Which porridge is the healthiest? The benefits of porridge for human health. Types of porridge and cereals

It is believed that porridge is very healthy dish. As a rule, it is served as a side dish for meat or fish. Which cereals are the healthiest for humans? And are porridges healthy at all?

In this article we will look at the most popular types of cereals.


Buckwheat porridge is the most popular in Russia; it has been consumed since ancient times. The benefits of buckwheat porridge have been proven in the last century. Its most important advantage is the presence of microelements and great content vitamin B. Buckwheat porridge contains many elements such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron and cobalt. It is often consumed by athletes and soldiers; in the USSR, buckwheat was called main porridge countries. Buckwheat porridge contains rutin. This substance helps seal the walls blood vessels. Thus, it has preventive effect on the veins, improving blood flow and making the vessels stronger.


The benefits of oatmeal are also undeniable. It contains antioxidants and vitamin E. These elements protect the skin from aging and also help prevent oncological diseases. Oatmeal also contains a large amount of fiber. Fiber stimulates intestinal function, and also removes toxins from the body and helps prevent diseases of the stomach and the rest of the body. digestive system generally.

In addition, oatmeal contains gluten. This substance coats the stomach and helps cope with gastritis and ulcers. That is why doctors recommend it to patients who suffer from diseases gastrointestinal tract.

It is recommended to eat oatmeal for breakfast with fruit. It neutralizes the action bad cholesterol, and therefore you can safely add oil to it. Nutritionists recommend oatmeal as low calorie product. The exceptions are: oatmeal, which relate to products instant cooking. They contain content harmful substances relatively large, while there are an order of magnitude less useful substances than in natural oatmeal.

Barley porridge

Pearl barley porridge is recommended for those people who are on a diet. This porridge is known primarily due to the fact that it helps to increase the amount of collagen in the blood absolutely naturally. Collagen is a substance that makes the skin smooth and elastic. This porridge is quite filling and at the same time low in calories. Besides, pearl barley porridge contains a lot of phosphorus, which contributes to the formation of the skeleton and strengthening of bones. Therefore, it is recommended for use by both adults and children.

Corn porridge

Corn porridge contains: useful material, such as silicon, iron, chromium, carotene, zinc, vitamins of group P. This porridge is recommended for people who suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Nutritionists recommend it as a product for removing toxic substances.

Millet porridge

Regular millet is a product that is suitable for both athletes and people who exercise physical labor. It has a very beneficial effect on the growth of the body, so it is recommended for children to eat. Millet porridge contains many useful elements, including silicon, which affect the growth of bones and teeth. The porridge also contains copper and essential amino acids. Millet porridge is recommended for those people who suffer from constipation. This porridge is very good to cook with pumpkins or vegetables.

Note that when choosing high-quality millet porridge, you need to pay attention to the one that is packaged in transparent bags. Good millet porridge has a bright yellow color.

Rice porrige

Rice porridge is low in calories. It is recommended to eat it without oil and cooked in water. This porridge has a beneficial effect on the intestines and helps treat diarrhea.

To summarize, we can say that most cereals are very healthy for children and adults. Also, many of them can be used during a diet. For those who want to learn more about cereals, we recommend articles.

When we were little, it was difficult to understand why we should eat porridge for breakfast and not candy. As adults, many of us still have no idea how beneficial porridge in the morning is. Now we will explain everything.

Why is it so healthy to eat porridge for breakfast?

Porridge is cooked from cereals, and cereals are grains different types And different ways preparations. All grains have one thing in common - they are rich in fiber, vitamins, especially group B, valuable vegetable protein, “slow” carbohydrates and at the same time quite low in calories. Of course, if they are not found in porridge with butter and sugar.

Rice It can be different - long-grain and round-grain. Round is best for morning porridge. White rice, which gives dishes a creamy texture. Rice is quite high in calories (boiled white rice has 116 kcal per 100 g), but contains vitamins B and E.

Millet cereal has nothing to do with wheat - it’s millet, separate species cereal. Millet is rich in protein and is very well digestible.

Corn cereal (polenta) – finely crushed corn grains. It contains a lot of vitamins - groups B, A, E, PP, and microelements - iron and silicon.

What types of porridges are there?

Viscous and crumbly. Viscous porridges are cooked from crushed grain - in water, milk and even broth. They retain a lot of liquid, they give an instant feeling of fullness, are quickly and well digested - for example, oatmeal, barley and corn porridge.

From crumbly porridges, the water is completely evaporated, as, for example, in buckwheat, millet or pearl barley porridge. Such porridges are digested more slowly than viscous ones and leave you feeling full longer.

Not all cereals are equally healthy

If the cereal is deprived of a grain shell containing vitamins and minerals, and is heavily evaporated or crushed, then besides calories it brings practically nothing to the body. In addition, there is almost no fiber in such cereals, and it is absorbed faster than other cereals - and, therefore, the feeling of hunger after porridge returns faster. The most “purified” porridge is semolina.

Are there any benefits to “quick cereals”?

Porridge from bags is made from so-called “flakes” - flattened and steamed grain, peeled from the shell and practically devoid of fiber. There are no vitamins left in this product. Manufacturers almost always add sugar to cereals that have become tasteless after processing. powdered milk, dyes, thickeners and flavorings - it can be difficult to find even real raisins in such porridges!

Oatmeal from a bag is three times more caloric than that cooked from regular rolled oatmeal - 100 g of such breakfast contains about 350 not very healthy kilocalories.

If you don't have time to cook

“Hercules” is cooked for 15-20 minutes, Wheat groats- half an hour, and pearl barley - all 45 minutes. To speed up the process, the cereal can be poured into a thermos and steamed with boiling water in the evening. For buckwheat and oatmeal, this “cooking” is sufficient. You can just warm them up in the morning and add salt, milk or low-fat yogurt to taste. Coarser grains will have to be transferred to the pan and cooked, but now this process will take much less time.

How to avoid spoiling porridge with oil?

Nutritionists believe that grains and dairy products are best digested together, which is why porridges cooked with skim milk are the healthiest. This porridge loses at least 30 kcal per 100 g compared to regular porridge cooked with full-fat milk.

Some manufacturers produce special, extra-fat milk “for porridge” with the addition of cream - it is, of course, best to avoid it. Just one teaspoon of melted butter adds 40-50 kcal to a serving of porridge and an additional risk of cardiovascular disease.

And add 20 kcal to your serving with each teaspoon of sugar.

How to make porridge tastier without sugar?

Instead of excess sugar, you can add any chopped fruits, berries and a little honey to the porridge (just do not add it to very hot milk or porridge - the beneficial substances will be destroyed).

And in winter, you can add sugar-free jam, frozen berries, nuts and dried fruits, not forgetting that nuts are quite fatty, and dried fruits are high in calories. A couple of tablespoons of these additives per serving will be enough.

Porridge - best breakfast, which can be prepared from the most common cereals at no extra cost. The ideal porridge is prepared with skim milk, it contains no sugar and excess fat, but fresh fruits, yogurt and nuts.

Are porridges healthy?

Cereals - unique product, we have become accustomed to them since childhood and eat them without thinking. As a result, we consume dangerous cereals and neglect those that the body really needs. In order not to make such mistakes in the future, let’s figure out which porridge is healthier and which one you can refuse:

1. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is the record holder among cereals for the content of aluminum, boron, and iron. Contains B vitamins, biotin, fiber. In terms of protein content it is second only to millet and buckwheat. With a glycemic index of 55, it is approximately in the middle of the cereal ranking.
IN oatmeal contains natural antioxidants that increase the body's resistance to negative impacts environment. Calcium and phosphorus in oats are necessary for development skeletal system humans, and a large amount of iron makes oatmeal a healthy food for the prevention of anemia.
Recent studies have shown that oat fiber contains a very important element for reducing bad cholesterol levels - beta-glucan. Consumption 3 g soluble fiber oats help reduce cholesterol levels by 8–23%. Oatmeal is also very good for normal operation gastrointestinal tract.

Oatmeal contains phytic acid, a substance that delays the absorption of calcium in the intestines. Moreover, phytic acid not only prevents calcium from being absorbed in the body, but also leaches essential microelement from our bones. So if you plan to stick oat diet, you should first consult your doctor.


A record holder among cereals for the presence of magnesium and B vitamins. Millet is considered one of the least allergenic grain crops. It is very easily absorbed by the body, so it is suitable even for people with sensitive intestines.
In terms of protein content, millet is superior to rice and barley, and in terms of fat content it is second only to oatmeal. The glycemic index, like oatmeal, is average. Millet porridge has a beneficial effect on the body in case of atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus and liver diseases. It is invaluable for people who want to get rid of excess weight, as it prevents the deposition of fats in the body and successfully removes already accumulated fat.

Millet contains substances that increase gas formation, so it is better for people with intestinal problems to exclude millet from their diet. Millet is also more likely to harbor bugs and butterflies than other grains.


Perhaps the most controversial of cereals. Two-thirds of semolina consists of starch, and its GI is off the charts. It is poor in terms of vitamins and microelements. Has quite high content proteins, but the gluten protein it contains is harmful for celiac disease, a severe hereditary disease.
Semolina boils quickly, is well absorbed, contains minimal amount fiber (0.2%). Liquid semolina porridges are included in diets prescribed for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and after operations on the stomach and intestines.

Ambiguous attitude nutritionists' preference for semolina is due to the presence of gliadin and phytin in it. Gliadin is a gluten that can cause intestinal villi to die and slow down the absorption of nutrients. That is why semolina Not suitable as complementary food for small children, and also not recommended for consumption by children under 3 years of age.


More than three and a half billion people on the planet eat rice every day, despite the fact that it has the lowest protein content of all grains and one of the highest GI. Rice is an important source of vitamin PP, carotene, vitamin E, which help strengthen nervous system and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails.
It should be noted that the more processed the rice grain, the less vitamins and minerals. Unpolished or brown (brown) rice is considered the most healthy.

White, or polished, rice contains virtually no minerals and vitamins, especially important vitamins group B. In addition, it has a high glycemic index. Rice inhibits intestinal motility, so people who are prone to obesity or constipation should not eat it.


It has the lowest glycemic index among all cereals - 20–30 units. Very rich in amino acids. Contains a lot of lysine, which takes part in the production of collagen, helps slow down the appearance of wrinkles and helps keep the skin smooth and elastic longer.
Pearl barley is rich in complex carbohydrates that break down slowly, giving you a long-lasting feeling of fullness. It contains a lot of potassium, iron and calcium. The set of vitamins in pearl barley can be envied by any other cereal.

Hazardous properties pearl barley is associated with the gluten content in it, as in semolina. Gluten is especially dangerous for people with genetic intolerance to this protein. According to statistics, certain signs of gluten intolerance are found in every third inhabitant of our planet.
Pearl barley also causes increased gas formation, therefore, people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and a tendency to constipation should not abuse it. Thanks to the content of phytoestrogens frequent use pearl barley can cause a decrease in libido in men.


It has the highest glycemic index among all cereals, so its excessive consumption can lead to obesity. In terms of protein content it is inferior to all cereals except rice.

Corn grits, like corn, is contraindicated during periods of exacerbation of stomach ulcers and duodenum, as well as in case of individual intolerance.


The undisputed leader among cereals in protein content. Has a good glycemic index. Recommended for dietary nutrition due to its ability to keep glucose and cholesterol under control.
Buckwheat is one of the healthiest cereals because it contains eighteen essential amino acids, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, copper, iodine, zinc, boron, fluorine, molybdenum, cobalt, as well as vitamins B1, B2, B9, PP, vitamin E.
Buckwheat has a lot folic acid, which stimulates hematopoiesis, increases the body's endurance and resistance to many diseases. In terms of fat content, of all grains, buckwheat is second only to oatmeal and millet.

It has virtually no serious contraindications. The disadvantages include the fact that the iron contained in buckwheat is poorly absorbed by the body.

Dear friends, do you buy porridge for yourself and your family that does not require long cooking? This product is certainly very convenient and delights busy people. But this raises a number of questions. Is instant porridge healthy? What are the benefits and harms of such a dish? What should you pay attention to when choosing so-called instant porridges? I tried to understand this issue and analyze the opinions of nutritionists. I suggest you familiarize yourself with this information.

What types of instant porridges are there?

Depending on the production method, they are of two types:

  1. Porridges that need to be boiled, but the cooking time is much shorter than that of its regular grain counterpart. When producing such a product, the cereal is doused with boiling water, as a result of which it becomes almost ready.
  2. Porridges that just need to be poured with boiling water. After a few minutes, this porridge is ready to eat. Fast, tasty and convenient! You can't argue with that. But is instant porridge healthy? Nutritionists talk not only about the benefits, but also about the dangers of such a dish.

Instant porridge - benefits and harms

Harm of “instant” or instant cereals

Pathogenic microorganisms

As for the first type of cereals (which still need to be cooked), their danger is as follows. If the packaging loses its seal, harmful bacteria and fungi may be present inside the product. For them, processed cereals are a fertile environment for reproduction. That is why you should not ignore even minor packaging defects.

Bag material

In most cases, it is suggested to cook “quick” porridges in bags. But no one will give you a guarantee of the thermal stability of the material. By default it is considered harmless. But if for you good health comes first, it is better to cook this porridge without bags. To do this, just pour the contents into the pan.

The same applies to the cups in which the product is packaged. It is best to brew cereal not in it, but in a glass or porcelain container. I didn’t make this advice up, but learned it from an experienced nutritionist.

Amount of nutrients

This indicator depends on the method of processing the cereal. If modern biosaving technology was used, implying quick (5-10 seconds) exposure high temperature under pressure then nutrients practically never get lost. It is perfectly! But such information must be indicated on the packaging. If it is not there, then there is no guarantee that you are eating a complete product.

Very often, instant porridges are produced using other, cheaper technologies. As a result, the product loses a significant proportion of biologically important substances (for example, vitamins), as well as proteins.


In most cases, manufacturers add a lot of sugar to instant grain products. And this is definitely harmful to your figure and health, especially with diabetes. With this disease, it is necessary to observe and carefully choose products for yourself.

A reduced amount of sugar is observed only in BP cereals of a therapeutic and prophylactic nature, that is, with special additives, for example, in the form medicinal plants. But more about this in the “Benefits of Porridge” section.


If pieces of fruit or dried berries are used to flavor, improve taste and health, then everything is in order. But if they are absent from the mixture, and instead of them, flavorings identical to natural ones with the letter E are used, then the benefit quick porridge definitely changes to harm. Such products are especially not recommended for children.

A popular additive in fast food products is monosodium glutamate. Or in other words - a taste enhancer. If a person often consumes semi-finished products with monosodium glutamate, then an involuntary addiction to it occurs, since this substance affects the taste buds, from which a signal goes to the brain. Such “deception” is fraught with unnecessary irritation digestive organs, toning the nervous system, getting used to “tasty” high-calorie and stimulating food with additives.

It is important to remember that monosodium glutamate in large quantities present in almost all instant products, not just cereals: purees, noodles, pilaf, soups, bouillon cubes. If you do not control their consumption, then health problems cannot be avoided.

In this regard, I recall an incident from my life. Once I had the opportunity to travel on a train with a young mother who was feeding her seven-month-old baby mashed potatoes instant cooking. And from her words it was clear that such a lunch was not the first time for the boy. You can imagine how the little man’s body reacted to such food. Almost all the way, while the child was awake, he kept crying and screaming. It is a pity that many adults do not take into account the characteristics of a child’s body.

The benefits of instant porridge

Despite all the huge disadvantages of instant porridges, they have their advantages. But they are only available if the product was produced according to rules that take into account healthy nutrition. What benefits can instant porridge have?

Firstly, if they are made exclusively from grains and natural supplements(dried berries and fruits). The mixture, devoid of flavor enhancers and artificial flavors, made using modern technologies, retains a maximum of useful substances.

Secondly, many cereals have medicinal supplements in the form of powdered medicinal plants. The following are used as such:

  • burdock root;
  • chicory;
  • nettle leaf;
  • milk thistle seeds;
  • liquorice root;
  • plantain leaf;
  • Jerusalem artichoke tubers;
  • spirulina;
  • grape seeds;
  • beebread;
  • echinacea herb.

It is useful to eat such grain mixtures when various diseases. For example, porridges with nettle, alfalfa and burdock are indicated for stomach ulcers, heartburn, and stomatitis. A medicinal supplement in the form of plantain, echinacea and dandelion root makes rice or buckwheat porridge useful for diarrhea and liver problems. But porridge with Jerusalem artichoke, thanks to the inulin contained in the tubers of this plant, is definitely useful for diabetics.

Introduce into the diet medicinal porridges fast preparation is necessary gradually and only after consultation with a doctor. This is explained by the fact that medicinal additives - strong remedy. In some cases, they may cause individual intolerance.

Thirdly, almost the entire supply of fiber is preserved in instant cereals. And this is already good for our digestive system. Fiber provides softness, stimulates motility and serves as food for intestinal microflora.

As you can see, the answer to the question of whether instant porridge is healthy does not have a clear, short answer. With infrequent use and careful selection in the store, it is quite possible to reduce harm and increase benefits. But still, do not forget about natural cereals. After all, millet, pearl barley, rice or buckwheat can become the crown of your culinary creativity.

Well, if the way healthy eating is very important for you and you care about what foods are included in your diet, I can recommend you a good one eco food store. The food that is presented in it definitely falls into the category of tasty and healthy. In addition, there are also environmentally friendly products for body care and home cleaning.

Let there be only healthy products on your table! Nadezhda Goryunova.

Pearl barley. Recognized first beauties always include this cereal in their diet. And not at all in vain. Barley contains lysine, which is involved in the production of collagen. And if you consume at least a portion of this porridge 2-3 times a week, after a while you can see the result: your facial skin will become more elastic, firm and smooth. The benefits of porridge made from this product are undeniable.
In addition, pearl barley contains sufficient amounts of phosphorus, potassium, iron, calcium, copper and other nutrients. This low-calorie porridge(100 grams of boiled product contains 122 calories) is very filling, contains fiber, thereby ensuring the smooth functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, which, in turn, helps remove toxins from the body and eliminate fat accumulation.

Buckwheat is the leader among cereals in iron content. In addition, this cereal contains easily digestible proteins, unsaturated fatty acid, vitamins A, E, and B, zinc, manganese, magnesium, silicon and others useful microelements. The benefits of buckwheat porridge have been proven by many studies.

And all representatives of the fair sex who watch their figure have probably heard about the “buckwheat diet”. Its essence is to eat cereal steamed with boiling water for several days. A fasting days Eating buckwheat (at least once a week) will only bring benefits to the body.

By consuming buckwheat porridge, you can strengthen your immune system and improve cerebral circulation, strengthen hair and nails, cleanse the body of bad cholesterol, get rid of depression, normalize blood pressure.

Oatmeal contains both soluble and insoluble fiber. The first helps lower blood sugar levels, and the second helps remove toxins from the body. This is the main benefit of oatmeal porridge. For a long time known fact that oatmeal is the perfect breakfast for everyone. This is explained by the fact that the beta-glucan of this cereal provides a feeling of fullness for several hours, and therefore the temptation to snack on something before lunch is not so great. Oatmeal is good for eating healthy people, and those suffering from obesity and higher level blood sugar. Now on store shelves you can find a lot of products (cookies, bread rolls, yoghurts, fermented milk desserts, etc.) with the addition of oatmeal, which makes them more beneficial for the body.

Rice contains complex carbohydrates, therefore its use contributes to a constant flow of energy. Dishes prepared from this cereal are low in calories and contain phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, potassium and calcium. Since rice has strengthening properties, it is recommended to be consumed when intestinal disorders. The healthiest is wild rice.

So, concluding from the above, we can say that we love porridge:

  • For the opportunity to diversify your menu. Now in books, the Internet and other sources of information you can find a lot of recipes for preparing dishes from cereals. You can add honey, syrup, preserves, jams, fruits and dried fruits, and so on to your dishes. They serve as an excellent side dish for vegetables, fish and meat dishes. From porridges you can prepare both salty (with the addition of minced meat and fish) and sweet (with the addition of cottage cheese, pumpkin) casseroles.
  • For the opportunity to “enrich” your body with many vital essential vitamins and microelements. Moreover, thanks to constant use Eating such dishes can improve your health.
  • Cereals - perfect option for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
  • With the help of these dishes you can get rid of excess weight, cleanse the body of waste and toxins.

When choosing cereal in a store, you should make sure that it does not contain foreign impurities or sticky lumps. The packaging must be intact and must be marked with an expiration date.

It is best to store cereals in hermetically sealed glass or ceramic containers. Eating expired cereals is dangerous to health. It is better to throw away cereals that have insects in them immediately.
Constant consumption of cereals promotes health and a “blooming” appearance.