Symptoms of a heart attack in women. What should you do if you have a heart attack? How does a heart attack go?

The concept " heart attack" is very broad. It combines a group of symptoms that occur when various diseases. The most common types of attacks are arrhythmia, angina pectoris and acute heart attack myocardium. Similar condition requires emergency care and can lead to the death of a sick person.


The following are distinguished: possible reasons heart attack:

  • myocardial ischemia (angina);
  • acute heart attack;
  • pulmonary embolism;
  • atrial fibrillation;
  • aneurysm;
  • acute thrombophlebitis;
  • acute heart failure;
  • cardiogenic shock.

Signs of a heart attack in women are specific. This allows you to exclude diseases of other organs and provide proper medical care. Most often occur following symptoms heart attack:

  • rapid heartbeat;
  • feeling of interruptions in the work of the heart;
  • fear;
  • anxiety;
  • discomfort in the arm, half of the face or shoulder blade;
  • dyspnea;
  • lack of oxygen;
  • pale or blue skin;
  • sweating;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • the appearance of edema.

The earliest sign is pain in the heart area.


Often, females develop an attack of angina. This is a manifestation of coronary heart disease. The most common causes are atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries, vasospasm, thrombosis and high blood pressure. Angina can be stable or unstable. The following symptoms of a heart attack of the angina type are observed:

  • chest pain;
  • weakness;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • nausea;
  • sweating

In females, the attack often occurs without severe pain. If it does appear, then it is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • duration less than 15 minutes;
  • connection with physical activity;
  • pressing or squeezing character.

The pain often radiates to the arm and jaw. It lasts several minutes. An attack can occur during movement or at rest (during sleep). In some sick women, an attack of angina develops after prolonged walking or in cold, windy weather. The attack is eliminated by taking nitrates (Nitroglycerin). The pain syndrome most often disappears during rest.

The most severe attacks are unstable angina. The appearance of pain can provoke anxiety, physical work, running, cooling. With Prinzmetal's angina, the attack often occurs in a state of complete rest (at night or early in the morning). The pain is combined with intense sweating, changes in blood pressure, nausea, headache, and tachycardia.

Possible fainting. Often, against the background of angina, heart rhythm and conduction are disturbed. Often attacks occur one after another. Their peculiarity is that they are poorly eliminated by Nitroglycerin and occur with little physical activity.

Symptoms of myocardial infarction

The symptoms of a heart attack in women most clearly manifest themselves during a heart attack.

This dangerous condition requires emergency assistance. Its mortality rate is very high. This attack is caused by an acute lack of oxygen in the heart. An attack develops against the background of blockage of a vessel by an atherosclerotic plaque or thrombus. Symptoms are most pronounced in the acute period.

They arise due to necrosis of a portion of the myocardium. A heart attack is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • intense pain lasting more than 30 minutes;
  • severe weakness;
  • excitement;
  • fear;
  • shortness of breath;
  • the appearance of cold, sticky sweat;
  • pale skin;
  • blueness of fingertips, ears and nose;
  • increased blood pressure initially and subsequent hypotension;
  • violation heart rate;
  • frequent heartbeat.

If pulmonary edema and cardiac asthma develop, a cough appears. The pain syndrome can last for several hours or even days. At the same time, the sick woman’s condition either worsens or improves. Unlike angina, an attack during a heart attack is not eliminated by Nitroglycerin. IN acute period heart attack pain syndrome disappears.

Signs of atrial fibrillation

U healthy person the heart contracts at a rate of 60-80 beats per minute sinus rhythm. In many cardiovascular diseases, atrial fibrillation develops. A type of it is atrial flutter or atrial fibrillation. More often this pathology develops against the background of acquired heart defects.

Seizures atrial fibrillation are manifested by the following symptoms:

  • feeling of an accelerated heartbeat;
  • a feeling of interruptions in the functioning of the myocardium;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • shortness of breath;
  • lack of air.

The paroxysmal nature of the disease is determined only by early stages. Then the arrhythmia becomes permanent. A common manifestation of arrhythmia is trembling, sweating, and a feeling of fear. Diuresis often decreases. Sometimes severe dizziness becomes the reason short-term loss consciousness.

With the development of complications in women, paresis and a drop in blood pressure may develop. With atrial fibrillation, the frequency of atrial contractions is 400-800 beats per minute. A specific symptom is pulse deficiency. This is a condition in which the number of myocardial contractions more quantity pulsations.

Attack with normal vascular patency

The feeling of heart failure and pain are not always a sign acute illness. The reason may be increased production of catecholamines (adrenaline and norepinephrine) in response to stressful situation. These hormones speed up your heart rate. This is manifested by tachycardia. Catecholamines can cause a short-term spasm of the arteries, which also manifests itself in the form of a small attack.

Interruptions in the heart are a common symptom vegetative-vascular dystonia. The development of a heart attack is possible with good arterial patency in the case of disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome. In elderly women, a paroxysmal condition may be a consequence of insufficiently developed collaterals. Sometimes interruptions in the functioning of the heart are observed due to poisoning and the use of certain medications.

In any case, when an attack develops, you need to be able to provide assistance to the victim. It is necessary to give the person a semi-sitting position, give a Nitroglycerin and Aspirin tablet, and also provide a flow of clean air. Need to call ambulance. In case of a heart attack, anticoagulants (Heparin), fibrinolytics (Streptokinase), antiplatelet agents, and painkillers are prescribed. Thus, the development of a heart attack requires immediate assistance, in otherwise the likelihood of complications is high.

30 days before a heart attack:

main symptoms

Typically, women are heavier than men when it comes to heart attacks: the likelihood of death, disability, or a second attack within a year is extremely high. The mortality rate from heart disease is significantly higher than from all forms of cancer combined.

Heart - organ human body constantly working hard. Throughout our lives, it continuously pumps blood enriched with oxygen and vital nutrients, delivering it through a network of arteries to all organs and tissues of the body. In order to cope with this difficult task, the heart muscle itself requires an abundant supply. rich in oxygen blood that is delivered through the network coronary arteries.

Ischemic disease Heart disease (CHD) is the most common cause of heart attacks, occurring when blood flow to the heart's muscle wall (myocardium) is interrupted. Experts in the field of cardiology suggest that heart attacks originate in the heart, and not in the arteries.

However, regardless of the cause, most heart attack patients say that a number of symptoms can be felt about 30 days before the attack itself and should not be ignored.

Please note that two or even three of these symptoms occur infrequently and cannot be regarded as a sure sign of an impending heart attack, but still, they should not be discounted. Heart attack symptoms vary from person to person. Somebodymay not notice most of them, and then realize with surprise that the attack has occurred after all. The manifestation of five or more of these symptoms per day is a reason to consult a doctor.

Heart attacks can begin smoothly and slowly, causing only mild pain or discomfort. Symptoms may be mild or more intense and sudden, and may come and go over several hours. In people with high content blood sugar levels (diabetic patients), this process may be asymptomatic or accompanied by mild symptoms. The most common symptom in both men and women is chest pain or discomfort. Women often also experience difficulty breathing, nausea and vomiting, unusual fatigue (sometimes for several days), and pain in the back, shoulders, and jaw.

So, here are the main symptoms you should be aware of:

1. Shortness of breath

Impaired blood flow causes a reduction in blood flow in the lungs, which leads to shortened breathing. Sometimes people having a heart attack do not feel chest pressure or pain, but suffer from severe shortness of breath as if you had just run a marathon, although you hadn’t even moved yet. Shortness of breath often accompanies a heart attack discomfort in the chest, although it may occur before or without such sensations. You feel like you can't breathe enough air, you get tired with little physical exertion, but as soon as the exercise stops, you feel better.

2. Dizziness and sweating

When less and less blood reaches the brain, all body functions are affected. The brain requires ample blood flow to function properly. Heart attacks can cause dizziness and loss of consciousness. So abnormal heart rhythms, known as arrhythmias, can be potentially dangerous. Cold sweat is a fairly common symptom of a heart attack. “You might just be sitting in a chair when suddenly you start sweating as if you just came from a workout,” cardiologists explain.”

3. Fatigue

Feeling tired and exhausted every day, every week can also occur due to a lack of blood supply to the heart, brain and lungs. It becomes difficult to carry out normal daily activities, and the condition gets worse over time and often leads to extreme exhaustion - you feel too tired to do anything. This symptom is especially common in women and can last for weeks. A persistent feeling of fatigue may be a sign of heart failure.

4. Pain in the chest, back, shoulders, arms and neck

The most common and clear symptom of an impending heart attack is chest pain. At first, when pain first appears, people get scared, but as soon as it disappears on its own, they immediately forget about it. People often ignore chest pain, but over time they realize the seriousness of the situation when it spreads to the shoulders, arms and back.

5. Swelling

Heart failure can lead to accumulation excess liquid in the body and the appearance of swelling (usually in the feet, ankles, legs or abdomen), as well as sudden weight gain and even loss of appetite.

6. Unexplained weakness

In the days leading up to a heart attack, some people experience severe, unexplained weakness. “I felt like I couldn’t even hold a piece of paper in my hands.” A person feels that he is left with practically no strength, as if he had the flu. This is an extremely important signal from your body that you are susceptible to increased risk occurrence of myocardial infarction in the near future

7. Rapid or irregular pulse

Doctors say the occasional spike in heart rate is usually nothing to worry about. But a rapid or irregular pulse, especially when accompanied by weakness, dizziness, or shortness of breath, may indicate an approaching heart attack, heart failure, or arrhythmia. Some arrhythmias, if left untreated, can lead to stroke, heart failure, or sudden death.

8. Digestion

People often experience discomfort, pain, and bloating associated with heart failure, which can negatively affect appetite and digestion. Frequent disorders stomach - a serious alarm signal along with severe pain in heart.

9. Mood swings

A heart attack can cause severe anxiety or even fear of death. Survivors often report experiencing a feeling of “doom.” An ominous feeling of unreasonable anxiety is a fairly common symptom.

10. Cough

Constant cough or wheezing may be a sign of heart failure leading to fluid accumulation in the lungs. In some cases, people with heart failure may cough and produce bloody sputum.

Seven “harmless” habits that hurt your heart

It's about not about drinking, cigarettes, stress, which, of course, are not good for the heart. It turns out that even our everyday habits, which we don’t even pay attention to, undermine the health of the myocardium for years, reports, an online publication for girls and women aged 14 to 35 years. But it’s so easy to fix it! So, what is harmful to our heart:

1. Sitting in front of the TV for a long time

Several hours in front of the TV significantly increases the risk of heart attack, as well as stroke. After all sedentary image life and lack of movement negatively affects metabolic processes, and blood sugar levels. Also, sitting in one position for a long time disrupts the flow of blood in the extremities, which can lead to blood thickening and the formation of blood clots.

2. Ignore snoring

Many do not consider rolling roulades to be any particular disadvantage. Just think, it’s not enuresis, after all... Anyone who doesn’t like it can sleep in the living room! But in fact, very often snoring is a symptom of cardiac problems. Very often snoring is a sign of obstructive sleep apnea. This condition is dangerous because it provokes increased blood pressure and impaired cardiac activity.

3. Not brushing your teeth regularly

It would seem, what is the connection between the heart and teeth? However, it exists. British scientists from the University of Bristol conducted a large study on the influence of daily hygiene on life expectancy and the tendency to various chronic diseases. It turns out that “banal” thorough brushing of your teeth twice a day and regular visits to the dentist can actually extend your life by 10 years or more!

The mechanism of this dependence is explained by the head of the research group, Professor Howard Jenkinson: “There are a lot of bacteria in the oral cavity - more than 350 species. Not particularly careful care behind the teeth leads to bleeding gums. And microbes can enter the bloodstream through damaged capillaries and even cause the formation of blood clots (it has already been proven that bacteria of the genus gingivalis act on blood clotting factors). And a broken blood clot can clog a blood vessel and even lead to myocardial infarction or pulmonary embolism.”

Scientists believe that insufficient attention to daily dental hygiene increases the risk of cardiovascular disease by 70%.

4. Exercising too much

Walking and swimming are optimal exercises for the heart. But excessive zeal in the gym, on the contrary, weakens the heart. It is especially dangerous to suddenly change the pace of loads. Many people, including those aged between 40 and 50, suddenly decide to radically change their figure. They enroll in Gym, and begin to actively engage. However, so sudden changes for the body as a whole, and for the cardiovascular system in particular - severe stress. You can train until you have a heart attack...

5. Overeat

Even if you are naturally a slim body and obesity does not threaten you, overeating is very dangerous for the heart. A large amount of food eaten increases the load on blood vessels abdominal cavity. Which in turn forces the heart to work twice as hard.

6. Eat red meat often

Red meat contains a lot of saturated fat, which, according to some studies, increases the risk of heart disease and atherosclerosis. Scientists advise that red meat should make up no more than 10% of total share animal products in your diet, says

7. Rarely eat vegetables and fruits

Clinically proven: daily use 30 grams fresh vegetables and fruit reduces the risk of heart disease by 20%. The fact is that, in addition to vitamins C and K, which are important for the heart, fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber and pectins, which “clean” blood vessels.

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A heart attack is one of the common reasons sudden death. No one is safe from it. Especially those people who have crossed a certain age limit. But, unfortunately, heart attacks are being observed more and more often and in quite at a young age. Moreover, the symptoms in women are somewhat different from the signs of pathology in men. They are more blurred and not expressed. And this leads to the fact that mortality rates in women from heart attacks are steadily increasing.

How to correctly recognize the first heart attack? And what to do in this situation? or to a loved one?

What is a heart attack

The pathology often leads to death. But doctors say that if first aid is provided in a timely manner and a team of doctors is called, then the patient can be saved. Most likely if urgent curative measures failed to take action. In this case, death occurs as a result of extensive damage to the heart and complications that arise.

What happens in the body with this pathology? Symptoms of a heart attack in women appear when one of the arteries supplying the myocardium ceases to function fully. It does not deliver the full amount of blood to main body. This causes damage to parts of the tissue that begin to die. The patient is in dire need of qualified help. Otherwise, it will be fatal.

What can cause a heart attack? Symptoms in women occur due to impaired vascular blood flow. Pathology can manifest itself as a result of a sudden spasm. Often an attack is triggered by an unexpected blockage of a vessel with cholesterol or a blood clot. Regardless of the factor that caused the pathology, the reason for the death of cardiac tissue is the same - lack of oxygen.

Factors leading to heart attack

There are many reasons that can trigger a heart attack. Symptoms in women are in most cases similar, regardless of the source of the pathology.

The main provoking factors include:

  • age (after 55 years a woman enters the risk zone);
  • hereditary factor;
  • undergone surgery to remove the ovaries;
  • period after menopause.

Additional sources of pathology

However, there are other causes of a heart attack that can be eliminated or nullified. negative impact on the body.

These factors are:

  1. Smoking, alcohol addiction, drug addiction. These factors come first. Smokers are almost always diagnosed with heart disease. Alcohol intoxication worsens the situation several times. Often an acute attack occurs in a state of deep hangover.
  2. Taking birth control pills. Sometimes this factor leads to the appearance of pathology in women who have not even reached 40 years of age.
  3. High cholesterol content. Vessels clogged with plaques experience serious overload. Of course, the heart does not receive enough blood. He has to function in an enhanced mode.
  4. Obesity. Organs swollen with fat do not allow the myocardium to work at full capacity. This is a fairly common cause leading to cardiac disorders.
  5. Inactivity. As a rule, this factor is combined with obesity or overweight.
  6. Hypertension. High blood pressure overloads the heart muscle and blood vessels.
  7. Diabetes. This is a pathology that provokes many various violations in organism. The cardiovascular system also suffers from the disease.
  8. Inflammatory processes in blood vessels. They provoke rupture of the coronary artery. Inflammation causes an increase in reactive protein in the body. This picture is most often observed in women. Doctors are not yet ready to say what causes the increase in protein.
  9. Hypothyroidism. The disease often becomes a source of heart disease. It can trigger an attack.
  10. Chronic stress. This condition- the cause of the development of most diseases in the body. And first of all, stress negatively affects the functioning of the heart.

Classic signs

Let's look at what are the most common symptoms of a heart attack?

The pathology is characterized by the following main features:

  1. There is pain in the area chest. This is the most characteristic symptom impending heart attack. But pain doesn't always happen. Some people feel discomfort, tightness, and a certain pressure in the chest. Wherein painful sensations completely absent. Patients claim that it becomes difficult for them to breathe, and there is a feeling “as if someone had stepped on their chest.” Very often people believe that a heart attack only causes pain in the chest and unpleasant discomfort in the left hand. You should know that negative sensations can appear in any other parts of the body: in the shoulders, throat, upper abdomen, jaws, teeth, back.
  2. Heavy sweating, perspiration. Pay attention when this symptom appears. Particular concern is caused by increased sweating in a person who is in a cool room, and not in the heat. Perspiration that appears in the absence of physical activity may indicate problems. Heavy sweating is caused by clogged arteries. The heart needs to work harder to pump enough blood. To save normal temperature with additional stress, the body secretes a large number of sweat. If you encounter such a problem, be sure to consult your doctor.
  3. Dyspnea. If such attacks occur after a slight exercise (climbing a couple of floors, walking), you should consult a doctor. Very often, shortness of breath is a symptom of heart disease. Especially if it is accompanied by severe fatigue and chest pain. Women are more likely to experience similar symptoms. It is shortness of breath and fatigue that usually warns of an upcoming heart attack.

Additional symptoms

In a classic attack, the following often occur:

  1. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Very often, before an attack, disorders appear in digestive tract. Indigestion, heartburn, and nausea may occur. These symptoms are often combined with dizziness. However, do not forget that such symptoms can be inherent in a number of pathologies.
  2. Numbness in fingers. Can only cover brushes. But sometimes the numbness spreads to the shoulders and forearms.
  3. Impaired speech. A completely sober person begins to get tongue-tied. Speech becomes slurred and incomprehensible.
  4. Impaired motor coordination. The person loses control over the body. Most often this affects the neck, shoulders, and arms. This state is very reminiscent alcohol intoxication. Especially if it is combined with This is why others do not always rush to help a person in such a state. This is very dangerous, because precious minutes are lost.

If you promptly pay attention to the main symptoms of a heart attack listed above, you can save a person’s life. Therefore, do not pass by a person who needs your help.

Features of attacks in women

Most often, people imagine a heart attack as a sudden, pronounced attack. If pathology concerns representatives of the fair half of humanity, then the situation is somewhat different. Symptoms of a heart attack in women are rarely pronounced. Most patients tolerate them without attaching any importance to them.

This is dictated by the fact that the signs of the disease are blurred in most cases. Therefore, women do not notice them and do not take them seriously. In addition, the symptoms are somewhat different from the signs that characterize an attack in men.

Alarm Signals

Please note what are the first symptoms of a heart attack in women:

  1. Severe fatigue, almost unsettling.
  2. Disturbed sleep, insomnia. This condition can occur even after severe fatigue. These symptoms appear about a month before the attack.
  3. Increased anxiety, nervousness, feeling of stress.
  4. Indigestion, nausea with normal diet.
  5. Weakness, clammy, sweaty skin.
  6. Difficulty breathing during normal exercise or climbing stairs.
  7. The appearance of pain in the neck, face, jaw, ears. Discomfort may spread to the arms and shoulders. It resembles a condition when muscle tissue is stretched.

How to help yourself?

If you observe the signs of a heart attack in women described above, do not wait for the condition to worsen. The best decision is to see a doctor and get qualified help.

Remember that you need to report all symptoms that appear to your doctor. In addition, it is important to name factors that can aggravate the condition ( genetic predisposition, smoking, hypertension).

If you have a seizure

What to do if you are caught by surprise by a heart attack? Symptoms and first aid are points that every person should know well. After all, minutes count.

First aid consists of the following measures:

  1. Call an ambulance immediately. Even if you don’t know how to help yourself, the dispatcher will explain to you what to do before the doctors arrive.
  2. Contact your family who can come to you immediately if the attack begins while you are alone.
  3. Take an aspirin tablet (325 mg). The pill should be chewed so that it has an effect faster.
  4. Take a nitroglycerin tablet. If positive effect is not observed, you can use the medicine again. The third pill is allowed to be taken only if the pain does not subside within 10 minutes after taking the second pill.
  5. Try to remain calm. Panic and fear, characteristic of an attack, complicate the condition. Remember that help is on the way to you. You can focus on counting your heartbeat. It's calming.
  6. Remain in a supine position, on your back. In this case, it is advisable to raise your legs higher by placing a pillow or other object under them. This will allow the diaphragm to open, and oxygen will flow better into the blood.
  7. Do deep breaths and even exhalations.
  8. If possible, it is recommended to open a window to provide access fresh air.

What not to do

If symptoms of a heart attack are observed in women, it is not enough to know how to act in such a situation. It should be remembered that it is strictly contraindicated:

  • stand up or move around;
  • smoke;
  • drive;
  • use aspirin if there is intolerance to the drug or an exacerbation of gastritis or ulcers is diagnosed;
  • take nitroglycerin if low pressure, severe headaches, with speech, coordination, and vision disorders;
  • consume drinks or food.

Help a loved one

What should you do if you see something wrong with a person and you suspect he is having a heart attack?

Symptoms in women and treatment are often taken lightly by such individuals. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that they will begin to refuse to call a doctor and protest against the need to take horizontal position.

Your actions should be as quick and clear as possible:

  1. Call an ambulance.
  2. Lay the patient on a horizontal surface, placing any object under his feet. Make sure that the patient does not get up.
  3. Unfasten your collar and belt.
  4. Provide fresh air by opening a window. Turn on the fan.
  5. Try to calm and encourage the victim.

Be sure to complete all the activities described above. And remember that your actions determine future life this man.

If blood with oxygen dissolved in it stops flowing to the heart, then the part of the heart that is left without nutrition will begin to die. However, heart attacks, although dangerous, are not necessarily life-threatening. Prompt medical action will help restore blood flow and preserve cardiac function. Sometimes a heart attack is called myocardial infarction, although this is not entirely true: an attack is a symptom, and a heart attack is painful condition, which includes various symptom complexes.

Angina pectoris- This is the main cause of pain attacks in the heart or chest, occurring when there is insufficient blood flow to the heart. Angina is dangerous condition, which requires emergency assistance.

There are two types of angina: stable and unstable.

Stable angina characterized by typically occurring chest pain when performing physical activity (not only special physical exercise, but also such everyday things as climbing steep stairs ). When a state of rest occurs, the pain goes away.

Unstable angina It is characterized by sudden pain that occurs regardless of physical overload, so a state of rest and taking nitroglycerin does not guarantee the disappearance of pain. When diagnosing unstable angina, the following symptoms are important: increasing pain, its duration, its appearance at rest. Unstable angina is a precursor to heart attacks. Therefore, this condition cannot be allowed to develop without treatment, otherwise there is a risk serious violation cardiac activity.

Coronary heart disease caused by a narrowing of the diameter of the coronary vessels, due to which an insufficient amount of oxygen is supplied to the heart. The first symptom of this disease is angina, that is, chest pain.

The cause of ischemia, like all others heart disease, are deposits of cholesterol in the lumens of blood vessels. With ischemia, interruptions in heart contractions occur, and the cardiogram shows characteristic changes. Although the disease progresses very slowly, treatment cannot be started. Doctors recommend for treatment ischemic disease undertake bypass surgery - this technique makes it possible to restore blood supply to the heart.

Impaired blood flow to the heart is the root cause of all cardiac pathologies.

Blockage of blood flow in the heart muscle occurs due to the formation of plaques - fatty deposits located in the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart. When plaques rupture, a blood clot forms, which blocks the artery and prevents oxygenated blood from reaching the heart. In the formation of blood clots, blood viscosity indicators are also important - the thicker the blood, the faster it forms a blood clot. But the excessive rarity of blood leads to its non-coagulation when damaged skin. Therefore, viscosity indicators should not deviate significantly from the norm, otherwise it threatens either significant loss blood from small wounds, or thrombus formation.

The process of plaque formation in the coronary arteries is called coronary heart disease. Depending on genetic factors and socio-economic conditions in which a person has been since childhood ( good or bad level nutrition, sufficient or insufficient health care, work in hazardous industries, etc.), such plaques can form from a young age. At first the plaques have a small diameter, then slowly but surely they increase in size. As you age, they restrict blood flow to the heart muscle, causing angina. One of the first signs of coronary disease is a heart attack.

Intensive physical stress, strong sudden emotions, reception psychoactive substances contribute to the appearance of attacks of pain in the heart. However, the cause of attacks in many cases remains not fully understood. This is why it is so important to begin diagnosing and treating the condition early.


The main symptom of heart attacks is pain in the chest of an acute or constricting nature. Some patients describe the resulting acute and unbearable pain; others, on the contrary, characterize their condition with the following words: squeezing, discomfort, heaviness in the chest, numbness of the left arm.
  • When describing pain, patients often place their hand on their chest.
  • The irradiation of pain during a heart attack can occur in different directions: left shoulder, left arm, jaw, neck, back, right arm.
  • Feeling of heartburn ( although in fact this is not heartburn, but pain spreading throughout the upper abdomen).
  • Heavy sweating.
  • Labored breathing.
  • Dizziness and a feeling of consciousness “floating away”.
  • Heart pulsation, palpitations.
  • Weakness and feeling of fatigue.
Not all patients experience the classic symptom of sharp pain in the sternum during an attack. Older people and diabetics are less likely to experience severe pain in the chest area. They are much more likely to experience dizziness, shortness of breath, loss of consciousness, weakness, and abdominal pain. The condition of chest pain is urgent. In addition to heart attacks, pain can be caused by pulmonary embolism (when a blood clot is located in the lung) and rupture or dissection of the aorta.

Suspicion of an attack

When the first signs of an attack appear, you should act immediately. If your doctor has previously prescribed nitroglycerin, you should carry it with you at all times. The drug taken without delay ( usually in the form of sublingual tablets), can save a person's life.

What to do?

  • Take one dose of the drug and wait a couple of minutes.
  • If the pain does not go away or even intensifies, you need to call the ambulance service. It is necessary to clearly describe the symptoms to facilitate the collection of a primary anamnesis.
  • After confirming that an ambulance has arrived at your home, you should take an aspirin tablet to thin the blood a little. Aspirin prevents blood from clotting, which makes it possible to survive an attack.
  • While waiting for an ambulance, you should ensure your body is at rest. When the body works hard, the heart pumps blood intensely to deliver oxygen to the muscles and brain and cleanse the body of under-oxidized metabolic intermediate products. If cardiac function is already limited due to insufficient blood supply, then stress will contribute to further damage and complications.
The best way out is hospitalization in a cardiology hospital. Ambulance doctors will begin rescue actions immediately and thereby support the person’s condition before he ends up in a specialized hospital. If it is not possible to contact the ambulance service, you should try to get to the hospital yourself. However, it is not advisable to get behind the wheel of a car yourself, unless there is no other way out.


Emergency doctors will provide first aid to the patient using the following means:
  • Thrombolytic drugs. These drugs destroy blood clots, but they are effective only in the first time after the onset of an attack. The more time passes, the less likely their effectiveness.
  • Aspirin.
  • Means to reduce pain, to eliminate cardiac tension, treatment of life-threatening abnormal heart rhythms.

Questions that need to be answered so that the attending physician can collect anamnesis:
1. When did the first signs of pain appear?
2. What were you doing at that moment?
3. Did you have to stop all your activities after the pain appeared?
4. Didn't rest bring relief from pain?
5. When you resumed activity, did the pain reappear?
6. The pain appeared in the chest and where did it spread: to the teeth, jaw, back, arm?
7. Did nausea or shortness of breath appear immediately after heart pain?
8. Do you sweat a lot?
9. Have you had similar pain before?
10. Do you smoke?
11. What is your normal, “working” blood pressure?
12. Have you ever had diabetes?
13. Have you ever suffered from vascular diseases before?
14. Didn't your close relatives suffer from them?
15. Is it easy for you to climb stairs or vice versa? Do you experience shortness of breath?

In addition to taking a history, a general physical examination is necessary to make a diagnosis.
To do this you need:

  • Pulse measurement.
  • Checking the lungs for fluid accumulation in them ( edema).
  • Listen to the heart for unusual heart sounds.
In a hospital setting, to diagnose the condition and confirm the primary diagnosis, the following examinations are required:
  • Electrocardiogram.
  • Various blood tests.
  • Determination of the presence and quantity of cardiac enzymes.
  • Chest X-ray.
  • Cardiac catheterization ( according to indications).
An electrocardiogram is the most important objective method for studying the heart. It records the electrical activity of the heart. If the normal functioning of the heart is disrupted, the cardiogram displays changes and anomalies that may be characteristic of a particular disease. It is with this proven method that you can track signs of damage to the heart muscle, poor blood flow, abnormal rhythms and other cardiac abnormalities.

The presence of cardiac enzymes in the blood is a sign of heart damage. Cardiac enzymes are essentially proteins that are released into the blood by dead parts of the heart muscle. These enzymes include troponin And creatine phosphokinase. A few hours after the attack, the level of these enzymes in the blood increases. Blood tests performed within 24 hours after an attack are an important diagnostic indicator. Measuring the level of cardiac enzymes and their ratio makes it possible to determine the degree of death of the heart muscle.

A chest x-ray is performed to rule out or confirm other diagnoses. When the diagnosis of heart attack is confirmed, further testing of heart function is carried out.

If the doctor believes that the above diagnostic methods is not sufficient, a decision may be made to perform cardiac catheterization. This procedure involves inserting a thin, flexible catheter through an artery in the arm or groin. Carefully guiding the catheter into the heart allows the condition of the artery to be assessed on a computer screen. Injected into the artery coloring matter, thanks to which it is visible. The result of cardiac catheterization is the assessment of cardiac function and arterial patency.

If the result of the manipulation shows that the blood patency in the artery is impaired, the patient immediately undergoes angioplasty. To do this, a catheter with a miniature balloon attached is directed into the narrowed artery, and a “ball” is inflated at the end of the catheter. With the help of a “ball,” the artery is widened and blood supply is restored. To prevent the artery from narrowing again, a small mesh tube called a stent is sometimes placed.

Vascular plastic surgery ( with or without stent placement) is the optimal treatment for heart attacks. If it is impossible to perform angioplasty, thrombolytic drugs are first administered to destroy blood clots. Sometimes it is advisable to perform a bypass operation so that blood can get to the heart bypassing the blocked artery ( bypass surgery).

After these therapeutic methods, appoint medications to prevent the formation of blood clots, to reduce tension in the heart muscle and to lower cholesterol levels. These methods help prevent further heart attacks and the development of heart failure. Sometimes these medications need to be taken for life to maintain normal work hearts.

For a week after admission to the hospital, the patient is under round-the-clock supervision by cardiologists. Respiratory rate and heart rate are constantly monitored, and clinical and biochemical blood parameters are also fully monitored, making it possible to monitor the dynamics of the disease.

To minimize the risk of repeated attacks, doctors advise quitting smoking and losing weight ( in the presence of overweight body), constantly monitor your cholesterol and blood pressure levels.

Some patients who cannot benefit from angioplasty due to multiple arterial blockages are referred to coronary artery bypass surgery.

Coronary artery bypass grafting- This is a medical manipulation, its use allows doctors to restore blood flow in the heart arteries using shunts, which are created and attached to bypass the narrowed coronary arteries. The bypass system makes it possible to avoid myocardial infarction. A shunt is a section of a large vein or artery ( the donor for this material is the patient himself), or a synthetic device, which is sewn to the incision on the affected vessel, thereby forming an alternate path for blood flow.


After each attack, part of the heart muscle dies, which is then replaced by fragments of scar tissue. Rough scar “patches” appear on the elastic tissue of the heart. This leads to the fact that the work of the heart deteriorates, the quality of blood supply to the organs decreases and, as a result, the body weakens.

Myocardial infarction occurs when a blood clot - a thrombus - completely blocks the coronary artery that feeds the heart muscle, and it begins to die. The faster it was provided medical assistance to restore blood flow, thereby Great chance saving the heart muscle from dying.

There are atypical, cerebral, abdominal, painless and other forms of myocardial infarction. It happens that no particular symptoms appear, and then the diagnosis is made only on the basis of an ECG.

Special situations

Substance use, in particular cocaine, strongly influences the development of a heart attack. Cocaine causes artery contraction, increased heart rate, and changes in blood pressure.

At Prinzmetal's angina the occurrence of an attack is associated with spasm of the coronary arteries, which contain atherosclerotic plaques. An electrocardiogram shows changes that are characteristic of a myocardial infarction, but after the attack everything returns to normal.

Prinzmetal's angina is quite rare compared to other subtypes of this disease. Characterized by pain at night or early morning and at rest. For this disease to appear, atherosclerosis in initial stage. Emerging cholesterol plaques give persistent stenosis. This disease rarely leads to the formation of a heart attack, because attacks with spontaneous angina do not last long, and sections of the heart muscle do not begin to die without oxygen.


Patients in cardiac hospitals cannot change their genetic predisposition and medical history, but they can minimize the likelihood of another attack. Thanks to the following simple but effective recommendations, the development of a heart attack or peripheral vascular diseases can be prevented.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Constant pressure control.
  • Optimizing your diet to reduce cholesterol in food.
  • Performing regular and moderate physical activity.
A sedentary lifestyle combined with a high-calorie diet leads to obesity. Obesity and inertia are some of the main enemies hearts.

Another major contributor to heart disease is women taking birth control pills, which have side effects.

Cholesterol levels can be easily checked using laboratory methods. Ideally, the total level should be less than 200 mg/dL.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Pathologies of the cardiovascular system are the main cause of death in cardiology patients. To prevent death, it is important to recognize the first symptoms of a heart attack and carry out resuscitation measures. The asymptomatic pathological process can last from several days to months and lead to disturbances in the structure of the myocardium. If the first signs of the disease are amenable to effective therapy, That advanced stage there is no cure for a heart attack.

The first symptoms and signs of a heart attack in women and men

It is difficult to determine the signs of the disease; if this is the first attack, they can manifest themselves in different ways. Alarm signal– heart pain varying intensity. When the disease is asymptomatic, they are also present, but cause oppressive feeling sternum, feeling of acute discomfort. Such changes in general condition are difficult to miss, so a person will need the help of a doctor. The main thing is not to waste precious time.

Other early symptoms of a progressive heart attack include:

  • shortness of breath due to pulmonary, heart failure;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • dizziness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • sudden sweating with heart pain;
  • instability emotional sphere;
  • rapid pulse;
  • fainting, confusion;
  • stomach pain.

Where and how does the heart hurt?

It is very important to correctly identify an attack, determine its cause and consequences. If there is angina of the heart, the pain syndrome is sharp and at the same time burning, suddenly appears and disappears. The patient’s task is to immediately call an ambulance, take a horizontal position, not be nervous, ensure unhindered access of oxygen and take a nitroglycerin tablet under the tongue. Before doctors arrive, it is important to figure out on your own what the cause of the acute attack is.

My heart hurts and radiates to my left hand

If the feeling of pressure in the sternum spreads to left hand, then this manifests itself as unstable angina at the relapse stage. The painful attack gradually increases, giving way to sharp and burning sensations, deprives sleep and rest, and progresses at night. This symptom is accompanied by shortness of breath and requires immediate hospitalization. Relief comes only after taking it medical supplies, resuscitation measures.

Colitis in the heart area when inhaling

When a patient feels a tingling sensation in the heart muscle when inhaling, this symptom does not always relate to cardiology. Fractures of the ribs, exacerbation of neurosis or pneumonia are not excluded. Myocardial disease also cannot be ruled out, especially if the effect of painkillers does not provide even short-term relief. These diagnoses require medical attention; home self-medication provokes serious complications with health.

Sharp pain under the left shoulder blade

If such a symptom occurs, disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system are obvious. This may be an exacerbation of cardiac ischemia, aortic aneurysm, progressive infarction or myocardial microinfarction. Taking nitroglycerin does not help, the patient has difficulty breathing and moving, access to oxygen and the presence of a medical team is required. Delay in resuscitation measures causes extensive foci of necrosis of the heart muscle, and the patient may die suddenly.

Pain in the heart area when coughing

In such a clinical picture it is observed sharp deterioration general well-being. A painful attack in the chest indicates unstable angina, intercostal neuralgia, hepatic colic and chest injuries. The symptom is paroxysmal in nature and progresses in active stage and a state of complete rest. One should not exclude an attack of heart failure, which in in a matter of minutes leads to fatal outcome clinical patient.

Clear signs of an angina attack

This heart disease characterized chronic course in the body, and often reminds itself of itself with painful attacks. The symptoms are as follows:

  • burning pain in the chest that spreads to the jaw, shoulder blade, upper limbs;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • increased sweating;
  • rapid pulse;
  • decline in performance;
  • symptoms of arterial hypertension.

If unstable angina pectoris worsens, the patient needs urgent hospitalization, where detailed diagnostics will determine the areas of damage to the heart muscle. The signs of exertional angina are similar, but are supplemented by pallor of the skin, changes in heart rate and inappropriate behavior of the clinical patient.

Symptoms of myocardial infarction

This is the most dangerous diagnosis cardiology, which often becomes the main cause of death in heart patients. It is impossible to stop an attack even after taking a nitroglycerin tablet. Bad feeling it is very difficult to stabilize at a satisfactory level; resuscitation measures are required. The sooner, the greater the chance of saving the patient's life.

Symptoms pathological process next:

  • cold sweat;
  • sharp decline blood pressure;
  • abnormal heart rate;
  • fainting;
  • lack of understanding of reality;
  • pallor of the skin.
  • sharp pain behind the sternum, radiating to the neck, back, shoulder blade, arm.

Video: how to detect a heart attack

Cardiovascular diseases are fraught with serious health complications. If you have one of the diagnoses or are predisposed to them, you should familiarize yourself with the proposed video, which describes the first symptoms of an increasing heart attack. This will allow timely recognition of the disease, alleviate general state and increase the chances of saving lives.