Why does the big toe on my left foot hurt? Why do my toe joints hurt and what can I do to never have to deal with such a problem? Treatment of pain in the big toe

Edema, painful sensations, heaviness in the legs, which most people periodically experience, introduces disharmony and disrupts the usual rhythm of life. Uncomfortable shoes, special working hours, sports loads, injuries may cause discomfort. Heel or arch of the foot, ankle joint, toes - at gunpoint various diseases. Why does the big toe hurt and how to deal with it is one of the burning questions modern rhythm life.

Possible causes of pain in the big toe

Uncomfortable shoes poor nutrition, excess weight, injuries and impacts during sports bring pain and numbness to the lower extremities. The presence of a lump on the side of the foot, discomfort when bending, swelling of the nail areas or balls of the foot can be caused by the following reasons:

  • Domestic injuries. Heavy objects falling on the foot, sprains and sprains often cause the big toe to become swollen and painful.
  • Increased physical activity with insufficient sports training. Sedentary image life, overweight weights give additional stress.
  • Professional sports. Dislocations of the joints of the big toe on both the right foot and the left foot of track and field athletes are often associated with increased load during pushing.
  • "Wrong" shoes.
  • Features of the work. An eight-hour working day without the opportunity to sit down can lead to heaviness at the bottom of the foot and swelling thumbs.
  • Poor quality pedicure.
  • Congenital or acquired diseases.

What diseases can cause pain

Inflammation of any joint in the human body is called arthritis. If your big toe hurts, there is redness or swelling in this area, or decreased mobility of the metatarsal phalanx, you should definitely consult a doctor. Arthritis happens:

  1. Infectious. Untreated viral diseases reduce overall immunity. Streptococci penetrate into the joint, destroying cartilage tissue. It begins asymptomatically, gradually turning into aching, stabbing pain. The attacks are stronger at night and gradually subside in the morning.
  2. Deficient (excessive). A deficiency, as well as an excess of minerals, vitamins, salts leads to a violation metabolic processes. The result is the accumulation of harmful deposits in the area of ​​the big toe, which often hurts during exercise.

The causes of changes in the structure and action of the joints of the thumb are diseases such as:

  • Arthrosis. These are soft tissue disorders and negative changes in cartilage.

  • Osteoporosis. Decrease bone tissue, increasing bone fragility. Caused by calcium and phosphorus deficiency.

  • Bunion of the big toe. Inflammation of the interarticular sac - bursa. Causes: excess salts in the body, foot deformities, immune disorders.

  • Flat valgus foot deformity. A disease called gout, a “knucklebone.” This is a displacement of the big toes inward, while they suddenly lose mobility and hurt.

  • Morton's neuroma. Pinched nerves, resulting in thickening of the soft tissue around them. Burning of the tips of the limbs, cramps and tingling are symptoms of the disease.

  • Damage to the ankle joint. Ligament tears, dislocations, sprains disrupt the blood circulation of the foot, thumbs legs become numb and swollen.

  • Diabetes. With such diseases, any pain in the limbs is a reason to consult a specialist. Poor circulation of the foot without surgical treatment leads to gangrene and amputation.

If the bone near your big toe hurts

The formation of a swelling at the beginning of the phalanx of the thumb is often the beginning of big troubles. It is necessary to find out the cause of the formation on the bone:

  • Gout. It occurs as a result of the accumulation of uric acid salts in the joint. They gradually calcify, causing the growth of a side bump on the legs.
  • Hallux valgus – deformation of the thumb. Physiological reasons are the internal inclination of the foot, which causes significant growth of the bone on the side and displacement (deviation) to the side. It is considered a "women's disease".
  • Bursitis promotes the growth of a painfully red, swollen lump at the phalanx of the first finger due to the growth and untimely disposal of joint fluid in the “bursa”.

Big toe joint hurts

Pain in the thumb joint is caused by... A timely visit to a specialist will help get rid of discomfort. Otherwise, the joint will gradually “wear out” and surgical intervention will be required. The cause of burning, aching pain at the base of the big toe is damage to the ankle ligaments as a result of significant physical activity or weight.

Severe pain near the nail when pressing or walking

What causes pain in the area around the big toe nail at rest or when walking? Unsuccessful pedicure, damage to the cuticle of the nail plate, fungal infections, unsanitary conditions, and ingrown nail corners often cause redness, swelling and pain. of different nature. If purulent infection occurs, it is preferable to consult a surgeon to avoid damage to the joints.

Uncomfortable shoes with pointed toes, mismatch between the sizes of shoes and feet cause a mechanical impact on the big toe, squeezing it; walking in heels increases pressure on the pads, pinching nerve endings.

If your big toe is swollen and painful

To understand what to do if your big toe is swollen and hurts, you need to find out the cause. Often the cause of pain is physical trauma, when swelling occurs at the site of a bruise, blow, or sprain. Provide the foot with rest for several days; to relieve symptoms, use anesthetics and vascular-restoring ointments.

Which festers, causes sharp, twitching pain inside the joint and the appearance of a tumor. Warm baths saline solution, antiseptics, folk remedies - celandine, chamomile - will help get rid of inflammation. Uncomfortable shoes, high heels, combined with working on your feet are a common cause of swelling of both the ball of the foot and the big toes.

What to do and what treatment to take

If you have pain in your big toes, it is advisable to consult a specialist. General recommendations for prevention will be the following:

  • wearing comfortable shoes with a heel of 3–5 cm;
  • purchase of orthopedic shoes;
  • adherence to a salt-free diet, a minimum of fatty, spicy, sweet foods;
  • weight loss;
  • selection of proven nail salons;
  • wearing special shoes in public places: swimming pools, beaches, sports clubs.

For deforming osteoporosis

Destruction of cartilage around the joint due to rapid aging, wear leads to cracks or even complete destruction. As a result, deformation of the articular tissue occurs and the bone is exposed. If your big toe hurts, you should reduce physical activity during exacerbation. Physiotherapy procedures - electrophoresis, UHF, magnetic therapy - help relieve pain. Chondroprotective ointments, anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers are constant companions in the treatment of deforming osteoarthritis.

For gout

The deposition of urolithiasis salts is fraught with painful inflammation and the growth of a lump on the side of the foot. An acute attack of pain can be relieved at home by applying ice. During recovery, sharply limit your intake of protein foods. Contacting a rheumatologist will help determine the degree of development of gout. To stop an attack, the doctor will select anti-inflammatory drugs. non-steroidal drugs, medications that quickly remove uric acid from the body. The most important means of combating the disease will be strict salt-free diet with limited protein intake.

For nail fungus

Mycotic lesions are difficult to cure on your own. Advertised general-spectrum drugs often relieve symptoms but do not cure the disease. Swelling, inflammation around the nail plate, and redness can be effectively eliminated after testing and consultation with a mycologist. Having determined the type of fungus involved, the area of ​​infection, and the severity, the specialist prescribes antimycotic drugs, immunostimulants, ointments and creams. At home, soap and soda baths will be a good help, herbal infusions.

Treatment of ingrown toenails

Ingrown nail plates cause pain on the toenails of the big toes. Acute attacks of pain are eliminated by surgery. initial stage This disease can be cured at home:

  • Softening salt baths will help relieve tension. Soft skin and cuticle “release” the ingrown toenail.
  • The length of the nail plate should reach the tip of the finger. Avoid short pedicures and regular polishes.
  • The shape of the nail is straight. Apply with sharp scissors. Sharp corners are removed with a file.
  • Herbal infusions act as an antiseptic, relieve swelling and inflammation.

Which doctor should I contact to diagnose the disease?

If your big toe hurts for a long time, the pain is acute and difficult to subside, this is a reason to consult a specialist. The therapist will conduct an initial examination and, if necessary, refer you to a specialist doctor. A visit to a cardiologist and rheumatologist will help rule out heart disease. Hormonal disorders are managed by an endocrinologist. An orthopedic surgeon will combat arthritis, arthrosis and other foot disorders. A traumatologist will tell you how to get rid of pain in your big toes due to sprains, bruises, and dislocations.

Pain in the toes can be caused by a number of disorders, among which are the following:

  • gout;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • bursitis;
  • tendonitis;
  • toe injuries;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • ingrown nail;
  • hallux valgus;
  • clubfoot;
  • hammertoe deformity;
  • calluses;
  • Morton's neuroma;
  • diabetes;
  • circulatory failure;
  • dermatological diseases.

Acute pain in the toes due to gout

Gout is a disease caused by a disorder of purine metabolism. It is characterized by an increase in the amount of uric acid in the blood, and deposits of its salts (urates) in the joint tissues.

Typically, a gout attack begins with the appearance of pain in the joint of the big toe. When the disease develops pathological process can spread to an increasing number of joints - polyarthritis occurs. But most often, gout affects the joints of the lower extremities: knees, ankles, foot joints. And the most pronounced disorders and pain are observed in the joints of the toes.

Gout attacks begin mainly at night. This attack is characterized by a rapid increase in local temperature around the joint and its redness. Its swelling and pain quickly increases. Excruciating burning pain spreads from the toes up the leg. Inflammation can also involve soft tissues, forming clinical picture phlebitis or cellulite. Average duration Gout attacks last for several days and sometimes weeks. After the symptoms subside, the joint gradually acquires its normal shape.

With gout, exacerbations are observed from two to six times a year, and the factors that provoke the onset of an attack are:

  • alcohol abuse;
  • errors in diet in the form large quantity meat or fatty dishes;
  • abuse of coffee, cocoa or strong tea;
  • intensive bath procedures.
Another characteristic symptom gout are tophi, which look like foci of pathological compactions located in subcutaneous tissue. They are usually localized above the affected joints, on the extensor surfaces of the legs and thighs, on the ears, on the Achilles tendons or on the forehead.

Pain in the joints of the toes due to arthritis

Arthritis is a chronic or acute inflammation of the joint and surrounding tissues. This pathology is one of the manifestations of any systemic disease connective tissue:
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • autoimmune pathologies.
Isolated lesions of the toes in arthritis are quite rare. Most often in such patients inflammatory process spreads to other joints. In addition, arthritis is very characterized by symmetrical pain, that is, damage to the same joints on both legs.

Arthritic pain in an inflamed joint usually has a very pronounced intensity. It appears not only during movements, but also at rest. Severe swelling and swelling also occurs in arthritic joints. The skin over the inflamed areas acquires a red, purple tint, and increases local temperature.

In addition to pain, symptoms of arthritis also include:
1. Limitation of movements in the joint.
2. Changes in its shape.
3. Unnatural crunching noise under load.

At different types Arthritis pain develops in various fingers. For example, for psoriatic and reactive arthritis, damage to the big toes is more typical.

Pain in the joints of the toes with arthrosis

Osteoarthritis is a degenerative-dystrophic disease of the joint that develops as a result of the destruction of cartilage tissue on the articular surface. With this pathology, pain initially occurs periodically, only after physical activity, and quickly disappears with rest. But as the disease progresses, the intensity of the pain increases; it does not disappear after rest, and may appear at night.

Signs of osteoarthritis are the following symptoms:

  • morning stiffness;
  • painful compactions at the edges of the joint space;
  • restriction of movements in the joint;
  • characteristic crunching sound when moving.

Osteoarthritis of the toes affects mainly women. The occurrence of the disease is provoked by wearing dress shoes with a pointed toe for many years. As a result, the thumb is deformed and curved towards the second finger. In addition, its bone begins to bulge, which rubs against the surface of the shoe, and over time also undergoes deformation. As a result, all joints of the big toe become bent and increase in size. This causes pain and limited mobility.

If arthrosis progresses, then the finger can change its original shape so much that it cannot be returned to its original position, even with significant physical effort.

Another complication of arthrosis of the big toe is that after it the second and third toes become deformed. The result is a combined foot deformity. In addition, due to constant friction and trauma to the joint of the 1st finger, bursitis develops in it.

Pain in the big toe due to bursitis

Inflammation of the joint capsule of the big toe with the accumulation of fluid (exudate) in its cavity is called bursitis. This pathology is characterized by swelling, pain, redness and heat in the area of ​​the thumb.

The main manifestation of bursitis is the presence of a mobile, round swelling in the area of ​​the affected joint, which has a soft consistency. This swelling is quite painful to the touch and is easily identified visually.

In addition, the local temperature in the area of ​​inflammation increases, and the skin acquires a purple tint. With a long course, bursitis can become chronic. To inflammation in similar cases sediment joins calcium salts, which causes constant pain.

If the cause of bursitis was an injury to the big toe, then pathological microflora may also join the inflammatory process. Arises purulent bursitis, and all symptoms become more pronounced:

  • severe pain in the entire foot;
  • increase in general body temperature;
  • weakness;

Pain in big toes due to tendonitis

Tendinitis is whole group inflammatory tendon lesions. In the event that the process affects not only the tendon, but also the surrounding membranes, they speak of the occurrence of tenosynovitis. The ligamentous apparatus of the big toe is susceptible to this disease due to its high traumatic nature. In addition, inflammation of the foot ligaments can cause pain not only in the big toe, but also in the rest of the toes.
The main symptoms of tendinitis are:
  • pain in toes when walking;
  • relative painlessness passive movements;
  • pain when palpating along the inflamed tendons;
  • increased temperature and redness of the skin over the area of ​​inflammation;
  • determination of crepitus (crunching) when moving.

Toe injuries

Among toe injuries, fractures of the phalangeal bones are the most common. This is due to the fact that the phalanges of the fingers are poorly protected from external influences, and these bones themselves are small in diameter and do not have significant strength. Most often, the terminal phalanges of the 1st and 2nd toes are susceptible to fractures, since they protrude significantly forward compared to the rest.

In case of a fracture of the phalanx of the toe in the first hours after the injury, the following are determined:

  • pain at the fracture site when palpated;
  • significant swelling;
  • pain with passive finger movements;
  • bruises on the lateral and dorsal surfaces.
Pain and lameness from a fracture persist for a long time. A characteristic symptom is that to reduce pain a person usually tries to shift the support to the heel. The nail bed is also often damaged, which subsequently serves as a site for infection.

Functional impairments with fractures of the II, III, IV and V toes may not be particularly noticeable. Therefore, at first the patient may not even suspect the presence of a fracture. Only after some time, when pain increases, does a person consult a doctor.


Osteomyelitis is a purulent-necrotic process that occurs in the bone and bone marrow, affecting the surrounding soft tissue. The cause of this pathology is the penetration of microflora into the body that produces pus. Often osteomyelitis in the toes develops as a complication of various bone pathologies, for example, with open fractures.

Acute osteomyelitis begins with a sharp increase in body temperature to 39-40 o C.
The patient's condition is greatly deteriorating, which is due to increasing intoxication of the body. This disease also manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • sharp pain in the foot;
  • headache;
  • repeated vomiting;
  • sometimes loss of consciousness and delirium;
  • jaundice is possible.
In the first few days, severe pain appears in the foot, which can spread to the lower leg. Painful contractures develop in the affected bones and joints. Active movement of the toes is impossible, and passive movement is severely limited. Edema in the muscles and soft tissues feet and legs. The skin over the affected area becomes purple in color and is very tense. Often a pronounced venous pattern appears on it.

When the disease becomes chronic, the patient’s well-being may improve somewhat, the severity of pain in the foot decreases, and the pain itself becomes aching. Signs of intoxication in the body disappear, and body temperature returns to normal. Often, fistulas with scanty purulent discharge form in the affected area. Several such fistulas can form a network of subcutaneous channels, which subsequently open at a great distance from the pathological focus. Subsequently, persistent immobility of the foot joints and curvature of the toe bones occur.

Ingrown nail

The cause of pain in the toes may be nail rotation. The big toe is most susceptible to this pathology. The development of this disorder is provoked by wearing uncomfortable shoes, as well as cutting nails too short.

Painful sensations can be quite intense. In addition, redness of the skin around the ingrown nail, swelling, and infection are typical.

Pain in the big toe joint due to valgus deformity

Hallux valgus is a curvature of the metatarsophalangeal joint in which the big toe deviates towards its neighbors. The main reason for the development of this disorder is flat feet and weakness of the tendon-ligamentous apparatus. Additional factors, contributing to the emergence hallux valgus deformity, and, accordingly, an increase in pain - wearing narrow shoes or shoes with excessively high heels.

Incorrect foot position

In such cases, the occurrence of pain in the toes is associated with disorders of the musculoskeletal system in the form of clubfoot of varying severity. Due to improper positioning of the foot when walking, the load on it is unevenly distributed. The thumb is gradually pushed outward and upward, displacing the rest along with it.

Hammertoe deformity

The development of hammertoes is associated with flattening of the foot and increased pressure on it. Most often this occurs with flat feet.

As the tendons in the arch of the foot try to stabilize the foot, the muscles responsible for the mobility of the toes are subject to additional stress. The fingers are pulled back and tucked, which leads to a significant protrusion of their joints. This leads to the development of hammertooth deformation. In addition, painful calluses quickly form on joints that protrude.

Deformed hammertoes rest on the shoe in various places and are subject to friction. Irritation occurs in areas where crooked toes touch the surface of the shoe. Continued irritation and friction may even lead to skin ulcerations in the affected area. As these deformities increase, it becomes more painful and difficult for the patient to move.


The growths of dead cells that form dense hardenings on the skin are called calluses. In most cases, such growths occur on the balls of the toes, on the heels or on the lateral surfaces of the big toe. Often such hardening has a long base in the form of a root penetrating deeply into the tissue. Calluses are usually painless at rest, but have a pronounced pain intensity with exercise, walking and pressure on the affected area.

Pain under the toes due to Morton's neuroma

Morton's neuroma, or plantar fasciitis- This is an inflammation of the foot's own ligaments. The cause of pain in this disease is too much pressure on the nerves that run along the arch of the foot. Women are susceptible to this pathology much more often than men, due to chronic microtrauma of the feet when wearing high-heeled shoes.

Due to pinched nerves, traumatic neuritis develops. The inflammation is chronic, resulting in constant pain under the toes.

Pain from this disease is usually localized at the base of the second, third and fourth toes. It tends to increase with prolonged walking and carrying heavy objects. In addition, it often radiates into the fingers themselves, as well as upward into the lower leg.

Diabetes mellitus

One of the common symptoms of diabetes is changes in sensation and pain in the toes that appear when walking. Also, with diabetes, a burning sensation in the feet is often observed, mainly at night. The cause of these conditions is poor circulation in the lower extremities and damage to nerve endings.

Vascular diseases

Pain in the toes may be a manifestation of damage to the arterial vessels of the lower extremities. General symptoms for such diseases it is:
1. Whitening of toes.
Pain during hypothermia.

Two main pathologies characterized by similar symptoms are obliterating endarteritis and atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities.


Endarteritis is an inflammatory lesion of arterial vessels, which most often occurs in the lower extremities. A characteristic symptom of this disease is the so-called “intermittent claudication.” When walking begins, movements are relatively easy for the patient, but then pain, numbness and heaviness rapidly increase in the legs. All these symptoms disappear after a short rest, but appear again after the next few steps. In addition, endarteritis, as well as atherosclerotic lesions of the arteries of the lower extremities, is characterized by a frequent feeling of cold in the legs. Patients also often complain of cramps in the muscles of the legs.

Atherosclerosis of the arteries

The cause of pain in the toes may be atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities. This pathology occurs when deposits cholesterol plaques on the inner surface of the walls of blood vessels.

This disease is characterized by compaction vascular wall, which manifests itself as a feeling of squeezing pain in the muscles of the legs and feet. Pain increases when walking. Besides, characteristic feature atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities - a feeling of cold feet, regardless of the time of year.

Pain between the toes in dermatological pathologies

Pain in the toes, especially in the spaces between them, may be a consequence of dermatological diseases. Most often these are massive fungal infections of the feet.

In addition to pain between the toes, similar disorders also appear:

  • itching and burning on the skin of the foot;
  • redness of the nails and changes in their shape;
  • swelling of the fingertips;
  • color irregularities skin.


Establishing the correct diagnosis and prescribing therapy is best left to a specialist. If you experience pain in your toes, you should consult a traumatologist, rheumatologist or dermatologist. The best measures you can take on your own are:
  • wearing comfortable, wide shoes with low heels;
  • strict adherence to foot hygiene;
  • preventing injuries and damage to the toes;
  • periodic preventive actions in the form of foot baths or foot massage.

Which doctor should I contact if I have pain in my toes?

Pain in the toes is caused by wide range various diseases, and therefore this symptom turns out to be a reason to contact various medical specialists, whose competence includes the diagnosis and treatment of the disease that provoked them. Thus, the answer to the question of which doctor to contact for pain in the toes depends on what kind of disease the person is supposed to have. And the assumption of the disease is based not only on pain in the toes, but also on the basis of other existing symptoms. Thus, it is obvious that the choice of doctor to consult in a particular case of toe pain depends on other symptoms the person has. Below we will indicate which doctors of specialties you should contact depending on the accompanying symptoms.

So, if a person is bothered by periodic attacks of pain in the toes (mainly at night), during which the joints of the fingers become red, swollen and hot to the touch, and the pain radiates up the leg, and such an attack lasts from several hours to weeks, and after After its completion, compactions (tophi) form over the joints, then gout is suspected. In this case, you must contact rheumatologist (make an appointment).

If a person is bothered by severe pain in any of the toes, which appears not only when moving, but is also present at rest, combined with edema, swelling, warming (the skin is hot to the touch), purple coloration of the skin in the area of ​​​​pain, crunching during physical activity and limitation of movements in joint, then arthritis is suspected. In this case, you need to contact a rheumatologist.

When pain in the toes occurs periodically and always after physical activity, and after rest it can decrease or disappear altogether, combined with stiffness of the foot in the morning, crunching when moving, limited mobility and, possibly, deformation of the sore toe, then arthrosis is suspected. In this case, you must contact orthopedic traumatologist (make an appointment).

If pain in the toes is combined with symptoms of tendinitis (pain in the toes when walking and when feeling the tendons, crunching when moving, redness and heat of the skin over the area of ​​pain) or bursitis (swelling, pain, redness (purple skin) and hot skin in the area of ​​the big toe, combined with soft swelling near the joint, and sometimes with pain in the entire foot, elevated body temperature, weakness and nausea), then you need to contact an orthopedic traumatologist.

If pain in the toes is felt after any traumatic impact on them (for example, a blow to solid object, falling of something heavy on the leg, compression of the foot by doors with automatic closing and opening, etc.), then you should consult an orthopedic traumatologist or, in his absence, a general surgeon (make an appointment).

If pain in the toes occurs due to sharp increase body temperature up to 39 - 40 o C, combined with sharp pain in the entire foot (sometimes also in the lower leg), swelling and purple discoloration of the skin of the foot and lower leg, with the inability to move the fingers, chills, vomiting, headache, possibly yellow discoloration of the skin and sclera of the eyes, loss of consciousness, and after some time the pain subsides, the general condition improves, but fistulas form, from which pus flows, then osteomyelitis is suspected. In this case, you need to contact either an orthopedic traumatologist or a surgeon.

If the pain in any toe (usually the big toe) is intense and is combined with redness of the skin and swelling in the area of ​​​​the edge of the nail, then an ingrown nail is suspected, and in this case it is necessary to simultaneously contact dermatologist (make an appointment) and a surgeon. A dermatologist will treat the ingrown toenail conservatively (without surgery), but if this is not possible, he will refer you to a surgeon to remove it. If a person does not want to treat an ingrown toenail non-surgical methods, but wants to remove it surgically, then you can immediately contact a surgeon.

If pain in the finger area is associated with a callus, then you should consult a dermatologist.

If pain in the toes is caused by hallux valgus (the big toe is inclined towards the other toes and a “bunion” protrudes from the side of the foot), clubfoot or hammertoes (bent toes with severe protrusion of the joints), then you should contact orthopedic doctor (make an appointment).

When a person has constant pain under the second, third and fourth toes, aggravated by walking and squeezing the foot, radiating to the toes and lower leg, Morton's neuroma is suspected, and in this case, you should contact neurologist (make an appointment), traumatologist or podiatrist (make an appointment).

If a person suffers from pain and loss of sensitivity in the toes, felt when walking, which is combined with a burning sensation in the feet, constant thirst, copious and frequent urination, increased appetite, sweating, then diabetes mellitus is suspected. In this case, you must contact endocrinologist (make an appointment).

When, in addition to pain in the toes, a person is bothered by signs of “intermittent claudication” (pain, numbness and heaviness in the legs that occurs some time after starting to walk, forcing the person to stop to wait out the pain, and only then continue moving again) or atherosclerosis vessels of the legs (squeezing pain in the muscles of the legs and feet, feeling of cold feet in any weather), then you should contact Angiologist (make an appointment), vascular surgeon (make an appointment) or phlebologist (make an appointment). If it is impossible to get to these specialists for any reason, then you should contact a general surgeon.

When a person is bothered by pain in the toes and interdigital spaces in combination with itching and burning, redness of the nails and changes in their shape, swelling of the fingertips, abnormal skin coloring in certain areas of the foot, then a fungal disease is suspected, and in this case it is necessary to consult a doctor - dermatologist.

What tests and examinations can a doctor prescribe for pain in your toes?

Since pain in the toes is provoked various pathologies, then in each case for this symptom the doctor can prescribe various tests and examinations that he selects depending on the suspected disease. Accordingly, the list of examinations will always depend on the presumptive diagnosis, which is made by the doctor based on other symptoms the person has, in addition to pain. Therefore, below we will indicate what tests and examinations a doctor can prescribe for pain in the toes, depending on what other symptoms it is combined with.

When pain occurs occasionally in the toes, combined with redness, swelling and warmth (the toes are hot to the touch), radiating up the leg, lasting for several hours or weeks, and after several painful attacks leading to the formation of seals (tophi) over the joints fingers, then gout is suspected. In this case, the doctor prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • General blood test (sign up);
  • Biochemical blood test (sign up)(uric acid, total protein, protein fractions, seromucoid, fibrin, sialic acids, haptoglobin, bilirubin (sign up), urea, creatinine, cholesterol, AST, ALT, amylase);
  • X-ray of joints (sign up);
  • Puncture of inflamed joints with microscopic examination And bacteriological culture(sign up) joint fluid;
  • Puncture of tophi with microscopic examination of the contents;
  • Kidney ultrasound (sign up).
If gout is suspected, the doctor usually prescribes all of the above tests, as they are necessary to confirm the suspected diagnosis. The most important tests for diagnosing gout are determining the concentration of uric acid in the blood, identifying crystals of uric acid salts in the joint fluid and the contents of tophi. Ultrasound of the kidneys may reveal urate stones. On x-rays changes characteristic of gout become visible only five years after the onset of painful attacks in the joints.

When severe pain is felt in any of the toes, both at rest and during movement, combined with swelling, swelling, warming (the skin is hot to the touch), purplish coloration of the skin in the area of ​​pain, crunching during physical activity and limitation of movements in the joint - the doctor suspects arthritis, and in this case prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • General blood analysis;
  • Blood test for rheumatoid factor (sign up) and C-reactive protein;
  • Biochemical blood test (total protein, protein fractions, seromucoid, sialic acids);
  • Blood test for the concentration of immunoglobulins IgG, IgA (sign up);
  • Blood test for circulating immune complexes (CIC);
  • Magnifying X-ray of the foot (make an appointment);
  • Ultrasound of the foot (sign up);
  • Tomography (computer and magnetic resonance imaging) of the foot;
  • Foot thermography;
  • Scintigraphy of the foot;
  • Joint puncture (make an appointment) brushes with analysis of intra-articular fluid.
First of all, if arthritis is suspected, blood tests are prescribed (general, biochemical, C-reactive protein, rheumatoid factor, CIC, immunoglobulins), as this is necessary to confirm the inflammatory nature of the disease. So, if the blood tests are normal, then we are not talking about arthritis, and the doctor will have to additionally talk in detail and examine the patient again in order to make another presumptive diagnosis.

But if blood tests are not normal (increased ESR, the amount of seromucoid, sialic acids, CICs, immunoglobulins, C-reactive protein and rheumatoid factor), then we are talking about arthritis, and in this case, depending on the test results, the doctor prescribes the following examinations necessary to set the correct final diagnosis. So, if it is detected increased concentration immunoglobulins and CICs against the background of the absence of rheumatic factor, then the doctor makes a diagnosis not rheumatoid arthritis, and to assess the condition of the joint tissues and the nature of inflammation, prescribes x-ray (sign up) and analysis of intra-articular fluid obtained by puncture. If available technical feasibility, then x-rays are replaced by computed tomography, as it provides slightly more information.

If the presence of C-reactive protein and rheumatoid factor is detected in the blood, then the doctor diagnoses rheumatoid arthritis, and prescribes x-rays, magnetic resonance imaging and puncture of the joint fluid, followed by its analysis, to assess the condition of the joint and the nature of inflammation.

For rheumatoid and non-rheumatoid arthritis as a method additional diagnostics may be assigned Ultrasound (sign up), which allows you to identify effusion in the joint cavity and assess the severity pathological changes in the tissues surrounding the joint. If it is necessary to evaluate the activity of the inflammatory process and the reaction of bone tissue to it, then scintigraphy is prescribed. And thermography is considered as only an additional method of arthritis itself, since it allows us to record the increase in body temperature in the area of ​​diseased joints, which is characteristic of the pathology.

If pain in the toes is felt periodically, and their appearance or intensification is provoked by physical activity, and after rest they decrease or disappear, are combined with a crunching sound when moving, limited mobility and, possibly, deformation of the sore fingers, then the doctor suspects arthrosis of the joints, and this case, prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • General blood analysis;
  • Blood test for C-reactive protein and rheumatoid factor;
  • X-ray of the foot;
  • Ultrasound of the foot;
  • Computed tomography of the foot;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging of the foot (sign up).
First of all, to exclude possible arthritis, the doctor prescribes a complete blood count and a blood test for C-reactive protein and rheumatoid factor. If all tests are normal, then we are talking about arthrosis, and to diagnose it, the doctor first of all prescribes x-rays and ultrasound. If technically possible, it is better to replace the x-ray computed tomography, as it allows you to get more data. As a rule, after ultrasound and x-rays/tomography, the examination is not continued, since the results of these examinations are sufficient for precise setting diagnosis. But if arthrosis has led to severe deformation of the joints of the toes, inflammation of the joint capsule, ligaments or tendons, or there is a need for surgery, then magnetic resonance imaging is additionally prescribed.

When pain in the toes indicates tendonitis (pain is felt when walking and feeling the tendons, a characteristic crunch is heard when moving the toes, the skin in the area of ​​​​pain is red and hot) or bursitis (there is swelling and pain in the area of ​​the big toe, the skin is hot and purple, about joint of the big toe, a soft and painful swelling is visible when palpated, sometimes there is pain in the entire foot, increased body temperature, weakness and nausea) - the doctor prescribes an x-ray and ultrasound. In such cases, X-rays are necessary to exclude bone fractures, and ultrasound is necessary to assess the condition and severity of inflammation in the tendons and joint capsule, as well as to distinguish bursitis from tendonitis. If technically possible, magnetic resonance imaging is prescribed in addition to ultrasound.

When pain in the toes appears after any injury (for example, a blow to a hard object, falling of a heavy object on the leg, compression of the foot by doors with automatic closing and opening, etc.), the doctor will definitely perform an examination and prescribe an x-ray to identify possible bone fractures . If no fractures are detected, then an x-ray may be ordered to assess the extent of pathological changes in the soft tissues. Other examinations for traumatic pain in the toes are usually not prescribed, since this is not necessary.

When pain in the toes occurs against the background of a sharp increase in body temperature to 39 - 40 o C, it is combined with sharp pain in the entire foot (sometimes also in the lower leg), swelling and purple coloration of the skin of the foot and lower leg, with the inability to move the toes, chills, vomiting , headache, but after a while the pain subsides, the general condition improves, but fistulas form with the leakage of purulent contents, then the doctor suspects osteomyelitis and prescribes mandatory X-ray to confirm the diagnosis. If technically possible, X-rays are replaced with computed tomography, which provides more complete information. If it is also necessary to evaluate the condition of the soft tissues of the foot and the degree of their involvement in the pathological process, then magnetic resonance imaging or, if tomography is not available, a simple ultrasound is prescribed. If there are fistulas, then it is prescribed fistulography (sign up) to determine their location, length, communication with the bone, etc.

When pain in one toe (usually the big toe) is severe, combined with redness and swelling of the skin in the area of ​​pain and localized at the edge of the nail, an ingrown toenail is suspected. In this case, the doctor does not prescribe any tests or examinations, but only performs an examination, based on which the diagnosis is already obvious.

When pain on the toe is caused by a callus, the doctor examines it, presses on it and twists it to distinguish the callus from a plantar wart, Morton's disease, etc. The diagnosis is made based on examination, additional examinations are not assigned.

When pain in the toes is associated with hallux valgus (the big toe is inclined towards the other toes and there is a “bunion” protruding from the side of the foot), clubfoot or hammertoes (bent toes with severe protrusion of the joints), the doctor diagnoses the disease based on an external examination. However, to evaluate the condition of the joints, bones and measure different sizes of the foot, the doctor may order an x-ray, plantography (sign up) and podometry.

If the pain is localized under the second, third and fourth toes, is constantly present, intensifies when walking and squeezing the foot, radiates to the fingers and lower leg, then Morton's neuroma is suspected, and in this case the doctor prescribes the following examinations:

  • X-ray of the foot;
  • Ultrasound of the foot;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (sign up).
Usually, X-rays and ultrasound are prescribed first. X-rays can detect bone deformations, and ultrasound can detect the neuroma itself. That is why optimal method Morton's neuroma is diagnosed by ultrasound. Tomography is rarely prescribed, since although it allows identifying neuromas, its information content is lower than that of ultrasound.

When, when walking, a person suffers from pain in the fingers and impaired sensitivity in them, which are combined with a burning sensation in the soles, extreme thirst, copious and frequent urination, increased appetite, sweating, a feeling of dry mucous membranes - the doctor suspects diabetes mellitus and prescribes the following tests and examinations :

  • Determination of blood glucose concentration (sign up) on an empty stomach;
  • Determination of glucose in urine;
  • Determination of the level of glycosylated hemoglobin in the blood;
  • Determination of the level of C-peptide and insulin in the blood;
  • Glucose tolerance test (sign up);
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys;
  • Rheoencephalography (sign up);
  • Rheovasography (sign up) leg vessels.
To diagnose diabetes, a test for glucose levels in the blood and urine and a glucose tolerance test are required, the results of which are sufficient to make a diagnosis. Other analyzes can be neglected if they cannot be performed, since they are considered additional. Thus, the level of C-peptide in the blood makes it possible to distinguish between the first and second types of diabetes (but this can be done without tests), and the concentration of glycosylated hemoglobin makes it possible to assess the risk of complications. If the doctor suspects the presence of complications of diabetes (and with pain in the toes, their likelihood is high), then an ultrasound of the kidneys, rheoencephalography of the brain and rheovasography of the vessels of the legs are prescribed.

If pain in the toes is combined with signs of endarteritis (while walking, severe pain, numbness and heaviness appear in the legs, so the person must stop and wait until the pain calms down, and only then can he continue to move) or atherosclerosis of the blood vessels of the legs ( there is always squeezing pain in the muscles of the legs or feet, and the feet are cold in any weather), then the doctor prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • Listening to heart sounds with a stethoscope (sign up);
  • Measurement blood pressure(sign up);
  • Determination of pulsation of leg arteries with hands;
  • Biochemical blood test (cholesterol, triglycerides, high and low density lipoproteins);
  • Arteriography of blood vessels;
  • Angiography (magnetic resonance or multislice tomographic method) (sign up);
  • Ultrasound of vessels of the extremities (sign up);
  • Dopplerography of the vessels of the extremities (sign up);
  • Rheovasography of the extremities (to assess blood flow speed);
  • Thermography;
  • Capillaroscopy (sign up);
  • Functional tests (sign up)(thermometric, Goldflam, Shamova, paranephric or paravertebral blockade of the lumbar ganglia).
First, the doctor measures pressure, listens to heart sounds, determines the pulsation of the arteries of the legs, after which he necessarily prescribes ultrasound, Dopplerography, arteriography and rheovasography of the vessels of the lower extremities. In practice, in most cases, these studies are quite sufficient to make a diagnosis and distinguish between endarteritis and atherosclerosis, but in case of doubt, the doctor may additionally prescribe other tests from the above. Thus, to confirm atherosclerosis, angiography is prescribed, and endarteritis - thermography, capillaroscopy and functional tests.

If a person suffers from pain in the toes and interdigital spaces, which are combined with itching and burning, redness of the nails, changes in the shape of the nails, swelling of the fingertips, changes in the normal color of the skin on the foot, then it is suspected fungal infection, and in this case the doctor prescribes the following tests and examinations:

  • Dermatoscopy (sign up);
  • Examination of the affected areas under a Wood's lamp;
  • Determination of skin pH;
  • Microscopy of skin and nail scrapings;
  • Sowing scrapings from skin and nails onto nutrient media.
Usually, the doctor first prescribes dermatoscopy, examination under a Wood's lamp, and microscopy of scrapings from the skin and nails, since these studies make it possible to make a diagnosis in most cases. However, if you put accurate diagnosis failed, then the doctor prescribes sowing the scrapings from the skin and fungus on nutrient media to determine the causative agent of the fungal infection and make a diagnosis.

Pain in the legs often bothers people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, have excess weight or cardiovascular diseases. The cause may also be chronic inflammatory processes in the body, which to one degree or another affect blood circulation in the lower extremities. Most often it hurts the thumb, which is most involved in motor activity and often exposed to injury and hypothermia.


The reasons why your big toe hurts can be very different and differ in symptoms that indicate the presence of more serious problems in the body. Most often, pain occurs at night and is the result of overwork, bruise or sprained ankle. An external factor causing pain in the thumb may be:

  • Injury. This refers to any mechanical impact that leads to damage to the soft tissues and phalanx of the finger. A blow, bruise and pinching are accompanied by aching pain and redness, turning into a bruise. Wearing uncomfortable shoes also leads to injury to the first toe. Not only inflammation of the soft tissues under the nail develops, but also anatomical deformation of the phalanx. When wearing shoes high heels It is not the cartilaginous joints and bones of the foot that are damaged, which are subject to daily pressure from the body weight.
  • Ingrown nail. It appears when the rules of personal hygiene are not followed, when the nail plate grows into the soft tissue, which leads to the fact that the finger on the side of the nail hurts and festers.
  • Corn. Its appearance on the left or right leg causes discomfort and interferes with normal movement. It can be wet or dry. Wet is an accumulation of fluid under a thin film of skin, which is easily removed and does not cause serious problems. But a dry callus requires more attention and timely treatment, since over time a hard core forms inside it, reaching the bone and delivering severe pain. In this case, dry callus can only be cured surgically.
  • Fungus. If the finger is swollen and the nail hurts when pressed, this is a sign of fungal development. It appears when reduced immunity and the presence of suitable conditions, such as wet shoes or dirty socks, from which bacteria get under the nails, where they receive an environment for development. Over time, the thumbnail begins to swell and become very painful when walking. Symptom of fungus under the nail - sharp bad smell.
  • . This common reason the appearance of pain in the legs of athletes and dancers. It is caused by high stress on the joints, resulting in inflammation of the soft tissues and ligaments of the foot.

The appearance of pain in the big toe is caused not only by external, but also internal factors, signaling the presence in the body serious illnesses, such as:

  1. 1. Gout A. A dangerous disease that occurs when uric acid accumulates in the body, which negatively affects joints and cartilage, causing inflammation. A characteristic manifestation of the disease is pain during periods of rest and sleep.
  2. 2. Arthritis. This is largely an age-related disease, characterized by impaired blood supply to the extremities and the development of pathology of small joints and adjacent tissues. Pain in the legs is accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the lower back, neck, and arm joints.
  3. 3. Arthrosis. The development of the disease manifests itself in deformation of the joints, which leads to limited mobility of the thumb when bending and thickening of the connective tissue. The pathology begins with the big toe, but if untreated it covers the entire foot, which threatens the patient with disability.
  4. 4. Diabetes. A serious disease manifested not only by pain in the big toe, but also by changes in the entire foot, both external and internal. Externally, changes manifest themselves in pale skin, the appearance of cracks in the feet, and swelling of the fingers. Internal violations relate to structural changes in soft tissues.
  5. 5. Hallux valgus deformity. Anatomical pathology manifested in a formation on the lateral side of the finger bone growth, which gives off pain when walking, especially in tight and hard shoes.


Any reason leading to the appearance of pain and swelling in the big toe requires timely and adequate treatment. This is especially important for diseases circulatory system, providing Negative influence for the whole body. In each case, treatment should be selected individually, taking into account the severity and nature of the pathology.


Serious injuries to the thumb, such as a fracture, crack, dislocation, require immediate contact with a traumatologist and an x-ray. In this case, the main method of treatment is immobilization of the limb for a period of three weeks to one and a half months. If there is no bone damage, then to relieve pain and inflammation, they are prescribed various ointments local application, as well as painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs for oral administration.

Treatment with folk remedies is carried out using boiled onions, in the broth of which a bandage is moistened and applied to the site of the bruise. To enhance the warming effect, it is better to wrap your foot in a towel or wear a warm sock. The procedure time is 30-40 minutes.

Ingrown nail

If the cause of pain in the thumb when pressing is an ingrown nail, then it will have to be removed. To carry out the procedure, you can contact a surgeon or cosmetologist. You cannot remove the nail yourself, as you can touch the blood vessels and pus will enter the blood, which will cause sepsis. Removing a nail in a clinic takes no more than ten minutes and eliminates the risk of infection.

Ingrown nail


The main way to combat fungus in the corner of the nail is to follow the rules of personal hygiene. Keeping shoes, underwear and feet clean will eliminate the likelihood of developing fungal diseases. This is also true for treatment, but in this case, antifungal and anti-inflammatory ointments and gels are additionally prescribed.

Fungus under the thumbnail


In most cases, treatment of calluses is ignored, which leads to infection and skin problems. Treatment for liquid callus is aimed at removing fluid that has accumulated under the skin. To do this, a puncture is performed with a sterile needle, after which the area is thoroughly cleaned and treated with an antiseptic. Treatment of dry callus, when a hard core forms inside, requires surgery. Only this method gives a lasting positive effect.

Eliminating calluses at home is also possible, but the procedure is extremely painful and gives a short-term effect, after which it requires repeated. To remove the hard core, you need to thoroughly steam the leg in hot water, preferably with the addition of essential oils. After this, you need to rub the callus with a dry towel, as a result of which the rod will partially rub off on the bone.


Treatment of this disease is carried out using anti-inflammatory, painkillers and antihistamines, the action of which is aimed at reducing the level of uric acid in the body. Nutrition is of no small importance. The patient must stop eating legumes, offal, canned food, red meat and other things. The diet is compiled individually for each patient, taking into account the characteristics of the body and the presence of concomitant diseases.

If your big toe hurts, you should definitely see a doctor to understand the nature of the pain. Therapeutic measures must correspond to the prescription. Knowing how to prevent finger pain will help you stay healthy.

Pain in the big toe area is a common occurrence in people of all ages. This fact is associated with heavy load, which the leg joints experience throughout life. In addition, some diseases that at first glance are not related to the feet are manifested by this symptom.

With pain in the thumb, a person experiences discomfort in everyday life. Walking becomes more difficult, lameness appears, shoes have to be chosen that are convenient and comfortable, and due to the problems that have arisen, the patient’s quality of life deteriorates significantly.

Why does pain occur in the thumb?

From early childhood, the joints of the thumb experience enormous stress. Physiologically, it is so arranged that a child, starting to take his first steps, rests on his big toes. Over time, the load is redistributed, but many factors during the entire period of growth and development of the body negatively affect the health of the joints of the feet.

Thumb pain can be intermittent or constant, varying intensity and the nature of the manifestation. The appearance of pain may be accompanied by additional symptoms: itching, burning, swelling.

Pathological sensations arise with intense movement and subside after rest, but the condition worsens when the pain becomes permanently severe, in which case the advanced disease can lead to serious consequences. In any case, the pathology requires careful attention and seeking medical advice from a doctor.

What causes the disease

A toe can hurt for many reasons, from simple fatigue to internal abnormalities. Correct definition The reasons are important for the effectiveness of treatment and speedy recovery.

Possible causes of pain:

  1. Long walking or intense running creates significant overexertion, which leads to pain and fatigue not only for the patient, but also for absolutely healthy person. This phenomenon passes without therapeutic activities after rest.
  2. Traumatic effects of any nature: bruises, dislocations, fractures. With the initial damage, the pain is severe, swelling appears on the first day, all manifestations disappear as healing occurs.
  3. Transverse flatfoot can lead to pain. The foot flattens in the forefoot; when the body is in a vertical position, the load is incorrectly distributed along the leg. When the transverse arch of the foot drops, the toes become deformed; the greatest pathological impact is directed at the big toe, which begins to hurt.
  4. Pain near the big toe when the top edge of the nail plate grows into the skin. Often this phenomenon is accompanied by felon with purulent inflammation, causing acute throbbing pain.
  5. A callus-like formation on the surface of the finger: it may hurt when walking in tight shoes or fester when a secondary infection occurs.
  6. – a common cause of pain during inflammation; the symptom can occur not only in the foot area, but also affect other joints.
  7. With gout, crystallization of excess uric acid in the joints is manifested by pain and deformation, most often the small joints of the foot are affected.
  8. Arthrosis of the second and subsequent stages leads to persistent changes in cartilage and bone tissue, narrowing of the joint space and the gradual disappearance of synovial fluid, resulting in pain.
  9. Circulatory disorders in vascular pathologies of the lower extremities.
  10. Diabetes mellitus is caused by diabetic foot with impaired sensitivity and the appearance of cracks on the soles of the feet. In addition, lack of insulin production is a predisposing factor for various accompanying pathologies with joint damage.
  11. Hallux valgus- it's not only serious cosmetic defect, an ugly “bunion” on the leg develops as a consequence of certain pathologies that are accompanied by pain.

What does a sore finger look like?

Externally, the painful area may change or remain the same. In pathologies associated with the processes of drooping of the arch of the foot, irreversible dystrophic changes in the capsule, intra-articular inflammation, a large bone growth appears in the lateral part of the foot. The severity depends on the stage at which the pathology is located.

The pain may be minor and intermittent with intense exercise or beginning. When the disease reaches a severe stage, the pain does not go away during rest, and the finger hurts constantly. The acute nature of the syndrome can occur in the first hours after injury or purulent infection. Constant aching pain accompanies a person with arthritis, gout, as well as arthrosis in the stage of decompensation.

If in the area painful finger swelling and redness appear, which means that an inflammatory reaction to the introduction of pathogenic microorganisms is developing. Itching occurs with a fungal infection, as well as allergic reactions. With foot skin fungus, peeling and an unpleasant odor appear; if the nail is affected, the plate changes color to yellow or black, depending on the type of fungus.

Causes of swelling and pain in the thumb

A person can ignore pain for a long time without considering this sign a serious reason to contact a medical institution. It's another matter if the big toe is swollen and hurts. This situation makes you think and consult a doctor.

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If the patient hits his foot or a heavy object falls on it before the onset of this symptom, pain and fluid accumulation in the soft tissues are the body’s reaction to mechanical stress. The symptoms will subside a few days after the injury.

If there is swelling without injury, the development of inflammation in the joint is suspected. If hyperemia of the skin in the area of ​​edema is added to the overall picture, it means that the reaction is intense or a purulent infection may be attached.

The finger may swell when picking tight shoes, when walking, mechanical friction is created, which leads to swelling and pain in the compression area of ​​​​the leg. Models in high heels force anterior section the feet take an unusual load, after which the toes may hurt and swell.

Therapeutic measures

For Get well soon and return to a normal lifestyle, effective treatment procedures are required. To do this, you must definitely undergo an examination by a doctor for a correct diagnosis; it is unsafe to self-medicate and endure pain; incorrect actions cause irreversible consequences.

First aid if your big toe hurts:

  • taking analgesics (Analgin, Ketorol) for one-time pain relief;
  • a more lasting effect will be provided by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuklin, Nemisulide), which affect not only pain, but also eliminate the inflammatory process;
  • local use of anesthetic ointments (Ibuprofen, Voltaren);
  • reducing motor load to reduce the impact on the sore finger.

Treatment of pain in the thumb for various reasons:

  1. To avoid discomfort and pain during long walks, you need to choose comfortable, anatomically correct shoes and avoid intense stress on your feet.
  2. If flat feet occur, it is necessary not only to use orthopedic insoles every day, but also to perform a set of exercises using an orthopedic mat.
  3. If your big toe hurts and aches after an injury, you should go to a trauma center to determine the severity of the damage. In the first hours, you can take painkillers (Tempalgin, Ketorol) and apply ice to prevent fluid from accumulating in the soft tissues around the damaged area.
  4. An ingrown toenail is treated surgically by removing the ingrown tip of the nail plate.
  5. For the treatment of arthritis, NSAIDs (Amidopyrine, Flurbiprofen) are prescribed. local anesthesia external means (Nise, Voltaren).
  6. In addition to analgesics (Baralgin, Ketanov), you can relieve pain in the thumb due to gout using a drug called Colchicine, which acts directly on the acid crystals in the joint capsule.
  7. Osteoarthritis suggests use of NSAIDs(Indomethacin, Movalis), chondroprotectors (Arthra, Teraflex, Dona) and intra-articular injections that restore joint structure (Fermatron, Alflutop).
  8. Diseases endocrine system, vascular pathologies are treated according to a regimen prescribed by the doctor individually.
  9. For hallux valgus, it is important to wear specialized insoles with a pronounced metatarsal ridge that supports the transverse arch of the foot. To prevent mechanical friction from occurring while walking, the shoes use silicone toe separators or bursoprotectors with joint protection on the side. At night and during rest, a brace is worn to reduce pain and prevent further deformation.

Preventive actions

To prevent pain in the big toe and keep your feet healthy, you must follow simple rules of prevention:

  1. Wear comfortable shoes with low heels in accordance with the size of your feet; for prevention, use orthopedic insoles, which will take part of the load during movement and create shock absorption to protect the joints of the lower extremities and spine.
  2. Maintain physical activity and do not overload your feet.
  3. Correctly compose a diet with an optimal content of vitamins and microelements: avoid salty, smoked, fatty and fried foods, do not get carried away with legumes, which cause increased synthesis uric acid.
  4. Avoid gaining extra pounds, as excess weight negatively affects the joints of the lower extremities due to increased stress.
  5. If pain occurs, do not self-medicate, but seek advice from a medical specialist.

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If the big toe joint on your foot hurts, then you need to find the cause of the discomfort. This is often how inflammatory or degenerative pathology manifests itself. At timely diagnosis and carrying out due conservative treatment it is possible to stop it at the initial stage of development. But constant use and lack of medical intervention often leads to rapid progression of the disease.

Why might your thumb joint hurt?

Pain in the joint of the big toe often occurs when wearing new shoes and is usually caused by callus formation or rubbing. In such cases, it quickly weakens immediately after the skin heals.

The development of pathology is indicated by the appearance of pain more than once a week, and a gradual increase in its intensity. Indirect signs of an inflammatory or destructive process include swelling and redness of the skin over the joint and its stiffness.


When a patient complains of pain in the joint of the big toe, the doctor first of all assumes the development. This is a serious pathology that cannot yet be completely cured. But long-term use allows you to achieve stable remission and slow down.

Also, the cause of pain can be caused by penetration into the joint cavity. pathogenic bacteria. Carrying out helps to eliminate all the symptoms of pathology.

Less commonly, the appearance of discomfort is provoked by a condition that develops due to an inadequate response immune system to the introduction of infectious or allergic agents. The disease can be completely cured in 60% of cases.


Pain in the toe occurs with grade 2 severity. And at the initial stage of development, only mild discomfort occasionally appears after a long walk, heavy lifting, intense sports training. It is in the absence of symptoms that the difficulties of treating this degenerative-dystrophic pathology lie. The patient consults a doctor if irreversible changes in cartilage and bone tissue have already occurred.

Pain of similar localization in men is a specific sign of damage to the toe. This joint is also involved in the inflammatory process in women, but usually a little later, after damage to the small joints of the hands. develops due to dysregulation of purine synthesis in the body. The level of uric acid and its salts increases, and then they crystallize, accumulate and, irritating the tissues, provoke the development of inflammation. An indirect confirmation of a gouty attack is redness of the finger, strong increase local temperature.


Is it acute, subacute or chronic inflammation bursa, accompanied by the accumulation of exudate in its cavity. It can be infectious, developing after the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the joint, for example, during injuries.

Its cause can be respiratory, urogenital, intestinal infections. After visiting a doctor, patients are prescribed antibiotics to destroy pathogenic bacteria and eliminate symptoms.

Tendon inflammation

Which doctor should I contact?

If you suspect a relationship between a previous injury and pain in a finger joint, you should make an appointment with a traumatologist. In all other cases, it is advisable to contact an orthopedist who treats pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. A visit to a therapist would not be a mistake either. He will appoint the necessary diagnostic measures, and after studying them will refer the patient to doctors narrow specialization- orthopedist, rheumatologist, traumatologist.

Diagnosis of the disease

The diagnosis is made based on the patient’s complaints, anamnestic data, the results of an external examination and instrumental studies. The most informative is radiography. The resulting images clearly visualize changes in the structure of bone and cartilage tissue, characteristic of gout and some types of arthritis.

X-ray of the foot.


Indications for surgical intervention are pain in the joint that cannot be eliminated with medication, complications that have developed, and severe deformation of the joint. The method of performing the operation is chosen by the attending physician. IN severe cases The entire joint is removed, followed by arthrodesis or installation of an endoprosthesis. In other cases, bone or cartilage defects are excised, and ligament or tendon plastic surgery is performed.

Traditional methods

Elimination is not only impractical, but also dangerous. If they are caused by inflammation, then use alcohol tinctures or ointments with a warming effect will lead to the rapid spread of pathology to healthy tissues and joints.

Folk remedies are ineffective in the treatment of arthrosis, gout, infectious diseases. They can be used only after the main treatment with the permission of a doctor.


Classic, spot, vacuum massage- an effective way to treat all joint diseases. But they carry out healing procedures only after restoration of injured articular structures, cupping acute inflammation and severe pain. During the rehabilitation stage, patients are shown massage to improve blood circulation and accelerate tissue regeneration.

Preventive measures

Prevention of pain in the joint of the big toe consists of eliminating traumatic situations, managing healthy image life. Doctors recommend wearing low-heeled shoes and exercising regularly. physical therapy and gymnastics, undergo a medical examination every 6-12 months.