General and love horoscope: Dragon woman. The Dragon. Eastern Chinese horoscope for Dragon

Fire Dragons are sacred animals in China. For many centuries they have been considered a symbol of the country, they are worshiped, they are raised to heaven. On the one hand, no one has seen these creatures, but on the other hand, it is difficult to say that they are made up, because people describe their appearance and character with amazing accuracy. For a Chinese, being born in the Year of the Dragon is considered great happiness, because this symbol endows a person with intelligence, luck, originality, pride, longevity, and good health. Such people will always be in the spotlight, and their opinion will be especially valuable.

Fire Dragons are gifted individuals who suffer from self-centeredness and arrogance. Such men are showmen by nature, they know how to stand out from the crowd, and are constantly surrounded by fans. Dragon men are too scattered, and this greatly hinders them in life. They are incapable of doing just one thing and tirelessly change their interests. Their behavior is often shocking; many will call typical Dragons boring. Their main areas of interest are psychology, electronics, technology, and magic. Fire Dragons fall in love easily and behave gallantly with ladies, but the girl will have to make a lot of effort to keep her gentleman near her. Such men often marry for convenience, because they are not capable of the deepest feelings.

Dragon Women

Representatives of beautiful bodies, born in the year of the Dragon, have a very complex character. They have a predominantly masculine type of energy, a lot of reason and logic, but they leave very little room for feelings. Such ladies are first focused on their career, they are smart, calculating, and they are lucky in life. Despite the ostentatious coldness and arrogance, they manage to acquire a wide circle of loyal friends and profitable partners. The Dragon woman is strict and tough with her subordinates, but she is not a stranger to kind-heartedness. He establishes his own rules in the family and demands complete obedience from members of the household. She immediately crushes a weak man under her, very often the Dragon woman has a psychological crown of celibacy, since she does not give free rein to her feelings.

Positive properties

Fire Dragons are very hardworking, so they quickly climb the career ladder, achieving their goals. People around them respect them for their honesty and directness; they will not fuss or deceive. The Dragon has pronounced leadership qualities, so he will make an excellent organizer and boss. Extraordinary thinking and the ability to present himself beautifully allow him to always remain in the center of attention and stand out from the crowd. This person's opinion will always be interesting and informative for others. The year of the Fire Dragon endows people with unique taste and musicality. The representative of the sign can be classified as a connoisseur of art and an ardent music lover.

Weaknesses of Drakosh

It should be noted that the Fire Dragon places his personal opinion above all else. The characteristics of the sign show that people born this year are characterized by excessive self-confidence, a nervous and explosive character. No one dares to doubt the veracity of their judgments, they openly neglect the feelings and thoughts of others, for them there is only an unshakable “I”. Fire Dragons are secretive and reserved. They need to learn to open up to people, to involve others in their plans more often.

The desire to constantly lead from time to time leads to unforeseen situations, because this symbol is rapidly running out of steam and needs a break. Dragons are hampered by internal nervousness, dissatisfaction with themselves, their surroundings, and life in general. They worry about trifles, do not like to pay attention to little things, for which they later pay. People born in the year of the Dragon need to learn to respect the opinions of others, try to find peace and harmony, devote less to their careers, and spend more time with loved ones. Only then will they feel happier.

The Chinese believe that the Dragon, which is awarded to one of the years of the twelve-year cycle, is a very strong and powerful creature. This is both a reliable patron and protector... But not always! Sometimes this monster can simply incinerate you with its fire-breathing mouth or beat you to death with its powerful and elastic tail! In general, friends, today we will tell you about the Year of the Dragon.

Born under the stars of the Dragon, as contradictory as this fire-breathing monster. Such people can bring both positive and negative into the world, but they do not belong to that gray mass that can get lost in the crowd. Let's look at this in more detail.

Characteristics of those born in the year of the Dragon

Surprisingly, people who were lucky enough to be born this year will be independent from early childhood. They tend to protect their own freedom and independence. They like to express their opinion, which is not always clear to others. Don’t forget that mythical dragons, from early childhood, have been eager to leave their parents’ nest as quickly as possible! What else is significant about people born in the Year of the Dragon?

The characteristics of those born in the year of the influence of the Dragon are very interesting. These are in everything, they achieve everything they want! Without false modesty, they are confident that they were born exclusively for victories and the envy of their enemies. Plus, they will be able to get along with almost anyone!

Amazing Year of the Dragon. Characteristic

Compatibility in love

People born under the auspices of the Dragon tend to enjoy great success with members of the opposite sex. Women are real socialites, and the stronger sex in most cases prefers to remain single. Be that as it may, Dragon companions should always remember that their halves need solitude from time to time. There’s nothing you can do about it - that’s how the Year of the Dragon affects them!

Characteristics of Dragons by area of ​​success

Of course, the Dragon is an extraordinary and quite strong leader. Dragons can independently organize anyone and anything. Their areas of expertise include such professional fields as art, business, science, politics, and military affairs. These people are born strategists; they know how to plan, putting all their thoughts into order.

However, the twists and turns of life can force our Dragons to take a dubious path. For example, do not be surprised when you find out that the person arrested was recently born in the Year of the Dragon! The characteristics of such individuals are no less ordinary, because in the criminal sphere they succeed no less than some Dragon art critic!

Famous Dragons

Below we list those people who were lucky enough to be born in this significant and extraordinary year. Just think about these names, these are real masters of their craft:

  • Sigmund Freud
  • Edgar Allan Poe;
  • Bernard Show;
  • Mikhail Sholokhov;
  • Maksim Gorky;
  • Charles Darwin;
  • Oscar Wilde;
  • Joan of Arc;
  • Al Pacino;
  • Marlene Dietrich;
  • Abraham Lincoln;
  • Friedrich Nietzsche;
  • Pele;
  • Ernesto Che Guevara and many, many others!

In the east, the dragon is a symbol of luck, life and growth. In life, as a rule, such women are lucky both in their careers and in family life. The Dragon is a masculine sign, which is why she is so strong. She may demand a lot, but she always gives more. From an early age she is surrounded by attention and is always confident in herself.

Astrologer's advice: Please note that for an accurate description, it is necessary to correct the data taking into account the time, date and place of birth. Refined data will help you better understand yourself or understand other people.

In communication, she is honest and straightforward, she will never remain silent, she will express her opinion, even if it contradicts others. You should not anger her, as she is vindictive and remembers everything that was done for her. She doesn’t like deception, you shouldn’t lie to her, otherwise she no longer needs such people.

Astrologer's advice: In order to explore and better understand the character and characteristics of the zodiac sign, it is useful to study it from different sides and the section will help you with this -.

In work and in life, she likes an active lifestyle; she will always support the initiative to go on vacation, attend an event, or just take a walk in the park. The lady under the sign of the dragon is very talented, so when choosing a profession, she is guided by her natural skills. Tries to go to the end in order to achieve success or win. She can achieve success in different areas, although she is a cold-blooded animal, at heart she is a warm and kind person. She does not trust fate, always makes decisions and changes the situation in the direction she needs.

She can achieve success in the following professions: doctor, lawyer, teacher. Loves art and music. She knows how to manage her finances and afford to buy an expensive thing, but she is not stingy with friends and relatives, she always pays her attention to them. If she is asked for help, she will never refuse, but she loves to read morals and talk about values ​​in life. You can always get support from her if she sees that you need it. She should be surrounded by bright, extraordinary personalities; she does not like to spend time in a boring way. She loves to impress people; when they don't notice her, she gets very upset.

A good candidate for starting a family, she strives for marriage and loves constancy. She is cheerful and sexy. Her chosen one must be stronger than her, and she simply crushes weak men. She loves order in the household and that all family members support its laws. In a love relationship, she does not wait for the first steps from her chosen one, she takes the first steps. Men often suffer from her character, when they are often refused, they are afraid that they will no longer be able to win her over.

Astrologer's advice: The year of birth sufficiently specifically characterizes a person. Western astrology according to the zodiac signs for each month will help you expand your knowledge even more. Go to the next section -.

She expects a lot from her partner, because she does not like losers and weak people. Love is important to her, but she achieves success in sports, career and social life. She will not sit within four walls, she needs adventures and new emotions from life. In order for a man to be interested in such a woman, he needs to arrange an unusual date or tell him something interesting. She doesn’t like to listen to a man’s complaints; in her eyes, he should be above all these topics. She is calculating, achieving her goals, she will not stop and knows exactly what she needs.

The dragon is a fairy-tale image that can be found in legends. People who were born this year adopted all its qualities from this animal. They are free individuals, they do not tolerate people making decisions for them and imposing their point of view, they love to draw, sing, dance, and come up with non-standard solutions to situations.

The eastern horoscope has long been part of European practice. In addition to the characteristics of the month and year of birth, one should also take into account the animal under whose name the person was born. And at the same time the element of the year. By summing up all these characteristics, we get a more complete and accurate picture of character.

We must also take into account the peculiarities of the mentality of each people. In the Western tradition, dragons and snakes are symbols of deceit and cruelty. In the east, on the contrary, they are symbols of wisdom and strength.

From the point of view of the Russian language, the phrase “woman dragon” sounds intimidating. But, if you look at the problem from a different, eastern point of view, everything changes somewhat and is not at all so scary.

The dragon woman is a strong and confident person. She knows how to turn heads and make an impression. In any society, she considers herself the smartest and most beautiful. If the parents did not explain to the child in childhood that this may not always be the case, then with age, dragon girls begin to suffer from selfishness and delusions of grandeur.

But even though she thinks so, she knows how to forgive and love. And if necessary, he will always take a step forward and ask for forgiveness.

Dragon Woman Personality Characteristics

Having a strong, strong-willed character, the dragon woman also demands strength from others. She is not inclined to forgive weaknesses.

As a straightforward person, he does not like uncertainty and tries to dot the i's. She often does it harshly. Which can scare off many people.

Despite their formidable appearance and glory, they are not always so terrible and severe.

They can be generous and even gentle, despite their tough character and stern appearance.

They love to shine and love compliments. They cannot stand injustice, they are ready to fight to the end, and to fight honestly. But they won’t accept defeat either.

At the same time, ladies of this year of birth are not ready to share their own secrets with just anyone. This makes them look unapproachable and cold. In fact, they are just reserved and secretive.

He usually does not hide his likes and dislikes. Such straightforwardness and uncompromisingness can harm, first of all, herself and destroy friendships or love relationships.

As a bright and interesting personality, she attracts people to her. Strength of character is a magnet that attracts many. But she is not interested in weak people.

Dragon Girl is a complex person. It is difficult to find an approach to her. All her life she strives to become better and improves herself. This person is vulnerable and kind, but always hides these qualities behind a mask of cruelty and severity. In a difficult situation, she is able to defend her own opinion, stand up for loved ones and defend her cause. She doesn’t worry if she hears that she is being discussed and criticized. He takes criticism painlessly and strives to correct shortcomings.

She is lucky in many ways. She can quickly climb the career ladder. The dragon woman has a large social circle and is friends with everyone. They want to communicate with her and love her. In the circle of friends she liberates herself, but not completely.

In a family, a dragon woman dictates her own rules and demands that household members obey them.

Men love and idolize these ladies. She simply does not need a weak man. She searches for her soul mate for a long time and reverently.

A female dragon never rushes into a whirlpool of feelings and looks at the situation soberly. If it is not profitable for her or she might suffer in some way, she will refuse the case. These people can be petty, greedy, careerists and love only themselves.

She is interested in bright and creative people with whom she is not bored. Among her friends there are many people who occupy high positions and know how to influence. Money plays a huge role in the life of a dragon girl.

The dragon woman will not leave the house without her hair and makeup done. She is beautiful at any time of the day. The dragon woman is always dressed to the nines and well-groomed.

In relationships and at work, they value their own independence and do everything to achieve it.

How to win a dragon woman

Being a very original and extraordinary person, the dragon girl appreciates similar qualities in other people. She needs a partner who is not inferior to her in strength of character. Such a girl can easily suppress or break a weak person. And she will no longer value a broken and depressed person. At best, regret it.

To create a harmonious union, you must be able to open your soul to your partner. But this is precisely the quality that people this year often mistake for weakness. And they themselves are not eager to “open their souls” and do not allow others to do so.

Such individuals seem in the eyes of others not just tough, but also downright cruel and heartless. But this is not true at all. Simply due to their characteristics, they do not like to show their weaknesses to others. Or what they perceive as a weakness. And they need friendly participation and sincere love no less than the weaker sex of any other signs. They just don’t like to talk about it openly. And sometimes they don’t know how.

So if you decide to win the trust and affection of your chosen one, you should arm yourself with patience and understanding. She is not ready to demonstrate her affection right away. It may take a long time to besiege such a “fortress.” But the result is worth it. The opportunity to have a strong, intelligent and brilliant partner nearby should be considered a gift of fate.

Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of this sign, you can choose the best strategy to please your chosen one and win her heart. To do this, you really need to understand what exactly she loves, support and help make her dreams and ideas come true. She will certainly appreciate such support. Birth years that harmonize with her own will have the greatest success. These are men of the year of the Rat, Boar, Tiger and Monkey.

The dragon woman is popular among the opposite sex. She loves men's company and tries to be the center of attention and outshine other ladies. Neither clothes nor lack of hairstyle will spoil her. In any way she is a real queen.

Ladies born this year are very active. They can easily fall in love and quickly fall out of love. But their personal life does not come first. If given a choice, the dragon woman will choose a job without hesitation and make a dizzying career. She's a dragon and that's it.

Only a confident man can win a dragon lady. This is possible for those born in the year of the Rat, Tiger, Pig and Monkey. These men understand perfectly how to care and what is required of them. They understand perfectly what family life with a beautiful lady should look like. They will never allow their other half to vegetate in poverty. Everyone is given a worthy place, and everyone is engaged in their direct responsibilities.

A dragon girl will definitely like a man who understands what is required of him and immediately fulfills all his whims. She should be constantly praised and admired for her beauty and grace. Without this, her life becomes boring, and the dragon woman seeks admiration and compliments on the side. She will demand them from her partner.

Gifts play a significant role in relationships. If her companion is stingy and unromantic, she will find a replacement for him. She needs a lot of gifts and any nonsense will not do. She appreciates luxury and knows how to live in it.

The man who picks up the keys to her heart will never regret it. This lady will give him all her love.

If the other half does not respect the work of the dragon, help and advise, then the relationship will be upset.

Scenes of jealousy and showdown are inappropriate. If she truly loves, she will never change. And she needs to flirt and make eyes. The partner must understand that this is harmless flirting. Often, the dragon woman tries to do this unnoticed.

The dragon woman cannot be limited in anything. The dragon himself understands what is possible and what is not.

Dragon Woman Horoscope Career and Finance

Dragon woman horoscope: career

The woman’s dragon horoscope believes that a person with such a strong character will be able to cope with many tasks. They are not just wise, but also determined and purposeful. Such qualities are the best suited for building a career.

A tough and demanding person can become an excellent leader. But he is often hampered by such qualities as excessive rigidity, straightforwardness and uncompromisingness. Namely, in the position of a leader, such qualities become even more pronounced. So the manager should constantly remember this herself and try not to “go too far.”

Likewise, subordinates or colleagues, knowing the characteristics of the dragon woman according to the horoscope, will be able to build long-term and mutually beneficial relationships. Knowing that she has a tough character, it is easier not to “get into trouble” by aggravating the relationship, but simply to offer a reasonable solution or compromise. Common sense is always a priority for this “animal”.

A dragon woman has the following career characteristic: she is a very talented person. She can handle all professions. New and unexplored things are always interesting and attractive to her. If she takes on a job, she will do it in the proper form and bring the work she has started to its logical conclusion.

When choosing a profession, a dragon woman often makes mistakes. A dragon girl can master the most difficult and non-female specialty, the main thing is to want to. At the beginning of her career path, she may doubt a lot and be insecure, but soon this will pass, and she will show herself in all her glory.

This lady chooses an activity where the salary is high. But if she does not achieve a promotion, then the dragon woman tries to change jobs. Very often, a dragon woman chooses a less paid occupation, but with great prospects for career growth.

Without difficulties, she will be bored with work. The dragon woman is a good leader, she tries to create something new and take initiative in everything.

A dragon woman can become a businesswoman or devote her life to politics. She is not characterized by slowness and long thoughts. She makes any decision with lightning speed. She is interested in the scientific field. She is trying to prove herself in this area and will definitely make a discovery.

But if a dragon woman chooses a creative profession, she will succeed in many ways. She is attracted to sports only as a hobby. She is not capable of devoting her life to him.

In short, she will succeed in everything. The main thing for her is to choose an interesting profession, and she will definitely fly to the top.

Dragon Woman in Love and Family

People of this year are usually very interesting to others and have many admirers. It is impossible not to notice a lady born under this sign; she usually stands out even in a crowd. But the number of fans can lead to well-founded jealousy of a partner. She herself must keep this in mind.

A dragon woman in love can be just as tough and uncompromising as in her career or business. But there such qualities help to build business relationships. In love they are only a hindrance. However, knowing that people of this sign appreciate sincere attention to themselves, you can build strong relationships. Especially if you don’t try to constantly “sort things out.” It won't work here. Hard pressure in the case of such a sign will only lead to a quick and complete rupture. The “mythical creature” is wise, but does not tolerate being put under pressure, putting limits on it and telling it how to live.

As already mentioned, the most promising union is formed by harmonizing signs. But a union where she is a dragon and he too may turn out to be especially original. In this case, you will get an unusual and harmonious couple. Usually, if two people born under the same horoscope meet, either a serious conflict of interests may occur, or a harmonious and lasting union will result. The negative qualities and shortcomings of both partners intensify when they collide with each other, which is quite capable of developing into a conflict. But the positive traits are also enhanced in the same way. If common sense and sincere love win, the result will be a very harmonious union. For life

The dragon is an unusual sign. And women who were born in the year of this animal prove this. They are always the main ones in the family. She decides all issues, and everyone else agrees with her. It is not clear to her why a man should lead; she adheres to the fact that matriarchy should reign in any family. And she will definitely prove to everyone that absolutely any woman can do all a man’s work and be independent.

There is no use arguing with her. She will always be right and will find a lot of evidence that she is right.

Love is just a detail of ordinary life. She will not be able to make a choice towards the man she loves if she has a wonderful job. A dragon woman will never become a housewife and will not devote her life to raising children. She will work and earn money.

She will never be able to live in a boring environment, with ordinary renovations and old furniture. This lady will make her home special and unusual. She brings unusual souvenirs from her travels and decorates her apartment with them.

Despite her busy schedule, her house is sterilely clean. Everything is done and comfortable. If her finances allow her, she tries to buy beautiful and rare paintings and collects books and records.

If a loved one does not notice her and does not appreciate the conditions created, then she leaves him and leaves with nothing.

Men are simply fascinated by such a woman. They fall in love with her at first sight. The stronger sex must understand that many people like her and be ready to fight for the lady of their heart.

But if she liked a man, she will do everything to seduce him and make him fall in love with her. She will not be afraid of any obstacles. Men understand this and pay attention to the beauty.

Boring relationships are not for her. She needs passion. She herself is a very passionate and hot partner. The dragon woman is distrustful in love and is in no hurry to open up first. But when necessary, she can yield to principles.

Often, a dragon woman becomes disappointed in her partner and starts another relationship. But at the same time they explain themselves honestly and sometimes remain friends. Marriage and family are not the goal of the dragon woman. She may be left alone and not get married.

Very often we do not notice how our protective animal influences our destiny. Don't shrug it off and think that it's all nonsense. This is far from true, and you should pay attention to such little things as a horoscope.

Years of birth according to the Dragon sign: 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

Dragon Woman - Personality Characteristics

People born in the year of the Dragon, both women and men, inherited many of its mythological qualities, fairy-tale properties and characteristics. Their most characteristic features are inner freedom, looseness, a desire for creativity, for flight, and a reluctance to bind themselves to any contracts or obligations.

The Dragon Woman makes a strong impression on those around her. Everywhere and everywhere she feels like a queen, although she is sometimes prone to delusions of grandeur. And this is not surprising, since wisdom is in action. But, despite these character traits, the Dragon woman is internally condescending towards her environment and is able to easily forgive insults and insults if they take a step towards her.

The Dragon Woman is very attractive and charming, cheerful and sexy, captivating and attractive, and at the same time endowed with a sharp mind. From early childhood she was surrounded by increased attention. In general, in the East, the most beautiful women are considered to be those born in the years of the Dragon and Tiger. For this woman, a well-groomed appearance is considered a sacred matter. As a rule, the Dragon woman knows how to take care of herself and retains her attractiveness until old age. She knows the secret masks for wrinkles, and with the help of exercise and nutrition she stays in great shape. She also strictly follows fashion and social events. She says with all her appearance: “I know what I want, and I know how to achieve it.” And for the energetic and ambitious nature of the Dragon woman, all paths are truly open.

The Dragon Woman stands out from the crowd with her chic, impeccable taste and incredible self-confidence. With her magnificence, she literally outshines other people, and she takes admiration for her person for granted.

In addition to physical beauty, the Dragon woman also has charm, mystery, some kind of inner steel shine and serene calm. She has an amazing sense of humor and resourcefulness that appeals to both women and men. This spectacular and independent woman simply loves attention and fame. Modesty is not her trait. On the contrary, she believes that everything revolves around her and the whole world should lie at her feet. This woman is created for a beautiful life filled with champagne and caviar!

Another characteristic feature of the Dragon woman is emancipation, independence, and independence. She always advocates gender equality, and, having noticed discrimination, does not hesitate to prove her position. She believes that she can handle any task as well as any man. And she is really capable of a lot. The Dragon Woman should not be underestimated. She is so talented and energetic, she is ready to do anything to win and therefore rarely loses. In family life, she will never be just a housewife. She always needs to be busy and in the spotlight. She is very demanding of herself and others and hates deception. This is an honest, frank woman who expresses her opinion even on controversial issues. She is very active, hates injustice, and is capable of much if she believes in an idea. But he cannot stand criticism directed at himself. She takes it very painfully and goes on the defensive.

To tell the truth, the Dragon woman is a purely business person. She even shows it in the way she dresses. No frills, unnecessary laces, buttons or flounces, minimum complications. Clothes that are easy to put on and allow her maximum freedom of movement are her choice. She hates restrictions. She may even secretly prefer uniforms if she has military inclinations.

The Dragon Woman is a maximalist and divides everything in life into black and white. And she even divides all people into two categories: winners and losers. She does not like indecisive, always hesitant people. She likes bright and extraordinary personalities. And she makes friends, most often with those who have some additional benefits, privileges or power.

The Dragon Woman is quite creative and often has creative hobbies. She can express herself in one of the fields of art, draw, sing, play music, dance, etc.

When it comes to money, the Dragon woman is generous and loves to give pleasant gifts to her relatives and numerous friends. And, of course, she does not regret anything for herself. As a rule, when buying a product, this woman never looks at the price tag. She takes something simply because she likes it. Therefore, it is better not to trust her with responsibility for the finances of the family. She values ​​her family and friends very much and will never leave them in trouble. The Dragon Woman considers herself simply obligated to help all those who need help. She is ready to give everything that is required and help in any way she can, but, however, she will not forget to give a lecture on morals and values.

True, there is something cold and inexplicable about the Dragon woman. It happens that she pushes people away either with her arrogance, or her inability to listen, or her indifference.

In general, the Dragon woman is lucky and everything goes well for her thanks to her ability to be in the right place at the right time and not advertise her failures.

Dragon Woman of the Year - love and family

The Dragon Woman is considered the most unusual sign in the entire eastern horoscope. Often she is even able to act as the empress of the ideas of matriarchy. She is sufficiently emancipated and can express the interests of a large number of women fighting for equality with men. Moreover, she is able to do the same as a man, and even better. Therefore, such a woman cannot be outplayed or defeated. In any business, she demonstrates self-confidence, high intelligence and business skills that will help make a career for any man. Love for a Dragon woman is not all she needs. She easily achieves success in social life, science or sports. She will never agree to the role of a housewife. Sooner or later, her rebellious soul, thirsty for new adventures, breaks out of the four walls like a bird. And if it meets resistance, the ending of the relationship can be impressive. She will leave, leaving behind ashes...

According to her worldview, the Dragon woman would prefer to live in an ancient castle in a picturesque corner of the planet. But, since the majority do not have such an opportunity, she creates special living conditions in her apartment or house. The monotonous layout and dull interior make her bored. Therefore, she tries to bring something exotic into her home and constantly changes the decor. As a rule, her house is always clean and luxuriously furnished with the maximum level of comfort. She loves to surround herself with works of art, good music and books, as she constantly improves herself. The Dragon Woman can easily create a favorable atmosphere at home, but it is important for her that this be noticed and appreciated, otherwise she will not hesitate to break off the relationship.

And many people dream of achieving her favor. But anyone who has succumbed to her charms must be prepared for the fact that he will have to fight with many rivals throughout his life. Even after getting married, she continues to flirt, although she will never go beyond what is permitted.

To win a Dragon woman, you need to flatter her pride, never put her in second roles and in no way hurt her pride. She is not shy to speak out, is straightforward in her assessments, self-confident and courageous. Men relentlessly follow her, and she tests a person’s character with her impudent remarks and selects those on whom she would not mind spending her energy. It should also be remembered that this woman cannot stand complaints, gossip and criticism, even with the best intentions. A woman born in the year of the Dragon loves to be pampered and sometimes she may seem like a capricious princess, but she has a good heart. And even if the Dragon woman does not dig in the garden so as not to get her nails dirty, she is a master at telling stories and making people laugh.

The Dragon Woman is not one of those women who sit and wait for the man they like to make the first move or for the employer to offer a good position. She takes everything into her own hands and begins to act. Most often, in family relationships, the Dragon woman takes a dominant position and many men agree to this, because they understand perfectly well that they will never find such an interesting partner again. All relationships of the Dragon woman are filled with enthusiasm, passion, and cause a real storm of emotions. But, there must be a considerable amount of independence in them, because this woman does not intend to allow anyone to tie her too closely.

In family life, many Dragon women do not show their best qualities. And, as a rule, many people get married a second time. Moreover, it is worth noting that marriage is not an end in itself for them, it is only an additional support point for the implementation of their plans. The Dragon woman has high hopes for her husband, because for his sake she sacrificed her precious freedom! There is no question of her adapting to someone - on the contrary, the Dragon woman is always on top, and the people around must accept everything unconditionally, or leave the circle of her close associates.

Dragon woman horoscope – career

The Dragon Woman is a purely business person. Thanks to such qualities as energy, responsibility, intelligence and steely will, she is able to achieve success in almost any field of activity. She works hard, skillfully manages her working time and takes any task seriously and responsibly, be it business negotiations or cooking borscht. An organized and rational Dragon woman looks at her watch and remembers what she needs to do today. She wastes no time and is indignant when they bother her with little things. For her, time is money. Very often, the Dragon woman, along with the Dragon man, sets herself tasks that seem impossible for most people. And this applies to work, love, career and life in general. If you tell her that this is impossible and no one has done this, it means awakening the spirit of the discoverer in her. A woman of this type has a creative nature and a real talent for achieving success, so it often seems that prosperity and an interesting life come to her without much difficulty

It is important for the Dragon Woman to be the center of attention, but she does not strive for power. But thanks to luck and intelligence, he achieves great success in his professional life. She is noticed in her youth, and even then she knows what she will strive for in the future. A woman born in the year of the Dragon will never do boring, monotonous work. And she brings creativity and inspiration to everything she does.

Women born under this energetic sign make excellent teachers, nutritionists, professors, lawyers, lawyers, doctors, speakers, architects, industrialists, shopkeepers, actors, artists, volcanologists, meteorologists, ambassadors, politicians, directors.

The Dragon Woman is also talented as a leader. She is the type of boss who talks a lot and who never sits idle. She will not tolerate unpunctuality and parasitism from employees. She herself strives for perfection and demands the same from others. She is not easy to work with. She is always convinced that she is right and is not ready to compromise.