What does high diastolic pressure mean? Taking certain medications. Reasons for increasing lower blood pressure simultaneously with upper blood pressure

How well your heart is working can be checked simply by measuring your blood pressure. To obtain real picture health status, a study is being conducted on the effectiveness of systole and diastole. The lower, or diastolic, pressure is influenced by the condition of the blood vessels. If they have suffered due to any external or internal factors, a person is diagnosed with high diastolic pressure, tachycardia and severe headaches appear.

Healthy indicators of diastolic function of the heart directly depend on the tone of the arteries that feed it. If blood vessels begin to narrow, losing their elasticity, and pressure begins to increase inside them. Normal limits of the indicator are 65-80 mm/Hg. Art. After 50-60 years, it is allowed to expand the boundaries by several units. This is due to the aging of the body, while the patient does not experience significant heart problems.

Systolic pressure does not always rise at the same time as diastolic pressure. This phenomenon causes dangerous condition, called isolated arterial hypertension. The symptom requires immediate treatment.

Attention!!! There are proven cases where patients with diastolic pressure above 80 ml/Hg. Art. lived their entire adult lives without having any serious problems with health. But similar cases are exceptions and cannot be considered the norm.

Causes of increased lower pressure

People who have already been diagnosed with vascular problems are at risk of developing pathology. Also, heart function should be checked in patients undergoing therapy to eliminate any endocrine diseases. During treatment, they use drugs that negatively affect cardiac function, which can cause diastole pathology. Other factors for the development of high lower pressure include the following:

  1. Abuse of products containing increased amount animal fat. It settles on the walls of blood vessels, which leads to their narrowing.
  2. Passion for salty foods, as salt reduces the elasticity of the arteries and makes them more vulnerable.
  3. Frequent use alcoholic drinks and smoking. Almost 90% of patients treated for high diastolic pressure suffer from nicotine addiction and often drink alcohol.
  4. Overweight and obesity. Overweight force the heart to work harder, which changes the structure of the arteries and small vessels. Gradually, such changes lead to the inability to pump the required volume of blood.
  5. Negative emotional background for a long time or short-term psycho-emotional shock. Stress and depression also depress the heart, leading to weakening of its function.
  6. Inflammatory processes in the body. In this case, inflammation localized in the kidneys is especially dangerous. If diastolic pressure constantly increases, this process can lead to organ failure and the need for an urgent transplant. When diagnosing kidney disease, it is worth constantly checking your blood pressure.

To confirm the presence of problems with diastole, it is worth measuring pressure at regular intervals and taking into account a number of factors:

  • general health of the patient and his medical history;
  • time of day, as a rule, the pressure is higher in the evening;
  • need or self-prescription of stimulants;
  • taking medications that may affect the performance of the heart.

Below is a table that includes some patient groups with recommendations for measuring blood pressure.

Patient groupNumber of measurements
From 15 to 50 years without heart problems and normal weight bodyDuring the annual medical examination
From 15 to 50 years with kidney problemsDuring the period of exacerbation every day, in the stage of remission every day
From 15 to 50 years with heart problemsDaily during exacerbation and after physical activity
People who constantly work physicallyEvery evening
Elderly patients with heart problemsMorning and evening without taking into account exacerbation of diseases
Elderly patients with kidney problemsThree times a day at regular intervals
Obese patientsDaily without taking into account basic medical history

Attention!!! As practical studies show, if measures to reduce blood pressure are started immediately after diagnosing the pathology, this reduces the likelihood of developing myocardial infarction and stroke several times. It is especially useful to keep medications against high diastolic pressure with you in patients over 60 years of age, without taking into account their current and past medical history.

Signs of high lower blood pressure

To the main features developing pathology the following symptoms include:

  • constant headaches, which may worsen during weather changes;
  • as it increases painful sensations the patient may develop dizziness;
  • may also be noted in the chest area painful sensations and a feeling of heaviness;
  • such sensations will lead to difficulty breathing, which will cause shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat;
  • how an additional symptom may manifest itself cold sweat, increasing as pressure increases.

Chest pain and a feeling of heaviness are one of the signs of increased lower pressure

The danger of high lower pressure

Increased blood pressure is a symptom of a developing underlying disease. It arises due to inflammatory processes, decreased elasticity of blood vessels and problems with the endocrine system.

Gradually, the underlying disease provokes a decrease in blood supply to the heart muscle and brain. As a result, a person may be hospitalized with a myocardial infarction or stroke. In many cases, the patient cannot be saved due to a late call to the doctor and untimely diagnosis of problems with the organ.

If previously such ailments mainly affected elderly patients, now cases of pre-infarction and pre-stroke conditions are detected even in young people under 20 years of age.

Video - Blood pressure. What does low blood pressure mean?

Reducing diastolic pressure without pills

Sometimes your lower blood pressure may suddenly rise and you don't have a suitable one with you. medicinal product. In such situations, you must follow these recommendations:

  • accept horizontal position, place an ice bag wrapped in a small strip of cloth on the neck area to prevent frostbite;
  • after 1-2 minutes, remove the compress and gently knead the neck area with it, you can massage your temples with pieces of ice, barely touching the skin;
  • Acupuncture perfectly reduces blood pressure, to do this, press thumb on the hollows under the earlobes and draw a strip to the collarbone;
  • You can repeat this effect several times until noticeable relief comes.

Such methods cannot replace full-fledged adequate treatment, since they can only help lower the pressure a little and give time for an ambulance to arrive. If possible, all of the above manipulations should be performed outdoors or in a cool, ventilated area.

Use of medications to treat pathology

Medicines in the presence of high diastolic pressure are selected strictly individually and only after a full examination. When the disease becomes protracted or chronic, the patient is prescribed long-term therapy, which may consist of the following drugs.

  1. Beta blockers. Their use is justified when stabilizing high blood pressure in patients suffering from angina or cardiac ischemia. It is necessary to use drugs of this group with great caution to patients who have been diagnosed with bronchial lesions, including asthma. Good examples beta blockers are the drugs Atenolol and Anaprilin.
  2. Calcium antagonists. Refers to traditional drugs for reducing high diastolic pressure. They have been used in treatment since the last century. Calcium antagonists are indicated mainly for patients with myocardial ischemia. To the group of these medicines includes Verapamil and its analogues.
  3. ACE inhibitors. They can be used not only to reduce high lower pressure, but also general pressure. Patients respond positively to the use of drugs in this group, as they rarely experience side effects. IN in rare cases against the background of the reception ACE inhibitors, these include Ramipril and Enalapril, patients could experience a dry, prolonged cough. Its appearance makes further therapy impossible and requires a change in medications.

Attention!!! Patients with kidney problems need to carefully select the dosage of any medications. If the recommended dose is exceeded, they may develop bradycardia and kidney failure.

Home treatments

Traditional medicine can be used in combination with traditional medicine. But despite the use natural ingredients, you should first coordinate your treatment with your doctor and exclude possible allergies on the ingredients.

Tincture of pine cones

  • 3 medium pine cones without washing, put in 0.5 liters of good vodka;
  • the infusion container must be strictly glass;
  • add 15 ml to vodka liquid valerian and 25 g sugar;
  • Having tightly closed the container, it is placed in a cool place for 2 weeks;
  • it is important to ensure that Sun rays did not come into contact with the ingredients;
  • after 14 days, strain the solution through cheesecloth and refrigerate;
  • take 15 ml daily until symptoms disappear, strictly before going to bed.

Used pine cones can be cooked 1-2 more times. But in order for the solution to be sufficiently concentrated, the infusion time is increased by a week with each procedure.

Infusion of chokeberry

Chokeberry infusion should not be consumed if you have blood problems. Chokeberry infusion should not be consumed if you have blood problems.

This remedy can only be used if you do not have blood problems. If you have a tendency to form blood clots, you should choose other methods of therapy.

  • Grind 250 g of blackcurrant into puree;
  • pour the mixture with 500 ml of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes;
  • strain the grounds through cheesecloth;
  • add 30 g of honey to the resulting infusion;
  • Having closed the vessel, put it in a dark, cool place for 5-7 days;
  • drink 100 ml twice a day;
  • The course of treatment is determined only by the doctor.

During treatment, the patient must comply a complete diet With big amount dairy and fermented milk products, green vegetables are allowed. It is necessary to completely eliminate animal fats, as they increase the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. It is allowed to eat low-fat fish 1-2 times a week.

Due to the danger of development fatal symptom It is worth keeping a high-quality blood pressure monitor at home, this is especially true for older people and those with any diagnosed heart disease. On initial stage high diastolic pressure can be easily corrected, which allows not to reduce the patient’s quality of life.

Arterial pressure- This pressure blood, which is constantly maintained in the human circulatory system. Why does blood constantly press on the walls of blood vessels? She is pushed by the heart - a tireless pump that beats 70 - 90 times per minute.

When you measure arterial pressure, you always get two digits. One of them is larger - it is said to indicate “upper” blood pressure. The second is “bottom”. Among doctors they are called systolic and diastolic.

Systolic pressure is higher because it is created at the moment of the next contraction of the heart, accompanied by the ejection of blood. Diastolic pressure occurs when the heart muscle relaxes, meaning it drops slightly.

Why does a person's blood pressure increase?

There are two types of arterial hypertension (hypotension, high blood pressure):
1. Essential hypertension - arises as if by itself, due to various reasons: hereditary predisposition, unhealthy diet, lifestyle, bad habits, etc.;
2. Symptomatic hypertension - is symptom many diseases, for example, atherosclerosis, kidney disease, nervous system etc.

For both essential and symptomatic arterial hypertension medications are prescribed that cause a decrease in blood pressure. However, other treatments are very different. Therefore, the attending physician must accurately establish the diagnosis and understand the causes of high blood pressure.

What can cause high blood pressure?

Blood pressure levels may be affected great amount factors:
  • Emotional condition. When a person is subject to frequent stress, experiences fears, anxiety, he may be bothered by high blood pressure and increased heartbeat.
  • Bad habits. Smoking disrupts over time normal process relaxation of the walls of blood vessels. Systematic alcohol consumption contributes to disorders nervous regulation blood vessels, the growth of atherosclerotic plaques and blood clots.
  • Change of weather. In this case, there is always a change in atmospheric pressure, and this affects the blood pressure of sensitive people.
  • Drinking strong tea, coffee.
  • Poor nutrition and overweight bodies.
  • Condition of internal organs. As we have already discussed above, diseases of the kidneys, liver, nervous system, etc. can lead to so-called symptomatic arterial hypertension.
  • Consuming large quantities table salt and liquids.
  • Age. For each age group There are certain causes of increased blood pressure.

What blood pressure is considered normal?

The “gold standard” of blood pressure is well known to everyone: 120 and 80 mm. rt. Art. They say about such people that the pressure is “like that of an astronaut.”

In some people, blood pressure may be lower than this figure - 100 - 110 mm. rt. Art. If it rises to 120/80 they may feel unwell.

In other people, blood pressure can reach 140 and 90 mm. rt. Art. In principle, an increase in blood pressure to these figures in any person can be considered as normal.

The effectiveness of treatment largely depends on the responsible attitude of the patient. It is not enough to appoint good pills, it is also necessary constantly, in set time accept them. Interruptions in treatment are unacceptable.

Today there are new generations of antihypertensive drugs. They are very effective, but have a high cost, often unacceptable for elderly patients. Often, because of this, patients do not follow the doctor’s recommendations, but begin to choose something cheaper on their own. You should absolutely not do this! It is better to consult a doctor and ask them to find something cheaper for you. But under no circumstances should you experiment at random!

Common myths about hypertension

An ancient wisdom says: “forewarned is forearmed.” It is not enough to simply prescribe good treatment to completely rid the patient of arterial hypertension. Treatment is almost always lifelong and requires the active participation of the patient. Therefore, it may be helpful for you to learn about some common misconceptions about hypertension.

With arterial hypertension, it is generally better to sit or lie down all the time. After all, due to stress, the pressure may rise again!
In fact, excessive physical activity is contraindicated for all hypertensive patients. Excessive!!! But look what happens if you constantly lie on the couch and don’t do gymnastics at all:

  • metabolic disorders become more pronounced, body weight increases, cholesterol plaques grow inside the vessels;
  • blood stagnation is noted, the heart begins to contract weaker;
  • overall falls vitality, in the end any pathological changes develop much faster in the body.
Even for patients who have suffered a myocardial infarction, while still in the department intensive care appoint special exercises. They should also be performed by people whose high blood pressure is not accompanied by any complications. Of course, it is advisable to do this under the supervision of a doctor.

Exists " magic pill". Once you start taking it, your blood pressure will no longer rise!
We have already said above that selecting medications for high blood pressure is a long and difficult process. It is often necessary to change medications and their dosages and regimen.

In addition, pills alone are not enough to completely get rid of the problem. You must definitely lead a healthy lifestyle: eat right, do gymnastics, give up bad habits, get plenty of rest, spend more time outdoors, etc.

Some people feel fine when their blood pressure rises to 180–200 mmHg. rt. Art. If everything is normal, then there is no need to treat!
The well-being of a person suffering from arterial hypertension in in this case is not an indicator. The person may not experience any symptoms. However, irreversible changes occur in his body at this time. Over time, the pressure will increase more and more, pathological changes will occur in internal organs, and a person may eventually become disabled.

In addition, high blood pressure is always a risk of developing heart attacks and strokes. This condition should not be ignored.

Modern medicine has advanced a lot. No matter what lifestyle I lead, I can still cope with high blood pressure!
Indeed, modern medicine is last years began to use many new treatments wide range diseases, including hypertension:

  • Today, statin drugs are widely used, which help dissolve atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels;
  • stenting operations are performed - minimally invasive interventions, with the help of which the lumen of the vessel is artificially expanded;
  • There are great prospects for the use of lasers, ultrasound, and gamma therapy in treatment.
But not one, not even the most best method treatment of arterial hypertension cannot be compared in its effectiveness with competent prevention. If the pressure already “jumps” to high numbers, it means there are already metabolic disorders. And they affect not only blood vessels. It is possible to improve the patient’s condition using many methods, but to radically correct the situation is extremely difficult.

Hypertension and high blood pressure in general are the lot of those over 40.
Unfortunately, currently, heart disease vascular system have become much younger. High blood pressure can be detected in young people, and even children. Reasons for this:

  • poor nutrition and lifestyle, low physical activity;
  • increase in the prevalence of bad habits: smoking, alcohol abuse;
  • frequent stress, lack of sleep, intense, exhausting work.
You need to start taking care of the health of your heart and blood vessels from a young age. All diseases of older age are the result of the lifestyle a person led.

High blood pressure after 40–50 years is normal. Everyone has it.
Completely wrong point of view. U absolutely healthy person The risk of hypertension increases only after 55 years. Before this, at in the right way life and timely treatment, it is quite possible to support normal level blood pressure.

Remember when it comes to diseases such as atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension, best treatment- This competent prevention under the guidance of a doctor. And if the disease already exists, then you need to carefully follow the doctor’s prescriptions and take the necessary tests on time.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

The problem of high blood pressure is very relevant today. Unfortunately, many people do not pay attention to high blood pressure until it becomes a serious concern. When persistent complaints begin, caused by major changes in many vessels of the body, then they begin to use drugs, and they do it, most often, incorrectly. We will talk about how to recognize the symptoms of arterial hypertension in yourself, and how to deal with this disease correctly in order to avoid such terrible complications as myocardial infarction, stroke, memory impairment, attention, so-called encephalopathy (which can also be a cause of high blood pressure). Let's talk in this article.

Prevalence of high blood pressure (BP) problem

The problem of high blood pressure is quite common. According to statistics, 25% of the adult population suffers from high blood pressure; in persons aged 65 years and older, the percentage rises to 65 and above. Most common soft form arterial hypertension 70 - 80%, and the remaining cases are due to severe arterial hypertension.

Signs of high blood pressure

The main signs of high blood pressure are:

  • headache (feeling of pressure in the temples, forehead),
  • dizziness,
  • feeling of pressure on the eyes from the inside,
  • facial redness,
  • noise in ears,
  • floaters before eyes.

The difference between arterial hypertension and essential hypertension

Arterial hypertension- this is the presence of high blood pressure itself. This is the result shown by the tonometer. Hypertonic disease is a persistent, prolonged increase in blood pressure.

Arterial hypertension is a symptom of hypertension (primary arterial hypertension), the causes of which are: increased content cholesterol in the blood, which is deposited in the form cholesterol plaques in blood vessels, excess salt and fluid in the body, sedentary lifestyle, stress, excess body weight, hereditary predisposition.

There is also symptomatic arterial hypertension (secondary arterial hypertension). Symptomatic arterial hypertension occurs with kidney disease, diabetes mellitus and others. endocrine diseases, for diseases of the central nervous system (stroke, brain tumors), for diseases of the heart and blood vessels, heart defects, pathology of the aorta, valves. There is also drug-induced arterial hypertension (when taking glucocorticosteroids, contraceptives, antidepressants).

High blood pressure danger

A persistent increase in blood pressure can lead to complications such as angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, chronic heart failure, and stroke. Therefore, it is important to reduce blood pressure and prevent its re-increase not only in order to improve the patient’s quality of life, but also in order to prolong the patient’s life itself. Such serious complications as stroke and myocardial infarction can lead not only to the patient’s disability, but also to his death.

Hypertensive crisis

A hypertensive crisis is understood as an excessive increase in blood pressure (in young people, a crisis often occurs when blood pressure levels are low; here it is important to listen to the symptoms and not focus on blood pressure numbers). Hypertensive patients, as a rule, know the symptoms of a hypertensive crisis - headaches, dizziness, staggering when walking, palpitations, shortness of breath. These symptoms indicate damage to target organs such as the brain and heart. Some patients also experience neurological symptoms: vomiting, convulsions, and disturbances of consciousness. Hypertensive crisis can lead to myocardial infarction and stroke, so it must be stopped immediately.

What to do if you have high blood pressure?

The first thing to do, if the symptoms of a crisis are minor and the crisis is just beginning, is to sit down and lower your legs, this way the blood flow to the heart is slightly reduced and the overload is reduced. You can also massage your ears, apply cold water to your head, hot bath for the legs - these procedures help as a reflex with a distracting effect. Deep breathing with delays at the height of inspiration can help to stop an incipient crisis without medication. You can calm the patient with drops of Valocardin and Corvalol.

What medications are used for first aid for high blood pressure depends on clinical symptoms crisis:

  1. A crisis without circulatory disorders (suffocation, palpitations, swelling in the legs, enlarged liver; and pathology of the central nervous system (impaired movement, ability to speak, numbness of fingers and toes, facial asymmetry) In such a crisis, the doctor gives medications in the form of tablets and must monitor the condition patient for a month.
  2. In a crisis with neurological symptoms, chest pain and shortness of breath, the condition is assessed as severe, drugs are administered only parenterally (intravenously) and the patient must be hospitalized for further treatment to the hospital. Hospitalization in a hospital is mandatory, since with these symptoms the patient may be diagnosed with a stroke or myocardial infarction.

Of the tablet drugs for young patients, Nifedipine and Metoprolol are used. At chronic diseases lungs, bronchial asthma Metoprolol is contraindicated. If the patient is elderly and has suffered a myocardial infarction, then Captopril and Carvedilol are recommended. When taking Captopril, you must lie down for 8 hours because your blood pressure may drop sharply when you try to stand up.

Magnesia sulfate is considered an outdated drug, but sometimes it is still used for hypertensive crisis; such drugs as No-shpa, Papaverine, Dibazol in injections are excluded from the treatment standards.

For intravenous administration they use the drugs sodium Nitroprusside, Nikadipin, Verapamil, Hydralazine, Enalaprilat, Labetalol, Clonidine, Azamethonium bromide.

Now let's talk about the treatment of hypertension. If a doctor has diagnosed hypertension and prescribed antihypertensive therapy, then the first thing the patient must remember is that antihypertensive drugs must be taken regularly, since their main goal is not to reduce already high blood pressure, but to prevent its increase. What drugs of choice are used to treat hypertension?

High blood pressure treatment

There are five main groups of antihypertensive drugs. It is also important what is complicated and what is combined with hypertonic disease in this patient.

Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs), one of the best drugs this group are Perindopril, Ramipril. Drugs in this group are used for a fairly common complication of hypertension - left ventricular myocardial hypertrophy. It has been proven that drugs in this group not only reduce blood pressure (have hypotensive effect), but also help reduce left ventricular myocardial hypertrophy, and also have an antiarrhythmic effect.

The combination of the drug Perindopril with Indapamide (a diuretic drug) is quite justified, since diuretics also have a hypotensive effect, and also in combination with a diuretic this drug more effective. ACE inhibitor drugs are the first in the treatment of hypertension. It is preferable to use new generation drugs as opposed to older drugs (such as Enalapril), as they are taken once a day and are also more effective.

ACE inhibitors are also effective in secondary prevention coronary heart disease and heart failure, and is preferable among other drugs for diabetes mellitus and renal pathology.

In case of intolerance, ACE inhibitors are prescribed inhibitors of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system or sartans: Losartan, Valsartan, etc. These drugs are also effective for left ventricular myocardial hypertrophy (they reduce it with long-term use), heart failure, diabetic nephropathy, renal pathology, arrhythmia (paroxysmal atrial fibrillation).

Betta blockers(for example, Concor, Nebivolol). In addition to antihypertensive properties, they have anti-ischemic and antiarrhythmic effects, which allows them to be used for the prevention of sudden cardiac death. Beta blockers are the drugs of choice when hypertension is combined with coronary disease heart disease (CHD), especially after acute coronary syndromes (myocardial infarction), as well as with any types of arrhythmias, including tachycardia (increased heart rate). From this group, it is preferable to use selective drugs that have the least side effects(Concor, Nebivolol), including negative influence to sexual activity.

Thiazide diuretics(Hypothiazide) . Therapy with thiazide diuretics reduces the incidence of complications of coronary artery disease, as well as the incidence of heart failure and renal disorders.

Calcium antagonists (CA). The drugs of choice in this group depend on the heart rate; with a tendency to tachycardia, the drugs of choice are the group of phenylalkylamines (verapamil), and with a tendency to bradycardia, the group of dihydropyridines (nifedipine, amlodipine).

Calcium antagonists reduce the incidence of complications of coronary artery disease due to their antianginal effect. The antianginal (or anti-ischemic) effect of AC is realized due to the expansion coronary vessels(vessels feeding the heart), thus, the frequency of attacks of chest pain decreases, or they even stop altogether and are prevented. The cardioprotective effect of AKs is associated with their ability to reduce left ventricular myocardial hypertrophy, which is a common complication GB. AKs also help reduce the complication of hypertension by heart failure.

These are the main five groups that are used to treat hypertension.

Currently widely used to treat hypertension combined drug therapy . It should be noted that at the stage of drug selection, the use of combination therapy is inappropriate, because it is necessary to find out how suitable the drug is for the patient, as well as determine the dosage. In the future, when the dosage is selected, it is often used combination drugs. There are combinations that are more effective. Combination therapy is considered more effective because different groups drugs have different mechanisms of action, and their combination will give a more stable and long-lasting effect.

ACE inhibitor + potassium-sparing diuretic (for example, Noliprel, Co-perineva). These are some of the most popular and well-tolerated combinations.

Sartans + thiazide diuretics (for example, Valz N, Lorista N). often used for intolerance to ACE inhibitors.

Sartans + slow calcium channel blockers (for example, Exforge, Exforge N with a diuretic). Used for a combination of hypertension and coronary artery disease, angina pectoris.

ACEI + BMKK, Equator. Also used for a combination of hypertension and coronary artery disease, angina pectoris.

Beta blocker + BMKK, Concor AM. This combination is considered effective for a combination of hypertension, ischemic heart disease, exertional angina and tachyarrhythmias.

Thiazide diuretic + beta blocker (Tenoric, Lopressor). This combination is considered effective, but has disadvantages in affecting lipid metabolism and sexual activity.

Features of the course of hypertension at different ages

If we talk about high blood pressure in childhood, then the main cause is kidney disease (glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, polycystic kidney disease), some heart defects, congenital changes large vessels(for example, stenosis renal arteries, coarctation of the aorta). TO adolescence the role of endocrine pathology (hypothalamic syndrome). Now in many countries there is an increase in primary childhood hypertension, which is associated with overeating and a sedentary lifestyle, leading to obesity, which contributes to a failure in blood pressure regulation.

After 30 years, the importance of secondary arterial hypertension gradually decreases, and arterial hypertension itself or hypertension itself comes to the fore - a multifactorial disease that cannot be cured, but can only be controlled with medication by regularly taking blood pressure-lowering drugs. During this period, increased blood pressure is associated with mental and physical overload, night shift work, and stress. This type of hypertension is called reactive and requires constant monitoring. From the period of regular increase in blood pressure, it is necessary to monitor it and consult a doctor for further examination and treatment.

After 40 years, the risk of serious complications, such as myocardial infarction, stroke, increases sharply, so you need to monitor your blood pressure numbers especially carefully, not skip medications, and regularly see your doctor.

Sports and high blood pressure

What to do if a person suffering from hypertension wants to play sports? Should I be afraid of the condition getting worse?

Despite the increased blood pressure numbers, physical activity is necessary, but it must be appropriate to the patient’s condition. At systolic pressure 140/180 mmHg Art., and diastolic 105 mm. rt. Art. The patient is advised to remain active and combine different types sports Regular physical exercise contribute to the normalization of blood pressure numbers.

If the blood pressure numbers are higher, then sports activities are harmful to health. Such patients need uniform physical activity that strengthens the muscles.

Prevention of arterial hypertension

Have you started to notice an increase in blood pressure? What to do?

Prevention of high blood pressure is the fight against a sedentary lifestyle, normalization of work and rest, avoiding stress, and, of course, diet. To prevent arterial hypertension, it is necessary to limit salt and liquid intake, and also avoid coffee, strong tea, carbonated sweet drinks, chocolate, smoked products, sausage, mayonnaise, fatty and fried food. Eliminate completely or severely limit.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Therapist E.A. Kuznetsova

High blood pressure is a common condition, the risk of which increases with age. In young people, arterial hypertension is not often diagnosed, usually against the background of other vascular and brain diseases.

Blood pressure readings are two numbers, systolic and diastolic. People call them “upper” and “lower”. The first number characterizes the pressure in the vessels during systole - the maximum tension when blood is ejected from the heart. The second is during diastole, moments of “rest” of the heart muscle.

Important to remember!Approximately 40% of people over the age of 45 are hypertensive.

Blood pressure above 140/90 is considered elevated. On late stages, when the upper value reaches 200 mmHg. Art. and higher, the risk of stroke, heart attack and other complications and even death of the patient increases significantly.

Given the prevalence of this diagnosis, patients themselves often treat it lightly, arguing that people with this disease live for decades. But to control blood pressure and maintain healthy blood vessels, you need to take medications regularly.

Causes of high blood pressure

Heredity is far from the only cause of arterial hypertension. Of course, if there were hypertensive patients in the family, in whom the disease manifested itself in early age(up to 40 years), the risk increases. But often high blood pressure is a consequence wrong image life.

Hypertension is caused by:

  1. Frequent stress. Increased emotional stress, insomnia, nervous overload lead to vasospasm, which results in increased blood pressure.
  2. Sedentary image life, as a result of which blood circulation deteriorates.
  3. Excess body weight puts a strain on all organs, leading to fluid retention and blockage of blood vessels.
  4. Abundance fatty foods, including containing hidden fats plant and animal origin, leads to excess cholesterol. As a result, the lumen of the vessels narrows, and blood pressure on the walls increases.
  5. An abundance of salty foods provokes fluid retention and disruption of the kidneys, which increases the load on the blood vessels.
  6. Bad habits - alcohol, smoking, which cause vasospasm.
  7. The presence of other diseases of the cardiovascular system - atherosclerosis, heart failure, etc. They can be both a cause and a consequence of high blood pressure.
  8. Taking certain medications (hormonal, antidepressants, increasing blood viscosity).

First symptoms

The difficulty in treating hypertension is that many patients do not pay attention to the first manifestations of the disease, put off visiting a doctor until the last minute, and often use medications to lower blood pressure on the advice of friends. Often the diagnosis of arterial hypertension is made after the first serious attack, which ends with an ambulance being called.

On early stages High blood pressure is manifested by anxiety, restlessness, which is accompanied by:

  1. Headache, dizziness.
  2. Pain and feeling of heaviness in the heart area.
  3. Nausea.
  4. Redness of the facial skin and sweating, in rare cases – numbness and coldness of the extremities.
  5. Pulsating in the temples.
  6. Visual impairment - a feeling of flickering, goosebumps, sometimes temporary loss of vision.
  7. Heart rhythm disturbance.
  8. Swelling.
  9. Memory impairment.

How to detect the disease in time?

The surest way to detect this disease in time is that people over 40 years of age need to regularly monitor their blood pressure readings at least once a month. As soon as it starts to increase, you should immediately consult a doctor - a therapist or neurologist, who will prescribe treatment to reduce the risk of attacks and chronic form diseases. Mechanical and automatic tonometers are used for measurement. They are relatively inexpensive: such medical equipment can be purchased for home use. In addition, many modern pharmacies provide a free blood pressure measurement service.

You need to prepare for measuring pressure so that the numbers are as accurate as possible:

  1. Do not drink tea or coffee for at least 30 minutes.
  2. Do not do it in 5 minutes sudden movements, it’s better to sit quietly. In this case, it is advisable to keep your hands at heart level.
  3. Do not talk or hold your breath while measuring blood pressure.

How to recognize an acute attack

As the disease progresses, various factors(stress, alcohol or caffeine abuse, weather changes, etc.) can cause a sharp increase in blood pressure. If you don't take action, this could happen hypertensive crisis– an increase in pressure to extreme levels, resulting in irreversible damage to the heart, blood vessels and brain.

During an attack, the patient experiences severe headache, which is localized in the temples and occipital region, dizziness, heart pain, nausea. We can talk about an attack when the upper reading is above 160-170 mmHg. Art.

A sharp increase in blood pressure (hypertensive crisis) - how to stabilize the condition?

At the first sign sharp increase BP needs:

  1. Sit down or lie down, but keep your head above the heart line.
  2. Measure blood pressure and monitor readings every 15 minutes before the ambulance arrives.
  3. Take a drug that you are taking consistently to lower blood pressure if your hypertension is chronic. If an attack occurs for the first time, take the blood pressure lowering drug that is in the first aid kit. Most often used for this purpose Captopril, Clonidine, Corinfar(Cordaflex). For maximum quick effect 1 tablet of the drug is placed under the tongue and dissolved. Relief from this treatment can occur within 5-10 minutes. If the pressure does not begin to decrease, or decreases slightly, after an hour you need to take 1 more tablet. It is necessary to maintain an hour interval so as not to cause a sharp decline pressure - such a difference can negatively affect the condition of the heart. Important to remember: hThe higher the patient’s age, the slower the pressure needs to be reduced.
  4. If the attack is accompanied by pain in the heart, you need to take Nitroglycerine– in tablets or drops. If the pain does not subside half an hour after taking nitroglycerin, you should urgently go to the hospital, as there is a high risk of myocardial infarction.
  5. If the attack is accompanied increased anxiety, you can take sedative drops - Corvalol or Valocordin.

Important to remember!You should not use antispasmodics - No-Shpu, Drotaverine or Baralgetas: they will not have any effect.

If the patient experiences confusion, shortness of breath, or impaired movement, he should be shown to a doctor as soon as possible.

How to treat chronic hypertension?

Increased blood pressure is not the only indicator. Before prescribing treatment, the patient must undergo a thorough examination to determine the condition of the blood vessels. Cholesterol level, blood viscosity, kidney and heart condition, history of diabetes mellitus - important indicators, on which the choice of the most effective drug depends.

Important to remember! The dosage is also selected by the doctor. Hypertension medications are effective only when taken systematically, therefore single dosage should not significantly reduce blood pressure.

Drugs for the treatment of hypertension

Thiazide diuretics, sulfonamides - they help relieve swelling, accelerate urine excretion, thereby reducing swelling vascular walls and blood pressure normalizes.

Thiazides act only with high blood pressure; if the levels are within the normal range, the drug does not reduce them. This group includes:

  • Cyclomethiazide;
  • Hypothiazide;
  • Hydrochlorothiazide.

They are prescribed 1-2 tablets in the morning. When other antihypertensive drugs are prescribed simultaneously, the dosage of thiazides is reduced by half.

Sulfonamides are prescribed for more than severe forms diseases. This group includes drugs:

  • Tenoric;
  • Oxodoline;
  • Indapamide - usually prescribed for diabetics because it does not affect blood sugar levels.

Beta blockers are prescribed to patients with a history of heart disease and resistance to most antihypertensive drugs. For initial therapy choose Anaprilin, Carvedilol, SotaHexal. If necessary long-term use, appoint Metoprolol, Lokren, Betaxolol.

Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors block the action of the enzyme that causes vasospasm, reduce the load on the heart and help quickly restore the functionality of the heart muscle after an attack. This group includes Captopril, Zokardis, Lotensin. Captopril is often used to relieve acute attacks. But for constant admission not suitable, as it greatly reduces blood pressure and can lead to hypotonic conditions.

Antihypertensive drugs central actionClonidine, Moxonidine.

Blood pressure medications have a number of contraindications and side effects, so it is not advisable to choose a drug yourself without consulting a doctor.

Video - What is hypertension

Diet for hypertension

Proper nutrition and lifestyle changes help reduce the frequency of attacks and stabilize the condition. With a tendency to high blood pressure Intense physical activity is contraindicated. But walks on the fresh air, simple gymnastics.

Meals should be fractional, divided into 5-6 meals. 15% of the diet should be proteins, 30% fats and 55% carbohydrates. It is advisable to avoid overeating and prolonged fasting.

High blood pressure is common, especially in women over 40 years of age. This problem must be taken seriously; ignoring it leads to heart attack, stroke, the development of heart and kidney failure, and blindness. However, people who hear about such a danger rarely ask why a person’s blood pressure rises. You definitely need to know this to avoid the main risk factors.

What is high blood pressure

It is known from school days that the cardiovascular system consists of vessels through which blood circulates. The movement of blood is provided by the heart. The vessels are exposed to blood. This effect is called arterial blood pressure, consisting of two values ​​– upper and lower. The maximum or systolic occurs when the heart muscle contracts, and the minimum or diastolic occurs at rest. If the pulse is abnormal, diastolic or systolic hypertension is distinguished.

The studies carried out have derived the average value of blood pressure (BP), however, it is important to take into account individual characteristics human body. World organization set the framework normal indicators, which vary within the following atmospheric pressure limits:

To understand why a person’s blood pressure rises, you need to understand the disease itself. There are two types of hypertension: essential hypertension and symptomatic hypertension. The first type is chronic process, the causes of high blood pressure for which doctors cannot explain to this day. As for symptomatic hypertension, doctors note that the cause of increased blood pressure in a person may be one of the following: unbalanced diet, stress, sedentary lifestyle, bad habits, overweight.

Causes of a sharp increase in blood pressure

Patients note that sometimes the pressure rises not gradually, but sharply. Causes:

  • consumption of strong alcoholic drinks, coffee;
  • smoking;
  • taking certain medications;
  • visiting a bathhouse, sauna;
  • great physical activity.

Among women

If you look at the risk group, you will notice that it includes women over 40 years of age. This situation is caused by menopause. At this age, a complete restructuring occurs hormonal system, which has a negative effect on blood pressure. Therefore, with the onset of this period in life, it is necessary to prevent heart diseases and regularly measure blood pressure using a tonometer.

In men

High blood pressure in men is diagnosed according to statistics closer to 50 years of age. Typical male habits can influence the development of this problem:

  • alcohol consumption;
  • excessive consumption of salty and fatty foods;
  • smoking;
  • low physical activity that comes with age.

What diseases cause high blood pressure?

Sudden or persistent high blood pressure is not a disease in itself, it is one of the symptoms. Therefore, if you find that your blood pressure is starting to rise, you need to see a doctor for an examination. Common causes of malfunction circulatory system are the following diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • kidney disease, for example, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis disease, polycystic disease and others;
  • heart defects;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

All these diseases account for 5% of total number reasons. The remaining portion includes essential hypertension, the causes of which are the above factors: poor diet, alcohol, sedentary lifestyle, etc. For diagnosis, you need to go to the hospital, where they will conduct an examination, including a blood test, urine test, electrocardiogram, and ultrasound.

Factors contributing to increased blood pressure

Let's consider each cause of blood pressure separately:

  1. Stressful situations, experiences. Modern look life is dictated to people by necessity active work. Loads lead to constant voltage, tension – to stress. If your life is like this, you need to find an “outlet” for yourself.
  2. Large consumption of saturated fatty acids. If you often consume foods with added oils, as well as animal fats, then you are at risk.
  3. Excessive salt intake. Salt affects blood vessels, they become fragile and lose elasticity. Give preference to fresh natural products With high content potassium and magnesium.
  4. Alcohol consumption. It is mistakenly believed that alcoholic drinks lower blood pressure. There really is a short-term similar effect from small doses of strong drinks. However, from large quantity Drinking increases your heart rate, which affects your blood pressure.
  5. Sedentary lifestyle. The lack of sports in the lives of young people has led to the “rejuvenation” of hypertension - doctors have ceased to be surprised when diagnosing this disease in young men and women.

Hypertension is dangerous because in the early stages it occurs asymptomatically. Blood pressure disorders may be indicated by feelings of anxiety, slight nausea, dizziness, insomnia. Later, the heart “connects”, and the patient feels interruptions in the functioning of the heart muscle and chest pain. Later, sweating, darkening of the eyes, redness of the face, fever, and loss of coordination appear. All this is accompanied by headache due to narrowing of the blood vessels in the brain. In the later stages, a person begins to complain about such hypertensive symptoms: shortness of breath, swelling.


Doctors say: high blood pressure needs to be treated, even if the disease is at the very first stage. Great benefit at this stage will bring compliance healthy image life. The patient is recommended to create a menu with minimum quantity fatty and salty foods. Alcohol, coffee and strong tea should be excluded from the diet if you have high blood pressure. Walking in the fresh air and exercise will help improve your health, but remember that blood pressure increases from heavy physical activity.

If the disease progresses, the doctor will prescribe drug therapy. Tablets should be taken if blood pressure is around 160/90. People who have diabetes mellitus renal failure and other diseases, you need to start drug treatment at around 130/85. The following groups of medications are prescribed to lower blood pressure:

  • Thiazide diuretics and sulfonamides. These include Hypothiazide, Cyclomethiazide, Indapamide, Noliprel, Chlorthalidone.
  • Beta blockers. These are Oxprenolol, Carvedilol, Bisoprolol, Atenolol, Metoprolol, Betaxolol and others.
  • Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. This includes Kapoten, Alkadil, Zocardis, Lotensin, Edith, Enap, Enalapril, etc.
  • Sartans. This may be Vazotens, Bloktran, Lorista, Lozap, Teveten, Atakand, Tvinsta and others.
  • Calcium channel blockers. These include Amplodipine, Diltiazem, Cordipine, Verapamil.
  • Antihypertensive drugs central action. These are Moxonidine and Clonidine.
