Fish oil and fish oil: differences and myths. For the pancreas. International standards for fish oil purity

Most people know what it is fish fat. He was forced to use a large number of children to strengthen the immune system and to obtain other beneficial effects from this product. Not long ago, a new product called “ fish oil" For many people, this product raises questions, the answers to which can be found in this article.

Fish oil is obtained, mainly from the liver of fish, most often cod. A lot of it is found in marine fish from the cold waters of the world's oceans. He's no different high quality, because it is extracted from the liver of fish or from whole fish and may contain harmful elements.

How is it mined?

Its extraction can be done in two ways:

Composition and properties

Most often, fish oil looks like vegetable oil, that is, a thick liquid with a light yellow or reddish color. The main difference is characteristic fishy smell and taste. His chemical composition is a mixture of glycerol esters and acids: more than 70% is oleic acid, about 25% palmitic, about 5% polyunsaturated fatty acid omega-6 group and about 10% omega-3. In small quantities it may contain stearic, acetic, butyric, valeric, capric and some other acids, which in total can reach 1–2%.

Its properties depend on the composition of the product. The main property is that it is easily oxidized, due to which it shows the greatest absorption and penetration through the pores of cell membranes, which leads to the fact that its absorption by the body is the best among all.


It's no secret that any growing body needs a large amount of vitamins and minerals. One of the richest useful substances products Can you call it fish oil?. Besides the fact that it helps in the growth and strengthening of the child’s bones, it mental development, it also protects against diseases such as rickets.

It is rare to find a product created specifically for children in pharmacies. However, it is not necessary to buy them specifically. Regular product, in capsules or liquid form, is great for both adults and children. The main difference between children's is that it has different flavors.

Beneficial effects of fish oil on a child:

  • Availability large quantity vitamins allows you to achieve following effects: improved absorption of phosphorus and calcium, necessary for strengthening bones, strengthening cell membranes, which are important primarily for allergy sufferers who have increased sensitivity cells, it also slows down vision deterioration, splitting of nails, and the vitamins contained in fish oil help blood clot.
  • Better growth of bones and teeth.
  • Proper functioning of the kidneys and central nervous system.
  • Reduces fatigue and protects the child from mental retardation.
  • Formation of brain cells, strengthening the immune system, normal development and the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Fish oil capsules are allowed for children over 3 years of age. Until this time, they can only be given liquid.

Among the fish oil producers we can highlight three manufacturers of the medical drug:

How to choose

First of all, when buying fish oil, you should not be shy and ask the seller for a certificate. It contains information about what was used as raw materials and confirmation of the absence of toxins.

When buying such a product, it is better to give preference to the one whose label says “Medical fish oil.” You also need to look at the composition. Special attention you need to pay attention to the percentage of Omega-3 fatty acids. It is desirable that it be at a level of 15 to 30 percent.

It's best to take the product Norwegian manufacturer. The best fish oil is ocean oil, because the fish there are fattier. It is very important not to forget to check the expiration date. On average it should be two years.


Price medicine varies greatly and depends on many factors, for example, the country of manufacture and the form of release.

Its cost per capsule varies from 85 rubles to 1 thousand rubles for 100 pieces. This is due to the fact that the first ones are manufactured in Russia, and the more expensive ones abroad. When choosing a product of this kind, you should first look at quality, not price.

Difference between fish oil and fish oil

Fish oil, which appeared not so long ago, is not much different from fish oil. Main difference The fact is that the Omega-3 content in fish oil is in smaller quantities compared to fish oil, but it contains more vitamins.

Fish oil is made from the liver of cod fish and Lately it began to be considered harmful because the fish’s liver passes through great amount harmful substances.

Fish oil, in turn, extracted from fish muscles, which are not exposed great influence pollutants and other harmful substances. We can say that fish oil is fish oil from fish meat.

However, despite this, you should not give up fish oil. You just need to be more careful about your choice and choose trusted manufacturers.

As you can see the difference between fish and fish product only as part of. There is also a slight difference in price. The first one costs a little less than the second one.

Fish and fish oil. What is the difference? Fish oil is good
people of the older generation remember from kindergartens.
Now there is fish oil and fish oil. What is the difference?

fish and fish oil. difference.

Fish oil is well remembered by representatives of the older generation - it was this fish oil that we were all treated to in kindergartens, and some people also received fish oil at school.

So here it is fish fat is a product that is obtained from the liver of fish. The liver, alas, contains a lot of toxins and this makes the product “dirty” and difficult to clean. That is why in Soviet time They stopped giving fish oil in preschool institutions.

It's a completely different matter fish oil- this is the name of the product obtained from fish meat. It is of much higher quality and clean. But, as a consequence of the high cost of raw materials, fish oil is an expensive product.

So the conclusions: fish oil is a supplement made from fish liver, a toxic product that is best avoided if possible. Fish oil is a product obtained from fish meat. It's expensive, but it's best to use it if possible.

fish and fish oil video

How to choose your fish oil?

When you are going to buy yourself a jar of fish or fish oil, always look at the content of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid. They are sometimes referred to as EPA or DHA, as well as EPA - DHA.

How more content these acids, so better supplement. If the packaging does not indicate the exact contents, this is very bad sign. Most likely they are going to sell you bullshit.

Previously, all children were given fish oil. Then they allegedly found something bad in him, and he disappeared. And now FISH oil has appeared in pharmacies. How is it different from fish?

K. Batova, Kaluga

Answered by Irina Zakharova, Professor, Head of the Department of Pediatrics of the Russian medical academy postgraduate education:

Fish oil, the taste of which we have known since childhood, is an extract from the liver of fish.

Previously, it was actually recommended to all children as a general strengthening and immunostimulating agent. Then studies were conducted that showed that consuming such fat in large quantities may have a negative effect on the liver and kidneys. Therefore, fish oil, which appeared on the market relatively recently, is extracted from the flesh of fish adjacent to muscle tissue, which eliminates the shortcomings of its predecessor.

Thus, fish oil exists in two forms, depending on the product from which it is obtained - from the liver or from the muscles of the fish. That fish oil, which most of us are familiar with from not the most pleasant childhood memories, is an extract from the liver of fish. It is a source of vitamins A, E, D. They are used in pediatrics to prevent rickets. Oil obtained from fish muscles is known among experts as<рыбный жир>. This is a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids, the complex of which is called Omega-3.

The “second coming” of fish oil is precisely due to the fact that “fish oil” was discovered. Today it is becoming increasingly popular.

Fish oil is obtained from the liver of Atlantic cod and other fish. The product is a source of vitamins A and D.

Fish oil was used in the 18th to 20th centuries to treat and prevent rickets, a disease caused by a lack of vitamin D.

Fish oil is sold in stores healthy food as vitamin supplement. It is used as a remedy for joint pain and for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Composition and calorie content of fish oil

Fish oil is a mixture of fatty acid glycerides and contains many vitamins.

Other minerals and vitamins are found in fish oil in more modest quantities.

Calorie content of fish oil is 1684 kcal per 100 g.

What form does fish oil come in?

Fish oil is marketed in 2 forms: capsules and liquid.

In liquid form, the product is packaged in glass bottles dark in color to prevent it from being destroyed by light.

Capsules are made from gelatin. The benefits of fish oil in capsules do not change, but it is more convenient to use in this form. Fish oil capsules smell less fishy, ​​especially if they are placed in the freezer before use.

The beneficial properties of fish oil are known to people living in Northern Europe. They used it to boost immunity and protection during long winters. The product helped with rheumatism, joint and muscle pain.

The unique properties of fish oil relieve inflammation, reduce arthritis pain, suppress anxiety and depression, and ensure brain and eye function.

For bones and joints

Fish oil helps with muscle pain and cramps. It replaces the use of certain non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

Lifelong consumption of fish oil increases bone mineral density in old age. It is especially important for women to take fish oil - it helps avoid osteoporosis during the postmenopausal period.

For the heart and blood vessels

Taking fish oil daily reduces the risk of heart disease and hypertension. The product improves vascular health, reduces lipids and reduces the risk of cholesterol plaques.

For nerves and brain

Autism, multiple sclerosis, insomnia, migraine, depression, schizophrenia - diseases that fish oil helps prevent. It reduces anxiety, improves cerebral blood flow and inhibits the development of Alzheimer's disease.

Fish oil in the form of dietary supplements prevents aggression under stressful conditions.

For eyes

Fish oil contains a lot of vitamin A, so regular use You are not at risk of hearing loss or myopia.

For the lungs

Fish oil – a remedy for upper respiratory diseases respiratory tract, flu, colds, tuberculosis and asthma.

For the gastrointestinal tract and liver

Vitamin D in fish oil reduces the risk of colon cancer, obesity and Crohn's disease.

For the pancreas

The supplement prevents type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

For the reproductive system

Fish oil improves the functioning of the reproductive system – stable hormonal levels due to the presence of Omega-3 fatty acids.

Vitamin E reduces the likelihood of developing cystic fibrosis.

For skin

Fish oil is effective for external use against psoriasis and eczema.

Internal use reduces the risk of sunburn.

For immunity

Fish oil protects against cancer, sepsis, inflammation and premature aging. The product acts as an antioxidant and relieves inflammation.

Fish oil is good for heart and brain health. It is capable of preventing mental disorders and reduce symptoms of schizophrenia, support skin and liver health.

Almost all brands of fish oil contain 400 to 1,200 IU per tablespoon of vitamin D and 4,000 to 30,000 IU of vitamin A.

Dosages of fish oil vary depending on the purpose of supplementation. For general health 250 mg of fish oil is sufficient, which can be obtained by eating fish.

If the goal is to fight disease, then 6 g. fish oil throughout the day will be most effective.

The more fish oil you get from foods, the less you need to add to your diet.

For the average person, it is better to get about 500 mg per day, while for the treatment and prevention of heart disease it should be increased to 4000 mg.

Pregnant women should increase their fish oil intake by at least 200 mg per day.

It is better to discuss the correct dose with your doctor.

Fish oil for weight loss

Fish oil does not directly affect body weight. It accelerates metabolism, heals the liver, blood vessels and digestive organs. Such healthy body loses weight faster.

The best fish oil manufacturers

The main countries producing fish oil are Norway, Japan, Iceland and Russia. During the manufacturing process, fermentation is important, which makes nutrients more accessible. Some manufacturers add flavor enhancers, others - natural extract mint or lemon.

Who among us did not drink fish oil as a child? The question, of course, is rhetorical, since most of today's adults mandatory accepted him into early childhood and forever remembered not too much pleasant taste. Modern children are largely spared from such a test. Fish oil now has a substitute that every caring parent has on their kitchen shelf - omega-3. This product is marketed as the most useful dietary supplement(biologically active additive) and a panacea for many diseases, especially important for the development child's body. She pushed the unloved but familiar fish oil into the background. Is it correct? Let's figure out how fish oil differs from omega-3 and should we write off a veteran?

Fish oil – where does it come from?

Fish oil is extracted industrially from the liver sea ​​fish. The main supplier of this extremely valuable extract is cod. There are 3 types of fish oil:

  1. Technical (brown) - used only for non-food purposes.
  2. Surrogate (yellow) – can be used as a technical product, and also as a food additive (after thorough cleaning).
  3. Medical (white) – the main and most known variety of this product. Intended for medical purposes and oral administration.

It is a clear, oily liquid with a noticeable odor and taste of fish ( we're talking about about medical fat). Let us list the main components included in its composition:

  1. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3).
  2. Vitamins E, D, A.
  3. Microelements magnesium, potassium, iron, manganese and chlorine.

Medical science calls it a regulator of vitamin-calcium-phosphorus metabolism. The benefits of fish oil are undeniable. It is used as aid V complex therapy atherosclerosis, stimulates hair growth and restoration, improves the condition of skin and nails. This natural remedy helps in the treatment of burns and wounds, strengthens bones and teeth, increases resistance immune system. Indications for its use are:

  • Rickets.
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Poor color perception and reduced visibility in semi-darkness.
  • Chronic acute respiratory infections and colds.

There are also some contraindications:

  • Enlarged thyroid gland.
  • Cholelithiasis or urolithiasis.
  • A significant increase in the level of calcium and vitamin D in the body (hypervitaminosis).

Today, fish oil is widely used as dietary product, which normalizes the metabolic balance in the body and harmlessly promotes weight loss.

In general, we can talk for a long time about the benefits of such a unique and natural remedy, supporting our health. However, this is not an advertising article, which means let’s move on to another, also very interesting food additive– omega-3.

Omega-3 – a panacea or a scam?

What is this?

In biochemistry there is such a concept - unsaturated fatty acids. These include polyunsaturated fatty acids known as omega-3. The main representatives are:

  1. Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).
  2. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
  3. Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA).

Omega-3 can be found in both plant and animal substances, and specifically in fish. ALA belongs to the plant category (one of the most saturated is considered linseed oil). The fish group includes EPA and DHA. Largest quantity these acids are contained in fatty varieties fish. His highest concentration EPA and DHA are found in fish oil.


Now attention! Omega-3 is one of the components of fish oil and therefore only provides part of its benefits. It does not contain all the microelements contained in fish oil, and, accordingly, it does not have all of it useful properties. This is one of the main differences between fish oil and omega-3. This means that such an additive is useful and necessary, but is inferior in effectiveness natural fat from fish. “This is one of the main differences between omega-3 and fish oil.”)

On the other hand, this nuance makes omega-3 safer, because it has, accordingly, fewer contraindications than its parent. For example, it can be used for hypervitaminosis, naturally, after consulting a doctor.


Let's make a table and see what we got.

The table gave us a clear, visual representation of the difference between fish oil and omega-3. Although omega-3 is an element that is also found in abundance in fish oil, it is not the same thing. Therefore, you should have a good understanding of the purposes for which you are going to use them. It is best to consult a doctor or an experienced nutritionist. This will give you the most confidence effective use these additives.