What are the types of peripheral vasodilators? Vasodilator drugs for the brain What drugs have a vasodilator effect

Over time or under the influence of negative factors, the vascular system gradually wears out. The lumen of veins and arteries narrows, the amount of waste increases, resulting in irreversible changes and even diseases. Folk remedies will no longer help here - you need to take medicine. Vasodilators for the brain are useful because they improve blood supply and increase the lumen in the arteries when there is nowhere to narrow it.

Do you know what medications have this effect? The instructions below will help you figure out how to dilate blood vessels with medications.

Types of vasodilators to improve memory and brain function

The mechanism of action of vasodilator drugs on the brain is characterized by some features. What is common to all is one drawback, such as the effect on other vessels in the human body. This often causes a decrease in blood pressure, which has the opposite effect - the blood supply to the brain deteriorates. This phenomenon is typical for older people and can even lead to a stroke. For this reason, the medicine must be selected individually on the recommendation of a doctor.

New generation vascular drugs for the brain

Today, scientists continue to develop vasodilator drugs for the brain, so there are drugs under the general name - a new generation. The most popular of them are:

  1. "Piracetam." It is produced in the form of tablets, syrup, capsules or solutions for droppers and injections. Can increase the rate of glucose utilization, improve cerebral circulation, reduce dizziness and pain. For adults, the dose varies between 30-160 mg, and it should be divided into 3-4 doses. The price of tablets is from 25 rubles.
  2. "Mexidol". You can find tablets or injection solutions at the pharmacy. Increases blood flow to the brain, increases metabolism, normalizes the membrane of red blood cells and platelets, reduces cholesterol levels, dilates blood vessels. The drug is taken orally at a dose of 0.125 mg up to 3 times a day. Therapy lasts from 2 to 6 weeks. The price of tablets is from 260 rubles.
  3. "Actovegin". Release form: tablets, ointment, cream, gel or solution to improve brain function. It is a gypsum agent and accelerates the removal of glucose from cells. Able to saturate tissues with oxygen and normalize cellular metabolism. Indicated for vascular disorders of the brain. You need to take 1 or 2 tablets up to 3 times daily. Price from 1500 rub.

For the treatment of atherosclerosis

Prevention of atherosclerosis and its treatment is carried out with medications that have the function of improving blood supply and expanding the walls of veins and arteries. The following drugs are effective and fast in action:

  1. "Papaverine". Presented in tablet form, solution or suppositories. Indicated for spasms and increased tone of blood vessels in the brain, as well as smooth muscles of the abdominal cavity. You need to take 40-60 mg up to 5 times a day. Cost from 20 rub.
  2. "Cavinton". Brain tablets or concentrate for infusion solution. Indicated to reduce neurological symptoms of insufficient blood supply to the brain. The daily dose has a maximum threshold of 30 mg. To take it, you need to divide it into several times. Cost from 240 rub.
  3. "Angionorm". The tablets lead to increased physical performance and reduced stress. Indicated for vascular disorders. It is recommended to take 1 tablet 40 minutes after meals three times a day. Price from 250 rub.

For osteochondrosis of the neck

This disease is characterized by decreased blood flow and oxygen saturation due to inflammation of the tissues surrounding the intervertebral joints. Dilatation of cerebral vessels in cervical osteochondrosis is carried out with the following drugs:

  1. Tablets: “Eufillin”, “Piracetam”, “Xanthinol nicotinate”.
  2. Injections: “Ketonal”, “Ketorolac”, “Milgamma”, “Diclofenac”, “Voltaren”.


  1. The drug is also available in solution form.
  2. Tablets cost only 9-10 rubles. They must be taken up to 3 times daily, the dose does not exceed the limit of 450 mg.

Among the injections, Milgamma is especially popular:

  1. It is also available in the form of pills, and you can buy them at the pharmacy only with a prescription.
  2. The drug copes well with the neurological manifestations of osteochondrosis.

Vitamins for brain vessels



Products containing


Vitamin A or retinol

Dissolves fats, cleanses cholesterol

Blood, pumpkin, milk, fish oil

"Duovit", "Centrum Silver", "Alphabet for Children"

Vitamin B3 or niacin

Strengthens the walls of brain vessels

Fish, buckwheat, nuts, legumes, eggs

"Niacin", "Nicotinamide", "Niacinamide"

Vitamin E or tocopherol

Prevents vascular damage

Egg yolk, vegetable oils, liver, nuts

"Reoton Complex", dietary supplement "Antiox", "Vitrum Cardio"

Vitamin P or rutin

Strengthens vascular walls

Apples, citrus fruits, raspberries, rose hips

"Ascorutin", "Troxerutin"

Vitamin B6

Breaks down fats, reduces cholesterol

Meat, fish, milk, legumes, rice

“Napravit”, dietary supplement “Griffonia”, “Orthomol Mental”

Vitamin B1 or thiamine

Normalizes blood microcirculation


"Eskuzan", "Neuromultivit", "Ortho Taurine Ergo"

Drugs that thin the blood and strengthen the walls of blood vessels

Drugs aimed at thinning the blood reduce its viscosity, which reduces the risk of heart attacks, strokes, blockage of blood vessels and hypertensive crises. Such drugs are divided into 2 main groups:

  1. Anticoagulants. Reduce blood clotting, making it less thick. This includes drugs such as Zilt, Warfarin, Sinkumar, Heparin.
  2. Antiplatelet agents. They affect platelets, preventing them from sticking together. “Aspirin”, “Aspecard”, “Magnicor”, “Trombo ACC” have this effect.

The following medications help strengthen the circulatory system of the brain:

  1. Antispasmodic: “No-shpa”, “Papaverine”.
  2. Reducing atherosclerotic growths: “Simvastatin”, “Levostatin”.
  3. Strengthening the walls of blood vessels: “Ascorutin”, “Dihydroquerticin”, “Cerebrolysin”.

Medicines to improve cerebral circulation in the elderly

Elderly people are characterized by memory impairment and decreased attention during mental activity, visual and hearing impairment. Drugs such as Nootropil and Phenotropil can improve the situation. These drugs even include Alzheimer's disease, which often occurs in people of advanced age, among their indications for use. Other effective drugs are Ginko, Tanakan, Memoplant. They affect age-related changes: improve memory, visual and auditory functions, vascular elasticity, and also restore speech and motor activity.


Video about tablets for cerebrovascular accidents

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Vasodilators are a broad group of drugs that have a vasodilating effect. Such drugs are widely used in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Therefore, people suffering from such ailments need to understand what vasodilators are and which drugs should be preferred.

The principle of action of the drugs

Vasodilation is a natural reaction of the human body to physical activity, massaging movements or certain chemicals. In the absence of pathology, this process is necessary for the body to provide tissues with a large amount of energy.

If the normal functioning of the vascular system is disrupted and the walls of the vessels lose their former elasticity, a significant decrease in the lumen may be observed. In this case, the use of vasodilators is necessary.

The use of vasodilators reduces resistance in blood vessels. The active ingredients of the drugs cause the walls of blood vessels to relax. This causes them to expand and the clearance to increase.

Depending on the properties of a particular medication, the effect may be on small arteries or large vessels. The remedy should be selected individually by the attending physician, based on the diagnosis and characteristics of the patient.

Vasodilation, that is, dilation of blood vessels, allows you to achieve the following effect:

  1. Reducing the increased tone of the vascular walls.
  2. Increasing the lumen, which allows you to reduce blood circulation speed and pressure.
  3. Reducing the load on the heart muscle.
  4. Improving tissue nutrition and accelerating the process of their recovery in case of damage.

Vasodilators are widely used for heart failure, local tissue necrosis, and atherosclerosis. In some cases, they are used to correct high blood pressure.

The use of such medications is advisable if vasoconstriction is not critical. If emergency treatment is necessary, surgical techniques are used.

One of them is balloon vasodilation, that is, the installation of a special balloon into the vessel.

Current classification of drugs

The group of vasodilators includes a large list of different drugs. Therefore, their classification is different. If we consider the means from the point of view of the direction of action, the following types are distinguished:

  1. Cerebral vasodilators. Such drugs have a direct effect on the blood vessels of the brain. Thanks to their use, there is a significant improvement in cerebral circulation, which helps to increase mental activity. Indications for the use of such medications include stroke, migraine attacks, vascular atherosclerosis, and hypoxia.
  2. Peripheral vasodilators. They are designed to reduce vascular tone in the distal parts of the system. Due to this, the venous flow to the heart muscle decreases, its functionality improves, and oxygen deficiency in the myocardium decreases.
  3. Mixed. They have a simultaneous effect on veins and arteries. This results in decreased afterload, increased heart rate, and decreased venous return to the heart.

Different groups of drugs are used for certain diseases. The specific remedy is chosen by the attending physician.

Negative consequences of using such drugs

Like any medications, vasodilators have a number of side effects. These include:

  1. Constant feeling of fatigue, weakness, lethargy.
  2. Increased intensity of contraction of the heart muscle.
  3. Attacks of nausea.
  4. Headache.
  5. Dizziness.
  6. Nasal congestion.

Such symptoms most often appear due to individual intolerance to the components of the product or improper use. If such side effects occur, you should consult a doctor.

The specialist will decide to change the drug or adjust the dose.

Major cerebral vasodilators

Vasodilators of this group have a positive effect not only on the arteries, but also on the small capillaries of the brain. Thanks to this, full blood supply to the organ is restored.

The list of vasodilators in this group is headed by:

  1. Hydralazine. The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood is achieved 3 hours after administration. Its half-life is about three hours. Once in the liver, the drug is transformed, so for people with an inhibited acetylation process, the recommended dosage is slightly lower than usual. The maximum daily dose is 400 mg. Side effects of this drug include tachycardia, swelling, headaches, and changes in facial skin color. Hydralazine is contraindicated for people suffering from lupus erythematosus, gastric ulcers and advanced atherosclerosis of the cerebral arteries.
  2. . Copes well with cerebral circulation disorders of various etiologies. Helps with hearing and vision impairment. It is produced in the form of tablets, as well as solution for injections. The maximum daily dose is 30 mg. The course of treatment for intravenous treatment is no more than two weeks. You can take the pills for about a month. Side effects may occur, such as nausea, dry mouth, dizziness, heartburn, and excessive sweating. The drug is contraindicated in case of cardiac ischemia, pregnancy, hypersensitivity to the components, as well as significant arrhythmia.
  3. Nicergoline. Used for chronic cerebrovascular accidents. Available in tablet form. The maximum daily dose is 30 mg. It must be divided into three steps. The duration of such therapy is at least two months. Improper use of the drug leads to symptoms such as sleep disturbances, dizziness, itchy skin, and indigestion. This medication should not be used by people suffering from severe liver dysfunction, severe hypotension, or intolerance to the components of the drug.

It is necessary to choose a drug and its dosage based on the characteristics of the disease and the patient’s condition.

Peripheral drugs

The list of peripheral drugs includes:

  1. Nitroglycerine. This is a synthetic drug that has a rapid vasodilator effect. The maximum concentration of the active substance in the blood is observed 15 minutes after administration. The effect lasts for at least an hour. Most often used to relieve and prevent attacks of heart failure. Available in the form of sublingual tablets, alcohol solution and capsules. Its use occasionally leads to side symptoms such as anxiety, headache, tinnitus, and tachycardia. In case of overdose, it can provoke a sharp drop in blood pressure, slowing of breathing, and tachycardia. The drug is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, coronary thrombosis, severe anemia.
  2. Molsidomin. It is used for angina pectoris, acute myocardial infarction, and circulatory disorders in the pulmonary circulation. Available in tablet form. The maximum daily dose is 25 mg. Contraindications for use include hypersensitivity, first trimester of pregnancy, vascular collapse,. In some cases, the use of the drug can provoke headaches, a slowdown in reactions, attacks of nausea, and an allergic reaction.
  3. Isosorbide mononitrate. Used for spasm of peripheral arteries, hypertension, angina pectoris. Available in the form of tablets and capsules. It cannot be used in case of individual intolerance, glaucoma, acute heart attack, pregnancy, liver failure. The maximum permissible dose of the drug per day is 80 mg.

Before using the drug, carefully read the attached instructions and consult your doctor.

Mixed drugs

Sodium nitroprusside is considered one of the most effective drugs in this group. It is able to reduce peripheral vascular resistance and increase venous capacity. This medication is only effective when administered intravenously. It begins to act 5 minutes after administration.

Contraindications include:

  1. Increased sensitivity.
  2. Intracranial hypertension.
  3. Vitamin B12 deficiency.
  4. Pregnancy.
  5. Glaucoma.
  6. Liver failure.
  7. Kidney failure.
  8. Aortic stenosis.

Sometimes the use of the drug leads to such negative consequences as dizziness, headache, ataxia, convulsions, nausea, tachycardia.

Features of the use of vasodilators for children

In childhood, it is advisable to use such drugs only in the presence of serious pathologies. Most often, doctors prescribe medications with myotropic action. These include:

  1. Benzohexonium. The drug is administered intravenously at a dose of no more than 0.08 mg per 1 kg of child weight.
  2. Papaverine. The maximum daily dose is 0.01 g. It is produced in the form of tablets, suppositories and solution for injection.
  3. Dibazol. It is permissible to give a child no more than 5 mg of the drug per day.

Such drugs help improve blood circulation, fight hydrocephalus and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Before using vasodilators, you must undergo a medical examination and consult a doctor. Uncontrolled use of such funds can lead to negative consequences.

The circulatory system is an extremely complex mechanism that strives to maintain stable conditions in the body. Vessels are capable of contracting and expanding, depending on external and internal factors. For example, when the body cools, the peripheral vessels narrow in order to spend less heat on warming the extremities and, thereby, saving it for the internal organs. Nicotine, which enters the blood after smoking a cigarette, also constricts blood vessels. Any stress causes vasospasm to adapt the body to danger.

Why is vasoconstriction dangerous?

But the factors listed above lead to a temporary narrowing of blood vessels, and after a short time they return to normal. But there are a number of conditions that can cause long-term vasoconstriction. This can lead to a number of serious consequences.

With normal pressure created by the heart muscle, with narrowed blood vessels, the tissues receive too little oxygen and nutrients. To compensate for this, the heart is forced to work harder. Because of this, blood pressure increases, and the walls of blood vessels experience increased stress.

Constant vascular spasm is a prerequisite for the development of a huge number of diseases: severe headaches, high blood pressure, heart failure, heart attack and stroke.

Damage to the blood vessels of the brain is especially dangerous in this regard, since constantly narrowed blood vessels reduce the quality of its nutrition and impair its functioning, leading to impaired memory, attention, decreased performance, and so on.

Mechanisms of vasoconstriction

Any vessel is a hollow organ that consists of several layers. The outer layer provides its mechanical contraction and expansion. With its help, the body regulates body temperature, dilating blood vessels when overheated and constricting when cooling. But if this mechanism fails, chronic long-term vasospasm may develop.

One of the reasons for the disruption of the mechanism of constriction and dilation of blood vessels is age. The older a person is, the less elastic his blood vessels are.

But there is another mechanism for vasoconstriction - the growth of plaques on its inner surface. Cholesterol and atherosclerotic plaques are deposited on it, which narrows the lumen of the vessel.

In some cases, vasoconstriction may be caused by several reasons, for example, an increase in cholesterol plaques and loss of elasticity of the walls of blood vessels.

In such cases, it is necessary to follow a set of measures that will help slow down the process of plaque growth, as well as loss of elasticity.

Drug vasodilation

Today there are many medications that can dilate blood vessels. Some of them are used urgently if it is necessary to relieve a spasm, while others are suitable for permanent use, but provide a long-term effect. The most commonly used are the following:

  1. Nitroglycerine. This simple and affordable drug should be in the first aid kit of every “heart” patient, and people prone to angina attacks should have it with them at all times. It must be used for attacks of angina pectoris - pain in the heart due to physical or mental stress. One nitroglycerin tablet quickly relieves spasm and pain. But this drug is not effective for many diseases and conditions, such as heart attack and stroke.
  2. Spasmalgon. Another short-acting drug. It cannot be taken on an ongoing basis, but if you need to relieve an attack of headache caused by vasoconstriction, then Spazmalgon is the optimal remedy.
  3. Papaverine. An effective remedy against vasospasm, but it should only be taken under the guidance of a doctor.
  4. Calcium channel blockers. This is one of the most common means of combating hypertension. Drugs in this group block receptors that are responsible for vasoconstriction, making the drug effective for the treatment of arterial hypertension.
  5. Ginko Biloba. Preparations based on this plant are used to combat age-related changes in blood vessels, as well as improve cerebral circulation.

This is only a part of the drugs to eliminate vascular spasms.

To combat the narrowing of blood vessels due to the deposition of cholesterol and atherosclerotic plaques, other drugs are used. There are many commercial forms and names, which the doctor must select in accordance with the diagnostic results.

Nutrition for vasodilation

Cleaning vessels with bay leaves

Proper nutrition is one of the main factors for those who want to know how to dilate blood vessels at home. Without strict adherence to a number of rules, success will not be achieved. The following recommendations must be followed:

  1. First of all, you need to reduce the amount of animal fats in your diet. You will have to give up butter, pork and lamb, sausages, fatty cheeses, and so on. Fermented milk products should have a minimum amount of fat. You shouldn’t give up meat completely, but preference should be given to chicken, turkey, and lean veal.
  2. Fish should be included in your daily diet. Fish oil not only does not cause the formation of “bad” cholesterol, which forms plaques, but also reduces its amount in the blood and “cleanses” the circulatory system. Fish can be boiled, baked, stewed, marinated. It is not advisable to fry it or use it in the form of canned food or preserves.
  3. Fresh fruits, vegetables, leafy salads and greens should be in the daily diet, regardless of the time of year. It is believed that you need to eat at least 5 servings per day, each approximately 200 grams.
  4. It is best to exclude alcohol from the diet. It does dilate the blood vessels, but its effect is short-lived, after which they can narrow even more.

It is allowed to use cognac as a vasodilator, but only in exceptional cases, for example, with severe stress or hypothermia, and no more than 40-50 milligrams.

Following these simple tips will help reduce the rate of vascular overgrowth. But besides this, it will be useful to use numerous folk recipes for dilating blood vessels at home.

Folk remedies for vasodilation

Traditional medicine, based on the healing properties of plants, has dozens of ways to dilate blood vessels at home:

  1. Garlic oil. This remedy is one of the most effective and versatile. The head of garlic should be mashed into a paste or finely chopped and placed in a glass jar, filled with a glass of unrefined vegetable oil. Leave the product in the refrigerator for at least a day. Then you need to drink one teaspoon of oil mixed with the same amount of lemon juice three times a day before meals. The duration of the course must be at least three months.
  2. Hawthorn. This remedy strengthens blood vessels and relieves their spasm. 20 grams of hawthorn fruits need to be poured with 200 grams of boiling water and boiled for 5 minutes. Then the product is filtered and stored in the refrigerator, taking one tablespoon before meals. A similar composition can be prepared from hawthorn flowers, but take 1 tablespoon per glass of water. The duration of the course is 3 months.
  3. Valerian. This plant is known for its calming properties, but it also relieves spasms and relaxes vascular muscles. To do this, you need to boil 10 grams of dry valerian roots in 200 grams of boiling water in a water bath for 30 minutes. Then the broth should be infused for another 2 hours, well wrapped. Afterwards, strain and store in the refrigerator. It is recommended to take the product one tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
  4. It is also useful to drink herbal infusions, using motherwort, yarrow, dried grass, mistletoe, and fireweed.
  5. Hazel. Dry hazel bark and leaves are crushed. 20 grams of raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water and left for an hour, well wrapped. The finished infusion should be taken one tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
  6. To cleanse blood vessels from toxins and plaques, other plants are used - birch buds, chamomile flowers, yarrow, St. John's wort, immortelle. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions, 100 grams each, then a tablespoon of the mixture is poured with two glasses of boiling water and left for half an hour. You need to take the infusion twice daily: in the morning, on an empty stomach, and in the evening. The course continues until the prepared mixture is finished. This course can be conducted once every 2-3 years.

These are the most common and well-proven home vasodilation methods. They can be used simultaneously with therapeutic drug methods, but you should consult your doctor before doing so. He will be able to determine whether this remedy will harm in a particular case and whether it will conflict with the therapy he has prescribed.

To dilate blood vessels at home, in addition to proper nutrition, medication and folk therapy, you should adhere to a number of additional recommendations, which relate primarily to lifestyle:

  1. Healthy sleep. Getting enough sleep is important for vascular health and well-being. You need to spend at least 8-9 hours sleeping, depending on your needs. For insomnia, you can use natural-based sedatives.
  2. Massage. A general strengthening massage perfectly stimulates the functioning of the vascular system. When cerebral vessels are damaged, massage of the cervical-collar area is useful.
  3. Cold and hot shower. A contrast shower, in which you alternate between dousing with cold and hot water, is the best exercise for your blood vessels. It forces them to expand and contract, improves their tone and elasticity. But it should not be carried out on elderly people without preparation. In such cases, you can use a simpler option: place two basins with hot and cold water next to each other and lower them into them alternately for a few seconds.
  4. Sauna, bathhouse, hammam. Such procedures are associated with warming up the entire body, which causes the blood vessels to expand and relieves their spasm. Massage enhances the effect, be it a soap massage in the hammam or the use of brooms in the bathhouse. Traditional sprinkling with snow after a bath is an excellent prevention of vascular diseases.
  5. Walks. It is very important to take at least a half-hour walk in the fresh air every day, preferably in a park. This ensures a flow of fresh oxygen to all tissues and tones the blood vessels.

Over the years, changes occur in the human body and, of course, not for the better. The cardiovascular system wears out, the vessels narrow, losing their elasticity and patency, which leads to diseases such as atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension. The destruction of small vessels reduces the activity of blood microcirculation, and damaged arterial vessels are the direct cause of atherosclerosis. To avoid these difficult-to-treat consequences, you need to know how to dilate blood vessels and restore normal blood circulation.

Symptoms of cerebral vasoconstriction

Unfortunately, in our time, such a phenomenon as narrowing of cerebral vessels occurs not only in older people, but also in fairly young people, and there are reasons for this. Eating unhealthy food, drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes - all this leads to clogged blood vessels. The symptoms of this disease can be noticed immediately, as they manifest themselves every day.

  • The onset of the disease is frequent paroxysmal headaches.
  • Dizziness and faintness.
  • Noises in the ears.
  • Memory impairment or loss.
  • Increased fatigue.
  • Decreased performance.

Once you feel these symptoms, you should not ignore them, otherwise they can lead to a stroke or heart attack. If such symptoms appear in an elderly person, the disease can lead to senile dementia.

Causes of vasoconstriction

There are many reasons for impaired conduction of blood vessels. In addition to possible congenital or infectious pathologies, they are created by modern life itself, full of stressful situations, with its rhythm, often depriving people of proper rest, sleep and proper nutrition, drinking alcohol (which dilates blood vessels for a while, and then greatly narrows them, causing irreparable harm) - and much more.

  1. Increased mental and physical stress.
  2. Stressful situations.
  3. Overwork at work.
  4. Nervous feelings.
  5. Rare walks, and as a result - lack of fresh air.
  6. A sedentary lifestyle, which means stagnant processes in the body.
  7. Poor or unhealthy diet - large amounts of high-calorie, fatty and fried foods. Lack of vegetables, seafood and fruits in the diet.
  8. Smoking, excessive drinking of alcohol, especially beer, which, in addition, leads to hormonal imbalance and obesity.

Many of these reasons lead to an increase in cholesterol levels in the blood and its deposition on the walls of blood vessels. This makes the vessels less passable, they lose their former elasticity.

How to expand and strengthen the blood vessels of the head?

If signs of atherosclerosis appear, treatment will take a long time, possibly permanent. Several medical specialists deal with this problem, it all depends on the test results and the causes of the disease. Of course, you need to know what medications dilate the blood vessels in the brain, but it is not recommended to use them without a doctor’s prescription.

Video: doctor’s opinion on vasodilator drugs

Traditional methods for dilating blood vessels

Traditional healers, who have been collecting recipes for decades and passing them on from generation to generation, have their own methods for solving the problem of vasodilation. How can you dilate blood vessels at home using folk methods? Here are several natural-based formulations that are used to dilate blood vessels and cleanse cholesterol plaque.

Classic - garlic infusion

  1. Chop 250 grams of garlic and place in a clean glass jar, pour 300 grams of alcohol into it, close the lid tightly and place in a cool, dark place for 10-12 days. Then take out the mixture, strain, and take according to the following scheme:
  2. The first day - a drop of infusion in a third of a glass of milk, taken on an empty stomach, after taking it, do not have breakfast for forty minutes. Before lunch, 30 minutes - two drops, before dinner, also half an hour - three drops.
  3. On the second day, take three times, increasing the dose by one drop at each dose. This should be taken until the end of the sixth day, the last time taking fifteen drops.
  4. Next, the tincture is taken according to the same scheme, but the drops are reduced, one at a time.
  5. Having reached one drop, you need to take the tincture twenty-five drops at a time until it runs out, also washing it down with one-third of a glass of milk.

You can read more about healing blood vessels with garlic here.

Other effective recipes

  • Dry and chop hazel bark and leaves. Tea is made from this mixture by brewing in the following proportion: one tablespoon of the mixture per glass of boiling water.
  • Grind two tablespoons of valerian root and a glass of dill seeds, mix all this with two glasses of honey. Next, pour 1.5 liters of boiling water over the mixture, close the tincture in a thermos for 24 hours, then take one tablespoon 30 minutes before meals; you must consume the entire infusion.

  • Pour a tablespoon of hornbeam flowers into a glass of boiling water, leave for 40-60 minutes. You need to take this infusion for forty days, half a glass three times a day.
  • Hawthorn fruits (25-30 grams) pour 250 grams of boiling water(you can take the color of this plant, one tablespoon per glass of boiling water), leave for 40-45 minutes. Take one tablespoon three times a day before meals 30-35 minutes.

Products that dilate blood vessels

What products that dilate blood vessels can be mentioned, and what products are mistakenly considered to be vasodilators?

Collapse of misconceptions: what is not suitable for the treatment of blood vessels?

Products that heal

  • Oatmeal + strawberries- this combination perfectly cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol and even treats inflammation in them, restoring their elasticity and strengthening.
  • Red wine dilates blood vessels well, and white cleanses them of cholesterol. For preventive purposes, you can alternate these drinks (red wine one day, then white), but drink no more than 100-150 grams per day.
  • Well suited for cleansing and therefore dilating blood vessels recipe with soda, it is simple and accessible. You need to dissolve half a teaspoon of soda in a glass of warm boiled water and drink it on an empty stomach. This procedure is carried out twice a week, with an interval of three days. On other days, you should start your morning with a decoction of tea from medicinal herbs. Attention! This recipe is not suitable for those with stomach ulcers or high acidity.

This is interesting: the interaction of alcohol and blood vessels

In order to avoid such serious consequences as a stroke or heart attack, it is better to play it safe and regularly carry out preventive cleaning of blood vessels, preventing cholesterol from depositing on their walls. These procedures are much easier to do than then treating an already diseased cardiovascular system for a long time, and possibly until the end of life.


Why is vasoconstriction dangerous?

But the factors listed above lead to a temporary narrowing of blood vessels, and after a short time they return to normal. But there are a number of conditions that can cause long-term vasoconstriction. This can lead to a number of serious consequences.

With normal pressure created by the heart muscle, with narrowed blood vessels, the tissues receive too little oxygen and nutrients. To compensate for this, the heart is forced to work harder. Because of this, blood pressure increases, and the walls of blood vessels experience increased stress.

Constant vascular spasm is a prerequisite for the development of a huge number of diseases: severe headaches, high blood pressure, heart failure, heart attack and stroke.

Damage to the blood vessels of the brain is especially dangerous in this regard, since constantly narrowed blood vessels reduce the quality of its nutrition and impair its functioning, leading to impaired memory, attention, decreased performance, and so on.

Mechanisms of vasoconstriction

Any vessel is a hollow organ that consists of several layers. The outer layer provides its mechanical contraction and expansion. With its help, the body regulates body temperature, dilating blood vessels when overheated and constricting when cooling. But if this mechanism fails, chronic long-term vasospasm may develop.

One of the reasons for the disruption of the mechanism of constriction and dilation of blood vessels is age. The older a person is, the less elastic his blood vessels are.

But there is another mechanism for vasoconstriction - the growth of plaques on its inner surface. Cholesterol and atherosclerotic plaques are deposited on it, which narrows the lumen of the vessel.

In some cases, vasoconstriction may be caused by several reasons, for example, an increase in cholesterol plaques and loss of elasticity of the walls of blood vessels.

In such cases, it is necessary to follow a set of measures that will help slow down the process of plaque growth, as well as loss of elasticity.

Drug vasodilation

Today there are many medications that can dilate blood vessels. Some of them are used urgently if it is necessary to relieve a spasm, while others are suitable for permanent use, but provide a long-term effect. The most commonly used are the following:

  1. Nitroglycerine. This simple and affordable drug should be in the first aid kit of every “heart” patient, and people prone to angina attacks should have it with them at all times. It must be used for attacks of angina pectoris - pain in the heart due to physical or mental stress. One nitroglycerin tablet quickly relieves spasm and pain. But this drug is not effective for many diseases and conditions, such as heart attack and stroke.
  2. Spasmalgon. Another short-acting drug. It cannot be taken on an ongoing basis, but if you need to relieve an attack of headache caused by vasoconstriction, then Spazmalgon is the optimal remedy.
  3. Papaverine. An effective remedy against vasospasm, but it should only be taken under the guidance of a doctor.
  4. Calcium channel blockers. This is one of the most common means of combating hypertension. Drugs in this group block receptors that are responsible for vasoconstriction, making the drug effective for the treatment of arterial hypertension.
  5. Ginko Biloba. Preparations based on this plant are used to combat age-related changes in blood vessels, as well as improve cerebral circulation.

This is only a part of the drugs to eliminate vascular spasms.

To combat the narrowing of blood vessels due to the deposition of cholesterol and atherosclerotic plaques, other drugs are used. There are many commercial forms and names, which the doctor must select in accordance with the diagnostic results.

Nutrition for vasodilation

Proper nutrition is one of the main factors for those who want to know how to dilate blood vessels at home. Without strict adherence to a number of rules, success will not be achieved. The following recommendations must be followed:

  1. First of all, you need to reduce the amount of animal fats in your diet. You will have to give up butter, pork and lamb, sausages, fatty cheeses, and so on. Fermented milk products should have a minimum amount of fat. You shouldn’t give up meat completely, but preference should be given to chicken, turkey, and lean veal.
  2. Fish should be included in your daily diet. Fish oil not only does not cause the formation of “bad” cholesterol, which forms plaques, but also reduces its amount in the blood and “cleanses” the circulatory system. Fish can be boiled, baked, stewed, marinated. It is not advisable to fry it or use it in the form of canned food or preserves.
  3. Fresh fruits, vegetables, leafy salads and greens should be in the daily diet, regardless of the time of year. It is believed that you need to eat at least 5 servings per day, each approximately 200 grams.
  4. It is best to exclude alcohol from the diet. It does dilate the blood vessels, but its effect is short-lived, after which they can narrow even more.

It is allowed to use cognac as a vasodilator, but only in exceptional cases, for example, with severe stress or hypothermia, and no more than 40-50 milligrams.

Following these simple tips will help reduce the rate of vascular overgrowth. But besides this, it will be useful to use numerous folk recipes for dilating blood vessels at home.

Folk remedies for vasodilation

Traditional medicine, based on the healing properties of plants, has dozens of ways to dilate blood vessels at home:

  1. Garlic oil. This remedy is one of the most effective and versatile. The head of garlic should be mashed into a paste or finely chopped and placed in a glass jar, filled with a glass of unrefined vegetable oil. Leave the product in the refrigerator for at least a day. Then you need to drink one teaspoon of oil mixed with the same amount of lemon juice three times a day before meals. The duration of the course must be at least three months.
  2. Hawthorn. This remedy strengthens blood vessels and relieves their spasm. 20 grams of hawthorn fruits need to be poured with 200 grams of boiling water and boiled for 5 minutes. Then the product is filtered and stored in the refrigerator, taking one tablespoon before meals. A similar composition can be prepared from hawthorn flowers, but take 1 tablespoon per glass of water. The duration of the course is 3 months.
  3. Valerian. This plant is known for its calming properties, but it also relieves spasms and relaxes vascular muscles. To do this, you need to boil 10 grams of dry valerian roots in 200 grams of boiling water in a water bath for 30 minutes. Then the broth should be infused for another 2 hours, well wrapped. Afterwards, strain and store in the refrigerator. It is recommended to take the product one tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
  4. It is also useful to drink herbal infusions, using motherwort, yarrow, dried grass, mistletoe, and fireweed.
  5. Hazel. Dry hazel bark and leaves are crushed. 20 grams of raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water and left for an hour, well wrapped. The finished infusion should be taken one tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
  6. To cleanse blood vessels from toxins and plaques, other plants are used - birch buds, chamomile flowers, yarrow, St. John's wort, immortelle. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions, 100 grams each, then a tablespoon of the mixture is poured with two glasses of boiling water and left for half an hour. You need to take the infusion twice daily: in the morning, on an empty stomach, and in the evening. The course continues until the prepared mixture is finished. This course can be conducted once every 2-3 years.

These are the most common and well-proven home vasodilation methods. They can be used simultaneously with therapeutic drug methods, but you should consult your doctor before doing so. He will be able to determine whether this remedy will harm in a particular case and whether it will conflict with the therapy he has prescribed.

To dilate blood vessels at home, in addition to proper nutrition, medication and folk therapy, you should adhere to a number of additional recommendations, which relate primarily to lifestyle:

  1. Healthy sleep. Getting enough sleep is important for vascular health and well-being. You need to spend at least 8-9 hours sleeping, depending on your needs. For insomnia, you can use natural-based sedatives.
  2. Massage. A general strengthening massage perfectly stimulates the functioning of the vascular system. When cerebral vessels are damaged, massage of the cervical-collar area is useful.
  3. Cold and hot shower. A contrast shower, in which you alternate between dousing with cold and hot water, is the best exercise for your blood vessels. It forces them to expand and contract, improves their tone and elasticity. But it should not be carried out on elderly people without preparation. In such cases, you can use a simpler option: place two basins with hot and cold water next to each other and lower them into them alternately for a few seconds.
  4. Sauna, bathhouse, hammam. Such procedures are associated with warming up the entire body, which causes the blood vessels to expand and relieves their spasm. Massage enhances the effect, be it a soap massage in the hammam or the use of brooms in the bathhouse. Traditional sprinkling with snow after a bath is an excellent prevention of vascular diseases.
  5. Walks. It is very important to take at least a half-hour walk in the fresh air every day, preferably in a park. This ensures a flow of fresh oxygen to all tissues and tones the blood vessels.


General characteristics of vasodilator drugs

Pathological changes in blood vessels are quite common diseases that affect different age groups. Vascular stenosis can occur in various organs of our body, which will negatively affect the performance of vital functions.

Blood vessels penetrate almost all organs and tissues.

Blood flow:

  1. Nutrients, oxygen, and metabolic products are carried.
  2. The “garbage” generated in the process of life is removed.

Consequently, narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels worsens all these processes.

To treat vascular pathologies associated with a decrease in the lumen of vessels of various sizes and locations, vasodilators, or vasodilators, are used. This is a very broad group of drugs, the general characteristic of which is the expansion of blood vessels in various parts of the human body.

It is a mistake to assume that any of the drugs that dilate blood vessels have an equal effect on all those present in the body. After all, there are small, medium and large vessels, each of which performs a specific function. Consequently, the medicine for each group of vessels will be specific.

Classification is made according to several principles. The first of them is the mechanism of action of the drug. This criterion will be of little information for the patient, but is important for specialists.

The second classification is called ATC (anatomical-therapeutic-chemical).

When distributing drugs into different groups, the following criteria are taken into account:

  • main active ingredient. Thanks to this indicator, it is possible to determine the mechanism of action of the drug on the body;
  • a list of diseases for which the use of this drug is indicated;
  • specific organs on which the drug acts.

Such information about a drug that dilates blood vessels will be useful to the patient. However, it should be remembered that it is strictly forbidden to take drugs that have a vasodilating effect on your own.

A specialist sometimes prescribes completely different medications for the same pathological conditions. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the patient, the presence of concomitant pathologies of other organs and systems, the condition of the blood vessels in the affected area and many other factors.

Alarm signal - see a doctor immediately

The initial symptoms of vascular disorders are not specific and often go away without proper attention from the patient. Discomfortable conditions are attributed to overwork, weather dependence, stress and other everyday causes. However, ignoring such manifestations can lead to serious consequences.

What you should pay attention to when seeking advice from a specialist as soon as possible:

  • increased fatigue, even with minor loads;
  • a state of general weakness, accompanied by attacks of dizziness;
  • frequent headaches of varying intensity and localization;
  • depression of cognitive functions - poor perception and memory of information, decreased concentration;
  • partial loss of sensation in the limbs, deterioration in coordination of movements (presence of a “drunk” gait);

  • sudden changes in blood pressure;
  • feeling of “lack of sleep” during the day and insomnia at night;
  • being in a certain “prostration”, the so-called pre-fainting state;
  • decreased ability to work fully (this applies not only to physical, but also mental work).

Any person can encounter a list of reasons that can cause such manifestations. These include frequent stress, moral and psychological stress, chronic fatigue syndrome, addictions, depressive states leading to the development of neuroses. Other pathologies of organs and systems can also be provocative factors: cardiovascular diseases, osteochondrosis of various localizations, atherosclerotic phenomena and many others.

Only a neurologist can tell you what to treat and how to treat vascular stenosis after carrying out a whole range of diagnostic measures.

Preparations for cerebral vessels

Vasodilator drugs for the brain have some peculiarities in their mechanism of action. But experts consider their main drawback to be the effect on other groups of blood vessels, which very often leads to an excessive decrease in blood pressure. It is this fact that makes it impossible to use them for people prone to hypotension. The effect may be exactly the opposite of what was expected. Therefore, the choice of a drug that dilates the blood vessels of the brain is carried out purely individually.

New generation vasodilators are represented by the most commonly used drugs:

  1. Piracetam increases the rate of glucose excretion, which helps normalize blood circulation in the brain and relieve headaches and dizziness. Available in various pharmaceutical forms: tablets, syrup, as well as solutions for injections and infusions.
  2. Mexidol is available in tablet form and injections. It is used to normalize cerebral circulation, saturate brain cells with oxygen and nutrients, lower cholesterol concentrations, and promote vasodilation.
  3. Actovegin effectively fights against cerebral vasoconstriction, increases the rate of glucose excretion, and helps normalize metabolic processes at the cellular level.

Vasodilators for the treatment of atherosclerotic manifestations help improve blood supply to the brain, and also have a positive effect on the condition of the vascular venous and arterial walls.

The following drugs for dilating blood vessels have a quick effect:

  • Papaverine is indicated for cerebral vascular spasms, and also effectively combats similar manifestations in the smooth muscles of the peritoneum;
  • Cavinton - vasodilator tablets or solution for injection. Used for cerebrovascular disorders. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the blood vessels of the brain, expands their lumen and relieves spasms.
  • Angionorm is a representative of drugs that dilate blood vessels in the brain and help increase physical endurance, stress resistance and normalize the psycho-emotional state.

Almost all vasodilators for the head have a hypotensive effect.

Drugs for the treatment of coronary artery stenosis

Coronary artery stenosis characterizes pathologies of the cardiovascular system, especially IHD (coronary heart disease). It causes pain, a feeling of tightness in the chest and many other unpleasant symptoms.

Among the drugs that have a vasodilator effect specifically on the coronary vessels are:

  1. Niroglycerin is an “ambulance” in relieving attacks of pain during the development of myocardial infarction. Improves myocardial function, increasing the number of contractions, and prevents the return of venous blood, which reduces the need for oxygen in the heart muscle.
  2. Atenolol is a drug to reduce the number of heartbeats. Indicated for tachycardia, arrhythmias and high blood pressure. Relieves asthma attacks caused by increased myocardial oxygen demand, improves vascular conductivity and nutrition of the heart muscle.

However, both of these drugs have a number of contraindications, which makes it impossible to take them without first consulting a specialist to select the required dosage.

Among the prohibitions, emphasis can be placed on the following points:

  • hypotension – for both drugs;
  • hemorrhage in the brain or disruption of cerebral vessels - for Nitroglycerin;
  • shock states of a cardiogenic nature, sinus bradycardia (Atenolol);
  • kidney and liver pathologies (Atenolol);
  • diabetes mellitus (Atenolol).

Adequate use of drugs in this group makes it possible to stop attacks and significantly improve the patient’s quality of life.

We treat peripheral arteries

Spasm of peripheral vessels, as a rule, is present with hypertension and increased blood pressure, which is not yet hypertension, but can develop into this chronic dangerous disease.

Among the most effective and popular means are the following:

  1. Nifedipine belongs to the group of calcium antagonists. The drug reduces the load on the heart, overall vascular resistance and, as a result, reduces blood pressure.
  2. Enalapril is a drug for the treatment of hypertension, which is used for a long time and has a lasting effect on the condition of blood vessels, relaxing them.

Such drugs are indicated for patients with hypertension, heart failure, and coronary heart disease. Reception is carried out for a long time, most often for life.

For ease of use, it is available in the form of tablets with varying amounts of active ingredient.

Contraindications include individual intolerance to drug components, a significant decrease in blood pressure, or taking other medications that are not compatible with these drugs.

During long-term therapy with drugs of this group, regular monitoring of blood pressure, blood tests for electrolytes and biochemistry are indicated. If any indicators change, you should contact your doctor; you may need to adjust the dosage or replace the drug.

If the blood vessels of the legs are affected

With endocrine disorders (in particular, diabetes), vasculitis, varicose veins and other vascular pathologies of the extremities, peripheral vessels of various sizes are affected. In most cases - veins with arteries. Preparations for the legs have the properties of dilating blood vessels, reducing muscle tone of the walls and relieving spasms.

Papaverine as an antispasmodic for the lower extremities has the following effects:

  • relieves spastic phenomena in blood vessels and pain associated with them;
  • prevents the formation of trophic ulcers by affecting the vascular walls;
  • normalizes blood microcirculation in the peripheral vessels of the extremities;
  • improves metabolic processes in tissues, preventing necrotization processes.

Papaverine is available in the form of tablets and injection solutions. If the treatment is inpatient, then the injection form is often used. In the future, when continuing treatment at home, a tablet course is prescribed.

Phentolamine is an adrenergic blocker that has a vasodilating effect and acts selectively on damaged receptors.

Indications for the use of this remedy include:

  • ischemic pain in the legs;
  • endarteritis;
  • formation of trophic ulcers;
  • initial stages of gangrene development in atherosclerotic disease;
  • the presence of bedsores and frostbitten areas of skin of various locations.

The active ingredient of the drug improves trophism and activates blood supply in soft tissues throughout the body. Therefore, it is used not only as a specific remedy to combat vascular pathology of the lower extremities, but also according to indications for spasms or impaired blood supply to various locations.

Herbal remedies

Modern medicine has long come to the conclusion that the use of medicinal herbs is a reasonable solution to some problems, including those associated with spasms of blood vessels of various locations.

Among the advantages of such drugs, one should note their safety, minimal side effects and a small number of contraindications. The disadvantages include less rapid results, the need for long-term use and a pathological condition in the initial stage. If the disease is advanced, rapidly progressing, or is in an acute stage, treatment with herbal remedies alone will not bring results.

The most common and popular herbal preparations are those containing vinca and ginkgo biloba alkaloids. Extracts of these plants help relieve spasms, saturate tissues with oxygen and nutrients, normalize cerebral circulation, and normalize metabolic processes.

Medicines based on periwinkle:

  1. Cavinton.
  2. Vinpocetine.
  3. Telektol and others.

Ginkgo biloba is included in the following preparations:

  • Bilobil;
  • Tanakan;
  • Gingium and others.

But you should not take them without prior consultation with a specialist, even if your friends or relatives are delighted with the effect obtained. Even the safest herbal medicine has its contraindications and side effects. And only a doctor will be able to assess all the risks to the body in each specific case.

Taking care of your health is important at any age. And one should not naively think that vascular pathologies are the prerogative of old age. Even young people or children can experience spasms. This is all due to the environment, excessive physical and mental stress, stress, bad habits and many other factors. Timely care of blood vessels will make it possible to maintain efficiency, a clear mind and a strong memory for many years.


Drugs to dilate coronary arteries

Organic nitrates, nitric oxide donors, some adrenergic blockers, as well as calcium ion channel blockers have the effect of dilating coronary vessels.

This drug is simply irreplaceable in the treatment of patients suffering from coronary heart disease (CHD). This is an organic nitrate that has the ability to relax the smooth muscles of the vascular walls. Moreover, it is the coronary arteries that are most susceptible to this effect.

In addition, Nitroglycerin has a number of other effects:

The main indication for taking Nitroglycerin tablets is the need to relieve an attack of pain due to angina pectoris. In addition, the drug can serve as first aid in the development of myocardial infarction.

It is important to take into account the patient’s concomitant pathology in order to exclude contraindications, including:

  • hypotension;
  • cerebrovascular accident;
  • intracerebral hemorrhage;
  • closed-angle glaucoma (for the open-angle form of this pathology, Nitroglycerin can be used).

The active substance Atenolol has a selective effect on coronary β-adrenergic receptors. It is a selective blocker that stimulates the dilation of the coronary arteries, and also has a number of other therapeutic effects, including:

Indications for the use of Atenolol include: all clinical forms of angina, except Prinzmetal's angina, hypertension and symptomatic arterial hypertension, neurocirculatory disorders with hypertensive complications.

Among the contraindications to taking this medicine:

If the first drug we examined (Nitroglycerin) is prescribed primarily for the relief of acute conditions accompanied by heart pain (cardialgia), then Atenolol is usually prescribed for long-term use during complex therapy of cardiac patients.

Drugs to dilate peripheral arteries

The main goal of dilating the peripheral arterial bed is, as a rule, to reduce blood pressure (BP). To realize this therapeutic effect, adrenergic blockers, ganglion blockers, calcium blockers and potassium channel activators, as well as ACE inhibitors can be used.


This medicine is a calcium ion channel blocker. The main effect of its influence is the expansion of peripheral arteries. Consequently:

The list of indications for taking Nifedipine includes: hypertension, arterial hypertension, and chronic heart failure. Nifedipine is effective for high and very high blood pressure.

The list of contraindications to taking this medication includes: unstable angina, myocardial infarction, and hypotension.


This medicine belongs to the group of ACE inhibitors. At its core, Enalapril is a prodrug, because its active substance is activated by hydrolysis already in the human body, forming enalaprilat. This substance inhibits the activity of the enzyme that inhibits angiotensin-II. As a result, angiotensin-II is activated and realizes the hypotensive effect of Enalapril.

The list of indications for use of the drug includes all forms of arterial hypertension, congestive heart failure, and coronary artery disease.

Among the contraindications is increased individual sensitivity to the constituent components of the drug.

Medicines to lower blood pressure are usually available in tablet form. After all, they are prescribed to drink for a long time, in most cases for life. Therefore, the convenience of using such medications plays an important role in successful treatment.

Preparations for dilation of peripheral blood vessels of the legs

Such drugs are prescribed for peripheral blood flow disorders. The latter, in turn, quite often develop with diabetes mellitus, systemic connective tissue diseases, vasculitis of various origins, etc. Moreover, the arteries and veins of the legs are most often affected. To dilate the blood vessels in the legs, you can use antispasmodics, ganglion blockers, adrenergic blockers, calcium channel blockers and other drugs.

Papaverine is an antispasmodic and has two main effects on blood vessels:

  • elimination of spasm;
  • expansion of the lumen of the bloodstream.

The combination of these effects ensures the normalization of blood flow in the periphery, provided that the main cause of the existing disorders is spasm.

Indications for taking this medication include:

Contraindications include heart rhythm and conduction disorders.

Papaverine can be used both in tablet form and in injection form. If the patient is undergoing treatment in a hospital setting, then, as a rule, preference is given to Papaverine injections.


This vasodilator drug belongs to the adrenoblockers, which have a selective effect on α-adrenergic receptors. That is, it blocks adrenergic stimulation, thereby eliminating vascular spasm. It has a combined effect, similar to the previous medicine, acting primarily on arterioles and precapillaries. The substance significantly helps improve blood supply to soft tissues.

Among the indications for the use of Phentolamine:

Contraindications include severe cardiac diseases (in the stage of decompensation), as well as heart rhythm and conduction disorders.

This vasodilator also has two forms of release - for oral and parenteral administration. For the purpose of treatment, you can choose any of them.

Medicines to dilate blood vessels in the central nervous system

We conclude the article by examining the clinical features of pharmacological agents for vasodilation of the central nervous system (i.e., brain, nose, inner ear and eyes). The relevance of cerebrovascular pathology of the brain, as well as other parts of the central nervous system, is beyond doubt.

The need to dilate the corresponding vessels may be indicated by the following alarming symptoms:

Vasodilator drugs for the brain are represented by calcium channel blockers, adrenergic blockers, as well as special drugs to improve cerebral blood flow. Moreover, the latter are of greatest value in clinical practice. Let's look at three popular representatives from this group of medications.


The active substance Vinpocetine inhibits the activity of the phosphodiesterase enzyme, thereby promoting the intracellular accumulation of cAMP. As a result, two main effects are realized:

  • the vessels carrying blood to the brain dilate;
  • the blood flowing in them is thinned by reducing the tendency of platelets to aggregate.

In this way, cerebral blood flow can be optimized.

Indications for taking Vinpocetine are as follows:

Among the relevant contraindications: hemorrhagic stroke, cardiac arrhythmia and conduction disorders, as well as severe ischemic heart disease.

There are release forms of Vinpocetine for both oral and parenteral use. However, more often neurological patients are prescribed injections. Another drug, Cavinton, has an effect similar to Vinpocetine.


Metabolic drug. The effectiveness of Cytoflavin is due to the complex effect of the components included in the drug. The drug stimulates the processes of cellular respiration and energy formation, improves the processes of oxygen utilization by tissues, restores the activity of enzymes that provide antioxidant effects, activates intracellular protein synthesis, and promotes the utilization of glucose and fatty acids.

Positively affects the parameters of neurological status:

When administered intravenously, it helps restore impaired consciousness. It has a quick awakening effect during post-anesthesia depression of consciousness. When using Cytoflavin in the first 12 hours from the onset of stroke, a favorable course of ischemic and necrotic processes in the affected area (reduction of the lesion), restoration of neurological status and a decrease in the level of disability in the long-term period are observed.

The effect of this drug is realized through several active components. Their effects are:

Instenon can be used for the following indications:

  • stroke of ischemic type;
  • rehabilitation period for post-stroke patients;
  • encephalopathy;
  • post-traumatic encephalopathy;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia with cerebral complications.

Contraindications to the use of the drug include: hemorrhagic stroke, as well as the presence of any internal bleeding.

Available forms of release of Instenon provide for the possibility of taking the drug orally, as well as by injection.


Today, vasodilators are represented by a fairly large number of drugs, the main purpose of which is to improve blood flow. After all, vasodilation, as a rule, entails the passage of a larger volume of blood in a certain segment of the bloodstream. This effect can be realized in various ways.

Based on their mechanism of action, vasodilator drugs are classified as follows:

The name of the pharmacological group of a drug reflects the principle of its action. For example, adrenergic blockers block the corresponding receptors - α- and β-adrenergic receptors located on the walls of blood vessels, mainly arteries. As a result of the block, the arteries dilate, and the blood flow in their bed becomes more intense.

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But this classification of drugs is not entirely convenient, because it is understandable only to specialists - doctors and pharmacists. More accessible is the anatomical and therapeutic classification, which subdivides drugs that dilate blood vessels, depending on the topic and direction of their effect.. According to this classification, the following groups of relevant medications are distinguished:

  • drugs that dilate primarily coronary arteries;
  • drugs that dilate predominantly peripheral arteries, thereby helping to eliminate hypertension;
  • drugs that dilate predominantly peripheral arteries and veins, thereby helping to normalize regional hemodynamics;
  • drugs that dilate primarily the blood vessels of the brain.

Let's consider the most prominent representatives of these pharmacological groups.

Drugs to dilate coronary arteries

Organic nitrates, nitric oxide donors, some adrenergic blockers, as well as calcium ion channel blockers have the effect of dilating coronary vessels.

This drug is simply irreplaceable in the treatment of patients suffering from coronary heart disease (CHD). This is an organic nitrate that has the ability to relax the smooth muscles of the vascular walls. Moreover, it is the coronary arteries that are most susceptible to this effect.

In addition, Nitroglycerin has a number of other effects:

The main indication for taking Nitroglycerin tablets is the need to relieve an attack of pain due to angina pectoris. In addition, the drug can serve as first aid in the development of myocardial infarction.

It is important to take into account the patient’s concomitant pathology in order to exclude contraindications, including:

  • hypotension;
  • cerebrovascular accident;
  • intracerebral hemorrhage;
  • closed-angle glaucoma (for the open-angle form of this pathology, Nitroglycerin can be used).

The active substance Atenolol has a selective effect on coronary β-adrenergic receptors. It is a selective blocker that stimulates the dilation of the coronary arteries, and also has a number of other therapeutic effects, including:

Indications for the use of Atenolol include: all clinical forms of angina, except Prinzmetal's angina, hypertension and symptomatic arterial hypertension, neurocirculatory disorders with hypertensive complications.

Among the contraindications to taking this medicine:

If the first drug we examined (Nitroglycerin) is prescribed primarily for the relief of acute conditions accompanied by heart pain (cardialgia), then Atenolol is usually prescribed for long-term use during complex therapy of cardiac patients.

Drugs to dilate peripheral arteries

The main goal of dilating the peripheral arterial bed is, as a rule, to reduce blood pressure (BP). To realize this therapeutic effect, adrenergic blockers, ganglion blockers, calcium blockers and potassium channel activators, as well as ACE inhibitors can be used.


This medicine is a calcium ion channel blocker. The main effect of its influence is the expansion of peripheral arteries. Consequently:

To clean VESSELS, prevent blood clots and get rid of CHOLESTEROL, our readers use a new natural drug recommended by Elena Malysheva. The preparation contains blueberry juice, clover flowers, native garlic concentrate, rock oil, and wild garlic juice.

The list of indications for taking Nifedipine includes: hypertension, arterial hypertension, and chronic heart failure. Nifedipine is effective for high and very high blood pressure.

The list of contraindications to taking this medication includes: unstable angina, myocardial infarction, and hypotension.


This medicine belongs to the group of ACE inhibitors. At its core, Enalapril is a prodrug, because its active substance is activated by hydrolysis already in the human body, forming enalaprilat. This substance inhibits the activity of the enzyme that inhibits angiotensin-II. As a result, angiotensin-II is activated and realizes the hypotensive effect of Enalapril.

The list of indications for use of the drug includes all forms of arterial hypertension, congestive heart failure, and coronary artery disease.

Among the contraindications is increased individual sensitivity to the constituent components of the drug.

Medicines to lower blood pressure are usually available in tablet form. After all, they are prescribed to drink for a long time, in most cases for life. Therefore, the convenience of using such medications plays an important role in successful treatment.

Many of our readers actively use the well-known method based on Amaranth seeds and juice, discovered by Elena Malysheva, to CLEAN VESSELS and reduce the level of CHOLESTEROL in the body. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with this technique.

Preparations for dilation of peripheral blood vessels of the legs

Such drugs are prescribed for peripheral blood flow disorders. The latter, in turn, quite often develop with diabetes mellitus, systemic connective tissue diseases, vasculitis of various origins, etc. Moreover, the arteries and veins of the legs are most often affected. To dilate the blood vessels in the legs, you can use antispasmodics, ganglion blockers, adrenergic blockers, calcium channel blockers and other drugs.

Papaverine is an antispasmodic and has two main effects on blood vessels:

  • elimination of spasm;
  • expansion of the lumen of the bloodstream.

The combination of these effects ensures the normalization of blood flow in the periphery, provided that the main cause of the existing disorders is spasm.

Indications for taking this medication include:

Contraindications include heart rhythm and conduction disorders.

Papaverine can be used both in tablet form and in injection form. If the patient is undergoing treatment in a hospital setting, then, as a rule, preference is given to Papaverine injections.


This vasodilator drug belongs to the adrenoblockers, which have a selective effect on α-adrenergic receptors. That is, it blocks adrenergic stimulation, thereby eliminating vascular spasm. It has a combined effect, similar to the previous medicine, acting primarily on arterioles and precapillaries. The substance significantly helps improve blood supply to soft tissues.

Among the indications for the use of Phentolamine:

Contraindications include severe cardiac diseases (in the stage of decompensation), as well as heart rhythm and conduction disorders.

This vasodilator also has two forms of release - for oral and parenteral administration. For the purpose of treatment, you can choose any of them.

Medicines to dilate blood vessels in the central nervous system

We conclude the article by examining the clinical features of pharmacological agents for vasodilation of the central nervous system (i.e., brain, nose, inner ear and eyes). The relevance of cerebrovascular pathology of the brain, as well as other parts of the central nervous system, is beyond doubt.

The need to dilate the corresponding vessels may be indicated by the following alarming symptoms:

Vasodilator drugs for the brain are represented by calcium channel blockers, adrenergic blockers, as well as special drugs to improve cerebral blood flow. Moreover, the latter are of greatest value in clinical practice. Let's look at three popular representatives from this group of medications.


The active substance Vinpocetine inhibits the activity of the phosphodiesterase enzyme, thereby promoting the intracellular accumulation of cAMP. As a result, two main effects are realized:

  • the vessels carrying blood to the brain dilate;
  • the blood flowing in them is thinned by reducing the tendency of platelets to aggregate.

In this way, cerebral blood flow can be optimized.

Indications for taking Vinpocetine are as follows:

Among the relevant contraindications: hemorrhagic stroke, cardiac arrhythmia and conduction disorders, as well as severe ischemic heart disease.

There are release forms of Vinpocetine for both oral and parenteral use. However, more often neurological patients are prescribed injections. Another drug, Cavinton, has an effect similar to Vinpocetine.


Metabolic drug. The effectiveness of Cytoflavin is due to the complex effect of the components included in the drug. The drug stimulates the processes of cellular respiration and energy formation, improves the processes of oxygen utilization by tissues, restores the activity of enzymes that provide antioxidant effects, activates intracellular protein synthesis, and promotes the utilization of glucose and fatty acids.

Positively affects the parameters of neurological status:

When administered intravenously, it helps restore impaired consciousness. It has a quick awakening effect during post-anesthesia depression of consciousness. When using Cytoflavin in the first 12 hours from the onset of stroke, a favorable course of ischemic and necrotic processes in the affected area (reduction of the lesion), restoration of neurological status and a decrease in the level of disability in the long-term period are observed.

The effect of this drug is realized through several active components. Their effects are:

Instenon can be used for the following indications:

  • stroke of ischemic type;
  • rehabilitation period for post-stroke patients;
  • encephalopathy;
  • post-traumatic encephalopathy;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia with cerebral complications.

Contraindications to the use of the drug include: hemorrhagic stroke, as well as the presence of any internal bleeding.

Available forms of release of Instenon provide for the possibility of taking the drug orally, as well as by injection.

Do you still think that it is completely impossible to RESTORE blood vessels and the BODY!?

Have you ever tried to restore the functioning of your heart, brain or other organs after suffering pathologies and injuries? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you know firsthand what it is:

  • Do you often experience unpleasant sensations in the head area (pain, dizziness)?
  • You may suddenly feel weak and tired...
  • I constantly feel high blood pressure...
  • there is nothing to say about shortness of breath after the slightest physical exertion...

Did you know that all these symptoms indicate INCREASED CHOLESTEROL levels in your body? And all that is necessary is to bring cholesterol back to normal. Now answer the question: are you satisfied with this? Can ALL THESE SYMPTOMS be tolerated? How much time have you already wasted on ineffective treatment? After all, sooner or later the SITUATION WILL GET WORSE.

That's right - it's time to start putting an end to this problem! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive interview with the head of the Institute of Cardiology of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Renat Suleymanovich Akchurin, in which he revealed the secret of TREATING high cholesterol.