How to treat foot fasciitis at home. How to treat plantar fasciitis of the foot and heel. Development of the inflammatory process

The common disease “heel spur” has something else, medical nameplantar fasciitis. Sometimes you can find another formulation of the diagnosis – plantar fasciitis of the foot. Patients experiencing this disease have an inflammatory process in the elastic tissues of the foot.

A few words about the structure of the foot

The foot is a huge mechanism that consists of many ligaments, bones and other parts. So, there are only 26 bones here, of which the largest is the heel. The largest concentration of all ligaments, blood vessels and nerve endings. There is also a large ligament - fascia ( Achilles tendon), which is responsible for keeping the heel in the required condition.

It is the main shock absorber of the sole and takes on the main load. It is not surprising that sometimes this ligament experiences overload. The most weakness at the fascia - this is the area where it is attached to the tubercle, and accordingly, problems arise most of all here.


Because the main reason deterioration of the condition of the ligamentous tissue are overloads, then, accordingly, everyone is most susceptible to the disease active people, both men and women. But there are also risk groups, or provoking factors, which are discussed below.

Flat feet

Violation of the anatomy of the foot sooner or later leads to various joint diseases, in any part of the skeleton, starting from the foot and ending cervical vertebrae. With congenital flat feet, fasciitis appears somewhat more often, and its therapy involves only reducing the manifestation of the acute condition. In other words, in in this case Both flat feet and plantar fasciitis should be treated.

Excess weight

The load that obese people carry every day can constantly undermine the condition of the ligamentous tissue in the foot. With the accumulation of provoking factors, the situation becomes more complicated and an inflammatory process develops in certain areas of the foot.

Professional sports activities

Athletes, like no one else, are familiar with diseases of the musculoskeletal system firsthand. Of course, their immune system is in excellent condition and constant control trainers gives tangible results. But even the most persistent give in under the pressure of a mind-blowing load, and the body simply cannot stand it.

Uncomfortable shoes

Usually we're talking about about women, since only they are capable of wearing beautiful but tight high-heeled shoes for the sake of fashion. The provoking factor is high heel, since the area of ​​the foot decreases, but the mass (weight) of the woman remains the same.

The connection between heel spurs and heels is obvious. Experts never tire of repeating that shoes should be comfortable if a woman wants to drive. active life until old age


Over the years, all ongoing processes in the body worsen. Thus, blood circulation in the lower extremities is significantly reduced. This leads to a lack of supply of nutritional components to the tissues of the joints lower limbs, and plantar fasciitis of the foot is just one of the possible problems, which may appear.

Metabolic diseases

Often fasciitis is secondary disease in people with diabetes mellitus, lupus erythematosus, gout or atherosclerosis. Such a patient must undergo treatment from several specialists at once.


Fortunately, the heel area is extremely rarely injured (more often this happens in professional athletes), because the foot is protected from external influences by the shoe sole.


Plantar fasciitis can be diagnosed before going to the doctor. Such patients experience severe pain in the heel area in the morning, when the whole body and joints are rested. Gradually, as you move, the pain begins to subside, and by the evening it completely disappears. But as soon as a person rests a little longer, unpleasant signs arise again.

Gradually, the time when the pain disappears will begin to decrease, and it will become firmly established in a person’s life. Severe discomfort also occurs while walking, especially when going up and down stairs. In these situations, the fascia is stretched to its maximum, and inflamed tissue declares itself in pain.

You need to understand that often when heel spur osteophytes occur - bone formations. They bring excruciating pain because they touch the nerves running here. The situation can become critical, and it will be difficult for the patient to simply stand on his leg, not to mention everyday movements and walking. A person tries to lean on something, and gradually crutches appear in his life. Also, manifestations of fasciitis include a change in the gait of patients.


Patients who complain of pain in the foot are most often referred by specialists for x-rays, the results of which will show abnormalities in bone growth. On x-ray Osteophytes are also clearly visible. But x-rays are not a sufficient research method for foot diseases.

It is strongly recommended to also undergo an MRI to assess the condition of the soft tissues. So, only on MRI can you see internal swelling and localization inflammatory process, as well as pinched nerve, if any. And of course, MRI images make it possible to exclude or confirm other pathologies.

MRI for this disease is considered more informative method diagnostics than x-rays. The photographs will make it possible to see the heel “in cross-section”, in several projections at once


The sooner a patient begins treatment for plantar fasciitis, the greater the chance of full recovery without consequences. When postponing a visit to the doctor, the patient will experience deterioration in the condition of the foot, destructive and destructive processes, and then the likelihood of disability increases significantly. So, all the recommendations and remedies prescribed by the doctor should be used.

What is it based on? effective therapy plantar fasciitis of the foot:

  • Load limitation. This disease is so serious that it makes sense not only to abandon routine homework, which involves being on your feet, but also in general to take sick leave. In other words, the legs, at least at first, need almost complete rest, as with fractures.
  • Medicines. Most often, experts prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs to patients to reduce activity. pathological process in the tissues of the joint. The complex of oral medications may also include analgesics and antispasmodics, which also reduce the sensitivity of this area of ​​the foot, and therefore improve the patient’s well-being.
  • Therapy local means . Usually involves the use various ointments, gels and creams on the foot area. You should not neglect them, because they can significantly improve the condition of the soft tissues and ligaments in the foot. Sometimes they work even better than oral tablets because they are applied directly to the affected area. In addition, in this way only small part active substance, which means the patient is unlikely to experience side effects.
  • Physiotherapy. Physiotherapeutic methods for this disease will help not only speed up regenerative processes, but also to reduce the size of osteophytes. For this effect, shock wave therapy is considered the most useful. The waves passing through the skin promote the splitting of bone formations, and gradually they will completely disappear.
  • Orthoses. Supportive orthoses are usually used at night. Their shape is different. Some look like a boot, with the foot in a slightly bent position. Others look like cut-off socks. This will help gently stretch the tendon and prevent pain in the morning.
  • Exercise therapy. Physiotherapy in this case, it is intended to improve the condition of tissues and blood circulation. This kind of gymnastics is not for muscles. The exercises must be demonstrated by a specialist. It is also better to undergo the first sessions of exercise therapy under his supervision, who will evaluate not only the correctness of execution, but also the patient’s sensations. Gradually, the load can be increased, but only with the consent and recommendation of the instructor.
  • Injections. If the above methods give little effect, then use corticosteroid injections directly into the inflamed ligament.

Surgical intervention

It is required in extremely rare cases. Thus, about 70% of all patients recover with the help of conservative methods treatment, and only with severe, persistent pain can the doctor raise the question of the need for surgery. What can a doctor do? So, the surgeon can slightly separate the tendon from bone tissue However, this will weaken the arch of the foot, and some of the function of this joint may be weakened or even lost.

The second method is a “calf release,” where the surgeon lengthens the calf muscle during surgery. Today, minimally invasive procedures are almost always used, that is, the surgeon gains access to the tissues of the foot through small punctures rather than cutting skin tissue fully. This method is less traumatic and speeds up the rehabilitation period.

This is what the simplest orthosis used for plantar fasciitis of the foot looks like. It does not need to be worn all the time, but several hours a day, more often at night.

Traditional methods of treatment

You should treat them as assistants, and not as the only true methods of treating heel spurs. Most often, such therapy involves the use of compresses and baths to help reduce inflammation and prevent micro-tears of the ligament, which often happens with plantar fasciitis.

The simplest recipe foot bath that's how it is. You need to pour water into the container and add salt (at the rate of 1 tablespoon per liter of water). You need to soak your feet in salt water for 20–30 minutes. Salt not only helps to increase the elasticity of the ligament tissue, but also expands the pores, and therefore such a bath can be used before applying a healing cream.

There is another way to improve the condition of ligamentous tissue. To do this, take 2 handfuls of potato peelings and flax seeds, add 2 glasses of water and boil to a thick paste. Now you need to wait for it to cool to a warm temperature. You need to keep your feet in this paste for 20 minutes, and then rinse your feet and dry them. By the way, it is very useful to do this procedure before gymnastics or massage, since such a bath warms up all the tissues and increases their elasticity, preparing them for exercise.

Let's sum it up

Plantar fasciitis of the foot is a disease that can be easily treated, but if not seen by a doctor in a timely manner, it can leave unpleasant memories (complications) for life. Complex therapy for this diagnosis will speed up recovery and improve the prognosis for an active life.

A diagnosis of plantar fasciitis most often causes symptoms of pain in the heel area. When a pathology occurs in a person, inflammation occurs plantar fascia, which is a thin ligament necessary for attaching the heel bone to the foot. The plantar fascia is needed to maintain the arch of the foot and the normal ability to walk by stepping on the heel, and if it is injured or inflamed, the person cannot fully move. The condition of plantar fasciitis is typical for athletes, people whose lifestyle involves constantly being on their feet, and it can be noted that women suffer more.

The disease affects the foot area due to the constant stress placed on the legs. Thanks to physiological characteristics When walking, the feet, especially the heels, have the function of cushioning and softening the gait, which prevents injury and discomfort. Fasciitis can be caused by many factors, which we will consider in more detail.


The plantar fascia can be compared to a stretched string, which can take shocks and stretches, while absorbing and without causing injury to other tissues. But if the load increases, then pathological conditions may arise in the structure of the fascia, such as rupture, tear, stretching, and it can no longer fully protect the foot from impact external factors. An inflammation process appears, which can last for more than one week or even one month.

The causes of the pathological condition of the plantar fascia are associated with various factors, but in the first place is an increase in loads on the feet and heel area. This happens with obesity, especially if excess weight happens quickly. Therefore, risk factors can be identified:

Pregnancy. During pregnancy, a woman intensively gains weight, plus an increase in the abdomen affects the nature of her gait. The ankle suffers from this, and the diagnosis of “plantar fasciitis” is becoming common.

Metabolic disease. Many people with metabolic disorders experience changes in weight - obesity. Overweight may cause hormonal imbalances, taking oral contraceptives, stress.

Athletes. If during the period of intense training the muscles are in an active state and resist injury and inflammation, then after a person stops exercising, the risk of receiving a diagnosis of fasciitis increases. Often, former athletes gain weight and their muscles weaken, which affects their health.

Not only pregnant women and former athletes can suffer from pathology. People whose lifestyle or work involves standing for long periods of time are susceptible to inflammation in the foot area. This category of people includes salespeople, teachers, factory workers, catering workers, as well as athletes - track and field athletes, runners. It is worth noting that the disease most often occurs after 40 years, when age-related disruptions occur in the body.

Another group of reasons is related to pathological conditions stop. Plantar fasciitis, or, as it is also called, plantar fasciitis, can occur in people with flat feet, club feet, and gait abnormalities. Wrong shoes have a negative impact on the fascia of the foot, therefore, when choosing shoes, you need to pay attention to the fact that the insoles are not too soft and that there is an instep support on the shoes. If the sole begins to wear out or crack, then it is better to replace such shoes and not risk your health.

It is worth noting that calluses, spurs and cracks do not cause plantar fasciitis, but have a negative overall impact on hygiene and walking comfort.

But foot injuries, especially in the heel area, can lead to unpleasant inflammation that will take a long time to heal.


The main symptom of plantar fasciitis is pain in the heel area, and most often one heel is affected. If you don't carry out timely treatment and continue to put stress on your legs, then after a while inflammation may begin on the second leg. By the way, the disease tends to show symptoms for a long time while in acute condition, but over time, without proper attention and treatment, the pathology can become a chronic condition.

Let's look at the features of fasciitis. Pain in the heel area is more pronounced at the beginning of the load, that is, when getting out of bed, during the first steps after rest. Doctors even gave this feature a name - “pain of the first step.” Consequently, pain symptoms most often appear in the morning. When a person “diverges,” symptoms decrease. On early stages the pain goes away completely and does not appear until the person puts a strong load on the leg muscles and heel.

As pain progresses, symptoms may appear throughout the day with sudden movements, standing or sitting for a long time, or not pass at all, but slightly weaken. In advanced cases, in order to cure the pathology, the patient is issued a sick leave.

The pain itself manifests itself in the area of ​​the sole of the foot, closer to the heel. In addition to pain, muscle rigidity, burning or, conversely, numbness are observed. IN acute period It becomes difficult for a person to climb stairs and walk for a long time, which affects the quality of life.


Appointed after comprehensive examination to exclude other pathologies. To make a diagnosis, the doctor studies the nature of the complaints, for which he conducts a survey, performs palpation and examination. To exclude ligament ruptures, the doctor asks you to flex and extend the foot, and also checks the ability to perform other movements.

In order not to make a mistake with the diagnosis, X-ray diagnostics are prescribed to rule out bone fractures. Additionally, magnetic resonance imaging and electromyelography may be needed. In general, imaging tests and interviewing the patient are often sufficient to establish a diagnosis.


If you do not start treatment and endure the pain, then it can last up to a year and a half, and periodically subside and reappear. The longer fasciitis is left untreated, the greater the risk of ending up on the operating table. The goal of treatment is aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process and the cause of the pathology.

Regardless of the chosen treatment option, the ankle is also prescribed. So, you can do stretching - gymnastics aimed at stretching the muscles of the foot, calf muscles. At home, you should also perform other types of exercise therapy, the exercises for which will be selected by your doctor.

The initial stage of treatment is to provide rest for the legs, you need to reduce the load, apply compresses at least 3 times a day.

A recipe for baths with is effective for treating fasciitis. flaxseed and potato peelings. Take 2 handfuls of flax seeds and mix with potato peelings, after which the resulting mixture is poured with half a liter of water and boiled until thickened. When the porridge has cooled, you need to keep your feet in it for 15-20 minutes. The procedure ends with rinsing the feet. warm water, in this case, the keratinized skin should be scraped off. You can also use your own recipe from traditional medicine if there are no contraindications.

Pain can be reduced by prescribing a course of medications. NSAID groups– Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Meloxicam. Ointments based on NSAIDs. To improve blood supply and reduce inflammation, a course of massage is prescribed, which must be combined with gymnastics.

Conservative techniques

If you take modern techniques treatment, then kinesiological taping is distinguished. The method involves applying an adhesive breathable kinesio tape to the heel area, which reduces muscle pain. The essence of the treatment is to stretch the muscles with a tape, which reduces stress and increases lymphatic circulation, intercellular fluid, and also stimulates blood circulation in the foot.

Here are some popular treatments for plantar fasciitis. A common method of wearing an orthopedic insole is an orthosis. In order to make them, you need a cast of the leg. The effect of insoles is to reduce pain, improve blood circulation and eliminate inflammation. If desired, you can use old insoles, cotton balls and a bandage, following the instructions.

Either separately or in combination with insoles, you can use a night splint in the form of a plastic boot. The splint is worn at night and prevents stretching of the plantar fascia. Using this method of treatment, you can reduce pain in the morning. The disadvantages include discomfort during use.

Shock wave therapy is a popular treatment. Also, for severe pain, blockades using hormones and analgesics can be prescribed. IN extreme cases it is necessary to carry out an operation in which part of the fascia is excised or other necessary manipulations are performed.

Heel or foot pain is a common symptom with which hundreds of thousands of people present to the doctor every year. medical institutions to identify causes and eliminate pain syndrome. It would seem that, modern medicine and technical equipment medical institutions should no longer leave incurable diseases, but such diseases still exist. Such diseases include plantar fasciitis, which should be treated immediately. You can also treat at home.

Plantar fasciitis is called a heel spur, which is incorrect medical point vision. A heel spur is a bony growth that forms in the area of ​​the heel bone and fascia of the foot. The bone growth does not cause pain or discomfort; its presence in clinical course the disease does not affect treatment methods. Often, heel spurs are found in completely healthy individuals who have never had complaints about the health of their feet or heel spurs.

Let's talk about the anatomical structure and functions of the fascia. Plantar fascia is a connective tissue formation covering the bone formations of the foot, starting from metatarsal bones fourth and fifth toes, attached to the heel bone. The thickness and structure of the fascia is not the same throughout, and the load on the foot in different parts is different. A large load is applied to the midfoot, so the thickness of the fascia in this section is maximum. Towards the periphery the fascia becomes thinner.

The main functions of the fascia include:

  • protective – the fascia tightly covers bone structures, forming a case that protects bones and protects them from mechanical, chemical and biological irritants;
  • the so-called fascia connects all the bone formations of the feet, forming a single functional system;
  • nutritional function – connective tissue formation contains nervous and vascular components, ensuring the supply nutrients in this area, also provides sensitivity to the feet;
  • Availability lymphatic capillaries ensures the outflow of metabolic and decay products from the area of ​​the feet, does not allow them to accumulate, causing various kinds pathological processes.

Etiology of the disease

The feet withstand enormous loads, which causes spurs to form on the heels. On average, the fascia of the feet experiences a force of 50-100 kg. Over time, stress leads to structural inferiority and the formation of pathology. Reasons that can cause pathology:


The pathogenesis of the disease is quite clear. When exposed causative factor fascial overstrain occurs. As a result increased load on the fascia, it becomes thinner and stretches. In this state, it still performs its function. Fascia, as a connective tissue structure, is easily stretched, so the disease does not develop immediately. When the fascia stretches to its maximum extent, it is susceptible to all irritants. Under the pressure of a force that the fascia could previously easily withstand, ruptures and microcracks occur.

Such microcracks lead to activation immune system, seeking to compensate for the resulting pathology and secreting into the epicenter great amount cells and biologically active substances. These cells are active chemical substances lead to the development of aseptic inflammation. Aseptic inflammation means a process of inflammatory changes that occur without the participation of pathogenic microorganisms.

As a result of the activity of inflammatory mediators, vascular permeability in this area increases, from vessels to the area increased concentration active chemical compounds plasma comes out. This is how edema forms, leading to greater stretching of the fascia and irritation. pain receptors and nerve endings – a feeling of pain is formed.

Clinic of the disease and symptoms

The main symptom that causes trouble for patients is pain. The pain occurs more often in the morning and may develop in daytime, after long physical activity. This is explained by the course of the pathogenesis of the disease. At night, when the leg is at rest, the productive phase of inflammation is activated, cells in the area of ​​aseptic inflammation begin to secrete substances aimed at healing the resulting microtraumas and restoring integrity. The tissues formed in this way are inferior and fragile. In the morning, when the patient takes his first steps, the ligaments are torn again, causing pain.


Diagnosis of plantar fasciitis is quite easy. The doctor interviews the patient, finds out the symptoms, identifies the location of the pain and the time of its occurrence. Localization of pain has important, helps determine whether the pain is caused by plantar fasciitis or another cause of the pain.

The doctor assesses the health of everyone musculoskeletal system. To do this, tests are carried out to evaluate the symptoms:

  • reflexes are checked;
  • muscle strength;
  • muscle tone;
  • sensitivity in the feet;
  • coordination of movements;
  • sense of balance.

To completely confirm the diagnosis, use instrumental methods diagnostics:

  • X-ray;
  • computed tomography;
  • magnetic resonance imaging.


Most patients, with properly selected treatment and timely referral to professionals, recover within a few months thanks to conservative therapy.

Conservative treatment involves the use of drugs:

  1. The main group of drugs is glucocorticosteroids. Strong anti-inflammatory drugs aimed at pathogenetic mechanisms formation of the disease are required for use.
  2. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of ointments are used locally. These drugs include Nemesid and Ibuprofen derivatives. They relieve pain and relieve inflammation.

Physiotherapeutic treatment methods are widely used for the treatment of plantar fasciitis - electrophoresis, phonophoresis, ultrasound therapy, UHF. The maximum effect of these plantar fasciitis treatment methods is achieved when used in conjunction with medications.

Effective use of special orthopedic shoes and insoles equipped with pronators and instep supports, ensuring uniform distribution of the load on the surface of the foot.

If the effect of conservative therapy is insignificant, treatment methods are used:

  • shock wave therapy – shock waves are sent to the heel area different intensity, stimulating the reparative forces of the body, accelerating recovery. Effective for chronic plantar fasciitis;
  • in case of ineffectiveness medications treatment and subsequent progression of pathology, apply surgical methods treatment. Excision of the affected connective tissue plantar aponeurosis. These treatment methods are fraught with complications and lead to weakening of the arch of the foot, requiring constant health care, compliance with the daily routine and exercise.


It is advisable to do it at home physical exercise, aimed at stretching the plantar fascia and increasing its reserve forces.

Exercise 1

Place your palms on the wall and place your feet directly behind each other. The sore leg is at the back; if pain occurs in both heels, then the legs must be alternated. Without lifting your heels off the floor, squat down, bending your knees until you feel tension in the lower part of the shin of your sore leg. Stay in this position for 15-20 seconds. Perform 10-15 repetitions. The exercise warms up and increases the elasticity and strength of the lower leg muscles, relieving the load on the aponeurosis.

Exercise 2

The exercise is a warm-up exercise with elements aimed at training the plantar fascia.

On the floor, in front of the wall, place several books in a stack 5 cm high. Stand on the books so that your heels hang over the edge. Place your palms on the wall. From this position, lean forward toward the wall to feel the stretch in the lower part of your shin, hold for 15-20 seconds. Complete 15 reps.

Exercise 3

The same manipulations are performed in the same sequence as when performing exercise 2, but bending towards the wall is carried out while standing on one leg.

Exercise 4

Take a tennis ball, rolling pin, or cylindrical object and place it under your feet. Roll the object along the floor like rolling out dough, pressing it with your foot to the surface of the floor. If pain is severe, you can take a bottle of cold water- this will reduce pain.

Conservative treatment prescribed by a doctor will become effective if you begin to take care of yourself at home. During treatment, it is necessary to reduce walking time and the intensity of physical activity. Don't forget about cold compresses, massages, baths and exercises. Avoid uncomfortable shoes, especially heels.

Heel fasciitis is common reason pain and discomfort in the lower extremities. In the absence of timely and reasonable treatment, a bone growth may form in the heel area, popularly called a heel spur. Treatment of heel fasciitis involves contacting a specialist, since it is a fairly serious disease.

Foot fasciitis - what is it?

The disease causes pain and inflammation in the area of ​​the plantar fascia, which connects the toes and calcaneus. This is extremely dangerous pathology for the musculoskeletal system, which requires timely detection and treatment.

Sometimes it is impossible to do without surgical intervention. The disease tends to develop, which leads to complications that are dangerous to the healthy functioning of the human body.

In medicine, the pathology is called plantar fasciitis or plantar. Among the people, this disease has a simpler and fairly common name - heel spur.

As a result of untimely consultation with a doctor and prescription of therapy, complications may develop, such as Achilles tendinitis and other pathologies of the lower extremities, leading to incomplete mobility or severe pain in the legs.

The pathology causes an inflammatory process in the plantar fascia. This is an organ that is a kind of ligament. Its main function is to attach the heel bone to the human foot, support the arch of the foot, and enable normal movement.

While walking, a person steps on his heel. If discomfort caused by this inflammation occurs, then the ability to fully move is reduced. Most often, heel fasciitis is characteristic of athletes, people whose professions require prolonged standing and constant movement on their feet.

The physiological characteristics of the human foot require shock absorption and softening during running and walking. Thanks to this function, possible injury to the lower extremities is prevented and discomfort during movements is reduced. As a result of prolonged, regular or excessive load overstrain occurs on the foot area, especially the heel, which can lead to this kind of inflammation. In fact, there are many factors that cause fasciitis.

Video “Fasciitis of the sole - a recipe for quick treatment”

Demonstrative video with a traditional medicine recipe for therapy and elimination of discomfort with heel spurs.


During heavy physical activity, small microtraumas form in the area of ​​the same fascia. They usually tend to heal on their own, without any treatment. This occurs under the condition of a measured load, alternating walking and rest. But when frequent occurrence those same micro-tears and stretches of the fascia, the inflammatory process begins.

Plantar fasciitis can occur for the following reasons:

  • excessive load on the heel bone and nearby tissues (often typical for professional needs - athletes, dancers, hairdressers, etc.);
  • deformation of the foot - flat feet and uneven distribution of load due to it contribute to overload of the fascia;
  • obesity, overweight, additionally loading the feet;
  • some professions that require standing for a long time - teachers, builders, hairdressers, couriers, athletes and others;
  • pathologies of the spine, such as scoliosis, osteochondrosis, as a result of which the center of gravity shifts and the load on the legs increases;
  • pregnancy and heavy weight gain, which also implies a shift in the center of gravity.

Even age and gender can influence the development of pathology. Heel fasciitis is more common in men over 40 years of age.

Quite often, patients go to the doctor with complaints of foot pain too late. In this case, the disease is usually only the result of the development of another disease. Most often in such situations, the doctor diagnoses flat feet, club feet, and other changes in the shape of the lower extremities, which lead to a similar complication.

Oddly enough, but even this trivial reason, as incorrectly selected shoes can contribute to the development of this disease. Of course, we cannot leave aside such a factor as mechanical damage. Often, inflammation of the fascia develops against the background of injuries, such as sprains, ruptured ligaments and tendons, fractures, and so on.

How to treat heel fasciitis, and how to recognize this disease? Why do most people lose sight of the signs of pathology and seek help from a specialist late? In order to answer these questions, it is necessary to study the symptoms of the disease.

Foot fasciitis - symptoms and treatment

Before treating plantar fasciitis, you should consult a doctor, as only qualified specialist will be able to accurately diagnose and prescribe therapy.

Typically, this disease has clear symptoms, which suggest fasciitis without additional diagnostic measures.

The most common manifestation of the pathology is the occurrence of abundant painful sensations in the heel area. Most often they appear during movement, walking, and are most noticeable after a long stay in a sitting position. This pain It is especially noticeable in the morning, after sleep.

During prolonged walking or standing, the discomfort may increase, and evening time days, some patients complain that they cannot stand on their feet at all.

A heel spur causes such severe and sharp pain that some compare it to being pricked by some sharp objects. Sometimes, as a symptom, both local and general body temperature may increase, and swelling may appear. In this case, you cannot hesitate, and you must consult a doctor as soon as possible, especially if the heel spur affects both legs at once. Under such circumstances, it is possible that the pathology is caused by more serious diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis or gout.

Other signs that may indicate the presence of fascial inflammation:

  • tingling sensation in the legs and feet while moving;
  • back pain;
  • swelling that occurs due to fluid accumulation in the area ankle joint and heels;
  • feeling .

Depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor will prescribe measures to treat heel fasciitis and give general recommendations which will help reduce symptoms.

Plantar fasciitis - how to treat?

Heel spurs require conservative therapy, except individual cases when the situation is too advanced. To eliminate discomfort and pain it is necessary complex therapy, aimed at eliminating excessive load on the lower limbs.

In the absence of therapy, the pain can intensify and last for quite a long time, periodically subsiding. In such cases, the possibility of complications also increases, which leads to surgical intervention and the lack of possibility of conservative influence.

Treatment of plantar fasciitis is primarily aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process and reducing the load.

The initial stage of therapy is to ensure rest for the lower extremities. Second rule successful treatment It is considered to be the selection of comfortable shoes. If the heel spur is caused by flat feet, then it is necessary to purchase special orthopedic shoes or insoles. Such shoes provide heel fixation and do not allow the sole to fall inward.

The patient’s weight is also important during treatment. If it is significantly higher than normal, then it is necessary to normalize this indicator to eliminate pain.

1. Traditional ways to treat heel fasciitis

Before using any folk method, even the safest one, you should consult your doctor. The most effective recipe for treating the disease is concentrated salt baths. To prepare, you need to dilute two tablespoons of salt in a liter of hot water. The procedure takes 30-40 minutes, after which you need to wear warm socks to maintain the thermal effect.

Another effective recipe - Birch buds. With their help you need to prepare alcohol tincture, to which, in addition to birch buds (50 g), 100 grams are added medical alcohol. After the product has been infused for three hours, it can be used for compresses. To do this, a bandage soaked in the infusion must be applied to the affected area two to three times a day, for two hours. Cover the top with cling film and put on warm socks.

The recipe using vinegar is especially popular. - This effective remedy, which has been known for many years. If you are diagnosed with heel fasciitis, you can take baths with vinegar, vodka and turpentine, which are added in equal proportions. All components are mixed and heated using a water bath. Next, your feet need to be lowered into a bath with this solution until it cools completely.

Plantar fasciitis and its symptoms will help to overcome potatoes, which need to be cut into small slices and applied to the heels, secured on top with a bandage and a woolen sock. It is better to carry out the procedure before bedtime. By doing such lotions daily, you will notice that the pain gradually begins to subside, and the discomfort will soon disappear altogether.

Using folk recipes, you need to be prepared for the fact that this is a slow way to combat pathology. It requires quite a lot of time and patience, since the effect is cumulative.

2. Drug treatment

Doctors usually prescribe pharmacological preparations to reduce symptoms. It can be both internal complex preparations in the form of tablets, capsules, and local medications - ointments, gels, patches, and so on. The main purpose of such drugs is to relieve pain, reduce swelling, if any, and relieve the inflammatory process.

An excellent option in such cases are non-steroidal medications with analgesic properties: Meloxicam, Naproxen, Camelot, Nurofen and others. Anti-inflammatory drugs are also used in therapy, such as Chondroxit, Voltaren, Diclofenac, Contractubex.

Sometimes, in very advanced situations, but when there is a possibility of drug rather than surgical treatment, special injections can be used. They are used as medicinal shock therapy. To do this, corticosteroids are injected into the painful area. But, unfortunately, this procedure does not have a long-term effect.

3. Physiotherapy

For complex impact Physiotherapeutic procedures may be prescribed for the problem:

  1. Magnetotherapy. Under the influence of an alternating magnetic field, blood circulation improves, resulting in relief of inflammation, swelling and pain.
  2. Laser. Laser beams have the ability to penetrate deeply through layers of skin into soft fabrics. Laser therapy usually reduces swelling and reduces the feeling of heaviness and discomfort.
  3. Extracorporeal ultraviolet therapy. During the procedure there is exposure to high-frequency sound waves. Thanks to vibration movements, blood moves faster through the vessels, which accelerates tissue regeneration.

In cases where A complex approach Conservative therapy is useless, surgery is performed.

Preventing fasciitis

First of all, what doctors advise is to monitor your weight, since extra pounds are an additional burden on the entire body and on the fascia. Secondly, shoes, which should be comfortable, preferably orthopedic. It is not recommended to wear shoes with heels higher than 3-4 cm; when buying shoes, pay attention to instep supports and shock absorption.

If at the end of the day you feel pain or burning in the foot area, apply it briefly. cold compress, which will help get rid of pain and swelling. If you regularly feel discomfort, consult a doctor to recognize the disease in time. You should not self-medicate, since in the case of orthopedic diseases it is most often ineffective and even dangerous.

Video “How to treat plantar fasciitis?”

Quite often older people experience painful sensations in the area of ​​the foot during exertion or long walking. It forms on the foot, which is popularly called. However, in addition to heel spurs, heel pain and similar symptoms can also be caused by another disease called plantar fasciitis.

What is plantar fasciitis?

The plantar fascia or aponeurosis attaches to the heel tubercle and supports the longitudinal arch of the foot. Half of his human body weight presses on this fascia. Due to load and pressure, microtraumas of the fascia are possible; they usually heal on their own. But for some people, constant trauma can cause chronic inflammation.

Plantar fasciitis is localized in the heel and causes quite severe pain. It becomes stronger with any load on the heel. This is influenced by the inflammatory process that occurs in the connective membranes of the soles of the feet.

Plantar fascia - zone of inflammation

Sometimes pathology begins to develop after an injury caused by rubbing the plantar area. It is also called a heel spur, but this is incorrect. Plantar fasciitis can be the main cause of heel spurs, a bony growth on the heel bone.

IN international classification diseases of the 10th revision (ICD -10), fasciitis belongs to class M72. The full name is plantar fascial fibromatosis, plantar fasciitis or plantar aponeurosis. He was assigned the code M72.2.

Causes of the disease

Most often, fasciitis begins to appear due to injuries.

But there are also other reasons:

Flat feet

  • If the profession requires long standing on foot or being in the same position, then people will be prone to developing plantar fasciitis.
  • Frequent lifting of weights may cause fasciitis. This applies to athletes and people working out in gyms.
  • Plantar fasciitis can provoke. The load is distributed unevenly on the foot.
  • Using high-soled shoes often provokes fasciitis. Especially if this happens for a long time.
  • Heavy weight of a person. Load on the legs and, in particular, the foot provokes the development of fasciitis.
  • Too intense training. Many professional athletes suffer from this disease.
  • Age-related changes which can happen gradually.
  • Improper metabolism contributes to the development of fasciitis. This complication can occur in diabetics and patients diagnosed with atherosclerosis.

IMPORTANT! If you experience pain or instability in your foot, you should consult a doctor!


How is fasciitis diagnosed?

To do this, you need to contact a specialist who will:

  • Patient interview. Identifies his complaints and analyzes the information received.
  • A visual inspection must be carried out determines the nature of pain.
  • An important point is the question of professional affiliation and the patient’s lifestyle.

Diagnosis of plantar fasciitis

After this, fasciitis is diagnosed using special medical procedures:

  • X-ray of the foot.
  • Ultrasonography.
  • CT scan.

To diagnose fasciitis, you need to contact a traumatologist or surgeon. You may need to consult a therapist and dermatologist. It all depends on the patient’s condition and the cause of the disease.

During the examination, it may be revealed that the patient has already formed bone spur, which is called a heel spur. They are also determining whether there are places where calcium accumulates.

Heel spurs and fasciitis

Stories from our readers!
I want to tell my story about how I cured osteochondrosis and hernia. Finally, I was able to overcome this unbearable pain in my lower back. I'm leading active image life, I live and enjoy every moment! A few months ago I got twisted at the dacha, sharp pain in the lower back prevented me from moving, I couldn’t even walk. The doctor at the hospital diagnosed osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, herniated discs L3-L4. He prescribed some medications, but they did not help, the pain was unbearable. They called an ambulance, they put a blockade and hinted at an operation, I kept thinking about this, that I would turn out to be a burden for the family... Everything changed when my daughter gave me an article to read on the Internet. You can’t imagine how grateful I am to her for this. This article literally pulled me out of... wheelchair. In recent months I have started to move more; in the spring and summer I go to the dacha every day. Who wants to live a long and energetic life without osteochondrosis,

Symptoms and signs of plantar fasciitis

The first sign of the development of the disease is pain. Moreover, it will gradually intensify. It is most strongly felt on the heel from the side of the sole and in the area of ​​​​the posterior heel bone.

When does it hurt? The pain is greatest in the morning. A person wants to raise his legs higher. In this case, plantar fasciitis can develop on both heels at once or on just one.

Characteristic symptoms:

  • pain and discomfort in the heel;
  • difficulty and increased pain when walking;
  • periodic burning sensations in the heel;
  • quite noticeable thickening of the entire sole of the foot;
  • the focus of the disease will be on the heel.

As a result of such processes, a heel spur very often begins to form. In almost 80% of cases, the cause of spur formation is an inflammatory process in the heel.

If a person begins to feel pain in the heel when walking or in the morning, he should go to the hospital. Early treatment of fasciitis will ensure a full recovery.

Fasciitis Treatment Methods

To cure plantar fasciitis, several methods are used:

  • Drug therapy.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures and therapeutic massage.
  • Exercises and corrective devices.
  • Traditional methods.

Drug treatment

In the first case, medications will be used. To relieve inflammation, they will prescribe non-steroidal drugs which can relieve inflammation. They will be able to stop the development of the disease.

In this case, the following is prescribed:

Diclofenac tablets Chondroxide ointment Ketoprofen in gel form

With quite severe pain painkillers are prescribed. Especially when it becomes strong when putting weight on the leg. Will help the patient in the treatment of fasciitis Paracetamol, Aspirin.

Products for topical use are also used. These can be creams, but they must contain a component that relieves inflammation.

Most often used:

  • Flucinar.

Fastum Diclak Prednisolone in the form of hydrocortisone ointment for external use

Good results obtained by using injections directly into the sore spot. Injections are suitable for treating fasciitis .


Physiotherapy can improve healing effect fasciitis and speed up the healing process.

It can be:

  • . It lies in the impact magnetic field on the heel. This reduces swelling and relieves inflammation.
  • Shock wave technique. Special apparatus for shock wave therapy allows high-frequency waves to affect the soft tissues of the foot. This procedure will improve blood circulation, relieve inflammation, and reduce pain.
  • Phonophoresis consists in combining physical and chemical factors. The ointment will be used together with ultrasonic waves. This enhances its effect and ensures deep penetration into the heel. Hydrocortisone ointment is suitable for this. Pain and swelling will decrease.

It is possible to determine which treatment protocol or method is most effective by individual approach. They all bring benefits, but in order for the greatest effectiveness to be achieved, it is necessary to take into account the cause of the disease and the characteristics of the patient.

Special shoes and insoles

If plantar fasciitis develops, it is necessary to use orthopedic shoes and. They will help to properly distribute the load on the foot and get rid of the disease faster. It is better for patients who have suffered from fasciitis to wear such shoes constantly.

For such people you need to select:

  • shoes with a stable heel, which will be 4 - 5 cm;
  • warm boots or low shoes with a heel of no more than 5 cm;
  • comfortable home slippers;
  • special orthopedic sneakers.

At plantar fasciitis and heel spurs, you need to wear insoles, the best option— heel pads.

The most popular manufacturers of orthopedic shoes and insoles:

  • Sursil-Ortho.
  • Ortex.
  • REZ SP.
  • LightStep.
  • Trives.

Orthoses are also used to treat plantar fasciitis. This is a special device that allows you to reduce the load on the leg and heel. When using it, pain decreases, and the patient will be able to engage in physical therapy and move independently.

Orthoses can be custom-made or purchased from a pharmacy or orthopedic shop to treat fasciitis.

What functions does the orthosis perform:

  • Reduces stress on the soft tissues of the heel.
  • Fixes the foot.
  • Strengthens the soft tissues of the heel.
  • Reduces pain.

Orthoses can be purchased ready-made or made individual order. This is not exactly a cheap pleasure, but the therapeutic effect will be much better. Before putting on the orthosis, you can do therapeutic exercises.

Foot support orthosis Silicone orthosis Night orthosis

Physical therapy and exercise

A set of exercises for fasciitis:

  • On a small stool you need to stand on your toes To maintain stability, the exercise is given against a wall. Fingers raised slightly up. You need to carefully lower yourself onto your heels, but do not bend your knees. Hold this position for 30 seconds.
  • Lean your hands on the wall. Stretch one leg back and the other forward. The center of gravity falls on the leg, which is set back. Without lifting your feet from the floor, you need to move the center of gravity to the other leg.
  • You will need a tennis ball. It will need to be rolled with each foot alternately. You need to count at least 30 times.
  • You need to extend your foot, but your toes should be bent. Fix your foot in this position for 20–30 seconds.
  • Tighten your feet and massage the sole with your fingers.
  • Lift the towel with your toes from the floor and hold it for at least 20 seconds.

Towel Exercises to Treat Plantar Fasciitis

Exercises are done regularly every day. You can even do this complex up to 3 times a day. Its duration takes about 10 minutes.

Methods of surgical treatment of plantar fasciitis

With absence positive results use medicines and physical therapy do surgery to treat fasciitis. Such indications will occur when a heel spur forms.

The operation is performed at local anesthesia. Usually they use a spinal one, with its help the person is conscious, but he has no sensitivity in the lower part of the body. The endoscopy method is used for the operation. The sole is dissected and unnecessary growth is removed.

After surgery, when treating fasciitis, complications may occur:

  • damage to nerve trunks;
  • the appearance of quite severe pain;
  • formation of neuroma, benign tumor;
  • the wound may not heal for a long time.

The recovery period for fasciitis can be lengthy. Much depends on the patient himself.

Kinesio taping

Kinesio taping of the foot is one of the most modern methods. It lies in the ability to correct even quite severe deformation.

Taping is carried out as follows:

  • on clean skin stick the tape;
  • the ends need to be rounded so that it lasts as long as possible;
  • it is cut out with the letter Y;
  • To activate the process you need to do rubbing.

Foot taping scheme

Ozone therapy

Ozone therapy is considered an alternative treatment method for plantar fasciitis.

It consists in:

  • Using ozone gas.
  • Special ozonizers are used.
  • Can be used externally, intravenously or intra-articularly.
  • Stops the development of inflammation during faciitis.


Can be used to treat fasciitis homeopathic remedies that allow you to achieve results:

  • Using special methods spasms pass.
  • Seals disappear.
  • The nerve endings are clamped.
  • The elasticity of muscles and ligaments is restored.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of fasciitis

What are the traditional recipes for treating plantar fasciitis?

The simplest recipes:

  • Iodine mesh.
  • Baths in salt water with the addition of honey.
  • Lubricate the affected area with propolis.

You can purchase such products or prepare them at home. You can also use herbs and vegetables, medical bile to treat fasciitis.

Traditional recipes:

  • Compresses made from cabbage leaves or potatoes. Can be applied to the heel cabbage leaf, potatoes are grated and applied to the heel.
  • Aloe compress. You need to cut off an aloe leaf and cut it in half. And then they tie it to the sore heel.
  • Medical bile dilute with vodka in a ratio of 1 to 1 and soak the bandage in this solution. The feet are steamed and a compress is made from a bandage on the heel. The foot is kept warm. You can add a little shampoo to the vodka with bile and also make a compress.
  • Foil treatment. You will need foil, adhesive tape and tape. The foil will need to be glued to the tape. The reflective side is left on top to treat fasciitis. These strips are secured with a patch on the heel. Leave them on the leg for no more than 2 hours. Use new foil each time.
  • Treatment using fish. Needs to be tied raw fish at night to the foot.
  • Compresses using vinegar. Vinegar must be diluted with water until it is safe and, after soaking gauze in the solution, apply it to the foot and wrap it with a cloth.

All these methods have been known for quite some time. They can help treat plantar fasciitis, but you should still visit your doctor and listen to his recommendations.

Doctor Bubnovsky's method

According to the Bubnovsky method, treatment of plantar fasciitis should consist of:

  • Strengthening tissues and ligaments.
  • Improving and normalizing blood circulation.
  • Cleansing the body of harmful substances.