Eyes and pregnancy: possible changes, diseases, their effects and treatment. Signs of conceiving a boy. Causes of headaches and eye pain during pregnancy

While carrying a baby increased load everyone experiences internal systems, including visual. Many expectant mothers report that their eyes hurt and become watery during pregnancy. Pathology can be caused by the most various factors, ranging from hormones to degenerative changes in the retina. It's important to understand why visual organ may suffer, what symptoms accompany it, and what can be done to relieve the pain.

Physiological causes of pain

Pregnancy is a direct factor in the fact that the eyeballs become inflamed. Already in the first trimester, the synthesis of hormones necessary for normal course pregnancy. For example, estrogen production decreases, which can cause the mucous surface to dry out. Women in the early stages report itching in the eyelid area, redness of the apples, bursting small vessels. Some even develop temporary myopia or farsightedness. As a rule, these problems disappear on their own after childbirth. Interestingly, the symptoms of some ophthalmological diseases(eg glaucoma) decrease during pregnancy.

Also, fluid retention as a result of hormonal changes causes degenerative changes in the cornea (thickening, curvature, etc.). If a pregnant woman already wears glasses or contacts, then you need to contact the optician for a more current prescription.

Overwork and physical inactivity can also cause eye pain during pregnancy. On later a woman sits more at a computer or tablet, walks less and shifts her gaze from close to distant objects. All these factors lead to vision deterioration and the mucous membrane of the apples to become inflamed.

Another physiological reason is hypertension, which is often found in expectant mothers. Pressure increases not only in the veins and arteries, but also in the eyeballs, which can cause a feeling of fullness and heaviness. Temporary discomfort in the eyes can also be caused by migraines, which often occur in expectant mothers against the background of pressure surges, overwork, toxicosis, or even changes weather conditions.

Pathological causes

Decreased immunity, changes in diet and lifestyle lead to the fact that expectant mothers may experience exacerbation of old or new ophthalmological pathologies.

Symptoms of diseases

If the mucous membrane itches a little and waters, then you need to observe for several days. Perhaps the cause is physiological changes, so the exacerbation will soon pass.

The alarm should be sounded when the following symptoms develop:

  • severe pain and pulsation in the eyeballs;
  • increased lacrimation, which may be accompanied by discharge from the corners of the eyelids (purulent, cloudy, etc.);
  • increased photosensitivity;
  • redness and swelling of the eyelids;
  • severe itching;
  • blurring of objects before the eyes, double vision, spots or dots;
  • partial loss of vision;
  • high pressure in the eyeballs.

In this case, it is necessary to urgently consult an ophthalmologist to prevent serious diseases and significant loss vision.


If your eyes hurt during pregnancy, you must follow the recommendations of doctors to reduce discomfort.

Remember that while you are expecting a baby, your vision may fluctuate, so do not prescribe any operations for eye organs before delivery. Eyes are very important organ, which helps us recognize and understand the world. Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to them during pregnancy, when all internal systems may fail.

In this article we will tell you about the possible causes of pain and what prevention exists.

Causes of eye pain

Causes of eye pain may include the following:

  1. Crash in hormonal background. This is perhaps the most basic reason for all the changes that happen during pregnancy, because estrogen levels decrease. The fluid that is necessary for the normal functioning of the eyes begins to be produced in small quantity, and this causes the eyes to become red and itchy.
  2. Overwork. Today, pregnant mothers have everything free time prefer to spend time in front of a laptop monitor or in front of the TV.
  3. Using glasses or contact lenses. Vision problems during pregnancy may occur because fluid is retained in the body and the cornea thickens. Often, pregnant women who wear contact lenses or glasses feel discomfort. Also, during pregnancy, it is not recommended to perform all kinds of operations on the organs of vision.
  4. The presence of conjunctivitis (allergic, bacterial or viral). Painful sensations may be accompanied by purulent transparent selection. The head often hurts, and some girls begin to have difficulty seeing close up, their vision suddenly becomes dark, and “spots” appear in their eyes. During pregnancy, experts recommend using glasses. After you give birth, your vision will begin to recover to its previous level.
    Why does it get dark before my eyes?

It happens that vision problems indicate an alarming change in the body. If you begin to notice blurriness, bifurcation, or the appearance of “spots”, then you most likely have high blood pressure or the functioning of the renal system is impaired. If your eyes often get dark, be sure to tell your doctor about this. Usually, if such a problem is quickly corrected, your vision will immediately return to normal.

Retinal condition during pregnancy

If the condition of the retina worsens, giving birth can only be done with the help of surgical intervention. Ophthalmologists strongly recommend a complete examination of your vision in the first trimester of pregnancy. If the results are normal, then a re-examination will need to be done before labor begins. Problems with vision should be checked every month.

Retinal detachment or dystrophy is a common occurrence in pregnant girls. If the functioning of blood vessels is disrupted, then you need to go to an ophthalmologist as soon as possible and undergo the necessary examination.


For any problem related to vision, it is necessary to immediately contact a specialist. If, during examination of the fundus, the ophthalmologist did not find any changes, then to prepare for childbirth, the pregnant girl will need to do special exercises. Also, be sure to learn how to push and breathe correctly. If the disease begins to progress, the doctor suggests that the woman in labor do laser correction vision. This procedure will strengthen the retina and vision will be completely restored. This is best done before you start planning to conceive a child, because anesthesia is dangerous for the unborn child. For prevention, you need to follow a regimen, especially if you are constantly in front of the monitor. Take breaks every 25 - 30 minutes. In order for the muscles to relax and rest, you need to massage a little in a circular motion. brow ridges. In any case, you need to see a doctor so that he can diagnose accurate diagnosis and prescribed treatment.

As long as I can remember, I have never had problems with vision. When I became pregnant, already somewhere in the 14th week, I began to feel stinging dryness and burning. I worked at the computer often and therefore was not surprised that this happened to me. I went to the doctor, she examined me and prescribed Tobrex drops. After using them for 10 days, I noticed that the dryness and burning went away, my eyes no longer hurt. Upon re-examination I had good results
Polina, 27 years old

Be healthy and don't get sick!

The main reason why physiological changes occur in the body of a pregnant woman is hormones. Hormonal changes in the body are usually the cause of eye pain. Estrogen levels decrease, the moisture needed for normal operation eyes are getting small. The eyes become red, itchy, and watery.

Such hormonal changes can lead to visual impairment. Some begin to see worse in the distance, while others see poorly near. Sometimes, during pregnancy, glasses are prescribed. But there is no need to be afraid. After the birth of the baby, vision, as a rule, is completely restored, unless, of course, the woman suffered from any eye disease before her interesting situation.

Eye pain during pregnancy can be caused by water retention in the body. As a result of curvature or thickening of the cornea. Women who wear glasses feel especially uncomfortable. contact lenses. It is worth noting that during this time you cannot change glasses or undergo eye surgery.

High blood pressure

If your eyes become sensitive to bright light, blurred, double vision or temporary absence of vision appears, consult a doctor immediately. Most likely these are symptoms high blood pressure. Impaired kidney function can be judged by swelling and swelling around the eyes.

Effect of pregnancy on the eyes

Often during pregnancy, the eyes become inflamed, a feeling of dryness occurs, and existing symptoms may worsen. eye diseases. However, for example, the condition of the eyes with glaucoma during pregnancy may improve. In this regard, changes must be made to the usual maintenance therapy. It is also worth noting that in the presence of glaucoma and other diseases, medication use should be kept to a minimum. A specialist will tell you exactly what the dose should be.

During pregnancy, contact lenses should be replaced with glasses, since lenses often lead to eye discomfort. Reduce your time at the computer. Better yet, stop contacting him completely. Inflammation and dryness of the eyes worsen from spending a long time behind a monitor screen.

You can improve the condition of your eyes with simple gymnastics: close and open your eyes with your hands, rotate eyeballs. Also try squeezing your eyes tightly, then open them wide. Do these exercises daily and your eyes will thank you.

Why do my eyes and head hurt during pregnancy?

Symptoms of eye pain and headaches during pregnancy may occur during different dates, have like physiological reasons appearance and pathological. There are some specific features when your head and eyes hurt during pregnancy, as well as a number of provoking factors that differ from the usual symptoms.

Causes of headaches and eye pain during pregnancy

The head and eyes may hurt during pregnancy for the following reasons:

  • Hormonal changes , starting in the early stages, create conditions for the development of a state of discomfort in the eyes. A decrease in estrogen in the body can cause darkening, itching and redness of the eyes, which subsequently leads to pain. Visual acuity may also decrease, the indicators of which return to their usual state after childbirth.
  • Water retention in the body- provokes deformation of the cornea and, as a result, causes pain.
  • Computer fatigue syndrome- Associated with eye strain. Trying to get more rest, pregnant women lose sight of the fact harmful effects prolonged concentration on the screen, which ultimately leads to spasm eye muscles and the appearance of pain.
  • Wrong choice of glasses or incorrect use of lenses also leads to eye muscle strain and the appearance of corneal curvature. Then eye tension transforms into headache.
  • Promotion arterial pressure- today this is a common occurrence in pregnant women, which causes a dull, bursting pain in the eyes.
  • (cutting pain in the eyes, lacrimation is inherent) - the most common seasonal form of the disease in pregnant women.
  • Headache caused by changes in weather conditions or overwork- can provoke short-term painful attacks in the eyes.
  • Migraine- in most cases it is accompanied by eye pain on the same side as the headache.

Read more about eye and head pain on one side.

Hormonal changes in a pregnant woman's body often cause physical ailments and fatigue.

What symptoms cannot be eliminated?

You will have to put up with some reasons and wait, just doing periodic local relief of symptoms.

Fact! In case of hormonal changes and impaired water metabolism, the 3rd trimester and childbirth restore the woman’s usual well-being.

There are a number of conditions that require immediate attention medical intervention, because they may indicate serious violations. Symptoms requiring urgent medical consultation:

  • duration pain symptoms within a few days;
  • eye or head injury;
  • sharp and strong pain, difficult to stop;
  • double vision, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness;
  • sudden deterioration of vision.

Eye and headache pain cannot be tolerated and can be saved by self-medication. You need to apply for medical consultation to the maximum short time, and it is better to undergo regular examinations in antenatal clinic, from a therapist, neurologist and ophthalmologist.

Make an appointment with an ophthalmologist at .

Treatment and prevention of eye and headache pain during pregnancy

The main treatment is to reduce eye strain, which usually provokes headaches during pregnancy. The exception is migraine conditions, which require separate therapy, which is selected by the doctor before conception or at the earliest stages.

Tips to reduce the frequency and intensity of eye and headache pain:

  • It is recommended to replace contact lenses with glasses to reduce physical impact on the cornea.

Important! It is NOT necessary to change lenses and glasses to others in accordance with changes in vision.

Wear your usual glasses or contacts even if your visual acuity changes

  • If there are vision problems, it is prescribed mandatory examination which the patient undergoes when the 2nd trimester begins. This is necessary to prevent retinal detachment, which is the most common indication for cesarean section.
  • If ophthalmological disorders are detected, a pregnant woman is recommended to undergo laser vision correction. It is optimal to undergo this procedure before conception, although it is absolutely harmless for the child and can be prescribed in the absence of contraindications.
  • It is necessary to reduce the time spent at the computer, as well as activities that require prolonged eye strain.
  • Increase the number of walks in the fresh air.
  • Do a set of eye exercises. It is especially good to do it during breaks between working at the computer or when you feel tension in your eyes.
  • Do massage and self-massage of the eye area and neck-shoulder area to improve blood flow and relieve tension.

Massage techniques that help relieve headaches are shown in the video below:

Reducing the amount of stress and a gentle regime are the main preventive aspects in the fight against headaches.

Tears are good for our body. Many microbes go away with them, but increased tearing is not normal and can lead to serious illnesses. Therefore, the question immediately arises: how to treat tearfulness? To remove this symptom, you first need to find out the cause of its occurrence, and only then apply different methods treatment. In order to determine an accurate diagnosis, you need to consult with a qualified specialist; only he will be able to conduct examinations and prescribe an appropriate course of treatment for you. It is worth noting that tearfulness can be both congenital (usually eliminated in infancy) and acquired, that is, it comes with various diseases. Most often, this is, of course, either allergic reaction, or viral diseases.

Diseases by symptoms

Any symptom is a signal from the body that any organ, department or the whole system. To find out why tearing occurs in pregnant women, you need to rule out certain diseases. Pass timely diagnosis, find out why tearing occurs and how to quickly and effectively improve the condition.

The list of diseases in which lacrimation occurs in pregnant women:

  • Violation of the structure and location of the nasolacrimal duct;
  • Pathology of the eyelids, lacrimal openings and tubules;
  • Anomalies in the development and location of the lacrimal sac;
  • Anomalies in the structure of the nose;
  • Anomalies of the tear ducts;
  • Blepharitis;
  • Inflammatory processes of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses;
  • Bacterial purulent conjunctivitis(happens quite rarely);
  • Viral diseases;
  • Keratitis;
  • Scleritis;
  • Dacryocystitis;
  • Changes in lacrimal openings;
  • Allergic reaction;
  • Foreign object or foreign body, got into the eye;
  • Pathology of the nasal and eye mucosa;
  • Injuries to the lacrimal ducts.

Tearfulness in pregnant women is not that uncommon. You should not be upset about this ailment; it can be quickly and effectively removed. However, it is not recommended to listen to advice traditional medicine, so you can harm your health. The most the best option you will contact a specialist for help.

Treatment and specialists

Treatment of lacrimation in pregnant women should only be carried out qualified specialist. Only a doctor can tell you how to treat tearfulness, how to get rid of complications from tearfulness and prevent their occurrence.

The following doctors can answer your question about what to do if you have these symptoms:

  • Ophthalmologist;
  • Oculist;
  • Therapist or family doctor.

During the period of bearing a child, many women notice that their eyes often water. This may be caused by various diseases. One of them. They will not cause any harm to your health and will go away on their own, but with others you need to be extremely careful and cure them as soon as possible. Therefore, visiting a doctor will be the most the right option, because he will install the real reason the occurrence of this disease and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Arm yourself with knowledge and read a useful informative article about the disease tearing during pregnancy. After all, being parents means studying everything that will help maintain the degree of health in the family at around “36.6”.

Find out what can cause tearing during pregnancy and how to recognize it in a timely manner. Find information about the signs that can help you identify illness. And what tests will help identify the disease and make a correct diagnosis.

In the article you will read everything about methods of treating a disease such as tearing during pregnancy. Find out what effective first aid should be. How to treat: choose medications or traditional methods?

You will also learn what can be dangerous untimely treatment the disease of tearing during pregnancy, and why it is so important to avoid the consequences. All about how to prevent tearfulness during pregnancy and prevent complications. Be healthy!

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