The leg is red and hot. Redness of the skin of the legs and burning. Insufficient blood supply to the lower extremities

Human legs not only bear the weight of the body, but also take the brunt of an unhealthy lifestyle. Poor nutrition excess weight, sedentary lifestyle, high heels and excessive loads - all of the above affects the health of the feet. Diseases of the lower extremities become a symptom of other serious diseases. Pain, swelling and redness of the leg should not be attributed to fatigue, age or allergies. Be attentive to your health and consult a doctor at the first signs of illness.

Every step you take puts a little more than half your body weight on your feet. With more active movements - running, walking fast, dancing or climbing stairs, the load doubles, sometimes quadruples. Afterwards the load goes on the joints, blood vessels, muscles and ligaments. Overweight people expose their own legs to enormous pressure; fat people need to be attentive to emerging symptoms and not delay treatment; it is strongly recommended to take preventive measures.

Bad habits have a detrimental effect on the health of the feet, including food habits. If the diet contains an excess of sweet, highly salty and fatty foods, such a menu can lead to vascular diseases, the legs suffer first. A lot has been said about the dangers of smoking, bad habit not an aid to maintaining health. Sedentary lifestyle, neglecting walks fresh air and stress affects the health of the legs, and with high heels go to low speed.

Standing work

To prevent varicose veins, if you work standing, wear compression stockings, do lymphatic drainage massage legs Do not overuse tanning beds or sun exposure. Try to sit straight without crossing your legs - this position impedes blood circulation and causes disease of the veins and blood vessels. It is important to prevent varicose veins; the disease can provoke other serious illnesses legs

Swelling of the legs

Swelling is an indispensable symptom. The legs swell and healthy people. Sometimes an isolated incident occurs: after standing for a long time or under acclimatization conditions, due to unfamiliar food, water and climate. Occasional swelling quickly disappears and does not appear again. But more often, swollen legs that experience pain become a symptom of an existing disease.

Causes of swelling of the feet and legs:

Consuming excess fluid. It is also associated with the consumption of salty foods. After eating salty food, the heart does not have time to cope with a large amount of blood due to the fluid entering it. Stagnation of blood appears in the legs, resulting in swelling; Excess weight. U fat people the heart has difficulty pushing blood through fatty tissue. Present hidden reason in poor nutrition and low water consumption. When little fluid enters the body, the body retains water, causing swollen feet; Working in a standing or sitting position. In these cases, blood circulation is disrupted, stagnation occurs, swelling and pain appear in the legs. Dangerous due to the occurrence of varicose veins;

Passive lifestyle

Estrogens. Female hormones contained in contraceptives are capable of retaining fluid in the body and promoting edema; Selected medications to reduce blood pressure;Phlebeurysm. Edema is considered the initial stage of the disease. As the disease progresses, swollen feet become more noticeable; Cardiovascular diseases. When the heart has difficulty doing its job, pumps blood slowly, the feet swell; Kidney disease. The kidneys are the main organ responsible for removing fluid from the body. When pathologies develop in the kidneys, fluid stagnation appears in the body and in the legs; Diseases of the lymphatic vessels. Occurs after a previous erysipelas when complications begin in the lymphatic vessels.

It is possible to cope with swelling of the feet at home by following a number of rules. Firstly, you need to reconsider your lifestyle. This includes compliance salt-free diet, drinking moderate but sufficient amounts of water for your weight and age. Follow therapeutic exercises, trying to restore the flow of lymph in the body. Watch the landing. If your work requires prolonged sitting, try to get up and stretch your legs every hour, perform several simple exercises: stand on your toes, squat and make circular movements with your legs. Remember, high heels can cause swelling, change the stiletto heels to low heels.

Secondly, it is possible to make contrast baths in warm and cool water, with the addition of sea salt. A kind of charging is performed for the vessels, the walls become elastic. Do not take hot baths; steam rooms will not help in the fight against swollen legs, they will only harm the blood vessels.

Perform your own massage. From your fingertips, gently massage your legs towards your thighs. Do not touch locations lymph nodes- under the knee, in the groin.

Redness of the legs

Swelling of the legs with redness - not uncommon. More often than not, this is associated with advanced stage edema when the patient does not take therapeutic measures. Asymmetrical edema is possible. Eg, left leg becomes more swollen than the right one. Redness becomes eczema, dermatitis, allergic reaction or trophic ulcers. Redness can manifest itself in the appearance of red spots on the skin that itch and peel.

Causes of redness of legs:

Endocrine diseases. Thyroid If it doesn't work properly, it produces an insufficient amount of hormones, and a number of diseases appear. Redness of the extremities is a symptom that requires attention, check the thyroid gland; Allergic reaction. The allergy appears due to contact with shoes; the feet begin to itch. The cause is clothing, medicine, even food can become an allergen. The reaction to the presence of helminths in the body is often manifested by itching and redness on the legs. Reaction to sunburn or insect bite causes pain and blemishes; Sprained ligaments and muscles. Tissue damage causes pain, swelling and redness of the limb. It is better to consult a doctor to rule out a fracture or rupture of the ligament; Neurological diseases. A stroke can cause swelling and redness of the legs if there is paralysis of the limbs.

Redness of the sore leg

It is better to treat redness of the legs under the supervision of a doctor, after a complete diagnosis of the body. If red spots appear, consult a general practitioner, dermatologist, allergist and vascular surgeon. If you are sure of an allergic reaction, take an antihistamine, the red spots will go away.

Itching and redness of the legs

Itching and redness of the skin of the legs below the knees causes a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. In addition to redness, the skin begins to flake and itch severely. Sometimes patients scratch the itchy spots into the blood, aggravating the situation and risking infection. There is a signal that a malfunction is occurring in the body. It is necessary to diagnose in time and find out the cause of itching and red dots.

Causes of itchy feet:

Skin disease. As a rule, dermatitis is a chronic disease manifested by spots, itching, general redness skin, including legs below the knees. Dermatitis is often caused by mechanical stress: friction with clothing, contact with plants - allergens, reaction to food and dust; Fungus. Fungal infection often affects areas of the skin of the legs due to high contact with surfaces, red dots and spots appear; Household irritants. Sometimes the cause of itching of the legs below the knees is caused by domestic plants and animals. Plant pollen and animal hair cause the skin to itch very much.

Itchy leg

Treatment for itchy feet

Any manifestations of itchy skin and red spots are treated under medical supervision. If dermatitis has developed, special medications, ointments and diet are prescribed. It is recommended to improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines. You will need to exclude allergenic foods, fatty, spicy, highly salty and sweet foods. Eat more vegetables, fruits and dairy products.

The fungus is treated with special antifungal drugs and ointments. And if there is a fungus, they will prescribe a diet. Do not eat sweets and starchy foods; sweet fruits are temporarily prohibited. Eliminate alcohol, a fermentation product. Drink more clean water and herbal teas, they will cleanse the body of toxins.

Allergies to household irritants are treated with antihistamines. Afterwards, you may have to exclude the allergy item. Don't rush to get rid of your beloved cat, modern medicine knows ways to relieve the suffering of allergy sufferers.

Prevention of foot diseases

The basis for foot health problems is lifestyle. Swelling, pain, redness and peeling of the skin are treatable and completely preventable. No need to wait for scary symptoms to appear, start changing your life today! Stress and depression lead to leg diseases. If a person does not feel able or confident in getting rid of it on his own, contact a professional. When the nervous system returns to normal, your health will improve.

Watch your weight. Find out the reason for the rapid gain of kilograms, start treatment and nutrition correction. Do not eat a lot of fatty, salty and sweet foods; make sure that your diet includes foods containing iodine, magnesium, potassium, vitamins C and B vitamins.

Do sports or light gymnastics, walk, changing a measured step to a fast pace, do not forget to massage your feet, kneading the points on the pads, and take foot baths. Love your own feet, and they will not cause trouble for many, many years.

A situation often occurs when a person does not know what to do with sudden pain in the leg or swelling. What it could be, how to treat it and which doctor should be consulted first - this is what we will talk about today.

If the leg is red and swollen, this may not only be a manifestation of complications varicose veins. Although a condition such as thrombophlebitis often gives such symptoms (after all, the formation of blood clots in the veins is most often a consequence of varicose veins).

Legs hurt, swell and turn red

Here are the diseases that cause your legs to become red, swollen and sore:

joint diseases (gout, arthritis); phlebitis (inflammation of the vein wall); thrombophlebitis (when inflammation of the vein is accompanied by the formation of blood clots in the vein - thrombi); pinched nerves in the spine; ischemia (insufficient blood supply to the legs through the arteries) - occurs in diseases of the heart and blood vessels; erysipelas.

Let's deal with everything in order.

Legs hurt due to joint pathology

Joint inflammation (arthritis) and non-inflammatory disease

give symptoms such as pain in thumbs legs, feet and heels. The area around the joints may become swollen and red. There is often pain when pressed.

Joint diseases are treated by a doctor called a rheumatologist. He will examine your limbs and prescribe necessary tests to clarify the diagnosis. Treatment of joint diseases sometimes drags on for years, especially in older people and those with weakened immunity.

Acute phlebitis (inflammation of deep or superficial veins) and thrombophlebitis

If your leg is red and swollen and also hurts, most likely you have acute phlebitis. If the superficial veins are affected (they are located under the skin), the pain will be severe. When the deep veins (which are located deep within the muscles) are involved in the process, the pain is not as severe, but the leg may hurt when pressure is applied.

This condition, just like thrombophlebitis, must be treated urgently! Just run to a phlebologist or a vascular surgeon (also called an angiosurgeon).

You will be prescribed an ultrasound examination, a blood test for coagulation and other components.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, then IVs, injections, blood thinners and bed rest. This is for the first time. Then you will just need to walk and move so that the blood does not stagnate.

Pinched nerves in the spine

When, in addition to pain and swelling of the lower limb, so-called “paresthesia” is present - tingling, a feeling of “pins and needles”, this happens when a nerve is pinched between the vertebrae. After all, branches go from the central nerve trunk to the legs, and squeezing them leads to unpleasant sensations.

The neurological nature of the disease is also confirmed by the fact that pain occurs first in one leg, then in the other. The doctor who will help you is a vertebrologist (from the Latin word “vertebra” - vertebra). This specialist will make the correct diagnosis, tell you in which part of the spine the problem is, and prescribe treatment.

Insufficient blood supply to the lower extremities

It would seem that there is less blood flowing, where does the swelling come from? But it's not that simple. In some heart diseases, “cardiac edema” occurs. And arterial diseases (for example, diabetes) are almost always accompanied by swelling and pain.

Therefore, you should definitely visit a cardiologist to have an ECG done, your blood sugar checked, and your arteries and veins examined.

It is advisable to understand how it works

venous system

and how it works.

Do you know about a non-surgical method for treating coxarthrosis? Read

Erysipelas - what else is this?

You will be surprised, but very often the legs swell and turn red due to erysipelas. This is an infectious disease caused by hemolytic streptococcus. Often affects patients with varicose veins, especially on late stages When the skin is thinned, abrasions and ulcers easily appear, into which infection penetrates.

Erysipelas (“erysipelas”) also occurs on the face and is characterized by red skin, hot to the touch, and swelling, especially noticeable on the lower extremities.

Erysipelas gives serious complications:

ulcers (abscesses or cellulitis); thrombophlebitis; blockage of lymphatic vessels, which leads to “elephantiasis” - when the legs become so swollen that it becomes difficult to move.

This is what erysipelas looks like

This condition is treated by a dermatologist - sometimes on an outpatient basis, but in severe cases you have to go to the hospital, doctors of other specialties - cardiologists, surgeons - are involved in the treatment.

Of course, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, antiallergic drugs, and drugs that strengthen the vascular wall are used.

Sometimes surgery is necessary to open the blisters and apply a sterile dressing. Next, physiotherapeutic treatment methods are used, for example, electrophoresis.

So which doctor should you see first?

Option two - it should be a phlebologist (in best case scenario) or vascular surgeon. These specialists, if necessary, will refer you to other doctors if they do not find “their” pathology.

For more information about erysipelas, watch this video:

The condition of your feet is influenced by many factors, including lifestyle. Let's take a closer look at what causes redness and swelling of the legs, what these symptoms signal and what ways you can get rid of them.

What affects foot health

Swelling and redness appear in case of poor nutrition, consumption of sweet, salty and spicy foods. The habit of smoking, alcohol abuse, and excess weight negatively affect the condition of the lower extremities. Weak physical activity, stress and uncomfortable shoes also contribute to the appearance of swelling. The legs become very swollen and red when overexerted.

Regular manifestations of these symptoms may indicate the presence of a disease or an unhealthy lifestyle. There are several causes of swelling and redness of the legs:

Excessive consumption of salt or water leads to stagnation of fluid in the tissues. Heart pathologies. The heart muscle is not able to fully supply the body with blood. The incoming fluid is blocked and swelling occurs. Prolonged standing or sitting interferes with blood flow, causing your legs to become swollen and painful. People of certain professions are susceptible to such problems - cooks, hairdressers, sellers and office workers. Common cause of appearance similar symptoms- varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, erysipelas. Reception oral contraceptives containing estrogen. Use of certain medications to treat hypertension. Pathologies of blood and lymphatic vessels are common causes of pasty legs. Impaired kidney function.

Swelling is accompanied by redness only in an advanced state. Therefore, if these symptoms appear, you should not delay going to the doctor.

The appearance of redness also has its reasons:

Disturbed functioning of the endocrine system, when the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones. Allergies to fabric, food, medications, insect bites. The presence of worms in the body also leads to redness. When muscles and ligaments are injured, pain, redness and swelling appear. Neurological diseases accompanied by infection inevitably lead to similar symptoms.

Red spots on the legs, swelling and itching

The appearance of red spots, swelling, peeling and itching on the legs indicates the development of a disease, often infectious. Psychological problems are also the causes of the appearance of such symptoms.

Main provoking factors:

Allergy to synthetics, cosmetics, high or low temperatures, pets leads to severe itching, redness and swelling. In these cases, it is enough to stop exposure to the irritant and take an antihistamine. Phlebeurysm. To get rid of the disease, surgical intervention is indicated. Otherwise, the disease threatens with serious consequences: the formation of blood clots or eczema. The initial stage of diabetes mellitus is accompanied by red symmetrical spots on the legs. This is a reason to visit an endocrinologist.

Regardless of the disease that caused swelling of the legs and red spots, it is important to immediately consult a doctor to protect yourself from more serious consequences.


Such symptoms are not considered an independent disease, but only a consequence of other health problems. Treatment depends on the cause of the pathology:

Exacerbations of joint diseases are relieved with anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors, and in some cases, glucocorticoids. Gout is treated with drugs that reduce reabsorption uric acid, increasing its excretion in urine. If venous outflow is impaired, drugs are prescribed that strengthen the tone of the veins and thin the blood. Wearing special compression hosiery is recommended. A dermatologist deals with erysipelas, and an advanced form with complications will require a visit to a surgeon and cardiologist. Treatment is based on taking antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and antihistamine drugs, venotonics, which strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Folk remedies

At home, swelling of the legs is relieved by means and methods traditional medicine. For swelling, juices from carrots, lemon, cucumber or mint infusion are recommended. Effective processing problem areas olive or camphor oil.

Regular light massage and exercises are recommended. While sleeping, it is advisable to place your feet on a small elevation (pillow or cushion). This will not get rid of the disease, but it will alleviate the condition.

If the legs are very swollen and red due to gout, an iodine solution is indicated, which is rubbed on the sore joints or the legs are dipped into it. For 3 liters of water you will need 9-10 drops of iodine. You can add 2 teaspoons of soda to the bath. The effectiveness of the product is explained by its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Rice mixture is suitable for cleansing joints. Rinse 2 tablespoons of cereal, add a liter of water and leave overnight. In the morning, rinse the rice and bring to a boil, remove from the stove, rinse and boil again. Perform such manipulations 4 times. Ready-made porridge is eaten without salt and oil. Eating is indicated after 4 hours. The course of treatment is one and a half months. For varicose veins, an ointment based on horse chestnut will be useful.. You need to finely chop the leaves of Kalanchoe, grind the chestnut fruits into powder and grate the comfrey root. The components are mixed in equal parts. Melted water is added to the vegetable raw material. pork fat in a ratio of 1:2. The mixture is boiled over low heat for 2-3 hours. The ointment is stored in the cold and used to prepare compresses. The bandage is applied for two days, then changed to a new one. The duration of the course is 2 weeks.

Redness and swelling of the legs are unpleasant symptoms that indicate problems in the body. Home treatment should be started only after consultation with the doctor and the cause of the pathology has been determined.

Human legs not only bear the weight of the body, but also take the brunt of an unhealthy lifestyle. Poor nutrition, excess weight, sedentary lifestyle, high heels and excessive loads - all of the above affects the health of the feet. Diseases of the lower extremities become a symptom of other serious diseases. Pain, swelling and redness of the leg should not be attributed to fatigue, age or allergies. Be attentive to your health and consult a doctor at the first signs of illness.

Every step you take puts a little more than half your body weight on your feet. With more active movements - running, walking fast, dancing or climbing stairs, the load doubles, sometimes quadruples. Afterwards the load goes on the joints, blood vessels, muscles and ligaments. Overweight people expose their legs to enormous pressure; fat people need to be attentive to emerging symptoms and not delay treatment; it is strongly recommended to take preventive measures.

Bad habits have a detrimental effect on the health of the feet, including food habits. If the diet contains an excess of sweet, highly salty and fatty foods, such a menu can lead to vascular diseases, the legs are the first to suffer. A lot has been said about the dangers of smoking; a bad habit is not an aid to maintaining health. A sedentary lifestyle, neglect of walks in the fresh air and stress affect the health of your feet, and switch from high heels to low ones.

Standing work

To prevent varicose veins, if you work standing, wear compression stockings and do lymphatic drainage massage of your legs. Do not overuse tanning beds or sun exposure. Try to sit straight without crossing your legs - this position impedes blood circulation and causes disease of the veins and blood vessels. It is important to prevent varicose veins, as the disease can provoke other serious leg diseases.

Swelling of the legs

Swelling is an indispensable symptom. Legs swell in healthy people too. Sometimes an isolated incident occurs: after standing for a long time or under acclimatization conditions, due to unfamiliar food, water and climate. Occasional swelling quickly disappears and does not appear again. But more often, swollen legs that experience pain become a symptom of an existing disease.

Causes of swelling of the feet and legs:

Consuming excess fluid. It is also associated with the consumption of salty foods. After eating salty food, the heart does not have time to cope with a large amount of blood due to the fluid entering it. Stagnation of blood appears in the legs, resulting in swelling; Excess weight. In obese people, the heart has difficulty pushing blood through fatty tissue. There is a hidden reason in poor diet and low water consumption. When little fluid enters the body, the body retains water, causing swollen feet; Working in a standing or sitting position. In these cases, blood circulation is disrupted, stagnation occurs, swelling and pain appear in the legs. Dangerous due to the occurrence of varicose veins;

Passive lifestyle

Estrogens. Female hormones contained in contraceptives are capable of retaining fluid in the body and promoting edema; Selected medications for lowering blood pressure; Varicose veins. Edema is considered the initial stage of the disease. As the disease progresses, swollen feet become more noticeable; Cardiovascular diseases. When the heart has difficulty doing its job, pumps blood slowly, the feet swell; Kidney disease. The kidneys are the main organ responsible for removing fluid from the body. When pathologies develop in the kidneys, fluid stagnation appears in the body and in the legs; Diseases of the lymphatic vessels. They occur after suffering from erysipelas, when complications begin in the lymphatic vessels.

It is possible to cope with swelling of the feet at home by following a number of rules. Firstly, you need to reconsider your lifestyle. This includes following a salt-free diet and drinking a moderate amount of water, but sufficient for your weight and age. Perform therapeutic exercises, trying to restore the flow of lymph in the body. Watch the landing. If your work requires prolonged sitting, try to get up and stretch your legs every hour, perform several simple exercises: stand on your toes, squat and make circular movements with your legs. Remember, high heels can cause swelling, change the stiletto heels to low heels.

Secondly, it is possible to make contrast baths in warm and cool water, with the addition of sea salt. A kind of charging is performed for the vessels, the walls become elastic. Do not take hot baths; steam rooms will not help in the fight against swollen legs, they will only harm the blood vessels.

Perform your own massage. From your fingertips, gently massage your legs towards your thighs. Do not touch the location of the lymph nodes - under the knee, in the groin.

Redness of the legs

Swelling of the legs with redness is not uncommon. More often, this is associated with an advanced stage of edema, when the patient does not take therapeutic measures. Asymmetrical edema is possible. For example, the left leg becomes more swollen than the right. Redness becomes eczema, dermatitis, allergic reaction or trophic ulcers. Redness can manifest itself in the appearance of red spots on the skin that itch and peel.

Causes of redness of legs:

Endocrine diseases. When the thyroid gland does not function properly, it produces insufficient amounts of hormones, which leads to a number of diseases. Redness of the extremities is a symptom that requires attention, check the thyroid gland; Allergic reaction. The allergy appears due to contact with shoes; the feet begin to itch. The cause is clothing, medicine, even food can become an allergen. The reaction to the presence of helminths in the body is often manifested by itching and redness on the legs. Reaction to sunburn or insect bite causes pain and blemishes; Sprained ligaments and muscles. Tissue damage causes pain, swelling and redness of the limb. It is better to consult a doctor to rule out a fracture or rupture of the ligament; Neurological diseases. A stroke can cause swelling and redness of the legs if there is paralysis of the limbs.

Redness of the sore leg

It is better to treat redness of the legs under the supervision of a doctor, after a complete diagnosis of the body. If red spots appear, consult a general practitioner, dermatologist, allergist and vascular surgeon. If you are sure of an allergic reaction, take an antihistamine, the red spots will go away.

Itching and redness of the legs

Itching and redness of the skin of the legs below the knees causes a lot of inconvenience and discomfort. In addition to redness, the skin begins to flake and itch severely. Sometimes patients scratch the itchy spots into the blood, aggravating the situation and risking infection. There is a signal that a malfunction is occurring in the body. It is necessary to diagnose in time and find out the cause of itching and red dots.

Causes of itchy feet:

Skin disease. Typically, dermatitis is a chronic disease characterized by patches, itching, and general redness of the skin, including the legs below the knees. Dermatitis is often caused by mechanical stress: friction with clothing, contact with plants - allergens, reaction to food and dust; Fungus. Fungal infection often affects areas of the skin of the legs due to high contact with surfaces, red dots and spots appear; Household irritants. Sometimes the cause of itching of the legs below the knees is caused by domestic plants and animals. Plant pollen and animal hair cause the skin to itch very much.

Itchy leg

Treatment for itchy feet

Any manifestations of itchy skin and red spots are treated under medical supervision. If dermatitis has developed, special medications, ointments and diet are prescribed. It is recommended to improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines. You will need to exclude allergenic foods, fatty, spicy, highly salty and sweet foods. Eat more vegetables, fruits and dairy products.

The fungus is treated with special antifungal drugs and ointments. And if there is a fungus, they will prescribe a diet. Do not eat sweets and starchy foods; sweet fruits are temporarily prohibited. Eliminate alcohol, a fermentation product. Drink more clean water and herbal teas, they will cleanse your body of toxins.

Allergies to household irritants are treated with antihistamines. Afterwards, you may have to exclude the allergy item. Don’t rush to get rid of your beloved cat; modern medicine knows ways to alleviate the suffering of allergy sufferers.

Prevention of foot diseases

The basis for foot health problems is lifestyle. Swelling, pain, redness and peeling of the skin are treatable and completely preventable. No need to wait for scary symptoms to appear, start changing your life today! Stress and depression lead to leg diseases. If a person does not feel able or confident in getting rid of it on his own, contact a professional. When the nervous system returns to normal, your health will improve.

Watch your weight. Find out the reason for the rapid gain of kilograms, start treatment and nutrition correction. Do not eat a lot of fatty, salty and sweet foods; make sure that your diet includes foods containing iodine, magnesium, potassium, vitamins C and B vitamins.

Do sports or light gymnastics, walk, changing a measured step to a fast pace, do not forget to massage your feet, kneading the points on the pads, and take foot baths. Love your own feet, and they will not cause trouble for many, many years.

February 24, 2017

There is a stereotype that swelling of the lower extremities is associated only with excessive fluid intake and a sedentary lifestyle. If your legs are swollen below the knees, the reasons for this may be more alarming. In fact, the presence of this symptom can be an ominous harbinger cardiovascular pathology, kidney disease, liver disease, inflammatory lesions blood vessels, compression of the iliac veins by a tumor and other serious diseases.

Proper diagnosis allows you to timely identify the underlying disease and select effective timely therapy.

Right ventricular failure

Swelling of the legs may be a consequence of right ventricular failure. Wherein:

Shortness of breath appears, the ability to perform usual activities decreases. physical exercise(climbing stairs, walking). Weakness and fatigue are caused by oxygen starvation tissues due to inadequate blood supply. There is swelling of the legs.

Let's take a closer look at the reasons why the legs below the knees swell with right ventricular failure. Due to the deterioration of the contractility of the ventricles, adequate blood supply to organs and tissues is disrupted, the sympathoadrenal system is activated, the lumen of the venules and arterioles narrows, and the number of heart contractions increases. In response to vasoconstriction, blood pressure increases, the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system is activated, renal blood flow decreases, sodium and water are retained, blood supply to the vessels increases, and hydrostatic pressure in the veins increases.

If the legs below the knees swell, the reasons for this may be that there is increased vascular permeability, a decrease in protein synthesis and its excretion in the urine due to associated kidney damage.

Cardiogenic edema develops gradually and is most pronounced towards the end of the day. They spread from bottom to top.

The feet are the first to swell, and complaints about tightness and uncomfortable shoes appear. Then the lower leg swells. The skin is cold to the touch, pale cyanotic. There are marks from socks, elastic bands, and shoe fasteners. When pressed, a dimple remains on the skin for a long time.

Symmetry of edema is characteristic. With prolonged sitting, swelling of the lumbar region may occur.

With decompensation of right ventricular failure, edema becomes widespread. Ascites appears (filling abdominal cavity liquid). It is possible to develop anasarca (extensive swelling of the skin and subcutaneous fat).

Left ventricular failure

For left ventricular failure, manifestations of cardiac asthma are more typical:

Orthopnea (the patient cannot be in a horizontal position due to increased blood supply to the pulmonary capillaries and the development severe shortness of breath). Paroxysmal nocturnal shortness of breath (severe attacks of shortness of breath that appear during sleep, accompanied by wheezing, wheezing, severe cough, cyanosis of the face). Wheezing in the lungs. Profuse cold sweat.

Diagnosis of left ventricular failure

Electrocardiography (rhythm and conduction disturbances, the presence of pathological waves are assessed). Echocardiography (cardiac ejection fraction, the thickness of the walls of the atria and ventricles, the presence of valve damage or stenosis, structural changes in the pericardium are studied), daily monitoring ECG (Holter). Chest X-ray. Stress test to determine the functional class of heart failure. Testing urine for protein content. Blood test to determine markers of myocardial damage. Immunoglobulins M and G to cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus. Assessment of natriuretic peptide levels.


Therapy consists of the following measures:

diet with salt restriction in accordance with the degree of heart failure; dosed physical activity, daily walking; drug therapy(diuretics, cardiac glycosides, angiotensin-converting enzyme blockers, beta-blockers, antiplatelet agents, antiarrhythmics).

Do your legs below the knees swell with left ventricular failure? We have reviewed the causes and recommendations for treatment.

Renal edema

Unlike cardiac edema, renal edema is most pronounced in the morning and develops from top to bottom. Initially, the eyelids and face swell. Towards the afternoon, the legs (legs and ankles) swell, the swelling of the face is less pronounced. The skin is soft, warm, the pit quickly disappears after pressing with a finger. The presence of cyanosis is not typical.

The ability of edema to “migrate” is an important diagnostic sign for kidney pathology.

There is a tendency to high blood pressure.

If the leg below the knee is swollen with diseased kidneys, causes, treatment, as well as others useful recommendations you will find below.

Edema is associated with toxic-immune damage to the glomeruli of the kidneys, a decrease in their filtration rate, fluid retention, an increase in blood volume, the release of plasma blood components into the tissue due to increased vascular permeability and reduced oncotic blood pressure due to pronounced loss of protein in the urine.

And yet, why do the legs below the knees swell? Causes and symptoms of these discomfort interconnected.

With the development of edema due to glomerulonephritis, a connection with a past infection, such as tonsillitis, is noted.

With nephritic syndrome, edema is less pronounced, and hematuria syndrome is characteristic (urine takes on the color of meat slop).

Nephrotic syndrome is accompanied by massive loss of protein in the urine and severe edema up to anasarca.

Diagnosis of renal edema

Protein in urine. Urine for sterility. Determination of streptococcal and staphylococcal antibodies to blood serum. Ultrasonography kidney Blood pressure control. Blood analysis.

General principles of treatment

The following are used in therapy:

diet with limited salt, protein and fluid; bed rest; systemic antibiotic therapy; prescription of diuretics; decreased blood pressure; antihistamine therapy; use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents (to prevent microthrombosis and further damage to the glomeruli); glucocorticosteroids and cytostatics in the treatment of nephrotic syndrome.

Liver damage

Why do my legs swell below the knees? The causes and symptoms of these unpleasant sensations may indicate liver disease.

A decrease in protein synthesis in the liver due to severe damage to its tissue (end-stage hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty degeneration, hepatocellular carcinoma) is accompanied by severe widespread edema, up to anasarca. Liver edema is accompanied by severe itching of the skin, scratching, spider veins, fragility of capillaries, yellowness of the skin and visible mucous membranes.

Diagnosis of liver damage

Urine examination. Stool examination. Blood tests, determination of total protein levels, liver tests (ALAT, ASAT, GGT, bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase), the thymol test, urea and creatinine levels are examined. Ultrasound. Markers viral hepatitis, immunoglobulins M and G to cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr virus. Blood for HIV.

Varicose veins

What other causes are there for such a phenomenon as swelling of the leg below the knee? Varicose veins on the legs are characterized by redness and peeling of the skin, which is accompanied by dull aching pain, fatigue, heavy legs.

With severe lesions, trophic changes in the skin are possible: dermatitis, ulcers, hyperpigmentation. On examination, contoured venous patterns are visible, pronounced edema, expansion and bulging of veins, trophic changes in the skin. The swelling is asymmetrical, of varying severity, depending on the degree of damage to the veins.

The presence of edema in the legs is isolated and is not combined with another clinical symptoms(shortness of breath, cough, swelling of the face and torso, fever, etc.).

If you are concerned about swelling of the leg below the knee due to varicose veins, reasons, photos, etc. helpful information are available in this article. Perhaps this will help you.

Treatment of varicose veins

In case of severe damage, surgical treatment (phlebosclerosis) is used.

Drug treatment includes the use of venotonics and antiplatelet agents.


What is the reason for swelling of the legs below the knees, in addition to the above diseases? Swelling of the legs can also occur due to phlebothrombosis. For deep vein thrombosis initial stages proceed without signs of inflammation of the vein wall.

Reddening of the skin and swelling rarely occurs. The skin is glossy, the venous pattern is clearly contoured. Swelling of only the affected leg appears. The pain spreads to the inner thigh. The pain increases sharply when walking.

Venous insufficiency

Let's take a closer look at the reasons why the legs below the knees swell in chronic venous insufficiency. Constantly progressive lesion venous system accompanied by symmetrical swelling, disappearing in the morning and appearing in the evening. Redness of the skin of the legs is observed (against the background of severe swelling). It is extremely rare for a unilateral lesion to occur.

Arthritis and systemic diseases

Pain and swelling in arthritis are associated with effusion into the joint cavity. The joint is increased in size. Characteristic redness of the skin.

The onset of juvenile arthritis (before 16 years of age) is accompanied by an acute onset, fever, and rash on the skin of the face, torso, buttocks, and over the joints. Internal organs are affected. Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by morning stiffness.

Hemorrhagic vasculitis of Schonlein - Henoch

If you have been identified hemorrhagic vasculitis Schonlein - Genoch and you are concerned about the question of why your right leg below the knee is swollen; we will discuss the reasons further.

There is a connection with previous infection, taking antibiotics, and the presence of severe allergic reactions.

The articular form is characterized by: swelling, swelling knee joints, muscle pain, hemorrhagic rash on the limbs, thighs and buttocks.


Due to impaired coagulation, hemorrhages in muscles and joints associated with minor trauma are possible. The affected joint is swollen, sharply painful on movement and palpation, the skin is hyperemic and hot to the touch.

The occurrence of swelling in the legs, not associated with the presence of pathologies

If the legs below the knees swell, the reasons for this are not always associated with pathology. The occurrence of edema can be a consequence of:

alcohol abuse; excessive consumption of salty foods, causing delay liquids; protective reaction to overheating of the body; increased load on the foot and spine associated with wearing uncomfortable shoes, too high heels; stagnation and increased pressure in the veins due to sedentary lifestyle life; physiological edema during prolonged physical labor; overweight; edema during pregnancy (the only threat is massive, rapidly growing edema, accompanied by nausea, increased blood pressure and headache - the threat of eclampsia); edema in premenstrual syndrome.

So, you need to be concerned if your legs below the knees often swell. The causes and types of edema can be different.

IN for preventive purposes recommended: normalize body weight and balance diet, stop drinking alcohol, regularly undergo preventive examinations see a therapist, include dosed and regular physical activity in your daily routine. In the absence of pathology from the kidneys and cardiovascular system, yoga (inverted asanas) and physical therapy (the “birch tree” exercise) are effective in normalizing venous outflow.

What to do if your legs below the knees swell? The reasons, how to treat it, how to get rid of it - all this is of interest to those faced with the problem. Our article provides answers to all these questions.

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Itching, rash, redness on one leg or both at once can be caused by a large number of internal and external factors. To get rid of annoying symptoms, it is necessary to identify the cause of their appearance and eliminate it.

Redness of the leg above or below the knees: mechanical causes

This group of factors includes the most harmless and easily removable factors.

External mechanical influences include the following:

Clothes made from materials that irritate the skin. For example, these could be very stiff trousers or tights that contain fibers that impede air circulation; Uncomfortable or tight shoes, which lead to calluses, corns, and painful redness of the skin; Depilation procedure. This event is accompanied by the risk of skin injury (scratches), which provokes itching and hyperemia; Insect bites. The bite itself causes itching. As a result, a person scratches the skin, increasing the risk of infection in the wound.

To eliminate unpleasant phenomena, it is enough to get rid of the listed reasons, for example, pay attention to clothes, shoes, change them if necessary.

Rash and other symptoms of irritation that occur after depilation or an insect bite can be eliminated with antihistamines, or rather, ointments. For example, the means “Fenistil”, “Psilo-Balm”. or having a local anesthetic effect (pr. “Menovazin”), or based on medicinal plants (pr. “Malavit”).

Redness and itching on the legs, localized below the knee: infectious causes

Erysipelas most often occurs against the background of decreased immune defense and mainly affects the skin on the legs. The inflamed area turns red, and a characteristic bright red ridge appears along its edges, with a local increase in temperature, swelling, pain and itching. Severe course pathology is accompanied by peeling of the skin, the appearance of blisters and long-healing ulcers. After healing, clearly visible marks remain at the sites of inflammation.

Infection in in this case is always accompanied by an increase in temperature, so it is advisable to take antipyretic drugs, for example, paracetamol, aspirin or ibuprofen, and there is also a need for antibacterial agents. Antibiotics can be prescribed both in tablets and in injection form. This may be erythromycin, doxycycline or ampicillin.

If there are no blisters on the skin, then topical treatment should not be used. Otherwise, the blisters are opened by a doctor on an outpatient basis, and the affected areas are treated with rivanol or furatsilin.

Redness below the shin: athlete's foot

In this case we are talking about a fungal infection of the skin. Usually, pathogens localized on the skin of the feet themselves and between the toes.

Symptoms of incipient mycosis are painful cracks, blisters that cause itching, and stinging diaper rash. As a result, the skin peels off, falls off in whole flakes, and purulent ulcers form in place of the blisters.

Mycosis is treated with special antifungal ointments, which first peel off the affected skin. Various antifungal drugs allow you to suppress the activity of pathogenic fungi. For example, these include Miconazole and Econazole. Fukortsin solution, tablets for oral administration"Lamisil", "Orungal".

Scabies on legs

This pathology is caused by scabies mites that move under the skin. This is where it comes from main symptom diseases - itching. Small pimples also appear. The most effective means Benzyl benzoate is used to treat scabies.

Herpetic lesion of the leg

The pathological process affects nerve fibers. Ringworm at a certain stage is accompanied skin rash(bubbles with contents). Until this moment, there is an increase in temperature, a strong deterioration in general health, and pain along the nerve. In treatment, drugs such as Valaciclovir and Acyclovir tablets are used. ointment "Gerferon". as well as physical therapy.

Swelling, itching and redness of the leg: allergic reaction

Unpleasant sensations can be caused by washing, washing, cosmetics. These include soap, powder that is used for washing clothes, foot creams, etc. To get rid of the listed unpleasant symptoms, you must avoid allergy-causing medications.

Sometimes it happens that the causes of redness are hidden in contact with pets living near a person. For example, saliva or pet hair, fluff and feathers, or animal dander can be an allergen. If you cannot refuse to keep such pets, then you should clean your apartment/house more often, use air filters, and also prohibit animals from being in the bedroom.

Redness and other signs of allergies can be caused by dust mites that live in soft toys, furniture, bedding. It’s better to get rid of such things and replace them synthetic analogues. You also need to periodically clean the apartment using an anti-tick spray.

In addition, food allergies cannot be discounted.

Allergy symptoms may appear on the legs due to chocolate, citrus fruits, some berries, etc. In children, this often happens when complementary foods are introduced or early introduction of cow's milk. It is advisable to exclude such products from your diet, and in the case of allergies in a child, you should consult a specialist.

A negative reaction on the leg may appear in the form of urticaria. A person develops and then disappears a rash that causes itching. This is followed by painful blisters and swelling. Urticaria often develops due to the consumption of certain foods, medications, or exposure to the sun or cold. First you need to identify the cause of the disease, and then begin to eliminate it and relieve symptoms.

Also, damage to the legs can be due to hereditary causes, namely eczema, which is often transmitted genetically. The disease is accompanied by the appearance of nodules and redness. As the pathology progresses, the nodules enlarge and fill with fluid. And after they burst, they become covered with crusts. All stages of the disease are accompanied by severe itching.

To reduce the risk of developing eczema to a minimum, you need to monitor your diet, prevent various infectious diseases, and follow the rules of hygiene. It is very important to exclude stress and emotional stress, since eczema quite often worsens against the background of such.

Redness on the leg with thrombophlebitis and varicose veins

Thrombophlebitis is a disease circulatory system, varicose veins – to vascular pathologies. In a sick person, venous inflammation and filling of the lumen of the vessel with a blood clot (thrombus) are simultaneously observed. If the latter does not resolve, the compaction does not disappear, then a circulatory disorder occurs. Also, a blood clot can break off and lead to sudden death, blocking, for example, a pulmonary artery.

With varicose veins, there is redness and swelling along the vein. This area is itchy, swollen and painful. The pain syndrome intensifies when trying to palpate (probing). In addition, there is a thickening of the vein on the leg under the skin with redness, which is felt tactilely.

Treatment consists of using agents that strengthen the walls of blood vessels (eg Detralex, Troxevasin) and anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Ketoprofen, Ketonal-gel).

Blood clots located above or below the knee can be dissolved with heparin ointment or injections of low molecular weight heparin during exacerbation of the disease.


A pronounced symptom of the pathology is itchy skin. A rash in the form of blisters may appear on the surface of the skin, which disappears after blood glucose levels normalize.

Scratching the itchy areas can cause infection, which will make the condition worse. The intensity of knee itching caused by diabetes depends on the effectiveness of treatment for the latter. For local treatment, products that alleviate skin conditions are used, for example, Flucinar ointment. cream "Gistan-N".

Remember that before treatment you must undergo diagnostics and establish an accurate diagnosis!

Swelling is an accumulation of fluid, the localization of which is soft tissue. Swelling of the leg is a sign of the development of the disease; below the knee is a common phenomenon, especially in older people. Young people who experience certain pathologies are no exception. Why does swelling occur in the area below the knee?

Main reasons

Swelling and redness of the leg below the knee are caused by various reasons, which trigger the mechanism of swelling. Both the left and right legs may swell. In medicine, there are reasons for such symptoms:

leg sprains; ligamentous tears (tear); injury; fracture; bone cracks; joint diseases; vein pathologies.

Sprained ligaments and bruised leg

The cause of leg swelling can be a bruise, sprain or fracture. It is almost impossible to prevent such injuries, but when they occur, swelling is the initial symptom that occurs after hemorrhage under the skin.

For many victims, swelling does not make them want to go to the doctor, but it can be a sign of a serious injury, which, if left untreated, can cause negative consequences.

It is very easy to get sprained and ruptured ankle ligaments; all you need to do is slip on ice or trip and fall unsuccessfully. In addition to such a symptom as swelling of the leg below the knee, spraining is characterized by the following symptoms:

The affected ligaments hurt. The presence of a crunch at the time of injury indicates bone damage or complete rupture of ligaments.

Removing the cause of swelling and treating a sprain should first involve applying a cold compress, followed by pressure bandage. Do not apply a cold compress to skin that is not protected. Therefore, you must first put a towel or gauze on the affected area, and then apply cold. By carrying out this initial treatment, you can quickly get rid of swelling and pain.

A day after the injury, if the pain and swelling of the leg below the knee are not eliminated, you need to apply heat (a heating pad) or take a hot bath. Heat compresses promote blood circulation and relaxation.

In case of a bruise (foot, knee, ankle), swelling and redness of the leg below the knee occurs when there is interstitial hemorrhage, which is observed when damaged small vessels. If your leg is swollen, whether left or right, and redness occurs, you should not neglect going to the doctor, as this can cause negative consequences.

Symptoms of a bruised leg include: the affected area hurts, the leg swells, and in some cases, a hematoma occurs. Sometimes the affected area may lose functionality, but with timely treatment these symptoms can be avoided.

Initially, eliminating the cause of swelling and the treatment process involves applying a cold compress to eliminate swelling and hematoma. No less effective traditional treatment, which involves the use of herbs and preparations based on natural ingredients.

Fracture and crack of bone

Getting a leg fracture below the knee is also quite easy, just like a bruise or sprain, only the force of impact should be higher. The symptoms will be similar for these injuries: the leg below the knee swells, pain syndrome, which occurs immediately after injury, deformation of the damaged area. With a displaced fracture, one can note the passage of a bone fragment through skin covering.

Symptoms of swelling of the leg below the knee always occur with a fracture. Why is this happening? This is observed due to disruption of blood flow and lymph outflow. Swelling almost always occurs when there is a fracture in the area of ​​the foot and ankle. In these places, the edematous manifestation is more noticeable, and when a bone is fractured, it takes longer to heal due to the greater loads on this section.

As soon as the doctor removes the cast from the affected area, you may notice that the leg swells and a feeling of muscle stiffness occurs. In this case, such a manifestation does not require treatment, because with the gradual restoration of blood vessels and improvement of blood circulation, we can talk about its independent disappearance.

In severe cases of injury, if damage has occurred not only to tissues, but also to ligaments, large swelling is observed, which is accompanied by severe pain. In this case, eliminating the cause of swelling and treatment will be more painstaking and lengthy. If the swelling is large, this may indicate the presence of pinching of one of the main arteries. In this case, treatment with gymnastics, massage and ointments will be ineffective.

In others, not like that difficult cases, to relieve swelling, the doctor prescribes the use of ointments (Troxevasin, Ichthyolova, etc.). Physiotherapeutic procedures are also carried out.

The leg also swells in the event of a bone crack, that is, an “incomplete fracture,” when there is an incomplete violation of the integrity of the bone. Pain syndrome occurs. Treatment in this case will be no less serious than in case of a fracture. Therefore, it is forbidden to buy medications on your own, without consulting a specialist.

Elimination of the cause of swelling and treatment of a crack in the leg bone below the knee should be carried out in conjunction with providing the victim with complete rest. Basically, treatment consists of applying a plaster cast to the damaged area. Additional means uses medicines which contain calcium and vitamins.

Psoriatic arthritis and varicose veins

No less rarely, swelling is a symptom of psoriatic arthritis, which is characterized by its asymmetry, that is, covering only one limb. The area most susceptible to pathology is the foot. Edema may also be accompanied by deforming arthrosis, which affects one leg.

Where does the name psoriatic arthritis come from? This is explained by the fact that the disease has symptoms of both psoriasis and arthritis. Psoriatic arthritis occurs against the background of psoriasis.

In addition to swelling, the psoriatic form of arthritis is accompanied by pain in the joint area, which initial stage the development of the disease may not occur. There is also redness of the skin, increased local temperature, pain when walking, the occurrence of morning stiffness, symptoms of psoriasis (plaques on the skin). It can be noted that it is impossible to completely cure such a pathology, but it is quite possible to alleviate its course. Necessary treatment prescribed by a doctor based on each specific case.

With existing varicose veins, swelling can be asymmetrical, that is, with manifestation only on one limb.

How to eliminate swelling by using folk remedies?

If there is redness of the skin and the legs hurt due to swelling, treatment with folk remedies is recommended:

Parsley and juniper have a diuretic effect. These components can be used to make a decoction or eat throughout the day. Flax seeds help reduce swelling and improve metabolic processes in organism. Field clover also helps reduce swelling. You can make a decoction from the plant. Pumpkin has diuretic effect. You can make pumpkin juice by drinking it throughout the day. You can also prepare a drink using lemon, cucumber and carrot juice. It has a diuretic effect. A drink with mint added is no less useful. You need to do it like this: add crushed leaves of the plant in the amount of two tablespoons to 250 ml of boiling water. Use throughout the day.

To prevent redness and swelling of the extremities, it is important to follow preventive measures, which consist of limiting high loads on the lower extremities, as well as maintaining a rest regime. Preventive gymnastics is no less useful. If the first discomfort appears, it is better to go to the hospital than to deal with complications later.

If your leg is swollen for no apparent reason, these may be reasons hidden in the development of diseases, since in some cases the inflammatory process can occur in one leg, spreading to the other over time. This is why it is important to contact a specialist.

With a prolonged increase in blood glucose, trophic changes occur on the skin, which can be manifested by the appearance of red spots. Lack of treatment for such manifestations can lead to the development of trophic ulcers or infectious skin lesions.

Red spots on the legs in people with diabetes often become an unpleasant surprise. The appearance of the first signs of skin diseases makes you think about the question: how to treat redness on the lower leg in diabetes? It is known that changes in soft tissues can have serious consequences.

Why does redness occur on the lower leg?

Changes in the skin are associated with long-term increase blood sugar Skin manifestations observed in people with diabetes for at least 5 years. Typically, progression of trophic lesions occurs with decompensation of the disease.

A long-term persistent increase in sugar levels disrupts metabolism and promotes the accumulation of under-oxidized products in the blood. It shifts the constancy internal environment on the sour side. Even a slight deviation in acidity slows down the binding of cellular receptors to insulin. As a result, free insulin and glucose accumulate in the blood. And in cells the activity of respiratory enzymes decreases. Circulatory failure develops in the tissues, which is called ischemia.

Chronic ischemia leads to impaired nerve conduction (neuropathy), fragility of the vascular wall (angiopathy) and a nonspecific inflammatory process. Inflammation causes redness, discomfort and burning of the skin. A increased content sugar is a good breeding ground for opportunistic microorganisms living on the skin.

As a rule, redness provokes severe itching of the skin. The patient mindlessly scratches the pathological areas. At the site of abrasions, wounds, cracks and ulcers form. Inflammation heals long time, which is associated with high levels of blood carbohydrates.

Diabetic dermatoses

The group of dermatoses includes diseases that occur against the background of diabetes mellitus. They appear as spots, blisters and ulcers. To such skin diseases include:

  • diabetic dermopathy;
  • diabetic blisters;
  • necrobiosis lipoidica;
  • xanthomatosis;
  • papillary pigmentary dystrophy of the skin;
  • acanthosis nigricans;
  • diabetic atherosclerosis.

Skin manifestations are the result of severe soft tissue damage. With absence specific treatment Irreversible changes occur, leading to amputation of the foot. According to WHO statistics, 70% of all foot amputations are performed on people with diabetes. Moreover, 75% of them could have been avoided with timely contact with the attending physician.

Diabetic dermopathy

The pathology is associated with increased fragility of the vascular wall. Blood cells penetrate from capillaries into the intercellular space. The disease is characterized by the appearance brown spots rounded on the skin of the legs. The skin over the affected areas is dry, thinned, and flaky.

Diabetic blisters

A specific symptom of the disease is the appearance of blisters and spots on the lower third of the leg. Bubbles can merge with each other. The skin feels like a burn. Without secondary infection, the disease does not cause discomfort. It disappears on its own without treatment after 3–4 weeks.

Necrobiosis lipoidica

A rare complication. Women suffer more often. The disease is characterized by the appearance of large bluish-red spots on the legs. As the disease progresses, plaques appear that rise above the surface of the skin. In the center, the plaques become yellow-brown in color. Over time they become ulcerated.


The disease occurs in people who have increased level cholesterol in the blood. It appears as a yellow rash surrounded by a red halo. Rashes are observed on the legs and other parts of the body.

Papillary pigmentary dystrophy of the skin

The pathology is common in people who are overweight. It is observed in the form of large brown spots that cover the skin of the lower extremities, neck, groin folds and armpits.

Acanthosis nigricans

The disease is extremely rare. Characterized by the distribution of small, merging black spots. More often affected popliteal region. The skin may be itchy, flaky, and smell unpleasant.

Diabetic atherosclerosis

With this pathology, scaly wounds on the skin and muscle pain. The pain intensifies when walking and disappears with rest.

What are the risks of impaired skin trophism in diabetes?

Skin lesions often accompany atherosclerosis. The combined influence of angiopathy, neuropathy and atherosclerosis leads to the development of heart attacks, strokes, thromboembolism, purulent-necrotic processes and sepsis. Such complications cause death.

Late complications of diabetes can occur at any age. Only the experience and stage of the disease matter. The risk group for the occurrence of dermatoses includes:

  • aged people;
  • obese persons;
  • patients who neglect the rules of personal hygiene.

Even the smallest wound on the skin can pose a serious threat to the health of a diabetic.

Treatment of redness of the skin of the legs in diabetes

The main thing in treatment is to lower blood sugar levels. High glycemia, even with the systematic use of drug therapy, will not have the desired effect. Reducing glucose levels is achieved by taking glucose-lowering drugs or insulin prescribed by an endocrinologist.

It is important to follow a diet. Right balanced diet will reduce your carbohydrate load. It is the diet that helps maintain lasting results of treatment. The calorie content of food, as well as the dosage of insulin, is prescribed by the doctor individually. Persistent compensation of the disease prevents the occurrence late complications diabetes

However, if skin changes occur, treatment is required. Therapy is prescribed depending on clinical manifestations pathological process. The main groups of drugs are:

  • local antibacterial agents (Erythromycin or Tetracycline ointment);
  • antifungal drugs (Ketoconazole, Itraconazole, Fluconazole);
  • local antimicrobial agents (Metrogil gel);
  • antihistamines (Suprastin, Diazolin);
  • hormonal drugs (Prednisolone ointment).

Systemic antibiotics are prescribed by the attending physician after examination and determination of individual sensitivity. Antihistamines and hormonals medicines eliminate swelling, irritation, itching and soreness of soft tissues. Antifungal and antimicrobial drugs fight opportunistic microflora that penetrate the skin.

But the main place is occupied by the prevention of complications. Don't forget about regular hygiene procedures. When bathing, you should use soap that contains a minimum amount of dyes and additives. Washing your hands multiple times throughout the day prevents the spread of infection. After a shower, it is advisable to use moisturizing body lotions. They soften and moisturize the skin, which prevents it from peeling. Occasional use antifungal ointments on the skin of the feet becomes a high-quality prevention of fungal infections.

Redness of the legs below the knees is one of the unpleasant symptoms that may indicate harmless mechanical damage to the skin, or serious pathologies. If the redness does not go away for several days, increases or burns, you need to contact the clinic and find out an accurate diagnosis.

External causes of redness of the legs

Mechanical factors causing redness foot skin:

  1. Clothing made from materials that irritate the skin: tight trousers or tights. Some materials prevent air circulation.
  2. Uncomfortable or very tight shoes lead to tired feet at the end of the day, reddening, and calluses appearing on them.
  3. Depilation causes minor scratches of the epidermis, which lead to the appearance of red spots, hyperemia, and itching.
  4. Insect bites sometimes cause itchy spots (like the photo on the right). A person scratches the skin, increasing the risk of infection of the wound.
  5. Hygiene products or topical medications can cause allergies. The main task is to stop contacting the allergen.

Symptoms of irritation are eliminated with antihistamines or special anti-inflammatory ointments.

Internal causes of redness of the legs

Infectious inflammation

Infectious inflammation of the lower extremities is treated with antibiotics

Sometimes the skin turns red and burns due to an infectious lesion, which occurs when the immune system is weakened (as in the photo). For example, erysipelas affects bottom part legs. The inflamed area becomes bright red, the local temperature rises, swelling, itching and painful sensations. Severe disease leads to skin peeling, painful blisters and ulcers that take a long time to heal. After recovery, noticeable marks remain.

If the leg below the knee is red, additional symptoms are taken into account to determine a treatment strategy. You may need to take antibiotics or antipyretics. If there are no blisters on the skin, topical treatment should not be used.

Treatment infectious disease, which manifests itself on the legs, requires mandatory consultation with a doctor.

Mycosis of the feet

Mycosis is fungal infection skin. Pathogenic bacteria affect the feet and fingers, after which inflammation develops.

The main symptoms of mycosis:

  • painful cracks in the skin;
  • bubbles;
  • Diaper rash.

The skin of the feet peels and falls off. In place of the blisters, purulent ulcers appear. Antifungal ointments are needed that exfoliate damaged skin. Special preparations suppress pathogenic bacteria and improve foot condition.

Thrombophlebitis and varicose veins

If your leg below the knee suddenly turns red, there is a risk of developing thrombophlebitis and varicose veins. Vascular pathologies lead to inflammatory processes and the appearance of blood clots. If blood clots do not dissolve and blood circulation is not normalized, there may be a risk of death.

At varicose veins veins there is a change in the area near the vein: redness, swelling, itching, painful sensations. Even palpation causes pain.

Diseases associated with blood vessels and veins require special attention.

Herpetic lesion of the leg

Herpes affects nerve fibers. Blisters with liquid appear on the legs. Until this moment, there is pain in the direction of the inflamed nerve, an increase in temperature, and a deterioration in general well-being. Drug therapy and physiotherapeutic procedures are necessary.

Principles of treatment

To assign effective treatment, take into account the causes of redness on the legs below the knee.

Joint diseases

Anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors, and glucocorticoids are used. In severe cases, surgery is performed.

For gout associated with joint diseases, prescribe substances to reduce the reabsorption of uric acid in the renal tubules and improve metabolic processes. It is recommended to avoid purine foods.

Care should be taken to take selected medications, normalize nutrition and metabolism to improve the functionality of the leg joints.

Heart, veins, arteries

Venous insufficiency requires blood thinners

If redness of the leg occurs due to an outflow disorder venous blood, strengthening the tone of the veins of the lower extremities, thinning the blood, and wearing orthopedic products is required. In rare cases, surgery is prescribed.

In diseases related to the arteries and heart, redness and swelling of the leg below the knees is considered a late sign. Self-medication will not help, your health will worsen without medical help.


For inflammation and redness of the leg, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist. An advanced form with complications indicates the need to consult a surgeon and cardiologist. Doctors prescribe antibiotics and anti-inflammatory and antihistamine drugs to strengthen blood vessels and eliminate symptoms.

An addition to the main treatment is traditional medicine. Swelling during erysipelas is removed by black and red elderberry, which is poured with water, boiled for about 15 minutes and left for up to 2 hours.


Sometimes, due to various diseases or as a result of fatigue, redness and swelling of the legs appear. Most often, this symptom may indicate a serious pathology, so it should not be ignored. Moreover, you should not self-medicate. At the first signs of trouble, you need to contact a specialist who will find out the reason why your legs swell and change color, and will also help you decide on treatment for the disease.

Causes and provoking factors

Let us examine in more detail in what cases swelling of the lower extremities and redness occurs:

  1. Gout or arthritis. In addition to redness and swelling, these diseases are accompanied by pain in small and large joints and limited range of motion in them. When palpated in acute period there is pain when pressed. For treatment, you should contact a rheumatologist.
  2. Acute stage of phlebitis or thrombophlebitis. Manifests itself in the form of damage to the superficial or internal veins. The patient complains of pain varying intensity. These conditions require immediate contact with an angiosurgeon or phlebologist.
  3. The legs may become swollen and red when the nerves in the spine are pinched. Disorders in the lower extremities are usually caused by vertebral deformities or hernias in the lumbosacral region. The patient notes an increase or decrease in local temperature, impaired sensitivity up to the development of paresis.
  4. Diseases of the heart and arteries. Often, severe disturbances in the functioning of the heart muscle lead to the appearance of edema in the legs, which are first localized in the distal parts and then spread upward. Changes in the form of redness and swelling occur due to abnormalities in the structure of the arterial vessels. This is how angiopathy often manifests itself when sugar metabolism is disturbed.
  5. Redness of the leg develops very clearly with erysipelas, the cause of which is hemolytic streptococcus. The disease often occurs in the final stages venous stagnation and can be localized on different parts body, but is mainly recorded on the legs. A complication of erysipelas is not only swelling along with redness, but also the development of an abscess, thrombophlebitis, and impaired outflow of lymphatic fluid.

Features of treatment

Swelling and redness of the legs are not independent disease, but act as symptoms of other ailments. Therefore, treatment is prescribed only by a specialist and directly depends on the cause of the disorder.

Joint diseases

Joint diseases can be controlled by taking anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors, and sometimes glucocorticoids must be used. In advanced cases it is used surgery . For gout, it is recommended to take substances that reduce the reabsorption of uric acid in the renal tubules and increase its excretion in the urine. An important role in this pathology is played by following a diet with maximum limitation of purine products.

You can cleanse joints using traditional methods using a recipe with rice. To do this, two large spoons of cereal are thoroughly washed and then filled with water in a liter container. The cereal should be left overnight, then the rice should be washed again and put on fire. When the water boils, remove the rice from the heat, rinse and boil again. Repeat four times, then rinse and eat rice in pure form without adding salt or oil. After taking the drug, you must refrain from eating for four hours. Repeat every morning on an empty stomach for one and a half months.

Heart, veins and arteries

In hospital conditions, red spots of the lower extremities, resulting from impaired venous outflow, are treated by taking means to strengthen the tone of the veins and thin the blood. The patient is recommended to wear special jersey. In some cases, surgical treatment is successfully performed.

For diseases associated with arteries and heart disease, you should contact qualified doctors. The fact is that with such deviations, swelling in the legs is a rather late sign, and no self-medication will help in this case, and the condition will only worsen.

Most traditional medicine recipes recommend the use of horse chestnut as a preventative and remedy with varicose veins. You can use tree bark, flowers or fruits for this purpose. For a compress, take several chestnuts, which are ground into a fine powder. A large spoon of the resulting raw material is mixed with a similar volume of crushed bark, and a glass of red wine is added. This remedy is infused for three days, and then added to it olive oil(0.5 liters). The mixture is placed on low heat and brought to readiness by evaporating the wine. The finished drug is used externally as a lotion.


Legs that are red as a result of erysipelas are usually treated by a dermatologist. The advanced form and the presence of complications require consultation with surgeons and cardiologists. Drug treatment consists of the use of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. It is also necessary to take antihistamines and medications in combination to strengthen the vascular wall.

Swelling in this inflammatory process can be relieved with folk remedies, but we should not forget about the main treatment. For therapy, it is recommended to take fresh branches and leaves of elderberry (black and red), fill them with water so that it slightly covers the raw material. Put it all on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes. Then leave for two hours. At the same time, prepare half a glass of unwashed millet and egg white, stir and crush them until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Apply the resulting product to the sore spot, and wrap a piece of cloth soaked in the broth on top. Keep the compress all night, and then wash it off with the remaining broth.

When the legs turn red and swell, this usually indicates that not all is well in the body. In this case, only a quick request for help and adequate treatment will lead to a positive result.