How to cure bacterial conjunctivitis quickly in an adult. Conjunctivitis of the eyes. Causes, treatment in adults. How is conjunctivitis transmitted?

For both adults and parents of small children, the question of what is conjunctivitis (mistakenly called: conjunctevitis, conjunctivitis, conectivitis, conjunctivitis ) and how to treat it. This disease is common among children; its main symptom is inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eyes .

It should be taken into account when discussing conjunctivitis (erroneously: conectivitis, conjunctivitis, conjunctivitis, conjunctivitis) that this is a disease that is easier to prevent than to cure. Children's conjunctivitis is most often associated with colds, severe hypothermia or allergic manifestations.

What should you do to avoid getting sick?

To prevent the development of this disease, you should take into account the reasons for its development. The causes of conjunctivitis are often associated with violations of hygiene rules, so you need to make sure that your baby’s bed is always clean, wash his hands, and keep his toys clean. Older children should be taught to regularly wash their hands on their own.

It is important to regularly ventilate the room (Dr. Komarovsky and others always emphasize this), use humidifiers and air purifiers. It is necessary to provide the baby proper nutrition, a sufficient amount of vitamins in the diet. It is important to walk with your child for at least two hours every day and prevent contact with sick children.

Despite the fact that the eyelids and tear fluid are barriers to the growth of bacteria, viruses and infections in the eyes, if If the child becomes weak, conjunctivitis may develop.

Symptoms of conjunctivitis in children

It is not difficult to determine that this particular disease is developing, since the signs of conjunctivitis are always the same. But the symptoms of the disease are delivered to children more trouble, so they often have a more violent reaction to the disease. If a child's eye is inflamed, he may become restless, lethargic, and cry a lot. With this disease, children complain that their eyes hurt and feel as if sand had gotten into their eyes.

The main signs of inflammation of the conjunctiva in a child are as follows:

  • loss of appetite;
  • deterioration of vision: the child sees unclearly, blurred;
  • feeling that there are foreign bodies in the eyes;
  • discomfort and burning in the eyes.

Conjunctivitis in a child, treatment

First of all, parents should understand that treatment of conjunctivitis in children should not be practiced independently, without a doctor’s prescription.

How to cure quickly, how to wash it and how to treat conjunctivitis in children should be determined by an ophthalmologist after an examination. A specialist prescribes treatment for childhood conjunctivitis only after determining what caused the child’s eyes to fester. Children's conjunctivitis should be treated at home according to the regimen prescribed by a specialist.

It should be noted that in children under 3 years of age, symptoms of inflammation and slight redness are sometimes associated with contact with the eye. foreign objects– cilia, grains of sand, and also with the development allergic reaction to different stimuli.

However, similar symptoms in children may be associated with more serious causes - increased intracranial or. In this case, the symptoms will also be similar.

Determining the type of conjunctivitis

Determined viral , bacterial And allergic types of this disease. Purulent conjunctivitis in children is of a bacterial nature; accordingly, treatment purulent conjunctivitis in children it is carried out according to the treatment regimen for a disease of bacterial origin.

If your eyes are red and irritated but there is no pus, we're talking about about viral or allergic conjunctivitis (see photo above). When symptoms appear and conjunctivitis, one may suspect the development adenoviral conjunctivitis .

Basic rules of treatment in children

Until a diagnosis has been established, you should not decide on your own how to treat conjunctivitis if the child is 2 years old or younger. But if for a certain reason it is not possible to immediately visit a specialist, if you suspect an allergic or viral form of the disease in a 2-year-old child, you can drop it into the eyes.

If there is a suspicion of an allergic nature of the disease, the child should be given antihistamine medicine .

If a bacterial or viral species disease, how to treat conjunctivitis if the child is 3 years old or older depends on the purpose. Dr. Komarovsky and other experts recommend using or chamomile decoction . A 3-year-old child, as well as younger children, should be washed every two hours in the first days of illness, then three times a day. Rinsing with chamomile or furatsilin solution for small children should be done in the direction from the temple to the nose. Chamomile is an excellent folk remedy, a decoction of which can also be used to remove crusts from the eyes. For this sterile wipe moistened in the prepared broth. You can also wash your baby with a decoction of sage, calendula, and weak tea. If only one eye is inflamed, both should still be washed so that the infection does not spread to the other eye. A separate cotton pad is used for each eye.

If a bacterial form is diagnosed in a child, an eye patch cannot be used, as bacteria will multiply more actively in it.

Whether it is possible for children to walk with conjunctivitis depends on the intensity of the process. If the baby's condition improves, short walks will benefit him. However, it is better to avoid contact with other children during the illness, as the infection can be transmitted. You should not walk outside if the cause of your illness is allergic reaction, and during this period the flowering of allergenic plants, etc. is observed.

Bacterial conjunctivitis in children, treatment of which is carried out at home, it goes away quickly if you strictly follow all the instructions.

Eye drops for children against conjunctivitis

You can only use drops for treatment that are included in the list of drops recommended by your doctor. At the very beginning of the disease, you need to drip disinfectant drops every three hours.

As a rule, children's eye drops for inflammation are prescribed: 10% solution Albucida (for infants), Fucithalmic , Eubital , Vitabact , . Eye drops for children with redness should be prescribed by a doctor, having initially determined the nature of this phenomenon.

Treatment of redness and inflammation of the eye also involves the use of eye ointments– , . Eye ointment for redness and inflammation is placed under the lower eyelid.

It is important to know how to properly instill drops into the eyes, especially if infants under one year of age are being treated.

How to apply eye drops correctly

  • Small children can only put drops in their eyes with a pipette whose end is rounded.
  • Before instillation, you need to place a month-old baby or older baby on a surface without a pillow. Let someone help - support his head. Next, you need to pull the eyelid down and drop 1-2 drops. Excess should be blotted with a napkin.
  • If eye drops for inflammation and redness need to be instilled into an older child, and he constantly closes his eyes, you should simply drop the solution between the lower upper eyelid. When the baby opens his eyes, the anti-inflammatory eye drops will go inside.
  • Before dripping Albucid into the eyes of children, as well as using other drops, you should warm them up in your hand if the product was in the refrigerator. Those drops that long time remained open, or the product had expired.
  • Older children should learn to wash their eyes and drip medicine on their own, under adult supervision.

Young mothers often notice that the baby's eye is festering, yellow discharge. Sometimes both eyes become swollen. It happens that after sleep the eyelids stick together so much that they cannot be opened.

Pus in the eyes of a baby is not uncommon. But, before treating conjunctivitis in a newborn, it is necessary to distinguish it from inflammation of the lacrimal sac , non-opening of the lacrimal canal . Therefore, a specialist should confirm the diagnosis and tell you how to treat conjunctivitis in an infant.

How to treat this disease in newborns also depends on the causes of its development. Purulent discharge may appear due to the following factors:

  • weakened immune system;
  • infection when passing through the birth canal;
  • infection by bacteria living in the maternal body;
  • maternal infection;
  • poor hygiene of the newborn;
  • hit foreign body in the eyes.

The doctor determines the cause and, accordingly, prescribes how to treat pus in the child’s eyes, what to rinse with and what to drip. Please note that any eye drops A newborn can receive drips only after approval by a specialist. Even those eye drops that are sold without a prescription cannot be used without a prescription.

As a rule, infants are recommended to use a solution Furacilina for washing. Furacilin is diluted using one crushed tablet per 100 ml of water, the temperature of which is 37 degrees. How to wash a child’s eyes with furatsilin depends on the child’s age. For the smallest children, you can carefully wash their eyes with cotton pads soaked in the solution. This remedy is suitable for small children, but it is still better to ask your doctor individually about whether it is possible to wash your eyes with furatsilin.

For rinsing, you can use a decoction of chamomile, which is a good treatment for purulent conjunctivitis, as well as decoctions of sage and calendula . The baby can bathe in a bath with the addition of these decoctions.

Treatment of different types of conjunctivitis

Treatment of conjunctivitis depends on what exactly causes the inflammation of the eye. At the same time, how to treat conjunctivitis at home in adults and children depends on the doctor’s recommendations. Treatment of eye conjunctivitis at home is carried out using instillation, rinsing, and using ointments. Your doctor will recommend how to cure conjunctivitis quickly, since using exclusively folk remedies is often ineffective. How to treat conjunctivitis depends, first of all, on its type. Therefore, you need to take into account all the differences different types of this disease.

Bacterial conjunctivitis, symptoms and treatment

Drops are applied Albucid , local antibiotics(in drops), ointments. This form of the disease develops when microorganisms and bacteria enter the mucous membrane.

Typically, the causative agents are streptococcus , Pneumococcus , staphylococcus , chlamydia , gonococcus . If conjunctivitis is one of the symptoms of another disease and is protracted, then treatment includes taking and other drugs necessary for the treatment of infections.

It is important that purulent conjunctivitis is diagnosed by a doctor and prescribed appropriate treatment in adults and children.

Viral conjunctivitis

The causative agents of this form are adenoviruses , herpes , etc. An inflamed eye is treated in this case, (for an illness caused by herpes). Treatment of redness and inflammation of the eye is also carried out with drugs, Trifluridine , Poludan .

Allergic conjunctivitis

Disease allergic origin provoke a variety of irritants - pollen, dust, food products, medications. This form of the disease is manifested by lacrimation, redness, swelling of the eyelids and itching. Such symptoms do not go away for a long time.

To cure this disease, it is important to determine which one allergen caused this condition and, if possible, limit contact with him. The child must be examined pediatric allergist, as more serious manifestations of allergies may develop later. It is the specialist who will tell you how to cure this condition completely. The disease must be treated with drugs

But all these means should be perceived as auxiliary. How to treat pus in a child’s eyes is prescribed by a doctor, whom it is advisable to contact immediately after the first unpleasant symptoms appear.

List of sources

  • Tur A.F. Childhood diseases / A. F. Tur, O. F. Tarasov, N. P. Shabalov. - M.: Medicine, 1985;
  • Sidorenko E.I., Ilyenko L.I., Dubovskaya L.A. Ophthalmology in pediatric practice (selected sections): Textbook. allowance. M.: RGMU, 2003;
  • Jack Kanski. Clinical ophthalmology. - M.: Logosphere, 2009;
  • Ophthalmology: National Guide / Ed. S.E. Avetisova, E.A. Egorova, L.K. Moshetova et al. M.: GEOTAR-Media; 2008;
  • Vorontsova T.N., Prozornaya L.P. Features of the treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis in children. Ophthalmology. 2014.

One of the most common eye diseases in adults and children it is conjunctivitis. Treatment at home for eye inflammation is possible. He appears on various reasons and causes strong pain syndromes. Conjunctivitis should be treated at home only after consultation with your doctor, and preferably under his supervision.

Eye conjunctivitis refers to diseases of the mucous membrane of these human organs, and causes lacrimation, clouding of the cornea, and putrefactive discharge. This disease is diagnosed in both adults and children, and in the latter it can occur even in early age.

Treatment of eye conjunctivitis is divided into two types:

  • drug treatment, in which patients use various medications and also receive injections;
  • treatment folk remedies when infusions of herbs, honey and other natural products are used.

To cure conjunctivitis quickly, you need to start treatment when its first symptoms appear (photophobia, lacrimation, swelling of the cornea, its clouding).

There are the following types of eye conjunctivitis in adults and children:

  1. Viral disease. It is caused by viruses, such as herpes, or may be the result of previous illnesses: influenza, ARVI, rubella, mumps.
  2. Fungal disease caused by exposure to fungi on the membranes of the eyes. At normal conditions, there are some types of fungi on the mucous membrane of the eyes, but they do not cause disease. If the protective membrane of the mucous membrane is damaged, conjunctivitis immediately occurs.
  3. Bacterial species eye diseases are caused by various bacteria that begin their life activity in case of damage eye shell, or chronic stage of this disease.
  4. Allergic type diseases associated with the body's reaction to various allergic pathogens (irritants). These may include various chemical compounds, plant pollen, as well as some types of fungi and bacteria. For the disease to develop, a person must have a reaction to these irritants.
  5. Reactive conjunctivitis, as a type of this disease, occurs when specific conditions. When the membranes of the eyes are exposed to different chemical elements. In some cases, it is even caused by chlorinated pool water.

It should be noted right away that treatment will be adjusted depending on the type of disease. If a reactive type of illness is diagnosed, then more effective method there will be treatment medicines.

It is important to remember that chronic conjunctivitis cannot be cured quickly. This is due to the fact that chronic form occurs in adults and requires constant eye care. If the disease appears for the first time, then you can quickly get rid of it even using traditional methods.

Treatment methods with folk remedies

Many specialists try to prescribe to their patients medications, and they say that they have best effect. But it is necessary to remember that any medicine affects other organs, so side effects are possible.

Traditional medicine is characterized by the fact that the tools for its treatment are only natural products, such as honey, herbs and other derivatives thereof. The body accepts natural products well, but there is no side effects. Plus, some components have a stimulating effect immune system, and allow you to quickly get rid of conjunctivitis.

Folk remedies are effective not only in adults, but also in children, therefore they are allowed for everyone.

Facilities traditional medicine:

  • The very first thing you need to pay attention to is kombucha. It strengthens the immune system of a person who begins to actively fight this disease. It must be crushed and consumed in this form.
  • Chamomile is universal remedy for all eye diseases. Its flowers must be crushed and poured with boiling water. Let it sit for several hours, after which moisten a gauze swab with the resulting solution and wipe the damaged areas of the cornea with it. This needs to be done several times a day.

  • Honey also has many healing properties. It is effectively used to treat many ailments. To treat conjunctivitis with it, it is best to take several servings of teaspoons and dissolve it in boiled water. After this, moisten a swab or bandage and apply it to the eye as a compress.
  • The next folk remedy that can be used is propolis. This beekeeping product is characterized by the fact that special water can be made from it or consumed in crushed form. Two methods are great for this disease.
  • Every person has tea. This plant also serves effective means to fight the disease. To do this, you need to brew a medium-strength decoction, without adding sugar. Then dip a tampon in it and wipe your eyes. Some people recommend doing compresses. Not only black is suitable, but also green tea.
  • A plant such as dill grows in many gardens. It also has healing properties. To use it for treatment, you need to take this plant and grind it. Then squeeze the juice out of it and use it to treat the affected areas. Dill can also be combined with other medicinal plants, such as chicory flowers, horsetail. But in such combinations, you will have to prepare decoctions in which tampons or gauze dressings for compresses are soaked.
  • Rose hips are used effectively. To do this, they are crushed, and then two teaspoons are boiled in water over low heat. When the decoction is ready, it is infused for several hours in a cool place. Best time for infusion about 5 hours. Then the eyes are washed with the resulting decoction about 4 or five times a day.
  • Effective compress for adults and children is obtained from potatoes. For this this product grate raw and add protein there raw egg. After thorough mixing, a knocked-down mass is obtained, and it can be applied as a compress to the eyes.

  • Bay leaf can also be used effectively for treatment. A decoction is made from it, which is used to lubricate damaged areas.
  • The next type is the juices of different plants. Aloe and Kalanchoe are used especially effectively. These plants are known for their healing properties. In order to extract juice from them, they can be crushed or removed upper layer. The resulting juices can be drunk, or you can lubricate your eyelids with them until complete recovery.

Traditional methods have excellent effects, but if the disease is severely advanced, then it is better to combine them with drug treatment. In any case, before you start doing this, you should definitely consult your doctor.

It is important to know that not all types of conjunctivitis can be effectively cured only with folk remedies. Therefore, in some cases there should be effective combination medicines and folk herbal infusions.

Eye conjunctivitis can be treated using folk remedies. They are very effective, but before that it is better to consult with a specialist and agree on treatment. If you don't do this, you can get chronic illness And various complications.

Conjunctivitis is a disease characterized by the development inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the eye. The cause of the disease can be bacteria (staphylococci, diphtheria or dysentery bacilli, chlamydia), viruses, allergens, toxic substances that have entered the eye.

The main symptoms of conjunctivitis: redness and purulent discharge from the eye, itching, dryness, burning or lacrimation, swelling of the eyelids. Treatment of the disease depends on its nature and cause. Special anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. You can achieve success in the fight against conjunctivitis not only with the help medical appointments an ophthalmologist, but also using some folk remedies. Most often they are prepared on the basis medicinal herbs.

We have already written that an infusion of marshmallow root (mallow) will help remove all the symptoms of this eye disease very effectively. You will need five small plant roots per cup of boiling water. The raw materials should be crushed. Leave the extract for at least 7 hours. Ready product filter and use for eye wash and lotions.

Treatment with aloe

This remedy will help relieve inflammation and itching faster. Wash aloe leaves (5 pieces) well under warm water, grind in a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice. For 100 milliliters of juice take 500 milliliters of warm boiled water and mix everything thoroughly. Cotton swabs are moistened in this aqueous composition and applied to the eyes for 20 minutes twice a day. Conjunctivitis will go away very quickly.

Collection of herbs

An infusion is prepared from this collection of medicinal herbs, which is used as drops in the eyes. To prepare it, take one full tablespoon of crushed: black nightshade leaves, marshmallow roots and antirium (snapdragon). Pour a glass of boiling water over the raw material. Infuse the potion for one hour. Strain through multilayer gauze. Place one drop in each eye three times a day.


For purulent discharge from the eye, lotions should be made from a decoction of rose hips. For half a glass of water, take 1 teaspoon of crushed raw materials. Boil the product over low heat for 3 minutes. Then cover with a lid and let sit for another 10 minutes. Strain through three layers of gauze and use every hour.

For conjunctivitis, wild garlic is used. Fresh plant grind into a mushy state, spread the mass on sterile gauze and apply to the inflamed eyelids for one minute. Such procedures are done up to three times during the day. The course of treatment is 4 days. You can also wash your eyes with juice and water diluted 1:1.

More useful information in the article ““.

Eye wash solutions

Effective the old fashioned way Treatment of conjunctivitis is considered to be washing red eyes with purulent discharge with strong, warm brew of black (Ceylon) tea. For half a glass of boiling water, take 1 teaspoon of dry leaves. After four minutes, the tea is filtered and used as lotions and rinses.

Infusion will relieve redness, itching and discharge from the eye bay leaf. For 100 milliliters of boiling water you will need one large leaf. Let the product sit for 15 minutes. Wash sore eyes 4 times a day.

Viral conjunctivitis

For bacterial conjunctivitis or viral in nature At home, you can use cornflower tincture. One spoon of flowers is poured with a cup of boiling water and allowed to brew for 40 minutes. Next, the product is filtered. Use cotton pads soaked in the infusion to wipe your eyes. You can also make rinsing baths. For this purpose, prepare 1 liter of infusion so that you can immerse your face in it and blink. Washing should be done four times a day. Course of treatment: one week.

The herb eyebright has a good effect in treating inflamed eyes. One spoon of crushed plant material is poured into 250 ml of boiling water, covered with a lid and allowed to brew for one hour. Next, the composition is filtered through two layers of gauze and used for eye lotions or rinsing before bed and in the morning.

In the treatment of illness good results showed the use of echinacea decoction for rinsing and lotions on inflamed and purulent eyes. This plant has high anti-inflammatory, bacterio- and virusostatic properties. For 200 milliliters of boiling water, take one spoon of crushed plant roots. Place on the stove, bring to a boil and let it brew for one hour. The decoction is used not only externally. It is very useful to take the decoction orally during conjunctivitis: two tablespoons five times a day.

The burning and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes will go away if you eat fresh (or dried) blueberries every day. The dosage should be at least one tablespoon per day.

Our grandmothers treated conjunctivitis in children with cottage cheese. Fresh product should be wrapped in sterile gauze and applied to the eyes.

For conjunctivitis of a viral or bacterial nature, it is very useful after washing the eyes with herbal medicinal infusions inhale garlic vapors. To do this, crush five cloves, bend over the garlic mushy mass and breathe in the fumes. The eyes should be wide open. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.

Preventive measures

  • keep your hands clean;
  • control immunity;
  • avoid contact with infectious patients, chemical irritants and allergens;
  • take breaks when working at the computer.

Conjunctivitis is a very unpleasant disease. Of course, you want to get rid of its manifestations as quickly as possible, perhaps even in just one day.

But to cure conjunctivitis for such short term it's difficult because depending on the cause, the method of its treatment is different.

Although basic symptoms The disease is the same; depending on what caused it, additional symptoms appear.

Types of conjunctivitis. Is it possible to cope with the disease in 1 day?

In patients viral Conjunctivitis can affect both one or both eyes, and patients experience photosensitivity. Disease spreads easily And difficult to treat without medical intervention.

Bacterial conjunctivitis additionally accompanied by sticky discharge(yellow or Green colour) in the corners of the eye. Treatment under the supervision of a specialist is recommended; medicines.

Allergic Conjunctivitis among all types of this disease is the simplest in its manifestations - it is accompanied by other signs of allergy.

Photo 1. Spicy allergic conjunctivitis: not only the eyes themselves turned red, but also the vast area around them.

Both eyes are affected, but, unlike other species, it can be treated at home, and the help of a specialist is needed only when the patient has excessively severe allergies.

But in any case, it will take much more time not only to relieve the symptoms, but to completely cure the disease - to select a treatment regimen and medications. That's why conjunctivitis cannot be cured in 24 hours, but there are methods that can significantly speed up the entire process, which can take weeks.

How to quickly cure conjunctivitis in children and adults?

To move to treatment as quickly as possible, it is necessary first of all to understand what exactly caused the inflammation. This disease has enough of them:

  • virus;
  • bacteria;
  • fungus;
  • allergy;
  • injuries due to chemical or physical exposure.

The initial diagnosis can be carried out independently - based on the symptoms observed in the sick person. Yes, when viral disease, in addition to the standard itching and redness, there is eye sensitivity to light. In the bacterial form they appear discharge from the eyes that looks like purulent. For allergies - sneezing and rhinitis.

Photo 2. Viral conjunctivitis: there is severe redness of the eye, profuse lacrimation.

More full diagnostics can only be carried out by the attending physician - with the help various methods.These include:

  • slit lamp examination (often this is sufficient to determine the disease);
  • scraping;
  • smear;
  • sowing.

The last three steps are performed with affected conjunctiva. At the same time, the story of the patient himself about what happened is also of considerable importance. before the appearance illness - often this allows you to determine the type of conjunctivitis.

Determining the cause of the disease gives a chance start treatment faster And select the necessary medications. A correct selection medications, in turn, will have a positive effect on the speed of recovery.


For quick treatment of this disease can be used as traditional medicine , so traditional methods. For each case you need to select your own treatment. How do such products work and how to choose them?

The easiest way to explain the effect of medications is - ointments and gels accelerate the healing of affected areas and the destruction of pathogens.

But choosing them is more difficult - it’s not only about the effect, but also about what microorganisms or viruses the chosen medicine acts on.

Here do not do without consulting your doctor— he will not only determine what type of conjunctivitis is, but also select an effective medication. Viral infections are varied, and they also need to be treated different medications, so you will first have to understand what virus caused the conjunctivitis. The same should be done with bacterial or fungal conjunctivitis.

But, despite all the difficulties in selection, drug therapy is the main one. And it works stronger traditional methods.

Folk remedies include use of infusions or wet compresses. They also need to be selected according to the type of conjunctivitis. So, when treating purulent conjunctivitis, eyebright solution, tea leaves and infusion are suitable kombucha.

Here are the other methods can be used for any type of disease:

  • apply grated raw potatoes in a napkin to eliminate burning sensation;
  • use compresses with Kalanchoe juice, rosehip decoction or marshmallow infusion;
  • drip honey drops ( 1 drop of honey per 10 drops of distilled water).

Folk remedies relieve symptoms of the disease, therapeutic their effect is weak And may not always be combined with medications. Therefore, before choosing, you should still talk to your doctor - he will explain exactly how the method will work and help you choose a more successful one.

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Eye wash

Cleaning the eyes is necessary in order to remove accumulated secretions And let your eyes work calmly(from the discharge, the eyelashes stick together and it is difficult to open the eyes). In addition, after cleaning the eyes, it is much easier to treat with ointments and gels against viruses and bacteria.

Cleaning includes several stages:

  • eye wash;
  • treatment with medications - ointments or gels.

Before performing the second step, the affected eyes are cleaned with furatsilin solution.

It is prepared as follows: pour boiling water 2 tablets means and stir it until the medicine is completely dissolved. After this, the resulting liquid should cool to body temperature.

Attention! In order to avoid the occurrence of traumatic situations, it is necessary strain the solution through sterile gauze or bandage. This will remove undissolved tablet particles.

Rinsing affected eyes is carried out as follows:

  • Hands are washed thoroughly and, if possible, even sanitized antiseptics.
  • A sterile cotton swab is soaked in a furatsilin solution and gently wrung out to remove excess liquid.
  • Pull back the lower eyelid with a finger and carefully treat the affected conjunctiva in the direction from inner corner eyes to the outside.

To facilitate the process, you can use special devices, which are either boiled each time or renewed if they are one-time use.

But Furacilin is not suitable for all types of conjunctivitis- in the presence of purulent discharge rinsing is carried out with drops sodium sulfacyl or chloramphenicol. Rashes caused by the herpes virus are treated brilliant green.

Important! Every time there's a cure must be new. This rule is especially strictly observed for the treatment of children.

After cleaning, the ointments that were prescribed by the attending physician are applied to the affected conjunctiva.


Compresses come in many different forms, but they have one purpose - they relieve eye irritation or swelling. Today there are compresses:

  • Cold and hot(there are no drugs here, cotton swab or several layers of fabric are saturated with water at the appropriate temperature). A hot compress helps with irritation and prevents sticky discharge from the conjunctiva. Cold will reduce swelling and itching.

  • Helps with viral conjunctivitis compress from chamomile infusion.
  • Compress from bay leaf infusion.
  • Compress from rose petals.
  • Compress from infusion of marshmallow root.
  • Lotions from propolis.

Each of the compresses prepared using a similar technology:

  • the solution is being prepared medicinal substance;
  • prepare a clean cotton or fabric base for the compress;
  • the base is impregnated with the solution, excess liquid does push-ups;
  • a compress is applied to the eyes for a period from 10 to 20 minutes, after the expiration of time it is removed;
  • the procedure is repeated 3-4 times a day.

Apply a tampon need to be as careful as possible— the conjunctiva damaged by the disease is tender and easily injured. Do not use dirty or previously used material - the cotton wool or cloth must be clean.

Reference. If a hot compress is used, the temperature should be acceptable. Best approx. equal temperature bodies.


To get rid of conjunctivitis as quickly as possible you will have to

The best way to cure conjunctivitis at home quickly is to use different methods. However, you will still need to consult a doctor: it is impossible to treat the disease without identifying the cause - the methods may be ineffective. After identifying the pathogen, the doctor will prescribe certain drops. You can also use folk remedies.

The most effective eye drops

The liquid form of medication is the best for treating conjunctivitis. Drops are used externally, and this helps to quickly destroy the disease, regardless of its cause. However, in some situations, additional oral medications are required. The most popular drops for the treatment of conjunctivitis:

When using medications, additional rules must be observed. If the doctor has prescribed drops, the patient should wash their hands thoroughly before each use.

Treatment methods for viral conjunctivitis

Viral conjunctivitis is one of the most dangerous diseases and a combination of drugs must be used to treat it. Doctors and patients often confuse the onset of the disease with influenza or ARVI.

Important! Viral conjunctivitis is caused by herpes, herpes zoster and the Coxsackie virus. You should go to the hospital to get a diagnosis, since you won’t be able to get rid of this form of the disease with simple drops and folk remedies.

For quick fix symptoms and causes of viral conjunctivitis, you should use Actipol, Ophthalmeron, Poludan, or Albucid. However, activity last drug regarding viral diseases difficult character minimal. The course of treatment should last at least 10 days.