Temperature after vacuum aspiration for how many days. Mini-abortion (vacuum aspiration) – does the “mini” prefix really make the procedure safe?

Vacuum aspiration– simple and effective method obtaining the contents of the uterine cavity using a special apparatus consisting of a set of aspiration tips and a vacuum pump that creates negative pressure in the uterine cavity, allowing its contents to be aspirated.

The most common method is vacuum aspiration for performing a mini-abortion - a popular name for the method of terminating a pregnancy. early stages, also called vacuum excochleation in medicine (lat. vacuum emptiness; lat. ex - prefix meaning separation, extraction + cochlear spoon). This operation termination of pregnancy is carried out by suction ovum and decidua (falling off) membrane from the uterine cavity.

The name “vacuum excochleation” dates back to 1960, when E.I. Melks began using a device he designed together with L.V. Rose and called a vacuum excochleator to terminate pregnancy. This apparatus consisted of an electric vacuum pump and cylindrical mother nozzles with side holes and a grinding device (auger) inside. The auger was driven by an electric motor. The uterine nozzle was connected to the vacuum reservoir of the electric pump with a rubber hose.

In 1961, A.V. Zubeev proposed a special electric vacuum device for artificial termination of pregnancy, which is still used today. The operation carried out using this device is called “vacuum aspiration”.

Since 1974 international non-profit organization IPAS proposed a method of manual vacuum aspiration (MVA), using a hand pump in the form of a special syringe that creates negative pressure, similar to an electric vacuum apparatus.

“Well-equipped clinics should abandon the use of curettage and adopt the aspiration method [for uterine evacuation], choosing manual or electrical vacuum generation according to their capabilities.”

Source: Final Report
WHO/IFAH conferences
Brazil, March 1997


  1. Endometrial biopsy (infertility, amenorrhea, endometrial hyperplasia, chronic infection endometrium, control during hormone replacement therapy)
  2. Study of the biocenosis of the uterine cavity
  3. Hematometer
  4. Serozometer
  5. Hydatidiform mole
  6. Dysfunctional uterine bleeding
  7. Remnants of placental tissue after childbirth or cesarean section
  8. Incomplete spontaneous miscarriage (incipient miscarriage, ongoing abortion, septic abortion)
  9. Retention of fertilized egg elements during a previously performed surgical or medical abortion procedure (incomplete abortion)
  10. Non-developing and pathological pregnancy up to 12 weeks
  11. Termination of an unplanned pregnancy in the first trimester

Tips of various diameters.

Vacuum device for short-term aspiration
in inpatient and outpatient settings.

Two-valve aspirator. Provides creation
vacuum before the procedure.

Cannulas of different diameters with color coding
sizes. The cannulas are marked for orientation
at a distance of 1 cm. The first mark is located
at a distance of 6 cm from the edge.

Vacuum aspiration of the contents of the uterine cavity can be performed using:

  • electric vacuum aspirator and special metal tips of various diameters (4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 mm)
  • a device for manual vacuum aspiration (MVA), consisting of a 60 cm 2 aspirator syringe equipped with a unique shut-off valve that creates a vacuum before the procedure begins, and flexible plastic cannulas of various diameters (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 , 10, 12 mm).

    The creation of a vacuum by the MVA device is equivalent to electrical vacuum aspiration of 609.6 - 660.4 mmHg. Art.

Today, two-valve syringes MVA and MVA-Plus are registered and used in Russia. The only difference between the MBA-Plus syringe is additional method sterilization by autoclaving or steam treatment.

Vacuum aspiration of the contents of the uterine cavity is considered a gentle method of collecting material and instrumental abortion, because trauma to the cervix, basal layer of the endometrium and myometrium with this intervention is minimal. However, in a small percentage of cases the following are possible: complications directly related to manipulation:

  • perforation of the cervix and body of the uterus- most likely if the surgical technique is not followed. If perforation is suspected, appropriate measures must be taken to save the woman's life.
  • incomplete aspiration of the contents of the uterine cavity- Occurs when a tip or cannula is too small, or when aspiration is stopped prematurely. During manipulation, it is necessary to carefully monitor signs of uterine emptying and carefully examine the removed tissue, especially when terminating a pregnancy.
  • air embolism- occurs when the syringe plunger moves forward while the cannula is still in the uterine cavity

When performing an abortion or treating an incomplete miscarriage, a two-valve syringe should not be used if the size of the uterus according to bimanual examination corresponds to more than 12 weeks. In addition, syringes and cannulas should not be used on an outpatient basis if a woman has uterine fibroids or a bleeding disorder.

Preparation for the operation and methods of its implementation similar to those when performing a medical abortion. To measure the length of the uterine cavity, use either a uterine probe or a cannula, which has points: the cannula closest to the tip is 6 cm from it, others are spaced 1 cm apart.

If it is necessary to dilate the cervical canal, it is better to use Hegar dilators, but a series of cannulas of increasing diameter can be used, however, the likelihood of damage to the cervix is ​​higher when using a series of dilation cannulas. In multipregnant women, artificial abortion is performed in the early stages without dilating the cervical canal. Dilatation of the cervical canal is usually required when the cervix does not accommodate a cannula (tip) that matches the size of the uterus. You can make insertion easier by rotating the cannula and applying gentle pressure to it.

When carrying out manipulations for diagnostic purposes, use a tip (cannula) with a diameter of 3.4 mm. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the tip (cannula) is tightly covered by the cervix to prevent air from entering the syringe. When performing an abortion, removing the remnants of the fertilized egg, it is better to use a tip (cannula) of the maximum diameter that can be inserted into the uterine cavity.

Nota bene!
Sterile instruments inserted into the uterus should not touch non-sterile surfaces, including the walls of the vagina!

Place the tip of the cannula (tip) closer to internal os. When aspirating due to abortion, the remains of the fertilized egg - carefully move the tip of the cannula (tip) in the uterine cavity in a horizontal plane, making rotational movements. The movement of the tip in the uterine cavity when taking a biopsy allows you to obtain material from the walls of the uterus, depending on the location of the inlet (cut) of the tip.

When manipulating using a syringe, it is important not to remove the cannula hole from the cervical canal, otherwise the vacuum in the syringe will be lost, but while the vacuum is maintained and the cannula remains in the uterine cavity, it is important to ensure that the plunger handles are stationary on the edge of the syringe body. If the plunger accidentally slips into the syringe, aspirated tissue and air will be introduced back into the uterine cavity, which can cause a complication, including an air embolism.

A vacuum aspirator creates negative pressure (up to 0.8-1 atm) in the uterine cavity, allowing the fertilized egg to easily separate from the uterine wall, regardless of its location. In this case, trauma to the vessels occurs, resulting in bleeding; the blood along with the fertilized egg is sucked out of the uterine cavity into a collection jar or syringe aspirator.

The completion of aspiration of the fertilized egg is indicated by the appearance of pink foam without tissue in the cannula and contraction of the uterus around the cannula. Aspiration biopsy can be completed as soon as sufficient tissue has been obtained for histological examination.

More information about the use of the aspirator syringe and cannulas can be found in the brochure "Evacuation of the gestational sac using the Ipas MVA Plus™ aspirator syringe and Ipas EasyGrip® cannulas".

After the end of the manipulation, the aspirated material is squeezed out of the syringe into the fixing solution and sent for examination. When terminating a pregnancy, it is imperative to check the aspirated tissue for the presence of products of conception (villi, membranes, after 9 weeks - parts of the fetus) to ensure complete cessation intrauterine pregnancy. The amount of post-abortion aspiration masses usually does not exceed 160-170 ml and depends on the stage of pregnancy. Before a post-abortion aspirate is sent to the laboratory, blood clots must be removed.

The absence of products of conception in the aspirated material may indicate an ectopic (ectopic) pregnancy. To clarify the diagnosis after manipulation, it is necessary to perform an ultrasound and determine human chorionic gonadotropin.


Vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity - simple, effective method removal of the fertilized egg in early pregnancy, removal of blood clots after childbirth, and endometrial biopsy.

There are two options for aspiration:

  1. Manual - a special syringe is used that creates negative pressure.
  2. Electric - the device creates a vacuum. Less common in our country.

After vacuum aspiration is completed, the obtained tissues of the uterine cavity must be examined. A woman may at any time be faced with a situation where she should surgical intervention. It is necessary to understand what MVA of the uterine cavity is, the benefits and consequences of the chosen procedure.


Discharge after vacuum aspiration is significant. Vacuum aspiration is an invasive procedure and belongs to the group of minor surgical operations. It is believed that MVA is less traumatic, but the vessels are mechanically injured. The patient must stay in the medical facility for at least 4 hours after the intervention. Are controlled bloody issues: sparse, with no large clots, dark Brown, gradually fading away. The discharge resembles that of menstruation. On average they stop after 10 days.

Pathological blood loss after vacuum aspiration soaking more than 2 large pads for 2 hours is considered. Such allocations are unacceptable.

More massive bleeding is accompanied by loss of consciousness, drop in pressure, tachycardia, dizziness, feeling increased sweating and disorientation.

It is necessary to consult a doctor before leaving the hospital: specify possible complications, be ready to return to the hospital, arrange for help to get to medical institution. When symptoms appear abnormal bleeding, constant pain, increased temperature, presence of discharge in large clots or with a foul odor, any deterioration in health, you should seek medical help.

Discharge that lasts more than 10 days is a cause for concern. You should not try to stop the discharge in the form of bleeding on your own. It is possible that there is no discharge at all after a minor operation. You shouldn't be happy. Most likely, the uterine os is spasmed - the way out blood clots absent. The uterine cavity gradually fills, causing unbearable pain. Painkillers will temporarily dull the sensations. Danger - high risk septic complications. Treatment required: antispasmodic to relieve muscle spasm cervix, antibacterial therapy, repeated cleaning of the uterine cavity.

Indications, contraindications and complications

There are certain indications for vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity. Gynecologists call following reasons, in which it is necessary to perform vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity.

  1. Termination of pregnancy (unwanted, for medical reasons) up to 12 weeks.
  2. Incomplete abortion (spontaneous, after unsuccessful attempt medical or criminal abortion).
  3. Bubble drift.
  4. Hematometra.
  5. Remains of placental tissue after childbirth: spontaneous and surgical.
  6. Endometrial biopsy and study of organ biocenosis.
  7. Dysfunctional bleeding from the uterus.

There are certain contraindications to vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity:

  • pregnancy more than 12 weeks;
  • suspicion of ectopic localization of the ovum;
  • inflammatory diseases genitourinary system in the acute and subacute period;
  • acute form of inflammatory diseases of any localization, including infectious;
  • violation of the coagulation system;
  • uterine fibroids or abnormal development of the genital organs;

Possible complications:

  • rupture of the uterus or cervix;
  • hematometer;
  • inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • incomplete removal of the fertilized egg;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • infertility.

Control questions

It is important to discuss the method of pain relief during manipulation. The following options are possible: psychological support, analgesics in combination with sedatives, paracervical blockade, intravenous anesthesia. Threshold pain sensitivity is individual, anesthesia must be discussed with your doctor in advance.

It is also necessary to resolve the issue of antibacterial therapy to prevent septic complications, which often occur pathological discharge. The uterus is wound surface, where infection can occur with a high probability of developing serious complications - endometritis, myometritis, salpingoophoritis. More often they use drugs from the group of protected penicillins and cephalosporins. It is advisable to conduct an allergy test before starting to take the medicine.

Second no less important question- contraception. Having decided in favor oral contraceptives, the patient takes the first tablet on the day of the procedure. By selecting intrauterine device- it must be placed immediately after the procedure or 14 days after the ultrasound at the next appearance.

If there is discharge after vacuum aspiration the spiral is not installed, but therapeutic measures are carried out.

The risk of perforation is reduced by the fact that curettage of the organ cavity is not recommended in routine practice.

The patient may feel painful uterine contractions several hours or days after the operation. Painkillers are allowed. Severe, unbearable pain that cannot be controlled by medications is a reason to go to the doctor.

Menstruation usually appears after a month to a month and a half. Two allowed irregular cycle. Further violation indicates pathology.

Vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity occurs almost without complications. However, there is vowel rule- two weeks after the procedure, an appointment with the doctor is required. During the examination, the gynecologist will clarify possible complaints, take a smear on the flora, and conduct ultrasonography, will clarify the method of contraception. An ultrasound will show whether a complete abortion has occurred, whether there are signs of endometritis or blood in the retroperitoneal space. A second visit should not be neglected if there are no symptoms. It is better to make sure that the procedure went without complications than to treat them later.

Manipulation after childbirth

Vacuum aspiration after childbirth is used when parts of the placenta are retained in the cavity. Perhaps this surgery Without normal course postpartum period: the nature of the discharge has changed due to cervical spasm and the outflow of blood has been disrupted.

The most common cause of vacuum aspiration after childbirth is retained parts of the placenta. In this regard, normal involution is disrupted, the uterus cannot contract properly - bleeding continues. Accumulating clots undergo rotting - a focus of powerful inflammation is formed, the breakdown products of which enter the blood. If help is not provided in time, in order to save the life of a woman from septic shock, radical surgery- uterus removal.

It is urgent to remove the remains of blood clots, parts of the placenta and membranes. Vacuum aspiration after childbirth, hydatidiform mole - vital necessary procedure, without which recovery is often impossible.


The presence of complaints of infertility, menstrual irregularities, pain during sexual intercourse, the appearance of discharge not related to the cycle - require clarification of the cause. It is necessary not only to find endometrial pathology, but also to exclude a tumor process. The absence of changes during ultrasound allows young women to recommend vacuum aspiration of the endometrium. The technique is more gentle and is often performed under local anesthesia. The doctor first recommends taking painkillers and antispasmodics.

IN medical institutions The procedure is called pipel biopsy. If hyperplasia is suspected, proof of malignancy or its absence is necessary before undergoing myomectomy. Held histological examination, obtained by vacuum aspiration. It is also used to determine the causes of infertility and prepare for IVF. Minimal preparation and exact result secured.

Manual vacuum aspiration uterine cavity is a common method of helping women. The advantage of the method over medical abortion- wider time frames, before surgical abortion- less traumatic. The range of indications for use is quite extensive, and there are not many contraindications and complications. For your own reproductive health It is useful to know about the methodology for providing MBA. It is necessary to follow all recommendations of the obstetrician-gynecologist: take prescribed medications, monitor discharge, monitor painful sensations, if the first adverse symptoms occur, return to the hospital.


Vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity is a simple, effective way to remove the fertilized egg in early pregnancy, extract blood clots after childbirth, and perform an endometrial biopsy.

There are two options for aspiration:

  1. Manual - a special syringe is used that creates negative pressure.
  2. Electric - the device creates a vacuum. Less common in our country.

After vacuum aspiration is completed, the obtained tissues of the uterine cavity must be examined. A woman may at any time be faced with a situation where she should undergo surgery. It is necessary to understand what MVA of the uterine cavity is, the benefits and consequences of the chosen procedure.


Discharge after vacuum aspiration is significant. Vacuum aspiration is an invasive procedure and belongs to the group of minor surgical operations. It is believed that MVA is less traumatic, but the vessels are mechanically injured. The patient must stay in the medical facility for at least 4 hours after the intervention. Bloody discharge is controlled: not abundant, with small clots, dark brown in color, gradually disappearing. The discharge resembles that of menstruation. On average they stop after 10 days.

Pathological blood loss after vacuum aspiration soaking more than 2 large pads for 2 hours is considered. Such allocations are unacceptable.

More massive bleeding is accompanied by loss of consciousness, a drop in pressure, tachycardia, dizziness, a feeling of excessive sweating and disorientation.

It is imperative to consult with a doctor when leaving the hospital: discuss possible complications, be prepared to return to the hospital, and arrange for help to get to a medical facility. If you experience symptoms of abnormal bleeding, persistent pain, fever, discharge in large clots or with a foul odor, or any deterioration in your health, you should seek medical help.

Discharge that lasts more than 10 days is a cause for concern. You should not try to stop the discharge in the form of bleeding on your own. It is possible that there is no discharge at all after a minor operation. You shouldn't be happy. Most likely, the uterine pharynx is spasmed - there is no release of blood clots. The uterine cavity gradually fills, causing unbearable pain. Painkillers will temporarily dull the sensations. Danger - high risk of septic complications. Treatment is required: an antispasmodic to relieve muscle spasms of the cervix, antibacterial therapy, repeated cleaning of the uterine cavity.

Indications, contraindications and complications

There are certain indications for vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity. Gynecologists name the following reasons for which it is necessary to perform vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity.

  1. Termination of pregnancy (unwanted, for medical reasons) up to 12 weeks.
  2. Incomplete abortion (spontaneous, after an unsuccessful attempt at medical or criminal abortion).
  3. Bubble drift.
  4. Hematometra.
  5. Remains of placental tissue after childbirth: spontaneous and surgical.
  6. Endometrial biopsy and study of organ biocenosis.
  7. Dysfunctional bleeding from the uterus.

There are certain contraindications to vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity:

  • pregnancy more than 12 weeks;
  • suspicion of ectopic localization of the ovum;
  • inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system in the acute and subacute period;
  • acute form of inflammatory diseases of any localization, including infectious;
  • violation of the coagulation system;
  • uterine fibroids or abnormal development of the genital organs;

Possible complications:

  • rupture of the uterus or cervix;
  • hematometer;
  • inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • incomplete removal of the fertilized egg;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • infertility.

Control questions

It is important to discuss the method of pain relief during manipulation. The following options are possible: psychological support, analgesics in combination with sedatives, paracervical blockade, intravenous anesthesia. The threshold for pain sensitivity varies from person to person; anesthesia should be discussed with your doctor in advance.

The issue of antibacterial therapy should also be addressed to prevent septic complications, which often manifest as pathological discharge. The uterus is a wound surface where infection can enter with a high probability of developing serious complications - endometritis, myometritis, salpingoophoritis. More often they use drugs from the group of protected penicillins and cephalosporins. It is advisable to conduct an allergy test before starting to take the medicine.

The second equally important issue is contraception. Having decided in favor of oral contraceptives, the patient takes the first pill on the day of the procedure. Having chosen an intrauterine device, it must be placed immediately after the procedure or 14 days after the ultrasound at the next appearance.

If there is discharge after vacuum aspiration the spiral is not installed, but therapeutic measures are carried out.

The risk of perforation is reduced by the fact that curettage of the organ cavity is not recommended in routine practice.

The patient may feel painful uterine contractions several hours or days after the operation. Painkillers are allowed. Severe, unbearable pain that cannot be controlled by medications is a reason to go to the doctor.

Menstruation usually appears after a month to a month and a half. Two irregular cycles are allowed. Further violation indicates pathology.

Vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity occurs almost without complications. However, there is an open rule - two weeks after the procedure, it is mandatory to see a doctor. During the examination, the gynecologist will clarify possible complaints, take a smear on the flora, conduct an ultrasound examination, and clarify the method of contraception. An ultrasound will show whether a complete abortion has occurred, whether there are signs of endometritis or blood in the retroperitoneal space. A second visit should not be neglected if there are no symptoms. It is better to make sure that the procedure went without complications than to treat them later.

Manipulation after childbirth

Vacuum aspiration after childbirth is used when parts of the placenta are retained in the cavity. Such surgical intervention is possible in the absence of a normal course of the postpartum period: the nature of the discharge has changed due to cervical spasm and the outflow of blood has been disrupted.

The most common cause of vacuum aspiration after childbirth is retained parts of the placenta. In this regard, normal involution is disrupted, the uterus cannot contract properly - bleeding continues. Accumulating clots undergo rotting - a focus of powerful inflammation is formed, the breakdown products of which enter the blood. If help is not provided in time, in order to save life from septic shock, the woman will undergo a radical operation - removal of the uterus.

It is urgent to remove the remains of blood clots, parts of the placenta and membranes. Vacuum aspiration after childbirth or hydatidiform mole is a vital procedure, without which recovery is often impossible.


The presence of complaints of infertility, menstrual irregularities, pain during sexual intercourse, the appearance of discharge not related to the cycle - require clarification of the cause. It is necessary not only to find endometrial pathology, but also to exclude a tumor process. The absence of changes during ultrasound allows young women to recommend vacuum aspiration of the endometrium. The technique is more gentle and is often performed under local anesthesia. The doctor first recommends taking painkillers and antispasmodics.

In medical institutions, the procedure is called pipel biopsy. If hyperplasia is suspected, proof of malignancy or its absence is necessary before undergoing myomectomy. A histological examination obtained by vacuum aspiration is performed. It is also used to determine the causes of infertility and prepare for IVF. Minimal preparation and accurate results are guaranteed.

Manual vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity is a common method of assisting women. The advantage of the method over medical abortion is a wider time frame, and over surgical abortion it is less traumatic. The range of indications for use is quite extensive, and there are not many contraindications and complications. For your own reproductive health, it is useful to know about the methodology for providing MVA. It is necessary to follow all the recommendations of the obstetrician-gynecologist: take prescribed medications, monitor discharge, control pain, and if the first adverse symptoms occur, return to the hospital.

Vacuum aspiration is the least traumatic method of terminating pregnancy in the early stages. Using special equipment (vacuum cleaner principle) under high pressure The embryo is removed from the uterus. The procedure is performed only in the early stages of pregnancy (usually up to 7 obstetric weeks– this is approximately 21 days delay menstrual flow). This procedure is also called a mini-abortion, since it is not performed under general anesthesia and there are rarely any after it. serious complications.

Features of vacuum cleaning

Discharge after vacuum cleaning, as after any gynecological operation - absolutely normal phenomenon However, their temperament must be strictly controlled. The norm is brown discharge immediately after the operation (last 1-4 days), later on the 3-4th day light bloody, but not copious substances appear. If active bleeding appears or the discharge has a strong unpleasant odor, your body temperature has risen, and you experience pain in the lower abdomen, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Before the procedure, the woman undergoes full examination, including: examination by a gynecologist, a series of tests, ultrasound of the pelvic organs and consultation with a therapist. During the operation into the uterine cavity through cervical canal introduced small sizes probe with a special nozzle. The doctor connects the probe to a device that creates a vacuum in the female genital organ, i.e. negative pressure. Under its action, the fertilized egg, which is not yet well attached to the wall of the uterus, is separated from it and enters the aspirator. The uterus was cleared of the fertilized egg without causing any serious damage to it.

The procedure is prescribed for:

  • interruption unwanted pregnancy in the early stages;
  • impossibility of further normal development pregnancy (fading, fetal pathologies, etc.);
  • retention of the ovum during another method of abortion or placenta after childbirth;
  • spontaneous abortion;
  • diagnostic need (biopsy, endometrium);
  • accumulation of fluid (serozometer) or blood (hematometer) in the uterus.


  • late pregnancy;
  • inflammatory or infectious diseases of the uterus;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • a number of the patient’s diseases;
  • recent (less than 6 months ago) termination of pregnancy, by any means.

In total, the procedure takes 10-15 minutes. Recovery after it is 60-120 minutes.

Causes of discharge after a vacuum

You need to figure out which discharge is normal. Primary vaginal flows that are brown in color are the result of damage to the uterine tissue. The healing period depends on individual characteristics body, and lasts from 1 to 4 days. Such discharge begins immediately after surgery. After their completion, new ones appear, which can easily be mistaken for menstrual bleeding, however, this is a response to hormonal changes in the body. Part vaginal discharge blood and mucus enter. Gradually quantitative composition changes in favor of mucus. This is due to the completion of the healing stage of damaged tissue.

Important! Serious complications rarely occur after vacuum aspiration and, therefore, the appearance of atypical vaginal discharge, pain, or fever indicates the need to immediately consult a doctor. If there is no discharge, then this is also a bad sign, possibly indicating hormonal imbalance or other deviations.

In the next week after surgery, it is necessary to avoid physical and emotional stress. It is better to spend this time at home, calmly and freeing yourself from homework. It is the lack of proper postoperative rehabilitation and causes complications.

Menstrual cycle after mini-abortion

Abortion is a serious physiological and hormonal stress for the body, no matter how it is carried out, that’s why it goes astray menstrual cycle. It is impossible to predict how long the discharge will last, when it will begin new cycle menstruation and after what time female body will be able to recover and enter a normal physiological rhythm.

The beginning of secondary discharge after vacuum aspiration in gynecology is considered the beginning of the female cycle, but you should not expect that the next menstruation will begin at your standard time. Menstruation may start early or late.

After the abortion, the patient should spend 30-60 minutes lying on her stomach and under the supervision of a doctor. During this period, she may experience discomfort and pain. Further, similar symptoms must disappear. Due to hormonal changes, a woman may experience mood swings, depression, irritability, and even worsening general well-being, discomfort in groin area and mammary glands.

If a mini-abortion was performed not for medical reasons, but for the purpose of terminating a pregnancy, then the doctor will probably prescribe contraception for several menstrual cycles. Sometimes an antibiotic is also prescribed. It is important to remember that after vacuum aspiration the woman’s body recovers very quickly and the onset of next pregnancy It is possible that the first menstruation after the operation will begin.

The vacuum aspiration procedure is the least dangerous of all aborted procedures, however, it may have consequences that are worth considering:

  • partial retention of the fertilized egg (incomplete removal);
  • trauma to the inner surface or cervix with instruments, which can lead to bleeding;
  • introduction of infection;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • infertility.


Why is a vacuum prescribed after childbirth? In fact, there are several possible reasons for appointment. This is also a pathology of the uterus. To identify its nature, it is necessary to take samples of internal tissues. Indications include the need to cleanse, for example, the placenta, the uterine cavity after fertilization. And possible complications during childbirth (serozometer, hematometer, etc.) Whatever the reason for the appointment, it is worth remembering that you cannot refuse or delay this procedure, because complications from the reason for the appointment can be fatal.

Can a fertilized egg remain in the uterus after a mini-abortion? Yes, both completely and partially. If the fetus partially freezes in the uterine cavity, this procedure is repeated or a more serious procedure is performed. If the fetus remains completely in the uterus, then this indicates a fairly tight attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus (it is possible that the gestational age was incorrectly determined). In this case, another method of abortion is prescribed.

Vacuum aspiration (click to view)

What anesthesia is used for a mini-abortion? Most often, the patient is given pain medication and/or local anesthesia for the cervix. However, general anesthesia is sometimes used. At local anesthesia possible pulling sensations. However, the way out general anesthesia takes longer, and it can take its toll on the body. But in each specific case the decision is made individually.

Should vaginal discharge Do you have any smell after cleaning? The discharge, of course, always has an odor, however, if it becomes too bright and unjustified in color or too strong, bad smell, then this is a wake-up call to see a doctor. This may indicate an infection has entered the uterine cavity.

Important! How to determine that the abortion was successful? After 2 weeks, the patient needs to come for an appointment, where she undergoes an ultrasound procedure, which checks for the absence of remnants of the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity. A repeat examination is carried out and it is during this period that it is possible to determine the success of the operation.

For many, the phrase vacuum aspiration is synonymous with terminating an unwanted pregnancy. However, this procedure is also carried out for many medical indications. Moreover, more than one woman was saved from uterine sepsis and other complications using a vacuum. The procedure has a small list of contraindications and low level danger of consequences. This is what makes her one of the most sought after obstetricians and gynecologists.

Vacuum aspiration- This is an artificial termination of pregnancy. This manipulation has been used since the 60s and in Lately became even more popular. A mini-abortion can be performed at a period of 5-6 weeks by suctioning the fertilized egg by creating negative pressure. This procedure helps to significantly reduce the likelihood of uterine damage, infection and bleeding.

The widespread use of vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity is due to the fact that it can be carried out on an outpatient basis using a fairly simple medical equipment, general anesthesia no need, the operation is almost painless.

At what time is a mini-abortion performed?

There is no point in performing a vacuum abortion before 3 weeks of pregnancy, since at such a short period it will also be effective. medicinal method, excluding any surgical interventions. Most the right time to have a mini-abortion at 4-5 weeks. At this stage, the embryo is not so firmly attached to the wall of the uterus.

At week 6, suction of the fertilized egg (with a highly qualified doctor) also occurs quickly and without complications. For more later In most clinics, a pregnant woman will most likely be prescribed curettage rather than aspiration.

It turns out that it is better to terminate the pregnancy before 7 weeks, so that you do not have to resort to curettage. When using it, the manipulation is more traumatic, and recovery takes longer.

Contraindications to mini-abortion

Before vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity, it is important to confirm the presence of pregnancy using a rapid test and clarify with an ultrasound that it is not ectopic. Before performing the manipulation, it is necessary to accurately determine the period; only if it does not exceed 6 weeks, it is possible to perform a mini-abortion.

In the presence of gynecological, inflammatory or infectious diseases the procedure is carried out only after appropriate treatment.

The process of vacuum aspiration

The woman's external genitalia are treated with an antiseptic and then inserted into the vagina. gynecological speculum. Disinfectants and anesthetics are applied to the cervix. Probing is performed, after which an aspiration catheter is inserted. Then, from the base of the uterus, the catheter is gradually rotated in a circle.

It is possible to have a mini-abortion without cervical dilatation. Aspiration of the embryo is carried out using the negative pressure of a vacuum apparatus. A suction attached to a disposable thin catheter causes the spontaneous release of the fertilized egg, regardless of its location.

The manipulation can take from 2 to 10 minutes. Usually enough local anesthesia. When performing aspiration, the doctor observes the release of the aspirate and after its release stops, the operation can be completed. After a mini-abortion, an ultrasound should be performed to confirm the absence of residues. If the tissue of the fertilized egg does not come out completely, the procedure is repeated. It is advisable for the patient to visit the doctor again 2 weeks after the procedure.

Benefits of mini-abortion

TO obvious advantages Vacuum aspiration refers to:

  • – the operation is performed on an outpatient basis (discharge is made on the day of termination of pregnancy);
  • – there is no trauma to the cervix;
  • – smallest psychological stress;
  • – the uterine cavity heals quickly, due to its minimal damage;
  • – fairly rapid restoration of the menstrual cycle and hormonal levels after the procedure.

How to prepare for a mini-abortion

Like any other surgical intervention, vacuum aspiration requires thorough preparation. At the clinic, before the procedure, you may be asked to undergo some tests and tests. It is imperative to find out the presence of sexually transmitted and infectious diseases (hepatitis, HIV, syphilis). They also perform a bacterioscopy, coagulogram, blood test for group and Rh factor.

IN mandatory An hCG test and an ultrasound are performed to confirm pregnancy.

Complications of vacuum aspiration

Mini-abortion for up to 6 weeks is considered the most “harmless” way to terminate a pregnancy, since trauma to the endometrium, myometrium and cervix is ​​minimal. But, extremely in rare cases Some complications are possible:

  • 1. incomplete suction of the ovum – appears when using a cannula or tip that is too small, or when aspiration is completed early. During the procedure, you should carefully monitor the emptying of the uterus and carefully examine the removed tissue;
  • 2. infection – occurs when the rules of asepsis and antisepsis are not observed during the intervention or in the presence of untreated sexually transmitted and infectious diseases in a woman;
  • 3. perforation of the uterus – possible if the intervention technique is not followed. If you suspect this complication must be done emergency measures aimed at saving lives;
  • 4. uterine bleeding ;
  • 5. air embolism - is formed if the syringe plunger moves forward while the cannula is still located in the uterine cavity.

Pregnancy after vacuum aspiration

Often women are concerned about the question of whether pregnancy is possible after vacuum aspiration and whether it will proceed normally. You can immediately reassure and say that a mini-abortion, although it is a surgical intervention, is quite gentle and harmless.

Of course, you should not become pregnant immediately after the manipulation; it is better to wait at least six months. Give the body the opportunity to restore the menstrual cycle and hormonal background. Immediately after the procedure, it is recommended to take antibiotics and a course of immunoboosting drugs. It is recommended to abstain from sexual activity for 2 weeks after an abortion.

Pregnancy after vacuum aspiration usually proceeds without any complications, but if they arise, in most cases this is in no way connected with the mini-abortion. Although repeated interruptions Pregnancies, especially with complications, will most likely have a negative impact on your general and “female” health.