Constant desire to urinate. Causes of frequent urination in women. Diseases of the cardiovascular system

On average, an adult goes to the toilet 5-10 times a day, and he can freely control the process of urination. If this rate increases, there is a reason to consult a doctor for an examination of the genitourinary system. Frequent urination in women, as a rule, is not a sign of pathology. When hypothermia, drinking too much, taking certain groups of drugs or in stressful situations, the urge may occur much more often than usual.

Causes of frequent urge to urinate without pain

The root causes that a woman very often needs to go to the toilet can be different, often they are not associated with diseases. There are 4 main factors that explain frequent urges. The first place is occupied by pathologies of the urinary system. In addition, constant urge may be a secondary sign of the development of a disease. They can also be stimulated by taking medications or carrying out any physiological processes in the female body. Let's look at the most common causes of excessive painless urination in girls:

  • Cystitis. Due to anatomical features, the disease occurs three times more often in women than in the stronger sex. The initial stage does not cause pain, but later cystitis brings severe discomfort to the girl. A characteristic sign of the disease is that the bladder may seem unemptied even after urination. As the disease progresses, the urine becomes cloudy.
  • . Frequent urination in adult women may indicate the development of kidney disease - chronic pyelonephritis. Sometimes the disease is accompanied by an unpleasant pulling feeling in the lumbar region. If the pathology worsens, the body temperature begins to rise, nausea and weakness appear, and blood or pus can be seen in the urine.
  • Bladder stones. Constant urge in women can be a sign of urolithiasis. The desire to empty the bladder occurs suddenly and unexpectedly, usually after playing sports or shaking in transport. During urination, a woman with urolithiasis notices interruptions in the flow and, in some cases, feels discomfort in the lower abdomen.
  • Weak bladder muscle corset. The main symptom is frequent urination with a small volume of urine released. Women feel a sharp, urgent urge to run to the toilet. This pathology is congenital, so the only way to solve the problem is to train the abdominal muscles.

  • Overactive bladder. The increase in nerve signals is interpreted by the brain as the urge to urinate. Therapy of the disease is aimed at suppressing the pathological excitability of the nervous system.
  • During pregnancy. In the early stages, an increased urge to urinate is caused by changes in a woman’s hormonal levels and an increase in the size of her uterus. In the second trimester, the desire to constantly empty the bladder is not physiologically justified, and may indicate the development of pathologies. At the end of the term, the pressure of the baby's head and the enlarged uterus on the bladder increases, so the desire to empty it arises more often than usual.
  • Gynecological pathologies. Excessive urine discharge can be a symptom of uterine fibroids (a benign tumor that puts pressure on the bladder). As the disease progresses, the menstrual cycle may be disrupted. If a woman has a congenital disorder - the uterus is prolapsed, frequent urges are caused by displacement of the pelvic organs.
  • Endocrine pathologies. Often, constant trips to the toilet indicate diabetes. At the same time, the following symptoms appear: fatigue, itchy skin, thirst. If a woman is constantly thirsty, this may also indicate diabetes insipidus, which is characterized by an increase in the volume of urine excreted to 5 liters per day.
  • Cardiovascular diseases. With cardiac insufficiency, in addition to an increase in the frequency of urination, skin swelling occurs.
  • Physiological factors. Frequent causes of increased urine output in women are diet, anxiety, stress, and oxygen starvation of cells.
  • Taking medications. Excessive urination is sometimes provoked by taking diuretics prescribed for the treatment of gestosis, hypertension or edema.

Symptoms that may accompany frequent urination

Here are the main symptoms accompanying the disease:

  • Pain and cramps indicate an acute form of cystitis. In addition, the presence of pathology is indicated by incomplete emptying of the bladder.
  • Burning after urination in women is a symptom of a genitourinary tract infection or poor hygiene of the intimate area. A feeling of burning and itching, in addition, may be a sign of individual intolerance to the chosen contraceptive or excessive consumption of spicy foods.
  • Fever with constant urge may indicate urogenital tuberculosis or some sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Pain in the lumbar region is a common symptom of pyelonephritis, less often it speaks of urogenital tuberculosis.
  • Discharge of pus occurs with advanced urethritis, gonorrhea,.
  • Women feel discomfort in the pelvic area (lower abdomen) with various gynecological diseases or infections of the genitourinary tract.
  • If it hurts at the end of urination, this indicates urethritis or acute cystitis.
  • A missed period with frequent urination may indicate pregnancy.

Which doctor should I contact?

Frequent urge to urinate in women causes serious inconvenience. However, they do not always indicate the presence of a disease. If no other symptoms appear and the frequency of trips to the toilet does not exceed 10-12 per day, there is no reason to panic. But painful urination in women cannot be ignored, so immediately contact a gynecologist, therapist or urologist. The specialist will determine what is causing the frequent trips to the toilet and, if necessary, select adequate treatment.

Treatment of frequent urination in women

Therapy for frequent urination in women is selected by a doctor, depending on the diagnosis. So, if the cause of this symptom is diabetes mellitus, it is necessary to adjust the glucose level with special medications that require long-term use. To get rid of stones in the urinary system that provoke frequent urges, ultrasound or conservative drug therapy is used.

How to treat reactive arthritis that causes a constant desire to empty the bladder? In this case, the doctor prescribes antibiotics, for example, Azithromycin or Doxycyline. It is possible to reduce the number of urinations during menopause with the help of hormonal medications. If frequent trips to the toilet cause iron deficiency in a woman’s body, the doctor prescribes tablets based on this substance (“Ferroplex”, “”). Let's look at the treatment of the most common diseases that cause excessive urine output:

  • Antibiotics are prescribed to treat cystitis. If a specific microflora is detected, the woman must undergo a course of antifungal, antiviral or antimicrobial drugs. In addition, you can use folk remedies. For this, 1 tbsp. l. crushed dill seeds are brewed in a cup of boiling water, infused for 2-3 hours and drunk 80-100 ml twice a day. In the complex of therapeutic and preventive measures for cystitis, natural remedies based on plant components, such as extracts of bearberry leaves, horsetail and cranberry fruit. For example, the dietary supplement "UROPROFIT®", the components of which have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects.* The complex of biologically active substances included in the dietary supplement "UROPROFIT®" helps to normalize urination, improves the functional state of the kidneys and urinary tract, as well as reduces the risk of repeated exacerbations of chronic cystitis.* You can also find in pharmacies:
  • For bacteriuria, therapy is aimed at eliminating the source of infection. The doctor prescribes antibiotics, sulfa drugs, and uroantiseptics (Cyston, Canephron, Monural) to the woman. At the same time, alternative medicine is used: herbal teas, douching with herbal decoctions at night.
  • To treat STIs (sexually transmitted infections), it is necessary to identify the pathogen, then determine its sensitivity to different antibiotics and choose the most effective one. Often, for STIs, "", "", "Fluconazole" and others are prescribed.

Video about the causes and treatment of frequent urination

The volume and frequency of urination is individual for each woman. However, the physiological rhythm is sometimes disrupted and an increased urge to empty the bladder may be observed. This symptom is sometimes accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen - this means that the girl should visit a doctor. By watching the video below, you will learn what could be the cause of constant urges and how the pathologies that were the main cause of this are treated.

*Instructions for use of dietary supplements UROPROFIT®

Frequent urination is the emptying of the bladder, the number of urges significantly exceeding the physiological norm per day. With the usual drinking regimen for a given person, the amount mictions(urination) is 4-6 times a day. Modern nutritionists recommend drinking 1.5-2 liters of liquid during the day; accordingly, a healthy adult produces approximately the same amount of urine during the day.

In children, the frequency of urination depends on age. In the first days of life, babies urinate only 4-5 times a day, by one year - up to 16 times, by three years - up to 10 times a day, and by the age of 10, the number of micturitions already corresponds to the norm for adults. The bulk of urine is produced and excreted during the day. If urination occurs more often at night, then it is diagnosed nocturia.

Physiological causes of frequent urination

Oncold or when atmospheric pressure changes urination may become more intense due to vasoconstriction and increased filtration function of the kidneys.

Atuse of some products with a high fluid content (watermelon, melon, zucchini), the number of micturitions and urine volume also increase. Stress, alcohol, strong coffee or tea always increase the amount of urine produced and provoke frequent urination.

Regularage-related hormonal changes- both in adolescents and in older people - are manifested by an increase in the frequency of urination. Both options are classified as physiological, but the condition is corrected with medication to make people feel more comfortable.

Atpregnancy Frequent urination at the beginning of pregnancy and in the third trimester is considered normal, but only with adequate blood pressure and normal blood glucose levels. After childbirth without complications, urinary frequency decreases rapidly.

Elevatedphysical exercise are accompanied by frequent urination, since with intense metabolism the formation of liquid and carbon dioxide always increases. Athletes and people with physical labor are advised to drink more water, but in small portions: this way they avoid dehydration and excessive “acidification” of the body, and small one-time drinking volumes do not increase the load on the vascular bed, heart, liver and kidneys.

If frequent urination is observed for 1-2 days, is not accompanied by the lower back or, and the body temperature remains normal, then we can assume physiological nature of the problem. After adjusting the diet, taking a break from training or physical work, stabilizing weather conditions, or adapting to repeated stressful situations, urination returns to normal.

Main difference transient(transient) frequent urination is a return to normal in a short time without treatment, and there are no unpleasant consequences for the body.

Diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus

Diabetes mellitus is of two types, insulin dependent And insulin-independent. The first develops with a lack of insulin production, the second - with the development rigidity(immunity) of cell walls to glucose with normal amounts of insulin.

The essence of both variants of the disease is that glucose cannot penetrate the cells, so its content in the blood is increased (the norm is 3.3 - 5.5 mmol/l in peripheral blood, in blood from a vein up to 6.5 -7 mmol/l ). Physiologically, glucose is the main “raw material” for the formation of ATP, which provides the body with energy for all occasions. When glucose access is blocked, all tissues of the body suffer, with the most vulnerable being capillaries and nerve endings, when damaged they develop angiopathy(vascular diseases) and neuropathy. Diabetes mellitus increases blood viscosity and risk thrombosis, nutrition of organs is disrupted and normal functions are disrupted.

Early signs of diabetes mellitus are considered bulimia(uncontrollable hunger) polydipsia(constant thirst) and polyuria(significant increase in daily urine volume) with increased urination. The patient feels dry mouth, due to the release of glucose on the skin and mucous membranes, irritation and pustular rash develop, and boils often form. Urine may smell like rotting apples and contains glucose. Classic sources for diagnosing diabetes recommended that the doctor try the patient’s urine or place the container with urine outside. If you have diabetes, it is sweet: during tasting, the doctor will feel it, and the flies will immediately flock to the vessel.

Diabetes insipidus is essentially a disease pituitary gland with disruption of hormone formation vasopersin. If it is deficient, the reabsorption of water into the nephrons(renal tubules) and its excessive excretion in the urine is observed, which leads to dehydration.

Causes of diabetes insipidus:

  • Pituitary tumors;
  • Complications after neurosurgical interventions or injuries;
  • brain;
  • Encephalitis;
  • Common viral infections;
  • Brain metastases;
  • Problems of blood supply to the pituitary gland;
  • Changes in calcium levels in the blood - above or below normal;
  • Nephrotoxic drugs ( amphotericin B, lithium);
  • Chronic renal failure;
  • Sickle cell anemia;
  • Congenital form of the disease;
  • Old age of the patient.

Frequent urination in men

The causes of the problem are urogenital diseases caused by a nonspecific infection or sexually transmitted infection (STD); urolithiasis disease; inflammation (prostatitis) and glandular tumor (adenoma) of the prostate; dribbling.

Infectiousthe lesion is accompanied by increased urination. Moreover, at the same time there is a burning sensation in the urethra, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, pain irradiate(give) to the inner thighs, can be pulling or aching; at - herpes simplex– very strong and sharp. Not to be confused with shingles which is caused by a virus herpes zoster, not sexually transmitted, is accompanied by burning pain and skin rashes along the nerves.

Symptoms of infectious origin are combined with: purulent and yellow -, foaming -, white and curdled - (thrush); liquid and transparent are found when streptococcal lesions of the urethra.

Urolithiasisdisease. When metabolic processes are disrupted, particles of different chemical composition, shape and size are formed (stones, sand). Main types: oxalates– salts of oxalic acid; phosphates And urates(phosphoric and uric acid salts, respectively). The last type of kidney stones often combined with gout. The main sign of exacerbation of urolithiasis is renalcolic, attacks of sharp pain due to the passage of stones through the ureters and injury to their mucous. At the beginning of the attack, a block of urination is possible, but afterward, frequent urination, a one-time increase in urine volume, and hematuria(blood in urine). Outside of an attack, urination is frequent, and with concomitant urethritis it is painful. Often patients experience incomplete emptying of the bladder.

– inflammation of the prostate gland. The disease occurs in all age categories, but more often in men over 50 years of age. The prostate gland is located around the urethra and adjacent to the bladder. Inflammation irritates the receptors and false urges are felt when only drops of urine are released during miction. Prostatitis is characterized by frequent urge to urinate, especially at night, and concomitant symptoms of urethritis.

Causes of prostatitis development:

  1. Irregularity of sexual activity;
  2. Hypothermia and infection;
  3. STDs after unprotected sex, with frequent changes of partners;
  4. Sitting work and physical inactivity, consequences – congestion in the pelvic cavity;
  5. Immune abnormalities;
  6. Concomitant urogenital diseases;
  7. Changes in hormonal balance after 50 years;
  8. Injuries, alcohol, smoking.

Adenomaprostate gland. As the tumor grows, it forms nodules that compress the urethra and affect the internal sphincter(orbicularis muscle) of the bladder. The main reason for the development of the disease is a change in the biolevel of androgens, which manifests itself with age. Disruption of venous and lymph flow, cardiovascular diseases, hypothermia and the prevalence of STDs also contribute as factors in the development of chronic inflammation of the prostate and then adenomas.

In men aged 40-50 years, adenoma is diagnosed in 10-11% of cases, which are associated with frequent and difficult urination; after the 50-year threshold, the frequency increases to 50%, and after 60, adenoma occurs in 80%.

The main symptoms of prostate adenoma:

  • Frequent urination, mostly at night, at the beginning of the disease - without pain;
  • Sluggish and thin stream of urine;
  • Urination is difficult; during miction you need to strain your abdominal muscles;
  • Intermittent urination;
  • In later stages - urine leakage and dripping, incontinence and painful ejaculation.

Dribbling - after urination, urine is released, it drips or leaks after leaving the toilet. The symptom occurs in 15-17% of healthy men and in 67-70% of patients with cystitis or urethritis, worsening the quality of life. The cause of the problem is weakness bulbocavernosus muscle, surrounding the initial part of the urethra.

Increased urination in women

Frequent urge to urinate is observed with inflammation of the renal pelvis ( pyelonephritis), bladder and urethra. UIn women, compared to men, these diseases occur approximately 3 times more often. The reason is in the anatomical features: the female urethra is no longer than 3 cm and wide, therefore an ascending infection with STDs and nonspecific genital inflammations easily develops. Symptoms include pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, frequent and painful urination, and fever. With pyelonephritis, the color of urine may resemble dark beer, which is also typical for, but unlike the latter, feces never become discolored.

Cystitisand urethritis– this is always sharp pain and burning in the urethra plus frequent urination in small portions. Women complain of an “unemptied” bladder, urinary incontinence at the beginning and bleeding in drops at the end of intercourse. The progress of the disease leads to variations in the color of urine: it becomes cloudy, and an admixture of blood is detected.

Rapidurination due to bladder stones: unexpected urges, up to involuntary leakage of urine, appear during physical exercise. loads, running, traveling in transport. During miction, the urine stream may be interrupted. Pain in the lower abdomen and above the pubis is felt at rest and during urination.

Irritated (hyperactive) uricbubble due to increased signals for urination. The reason is an increase in the excitability of the nervous system during prolonged stress, fear and fright.

Weaknessmuscular wall of the bladder- congenital disease. The urge to urinate appears suddenly, but there is no pain or burning sensation.

Fibroids, benign tumor of the uterus. When it grows, compression of the bladder and increased urination are possible. Problems with urination increase gradually, combined with uterine bleeding, cycle disorders, nagging pain in the lower back and lower abdomen.

Omissionuterus and bladder– a consequence of weakness of the muscles that form the pelvic floor and the uterine ligaments. Complete prolapse of the uterus and the development of permanent urinary incontinence are possible.

Cordially-vascular insufficiency: hidden swelling appears during the day. At night, with the body in a horizontal position, the load on the heart decreases, and the accumulated fluid is eliminated through the kidneys. Night urination is copious and painless, the urine is light.

Autoimmunethyroiditis: antibodies to the tissues of the thyroid gland appear, active inflammation and dysfunction of the organ develop. State life-threatening, so remember the main, most striking symptoms:

  1. Frequent and copious urination, urine is very light;
  2. Rapid weight loss, up to several kilograms in a week;
  3. Noticeable hair loss, possibly in entire strands;
  4. Severe muscle weakness, starting from the hands - it is difficult to hold even a cup of tea;
  5. Heart rhythm disturbances - attacks of tachycardia up to 180-200 beats per minute.

Frequent urination in childhood

Frequent urination at night - nocturia, is not considered a painful condition in children under 7 years of age. Common causes are too much sleep, a feeling of coldness during sleep, and age-related weakness of the bladder sphincter. It is important to eliminate the cold factor by offering the child warm pajamas and a comfortable (not lower than +18 degrees) room temperature. It is recommended to give something salty at night, right in bed (a couple of olives, a piece of herring or bread with salt). Before going to bed, the baby must visit the toilet, and drinking should be limited 2 hours before bedtime.

If the problem nocturia is not resolved after 7 years of age, you must seek medical help. Otherwise, children may develop neuroses and obsessive fears (phobias), negative behavior changes and decreased self-esteem.

What to do if you experience frequent urination?

The lower abdomen and lower back hurt, a burning sensation appeared in the urethra during and after intercourse, the color of the urine has changed (cloudy, with blood, with pus) - immediately consult a urologist. Body temperature elevated to 38-39 degrees and dark urine are common signs of pyelonephritis.

If the color of your urine is lighter than usual, there is no pain or burning, and your overall health is normal: check your diet. If you are taking medications, carefully read the “side effects” and “contraindications” sections in the instructions.

Video: frequent urination in the program “Live Healthy!”

Frequent urge to urinate in women is a reason to consult a specialist, since this seemingly harmless symptom can mask quite serious diseases.

Urination is the process of releasing urine from the bladder through the urethra into the external environment. The number of urinations varies from person to person and averages 3-9 times a day.

Taking this into account, we want to tell you about the reasons for the frequent urge to urinate in women, as well as what to do and how to get rid of this problem.

Urine formation occurs in the kidneys, which act as a filter. The nervous system regulates the process of urine formation. In 24 hours, 180 liters of primary urine are formed in the kidneys, which consists of water, salts, sugar, and other substances. But the daily volume of urine in an adult is only one and a half liters. This can be explained by the fact that primary urine undergoes secondary filtration, during which water and the above substances are absorbed back into the blood.

As we have already said, the amount of urination is individual for each person, which directly depends on age, gender, physiological state, the climate where he lives, as well as dietary habits. But the norm is considered to be 3-9 urinations per day, and urination at night should be no more than once.

If the number of urinations per day is more than 10, then this symptom is called polyuria. Frequent urination at night (more than once) is medically referred to as nocturia.

Polyuria or nocturia is a reason to pay attention to your health and make an appointment with a urologist.

It is also important to note that a healthy adult should normally produce between 200 and 300 ml of urine at a time.

With frequent urination, the single amount of urine in most cases decreases, but can also be normal or even increase.

The causes of frequent urination can be both physiological factors and various diseases. It should also be said that with frequent urination in women caused by physiological factors, there will be no pain, itching and burning in the urethra, increased temperature, pathological impurities in the urine, etc.

Let's look at why women experience frequent urination without pain or other unpleasant symptoms.

Frequent urination in women without pain: causes

  • Diuretic therapy. When taking diuretics, the number of urinations increases, and the volume of urine increases.
  • Pregnancy. We will talk about this factor in more detail below.
  • Nutritional features. Eating large amounts of spicy food, pickles, animal and vegetable fats irritates the bladder receptors and contributes to increased urination.
  • Abuse of caffeinated drinks such as coffee and alcohol, especially beer.
  • Hypothermia of the lower extremities. Many people probably noticed that when they were cold, the urge to go to the toilet “in a small way” became more frequent. This can be considered a normal reaction of the bladder after hypothermia.
  • Psycho-emotional shocks. During stress, the body's cells suffer from oxygen starvation, one of the manifestations of which is frequent urination.
  • Period. Before menstruation, fluid is retained in the female body, so with the arrival of menstrual periods, it begins to be excreted in the urine, as a result of which urination becomes more frequent.
  • Climax. During the period when a woman’s reproductive function fades, hormonal and metabolic changes occur in the body, which contribute to increased frequency of urination.

Pathological causes of frequent urination in women

Diseases of the urinary system are the most common cause of frequent urination. Let's look at these diseases.

Cystitis. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder. Women suffer from cystitis more often than men, since the female urethra is shorter and thicker than the male urethra, which facilitates the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the bladder from the external environment.

With cystitis, there is pain in the lower abdomen, and urination becomes more frequent and is accompanied by pain and burning. Also, after going to the toilet, a woman experiences a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder and the urge to urinate. In addition, there may be urinary incontinence and the appearance of pathological impurities in it, causing it to become cloudy.

Urethritis. Urethritis is an inflammation of the urinary canal that is caused by various pathogens.

Urination with urethritis becomes more frequent, accompanied by itching, pain and burning in the urethra.

Pyelonephritis. This disease is an inflammation of the renal pyelocaliceal system, which is caused by pathogens. Frequent urge to urinate is characteristic of chronic pyelonephritis. Women also experience lower back pain, body temperature rises, shivering, and the urine becomes cloudy due to the admixture of pus and blood.

Urolithiasis disease. Frequent urination with blood is often a sign of urolithiasis, since stones can damage the lining of the urinary tract, causing pain and bleeding. Also, symptoms of this disease may include interruption of the stream of urine, pain in the lower abdomen and along the urinary canal, which radiate to the inner thigh and genitals.

Atony of the bladder. With this disease, the walls of the bladder have weakened tone. Atony of the bladder is manifested by a frequent urge to urinate, during which a small amount of urine is released.

Overactive bladder. This condition is a complication of other diseases of the urinary system, in which the activity of the nerve receptors in the walls of the bladder increases, which is manifested by a frequent urge to urinate.

Diseases of the female genital organs

Uterine fibroids. In the initial stages of the disease, only menstrual irregularities, lower abdominal pain, and metrorrhagia are present. After the tumor reaches a significant size, it begins to compress the bladder, which is expressed by a frequent urge to urinate.

Prolapse of the uterus. This condition leads to displacement of all organs that are located in the pelvis, in particular the bladder. Therefore, patients suffer from heavy periods, pain in the lower abdomen, uterine bleeding, as well as frequent urination and urinary incontinence.

Frequent and excessive urination in women can be caused by pathology of the endocrine system, for example, diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus.

Diabetes. With this disease, the body does not have enough insulin, resulting in increased sugar levels in the blood and urine. Glucose is able to carry water molecules, so when it is actively excreted from the body in urine, it takes water with it, causing frequent urination.

Diabetes insipidus. This disease is characterized by severe thirst and an increase in daily diuresis due to a malfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary system.

Cardiovascular diseases

The appearance of frequent urination in diseases of the heart and blood vessels is explained by the fact that during the day fluid accumulates in the body tissues, which is actively excreted at night, causing nocturnal nocturia.

Painful and frequent urination in women: causes

Frequent urination in women with pain, which is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms (cutting and burning in the urethra, lower back pain, the appearance of blood and pus in the urine, increased body temperature, general weakness, increased sweating, etc.) may indicate inflammation of the organs genitourinary system.

Most often, the above symptoms are observed in diseases such as:

  • cystitis;
  • urethritis;
  • chlamydia;
  • gonorrhea;
  • trichomoniasis.

Frequent urination in women with sexually transmitted diseases is explained by the fact that the organs of the reproductive and urinary systems are closely connected. Therefore, an infectious process that has developed in the bladder or urethra can spread to the genitals and vice versa. For example, many women experience a combination of inflammation of the urethra and vaginal mucosa.

The infection can enter the genitals through an ascending route, that is, from the urethra to the vagina and further to the uterus and appendages. And also from the vagina to the urinary canal, bladder and even kidneys.

The reason for frequent and painful urination in women may lie in irritation of the vaginal mucosa, for example, if the rules for using hygienic tampons are not followed.

In addition, there is frequent urination after sex, which is also associated with irritation of the vaginal tissue. This condition is transient, so pain and burning in women goes away the next day. But it should be noted that at this time the protective mechanisms of the irritated mucosa are weakened, so there is a risk of pathogenic microbes entering the body.

If frequent and painful urination after sexual intercourse bothers a woman for several days, then it is necessary to visit a urologist to be examined for a urinary tract infection.

Frequent urination in women at night can also be caused by both physiological conditions and various diseases.

The appearance of nocturnal nocturia can be caused by menstruation, pregnancy and menopause.

If we talk about diseases, frequent night urination in women is most often a symptom of urethritis, cystitis, diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus, chronic renal failure and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Frequent painless urination in women during pregnancy: causes

During pregnancy, a woman may experience many inconveniences, such as nausea, drowsiness, general weakness, back pain, as well as painless frequent urination, which is normal.

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes changes in hormonal levels, metabolism, and an increase in the volume of circulating blood, which creates additional stress on the urinary system. For example, amniotic fluid is renewed every 2-3 hours, which cannot but affect the pregnant woman’s diuresis.

But the most significant factor that provokes very frequent urination in women during pregnancy is the increase in the size of the uterus, which puts pressure on the bladder, forcing it to empty. There is also a tendency - the longer the period, the more frequent urination. Moreover, frequent night urination is also typical for pregnant women.

In addition, during pregnancy, troubles such as spontaneous release of small portions of urine during coughing and laughter can also occur. But even this is considered the norm while waiting for a baby.

Frequent urination during pregnancy, which causes pain in the lower back and/or lower abdomen, bloody or purulent discharge from the urethra, increased body temperature, burning in the urethra, require immediate consultation with a urologist. The listed symptoms are characteristic of diseases of the genitourinary system and can negatively affect the course of pregnancy and the condition of the fetus.

Estrogens in the body are responsible not only for the possibility of egg fertilization, but also for the muscle tone of the vagina and urethra. These hormones promote active blood supply to the organs of the genitourinary system, including the urethra. Due to this, the normal tone of the muscular lining of the urinary canal is maintained.

Therefore, when hormonal levels change dramatically in women during menopause, a weakening of muscle tone is observed in the urethra, which is manifested by increased urination. In addition, during menopause, many women suffer from urinary incontinence.

Also important in the occurrence of frequent urination in women who do not have a menstrual cycle is the fact that estrogens affect the secretion of immunoglobulins, the sensitivity of the receptors of the bladder and urethra.

During menopause, women may complain of frequent urination at night and during the day, urinary incontinence and a feeling of bladder fullness. Also, after the decline of reproductive function in women, the risk of developing infectious processes in the urinary tract increases significantly. Therefore, it would not hurt for women with this problem to be examined by a urologist.

Frequent urination in women: treatment

The choice of treatment tactics for frequent urination directly depends on the cause of its occurrence. Let's consider the basic principles of treatment.

  • Antibacterial therapy. Antimicrobial drugs are used for inflammatory processes of the urinary and reproductive systems, which are caused by pathogenic microbes. For example, for cystitis, the drugs of choice may be Furamag, Norfloxacin, Gentamicin and others, and for pyelonephritis - Ceftriaxone, Amoxiclav, Metrogyl and others.
  • Uroantiseptics. This group of drugs includes Furadonin, Furazolidone, Uronephron, Canephron, Urolesan and other drugs that are used both for cystitis and urethritis, and for pyelonephritis.
  • Pre- and probiotics. Since in many diseases that are accompanied by frequent urination there is a change in the normal microflora in the urinary and genital tract, a mandatory component of therapy is the administration of pre- and probiotics. In this case, tablets Laktovit, Linex, Yogurt, Biogaya, Bifiform and others are highly effective.
  • Antispasmodic therapy. This type of therapy is indicated for urolithiasis, since stones irritate the urinary tract and cause spasm, which is manifested by pain and frequent urge to urinate. Patients can be prescribed No-shpa, Spazmolgon, Riabal, Drotaverine and others.
  • Insulin therapy. This type of therapy is used for diabetes.
  • Surgical treatment. For urolithiasis, tumors of the uterus or bladder, bladder atony and other diseases, surgery may be the only effective treatment method.

Folk remedies for frequent urination in women are effectively used as a complement to the main treatment.

Let's look at the most effective folk methods for treating this problem.

  • Decoction: 10 grams of the dried plant are poured with one glass of boiling water and boiled in a water bath for 10 minutes, then left for 2-3 hours and filtered through a sieve. The decoction should be taken 15 ml 3-4 times a day for 12 weeks. A decoction of boron uterus allows you to normalize hormonal levels during menopause and eliminate the frequent urge to urinate.
  • Rosehip root decoction: 40 grams of crushed rosehip root are poured into two glasses of boiling water and boiled for 15 minutes over low heat, then left for 2-3 hours and filtered. Drink 100 ml of medicine before meals 3-4 times a day.
  • Infusion of lingonberry leaves: 5 grams of fresh or dried lingonberry leaves are poured with one glass of boiling water, covered with a lid and allowed to brew for 15-20 minutes. Drink the prepared and strained infusion throughout the day, several sips for one month.
  • Yarrow infusion: 7-8 grams of the dried plant are poured with boiling water and left for 30-40 minutes, then filtered and drunk 50 ml 3-4 times a day before meals. Important! Medicines prepared from lingonberry leaves, rosehip root and yarrow effectively eliminate inflammation in the bladder and urethra.
  • Corn silk infusion: Pour 10 grams of crushed corn silk into one glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for 15 minutes. The finished infusion must be filtered through a sieve. I take the medicine 100 ml twice a day for urolithiasis.

Any folk remedy can be used to treat frequent urination only with the permission of the treating doctor.

Be attentive to your health and listen to its signals, one of which is frequent urination, since any pathology of the urinary system can affect a woman’s reproductive function.

In this topic, we examined in detail what causes and how to treat frequent urination in women using traditional and folk remedies. We will be glad if our article is useful to you. We would appreciate your comments under this topic.

The debate about how many urinations per day can be considered normal has been going on for a very long time. At the moment, the value of 6-10 urinations per day has been determined - this will be considered the norm for a healthy woman if the process of urination itself is not accompanied by pain, discomfort or the need for effort. Doctors say that if the number of urinations per day exceeds 10 times, then this should be a reason for a visit to a medical facility - such a syndrome may indicate the development of certain pathologies.

Table of contents:

Physiological increase in urination

Frequent urination does not always indicate the development of any pathological processes in the body - this is often preceded by physiological factors. There are several types of frequent urination in women that do not require medical intervention:

  1. Drinking plenty of fluids, taking medications with a diuretic effect, eating or eating okroshka. The woman will be forced to frequently visit the toilet, but as soon as the consumption of the above-mentioned products is stopped, the processes of urination and urination are normalized.
  2. Hormonal changes in the body. Frequent urination in women may occur during the period - for older people, it is generally considered normal to visit the toilet at night (no more than 1-2 times). The same syndrome is also inherent in pregnant women - firstly, the same hormones “work”, and secondly, in the last months of pregnancy, the enlarged uterus begins to put pressure on nearby organs, in particular the bladder.

If the syndrome in question occurs against the background of these factors, then no treatment is required; the functioning of the urinary system usually quickly normalizes. But there are also a number of diseases for which frequent urination is a symptom - which is why doctors recommend promptly seeking medical help.

Typically, pathologically frequent urination, which arose as a symptom of a developing pathology, is accompanied by other syndromes/signs of diseases - this helps the doctor differentiate frequent urination and prescribe competent laboratory and instrumental studies to the patient.


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This is an inflammatory process occurring in the bladder, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • during urination, burning and pain appear in the urethra;
  • there is a constant feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder;
  • increase in body temperature to low-grade levels;
  • there is a mild pain syndrome in the lower abdomen (in the area of ​​the anatomical location of the inflamed organ).

If, with the above symptoms, a woman notices cloudiness of the urine and the appearance of a small amount of blood in it (a few “fibers” are enough), then this will indicate the development of complications of cystitis. You should immediately contact a specialist for examination and effective treatment.

If the inflammatory process of the bladder is started to be treated on time, then there will be no consequences or complications. Typically, a woman is given antibacterial therapy, she is prescribed antispasmodics to relieve pain, and medications with anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects. Physiotherapy will also be effective in the treatment of cystitis; doctors separately pay attention to the need to provide the patient with plenty of fluids - fruit drinks and rosehip decoction would be the best choice.

In addition to complaints about frequent urination, women with the development of an inflammatory process in the urethra (urethritis) note itching and mild pain directly during urination, and the most pronounced symptoms appear at the very beginning of urination, literally with the first drops. Often, mucus may be released from a woman's urethra.

Note:the inflammatory process in question can be practically asymptomatic - the described signs are so mild that women often do not seek medical help. And it is completely in vain - treatment of urethritis is necessary, and only traditional methods will not help with this.

When diagnosing urethritis in a woman, doctors carry out therapy in two stages:

  1. The course of treatment usually does not exceed 5 days.
  2. Restoration of vaginal microflora to normal limits.

Absolutely every patient diagnosed with urethritis will need to strengthen her own immunity.


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Doctors divide the inflammatory process in the kidney tissue into acute and chronic pyelonephritis. Frequent urination in women is almost always associated with chronic pyelonephritis; this symptom is supplemented by periodically occurring pain in the lumbar region of an aching, dull nature. If the disease in question affects two kidneys at once, then arterial hypertension is often diagnosed - persistently elevated blood pressure.

If chronic pyelonephritis enters the acute stage, then the woman will exhibit symptoms characteristic of the acute course of the disease:

Treatment of chronic pyelonephritis will be lengthy and should only be prescribed by a specialist. Typically, therapy is as follows:

  • a course of taking antibacterial drugs (antibiotics);
  • use of antispasmodics and other painkillers;
  • taking specific renal medications.

Doctors strongly recommend that women diagnosed with chronic pyelonephritis undergo sanatorium-resort treatment.

Urolithiasis disease

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With urolithiasis, stones can be located in any part of the urinary system, but frequent urination will be present only in that case. If the stone is localized specifically in the bladder. In this case, the woman will complain of the following symptoms:

  • a sudden urge to urinate during any physical activity - from intense walking to exercise;
  • the stream of urine may suddenly stop during urination, but the feeling of fullness of the bladder does not go away;
  • pain in the lower abdomen with a characteristic localization in the suprapubic region.

Treatment of urolithiasis begins with a full examination of the patient to determine the size and type of stone. The doctor may then prescribe medication and diet. In most cases, urolithiasis requires surgery to remove the stones.

Gynecological diseases

Many are sure that frequent urination is a sign of the development of pathology of the urinary/urinary system. In fact, there are a number of gynecological diseases for which the condition in question is a characteristic symptom.

We are talking about this disease only if, for various reasons, there has been a shift in the anatomical location of the uterus. This can happen due to weakening of the muscles and ligaments of the pelvic floor, which hold the uterus in its normal position. Frequent urination in a woman occurs at the moment of strong displacement of the uterus, when it begins to put pressure on nearby organs. As a rule, before the appearance of this symptom, a woman notices other symptoms of uterine prolapse - for example, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, bleeding from the vagina, menstrual irregularities.

Treatment of uterine prolapse should be carried out only under the supervision of a medical professional - the doctor will be able to assess the patient’s condition and choose tactics on an individual basis. This depends on how much uterine prolapse has occurred, whether there are concomitant gynecological diseases or pathological processes in the abdominal and pelvic organs. As a rule, doctors prescribe therapeutic treatment - it will be complex and long-lasting. As part of this type of treatment, hormonal therapy is carried out, therapeutic exercises are prescribed, and the woman’s immune system is strengthened. In some cases, surgical intervention is indicated - for example, when uterine prolapse is advanced, no treatment has been previously carried out, or therapy has not given positive dynamics, uterine prolapse occurs.

This is a benign tumor that is localized in the muscle tissue of the uterus. For a long time, the disease is asymptomatic, so frequent urination in women is observed if the uterine fibroids have already acquired a sufficiently large size. Of course, before the syndrome in question appears, a woman will be bothered by menstrual irregularities, periodic pain in the lower abdomen, and lack of sexual desire, but women extremely rarely seek medical help at this stage.

Treatment of uterine fibroids can be carried out in two ways - therapeutic and surgical. In the first case, the patient will be prescribed medications from the group of hormones that will help stop the growth of a benign tumor. Surgery involves removing either the fibroid or the entire hollow organ - the decision is made by the doctor.

Endocrine diseases

In this case, we are talking about diabetes - frequent urination in women is usually one of the main symptoms of the pathological conditions in question.

It develops as a consequence of carbohydrate metabolism disorders in the body. Frequent urination at night is the first sign of the development of diabetes. It is noted that during the same period the patient begins to be bothered by severe thirst and constant dry mouth - this forces her to drink a large amount of liquid, which certainly leads to an increase in the amount of urine excreted. In addition, women report the following symptoms:

  • itching of the vulva;
  • development of vulvovaginitis for no apparent reason;
  • decreased regenerative abilities of the body - for example, even small wounds on the skin take a very long time to heal;
  • decreased performance, general weakness.

Treatment of diabetes mellitus is prescribed by an endocrinologist and therapist. It consists of following a diet and getting rid of extra pounds of weight. At the same time, the patient is constantly monitored - if for 3-6 months the blood glucose level remains very high, the woman’s condition does not improve, then doctors may recommend taking antihyperglycemic drugs - insulin.

Diabetes insipidus

This disease is rare. Diabetes insipidus is characterized by a decrease in the level of the hormone vasopressin. The main, and often the only, symptom of the disease in question is frequent urination at night and the release of too much urine. All this happens against the background of excruciating thirst.

Treatment for diabetes insipidus is prescribed only by a doctor, and it usually comes down to the use of specific medications - the patient will have to continue therapy for the rest of her life.

Frequent urination in women may simply be a consequence of drinking too much fluid. But often this syndrome indicates the course and progression of pathological processes in the body. Therefore, frequent urination is a reason to undergo a preventive examination by specialists.

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

Frequent urination in women is not always a cause for concern.

Firstly, the frequency of emptying the bladder is strictly individual. Secondly, increased frequency of urges may be caused by changes in diet and other reasons.In this case, frequent urination usually lasts less than 2 days and is not accompanied by any other painful symptoms.

Seeing a doctor is necessary if a woman experiences serious discomfort, while simultaneously noting pain, a change in the amount of urine produced, and a disturbance in the rhythm of life.

Causes of frequent urge to urinate in women

Causes of frequent urination in women

The conventional norm is to urinate up to 10 times a day (1-2 times per night). However, increased frequency of urges is not a pathology if a woman:

  • drinks large amounts of liquid and coffee (has a pronounced diuretic effect), took alcohol the day before;
  • takes diuretics;
  • trying to lose weight with the help of special preparations (often containing diuretic herbs);
  • experiences hormonal changes during menopause;
  • is elderly (after 60 years, 2/3 of urine is excreted at night, which is associated with physiological aging of the body);
  • experienced a stressful situation (“bear” disease);
  • was in the cold (hypothermia causes spasm of the smooth muscles of the bladder).

In these situations, women experience a frequent urge to urinate without pain, which resolves on its own after eliminating the causative factor (withdrawal of diuretics, normalization of the drinking regime, etc.).

Possible diseases, symptoms

If frequent urination is observed for more than 3 days and is accompanied by discomfort, a number of diseases should be excluded.

Pathology of the urinary tract

Every third representative of the fair sex reports frequent urination caused by inflammation of the bladder or kidneys.

Urethritis - an inflammatory process in the urethra - is considered in most cases a female disease. The short and wide urethra is an entry point for infections.

This factor is aggravated by improper hygiene. At the same time, the woman notes a burning sensation in the perineum and the release of mucus from the urethra.

Cystitis is a common disease characterized by inflammation of the bladder mucosa. Frequent urge to urinate with pain in women is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen (pulling, cutting nature).

In advanced cases, changes in urine are detected: blood, cloudy color due to the appearance of protein and an increase in leukocytes.

Pyelonephritis - the development of inflammation in the kidneys - is accompanied by hyperthermia up to 39-40ºC, signs of intoxication (weakness, nausea) and lower back pain, sometimes radiating to the leg. Pus and blood elements are detected in the urine. Chronicity of the process is accompanied by hypertension.

Urolithiasis disease gives characteristic symptoms: urination suddenly stops, although the feeling of fullness of the bladder remains.

The pain spreads to the suprapubic region and perineum, intensifies with movement (shaking in a car, walking) and during urination.

Bladder muscle weakness provokes frequent urges that require immediate urination. The condition resembles the period of pregnancy, but the amount of urine excreted is sharply reduced (the norm is 150-250 ml).

Progression of muscle weakness leads to urinary incontinence.

The opposite condition, which gives similar symptoms, muscle hyperactivity, is caused by the excitability of the nervous system.

The proximity of the genital organs causes dysfunction of urination in gynecological diseases.

Uterine fibroids - a tumor that has reached a large size, compresses the bladder and provokes a frequent painless urge to urinate. Associated symptoms: menstrual irregularities, lower abdominal pain, uterine bleeding.

Accompanied by frequent urination, heavy menstruation, pain and bleeding from the vagina.

Venereal diseases- many of them (mycoplasmosis,) are often asymptomatic. Others (,) give vivid symptoms: severe pain when urinating, itching in the perineum, unpleasant-smelling vaginal discharge (white, purulent, brownish).

Genital herpes (the appearance of sharply painful blisters on the genitals) is also accompanied by frequent urination.

Diseases of other organs and systems

Frequent urination is often caused by the following pathological conditions:

  • anemia - muscle weakness of the bladder occurs;
  • / - daily urine volume increases to 3-5 liters, urine has an unpleasant odor, the patient notes thirst, itching in the perineum, dry mouth, weakness and weight loss;
  • cardiovascular pathology - is the cause of the accumulation of fluid in a woman’s body during the day and the frequent urge to urinate at night.

Frequent urge to go to the toilet is not a pathology for a pregnant woman, although this condition does cause some discomfort, especially when in crowded places.

In the first trimester, frequent urination both day and night is caused by physiological changes in hormonal levels; in the last trimester, by pressure on the bladder from the enlarged uterus and fetal movements.

Reduced urination looks more suspicious during pregnancy; this condition can negatively affect the development of the fetus.


A mandatory test for frequent urination is a urine test. This may reveal leukocytes (a sign of an inflammatory process), red blood cells (if the kidneys and bladder mucosa are damaged), bacteria/fungi, protein, and salts.

The scope of subsequent diagnostics depends on the recorded symptoms in the woman and may include:

  • advanced urine tests (culture, Nechiporenko test, Amburge analysis, etc.);
  • cystoscopy (endoscopic examination of the bladder);
  • gynecological examination and (exclusion of sexually transmitted infections);
  • Ultrasound examination of the bladder, kidneys, genitals;
  • blood test for sugar, study of hormonal levels (if fibroids are detected);
  • ECG (if heart disease is suspected).

The main goal of the treatment program is to eliminate the causative disease:

Antibiotic therapy- obligatory in case of identified inflammation. The choice of drug, its dosage and duration of use are determined by the attending physician, taking into account the identified pathogen.

For cystitis/pyelonephritis, broad-spectrum antibacterial medications (tablets, injections) (Amoxicillin), renal antibiotics (Palin), and herbal preparations (Fitolysin) are usually prescribed. The best drug for inoculating E. coli in urine is Fosfomycin.

Diabetic conditions are treated by an endocrinologist using hormonal agents and hypoglycemic drugs.

Uterine prolapse/fibroids, stones in the urinary system often require surgical intervention. Surgeons have extensive experience in laser surgery and endoscopic techniques for restoring women's health.

Diet - it is advisable to exclude from the diet foods that irritate the urinary tract (spices, alcohol, carbonated drinks).

Physical exercise- special gymnastics helps strengthen the pelvic muscles and prevents the development of urinary incontinence.

Herbal medicine - the most effective medicinal raw material for frequent urination is the herb yarrow (it has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps even with senile urinary incontinence).

However, it is worth remembering: any medicinal plant has contraindications, and treatment should be long-term (at least 2 weeks, with repeated courses).

Physiotherapy procedures - UHF, electrophoresis, mud give a good effect in case of advanced inflammatory process.

Limit fluid intake, especially before bed.

Proper hygiene: replace bathing with showering, wash from front to back (to avoid the introduction of E. coli), follow recommendations for the use of tampons and pads during menstruation.

Warming the bladder at home when the infection has already developed does not give the desired result.

Painful urge to urinate, accompanied by other symptoms and lasting more than 2-3 days, requires medical consultation.

Health is the main value of a woman. Listen to your body's signals, do not neglect qualified medical care and be healthy!