Diseases of the rectum and anus: a list of diseases of the anus. What pathologies cause pain in the anal area in men? Pain in the anus - causes, symptoms and what to do

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Ulcer anus and rectum (K62.6)


general information

Short description

Ulcer of the anus and rectum- a benign disease characterized by the presence of a deep inflamed defect of the mucous membrane and (in contrast to erosion Erosion is a superficial defect of the mucous membrane or epidermis
) basement membrane of the rectum and/or anal canal. An ulcer, unlike a wound, is characterized by tissue loss (“minus tissue”).

Note 1

From this subsection excluded:
- fissure and fistula of the anus and rectum (K60.-);
- ulcerative colitis (K51.-);
- intestinal ulcers in Behcet's disease (M35.2);
- ulcers colon, including those caused by colitis of other etiologies (K52.-);
- ulcers of the rectum and anus of a specific origin (syphilis, tuberculosis, etc.).

Note 2
Many authors attribute the so-called “colitis cystica profunda” (CCP, deep cystic colitis or hamartomatous inverted polyp) to the solitary rectal ulcer syndrome, although the identity of both terms is not clear.
Solitary (single) ulcer is an imprecise term. The disease can manifest itself as multiple ulcers.


There is no generally accepted classification of ulcers of the anus and rectum. Most doctors use an endoscopic description of ulcers, which typically includes the number, location, diameter, type, presence or absence of complications (bleeding or malignancy Malignization is the acquisition by cells of normal or pathologically altered tissue (for example, a benign tumor) of the properties of malignant tumor cells.
) and other signs.

Etiology and pathogenesis

Etiology Ulcers of the rectum and anus are unknown. The disease is associated with other pathologies:
- with rectal prolapse (some authors regard it as a variant of intussusception Invagination - invagination of a layer of cells during any formative process
- with cracks;
- with inadequate (or paradoxical) contraction of the puborectal muscle and with constipation.

Main trigger mechanisms:
- high blood pressure in the rectum during bowel movements (ischemia);
- pressure of compacted feces on the wall of the rectum (direct traumatic effect);
- manual separation of feces for coprostasis Coprostasis - stagnation of feces in the colon
(direct traumatic impact);
- use of suppositories with ergotamine (ischemia);
- irradiation (trauma and ischemia).

In general, the pathogenesis of ulcers comes down to ischemia of the intestinal wall due to various causes and/or mechanical trauma to the mucosa. Thus, there are several possible components in the pathogenesis:
- pressure on the vessels of the submucosal layer;
- narrowing or obliteration of blood vessels due to proliferation Proliferation - an increase in the number of cells of any tissue due to their reproduction
- compression of the prolapsed area of ​​the mucous membrane by the anal sphincter;
- difficulty in emptying caused by prolapse Prolapse is a downward displacement of any organ or tissue from its normal position; The cause of such displacement is usually weakening of the tissues surrounding and supporting it.
mucous membrane, resulting in an even greater increase in pressure in the rectum;
- venous stagnation and ulcer formation.

Solitary ulcers have an irregular shape and vary in size from 2-3 mm to several centimeters in diameter. These ulcers are superficial and can penetrate only a short distance relative to the level of the mucous membrane. The base of the ulcer is covered with a white or grayish-white coating. Since the plaque is thin, the base of the ulcer often remains uncovered and accessible to view.
The outline of the ulcer is usually irregular shape. The edges rise above the level of the mucosa, sometimes they are polypoid.
From time to time there are single ulcers of the “punch” type.

Over the course of many years, the external appearance of the ulcer undergoes only minor changes. Early manifestations become noticeable even before the ulcer itself appears. They consist of replacing the normal lamina propria with fibroblasts. Sometimes bundles of smooth muscle coming from the muscular plate of the mucosa pass between the glands next to the fibroblasts. Structural deformation and reactive hyperemia of the tubular glands are observed, which sometimes even acquire a villous configuration. There is a tendency for the goblet cell population to decrease.
A unique feature is obliteration Obliteration is the occlusion of the cavity of an internal organ, canal, blood or lymph vessel.
lamina propria fibroblasts and muscle fibers. During the process of ulceration, fibrinous and polymorphic exudate is released on the surface of the mucous membrane.
The ulcer is usually superficial and never penetrates deeper than the submucosal layer. The base of the ulcer consists of dense collagen covered with a thin layer of pus and granulation tissue.


Age: mostly young

Sign of prevalence: Extremely rare

Sex ratio(m/f): 1

Ulcers of the anus and rectum are extremely rare. Most authors describe the incidence as 1-3: 100,000.

The disease mainly affects young people, but cases have also been described in children. Most patients with rectal ulcers are 50 years of age or younger, with 25% of patients over 60 years of age.

No differences by gender were found, although some authors indicate a slight predominance of women.

Risk factors and groups

Risk factors are considered:
- the presence in patients of various psychiatric disorders, manifested, among other things, by defecation disorders (obsessive-compulsive disorder and treatment with antipsychotics are most often mentioned in this regard);
- anal sex;
- constipation.

Clinical picture

Clinical diagnostic criteria

Constipation; feeling of incomplete passage of stool; pain or feeling of fullness in the pelvic area; discharge of mucus from the rectum; fecal incontinence; rectal pain or anal sphincter spasms; hematochezia, straining during bowel movements

Symptoms, course

The clinical picture of ulcers of the anus and rectum is extremely diverse. This is partly why (along with the rarity of the disease) only about a third of patients have correct diagnosis after the first examination.

Symptoms may include (in various variations):

Bleeding from the rectum (89-92% of patients);
- rectal prolapse (history in about 94% of cases);

Feeling incomplete emptying intestines (about 23% of patients);
- rectal pain or spasms of the anal sphincter (42-54%);
- tenesmus Tenesmus - false painful urge to defecate, for example with proctitis, dysentery

Diarrhea (about 20%);

Fecal incontinence (rare);

Constipation (64%);
- straining during bowel movements (28-85%);

Mucus in the stool (more than 45% of patients).


A digital rectal examination may reveal rectal tenderness and bleeding. In addition, local tissue elasticity or hardness (compaction) is sometimes detected. There may be traces of blood on the glove. If the ulcer is located high, digital examination yields nothing.
Finger examination may exclude a number of diseases of the rectum, which can also be a source of bleeding (for example, hemorrhoids).

1. Patients with rectal ulcers usually report rectal bleeding as their chief complaint.
2. The patient may report anal symptoms obstruction Obstruction - obstruction, blockage
3. Pain is often localized in the area around the anus (perineum) or in the lower back (sacral region). Typically the pain is described as dull, continuous and constant, not changing after or during bowel movements. In some patients, the nature and intensity of pain may change during or after defecation.
4. About a quarter of all people with rectal ulcers report no symptoms.


Clinical diagnosis ulcers of the anus and rectum is difficult due to the rarity of the disease, variability and nonspecificity of symptoms.

1. The “gold standard” of diagnosis is considered fibrorectosigmoscopy. It is recommended not to limit yourself to examining only the rectum, since the ulcerative process can also affect the rectosigmoid junction. The procedure is also necessary for differential diagnosis.
As a rule, the method is combined with a biopsy and/or stopping rectal bleeding. The histological manifestations of a solitary ulcer are the only one of its kind, so diagnosis is possible solely on the basis of rectal biopsy data (for pathomorphology, see the section “Etiology and Pathogenesis”).
Open ulcers are found in 57% of cases; ulcers are located on the anterior wall of the rectum, most often at a distance of 7-12 cm from the dentate line.
Non-ulcerative lesions (inverted hamartomatous polyps), which, according to some authors, also belong to the syndrome of solitary rectal ulcers, are detected in 25% of cases.
Signs of local inflammation (mucosal hyperemia) are observed in 18% of cases.
Attempts to compare the clinical picture and detected endoscopic changes have not yet led to clear results.

2. Ultrasound(transrectal sonography). A thickened mucous layer and hypertrophy of the internal anal sphincter may be detected.

3. Rectography And video defecography used for suspected sphincter pathology. Defecography often reveals prolapse of the rectal mucosa or insufficient relaxation of the puborectalis muscle.

4. Physiological studies(anal manometry and others) can also be performed according to indications.

Laboratory diagnostics

There are no specific laboratory tests to diagnose rectal ulcers, however comprehensive study necessary for the purpose of differential diagnosis.
The most common changes are the detection of blood and mucus in the stool without significant admixture of neutrophils and lymphocytes.

Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis is carried out with diseases that are characterized by rectal bleeding and pain in the rectum. Rectosigmoidoscopy plays a decisive role.

The rectum is the final section of the intestine and is responsible for removing human waste products from the body. Thanks to a large number of nerve endings, the sphincter mechanism ensures controlled defecation, and this is a complex process, as a result of which a fairly large load is placed on the rectum. Poor nutrition, injury to blood vessels from solid feces, or stagnation of blood in the pelvis can lead to various diseases of the rectum.

Symptoms indicating problems in the rectum

Diseases of the rectum are often accompanied by very vague and completely uncharacteristic symptoms, which sometimes confuses not only the patient, but also doctors. Symptoms of anal diseases can not only be felt but also seen, not all of them, of course. Thus, discomfort in the anus or heaviness in the lower abdomen may indicate problems with the rectum or be a consequence of pathological processes in the pelvic organs or spine. In this case, one should rely on the general clinical picture, that is, the totality of symptoms. These may include:

  • burning and itching in the perianal area;
  • pain in the perineum;
  • increased gas formation;
  • involuntary passage of feces;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • tingling inside the rectum or around the anus;
  • sharp pain during bowel movements, when walking or sitting on a hard surface.

The above symptoms can be observed in various diseases of the rectum and are definitely a reason to consult a proctologist.

Diseases of the rectum and characteristic symptoms

Many diseases of the rectum are accompanied by specific symptoms, according to which the doctor can make a preliminary diagnosis. Knowing the features of the clinical picture of a particular pathology, the patient himself can guess what exactly is bothering him. However, we should not forget that without test results and other diagnostic data, even the most experienced doctor cannot prescribe treatment to the patient, so self-administration of any medicines unacceptable. Below is a list of the most common diseases accompanied by specific pathological signs.


This is a disease in which the mucous layer of the rectum becomes inflamed due to infectious damage to the gastrointestinal tract, mechanical trauma, exposure to chemical substances or solutions administered into the rectum for therapeutic purposes (for example, in the treatment of hemorrhoids with folk remedies), for helminthic infestations and poor nutrition.

The severity of symptoms largely depends on the form of proctitis, which can be acute, subacute and chronic. In the latter case pathological signs may be practically absent or have an unobtrusive nature. In acute and subacute forms, the clinical picture is as follows:

  • severe burning in the anus;
  • the occurrence of tenesmus (false urge to defecate) simultaneously with constipation;
  • discharge of blood and mucus when trying to go to the toilet;
  • acute pain when passing stool.

In some cases, sphincter spasm, which often occurs during initial stage the disease passes and is replaced by its relaxation, which leads to regular diarrhea. Proctitis is quite easy to treat, but in advanced cases the disease can lead to serious complications - penetration of the intestinal wall or the formation of fistulas.

The disease is characterized by inflammatory processes in the perirectal tissue, which are caused by an infection that has moved through anal glands from the lumen of the rectum into the deep layers of the surrounding tissues. According to localization, paraproctitis is divided into:

  • to pararectal (purulent abscess is located directly under the skin in the perianal area);
  • intrasphincteric (the anal sphincter is involved in the pathological process);
  • ischiorectal (the abscess is located in the ileorectal fossa);
  • pelviorectal (purulent inflammation is localized in the soft tissues of the pelvis).

Paraproctitis can occur in two forms - acute and chronic. The acute course of the disease is usually accompanied by intense pain in the perianal area, painful defecation, high temperature, signs of intoxication of the body, suppuration, hyperemia, swelling of tissues.

Incorrect or insufficient treatment of the acute form of the disease can lead to chronic paraproctitis, which is characterized by the following pathological manifestations:

  • itching in the perianal area;
  • formation of perirectal fistula;
  • discharge of ichor or pus;
  • quickly passing pain during bowel movements;
  • feeling of constant discomfort in the anus.

The chronic form of paraproctitis, despite the low intensity of the pain syndrome, is no less dangerous than the acute form. Long-term inflammatory processes in anal scars, fistulas and internal ulcers can lead to malignancy of the affected areas and growth cancerous tumor.


Proctalgia is a muscle spasm in which a person experiences long-term or short-term pain different intensity in the anus or rectum. Proctalgia is divided into primary (having a psychosomatic origin) and secondary (being a symptom of other diseases of the rectum).

The primary type is much more common and in most cases is caused by strong emotional experiences or other reasons not related to organic damage to the rectum. The secondary type can be a consequence of any disease, the nature of which can only be determined during a diagnostic study. The main manifestations of proctalgia are:

  • quickly passing convulsive spasms in the rectum;
  • pain in the anus, radiating to hip joints, lower abdomen or tailbone;
  • short-term tingling inside the rectum;
  • sharp pain in the anus not associated with defecation;
  • shooting pain in the rectal area, occurring mainly at night.

Sometimes proctalgia is a consequence of constant anxiety about one’s health and cancer phobia. If during the examination the doctor does not find any pathological abnormalities in the rectum, the patient may be referred for consultation to a psychotherapist.


The disease is characterized by inflammatory processes affecting the entire mucous membrane of the colon. Colitis is divided into acute and chronic.

The acute form of the disease is accompanied by intense abdominal pain of different localization, nausea, tenesmus, the presence of blood and streaks of mucus in the stool, bleeding (rare).

At chronic form diseases, significant changes in the structure of the mucous membrane of the colon occur, motor and secretory functions are disrupted, and degeneration of the affected tissues is observed. The clinical picture looks like this:

  • increased gas formation;
  • feeling of incomplete bowel movement;
  • constant nausea, weakness;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • sudden pain in the right or left side;
  • headache;
  • rumbling in the stomach.

The chronic form of the disease is accompanied by frequent stool disorders, belching and a bitter taste in the mouth. At long absence treatment, there is a possibility of complications, for example, the formation of ulcers at the site of damaged and bleeding areas of the colon.

Solitary ulcer

This is a rather rare disease, in which during a diagnostic examination a single depression is always detected - an ulcer localized on the mucous membrane of the lower part of the rectum. With timely treatment, the formation does not become malignant. Solitary ulcer has its own symptomatic features:

  • painful false urge to defecate;
  • bleeding, mucus discharge;
  • chronic constipation;
  • feeling of fullness in the rectum;
  • pain during bowel movements.

In some cases, the disease may be practically asymptomatic, then a person needs to pay attention to any minor changes in health and consult a doctor.

Prolapse of the rectum

Rectal prolapse is the exit through the anus of all layers of the distal rectum; the length of the prolapsed segment can range from 2 to 20 or more centimeters. The development of this pathology can be provoked by many various factors, among which are hard physical labor, weakening of the pelvic floor muscles, disruption of the sphincter mechanism, anatomical disorders of the spine and internal organs.

Rectal prolapse does not occur immediately; it is preceded by a number of symptoms, by which the patient can guess about an impending problem and visit a doctor in a timely manner. These include:

  • feeling foreign body in the anus;
  • inability to control the passage of stool or gas;
  • severe abdominal pain during bowel movements, walking, or physical activity;
  • frequent tenesmus (false urge to defecate);
  • discharge of mucus or blood from the anus;
  • dysuric disorders (intermittent urination).

If a person notices occasional protrusion of the rectum from the anus when straining, sneezing or walking, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, since this is the first stage of rectal prolapse, which tends to rapidly progress with development severe complications.

Rectal hernia

A hernia is a partial exit of an intestinal loop through defects and weak points abdominal cavity. The most common are inguinal and anal hernias. With an anal hernia, protrusion of the rectal wall occurs towards the perineum (in 90% of cases) or towards the anoccygeal ligament (in 5% of cases). Often the disease is preceded by a weakening of the tone of the pelvic floor muscles. Symptoms of a rectal hernia are:

  • painful bowel movements;
  • frequent false urge to defecate;
  • constipation as a result of bowel bending;
  • development of hemorrhoids and anal fissures (due to injury to the intestinal mucosa and soft sphincter tissue by stagnant feces);
  • prolapse of the pelvic organs, which manifests itself in protrusion of the rectal wall, which extends significantly beyond the genital fissure.

Treatment of a hernia is always surgical; in most cases, resection of the strangulated fragment of the intestine or its reduction is used, if the doctor considers it appropriate.


Benign epithelial neoplasms attached with a stalk to the mucous membrane of the rectum are called polyps. Human can for a long time not feel their presence, so the disease is often detected at a late stage of development. Symptoms can be quite vague, but as the disease progresses, quite obvious signs of polyposis appear:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • persistent constipation or regular diarrhea even when following a therapeutic diet;
  • release of large amounts of mucus during bowel movements;
  • increased gas formation, a feeling of fullness or the presence of a foreign body in the anus;
  • bleeding during bowel movements.

Polyps are treated surgically and the sooner a person seeks medical help, the higher the likelihood of a complete cure. The long course of the pathology can lead to such serious consequences as fecal peritonitis or rectal cancer.

Epithelial cyst

This type of disease is a rare congenital pathology, since a rectal cyst most often forms in the antenatal period and is a single-chamber (sometimes multi-chamber) cavity lined with uncharacteristic tissue that differs from normal structure peri-rectal space. Specific symptoms include:

  • the presence of a painful seal in the perineal area;
  • frequent urge to defecate or urinate;
  • dull or wave-like pain radiating to the lower abdomen, right or left side, tailbone;
  • dizziness, vomiting, fever (due to suppuration and cyst growth);
  • a feeling of distension or the presence of a foreign body in the intestine.

With rapid progression of the disease, suppuration, blood and mucus discharge during bowel movements may be observed. The main complications of the cyst are multiple tortuous fistula tracts in the rectum and the rapid growth of a purulent abscess.


With this disease, a person experiences varicose veins veins of the rectum, resulting in the formation of hemorrhoids, which can subsequently bleed, become inflamed and prolapse outside the anus. Hemorrhoids are the most common proctological disease, accompanied by severe specific symptoms:

  • excessive bleeding during bowel movements;
  • chronic proctalgia, aggravated by movement, sitting, straining;
  • loose closure of the anal sphincter;
  • anal itching, discharge of clear or white mucus.

As a rule, hemorrhoids do not cause serious inconvenience in the first stage of development, but the disease has a strong tendency to progress and can lead to prolapse and necrosis of thrombosed internal nodes, which is very dangerous condition and requires immediate surgery.

Anal fissure

Anal fissures in medical practice are very common, they represent a defect (tear) of the mucous membrane, which is located on one of the internal walls of the anus. Pathology can develop for a number of different reasons, among which are:

  • intestinal injury from solid feces during prolonged constipation,
  • development of hemorrhoids, paraproctitis and some other proctological diseases;
  • abuse of excessively spicy foods and alcoholic drinks.

Anal fissure is always accompanied by vivid symptoms:

  • sharp acute pain in the anus during defecation;
  • bleeding;
  • tonic spasm of the sphincter immediately after bowel movement;
  • discharge of mucus and pus from the anus when the wound suppurates.

If these signs appear, you should immediately consult a doctor. Anal fissures can be treated quickly and easily with the help of special healing ointments and suppositories. To determine the defect, a finger examination is sufficient. If an anal fissure is not treated, the pathology can become chronic.

Condylomas acuminata

With this pathology, a fairly large benign tumor grows, affecting not only the rectum, but also the anus along with the entire groin area. When widespread, the neoplasm externally resembles overgrown cauliflower inflorescences. Condylomas are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain during bowel movements;
  • foul odor, discharge of green mucus from the anus;
  • feeling of discomfort and heaviness in the intestines;
  • the effect of the presence of a foreign body in the anus;
  • bleeding.

Danger of this disease is that when condylomas grow, acute intestinal obstruction can develop. This is fraught with serious consequences, including penetration of the intestinal wall and fecal peritonitis with the risk of blood poisoning. Since genital warts appear as a result of infection with the human papillomavirus, there is a high probability of their malignancy in the future.

Rectal cancer

This is the most dangerous disease, which is a malignant tumor that develops in the epithelial layer of the rectum. In 70% of cases, cancer is localized in the distal colon. The etiology of cancer has not been thoroughly studied, but there is a clear relationship between pathology and dietary habits. Often, the main cause of colorectal cancer is the spread of initially benign tumors resulting from HPV infection. Bleeding wounds that do not heal for a long time, chronic ulcerative lesions of the intestine can also lead to the growth of atypical cells.

In most cases, cancer is diagnosed at a late stage of development, since at the initial stage the disease has practically no specific symptoms. As the pathology progresses, the following signs may appear:

  • "ribbon" chair;
  • diarrhea or prolonged constipation;
  • heaviness in the rectum;
  • feeling of constant discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • bleeding during bowel movements;
  • anemia;
  • dramatic weight loss without changing eating habits.

Treatment of rectal cancer is possible only through surgery, and a person’s life depends on how promptly it is carried out.

Treatment of rectal diseases

A proctologist treats diseases of the rectum. The treatment strategy is developed taking into account the characteristics of the clinical picture, existing risks and the general condition of the patient. To do this, the patient will need to undergo one or more diagnostic examinations, stool, urine and blood tests, based on the results of which the final decision will be made.

For minor damage to the rectum (for example, an anal fissure) or temporary inflammation of its mucous membrane as a result of poor nutrition, the patient is prescribed medications and special diet, that is, treatment is carried out using a conservative method.

If there are benign or malignant neoplasms, hernias and purulent abscesses, others serious illnesses, leading to destruction and necrosis of rectal tissue, operations of varying complexity are performed. Thus, the treatment method directly depends on the diagnosis made by the proctologist. But a person can avoid radical surgical interventions - to do this, it is necessary to seek medical help in time in order to cure the pathology on early stage development.


According to statistics, most people consult a doctor when the rectal disease is at a late stage of development and conservative treatment may not be enough. The reason for this may be inattention to one’s health or simple embarrassment due to the sensitivity of the issue. Any pathological signs should alert a person and become a reason to contact a specialist, because sometimes even completely mild pain and chronic discomfort can be manifestations of dangerous diseases.

Pathologies in the anus and rectum are provoked by various factors and are accompanied by specific symptoms. In later stages, anal diseases in men cause complications, many of which require surgical intervention.

  • Therapeutic measures

Common pathologies of the anus

Diseases affecting the terminal section digestive system, enough. The development of most pathologies is associated with an incorrect lifestyle: low physical activity, harmful conditions labor. Significantly less illness anal passage occur due to congenital anomalies.

The most common diseases in men are:

  • Haemorrhoids. It is a form of varicose veins in which the hemorrhoidal vein is affected. In the early stages, it is accompanied by severe discomfort in the anal area, which intensifies while sitting or visiting the toilet. Subsequently, the patient develops small hemorrhages in the rectum. In later stages, the anus becomes inflamed and prolapse is possible. hemorrhoids, which is accompanied by intense pain.
  • Malignant neoplasms. Adenocarcinoma is a cancerous lesion of the rectum. At an early stage of development, the pathology does not cause a pronounced clinical picture. Most often, symptoms appear when the tumor is practically untreatable. Provoking factors for the development of adenocarcinoma are considered to be poor nutrition, prolonged constipation, prolonged use of medications, and stress.
  • Intestinal polyps. They are benign neoplasms, but they pose a danger to the body, as they affect the functions of the digestive system. Polyps are considered a pre-cancer pathology; the presence of such formations in a patient is not reliable evidence that he will develop cancer. The main cause is considered to be systematic damage to the intestines by infections or chronic dysbacteriosis accompanied by inflammatory processes.
  • Rectal prolapse. With this pathology, the lower parts of the rectum exit the anus. In this case, the blood vessels are compressed, resulting in atrophy, and in the absence of therapy, tissue necrosis. The pathology is accompanied by pain, discomfort during bowel movements, stool disorders, and general malaise.
  • Proctitis. Disease infectious origin, in which the rectum becomes inflamed. The mucous membrane of the wall of the lower intestine is damaged. At an early stage it occurs without pronounced symptomatic manifestations. Subsequently, the patient experiences pain and minor bleeding.
  • Anal fissure. It is a damage to the mucous membrane, the size of which reaches from 3-5 mm to 2 cm. Often the development of a crack occurs due to prolonged constipation, intense physical activity or, on the contrary, reduced activity. At acute course accompanied by severe pain, discomfort when going to the toilet, and bleeding.
  • Paraproctitis. Purulent inflammation that develops in tissues located close to the anus, in particular in its anal glands. At an early stage it is accompanied by pain. Subsequently, compactions are formed, and in the absence of timely treatment- large purulent formation. The disease usually develops against the background of an infectious lesion and can be transmitted to nearby organs.

Thus, there are various diseases of the anus in men that require medical intervention.


Rectal diseases: main signs and symptoms

Almost all diseases that develop in the rectal area manifest themselves with similar symptoms:

  • pain in the anus and perineum;
  • itching, discomfort, foreign body sensation in anus;
  • mucous, pus-like discharge from the anus and perianal area;
  • blood in feces;
  • persistent constipation;
  • frequent diarrhea;
  • tenesmus – false urge to defecate;
  • involuntary passage of gases, feces.

Unlike problems in the upper segments of the intestine, which can occur unnoticed, a diseased rectum causes many problems. You shouldn’t delay going to the doctor: you still won’t be able to diagnose the disease yourself - without a full proctological examination, the likelihood of an erroneous diagnosis is too high.

Before your first visit to the proctologist, you do not need to do any special preparation. It is enough to empty your bowels in the morning and thoroughly clean the entire perineum. But if visual and digital examinations do not make it possible to make a diagnosis, then you will have to undergo more in-depth research. Usually they involve taking tests and performing sigmoidoscopy - examination of the rectal mucosa in a 30 cm long area using an endoscope inserted through the anus.

On the eve of the procedure, it is recommended to drink Fortrans laxative and do a cleansing enema. To clarify the diagnosis, if necessary, during the study, a piece of diseased tissue is taken for analysis. A biopsy is required if polyps or tumors are detected in the intestinal lumen.

Let's look at the most common proctological diseases.

Pain syndrome in the rectal area that occurs without visible reasons and not accompanied by other symptoms typical of proctology, is called proctalgia. If a patient occasionally experiences attacks of spastic pain in the anus, which disappear without a trace after 10 to 15 minutes, the doctor may suspect the presence of proctalgia.

This diagnosis is established by excluding others intestinal pathologies. It is also necessary to identify factors that can provoke pain in the rectum. It could be surgical intervention history of pelvic organs, inflammatory processes in genitourinary system, neoplasms in neighboring organs.

If the examination does not reveal any abnormalities in intestinal health, the patient is prescribed sedatives, warm baths and physiotherapeutic procedures. In the absence of aggravating circumstances, this condition may disappear on its own over time.

Hemorrhoids are the most common proctological diagnosis, and its name “thanks to” its numerous unpleasant manifestations has become synonymous with all kinds of life problems. And this is no coincidence: hemorrhoids - chronic illness, which brings its owner a lot of suffering. In the initial stage, this is tolerable discomfort, expressed in burning, itching and painful defecation, and with the development of pathology, its symptoms worsen until massive bleeding and necrosis of the veins of the anal area.

The cause of the disease is congenital or acquired weakness vascular walls, feeding the rectum. From birth, a predisposition to varicose veins is not so common; most people “earn” hemorrhoids throughout their lives. Stagnation of blood in the pelvic area, which is caused by low mobility, sedentary work, constant constipation, bad habits, gradually leads to stretching of the veins of the rectum and the formation of dilated cavities in them - hemorrhoids or cones.

If the disease develops according to an internal scenario, its external manifestations may not be particularly noticeable. Thus, dilated veins located inside the rectum may not bother the patient until they become injured and begin to bleed. Over time, the nodes increase in size and hemorrhoids develop into external form. The appearance of visible hemorrhoidal cones already indicates a progressive stage of the disease. During periods of exacerbation, the nodes bulge not only into the lumen of the rectum, but can also fall out of the anus, creating a risk of pinching and thrombosis.

When external type hemorrhoids form, nodes in the anal area can be felt under the skin and cause discomfort. In acute inflammation, hypertrophied cones are very painful and can impair normal course human life.

Most patients prefer to cope with the disease on their own with the help of ointments and suppositories and consult a doctor when hemorrhoids have already reached stages 3–4 and are subject to surgical treatment. You can get rid of hemorrhoids using conservative methods if you approach the issue in a timely and serious manner.

First of all, you need to remove acute stage inflammation. Any means are suitable here, including folk remedies, which will help reduce swelling and restore blood circulation in the anal area: ointments, suppositories, sitz baths, compresses. If necessary, the proctologist will prescribe anti-inflammatory medications.

The patient is required to minimize the load on the rectum:

  • establish a healthy diet;
  • completely eliminate constipation;
  • normalize body weight;
  • prevent blood stagnation in the pelvis;
  • move more;
  • avoid hypothermia and overheating;
  • do not lift heavy objects;
  • try not to smoke or drink alcohol.

As medical support, the doctor will prescribe venotonics - drugs that strengthen the venous walls. With frequent and painful relapses of hemorrhoids, complicated by thrombosis of hemorrhoidal cones and severe bleeding, the patient is advised to consider radical treatment.

Anal fissures

Fissures in the anus are often accompanied by hemorrhoids and constipation. Increased load on the walls of the rectum, caused by excess pressure on the mucous membrane, leads to microtrauma of the inner layer of the intestine. The main reasons for the appearance of cracks are trauma to the mucous membrane with dense feces or a foreign element, thrombosis of hemorrhoids.

A fresh anal fissure is a gap up to 2 cm long, passing through the mucous layer to the muscle tissue of the anal sphincter. Over time, damaged tissues regenerate, being replaced by connective cells. This is how a crack with a rough structure is formed, which becomes chronic.

The main signs of an anal fissure:

  • sharp pain during or after bowel movements;
  • bleeding;
  • burning;
  • feeling of pressure in the anal canal;
  • pain radiating to the perineum, sacrum, genitourinary organs;
  • sphincter spasm.

The main problem of patients with anal fissure is painful bowel movements. Due to excruciating pain, patients begin to restrain the urge, thereby aggravating constipation and preventing normal healing of the mucous membrane.

If scar tissue has not yet formed in the crack, it can be treated conservative means. Therapy is aimed at relieving pain (belladonna suppositories, analgesics) and normalizing the frequency and consistency of stool. With the help of proper nutrition, mainly a vegetable-fermented milk diet with the avoidance of any irritating foods, it is necessary to achieve daily bowel movement with soft feces.

For easy cleansing rectum, enemas followed by a disinfectant bath are recommended for 3–4 weeks. A weak solution of potassium permanganate, a decoction of chamomile, and marigold are added to the water for anal irrigation. If you consistently follow all medical instructions, you can expect the defect to heal within 2 – 2.5 months. Chronic fissure subject to surgical removal.

The rectal mucosa is prone to inflammatory processes. Acute or chronic inflammation, provoked by persistent constipation, intestinal injuries, infections, food or chemical intoxication, is called proctitis in proctology.

Acute proctitis is characterized by the following symptoms:

Pain syndrome in the chronic course of proctitis decreases, but fatigue, signs of anemia increase, and quality of life deteriorates. Treatment consists of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial therapy, eliminating foci of infections in the body, normalizing nutrition and bowel movements.


Untreated proctitis, which is accompanied by inflammation of the peri-intestinal tissue, develops into a disease called paraproctitis. Through cracks in the rectal mucosa, the infection penetrates deeper, capturing the entire intestinal wall and extending beyond its limits. A purulent process forms in the tissue located next to the focus of proctitis.

Clinical manifestations of paraproctitis largely depend on the location of the abscess: subcutaneous, submucosal, pelvic, sciatic or retrorectal. The intensity of pain and other symptoms will differ depending on the location of the abscess.

General signs of paraproctitis are:

  • feeling of heaviness in the rectum;
  • pain in the depths of the anal canal;
  • poor appetite;
  • sleep disorders;
  • weakness and increased fatigue;
  • swollen buttocks.

The main danger of paraproctitis is the opening of an abscess into the abdominal cavity with the development of peritonitis. Another way to resolve an abscess is to the surface of the skin in the perianal area through the formation of a fistula. Due to the risk of severe complications, paraproctitis is recommended to be treated surgically, since conservative methods V in this case ineffective.

Rectal polyps

Besides inflammatory diseases the mucous membrane of the rectum can give rise to neoplasms. Most often these are benign tumors on legs - polyps. The nature of these formations is not completely clear - in some cases, polyposis is caused by hereditary factor, and other conditions that contribute to its appearance are chronic inflammation of the intestinal mucosa and an unhealthy lifestyle.

Polyps can grow along the entire length of the intestine, and in the upper sections they are often asymptomatic. They are usually discovered during examination of the intestines for other reasons. Polyps in the rectum are detected faster because, having reached a certain size, they cannot remain unnoticed. Benign tumors cause discomfort in the perianal area and can provoke discharge from the anus.

Polyps must be checked for the likelihood of malignancy, and if the risk is confirmed, they are removed endoscopic method. Polyps are prone to recurrence, so the patient must constantly be monitored by a proctologist.

Another benign neoplasm rectal infection is caused by papillomavirus and is called condyloma acuminata. This growth, shaped like a cauliflower inflorescence, affects not only the rectum and anus, but the entire groin area. Many experts classify this disease as a sexually transmitted disease, since HPV infection occurs mainly through sexual relations with a sick person.

The HPV virus is the cause of female genital cancer, in particular cervical cancer. Condylomas of the rectum more often affect people who actively practice anal sex, and are most common among homosexuals.

Condylomas can be removed by any of the available methods:

  1. surgical excision;
  2. cryodestruction;
  3. laser, wave, electrical coagulation;
  4. chemical cauterization;
  5. mixing using pharmaceutical drugs(Podophyllin, Solcoderm).

It is advisable to submit the material remaining after the procedure for histological analysis.

Intestinal cancer cannot be attributed to rare diseases. The rectum is a common location for malignant tumors. Rectal cancer is divided into proximal, anal and ampulla - depending on the part affected by the tumor.

Signs of cancer, as in the case of polyposis, do not appear for a long time or show a weak clinical picture: discomfort, defecation disorders, pain and small discharge. As the tumor progresses, the pain intensifies, and a symptom such as ribbon-like stool may appear.

In addition to local signs, a typical picture for cancer patients is observed: decreased performance, fatigue, weight loss, frequent viral diseases. The modern level of medicine allows us to successfully fight cancer if it is detected at an early stage.

A rectal hernia is its prolapse or partial exit beyond the anus. This pathology does not pose a danger to the patient’s life, but it causes moral and physical suffering.

Rectal prolapse usually occurs without pain or any warning signs - at the time of coughing, straining, physical activity, etc. The causes of the hernia lie in the anatomical and physiological characteristics of the patient’s pelvis:

  • functional sphincter insufficiency;
  • incorrect location pelvic bones and coccyx;
  • dolichosigma (long sigmoid colon);
  • weak muscles;
  • excessive intra-abdominal pressure;
  • difficult childbirth;
  • long and strong straining on the toilet;
  • neurological factors.

Treatment of this disease is surgical, in combination with gymnastics aimed at strengthening the pelvic floor. According to indications - drug therapy.

According to medical statistics, only a small percentage of proctological patients have high risk intestinal pathologies due to genetic predisposition. The vast majority of patients themselves are responsible for the occurrence of problems and have every chance of preventing the disease by leading a healthy lifestyle. Proper nutrition and stool regulation play a decisive role in the prevention of rectal diseases. An intestine that works “like a clock” greatly reduces the incidence of inflammatory and oncological diseases.


Causes of itching

The skin near the anus is very delicate, so it immediately begins to react to any external stimulus. Itching in the rectum signals the possible presence of a disease. It can be short-term or long-term to varying degrees intensity. It's hard to resist scratching your private part.

The reasons for the appearance of itching and burning in the anus in men are:

  • Haemorrhoids. With it, the veins become enlarged, and nodes appear around the anus. With this disease, the patient experiences heaviness in the anus. After using the toilet, bloody discharge may appear.
  • Cracks in the rectum that result from hemorrhoids or various injuries.
  • The presence of polyps that grow and prevent a man from going to the toilet. Removed surgically.
  • Anorectal fistulas, which are pathological canals. Sometimes they open directly in the rectum.
  • Chronic proctosigmoiditis, which is characterized by inflammation of the colon. In this case, burning and itching occurs around the anus in men.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Helminitis, pinworms and other worms, which often come out through the anus.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Dermatological diseases.
  • Venereal diseases.
  • Obesity, which leads to the appearance of folds that interfere with intimate hygiene.
  • Mental illnesses.

These are not all the reasons for the development of burning and other discomfort. In addition to the main ones, indirect ones are distinguished. These include diseases that affect the appearance of discomfort in this area.

Symptom ika

It is quite difficult to independently determine the symptoms in this place, since it is almost impossible to visualize. That is why it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately. True, not everyone knows which doctor to see. It is better to immediately make an appointment with a proctologist, and he will refer you to other specialists if necessary.

The following symptoms are often present:

  • redness and swelling of soft tissues in the perianal area;
  • Excessive moisture due to excessive sweating or other reasons;
  • bleeding from or around the anus;
  • detachment of individual areas of skin;
  • the appearance of a rash or blisters.

Sometimes treatment occurs simultaneously with a proctologist, venereologist and dermatologist. In rare cases, a nutritionist is involved if the itching appears as a result of obesity. In this case, due to increased sweating between the buttocks is constantly wet. On the Internet you can see various photos of what a constantly itchy anus looks like in adults.

The photographs clearly visualize small cracks and redness around the anus. Some have tumors that are removed surgically. Without surgery, going to the toilet will be painful and then impossible.

How is the cause diagnosed?

In order to correctly prescribe a medicine or ointment, it is necessary to understand the cause of the problem. A proctologist cannot always help with treatment; other doctors often get involved.

To identify the problem, analyzes and studies are carried out, namely:

  • Analysis of stool for the presence of worms and pathogenic bacteria.
  • Colonoscopy allows you to visually examine the rectal area.
  • Carrying out tests for the presence of genital herpes.
  • Sigmoidoscopy or examination of the rectum and colon using a special probe.
  • Sphincteromanometry is another way to study intestinal microflora using a probe.
  • Blood test for glucose levels.

Sometimes an abdominal ultrasound may be required. A standard survey is also conducted, during which the man will need to answer the following questions:

This is a standard list of questions that changes depending on the answers received.

How does the treatment work?

Itching near the anus is treated in various ways. This usually involves the use of various medications, physical therapy and surgery, depending on the extent of damage to the rectum and the cause of the problem.

Effective medicines funds are considered based on:

  • Shark liver oils;
  • Glycerin;
  • Starch and cocoa butter;
  • Zinc oxide;
  • Kaolin and lanolin.

Physiotherapy lasts for 10-15 days. It comes down to influencing damaged areas to regenerate soft tissue. Often itching is the cause of rectal fissures. As a result of healing, itching occurs around the anus.

If you scratch it, the soft tissues are damaged, as a result of which the wound healing process will be prolonged in time. The skin around the anus is especially delicate and susceptible to negative impact external factors.

What can be treated

This list of medications does not mean that they can be used independently. Depending on the cause, the doctor prescribes one drug or another. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to consult a doctor. Self-prescription may cause an allergic reaction or become a catalyst for aggravating the situation.

Most often, proctologists prescribe:

  • Relief, which are sold in the form of suppositories or ointments;
  • Hepatrombin G;
  • Proctosan;
  • Aurobin;
  • Olestesin.

These medications treat itching and the cause of it. The duration of medication use depends on the severity of the disease.

How to treat at home

It is known why people often refuse to visit a proctologist. That's why they find various ways treatment with folk remedies. There are many recipes on the Internet, some of which are very dubious. These include the use of chili pepper tincture. Also oral administration infusions will be ineffective. It is necessary to consider measures that are aimed at local impact.

According to information portals, self-made suppositories are the most effective for treating discomfort in the anus. However, their cost will be much higher than those purchased at the pharmacy. At the same time, doctors question the quality and effectiveness.

To make them you need:

  • badger fat or any other natural fat of animal origin;
  • propolis, wax or other products from the apiary;
  • raw potatoes;
  • healing decoctions.

This mixture will need to be frozen, first shaped into a candle. Homemade medicine does not guarantee the desired effect and may cause other side effects.


Prevention is the best way to avoid unnecessary meetings with a proctologist and other doctors. To prevent anal diseases it is necessary:

  • carefully observe the rules of personal intimate hygiene;
  • wear comfortable and natural underwear;
  • use natural soap or special gels to treat the intimate area;
  • buy toilet paper without dyes and fragrances;
  • refuse to take hot baths;
  • Wash with cool or cold water.

Important! This article is for informational purposes only and is not a recommendation for the use of the above medications if there is itching in the anus. Sometimes it is caused by diseases not related to proctology. Then the drugs will not have the desired effect and may be harmful to health.


Diseases of the anus in men and women

Today, diseases of the anus in humans are very common and can be caused by a large number of different reasons. Most often, diseases are associated with the intestinal mucosa or the vascular system of the rectum. However, skin diseases of the perianal area also occur.

Anal fissure

Approximately every tenth case of discomfort and bleeding from the anus associated with inflammation of the anus in people (see photo), which occurs due to the appearance of an anal fissure. Typically a crack occurs as a result mechanical injury or an imbalance in the intestinal microflora.

Usually, this pathology accompanied by acute pain during defecation, as well as the release of a small amount of blood. If an anal fissure is not treated, then it can become chronic. Detecting and diagnosing a fissure is quite simple; just an external examination by a proctologist is enough.


Among the diseases of the rectum and anus (see pictures) paraproctitis should also be mentioned. This disease is purulent inflammation of the perirectal tissue, which is located under the intestinal mucosa and can also affect the anal glands in the anal sinuses.

Like many other inflammatory diseases of the rectum and anus, its symptoms (see photo) are often expressed in acute pain, as well as the presence of blood and pus in the stool. In addition to disruption of intestinal motility and the development of constipation and diarrhea, with paraproctitis in the anal canal, seal.

If the purulent-inflammatory process is left untreated, then the formation of a fistula from which purulent discharge will periodically disturb. Inflammation can also spread to other intestinal tissues (see photo of an ulcer in the anus) or even affect nearby internal organs.

Hemorrhoids make up more than half all diseases of the anus (see photo with a description of the stages). Its high prevalence is usually associated with the spread of a sedentary lifestyle, vascular diseases and low-quality food.

Hemorrhoids are inflammation of the hemorrhoids, which are located in the submucosa of the rectum. Inflammation of this occurs due to malfunction vascular system intestines and the development of blood clots as a result of deterioration of vascular patency. Symptoms of hemorrhoids are usually the following:

  • pain and discomfort during bowel movements;
  • discharge of blood and mucus along with feces;
  • bump-like swelling around the anus;
  • unexpected sharp pain at rest, when coughing, sneezing and walking:
  • prolapse of swollen hemorrhoids outward in the later stages of the disease.

Hemorrhoids can develop from the most common constipation and intestinal overstrain during defecation, which leads to rupture of the vessels of the rectum and disruption of the functioning of its circulatory system. With advanced hemorrhoids, the prolapsed nodes become impossible to set without outside help and surgery will be required.

Proctalgia is the most mysterious disease of the rectum and anus, whose symptoms and treatment are not so well studied. As a rule, this term is used to generalize sudden periodic sharp or aching pain in the anus and anal canal.

Proctalgia can be a consequence of muscle spasm, mechanical injury, or even indicate the development of internal inflammation, a cyst, hernia, or even a cancerous tumor in the intestine. Anyway you must consult a doctor immediately if there are any painful sensations in the anus.


Among the diseases and diseases of the anus presented in the photo, rectal cancer can rightly be considered the most dangerous. In the first stages, the disease may proceed completely asymptomatic, making it difficult to detect until the cancer becomes too large to safely remove.

There are no specific symptoms to detect cancer on your own, so cancer can easily be confused with any other disease intestines or anus.

However, ulcers around the anus in adults and children, as well as anal bleeding, general weakness, discomfort, the presence of pus in the stool and others warning signs should force a person to see a doctor for a correct diagnosis and development of treatment.


Any sore in the anus, regardless of its size and specificity, can create serious health problems and be a symptom of any dangerous disease. It is necessary to immediately visit a proctologist as soon as any discomfort is detected in the anal canal.

It should also be remembered that many unpleasant ailments can be avoided in advance by exposing your body to prevention. To this end, you need to move more and spend less time sitting, as well as adhere to a healthy and regular diet.


The rectum is the last section digestive tract, there are many diseases that can cause acute or chronic pain in this area.

But discomfort does not always indicate the presence of diseases - unpleasant sensations can occur when sitting for a long time on a hard chair, against the background excess weight, sedentary lifestyle life. In adolescents, night pain, proctological fugue, often manifests itself against the background of spasms of the muscles that surround the anus; with age, the problem disappears on its own.

Why does intense pain occur in the anal area?

Severe rectal pain occurs after prolonged constipation or diarrhea - when defecation occurs frequently or is accompanied by straining, anal fissures appear. In such cases, discomfort disturbs directly during or after bowel movement; the unpleasant sensations can radiate to lumbar region, perineal area.

What diseases cause acute pain:

  1. Hemorrhoids, blood clots in hemorrhoids, are the most common cause of pain in the anus; often discomfort is the first sign of the disease. At the same time, there is an itching, burning sensation, and there are patches of scarlet blood in the stool. Thrombosis is accompanied by a bursting sensation in the anal area; a person constantly feels as if there is a foreign object in the anus, and it hurts to sit down.
  2. Pinching and prolapse of the hemorrhoidal node outward - a severe cutting pain of a pulsating nature occurs, the node swells, becomes a rich bright red color, and develops chronic constipation, there is an increase in temperature.
  3. Inflammation of various parts of the rectal mucosa - proctitis, cryptitis, papillitis. Symptoms are acute pain of a stabbing, shooting nature, loss of strength, fever, and blood and pus are present in the feces.
  4. Inflammation of the fatty tissue that surrounds the rectum - paraproctitis. Sharp pain occurs against the background of irritation of the nerve endings, intensifies during bowel movements, when walking, the anal muscles are tense, chronic constipation develops, and ulcers with purulent discharge form.
  5. Inflammation of the inner lining of the colon - colitis. Severe pain in the anal area spreads to the lower abdomen, accompanied by belching, false urges to empty the bowel, diarrhea or constipation, and blood and mucus are present in the stool.
  6. Polyps, papillomas in the rectum - pain occurs during defecation, blood clots may be present in the stool, and constipation is often a concern.
  7. Injuries, violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane - occur during anal sex, bruises, falling and landing on the buttocks. Severe pain that radiates to the perineum, lower limbs, and abdomen may indicate a fracture of the pelvic bones.

A dull, aching pain occurs when the acute form of rectal disease transitions to the chronic stage.

What pathologies cause pain in the anal area in men?

In addition to diseases of the rectum, pain in the anal area can be caused by pathological processes in nearby organs.

Causes of pain in the anus in men:

  1. Prostatitis - a disease accompanied by frequent urination, especially at night, problems with erection, nagging pain near the sphincter.
  2. Testicular disease – the scrotum swells, hurts, becomes red, and the person’s general condition worsens.
  3. Pathologies of the urinary system - neoplasms and stones in the bladder, cystitis.
  4. Diseases that are transmitted sexually - pain, tingling in the penis radiates to the anus.

Sometimes acute, severe rectal pain can occur due to inflammation of the appendix, while the person’s temperature rises, signs of intoxication, and vomiting appear.

Causes of pain in the anus in women

In women, the uterus and rectum are separated by a very thin septum - if problems arise in one of the organs, pathological processes develop in the other. Therefore, pain in the anal area often occurs with gynecological diseases, while discomfort is felt in the lower back, lower abdomen, and perineal area.

Causes of pain in the anus in women:

  1. Adnexitis - foci of inflammation are located in the uterine appendages. A spasm occurs, the lower abdomen tugs, the discomfort intensifies when coughing or visiting the toilet.
  2. Ectopic pregnancy is a constant nagging pain in the lower abdomen and anus, spotting.
  3. Endometriosis - the endometrium of the uterus grows outside the organ, cells can become attached to the rectovaginal septum. This is what causes constant pain.
  4. Drawing and pain in the lower abdomen, lumbago in the anal area - similar symptoms often occur before menstruation due to the accumulation of excess fluid in the abdominal cavity.
  5. Rupture of an ovarian cyst - severe pain covers the entire lower body.
  6. During pregnancy, the uterus enlarges and puts pressure on the anus - along with the pulling sensations, problems with bowel movements may appear. Typically, such discomfort is safe for the fetus and mother, but if it is accompanied by suspicious discharge, you should urgently consult a gynecologist.
  7. Rectal prolapse, accompanied by severe pain, shock can occur. The disease is most often diagnosed in middle-aged and elderly women who have given birth frequently.

The cause of rectal discomfort may be uncomfortable underwear or pads made of poor quality material.

Why does pain occur in the anus in children?

Pain in the anus with bleeding in young children sometimes occurs when there is a foreign body in the anus, so if complaints arise, you need to calmly question and examine the child. Small and sharp objects Do not attempt to remove it yourself.

Infection with pinworms and other worms is another childhood problem that causes itching and discomfort in the anal area. The disease is accompanied by deterioration of appetite and sleep, changes in behavior, and pain in the navel area.

If a child suffers from constipation, then rectal discomfort appears due to anal fissures. He will complain of throbbing pain and may refuse to go to the toilet.

Which doctor should I contact?

If pain occurs in the anus, you must make an appointment with a proctologist. If women experience discomfort during menstruation and pregnancy, a consultation with a gynecologist will be required.

If pain occurs in the rectum due to pathologies of the digestive tract, you should contact a gastroenterologist or oncologist.

Treatment of anal pain

The choice of drugs to eliminate discomfort in the anal area depends on the cause that caused its occurrence; external agents are most often used, tablets are prescribed for relief serious problems. Folk recipes will help quickly eliminate pain, itching and inflammation in the rectum.

Pharmacy medicines

Before using ointments and suppositories, you must take a sitz bath with a weak solution of potassium permanganate - this will help dry and disinfect the skin. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.

What to do if the anus is inflamed - effective ointments and candles:

  1. Ultraproct, Aurobin - complex action ointments based on glucocorticoids. They have an antiseptic, antipruritic, anti-inflammatory effect, and accelerate the regeneration process.
  2. Bepanten, Pantesol - products based on pantothenic acid, soften the skin, promote fast healing, can be used in the treatment of children.
  3. Solcoseryl, Actovegin - ointments and gels, improve cellular respiration, stimulate repair and tissue regeneration.
  4. Emla, Katedzhel - ointment, has an antispasmodic, antiseptic analgesic effect.
  5. Troxevasin, Venarus - venotonics, improve the condition of hemorrhoids.
  6. Levomekol – local antibiotic, accelerates the healing process of cracks, fistulas, and ulcers in the anal area.
  7. Relief – ointment, suppositories, one of the best means for treatment different forms hemorrhoids, anal fissures. The medicine eliminates pain, inflammation, and prevents bleeding.
  8. Proctosan, Anuzol, suppositories with sea buckthorn oil - suppositories with an analgesic, softening effect.
  9. Procto-glivenol - suppositories with lidocaine and tribenoside, quickly eliminate pain, swelling, and improve the outflow of venous blood.

Ointments and suppositories should be used 1-2 times a day, be sure to use the products before bedtime. The average duration of therapy is 5–10 days.

Means for oral administration

Tablets, powders and syrups are prescribed to normalize stool, eliminate severe inflammatory processes, and helminthic infestations.

If your anus hurts, they will help you cope with the unpleasant sensations simple recipes traditional medicine - they will quickly eliminate inflammation, spasms, and other manifestations of rectal diseases.

Simple recipes for getting rid of pain in the anal area:

  1. Add 5 peeled, chopped garlic cloves to 200 ml of warm milk, put the mixture in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Drink 0.5 tsp. medications 3 times a day for a week; treatment can be continued after a three-day break. The drink eliminates spasms, improves blood circulation in the anal area, and destroys pathogenic microorganisms.
  2. Microclysters with medicinal herbs will help with inflammatory processes rectum - pour 20 g of calendula inflorescences with 220 ml of water, simmer the mixture in a water bath for half an hour, leave in a sealed container for 40 minutes. Strain, before the procedure dilute 5 ml of decoction in 40 ml of warm water, conduct the session 2 times a day.
  3. To speed up the healing process of cracks and damage to the mucous membrane, you can prepare the ointment yourself - melt 100 g of homemade unsalted butter in a water bath, cool slightly, add 1 tsp. finely grated propolis. Stir the mixture, filter through gauze, apply to the damaged area 5-6 times a day.
  4. Mix in equal parts chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula, 7 tbsp. l. collection, pour 2 liters of water, cook over low heat for 10 minutes, strain, cool, use for sitz baths. The duration of the procedure is 10–20 minutes. This decoction can be poured into the little fingers of disposable rubber gloves, frozen - cold suppositories will help cope with severe itching and burning in the anus.
  5. In case of severe burning, pain, external hemorrhoids, potatoes will help - you need to grate the peeled raw tuber, wrap the pulp in a piece of sterile gauze, and make a compress on the anus area. The procedure time is 10 minutes, you can continue treatment until the discomfort is completely eliminated.

If pain in the anus is accompanied by bleeding, then you need to drink 50 ml of beet juice - after squeezing it, you need to let it stand for 20 minutes so that the harmful compounds evaporate. You can alternate taking the juice with nettle infusion - add 1 tsp to 200 ml of boiling water. chopped herbs, cool in a closed container, strain, drink 100 ml three times a day.

Prevention of pain in the anus

To avoid unpleasant sensations in the anus, you must follow simple rules prevention.

During pregnancy, it is better to sleep on your side - this way the uterus will not put pressure on the rectum, which will help avoid compression of blood vessels and nerve endings.

Pain in the anus cannot be ignored; often the discomfort disappears on its own, but if the discomfort is prolonged, you should consult a doctor. In treatment, you can use ointments and suppositories, and alternative medicine will also help.

Diseases of the stomach and intestines


Structure of the lower intestine

The remains of food that the human body has processed ultimately enter the rectum and exit through the anal sphincter.

Fecal masses are not simply pushed out, but are, as it were, twisted thanks to the spiral folds located in the intestine. In addition, special glands of the intestine secrete mucus and lubricant, making this process painless.

In the walls of the intestine, under the mucous layer, there are hemorrhoidal veins, which provide blood flow to the vena cava, bypassing the liver. It is because of this property that medications in the form of suppositories act much faster and more effectively than oral medications.

Causes of pain in the anus

The causes of discomfort in the sphincter area and lower intestine can be either local or general.

Various problems in the body affect the blood supply to the intestines, the elasticity and strength of the walls of blood vessels, the secretory function of the glands, and the process of defecation.

List of diagnoses causing pain in the anus:

  • hemorrhoids - varicose venous plexuses located in the walls of the rectum with the formation of nodes;
  • blood clot formation in hemorrhoids;
  • rectal prolapse;
  • inflammation of the intestine – proctitis, paraproctitis;
  • helminthiasis;
  • malignant formations;
  • anal fissure.

Both men and women are equally susceptible to the disease, and about 15 out of 100 people suffer from this disease.

Causes of hemorrhoids:

  • bearing a child and childbirth, during which all organs are compressed and the blood supply to the pelvis is disrupted;
  • constipation, which leads to increased pressure in the intestines and increased blood flow;
  • abuse of spicy foods, which irritate the anal area;
  • infection due to poor hygiene.

First there is itching and burning. Then, severe pain and bleeding sequentially occur, and the hemorrhoids eventually fall out.

It is better to start treatment at the first symptoms, especially since they can be harbingers of colon cancer.

Hemorrhoids can be located externally or internally, and can also be hereditary or acquired.

In the absence of proper treatment, consequences such as:

  • swelling of the anus;
  • inflammation of the fatty tissue of the intestine with the formation of pus;
  • tissue death of hemorrhoids.

Thrombosis of hemorrhoids

Thrombosis of hemorrhoids is one of the complications of hemorrhoids. If there is a disturbance in the inflow or outflow of blood through the veins, cavernous tissue begins to grow, which, in turn, forms nodes.

A distinction is made between internal and external thrombosis based on the location of the nodes.

Characteristic symptoms:

  • constant dull pain in the intestines, independent of bowel movements;
  • sensation of the presence of a foreign object in the intestine;
  • high body temperature;
  • weakness;
  • discomfort in the perineum;
  • nausea.

Subsequently, the nodes become inflamed, and the temperature of the skin around the anus rises sharply.

Rectal prolapse

Rectal prolapse ( rectal prolapse) – violation of its anatomically correct position with extension beyond the anal sphincter.

  • violation of the anatomy of the pelvic bones;
  • deformation of the pelvic floor muscles;
  • excessive physical stress, which increases intra-abdominal pressure;
  • various injuries to the sacrum and lumbar region;
  • neoplasms in the rectum;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • inflammation of the prostate in men;
  • multiple or difficult births in women.


  • pain;
  • inability to contain bowel contents;
  • frequent, but false desire to defecate;
  • bleeding;
  • secretion of mucus from the intestines;
  • feeling of the presence of a foreign object in the anus.

There are 3 stages of the disease in which the intestine prolapses.

  1. Occurs during slight strain during emptying.
  2. Occurs during defecation or any physical activity.
  3. Occurs in a standing position.

By type they distinguish:

  • internal intussusception, when its upper parts penetrate into the lower parts, but do not extend beyond the anus;
  • prolapse of the rectum as a sliding hernia, when the pouch of Douglas and the anterior wall of the intestine are displaced downward, as a result of which it extends beyond the anus.

Proctitis is an inflammation of the walls of the rectum, the severity of which can vary from simple redness to deep ulceration.

The symptoms of proctitis are similar to those of other painful conditions and include: encopresis, itching, constant but false desire to defecate, pain in the anus, discomfort in the perineum.


Paraproctitis is a purulent inflammation of the tissue around the anus and rectal walls.

The main cause of the disease is infection through the anus with staphylococcus, streptococcus or E. coli. In some cases, paraproctitis develops as a result of a sore throat or flu, when the infection enters the anal glands through the flow of lymph or blood.

The disease is acute and begins with symptoms such as:

  • headache;
  • general weakness;
  • increasing pain in the perineum.

Then a subcutaneous or submucosal abscess is formed, which matures after a few days and eventually breaks through either into the rectum or onto the skin of the perineum. In the chronic form of paraproctitis, fistulas form.


The most frequent "guests" in human body- pinworms or roundworms.

Characteristic symptoms of their presence:

  • weight loss;
  • skin rashes;
  • stool disorder;
  • pain in the anus;
  • increased appetite;
  • flatulence;
  • periodic attacks of mild nausea;
  • unbearable itching in the anus at night (when females lay eggs in the folds of the anus).

Ascariasis of the intestines is often accompanied by intestinal obstruction, since adult worms are wound into a ball, due to which feces simply cannot come out.

Malignant formations

Malignant formations are pathological growth of tissue in the rectum. Intense hyperplasia can lead to the formation of malignant tumors, which are mainly treated surgically.

Such formations are characterized by the same clinical manifestations:

  • pain during bowel movements;
  • feeling of the presence of a foreign object in the intestine;
  • general deterioration of health.

Anal fissure

A fissure in the anus is the most harmless thing that causes short-term pain. More often this occurs due to constipation, when feces overstretch the skin and it cracks.

In addition to the above reasons, there are also situations in which damage to the walls of the rectum occurs:

  • excessive stretching of the tissue and its rupture when a dense lump of feces is released;
  • presence in stool foreign objects that injure the intestinal walls (fruit seeds, small household items);
  • systematic diarrhea, causing inflammation of the intestine and sphincter tissue.

The rectum can be injured due to heavy lifting, improperly performed medical procedures and examinations, and childbirth.

For reference! Prolonged sitting and lack of moderate physical activity contribute to poor circulation in the pelvic area and blood stagnation. Clusters of nerve fibers in the rectum due to lack of nutrition cause a dull aching pain.

Other diseases

In some conditions, pain may radiate to the anus, thereby making diagnosis difficult. For example it could be:

  • inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • inflammation of the appendix;
  • gynecological diseases in women;
  • venereal diseases.


The anus area is extremely sensitive due to the large number of nerve fibers. With the slightest tissue damage, severe pain occurs. Microcracks appear in the anus and intestinal walls, serious breaks, ulcers and neoplasms.

A person may experience:

  • itching;
  • burning;
  • tingling;
  • pain.

Symptoms worsen during defecation or urination. Relief comes from standing or lying down; sitting is difficult.

In addition, it is possible that additional symptoms, How:

  • bloating;
  • mucus and blood in stool;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the anus;
  • nausea;
  • elevated temperature;
  • general weakness.

Attention! If bleeding begins from the anus, you must immediately call an ambulance. Perhaps the cause of this condition is damage to internal organs.


In order to correctly determine the nature of the pain, you need to seek help from the appropriate specialists, namely:

  • coloproctologist;
  • gastroenterologist.

Blood, urine, stool tests should be taken, and a swab taken from the anus. Specialists can prescribe such diagnostic procedures, How:

  • colonoscopy - examination of the intestine using a video camera, which is located at the end of a long flexible probe;
  • irrigoscopy - examination of the intestines using X-ray methods using a contrast agent;
  • FGDS is the examination of the gastrointestinal tract using an endoscope - a long flexible tube at the end of which there is a light bulb and a camera.

When tumors are detected, a tissue biopsy is performed.

The doctor conducts general examination patient, collects anamnesis. Manual examination of the anus and digital rectal examination are also necessary.


Treatment tactics depend on the diagnosis made by the doctor.

First of all, if no foreign objects are found during examination of the rectum, rectal suppositories with an anesthetic are prescribed to quickly relieve pain.

Then, according to indications, use:

  • anti-inflammatory suppositories and tablets;
  • antiseptic ointments and suppositories;
  • laxatives;
  • sedative;
  • anthelmintic drugs;
  • phlebotonic agents for strengthening the walls and veins of rectal vessels.

Video - Suppositories for hemorrhoids

In case of acute bleeding, detection of tumors and polyps, as well as overgrown hemorrhoids, surgery is necessary.

All patients are prescribed nutritional adjustments and physical therapy to improve blood circulation in the pelvic area.

Do not put off solving a delicate problem until later. At the first signs of discomfort, you should consult a doctor to avoid possible complications.

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  • Symptoms of anal diseases
  • Inflammatory processes in the intestines
  • Damage to the mucous membrane
  • Hernia in the anus
  • Damage to venous nodes
  • Tumors in the anus
  • Diagnosis of rectal pathology

Diseases of the rectum and anus turn a person’s life into a real nightmare. In addition to severe pain and physiological discomfort, the patient experiences severe moral suffering associated with the characteristics of the diseases that affect this part of the gastrointestinal tract. Diseases of the anus can arise from the most various reasons. Prerequisites for disruption of the functioning of this organ may be injuries, wounds and medical errors during operations.

Quite often, diseases and damage to the rectum develop during difficult labor, when a woman makes excessive efforts to free herself from the fetus. Disease in the anal area can be a consequence of alcohol abuse, sedentary work or poor nutrition. Regardless of the reasons for the appearance and development of the pathology, measures to eliminate it must be taken immediately. The disease is much easier to cure at its initial stage, without waiting serious complications and consequences. To do this, you need to know the symptoms of rectal disease.

Symptoms of anal diseases

When the anus and rectum are affected, the symptoms of various diseases are very similar and differ only in some nuances. As a rule, they are almost the same in patients of different ages and genders.

Almost every disease of the anus is manifested by the following symptoms:

The most alarming symptom is the presence of blood in the stool. This means a violation of the integrity of the intestinal walls, which is fraught with blood poisoning and death. When the rectum is affected, a wide variety of diseases can occur. Let's consider what problems people who have suffered such a misfortune have to face.

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Inflammatory processes in the intestines

Like any organ, the rectum is subject to pathological changes due to external influences or internal factors. Purulent processes can be general or local in nature.

So, inflammation can be expressed in the following diseases:

  1. Proctitis. The disease is accompanied by inflammation of the organ throughout its entire volume. It occurs due to hypothermia, pathogenic bacteria entering the intestines from the outside or through the circulatory system. Mechanical damage to the colon can also cause proctitis. The disease is accompanied by severe itching and difficulty defecating due to impaired bowel function. The patient is prescribed a strict diet and antibiotics. As a rule, cure occurs in a matter of days.
  2. Paraproctitis. Occurs due to inflammation of the anal glands. The intestine is affected at one or more points. The source of inflammation is ulcers that form on the walls of the anus. The pain with paraproctitis is sharp and throbbing. With absence medical care The patient develops a fistula with an outlet in the skin of the perineum. Treatment involves surgical intervention in the form of opening and sanitation of the source of inflammation. The patient is prescribed painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Inflammation can be prevented by avoiding situations involving exposure to extreme conditions. Giving up bad habits is of no small importance for strengthening the immune system.

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Damage to the mucous membrane

Despite the fact that the mucous membrane of the anus is characterized by increased resistance to toxic substances, it is vulnerable to many external and internal factors.

Damage to the mucous membrane can be of the following nature:

As a rule, violations of the integrity of the mucous membrane do not pose a threat to the patient’s life. Sometimes, to recover, it is enough to start leading a healthy lifestyle.

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Hernia in the anus

This unpleasant phenomenon is a prolapse of the rectum outward. A prerequisite for the occurrence of a hernia is weakening of the pelvic muscles, which leads to deterioration of intestinal fixation. Prolapse of the anus is preceded by prolonged constipation and diarrhea. In addition, the cause of intestinal hernia can be injuries, household and work injuries. The disease is easily diagnosed even with an external examination. The patient experiences acute discomfort and severe difficulty walking. It is almost impossible to sit, which significantly reduces a person’s ability to work. Defecation is difficult and accompanied by acute pain spreading to the lower intestine.

As a rule, a hernia is treated surgically. If the patient has contraindications to surgical intervention, then manual reduction is performed. In this case, the person is switched to a diet that eliminates the occurrence of constipation and diarrhea. He is prescribed drugs that stabilize the activity of the stomach and intestines.

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Damage to venous nodes

Hemorrhoids are one of the most common diseases of the rectum. It represents inflammation and significant enlargement of the venous nodes in the anus.

Hemorrhoids occur for the following reasons:

  • hereditary factor;
  • chronic constipation;
  • obesity;
  • sedentary work;
  • difficult childbirth;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • injury or injury;
  • lifting and carrying heavy objects;
  • addiction to fatty, spicy and salty foods.

The disease develops over several years. At its initial stage, a person feels only slight discomfort in the anus, without giving it special significance. Most patients seek medical assistance only when the deformation and size of the venous plexuses reach critical values.

The disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Pain and burning in the anus.
  2. Sensation of a foreign object in the anus.
  3. Painful bowel movement. The pain goes away within a few minutes.
  4. Appearance near the anus small seals. Over time, they enlarge, becoming dense and painful.
  5. Mucous discharge. This is evidence that due to enlarged hemorrhoids, the sphincter has stopped closing.
  6. The appearance of blood in the stool.
  7. Involuntary defecation and flatulence.

If left untreated, the enlarged nodes fall out, causing pain and discomfort to the patient.

On initial stages illness is prescribed conservative treatment. It consists of using ointments, suppositories and lotions. Massage and physiotherapy have a good effect. When pathological changes in hemorrhoids become irreversible, surgery is performed. Removal of affected tissue is carried out by burning, freezing, squeezing and surgical excision.