How to change the shape of your eyes with massages. Changing the shape of the eyes. If your eyes are bulging

Is it possible to change the shape of your eyes with makeup?

How to enlarge small eyes?

If a girl’s eyes are too small, then they can be visually made larger. To do this, you must adhere to a number of recommendations:

· For makeup you need to use shadows of light shades. Dark colors can only be applied above the crease of the eyelid. However, contrasting shades should not stand out too much, as this will make the makeup look unnatural.

· Light shadows should be applied under the eyebrows, which will give expressiveness to the eyes.

· But you should not use eyeliner for small eyes, as this will make them appear even smaller.

Correcting bulging eyes

Girls with bulging eyes often wonder how to change the shape of their eyes? After all, such a deficiency can lead to the development of various complexes. But you just need to transform it into dignity. For makeup, exclusively matte shadows are used. Preference must be given dark colors. A little light shadow is applied under the eyebrow to visually reduce the bulging eyelid.

Makeup artists advise lining your eyes with a pencil. Its color should match the shade of the shadows. But it is not advisable to use mascara. If you can’t do without it, then you need to take mascara in a brown or gray shade.

Change the shape of “oriental” eyes

Even girls with an oriental face type dream of changing their eye shape. As a rule, their eyes are very narrow, so they strive to make them rounder. Proper makeup will also help with this. First of all, you need to slightly bend your eyelashes upward. Arrows will help to visually enlarge your eyes. The eyeliner line should run along the entire upper eyelid. In addition, you need to highlight your eyebrows to distract from a flat eyelid.

Droopy eyes

The drooping eyelid makes the look appear gloomy and the eyes look too small. To fix this, you need to emphasize the lower eyelid. To do this, you can outline it with a dark colored pencil. Light shadows are applied to the corners of the eyes.

Thus, it is possible to correct the shape of the eyes without surgery. You just need to learn how to apply makeup correctly to correct some of the imperfections of your face.

In continuation of the previous article, let's consider general rules eye shape correction, only now for Asian women. To the owners Asian eye shape so-called “heavy eyelids” are characteristic, when the moving eyelid is almost invisible, and the crease line is located low, above the eyelash line. When applying shadows to eyes with such a cut, they resort to a slightly different technique than in the case of European ones. The main difference is that when Asian eye shape shadows on the upper eyelid are shaded not up to the crease line, but slightly higher, so that the darkened area above remains visible even with the eyes fully open.

To make Asian eyes look rounder,

Darken the strip around the eye with shadows, shading the shadows both on the lower and upper eyelids. As already mentioned, the shadows on the upper eyelid should be shaded upward beyond the crease. In the middle of the century, the band of shadows should expand somewhat. If you're doing your own makeup, don't forget to open your eyes often and check how far up the shadows are.

To make the Asian eye shape appear longer,

Apply shadow along the entire edge of the eye, and then blend from the outer edge up towards the temples. In this case, a smooth ascending line should appear on the upper eyelid. On the lower eyelid, start shading from the outer part of the eye and combine with the shaded shadows upper eyelid, as it shown on the picture. It is important that in the center of the eyelid the shadows are not shaded too high, otherwise instead of lengthening you will get the effect of round eyes.

To give Asian eyes an almond shape,

use intense, rich color. The shadows are applied to the edge of the lower eyelid from the lower eyelid growth line, and to part of the upper eyelid along the eyelash edge, and then shaded to the outer corner of the eye.

To make Asian eyes look deeper and bigger,

The color is applied along the lower line of the eye, and then along the growth line of the upper eyelashes and shaded upward, slightly above the crease of the eyelid. In this case, use shadows of the darkest color possible. To enhance the effect, draw a thick line along the lash line with a dark pencil or eyeliner on the moving upper eyelid. If you want your makeup to look more modest and suitable for, for example, school or office work, reduce the area covered by the shadows. Do not apply makeup to the inner corners of the eyes, under the lower lash line, and also do not shade the shadows on the upper eyelid too high - it is better to stop approximately at the border of the crease.

Cost of the procedure

Blepharoplasty is one of the most popular anti-aging procedures in aesthetic surgery. Many patients rightly ask the question: does it only solve the age problem?

Modern medicine involves all possible interventions to radically change one's appearance. Changing the shape of the eyes is a popular technique in Asian countries, where there is a craze for “big-eyed” anime cartoon heroines. American, European and Russian women keep up with fashion. Many of us are dissatisfied with the size and color of our eyes, and if the second factor is easily corrected by wearing decorative lenses, only an experienced person can radically change the cut plastic surgeon.

Our leading aesthetic surgeon Oleg Banizh successfully performs all variations of eyelid blepharoplasty - from traditional to global changes in the cut and shape of the eyes. We guarantee you a successful outcome of the operation and a brilliant result that will best meet your expectations. Our doctor will objectively assess your wishes and compare them with his capabilities, and advise you regarding rehabilitation period and finally, it will give you an updated, improved appearance.

Singaporei: Europeanization of the eastern eye shape

Blepharoplasty of Asian eyes among medical personnel is called "Singapore". With a request to visually enlarge and “open” your eyes to Asian clinics plastic surgery About 35% of women apply. Russia is a multinational country, so it is also characterized by the popularity of this operation among Eastern women.

From a technical point of view, such an operation is much more difficult for the surgeon than a traditional one. Therefore, before deciding to correct Asian eye shape, you should pay attention to the experience and qualifications of the specialist. At the clinic of Dr. Oleg Banizh you can find a more “open” and expressive look. Our leading specialist, thanks to his aesthetic sense and talent, will make your image more perfect, without eradicating the zest, but, on the contrary, emphasizing the mystery and uniqueness of the oriental look.

Asian eyelids have certain features:

  1. The supraorbital fold is weakly expressed or completely absent;
  2. The upper eyelid has visual swelling and volume;
  3. The inner corner of the eyes is framed by a specific skin fold - the epicanthus.

The main goal of "Singapore" is to eliminate sagging elements of the eyelids and form the upper skin fold. The combination of these effects allows you to make your eyes open and expressive. There are no specific indications for this operation. As practice shows, everyone resorts to it with an aesthetic need to change the typical Asian eye shape. We recommend you radical intervention in these cases:

  1. Your palpebral fissure is too narrow;
  2. The supraorbital fold (on the upper eyelid) is noticeably smoothed or completely absent.

Progress of the operation

  • The patient is given local anesthetic in combination with light sedative;
  • The doctor forms the supraorbital fold using double access, making incisions along the ciliary edge and 7-10 mm above;
  • Resects excess skin and adipose tissue;
  • The surgeon sequentially connects the incisions and secures them internal seam;
  • Next, a continuous one is applied;
  • The aesthetic surgeon proceeds to smooth the epicanthus, excising it down towards the bridge of the nose;
  • The final step is the elimination of fatty hernias in the lower eyelid.

The entire process will last from 30 minutes to 2 hours. The doctor will explain to you all the intricacies of the rehabilitation process and advise necessary medications and ointments. The sutures from the classic operation are removed 8-10 days after the operation.

Changing eye size

The broad concept of blepharoplasty includes two techniques: canthoplasty and canthopexy.

  • Canthoplasty is often used if the patient wishes to change the shape of the eyes and make them visually larger. During the operation, a small incision, about 1 cm long, is made in the fold above the upper eyelid. Through it, the doctor gains open access to the canthal tendon, which supports the corner of the eyelid. The surgeon pulls it in a new position, depending on your preferences regarding the result, and fixes it with special threads. Additionally, manipulations can be performed to excise excess skin in the lower eyelid area. May be deleted fatty hernias according to your wishes or specific indications. As a result of the operation, the shape of the eyes changes, they become larger, their shape acquires beautiful outlines, and the gaze becomes expressive.
  • Canthopexy is used mainly to achieve the opposite effect: narrowing of the palpebral fissure. The method is necessary for those whose lower eyelid sag significantly, forming an unattractive sad look with a very rounded eye shape. It is performed similarly to canthoplasty, but the tendon is in this case does not separate and does not take on a new, fixed position. Canthopexy is a less invasive technique, but at the same time, it can significantly change the shape and size of the eyes.

Meanwhile in Korea...

During the general struggle of European women with fatty hernias, Korean women again shocked the world community with a new fashionable trend. Now Asian girls are implanting special biopolymer gels under their skin to create the effect of “bags under the eyes.” According to Korean women, this feature is not a defect at all, but a highlight that emphasizes the expression of the eyes and maintains the state of a smile. Korean women claim that it is the bags under the eyes that make a person forever young, cheerful and perky. The working day of Korean aesthetic surgeons is now scheduled minute by minute, because the service has become more popular than!

Our Oleg Banizh will be happy to help you find your gold standard of beauty. Our clinic provides all types of services. We can give you A New Look, according to your personal ideals and preferences.

This method involves the use of special eyelid glue. The procedure is simple, so it can be used at home. The adjustment is carried out using a stick shaped like a slingshot.

In just a few minutes you get the effect of open eyes, but it won't last long. Manufacturers guarantee that the result will last for at least a day, but in reality the configuration of the cut line will hold its shape for about four hours. And this is in case of purchase original product. There will be no such benefit from a fake.

Face building for Reinhold Benz / Eva Fraser

Facelift of Saint Maria Runge

Facial gymnastics by Camilla Wohler

Faceforming of Benita Cantieni

Books by Carol Maggio in Russian

The size of the eyes and the breadth of vision are also influenced by the condition of the skin of the eyelids. If there is swelling, dark circles, redness, then all this makes a negative impression. Therefore, you will have to fight them: cold compresses made from tea or herbs will relieve edema and swelling; redness may be a sign of an allergy to some cosmetic product, and dark circles usually appear from stress, lack of sleep and problems with internal organs, which is a good reason to see a doctor.

If planned an important event or an event and you need to visually open your eyes, then good decision may become special contact lenses. They are suitable for people with at different levels vision, can be tinted, transparent, with protection from ultraviolet rays. You need to remember that it is recommended to wear them for no more than 6 hours. These types of lenses are often called scleral because they cover not only the iris, but also part of the sclera, enlarging the eye itself.

There is also face building - exercises to enlarge the eyes. This technique is a set of exercises for tightening, smoothing the epidermis, rejuvenating, giving the face the desired shape. It is recommended to do exercises regularly and at least once a day for a fairly long time. To perform one of the exercises, you need to lift the upper eyelid, opening the eyes, but do not move the eyebrows so that there are no folds on the forehead. The movement should be repeated several times, keeping the eyes open for at least 10 seconds.

Every woman can use small tricks to improve her appearance, so they should not be neglected.

Old edition of Carol Maggio's book "Aerobics for the skin and muscles of the face" HERE

Yoga for the face Annlise Hagen

Rules and schemes for facial taping against wrinkles and swelling. We master tape lifting ourselves

Carol Maggio's facial aerobics consists of three sets of exercises:

  1. The main complex is “Gymnastics for the face. Exercises for beginners" (14 exercises);
  2. Complex - " Gymnastics for the face Carol Maggio. Exercises for advanced"(9 additional complicated exercises);
  3. Adapted complex - “Gymnastics for the face. Exercises in the car" Contains simplified versions of exercises that can be performed in the car or at a workplace, for example, at the computer or in front of the TV.

We recommend that you start mastering Carol Maggio’s facial gymnastics on your own with simple exercises from the main complex, these are exercises for lifting the neck, strengthening the chin, thinning the nose, lifting the eyelids, as well as exercises for bags under the eyes.

You can check the correct execution by watching a training video lesson on facial gymnastics by Carol Maggio.

To get quick and visible results Carol Maggio recommends on initial stage perform exercises 2 times a day every day for 6-8 weeks.

  1. To perform ALL exercises, you need to be in the correct starting position, pull in your stomach, tighten the muscles of the front surfaces of your thighs and tighten your buttocks. Nice by-effect this pose results in a decrease in the volume of the hips.
  2. Try to concentrate your attention on the group of facial muscles you are working on.
  3. Use your imagination and imagine how the energy flow passes through the muscles, how the muscles tense and work.
  4. After each exercise, relax your muscles. To do this, squeeze your lips tightly and blow strongly through them so that your lips vibrate.

Let's move on to the description of Carol Maggio's exercises for working with problem areas most women after 35 years of age.

We start with eye exercises, since puffy eyelids are one of the unpleasant signs aging is a concern for many, and according to statistics, eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) is the third most common plastic surgery.

Video base complex Carol Maggio's exercises performed by her with translation into Russian can be viewed HERE

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Below you can watch a video where a user with experience in the Maggio technique comments on exercises for beginners, shares his experience, impressions and advice.

Facial modeling exercises, such as narrowing or widening the face, should be performed independently very carefully, having studied the technique from the video.

Most of Carol Maggio's gymnastics facial exercises are adapted to be performed in the car or at the workplace. You will also find an adapted set of exercises “Car Exercises” in Carol Maggio’s video lesson.

Unfortunately, Carol Maggio's original book and video lessons have been removed from the public domain.

To view Carold Maggio's video lessons, FaceBuilding Club members can use the club's library.

Carol Maggio has published an updated facial gymnastics course called “Ultimate Facercise.” It presents improved, more effective exercises for lifting and sculpting the face. The technique of performing exercises in the new aerobics for the face and the exercises themselves have been slightly changed.

New Facial Aerobics Carol Maggio UltimateFacercise

New facial aerobics exercises UltimateFacercise Carol Maggio

Video of the super program “New facial aerobics UltimateFacercise” (members of the FaceBuilding Club can use the club’s library for viewing)

We make a dot from plasticine and sculpt it on glass. We select a distant object outside the window, look into the distance for a few seconds, then turn our gaze to the point. Later, you can complicate the load - focus on four objects at different distances.

Exercises to enlarge your eyes

  • White eye shadow/pencil on the inner corner of the eye. Achieve effect big eyes possible by using shadows. Every little detail plays a role in this matter, so you should not neglect preparing your face for applying makeup and adjusting your eyebrow arch. A raised eyebrow visually opens the eye. And the applied base for the shadows will ensure high-quality coloring and long-lasting wear. When choosing shadows, preference should be given to light and shiny colors. A win-win option would be white, but the main thing is not to overdo it. Abundance will make you look stern and cold. It is recommended to complement white shadows pastel shades, matching the color of the iris. Makeup artists also advise using a technique that brightens the inner corner. The look will immediately become wide open and open. For whitening, use a pencil or eye shadow white. Cosmetics should be applied pointwise, followed by shading.
  • Curling your eyelashes is one way to make your eyes look bigger. Performed during the process of painting with ink. The brush should be applied several times in the same place with scrolling. At the same time, slightly close the upper eyelid. In addition, special curling irons are used for curling. Before dyeing, the eyelashes are treated for 10-15 seconds with a device. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated several times, the main thing is not to pull the forceps when shooting, so as not to damage the follicle and structure. The ingenuity of women never ceases to amaze in any matter. So different ones were invented for curling alternative ways: using a heated spoon, fingers, toothpicks, etc.
  • Correct arrows will give the eye shape the desired shape. The technique is simple, you just need to choose a good configuration so as not to create the opposite effect. Sometimes it is enough to draw a continuous line along the growth of eyelashes on the upper eyelid. Depending on the style of makeup used in the future, the line, starting from the middle, can be thickened. An excessively elongated arrow will narrow the eyes, which is completely undesirable for small eyes. Therefore, a short ponytail, slightly upturned, will be enough. It is recommended to design the lower eyelid with an arrow only in the outer corner. The line must be shaded to remove clear boundaries. You can also use dark shadows instead of a pencil. They will create the right one light effect darkening. The tail from the bottom arrow can be connected to the top line or, on the contrary, directed parallel without joining. This technique sometimes helps to significantly open up the look.
  • Staining the lower mucosa with a light pencil refers to a classic technique used both in daytime and in evening makeup. The light line merges with white of the eye and is perceived visually as an extension of the eye. The removed contour does not limit the size of the lower eyelid, and the highlighted design of the upper part attracts all attention to itself. In addition, the lightened line gives freshness and openness.
  • Color play of shadows involves applying dark shades to outer corners eyes, and closer to the inner ones, light colors are used. Shadows with shimmering particles will help enhance the effect, but they are more suitable for evening look. It is appropriate to use mother-of-pearl in daytime make-up. The chosen palette must match the color of the iris.
  • For eyeliner inner corner A metallic colored pencil will do. In combination with arrows drawn slightly above the level of eyelash growth, the look will become more open and the incision will be visually larger. A special feature of this method is the obligatory shading of the line.
  • Lush eyelashes tend to make your eyes look bigger. If they are naturally short and sparse, you can use overhead ones. Sometimes, to achieve the desired effect, it is enough to stick several bunches.
  • Dark circles reduce the incision under the eyes. In the case of small eyes, this will further worsen appearance. Therefore, you should use concealer in your makeup to correct the problem.
  • The eyebrow line for a small eye opening should be treated with bottom side . This will help raise your eyebrows and open your eyes.

There are many techniques for performing exercises aimed at enlarging the eyes. Among effective options– aerobics for the face by Carol Maggio. Her complex includes separate gymnastics for the eyes.

Regular use(preferably daily), requiring just a few minutes a day, will change the cut and make the look more open. True, he won't be fast. And there are enough contraindications for use.

The desired effect is obtained as a result of training certain muscle tissues, which become toned and tighten the skin. As a result, the sagging upper eyelid lifts, and the bags disappear from the lower eyelid.

Although the most common way to enlarge the eyes is with makeup, there are many other options that can help widen the shape of the eyes without makeup. One such option is surgical intervention. This effective solution problems, but not every girl decides to take such a step.

Next, less radical method is the use of lenses. If you choose deeper, richer tones, your eyes will appear larger. New to this industry are special lenses that enlarge the eyes. This depends on the diameter of the lens itself - the larger it is, the stronger the magnification effect.

But how this method affects vision has not yet been proven.

But there are also methods that are quite accessible to everyone, and they can be used at home.

Firstly, it is the health of the eyes and skin of the face.

Secondly, a set of daily exercises specifically for enlarging your eyes. We will talk about these methods further.

Such exercises are effective, but the results will not come soon. You just need to be patient and do a set of exercises every day.

So, let's begin.

Exercise No. 1

Place your index finger and middle fingers on the corners of the eyes (as shown in the photo), press them lightly and try to close the lower eyelid by squinting it. Hold for a few seconds, then release. This action repeat 10 to 20 times.

Exercise No. 2

Keep your fingers in the same position as in the first exercise, but now try to close your eyes completely. Hold them like this for 20 seconds, then immediately relax. Repeat the action several times.

It was gymnastics for the eyelids. The following set of exercises is aimed at increasing blood circulation in the eye area and reducing tension.

It is good to do when your eyes are tired at the end of the day:

  • move your pupils left and right;
  • make several circular rotations with your pupils, first to the right, then to the left;
  • look at a nearby object, then look at a distant object;
  • Close your eyes for a few seconds, then relax them.

So, let's summarize. To enlarge your eyes, you need to monitor the health of the skin around them and try to put less strain on your eyes. You need to relieve fatigue and increase blood circulation with the help of certain gymnastics and facial massage.

Quick effect this won’t give you everything, and you won’t get a dramatic increase in the shape of your eyes either. But this is the most The best way make your eyes appear larger at home without resorting to makeup, surgery or other radical methods.

Doing this exercise gives the following effects:

  • the eyes actually increase to the size that they had in youth, and which is natural for you (they will not bulge beyond measure, that’s for sure);
  • the sparkle in the eyes returns.

This exercise involves the muscles of the eyeball, which move the eyes.

Performing the exercise:

  1. Place index fingers on your eyebrows and press them firmly.
  2. Slowly raise your gaze (the neck remains motionless, only the eye muscles work).
  3. Try to “look into the top of your head” (to do this, “roll your eyes” as high as you can)
  4. Fix your gaze in this position for 5-10 seconds.
  5. Raise your gaze again and “look at the top of your head” for 5-10 seconds.
  6. Then lower your gaze, but do not close your eyes, but look at the tip of your nose (2-3 seconds)
  7. Close your eyes for 5-10 seconds.
  8. Lower your gaze again and look at the tip of your nose (2-3 seconds)

Repeat the exercise 3 times.

Very important: during the exercise, the face and neck should be motionless, only the eyes work. The neck should not move either.

Be careful with this exercise, determine the amount based on fatigue. In any case, you need to start from scratch.

Performing this exercise gives the same effects as the previous one. These exercises can be alternated.

The muscles of the eyeball also take part in the exercise.

  1. Place your index fingers on your eyebrows, as in the previous exercise.
  2. Open your eyes as wide as possible.
  3. Move your eyes left and right to the maximum possible extreme points: do this 5 times.
  4. Close your eyes and relax.

Very important: when performing the exercise, only the eyes work. The eyes should be as open as possible (otherwise the exercise will not give desired effect), and the eyebrows and forehead should remain motionless.

Exercise 7. Glitter in the eyes.

Yes, yes, it turns out there are exercises for this too!

  • adds shine to the eyes;
  • strengthens the muscles of the upper and lower eyelids.

The muscles of the eyeball are involved in the exercise.

  1. Eyes open. Look as far to the left and slightly up as possible (2 seconds);
  2. Slowly move your eyes to the right (this movement should take at least 5 seconds!).
  3. Look as far to the right as possible, at least 5 seconds.
  4. Close your eyes for 5 seconds.
  5. Open your eyes again and look as far to the right as possible, but slightly higher than before - 2 seconds.
  6. Close your eyes again.
  7. Continue the exercise, slowly moving your eyes to the right and left - a little higher each time.

Repeat the exercise 3 times to the left and 3 times to the right.

Very important: This exercise is quite difficult to perform. The eyes may begin to water. There is no need to restrain yourself, blink every time you need it. Blinking is very useful.

Exercise 8. Strengthening the upper eyelid.

  • strengthens the upper eyelid;
  • provides beneficial influence on the mobility of the eyeball;
  • relaxes the eyeball well

This exercise works motor muscle upper eyelid, located directly under the upper wall of the orbit.

  1. Blink your eyes quickly, pausing briefly after every 10 times. The eyelids should move as quickly as possible.
  2. Relax with with open eyes for 2-3 seconds.

Repeat the exercise 5-8 times in a row.

Very important: This exercise is about speed, not strength. There is no need to try to close your eyes too much.

Exercise of increased complexity.

Performing this exercise gives the same effects as the previous one.

In this exercise, as in the previous one, the motor muscle of the upper eyelid works, as well as the temporal muscle, which is important for maintaining the shape of the face so that it does not sag over time. Paradoxical as it may seem: in Everyday life practically inactive.

  1. Cover your eyes.
  2. Open your eyes wide (making sure your eyebrows stay in place)
  3. Close your eyes again
  4. Open them wide again.

Repeat the exercise 20 times.

Very important: in this exercise only the eyes should work, the eyebrows should not rise, watch this. If you lightly place your fingers on your temples, you can feel the temporal muscle tense during the exercise.

This exercise works the orbicularis oculi muscle.

  1. Close your eyes and place your index fingers on your upper eyelids, parallel to your eyebrows.
  2. Press your fingers lightly against your eyelid (but don't press too hard)
  3. Open your eyes.
  4. Cover them again.

Repeat the exercise at least 12 times.

  • adds shine to the eyes;
  • makes the look more open;
  • strengthens the entire orbicularis oculi muscle;
  • gives the face a calm expression.

The exercise works the muscles of the eyeball.

  1. Place your index fingers along your eyebrows, press your eyebrows, gently bend the remaining fingers so that they do not block your field of vision.
  2. Look as low and as far to the left as possible for 5 seconds.
  3. Slowly raise your gaze without changing its direction. The movement of the gaze should be slow and last at least 5 seconds.
  4. Now look for 5 seconds as high as possible and as far to the left as possible.
  5. Very slowly (at least 5 seconds) move your gaze to the right, looking as high as possible and as far to the right as possible.
  6. Slowly (in at least 5 seconds) lower your gaze without changing the direction of your gaze.
  7. Look as low and as far to the right as possible for 5 seconds.
  8. Close your eyes and relax for 5-10 seconds.

Very important: if your eyes are very tired during the exercise, close them for 2-3 seconds every time you feel the need. If your eyes are watering (which is completely normal), blink more often.

Eye movements in each direction should be performed to the limit. If you don't have enough time, you can increase the time you do the exercise.

During the exercise, the forehead should remain calm (fingers on the eyebrows block the work of the forehead muscles).

Exercise 12. Rest for the eyes.

  • relaxes the eyes;
  • strengthens them.

The exercise works the orbicularis oculi muscle.

  1. Using your index or middle fingers, press firmly against the outer corners of your eyes (where crow's feet form).
  2. Close your eyes, closing your eyelids tightly.
  3. After 2-3 seconds, relax.

Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Attention: unlike exercise 8, here you need to close your eyes with force.

Very important: the finger pressure should be noticeably strong so that “crow’s feet” do not appear during the exercise itself.

The face should be relaxed so that tension does not arise on the forehead or lower part of the face and tension does not appear.

Exercise 13 *. Smoothing the nasolabial fold.

  • smoothes nasolabial folds;
  • raises cheeks;
  • makes them more elastic.

In this exercise, the small ones work (pulls upper lip up and out) and large (pulls the corners of the mouth to the sides and up) zygomatic muscles, as well as the so-called “laughing muscle” - a muscle that pulls the corners of the mouth outward and slightly back.

  1. Place the index fingers of both hands on the upper edge of the cheekbone.
  2. Close your eyes and focus on your muscles.
  3. Smile, but in such a way that your lips do not stretch into a smile, but the smile is obtained by tensing your cheeks. Try to feel the tension in your cheek muscles, this is very important.
  4. “Freeze” in the most tense position for 1 minute.

only 1 time.

Very important: mentally focus on the sensations in the cheek area. Try to imagine the working muscles of your cheeks.

At first, when you are just learning this exercise, do not close your eyes right away, first look at yourself in the mirror: if creases appear in the “crow’s feet” area during the exercise, experiment with the position and pressure of your fingers to find for yourself optimal position fingers on cheekbones.

Possible mistakes: If the movement of the cheeks occurs due to the tension of the lips, the exercise will be ineffective, so be careful when observing yourself in the mirror.

Plastic surgery to enlarge the eyes is one of the options for performing blepharoplasty when it is necessary to change the parameters of the palpebral fissure. Changing the shape of the eyes, according to experts, is suitable for patients seeking to correct the shape of their eyes and give them expressiveness. The surgery uses two techniques called canthoplasty (eye enlargement) and canthopexy (creating “oriental” eyes).


There are some problems and conditions that are indications for eye surgery:

  • Mongoloid type of eye shape (the fold of the upper eyelid is swollen, the presence of epicanthus)
  • Narrowness of the palpebral fissure
  • Age-related changes in the eyelid area (upper eyelids droop over the eyes)
  • Presence of under-eye bags
  • Round and overly bulging eyes (“fish eyes”)
  • Asymmetry of the eye area
  • Availability of some congenital problems(eg partial cleft eyelid)
  • Deformities acquired after burns and trauma

Mongoloid type of eye shape


Some patients consult a doctor to change the shape and size of the palpebral fissure, but they may be denied this type of eyelid blepharoplasty if they have the following contraindications:

  • Pregnancy and lactation period
  • Presence of myopia
  • Insufficient level of corneal moisture (dry eye syndrome)
  • Chronic diseases in the acute stage
  • Increased intraocular pressure
  • Presence of hypertension
  • Impaired blood clotting
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Impairments and pathologies endocrine system(for example, diabetes)
  • Oncological diseases and neoplasms

Eyelid blepharoplasty is contraindicated in patients with dry eye syndrome.


How to change eye size? Within this surgery specialists change the shape of the eyes (they become more rounded), as well as the angle of the palpebral fissure. Canthoplasty can be performed in one of two ways: existing methods(depending on the angle they are working with) - internal (medial) or external (lateral).

Internal (medial) method

Experts say that the method is rarely used as an independent manipulation; it is mainly combined with eyelid blepharoplasty. The main goal is to dissect the “Mongolian” skin fold overhanging the inner canthus.

To create a “European” eye shape within modern surgery no need to apply long cuts, thereby reducing the likelihood of scars and cicatrices. If they do appear, after some time they can be eliminated with a laser beam.

Canthoplasty performed using the medial method takes on average about half an hour. Before the intervention is performed local anesthesia or general anesthesia(the choice is up to the doctor).

Canthoplasty methods

External (lateral) method

In this case, the change in the shape of the eyes occurs due to its lengthening and increasing the angle between the ocular commissures. The length of the incision does not exceed 2-5 millimeters, so the risk of scars and cicatrices is minimal.

During medical procedures, the canthal tendon is partially removed, while the tissues of the lower eyelid are attached to the orbital bone tissue. To hide such a defect, it is necessary to slightly stretch the conjunctiva and change the location. This may lead to drastic changes sensitivity, but no more than 15 days from the day of surgery.

The lateral canthoplasty method is performed on an outpatient or inpatient basis and takes from 1 to 2 hours, depending on the complexity and amount of work required.

You can learn more about how the Europeanization of the eye shape takes place in the video of plastic surgeon Ilyas Samatovich Beyskenov:


There are patients who are interested in the question “how to make an Asian eye shape?” Canthopexy allows you to narrow the eyes and give them almond shape.

The operation is suitable for people with sagging lower eyelids. The technique of canthopexy is similar to that of canthoplasty, but in this case the tendon remains in place.

In most cases surgery performed under local anesthesia or general anesthesia(the choice of anesthesia is carried out according to the patient’s special indications). Average duration Canthopexy lasts from 1 to 2 hours.

Stages of work

How to change the shape of your eyes? To do this, you need to contact a plastic surgeon who will carry out the appropriate intervention step by step. The stages of medical work are as follows:

  1. Preparation. The doctor uses a marker to mark the points where the eyelid incisions will be made, then the patient is given an IV to administer medications. The surgeon will monitor the condition of the operated patient through special monitors.
  2. Anesthesia. The choice of pain relief (local, general) is selected by the doctor in advance (at least a day before the start of the manipulations). The main option is local anesthesia with sedation (the patient remains conscious, but is drowsy and does not feel pain)
  3. Operation. It begins from the moment the anesthesia takes effect. Eyeball will be protected using a special transparent plastic shield. After the work, the shield is removed, the patient is given stitches and a special bandage to protect soft tissues and prevent the development of swelling

Preparatory stage before surgery

After operation

After the end of the surgical procedure, the patient remains in a hospital setting under the supervision of staff for at least an hour. Moderate present painful sensations, over the next 7 days, the eyelids will seem tense and discomfort will be felt. Usually prescribed to take analgesic drugs 3-4 times a day, eye drops.

Mandatory procedure after eyelid surgery

Rehabilitation period

Recovery will take up to 15 days, and you will need to wear a special pressure bandage during this period. In the first 2-3 days, the patient feels dry and itchy of the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Experts recommend decompressing your eyes as much as possible during this time; they need rest and a state of rest. You should not watch TV or be at the computer or read. For a couple of weeks, among other things, you will have to postpone going to the pool, sauna, bathhouse, gym, or the beach.


The results are noticeable immediately (especially after the treatment area has healed) and last for an average of 5-10 years (the period depends on the quality of care and individual characteristics). After surgical correction, the eye area appears more natural, the gaze becomes as open as possible. The minimal number and likelihood of complications (if all recommendations are followed) make this intervention popular with many patients of both sexes.

Eyelid surgery. Before and after

Possible complications

You should expect some consequences that are normal after surgery:

  • Soreness
  • Swelling
  • Burning feeling
  • Presence of hematomas

Certain complications should also be expected (especially if the doctor acted in bad faith or the patient did not follow postoperative recommendations):

  • Deterioration of vision (temporary)
  • Symmetry breaking
  • The appearance of ptosis
  • Protrusion of the eyeball
  • Everting of the eyelid
  • Diplopia (doubling the image of a visible object)
  • Conjunctivitis, accompanied by excessive lacrimation, dry vision
  • Seam divergence
  • Incisions become infected
  • Orbital hemorrhage with vision loss

Ptosis of the eyelid is one of possible complications after operation


If you are interested in questions about how to make an Asian eye shape or enlarge it, you should know the prices. The cost of canthopexy and canthoplasty in Moscow and the regions starts from 15 thousand rubles. The final price depends on the amount of work, the qualifications of the doctor and the rating of the clinic.

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