeding.

The following side effects cannot be excluded:

The drug has its own characteristics of interaction with other substances. Grapefruit juice when taking the medicine with it, it leads to an increase in the concentration of the drug, which is not recommended.

Treatment in parallel with Rifampicin therapy is contraindicated. If the drug cannot be replaced, then treatment with Rifampicin is stopped 28 days before starting Praziquantel. After treatment for helminthiasis is completed, Rifampicin therapy can be started immediately.

Drugs used to treat epilepsy lead to a decrease in the potency of the anthelmintic.

During the day after treatment with the drug, activities that require concentration are not recommended. If breastfeeding women need to take this drug, breastfeeding should be stopped for 3 days.

In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy, the medicine can be used by pregnant women with great caution, after consultation with a doctor. Its price is 870-960 rubles.

There are others effective drugs with a wide spectrum of anthelmintic effects.

To achieve complete riddance of all uninvited guests from your body, you will need laboratory diagnostics pathogen, competent choice of drug, implementation of recommendations and adherence to dosages, monitoring treatment results, careful monitoring of the body’s condition.

Only in this case will broad-spectrum anthelmintic drugs show themselves to be effective.

Timely diagnosis will help avoid serious consequences.

The most effective anti-worm medications for children and adults

Almost all anthelmintic tablets are toxic. Therefore, you should choose only effective ones among them.

In total it is necessary to take:

  • enzymes;
  • probiotics;
  • lacto and bifidobacteria.

This is necessary to cleanse the body of toxins and restore digestion. Many medications can be taken not only by adults, but also by children.

Among the most effective are:

  • Zentel;
  • Dekaris;
  • Albendazole. Detailed coverage is provided here.

Treatment is prescribed by a doctor and takes into account the type of helminths.

Bacteria and probiotics will help restore the balance of flora in the intestines. Since most worms live in it, this will be beneficial. A person's condition when infected with helminths can be very serious. For example, chronic obstruction intestines. This problem can rarely be solved without surgical intervention.

Because of this, developmental and health problems may arise:

  • Digestive disorders, problems with stool;
  • Frequent respiratory and infectious diseases;
  • Allergic reactions, especially on the skin;
  • Nervousness, irritation, tearfulness;
  • Headache, dizziness, loss of consciousness;
  • Pale and dry skin, blueness under the eyes;
  • Brittle nails, dull hair;
  • Attacks and development of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Important! This type of helminth, such as roundworms, can cause suffocation in infants. They reproduce through the lungs. They can develop in them. Rarely leaves the body through Airways. This causes dire consequences.

Patients who want to get rid of helminths often ask natural preparations with the least side effects. In such cases, I recommend this remedy.

Broad-spectrum drugs

A detailed description will help determine which anthelmintic tablets for children and adults will be the best.


Description of the drug Helmintox:

  • Compound. The main component is pyrantel. Aids: sodium, magnesium stearate, talc, sepifilm and sepispers yellow.
  • Indications. This drug prescribed for ascariasis infestation, enterobiasis, hookworm disease.
  • Application. In tablet form, it can be taken by children over 6 years of age. The suspension is prescribed to children who weigh more than 12 kg. Shake it thoroughly before use. The dose prescribed by the doctor is taken once. For ascariasis infestation, it is necessary to multiply body weight by 12.5. This will be the required dose. The medication must be taken again after 3 weeks. This will help get rid of any remaining larvae. If there is an endemic threat of hookworm, then body weight is multiplied by 25. Treatment lasts for 2-3 days. Non-endemic invasion is treated in the same way as ascariasis.
  • Price. The price depends on the release form within 65-150 rubles .



  • Compound. Main component– albendazole. Additional substances: starch, methyl and propylparaben, talc, sodium dodecyl sulfate and starch glycolate, gelatin, magnesium stearate, silicon dioxide.
  • Indications. The drug is prescribed for: echinococcosis (including if there is a need for surgical intervention to remove cysts), ascariasis, trichonellosis, enterobiasis, giardiasis, toxocariasis, opisthorchiasis, capillarosis. Treatment with this drug is possible if there are several types of helminths in the body.
  • Application. The dosage depends on the type of worms and the age of the person. Tablets are usually taken at night after a high-calorie dinner. Drink with plenty of water. Recommended doses: common helminthiasis – 1 tablet (400 mg) once (if prescribed to children, then 60 mg of medication should be prescribed per 10 kg of body weight); cysticercosis of the brain - treatment lasts from 8 days to 1 month, while daily dose is 800 mg (for children, the dose is determined taking into account weight - 15 mg per 1 kg of body weight); cestodosis – 400/200 mg for 3 days, repeat the course of treatment after 21 days; ascariasis, giardiasis and enterobiasis - 400/200 mg once, repeat after 21 days.
  • Price. The price varies from 45 to 60 rubles .

Description of the drug Pirantel:


Drug Dekaris:

  • Compound. The main substance is levomisil hydrochloride. Additional components: corn starch, magnesium stearate, flavors and yellow colors, talc, sodium saccharinate, povidone.
  • Indications. Decaris is prescribed in the treatment of: ascariasis, hookworm disease, necatoriasis, trichostrongyliasis, trichocephalosis, enterobiasis. This drug is not prescribed for the destruction of tapeworms, flukes and those that are fixed on the intestinal mucous membranes. It is only suitable for getting rid of worms that linger in the body thanks to its muscle function. This is very important and should be taken into account before use.
  • Application. Decaris is taken only before bedtime, after meals. The drug is prescribed once. The recommended dose for adults is 150 mg. Children are prescribed 25-50 mg of medication depending on their weight.
  • Price. The price for Dekaris is approximately 120-150 rubles.

Description of the drug Vermox:

  • Compound. The active ingredient is mebendazole (1 tablet 100 mg). Excipients: benzoyl 5, amphora yellow powder.
  • Indications. Vermox is prescribed for: ascariasis, enterobiasis, trichuriasis, hookworm disease. It is recommended to take it when infected with several types of helminths at the same time.
  • Application. In the treatment of enterobiasis, 1 tablet is prescribed once for both adults and children. After 2-4 weeks you need to repeat taking the medicine. Ascariasis, hookworm disease, trichuriasis, mixed helminthiases are treated for 3 days. Adults and children over 1 year of age take 1 tablet 2 times a day (on an empty stomach and before bedtime). Taeniasis and strongyloidiasis should be treated for 3 days, taking 2 tablets 2 times a day. detailed information about the drug
  • Price. The price is approx. 70-80 rubles.


Nemozol drug:

  • Compound. It comes in the form of a suspension that contains 100 ml of albendazole, and in the form of tablets of 200 mg of this substance. Both forms contain additional components (flavorings, talc, starch).
  • Indications. Prescribed for enterobiasis, toxocariasis, ascariasis, necatoriasis, taeniasis, trichenellosis, hookworm. prescribed for giardiasis. Used to treat echinococcosis with the presence of cysts. Also for opisthorchiasis, clonorchiasis and “larvae migrans” syndrome. Can be used to treat several types of helminths.
  • Application:
    • In the form of a suspension: children under 2 years old: 10 ml once. Anyone over 2 years old with enterobiasis, necatoriasis, hookworm, ascariasis, trichenellosis - 20 ml once. Treatment of strongyloidiasis and taeniasis lasts 3 days, and daily norm drug – 20 ml. Toxocariasis requires more long-term treatment. For 10 days, take 20 ml of Nemozol per day. Giardiasis is treated for 5 days, 20 ml of the drug per day. It is recommended to take the suspension during meals (fat and high-calorie foods are recommended).
    • In tablet form: children over 3 years old and adults 1 tablet once a day. For toxocariasis, 1 tablet per day for 10 days. Giardiasis is also treated, but only for 5 days.
  • Price. Nemozol costs about 60-130 rubles.

What medications can children take?

When choosing anti-worm tablets for children, you need to take many nuances into account. It is desirable that the drugs are not absorbed into the blood and are non-toxic. Such drugs are sufficient and do not require additional laxatives. We offer you to read an article about.

Vormil is an effective medicine

The drug Vormil:

  • Compound. The main component is albendazole (400 mg in 1 tablet).
  • Indications. Helminthic infestations: hookworm, giardiasis, ascariasis, toxocariasis, enterobiasis, trichenellosis. The drug has two forms of release: tablets and suspension. Prescribed for giardiasis in children.
  • Application. Children over 2 years old with ascariasis, enterobiasis, hookworm are prescribed 1 tablet per day for 5 days. Taeniasis and strongyloidiasis are treated for 3 days, taking 1 tablet per day. Clonorchiasis, opisthorchiasis, mixed helminthiasis are treated for 3 days, taking 1 tablet 2 times a day. Giardiasis in children is treated for 5 days, 1 tablet is taken per day. For capillarosis, 1 tablet per day is prescribed for 10 days.
  • Price. The price for Vormil is within 70-100 rubles.

Description of the drug Pirantel:

  • Compound. The active ingredient is pyrantel.
  • Indications. Prescribed to children from 6 months for the treatment of almost all helminthiasis.
  • Application. The drug comes in the form of a suspension and tablets. Does not require simultaneous use laxatives. Well stimulates intestinal peristalsis. Thus, it removes dead helminths from the body. The dose depends on the age of the child: half a year, 2 years – 2.5 ml; 2-6 years – 5 ml; 6-12 years – 10 ml.
  • Price. The price of Pirantel is approximately 25-45 rubles.

Nigella Sativa

Nigella Sativa:

  • Compound. 1 candle contains 2 g of fat base and 0.5 g of black cumin oil.
  • Indications. Assign rectal suppositories Niggel Sativa at diabetes mellitus, diseases of the heart, blood vessels, bile ducts and gallbladder, liver. For kidney stone disease to increase diuresis. Used for all types of helminthic infestations. The drug has antibacterial, antiviral, antimicrobial, antiseptic effects.
  • Application. It is necessary to take 1 suppository every morning after bowel movement and before bedtime. Treatment is carried out in a course of 3 times for 30 days, with a break between each course of 30 days. Interestingly, the name of worming tablets can be completely unusual.


Helminthiasis drug:

  • Compound. This drug contains only natural ingredients: tansy, buckthorn, milk thistle, garlic, wormwood, lanolin base.
  • Indications. Prescribed for the following helminthic infestations: ascariasis, giardiasis, enterobiasis, trichocephalosis.
  • Application. Treatment lasts 5-10 days. Take 1 suppository per day in the morning after stool.

Treatment should be started immediately! Protect yourself and your loved ones!

The best medicines for worms for humans


  • Compound. The main component is niclosamide, tablets 250 mg.
  • Indications. Prescribed for taeniarinchiasis, diphyllobothriasis, hymenolepiasis. Effective in treatment tapeworms.
  • Application. Children under 2 years old – 500 mg per day; 5-12 years – 1.5 g per day; adults and children over 12 years old – 2-3 g per day.
  • Price. The price of this drug is approximately 600 rubles.

Vermox and Nemozol are among the most effective anthelmintic drugs. They have a gentle effect on the body. Therefore, when choosing which deworming tablets are best for a person, it is worth taking this information into account.

If you want to know

The best anthelmintic drug is the one that the doctor prescribes after testing. Self-medication will not bring the desired results and can cause serious harm.

Symptoms of helminths

Symptoms of infection appear in the form of:

  • Dysbacteriosis,
  • Rash,
  • Abdominal pain
  • Dry cough.

A clinical blood test shows a change in the level of eosinophils.

Severe symptoms indicate the advanced stage of the disease:

  • Inflammation that develops due to irritation of the tissues of internal organs.
  • Metabolic disorders.
  • Ingestion of toxic substances into the body, leading to the failure of vital processes.

Methods of disposal

The best way to get rid of a disease is its prevention.

  • Adhere to thorough heat treatment meat and fish products.
  • Purchase these products at specialized online outlets.
  • Wash your hands before eating and after using the restroom.
  • Wash vegetables, fruits, berries or herbs before use.
  • Avoid meat from wild animals.
  • Adhere to the rules for arranging cesspools.
  • Boil drinking water.
  • Deworm your pets.
  • Wash your hands after being outside the home.
  • Avoid swimming in dirty waters.

In addition to individual preventive measures, it is worth carrying out measures related to soil and water protection, veterinary supervision, arrangement of children's sandboxes, water sources, proper preparation water.

Types of anthelmintics for humans

Anthelmintic drugs for humans are distinguished according to several parameters.

They are divided into types according to their effect on certain group helminths:

  1. Anticestodiasis.
  2. Antitrematodoses.
  3. Antinematode.
  4. Broad spectrum.

The first 3 types are classified as narrow-acting medications.


Anticestodiasis drugs act on tapeworms and are effective against extraintestinal and intestinal forms helminthiasis.

In cestodes (tape flatworms) is violated life cycle, muscles are paralyzed, protection against the action of enzymes in digestive tract. This is how the worms detach from the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and are eliminated from the body. naturally.

It is not recommended to take a laxative along with these anthelmintic drugs., because the increased peristalsis can lead to the body being detached from the head of the worm. It will only have to be removed surgically.


Antitrematode drugs are aimed at disrupting the adaptive ability of the cytoskeleton of flat flukes.

Can develop side effects, therefore are prescribed only to adults.

Their high toxicity contributes to the appearance of:

  • Arrhythmias.
  • Pain in the heart, liver.
  • Allergies ( angioedema, anaphylactic shock).
  • Protein in urine.

If patients have such diseases, such anthelmintics should be discontinued. They are contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.


Antinematode drugs are aimed at curing intestinal-dwelling roundworms– nematodes. This type of helminths is the easiest to treat with virtually no side effects.

The toxicity of these drugs is low, but the effectiveness is high. After taking them, the worm is paralyzed and eliminated naturally from the body.

In addition to specialized drugs, nematodes are treated with a wide range of drugs.

Anthelmintics for humans broad action disrupt the metabolic processes of worms, preventing their reproduction. These medications are highly active, so they quickly remove helminths from human body.

Among the best and effective means 2019 can be called:







  • Helmintox consists of Pyrantela embonata, suitable against roundworms and pinworms, and for hookworms. It prevents worms from attaching to the human intestinal mucosa. For adults, the dose depends on weight, but on average it is 6-8 tablets; for children, a suspension is prepared per 10 kg of weight - one spoon.
  • Albendazole has a general effect, is effective against ascariasis, neurocysticercosis, opisthorchiasis, mixed helminthiasis, enterobiasis, larval cestoses, etc. 400-800 mg per day is sufficient. You can repeat the dose after 3 weeks.
  • Pyrantel is suitable as an anthelmintic for children; it is available as a suspension against roundworms, cylostomiasis or enterobiasis. To calculate the dose, age and weight are important. On average it is 125 mg - 1 g.
  • Decaris will help remove helminths from necatoriasis, ascariasis or hookworm disease. Paralyzed under its influence nervous system and the muscles of the helminth, after which it disappears within 24 hours. Children take 2.5 mg per 1 kg of weight, adults - 150 mg at a time.
  • Vermox is suitable for combating taeniasis, multiple nematodes, enterobiasis, and trichuriasis. Children are allowed 50 mg, adults - 100 mg. Some helminth infestations require three days of treatment.
  • Vormil, as an effective anthelmintic agent, eliminates intestinal and tissue infection by worms. It is used for hookworm, toxocariasis, enterobiasis, giardiasis or trichinosis. Reception lasts 3-5 days, 400 mg at a time. Vormil is prepared as a suspension.
  • Nemozol, consisting of albendazole and auxiliary substances, is suitable against toxocariasis, ascariasis, echinococcosis, necatorosis and giardiasis, located in the lungs or liver. Children over 2 years old take 20 ml, adults are prescribed 400 mg in a single dose. Destroys larvae and adults. It is taken during meals.

Among the side effects medicine possible:

  • Loss of appetite.
  • Headache.
  • Nausea.
  • Vomit.
  • Dizziness.

Praziquantel is a broad-spectrum anthelmintic against trematodes, cysticercosis, cestodiasis, and schistosomiasis (tropical helminthiasis).

It works depending on the dosage: low dose paralyzes worms, and high levels lead to their instant death.

Anthelmintic drugs for pregnant women

In the first trimester of pregnancy, any anthelmintic drug is contraindicated, especially without a doctor's prescription, including broad-spectrum agents due to high toxicity.

Pregnant and lactating women can use traditional anthelmintic remedies: raw pumpkin seeds, garlic. You can’t drink tansy and wormwood decoctions., which increase the tone of the uterus.

Almost all anthelmintic drugs are suitable for children over 2 years of age. An exception is piperazine, which should be dosed in accordance with the instructions for children under 1 year of age.

Pyrantel is suitable as an anthelmintic for children, as are Helmintox, Dekaris, Vermox, Vormil.

Self-administration of these products by children is prohibited - the dosage is determined only by the doctor.


Anthelmintic folk remedies for humans without a doctor's prescription

Theoretically, anthelmintics could be an alternative folk remedies for humans, but their effectiveness with medical point vision is very small.

Others advise taking medication, especially for families with small children. For this purpose, Pirantel is recommended every six months.

  • There are animals in the house.
  • A man lives in a rural area.
  • Possible contact with soil or sand.
  • There was a long stay in a closed children's group.

In addition to tablets, you can use suppositories - their effectiveness is equivalent.


The list of contraindications depends on the specific medicine.

Should you refuse to take it? anthelmintics at:

  • Nonspecific ulcerative colitis.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Blood diseases
  • Lactation.
  • Stomach ulcer.
  • Crohn's disease.
  • Pathologies of the retina.
  • Liver failure.
  • Duodenal ulcer.
  • IN childhood up to 2 years.
  • Hypersensitivity to the composition.


The table shows how much a particular product costs in a pharmacy (average prices).

All anthelmintic drugs offered by the pharmaceutical industry are divided into broad-spectrum and narrow-spectrum drugs. Synthetic forms have replaced garlic and male fern extract and chenopodia oil. The antihelminthic effect of the tablets is more effective in removing helminths, and if the conditions for taking the drug are met, complete cleansing occurs. Medicines for a narrow spectrum of action include: anticestodose (-nematode, - trematode) drugs, and broad-spectrum - anthelmintic.




Broad-spectrum anthelmintic drugs

The most effective anti-worm medications for children and adults


  • Composition: pyrantel embonate.
  • Indications: effective anthelmintic for humans, which helps remove roundworms and pinworms. An indispensable medicine against worms for hookworm (Necator americanus, Ankylostoma duodenale), when small worms attach to the mucous membrane of the upper segment with their oral capsule small intestine person.
  • Application: for adults the medicine is prescribed 6-8 tablets, the daily dose depends on weight, and for children a suspension is recommended, which should be given at the rate of 1 scoop per 10 kg. You do not need to take a laxative before taking the medicine.
  • Cost: tablets - from 72 rubles, suspensions - from 122 rubles.


  • Composition: albendazole (benzimidazole carbamate derivative) and auxiliary components.
  • Indications: a remedy for worms, which is treated by medicine as a drug general action, is prescribed for mixed helminthiasis, opisthorchiasis, enterobiasis, neurocysticercosis, giardiasis, strongyloidiasis, larval form of cestodes.
  • Application: a single daily dose of the drug is 400-800 mg, repeated after three weeks. The dose and regimen depends on the type helminthic infestation.
  • Cost: from 170 rubles.


  • Ingredients: pyrantel.
  • Indications: the medicine is prescribed if kylostomiasis, enterobiasis, roundworms are diagnosed. These are the safest and are often prescribed for effective treatment ascariasis.
  • Application: the dose varies - from 125 mg to 1 g, the optimal volume is calculated taking into account weight and age. For some forms of helminthic infestation, you need to take the tablets, chewing them, for three days, and repeat the course after a couple of weeks.
  • Cost: from 20 rubles.


  • Ingredients: levamisole and Excipients.
  • Indications: anti-worm tablets for humans are prescribed for ascariasis, necatoriasis, unspecified hookworm disease. Medicine causes muscle and nerve palsy helminth, after taking it removes it within 24 hours.
  • Application: a single dose of medication for adults is 150 mg, and children should be given a medication whose volume does not exceed 2.5 mg per kg of weight.
  • Cost: from 68 rubles.


  • Ingredients: mebendazole.
  • Indications: medicine for worms for humans is effective against infection with roundworms or pinworms. Assign modern drug for enterobiasis, taeniasis, trichocephalosis, trichocephalosis and multiple nematodes. The drug is not recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers, patients, suffering liver failure or ulcerative colitis, children under 2 years old.
  • Application: adults are allowed to take no more than 100 mg of the drug once, and children - up to 50 mg. The treatment regimen for some helminthic infestations involves taking Vermox for three days, with a repeated preventive course after two weeks.
  • Cost: 95 rubles.


  • Ingredients: albendazole and excipients.
  • Indications: the anti-worm medicine is effective against the larvae of Taenia solium, Echinococcus granulosus. It helps well with ascariasis, necatoriasis, toxocariasis, giardiasis, echinococcosis of the liver and lungs. Retinal damage, pregnancy, and blood diseases, this medicine is prescribed with great caution.
  • Application: the dose (one time) for adults is 400 mg, children over two years old are given 20 ml of suspension.
  • Cost: from 220 rubles.

Tablets for the prevention of worms in humans

Medication regimen treatment is suggested for some hazardous factors. How to take anti-worm medication for humans preventative measure, prescribed by a doctor after the main course of treatment. A few weeks later, when worms have actually been discovered, sometimes it is necessary to take the pills again to prevent re-infestation. In all other cases, non-drug prophylaxis is strongly recommended.

Name of medicine for worms

(in rubles)

Name of outlet

(50 mg tablet)

pharmacy "BALTIKA-MED"

Saint Petersburg,

st. Cash, 40.

(tablets 100 mg)

online pharmacy Piluli


(tablets 125 mg)


Moscow city,

Bumazhny proezd, 19, building 1



24-hour pharmacy at Privokzalnaya "Roksana"

(chewable tablets 400 mg)

Pharmacy "Violet"

Saint Petersburg,

Spassky lane, 14

Anti-worm tablets have long proven their effectiveness

Which tablets to choose?

This is easy to do if you know the most effective drugs for worms different types:

  • Nemozol, Vormil, Dekaris, Mebex, Helmintox, Vanquin are prescribed for treatment against roundworms.
  • Tablets such as Nemozol, Fenastal, Meparkin will help get rid of tapeworms.
  • Bithionol, Chloxyl, and Perchlorethylene are effective against flukes.

Helmintox – 3 tablets

How do anti-worm medications work?

The tablets are aimed at destroying worms inside the body

To minimize the risk of side effects, it is important to strictly follow the dosage of the medication indicated in the instructions.

There are contraindications that prohibit the use medical supplies under certain conditions. These include:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • the presence of infectious and viral diseases;
  • intestinal infections;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Antihelmintic drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women

To avoid harm during anthelmintic therapy your own body, before starting treatment you should consult a doctor. He will help you choose the most effective and safe medications.

The most effective medicines for worms

  • – anthelmintic tablets with active ingredient Albendazole. With their help, ascariasis, giardiasis, hookworm disease, necatoriasis, enterobiasis, and mixed helminthic infestations are treated. You need to take the medicine with food. The tablet is chewed thoroughly and washed down with water. Recommended dosage:

— for necatoriasis, ascariasis, hookworm and enterobiasis ─ 1 tablet once a day, drink for 3–5 days;

— for strongyloidiasis, taeniasis, hymenolepiasis ─ 1 tablet is taken 1 time per day, the course of treatment is 3 days;

— for mixed invasion ─ 1 tablet is taken twice a day, the course of treatment lasts 3 days.

Wormil – 3 tablets

Contraindications: pregnancy and lactation. Side effects– allergies, nausea, dizziness.

  • – an anthelmintic drug with the active substance Albendazole. These are popular tablets because they destroy different types of worms: Giardia, roundworms, pork and bull tapeworm. .

— for helminthiasis, it is enough to take 400 mg tablets once, the dose for children is 60 mg of the drug per 10 kg of body weight;

- for cysticercosis of the brain - 800 mg tablets per day for 8-30 days, for children - 15 mg per 1 kg of body weight;

- for ascariasis, enterobiasis, hookworm, the dose for adults is 400 mg, for children - 200 mg once;

— for giardiasis, adults need to take 400 mg tablets, and children 200 mg for 3 days.

Albendazole in the form of a suspension

Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, age under 2 years. Side effects - abdominal pain, nausea, dizziness, urticaria, hypertension.

Price – from 170 rub. for 400 mg.

Other drugs for worms that are effective for humans are Medamin, Biltricid, Troychatka Evalar.

Universal products - broad-spectrum tablets

Use to destroy them different drugs not worth it, because every medicine has a pronounced toxic effect. It's better to resort to reception generic medicines. These include:

  • - tablets effective against many types of worms. Their active component Praziquantel destroys cestodes and trimatodes. The dose and course of treatment are prescribed depending on the specific type of invasion. It varies from 10 to 50 mg of medication per 1 kg of human body weight.

Azinox – 10 tablets

Contraindications: liver cysticercosis, pregnancy, lactation, age under 4 years. Side effects - allergic reactions, nausea, drowsiness, dizziness. Price – from 105 rub.

  • Cysticide– tablets effective against trematodes, paragonimiasis, schistosomiasis, cestodiasis, cysticercosis. Active substance This drug is Praziquantel. The course of treatment and dose of the drug depend on the type of invasion.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity, ocular cysticercosis, pregnancy. Side effects - nausea, diarrhea, drowsiness, allergies, increased sweating, weakness. Price – from 250 rub.

  • – anthelmintic tablets universal action With active component Praziquantel. Effective against various types of worms, in particular flukes and tapeworms. The recommended dose of the drug depends on the type of invasion and is 40–75 mg per 1 kg of weight. Duration of treatment is 1–2 days.

Biltricide – pack of 10 tablets

Contraindications: ocular cysticercosis, pregnancy, lactation, hypersensitivity to components. Side effects - asthenia, drowsiness, dizziness, abdominal pain, nausea.

Also, Dekaris, Pirantel, and also Vormil, Nemozol, described earlier, have universal anthelmintic properties.

Although broad-spectrum medications are positioned as universal, they should be used on the recommendation of a doctor. Only a competent specialist will select the dose and frequency of medication that will cure the infection in each specific case.

Medicines for worms for children

Many drugs against worms act too actively on the body, so their choice should be approached selectively, especially when it comes to drugs for treating children. The instructions for each medicine indicate at what age it can be used. Let's consider:

  • From 6 months – Piperazine, Helmintox, Nemocid, Zentel, Aldazole.
  • From 1 year – Pirantel, .
  • From 2 years – Albendazole, Niclosamide.
  • From 3 years – Vormil, Levamisole.
  • From 6 years – Diethylcarbamazine.

It is better to give suspensions rather than tablets to children under 4 years of age.

Levamisole 50 ml

The dose of each drug is calculated individually, depending on the type of infection and the weight of the child.

In addition to tablets, folk remedies should be used to treat children. For kids, you can do enemas from garlic broth, insert cloves of garlic into the anus.

In the process of treating helminthic infestation in children, the main thing is to take a balanced approach to the choice of medication. It should not harm the baby's body.

Tablets against worms during pregnancy

The name of the only pills that can be taken during pregnancy is Piperazine. His active substance Piperazine adipate acts against roundworms. A course of treatment:

  • for roundworms, 1.5–2 g tablets twice a day for 2 days;
  • for pinworms, 1.5–2 g tablets twice a day for 5 days.

Contraindications: CNS diseases. Possible side effects are limb tremors, nausea, dizziness.

Pregnant women should not self-medicate. Drug therapy is permissible only as prescribed by a doctor, if after an examination he decides that the medication will cause more benefit rather than harm.

Tablets for the prevention of worms

On the one hand, these drugs are quite toxic, but on the other hand, if you take them twice a year preventive tablets, this will help avoid invasion, which entails enormous health problems.

To prevent worms, you should use proven tablets

A particularly preventive course of anthelmintic drugs is recommended:

In the process of pharmacological therapy, it is important to choose tablets that will help get rid of helminthic infestation and will not harm the body. Before taking the drug, you must carefully study the instructions, Special attention refer to the sections “contraindications” and “side effects”.