Making the perfect homemade strudel. Cooking the perfect homemade strudel How to bake strudel

Rolls made from the finest stretched dough are a tradition in all German-speaking countries. Austria is famous for its delicate dessert strudels; meat snack bars are popular in Germany. Working with this capricious delicacy requires patience and skill, but if you wish, you can prepare strudel at home, just like in the best cafes in Vienna.

The secret of traditional strudel is the special preparation of the dough. An elastic dough is kneaded from the simplest ingredients, which is rolled out and stretched by hand until transparent. According to legend, one of the cooks at the Habsburg court demanded such fineness from his assistants that one could read through a sheet of dough.

To knead the magic dough you need:

  • two yolks;
  • two tablespoons of butter;
  • half a glass of warm milk;
  • a glass of the finest flour;
  • a pinch of salt.

In addition, you will need some vegetable oil and a deep bowl to cover the dough.

  1. Sift the flour, pour it onto the table in a heap and make a hole in it.
  2. Pour in the melted butter and yolks and add salt.
  3. Add milk in a thin stream, starting to mix the yolks and flour.
  4. When a formed ball is formed and the dough stops sticking to your hands, it is left to rest. Grease the workpiece with vegetable oil and cover with a bowl. The bowl is first slightly heated over a fire to create a special microclimate underneath it.
  5. The dough rests for about an hour.

Viennese Apfelstrudel is famous for its deliciously aromatic filling.

All ingredients will have to be prepared:

  • apples – peel, cut into thin slices and sprinkle with lemon juice;
  • raisins - white and black - soak in warm rum or cognac;
  • almonds – grind and dry in a frying pan;
  • stale white bread - crumble and mix with vanilla sugar.

After an hour, take out the dough again to beat it.

  1. The table is dusted with flour, just a little bit, so that it doesn’t scatter all over the kitchen.
  2. A lump of dough is thrown forcefully onto the table, first on one side, then on the other.
  3. When the hostess is completely exhausted, the table is covered with a special smooth linen tablecloth and they begin to roll it out. In some families, the strudel cloth is still kept for years and passed down from generation to generation.
  4. Having rolled out the dough as much as possible with a rolling pin, put your hands under it, back side up, and begin to pull it out with your fists. You need to make confident but smooth movements from the middle to the edges. This process is exciting and fascinating. In Vienna it is shown to tourists as an example of culinary art. With some skill, a piece of dough can be stretched to the size of a tablecloth or sheet. It is important that the dough stretches evenly and does not tear.
  5. The finished sheet is laid out on the canvas and the edges are cut off, giving it a rectangular shape. Thrifty housewives use the leftovers to make homemade noodles.
  6. The straightened sheet is greased with rich sour cream or butter, sprinkled with sugar.
  7. Shredded bread is poured along one edge in a path.
  8. Place apples and raisins on it, sprinkle them with cinnamon. The top layer of filling is crushed nuts.
  9. The dough sheet is folded around the edges to secure the filling.
  10. The long edge is also folded.
  11. It is impossible to roll the strudel by hand, since there is a lot of filling and the dough is thin. This is where a specially laid tablecloth comes to the rescue. They take it by the edge and begin to pull it away from them and up so that the roll turns over.
  12. The oven is preheated to 180 C. The baking sheet is greased with oil.
  13. The strudel is also carried and rearranged using a tablecloth, being careful not to touch the delicate dough with your hands. The seam on the roll should be at the bottom.
  14. The top of the roll is greased again with oil and placed in the oven for 30-40 minutes.
  15. The finished strudel is cooled, cut into portions and sprinkled with powdered sugar.

In Vienna, strudel is served with a scoop of ice cream and sweet sauce.

Classic apple strudel

This strudel is prepared in Austria and Germany. The classic recipe includes fewer subtleties and traditional elements. The ingredients are also slightly different.

For the pull test:

  • 300 g flour;
  • 150 ml water;
  • egg;
  • 60 g olive oil;
  • a pinch of salt.

With olive oil, the dough will be stronger and easier to stretch.

  1. All products are mixed in a wide bowl. You can start with a mixer with a spiral attachment and continue with your hands.
  2. The dough ball is greased with oil.
  3. Cover with a hot bowl.
  4. Leave it to steep for an hour so that the gluten in it becomes more elastic.

At this time you should start filling:

  1. Apples are cut into small cubes and mixed with lemon juice and cinnamon.
  2. Add vanilla or cinnamon to taste.
  3. Raisins are steamed in warm water or cognac.
  4. The breadcrumbs are dried in a frying pan so that they can absorb as much apple juice as possible.

The rested dough is rolled out and stretched thinly, but without fanaticism.

  1. When stretched to the desired size, approximately 50x70 cm, the sheet of dough is laid out on a towel.
  2. The surface is lubricated with oil for greater elasticity.
  3. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs and spread the filling over the entire surface.
  4. The sides are folded over, and the long part begins to be carefully wrapped. The filling will be transferred between the layers of dough and will not spill out of the finished portioned slice. At the same time, the top crust of a classic strudel will be thinner than that of a Viennese strudel. It is much easier to wrap a roll with the filling distributed over the entire surface. The strudel is formed by hand, and a towel is only needed to transfer it to a baking sheet.
  5. The workpiece can be placed in a round shape, rolled into a ring, or on a wide baking sheet “in full height”.
  6. A classic strudel with apples is baked at 180 C for about 40 minutes.

Recipe with cherries

One of the most popular fillings for dessert strudel is cherry. Fresh, frozen or canned, the berry with its noble sourness always successfully complements the crispy sweet crust of the roll.

For the filling you will need:

  • pitted cherries;
  • vanilla crackers;
  • almond;
  • sugar.

Frozen berries should stand in a sieve so that excess juice drains from them. It can be used to make a sweet sauce for strudel.

  1. Rusks and almonds are crushed and mixed with sugar.
  2. Prepare stretch dough according to the classic recipe.
  3. Sprinkle the dough sheet with a mixture of breadcrumbs and nuts. Arrange the berries evenly.
  4. Roll up the roll and bake for 40 minutes at 190 C.

From ready-made puff pastry with strawberries

Pull dough strudel is more common in Austria. In other countries it is made from flaky and flaky yeast dough. In home cooking, convenience foods are often used to make a wonderful quick delicacy. From ready-made puff pastry you can bake strudel with any filling, for example with seasonal berries.

For the filling you need to prepare:

  • strawberries – cut large berries, use small ones whole;
  • stale loaf or white crackers - chop and dry in a frying pan;
  • Add sugar, vanilla or other spices to taste to the crackers.

The finished layer of puff pastry should be thawed in advance.

  1. The dough is rolled out, maintaining its rectangular shape.
  2. A thick layer of crackers is poured onto one third, at least 1.5-2 cm.
  3. Strawberries are placed on top. The filling should lie at one edge so that the dough wraps around it in one and a half to two turns. If the edge of the puff pastry gets caught between the filling, it will not bake.
  4. Before putting the strudel in a preheated oven, brush it with beaten egg or yolk to create a golden brown crust.
  5. The puff pastry roll is baked for 25 minutes at 200 C.

Lenten strudel with apples

The recipe for stretch dough came to Europe from the Mediterranean countries. Initially, the dough for thin flatbreads was mixed only from ground grains and water. Then they were stretched by hand and dried on stones heated by the sun. The lean dough version for strudel is much closer to the origins than the traditional butter-egg version.

For the test:

  • flour - 200 g;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • olive or sunflower oil - 20 g;
  • salt.

The lean dough is kneaded, beaten and stretched in the same way as the classic version.

The composition of the filling can be varied. All of its components for classic or Viennese apple strudel are acceptable during Lent.

  1. Before laying out the crackers and apples, the dough can be greased with olive oil.
  2. The rolled roll is coated with oil again and placed in the oven for 30 minutes at 180 C.

Filo dough option

Filo dough is a Greek version of stretch pastry. Its sheet is no thicker than parchment and is absolutely transparent, so several pieces are used for cooking at once. Many national dishes of Balkan cuisine are prepared from it, including the Greek version of strudel - pita. Like strudel, it is filled with a wide variety of fillings.

There are several types of phyllo dough that can be purchased frozen: crustas, sfogliata and others. When starting to work with a semi-finished product, it is important to carefully defrost it, keeping it in the refrigerator for several hours at +30C, and then at room temperature. Unroll the rolled dough when it becomes completely elastic.

You can make your own phyllo dough.

Let's mix:

  • 500 g flour;
  • 200 ml water;
  • 3 yolks;
  • 40 g olive oil;
  • 20 g vinegar;
  • 5 g salt.

The water should be warm. Be sure to sift the flour.

  1. The dough is kneaded by hand for at least 10 minutes.
  2. We beat it on the table from 50 to 100 times, depending on the diligence of the hostess.
  3. The dough rests for about an hour, wrapped in cling film.
  4. Lay a clean tablecloth on the table and sprinkle it with flour.
  5. The whole mass is divided into 10-12 pieces. Roll them out on the tablecloth and stretch them with your hands.

You need to work with phyllo dough quickly, without allowing it to dry out and crack. Therefore, it is better to cover the pieces set aside and the finished layers with a damp towel.

We will prepare this Greek strudel with fish and cheese.

For filling:

  • white fish;
  • hard cheese;
  • eggs;
  • dill and onion greens.

Preparation of ingredients:

  1. Bake the fish, remove the bones. We use small pieces of fillet for the filling.
  2. We cook the eggs.
  3. Finely chop the greens.
  4. Grind the cheese on a fine grater; you will need a lot of it.
  5. Place the sheets on a towel, lightly sprinkling them with grated cheese. You will need at least 4-5 large sheets. Semi-finished products are cut into not very large squares. They are laid out overlapping, four sheets per layer. You will need 16 sheets.
  6. Mix the filling, salt and pepper to taste.
  7. Place the fish and cheese mixture on one third of the sheet and form a roll, helping yourself with a towel.
  8. We transfer it to a baking sheet covered with parchment and grease it with yolk.
  9. Bake at 180 C for no more than 15-20 minutes. This delicate dough dries out very quickly in the oven; you need to monitor the condition of the top crust.
  10. Cool the strudel on a wire rack. After this it can be easily cut.

With meat and cabbage

The traditional Swiss snack strudel is filled with cabbage and smoked brisket. The spicy, aromatic and juicy filling is pre-stewed in homemade apple wine.

Filling ingredients:

  • smoked brisket, which can easily be replaced with other smoked meat or bacon;
  • fresh cabbage;
  • apple wine;
  • onions or leeks;
  • butter.

The dough in the recipe is puff pastry. You can use frozen semi-finished product.

  1. The meat and onions are finely chopped and fried over high heat.
  2. Shredded cabbage, salt, wine are added to them and simmered under the lid for about forty minutes. The liquid should completely evaporate.
  3. The dough layer is rolled out on parchment as thin as possible.
  4. The filling is laid out along one edge and a roll is formed.
  5. The strudel is baked for 30 minutes at 200 C.

Swiss strudel is served hot.

With meat and potatoes

Snack strudel with a crispy puff pastry crust can be filled with a hearty filling:

  • chopped meat;
  • potato;

The vegetables are finely chopped, the minced meat is salted, peppered and fried.

For puff pastry:

  • 500 g flour;
  • glass of water;
  • egg;
  • spoon of vegetable oil;
  • spoon of vinegar;
  • a pinch of sugar and salt.

In order to roll out the dough in layers, you will need a stick of butter.

  1. All ingredients are mixed. It turns out to be a very soft dough.
  2. The ball is divided into four parts, each is rolled out separately and greased with a quarter stick of butter.
  3. The lubricated layer is tightly wound onto a rolling pin with oil inside.
  4. Cut with a knife along the rolling pin.
  5. Fold in half, again with the butter inside.
  6. The workpiece is cooled in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes.
  7. Roll out, fill with filling and form into a roll.
  8. Strudel with meat and potatoes is baked at 200 C for 40 minutes.
  9. The more meat the better.

    Actually, you don’t have to put anything except meat:

  • minced pork and beef;
  • onion garlic;
  • salt pepper.

To prevent the filling from spilling out when slicing, you can add a raw egg, but this is not necessary.

Cooking in the oven step by step:

  1. The minced meat is poached in oil.
  2. Mix with chopped onion and garlic.
  3. Knead and stretch the classic dough. Lay it out on a towel.
  4. The filling is laid out along one edge.
  5. Fold the edges and form a roll, helping yourself with a towel.
  6. Carefully transfer to a baking sheet.
  7. Lubricate the top with butter.
  8. Place in an oven preheated to 190 C.
  9. Bake for about 40 minutes at 190 C.

Meat strudel is served warm or hot.

How to steam German strudel

Most German snack strudels are not baked, but steamed. In such recipes, the dough can be stretched, yeast or kefir.

For kefir dough:

  • 400 g flour;
  • 200 ml kefir;
  • 2 eggs;
  • salt;
  • baking powder.

All ingredients are mixed. The result is a soft dough. It rests under the film for an hour.

For the filling, prepare any minced meat with onions. Lungenstrudel with chopped lung, egg, onion and marjoram is famous.

  1. The dough is rolled out into a thin layer.
  2. Cover evenly with filling and roll into a roll.
  3. Cut into small pieces of 3-5 cm.
  4. Potatoes are placed in large pieces in a deep pan, sometimes fried meat, onions and sauerkraut.
  5. Everything is filled with water. The potatoes should protrude slightly to the surface.
  6. When the water boils, place the meatloaves on top. You can make a lattice for them from wooden skewers or use a lattice from a pressure cooker.
  7. Cook the dish over low heat for about an hour. It is strictly forbidden to lift the lid during this time to prevent steam from escaping.

41 chosen

I don’t know about you, but I really like to while away the gloomy autumn evenings with a cup of hot, aromatic tea. At such moments, it seems, there is nothing better than wrapping yourself in a blanket and, inhaling the slightly tart aroma of cinnamon, enjoying a piece of freshly baked Viennese strudel... Although, why Viennese strudel? There are quite a lot of options for preparing it and everyone will certainly be able to choose from them the one that suits their taste!

Strudel is a delicacy famous throughout the world. In every town, even the smallest town in Austria, the morning certainly begins with the smell of apples and cinnamon enveloping everything around. These caring pastry chefs bake strudels for morning coffee for local residents. And if you are lucky enough to try this delicacy in one of these coffee shops, then most likely you will forever remain a devoted fan. Strudel smells like home, the warmth of hands, autumn coolness...

Its importance here is difficult to overestimate, because just recently in Austria they could even break off an engagement if the strudel prepared by the bride was not to the taste of the groom’s family! So, who knows, maybe it would be useful for us to learn how to cook it..?!

The name “strudel”, which comes from the German language and means “whirlwind, funnel, whirlpool”, was not given to this dish in vain - the sheet dough for its preparation is rolled into a roll, inside which the filling is placed. Most often, “classic” refers to apple strudel (apfelstrudel), but cherry strudel is also very popular. Austrian cooks gave the dish this name in the 18th century, but the first known recipe for strudel (milk-cream) dates back to 1696 and is kept in the Vienna City Library. The roots of the origin of this dish were found by researchers in Byzantium, but strudel became most widespread during the reign of the Habsburg dynasty, when this noble family owned vast possessions in Central and South-Eastern Europe. This explains the fact that strudel so quickly gained popularity among a large part of the European population.

And although history has not preserved for posterity the name of the first pastry chef who prepared this wonderful dish, today there are hundreds of options for baking strudel. The variety of fillings makes it a real gourmet find! The sweet "innards" of strudel don't end with the traditional apples and cherries. In Europe, you can try strudel with chocolate, wild berries, nuts, bananas, pineapple and cranberries. Meat, mushroom, cabbage, onion, fish, cottage cheese, filling with seafood and potatoes... This list can be continued for a very long time - the final recipe for strudel depends only on the taste preferences and talent of the cook.

Once you have mastered the recipe for its preparation, you can surprise and delight your loved ones with a new taste every time, just by changing the fillings. It is believed that the main component of a classic strudel is the “correct” dough. However, the process of creating it is not so simple. For real strudel, flour with a high gluten content is used, which makes the dough very elastic. It is then rolled out so thin that, as they say in Vienna, you can read a newspaper through it. Thanks to the fact that no yeast is added to the dough, this dish has become so widespread in the trade: it remains fresh for a long time, does not go stale and is baked quickly. The main dough for strudel has several proportions, so different sources offer different ratios, but after baking they all give the product approximately the same taste, and most importantly, the same strength and consistency, which makes it possible to stretch it very thin. Depending on the country, this dish is now prepared from different types of dough - puff pastry, yeast, curd, potato. But only dough prepared according to the original recipe can be stretched to a “transparent” state.

I offer you one of the options for preparing it:

Sift 250-300 g of flour twice and add one egg, a teaspoon of olive oil, a pinch of salt, gradually adding 100 ml of water at room temperature. Knead the dough thoroughly with your hands, without using a mixer or home processor. Knead until the dough comes away easily from your hands. Roll the dough into a ball, brush with olive oil, cover with a clean napkin or towel and leave in a warm place to mature for thirty minutes. After this, on a clean linen tablecloth, roll out the dough very thinly into a rectangular sheet as thick as tissue paper, gradually stretching it out. All thick edges must be cut off.

Today strudel is very popular in all German-speaking countries, as well as in Hungarian, Jewish and Czech cuisines. It is also similar to some types of oriental sweets, for example, baklava. And this is not surprising, because each dish has a huge number of variations over time. And they depend, first of all, on the taste preferences of the peoples who adopted them: the Germans prepare strudel with sauerkraut and replace butter with a minimum of margarine, reduce the number of eggs, and add vinegar. In the Balkans, olive oil is used instead of butter, and in Slovenia, cottage cheese is used instead of cream. They prepare something similar to strudel in Moldova and Ukraine, and some countries even have their own dishes, very reminiscent of our today’s hero...

Thus, in Greece, a popular pie is made from puff pastry filled with custard based on semolina - bougatsa. Although the Greeks borrowed this recipe from the Turks, it definitely resembles a strudel recipe. In modern Greece, this is one of the most beloved and recognizable desserts in cafes. And in 2008, at a special festival, a giant bougatsa weighing 182 kg was baked, which was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Another dish related to strudel is burek (or burekas). Unlike its Austrian counterpart, burek is always a savory pastry, often in the form of a pie rather than a pie. This dish is very popular in Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia and Cyprus. And in Israel, each type of burekas filling even has its own shape: rectangular - with potatoes, semicircle - with caciocavallo cheese, isosceles triangle - with feta cheese, equilateral triangle - with mushrooms, round - with spinach and other fillings.

Jewish strudel (or simply strudel) is usually prepared with a filling based on jam, preferably homemade. The jam should be thick and sour, but one that can serve as the basis of taste and not act alone. Plum, orange, currant or apricot jam is often used, to which chopped walnuts and raisins are always added. Also, if desired, you can add other nuts - hazelnuts or almonds. Otherwise, the cooking technology is almost the same as that of Viennese strudel.

Of course, not every housewife will decide to prepare strudel dough according to the classic recipe. Moreover, if the dish is being prepared for unexpectedly arriving guests, then every minute counts. In such cases, you can successfully use puff pastry without yeast, which is sold in stores. This is exactly what I propose to do. So, in addition to the dough plate, to prepare the strudel we will need:

  • Apples – 500 g;
  • Raisins – 200-250 g;
  • Cinnamon – 1 tsp;
  • Sugar – 4 tbsp;
  • Breadcrumbs – 4 tbsp;
  • Flour;
  • Butter.

Thaw the dough and roll it out on a floured towel as thin as possible. The main thing is not to tear it! Brush two thirds of the dough with butter. For the filling, mix peeled and chopped apples (sweet and sour varieties are best), raisins, sugar and cinnamon. Sprinkle the greased dough with breadcrumbs: they will absorb excess juice from the apples. Then lay out the filling and sprinkle breadcrumbs on top again. Using a towel, carefully roll up the roll, pinch the ends on both sides and place on a baking sheet. Bake for 40 minutes at 190 degrees. Sprinkle the finished strudel with powdered sugar.

Bon appetit and enjoyable autumn evenings to you!

Alena Kuba , especially for

Photo: author,,,,,,,,,, vsezdorovi. ru,,,,,,,,,

Strudel strudel

(German Strudel - tornado, torsion, funnel-shaped vortex). A confectionery product of Balkan origin (possibly Byzantine or even ancient Greek), which received its name in the 18th century. a German name through Austrian confectioners and which has become one of the standard confectionery products of German, Austrian, Czech and Hungarian cuisines. It is widespread in both Moldova and Ukraine. Strudel is prepared from stretched dough, which indicates its southeastern origin, and it is thanks to this (since it does not require yeast) that this product has become so widespread in trade (it does not go stale and bakes quickly). Another feature that attracted the attention of confectioners to strudel is the ability, based on the same dough, to vary the taste of the product by changing its filling. Strudels are prepared not only sweet (with cherries, nuts, strawberries, apples, chocolate, poppy seeds), but also with mushrooms, cabbage, potatoes, meat and even fish. The main dough for strudel has several proportions, so different confectionery books give different ratios, but after baking they all give the product approximately the same taste, and most importantly, the same strength and consistency, which makes it possible to stretch it very thin. In addition, for strudel dough, like any stretch dough, proofing is of great importance, which must be observed scrupulously, minute by minute. Stretching follows the rules of a stretch test, resting under a warm pan. The stretch of the dough should be such that it reaches the thickness of tissue paper.

Composition of strudel dough.

Viennese strudel. 700 g flour, 200 g butter, 2 eggs, 1 glass of water. Warms up well. Then stand under a warm pan for 45 minutes. After this it stretches.

Moldavian. 500 g flour, 200 g butter (50 g per dough), 3/4 cup water. Standing time is 15 minutes. Then it rolls out. The second stand is 10 minutes. Then it stretches. The dough is sprinkled with oil (150 g) and rolled.

Austro-Balkan. 250 g flour, 2 tbsp. tablespoons olive oil, 1 egg, 1/2 cup water. Stand under a warm pan for 30 minutes. The dough is divided into three parts. Stretched, sprayed with oil. It is stretched to the end, greased with oil, and stuffed.

Berlin. 250 g flour, 1 egg, 6 tbsp. spoons of water, 1 tbsp. spoon of margarine, 1 teaspoon of vinegar. The dough is immediately kneaded and rolled out.

In all recipes, salt is added when kneading the dough: from a quarter to half a teaspoon.

The strudel is rolled out and stretched not on a board, but on a flour-dusted canvas. Bake on the middle rack of the oven. First, at a temperature of 250°C - 5 minutes, the rest of the time - 30 minutes - at a temperature of 100-160°C. Total baking time is 40-45 minutes. During baking, grease with butter and 20-25 minutes after the start - pour boiling milk over it. It is better to bake not on a sheet, but in an enamel patch, into which you can then pour a little milk.

(Culinary Dictionary by V.V. Pokhlebkin, 2002)

* * *

Strudel, strudel

The national dish of the Austrians: a kind of roll made from thinly rolled dough, mixed with water, flour and eggs with the addition of butter for softness. The dough is allowed to rest and rolled out to paper thickness.

* * *

(Source: United Dictionary of Culinary Terms)

See what “strudel” is in other dictionaries:

    - (de and de), I, m. (German Strudel). A confectionery product that resembles a roll. || Wed. cupcake, cake. Explanatory dictionary of foreign words by L. P. Krysin. M: Russian language, 1998 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    - (German Strudel from SVN. “whirlwind, funnel, whirlpool”) an Austrian flour dish in the form of a roll of sheet dough rolled into a tube with different on... Wikipedia

    - (German Strudel tornado, torsion, funnel-shaped vortex). A confectionery product of Balkan origin (possibly Byzantine or even ancient Greek), which received its name in the 18th century. German name through Austrian confectioners and... ... Great Encyclopedia of Culinary Arts

    M. Baked confectionery product, shaped like a roll. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    strudel- shtr destiny, I... Russian spelling dictionary

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  • Strudel Charlotte Kovrizhka, Irina Akulina. Sweet pastries greatly decorate our lives. When the house smells of vanilla, hot apples, and toasted nuts, we know the whole family will gather for evening tea, and it will be fun and delicious. In everything...

Strudel is a traditional Austrian delicacy in the form of a roll, twisted from a very thin sheet of dough, with various fillings. Cooking such a dish at home seems extremely difficult. But we don’t agree with this and want to offer you a simple and accessible recipe for making strudel from dough to filling. Just be a little patient and remove the rings from your hands so as not to tear the dough!

Stretch dough

Suitable for strudels and various rolls.

  • 300 g flour
  • 1 egg
  • 125 ml warm water
  • 2 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • A pinch of salt

How to knead stretch dough

  1. Sift the flour and salt and collect in a mound on the work surface. Make a well in the center and pour in vegetable oil.
  2. Gradually, in 3-4 additions, add the liquid components of the dough.
  3. 3. Using your fingertips and a fork, mix the flour into the liquid until a soft dough forms. Knead the dough, occasionally hitting it on the counter, until it becomes smooth and no longer sticks.
  4. Roll the dough into a ball, brush with vegetable oil, cover with an inverted bowl and wrap in film and leave to rest. The ball of rested dough will spread slightly and become silkier.

How to roll out and stretch the dough

  1. Stretch the dough as quickly as possible. Until it dries out and becomes brittle.
  2. The easiest way is to stretch the dough on a round table so that you can easily walk around it and pull from different sides. Don't try to move the dough - move it yourself!
  3. Cover the table with an old sheet. Place a thick terry towel under the sheet. It is easier to roll out the dough on a soft one, and the top sheet will not slide off the table.
  4. Lightly dust the fabric with flour and lightly rub it into the fabric. Roll out the dough on it to a diameter of 25 cm.
  5. Place your hands palms down, fingers slightly bent. Now slowly pull the dough away from the center, moving it in a circle on your knuckles.
  6. When the center of the dough is well stretched, place the dough on the cloth and gently pull the dough from the center to the edges while spreading your hands. Stretch the dough section by section, moving around the table. Gradually, the entire dough will become so thin that the pattern on the fabric of the sheet will become visible, and the edges will hang over the table. Trim thick edges with scissors.


Baking pies from stretch dough

Strudels are baked on baking sheets.

Grease or line with baking paper. Long rolls are rolled up like a snail. While baking, brush the surface of the pie with melted butter 1-2 times.

Cool the cake for 30 minutes and only then cut into portions.

Apple strudel


  • Stretch dough (see recipe above)
  • 1.5 kg sweet and sour apples
  • 100g butter
  • 200 g sugar
  • 100 g walnuts
  • 80 g raisins
  • 80 g breadcrumbs
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • ½ tsp. lemon juice
  • 2 tbsp. powdered sugar

Strudel (also known as strudel, German strudel) is considered their national dish by representatives of different nationalities. We will not find out who is more right in this matter. Different strudel recipes differ only in fillings, because... The basis of the roll is stretched yeast-free dough. The most popular strudels are Viennese strudels with apples, cherries, poppy seeds or nuts. Rolls are not only sweet. In many countries, they bake meat strudel or strudel with mushroom, cheese, vegetable or fish filling. Enjoy choosing your recipe.

There are 85 recipes in the "Strudels" section

Strudel with chanterelles and mashed potatoes

To prepare this strudel I used ready-made sheets of phyllo dough. Each strudel took 5 sheets, which must be coated with melted butter. The filling is the simplest - mashed potatoes with fried chanterelles. Simple and...

Strudel with chanterelles and mozzarella cheese

Mushroom filling is one of the most popular fillings when preparing rolls from ready-made phyllo dough. This recipe for strudel with chanterelles and mozzarella cheese describes in detail the sequence of preparing the delicious pastry of their thin, crispy dough with...

Strudel with chanterelles

Ingredients for strudel with chanterelles are designed for 3 small rolls. The mushroom filling can be prepared in advance (a day in advance), then all you have to do is prepare the phyllo dough for baking and roll the rolls. Strudel with mushrooms can be served hot...

Filo pastry roll with spicy chicken

Filo pastry roll with spicy chicken is best served warm. Before baking, brush each sheet of phyllo dough generously with melted butter. To fill the roll, instead of chicken breast, you can take any other parts of the chicken in approximately the same quantity...

Strudel with apples and peaches

Strudel with apples and peaches is a recipe for those who love a tender, juicy filling in a thin crispy dough. And while you can always experiment with the filling, it won’t work out very well with the dough. Strudel dough must be kneaded, stretched and rolled out...

Strudel with meat

In the recipe for strudel with meat, the most labor-intensive part is kneading the dough. It’s easier and faster to knead it in a dough mixer, and then be sure to let the dough rest a little in a bowl under a towel. For the meat filling, you can take turkey or chicken, add a little...

Strudel with spinach and suluguni cheese

I made strudel with spinach and suluguni cheese from ready-made phyllo dough. This roll needs to be kept in the oven for about half as long as if you baked it from stretch dough. So that the thin crust is a little softer and does not crumble when...

Strudel with baked vegetables

Strudel is a delicious roll of thin dough with filling. Most often, berries, fruits or confiture are used for the filling, but there are also salty fillings with mushrooms, cheese, meat or vegetables. In this recipe, the filling is made from baked vegetables - zucchini, sweet pepper...

Strudel with rhubarb and raisins

Classic strudel is made from stretch dough. Strudel dough prepared according to this recipe does not stick to the table or hands, has excellent “stretch” and is very elastic. For the filling we chose rhubarb stems. They give baked goods a pleasant sourness and...

Strudel with pears in honey

The pear filling successfully sets off the unleavened dough from which the strudel is made. In addition, the pears were previously caramelized in honey, which adds sweetness to them. Pine nuts are desirable in the recipe, but not required. You can limit yourself to almonds...

Hungarian retesh with walnuts

Retes is a roll baked in Hungary. Externally, the Hungarian retesh is similar to strudel. Thin, crumbly dough, a layer of berries and nuts filling create an excellent duo that will appeal to everyone who tries retesh. These baked goods keep well for several...

Strudel with cherries

A variety of fillings are suitable for strudel. For example, in the summer, when the berries ripen, I bake cherry strudel. The dough is a regular stretch dough, but I make the filling with the addition of ground almonds so that the dough is less saturated with the oozing liquid when baking...