Why is vitamin B6 injected? Upper acceptable level. Drugs and release forms

Vitamin B6 is also called adermin or factor Y (old names that were used during the discovery and initial study of why the body needs it).

This common name chemical compounds exhibiting pyridoxine activity: pyridoxal, pyridoxine and pyridoxamine. Otherwise they are called “B6 vitamers”, which have great importance V proper nutrition human to ensure the normal functioning of many organs and systems.

Vitamin B6 - what is its role in the body, what it is responsible for and what foods it is found in.

The history of the discovery of the substance can be divided into 3 stages:

  1. 1934– discovery of a new substance during the study of yeast preparations;
  2. 1938- from yeast and rice bran a substance was isolated that helped cure symmetrical dermatitis. New chemical compound was called adermin;
  3. 1939– the structure of the substance was determined, it was named pyridoxyl (pyridoxine).

Physiological role

Vitamin B6 and why the body needs it - main question at scientific research. Once in the human body, as a result of multi-stage reactions, B6 vitamers are converted into pyridoxal phosphate - component many enzymes that catalyze the most important processes of assimilation and dissimilation.

They are as follows:

  • hemoglobin synthesis;
  • histamine;
  • lipid and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • stages of protein synthesis during which hereditary information from a gene is transformed into RNA or protein of the body.

With its participation, hormones and neurotransmitters are synthesized: adrenaline, norepinephrine, serotonin, dopamine, aminobutyric acid.

Physiological role:

  • The properties of any organism are determined by the proteins from which it is built. The unit of structure of any protein is amino acids. Our body can create some on its own, while we get many from food. The most important property amino acids – intertransformation. That is, if the body is in this moment If there is not enough for the synthesis of a certain amino acid, then it can be created from another that is available in excess. It is the process of mutual transfer of amino acids that triggers and regulates pyridoxine.
  • This substance promotes better absorption of food chemical compounds by the villi of the small intestine and their transfer to cells and tissues.
  • Ensuring the vital activity of body cells is carried out thanks to ATP. It is adenosine triphosphate that cells use as an energy depot. The ladder of reactions that results in the synthesis of ATP in mitochondria and plastids is called the Krebs cycle. The course of this multi-stage process, as a result of which ATP is synthesized from carbohydrates entering the body, occurs under the control of pyridoxine.
  • The main property of nerve cells is the ability to excite. The excitability of the central nervous system requires the opposite effect - inhibition. Exaltation, convulsions - the result overexcitement and lack of inhibition in the central nervous system, occurs when there is insufficient intake of pyridoxine in the body. Excitation is extinguished by the influence of neurotransmitters: serotonin, GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), which are products of decarboxylation reactions. This reaction takes place with the participation of pyridoxine. For the body, he is a coordinator normal operation spinal and brain.
  • Thanks to pyridoxine, the body synthesizes more protein siderophyllin, which transports iron from the intestines to Bone marrow. It is the hematopoietic organ. Iron is required to create hemoglobin, which is part of red blood cells. It provides transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide through the bloodstream.
  • B6 increases production succinic acid and norepinephrine, which increase the metabolic rate: cells are renewed more energetically, rejuvenating organs.

Physical and chemical properties

Pyridoxine and all its derivatives have a number of similar physical characteristics.

Chemical properties are determined by the presence of an aldehyde (or amine) and alcohol group in the substance:

Why does the body need pyridoxine?

Vitamin B6 and why the body needs it have been studied for a relatively short time. But now medical statistics say that more than a hundred diseases and disorders begin with pyridoxine deficiency. And every sixth person on the planet experiences this deficiency. It is impossible to list all the problems that arise with hypovitaminosis B6.

In the human body, it is associated with the occurrence of the most important processes and prevention of serious diseases:

  • synthesis of transaminase in the liver for complete protein metabolism;
  • lipid metabolism, which is very important for preventing obesity and maintaining the structure of cell membranes;
  • carbohydrate metabolism, which helps regulate blood sugar levels;
  • beneficial effect on the organ of vision;
  • prevention of blood clots;
  • optimization of blood pressure;
  • the diuretic effect helps remove excess fluid from the body, relieving swelling on the face and limbs;
  • reducing the risk of oncological diseases;
  • with its participation, neurotransmitters and joy hormones are produced, which has a positive action on the central nervous system and life activity in general;
  • reduces the possibility of stone formation in gallbladder and renal pelvis;
  • prevention of lesions of cardio-vascular system: ischemia, atherosclerosis, heart attack;
  • maintaining and increasing immunity;
  • high-quality absorption of magnesium and cobalt in vitamin B12 by tissues, as well as the synthesis of hydrochloric acid.

Separately, it should be noted the importance of pyridoxine for female body. This vitamin maintains the balance of sex hormones, reducing the risk of tumors. It must be taken by women who use hormonal contraceptives, as they significantly reduce the level of vitamin in the blood.

During pregnancy and before menstruation, when estrogen levels rise, it is also necessary to replenish pyridoxine. Of course, the beauty of hair and skin plays an important role for women, the healthy appearance of which directly depends on a sufficient supply of vitamin B6.

Vitamin B6 for a bodybuilder

Vitamin B6 and why the bodybuilder’s body needs it is no secret: the athlete’s primary task is to form muscle mass. Muscle built from protein. Since pyridoxine regulates the processes of protein synthesis, this particular vitamin must be consumed when doing bodybuilding.

Training requires a lot of effort, so enzymes and hormones that are formed in the body with the participation of vitamin B6 increase the body’s endurance and stimulate metabolic processes.

Pyridoxine in cosmetology

Pyridoxine is an essential B vitamin that supports the health of the skin and its derivatives: hair and nails. To achieve a lasting effect, the external use of vitamin preparations is combined with the consumption of vitamin-rich foods.

With a lack of pyridoxine in the body, the following occurs:

When similar symptoms It is worth thinking about replenishing the lack of vitamin in the body.

In cosmetology, various masks are used for the skin and its derivatives with the addition of the drug pyridoxine and its analogues. Competent and regular use Vitamin B6 helps tidy up the scalp and face, the quality of hair and nails, normalize weight and correct the figure.

For example:

In the late 1970s, American nutritionists developed a “miracle” diet that captured the minds of sufferers. overweight. Main secret The magic diet consisted of much more than the usual daily norm, amount of vitamin B6. In conjunction with apple cider vinegar, flaxseed and soybean oil, it gave a remarkable effect of burning excess fat tissue.

Vitamin B6 toxicity and contraindications

Pyridoxine and its analogues are not toxic substances. Even long-term use of the vitamin as therapeutic agent didn't cause negative reaction from the body. Research has been conducted on various methods of administration to animals and humans. high concentrations pyridoxine long time. In some cases there may be allergic reactions.

People with stomach diseases (gastritis, ulcers) and other parts of the gastrointestinal tract should be careful when taking pyridoxine, since pyridoxine increases the percentage of acidity. The use of the vitamin is contraindicated in cases of severe liver damage and coronary artery disease.

Daily vitamin requirements for different groups of people

Floor Age, years Vitamin norm, mg
children0-1 0,3-0,6
children1-10 1,0-1,4
boys11-14 1,7
men16-59 2,0
menover 602,2
girls11-14 1,4
girls15-18 1,5
women19-59 1,6
womenOver 602,0
pregnancy period 2,2
breastfeeding period 2,1

Absorption and excretion from the body

The bloodstream carries pyridoxine and its derivatives to the tissues from the small intestine, the villi of which absorb the breakdown products of incoming food. The vitamin does not accumulate in cells, so the body needs a constant supply of it from food.

All pyridoxine that enters the body is either used for the body’s needs or excreted in the urine through the kidneys. Partial excretion of pyridoxine is observed through the skin with the secretion of the sweat glands.

Vitamin B6 absorption and methods of preservation

The vitamin, like all water-soluble compounds, is well absorbed by the body, freely penetrating through cell membranes.

The easiest way to replenish the vitamin is to eat foods rich in this substance. Unfortunately, various ways preparations (heat treatment, preservation) have a destructive effect on chemical compounds, and a significant amount of the vitamin is lost.

Preservation “eats” up to 50-70% of pyridoxine, freezing takes away about 40% from products, and exposure to temperature destroys vitamin B6 by 80-90%.

Therefore, it is healthier to eat more raw vegetables and fruits, add bran and cereal sprouts to your diet, eat nuts, and use yeast when baking. The thermal effect can be “softened” by steaming (instead of frying) or by wrapping the baked product in foil.

Vitamin B6 deficiency in the body

Vitamin B6 and why the body needs it is described above.

Therefore, it is obvious that a lack of pyridoxine has consequences that are more serious than an overdose:

Pyridoxine deficiency in children manifests itself as general weakness, muscle pain and spasms, numbness of the limbs, in girls – premenstrual syndrome.

Excess pyridoxine and overdose symptoms

Acceptable daily intake of vitamin B6 is 50-100 mg. At long-term overdose(increasing the dose by 50-100 times), after a few years a state of hypervitaminosis develops, which can have unpleasant consequences.

They are as follows:

  • convulsions;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • skin rash;
  • numbness of lips, arms and legs;
  • anemia;
  • fainting;
  • lack of coordination;
  • inhibition of the lactation process;
  • accurate and detailed memory of dreams.

Such phenomena are extremely rare, since vitamin B6 does not tend to accumulate, and its excess is quickly removed from the body in the urine.

Symptoms of overdose disappear soon, for which you need to stop taking pyridoxine medications.

Indications for use

List of indications:

Sources of vitamin B6

Adermin (vitamin B6) is one of those synthesized bacterial microflora in the human large intestine.

  • Pyridoxine is absent in plant organs, or is contained in minimum quantity. Pitaya, the edible fruit of cacti, is rich in this form of adermina. It is found in dairy products and meat. It is quickly destroyed during heat treatment, so almost no of it remains in cooked meat. Vegetarians should eat vegetables whose skins have been in contact with the ground (carrots, beets, potatoes, turnips).
  • Sources of pyridoxal include cabbage of any variety, meat and green parts of some edible plants.
  • Pyridoxamine can be obtained from muscle fibers animals and birds.

Products (plants) Content mg/100 g Products (animals) Content mg/100 g
sage (herb)2,69 tuna (fish)0,8
pistachios (fruit)1,5 mackerel (fish)0,8
wheat bran1,3 salmon0,8
sunflower (seeds)1,34 liver (beef)0,7
garlic1,23 sardine0,7
marjoram (herb)1,2 pink salmon0,6
beans, soybeans (seeds)0,9 chum salmon0,5
sea ​​buckthorn (fruit)0,8 kidneys (beef)0,5
walnut (fruit)0,8 heart (beef)0,5
sesame (seeds)0,79 poultry meat (chicken)0,4
hazelnut (fruit)0,7 sturgeon caviar (black)0,46
horseradish (root)0,7 rabbit (meat)0,48
rice (grain)0,54 chicken egg (yolk)0,46
sweet pepper (fruit)0,5 meat (lamb)0,3
hot pepper (fruit)0,5 herring0,3
millet (cereal)0,4 cheese (Roquefort)0,15
pomegranate (fruit)0,4 condensed milk)0,13
cashew0,42 cheese (Poshekhonsky)0,13

Rice, millet or buckwheat for breakfast satisfies the daily human need for pyridoxine. It is better if porridges and salads are seasoned with vegetable oil, which is rich in vitamin B6. It is recommended to include it in your diet daily fresh fruits and vegetables (lemon, strawberries, cherries, bananas, tomatoes, cabbage) and freshly prepared juices.

Vitamin B6 in ampoules

Pyridoxine in ampoules is sold in pharmacies under different names.

The drugs have identical composition and differ only in the name of the manufacturer:

In addition to being used for injections, vitamins in ampoules are used in cosmetology. Liquid pyridoxine is much more convenient to add to shampoos and creams than to crush tablets or dissolve powders. Taking this form of the vitamin orally does not bring the desired effect.

Vitamin B6 tablets

Most often, pyridoxine is prescribed in the form of tablets (capsules, dragees), which are convenient to take. They are quickly and easily absorbed by the body. Monovitamins are drugs that contain pure pyridoxine and are used to treat acute vitamin deficiency.

The following are on sale:

  • Piridobene.
  • Pyridoxine hydrochloride.
  • Bartel Drugs Vitamin B6.
  • Vitamin B6.
  • Pyridoxine-N.S.

In addition, vitamin B6 is included in multivitamin complexes, prescribed for prophylaxis in autumn-winter, with reduced immunity.

They are:

All drugs are interchangeable; they are taken after meals in a dose determined by the doctor or indicated in the instructions.

Therapeutic and preventive prescriptions differ significantly in the number and timing of administration. You can only follow the instructions when using it for preventive purposes. In other cases, the course of treatment is determined by the doctor.

There are numerous mineral and vitamin preparations on sale, such as Complivit, Alphabet, Multi-Tabs, Centrum, Vitrum, which can be used independently to maintain immunity in different periods life.

Vitamin B6 injections

Intramuscular or intravenous use of drugs containing pyridoxine is prescribed in cases where, for some reason, taking tablets is impossible or ineffective.

The cases are as follows:

  1. Therapy requires a significant dose of the vitamin, which cannot be absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract when taking tablets and must enter the bloodstream. For example, for diabetes, some poisonings, disorders of hematopoietic function, diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  2. The person is unable to take pills. The reason for this may be mental disorders, fainting, vomiting, connection to an artificial respiration apparatus.
  3. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, in which normal absorption of the drug does not occur. Such phenomena may be a consequence of operations peptic ulcer, defects of the epithelium of the small intestine.

You can note the pain of injections with pyridoxine. To reduce pain, injection medications include lidocaine.

Interaction with other substances

It is necessary to achieve better absorption of pyridoxine (vitamin B6) by the body in order to achieve maximum therapeutic effect, for which you need to remember about the interaction of drugs and their mutual influence on each other.

For example:

  1. Vitamin B6 is better absorbed together with vitamins B2 and B5.
  2. B1 and B12 neutralize the effects of B6.
  3. Medicines against Parkinson's disease are antagonists to pyridoxine.
  4. Penicillamine and cycloserine reduce its effectiveness.
  5. Pyridoxine increases the effectiveness of diuretics.
  6. In combination with magnesium, it provides maintenance therapy for diabetes.
  7. Taking before drinking alcohol reduces the degree of intoxication.

Article format: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about vitamin B6

Benefits, features and signs of deficiency:

Pyridoxine hydrochloride, which is known as vitamin B6, is necessary for the coordinated functioning of all organs and systems healthy person. Pyridoxine does not accumulate in the body, so it is necessary to compensate for its deficiency with the help of food or vitamin complexes.

Why does the body need vitamin B6? What will its lack lead to, how to properly compensate for the lack of this important substance? You will find the answer to these and other questions in this article.

Pyridoxine is involved in almost all body processes, performing many important functions.

  • Like others, vitamin B6 helps correct exchange substances. That is, it enhances the breakdown of fats, and is successfully used in the fight against excess weight;
  • Participates in the formation of serotonin, a hormone that provides good mood and positive emotions. That is why pyridoxine is called the vitamin of joy;
  • Able to regulate blood sugar levels, preventing the development of diabetes;
  • Reduces the risk of blockage of blood vessels and arteries, thereby normalizing arterial pressure;
  • Normalizes the amount of cholesterol and lipids, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases;
  • With its help, the proper functioning of the nervous system is established. After all, it helps to produce active substances through which nerve impulses are transmitted;
  • Helps excess liquid leave the body. Thus, it prevents the occurrence of edema and significantly reduces the likelihood of kidney stones;
  • Increases mental and physical performance;
  • Helps female sex hormones be in the right balance for proper operation reproductive system;
  • Stops premature aging cells.

Pyridoxine also plays an important role in the process of antibody production. The right amount of vitamin B6 strengthens the immune system, increasing the body's defenses and reducing the risk of infections.

Women's health and pyridoxine

Vitamin B6 is necessary for absolutely everyone. However, representatives of the fair half of humanity are especially susceptible to health problems due to its lack. Why is pyridoxine useful for women and why is it called a women's vitamin?

An insufficient amount of B vitamins in a woman’s body will first of all affect her appearance. Hair loss, bad condition skin, brittle nails - this is an incomplete list of problems that a woman will face due to pyridoxine deficiency.

Vitamin B6 helps relieve PMS symptoms and reduce pain during menstrual cycle. For women who take contraception, it is doubly necessary. After all, after taking a contraceptive, the amount of vitamin B6 decreases by 20 percent! If the body is already deficient in pyridoxine, there is a high risk of mental disorders.

If a woman’s body regularly receives the required amount of vitamin B6, the risk of cancer is reduced several times.

Many people are interested in the question of what vitamin B6 affects during pregnancy.

Since pyridoxine is involved in the formation of red blood cells and nerve cells, its role increases during the formation of vital important organs and baby systems. In combination with and it prevents uterine contractions, which reduces the likelihood of miscarriage. It is especially important for an expectant mother to receive vitamin B6 in the required amount during the period of brain formation in the child.

Vitamin requirement

The amount of vitamin B6 a person needs per day depends on age, gender, eating habits, bad habits, etc.

Pregnant and lactating women need pyridoxine most. They need up to 4 mg of vitamin B6 per day. Adults – up to 2.5 mg. Infants and children under 14 years of age will need 0.3 to 1 mg of vitamin B6. For adolescents, the recommended daily dose is up to 1.6 mg.

  • Pregnant;
  • Women using hormonal contraceptives;
  • People who are obese;
  • Women before the start of the menstrual cycle;
  • Abuse of alcoholic beverages and smoking;
  • Patients with immunodeficiency virus;
  • People taking antidepressants and steroid-based drugs;
  • During periods of increased physical and intellectual stress.

An increased need for vitamin B6 is observed in adolescents who cannot cure acne. For best result it is necessary to use pyridoxine and ointments containing it in combination.

How to recognize vitamin B6 deficiency

Symptoms of pyridoxine deficiency occur as soon as the body “feels” its lack. The presence of one or more symptoms does not always indicate a vitamin deficiency. This may also signal the development of a disease.

If there is hypovitaminosis of pyridoxine in the body, sooner or later it will begin to manifest itself. Typically, people report the following symptoms of vitamin B6 deficiency:

  • Lack of appetite. Frequent nausea, which may be accompanied by vomiting;
  • Poor mood, manifested in irritability and anxiety;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Hair fragility and loss;
  • Development of anemia;
  • The appearance of dermatitis, general deterioration of skin condition;
  • Development of conjunctivitis;
  • Blood thickening, which contributes to the appearance of clots and blockage of blood vessels;
  • Available inflammatory process on the oral mucosa;
  • The appearance of cramps and spasms in the muscles. This symptom is especially pronounced in young children.

A lack of vitamin B6 affects the reduction of the body's natural protective functions. If pyridoxine deficiency is not corrected in time, a violation may occur. water-salt balance, which will lead to swelling. Over time there will be even more serious consequences: malfunction of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Medical nutrition

Almost all natural vitamins and microelements necessary for the proper functioning of organs and systems enter the body with food. To compensate for the lack of vitamin B6, you need to include daily diet foods rich in pyridoxine.

The largest amount of vitamin B6 is found in the following foods:

  • Liver;
  • Wholemeal bread and sprouted grains;
  • Egg yolk;
  • Red fish;
  • Nuts.

Great is its content in vegetable oil, as well as in juices - grape, orange and tomato. Juices prepared immediately before consumption are especially useful, because during canning, products lose up to 60% of vitamins.

If you eat a portion of buckwheat, rice or millet, prepared in the form of porridge, for breakfast, then daily requirement in pyridoxine will be provided. All green vegetables and cabbage are champions in microelement content. Lemons, oranges, and cherries are slightly inferior to them, but these fruits also contain vitamin B6 in small quantities.

Pyridoxine is also present in milk, but after heat treatment its content is halved.

To provide the body with food required quantity vitamins, you need to know not only what to eat, but also how to prepare these foods. As soon as food is cooked, the amount of any vitamin in it begins to decrease.

You need to know some of the subtleties of cooking in order to save the maximum amount. natural vitamin B6 in food:

  • Almost all the beneficial substances of the vitamin are transferred into water during cooking. Therefore, it is imperative to eat broths in which meat or fish were cooked.
  • Frozen vegetables and fruits can retain only half of the pyridoxine.
  • It is better to steam various dishes, this way you can achieve greater preservation of the vitamin.

In medicine, the effect of such a biologically useful active substance didn't pay attention for a long time special attention. However, it later turned out that its deficiency causes more than 100 diseases. Not only metabolism in the body, the absorption of proteins, but even mood depends on this compound, which is involved in the synthesis of serotonin - the hormone of happiness.

Vitamin B6 – instructions for use

What is pyridoxine? This is the pharmaceutical name for a drug that consists of water-soluble crystals. Vitamins of group B6 have three modifications:

  • pyridoxine hydrochloride;
  • pyridoxal;
  • pyridoxamine.

The drug is produced in tablets and liquid form. The solution in ampoules is intended for intravenous, intramuscular and subcutaneous injections. The method of administration of the drug is selected based on the purpose of its use. To prevent hypovitaminosis, improve the condition of hair, skin, nails, this pharmacy product taken in tablets. Their use is also practiced when it is necessary to combine drugs B6 and B1. In liquid form, these related substances are incompatible, so they should be injected different days.

For complex treatment For diseases, it is more effective to use vitamin B6 by injection. Dosages are determined by the types of diseases. As a rule, 20-25 injections are prescribed per course. Treatment can be repeated only after a few months. This practice of administering vitamin B6 should not be violated - the instructions for use warn: in case of overdose, the risk of adverse allergic reactions increases.

Vitamin B6 - indications for use

The functions of this substance are diverse. An excess of pyridoxine is just as harmful as a deficiency. There are few contraindications for its use: hypersensitivity, stomach and duodenal ulcers, ischemic disease hearts. Vitamin pyridoxine is used:

If there is a lack of vitamin B6, the indications for the use of pyridoxine are:

  • increased nervous excitability;
  • exposure infectious diseases;
  • toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • weight loss in premature newborns;
  • poor condition of skin, hair, nails;
  • slow weight loss;
  • sea ​​and air sickness, etc.

The drug is a mandatory component in the composition complex therapy many diseases. This:

  • anemia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • heart failure;
  • diabetes;
  • dermatitis, herpetic infections, psoriasis;
  • enteritis;
  • hepatitis, cholecystitis;
  • radiculitis, neuritis, neuralgia, Parkinson's disease;
  • tuberculosis;
  • long-term stress, depression;
  • alcoholism.

Vitamin B6 in ampoules

Vitamin B6 tablets

The drugs are available containing pyridoxine hydrochloride in doses of 2, 5 and 10 mg. In addition, brewer's yeast is sold with standardized doses of this substance, which can be taken for preventive purposes. According to the instructions, vitamin B6 tablets should be swallowed whole after meals with water. How much should I take? For hypovitaminosis, the recommended daily allowance is needed by the body, is 3-5 mg for adults, but 2 mg is enough for a child. IN medicinal purposes Prescribe 20-30 mg.

Price for vitamin B6

You can buy the medicine inexpensively in an online store (pharmacy) by selecting and ordering it from a catalog. Approximate prices for vitamins B6 in complex preparations are as follows:

  • Angiovit (B6 + B12 + folic acid), price – 220-240 rubles;
  • Pentovit (B6 + B1, 3, 12 + folic acid), price – 130-150 rubles;
  • Multi-tabs B-complex (B6 + B1, 2, 3, 5, 12 + folic acid), price – 300-360 rubles;
  • Magne B6 Forte, Premium (B6 + magnesium), price – 660-810 rubles;
  • Magnelis B6 (B6 + magnesium), price – 280-420 rubles;
  • Milgamma compositum (B6 + B1), price – 560-1140 rubles;
  • Neuromultivitis (B6 + B1, 12), price – 240-630 rubles.

How to choose vitamin B6

If the drug is necessary for treatment, you should purchase a medication prescribed by a doctor, for example, Elevit Pronatal or Magnesium B6 for pregnant women. For preventative use, it is better to choose:

  • complex preparations, which contain not only vitamin B6, but also macro- and microelements (Complivit, Alphabet, etc.);
  • medicines, the dosages of ingredients of which are not lower than 50% and not higher than 100% of the recommended;
  • products whose cost in pharmacies is not too high - the drugs are approximately the same in composition, so you should not overpay for brands.

Vitamin B6 – what foods contain it?

It is advisable that pyridoxine enter the body more with food. Many Russians are deficient in vitamin B6 - what foods contain pyridoxine? maximum quantities? The list is small. Here are foods rich in vitamin B6:

  • nuts – pine, walnuts, hazelnuts;
  • liver of domestic animals;
  • cereal sprouts;
  • beans;
  • spinach;
  • potato;
  • cabbage;
  • tomatoes;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • horseradish;
  • Sweet pepper;
  • pomegranate.

Video: what is vitamin B6

American scientist Paul Györgyi discovered in 1934 new vitamin, classified as group B. It is called pyridoxine hydrochloride. This is vitamin B6. Four years later, through hard work and numerous experiments, the chemist isolated a water-soluble crystalline compound.

In fact, this vitamin can be divided into three components, which are called pyridoxine, pyridoxinal, pyridoxamine. They closely interact with each other, playing an important role in the formation of blood components - red cells and antibodies.

Vitamin B6 belongs to coenzymes - substances necessary in the metabolic process that cannot accumulate in cells and are regularly excreted from the body.

Physical and chemical properties

Vitamin pyridoxine deteriorates from long-term storage. It decomposes in light, dissolves and loses its properties in water and alcohol. During food heat treatment of products containing the compound, its partial decomposition occurs. Another category of substances that harm the integrity of the vitamin are estrogen hormones.


Despite the fact that pyridoxine is a component of many plant products, it cannot be completely absorbed. This is why, according to scientists’ statistics, 20% of the Earth’s inhabitants have a deficiency of the chemical compound and related problems.

The absorption of the vitamin is optimized in tandem with thiamine. There is also an opinion among scientists that the effect of B6 is enhanced if foods containing potassium and magnesium are present in the diet.

The vitamin is produced in small doses by a special beneficial bacteria, living in the intestines. However, this is not enough for the normal functioning of the body, and healthy microflora, unfortunately, is observed in a small number of people today.

Treatment with antibiotics, taking antidepressants and bad habits destroy this chemical compound, preventing it from being produced in sufficient quantities and doing its job.

Since B6 cannot accumulate and the remainder is excreted daily in urine, it is possible to overdose by consuming it naturally from natural products, is simply impossible.

Daily norm

An adult should receive approximately 2.5 mg of the vitamin per day, a child under 14-15 years old should receive from half to one milligram. The norm for a teenager is 1-2 milligrams, and for expectant mother– 5 milligrams.

Valuable qualities

How is vitamin B6 useful, why include foods containing it in your diet? There are many answers to this question: this chemical compound is involved in a number of processes and has a whole range of useful functions.

  • A normal amount of pyridoxine helps fight malignant tumors. As is known, they are tumors that appear from uncontrolled cell division of a particular organ. By binding free radicals, pyridoxine hydrochloride prevents this process, reduces its risk and stimulates the body's own defense mechanisms to fight.
  • A number of properties make this chemical compound indispensable for women's health. Vitamin B6 regulates hormone levels, eliminates imbalances, promotes conception and normal course pregnancy. Interesting property has some influence on the action contraceptive drugs– it may decrease.
  • Regular intake of pyridoxine improves the appearance of skin and hair, helps eliminate dandruff, and prevents early aging epidermis. Scientists have established an effect on the processes of collagen formation - they are normalized, and the skin becomes more elastic. Due to these properties, B6 can be called the beauty vitamin.
  • Pyridoxine hydrochloride is directly involved in metabolic processes. It promotes the absorption of proteins, breaks down fats and helps them digest. Metabolic processes accelerate, the body begins to remove toxins more intensively, which also affects appearance, and on the general health of the person.
  • The absence of this vitamin can cause kidney stones. The reason for this is the combination of calcium oxalates and oxalic acid which contributes to the disease.
  • The most important function of B6 is its participation in the synthesis of the hormone serotonin, which improves mood and causes a feeling of joy.
  • The normal content of pyridoxine makes it possible to travel with pleasure for those who could not do so due to motion sickness. The substance reduces nausea during seasickness, in a car and on an airplane.
  • This vitamin promotes the production of amino acids - cell builders, necessary substances for strong and healthy muscles. Therefore, pyridoxine can be called an important component of the diet of athletes and those people who monitor their physical fitness.
  • The presence of B6 determines the formation normal amount erythrocytes in the blood.
  • With the regular intake of this chemical compound into the body, the water-electrolyte balance is normalized and the required amount of salts is maintained in the cells.
  • The vitamin has a direct effect on the transmission of nerve impulses and alleviates the condition of patients with problems of the central nervous system.
  • Together with thiamine, pyridoxine reduces the likelihood of heart attacks or strokes. This is facilitated by a reduction in the number of cholesterol plaques that appear due to poor nutrition and addictions to bad habits person.

B6 and weight loss

As you know, in order to get rid of extra pounds, it is important to eat right and include feasible but regular physical activity in your daily routine.

However, another important point in weight loss technology is the intensive breakdown of fat. The role of pyridoxine in this is difficult to overestimate.

By accelerating metabolic processes, it helps to bring the figure to the ideal. But there is one condition: regular inclusion of foods containing B6 in the diet for several months. This will give a real effect, otherwise you won’t be able to lose weight quickly.

Pyridoxine and pregnancy

By increasing the quality of nerve impulses, the chemical compound contributes to the normal and successful formation of the brain and central nervous system of the fetus. B6 also reduces the risk of uterine tone, early labor, and facilitates the recovery process after surgery caesarean section. By increasing the intensity of the removal of toxic substances, pyridoxine somehow facilitates serious condition with early toxicosis.

Indications for use

  • diabetes;
  • dysfunction of the pancreas;
  • hypertension;
  • nausea after eating, indigestion;
  • night cramps;
  • general weakness and dizziness;
  • bad mood and depression;
  • insomnia;
  • loss of appetite;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • and frequent colds.

Pyridoxine deficiency can also occur in infants. In this case, excitability is noted, frequent crying And bad dream, convulsive phenomena, growth retardation, stomach and intestinal disorders.

What should you eat?

Pyridoxine is a vitamin found in various products of plant origin.

If you include them in your diet daily, the chemical compound will improve your metabolism and eliminate health-related problems.

Which vegetables, fruits and grains supply the body with vitamins and can safely be called rich in pyridoxine?

  • Whole wheat bread. The presence of B6 is due to the content of the yeast in which it is included, and the grain itself. It should be remembered that the portion should be small, since bread is a fairly high-calorie product. You can combine it with vegetables.
  • Cereals. Almost all cereals include this vitamin.
  • Wheat bran, as well as wheat ovary, are a source of B6.
  • Melon. It is important to remember that the fruit is valuable in its season. Melons brought to the northern region in the middle of winter are unlikely to be healthy.
  • All types of cabbage. White and red cabbage, cauliflower and kohlrabi, broccoli and Brussels sprouts are rich in pyridoxine. If possible, cabbage should be consumed raw, in salads. If you cook this vegetable, it is best to steam it, bringing it to the “al dente” state, that is, “by the tooth.” Let the cabbage be a little crispy.
  • Asparagus. It is recommended to cook it in the same way as cabbage.
  • Garlic. It is especially useful in its raw form, however, if you have gastritis, ulcers or problems with the pancreas, you should be very careful and observe moderation.
  • Potato. It is best to bake the tubers or boil them in their skins: this will give you more useful substances stored inside. Young potatoes are healthy to eat with their skins on.
  • Legumes. Peas, beans, and lentils, rich in vegetable protein, help reduce B6 deficiency in the body. You can cook soups and main courses with them, and from chickpeas chickpeas, for example, are even used to make healthy desserts.

Modern man, especially those living in the city, experiences acute shortage fresh clean air, physical activity, healthy food. His nervous system Constantly exposed to stress and tension. Overload at work or school, a large number of time spent at the computer and in front of the TV - all this affects general state, absorption of nutrients, metabolism. Regular use products containing pyridoxine will help the body function as nature intended.

Most of us never think about actions, benefits and harms huge amount substances called a nice word"vitamins".

When we hear about them, the pictures coming from childhood tell us: “This is tasty and healthy!” Is it really?

What is vitamin B 6

The capacious name “vitamin B 6” should be understood as a group of substances, namely: pyridoxine, pyridoxamine, pyridoxal and their phosphates. The more common concept of B 6 is pyridoxine.

It looks like highly soluble crystals without color and a distinct odor. The substance quickly decomposes in light, but at the same time it withstands heating quite well. It cannot be said that it completely retains its properties after an increase in temperature, but that is certain that it does not lose them.

Who needs it - daily doses of vitamin B 6 (why does the body need pyridoxine)

Weakened organisms of pregnant women and children artificial feeding, adults who have been using antibiotic treatment for a long time, alcohol and tobacco addicts, have a deficiency of pyridoxine.

A sufficient daily amount of vitamin for children under one year of age is 0.3-0.6 mg.

For older children, 1-1.6 mg. Adults 1.8-2 mg.

The most high rate consumption required for pregnant and lactating women - 2-2.2 mg.

Most often, pyridoxine is prescribed in tablet form (one tablet no more than twice a day). Treatment can be supplemented intramuscular injections 1 ml of 1-5% solution.

It can be included in creams and special body lotions as a caring agent for aging skin.

Concentrated 1% pyridoxine has a restorative effect on acne teenage skin.

It is important to know the basic rules for using vitamin B 6 to avoid overdose. Otherwise, allergic reactions are inevitable, which can even lead to poor circulation, skin problems, nausea, and vomiting.

Lack of vitamins B 6 – what the body needs it for (we monitor the symptoms)

Skin rashes (dermatitis), a strange whitish coating at the base of the tongue (glossitis), stomatitis. Dizziness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, problems with memory and concentration, insomnia. Cheilosis (swelling and transverse cracks of the lips, jamming).

Children have a problem with gastrointestinal tract (disorders, vomiting), slowdown in growth and development, epileptiform seizures, increased excitability and aggressiveness.

Everything above listed symptoms, may indicate an insufficient amount of vitamin B6 in the body. Correct treatment, whether it will be diet therapy or vitamin therapy, will be able to choose experienced doctor, after updated analyses.

Diseases that usually require the use of vitamin B6

▪ Anemia

▪ Hypovitaminosis B 6

▪ Parkinson's disease, Little's disease, radiculitis, neuritis, neuralgia, chorea minor


▪ Air and seasickness. Maniere's disease

▪ Atherosclerosis

▪ Toxicosis of pregnant women

Chronic gastritis, chronic pancreatitis, Whipple's disease, Crohn's disease, radiation enteritis

▪ Herpes zoster, seborrheic-like dermatitis, exudative diathesis

▪ Intensive antibiotic therapy

Patients with tuberculosis receiving treatment with vitamin B6 antagonists should be monitored reduced performance pyridoxine and obtain a sufficient amount using injections.

A special group of people with vitamin B6 deficiency include women who use birth control pills, as well as people who abuse tobacco and alcohol-containing products.

Foods with vitamin B 6 (why the body needs active pyridoxine)

The main advantage of vitamin B 6 is its prevalence and availability in food products, many of which regularly form part of our daily diet. The vitamin is so widespread that every adult and even child can find the most delicious and enjoyable product that will allow them to get enough of this important component for our health.

Despite the fact that there are a huge number of foods rich in pyridoxine, it is important to know that the concentration of this substance in them is quite small, so it is difficult to overdose the body by eating right.

Main products with high content B6 vitamins are:

▪ nuts (hazelnuts, walnuts);

tomato paste;

▪ garlic;

▪ rabbit meat;

beef liver and kidneys;

▪ yeast;

▪ cereals (cereals);

▪ chicken meat;

▪ red pepper (sweet).

Lower vitamin content can be observed in foods such as:

▪ lamb;

▪ seafood (cod liver);

▪ tomatoes ( tomato juice);

▪ fruits and berries (cherries, strawberries, apples, grapes);

▪ legumes;

▪ sauerkraut;

▪ rye flour;

▪ dairy and lactic acid products.

Any of these products can affect the amount of pyridoxine in the body of an adult and a child. In fresh foods, the vitamin level remains unchanged. Products that have passed heat treatment, partially lose B 6.

Perhaps the tropical fruit pitaya (dragonfruit), which grows in a number of Asian countries, the USA (Hawaii), Israel, Australia, and also Armenia, can boast the highest content of vitamin B6.

The influence of proper use of vitamin B 6 on the human body - interaction with other vitamins

The amount required to restore the vitamin balance in the human body can be determined by a doctor. Do not self-medicate under any circumstances. This is fraught with complications with organs digestive system as it increases acidity gastric juice. Long-term use pyridoxine can be provided Negative influence on the sensory-motor functions of the body. This will lead to neurological disorders– convulsions, numbness of the limbs, mouth.

People sticking vegetarian system nutrition, can obtain pyridoxine from the skin of some tuberous vegetables, such as potatoes, carrots, and beets. Vegetables exposed to heat treatment lose their properties indefinitely useful vitamin.

Considering the interaction of vitamin B 6 with other micronutrients, it is important to note that vitamin B 12 has a destructive effect on it, thanks to cobalt ions.

Attention! Vitamin B 6 interferes with the absorption of vitamin B 1. On cellular level, has a positive effect on the absorption of magnesium.

Correct Application Vitamin B 6 has a beneficial effect on the functions of the entire body:

▪ strengthens the immune system, promoting the production of T cells (lymphocytes);

▪ normalizes blood pressure, reducing the risk of diseases such as coronary heart disease, stroke, atherosclerosis, heart attack;

▪ actively participates in protein-fat metabolism (helps cleanse problematic oily skin);

▪ normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood;

▪ prevents the development of anemia;

▪ ensures regeneration of liver cells;

▪ increases performance;

▪ strengthens memory.