Infectious gastroenteritis in adults. Symptoms and treatment of acute gastroenteritis in adults. When to see a doctor

There are moments in life when, against the background of complete well-being, a problem suddenly arises in the form of acute abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and other delights of an intestinal infection. At this moment I just want to get rid of these unpleasant symptoms, but dealing with them on your own is not so easy. We have to call an ambulance and the doctor who arrives makes an unpleasant diagnosis of “gastroenteritis”.

What is gastroenteritis?

called inflammation of the stomach and small intestine(in common parlance – intestinal or stomach flu). The most common cause of this disease in children and adults is rotavirus infection(Rotavirus) and adenovirus, calicivirus and some other types of viral or bacterial infection.

In some cases, the disease spreads to the large intestine, in which case it is called gastroenterocolitis. The disease also occurs in cats, dogs, pigs and other animals and manifests itself as catarrhal, croupous, transmissible, diphtheric or hemorrhagic inflammation. The incubation period for gastroenteritis depends on the type of pathogen and can last from several hours to 3-5 days.

International classification diseases (ICD code): infectious gastroenteritis (diarrhea) - A09, non-infectious gastroenteritis - K52.

Currently, gastroenteritis is usually divided into several types:

1. infectious or viral gastroenteritis often unknown etiology(causative agent – ​​various viruses);
rotavirus gastroenteritis(pathogen – Rotavirus), transmitted fecal-oral route, most common among children;
coronavirus gastroenteritis(causative agent - coronavirus), transmitted by airborne droplets from a carrier, often occurs in children under three years of age;
parvovirus gastroenteritis(the causative agent is parvovirus) humans do not get sick with this disease, but they can be a carrier and infect animals;

2. bacterial gastroenteritis(pathogen – salmonella, dysentery bacillus, vibrio cholerae);

3. damage to the gastrointestinal tract (cause – protozoa: amoebas, lamblia);

The most best treatment with gastroenteritis - cold, hunger and rest.
- Gastroenteritis in infants is not a reason to refuse breastfeeding.
- People call gastroenteritis stomach or intestinal flu.

4. nutritional gastroenteritis(reason: overeating, spicy food, alcohol);

5. toxic gastroenteritis(cause – poisoning with toxic substances of plant and animal origin: mushrooms, fish, seafood);

6. eosinophilic or allergic gastroenteritis(cause – allergies to food, chemicals or medications);

7. radiation gastroenteritis or gastroenterocolitis(reason – radiation in high doses);

8. toxic gastroenteritis(caused by chemicals, medications and toxins).

According to the severity of the disease, it is usually divided into three groups:

Mild severity: occurs with a normal temperature, a person may feel a little nauseous, and there is also slight diarrhea up to two to three times a day.

Moderate severity: marked by an increase in temperature to 38 - 38.5º C, the patient constantly feels sick, vomits, dehydration, lethargy, and weakness are noted.

Heavy current: At severe course the temperature can rise to 40 - 40.5º C, the patient can lose consciousness, he constantly vomits and feels sick on his face severe dehydration(refusal of water, dryness, flabbiness skin, convulsions).

Symptoms and signs

Symptoms and signs of acute gastroenteritis depend on the severity, type of pathogen, form and severity of the disease. With mild to moderate course of the disease, the patient may complain of:

Mild nausea and vomiting several times a day;
flatulence and bloating;
intestinal colic;
mucous impurities in feces;
change in the color of stool (it may have yellowish, greenish or orange inclusions);
temperature jumps up to 40º C;
lethargy, weakness;
poor appetite.

In severe cases of the disease, dehydration is added to the above symptoms.

An extremely severe form of gastroenteritis is characterized by loss of consciousness, delirium, convulsions, sharp decline blood pressure.


The prognosis for acute gastroenteritis is always favorable, however, if the disease is not treated, it can lead to unpleasant complications:

To dehydration of the body;
to hypovolemic or to toxic shock;
to toxic damage to the liver, heart, kidneys;
to chronic gastroenteritis;
to the development of intestinal dysbiosis
to septicemia (spread of infection throughout the body);
to death.

One of serious complications the disease is asymptomatic carriage. In this case, the person does not have any symptoms of the disease, but is contagious to other people.

Causes of the disease

The main culprits of the disease are gastroenteritis pathogens - various viruses and bacteria.

Long-term use of antibiotics disrupts the balance of microflora in the intestines and stomach, as a result of which gastroenteritis develops against the background of decreased immunity or poor nutrition.

Factors contributing to the development of the disease

Meat and fish products without appropriate heat treatment.
Unwashed fruits and vegetables.
Berries and mushrooms.
Expired products.
An infected person or carrier of an infection.


Diagnosis of gastroenteritis involves a careful history taking and some type of research. The algorithm for diagnosing gastroenteritis is something like this:

Collecting an anamnesis of the disease (when nausea, profuse stool, abdominal pain appeared);
Collecting anamnesis of the patient's life (presence of bad habits, chronic diseases, nutritional culture);
Family history (life history, presence of diseases, in particular stomach disorders, in close relatives);
Objective examination: abdomen, skin, tongue;
Visual inspection stool (are there any impurities and inclusions of mucus, blood, pieces undigested food and so on.);
Stool analysis;
Clinical analysis blood (presence of leukocytes, rods and accelerated ESR indicate that an inflammatory process is occurring in the body);
A blood test for RNGA allows you to identify antibodies to infectious agents;
To confirm the diagnosis, stool culture for the presence of the pathogen is recommended.

Gastroenteritis in children

In children, gastroenteritis is considered a fairly common disease, it is easily curable and almost always has favorable prognosis. However, it is important to remember that improperly treated and neglected cases can be fatal. The disease can manifest itself as a consequence of dysbiosis, as well as as a reaction to the entry of rotaviruses and influenza viruses into the body.

Signs of gastroenteritis in children are not much different from the symptoms of this disease in adults: bloating, abdominal pain, anxiety, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. The first signs of gastroenteritis in a child are a signal to take measures to prevent dehydration; from the very beginning of the disease, the baby should be given as much fluid as possible. If the symptoms of gastroenteritis do not stop after 24 hours, you should immediately consult a doctor.

It is important to understand that from the very first day the child is contagious and cannot attend preschool or school institutions. The whole family is quarantined for seven days. During illness, the baby should adhere to a diet that promotes normal operation stomach. It includes pureed vegetables and fruits, low-fat broth, fish, boiled meat, apples. It is recommended to follow this diet for a week, after which you can return to your normal diet. During treatment of gastroenteritis, dairy products are excluded for two weeks.

Treatment of gastroenteritis

The appearance of the first signs of the disease is a signal that the patient should refuse food for several hours. In this case, you can drink any liquid in large quantities, and after the feeling of nausea passes, you can eat boiled rice, crackers or banana.

Recommended primarily for gastroenteritis symptomatic therapy, it is aimed at eliminating discomfort nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea. Fasting and drinking plenty of fluids helps normalize the functioning of the digestive system. In the first days of the disease, the patient is not recommended to get out of bed and exclude physical exercise.

Treatment for mild gastroenteritis is:

In following a diet (exclude fatty, fried foods, rich and yeast buns, sauerkraut);
Drinking large amounts of water (can be salted), often, but in small portions;
In the use of enzymes to improve digestive process and sorbents to absorb toxins;
In use antimicrobials to prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

When treating severe gastroenteritis, the following is additionally prescribed:

Intravenous infusion therapy to restore water-alkaline balance;
Antibacterial therapy to stop the growth of bacteria in the human body.

Prevention of gastroenteritis

Prevention of gastroenteritis involves screening all employees of food enterprises, preschools and school institutions for intestinal infections.

At home, everyone a person must maintain personal hygiene, not eat expired foods, unwashed vegetables and fruits.

You should avoid eating meat and fish delicacies, eggs and other products that have not undergone heat treatment.

When caring for a patient with gastroenteritis, you need to be more scrupulous in observing the rules of personal hygiene: you must wash your hands with an antiseptic after caring for the patient, you cannot eat from the same container with him or come into close contact (hug, kiss).

Traditional methods of treating gastroenteritis

Traditional medicine has a wide choice medicinal plants, which help get rid of gastroenteritis in the near future and at the same time strengthen the immune system. As in traditional medicine When treating with folk remedies, it is recommended to follow a diet and drinking regime(drink plenty of water throughout the day).

On the first day of illness, it is recommended to completely stop eating, then you can eat boiled rice and low-fat broth. In order to restore water-salt balance a patient with gastroenteritis should drink salted water for several days, while drinking tea, coffee and alcoholic beverages is completely avoided.

Very popular in ancient times in Rus' was the treatment of gastroenteritis using ordinary peppermint. To prepare this remedy, take a tablespoon of dried mint, pour 200 ml of boiling water over it and let it brew for half an hour. Then strain and take 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day.

Gastroenteritis brings a lot of unpleasant moments to both adults and children, which is why special attention should be paid to the prevention of this disease. Wash your hands before eating and you won't be afraid of the stomach flu.

Gastroenteritis is a disease that occurs suddenly, sometimes for no apparent reason, and is an inflammatory process on the walls of the stomach and small intestine. It is equally often diagnosed in adults and children, men and women, but it is more widespread in regions with poor hygienic culture. Treatment of gastroenteritis in most cases lasts about a week, but this does not mean that the disease is easily treatable. Moreover, inflammation of this kind can be fraught with complications.

With gastroenteritis, inflammation occurs in the stomach and small intestine

With gastroenteritis, the inflammatory process spreads to the gastric mucosa and thin section intestines. The essence of the pathological process is the hematogenous or mechanical introduction of pathogens into blood vessels, nourishing the mucous membrane of the digestive organs.

Gastroenteritis may be caused by various kinds infections

Call it yourself pathological process can:

  • viral and bacterial origin, including cholera, typhoid, salmonella and influenza;
  • food products that cause excessive irritation of the mucous membranes - spicy seasonings, alcohol, rough food;
  • toxic compounds, including components household chemicals, acids and alkalis, compounds included in the composition poisonous mushrooms, caviar, fruit seeds;
  • allergens, including those contained in berries, seafood, and medications.

Based on the listed factors, gastroenteritis in adults can be infectious, nutritional, allergic or toxic.

Symptoms of gastroenteritis

Gastroenteritis manifests itself in the form of a complex change in the functions of the digestive system, occurring against the background of other symptoms typical of diseases caused by a specific pathogen.

With gastroenteritis, gas formation occurs

Any type of gastroenteritis is accompanied by:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • pain in abdominal area pulling character;
  • diarrhea.

At the same time, the symptoms of gastroenteritis from this list can be combined and differ in intensity and sequence of appearance, depending on the etiology of the disease. Yes, when viral origin In the inflammatory process, nausea and vomiting first occur, and diarrhea appears much later, after 1-3 days.

Along with a change in the nature of stool, body temperature rises. And if the causative agent of the disease is a coronavirus, the patient develops symptoms of bronchopulmonary diseases in the form of a cough and runny nose, as well as a rise in temperature to 39 degrees.

As with many gastrointestinal diseases, diarrhea is observed with gastroenteritis

If the causative agent of gastroenteritis is a rotovirus, vomiting is often accompanied by diarrhea, which from the very beginning becomes watery, sometimes foamy, yellow or greenish color. Mucous fragments are observed in the stool, and the process of defecation is accompanied by cramping pain near the navel. Body temperature with this form of gastroenteritis rarely rises above 37.5 degrees. In the presence of a parovirus infection, severe symptoms are added to the symptoms described above. muscle weakness, dizziness and general malaise.

When infected with salmonella symptomatic picture slightly different from what was described earlier. The first sign of the disease is an increase in temperature, accompanied by severe malaise and headache. Later they are joined by profuse vomiting mixed with bile and fragments of undigested food. This form of gastroenteritis is dangerous because it causes dehydration of the body almost instantly. In contrast, staphylococcal gastroenteritis leads to dehydration gradually, and the main symptom of the disease is vomiting and severe pain in a stomach.

Initial diagnosis consists of interviewing the patient


The main goal of diagnosis is to determine the source of inflammation, that is, the causative agent of the infection, as well as to detect all functional and pathogenetic changes in the digestive organs. This information is necessary in order to competently plan the treatment of gastroenteritis in adult patients.

The basis therapeutic activities is:

A urine test is performed to identify the causes of the disease.

In addition, the doctor conducts an external examination of the patient, during which the severity of the disease and the severity of its course can be determined.


Treatment of gastroenteritis involves a consistent impact on the digestive system, which helps prevent possible complications. At the same time, at the initial stage, the emphasis is on fluid replenishment and elimination of water-electrolyte imbalance. This can be achieved by frequent use of rehydrating drugs (Regidron) or saline solution (no more than a teaspoon of table salt per liter of water).

At the initial stage of the disease, it is necessary to take Regidron

The therapeutic plan includes drugs with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, the action of which is aimed at restoring the intestinal microflora. It is recommended to take them after completing a course of treatment with antibiotics and other medications.

Symptomatic remedies also help to effectively eliminate the disorder:

  • antidiarrheal medications;
  • antiemetics;
  • analgesics and antispasmodics.

As for antidiarrheal medications, it is recommended to take them no earlier than 3 days after the start of therapeutic measures. This will help free the intestines as much as possible from contents that contain pathogens.

Reception antidiarrheal drugs will help relieve stomach and intestinal upsets

May help reduce symptoms folk remedies in the form of astringent and anti-inflammatory decoctions. To prepare them, oak bark, chamomile, bird cherry bark and calendula are used.

Therapeutic diet

In gastroenterology, treat the inflammatory process without observing special diet almost impossible. On the first day, patients with gastroenteritis are advised to reduce their consumption of solid food to a minimum, leaving only water or saline solution on the menu. On the second and third days, you can include liquid dishes in the diet, for example, broth or rice water.

An important rule is mandatory hygiene

Introduce into the diet familiar products feeding is recommended gradually. You need to start expanding your diet with cereals, preferably mucous, light soups for chicken broth. It is allowed to eat dried bread, boiled or vegetable stew. It is recommended to steam meat and fish.

An important detail successful treatment is compliance with hygiene standards, especially if the cause of gastroenteritis is an infection. It is recommended to do daily wet cleaning and not to share toiletries and utensils with the sick person.

From the video you will learn what rotavirus infection is:

Gastroenteritis is a disease distressing digestive system. Reasons stomach flu viral and non-infectious factors act. For each type of gastroenteritis there are unpleasant features manifestations. Treatment of the disease is carried out comprehensively. To prevent the occurrence of intestinal flu, you need to adhere to the rules of nutrition and hygiene.

Gastroenteritis: concept of the disease

Intestinal flu is characterized by a disorder of the digestive system. The disease occurs with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Gastroenteritis manifests itself common features digestive disorders. The cause of inflammation is associated with the penetration of viruses, infections, bacteria or allergens into the body. Initial stages appear with pronounced symptoms.

During the period when symptoms of gastroenteritis occur, the patient becomes a carrier. However, the disease is transmitted to healthy people and incubation period. A dangerous type of intestinal flu is considered a viral disease.

The disease is transmitted from an infected person in several ways:

  • through dishes;
  • water;
  • with food;
  • sexual contact;
  • due to poor hygiene.

Some types of gastroenteritis affect the oropharynx. Otherwise, the inflammatory process occurs in the colon. Then the disease turns into gastroenterocolitis. To treat types of intestinal flu, an accurate diagnosis is required. The purpose of therapy will vary depending on the type of course.

Gastroenteritis is classified according to the form of development. In this case, acute and chronic nature of the disease is distinguished. The aggravated form goes through several stages. Each degree of inflammation is characterized by the severity of symptoms. The development of a chronic form of the disease is associated with symptoms that frequently recur over a certain period of time.

What is characterized by viral gastroenteritis?

Virus infection of the body causes inflammation of the mucous epithelium digestive tract. This type of gastroenteritis often occurs in winter. The cause of the disease is an infected person. After infection, the virus has an incubation period of up to 3 days. The inflammatory process often occurs in newborns 3 months old.

Viral gastroenteritis transmitted through the air during conversation or coughing. In addition, the disease spreads through dirty hands, products and objects that have come into contact with the patient’s discharge. An infected person can transmit the virus for 30 days after recovery. Parvovirus gastroenteritis has a similar effect.

These types are characterized by the following characteristics:

  • runny nose;
  • dry cough;
  • sore throat.

With timely treatment, the symptoms of viral gastroenteritis disappear after 3 days. If a person becomes infected again, the virus continues to mild form.

Type of bacterial disease

Bacterial gastroenteritis is associated with inflammation of the lining of the digestive system due to the penetration of bacteria or their toxic substances. This often occurs together with salmonellosis and cholera. In medicine, this refers to an infectious type of gastroenteritis. Outbreaks of the disease appear in the summer and autumn time. The intestinal flu spreads throughout the body within several hours and up to a day. Adults and children are at risk of infection. The course of the bacterial type of intestinal flu is more severe.

The following features are highlighted:

  • severe chills;
  • attacks of nausea;
  • frequent vomiting;
  • cramping type pain;
  • constant loose stool with inclusions of green mucus.

Signs of the bacterial type accompany the patient for 10 days. Unwashed hands are often the route of transmission. After recovery, the body’s protective function develops immunity to certain types of bacteria. At re-infection heaviness clinical picture does not weaken.

You can become infected with helminthic gastroenteritis from human and animal carriers. Signs of the disease appear in a mild form. Inflammation occurs with attacks of nausea. The patient experiences bloating with loose stools.

Eosinophilic type of disease

Non-infectious gastroenteritis is divided into subtypes. Intestinal flu is characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract due to allergenic substances, toxins and poor nutrition. In this case, eosinophilic gastroenteritis occurs due to the use of allergenic products. The disease is accompanied by islet lesions and cannot be transmitted to other people. When the body reacts to allergens, eosinophils (a subtype of leukocytes) move into the submucosal layer. This leads to disruption of the digestive organs.

Inflammation occurs after eating certain foods and due to berries and fruits. In addition, some seafood, nuts and dairy products are considered allergens. The eosinophilic type of the disease occurs at any time of the year and often during pregnancy. The development of the disease occurs within 24 hours. Signs of the inflammatory process disappear after 3 days if the allergen is removed from the body.

Toxic and alimentary gastroenteritis

Toxic inflammation of the intestinal mucosa occurs due to the penetration of household chemicals and other substances into the body. The disease is not attached to the seasons and manifests itself depending on the damage by aggressive components. Intestinal flu develops within 2 days. Then the main symptoms appear with sharp or acute pain in the abdominal area, migrating to the left side. The patient experiences an attack of nausea and then vomits. A characteristic feature of toxic gastroenteritis is diarrhea with blood inclusions. Otherwise feces become black. With timely treatment, symptoms persist for up to 2 days. Otherwise, the disease lasts 5 days.

Alimentary gastroenteritis in adults and children is associated with abuse of fatty, spicy or salty foods. Inflammation is accompanied by pain in the abdominal area. Discomfort increases during bowel movements and nausea occurs. Sometimes the patient refuses to eat, and the symptoms last for 3 days.

How does the disease manifest?

Symptoms of intestinal flu differ depending on the form of the disease. Acute inflammation develops in several stages. It is noted that the first degree of the disease is characterized by the first sign from the onset frequent diarrhea. First appears severe attack nausea, and then vomiting. The symptom can appear singly or repeatedly. Body temperature remains within normal limits, and there are no signs of dehydration.

The course of the second stage of acute gastroenteritis begins with frequent diarrhea and vomiting up to 10 times a day. Pain syndrome becomes permanent. Body temperature rises to 39 degrees, and this is accompanied by dryness of the oral mucosa. The manifestation of symptoms and lack of water in the body lead to a decrease in the patient’s body weight. The last stage is accompanied by the severity of the symptoms of the previous stage.

With chronic gastroenteritis in adults, the following symptoms occur:

  • sharp and severe pain in a stomach;
  • loose stools more than 10 times;
  • constant feeling of nausea;
  • frequent vomiting;
  • increased fatigue;
  • anemia and dizziness;
  • increase in body temperature up to 40°C;
  • drowsiness;
  • dry mouth;
  • dehydration of the body.

The manifestation of signs of gastroenteritis in adults is different. Babies often experience an intestinal infection for the first time, which causes sudden pain, vomiting and diarrhea. Therefore, in adults, the symptoms of gastroenteritis are almost unnoticed and are expressed only with dehydration and fever. It's work related protective function body and the production of antibodies with a previously encountered pathogen.

Stages of diagnosing gastroenteritis

Establishing a diagnosis of intestinal flu is carried out using laboratory and instrumental methods research. First of all, the doctor interviews and examines the patient. Based on the results of complaints, general tests urine and feces. For the accuracy of the disease, different laboratory methods diagnostics

A stool test is required to detect mucus and blood. In addition, vomit biomaterial is tested to identify pathological changes. The results of a blood test help determine the cause and causative agent of gastroenteritis. The patient undergoes endoscopy and biopsy. This allows you to determine changes in the mucous membrane of the digestive organ.

What is the treatment for gastroenteritis?

Therapeutic measures for different types intestinal flu are different. If a mild form of gastroenteritis occurs, then treatment consists of following. When the disease develops with difficult character the patient is hospitalized and left in the hospital under the supervision of doctors.

An ambulance must be called in the following cases:

  • increase in symptoms;
  • ineffective treatment of diarrhea;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • decreased blood pressure;
  • setting the temperature to 39°C.

The reason for hospitalization of the patient is considered to be the occurrence of complications of the inflammatory process. At the same time, additional diseases of internal organs can develop. Sometimes the patient begins to develop a skin rash and clouding of consciousness.

Conservative therapy

When signs of intestinal disorder appear, the patient is limited in food intake. During this period, he needs to be given more fluid to replenish the water balance. In addition to plain water, it is recommended to prepare a saline solution. To do this, you need to add 2 tbsp to 1 liter of boiling water. l. sugar and 1 tbsp. l. salt. Instead of this remedy, it is allowed to take a solution of Regidron and Oralit.

For any type of gastroenteritis, it is recommended to drink rosehip decoction. Drinks should not exceed 50 ml per serving. If the rules are not followed, a new attack of vomiting occurs. Depending on the type of pathogen, the patient is prescribed certain medications with antiviral or antibacterial effects.


When traditional methods If they don’t help eliminate it, then they use folk remedies. Decoctions and infusions from plants are suitable for this.

A remedy made from mint leaves helps to eliminate the development of bacteria. To prepare the infusion, you will need 1 tbsp. l. raw materials, and pour 250 ml of boiling water over it. The drink is infused for half an hour, and taken little by little throughout the day.

Cranberry decoction helps in the treatment of gastroenteritis in children and adults. To prepare the product, you will need 3 tbsp. l. main ingredient. The raw materials are poured with 500 ml of boiling water and cooked for 10 minutes. The product is cooled and filtered, and then taken half a glass 4 times a day. Cranberry decoction is contraindicated in patients with increased acidity gastric juice or peptic ulcer.

Diet and nutrition rules during inflammation

IN complex treatment gastroenteritis includes proper nutrition. Therapy consists of following the intake of approved products so as not to provoke intestinal irritation. The therapeutic diet for gastroenteritis is compiled according to table No. 4. Moreover, in acute form intestinal flu, it is allowed to gradually introduce crackers from white bread, sticky rice porridge and bananas.

You need to eat often, but in small portions. Temperature The food served should not be hot or cold. When symptoms are eliminated, the patient should be given porridge with water, boiled potatoes and vegetables, fruits, lean meats and fish. Of these products you only need to use light food. Jelly and tea with sugar are suitable drinks. During this period, the consumption of unhealthy food from eateries is excluded.

Rules for preventing gastroenteritis

Prevention of gastroenteritis consists of observing the following rules:

  • maintain personal hygiene;
  • during cooking, all products must be subjected to heat treatment;
  • avoid eating slightly spoiled foods;
  • drink only distilled water.

When one of the family members is sick, all rules for preventing the spread of infection must be followed. Use respiratory masks if necessary. Carrying out wet cleaning of the apartment in a timely manner will help avoid the appearance of bacteria, fungi and viruses.

The appearance of viral or non-infectious intestinal influenza is associated with for various reasons. Varieties differ in the stages and severity of symptoms. Therefore, it is necessary to treat gastroenteritis comprehensively, depending on the factor of occurrence. The prescription of medications depends on this. Used for gastric and intestinal lavage saline solutions. To restore the functioning of the digestive organ, a diet is prescribed for gastroenteritis. It is recommended to prevent the occurrence of intestinal flu by following your doctor's recommendations.

The information on our website is provided by qualified doctors and is for informational purposes only. Don't self-medicate! Be sure to consult a specialist!

Gastroenterologist, professor, doctor of medical sciences. Prescribes diagnostics and carries out treatment. Study Group Expert inflammatory diseases. Author of more than 300 scientific papers.

A disease like acute gastroenteritis may occur as a result of taking poor quality food products or water, they may contain microorganisms or toxins. A disease is viral when it occurs as a result of infection with a virus. Treatment must be comprehensive. The disease is most often diagnosed in children. Regardless of the type, the symptoms of the diseases are similar.


After infection, the disease develops very quickly and is diagnosed with the following symptoms:

increase in body temperature,

intestinal disorder,

general malaise,

headache and muscle pain.

Chronic gastroenteritis

The disease affects processes in the gastrointestinal tract. The patient's cellular synthesis of enzymes changes, which leads to a deterioration in the absorption of nutrients from food. As a result, metabolic processes throughout the body may be disrupted. For chronic illness painful sensations and other symptoms of gastroenteritis can be observed even when taking absolutely benign products, especially if the diet is disrupted.

Signs of viral gastroenteritis

Intestinal flu, as this disease is also popularly called. Viral gastroenteritis is caused by various viruses, is characterized by a moderate deterioration of the general condition, and mainly affects the organs gastrointestinal tract. Viral gastroenteritis accounts for the lion's share of diagnosed intestinal diseases.

The viral form of the disease has a direct effect on the small intestine, disrupting the structure of the mucous membrane. As a result of this disorder, the absorption of carbohydrates and other substances is reduced, and the osmotic pressure in the intestine increases. As a result of this, water in viral gastroenteritis enters from the tissues into the intestinal lumen in excess quantities, and diarrhea begins.

Rotavirus gastroenteritis

Most often affected rotavirus infections children from 6 to 63 months. They have an incubation period that lasts 1-5 days, in the vast majority of cases this figure is 2-3 days. Symptoms of gastroenteritis are acute and begin with nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. As for vomiting, it may stop after the first day of illness, and in some mild cases it may be absent altogether. Diarrhea without proper treatment lasts for 5-7 days.

Also the main symptoms of this type are:

Very often the presence of cramping or constant pain in a stomach.


Symptoms and treatment of acute gastroenteritis. Gastroenteritis must be clearly distinguished from other similar acute viral infections. The most difficult are diarrheal diseases that are caused by other types of viruses. There are a number of differences that make it possible to distinguish the symptoms of gastroenteritis from other infections. For example:

adenoviral intestinal infection with gastroenteritis has a longer incubation period. It lasts 8-10 days, despite the fact that rotavirus has it maximum duration 5 days. This virus is characterized by diarrhea lasting 2 weeks or more.

infections with rotavirus gastroenteritis, which are caused by a virus such as Norfolk and others like it, are characterized by distribution among children and adults almost equally. With a virus, vomiting and diarrhea are diagnosed rotavirus gastroenteritis more pronounced symptoms of intoxication of the body.


When experiencing symptoms of gastroenteritis, the first step is for the body to restore fluid loss. To do this, it is necessary to use special solutions that are absorbed in the intestines even in the presence of diarrhea. To prepare such a solution for the treatment of viral gastroenteritis at home, you will need to dilute 3.5 g per 1 liter of water table salt, 2.5 g baking soda, 1.5 g potassium chloride, 40 g sugar.

To treat gastroenteritis, you can and should use mineral water(not carbonated)

Treatment of gastroenteritis with Regidron. For children with such infections, it is good to prepare the drug Regidron, which is widely available in pharmacies. It must be prepared immediately before use according to the instructions.

It is best to stick to it until the diarrhea stops. liquid diet- fruit juice, grated apples, rice porridge cooked in water, various broths, crackers or salty cookies. You should avoid tea and coffee, especially strong ones.

Treatment of gastroenteritis with antibiotics. Antibiotics and similar antibacterial drugs are not recommended for use, since by disturbing the microflora they can only prolong and complicate the course of the disease.

How to treat gastroenteritis with diet?

Symptoms and treatment of chronic gastroenteritis. One of the factors for successful treatment is proper nutrition. This statement is especially important when it comes to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as gastroenteritis. Properly organized nutrition will help you get rid of the disease as quickly as possible.

This means treating gastroenteritis not with the diet that people who are trying to lose weight suffer from, but with a diet in the sense of proper, balanced nutrition, suitable for the digestive system during this particular period of time when you are sick.

If you feel unwell and gastroenteritis begins to manifest itself, then on the first day of illness it is advisable to stop eating altogether. This will remove excess load from the stomach, which will slightly alleviate the symptoms of the inflammatory process during gastroenteritis and general state. You need to drink as much fluid as possible during treatment. The liquid must be warm and can be presented in the following form:

diluted warm boiled water fresh juice from fruits and berries;

directly boiled warm water or mineral water, but always non-carbonated;

various kinds teas, not strong and not sweet;

decoctions dried berries, for example rosehip.

Using large quantity liquid on the first day of the diet for gastroenteritis, you will ensure the restoration of fluid lost during diarrhea or vomiting, which will have positive influence on water balance body and overall well-being.

Once the symptoms have improved slightly, you can begin to introduce small portions of food into your diet. At the same time, you must always remember that a diet for gastroenteritis obliges the patient to eat food in small portions, but somewhat more often than with a normal diet. By eating in this mode, you avoid overload on the stomach, which is already inflamed, while most of all necessary substances is absorbed into the body and processed for its intended purpose.

Food during treatment of gastroenteritis should only be warm. You can eat low-fat broths, soups made from such broths, vegetables and fruits (except those that contain retina with coarse fibers), dietary meat, cereals. The main characteristics of the food that enters the stomach during the course of treatment for gastroenteritis is the presence in it not only of animal proteins, but also of carbohydrates.


It's spicy viral disease, which has a fecal-oral transmission mechanism, affecting the mucous membranes of the small intestine and oropharynx.

The main source of rotavirus gastroenteritis is a person who is already sick. He is a virus carrier. From an epidemiological point of view, such people pose a danger during the first week. Subsequently, his ability to infect another person decreases. However, in in some cases, the period during which the virus is actively released into the environment can last 20-30 days from the time the first symptoms of gastroenteritis appeared.

The virus is based on the fecal-oral mode of transmission, through water, food and household items. The water route of transmission of the virus remains particularly dangerous, and mass infection of the population is possible.

Why does viral gastroenteritis occur?

Caliciviruses are main reason in adults, viral gastroenteritis. Rotaviruses are especially dangerous for children in this regard. Both some and others are quite resistant to the effects environment, which allows them to tolerate even a frozen state and be dangerous after thawing.

The virus mainly enters the human body through food. Viral gastroenteritis contaminated vegetables and fruits. Water is a special risk factor; it can become infected not only by drinking, but also just by swimming in bodies of water.

Video: Oksana Bozhenova about the symptoms and treatment of gastroenteritis

This diagnosis can be heard by both adults and children, but most often this disease affects the stomach of preschool children.

1 Types of this disease

The causes of the development of such a disease are viral and infectious pathogens that are transmitted by everyday means. A small contact with an infected person is enough, and the likelihood of getting sick will be quite high.

In medicine, it is customary to distinguish between acute and chronic forms of gastroenteritis. In the acute form, the disease develops rapidly, within 5-7 days.

The main types of acute form:

  1. Infectious gastroenteritis. The causes of development are various infectious diseases such as salmonellosis, typhoid fever, cholera. The picture of such diseases is quite severe. If proper and timely treatment is not started, death can occur.
  2. Viral gastroenteritis. The causes are viruses of various etymologies. Basically it's the flu.
  3. Nutritional. This type is a consequence of poor nutrition - frequent use rough food, alcoholic drinks.
  4. Toxic. This form is caused by various poisonings chemicals, mushrooms, fish.
  5. Allergic. Inflammatory processes on the gastric mucosa and small intestine may arise due to allergic reactions for certain foods or medications.

2 Clinical picture

Symptoms of gastroenteritis will depend on the type and amount pathogenic microbes in organism. The first signs of the disease appear unexpectedly for the patient and proceed very rapidly. The main symptoms of gastroenteritis are:

  • constant nausea and severe vomiting;
  • diarrhea, which occurs more than 10 times per day;
  • pain appears in the form of cramps in the abdomen;
  • the stomach is swollen and constant rumbling is heard;
  • body temperature rises sharply to critical levels;
  • dizziness and headaches may occur;
  • the skin becomes pale in color.

All these symptoms do not appear at the same time. Basically, the disease develops in the following sequence: first vomiting and nausea appear, then diarrhea occurs. , there may be blood clots and mucus.

3 Common forms

To choose correct method treatment, the doctor must diagnose a form of gastroenteritis. This disease can occur in three types:

  1. Easy. The patient may experience vomiting and diarrhea. Moreover, such manifestations occur no more than 3 times a day. The patient's body temperature is within normal limits. This form does not require hospitalization; it is enough to organize correct treatment at home, and the disease will recede. It is extremely important to consult a doctor at this stage, as light form If left untreated, it may progress further.
  2. Average. Body temperature can vary within 38.5 °C. Urges of nausea, vomiting and loose stools up to 10 times a day. Mild dehydration is observed, the patient feels dry mouth and thirst.
  3. Heavy. Body temperature rises to 40 °C. The patient may lose consciousness, vomit and diarrhea more than 15 times a day. Patients may refuse to drink, the skin becomes sagging, and convulsions may begin.

Very often this disease is recorded in children under 3 years of age. The source of infection is either the parents themselves or employees kindergarten. Special attention should be given to children who have congenital immunodeficiency diseases. They are primarily susceptible to viruses and infections that provoke the development of this disease.

The course of the disease itself is always vivid and the symptoms are severe. Sick children are always hospitalized due to severe dehydration.

4 Diagnostics

Symptoms and treatment will be interrelated. The doctor will choose a treatment regimen for the disease depending on its clinical manifestations.

It is also very important to correctly diagnose. The doctor pays attention to the following reactions of the body:

  • general weakness of the patient;
  • force ;
  • formation of swelling in the throat;
  • Availability white plaque on the tongue;
  • heart rate;
  • Body temperature.

If the patient is admitted with severe forms of the disease, there may be dehydration and cessation of urine production. Severe form may occur due to complications respiratory tract. These will be rhinitis, pharyngitis.

A laboratory test of the patient's stool is required. It contains viruses that cause acute gastroenteritis. During the examination, all this is revealed, and in accordance with the test results, a diagnosis is made and the correct treatment is prescribed.

By the way, for gastroenteritis treatment takes place in infectious diseases department. In rare cases, doctors allow the disease to be treated at home; there is always a risk of rapid dehydration and a sharp rise in temperature to critical levels.

Treatment consists of several stages, which include:

  • compliance with food intake rules, a balanced diet;
  • treatment with medications;
  • complete cessation of bad habits.

In the first days of admission to the department, the patient is prescribed a starvation diet, and only on the third day is food introduced in small portions and very often. With gastroenteritis, the symptoms must be eliminated first, so treatment will be aimed at eliminating nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea. All these measures make it possible to normalize the functioning of digestive activity and relieve the small intestine. Also, in the first days you are not allowed to get out of bed, physical activity is completely prohibited.

Gastric lavage with a weak saline solution is mandatory.

If severe intoxication is detected, then intravenous infusions are performed. isotonic solution sodium chloride, glucose, caffeine.

Appointed enzyme preparations, which should normalize the intestinal microflora. On the second or third day, the patient is allowed to eat liquid porridge with water and crackers. On days 5-6, normal food is gradually introduced, which will allow the stomach and intestines to work in the correct mode.

Particular attention is paid to the treatment of children. First of all, drugs are prescribed that affect the causes of the disease. Fasting in children occurs no more than a day. Some doctors allow you to give unsweetened vegetable and fruit purees after 5-6 hours on the first day. From the second day, the child is transferred to boiled chicken broths.

From the fourth day, steamed food and bread are offered. From the fifth day, the child’s normal diet is introduced. It is advisable to steam the food for some more time, do not use fatty, fried, or smoked foods. The only ban remains on dairy products. It should not be consumed for 15 days.

5 Traditional medicine

Traditional medicine has a number of recipes that will be an excellent solution for removing symptomatic manifestations. But it is worth remembering that each of the proposed options can only be used after consultation with a doctor:

  1. As drink plenty of fluids it is necessary to use decoctions of mint and rosehip. They help remove toxins from the body and fill it with necessary fluid.
  2. Cranberry decoction can be used as an antiseptic. 20 grams of berries are brewed with 0.5 liters of boiling water. This remedy helps neutralize infectious diseases in the small intestine.
  3. To strengthen the immune system, you can make jelly from orchis. It promotes natural fight organism with pathogenic bacteria.
  4. Excellent remedies for stopping diarrhea can be decoctions of oak bark, tansy flowers, and bird cherry fruits. Stop frequent bowel movements You can use skin from chicken navels. The dried skin must be ground in a coffee grinder and consumed one teaspoon at a time with water. Children should be given half as much of this product.
  5. Tea with honey also helps saturate the body with the necessary fluid and relieve inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

6 Preventive measures

Since the disease itself is a epidemic, it will not be difficult for it to spread quickly. If a case of an infectious disease is recorded in a children's group, then the entire group of children is sent to quarantine. In order to protect yourself and your child from such diseases, you must follow some rules:

  1. Eat food only in trusted places. If you like to eat in various summer cafes, canteens, and restaurants, then you need to be sure that the food preparation conditions are completely sterile. Each employee who works in public catering must have a health certificate and undergo an examination. This issue is especially acute in kindergarten canteens. Very often, gastroenteritis in adults is asymptomatic, and they are carriers of a dangerous disease.
  2. You should not eat eggs, meat and fish products that have not undergone sufficient heat treatment.
  3. If a family member has a patient with this disease, it is necessary to ensure hand washing and cleaning using antiseptic agents. Do not eat from the same dishes, do not use the same things, towels.
  4. Tell children not to take food from the floor into their mouth.

This disease is very serious, so the first signs should immediately alert you and force you to see a doctor. If you do not start the correct treatment or ignore the doctor’s recommendations, the consequences can be unpredictable:

  1. Dehydration. The body loses a large number of fluid due to vomiting and diarrhea.
  2. Death. Dehydration can be fatal. This issue is especially acute for children. Their body weight is small, so profuse loose stools during the day and vomiting can be critical for life.
  3. If qualified assistance is not provided, a person may develop chronic form. In such cases, the person will be a constant carrier of the infection and provoke disease in others.
  4. Septicemia. This disease can be caused by a virus entering the blood and lead to complete infection of all organs. This is the first step towards death.

Acute gastroenteritis is a fairly serious disease. Its symptoms are very similar to. You should not self-medicate, as the consequences can be unpredictable, even fatal outcome. Remember, only timely appeal Seeing a specialist will help you avoid disastrous consequences.