Sick leave for a broken arm or leg. Fractures and injuries: how sick leave is paid if the injury is domestic

Leg injury resulting from an accident, fall, accident, misfortune sports training, is associated for the victim not only with physical consequences. Pain, frustration, and limited movement are complemented by the inability to perform work duties to the required extent. This situation requires a break from work and dedicating the freed time to treatment, rest and rehabilitation. The period of incapacity for work is regulated and must be paid by the employer in accordance with the law.

The length of sick leave for an ankle fracture is one of the most common in everyday life and at work, depending on the degree of complexity, time spent in the hospital, the success of treatment and the health consequences of the injury.

Acceptable periods of sick leave for a fracture

After the fact of a leg fracture is recorded by a doctor in a medical institution, the victim is issued a certificate of incapacity for work. Its initial validity period and subsequent renewals are subject to federal law RF No. 255-FZ. First, the patient is relieved of the need to attend work for 10 days. This period begins from the day the patient contacts the doctor.

In situations where a timely visit to the clinic or calling a doctor at home was impossible, it is possible to issue sick leave retroactively - when the first day of incapacity for work is officially established several days earlier.

This procedure protects the victim from possible sanctions at work: a reprimand for being late or registration of absenteeism.

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How many days you will be officially disabled after suffering a broken ankle depends on the severity of the damage suffered and the type of subsequent treatment. In the first hours, doctors perform an examination, determine the type of injury and the condition of the surrounding tissues. Then the question of the need for surgical or conservative treatment. IN the latter case The bone fragments are repositioned and the damaged joint is rigidly fixed.

The general period of sick leave for an ankle fracture includes:

  • period of hospitalization;
  • the time during which the fracture heals and the person regains the ability to independently
  • rehabilitation period.

For persons passing clinical treatment in other cities, the period of sick leave includes the time required to get to the place of work. On average, complete fusion of bone fragments in the absence of complications and proper immobilization occurs within 3–7 weeks. The rate of tissue regeneration is influenced by several factors:

  • type of fracture: presence or absence of displacement, fragmentation, open injuries, ligament ruptures;
  • age of the patient: in young people, fractures heal faster;
  • Availability systemic diseases and metabolic disorders;
  • the content of phosphorus, calcium and other minerals in the body;
  • diet: accelerates regeneration varied diet with enough protein.

After formation callus and removing the fixing bandage, the doctor conducts a control examination. The condition of the joint is judged by x-rays, its ability to bend and absorb shock. Most patients cannot walk normally, much less work fully, after several weeks of being in a cast. To eliminate stiffness, pain and return all functions of the limb, special developmental gymnastics, physiotherapy, and massage are required. As a rule, sick leave provides for this additional period in 14 days, for .

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On average, sick leave for ankle fractures is 21–45 days. With displacements, large quantities fragments – 50–95 days.

Extension of sick leave

Restoration of working capacity does not always occur in minimum terms. Extension of the certificate of incapacity for work is provided for:

  • in case of complicated fractures;
  • after improper fusion of joint fragments;
  • in case of infection;
  • exacerbation of an existing chronic disease.

If situations develop in which returning to work in deadlines impossible, sick leave is extended.

The attending physician does this if it is necessary to prescribe rehabilitation and in case of re-hospitalization of the patient during the period of home treatment.

If the patient's disability continues a long period as a result of the development of complications, the issue of extending sick leave is decided by a medical and social expert commission (MSEC). Depending on the characteristics of the injury, type professional activity sick person, exemption from duties due to health reasons may last for several months. Period allowed by law continuous flow sick leave - 120 days. IN emergency situations this period can be extended for another 120 days.

The maximum period of sick leave extended by MSEC is 240 days. If the resulting injury prevents the patient from starting work after the specified period, the patient may be assigned a temporary disability group after a meeting of the commission. In the case of an ankle fracture, this scenario is most likely if the victim’s activities involve severe physical labor. Sometimes, to provide the necessary social assistance for disability, the patient is transferred after the first 120 days have expired.

Registration process

Sick leave completed on paper at the clinic. In a special form indicate:

  • Name medical institution;
  • Full name, date of birth, position and place of work of the patient;
  • reason for incapacity for work: a note about the injury indicating any complications;
  • information on the appointment of MSEC and its conclusion;
  • date of opening and end of the period of incapacity for work.

If the patient has violated the hospital regime or failed to show up for the next appointment, doctors will mark the appropriate field.

The patient receives the document, certified by the signatures of doctors and the seal of the medical institution, at the clinic and transfers it to the personnel department of his company for calculating benefits. It is advisable to do this on the first day of going to work. The HR specialist fills out the required block of the sheet, in which he indicates:

  • TIN and SNILS numbers of the owner;
  • average earnings;
  • insurance experience;
  • the number of days for which the employee is due payment of benefits;
  • work start date.

This part of the document is certified by the signatures of the chief accountant and the head of the enterprise.

Within a period of up to 6 months after registration, the document is sent by management to the fund department social insurance to reimburse expenses incurred for sick leave. In cases permitted by law, a certificate of incapacity for work is issued electronically.

Not only current employees, but also those who have recently resigned have the right to register sick leave and transfer it to the company for payment. If the disability occurs within 30 days of the date of dismissal, the employee is entitled to receive payment.

Nuances when applying for sick leave at pre-retirement age

Damage to a limb in adulthood, especially a few months before a person reaches retirement age, can be fraught with many problems. Injuries to the ligamentous apparatus at the level of the wrist or a displaced fracture of the diaphysis can put you out of action for a long time. Further full performance of duties in the service is in question. Slow tissue fusion in old age also plays a role. Often main question V similar situation- without unnecessary problems issue in a timely manner due pension according to age and go on a well-deserved rest.

For this purpose, the employee can take advantage of the opportunities provided by law:

  • take another leave after the expiration of the period of incapacity, and then again consult a doctor about the injury received, this gives the right to receive a new sick leave;
  • go to work for several days or weeks, if possible, to do any feasible work, then seek medical help again.

A similar method of prolonging incapacity for work is also used by those workers who do not feel sufficiently recovered.

How is sick leave paid?

According to federal law, all employees are entitled to payment of temporary disability benefits, for whom contributions from the employer go to the Social Insurance Fund. A guarantee of receiving monetary compensation is the presentation of a correctly executed sick leave certificate before its expiration.

The accounting department of the enterprise is responsible for calculating benefits. Sickness benefits are calculated based on:

  • work experience;
  • average daily wage;
  • quantities calendar days, falling during the period of incapacity;
  • presence of violations of the hospital regime.

As with other diseases, in the event of a broken limb, the patient receives temporary release from work. A sick leave certificate is issued, according to which the patient receives compensation from his superiors for temporary disability. In the form, the attending physician indicates the necessary data: exact diagnosis, estimated recovery time, etc. In this case, recovery time is determined individually, depending on the injury received and its complexity.

Key Features

In case of a broken leg, a sick leave document is issued for 10 days, with the possibility of extension by decision of a special commission. On average, treatment time is approx. three months, much depends on the complexity of the fracture. So, if the case is particularly severe, the medical commission may consider the option of obtaining a disability group for the patient. If the patient has accident insurance, he has the right to use it and receive additional benefits. In this case, it will be necessary to provide a list of documents to the relevant authorities.

If a person breaks a finger or toe, this is also a factor for issuing sick leave. In this case, a medical document takes on average 30-35 days. The period is determined individually for each person and depends on the type and complexity of the injury. According to statistics, most susceptible to fractures thumb. In some cases, surgical intervention may be required. Then a sick leave certificate after the operation is issued by a medical commission. Validity medical document may be extended if there are compelling reasons.

Fractured ribs

When the ribs receive severe physical damage, it becomes difficult for a person to breathe. Every breath and exhalation can be accompanied by severe pain. This may indicate a fracture of one or more ribs. To establish accurate diagnosis You need to take an x-ray of the affected area of ​​the body. If the results of the image show that one rib is broken, the doctor may prescribe outpatient treatment.

If two or more ribs are fractured, treatment is possible only in a medical facility. Bone fusion is individual for each patient and takes on average about one and a half to two months. A sick leave certificate is issued by a doctor for the entire period of the patient’s healing, including the rehabilitation period.

Broken arm

In case of a broken arm, sick leave is issued for 10 days. After an accurate diagnosis, the period increases to one month. The patient is considered temporarily disabled for two months from the moment of the limb fracture. Medical commission has the right to extend the patient’s stay on sick leave up to 120 days inclusive. In case of particularly severe injuries, the patient may be granted disability.

Usually, the extension of the validity of sick leave is issued by the commission without any problems. Especially if the radius is broken. This is a typical injury, one of the most common. This and other types of fractures are determined using x-ray. If the fracture is a closed type, the bones are set in their natural position and secured with plaster to avoid displacement. The bones heal within 4-5 weeks after the plaster is applied. However, it may take time for a person to return to full life, since the entire healing period the hand is in a stationary position, the muscles atrophy somewhat.

If the fracture radius open, in this case it is impossible to do without the intervention of a surgeon. During the operation, anesthesia is applied, bone fragments are removed from the patient, and the displacement is eliminated. The bones are secured using special plates and knitting needles. Typically, recovery from an open fracture takes longer than from a closed one. On average, the time for complete healing of the patient is about 2-2.5 months. A sick leave certificate is issued by the attending physician for precisely this period. Of course, the timing is determined individually, and, if necessary, sick leave can be extended until full recovery patient.


Regardless of the type and complexity of the fracture, the victim in any case receives the right to sick leave payments. The amount of payments is calculated for each individual and depends on several factors: total length of service, salary amount and others. The employer is legally obligated to pay a set amount of funds within the time period allotted for this operation.

Trauma is damage that results in destruction of anatomical integrity or physiological functions human organs and tissues. Trauma occurs eventually external influence on the human body.


By agent type

Depending on what caused the injury, injuries are divided into:

REFERENCE! Any competent doctor, in order to accurately establish a diagnosis and prescribe correct treatment, must know the classification of injuries.

By number and type of injuries

By this criterion injuries are divided into:

  • simple;
  • combined.

A simple injury occurs when exposed to just one damaging factor. Combined injury appears due to a combination of a number of damaging factors.

By degree of isolation

Injuries happen:

  • single (isolated);
  • multiple;
  • combined.

In a single injury, only one organ is damaged. With multiple, damage occurs to two and more organs. When combined, damage occurs to organs of several body systems.

By severity

Depending on the severity of injuries, they are divided into:

  • lungs(bruises, sprains);
  • moderate severity(dislocations, fractures of fingers);
  • heavy(concussion, hip perforation).

ATTENTION! In cases of severe injuries, significant damage to the victim’s body is observed. In this situation, the victim is urgently hospitalized.

At the place of occurrence

Injuries according to this criterion are:

Read more about injuries at home

Domestic trauma is one of the most common. According to Russian labor law, This physical damage to health received by a citizen at home due to for any reason, except for a work-related accident.

These injuries may include accidents that cause temporary disability, occurring during free time from work due to careless behavior of the victim. This case possible at home, on the street, or on public transport.

Injuries at home most often occur due to the fact that during non-working hours, most of the population rests and does not follow safety rules.

Duration of the ballot in different cases

The length of time on the bulletin in the case of fractures and other domestic injuries may vary. Everything determines the nature of the damage, as well as the method of treatment. But it must not be forgotten that the maximum of any sick leave is three weeks, its further extension is only by decision of the medical commission.


Amounts that were not subject to insurance premiums are excluded from the calculation of average earnings. Average daily earnings (ADW) are calculated from the total wages for two years.

The insurance period is the period of time during which the employee is insured. In most cases, this is the period of work under an employment contract.

The amount is calculated using the formula:

Payment amount per day = SDZ % of length of service.

To calculate SDZ you need the formula: SDZ = SD for two years: 730

The employer pays from his own funds only the first three days, further, the sick leave benefit is paid from the Social Insurance Fund.

In what cases are the minimum wages based?

The ballot is calculated and paid based on the minimum wage:

  • When the employee did not work for any period of the estimated two years.
  • When the victim received a domestic injury while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or while under the influence of psychotropic drugs.

When do you need a certificate from your previous place of employment?

If at the time of the billing period the employee was working for another employer, then all the income that he received from him must be taken into account when calculating the amount of payment (Part 1 of Article 14 of the Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ, paragraph 6 of the Regulations approved by the Government Decree dated June 15, 2007 No. 375). But only if the employee provides a certificate of income from his previous place of work.

Application for change of period

In a situation where one or both accounting years fall simultaneously during maternity leave or parental leave, all these periods can be replaced. This is beneficial to the employee if the replacement significantly increases the amount of benefits. The employee has the right to ask to replace one year or even two that are needed for calculation.

According to the law the employer does not have the opportunity to refuse the employee to receive increased monetary compensation. Since the employer does not have the right to change the payroll period without permission, the employee must write a statement.

IMPORTANT! There is no single template for an application to change the billing period. It can be written by hand or printed on a computer.

The application must contain three points:

  1. At the beginning, you must indicate information about the organization, as well as about the applicant.
  2. In the main part, write a request to change the billing period.
  3. At the end, list the attached documents (if any), date and sign.

The application is drawn up in two copies.

If maternity leave or child care leave fell for only one year of the calculation period, the requirement to replace both years is impossible. You can replace the year of the billing period in which the corresponding vacation occurred.

ATTENTION! The period within which the employer must recalculate the ballot is not established by law.

A bulletin of temporary incapacity for work is a guarantee to the employee that his workplace he will be kept and he will receive cash payment, during the period of time spent on treatment due to a domestic injury.

How long do you have sick leave after removing the plaster for a fracture?

    The length of sick leave depends on the severity of the fracture. With a normal fracture you will be given about two weeks, with complications they can last a long time. In addition, you can go to work, take a vacation, or after a while go on sick leave again. When considering the issue, attention will be paid first of all to the severity of the fracture, secondly to the type of activity of the employee, and age will also be taken into account. At physical activity At work you have a better chance of extending your sick leave.

    The surgeon or trauma surgeon has the right to hold you on sick leave for up to 6 months. I know this for sure, since my close relative works as a surgeon in a district clinic. She constantly complains that they are paid according to the number of stipends - a therapist spends two weeks on sick leave (maximum), and not from one month to six.

    After a complex fracture, patients are put in a cast on the injured limb with an Elizarov apparatus, and they walk with it for several more months.

    Often, after 2 months of wearing a cast, the muscles weaken and it takes time for everything to recover, so the amount additional days sick leave depends on the doctor himself.

    Depending on the progress of treatment, one patient may recover faster, while in another, due to many reasons, the fracture does not heal as quickly, and then they will still have to go to the treatment room and a massage will be prescribed. I knew a woman who spent 9 months on sick leave.

    But in any case, they will give you at least 15-17 days, everything is at the discretion of the doctors.

    There is an example: they wanted it after three months. after removing the plaster (the patient is still on crutches), send him straight to work, they say let the company give you leave and get treatment, we will give you a certificate stating that the employee needs leave. Reasoning that the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund prohibits them from making the unused sheets longer. I made a request to the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund and found a regulation on the procedure for issuing b/sheets. Both here and there in black and white: you have the right to be treated for up to 6 months. if, after undergoing treatment, you are able to work in the same specialty (fortunately, the position is engineering - and not a loader, I was on the job without 3 days for six months) Order of the Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation(Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia) dated June 29, 2011 624n Moscow

    After the plaster cast is removed after a fracture, it is usually prescribed for better recovery a course of physical procedures, which includes 10 procedures and their completion for two weeks, so the sick leave will be extended for this period, i.e. 2 weeks.

    If the bone has healed successfully, then they usually prescribe a course of physiotherapy to move the arm, this will take no more than 2 weeks, after which the doctor usually closes the sick leave, citing the fact that he has no right to extend it any longer.

    In most cases, sick leave for a fracture after removal of the plaster can be extended to two weeks. Since, according to the law, the doctor is no longer allowed to extend it himself.

    Of course, if there are any complications, there may be changes, that is, a commission is convened and they can extend it further, but here they look at the state of health.

    IN modern medicine Three types of plaster are used: traditional, plastic and shortened plaster cast. If we talk about traditional plaster, then, in case of successful treatment, the doctor usually extends the sick leave for another one or two weeks.

    When are more used? expensive methods (plastic plaster and a plaster cast), then the patient can use the injured limb within a few days; moreover, he is advised to exercise on special exercise equipment, walk, do simple housework, and is allowed (if desired) to go to work. All you need is to visit a doctor in a timely manner and undergo an examination. Sitting on sick leave after treatment with these methods is not necessary, unless the special goal is being pursued - not going to work longer.

    About two weeks if all is well. Can be assigned additional therapy and massage. it all depends on the patient's condition.

    Fracture and fracture are different. For some, sick leave will be extended for a couple of weeks, for others for a month. Much depends on the condition of the fused bones and the condition of the muscles. After the cast is removed, you are not immediately discharged to work. Must pass rehabilitation therapy. But they won’t intentionally extend sick leave for a long time either.

    According to the new changes, the doctor cannot independently extend the sick leave for more than 14 days, so if good healing sick leave can be extended for a maximum of this period, but if there are complications, then a commission is created where treatment will be further determined.

No one is immune from a sudden injury-fracture: whether it is an injury at work or during non-working hours. After such an unpleasant incident, the patient involuntarily asks the question - how many days is sick leave for a broken arm? It is noteworthy that its timing varies depending on the degree of injury and its type. Therefore, when applying for temporary leave due to injury, you need to be careful to follow all the rules and take into account all the features of this procedure.

It is worth noting that after fixing the fracture, the patient is given a certificate that officially confirms the patient’s temporary disability.

Sick leave for a broken arm

As a rule, a certificate confirming the fracture is issued by a traumatologist after examining the patient. In order to receive sick leave, the patient must undergo an examination that will confirm the presence of injury. All necessary procedures are provided in the hospital at your place of residence.

For example, in case of a broken arm, sick leave is initially issued for ten days, but it can be extended. By decision of the special medical commission, the time for rehabilitation can be increased by up to thirty days.

Also, temporary leave can be extended up to one hundred and twenty days. Then the patient is required to undergo an expert verification procedure based on a medical examination, which can assign him the status of a disabled person. IN otherwise, if the status is not confirmed, the patient is awaited litigation with the employer.

It is worth noting that certificates from some doctors cannot be equated to official opinions. Conclusions from:

  • the doctors emergency care;
  • hospital receptionist;
  • specialist at a private medical center.

If the patient still wants to be registered in a private medical institution, then he should first contact the clinic at his place of residence and get a certificate there, which will be considered official. Temporary leave may be extended if the patient's health condition requires it.

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Duration of sick leave

The duration of sick leave may vary depending on the patient’s condition and the severity of the injury. It is noteworthy that if a person has an insurance certificate, then he is paid compensation, which is fully or partially (depending on the conditions insurance policy) covers the costs of treatment. Insurance payment is issued if the following documents are available:

  1. Application for payment.
  2. Documents confirming the identity of the victim.
  3. Conclusion confirming the presence insured event.
  4. Insurance contract for a private person.

As for the duration of sick leave, for example, sick leave for a broken finger is issued based on the severity of the injury. But on average, the certificate states a period of 20 to 30 days. If the damage requires surgical or surgical intervention, then the period increases from 30 to 40 days.

It is noteworthy that most injuries occur in thumbs hands, and specialists most often diagnose.

Sick leave is also calculated based on the circumstances in which the injury occurred (this only applies to work-related injuries). In order to correctly interpret the presence of injury in an employee, the age of the person who received the fracture is also taken into account.

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If the patient had a fracture of the arm with or without displacement, then when applying for leave they will take into account general state patient, in which it is possible to extend the duration of treatment and rehabilitation. In some cases, temporary leave can last up to six months, and then a course of restorative procedures may be prescribed, which is likely to last for several months.

Fracture healing time and rehabilitation

As has been mentioned many times, any healing time and recovery process depend on the severity of the fracture. After removal, the doctor is required to prescribe a series of physical exercises to develop the damaged area. The duration of the procedures is calculated separately. On average, ten sessions are prescribed, which last two weeks. For this reason, the sick leave is extended by two weeks, respectively, for the entire duration of the procedures.

An injury without complications is accompanied by a general leave of two weeks. It is worth noting that the employer does not have the right to refuse leave if the employee previously took sick leave.

Thus, after sick leave and forced leave, an employee can go on work again. re-treatment. With heavy physical exertion at work, the victim is much more likely to receive an extension of treatment.

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There is a classification of the severity of injuries for which you can get leave and increase the rehabilitation period:

  • From 30 to 40 days – with closed fracture with complications without intracranial damage.
  • From 20 to 30 days – for a closed fracture without complications.
  • Up to six months - with complications.

For what kind of injury will they not be given sick leave?

As a rule, a sick leave certificate is issued for any, even minor, injuries or ailments. But there are a number of reasons why a patient may be denied leave due to injury. These include:

  1. “Fake” sick leave without illness or injury.
  2. The patient interferes or interferes with work medical institution or its staff.
  3. Upon examination, no reasons for taking leave were found.

Thus, all of the above reasons do not confirm the patient’s incapacity for work, and therefore cannot serve as a valid basis for issuing a special certificate that would confirm the presence of damage.

How is sick leave paid for a fracture?

Sick leave for a broken arm mandatory paid by the employer. For payment are respected certain rules, which are necessary when calculating the payment amount. Thus, paid sick leave in case of injury takes into account length of service and salary. Payments to the employee that were made within two years prior to the occurrence of the traumatic incident are also taken into account. Such payments include absolutely all allowances for wages, including bonuses.

The calculation of payment for medical leave is broken down into the following components:

  • amount of income (in general);
  • average employee earnings;
  • the number of days on which the employee does not go to work.

If the employee’s work experience is about eight years, he receives a payment of one hundred percent of his salary.

In addition, when calculating the amount of payment, the following factors are taken into account:

  1. Was the injury caused by alcohol or drug intoxication?
  2. Was the treatment regimen violated?
  3. Did the patient follow the prescribed recommendations during his illness?

Doctors' opinion

In case of temporary incapacity for work, the patient is obliged to receive days off, as well as an amount that could at least partially cover the treatment. If the traumatologist recorded certain complications, then the number of days spent on treatment must be increased. As mentioned above, only doctors from public clinics can officially confirm the diagnosis. Leave after injury must be at least ten days. Otherwise, the patient may insist on medical examination which will confirm or deny the presence of a fracture and complicating factors.

The first thing a patient needs to do in order to receive temporary forced leave is to undergo medical checkup. He must undergo a mandatory examination by a traumatologist, who will not only determine the severity of the fracture, but also prescribe the required course of treatment, and then determine a series of restorative procedures that will help the patient rehabilitate after such a severe injury.

After the employee returns to the workplace, the already closed sick leave is transferred to the accounting department. It is noteworthy that the already closed resolution must be sent no later than six months from the date of its execution. Thus, the employee will confirm his temporary status disabled citizen, and will also avoid a number of complaints from the authorities and the administrative department of the institution in which he works.

A fracture is an extremely unpleasant injury for both the employee and the employer. An employee who wants to receive a sick leave certificate should put first own health, and only then the opportunity to quickly return to work, so as not to lose time that will be spent on actual treatment and the rehabilitation period.