Shar Pei, a tough character in a cute guise. Description and character traits of a Shar Pei What a Shar Pei dog looks like

Back in the eighties of the last century, representatives of the Shar Pei breed were included in the Guinness Book of Records as the rarest dogs. Now they have become recognizable all over the world.
DNA studies have shown that dogs have lived on the planet for more than three thousand years. This is a very old Chinese fighting breed. They were originally bred in China for dog fighting. Their loose, folded skin made it possible for them to slip out in a fight without being seriously injured. They were then bred and used for guarding and hunting.

According to Chinese beliefs, the Shar Pei's blue tongue, like an amulet, can scare away evil spirits. During the Second World War, the dog almost disappeared, as the animal tax introduced in China made it a luxury item. However, today it has become very popular.

The word “Shar Pei” is translated as “sand skin” and this is due to the fact that their coat is hard and short, reminiscent of a type of grainy, prickly sand.


Shar Peis are often referred to as "teddies". They give the impression of a “rounded teddy bear.” The coat is short. Single color color. To date, seventeen types of colors have been officially registered. Shar Peis have a massive head and a body covered with large folds. On their head, a very beautiful “hieroglyph” is laid out from the folds, which attracts potential owners. The ears stick out and droop forward.

The tongue is dark blue, the tail is raised high, slightly curled. Calm, serious, reserved dog, friendly and active.

Wary of strangers. They are unfriendly with strangers and are restrained in expressing their feelings. Most representatives of this breed, although independent, are devoted to their owners, love and protect their home. Shar Peis are very clean, unobtrusive and leisurely. By nature they are “philosophers”. To carry out the command, they must be given time to think. For socialization, a puppy needs training and education. Very smart.

Are common rules content And care behind Shar Pei

If you decide to purchase a small “teddy bear,” you need to consider several key points.

  1. Buy purebred babies from a nursery where you can find out the characteristics of their parents.
  2. The puppy must be at least one and a half months old.
  3. He must be healthy and vaccinated. (It is advisable to show him to a veterinarian).
  4. Familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the breed in order to understand how to raise a Shar Pei, how to train it and what its character traits are.
  5. Prepare everything you need to maintain it.

The first thing you should pay attention to is proper, balanced nutrition for your baby. A dog's health depends on proper nutrition.

We advise you to feed your pet complete commercial food that is balanced and adapted to all the needs of the dog, its size, age, and health status. There is no need to combine feeding: dry food in the morning, wet food in the evening. This disrupts the acidity in her stomach. Don't forget that your friend should always have clean and fresh water.
The puppy must be vaccinated. And this issue is not up for discussion.
Give the “little bear” space to play. Shar Pei puppies are active and
They are playful and need their own territory. The room where the baby is located must be cleaned daily and the rug should be shaken out. Determine and show your student his place. It should be protected from drafts, sufficiently lit and warm so that the puppy can feel comfortable and safe. The mat should be dense and appropriate to its size. In the place that you determine for your ward, he should be able to hide and rest and, at the same time, be able to observe everything that happens on his territory (in the house).

If you choose the wrong place, he will not use it and will choose another one for himself. Learn to understand your new household member.

Also, designate a place to eat. Somewhere in a cozy corner of the house, where no one will disturb him.

When the “little bear” gets stronger and is vaccinated, he needs to be taken out for walks. You need to walk every day, morning and evening. Increase the duration of walks gradually. Shar Peis love long walks. Places for walking should be chosen that are not too busy, as the puppy may be frightened by loud noise and passing cars. Of course, you will want to teach your pet many commands and raise an intelligent and loyal friend, which, given his natural intelligence, will not be difficult. At the first stage, you are required to provide proper care for the dog.

Basic care

Keeping a Shar Pei at home is not as difficult as it might seem. Many people, given the decorative nature of the breed, do not know how to care for it and believe that this is a very complicated process and creates problems for the owners. Let's consider in order how to care for a Shar Pei, the order of your actions and their frequency. In the end, you will understand that everything is very simple and clear.

  • Every day, in the morning, you need to wipe your eyes to remove the small amount of pus that accumulates overnight. If the discharge is wet, you can remove it with dry cotton pads. If dry crusts have formed, moisten a cotton pad with boiled water and rinse them off. If pus appears repeatedly throughout the day, your pet most likely has an entropion. Contact a specialist or breeder. Entropion of the eyelids in “teddy bears” can be caused by the peculiarity of the structure of its skin: the eyelids are a large fold and cover the eye, deforming the cornea. Such problems can be eliminated by temporary filing or stapling. This is a temporary measure, and the procedure is safe and painless.

  • Once a week, pay special attention to your pet's ears. Inspect, wipe, clean. This can be done with a dry cotton pad. If the contamination is too heavy, then you should soak a cotton pad in hydrogen peroxide, but not too much, as the liquid may get into the small Shar Pei's ear canals. Wipe carefully and do not overdo it; clean dirt only in places that are clearly visible. Shar Pei puppies can figure out the rest on their own: he will shake his head, thereby shaking out dirt from the ear canal. Monitor your pet closely, as frequent shaking of the puppy's head and restlessness indicate the possible presence of otitis media.
  • Care includes taking care of the baby's teeth. There are no particular difficulties here. It is enough to give the puppy special dry “chews” for cleaning his teeth or clean his teeth with toothpastes designed for this purpose.

  • Monitor the length of the claws; you can do this in the most convenient way at home with a nail cutter with a limiter, which regulates the required length of the claws for cutting and prevents you from catching too much. You should not allow your baby to have long claws, as he will not rest on his leg correctly, which can lead to deformation of the joints.
  • The short and memorable coat of representatives of this breed, as it may seem to an uninitiated person, requires a lot of work and time from the owner of this “teddy bear”. But in fact, caring for a Shar Pei puppy is no more hassle than caring for a long-haired dog that needs copious amounts of shampoo and brushing. For combing and combing, use brushes with short bristles or rubber brushes, or you can get by with a special glove. During shedding, it is recommended to take him outside and comb him well. As they grow up, babies change their soft coat to a harder coat, which corresponds to the characteristics of the breed.

  • Unlike many other species, Shar-Peis do not really like to bathe, and they don’t need it, since this breed does not have that characteristic dog smell that is typical for others. It is enough, as it gets dirty, to wipe the “bear cub”, all its folds, with a damp cloth (mitten). If an unpleasant odor does appear, this indicates that your friend has some kind of skin problem.

These dogs are given water treatments once a month, and especially thoroughly 2 times a year, during shedding. If you bathe them more often, you can wash off the special mask on their skin, which will lead to dandruff. You should know that he is especially sensitive to water, so you need to make sure that water and foam do not get into your pet’s ears.

When washing the hair, you should be very careful; when rinsing off the foam and applied products, rinse the animal’s body with water so that detergent residues do not irritate the sensitive skin of the animal under your care. For washing, all possible gels and shampoos for short-haired dogs, as well as tar soap, are used.

Nutrition plays a big role in hair care, as was previously mentioned in the article. We should also not forget that due to their short hair, representatives of this breed are very sensitive to the sun. In hot weather, they run the risk of getting heatstroke; to avoid this, you need to limit the time they spend outside, and while walking, protect your ward’s head from the sun.

It is necessary to know and notice the first signs of puppy health problems:

    • Leather
      The healthy cover of the animal is of delicate tones (depending on the subspecies), neither wet nor dry, smooth and odorless. If any growths, unpleasant odor, changes in skin color or dandruff appear, consult a specialist.
  • Wool
    The Shar Pei has a coat with a matte sheen and bright colors. It is hard to the touch, but not dry. The coat is thick, without undercoat. If there is a change in shine, fat content, brightness of color or thickness, you should pay attention to the diet of your ward and, if necessary, contact a veterinarian.
  • Mouth
    A coating on the tongue or bright pigmentation is a reason to worry about the health of your friend. Signs of illness such as bad odor from the mouth and discoloration of the gums should not be ignored.
  • Ears
    Healthy-looking skin in the auricle has a light milky color, without any growths or redness; the smell is weak; Sometimes light brown discharge is possible.
  • Eyes
    The eyeball is white, with several reddish vessels; The upper eyelid has a healthy pink color and is clean. In the case of a healthy eye apparatus, there is practically no discharge (the color is transparent).

Having familiarized yourself with the general rules of caring for a Shar Pei puppy, you can safely begin the pleasant care of raising your baby.
By following all the above rules and recommendations, showing patience and love, you can raise a healthy dog ​​and a loyal friend.

According to the breed standard, Shar Pei can be any solid color. In this article we will tell and show what color Shar-Peis can be.

Group A - basic colors.

They are distinguished by the presence of a black mask or blackening in the nose area, a dark purple (dark blue) tongue, dark color of the paw pads, anus, loop in females and scrotum in males.

Cream color

This is the closest color to white. Cream-colored Shar-Peis should have dark eyes, a darker stripe down the back, and darker ears and tail. Cream coloration can be described as cream and dark cream. The American standard also has a light cream. Cream Shar-Peis tend to have less pigmentation than Shar-Peis of other main colors: they do not have a deep black mask. Typically, Cream Shar-Peis have a black or slightly unpainted nose, and the mask is small and gray rather than black.


Light golden color with a slightly darker than the main color belt along the back. Shades vary from light fawn to just fawn. Color intensity may change slightly with age.

Red deer

A variant of the fawn color, distinguished by a dark fawn or dark red tint. There is one peculiarity of dogs of this color. With age it becomes more intense.


Shades from mahogany to chestnut red (for example, like an Irish setter). Red sharpeis, unlike fawns, do not have a dark stripe on the back, the color is even throughout the body.

Sable color

The base of the hair of sable Shar-Peis is colored light, and its end is black. The color is even, looks like a dark coating.

Black color

in dogs of our breed it is rarely solid black. As a rule, the sides of black have a red, brown, gray or brown tint. Black Shar-Peis usually fade in summer. With the onset of winter, the color evens out.


color includes bluish-gray, gray and dark gray shades. The color is very even. The color used to be rare, but now many nurseries specialize in breeding blue dogs and many worthy representatives of the blue breed have appeared.

Isabella color

cannot be confused with any other. The dog seems to be covered with a light blue haze, which is why it looks pearly-pinkish. The nose and mask are gray-blue. The Isabella dog can only be bred from blue parents.

Group B-dilute colors of Shar Peis.

They are characterized by the absence of black pigmentation. The skin, nose, and claws blend in with the coat color. Eyes may be a lighter shade than those of dogs with basic pigmentation. The color of the tongue is light to dark lavender.

Cream delute

Shades from light to dark cream. Cream-colored sharpeis may have dark shadows on the ears and a slightly darker belt on the back. Light-colored sharpeis look very elegant.

Apricot delute

Shades from light to dark peach. This color, unlike cream dilute, is more uniform.

Red delut

includes a rich palette of shades from light red to rich mahogany. In the USA, the light red color is called 5 point red, since the Shar Pei of this color has five darker areas of red on the nose, ears, pasterns, skin and anus.

Chocolate dilut

Light to dark chocolate. Nose and eyes liver color.

Lilac Delute

Soft lilac color with a pinkish tint, cool tone color.

Isabella delute

The rarest color is the Shar Pei. Unlike lilac, it has a warm shade of pinkish-gray color.

Group C-non-standard colors (breeding marriage)


Spotted color

Everything is clear with it by definition, it is characterized by red, black, blue, chocolate spots on a white background. In the USA, this color is called flowered, that is, floral, and it is very popular, since spotted Shar-Peis look very attractive. A group of flower color enthusiasts is pushing for AKC recognition of this color as a standard color.

Black color

may have a color characterized by a black back and light tan marks, or may look like sable. The main difference is that the saddle is black hair mixed with lighter ones, while the sable-colored sharpei has a zonal hair color - the base is light, the tip is black.

So, fawn, red fawn, blue, isabela, cream, chocolate, lilac, black, mahogany - the colors of the Shar Pei are extremely diverse. I didn’t go into questions of genetics about how to purposefully get this or that color, more about that some other time :).

ps. Thanks to Lena Volkova for providing the photos of the Black-backed Shar-Pei.

The Chinese Shar Pei breed originated quite a long time ago. This dog was bred as a guard, hunter and participated in dog fights. In our article you can see the Shar Pei breed in photos, videos, read the description of the standard of these dogs and learn how to feed them.

Origin story

The Shar Pei breed originated in a province located in southern China, where it was valued as a hunting, guarding and fighting dog. Some scientists consider the breed to be quite ancient, but there is no convincing evidence for this yet. Chinese dog statues that date back to the Han Dynasty (200 BC) share similar characteristics with the Shar Pei breed, but also share characteristics with other dogs, such as Pugs.

After the emergence of the People's Republic of China, dogs of this breed were practically destroyed in the country at the behest of Mao Zedong, who believed that they were a symbol of useless luxury. And, if not for the work of one person, namely Matgo Low, who was a lover of these dogs, the breed could have died out.

Thanks to him, a number of Shar Peis were brought to the USA in 1973, where they began to be bred. The first national show of these dogs was held in 1978, and in 1991 the Shar Pei was accepted into the American Kennel Club. This breed first appeared in Russia only in the early 90s.

Description of the breed

The name “Shar Pei” can be translated as “sand skin,” which very well characterizes the animal’s bristly short hair. This breed is very recognizable due to the folds of which there are a lot of folds on the animal’s body.

However, these animals are not very popular, which can be good. After all, unscrupulous owners often breed dogs without taking into account its breed qualities, health and temperament. With this attitude, the breed often deteriorates, loses its original appearance and acquires “bad” qualities. Unfortunately, this is exactly what happened to dogs in the 1980s, when after such experiments the breed had to be restored, eradicating its bad character, external flaws and establishing the correct breed standard.

Appearance and breed standard

The Chinese Shar Pei is a medium-sized dog, reaching a height of 51 centimeters. Such a dog can weigh up to 35 kilograms. Its main characteristic is the skin, which gathers in wrinkles on the head and the entire body of the animal, except for the tail. This dog has a large head with a wide and flat muzzle. The Shar Pei's nose, as described in the breed standard, is large, usually black, but sometimes light in color.

Another feature of the breed is its tail, thick, tapering towards the end, it is set very high. According to the breed standard, the tail can be curled into a tight ring or simply curved towards the back. You can see what the tail looks like in this photo.

The Shar Pei's coat is short and has no undercoat, so the dog practically does not shed. There are three types of dog coat length: horse, brush and bearhair, varying in length, but it cannot be more than 1.5 cm.

Shar Pei colors are divided into several types. One of them involves the presence of a mask and a so-called “belt” on the body of a black animal.

The colors of such dogs are:

  • black;
  • cream;
  • deer;
  • red fawn;
  • mahogany (red);
  • isabela;
  • blue delute.

Another type of color of these animals does not include black and is:

  • cream;
  • apricot;
  • red;
  • chocolate;
  • lilac;
  • isabela.

Blue or blue delut and lilac coat colors look very exotic, and the most popular are cream and apricot.

For those wondering how long Shar Peis live: on average, a dog lives 11 years. The lifespan of an animal depends on the quality of its nutrition, lifestyle and care.


The Chinese Shar Pei is a very independent breed. He is devoted to his family, but keeps himself aloof from people he doesn't know. He seems to enjoy time with his owner more than with other dogs. A calm and confident dog, it seems to intuitively understand its person and his family.

It so happens that Shar Pei’s character is characterized by independence and strong will. He protects his family, which characterizes him as an excellent watchman; he recognizes any threat well. Since at one time this breed was used as a fighting dog, it is quite capable of using its fangs against an enemy, human or dog.

Conditions for keeping a dog

These cute dogs with a donut tail can live comfortably both in an apartment and in a private house. They do well in confined spaces as long as they get daily play and exercise. Having a backyard for a dog is not necessary, but if it is, the animal will definitely appreciate it.

This breed of wrinkled dogs is very loving and will gladly accompany its owner anywhere. However, Shar Peis are not very friendly towards other dogs due to their past. Because of this, they should not be let off a leash while walking.

Dogs are very sensitive to heat, making them poor running partners. They do not tolerate heat well; walks with Shar Pei in warm weather should not be too long. It is preferable if the animal waits out the hottest time of the day at home, under a cool air conditioner or fan.


The coat of dogs of this breed is not very long, sheds little and, according to the description of the owners, practically does not smell. It doesn’t require much care; it will be enough to brush your pet’s fur from head to tail once a week with a special rubber brush or a grooming glove. This will help remove dirt and dead hair. Frequent bathing can be irritating to your pet's sensitive skin, so care should include bathing no more than once every 12 weeks.

It is very important to dry your pet properly and thoroughly after taking a bath. If you forget to dry the areas between the folds of your skin, a fungal infection may develop. After bathing these dogs, it is important to dry them with a towel.

Your pet's ears, claws and teeth also require care. In order to remove plaque from a dog, they use special treats that are given to the dog to chew on. To get rid of an unpleasant odor, you need to take care of your dog's teeth every day and brush them with a special toothpaste.

If you not only see, but also hear your pet running across the parquet, clattering on the floor, then its claws have already grown too long. Caring for them is simple: they need to be carefully trimmed with scissors or a special tool.

Shar Pei's ears are very prone to irritation and infections, so they need to be checked as often as possible, and dirt should be removed with a cotton swab dipped in a special solution for cleaning animal ears. When caring for a dog, it is important that water does not get into its ears when bathing.

Ideal diet

Caring for your pet also includes choosing the right diet for it. There are two types of feeding for dogs - natural food or ready-made dry food. Doctors, dog handlers and just dog lovers argue about the correctness of one type or another. There are a lot of nutrition reviews on the Internet. But you cannot compare, for example, a properly selected natural diet with economy-class food, just as you cannot compare premium food with a diet of bone broth.

But you cannot feed a Shar Pei, like any other dog, the mixed type, this can be said for sure. These two types of diet require completely different enzymes to digest, so a mixed diet can upset the stomach and cause unpleasant illnesses or allergies. I would like to remind you that Shar Pei is a very allergy-prone dog breed, so this rule must be followed unconditionally among breeders.

If you choose to feed your dog a ready-made dry product, then you should purchase only good, proven food, preferably specifically for this breed of dog. Economy food should not be considered for feeding this dog.

If feeding your dog natural food seems to be the best solution, then here is a diet plan for Shar-Peis:

  1. From generation to generation, these dogs were fed rice, which was due to their territory of origin. Therefore, 20-30% of the diet is occupied by this cereal.
  2. 40-50% of a dog's daily food intake is meat. To begin with, as a protein base, the dog can be fed boiled sea fish (herring, blue whiting, cod). This way there is less chance of your pet having allergies. Next they try to give one type of meat. What the dog does not respond to with a skin reaction is left in the pet’s diet - this can now be fed to the animal constantly.
  3. The remaining 20-30% of the diet for this breed consists of vegetables. You can feed your Shar Pei only vegetables of white and green colors, such as cabbage or zucchini. Vegetables should be boiled or grated.

You can give your dog eggs once a week if there is no skin allergy to them. It would be good to add fruits to your dog’s diet: sometimes you can feed him green apples and bananas, but you should avoid citrus fruits.

With a natural diet, the pet may lack vitamins. They need to be given to the dog additionally.

Raising puppies

Like many breeds, Shar Pei puppies require training and early socialization. He needs to be taught from childhood to be friendly and calm towards various places and sounds. Early socialization and training of the Shar Pei guarantees that the puppy will grow up to be a full-fledged dog, without fears and unnecessary aggression.

Shar Pei puppies, according to reviews from owners, learn well; they can be sent to a special training school or taught on their own. Inviting guests home, walking in crowded parks, going on picnics, or simply introducing your dog to your neighbors in your yard can teach him to be friendly and improve his social skills.

Possible diseases

Shar Peis are prone to certain types of diseases, especially those that affect his skin. Not all Shar Peis experience these conditions, but any owner considering this breed should become familiar with them.

Diseases that a Shar Pei owner may encounter:

  • hypothyroidism (thyroid disease);
  • malignant tumors;
  • dysplasia of the knee and hip joint;
  • demodicosis;
  • seborrhea;
  • pyoderma;
  • luxation of the patella;
  • bloating;
  • cutaneous mucinosis;
  • glaucoma;
  • turn of the century.

The Chinese Shar Pei can be described as a highly intelligent, independent dog with dignity. They can be unfriendly with strangers, but are devoted to their family. Despite their dissatisfied and gloomy expression on their faces, Shar Peis are very sociable dogs.

Shar Peis are considered good family dogs, however they can be aggressive towards other dogs and are not always patient enough with children, which can be corrected by early socialization and keeping their aggression to a minimum. Shar Peis are loyal to their owner and family members.

Shar Peis have an extremely dominant and independent nature and prefer to be the king or queen of the house, so it is important that they know who is boss. If the owner of the Shar Pei is unsure of himself, is too soft or is afraid of his dog, the Shar Pei will quickly take on the function of the leader and become dominant.

There is an opinion that Shar Pei dogs are better suited for experienced owners. They will also not listen to family members whom they do not consider more important than themselves. For this reason, it is important for all family members to establish a leadership position in relations with the Shar Pei early in its life.


The most common diseases that occur in Shar-Peis are:

Entropion. Inversion of the eyelid, causing irritation of the cornea of ​​the eye. May lead to blindness if not properly treated.

Glaucoma. A disease that can lead to blindness.

Food allergies. Allergic skin reaction to food.

Pyoderma deep skin infection.

Atopy. Allergic reaction to environmental components.

Hypothyroidism. Thyroid disease.

Primary seborrhea. Excess sebum on the skin, flaking skin and unpleasant odor.

Otitis. Ear infections.

Shar Pei fever. The syndrome is not well studied, is inherited and can lead to kidney failure.

Mastocytoma. Tumors on the skin or internal organs.

Not common, but the following diseases are also possible in dogs of this breed:

Bloating. This is a life-threatening condition for the dog.

Hip dysplasia. A disease that causes severe pain, lameness and arthritis.

Congenital idiopathic megaesophagus. Significant increase in the size of the esophagus.

Shar Peis are also susceptible to: elbow dysplasia, renal amyloidosis and third eyelid lacrimal gland prolapse.


Shar Peis are a dog breed that requires minimal grooming. All you need to do is brush your Shar Pei regularly to remove dead hair. The only thing you should pay special attention to is the Shar Pei's ears. It is important to never wash your Shar Pei's hair. Water getting into the Shar Pei's ears causes serious problems that are not seen in other dog breeds. These dogs have very thin ear canals and can develop serious ear infections if exposed to water.

A Shar Pei should be bathed approximately once a month. A rubber brush can be useful in the bath to remove loose hair. It is better to use special shampoos for dogs, because human shampoos and liquid soap can cause skin irritation. This is extremely important for dogs of this breed because skin irritation and skin diseases are common in Shar-Peis. Rinse the Shar Pei's folds well with shampoo.

Drying after a bath is just as important for this breed. It is important to dry the skin well between the folds of the Shar Pei; this can be done with a hairdryer. You can also use baby powder or special powder for dogs to remove excess moisture from their folds and avoid irritation.

Shar Peis need significant exercise. Long walks and lots of exercise outside will make your Shar Pei calmer at home. The Shar Pei's head is very sensitive to overheating, so in very hot weather it is better to limit the Shar Pei's active stay outside. Although Shar-Peis tolerate cold better than heat, a temperate climate is ideal for this breed.

Shar Pei training must begin from a very early age. Since Shar Peis are prone to aggression towards other dogs, it is important to give them the opportunity to spend plenty of time with other animals starting at an early age. They are generally playful and good with children, but again, subject to good socialization among children during puppyhood.

However, Shar Peis can sometimes be very stubborn and independent, which makes training them not a very easy task.


Shar-Peis do not like water and will avoid bathing, so it is best to teach Shar-Peis this procedure from an early age.

When buying a Shar Pei, pay attention to the breed line. There was an overproduction of Shar Peis in the 1980s, therefore the personality and health of a Shar Pei will depend on the dog's genetics. If you carefully study the pedigree of a Shar Pei, you can usually determine whether a given dog will be aggressive towards other dogs or not.

It is worth keeping in mind that every dog ​​is individual. This description is typical for the breed as a whole and does not always completely coincide with the characteristics of a particular dog of this breed!

Shar Pei... A breed whose true origin is hidden in the depths of centuries, shrouded in mysticism and mystery. Almost disappeared from the face of the earth several timesChinese Shar Peiwas revived again and again thanks to the incredible efforts of dog handlers, breeders, and ordinary amateurs, who by chance united into a single team.

Interesting and amazing not only because of the history of origin and appearanceChinese Shar Pei breed. Photo, breed standards, character, nuances of caring for puppies, features of keeping adult dogs - this will be discussed further.

The mystery of the “Han dog”: the origin of the breed

The beginning of the existence of the breed goes back to ancient times, back to three thousand years. The name of the breed is of Chinese origin. This is no coincidence. Images on household items and figurines found during archaeological excavations eloquently indicate that the Shar Pei was already known during the reign of the Chinese “Golden Age” of economic and cultural development of China - the most important milestone in the life of the “Han dog”.

The exact place of its appearance is not documented. Researchers suggest thatChinese Shar Pei origincan lead its way both from the south and from the north of China:

  • South coast: Kwong Tung (Dag Let village) or Guangdong (Taili) provinces.
  • Northern China, Tibet.

In ancient times, the Shar Pei was used as a universal dog that guarded the home, guarded livestock in the pasture, protected peasant farms from mongooses, and hunted in the mountains and on the plains.

Often, at the will of the owner, the Shar Pei became a fighting dog. Strong jaws firmly dug into the flesh of the opponent, small ears pressed tightly to the head did not allow the enemy to grab onto them, strong bones adequately withstood any shock, the abundance of folds, prickly fur and stubborn disposition gave an additional advantage in battle. The only quality that prevented him from turning into an exclusively fighting dog was his peacefulness. Good-natured, striving for peace and harmonyShar Pei - Chinese fighting dog - presentI didn’t become a real fighter. However, participation in dog fights opened the doors of nobles' houses, temples and even the imperial palace towards him. The Shar Pei became a luxury item, a source of income, a favorite of the nobility, gradually becoming inaccessible to ordinary people.

On the verge of extinction

During the Ming Empire (1368-1644), China reached its maximum level of cultural and economic development, but could not withstand the onslaught of Manchu troops coming from the north. The country plunged into a series of wars, and a crushing wave of devastation and hunger swept through it. This situation caused a loss of interest inChinese SharpeWell, the number of dogs began to decline rapidly.

The policy of the Chinese communists led to the threat of complete extinction of the breed on the territory of the state. All the forces of the working people were thrown into building socialism. In such conditions, dogs began to be considered an unaffordable luxury, taking away the last food from the working people.

The Shar-Pei's famous fellow countrymen - the Pekingese and the Chow Chow - had by this time firmly established themselves in Europe, so their fate was not so tragic. Shar Peis, which had not yet become widespread, began to disappear at an alarming rate, and by 1970 the breed had become truly unique.

Chinese Phoenix, or the Feat of Dog Handlers

Dog breeders from different countries joined forces and searched for surviving Shar Peis throughout China for five years. The rescued dogs were taken first to Hong Kong, then to America.

The breed standard was regulated in 1976. After just two yearsAmerican (or Chinese) Shar Peitook a worthy place in the Guinness Book of Records as the rarest and most exotic breed. This served as wonderful advertising and played a big role in the revival of the Chinese dog.

In the 80s XXcentury, Shar Peis were brought to Europe, and in the 90s - to Russia. Just 4 years later, exotic dog puppies were sold on the poultry market at prices starting from $1,000, and a year later the cost increased to 3.5-4 thousand dollars.

The task of restoring and further improving the breed's characteristics was complicated by the fact that most of the documents related to the origin of the dog and its breeding were destroyed by order of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, further breeding of the breed was kept secret, and Chinese Shar Pei puppies were sold at an incredible price.

Meet the Shar Pei. First impression

Some external features of the Shar Pei lead scientists to believe that the ancestors of the Chinese dog were Molossians (ancient mastiffs) and Chow Chows. From the Molosser the Shar Pei took strength, solidity, and a certain monumentality. It is similar to the Chow Chow due to its similar physique and blue tongue, which, according to legend, is a talisman that protects the dog’s owner from evil spirits.

The very name of the breed (sa-pei - “sand skin”) is interesting and speaks of another exotic feature of the breed. The adjective “sandy” in this case does not refer to the color of the animal, but to the structure of the coat, which feels like granular, prickly sand. On the back and sides the hair is straight, short, raised, like bristles, on the limbs it is smooth.

If the object of discussion becomesChinese Shar Pei, breed characteristicsFirst of all, it begins with a description of the amazing folded skin. In puppies, loosely hanging skin creates abundant folds in the head and neck area and covers the entire body. As they grow older, folds may remain only on the neck, withers and head.

When you look at a Shar Pei, you get the feeling that a fur coat that doesn’t fit is put on a small dog. The presence of folds may presumably indicate that the loosely hanging skin was formed as a result of the breeding of significantly smaller individuals from dogs of impressive size. This statement is to some extent based on historical evidence of the large size of the Shar Pei’s ancestors, weighing up to 80 kg.

Chinese Shar Pei: description of the breed and international standard

In ancient references to the Sa-Pei, which have reached our time, the exotic breed is described figuratively:

  • the head is like a pear, the ear is like a thick and small sea mollusk;
  • the wrinkled muzzle resembles the face of an old man;
  • the wide and blunt nose resembles the shape of a moth, and the eyes are sad almonds;
  • the strong neck has a small dewlap, like the withers of a buffalo;
  • the powerful chest is emphasized by widely spaced front legs, like those of a dragon;
  • the hard and thick metacarpus resembles a head of garlic, and the claws resemble pincers;
  • the back is flexible and elastic, like a shrimp;
  • the tail looks like a hard and thin wire, twisted high above the back.

As a result of selection, the genetic pool of the Shar Pei is mixed with the blood of a chow chow, bulldog, boxer, and bull terrier. This made it possible not only to preserve the historically established characteristics of the exotic dog, but also to obtain the unusual color of the originally red Sa-Pei. Chocolate, black, cream and even blue coat colors add a special charm to this amazing dog and are no longer rare.

TOChinese Shar Pei characteristicsaccording to the modern official standard, received in accordance with the features of the ancient dog:

  • Average height and strong, square build.
  • The lower back is strong.
  • The chest is wide and dropped down.
  • The neck is not long.
  • Folds on the head and withers.
  • The head is large.
  • The ears are small, thick, rounded, fitting tightly to the skull.
  • The muzzle is wide along its entire length, full, like a hippopotamus.
  • The eyes are dark, deep-set, reminiscent of almonds; the expression of the eyes is gloomy.
  • The tail is curled in a ring.
  • A strongly built dog is compact and active.
  • Classification: Molossian group.
  • The purpose of the dog in accordance with the classification: hunting and guard.

Character traits

Majestic and royally reserved, he treats strangers arrogantly and accepts compliments and affection with a sense of his own importance.

Friendly towards otherschinese shar pei, charactercalm and independent. Doesn't like conflicts. He does not strive to dominate in relationships, but he treats other four-legged animals arrogantly and condescendingly.

The Shar Pei accumulates such feelings as devotion to the family and love for all its members. The owner for him is the center of the universe. Alone he gets bored and sad.

Affectionate, balanced and non-aggressive, he adores children, treats them with care and reverence, and knows how to carefully and quietly evade careless children's hands.

He shows his feelings with restraint, although he still strives to lick his hand or present his folded torso and plush face for scratching. Awkwardly burying its “hippopotamian” muzzle in the owner’s lap, the Shar Pei freezes under the gentle hand, expressing bliss and pleasure with its entire appearance.

Noble, tactful, has a lively, developed mind.

Sometimes it seems to manifestChinese Shar Pei featurestelepath: he is able to capture not only the mood of the owner, but also the intentions of strangers. If it seems to him that an outsider is hostile towards family members, he will take active and decisive action. Therefore, it is not recommended to talk near the dog accompanying the owner, loudly, impulsively waving his arms.

Watchman, shepherd, hunter

Shar Pei hardly barks: neither in the apartment, nor in the yard of the house, nor in camping conditions. It is beneath his dignity to bark just like that, for no reason, over trifles. The Chinese Shar Pei shows its character when a stranger appears at the entrance of the house: it will immediately warn family members about this with a menacing roar or a dull heavy bark. During a hike, neither a stranger, nor a hedgehog, nor a lizard will pass by the tourist camp unnoticed - the Shar Pei will warn about their presence and immediately go to deal with the cause of the disturbance. Slowly, with dignity, almost imposingly.

Not only a good watchman, but also a born hunter. Despite the fact that its peripheral vision is limited by the deep-set eyes, the Shar Pei perfectly focuses its gaze on its prey. In addition, it has a superficial sense of smell. You can often see a picture: a Shar Pei froze in place, his head is raised high, his eyes are wary, and his nostrils are wide open and greedily suck in streams of air with smells only understandable to the Shar Pei, coming from God knows where.

The service qualities of a shepherd inherent in nature turn the Shar Pei into a tireless guardian of order in any situation when, as it seems to him, these qualities need to be demonstrated. If friends, neighbor’s children, colleagues have gathered around the owner, the whole company immediately becomes the object of protection of a Chinese dog, which will “graze” everyone out of the corner of its eye, preventing strangers from approaching him without warning.

And God forbid, during a walk, you leave a Shar Pei unchecked in a field where a herd of cows is grazing! The cows will run from him in a circle, obediently huddling together in a tight ring, and the Shar Pei himself will get real pleasure, catching up and pinching the legs of the sluggish horned ones. At the same time, it is almost impossible to catch up with him alone, since he will dashingly avoid the hands of the catcher, enthusiastically turning the herd in the other direction and continuing to run at a leisurely trot. His movements are harmonious, balanced, free. No animal will be harmed in any way, but the owner’s nerves will be pretty frayed.

Parenting: how to overcome stubbornness

The Chinese Shar Pei has an unusual character. The characteristics of its main qualities can be given in a nutshell:independence and stubbornness. Together with intelligence, developed intuition and intelligence, they create certain difficulties during training.

Shar Pei understands everything that is required of him almost the first time. But it is important for him to realize and comprehend the purpose of executing the command. Despite his activity, he does not like to waste his energy; running, jumping, even sitting and lying down will not be forced. Pressure, and especially the use of physical force, will turn an intelligent and quick-witted dog into a cowardly, evil, aggressive creature. This should absolutely not be allowed.

It is impossible to force a Shar Pei to follow a command - you can only interest him. Patience, perseverance, love, affection - these are the main assistants in training.

It’s difficult to call this process training, becauseChinese Shar Pei breedrequires competent upbringing, similar to teaching a child. The algorithm is simple: ban harmful actions once and for all, encourage and develop useful actions. At the same time, it is important to observe the principle of constancy: if it is impossible, then it is impossible never.The owner believes that the pet should not climb onto the sofa, which means that this should be prohibited at all times, without exception. In the future, it is almost impossible to convince your pet that allowing prohibited actions was just a “bonus promotion”.

In the process of raising a Shar Pei, showing firmness and consistency, it is important to leave freedom of action and space for self-realization. Then next to the owner there will be a noble, friendly dog ​​with an individual character; a true friend, smart, loyal, understanding at a glance, ready to defend family members at any moment.

Chinese Shar Pei: care and maintenance

A little bundle of happiness appeared in the house. To successfully socialize him in a new place, you need to take simple steps. Lower the baby to the floor and leave for 30 minutes to independently explore the territory. Only after this can you offer him something to eat, show him where the water is, the toilet is located, and his own place is located (away from the radiator and drafts).

It is advisable that the bed have sides: Shar-Peis of any age love to rest their heavy heads on them. You can use a rolled towel or a large soft toy as a side.


Consulting with the breeder is a rule that must be followed. For the Chinese Shar Pei breed, nutrition is one of the main factors affecting the health of the pet. Therefore, you should strictly follow the recommendations received when purchasing a puppy.

In the future, if there is a need to change the diet, it should be taken into account that you cannot mix natural food and dry food during the same feeding, since they are absorbed differently by the body.

Dry food must be of high quality, balanced to the needs of the breed. The pet must be provided with constant access to a bowl of clean water. Due to the structure of their muzzle, Shar Peis usually drink sloppily, spilling liquid. To maintain cleanliness, a bowl of water can be placed on an absorbent mat or cloth.

When choosing natural food, you should pay attention to the list of prohibited foods:

  • pasta;
  • legumes;
  • pork;
  • bird with tubular bones;
  • products with salt and spices, including sausage and smoked meats;
  • cheeses;
  • milk.

Among those allowed:

  • beef;
  • buckwheat, rice;
  • chicken;
  • offal;
  • lamb meat;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • turkey;
  • fresh greens.

Chinese Shar Pei puppies can receive encouragement and treats in the form of bread crumbs without additives, stringy bones, and tripe.

For the health of your Shar Pei, it is important not to change its diet unless necessary, as this can lead to allergies. No more than 22% protein is allowed in food (dry or natural).

An indicator of a balanced diet is active behavior, age-appropriate body weight, absence of odor, shiny eyes, shiny coat.

The owner's pride and joy - healthy, active, full of energyChinese Shar Pei. Photo of an adult dogpresented below.


It is not recommended to bathe a puppy that has arrived at a new place of residence until it has been fully vaccinated.

An adult Shar Pei should be bathed no more than twice a year. More frequent water treatments wash away the natural lubricant and disrupt the balance of the skin, causing dry skin and dandruff. When swimming, you need to make sure that water does not get into your ears, as this can lead to inflammation.

You can only wash your paws often: after every walk, with clean water, without using detergents.

After eating, you should wipe the muzzle in a timely manner so that no food remains remain in the folds, which can lead to skin irritation and the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

There is no need to wipe the folds of skin on the body. If an unpleasant odor appears, you can wipe the wool with a damp cloth, adding vinegar to the water (1 tsp per 1 liter of water). But it should be borne in mind that the appearance of an unpleasant odor is almost always a manifestation of the first signs of a skin allergy. Healthy skin and coat do not emit any odors, not even the smell of a dog.

Claws, ears, eyes

Should be trimmed monthlyChinese Sharpeyu claws, thick and massive. In order to do a “manicure” painlessly, carefully and calmly, your pet should be accustomed to the procedure starting from a young age.

It is recommended to clean your Shar Pei's ears infrequently and very carefully. The ear canal is very narrow, and going deeper into it is dangerous. It is necessary to remove dirt only in the auricle, as needed, without using liquid solutions that remain in the narrow ear canal, causing complications. If your pet shakes its head, scratches its ear, and there is an unpleasant odor coming from it, this may be a sign of an infection or an allergic reaction. The only correct solution is to contact a veterinarian.

Healthy Shar Pei eyes usually do not become sour, there is no redness in them, and the eyelids do not swell. Only in the morning, after sleep, a slight souring may appear, which can be removed with a soft cloth. If your pet has tear tracks running down his face, his eyes are sour or red, his eyelids are swollen or crusty, self-medication is strictly not allowed.In this case, a doctor's consultation is required.

Shar Pei in the house - well-being in the family

On photoand in reality it always looks funny and arouses genuine interest. An exotic dog has other advantages that make keeping it in the house desirable:

  • Small size (suitable for keeping in an apartment).
  • The dog is neat; at the dacha, he makes his route exclusively along paths, bypassing beds and flower beds.
  • Despite its small size, it is a reliable guard and defender.
  • Minimal grooming is required: comb the coat weekly, keep eyes and ears under observation.

The rhythm of a pet's life is a reflection of the life of its owners. He is ready to patiently take a nap on Sunday morning if family members decide to sleep longer, but will gladly go for a walk at the first invitation.

A calm philosopher, guessing desires at a glance, helps relieve stress and improve the climate in the family. Doctors recommend this breed for people with high or low blood pressure and heart disease.

The Chinese “four-legged orchid” - in this image he appeared from the pages of ancient treatises. Adorable plush toy - this is how he turns out onphoto. Chinese Shar Pei - dogsand, who came to us from time immemorial... An inhabitant of palaces and temples, an assistant to simple shepherds and hunters, a fighter and security guard, a psychotherapist and a talisman that protects family happiness. The kindest soul, into which he allows only close, loving people to look into.