Is it possible to catch a cold in the hammam? Hamam (Turkish bath) – benefit or harm? What is hamam

Hammam is Turkish bath. She happens to be good place for relaxation and health of men and women, regardless of their age. The name hamam in translation is interpreted as dissipating steam. This type of procedure has long been famous for its benefits to the body. For those who are going to visit a Turkish bath for the first time, it will be a real discovery. But we should not forget that, along with beneficial properties, such a procedure can cause harm to people for whom it is contraindicated.

The main principle of this room is a smooth transition from moderate to high temperature, and then a uniform cooling of the temperature.

Features of the hamam

The key feature is the way the heat is supplied. A true Turkish bath has several rooms, and visitors must have free access to each of them. The differences between the rooms are in the air temperature. By evenly distributing heat, gradual warming of the body becomes possible. And this is a very great benefit for normal blood circulation and for cleansing the skin. The air temperature in this type of sauna varies from 35 to 55 degrees. This temperature is the most optimal for healing the entire body, maintaining all its organs and systems in normal condition.

An undeniable advantage Turkish bath The air humidity at which it becomes easier to breathe is considered. This indicator can reach a maximum, this is beneficial for the body, with the help of such conditions it can relax completely and get complete rest.

What procedures are performed in the hammam?

All manipulations carried out in a real Turkish bath can be called true rituals; they have been created for centuries. When a visitor comes inside, the first room on his way is the “cold” room. The temperature in it is moderate, this allows the body to gradually get used to the warmth. After being in this room, a trip to the steam room will follow. Here the bathhouse attendant first of all pours hot water, cleanses the skin by performing a kind of Turkish peeling.

This is followed by a healing and relaxing massage. A special feature of this procedure is that the visitor is first rubbed liquid soap so that the body is completely covered with foam. Sometimes a person may feel some discomfort during a massage, but usually such a procedure is performed only by qualified professionals, so you should not worry about uncomfortable sensations, massage is aimed at relieving tension and improving health.

After the massage has been performed, the visitor will undergo a bath by the bathhouse attendant, after which he will return to the “cold” room. You can already relax there and drink green tea. But it is important to remember that this type of procedure has its own benefits and harms, its own contraindications, which you should definitely familiarize yourself with.

The benefits of visiting a Turkish bath

This type of body warming brings undeniable health benefits. Among all the aspects, the following stand out:

  • Hamam has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. It is cleaned both outside and inside. Happening complete cleansing pores, disappear small rashes and irritation, dead cells are removed, and new ones are more actively produced. The skin breathes and is saturated with oxygen. With the help of hammam you can achieve a rejuvenation effect;
  • The hammam helps stabilize weight (with one visit to the sauna you can lose up to two kilograms). This happens because the procedures help speed up metabolism, and humidity and temperature enhance the effect of the diet;
  • blood circulation and cardiovascular system function improves;
  • Great benefits of the bath for the musculoskeletal system. Hammam helps get rid of salt deposits, rheumatism, arthritis after just a few visits;
  • it becomes possible to get rid of chronic diseases respiratory system, for example, chronic bronchitis;
  • Hamam has great benefits for the nervous system; it helps eliminate insomnia and irritability through complete relaxation.

The harm of a Turkish bath

This type of bath can cause harm to those people for whom it is contraindicated. And not all people can attend these procedures. Contraindications include:

  • period of bearing a child;
  • skin diseases of an infectious nature - increased humidity and temperature cause harm, so illnesses can begin to progress;
  • hypertension;
  • asthma – moisture can cause harm and trigger an attack;
  • mental disorders;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system in acute stage;
  • serious diseases of the respiratory system.

Hot steam has a beneficial effect on human body. Over the centuries, different cultures have developed their own way of vaping. And if not everyone can withstand real Russian steam, then anyone will feel comfortable in a Turkish hammam.

What is hamam

Turkish hammam is a special type of bath. The main difference from a Russian steam room or Finnish sauna is that it is more low temperature air in the steam room. In this case, the humidity, on the contrary, is 100 percent. When you are in a room where hammam conditions are created, an amazing feeling appears. It's like you're sitting in a warm rain cloud and breathing water.

It is the softness of the steam that makes the procedure safer than warming the body at the very high temperature of a real bath, sauna, or even a Japanese ofuro. The air temperature in the hammam ranges from 30° to 65° maximum, and it is perfectly tolerated by those sissies who succumb to the heat of the national Russian steam room. The combination of high humidity and comfortable average temperature explains the benefits of hammam.

Easterners have a special attitude towards hammam. In the old days, it was customary to spend most of the day in the hammam. Many came here in the morning and left late in the evening. Communication and relaxing pleasant procedures turned the hammam into an analogue of a modern SPA salon and social club. Both women and men could go there. Moreover, if the husband forbade his wife to bathe in the hammam, a legal reason for divorce arose.

Features of steam in the hammam

Steam is supplied to the hammam in a special way. Moreover, if we are talking about a real Turkish bath, then it should be equipped with several rooms. Each room has its own temperature. In the main hall it changes from the periphery to the center, so you can choose the appropriate sector and sit there. Moving from room to room, a person evenly warms up the body without experiencing any stress. This the best way skin health and internal organs. At the same time, there is no harm from hammam for a healthy person at all.

Thanks to the high humidity, breathing in the hammam is pleasant and easy, even in a room that is heated to the highest temperature. The body warms up gradually, smoothly. And it's not just in the air. The hammam uses special beds made of marble. The stone heats up evenly and maintains the same temperature perfectly. When a person lies down on a marble bench, the whole body heats up equally, and the stone does not burn the skin, but gives extremely pleasant sensations.

What do they do in the hammam?

Hammam is not easy useful procedure, this is a special thousand-year-old ritual. It is perfectly calibrated and has not changed for thousands of years:

The first room with warm air allows the body to get used to the change in temperature from normal to moderately elevated. Here the visitor spends about half an hour;

The second room is the steam room itself. Basic cleansing procedures are carried out here: dousing with hot water, lightly scrubbing the skin;

The third room is intended for a special type of massage, which is carried out using soap foam;

After cleansing the skin and foam massage, an oil relaxing massage follows, performed by an experienced massage therapist. The procedure will relieve muscle tension and improve internal organs;

After the massage, the visitor goes to the first relaxation room. Here everyone is offered herbal or green tea.

The benefits of hammam are enhanced by a special type of soap, scrubs, oils, face and body masks. Natural ingredients, steam and water turn all procedures not only useful, but also into a very pleasant relaxation.

Useful properties of hamam

There are undoubtedly similarities between the pairing procedures of different cultures. The beneficial properties of hammam can be called, if not unique, then very important for the body. Here are the benefits of a Turkish bath:

Removes muscle tension;

Relieves stress and insomnia, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system;

Gently warms the skin and internal organs;

Stimulates blood circulation, tones the heart and blood vessels;

Eliminates congestion in the pelvic organs and abdominal cavity;

Relieves rheumatic pain, arthritis and salt deposits;

Helps quickly get rid of the consequences of significant physical activity due to the removal of lactic acid from the muscles;

Accelerates recovery from injuries;

Cures old bronchitis;

Deeply cleanses the skin: exfoliates the stratum corneum, restores normal work sebaceous glands;

Stimulates fat breakdown processes, stimulates metabolic processes:

Rejuvenates and prolongs life.

The beneficial properties of hammam are evidenced by the fact that in just one procedure you can reduce your weight by two kilograms. Of course, only water will leave, but at the same time the processes of increased breakdown of fat cells will begin, and the effectiveness of any diet will increase. In addition, along with water, toxins that poison the blood and lymph will be removed from the body, intestinal function will be normalized, which means the immune system will be strengthened.

Cleansed skin is able to literally breathe, absorbing oxygen from the air. After the procedure, the skin begins to actively produce new cells, becomes elastic and tender, eliminates acne and certain inflammatory phenomena. In women who regularly visit the hammam, wrinkles do not appear until a very advanced age.

If there are no contraindications, hammam can be an excellent way to maintain beauty and health, and heal diseases of the spirit and body.

Who should not visit the hammam

A direct ban on placing a Turkish bath is rare, but nevertheless you should definitely be aware of the contraindications. If you have any chronic disease, you should first consult with your doctor to clarify whether thermal and wet procedures are allowed for you. Those who suffer from the following diseases will have to refuse to visit the hammam:

Fungal diseases;

Purulent lesions skin;

Dermatological diseases (psoriasis, eczema, dermatosis, etc.);


ARVI in the acute stage;

Diseases of the heart and blood vessels;

Severe mental disorders.

It is extremely undesirable to be in a humid, hot atmosphere if you have any skin disease, as its course will worsen. Warming up the body is also dangerous in the acute stage of any inflammatory process, since it overloads the heart and can provoke heart failure.

If a person suffers from severe damage to the respiratory system, then you should not risk visiting the steam room. It can trigger an asthma attack.

Irreparable harm Hamam can cause at any stage of pregnancy. Thermal procedures for a woman preparing to become a mother are contraindicated, as they can cause miscarriage or fetal pathology.

The Turkish bath has very few contraindications. Hammam can cause harm only in a certain state of the body or in the presence of chronic diseases.

All other people should definitely visit a Turkish bath at least once. This is a wonderful healing and simple pleasant procedure which gives pleasure and good mood.

Vitenevo village
Moscow region, Mytishchi district

Visit to the hamam

How to go to the hammam correctly?

Hamam (Turkish bath) is famous for its amazing abilities to heal the human body. But in order for a visit to the hammam to bring only benefits, it is worth getting acquainted in advance with how to properly carry out bath procedures.

Following traditions

According to Turkish tradition, the hammam is not only used for washing. Its main purpose is to care for the body, maintain its beauty, and also provide complete relaxation. The maximum effect can be achieved only if you follow a certain algorithm for visiting the hammam, formed over thousands of years of history. Residents of Turkey observe order unquestioningly. And this becomes one of the explanations for the amazing attractiveness of Turkish women, their bright beauty, which lasts for a long time. And also the attractiveness of Turkish men, vigorous and fresh at any time of the day.

Warm up properly

The rules for visiting a bathhouse in Turkey dictate: first you need to warm up your body. To do this, they go to the steam room, where they spend about half an hour.
The procedure is as follows. Place a sheet on a warm shelf made of marble or other natural stone and lie down on it - on your stomach. At the same time, the legs are raised slightly: the feet are placed on a rolled up towel. This enhances the effect. Not recommended sudden movements so as not to accidentally stretch the muscles: in a warm state this can happen easily.

Now you need to forget about everyday affairs and completely surrender to the relaxation process. Relaxation happens quickly. Heated air, the humidity of which is almost 100%, envelops the body, softens the throat, and moisturizes the lungs. A special diffuser for essential oils can be installed in the steam room: the steam is saturated with healing ingredients, which enhances the effect of the procedure.

The atmosphere in the hammam is special, the lighting is dim. All this contributes to relaxation. Tension from the muscles gradually begins to go away, thoughts are adjusted to a calm mood, and the mood improves. In order for relaxation to be as complete as possible, it is not recommended to talk in the steam room. The main task here is to calm not only the body, but also the mind. Then the effect of staying in a Turkish bath will be maximum.

Incredible massage

The next stage is massage. It is no longer performed in the steam room, but in the next room. In Turkey, the large central hall of the bathhouse is traditionally used for massage. Massage techniques can be used in different ways. Traditionally, a hard mitten made of goat wool is used: the masseur massages the body with energetic movements. This activates blood circulation, skin tone increases, and it is cleansed of toxins. The effect is on the entire body, due to which, after leaving the hammam, the visitor feels noticeably refreshed, cheerful and rejuvenated.

The massage is traditionally followed by peeling. The procedure is designed to remove dead skin particles from its surface. This makes the skin smooth and soft, its color improves. A variety of formulations can be used for peeling. One of the favorites in Turkey is a special Moroccan clay that foams like soap. Therefore, peeling is called soap peeling.

Cosmetic procedures

When the massage and peeling are completed, the body is filled with lightness, you can go to the shower. After washing the body, they usually go to the pool to just lie in cool water. You can take a break and drink a cup of green tea. Then the skin is covered healing oils. Warm, moist, cleansed of toxins and dead skin cells, the skin gratefully accepts healthy ingredients. Grape seed oil, peach oil, olive oil and others have an excellent effect. You can supplement cosmetic procedures with wraps and masks. They will be especially effective after visiting the steam room, massage and peeling.

Cup of tea

This is followed by rest in a special room where there are tables and sofas. In Turkey it is called Jamekyan. You can enjoy a cup of aromatic tea, coffee or natural juice. Here comes the time for conversation, discussion of news, exchange of impressions. In general, a stay in the hammam takes one and a half to two hours. This is enough to enjoy all the delights of a Turkish bath and chat with those who keep you company. When the body has completely cooled down, having finally drunk tea with milk, you can go home.
You can spend more time in the Turkish bath. In Turkey, a whole day is allotted for this.

By gender

If you intend to go to the hammam, the rules dictate that you do so separately: men and women in Turkey visit the bathhouse exclusively in the company of members of their own sex. This gives you the opportunity to completely relax, without having to worry about how you look in the eyes of the other half of humanity.

In addition, it is not customary to be naked in a Turkish bath. Men wrap a towel around their thighs. Women are wrapped in a sheet, which is removed during massage and peeling. But after completing these procedures, the body is again dressed in a towel or sheet. This is done to ensure that all visitors and massage therapists feel comfortable.

Food and drink

Drinking liquids in the hammam is permitted. However, there are rules here that must be strictly followed. So, you cannot drink alcohol in the hammam. Alcohol and bathing procedures are incompatible - this is confirmed by all bathing traditions in the world, not only Turkish. It is not recommended to drink drinks that are too cold. A sharp contrast between a heated body and an icy liquid can lead to unfavorable developments. You can simply get sick, for example, with a sore throat. The best option- Tea coffee, natural juice. Not too hot, but not cold either. But you shouldn’t eat in the hammam. This creates unnecessary stress on the body, which is not at all needed here.

Is it always possible?

A visit to the hammam is not always possible. There are circumstances in which it is not recommended to go to a Turkish bath, or your visit should be postponed for some period of time.
- Pathologies of the cardiovascular system: high blood pressure, previous stroke or heart attack. Since blood circulation increases in the hammam, and the load on the heart and blood vessels increases, this can negatively affect health.
- Inflammatory processes - on the skin and inside the body. Additional heating in such a situation will only worsen the condition.
- Various tumors of different nature, especially malignant ones.
- Kidney pathologies.
- Serious violations sight and hearing.
- Mental illness.
- Varicose veins: increased blood circulation, which occurs in the hammam, with varicose veins in different parts body is not recommended.
- Pathologies thyroid gland to a serious extent.
- Serious illnesses respiratory organs.
- Pregnancy.

How often can you visit a Turkish bath?

If you go to the hammam regularly, your mood will be wonderful, your body will be...
fresh and cheerful. Back pain will become a thing of the past, cellulite will also become a memory. In general, hammam affects the human body as a powerful immunomodulator. Many respiratory diseases disappear. State immune system improves significantly, colds occur less and less often, and energy increases. But it is not recommended to visit the Turkish bath too often. If you've never done this before, experts recommend starting with one hike a week. If you visit a Turkish bath weekly, the effect will be noticeable after a short time. And this is quite enough.

Hamam according to all the rules

In order for a visit to a Turkish bath to bring maximum benefits, it must be built according to all the rules. Otherwise, the desired effect will not be achieved. The Hamam Stroy company has been building and equipping hammams for more than twelve years. According to special projects developed by our designers and technologists, several dozen Turkish baths were built, each of which is unique.
This makes it possible not only to visit the hammam in the spa center, but also to become the owner of your own Turkish bath. We build hammams in Moscow and the Moscow region. All details can be found by calling the phone numbers listed on the Hamam Stroy LLC website.

Hammam has long been famous for its beneficial properties. But is there any harm from a Turkish bath and how often can you visit it? We will tell you about all the benefits and harms of hammam in this article!

Fans of the Russian bath have an alternative - turkish hammam, which translated means budding steam. In its traditional design, it is a spacious room with marble cladding and 5 niches with different degrees. The temperature in them does not rise above + 45°C. Moving from section to section, everyone can choose a mode that is comfortable for themselves.

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Bath etiquette

This option is suitable for those who like to relax and feel beneficial effect air scented with herbs and essential oils. In such conditions they like to engage in spa treatments and have leisurely conversations. oriental women. Traditionally, they spend the whole day in the bathhouse, but for hygiene procedure and relaxation is enough for a couple of hours. To get maximum benefit, it is important:

  • Do not hurry;
  • Follow the rules;
  • Do not break the sequence of steps.

Before visiting the steam room, first enter a room with a temperature of + 35°C. Staying in a warm dressing room prepares the heart for thermal stress. After adaptation, they go to the hararet - the washing room. In the round marble hall in the middle there is a gobektashi (belly stone), on which procedures are performed. Below it in the basement there is a firebox with a boiler, from where steam is supplied through pipes.

Enjoy Your Bath!

Lying on a heated stone, it is easy to forget about chronic fatigue and everyday problems. No need here:

  • Give in to the heat;
  • Torture the body with a broom;
  • Cool off periodically in the pool.

A visit to the steam room comes down to one goal - to sit on a towel and sweat heavily. After 10 minutes, sweat flows in streams, and because of the veil of thick steam, it is impossible to distinguish objects half a meter away. After a quarter of an hour, the relaxed body is ready for bath procedures.

Helps you feel bliss professional massage and a cloud of soap foam. First, the dexterous hands of the bathhouse attendant knead each joint until it crunches. Not only the arms are used, but also the legs. Classic Turkish massage involves kneading the prone body with the soles of your feet. After the execution, rest is required. Then the bath master puts on a kise mitten woven from horsehair or hard fibers and literally removes the skin in layers.

The bathhouse attendant dilutes olive soap in a mesh bag and squeezes a mountain of snow foam onto the body. Gently rubs the skin and last moment drenches ice water. Instead of a soap massage, you can choose a classic or lymphatic drainage massage. After the procedures, the body becomes weightless. The feeling of lightness and pleasant sensations are worth subjecting it to “torture”.

Treatments for rejuvenation

Apply just right to pristine skin nutritional products, instantly penetrating through open pores into the deep layers of the dermis. It is not forbidden to carry out:

  • Massage with coconut oil;
  • Rub in the honey-vitamin mixture;
  • Wrap with Moroccan clay, chocolate, seaweed.

Select procedures from the list or limit yourself to applying peach oil, grape seeds, olives.

Treatments in the hammam are not only pleasant, but also useful for rejuvenation and health promotion.

  • Decay products and salts are removed from the open pores along with moisture.
  • Tissues and blood are saturated with oxygen.
  • Cell division and blood flow increase.
  • The keratinized cells of the epidermis are removed.
  • The skin texture is evened out.

Oriental sauna for weight loss

Nutritionists say that the steam room is one of the the best means against cellulite and fat deposits. Hot air accelerates lymph flow and blood, which helps fight subcutaneous deposits. The optimal effect is achieved by combining diet and spa treatments - anti-cellulite massage, mud or algae wraps. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • For improving oxygen supply and penetration of nutritional components, the steamed skin is cleansed by peeling. The following abrasives are used: salt, coffee or special remedy with fruit acids.
  • The body is rubbed with handmade soap with anti-cellulite components- essential oils, minerals Dead Sea, olive oil and peeling.
  • Distributed onto thighs, buttocks, thighs active substance. Then the body wrapped in film.

What do you choose for wraps?

For elimination orange peel applications with green coffee, berry extracts, kelp, coconut oil, special gels and creams.

  • Coffee promotes the breakdown of fat, accelerates cell renewal.
  • Vitamin-mineral complex with brown algae nourishes and tightens the skin.
  • Creams They are not able to get rid of subcutaneous fat, but they have a lifting effect and even out the texture.

Ideally, a bandage wrap with gel impregnation is used, which activates drainage in the subcutaneous matrix. After 30 minutes, the applications are removed. The temperature of a heated body decreases gradually. To tighten pores, pour on yourself cold water or jump into the pool. In one session, up to 3 cm of volume is lost.

How often should you go to the hammam?

I want to visit this piece of paradise often. Turkish women do not deny themselves pleasure and find a reason to spend quality time once a week. There are no restrictions for experienced steamers, but one visit per week is enough for beginners. After a month you can increase it up to 2 times. If you wash in the bathhouse more often, the therapeutic effect will decrease.


Despite the high humidity, due to the low temperature and soft steam, you can breathe deeply. A visit to the Turkish bath will help with ARVI, nasal congestion, lingering cough. The procedures strengthen the immune system and allow you to forget:

  • About a cold;
  • Sore throat, laryngitis;
  • Diseases of the respiratory system, except asthma;
  • Joint pain for arthritis, rheumatism, gout, radiculitis;
  • Neurosis, melancholy;
  • Chronic fatigue;
  • Muscle pain after sports training and injuries.

Regular visits to the hammam will stop the development of hypertension in initial stage

There are many rituals in Eastern culture that originate from ancient times and are very popular in all countries to this day. One of them is a visit to the hammam. Regular bathing in a Turkish bath has a beneficial effect on the body. Visiting it is a historical ritual, accompanied by pleasant cleansing procedures. It is worth telling in more detail about what this establishment is, what it was originally and what it is now, what the rules of visiting are.

Features of the Turkish bath

Hamam is unique in temperature conditions. A Turkish bath differs from a Russian bath and a sauna in that there is a high level of humidity. The air temperature here is relatively low, which creates a special atmosphere in the rooms where it is easy and pleasant to be around. The establishment is distinguished by special bathing procedures carried out by bathing specialists. Here they practice soap peeling, oriental massage with cosmetic oils, tea party. Tiles and stones are used to design the premises, while the walls of baths and saunas are lined with wood.

Temperature in the hammam

This aspect is the main difference between a Turkish bath and a Russian one. With high air humidity (maintained at 100 percent level), the temperature in the rooms does not rise above 50 degrees. This is optimal for people who are prohibited from visiting the sauna for health reasons. The combination of this temperature and high humidity has a healing effect on the body. This promotes gentle cleansing of the skin and normalization of all processes. The air temperature of a standard sauna is kept at 100-120 degrees, humidity is 10-15%.

Steam supply

The building is heated by one big boiler. From it, through pipes that are laid under the floor, it supplies hot steam. It penetrates into the premises through holes on the walls made at a height of 1.5 m. In the sauna, to create steam, water is splashed onto hot stones, which does not provide a uniform supply. In the hammam, due to the device, everything is heated equally: walls, floors, sunbeds.

The history of hamams

Baths of this type appeared in Turkey at the beginning of the seventh century and implied a special culture of ablution, adopted from the Arabs. The latter borrowed the technology and architecture of Roman terms. When Islam came to the eastern countries, hamams became popular. Distributed in Turkey, Arab countries, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Iran, and Central Asia. Traditionally it is believed that a hammam is a public institution for ablution. The name comes from the word “ham”, which means “hot”.

The interior decoration was luxurious, because ablution was declared an obligatory action by the Prophet Muhammad, who said that “Cleanliness is half the faith.” It was believed that you can get true pleasure in a Turkish hammam. Roman baths and temples left over from other religions were often converted into them. Women's baths were placed next to men's, with one source of heating (boiler) and water supply, but different entrances. Sometimes there were not enough funds for this. Then they set up one building and declared certain “women’s” days there.

Arrangement of premises

A classic ancient hammam - a large building with many main and utility rooms. Everything was heated a huge cauldron with water, which was located under the floor. Holes for supplying hot air were located in the walls of the paired rooms at a height of one and a half meters. Special conditions inside are created due to the proximity of the heating boiler and the pipes running under the floor.

The classic hammam, according to a long-standing tradition, was built in the shape of a human hand with rooms of different sizes. In the center, in place of the palm, there is a steam room. There are five separate rooms around, which symbolize fingers. The dressing room is a prototype of the hand. The temperature here is no higher than 35 degrees, the room is intended to prepare the body for the ritual, to warm it up.

Five corridors lead from the steam room to other rooms (symbolizing the fingers of the hand). Each room has a different temperature, you need to visit them in turn. This helps create safe load on the body, removing toxins. Due to the special way the boiler is located, the floors in all corridors and rooms are very warm, so moving around them is incredibly comfortable. Purpose of the premises:

  1. Jamekian. The locker room is where shoes and clothes are taken off and a body bandage is put on.
  2. Pestemal. The room where visitors take a shower.
  3. Chebek. Body preparation room. There is a bed made of natural marble “chebek-tashi”. You need to lie on it with your stomach down. There are multi-stage benches.
  4. Hararet. The main steam room is round in shape. Intended for deep cleaning skin. Here they do peeling, intense soap and oil massage.
  5. Keif. Here after the procedures they relax and drink herbal tea.

After passing through all the rooms, according to legend, the body is cleansed. Then you should visit the steam room again for a massage session, which should be performed by oriental masters. The movements they perform may seem very rigid, especially to those who are undergoing the procedure for the first time. But Turkish massage perfectly relaxes, relieves fatigue, invigorates, and helps clarify the mind. After the session you need to wash yourself with a hard washcloth, swim in three pools of water different temperatures.

Modern Turkish steam room in classic style

Today it is difficult to find a hammam where all the procedures required by tradition are carried out. You can find baths that are as close as possible, perhaps, in Istanbul or Bukhara, but in most resort cities they are not at all similar to the old ones. To increase the temperature, steam generators are used, which are disguised by the interior decoration. Hamams are intended for public ablution, and this is no longer relevant for Arab countries.

Modern Turkish baths are small, because it is almost impossible to find a suitable place for the construction of traditional-sized rooms. A tendency towards the revival of the idea has emerged in Russia in last years. Modern establishments are becoming more and more similar to traditional ones. Turkish-style ablutions are offered to their clients by many health centers, sanatoriums.

Modern hammams consist of only three rooms. The approach to the construction processes and selection of materials has been significantly simplified. If earlier buildings were made entirely of stone, now ordinary brick is used. The interior decoration is done in oriental style. Welcome to use natural stone. A modern Turkish bath consists of rooms for preliminary preparation (locker room), steam room (harareta), and cooling. Each room has its own characteristics.

Locker room (jamekian)

This room resembles a traditional dressing room. Here a person must remove all clothes and shoes. Then here or in the next room (depending on the structure) they take warm shower. This is how the body undergoes primary cleansing and prepares for other procedures. They walk into the next room wearing only a body bandage. It is important to note that the latter should be made exclusively from natural materials, for example, silk or cotton.

Steam room for hot baths

Hararet is a sacred place. This is a large round room with a lot of free space. They take hot baths there. First comes the steaming procedure to open the skin pores. This is followed by ablution with a coarse washcloth made of natural goat hair. Alternate rubbing and rinsing warm water. After this procedure, it is proposed to visit the third room, where the body will regain strength after the stress it was exposed to under the influence of high temperatures.

Special attention deserves a steam room ceiling. It is made in the shape of a dome and must be at least three meters in height. This is necessary so that condensation does not accumulate on top, it does not drip onto the floor and visitors to the hararet, but flows down the rounded walls and ends up in the drainage system. Lamps corresponding to the general stylistic design are mounted to the ceiling. Lighting should be bright, but not annoying.

Soguklyuk for cooling and restoring the body

In this room the temperature is lower than in the others, about 30-35 degrees. Here the body cools down and recovers after exercise. There are showers here. After massage and other procedures, a visit to this room is mandatory. As a rule, in a room to restore the body and cool down, you can not only lie down and relax, but also drink aromatic tea and enjoy oriental sweets.

How to take a steam bath in a hammam

Ablution is a whole ritual, which is a clear sequence of actions. If you want to make the most of your visit, you should definitely go through all the stages. How to steam properly:

  1. In the locker room you need to take off your clothes, take a shower at room temperature, and stay for about a quarter of an hour so that the body gets used to the conditions and the pores begin to open.
  2. Visit a warm room. Stay there until the first drops of sweat stand out.
  3. Then you should go to the marble hall. Here you need to sit on a warm lounger with your stomach down. The attendant will rub you with a special scrubbing mitt. This is followed by several rinses with warm and cooler water. This sequence of actions will ensure high-quality skin peeling. Then intense soaping occurs.
  4. The foam from olive soap, whipped with special “pillowcases”, will cover every centimeter of your body. This is the most enjoyable stage among all the others.
  5. After rinsing your body, you should plunge into the pool or jacuzzi. This is very invigorating and helps the pores close.
  6. Then it’s time for relaxation. You can drink green tea with spices, lie down with a clay mask on your face.
  7. The final stage is a massage with natural oils.

Rules for visiting the hamam

There are several traditions that are very important to observe. Basic rules for visiting a Turkish bath:

  1. There are separate rooms for women and men.
  2. Before going for the procedure, avoid drinking alcohol, fatty, fried and other junk food. This can put additional stress on the body and make the ablution session seem too difficult.
  3. Be sure to wear a sarong or tie a sheet around your body. You need to take care of its availability in advance. It is not acceptable to be naked here.
  4. You must place a towel on the massage bench before lying down.
  5. At the end of the procedures, you should not stand up suddenly, because heated muscles can be damaged.
  6. For full course It is recommended to spend at least one and a half hours washing in the hammam.

Massage treatments

Manipulations of this nature are performed by specially trained oriental specialists. For some, the massage may even seem too harsh, especially if a person is visiting the bathhouse for the first time. The procedure is incredibly beneficial not only for the body, but also for the mind. After it, a person feels complete relaxation, followed immediately by a surge of strength and emotional uplift.

How often can you visit

IN this issue You need to be guided by your own capabilities and state of health. To maintain tone, it is optimal to visit the establishment once a week. You should stay in the bathhouse for at least an hour and a half, but it can be longer if your health allows. For example, women used to be able to spend the whole day there. They not only went through procedures, but also communicated, exchanged news, and drank tea and treats.

The benefits of hamam

Regular visits to the Turkish bath have a beneficial effect on the body. What is the effect of ablution?

  1. Helps cleanse, moisturize and tighten the skin, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminate acne. This is achieved through high level humidity. Fat and sensitive skin cleans well, and dry skin softens, becomes elastic and toned.
  2. Relieves fatigue, stress, helps fight depression and insomnia. Positively affects nervous system.
  3. Rejuvenates. When bathing, a person’s metabolism accelerates and the intensity of oxidative processes increases. This helps rejuvenate the body.
  4. Removes toxins and waste from the body.
  5. Facilitates well-being in diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Regular visits for osteochondrosis, rheumatism, arthritis or muscle strain help to significantly reduce the pain caused by these diseases.
  6. Improves blood circulation. Stagnation are eliminated. Vessels and capillaries dilate, the outflow of blood from internal organs increases.
  7. Increases immunity.
  8. Promotes speedy recovery for rhinitis, bronchitis. If a person often suffers colds, it is very useful for him to steam. It is easy to breathe in the rooms due to the volumetric area of ​​evaporation. Prolonged warming of the body improves immunity and helps resist ARVI.

For a cold

If a person does not feel well, it will be useful for him to visit a Turkish bath. This will immediately ease the discomfort caused by malaise, sore throat, and runny nose. Steaming is prohibited if body temperature is high. Dive into the pool or take cold shower it is forbidden. How Turkish hammam is useful for colds:

  1. Warm, moist air reduces pain in joints and muscles.
  2. Bathing has a positive effect on the functioning of the respiratory system.
  3. The hammam bath ionizes the body and increases its protective abilities.
  4. Due to the moist air, when you have a runny nose, mucus comes out easier and the spread of inflammatory processes stops.

For sinusitis

Specific temperature and humidity cause positive changes in the body. For sinusitis, you can visit the bathhouse during periods when there are no signs of intoxication and high temperature. It is better to go for a steam bath during the recovery stage. Washing speeds up the process and strengthens the immune system. Hot and humid air in the steam room will help reduce swelling of the mucous membrane maxillary sinuses, it regenerates faster. The discharge will become less abundant. Rules for visiting for sinusitis:

  1. During recovery, you can go to the bathhouse twice or thrice a week. The procedure takes no more than half an hour. You need to constantly monitor your well-being.
  2. At chronic sinusitis During the remission stage, you can visit the bathhouse every day. Better not stay there too long optimal time stay is 15-45 minutes. There should be no complaints about your health.

Hammam for weight loss

People who want to reset excess weight, a visit to the Turkish bath will be very useful. In one session you can get rid of 1-2 kg. The effect will be more noticeable if you combine bathing with tea, and do an intense massage. Many nutritionists recommend going to a Turkish bath as part of a set of weight loss measures. How does the procedure affect a person’s weight:

  1. Heat exchange slows down, causing metabolic and oxidative processes to accelerate.
  2. Pores open and sweating increases. Toxins, waste products are actively removed from the body, harmful substances And excess liquid.
  3. Metabolism accelerates, subcutaneous fat accumulations are broken down.
  4. Intense soaping and massage help eliminate cellulite.

For bronchitis

If the disease has entered the recovery stage and the acute phase has been stopped, then moist air will be beneficial. For bronchitis, it is allowed and even useful to visit a Turkish bath. The exception is when the body temperature rises above 37 degrees and severe shortness of breath appears. If there are no contraindications, then you can visit the hammam, strictly following the following recommendations:

  1. Drink plenty of warm water before entering the steam room herbal tea. This will help the body warm up from the inside.
  2. Breathe deeply indoors to help remove mucus.
  3. Do not leave a warm room into a cold one, do not dive into a pool. The body should cool down gradually. Otherwise, the disease may recur.

For acne and pimples

Regular visits to the Turkish bath promote regeneration skin, cleansing. During the procedures, dead cells are removed, and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized. This helps improve appearance. In addition, during bath procedures Toxins are removed from the body, which often cause acne and rashes. The condition of the skin and the peeling are improved.

What are the benefits of a Turkish bath after physical activity and sports training?

Every person who works out hard knows what soreness and discomfort the next day are. This is caused by excessive stress on the muscular corset received during training. For relaxation and neutralization discomfort After classes, it is recommended to visit the hammam. Thanks to the steam room, blood circulation is normalized and inflammation will disappear. The body is toned, the muscles warm up and become more elastic, receiving more oxygen.

Harm from hamam

Moderation is good in any activity, and a visit to the Turkish bath is no exception. In some cases, staying in it can harm the body, so you need to treat this with caution, take into account all contraindications, and follow the rules. Possible Negative consequences visits to the bathhouse:

  1. Pregnant women are not recommended to take a steam bath. High temperatures can harm the fetus.
  2. People with mental disorders, oncology, skin diseases.
  3. You should not steam during any acute inflammatory process.
  4. At serious illnesses lungs cannot go to the bathhouse. It will be difficult and even dangerous for a person to stay in such a humid environment.
  5. People with cardiovascular diseases should not be in the steam room. This will overload the body, which will negatively affect the condition. Those with hypertension should also be careful when using the steam room. Moist hot air can cause an increase in pressure. At the same time, normalizing the condition will be problematic.
  6. At high temperatures and viral diseases, ablutions will only worsen the condition.
  7. Staying in a warm, humid room promotes the growth of fungus. People with any manifestation of this disease should avoid hamam. In addition, visiting public bathing areas by people with a fungal infection is unethical in relation to others present there.

Contraindications for visiting

Not all people are allowed to take a steam bath in a Turkish bath; sometimes health conditions prohibit it. Contraindications for visiting are:

  • severe bronchial asthma;
  • heart disease, hypertension;
  • epilepsy;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • cancer;
  • varicose veins veins;
  • open wounds, irritations, abrasions, scratches on the skin;
  • inflammatory processes in the kidneys.

Hammam for varicose veins

This diagnosis, like other diseases of the cardiovascular system, is a contraindication for visiting a Turkish bath. Heat negatively affects people with this diagnosis. Because of it, the vessels dilate and the volume of circulating blood increases. The load on the veins increases several times. This is extremely dangerous condition with varicose veins. Even if precautions are taken, visiting the hammam is prohibited if you have this disease. Doctors confirm this.

For bronchial asthma

People with this diagnosis are strictly prohibited from visiting the hammam. This can provoke new attacks and worsen the already dangerous situation, especially if the disease is severe, with complications. In some cases, doctors give the go-ahead for asthmatics to visit the hammam at the initial stage. Some patients benefit from moist and warm air in the bathhouse, because under its influence the volume of the lungs increases and the number of attacks decreases. Visiting the steam room in this situation is allowed only under the conditions recommended by the attending physician.
