The fattest cat in the world. Top biggest cats in the world

The fattest cats in the world - TOP 10. The Guinness Book no longer records such records in order to avoid the death of animals in the name of the moment of glory of their owners! Now you will understand why.

The list of such records was topped by Himmiya's cat in 1968 and was very popular in its time. Fame is a contagious thing. And many pet owners decided to become famous at their expense by overfeeding their pets and turning them into broiler cats!

By the way, in August 2015, the Guinness Book of Records celebrated its 60th anniversary!

Cat Himmi from Australia - weight 21,300 kg

Himmi died at the age of 10 and weighed 21.3 kg. Due to his size, his waist circumference was 84 cm, he could not move independently, so he was carried in a special cart.

At one time, Thomas (the owner of the poor cat) claimed that the cat gained such weight only because excessive appetite. And he did not specifically fatten him.

But in 2006, an examination was carried out, which proved that the cat was given hormonal agents, which are used in pig farming, for fattening pigs!

And so it turned out that for the sake of fame, Hemmi’s owner turned out to be not only a swindler, but also mocked the unfortunate animal!

Now read and see photos of the new record holders.

Cat Katie from the Urals - weight 23 kg

This fat girl lives in the city of Asbest. At 5 years old, her weight was 23 kg. Her routine is like in the cartoon about Thumbelina - “Well, we’ve eaten, now we can sleep. Well, we’ve slept, now we can eat.” She also has an excellent appetite.

The owner claims that the reason excess weight– use of the drug contrasex. But they are not going to put her on a diet, since she cannot starve her pussy.

Cat Prince Chang from America - weight 19 kg 950 g.

2008 This cat was picked up from the street when his owner, by the will of fate, ended up behind bars. They took in the tramp and began to take care of him very diligently. So the prince quickly gained weight.

Cat Tulle from Denmark – weight 19 kg

This ginger cat managed to get into the Guinness Book of Records at the age of 6 years. His 12-year-old owner claims that he became overweight only due to extreme laziness.

The cat is so lazy that he even stopped walking! He began to roll from side to side, imitating walking. How can Oblomov compare to him?

The family finally decided to enroll their pet in courses for losing weight for cats. And then he will be taught to walk again, since walking exercise is a mandatory program.

Cat Kylie (Minnesota) – weight 18.5 kg

Despite its weight, this pussy is very mobile and tries to lead active image life. She can play and climb up the stairs.

Cat from China – weight 18 kg

Cat Mau New Mexico – 18 kg

This cat became famous due to its size when photos of it appeared in the press. The photos were posted by the shelter, where he was placed by his former retired owner, who was no longer able to care for such a cat.

In addition, the cat had breathing problems due to excess weight. Mau did not live long in the shelter. It was not possible to save him.

Cat Garfield – more than 18 kg

He was clearly overfed by his owner. For this reason, animal activists took him to a shelter and put him on a diet. But that's quite healthy cat and is looking for new owners.

Sassy cat from Canada – 18 kg

On the Internet they gave her the nickname “MONSTER CAT”. She gained excess weight after sterilization and she gained it very quickly. short term. The cat has died.

Orazio cat from Italy - weight 16 kg

This red fat guy loves to eat high-calorie foods - heavy cream, biscuits and other sweets. And the owner encourages his gluttony, knowing that cats are strictly forbidden to eat sweets. This is clearly overfeeding the animal for the sake of immediate success!

Red Cat SpongeBob from America - weight 15.5 kg

He came to the shelter at the age of nine, when his former owner, a pensioner, was placed in a nursing home. At that time, this cat weighed as much as a four-year-old child.

He was examined. They found no health problems, except obesity of course, and placed him in the largest enclosure so that he could move freely. Of course, they put me on a diet and prescribed daily physical activity.

Well, they are record holders - the fattest domestic cats in the world. Their stories about how they managed to gain excess weight are almost the same. And everywhere one can see the reluctance of their owners to fight obesity and put them on a diet.

Excess excess weight is increasingly observed not only in people, but also in pets, in particular cats. This is the plague of the 21st century.

Statistics say that a similar disease now occurs in 40% of pets. And this is a very large number. Because we are so busy, we sometimes spend very little time with our pets.

We feed whatever we can and follow their lead bad habits. We don’t engage in outdoor games with a lazy cat, because we don’t have enough time and patience to stir him up. And all this leads to obesity in cats.

Drops for weight loss for cats - HI NO SAPURI, so that your cat does not become the fattest cat in the world!

Video - the fattest cats in the world - top 10.

Feeding pets is a real pleasure. By buying expensive food and various treats, owners strive to express their love and care for cats. Animals, in turn, gratefully eat everything that is provided to them, and this inevitably affects their weight.

Animals that resemble a swollen ball in shape do not always remain dexterous and flexible, but their clumsiness looks very funny and amusing. This forces people to Once again look at photos and videos of such cats, which makes such pictures one of the most popular.

There are many fat cats in the world, but not all of them were able to win titles and titles. The owners of some made sure that their pets became famous throughout the world thanks to their excellent appetite and excess weight.

Australian fat man

The largest officially recorded weight of a cat was recorded in Australia. The owner of the record 21.3 kg was a well-fed cat named Snowball, who more closely resembles a huge white snowdrift. The fat animal, despite being overweight, showed miracles of longevity for the following parameters: Snowball lived for 10 years, after which he died due to respiratory failure, which is not surprising. If an adult had the same degree of obesity, his weight would exceed 270 kg.


In second place is a cat living in America. The owner delivered his fat pet Otto to veterinary clinic in order to euthanize the animal, since the cat had become so fat that it was difficult for him to move around the house and could not go to the toilet on the tray, since his butt no longer fit there. The veterinarians persuaded the man not to euthanize the pet, but to try to gradually limit his food intake to stabilize his body weight. After six months of following a special diet, the fat man was able to lose significant weight, which made his life much easier, but pushed him out of the rankings.

Record holder Meow

Third place in the Guinness Book of Records was taken by a cat with funny name A meow that was the size of a dog average size. He was only a year and a half old when his previous owner, who lived in Santa Fe, went to a cat shelter to hand him over to specialists for permanent place residence problem animal.

The fat pet reached a weight of 18 kg, which made caring for him more difficult, especially considering the woman’s advanced age (at that time she was 87 years old). Specialists began to adjust his diet and tried to return the animal to normal indicators. Meow has become the star of several shows and television programs dedicated to the rules of nutrition for pets. A strict diet helped him get rid of several kilograms and soon there were people who wanted to take home the popular cat, but the consequences of obesity made themselves felt: Meow died in a shelter at the age of two due to pulmonary failure.

Spongebob square….belly

The fourth position belongs to another American resident - a fat red cat named SpongeBob. The weight of this nine-year-old pet is 15.5 kg. Unlike previous heavyweights, medical checkup showed that all his health indicators were in perfect condition. But in order to avoid possible problems in the future, experts recommended adjusting the diet and putting the fat cat on a diet, since overweight can cause pathologies of joints, muscles, etc.


Elvis the cat, who, alas, is not included in the Guinness Book of Records, since this category was banned in 2015 due to the risk to the lives of pets whose owners deliberately feed their animals. This fat man is German and lives in Germany. On this moment Elvis reached a weight of 17.5 kg, which exceeds all acceptable standards. Because of the extra pounds, he has a whole bunch of diseases - from diabetes to muscle tissue atrophy. He moves with great difficulty, has breathing and heart problems, so the owners intend to take his nutrition seriously and gradually achieve weight loss, which will extend the years of Elvis’s life. A special advisory group of four veterinarians has been created to monitor his health and rate of weight loss.

Despite the fact that fat cats look very funny and make us touch, many animal rights organizations warn that the task caring owner— keep your pet’s weight under control, because obesity can lead to many diseases and, as a result, early death.

Fat cats from the Internet

The appearance of furry fatties on the Internet never goes unnoticed. People are ready to look at them every day, so their photos and videos are always in the top. Some get thousands and sometimes millions of views in a matter of days and become real celebrities. Often, when looking at such photos, you immediately want to go on a diet yourself. Sometimes fat cats try to get lost among the interior or blend in with the environment.

On the Internet you can find photographs of fat bellies getting stuck in various holes - this is the time to think about an emergency diet!

But still, most of them, at any weight, feel like the most beautiful and graceful creatures who have come into our lives for us to constantly admire them, regardless of whether they are fat or not.

In addition to photographs, owners of fat cats constantly strive to capture their pets on video, so we can enjoy watching fluffy fat cats having fun, funny asking for food or playing around like little children.

Cats love tasty treats. Therefore, pets whose owners diligently feed them are often impressive in size. Well-fed cats can often be found, but there are real leaders in weight - these are the fattest cats in the world.


In 2012, the Guinness Book of Records entered a new record - the fattest cat in the world was determined. It turned out to be a red pet with interesting nickname SpongeBob. Its weight is 15.5 kg, which is approximately equal to the weight of a four-year-old baby.

The cat ended up in a New York cattery, where he surprised the entire staff with his weight. The animal was full examination to eliminate the possibility of illness. And it turned out that the cat was completely healthy.

True, the nursery staff are sure that excess weight is not the norm for a 9-year-old cat. And they try to help him get rid of the extra pounds through a special diet and special exercises. Veterinarians expect that losing excess weight will allow the cat to move normally.

Cat Meow from Mexico

The Mexican cat Meow has surpassed its American relative. His weight reached 18 kg. Veterinarians at the New Mexico kennel also tried to help the animal lose weight. True, they failed. Unfortunately, the fat cat Meow died as a result of lung failure. Excess weight took its toll.

"Little" Himmi

The leader in weight, noted in the Guinness Book of Records, is considered to be the Australian cat Himmi. Due to excess feeding, the cat's weight reached 21.3 kg. With such a mass, the animal must not have survived and left this world prematurely.

Well-fed Elvis

Another fat cat lives in Germany. His name is Elvis and he weighs 17.5 kg. Unlike some well-fed, but luckier relatives, the German fatty has health problems. He was diagnosed with diabetes, which developed due to obesity. pet moves very little, because after a few steps it becomes difficult for him to bear such a large weight.

The cat's owners are currently trying their best to help him cope with overweight. Elvis is given insulin injections twice a day and has also been prescribed special diet for weight loss. They say that with thoughtful nutrition gray and white cat I lost 1 kilogram and continue to lose weight.

Now Elvis is considered “the fattest cat in Germany.” But according to the volunteers who took care of the animal’s health, this cat may receive the title of “the fattest cat in the world.” His weight, even after losing weight, remains greater than that of the cat, which is now recorded as “the fattest in the world” in the Guinness Book of Records.

Handsome Pikkis

The next representative of fat cats lives in Helsinki. He may well be the next contender for the title of fattest. His name is Bond, but his owners prefer to call him by his charming nickname Pikkis, which literally translates as Baby.

The cat weighs 16 kg and is 120 cm long, which is not at all surprising, since the animal belongs to the Maine Coon breed. This breed is considered the largest in the world, but even for its representatives, a weight of 16 kg is rare.

Fat Thule from Denmark

The leader in terms of weight today can be called the cat Tulle. A fat cat weighing 19.5 kg is not able to care for itself. Of course, a pet does not catch mice; it is not at all interested in love affairs. But this is not surprising at such a weight.

The cat owes such a large body weight to its lifestyle. According to the owners, Tulle is very lazy. His favorite hobby- relax near the TV. In addition, the ginger cat loves to eat. Nothing yet serious illnesses a six-year-old cat is not at issue, but his impressive weight worries his owners very much. They are going to send him to courses where they offer low-calorie diets and exercises to lose weight.

Fat pets rarely make it onto the pages of the Guinness Book of Records. It is possible to determine the fattest cat only by applications submitted by the owners. But not all cat owners think about having their pet’s name appear on the pages of the famous Book of Records. Therefore, it is likely that the fattest cat lives next door, but we don’t know anything about it.


All domestic cats found in urban areas and beyond have common roots. They are believed to be a subspecies of the forest cat, domesticated 10,000 years ago. According to statistics, there are 600 million domestic cats in the world today, and each of them belongs to 1 of 256 breeds.

Over a period of thousands of years, each breed has acquired individual traits and parameters that a person can easily navigate when choosing pet. Cats differ not only in appearance, each has its own individual temperament and even a tendency to hereditary diseases. These characteristics make up the calling card of each breed.

Below is information about the largest cat breeds, the star cat Omar and the humane ban on one of the cat nominations in the Guinness Book of Records.

The largest domestic cat

This cat was found in Australia - he turned out to be a 3-year-old Maine Coon named Omar. The cat is 120 cm long and weighs 14 kg. The cat's owner, Stephie Hurst, claims that her pet was big before - Omar's weight was already 10 kg in a year. She also assures that this is not the limit and Omar is still growing.

Cat Omar is the most a big cat in the world

The cat gained worldwide fame after Stephy decided to get him a social network Instagram personal account – omar_mainecoon. As of June 2017, Omar has over 60,000 followers, and his photos and videos receive thousands of likes.

Soon, media representatives began to contact Stephie to talk about her pet and take a photo with the star cat. Also, data on Omar’s weight and height have been sent to representatives of the Guinness Book of Records, from whom they are awaiting confirmation of the establishment of a new record.

Officially, today the record belongs to the Maine Coon Ludo from the British city of Wakefield, whose length reaches 118 cm.

According to Omar's owners, he is a calm cat who prefers to lead a measured lifestyle. During the day, Omar loves to walk around the yard, keeping the dogs company, lie on the trampoline, or hide in secluded places. Favorite treat cat - kangaroo meat.

Previously, the Guinness Book of Records also presented the nomination “The fattest cat in the world.” The record belonged to a cat named Himmy, whose weight was 21.3 kg. But at the age of 10 he died from respiratory failure. Then representatives of the Guinness Book of Records decided to exclude this nomination from the list in order to prevent the deliberate overfeeding of animals in order to set records and gain fame for the owners.

Top 10 largest breeds

These cats are the undisputed favorites of all family members. They are affectionate and are able to let both the owner they have designated for themselves and strangers approach them. Bobtails know how to get out of difficult situations, for example, finding a way out of a closed room or cage. They also often exhibit a predatory instinct; they love to hunt for insects.

This cat breed appeared on Kuril Islands, due to which it received such a name. The main distinguishing feature is considered to be a very short tail, despite its impressive size. The weight of a male representative reaches 7 kg, height 35 cm.

Bobtails are full of energy, love to play a lot and are always looking for the company of people. These cats are patient and do not show aggression, even if they experience discomfort from excessive affection. WITH early age they are obedient and trainable.

8. Pixiebob. Pixiebob cats are artificially bred in the United States of America. The Americans tried to create a cat that looked like a lynx. As a result, this was obtained large breed. The weight of male representatives reaches 8 kg, height – 30-35 cm.

Despite the slightly wild appearance, these cats are affectionate and loyal. They get along easily with other pets in the house, especially with dogs, with whom they often walk around the yard. The pixie bob breed is the only one allowed to have multi-toed paws due to its genetic characteristics, and this factor does not in any way affect participation in exhibitions and competitions.

This breed lived for hundreds of years on the shores of Lake Van in Turkey, which is why it received its name. It is not known exactly how long ago they appeared in those places, but scientists define the Turkish Van breed as very ancient. The weight of male representatives reaches 9 kg, height – 30 - 40 cm.

These cats show themselves as loving and affectionate animals, often playing and spending time with their owners. They are even ready to become entertainment for children, but only on the condition that they do not torment them too much. Turkish Vans are trainable and especially love games where you need to catch toys on the fly.

6. Norwegian forest. The Norwegian Forest is similar in appearance to the Maine Coon breed, and some scientists adhere to the theory that these cats have common ancestors. The weight of a male representative reaches 10 kg, height – 30 cm.

Norwegians are very smart cats, able to quickly learn standard commands, even as kittens. These cats thoroughly remember the location of things in the house, they are not aggressive and patient, but do not like affection in large quantities. They appreciate most when they are treated like full-fledged members of the family.

5. Siberian. Siberian cats are a domesticated native breed, which has become widespread in Russia. The weight of a male representative reaches 12 kg, height – 33 cm.

The character of the Siberian cat cannot be called simple; they do not like to obey the will of others and are very capricious. Usually in the family they choose a leader for whom they respect, and may not even notice the rest of the family members. These cats rarely play playfully in the yard, preferring balanced and calm behavior. Although favorite toys can still make cats want to run around the apartment with them, to the surprise of their owners.

4. British Shorthair. British Shorthair cat resembles a beloved one soft toy childhood, which leaves no one indifferent. The weight of male representatives reaches 12 kg, height – 33 cm.

The British Shorthair cat is independent and intelligent. It is not for nothing that they are often defined as cats for businessmen. The British do not outwardly show affection for their owners and rarely come to them for affection. At the same time, they delicately allow themselves to be played with, but if possible, they step aside. Despite this, the British are considered loyal animals who get bored when alone. Another feature is that they will never allow themselves to spoil property in the house, carefully bypassing all decorative elements in the apartment.

3. Chausie. The third place goes to the Chausie breed - these are cats known even in Ancient Egypt. The weight of male representatives reaches 14 kg, height – 40 cm.

Chausies cannot stand loneliness, they try to be close to their owners when they are at home, they also enjoy playing with children and generally like to move a lot. Their character is peaceful, and their intelligence develops rapidly, so representatives of the Chausie breed are often used in the household.

2. Maine Coon. Second place went to representatives of the Maine Coon breed - cats from North-East America. The weight of male representatives reaches 15 kg, height – 41 cm. And the maximum body length, listed in the Guinness Book of Records, is equal to 1.23 m.

Despite large sizes, Maine Coons are domestic and affectionate, they love their owners. But the wild nature will take its toll if you bring the cat to a pond, where he will prove himself to be a real hunter, freely walking along the water in search of prey.

Savannah cats have calm character and easily adapt to new living conditions. They are not afraid of water and love Fresh air. Another nice one characteristic feature This breed has a devotion comparable to that of a dog.

Top 5 biggest wild cats in the world

Lions, tigers and leopards, which belong to the cat family, are, of course, the largest representatives of these. But this rating is based on little-known cat breeds that look almost indistinguishable from domestic pets, but live in the wild.

Amurskie forest cats live in the Far East. The weight of male representatives reaches 6 kg, height – 35 cm.

Most of all, these cats love to feast on birds and chipmunks. They may even hunt roe deer, but this does not happen often. On average, Amur forest cats live 10 years.

This cat is considered a representative of Equatorial Africa, living in forests. The weight of male representatives reaches 14 kg, height – 50 cm.

Golden African cat

These wild cats are considered loners in life, and their species itself is recognized as very rare. Being predators, cats prefer to hunt at night and rest in the treetops during the day.

3. Speckled cat. The second name of this species is the fishing cat. It was not obtained by chance, since speckled cats are considered virtuosos in catching fish. The weight of male representatives reaches 15 kg, height – 41 cm.

The fishing cat is an excellent swimmer due to its muscular build. There are cases when they even entered into fights with artiodactyl cubs and won.

2. Bush cat (serval). This is the most graceful cat in the rating. Weight adult cat on average 8-15 kg, but can reach 18 kg, height – 65 cm.

Servals are capable of jumping 3 m in height; they practice such jumps while hunting. Servals forage for food both below and above the ground. They live in Africa. Distinctive feature Bush cats are considered to have the ability to live in captivity, and, if necessary, even become tame. Servals are also known to mate with members of the domestic cat family.

The first place in the ranking is occupied by the ocelot. The size of this cat is impressive - the weight of male representatives on average reaches 16 kg, height - 50 cm. They live in the tropics of America. Ocelots feed on both birds and snakes; often even small mammals are present in their diet. There are cases when ocelots coped with pigs and even donkeys.

Lately In the circles of wealthy people, the idea of ​​keeping a wild cat at home, rather than its domesticated relative, became popular. Unfortunately, people do not understand that this can be detrimental to freedom-loving animals. Therefore, lovers of large and externally wild cats It is better to pay attention to the domestic Savannah and Maine Coon breeds. The cost of the former today varies greatly and reaches 1.5 million rubles, average price– 300,000 rubles. As for Maine Coons, their price is much lower - from 25,000 to 70,000 rubles.