How to treat a dog's eyes are festering. How to treat a dog’s eyes at home: causes and symptoms, purulent discharge. Eye solutions and lotions Ofto-Lavas

Pus coming out of dog eyes is a common problem. It can be triggered by allergies, irritation, infection, microtrauma and even small mites.

With all these pathologies, the eyes itch. As a result, the dog rubs them with his paws, further intensifying discomfort. First question loving owner: if a dog’s eyes fester, how to treat it at home and help his tailed friend?

The disease is conventionally divided into three stages: initial, moderate and severe.

  • At the first stage, the eyes water, sometimes the liquid does not flow out, but only wets the fur near the eyes. A little later it dries out, turning into small crusts.
  • At the second stage, pus is already clearly visible. If there is no treatment at this point, a severe stage occurs.
  • The eyes stick together due to dried secretions and do not open. The dog feels unwell, does not get up, does not eat, and is not interested in walks. Inflammation spreads not only to the eyelids, but also to the entire area around the eyes.

The dog's eyes are festering. How to treat at home

It is advisable to provide assistance to a four-legged patient at the first stage of the disease. But measures to home treatment effective even in advanced cases.

  • First you need to rid the animal of the crusts that are interfering with treatment. To do this, you can take a cotton or gauze swab, moisten it in warm boiled water and wipe the dog’s eyes. You will have to do this several times until the crusts get wet and fall off.
  • At the second stage, inflammation is stopped. Simple folk remedies, which are often recommended by veterinarians, will help here: a decoction of chamomile, St. John's wort or calendula, black or green tea. Herbs will eliminate swelling and redness, slightly narrow the blood vessels, and reduce discharge. You can also use a solution of furatsilin prepared according to the instructions.

You need to wipe the animal’s eyes carefully but confidently, taking in not only the outside, but also inner eyelid. It's okay if the liquid gets into your eyes, it won't cause any harm to them, but it will additionally flush them. The other eye needs a new swab to prevent bacteria and debris from transferring from one eye to the other. At the end of this stage, you need to dry the dog’s eyelids with a towel or napkin.

  • At the third stage you will need medications. There are special ones for animals veterinary drugs, including ophthalmological ones. But ordinary ones are also suitable for pets. human drops and ointments. The two most applicable methods in this situation are:
  1. Tetracycline ointment;
  2. Sodium sulfacyl drops (sulfacetamide, albucid).

Ointment has a similar effect. It does not sting the eyes, but due to its viscous structure, it prevents the dog from fully seeing, enveloping the mucous membrane with a veil. The ointment is applied under the eyelid with light massaging movements. Some dog owners treat their pets with both remedies, first using drops, then, after the eyes dry, using ointment.

When using any medication, it is important to prevent your dog from rubbing his eyes. You need to hold her in your arms for a while, calm her down and distract her from scratching.

Relapse Prevention

To avoid having to repeat the treatment, you need to follow simple but important rules:

  • Regularly bathe your dog with repellent shampoos;
  • Long-haired animals should have their bangs cut;
  • Carefully examine your eyes once a week;
  • Keep the dog's place clean.

When there are several animals in the house, and the eyes of only one are festering, treatment should be carried out on all pets. If suppuration recurs frequently, the animal must be shown to a specialist.

Unfortunately, dog owners do not always sound the alarm when they see that their pets have severely festering eyes. And in vain, since the release of greenish or yellowish exudate is a clear sign of the disease. Pus accumulating in the eyes of an animal should not be confused with mucous transparent secretions and tears that can occur due to for a harmless reason(for example, after a single inhalation of a substance with pungent odor like acetone or varnish). So, let's try to find out the reasons why dogs' eyes fester.

In what situations do dog eyes fester?

Reasons why pus may appear in a dog's eyes include:
  1. Fungal, bacterial and viral infections eye(blepharitis, endophalmitis, uveitis, bacterial conjunctivitis, viral keratitis, etc.) and other organs. Almost always, in the presence of general infectious inflammation in an animal, stomach and/or intestinal disorders, depression, difficulty breathing. If the disease has affected only the organs of vision, in addition to purulent discharge, you can observe swelling, soreness, clouding or redness of the dog’s eyes;
  2. Allergy. It is not so important what exactly the animal’s body reacts to: any food, household chemicals and hair care products, dust, flea bites, administered medications. With any allergic reaction, the eyes can fester. In addition, the animal will have severe itching eyes, ears, whole body (the dog will itch intensely), eyes may become swollen. Sometimes the condition of the coat and skin worsens (flaking and redness appear);
  3. Reaction to trauma. Sometimes dogs damage their eyes during fights with other rival tailed dogs. Or they get injured, for example, by running into a branch. In addition, the cause of pus may be trapped in dog eye small pebble. If an animal has damaged its eye, the discharge will be clear at first, and only then (usually when an infection develops) pus may appear. In case of eye injuries, there is usually discharge from only one eye, the white of the eye is red, the dog squints or completely closes the injured eye;
  4. Irritation. Purulent discharge from the eyes occurs after the dog comes into contact with substances that have a pungent odor (bleach, turpentine, alcohol, etc.). Typically after a single inhalation unpleasant aroma the dog may simply have tears flowing, but if the animal is forced to constantly deal with the irritant, the discharge may become purulent;
  5. Wool. If the owners of dogs with long hair on the muzzle (, etc.) do not pay due attention to caring for the pet’s eyes, then the problem called “pus in the eyes” will not take long to arise, since the hairs that get into the eyes will constantly irritate the mucous membranes eyes;
  6. Various ailments. This refers not only to eye diseases (entropion, non-infectious keratitis, etc.), but also to other organs: heart, lungs, liver. Many of the diseases can contribute to weakening of the immune system, which is fraught with the possibility of contracting any eye infection. By the way, factors influencing the suppression of immunity include elderly age animal (old dogs often have fester's eyes);
  7. Lack of vitamins. Is your dog leaking pus from his eye? Perhaps the reason is a lack of vitamin A. A lack of vitamin A (it is found, for example, in offal, vegetables (carrots, pumpkin), greens, eggs) often leads to eye problems - blurred vision, the development of inflammation. Animals that do not have the opportunity to eat a varied diet often suffer from hypovitaminosis (including if they eat low-quality economy-class food, which is poor in vitamins and nutrients).

How to treat a dog if its eyes fester?

So, we found out why a dog’s eyes fester. Now it's time to talk about how to help an animal with similar problem. To begin with, it should be noted that festering eyes are a serious problem, which can even result in loss of vision for the dog, so you will have to contact a specialist. Only he will tell you how to treat the cause of the exudate.

What to do if a visit to the veterinarian is impossible right now (for example, the appointment is scheduled for the next day), but the dog’s eyes hurt and fester? You can take measures to alleviate the animal’s condition yourself:

  1. First, you need to remove the pus with a clean piece of bandage (cotton wool can stick to the sore eye), soaked in an anti-inflammatory decoction of chamomile (St. John's wort, coltsfoot, etc.). Each eye should be wiped with a new bandage;
  2. Then you can drop 1-2 drops of Levomycetin into each eye of the dog. These antibiotic drops work well against... infectious inflammations without causing discomfort to the dog (do not cause a burning sensation). Levomycetin can be instilled up to 6 times a day. It is important that the pus is removed from the dog's eye before using medication;
  3. Well relieves inflammation and kills pathogenic organisms eye drops for dogs with purulent discharge "Tsiprovet". They are instilled 1-2 drops into each eye of the animal four times a day;
  4. You can wash your dog's eyes with a solution of Furacilin, which is effective for purulent inflammation. To prepare the solution you will need to dissolve 1 tablet of the product in 1 glass boiled water(each eye is treated with a new bandage). By the way, “Iris” eye drops combine both Levomycetin and Furacilin; they can be used instead of a solution;
  5. Good for eliminating bacterial infection eyes "Tetracycline ointment" (1%). It needs to be applied to the area of ​​the animal’s retracted lower eyelid, and then, closing the dog’s eye, lightly massage the eyelid to spread the ointment. Tetracycline is applied to the dog no more than 5 times a day.
All of the above measures can slightly alleviate the animal’s condition, but are in no way designed to ensure that the dog recovers. Visit to the veterinarian's office - necessary action for the problem of pus in the dog's eyes. After the diagnosis, the specialist will prescribe correct treatment: antiviral or antibiotic drugs at infectious diseases; wound healing agents in case of eye injury (including surgical removal may be required) foreign body from the eyes); antihistamines for allergies; administration of vitamins for hypovitaminosis.

Bright sparkling eyes pet are an indicator of health. Therefore the appearance strange discharge, unpleasant odor and changes in their appearance should alert the owner.

U healthy dog minor mucous membranes may be observed transparent discharge, most often in the morning after the pet sleeps, and this is a variant of the norm. In some dog breeds (for example, pugs, Pekingese, bulldogs), due to their anatomical structure muzzle regular mucous transparent discharge from the eyes is also a variant of the norm.

TO pathological discharge relate:

  1. abundant discharge of a grayish, reddish or brown tint;
  2. purulent discharge white, yellow or yellow-green.

Why do my dog's eyes water?

You need to understand that the causes of discharge from the eyes can be both primary and secondary.

Primary causes - This external influences directly to the animal's eye.

These include:

  • ingress of foreign objects (dust, sand, plant particles, substances contained in the air);
  • trauma to the cornea and conjunctiva of the eye (animal scratching in the muzzle area, fights, turning in eyelids and eyelashes);
  • impact irritating factors(smoke, wind, in animals with long hair - irritation by hairs near the eyes, contact with shampoos while bathing the pet);
  • poor hygiene in the eye area.

Secondary causes - This is a reaction of the pet’s entire body to any pathological factors, one of the symptoms of which is eye damage.

These include:

  • allergic reactions (to food, flowering plants, etc.);
  • viral infections (canine distemper, adenovirus, canine parainfluenza, etc.).

Eye - an extremely sensitive organ, damage to one or several of its structures is possible. The most commonly distinguished are: conjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva), keratitis (inflammation of the cornea), blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids), cataracts (clouding of the lens).

Poor care immediately affects the health of the wards. Ophthalmologists recommend not to “disturb” your eyes unless absolutely necessary.

When the secret tear ducts accumulates in large quantities, he is favorable environment for bacterial growth. They reproduce well in moist and warm environments. Spreading quickly, microorganisms settle along the eyelids. This is how inflammation begins, the dog’s eyes runny, and the body temperature may rise.

Foreign objects. Visual organs They are very tender and easily vulnerable, so any mechanical irritation causes redness and discomfort. Dry twigs, road dust, and blades of grass often get into dogs' eyes. Distinctive feature Eye disease in a dog in this case affects only one eye. Suppuration occurs due to the introduction of pathogenic bacteria along with a foreign body. Of course, the eye is often able to get rid of foreign object, but with obvious discomfort in the dog (this copious discharge, constant squinting of the eye), you should consult a doctor immediately.

Some dog breeds have an amazing facial structure. The unusual growth of the facial bones creates a funny expression. But for external beauty often hides malfunction tear ducts. Hypersecretion may have occurred lacrimal sacs - a condition in which the amount of tear secretions exceeds the norm. Or the opposite situation occurs when the amount of tear fluid is not enough. The cornea becomes dry, which leads to the appearance of ulcers, cracks, and partial loss of vision. Regular treatment of this area of ​​the muzzle is recommended for such animals, which will help avoid the formation of diaper rash in the folds of the skin, copious accumulation of secretions from the eyes, prevent infection, and also keep the cornea in a moist state. You may need to see a specialist in order to select a set of hygiene products specifically for your pet.

Turn of the century is a pathology in which the eyelid (lower or upper, possibly both) turns inward (towards eyeball). In this case, eyelashes, hair and skin of the eyelid affect the surface of the cornea, which causes its damage, accompanied by inflammation and very severe irritation eyes. If you don't help the animal, it could result in the loss of an eye. In milder cases, ulcers form on the surface of the cornea. This leads to the development of severe keratitis, and the animal loses its vision. Most often required surgery of this pathology.

Conjunctivitis. Its essence lies in the fact that inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye occurs. Highlight catarrhal conjunctivitis, purulent and follicular. Each proceeds with certain characteristics, but they are all united by the fact that they are not easy to treat and quickly turn into chronic stage. Its consequences may be serious illnesses eyes, so the treatment of conjunctivitis must be given great attention.

There are cases when eye damage is only secondary, and the root cause of the disease is allergic reactions or viral infections. The condition of the animal must be assessed as a whole. You should pay attention to other factors: stool, vomiting, itching of the whole body, discharge from the ears, refusal to feed, etc. Treatment of eyes only in this case will be ineffective. If the underlying disease is treated, then eye problems most often disappear.

Symptoms of eye inflammation in dogs

First warning signs inflammation begins to occur at the moment the owner detects abundant mucous secretions. Every day, lumps of mucus appear in the corner of the eye. The fur around the eyes becomes moist, and there is a feeling that the dog’s eyes are constantly wet. If wet paths are not wiped off, crusts will form. Over time, the crusts become more and more numerous, the infection multiplies more and more intensely, and the pet’s condition worsens.

Quite severe itching appears, the dog scratches its eyes, actively helping itself with its paws, and rubs its head on the furniture. Often this behavior further irritates and injures the mucous membrane. The affected eyelids swell, the eyes turn into narrow slits. The dog begins to see worse. If the owner notices the whites of the dog's eyes are red, conjunctivitis has definitely set in. Immediate treatment is required.

Without treatment, the situation will get worse. The mixture of bacteria and mucus causes pus to form. Purulent contents accumulate between the eyelids, causing blockage of the tear ducts. The pet keeps his eyes closed more and more often. Under the influence of pus, it is possible to develop ulcerative lesions. General state the dog is getting worse: the animal refuses to eat, hides from bright light, body temperature rises, weakness appears.

Whatever the underlying cause of the eye damage, if the animal tries to rub its face with its paw or scratches itself on surrounding objects, it is necessary to use a protective collar - this will help avoid further negative impact on the delicate structures of the organ, to exclude infection from external environment and traumatization

What to do if your dog's eyes are infected?

You need to visit a veterinary clinic immediately. Losing time in this case can end badly for the animal. Only if there is absolutely no way to get to a specialist, you should help the pet yourself. It is unacceptable to use products containing antibiotics without a doctor's prescription. After all, it is unknown why a dog’s eyes fester.

Improper use of medications can lead to unpredictable results: worsening of the process, partial or complete loss vision.

The treatment is carried out from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one. That is, you should start processing from the side where the temple is located, aiming for the nose, removing all possible releases. Then repeat the treatment of the already cleaned eye with a second one. cotton swab in the same order. And remember that using folk remedies unacceptable. To wash, use eye lotion or 0.9% sodium chloride solution, a gauze swab or a lint-free cotton pad. It is important to clean the dog's face as thoroughly as possible. If her eyes are swollen, do not try to force her eyelids apart. After treatment, be sure to wear a protective collar. You can purchase a ready-made one or make it yourself.

If one eye is affected, the washing procedure must be carried out on healthy eye. All paired organs are treated together - this is necessary to avoid the spread of infection. Before the procedure, long-haired dog breeds should have the hair around the eyes trimmed.

If one eye of a dog is festering, only the right person can tell you how to treat it. veterinarian. But one more thing effective remedy can help with emergency. Tetracycline ointment - great helper infectious diseases of such kind. It should be placed behind the eyelid. A small amount of the ointments are placed directly on the mucous membrane, then the eyelid is closed and gently massaged. But the use of tetracycline ointment should be stopped before seeing an ophthalmologist, since the ointment distorts the picture of the disease and does not allow a full assessment of the eye.

Professional treatment

IN veterinary clinic Before starting therapy, the doctor will definitely find out the cause of the disease. This may require taking blood tests, calculating the leukemia formula, and possibly additional research in each individual case.

Owners often ask whether it is possible to drip Albucid into the dog’s eyes. Human medicines It is not recommended to give without consulting a veterinarian. An ophthalmologist, indeed, can in some cases prescribe this drug, but only after examining the patient. After all, if used incorrectly, albucid can cause irritation of the mucous membranes and provoke chemical burn. The veterinarian may also prescribe special veterinary drops. They contain recommended dosages of medications and are safe to use.

If contacting the veterinarian was late, purulent inflammation may cause a cataract to appear. Corneal clouding is accompanied by the appearance of white spot. In this case, an appointment with an ophthalmologist is required. And for installation final diagnosis may require an ultrasound of the eye, fundus examination, measurement intraocular pressure. If a complication is confirmed - appointed necessary therapy. You can’t delay this, because untimely treatment may result in vision loss for your pet.

The eyes are a rather delicate organ, both in humans and animals. Dogs often develop or even suppuration in the eyes. Naturally, such a phenomenon causes panic among owners. But there is no need to panic, because it is important to figure out what is the reason for the formation of pus and help your pet ambulance at home. In such a situation, it is recommended to seek advice from a specialist, since festering eyes can be a symptom of a serious illness. What to do if your dog's eyes are infected?

The disease begins with profuse lacrimation, which occurs constantly, and wet shivers form on the dog’s face. Dampness and warmth are an ideal place for bacteria to grow. Initially, it struggles with their growth the immune system, but when it is weakened and cannot suppress them, purulent discharge appears. Often allergic reaction is accompanied by other signs - swelling of the nose, lips, paw pads, the pet is bothered by itching, it often and for a long time. Among severe symptoms pulmonary edema and bronchospasms may be noted.

Allergy is an insidious disease and can lead to suffocation, especially if the dog continues to come into contact with the allergenic substance. In this case, it is important to promptly seek help from a veterinary service.

Suppuration of the eyes caused by bacteria or fungi

Infectious diseases of this nature can affect locally or the entire body. Does not exist common symptoms, each pathogenic agent has different impact on the animal's body.

If pus appears in the pet's eyes, it has lost interest in food, the animal has risen, the animal is lethargic, lies down more - it means we're talking about still about a bacterial infection. The most severe sign the disease can become sepsis, leading to fatal outcome. This happens upon penetration pathogenic bacteria into the circulatory system.

Fungal pathogens can generally lie dormant in the body for several years and suddenly manifest themselves in the form of severe symptoms.

Such conditions require emergency treatment. By laboratory research the type of bacteria or fungus is identified, appropriate antibiotics are prescribed, or antifungal drugs. If you treat yourself without the help of a veterinarian, trying various medications, then the treatment can last more than one year and will seriously undermine the health of your four-legged friend.

Virus is the cause of pus in the eyes

If there is suppuration of the eyes viral origin, then any delay can lead to death. While the owner is going over in his mind possible reasons, the virus can weaken the body of even a young, hardy animal in a few hours. Puppies often die during this period.

Viral infections (canine distemper, adenovirus, infectious hepatitis etc.) are accompanied by a wide variety of symptoms. Each type of virus has its own characteristics. But, in any case, the animal’s condition worsens sharply: the dog refuses food, sharp increase temperature. From the outside respiratory system wheezing may occur hard breath, dry , frequent sneezing. Often viral intoxication leads to gastrointestinal upset -,.

There are a number of viruses that lead to illnesses in a latent form. In this case, the disease may be revealed by a cough after physical activity, weakness, purulent discharge from the eyes, nasal discharge. Veterinarians warn self-treatment at viral diseases it's useless. Time does not wait, so you should take your pet to the doctor as soon as possible.

Pus due to injury

Dogs are very active creatures, so their visual organs often suffer because of this. The tissue of the eyelid or the cornea can be damaged by a twig, a dry blade of grass, when playing with its relatives, meeting a cat, etc. Naturally, the owner cannot predict such situations.

If the damage occurred in front of the owner, he can seek advice from a veterinary pharmacy pharmacist and purchase medications that can quickly heal the damage. These products include: Lacrimin aseptic, Bars drops, Desacid, Iris drops, Mizofen ointment, etc. This option is suitable if the damage is minor.

In most cases, after an injury, the pet suffers from suppuration in one damaged eye. The second eye remains clean, without discharge. If the animal hits its head, lacrimation and pus may flow from both eyes. If there is the slightest suspicion of injury, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian, as the pet may have serious hidden injuries.

Tearfulness and pus due to corneal irritation

The cause of a reddened cornea and the appearance of pus may be that sensitive skin the eye came into contact with caustic volatile substances. Dogs sensitive to household chemicals, they can “cry” from the fumes of chlorine-containing products, powder suspension, etc. If contact with substances is rare, then everything is limited to lacrimation; only when substances regularly come into contact with the cornea does pus form.

Video about the first signs of eye disease

Preventive measures

To prevent the formation of pus in the eyes, experts recommend the following:

  • examine the dog’s eyes daily, remove formations if necessary, apply drops for dryness;
  • keep the pet in suitable conditions, clean it in a timely manner;
  • take care of ;
  • stick to what's appropriate;
  • Treat your pet immediately, including for inflammation and suppuration of the eyes.

Prevention should be carried out based on the characteristics of the breed, age, and health. Pets with many folds require treatment in the eye area too. If the dog long wool on the muzzle, it must be cut so that it does not affect vision.

If conjunctivitis or pus affects one puppy, all pets will have to treat and apply eye drops, as the disease can be transmitted.

Veterinarians advise having special prophylactic agents for eye treatment, also analgesic and anti-inflammatory.

Dogs with bulging eyes(Pekingese, Japanese Chins, pugs) require daily eye treatment using products such as “artificial tears”.

If you follow the rules of hygiene (examination, treatment, hygienic haircut), the risks of eye suppuration will be significantly reduced. But at the first signs of eye disease, it is still recommended to seek help from a doctor. I hope we answered the question: “Why do a dog’s eyes fester?”

A caring owner immediately notices any deviations in behavior and appearance your pet, trying to take measures to eliminate them as soon as possible. Therefore, if a dog’s eyes fester, this cannot but cause alarm and is a reason for urgent appeal to the veterinarian. This approach is absolutely correct, since this symptom may indicate the development of severe pathology, the penetration of infection into the body, or serious injury to the organs of vision.

First, it is necessary to clearly define the nature of the discharge in order to understand which of them are normal and which are a disease. A small amount of translucent mucus that accumulates in the corners of the eyes in the morning should not cause alarm. The eyes of puppies are especially common. In this case, it will be enough to simply remove a drop of mucus with a gauze swab in the direction from the outer to the inner corner of the eye.

Copious and frequent discharge of clear exudate from the eyes is typical for dog breeds such as spaniels, french bulldogs, Mastino, Spitz, Toy Terrier, Pekingese and some others. This is due to the peculiarities of the shape of the eyes, the shape of the eyelids and the structure of the tear ducts.

Discharges are divided into the following types.


They are a grayish oxidized exudate of the lacrimal glands, in which small mechanical impurities can accumulate. Normally, the cornea is constantly washed by tears, so only heavy discharge from the dog’s eyes should cause concern. They can be caused by a foreign body, trauma, abnormal eyelash growth, or persistent irritation of the conjunctiva or cornea by hanging hair.


Such discharge has a dirty yellow or greenish tint and is a symptom inflammatory processes, occurring in the dog’s body. They may be accompanied by redness of the conjunctiva, clouding of the cornea, and blurred vision.

If dogs develop excessive discharge from the eyes, you should immediately contact a veterinary medicine specialist in order to establish a diagnosis and develop effective treatment.

Causes of pus in the eyes

It is difficult for pet owners to determine on their own why their dog’s eyes are festering, since there are many reasons, causing conjunctivitis(39) and others eye diseases in dogs. Commonly encountered factors include the following:

Sometimes it is quite difficult to determine the cause of purulent discharge from the eyes. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the pet when changing the feeding diet, introducing new detergents and cleaning products, flowers, etc. into the house.

Treatment approaches

The answer to the question of how to treat if a dog’s eyes fester depends on the cause of this pathology. Therefore, it is very important to correctly diagnose and eliminate provoking factors.

The appearance of the first signs of improvement after the start of therapy is not a reason for early cessation of treatment. It is necessary to complete the course of antibiotic therapy prescribed by a veterinarian.

Rules for the use of eye medications

A pet’s quick recovery depends not only on well-chosen treatment products, but also on their correct application to the affected area. Therefore, you need to know what to do if the doctor prescribes rinsing, instillation and other methods of treating the eyes.

First of all, you need to take precautions by putting a muzzle on the animal or tying its mouth with a special tourniquet. This applies to all pets, regardless of age, size and personality. In an extreme situation, you cannot count on the dog to behave adequately and keep the situation under control.

  • Use only disposable cotton or gauze swabs.
  • Before handling, you should thoroughly wash your hands and treat them with any antiseptic.
  • Do not peel off dry crusts formed by purulent or serous exudate. To do this, apply cotton pads soaked in a weak solution to them. antiseptic solution, wait until they soften, and then carefully remove.
  • To rinse or apply eye drops, you need to tilt the dog's head back with one hand, slightly push back the lower eyelid with the little finger of the other hand, and press the bottle or pipette with your thumb and middle finger. medicine. At first, this may not be very convenient, especially if the animal breaks out. Then you should ask for the help of another person who could fix the pet’s head.
  • When applying ointment to the inner eyelid, precautions must be taken so as not to injure its delicate mucous membrane. After applying the liniment, you should bring the lower and upper eyelid, and then lightly massage them so that the product is evenly distributed over the entire surface to be treated.

If you lack knowledge and experience, you should contact a veterinarian who will show you what to do in this or that case.

Prevention measures

Prevent the appearance of purulent discharge from the eyes pet possible by observing the following preventive measures:

If problems arise and purulent discharge is detected in the eye area, the animal should be taken to a veterinarian. This will help avoid serious problems and preserve your pet's vision.