How to calculate when ovulation begins. Calculation of ovulation using an online calculator for an irregular cycle. How to correctly calculate your own ovulation

Ovulation and conception calendar is a universal and fairly easy-to-use service designed to calculate the menstrual cycle and the most favorable period conceiving a child. Its main task is to help a woman determine the days of increased fertility ( ovulation), during which conceiving a child most likely. At the same time, thanks to the calculation of the so-called “safe days”, ovulation calendar allows her to avoid unwanted pregnancy without the use of any medications or mechanical contraceptives. In order to take advantage ovulation calendar and calculate your own menstrual cycle (favorable period conceiving a child), fill in all the fields of the form below one by one. Registered and authorized users of our Internet portal can save their personal ovulation and conception calendar in the “favorites” section of your personal account and return to it later.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period:

Number: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Month: January February March April May June July August September October November December Year: 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Average length of the menstrual cycle:

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Duration of menstrual bleeding:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Duration of the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle:

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 - by default the average duration of this phase is set

Your aim:

Number of calculated cycles:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Ovulation calendar and the most favorable days for conceiving a child

Ovulation- this is the process during which an egg that is mature and completely ready for upcoming fertilization leaves the ovary, enters the abdominal cavity and is then sent into the lumen of the fallopian tube. It was during this period that the probability conceiving a child maximum and is estimated at approximately 33%, which, of course, should be taken into account when calculating ovulation calendar and a woman’s planning for an upcoming pregnancy. After ovulation the egg is capable of fertilization ( conception) for 12-24 hours, while sperm after ejaculation remain active for 2-3 (and much less often 5-7) days. Considering this fact, the possibility of a woman becoming pregnant the day before ovulation is approximately 31%, two days before - 27%, and three and four days before ovulation- 16 and 14% respectively. In the same time conceiving a child six days before ovulation or the day after it is unlikely and even practically impossible. Usually ovulation occurs between the 14th and 16th days of the menstrual cycle under the influence of estrogens and pituitary hormones.

Ovulation calendar and sign of conception

One of the most reliable and important signs of the onset ovulation and favorable period for conceiving a child are changes in a woman's cervical mucus. First of all, under the influence of estrogens, the amount of secretions increases and their viscosity decreases. The next, no less important, sign of egg maturation should be considered a decrease in rectal (basal) temperature during ovulation and raising it the next day. At the same time, in order to more accurately calculate ovulation and conception calendar, it is recommended to take your temperature every morning at the same time for several months. Sometimes at the moment ovulation a woman feels pain in the lower abdomen, the nature of which can vary quite widely from weak and short-term to strong and very long-lasting. It should also be noted that on days ovulation Some women experience a peak in sexual arousal.

Ovulation and conception calendar is a diagram of the menstrual cycle, which marks the time of its beginning, end, as well as the ovulation. Full management calendar involves mandatory recording of periods of active sexual activity. Compilation ovulation and conception calendar it is necessary to start long before planning pregnancy in order to learn how to determine the moment as accurately as possible ovulation and become familiar with all the features of your own body.

Ovulation calendar and conceiving a child

Depending on the probability conceiving a child and time ovulation menstrual cycle ( conception calendar) can be conditionally divided into three phases: relative sterility, fertility and absolute sterility. The period of relative sterility begins with the appearance of bloody discharge and ends ovulation. During this phase, some difficulties with contraception may arise, since its duration sometimes varies within several days, even with a stable duration of the cycle as a whole. This happens due to the fact that periodically, depending on certain factors (external and internal), ovulation comes a little earlier or vice versa later.

The fertile phase begins from the moment ovulation and ends after 48 hours. At this time the probability conceiving a child as high as possible. As noted above, after leaving the ovary, the egg is capable of fertilization within 12-24 hours, the remaining half of the time is allocated to inaccuracy in timing ovulation. Following the period of increased fertility, the woman enters a phase of absolute sterility, during which conceive a child almost impossible. This period lasts until the end of the menstrual cycle and is about 10-16 days.

Ovulation calendar and calculation of the period of conception of a child

Most modern women expect ovulation and conception calendar in order to bring the long-awaited motherhood closer. Others are building calendar to protect yourself from unplanned pregnancy. However, no matter what goals they pursue, when calculating the menstrual cycle (and ovulation calendar in particular) in any way there is always a possibility of error.

According to the calendar calculation method ovulation a woman should record the start and end days of her menstrual cycles for at least six months. In order to determine your individual fertile period based on these data ( ovulation and conception calendar), it is necessary to subtract 11 from the number of days of the longest cycle (the last fertile day of the cycle), and 18 from the number of days of the shortest cycle (the first fertile day). So, for example, the longest cycle for a woman is 32 days: 32-11=21 (the 21st day of the cycle is the last in the fertile phase). Her shortest cycle is 26 days: 26-18=8 (the 8th day is the first in the fertile phase). In this case, the most favorable period for conceiving a child is the interval from the 8th to the 21st day of the cycle (13 days in total).

One of the best and more accurate methods of calculation ovulation and conception calendar child is a combination of the above methods, which is called the symptothermal method. It includes measuring basal body temperature, daily monitoring of cervical mucus and accurate calculation ovulation calendar and favorable period for conceiving a child calendar method.

Action of tests for calculation ovulation calendar based on the same principle as for diagnosing pregnancy. When interacting with a woman’s urine, two transverse lines appear on it, one of which indicates the normal performance of the test, and the second indicates an increase in the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) and the woman’s full readiness for conceiving a child. However, if the second line remains paler than the control line for several cycles in a row, this may indicate the absence of ovulation due to any disease (thyroid disease and hyperprolactinemia, obesity and exhaustion, polycystic ovary syndrome and infantilism, increased FSH levels and decreased estradiol levels, chronic stress, etc.) and is a reason to consult a doctor.

With the help of a conception calendar, a woman can control her menstrual cycle, calculate ovulation and days when the probability of becoming pregnant is higher.

Conception calendar- this is a form in which you just need to enter the number of the first day of your last menstruation, and a special program will automatically calculate the possible days of conception, highlighting them in different colors. Using this calendar is very simple and effective.

To understand the effectiveness and main provisions of this program, consider the following factors that were taken as the basis for its construction:

Women have one day of ovulation, when the egg is mature and ready for fertilization. This day is in the middle of the menstrual cycle. In the conception calendar, this day and a couple of days before and after it are highlighted in red and orange.
days on which it is almost impossible to get pregnant (if you have a regular menstrual cycle) are highlighted in white on the calendar. These days occur during menstruation and at the end of the cycle.
To check the effectiveness of this program, monitor the state of your body during ovulation:
1. there is an increase in the amount of vaginal discharge;
2. sexual desire increases;
3. the temperature in the rectum increases;
4. the ovulation test shows a positive result;
5. the appearance of short-term aching pain in the area of ​​the ovaries and uterus;
6. Ultrasound shows signs of the release of an egg from the ovary.
To calculate the days of possible conception and the date of ovulation right now, you need to enter the specific date of the start of menstruation, and within a few seconds you will receive the necessary information.
But please note that you cannot rely entirely on these calculations. This happens because the processes in our body can be affected by a change of place of residence, stress and much more.
In addition, ovulation does not occur in every cycle. With this in mind, every woman has cycles that are “infertile.”

Color meaning

The most likely day of ovulation, the best day to conceive.
The probability of conception is 90%.
The probability of conception is 80%.
Your first day of your period.

Cycle start date:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

The reproductive function of the female body depends on the normal functioning of the ovaries and uterus. There is one day in the month - ovulation, when a woman can easily become pregnant. With a menstrual cycle of 28-30 days, it occurs 2 weeks before the start of the next period. Women should know how to calculate ovulation in order to correctly determine the period when the egg leaves the follicle and is ready for fertilization.

How to detect ovulation

Methods for detecting ovulation:

  • using ultrasound;
  • urine testing;
  • measuring basal temperature;
  • by external signs;
  • calendar method.

The most informative method is considered to be ultrasound diagnostics. Thanks to this method, you can monitor the development of follicles, correctly predict the date of ovulation, and see the release of the egg. This method also has its disadvantages:

  • the study does not allow us to judge the patency of the fallopian tubes;
  • To carry out diagnostics, you have to visit the clinic a couple of times a month.

An unqualified specialist will not be able to accurately calculate the required day.

They do a urine test at home. Using this method, the level of luteinizing hormone is determined. A small amount is always present in the urine, but the day before ovulation the level increases. The test is sometimes uninformative. Additionally, it is recommended to do an ultrasound.

A simple, accessible and cheap way is to measure basal temperature. Every morning, while in bed, a woman should measure the temperature in the rectum. During the period of ovulation and two days after, the temperature rises by an average of 0.4 degrees. A few days before menstruation, it drops by 0.3 degrees. You can record your body temperature data and plot it on a graph to see fluctuations. If there are no ups or downs between periods, this is a signal of possible infertility.

The onset of ovulation is also recognized by external signs. Women should listen carefully to their body in order to correctly determine the day when the genitals are ready for conception.

  • increased sexual desire (non-permanent symptom);
  • pain in the ovary area, lower abdomen;
  • breast swelling;
  • copious mucous discharge;
  • emotional instability.

During ovulation, women experience increased sexual desire. This is due to the function of hormones. Nature took special care to ensure that conception occurred on the most favorable day. But a woman’s libido depends on many factors, so the sign often turns out to be uninformative.

When the egg leaves the follicle, the woman feels pain in the lower abdomen. The discomfort may last a couple of minutes or several days. But not everyone experiences discomfort. If a woman felt fine, and then began to experience pain, this may indicate pathology.

During the maturation of the egg, the breasts become sensitive. She starts to ache a little. The painful state of the mammary glands in the middle of the menstrual cycle indicates the onset of a period during which conception is possible. Breasts swell to a greater extent before menstruation.

The mucus produced by the female genital organs is a favorable environment for conception. Before ovulation, its quantity increases, it becomes viscous, similar to egg white. Changes also occur in the cervix.

Sometimes watery vaginal discharge has pink streaks, yellow or brown spots. This indicates that the egg has already been released. The cause of bloody spots is rupture of the follicle. Mucus is a sure sign of fertility. When it is absent, fertilization is difficult or impossible.

Important! A woman behaves too emotionally during the period of possible conception. She becomes irritable, gets nervous over trifles, and sometimes cries for no reason. During this period, it is recommended to spend more time in the fresh air and not overreact to irritating factors.

Childbirth has a huge impact on a woman's condition. It takes some time for the menstrual cycle to resume. In the first months, menstruation may occur, but the maturation of the egg does not occur during this period. When breastfeeding, anovulatory cycles last longer.

You can determine the time of possible conception using the calendar method. To do this, women mark the day when menstruation begins and ends. You need to record this data every month. In this way, the timing of your fertility can be accurately calculated. It occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

How to calculate the day of ovulation

There is a way to calculate the day of ovulation. You need to take an ordinary calendar and regularly mark the date when menstruation begins and ends for 6 months. In this way the duration of the menstrual cycle is determined.

If the average cycle is 28 days, then the egg will mature on the fourteenth day. After 14 days, the woman will begin her period. But the egg does not mature regularly, and in some months ovulation does not occur. There are cases when a woman experiences two ovulations in one cycle. There are periods of late maturation of the egg. This is observed with concomitant endocrine and gynecological diseases, over the age of forty years.

If a woman is completely healthy, her menstruation regularly begins on the 2nd of each month, the cycle is 28 days, then ovulation will occur on the 16th. It happens that ovulation occurs two days earlier or later than the due date, that is, not on the 14th day, but on the 12th or 16th.

Calculation formula for monthly periods:

  • date of ovulation = day of onset of menstruation – 14 days.

If the duration of the cycle is 26 or 30 days, then the number of days of the cycle must be added to the first day of the onset of menstruation. This determines the beginning of the next menstruation. Then you need to subtract 14 (13-15), you get the date of maturation of the egg. With regular menstruation, ovulation occurs two weeks before the start of the next menstruation.

Important! To get pregnant, you need to have sex every two days during the ovulation period (for a week), not more often, otherwise the fertility of male sperm decreases. If pregnancy is undesirable, special attention should be paid to birth control at this time.

How to calculate ovulation with an irregular cycle

An irregular menstrual cycle is not a cause of infertility. This condition can be caused by gynecological diseases or nervous disorders. The norm is considered to be menstruation, which occurs at regular intervals (28-30 days). If you have an irregular cycle, you cannot use the calendar method to calculate the best day to conceive a child. Ultrasound provides useful information.

At home, you can use a test to determine the level of luteinizing hormone in your urine. In this case, on the 9th day after the start of menstruation with a 26-day cycle or on the 13th day with a 30-day cycle, you need to test your urine twice a day for 5 days in a row. For irregular periods, the shortest cycle is taken as the basis.

Important! When using tests, you should drink less fluid so as not to change the level of hormones in your urine. Before testing, you must not urinate for 3 hours.

How to conceive a boy or girl

When planning a pregnancy, many parents want to have a boy or, conversely, a girl. This requires knowing the exact day of ovulation. According to the theory of Dr. L. Shettles, the sex of the child is determined by the chromosomes of the sperm that fertilizes the egg.

If the sperm has a Y chromosome, then a boy will be born, and if it has an X chromosome, then a girl will be born. Male chromosomes are very active, but they die quickly, while female chromosomes live longer. Having sex the day before, at the time the egg is released and two days after ovulation, helps to conceive a boy. To give birth to a girl, you need to have sex 4 days before the release of the egg, and after its maturation, abstain from sexual relations for one week.

Important! The less often a couple has sex, the higher the likelihood of conceiving a girl. It is believed that infrequent sex leads to the formation of antibodies to the Y chromosomes. Sperm with X chromosomes have a greater chance of fertilizing an egg, which means there is a greater chance that a girl will be born.

How to determine the gender of your unborn child using a table

The sex of the unborn baby can be determined using a special Chinese table. The left column indicates the mother’s age, and the right column indicates the month in which conception is planned. Depending on how old the expectant mother is and when she plans to get pregnant, the sex of the unborn baby is determined.

To get pregnant, you need to accurately determine the date of egg maturation. Having sex during this period can guarantee conception. The sex of the unborn baby depends on the individual characteristics of the mother’s body and sperm activity.

More and more young families are taking a responsible and conscious approach to planning pregnancy and childbirth. To find out on which days of the next cycle the possibility of conception is especially high, it is always useful to calculate the ovulation calendar, that is, the exact date when an egg ripe for fertilization will leave the follicle. Two to three days before this date and 24 hours after the onset of ovulation are the most “fertile” moments, when the possibility of a meeting between sperm and egg is maximum. The lifespan of an egg is approximately 12-36 hours, but

sperm are more durable. By the time of ovulation, the hardiest of them can already be waiting for the egg in the right place, if sexual intercourse took place even a few days earlier. That is why the favorable period for pregnancy lasts several days.

Sometimes married couples try to calculate the ovulation calendar for the opposite purpose: so as not to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy on other days. Gynecologists still do not recommend using this method of contraception, since it is very unreliable: even in a woman who has a constant menstrual cycle, ovulation may shift by a couple of days in one direction or another from its expected date.

Calculate ovulation calendar online

In order not to count on your fingers, we suggest using our service and freely calculating the ovulation calendar online for any month of any year. This is very easy to do: you just need to remember when your last period started. This date - day, month, year - must be entered into the appropriate calculator window, as well as indicate the average duration of your menstrual cycle and the number of cycles for which you want to calculate the ovulation calendar. This service allows you to determine the expected date of ovulation a year in advance.

Our calculator will quickly do the calculations and determine when you are expected to ovulate in the next month or any other month/cycle you specify.

However, do not forget that the calculations are always approximate (although the probability percentage is quite high). The processes of egg maturation in each menstrual cycle can be influenced by many factors, but in general, in order to determine the most favorable days for conception, this method is quite suitable.

Let your expectations come true, whatever they may be!

Perhaps all this may be quite difficult to believe, but doctors say that it is a fact. Namely, they say that in the whole month there is only one single day on which a full-fledged, absolutely healthy woman of reproductive age can successfully become pregnant. And in some exceptional cases, such a day can occur twice directly during one single menstrual cycle. However, in the overwhelming majority of all existing cases, this very “hour X”, favorable for a full-fledged conception, lasts only one day, and these same days are called, as you probably already guessed, ovulation.

Directly on the day of full ovulation, which we will now teach you how to correctly calculate, a planned release of an already fully mature egg occurs directly from its house or follicle, which at the same time ruptures. And within 24 hours this most mature egg, released from the follicle, will await its fertilization, and, unfortunately, if it turns out to be simply unclaimed, it will subsequently die, as Mother Nature intended this process to be. The horror, however, is only 24 hours in a whole month, and even then all this is in the most favorable best case scenario. Sometimes it happens that full ovulation does not occur at all. It should be noted that with a completely regular menstrual cycle and with the absolute health of the woman herself, on average, young women who never experience any gynecological or reproductive problems experience only ten such ovulations per year, we can say that this does not happen every month .

We will immediately try to warn those young and not entirely experienced girls who immediately decided to calculate their day of full ovulation for the sole purpose of protection, not everything is so simple. Remember, pregnancy will be very likely and quite possible if literally a few days before the onset of full ovulation you had poorly protected or even unprotected sexual intercourse. This can happen precisely because male sperm, unlike a female egg, is always more tenacious, and they can retain their ability to fully fertilize even for several days, or rather up to one week.

In the same case, if you are trying to calculate exactly the opposite, then you, of course, should definitely know how to correctly calculate the day of your full ovulation.

How to correctly calculate your own ovulation?

Today there is a fairly simple, but quite effective formula that allows you to correctly calculate the day of full ovulation. Moreover, it is quite possible to do this even at home and without any additional equipment. Although, by the way, today there are already ready-made specially created calculators for calculating the onset of full-fledged ovulation online, which, of course, really simplify this task, but strictly speaking, there is absolutely nothing complicated or inaccessible in such manual calculations.

So, scientists have long established that the onset of full ovulation in any woman of reproductive age with almost any length of her menstrual cycle should occur exactly fourteen days before the first day of her next period. It should be noted that the duration of the very first phase of the menstrual cycle may well change somewhat, but the period after the onset of full ovulation is a completely constant value. And if, for example, your menstruation occurs quite regularly, as they say “number to number,” then, of course, calculating your day of full ovulation will be simply as easy as shelling pears.


Your day of full ovulation will be equal to the date of your next period, from which you will need to subtract exactly fourteen days.

Let us give you a completely classic example: let’s say that with a woman’s regular and even accepted 28-day menstrual cycle, the onset of full ovulation usually occurs exactly on the fourteenth day of such a cycle. And if, for example, this month your period began on the third day, then in the same full 28-day menstrual cycle you will need to wait for the onset of full ovulation exactly on the seventeenth day, namely exactly fourteen days before the start of your next period. If your particular cycle is slightly longer or shorter than the accepted norm, then directly to the first day of your last menstruation you will need to add the duration of your particular cycle (for example, 26 or 30 days). In this simple way, you will get your estimated date of the next menstruation, from which you will again need to subtract exactly fourteen days, and as a result of this you will get the exact date of full ovulation in this particular menstrual cycle.

And in fact, it was precisely on this principle that the so-called calendar method of female contraception was once built.

Such a calculation of the onset of full-fledged ovulation is truly quite simple, but it still has one rather significant BUT. This method may be applicable only for those women who have a strictly regular menstrual cycle. Moreover, of course, one should take into account the full schedule, well, at least for all of the last four or even six menstrual cycles, and therefore for the same number of months.

If, on the contrary, you are carefully trying to get pregnant and for this simple purpose you are looking for how to correctly calculate the day of full ovulation, then our next advice will be incredibly useful for you. Namely: if you have an insufficiently regular menstrual cycle, say, lasting from twenty-six to thirty days, your chances of a full one increase significantly if you have sexual intercourse regularly and every other day directly from the tenth to the eighteenth days of the menstrual cycle. After all, this is the very time of expected ovulation

The ovulation calculator may be wrong

As you understand, for couples who are actively planning their pregnancy, calculating the time of full ovulation is truly extremely important and necessary. However, this particular method, unfortunately, cannot be considered too highly accurate. The thing is that ovulation itself is a very labile process. And, of course, under the influence of a number of extraneous external or internal factors, and even with a fairly regular menstrual cycle, the onset of full ovulation can radically shift in one direction or another. And this, in particular, may well be caused by frequent stress, severe overwork, and even frequent colds, as well as some hormonal imbalances. And even more than that, in extremely rare cases, but still, the onset of full ovulation can occur even twice in one monthly cycle, which women should especially remember if they want to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy.

And, of course, it is not at all possible that in any particular menstrual cycle the onset of full ovulation will not occur at all. In fact, this is precisely why modern experts strongly recommend using possible methods in combination. And first of all, in such a complex it will be important to focus on your own feelings, and also be sure to keep a schedule for measuring basal body temperatures, and, of course, use a special one. And the most correct and accurate will, of course, be to conduct a timely ultrasound examination, which will definitely be able to determine the time of full ovulation as reliably as possible.