Normal size of the penis in men. Determining the average penis size (length, thickness and width)

Researchers have revealed the average size of dignity and named the worst lovers in the world

A new study devoted to calculating the average size of the male genital organ has once again confirmed the results of previous studies on this issue. On average, as it turned out, the size of a man's penis is 14.2 centimeters. Scientists arrived at this figure by taking measurements (length and girth) of the manhood of more than 1,660 study participants.

Many studies have been devoted to determining the optimal size of the penis. There are countless legends, myths and other fables about the size of manhood. But how do things really stand? Does penis size really matter that much when choosing a sexual partner?

Some studies have shown that women who experience vaginal orgasm during sex achieve it more consistently and productively, provided that the penis is large enough. Other research suggests that more is not always better. The ideal penis size, as found in one study, depends on a person's height. In another study, it turned out that it is not the length that matters more, but the girth.

In a recent study conducted by researchers at Indiana University, men were asked to measure their genitals in order to create the perfect condom that would provide maximum comfort without falling or pressing. The sizes of penises turned out to be very different: from the smallest - 4 centimeters in length when erect, to the largest - 26 centimeters. The girth averaged 12.2 centimeters.

Meanwhile, it should be noted that erections are not always the same. During oral sex, for example, the size of the penis reaches its maximum size than during the “invasion” of sexual fantasies that overcome a man during a whirlwind romance.

The worst lovers in the world

The peculiarities of sexual relations between people from different parts of the planet never cease to interest psychologists. Another recent study yielded very interesting results. So, researchers have found out where in the world the sexiest women live, and where you can meet the worst lovers.

“Germans were recognized as the worst lovers on the planet. These are the results of an international survey on the global network. Most women consider representatives of the stronger sex of this nationality to be “too odorous,” the publication reports.

Meanwhile, the best lovers, according to the majority of women (from 20 countries), live in Spain.

The survey also revealed that New Zealand women are especially sexy. Over the course of a lifetime, the number of lovers women in this country have is about 20.

Among men, a similar record was recorded in Australia: there, during their lives, representatives of the stronger sex manage to enter into intimate relationships with approximately 29 women.

And women in Australia have broken all records for bust size: they have the largest busts in the world. According to The Sun, approximately 40% of Australian women wear bra sizes 4 or larger.

The size of the penis can vary depending on age and race. All men have different sized genitals, and this is normal. Some men worry about penis size. However, its parameters do not in any way affect the quality of sexual intercourse.

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Penis length: normal

Not every man is happy with the size of his penis. Some of them consider it too small. This leads to the appearance of complexes and self-doubt. Numerous studies have determined the average length of the penis, which is considered normal.

Important: there is no generalized data. The size of the penis for a particular man is individual. The rate depends on age, height, genetics and race.

Research has determined the average size, according to the anatomical features of the male body. So, back in 1899, the norm was considered to be 9.5 cm. Research was carried out on the organ in a relaxed state. Over the years, regulations have changed. The average length of the penis in a relaxed state began to vary between 7.5–10 cm, and the diameter – 2.5 cm. With erection, the indicators increased to 12.5–17.5 cm, and the thickness acquired 3–3.5 cm.

Important: parameters are determined only in an excited state.

Some males consider their own penis small. However, in reality it is the optimal size. A similar phenomenon is typical for large and obese men. Compared to the background of the physique, the organ seems small. So, to determine the average size, men were divided by age category up to 40 years and after 40, and weight.

It is noteworthy that the size also depends on the characteristics of the race. In black people, the parameters exceed the standards by 2–3 cm. There is a lot of information, however, according to the average established standards, the size of the penis is approximately 15 cm in an erect state.

Normal Penis Thickness

The average thickness of the genital organ in a state of arousal is 3–3.5 cm. In black men it is 5.5 cm. The interracial average is 4 cm. Important: it is not recommended to take information to heart. This is a normal indicator that can vary depending on age and weight. It is noteworthy that in older people the length and thickness decreases.

According to the research, the following data were obtained:

6 cm 2,9%
7.6-8.5 cm 1%
8.6-9.8 cm 7%
10.4-11.2 cm 24%
12.4-13.6 cm 35%
14-15 cm 7%

The statistics provided indicate the percentage relationship between common parameters of the genital organ. When recalculating, scientists derived the ideal figure for the thickness of the penis, it is 4–5 cm. A penis is considered thick if it is more than 5 cm. If the girth does not exceed 3.5 cm, the organ is small.

Important: the formation of thickness and length occurs during puberty and ends by adulthood.

Most men try to correct the situation by resorting to methods of penis enlargement. Modern pharmacology has a lot of methods, from ointments to surgery. Such an effect increases the width of the organ by no more than 1.5 cm. The effect lasts for 6 months. The procedure involves the use of your own subcutaneous fat, which tends to dissolve over time.


Guys often incorrectly assess the parameters of the genital organ. This is due to dissatisfaction with size and low self-esteem. The presence of complexes leads to a distorted assessment. When viewing the penis from above, the illusion of a smaller shape is created. It is noteworthy that the change in size downward is due to fat accumulation in the pubic area. The examination is carried out from the side and in front of the mirror. This action will allow you to estimate the real size without visual distortion.

Determination of the average size of the penis is carried out exclusively in an excited state. This also applies to the process of identifying the true parameters of a particular organ. The parameters of an erect penis can fluctuate. It is noteworthy that the degree of excitability is influenced by external factors, in particular, time of day, ambient temperature and active sexual life. When determining the average size, about ten indicators are taken into account.

The length of the penis is measured in a standing position, and the organ should be parallel to the floor. The procedure involves using a standard ruler. The measuring device is applied to the pubic bone and the upper surface of the organ.

Important: if there is a bend on the penis, the ruler will not work. It is advisable to use a flexible meter. The measurement is taken from the base to the edge of the head. The length of the genital organ is not determined by the lower surface.

The diameter or thickness of an organ consists of several measurements. To determine the indicator, it is necessary to measure the circumference of the penis at the base, then in the middle of the body and at the base of the head. The diameter is determined based on the average length.

The penis is not measured at rest. The received parameter is not true. Measurements in a non-erect state are uninformative. This is due to the physiological characteristics of the organ. When excited, it can increase significantly. It is noteworthy that a large penis practically does not change its original size during erection.

Causes of deviations in the size of the genital organ

If the size of the penis does not exceed 2.5 cm, it is called a micropenis. Underdevelopment of the penis is caused by about 20 congenital pathological processes. They are characterized by a disruption in the production of male hormones and cause both organ underdevelopment and infertility.

It is almost impossible to detect the disease in a newborn child. According to medical statistics, this happens once in 500 children. Difficulties in making a diagnosis arise due to the lack of specialized equipment and qualified doctors. In city clinics, identification of pathologies is impossible.

To exclude congenital developmental anomalies and prevent problems in the future, it is recommended to regularly conduct examinations with andrologists-endocrinologists. Detection of pathology before the age of 14 promises a favorable outcome. The problem must be solved before puberty begins.

Additional reasons for deviations include:

  • Kallman disease;
  • Klinefelter's syndrome;
  • congenital pathologies;
  • lack of estrogen.

Kallmann disease is detected at the age of 3–4 years. During this period, the surgeon checks the condition of the scrotum and testicular descent. In Kallmann disease, the secondary reproductive organs remain in the abdominal cavity. Surgery is performed to lower the testicles into the scrotum. However, surgery does not guarantee a positive result. With Kallmann disease, there is an imbalance in the pituitary cells responsible for the production of hormones and stimulating the synthesis of testosterone. The testicles will descend into the scrotum, but due to disruptions in the natural process, the likelihood of developing a penis is minimal.

Young men suffering from pathology feel inferior, narrow their social circle or have no contact with peers at all. The small size of the sexual organ provokes complexes and leads to psycho-emotional disorders. Persons suffering from Kallmann disease are susceptible to deep depression.

Klinefelter syndrome is a genetic mutation in which an extra chromosome appears in a man’s body, which is responsible for female sex characteristics. In the presented case, the penis does not develop due to the predominance of estrogen. The guy's figure resembles a woman's: wide hips, narrow shoulders. The man's scrotum is underdeveloped, and the genital organ is characterized by minimal size. Disorders of this type are associated with hormonal imbalances in childhood and adolescence. People with Klinefelter syndrome have problems conceiving a child due to reproductive dysfunction.

A small penis is a congenital anomaly. In rare cases, disruption of its development is caused by injuries or serious pathologies. Penis growth depends on the production of testosterone; with hormonal imbalance, the process is disrupted. An insufficient amount of the male component inhibits development and is accompanied by minimal size. The minimum size is also associated with the absence of 5-alpha reductase. The presented component is responsible for the conversion of the male sex hormone into 5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone. A disturbance in the chemical process leads to a decrease in the growth activity of the penis.

Minimum parameters occur for congenital anomalies, in particular Maddock, Noonan, DelCastillo and Pasculini syndromes. Diseases require a thorough medical examination with further observation. Partial restoration of reproductive function is possible.

Estrogens are responsible for the development of the reproductive system. Hormone deficiency in the body is a consequence of inflammatory processes, tumors of various locations and testicular injuries. The condition of the genital organs must be monitored from an early age. Constant overheating of the scrotum is dangerous for the development of problems with the development of the penis and the production of testosterone. Impaired estrogen production is a consequence of tumor processes in the adrenal glands, diabetes mellitus and damage to the pituitary gland.

If a child has deviations, they must be eliminated in a timely manner. However, in the case of congenital anomalies, this is not always possible. Thus, in young men suffering from a lack of male sex hormones, the following symptoms are observed:

  • female physique (narrow shoulders and wide hips);
  • lack of hair on the face, armpits and groin;
  • excess body weight;
  • depressed state;
  • mental disabilities;
  • insufficient testicular diameter;
  • disturbances in the functioning of other organs and systems of the body.

The presented symptoms, along with a small penis, indicate problems with reproductive function. A man suffering from deviations is not able to fully lead a sexual life and eventually conceive a child. Often childhood disorders manifest themselves in adulthood. Thus, small organ sizes are associated with Peyronie's disease. The hardening of the penis leads to its curvature and disrupts its further development.

Penis size is not the main parameter in a man’s life. However, the condition of the genital organ must be monitored from early childhood. Regular visits to a urologist and surgeon will help prevent problems from occurring during the period of active maturation of the body. In the case of congenital developmental anomalies, a set of measures will be developed to maximize the restoration of reproductive function.

Do you have serious problems with potency?

Do you have problems with ERECTION? Have you tried a lot of remedies and nothing has helped?

These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • sluggish erection;
  • lack of desire;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to increase potency! Follow the link and find out how experts recommend treating...

Many representatives of the male half of the population wonder whether affect penis growth, what it should be, which contributes to the formation of a certain size of this organ.

There are many myths that have no truth.

There are also suggestions that the penis can be enlarged, made stronger, and the reproductive system in general healthier.

The latter is, of course, true.

Let's consider the main things a man needs to know about the height and characteristics of the size of the penis.

Myths and reality about penis size

First myth- this is that the length of the foot, toe or anything else can be directly related to the size of the penis. In fact, there is no connection - it all depends on individual characteristics.

Second myth– growth affects the length and diameter of the penis. This is also not true. There are many short men who have more dignity than tall ones.

The third myth– if in a non-excited state the penis is small, then in an excited state it will also be small. No, this rule cannot be taken as a basis. A large penis in a passive state may increase slightly, but a small one may fill with a large amount of blood, becoming large and dense - there are many such cases.

There are many accompanying myths that help determine the relationship between nutrition and penis growth, between the ratio of limb sizes, as well as other factors. However, in fact, there is no direct connection - it all depends on the genetic characteristics of a particular person.

What should be the size of the penis?

If we talk about statistics, then 13-16 centimeters are the average limits. That is, in the world, men have approximately the same length of the penis. In this case, a minimum of 11 centimeters is considered the norm. As for the maximum, this is a limit of 18 centimeters, but the fact that the penis is larger is not considered abnormal.

Where do these numbers come from? First of all, the limits are set by medical indicators, which indicate that a penis larger than 11 centimeters can quite fully perform its functions. If the penis is less than nine centimeters, this is considered small.

Video: "Penis size norms"

Medium size standards

Standards for determining penis size depend on the boy's age. The reproductive organ grows until the age of 20, but a more active growth phase is observed between the ages of 14 and 16 years. After 16 years of age, growth slows down. Before the age of 14, it is impossible to determine what the penis will be like. Its growth does not depend on the current state and is determined genetically.

As already indicated, the penis can grow until the age of 20. However, this is not certain. In this case, we can draw an analogy with how a person grows as a whole.

Some men become taller before the age of 24, and some stop growing at 18 - in this case it is difficult to predict. Much depends on the puberty of the child’s parents.

The proportions of the human body are recorded at the genetic level, these are embedded in the gene code, so it is not possible to influence the course of events.

From a medical point of view, the growth of the penis stops at the age of 20 in any case.

What affects the size of the penis?

External factors

The size of the penis can be influenced by both external factors and racial characteristics.

As for external factors (genetic ones are not taken into account), in this case the size of the penis can be influenced by the following:


The main diseases that affect pathologically small penis size:

  • Hormonal disorders. This was mentioned above. When a man's endocrine system is not functioning properly, little testosterone is produced, but sufficient amounts are very important to ensure normal growth of the genital organs. As a result, a boy has a smaller prostate gland, and the testicles may differ in shape, size and proportions. In this case, hormonal therapy is indicated, and it is better to start it as quickly as possible so that the effect is achieved before the age of 18, when it is already difficult to correct something.
  • Genetic abnormalities. Diseases based on genetics are difficult to treat, but most can still be corrected with hormonal therapy. Depending on the severity and characteristics of the pathology, the doctor determines treatment methods.
  • Injuries. Trauma to the penis should be identified as a separate disease. They appear as a result of early sexual intercourse, when the penis bends in a state of insufficient arousal. The penis can also be injured mechanically - during sports, as a result of receiving blows. In this case, we often talk about surgical intervention if the injury is serious and its cause interferes with the growth of the penis.
  • Unfavorable ecological environment also gives rise to a number of endocrine diseases; strong radiation exposure can provoke the development of cancer cells. A tumor, as a result of this, also often causes stunting of the growth of the penis.
  • Priapism. This diagnosis is made in cases where the penis enlarges and thickens, but the man does not experience sexual arousal; instead, he feels pain. Priapism can result from delayed development of the genital organs.
  • Taking medications, which affect the reproductive system, as well as means to improve erection at an early age. The use of erectile stimulation products is contraindicated for boys under 18 years of age - this can cause hormonal imbalances and delays in the development of the penis.
  • . A compaction may occur inside the soft tissues in the cavity of the penis, which causes an undeveloped penis. The result is that it thickens and becomes distorted. In this case, urgent hormonal therapy and surgical intervention are indicated.

Dependence on race

Race actually affects penis size. This is due to genetic characteristics.

So, as a rule, dark-skinned people have a penis that is longer and wider in diameter, while Asians have a smaller penis. Average values ​​for length and width are observed among Europeans and Americans. People of Caucasian descent have a slightly longer penis. However, this is floating data, and there are a large number of cases that have shown the opposite.

Video: "Does size matter: women's opinion"


The size of the penis depends on various factors, including:

  • diseases;
  • race;
  • genetics;
  • the environment in which a man lives, harmful conditions, taking medications that should not be taken at this age, contortions and injuries.

The average length of the penis is from 13 to 16 centimeters. Moreover, its growth can continue both up to 20 and up to 24 years.

Andrologist, Urologist

Conducts examination and treatment of men with infertility. Engaged in the treatment, prevention and diagnosis of diseases such as urolithiasis, cystitis, pyelonephritis, chronic renal failure, etc.

Today our focus will be on the penis. The Internet is flooded with advertisements about all kinds of ways to enlarge the male genital organ. And this suggests that there is demand - many men are ready to do anything to increase their dignity. Well, it turns out that a fair portion of all representatives of the stronger sex are dissatisfied with the size given to them by nature? Do most people really have small penises or is the problem psychological? Let's try to figure it out...

What kind of penis should be considered normal? The norm is the average among all sizes of genital organs. Almost 90% of men on our planet have a resting penis with a length of 8 to 13 centimeters, and the average erect penis has a length of 16 cm. Therefore:

  • A small penis is considered to be less than 13 centimeters in an erect state.
  • A penis in an excited state is considered normal from 14 to 18 centimeters.
  • An erect penis longer than 18 centimeters is considered large.

In medicine, a micropenis is a penis whose length in an erect state is less than 10 centimeters. With such dimensions it becomes difficult for a man to have sexual intercourse. By the way, huge penises are also not very good in a functional sense. A penis longer than 24 centimeters is highly likely to malfunction.

What's wrong with small organs?

Small penises (we mean admittedly small penises) are bad for the quality of sex for the following reasons:

  • A penis that is too small does not allow anatomical deep penetration into the vagina, and, therefore, women with a vaginal type of orgasm will not be able to experience pleasure during sex.
  • Not all sexual positions are suitable for men with a small penis (by the way, this also applies to those with huge penises). This leads to monotony in the sexual life of partners.
  • The micropenis has a minimal area of ​​contact with the vagina and causes minimal stimulating irritation.

I repeat that we are talking about really small penises - those that reach less than 13 cm in an erect state. All of the above does not apply to larger penises.

Poll results

There are many myths surrounding penis size. For example, some ladies believe that the length of the penis can be determined by looking at a man's hands, nose or ears; that those with large penises are insatiable lovers and much more. Dr. Richard Edwards conducted extensive research and found out how everything really is. He interviewed a large number of men and found out:

  • There is no relationship between the length of the erect penis and the size of the nose.
  • There is no relationship between the length of the erect penis and the size of the hands.
  • There is no relationship between the length of the erect penis and the size of the ears.
  • There is a weak relationship between the length of the penis and the height of a man (the general proportions of the body were taken into account).
  • Men who consider their penis to be large are prone to frequently changing sexual partners.
  • Men who consider their penis small tend to have a permanent relationship with one partner.
  • 72% of straight men were satisfied with the size of their penis.
  • Of homosexual and bisexual men who have been circumcised, only 58% of those surveyed described their penis size as satisfactory.

Long organ and quality of sex

The size of the penis (except when it comes to an extra-small or extra-large penis) does not in any way affect sexual activity and the quality of sex. It's all about the structural features of the vagina in women. This organ is elastic and can stretch.

The average size of the female organ is 10-13 cm. Scientists believe that a woman experiences maximum pleasure when the vaginal walls are stretched by 3-4 cm. Consequently, with an erect penis length of 11-17 cm, a woman is able to receive pleasure and will not consider her partner’s penis small .

According to experts, a penis 13-18 cm long will suit approximately 87% of women, 11-13 cm long will suit every fourth young lady, 19-22 cm will suit only every twelfth (the rest will experience discomfort when having sex with such a “giant”).

Appearance can give away

It has already been mentioned above: no relationship has been identified between the size of the nose, ears, fingers and the length of the penis. But this does not mean that, looking at a man, it is impossible to predict the hypothetical dimensions of his dignity. The length and thickness of the penis is influenced by the level of sex hormones released during puberty. They also determine the type of body structure and sexual temperament (increased libido, the ability to perform prolonged coitus, sexual liberation, etc.).

Men with a strong sexual temperament and a predilection for large genitals usually have:

  • Strong stocky build.
  • Average height (closer to short).
  • Wide chest, large head, narrow hips.
  • Tendency to intense body hair.
  • Distinctive character traits: assertiveness, tendency to aggression, ambition, impulsiveness.

Women's opinion

What opinion do most beautiful ladies have about the size of the male organ? Judging by numerous surveys, only 12% of women believe that good sex can only be with the owner of a large penis. For the vast majority, foreplay, sexual techniques, and a variety of techniques are of primary importance.

Yes, in sexual fantasies you can imagine yourself together with a partner with a huge penis, but in reality, most women admit that the ability to handle their dignity is much more important. In addition, sex with a man with a penis that is too large can not only not bring pleasure, but also cause injury...

Psychotherapist Joy Davidson puts it this way: “The question concerns not so much the length or width of the penis, but how suitable a man is for a particular woman. The female orgasm is largely influenced by the location of the clitoris, positions during sexual intercourse, as well as the correspondence of the partners to each other from a physical point of view - the ratio of height, body structure, weight, etc.”

But here it’s worth mentioning one point: it’s no secret that men who are satisfied with their organs feel more courageous and strong, and, therefore, behave more relaxed and bold. But this already attracts women. That’s why women will definitely call men with larger penises more attractive – it’s not the size, but the stereotype that such representatives are stronger and more active (humanity has always associated a large male organ with dominance, power, dominance).

It's all in the head

The famous sexologist Virginia Johnson (Masters) in one of her interviews commented on people’s sympathy for large penises: “If a person believes that a large penis excites women more, then nothing can convince him.” This is psychology, and there is no escape from it.

Even if at the physiological level small and medium-sized members are in no way inferior to long organs, but if a person has convinced himself of the opposite, then he will no longer be able to feel confident in bed (and they will blame their “baby” for all mistakes, although the size of the penis will not be the same what does it have to do with it). It's the same with a woman: she can convince herself that she can only get pleasure from contact with large penises. As a result, just looking at a man with little dignity, she will immediately be in a negative mood.

So it turns out that men with a long penis have more sexual partners compared to those with a modest size. A long, thick, well-developed sexual organ instills in a man a deep sense of his sexual potency, gives him a healthy male “ego,” and this already greatly influences sexual power.

The normal size of the penis is a burning topic that has repeatedly attracted researchers collecting statistical information. Studies were conducted in different countries and showed that if the most common size is considered normal, then slightly more than half of men have it. The penises of all the others deviate in parameters, and to an equal extent, both larger and smaller.

Does size matter?

It is a widely known fact that for men, the issue of fitting the size of their own genitals into normal limits is of great importance. Ideally, everyone secretly dreams of exceeding the standard, believing that more is better. And in the sauna, everyone involuntarily compares their dignity with the size of the penises of those around them, and for some reason their own dimensions are underestimated, and those of others are exaggerated. Perhaps this happens because other people's organs are viewed from the side, and your own - from above, and in such a situation the view is deteriorated.

In the male environment, it is believed by default that sexual activity and the ability to give pleasure to a woman during sexual intercourse are directly dependent on the size of the penis. This statement is based on the fact that men with large genitals have more sexual partners. However, researchers associate this not with increased, compared to others, sexual abilities and the ability to satisfy women in sexual contacts, but with the greater self-confidence of such men.

Physiology, unlike existing myths, does not in any way connect size with quality, since the female vagina is a hollow muscular organ up to 10 cm long, and a woman receives pleasure due to the friction of the erect penis against its walls, but not from the fact that it stretches with its gigantic vaginal size in length. And although it is believed that a woman can adapt to any size of her partner’s penis, what is more important for her is the man’s ability to use his genitals, and not its dimensions. Therefore, from a physiological point of view, the size of the phallus and the ability to satisfy a partner are in no way connected.

However, regardless of statistical and other data, male self-esteem strongly depends on the size of the genitals. It’s no wonder that studies have revealed a relationship between penis size and men’s self-confidence and their sexual attractiveness. Some representatives of the stronger sex, even with normal penis length, would not refuse to increase it by a few centimeters. This happens with a subconscious desire for leadership, since with a penis size that exceeds the average size, a man’s self-esteem and self-confidence significantly increases, and this directly affects his public and personal life.

What does this depend on?

Myths spread among women say that the size of a man’s sexual organ can be judged by the length of his legs, nose, fingers, feet and other visible parts of the body. However, no study has yet confirmed these speculations. The only supposed pattern is the connection with the general complexion of a person. Among women, along with other myths, there is a formula for determining the length of the phallus depending on the size of the shoe. To find out the length of your chosen one’s organ, you should find out the size of his shoes, and then use the table to specify the length of the foot in centimeters. Then it’s a matter of technique: you need to add 5 cm to the determined value and divide the result by 2, which will tell the young lady the length of the penis. But speculation about the relationship between the sizes of the phallus and the foot has not yet been confirmed by any scientific research.

Also, not a single study has 100% confirmed the connection between a man’s height and penis size. Some researchers assure that there are no results, while others assure that tall men do not have the advantages of large sizes, and the owners of large penises, on the contrary, are men of average height.

The formation of this organ ends at 18 years of age, although some scientists increase this age to 25 years. If during this time there were no problems with testosterone, then the genetically determined size will be reached, and no matter how the man gains weight or loses weight in later life, the size of the penis will remain unchanged. But if in his youth a representative of the stronger half of humanity was engaged in weightlifting, this will affect the size of the genital organ, since these activities prevent the growth of the genitals.

Interesting statistical data regarding determining the size of the phallus (penis in a state of erection) using the “by eye” method: women showed a tendency to underestimate the size, and men - to exaggerate.

In fact, the dimensions of the penis depend on 3 factors:

  1. 1. Genetic predisposition. The average sizes of male organs differ among different races.
  2. 2. Features of growth and development. If during the period of active growth, which begins at 13 years and ends at approximately 17-18 years, there are no situations associated with a lack of sex hormone, then the organ acquires its intended size.
  3. 3. Presence of obesity. It is believed that obese men's penises “shrink,” but this is completely false. The reduction of the organ in this case is a purely visual effect associated with the appearance of a fat layer in the pubic area, leading to a reduction in the visible part of the penis from the base. On average, every 6 kg of body fat visually takes 1 cm away from the manhood.

Recently, it has been suggested that differences in organ sizes are caused not only by genetic predisposition, but also by sociological and other environmental factors: air pollution (the impact of aggressive chemicals on development), diet (eating food with pesticides and herbicides), home conditions (cheap building materials in finishing of premises that emit harmful substances).

Statistical data

All data on the size of something is obtained only through measurements, but as for the male sexual organ, which is capable of a dual state, researchers still cannot agree in what form to measure it - calm or erect.

Although the figures are very approximate, on average, when aroused, the penis increases by more than 2 times (one of the researchers even managed to specify this figure - 208%). This organ is like a sponge - the more it fills with blood, the larger and harder it will become. Moreover, this process depends on many factors: the situation, the emotional state of the man and even the ambient temperature (the lower it is, the weaker the result).

Also, the size of the phallus does not depend in any way on the size of the penis in a calm state. No one can predict how much an organ will increase after blood flow, since the final result has nothing to do with the initial size. This fact speaks to the fundamentally incorrect approach of men to comparing their own organs with the genitals of others in the bathhouse. A seemingly insignificant, limply hanging penis in a state of erection can surprise not only with its length, but also with its volume.

How are measurements taken?

All measurements are taken in a state of full erection. Although it is not easy to achieve it in a research laboratory, experts preferred to conduct tests on their own territory, because with home manipulations, the figures for men are disproportionately higher (apparently due to a tendency to overestimate the object of their pride). To ensure accurate indicators, there should be more than one measurement; it is recommended to take several measurements on different days and at different times, under different conditions, and then average the results and consider the resulting figures as average.

During the measurement, the man must stand so that his phallus is parallel to the floor. Measurements are carried out by placing a scale along the upper part of the organ from the base (starting from the pubis, but not pressing into it) to the end of the head. But the circumference is defined as the average of 3 measurements: at the base, in the middle of the organ and immediately below the head.

If you want to take measurements yourself, it is better to use a strip of paper or thread, since a measuring tape, tape measure or ruler can be cool and, when touching the skin, reduce the degree of erection. The length of the organ is measured with a thread, then it is applied to a ruler and the measurement value is determined. The circumference is measured in the same way: with a thread or a paper strip, which is then applied to the measuring scale of the ruler.

Organ changes during puberty

Major changes to the penis occur during puberty. For some, the active growth phase begins a little earlier, for others - a little later. Below the following table displays the statistics:

As can be seen from the given figures, the normal length of the organ is achieved by 18 years. Moreover, at the age of 17, the phallus is slightly longer, but over the next year it shortens by several millimeters, but seems to expand in breadth, slightly increasing in volume.

Foreign research data

Among Europeans, the average size of the phallus is within the range of 12-16 cm, a length over 20 cm is extremely rare, but African and Arab erect organs reach an average size of 16-19 cm. Asians, on the other hand, do not reach Europeans in either height or genital size.

The data obtained differ from study to study, but most American experts agree on an average organ length of 14.9 ± 2.1 cm and an average girth of 12.5 cm. But researchers from the French National Academy of Surgery “measured” other figures. They got 13.7±0.9 cm and 10-10.5 cm, respectively.

The British Journal of Urology International published data collected from medical practitioners, which analyzed the performance of 15.5 thousand men from various regions of the planet. Such a large amount of information allowed scientists to declare that these data are reliable and can serve as a measure for determining the average size of the penis and phallus, which are 9.16 and 13.12 cm, respectively. Organs that are too small (up to 10 cm) or too large (longer than 16 cm) are extremely rare. Only 5% of men have large genitals.

Results of Russian research

At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries in Russia, gender research was conducted by Igor Semenovich Kon, an anthropologist, sexologist, sociologist and philosopher. His global project tracked changes in masculine traits among Russians over time. Among the results of his research were statistics on the size of male genitalia:

More than 8 thousand men over 18 years old took part in the study. The results clearly show that the most “popular” size of the phallus is 15±2 cm in length.

General standards

Medicine in relation to male genitalia has determined the following values:

  1. 1. Micropenis. The length of the organ, even if stretched, is 2 cm. Such a deviation is most often recognized immediately after birth, and if the situation cannot be corrected with hormones before puberty, an enlargement operation is performed.
  2. 2. Small phallus. The length of the erect penis does not exceed 9.5 cm, but is not critical and allows you to do without surgery.
  3. 3. Normal size. In this case, the norm is the length of the erect penis exceeding 9.5 cm.

The average size of the penis is much easier to calculate than its normal parameters. To find out the average size, the penises only need to be measured by collecting a certain number of people. Regarding the normal value, everything is not so simple. When one is trying to find out what is normal penis size, one must first determine the criteria for normality.

In order to urinate normally, it is not the size that is important, but the urethra without pathologies. If you try to determine the normal size, which is capable of striking (if not outright defeating) the rest of the strong half of humanity, then there can be no restrictions at all.

In order to lead a normal sex life, size matters to some extent, but the parameters and needs of the partner and the man’s ability to use the organ are also important (without masterful use of the penis, any size is worthless).

The size of the penis is one of the opportunities for a man to assert himself. But most disasters in personal and social life occur not because of a very small or too large organ, but because of ignorance, insufficient knowledge in the field of sexual and social relations and unwillingness to compromise. If a man is not satisfied with the size of the penis, if he believes that the penis is too small and this is precisely the cause of all his misfortunes, he should seek advice from an endocrinologist and urologist-andrologist. If the fears have any basis, the doctor will prescribe an examination, and if the size of the organ worsens the man’s quality of life and leads to complexes, then genital plastic surgery will help him.