Increased ESR in a child. What does this mean, what are the reasons, what should I do? The norm of ESR in the blood of children and what to do if the value is elevated. The value of ESR in a blood test in a child.

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR for short) is detected during a complete blood count (hereinafter referred to as CBC). The measurement is made in millimeters per hour (hereinafter mm/h). Thanks to ESR, doctors identify pathologies (infectious or oncological) in advance. In our material we will highlight the norm among the younger generation, as well as the features of increasing or decreasing ESR.

After birth, babies have a low erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) because newborns have a reduced metabolism. At the same time, ESR is an unstable indicator. For example, at the age of 27-30 days it is worth observing a sharp increase in ESR, and then a decrease follows again.

Important! Boys have a lower ESR than girls.

It is worth studying what ESR indicators children have at different ages in the following table:

The ESR level changes in the afternoon, so it is necessary to take tests in the morning until noon. Doctors recommend taking a CBC test at least once a year. If there is a disease (infectious or viral), the pediatrician will reschedule tests after complete recovery.

If the ESR increases by 15 points, treatment is carried out for at least 2 weeks. With an increase to 30 mm/h, recovery will take more than 2 months. At a speed of more than 40 m/h, it is worth treating a serious illness.

If ESR levels increase, the doctor prescribes other procedures to identify pathologies, for example:

  • cardiogram;
  • biochemistry;
  • X-ray of organs;
  • repeat blood test;
  • urine and stool analysis.

Then the doctor studies all the indicators, since an increase in ESR is only a sign of damage to the body.

There are factors that lead to false results, for example: excess weight; taking vitamins; allergy; decrease in hemoglobin.

In addition, sometimes doctors observe a phenomenon such as red blood cells sticking together, but no pathology is detected during examination. Consequently, doctors do not prescribe treatment, since this fact is an individual characteristic of the body.

You can learn more about increasing ESR levels in the following video:

ESR is below normal

A decrease in ESR is less common than an increase. But such violations lead to serious illnesses.

Thus, the main reasons for a decrease in ESR include:

- circulatory disorders (anemia, spherocytosis, aniocytosis);

- low level of coagulation;

- hepatitis (liver inflammation);

— epilepsy is a disease leading to nervous convulsions or seizures;

— exhaustion or poisoning;

- heart diseases;

— taking medications (aspirin, calcium chloride and other drugs);

- intestinal infection.

If the ESR decreases, the analysis must be repeated after 2 weeks. In case of prolonged deviation, you need to contact a pediatrician who determines the cause of the disorder and prescribes treatment.

Some doctors argue that a low ESR level does not always indicate pathology, especially when the child maintains a healthy diet and sleep schedule. False results can be obtained based on factors such as allergies, increased body weight, excess cholesterol, and hepatitis vaccination.

The results of ESR are an integral part of the CBC, indicating possible pathologies in the body of children. Parents need to pay attention to an increase or increase in the level of ESR in order to prevent the development of serious pathology in time. Therefore, study the ESR norms among children in our material.

A general, or clinical, blood test includes the determination of several indicators, each of which reveals a specific aspect of the condition of the child’s body. One of the lines of the table in the form obtained as a result of the procedure is indicated by the abbreviation “ESR” and often raises questions among mothers - what does it mean and how to determine whether this indicator is within the normal range? Let's try to understand this issue.

What is ESR and what is its norm in children’s blood tests?

This abbreviation stands for “erythrocyte sedimentation rate.” ESR allows you to estimate the average mass of red blood cells. The time it takes for the cells to sink to the bottom of a special flask depends on the weight of the red blood cells. It is impossible to make a specific diagnosis based on ESR alone. However, doctors can draw a conclusion about the condition of the body by jointly assessing the erythrocyte sedimentation rate and other indicators of a general blood test.

In most medical institutions, ESR in children is determined by one of two common analysis options - the Panchenkov or Westergren method.

In the first case, blood taken from a child's finger is mixed with a special substance that prevents clotting. The resulting mixture is placed in thin test tubes, so-called glass capillaries, in order to measure the height of the lightened column of blood plasma cleared of settled red blood cells after an hour.

The Westergren method is considered more accurate. The main difference between this method and the one described above is that blood is taken not from a finger, but from a vein. When collecting capillary blood, some external factors may reduce the accuracy of the result obtained. For example, cold or physical activity often lead to vasospasm - as a result, the characteristics of the material change, and the results of the analysis for determining ESR in children become less accurate. The use of venous blood helps to avoid such distortion. Otherwise, the Westergren method is not much different from the Panchenkov method: there are some discrepancies in the ratio of preservative and pure blood during the mixing process, and glass capillaries are replaced by special graduated test tubes.

The normal ESR for newborns is considered to be 2–4 mm/h; from 1 to 12 months the boundaries are much wider – from 3 to 10 mm/h. For children aged 1 to 5 years, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is 5–11 mm/h. At an older age, the norm depends on the gender of the child. ESR in boys aged 6 to 14 years should be in the range of 4–12 mm/h, and in girls – 5–13 mm/h.

Blood collection procedure

A general blood test for ESR in a child can be both part of preventive procedures and a diagnostic measure in identifying inflammatory diseases at an early stage.

It is not difficult to prepare a child for the test - blood is taken in the morning on an empty stomach, and the night before you need to limit the baby only to eating foods with a high fat content. By the way, there are no dietary restrictions for newborns. Doctors do not recommend taking a general blood test if the small patient is tired or depressed - these factors can affect the accuracy of the results.

Red blood cells have the ability to deform - by changing their shape, they can move through vessels whose diameter is smaller than the cell itself.

A laboratory technician or doctor carries out the procedure wearing disinfected or disposable rubber gloves, using sterile instruments. Most often, blood is taken from the fourth finger of the left hand, carefully wiping it with a cotton swab moistened with alcohol to eliminate the risk of infection. Using a special instrument, the doctor makes an incision on the baby’s finger, wipes the escaping blood with a cotton swab, and then puts a few drops on a glass plate with a recess that already contains the reagent. The doctor pours the resulting mixture into a glass capillary and then sets it in a vertical position to measure the level of settled red blood cells after an hour.

This whole procedure lasts no more than 10 minutes. Since blood collection involves an injection, the procedure cannot be called absolutely painless. Therefore, it is important to talk to the child in advance and explain in a way that is understandable to him that there is no need to be afraid of the doctor - this way you will reduce the child’s anxiety level.

Decoding the results of a blood test for ESR in children

As we have already noted, an increased or decreased level of ESR can be the result of various natural causes not associated with diseases. For example, exceeding the normal ESR limit may indicate an inflammatory process in the child’s body, infectious diseases, injuries, disorders of the immune system, as well as the consumption of large amounts of fatty foods or the period of teething.

A low ESR often means poor blood clotting and circulation problems. If the baby has recently suffered severe poisoning, exhaustion or dehydration, then the erythrocyte sedimentation rate may be below normal. Also, a low ESR may indicate viral hepatitis.

What to do if the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is increased or decreased?

First of all, don't panic. If all other indicators of the general blood test are in order, and the baby’s well-being has not changed for the worse, then, most likely, fluctuations in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate are caused by external factors. But in order to make sure that the child’s health is not in danger, you can take a repeat blood test for ESR after some time, for example, after 2-3 weeks. If the indicator does not return to normal, you should consult a doctor - most likely, he will prescribe clarifying diagnostic procedures based on the general condition of the child.

The processes occurring in a child’s body in one way or another affect the composition and quality of blood. That is why tests for ESR, levels of platelets, leukocytes and other blood cells should become a regular procedure for children, because diseases identified at an early stage are much easier to treat. It should also be borne in mind that the result of the study can only be deciphered by an experienced doctor.

Let's find out what ESR is, what is the norm in children, and should we worry if the criterion deviates?

The normal erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is a laboratory criterion determined during a general blood test in children. The need for determination is due to its high sensitivity to any pathological changes in the child’s body. However, ESR is characterized by extremely low specificity and cannot be used as the main diagnostic test.

This is due to the fact that the level of ESR can increase with autoimmune pathologies, infectious diseases, post-traumatic conditions, severe stress, etc.

Due to their negative charge, red blood cells (erythrocytes) repel each other and do not stick together. When the immune system is activated, active synthesis of protective proteins begins: blood clotting factor I and immunoglobulins of various classes. Both factors influence ESR and act as a connecting “bridge” for red blood cells.

As a result, the process of red blood cell clumping is activated. The resulting aggregates of red blood cells are much heavier than individual cells and settle faster in the liquid medium of the blood.

Thus, the presence of specific proteins is the first sign of activation of the immune response to infection or internal pathologies, and an increase in ESR is additional confirmation of this process.

On what factors does a child’s ESR depend?

The ESR indicator in children is extremely sensitive to many external and internal factors. Among them, the quantitative content of protective specific proteins in the bloodstream that respond to infectious microorganisms and tumor neoplasms.

An increase in low-density lipoproteins (“bad cholesterol”), the bile pigment bilirubin and bile acids also has an effect. In this case, there is a significant increase in ESR.

The main causes of increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate are infectious diseases, tumors and autoimmune inflammatory processes.

How to take an ESR test for children?

The accuracy and reliability of the result depends on how correctly the preanalytical stage (preparation and collection of biomaterial) is implemented. According to statistics, on average, more than 70% of errors are made at this stage. The consequence is the need for a repeat blood test, and the procedure for taking biomaterial is unpleasant for children.

Biomaterial for ESR analysis:

  • venous blood taken from the cubital vein on the child’s elbow;
  • capillary blood that collects from the baby’s ring finger or heel.

Venous blood is collected using a sterile vacuum system and a butterfly needle, which significantly speeds up and makes the procedure as safe as possible. The advantage of a vacuum system: no contact of blood with the external environment and minimal risk of hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells in a test tube), which makes analysis impossible.

Capillary blood is collected using a scarifier with a needle stop. Modern scarifiers for children control the depth of needle insertion and automatically hide the blade after a puncture, making it impossible to reuse.

After the puncture, the first drop of blood is removed with a clean cotton swab, and collection begins with the second drop. This technique allows you to prevent random impurities from entering the test tube. Special pressure or squeezing of the child’s finger should be avoided, which can lead to distortion of the analysis result.

Preference should be given to venous blood, since the risk of premature clotting or hemolysis is significantly reduced compared to capillary blood.

How to prepare a child for analysis?

The collection of biomaterial is carried out in the morning, preferably on an empty stomach. For infants, a minimum interval after the last meal of 2 hours is allowed, for children under 5 years old - 5-6 hours, for older patients it is necessary to wait at least 8 hours.

Important: to facilitate blood collection, the child should be given unsweetened water. This will make the blood less viscous and reduce the risk of false results.

It is important that the child is in a calm state. If possible, it should be explained that the procedure will not cause harm and is necessary for his health, and the unpleasant sensation from the injection is not strong and short-lived.

ESR norms in children by age in the table

The results of the blood test must be deciphered by the attending physician, and the information in this section is presented for informational purposes only.

The ESR norm for a child is selected taking into account age. In addition, it is impossible to establish a final diagnosis based on one parameter, so the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is assessed in conjunction with other studies (complete blood count).

The table shows the norm of ESR in the blood of children by age according to the Panchenkov method.

For example, if the results of a blood test for a 5-year-old child indicate an ESR of 10 mm/h, then this is considered normal.

It should be noted that the normal ESR in a blood test for children is 3, 5, 10, etc. years is identical for both sexes. The indicator has no gender differences. However, in girls during menstruation, the indicator may increase to the upper limits of normal.

Detection of an ESR of 16 mm/h in a child over 15 years of age is considered acceptable. In this case, the analysis should be repeated after a few weeks.

Why does ESR increase in children?

The reasons for the increase in the indicator are different, so only a doctor can prescribe treatment.

When collecting a medical history of a small patient, data from laboratory and instrumental research methods, as well as the presence and severity of symptoms of the disease are taken into account. As necessary, the most complete family history of the child is collected, taking into account genetic predisposition to hereditary pathologies.

It should be understood that a slight deviation from the norm has no diagnostic significance. So, if a one-year-old child has an ESR of 11 mm/h, then this is considered acceptable and may indicate a recent infection (the test must be repeated after 2 weeks).

The most common cause of increased ESR is an infectious disease, predominantly of a bacterial nature.

Inflammatory processes of various localizations, burns of varying degrees and mechanical injuries are also among the reasons for deviation of the criterion from the norm.

Also, the level of erythrocyte sedimentation rate may increase if the patient has malignant diseases. A significant excess of the norm is observed in the following oncopathologies:

  • multiple myeloma (Rustitsky-Kale disease), localized in the bone marrow. In this case, the value of the criterion reaches critical values. The disease is characterized by excessive production of pathological proteins, leading to the formation of “coin columns” - multiple aggregation of red blood cells;
  • Lymphogranulomatosis (Hodgkin's disease) affects people regardless of gender and age. This pathology affects lymphoid tissues. The ESR level is of primary importance not for identifying pathology, but for determining its course and assessing the effectiveness of selected therapeutic methods.

Other malignant neoplasms are also accompanied by an upward deviation from the norm. There is a direct correlation (dependence) between the degree of criterion deviation and the stage of cancer. Thus, the highest ESR values ​​are characteristic of the terminal stage and the spread of metastases to neighboring organs and tissues.

Reasons for decreased ESR in a child

A low ESR is usually of no clinical significance. Most often, this situation occurs during fasting, low muscle mass, following a vegetarian diet, etc.

In rare cases, a similar situation occurs in the case of a pathological change in the morphology of red blood cells, preventing their deposition. Among them:

  • hereditary Minkowski-Choffard disease (spherocytosis), in which hemolysis of red blood cells occurs against the background of genetically determined damage to structural proteins in their membrane;
  • Sickle cell anemia is a congenital disease in which red blood cells become elongated.

A variant of the physiological norm is a temporary decrease in the indicator in a child as a result of prolonged diarrhea, dehydration or after vomiting. However, after the body is restored, the ESR value should return to within acceptable limits.

Methods for restoring ESR in children

In order to choose the right therapy, it is first necessary to determine the exact reason why the indicator is outside the normal range. Due to the low specificity of the criterion, the doctor prescribes additional diagnostics:

  • determining the value of C-reactive protein, which makes it possible to establish the fact of inflammation and differentiate a viral infection from a bacterial one;
  • a comprehensive biochemical blood test that allows you to evaluate the functioning of all systems and organs;
  • evaluate other indicators of a general blood test (in particular, a detailed leukocyte formula);
  • analysis for the presence of helminths, as well as cysts and vegetative forms of protozoan microorganisms;
  • Ultrasound of various organs;
  • fluoroscopic examination of the lungs.

Further recommendations for non-compliance with ESR standards depend on the identified cause. Thus, a bacterial infection can be treated with antibiotics. Important: antibacterial drugs are selected exclusively by the child’s attending physician, taking into account the minimum acceptable age for the drug and the presence of contraindications.

In 2015 At the Institute of Cellular and Intracellular Symbiosis of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, she completed advanced training in the additional professional program “Bacteriology”.

Laureate of the All-Russian competition for the best scientific work in the category "Biological Sciences" 2017.

Regular determination of the normal erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) in the blood of children is one of the ways to monitor health. The study of ESR can detect the presence of pathology at the earliest stage of its development. The specific form of the disease is determined by the pediatrician during a more detailed examination.

The ESR norm in children, which can only be detected by a blood test, indicates optimal indicators that prepare for a sufficient rate of adhesion of blood cells to each other.

Here we mean only red blood cells. Blood for this relatively painless procedure is used exclusively venous and is taken from the veins or capillaries of the upper and lower extremities.

There is no therapy that can level out abnormal ESR data in children and adults. This requires identification of the disease, if it exists, and its full treatment. Only then will erythrocyte sedimentation become normal over time.

In modern practice, three methods are used to determine the ESR norm in children:

  • Panchenkov method;
  • Wintrobe method;
  • Westergren method

The principle of all these procedures is approximately the same. They are a nonspecific test for the presence in the body of malignant neoplasms and other pathological changes of an inflammatory nature, including those caused by any infection.

Blood collection

The main features of the methods are only in the methods of blood sampling:

  • ESR according to Panchenkov, biomaterial is extracted from the finger;
  • according to Wintrob - from a vein;
  • Westergren's method involves two options: blood from a vein or from the heel.

For the needs of the researcher in the latter case, no more than two drops are required. They are applied to a special paper indicator.

In digital terms, ESR is expressed in millimeters of red blood cells deposited within an hour at the bottom of an elongated glass tube mounted vertically on a stand, after diluting the plasma of the biomaterial under study with a special citrate that dissolves ordinary blood.

Standard conditions for carrying out these studies:

  • diameter and length of blood tubes (2.55 and 300 millimeters, respectively);
  • temperature range - from 18 to 25 degrees Celsius;
  • analysis time limit is an hour.

Carrying out analysis

Analysis steps:

  1. collecting venous blood from the patient;
  2. adding 5% sodium citrate to the sample in the proportion of 1 dose of citrate to 4 blood;
  3. adding the solution into vertically mounted test tubes;
  4. start the timer separately for each test tube for exactly 1 hour.

The separation of plasma into a transparent and dark mass, representing a concentrate of red blood cells, occurs due to sodium citrate. It coagulates the serum. As a result of this, heavier fractions, under the force of their gravity, end up at the bottom.

The process occurs in four phases:

  1. on the first - only the heaviest red blood cells settle;
  2. on the second, sedimentation accelerates as a result of red blood cell clumping;
  3. on the third, the sedimentation rate increases even more, since the number of “coin columns” (clumped red blood cells) becomes predominant;
  4. on the fourth - there are no more unsettled red blood cells left in the plasma, and their sedimentation stops.

Westergren method

The most accurate way to determine ESR in children is the Westergren method. Its features are:

  • the use of small volumes (1 ml) when studying venous blood in a child;
  • the use of plastic rather than glass tubes with an inclination angle of 18 degrees;
  • automatic mixing of citrate with blood;
  • accelerated test - not in an hour, but in 20 minutes;
  • built-in temperature regulator;
  • temperature correction using the Mentley nomogram;
  • simplicity and safety in operation;
  • objectivity of results due to complete automation of the analysis process.

The advantages of the method include the possibility of using Westergren devices of any power, depending on the purpose of the analysis. The modern line of models includes devices that can provide absolutely accurate results on ESR.

These include analyzers that give:

  • 30 analyzes per hour for 10 positions (Ves-matic Easy);
  • 60 per hour for 20 positions (Ves-matic 20);
  • 180 per hour for 30 positions (Ves-matic 30);
  • 180 per hour for 30 positions (Ves-matic 30 plus);
  • 200 per hour for 200 positions (Ves-matic Cub 200).

The Westergren testing procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. the tube is filled with venous blood taken from the patient to a certain mark in the Vest-matic analyzer;
  2. sodium citrate is added to the material;
  3. the automatic component mixer starts;
  4. to start measuring, press the “Test” button;
  5. after ten or twenty minutes (depending on the analyzer model), the patient’s ESR will be automatically determined.

Blood counts are normal

When testing children for the presence of pathology, the value of not only ESR, but also all other components of blood plasma is determined.

In the normal state of the body, the indicators should be as follows:

Main indicators Patient age
blood Newborns Up to a month Up to 6 months Up to a year up to 7 years Up to 16 years old
level from 115 from 110 from 110 from 110 from 110
hemoglobin from 180 to 240 Hb up to 175 up to 140 up to 135 up to 140 up to 145
Quantity from 4.3 to 7.6 RBC from 3.8 from 3.8 from 3.5 from 3.5 from 3.5
red blood cells (1012 per liter) up to 5.8 Up to 5.6 up to 4.9 up to 4.5 up to 4.7
MCHC (color index) from 0.86 to 1.15% from 0.85 from 0.85 from 0.85 from 0.85 from 0.85
up to 1.15 up to 1.15 up to 1.15 up to 1.15 up to 1.15
Platelets from 180 to 490 from 180 from 180 from 180 from 160 from 160
(PLT at 10 9 per liter) up to 400 up to 400 up to 400 up to 390 up to 380
Reticulocytes from 3 to 51 from 3.8 from 3 from 3.5 from 3.5 from 3.5
(RTS in %) up to 15 up to 15 up to 15 up to 12 up to 12
ESR from 2 to 4 ERS from 4 from 4 from 4 from 4 from 4
in millimeters per hour) up to 8 to 10 up to 12 up to 12 up to 12
Rod from 1 from 0.5 from 0.5 from 0.5 from 0.5 from 0.5
up to 17% up to 4 up to 4 up to 4 until 6 until 6
Lymphocytes from 8.5 from 40 from 43 from 6 from 5 from 4.5
up to 24.5% up to 76 up to 74 up to 12 up to 12 to 10
Leukocytes from 8.5 WBC from 6.5 from 5.5 from 38 from 26 from 24
up to 24.5 per 109 per liter up to 13.8 up to 12.5 up to 72 up to 60 up to 54
Segmented from45 from 15 from 15 from 15 from 25 from 35
up to 80% up to 45 up to 45 up to 45 up to 60 up to 65
Eosinophils from 0.5 from 0.5 0,5 from 0 from 0 from 0
until 6 % up to 7 up to 7 up to 1 up to 1 up to 1
Basophils 0t 0 to 1% from 0 from 0 from 0.5 from 0.5 from 0.5
according to BAS up to 1 up to 1 up to 7 up to 7 up to 7
Monocytes from 2 to 12% from 2 from 2 from 2 from 2 from 24
by MON up to 12 up to 12 up to 12 to 10 to 10

The ESR norm in children under one year of age is not much different from the level that remains during the growth and maturation of the child.

As the table shows, the child’s age affects all blood parameters. An ESR higher than normal in a child sometimes means not only the presence of a disease. Children's physiological response to various environmental factors constantly changes as they age. However, most often ESR testing is used to diagnose possible pathologies in children.

When is it appointed?

Pediatricians resort to analysis of ESR most often to prevent common childhood diseases. More specific reasons are also possible, namely:

  • to clarify the diagnosis of previously identified inflammatory processes;
  • for cardiovascular pathologies;
  • disorders in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • if there is a suspicion that the child has a malignant tumor or.

In addition, testing for ESR is necessary if the patient develops the following symptoms:

  • availability ;
  • poor appetite;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • pain in the pelvic area.

How is the ESR test taken?

A child's blood test is carried out only in the morning and on an empty stomach. Blood is taken from a finger:

  1. the pad of the ring finger is wiped with cotton wool soaked in alcohol;
  2. the skin is punctured with a special needle;
  3. the leaked drop is wiped off the pad to avoid accidental impurities getting into the blood;
  4. the second drop of biomaterial is placed in a test tube.

Blood should flow out of the puncture without coercion from the laboratory assistant. If you press on your finger, lymph may penetrate into the desired biomaterial and lead to a distortion of the test result. To do this, before drawing blood, the child is asked to clench his fist several times or warm his hand in warm water.

If blood is drawn from a vein, the forearm is first tied with a rubber band so that the pressure is as high as possible.

Taking into account the fact that the procedure is somewhat painful and outwardly frightening, since the child sees his own blood, to calm him down, one of the parents is allowed to be present and calm the baby.

Nausea and dizziness, which often occur in children after blood sampling, are well relieved with sweet tea, chocolate and juices.

Decoding the results

The value of erythrocyte sedimentation rate in childhood depends on the physiological characteristics of the patient. The state of the SES indicator is also influenced by the time of day, existing diseases, the gender of the child and a number of other factors.

If the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is low, you need to think about the presence of viral infections or diseases affecting the cardiovascular system.

The situation is especially dangerous when analysis reveals even a very low content of red blood cells in a child’s urine. This means that the baby is seriously ill and needs to be shown to the pediatrician urgently. Urine, like blood, reflects physiological processes affecting the entire body.

Testing blood for erythrocyte sedimentation rate does not guarantee a definitive diagnosis. This is only the first step in a whole set of tests if the doctor suspects the possibility of the existence of some pathogenic process in the child. However, constant knowledge of your child’s ESR level gives you the opportunity to help him in a timely manner.

ESR is one of the indicators determined during a general blood test. By its level one can judge the health status of the subject. If the ESR is greatly underestimated or overestimated, a pathology has clearly developed in the body. However, in children this can sometimes be a variant of the norm. Let's figure out in what cases deviation is really a cause for concern.

The ESR indicator is not considered separately from others - the number of leukocytes, erythrocytes and blood platelets.

What is ESR

ESR is an abbreviation for erythrocyte sedimentation rate. After collection, the blood is sent to the laboratory. There it is mixed with a special substance - an anticoagulant, which prevents clots from forming. Over time, two layers form in the test tube:

  • Bottom - settled red blood cells. This is the name given to red blood cells containing hemoglobin.
  • The top one is plasma.

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is determined by measuring the lower layer every hour. The average change in column height in millimeters over this period of time is the ESR.

Normal for children and adults

The normal level of this indicator changes with age. Norm of ESR in children (mm/hour):

  • newborns - 0-2.8;
  • 1 month - 2-5;
  • 2-6 months - 4-6;
  • 0.5-1 year - 3-10;
  • 1-5 years - 5-11;
  • 6-14 years old - 4-12.

Newborn babies typically have a low erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

At the age of 14, differentiation by gender begins. Norm:

  • 14-20 years old. For boys - 1-10. For girls - 2-15 mm/hour.
  • 20-30 years for women - 8-15.
  • From 30 years old for women - 8-20.
  • 20-60 years for men - 2-10.
  • From 60 for men - 2-15.

Attention! During pregnancy, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate increases, so the upper limit of normal increases to 45 mm/hour.

Reasons for deviation from the norm

There are many reasons for changes in red cell sedimentation rate, and most of them are harmless. If there is a threat to the health or life of a child, there will certainly be accompanying symptoms. Therefore, do not worry in vain if an elevated ESR is detected in your baby, but he feels great.

Even the time of the last meal or excessive body weight could influence the deviation from the norm.


Possible causes of low ESR:

  • Thickening of the blood (erythrocytosis). This condition accompanies and.

Decreased levels may indicate dehydration.

  • Congenital or acquired heart defect.
  • Liver disorders.
  • Decrease in overall pH level.
  • Tumor of the red brain (erythremia), accompanied by an increase in the number of red blood cells, platelets and leukocytes in the blood.
  • Low fibrinogen levels.

Despite the seriousness of the causes of low ESR in children, there is little cause for concern. Usually the indicator drops with dehydration. Heart disease occurs only in 0.5-1% of children, and it is accompanied by symptoms: rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, swelling. The remaining cases are either harmless and easily treated, or occur more often in adults than in children.

Attention! Pediatricians say that a low erythrocyte sedimentation rate may be normal if there are no deviations in other indicators. The child feels great, has a good appetite and sleeps.

High ESR

Very often the erythrocyte sedimentation rate increases. There can be so many reasons for this that it is more convenient to divide them into groups.

Variant of the norm

A high ESR is normal when factors have been identified in which this indicator is always elevated and there is no threat to health:

  • The baby's age is 27-32 days or 2 years.
  • Obesity.
  • Treatment with dextran or.
  • Taking vitamin A.
  • Administration of hepatitis B vaccine.
  • Low red blood cell count and.
  • Increasing the concentration of proteins in the blood plasma with a constant level of fibrinogen.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • An abundance of fatty foods on the menu of a child or nursing mother.

If you are teething, your ESR may increase.

Christina writes in her review:

“Since she was two years old, my daughter’s ESR has always been slightly higher than normal. But the examination showed that she was healthy. Then the pediatrician asked how the blood collection process took place. It turns out that if a child is very afraid, cries and breaks out, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate may increase. But it doesn’t affect your health.”

Harmless reasons

Here we include non-life-threatening diseases that, with adequate treatment, resolve without complications or consequences:

  • (usually enterobiasis or ascariasis).
  • Inflammatory diseases (bronchitis, otitis and others ending in “-itis”).
  • Severe bruises and broken bones.

Fractures or injuries may affect test results.

  • Diseases of joints and other connective tissues.
  • Excess or deficiency of thyroid hormones (hyper- and hypothyroidism).
  • Bronchial asthma and other autoimmune diseases.
  • Allergy, shock (including anaphylactic).
  • Psoriasis and.
  • Infectious diseases of a bacterial or viral nature (ARVI, influenza) are the most common cause of an increase in ESR.

Margarita writes:

“Sofia has allergies, so the ESR does not fall below 20. At an appointment with an allergist, we are prescribed various medications. We treat them for several days, and then go for a blood test. The doctor said that we will focus on the medicine that will cause the erythrocyte sedimentation rate to decrease to normal. This will be proof of the effectiveness of the treatment."

Causes hazardous to health and life

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate can be 30, 40 or more mm/hour in the following diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • tuberculosis;
  • oncology (blood or organs);
  • blood poisoning.

For your peace of mind, we have attached other symptoms of these diseases. If the baby doesn’t have them, then don’t start panicking. Although a full examination will not be superfluous.

With diabetes, a child often feels thirsty. He becomes irritable, his weight rapidly decreases. Involuntary urination occurs at night. Increasingly, skin infections are a concern, and teenage girls are also concerned.

A symptom of diabetes is extreme thirst.

With tuberculosis, children also lose weight. They experience general malaise and often complain of headaches. The appetite becomes worse and worse, and in the evening the temperature rises to 37, maximum 37.5 degrees. With further development of the disease, coughing and hemoptysis, pain in the chest area begins.

With cancer, immunity decreases and the number of birthmarks increases. Weight drops rapidly and malaise develops. Palpation reveals enlarged lymph nodes. In later stages, pain and jaundice are added to the symptoms.

When the blood is infected, the temperature rises sharply to 39-40 degrees, shortness of breath develops, heart rate increases to 130-150 beats/min. The skin becomes jaundiced, and blisters filled with blood appear on it. Vessels on the eyeballs burst.

Symptoms of blood poisoning include very high fever, shortness of breath, and palpitations.

What to do with accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation in children

Calm! A high ESR is not a basis for making a diagnosis, but only a reason to conduct additional examination. Even if a child’s rate is 50 mm/hour, this does not mean that he is seriously ill. In most cases, another reason for the deviation from the norm is found or technical errors emerge during the analysis. If after a full diagnostic study no other symptoms are identified, they speak of increased ESR syndrome. This is a harmless condition, but requires medical supervision.

Only a doctor can make the correct diagnosis.


To find out the cause of accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation, the doctor:

  • prescribes another one (general or biochemical);
  • directs to ;
  • examines the lungs, kidneys and heart;
  • examines and palpates (palps) the child.
  • interviews parents.

The most common diagnosis after such a study is an infectious or inflammatory disease. And it would be a mistake right away (and Dr. Komarovsky believes that in Russia they are often prescribed to children without reason). The fact is that viral and bacterial diseases are treated differently.

The doctor may prescribe a repeat test.


Komarovsky says that to choose treatment tactics, you need to carefully study the leukocyte formula (the percentage of different types of leukocytes in the blood). It includes:

  • neutrophils;
  • eosinophils;
  • basophils;
  • monocytes;
  • lymphocytes.

Correct decoding of the leukocyte formula will help identify the nature of the disease. Each type of leukocyte protects the body only from one “enemy”. So, if the number of lymphocytes has increased, then this is due to a viral infection. And if the disease is bacterial, then there will be more neutrophils. With helminthiasis, the number of monocytes increases.

The ESR indicator does not always give a reliable picture of health. At the beginning of the disease it does rise sharply, but after recovery it can remain high for several weeks or even months.

After any inflammation, the levels remain elevated for a long time.

Therefore, a more informative research method has long been used abroad - analysis of C-reactive protein, the level of which is influenced by much fewer factors. This is a protein that appears in the blood at the initial stage of the disease and disappears immediately after recovery. If it is not there, the treatment was successful.

Angelina writes:

“My son is 2.8 years old. 4 months ago I had a bad flu. Since then, the ESR has remained at 38 mm/hour. It's very long, so I can't find a place for myself. We take blood tests twice a month, but there is no improvement, although the child is feeling good. The doctor reassures us and says that these are all consequences of the infection.”

It is important to understand that there is no pill that will simply return the ESR to normal. A deviation in the indicator is not an independent disease, but a sign of damage to the body. The reason that led to it needs to be treated. And to identify it, you will have to undergo additional examination.

Alisa Nikitina