Who is a dog tapeworm? Cucumber tapeworm in dogs (puppy): symptoms and treatment Cucumber tapeworm in dogs


Symptoms of cucumber tapeworm in dogs

The dog’s body may not be able to cope with them, reacting with allergic manifestations. Puppies experience worse the presence of this tapeworm in the body. Naturally, characteristic symptoms appear that indicate the presence of this worm:

  • Attacks of vomiting - the dog begins to vomit, its health noticeably worsens.
  • Stool disorders - cucumber tapeworm can cause both diarrhea and constipation, which equally negatively affects the condition of the animal.
  • The gastrointestinal tract organs cease to function fully; this occurs due to the accumulation of feces (if the invasion is accompanied by constipation), as well as the presence of several helminths in the small intestine.
  • The dog becomes lethargic, does not want to play, refuses to eat, even the most delicious food, which it previously ate with pleasure.
  • The animal becomes aggressive or irritated. Unconditional anger appears.
  • Puppies are stunted, become emaciated and thin.

If the owner notices that something is wrong with his pet, the condition is similar to the symptoms described, he should immediately contact a veterinarian for appropriate help. Self-treatment may not bring the desired results, since the owners cannot know for sure which worm is affecting their household.

Cucumber tapeworm (lat. Dipylidium caninum), or dog tapeworm, is a helminth from the class (tapeworms) that is the causative agent. The adult worm mainly parasitizes the body of a dog or cat, but is rarely found in humans. Human infection occurs through accidental ingestion of an infected flea, dog lice, or through the saliva of animals. Young children who come into contact with their pets are especially susceptible to the disease.

The cucumber tapeworm got its name because its proglottids (segments) are shaped like cucumbers, but they also look like grains of rice.

The cucumber tapeworm is not able to remain viable in the body of one host for more than 1 year.


Life cycle

Cucumber tapeworm is found not only in homeless animals. A pet can also be dangerous to humans, so it is important to remove fleas from it in a timely manner and carry out prevention with anthelmintic drugs.


Cucumber tapeworm is ubiquitous. The greatest threat of infection is observed in animal kennels and dog walking areas.

Young children and toddlers are at greater risk of infection due to their particularly close contact with pets. People become infected accidentally by ingesting an infected flea, pet saliva, or eating contaminated food.

Symptoms and treatment in pets

Cucumber tapeworm does not usually cause symptoms in dogs or cats, and most pets do not show any symptoms other than increased appetite. One of the possible signs may be the animal's attempts to rub its butt on the ground or floors in the house, which is caused by pain and itching when the mature segments of the worm come out along with the eggs.

The emerging segments of the cucumber tapeworm can move and are similar in appearance to the larvae of flies, with which they are sometimes confused.

For treatment, tablets that are sold in veterinary pharmacies and contain praziquantel are sufficient.

Cucumber tapeworm in humans



In most cases, the infection is asymptomatic. But sometimes these symptoms can be noticeable: mild diarrhea, bloating, colic, anxiety, constipation, dizziness, increased salivation, decreased appetite, abdominal and head pain, pale skin, itching and pain in the anus when proglottids come out, weight loss for no apparent reason .

The child may have released proglottids (worm segments), which remain active for some time and resemble larvae.


Treatment is carried out using a single dose of 5-10 mg/kg. Or, alternatively, niclosamide - 2g for adults as a single dose or divided into two parts and taken one hour apart.

The disease is caused by a tapeworm up to 70 cm long. The anterior segments are male organisms, the posterior segments are female. Mature proglottids, filled with eggs, detach from the body of the worm (strobili) and are excreted with feces. The segments look like cucumber seeds. They can move and push out eggs. The latter are swallowed by flea or lice larvae. Cysticerci form in the body of an arthropod. The dog swallows the insect, digests it, the young cestodes are released, stick to the intestinal wall, and feed on the contents. Growth and maturity takes about four weeks.

Danger to humans


The following clinical signs occur with dipilidia:

Diagnosis and treatment

There is no need for complex research. Clinical symptoms plus detection of segments are sufficient to make a final diagnosis.

The therapeutic strategy is developing in the following directions:

  • deworming;
  • elimination of complications;
  • flea control.




Dosage, number of tablets

Features of application

age, weeks



live weight, kg

Azinox plus

On the 11th day after lambing

Once, in the morning with food

5 kg tablet

Dirofen for puppies

1 kg pill

for adults small and medium

Contraindicated for puppies

5 kg tablet


10 kg tablet

Polyverkan (sugar cubes)

They give it by hand. Repeat after a decade


10 kg tablet

One time

1.5 kg tablet

Special instructions:

  1. Azinox+ is not prescribed to pregnant bitches during the first ten days after lambing. Incompatible with Piperazine.
  2. Alben S is not recommended for pregnant and lactating bitches, as well as cubs<3 месяцев.
  3. Dironet is contraindicated for puppies and lactating females.
  4. Drontal+ is not prescribed for the first 6 weeks of pregnancy.
  5. Kanikvantel+ is not prescribed to pregnant women.
  6. Polyverkan. Not recommended for animals with weight<5 кг, а также во время вынашивания приплода.
  7. Prazicide. Contraindicated in dogs< 10 кг, беременным сукам.
  8. Febtal. Recommended for small dogs.
  9. In case of severe infestation, Cestal+ is recommended to be reapplied after 2 weeks.

After deworming, feces are analyzed for oviworms and cestode fragments. Two weeks later the procedure is repeated. If the result is two times negative, the dog is considered recovered.

Elimination of complications

Flea control

  • destructive emulsions;
  • insecticidal sprays;
  • drops on the withers;
  • flea collars.

Arthropods lay eggs that are not affected by insecticides. They are scattered by fleas throughout the apartment. Therefore, it is necessary to thoroughly treat the premises with an insecticide twice, with an interval of 7–10 days.


Cucumber tapeworm is spread by fleas, lice, and lice. Therefore, regular disinsection is considered an important preventive measure. Another approach is to deworm dogs quarterly. Prevention must be taken seriously - the health of pets and children is at risk.

Cucumber tapeworm:

  • refers to a type of tapeworm;
  • When it enters the human body, it causes a disease called dipylidiasis.

It can exist in the human body for up to twelve months.

Children, who have the most frequent contact with animals, are most often susceptible to infection. The peak of infection occurs in summer and spring; cucumber tapeworm is most active at this time.

The structure of the cucumber tapeworm

Externally, the cucumber tapeworm is a gray-white tapeworm, the length of which can reach 70 centimeters. The body of the worm is equipped with four suckers and a proboscis, and it also has eight hooks, with the help of which it is able to attach to the intestinal walls.

Ways of infection with cucumber tapeworm:

  1. Contact. Adults that are in the animal's body can crawl out through the pet's anus. Next, they become attached to his fur, after which there is a possibility of infection upon contact. This is the first scenario.
  2. Through fleas. The second method of infection has already been mentioned - this is through fleas, which can be infected.

In principle, infection with cucumber tapeworm does not pose a serious threat to the human body. Basically, the disease goes away without any specific treatment.

Allergic manifestations are quite rare, but in some cases itching, decreased performance, and anaphylactic shock can be an extreme case. If the disease continues for too long, it can lead to anemia and death.

Unfortunately, it is quite difficult to detect cucumber tapeworm in the body, since most often its presence is asymptomatic.

Treatment should be started immediately! Protect yourself and your loved ones!

Diagnosis of infestation

There is a specialized Fulleborn method, with the help of which diagnostics is carried out; the analysis is carried out several times, since eggs and adults are released periodically. Using this method, the degree of the disease is determined.

Based on the examination results, the doctor prescribes treatment.

We have 2 dogs and a cat at home, and we regularly take preventive measures against helminth infection. We really like the product because it is completely natural, and this is important for prevention."


Most often, treatment takes place at home. Any treatment of the disease must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

The course of treatment should be calculated individually for each patient, and the following parameters should be taken into account:

  • The patient's weight.
  • Age category.
  • Intensity of infection.
  • Presence of concomitant diseases.

Praziquantel: dosage

The drug has a wide spectrum of action and is available in tablet form. The components of the drug are absorbed into the walls of the stomach, three hours after administration, reaching maximum concentration in the body. Excretion from the body occurs in urine and feces.

Contraindications for use are:

  1. Age category under four years.
  2. First trimester of pregnancy.
  3. Liver dysfunction.

Fenasal: dosage

Approximately the dosage looks like this:

  • Children under 2 years of age are prescribed the drug with caution, 2 tablets per day.
  • Children from 2 to 5 years old are recommended to take 4 tablets.
  • From 5 to 12 years old, 6 tablets are prescribed.
  • From 12 years of age, tablet intake can vary from 8 to 12 tablets per day.

Fenasal is taken on an empty stomach, after chewing thoroughly, and it is recommended to take it with plenty of liquid. The course can be repeated in a month.

The drug has contraindications and is usually not prescribed:

  1. during pregnancy;
  2. when breastfeeding;
  3. with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Additional drugs

Sometimes doctors prescribe other drugs to treat tapeworm, for example, Albendazole or Mebendazole, the dosage is calculated based on the weight of the sick person.

There are several options:

  • A paste of pumpkin seeds and vegetable oil, 300 grams of pumpkin seeds are crushed and mixed with oil, taken on an empty stomach. One dose will be enough.
  • An infusion made from tansy. Tansy flowers are used as raw materials, pour boiling water over them and leave for one hour. The infusion is taken three times a day.

Prognosis and possible complications

The main complications may be associated with the functioning of the digestive tract:

However, if diagnosis and treatment are carried out in time, then it is possible to get rid of the consequences of its vital activity very quickly.


Preventive measures should primarily be aimed at pets, which are carriers of cucumber tapeworm:

  • First of all, it is necessary to exclude fleas, so wearing a specialized collar is a prerequisite; you can also periodically carry out prevention using flea drops.
  • Prevention of worms in animals is also necessary.
  • You need to remember about cleanliness, and when it comes to cats, then regular disinfection of the cat litter box is a must.
  • After contact with an animal, you must wash your hands, not to mention the fact that you should not touch pets.
  • If you suspect an infection, you should immediately consult a doctor, since wasting time and self-medication can lead to the development of serious illnesses.

The key to health is hygiene, this must always be remembered, and cleanliness should concern not only a person, but his pet.

On the scolex, the worm has 4 suckers, a proboscis, and 8 rows of hooks, which it needs to stay on the intestinal walls and display pathogenic properties. Each segment is filled with small cocoons; eggs develop inside them. If the tapeworm segment has independent activity, it can break out into the external environment, and the eggs come out.

The cucumber tapeworm is ubiquitous and has been detected in different countries of the world, including the territory of the former Soviet Union. Most patients are concentrated in places where:

  1. accumulation of stray animals;
  2. unsanitary conditions.

Infection occurs at any time of the year.

  • they are an intermediate host;
  • pathogenic forms of the worm are formed in their body.

After penetrating the small intestine, worm eggs cling to its walls; after 20 days, the sexually mature stage begins, when:

  1. cucumber tapeworm exhibits its pathogenic properties;
  2. clinical manifestations of the disease increase.

The presence of cucumber tapeworm in the human body is the exception rather than the norm. But in any case, it is necessary to know the symptoms of dipilidia, especially if there are small children in the home who are in close contact with animals infected with fleas. We previously answered the question - if there are fleas, then there are worms, so this is a pressing problem.

The patient will note excessive nervous excitability, itching in the anus, most often at night, when the worms are released into the external environment. Due to poor appetite, a sick person rapidly loses body weight.

If alarming signs are detected, you must:

  1. doctor consultation;
  2. taking tests;
  3. adequate treatment.

Cucumber tapeworm (dipylidium) is in any case dangerous to health and life; without proper timely treatment, dipylidia in humans will lead to complications.

Complications in such cases affect the organs of the digestive system; this may be an inflammatory process in the gallbladder, duodenum, small and large intestines, pancreas, or renal colic.

At first glance, it may seem that borage is not particularly dangerous for the human body, but this is not so. If the diagnosis is not made in a timely manner, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract organs, rapid weight loss, and dehydration may occur.

If this happens, there are always problems with the intestinal absorption of nutrients that are necessary for life.

The dosage of the medication depends on a number of factors and should be determined individually, taking into account:

  • age, weight of the patient;
  • the presence of chronic diseases, complications;
  • duration of stay of the tapeworm in the body;
  • predisposition to allergies;
  • drug tolerance.

As an alternative, the doctor can prescribe Fenasal; this remedy also effectively fights cucumber tapeworm. With timely treatment, the prognosis for a sick person is always favorable. The very next day of treatment, the patient will notice a significant improvement in well-being and a decrease in symptoms. After a full course of medication, the person is completely healthy.

A lighter diet will help avoid overloading the intestines.

If a person previously suffered from problems with intestinal activity, it is recommended that he take a course of restorative agents.

You can protect yourself from dipilidia in various ways; first of all, you should remember certain rules. If there are animals in the house, the owners have an increased risk of contracting cucumber tapeworm.

To prevent this from happening, it is important to systematically anthelmintize the animal, bathe it regularly, and destroy fleas.

  • refuse food;
  • be too lethargic, nervous.

Due to hunger, his digestion is disrupted, constipation or diarrhea begins. If a young cat or dog is sick, the size of its abdominal cavity increases, despite rapid weight loss. This can lead to the development of intestinal obstruction.

Other obvious symptoms of infection are the presence of active tapeworm segments in the animal's feces, which look like cucumbers, and fly larvae. With severe infestation, the animal is stunted in growth, its immunity decreases, and the incidence of other diseases increases.