Year-round allergic conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis caused by allergens. Symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis

The term “allergic conjunctivitis” means inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, which is of nature, i.e., developing as a result of an inadequate reaction. The conjunctiva is the thin transparent membrane lining the inner part eyelids and covering the sclera of the eyeballs. The pathology is also called “red eye disease”, since swollen and reddened eyelids are one of the characteristic clinical manifestations.

According to medical statistics, about 15% of the population is susceptible to allergic conjunctivitis. In some countries with poor environmental conditions, allergic symptoms are periodically observed in 40% of people. Young patients are more susceptible to pathology.

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Types of disease

It is customary to highlight:

Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis (hay fever or flower fever) develops as a reaction to pollen. Symptoms appear annually, strictly in the same months.

Year-round allergic conjunctivitis occurs several hours or even days after contact with certain types of household chemicals, hygiene products or cosmetics.

The cause of the development of conjunctivitis with papillary hyperplasia is most often prolonged continuous wearing soft contact lenses. Protein compounds present in normal eye secretions accumulate on the inner surface of these optical devices and change their structure. If a person has a tendency to allergies, they provoke a local immunological reaction with the formation of papillae on the inner surface of the eyelids.

Vernal keratoconjunctivitis ( spring catarrh) is more common in childhood and extremely rarely - in people over 20-25 years old. The incidence among boys is 2 times higher than among their peers. Symptoms develop annually in warm weather; the total duration of the disease is from 4 to 10 years. Giant papillae form on the inside of the eyelid. This type of allergic conjunctivitis in children is dangerous because the pathological process can affect the cornea.

Atopic keratoconjunctivitis is characterized by a chronic course and poses a particular danger due to the high likelihood of developing complications - corneal ulcers and retinal detachment. This form of the disease is characterized by the parallel development of allergic rhinitis.

Causes of development of allergic conjunctivitis

The disease develops as a result of immediate and delayed hypersensitivity reactions on the part of immune system. Immediate cause is contact with a specific allergen.

Possible allergens:

  • wool and particles of skin (epidermis) of animals;
  • active and auxiliary components medicines;
  • detergent components;
  • plant pollen (typical of hay fever);
  • cosmetical tools;
  • dust;
  • dry food for aquarium fish.

Important:Allergic conjunctivitis in some cases develops as a reaction to wearing contact lenses.

The cause of the disease is often factors such as light and ionizing radiation (), as well as infectious agents of a viral or bacterial nature.

The course of the disease can be either protracted, chronic (sluggish), or acute (develops sharply and quickly passes when contact with the allergen is stopped).

As a result of progression pathological process there is often an increase in connective tissue. As a consequence, fibrosis and enlargement (hypertrophy) of the conjunctival papillae become possible.

Note:inflammation of the conjunctiva is very often combined with allergic and atopic rhinitis. An increased predisposition to such eye lesions is observed in patients suffering from bronchial eye diseases.

Allergic reactions of the cornea develop when the body reacts to drugs for topical use, as well as toxins that can be produced by certain types of bacteria (in particular, staphylococci and).

Symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis

In pathology, as a rule, the lesion is symmetrical, i.e. both eyes are affected. Unilateral damage is not excluded, but is extremely rare.

All forms of the disease are characterized by the following clinical manifestations:

  • eyelid hyperemia;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • itching (burning or stinging) in the eyes;
  • lacrimation;
  • photophobia.

Note:itching is the main manifestation; it forces the patient to constantly rub his eyes, which only increases the severity of other symptoms.

Parallel developing allergic symptoms such as frequent sneezing, coughing, etc. are often observed.


The consequence of the atopic form of the disease can be corneal ulcers that develop against the background of a viral (for example, herpetic) or bacterial infection. There is a fairly high probability of such serious complications, How

bacterial inflammation eyelids (blepharitis), as well as the development of clouding of the lens of the eye (cataracts) and retinal detachment. As a result, partial or total loss vision.


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The diagnosis of “allergic conjunctivitis” is made by an ophthalmologist. In most cases, additional consultation with an allergist is required.

The grounds are data from anamnesis and external examination. To clarify the nosological form and identify the allergen, a series of additional research, including performing skin (scarification) tests.

Allergic conjunctivitis in children

Allergic conjunctivitis in children early age very rarely diagnosed. In most cases, this disease develops in a child over 3 years of age. The likelihood of this pathology occurring is higher in young patients with a history of allergic reactions (diathesis,).

When identifying a possible allergen and making a diagnosis, it is necessary to take into account some features. In childhood, a hypersensitivity reaction to various products nutrition. In addition, the child may develop the so-called. pseudoallergic reaction caused by diseases gastrointestinal tract or .

Treatment of allergic conjunctivitis

A prerequisite for successful treatment of allergic conjunctivitis is the complete cessation of contact with the factor that is the allergen or its elimination. At mild flow In case of illness, it is enough to use cold compresses on the eyelids and instillation of drugs similar in composition to tear fluid. Pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy involves the use of anti-inflammatory and antiallergic () agents.

To treat allergic conjunctivitis caused by a reaction to pollen, use medicines, narrowing small blood vessels, as well as drugs that reduce the release of histamine and other mediators of allergy and inflammation. Medicines are prescribed locally, and in case of pronounced allergic symptoms– orally (Loratadine, Cetirizine). In some cases, it is necessary to prescribe hormonal drugs (glucocorticosteroids).

In case of allergic conjunctivitis that has developed as a result of the use of cosmetics or other substances, it is necessary to avoid contact with the allergen, and apply cold lotions to the eyelids several times a day. If the symptoms do not disappear, then you need to contact a specialist who will prescribe drug treatment.

For conjunctivitis with papillary hyperplasia, it is advisable to temporarily abandon lenses or reduce the time they are worn. It is also recommended to replace them with models made of a different polymer. Devices should be washed as often as possible to prevent the accumulation of eye secretions. Some types can help reduce the severity of symptoms. eye drops. If the doctor has determined that numerous and fairly large papillae have already formed, then the lenses should be abandoned altogether. The use of vasoconstrictors and antihistamines may be indicated.

Symptoms of vernal keratoconjunctivitis improve with long stay in the cold. Methods of conducting specific therapy not developed; recommended remedies help stop acute symptoms inflammation. Hormonal (steroid) drugs (mometasone furoate and fluticasone propionate) can achieve a positive effect, but the disease lasts a long time, which precludes their constant use in order to avoid the development of severe side effects. A way out could be hormone therapy carried out at certain time intervals.

A good effect in the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis can be achieved by using H1-topic antihistamines (Allergodil, Analergin). Levocabastine drops are indicated for children under 12 years of age. Drugs in this group allow you to very quickly eliminate the symptoms of inflammation, but they have to be used quite often (up to 4 times a day), since they are characterized by a short period of action.

Many patients are prescribed vasoconstrictor (vasoconstrictor) drops.

Note: drugs Vizin, Sanorin, Octilia and Naphazolin cannot be used for a long time, as they develop quickly drug addiction and other side effects (including drug-induced conjunctivitis) cannot be excluded.

A symptom such as itching can be relieved by the parallel use of H1 blockers and vasoconstrictors.

At seasonal allergies It is advisable to start using products from the group of membrane stabilizers in advance mast cells(Ketotifen, CromoHexal, Lecrolin). They inhibit the release of allergy mediators.

If the patient wears contact lenses, then 15 minutes before their installation it is advisable to drop Zaditen into the eyes. The drug is indicated for patients over 12 years of age.

At seasonal conjunctivitis allergic nature doctor as an alternative hormonal drugs may prescribe NSAIDs (Ketorolac, Diclofenac). U non-steroidal drugs There are no side effects typical of glucocorticoids. According to clinical studies, they do not relieve symptoms such as photophobia and swelling, but help cope with the feeling of itching.

Corticosteroids are indicated for the treatment of diseases accompanied by papillary hyperplasia and the treatment of atopic keratonic conjunctivitis. eye ointments(Prenacid, Dexamethasone, Maxidex).

Severe forms of allergic conjunctivitis in some cases require long-term therapy with immunosuppressants (Ciclosporin).

allergic conjunctivitis is a disease against which traditional medicine is powerless. Various lotions, washing the eyes with herbal decoctions and other “grandmother’s methods” will not help relieve symptoms and, moreover, influence the cause. The only thing that can be achieved with such self-medication is to provoke an exacerbation and cause infectious complications.

More detailed information You will learn about the causes of development, types and methods of treatment of allergic conjunctivitis by watching this video review:

Plisov Vladimir, medical columnist, herbalist

is a reactive inflammation of the conjunctiva caused by immune reactions in response to contact with an allergen. With allergic conjunctivitis, hyperemia and swelling of the eye mucosa, itching and swelling of the eyelids, lacrimation, and photophobia develop. Diagnosis is based on collection allergy history, conducting skin tests, provocative allergy tests (conjunctival, nasal, sublingual), laboratory research. In the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis, antihistamines (orally and locally), topical corticosteroids, and specific immunotherapy are used.


H10.1 Acute atopic conjunctivitis

General information

Allergic conjunctivitis occurs in approximately 15% of the population and is a significant problem in modern ophthalmology and allergology. Allergic damage to the organ of vision in 90% of cases is accompanied by the development of conjunctivitis, less often - allergic blepharitis, eyelid dermatitis, allergic keratitis, uveitis, iritis, retinitis, neuritis. Allergic conjunctivitis occurs in both sexes, mainly young people. Allergic conjunctivitis is often combined with other allergies - allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis.


What is common in the etiology of all forms of allergic conjunctivitis is increased sensitivity to various kinds factors environment. Due to the features anatomical structure and locations of the eye are most susceptible to contact with exogenous allergens. Depending on the etiology there are:

  • Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis. Hay fever, pollen allergy) caused by pollen allergens during the flowering of grasses, trees, and cereals. Exacerbation of hay fever conjunctivitis is associated with the flowering period of plants in a particular region. Seasonal allergic conjunctivitis in 7% of patients worsens in the spring (late April - late May), in 75% - in the summer (early June - late July), in 6.3% - in the off-season (late July - mid-September), which accordingly coincides with the pollination of trees, meadow grass and weeds.
  • Spring conjunctivitis. The etiology of spring conjunctivitis has been little studied. The disease worsens in spring - early summer and regresses in autumn. This form of allergic conjunctivitis usually resolves spontaneously in puberty, which suggests a certain role of the endocrine factor in its development.
  • Large papillary conjunctivitis. The main development factor is considered to be the wearing of contact lenses and ocular prostheses, prolonged contact of the mucous membrane with a foreign body of the eye, the presence of sutures that irritate the conjunctiva after cataract extraction or keratoplasty, calcium deposits in the cornea, etc. With this form of allergic conjunctivitis, the inflammatory reaction is accompanied by the formation of upper centuries of large flattened papillae.
  • Drug-induced conjunctivitis develops as a local allergic reaction in response to topical (90.1%), less often systemic (9.9%) use of drugs. The occurrence of drug-induced allergic conjunctivitis is facilitated by self-medication, individual intolerance to the components of the drug, polytherapy - a combination of several drugs without taking into account their interaction. Most often, drug-induced allergic conjunctivitis is caused by the use of antibacterial and antiviral eye drops and ointments.
  • Chronic allergic conjunctivitis. Accounts for more than 23% of cases of all allergic eye diseases. With minimal clinical manifestations, the course of chronic allergic conjunctivitis is persistent. Direct allergens in in this case usually perform house dust, animal hair, dry fish food, feathers, fluff, food products, perfumes, cosmetics and household chemicals. Chronic allergic conjunctivitis is often associated with eczema and bronchial asthma.
  • Atopic keratoconjunctivitis. Is allergic disease multifactorial etiology. It usually develops during systemic immunological reactions, therefore it often occurs against the background of atopic dermatitis, asthma, hay fever, and urticaria.


The pathogenesis of allergic conjunctivitis is based on an IgE-mediated hypersensitivity reaction. The triggering factor for allergic conjunctivitis is direct contact of the allergen with the conjunctiva, leading to degranulation of mast cells, activation of lymphocytes and eosinophils and a clinical response followed by an inflammatory-allergic reaction. Mediators released by mast cells (histamine, serotonin, leukotrienes, etc.) cause the development of characteristic symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis.

The severity of allergic conjunctivitis depends on the concentration of the allergen and the reactivity of the body. The rate of development of a hypersensitivity reaction in allergic conjunctivitis can be immediate (within 30 minutes from the moment of contact with the allergen) or delayed (after 24-48 or more hours). This classification of allergic conjunctivitis is practically significant for choosing drug therapy.


Allergic eye lesions can occur in the form of hay fever conjunctivitis, vernal keratoconjunctivitis, large papillary conjunctivitis, drug conjunctivitis, chronic allergic conjunctivitis, atopic keratoconjunctivitis. Allergic conjunctivitis can be acute, subacute or chronic; by time of occurrence - seasonal or year-round.

Symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis

Allergies usually affect both eyes. Symptoms develop within a period of several minutes to 1-2 days from the moment of exposure to the allergen. Allergic conjunctivitis is characterized by severe itching eyes, burning under the eyelids, lacrimation, swelling and hyperemia of the conjunctiva; in severe cases – development of photophobia, blepharospasm, ptosis.

The itching in allergic conjunctivitis is so intense that it forces the patient to constantly rub his eyes, which, in turn, further intensifies other clinical manifestations. Small papillae or follicles may form on the mucosa. The discharge from the eyes is usually mucous, transparent, sometimes viscous, thread-like. When the infection develops, a purulent secretion appears in the corners of the eyes.

In some forms of allergic conjunctivitis (vernal and atopic keratoconjunctivitis), damage to the cornea occurs. In case of drug allergies, damage to the skin of the eyelids, cornea, retina, choroid, optic nerve. Spicy medicinal conjunctivitis sometimes aggravated by anaphylactic shock, angioedema, acute urticaria, systemic capillary toxicosis.

In chronic allergic conjunctivitis, the symptoms are poorly expressed: complaints of periodic itching of the eyelids, burning of the eyes, redness of the eyelids, lacrimation, moderate amount separated. Chronic allergic conjunctivitis is said to occur if the disease lasts 6-12 months.


In the diagnosis and treatment of allergic conjunctivitis, coordinated interaction between the treating ophthalmologist and the allergist-immunologist is important. If the history shows a clear connection between conjunctivitis and exposure to an external allergen, the diagnosis is usually not in doubt. To confirm the diagnosis, the following is carried out:

  • Ophthalmological examination. Detects changes in the conjunctiva (edema, hyperemia, papillary hyperplasia, etc.). Microscopic examination Conjunctival scraping for allergic conjunctivitis allows you to detect eosinophils (10% and above). In the blood, an increase in IgE of more than 100-150 IU is typical.
  • Allergy examination. To determine the cause of allergic conjunctivitis, tests are carried out: elimination, when against the background of clinical manifestations, contact with the suspected allergen is excluded, and exposure, which consists of repeated exposure to this allergen after the symptoms subside. After the acute allergic manifestations of conjunctivitis subside, skin allergic tests (application, scarification, electrophoresis, prick test) are performed. During the period of remission, they resort to provocative tests - conjunctival, sublingual and nasal.
  • Laboratory examination. In case of chronic allergic conjunctivitis, examination of eyelashes for demodex is indicated. If you suspect infectious lesion the eye is held bacteriological examination smear from the conjunctiva for microflora.

Treatment of allergic conjunctivitis

The basic principles of treatment of allergic conjunctivitis include: elimination (exclusion) of the allergen, local and systemic desensitizing therapy, symptomatic drug therapy, specific immunotherapy, prevention of secondary infections and complications. In case of large papillary conjunctivitis, it is necessary to stop wearing contact lenses, eye prostheses, remove postoperative sutures or remove a foreign body.

For allergic conjunctivitis, oral antihistamines (claritin, ketotifen, etc.) and the use of antiallergic eye drops (levocabastine, azelastine, olopatadine) 2-4 times a day are prescribed. Topical use of cromoglycic acid derivatives (mast cell stabilizers) in the form of drops is also indicated. When dry eye syndrome develops, tear substitutes are prescribed; if the cornea is damaged, use eye drops with dexpanthenol and vitamins.

Severe forms of allergic conjunctivitis may require the use of topical corticosteroids (eye drops or ointments with dexamethasone, hydrocortisone), topical NSAIDs (eye drops with diclofenac). Persistently recurrent allergic conjunctivitis is the basis for specific immunotherapy.

Prognosis and prevention

In most cases, once the allergen is identified and eliminated, the prognosis for allergic conjunctivitis is favorable. In the absence of treatment, an infection may occur with the development of secondary herpetic or bacterial keratitis, and a decrease in visual acuity. In order to prevent allergic conjunctivitis, contact with known allergens should be avoided whenever possible. In case of seasonal forms of allergic conjunctivitis, preventive courses of desensitizing therapy are necessary. Patients suffering from allergic conjunctivitis should be observed by an ophthalmologist and an allergist.

According to statistics collected by the World Health Organization, half of the world's inhabitants face various manifestations of allergies. Allergic conjunctivitis occupies an honorable place among diseases of this kind: from 15 to 20% of the population are familiar with it. Delivering a lot of inconvenience to people, this disease can cause blurred vision and other complications. However, when adequate treatment getting rid of allergic conjunctivitis is quite possible.

Concept and types of allergic conjunctivitis

The sclera of the eyeballs and the inner surface of the eyelids are lined with a thin mucous membrane called the conjunctiva. When in contact with allergens, it can become irritated and inflamed, causing swelling, tearing, redness, itching and mucous discharge from the eyes.

Allergic conjunctivitis is often called “red eye disease” due to the severe redness of the eyelids and eyeballs.

Children and young people under 20 years of age, mostly males, are more susceptible to the disease. Among older people, the disease is quite rare.

Like other allergic diseases, conjunctivitis is not contagious. It occurs as a result of the immune system’s reaction to an allergen, which can be anything: drugs, pollen, bird feathers, etc. As a result of contact with irritating factors, the cells of the immune system contained in the conjunctiva begin to secrete substances that cause inflammation and unpleasant symptoms.

There are the following types of allergic conjunctivitis:

  • Drug. This type of disease is the most common and appears in response to the administration of any medication. The first symptoms can occur either immediately after taking the drug or many days after starting treatment.
  • Seasonal, or hay fever. This species is caused by plant pollen and occurs in spring or early summer. The seasonal form is characterized by a more severe course of the disease. It is especially common among boys and often goes away on its own after puberty.
  • Year-round (permanent). The causative agents of persistent allergic conjunctivitis are most often dust mites, animals or birds. Sometimes it occurs due to contact with hygiene products, cosmetics, or household chemicals, and from the moment of interaction it can take either a couple of hours or several days. The symptoms of year-round conjunctivitis are not as striking as those of seasonal conjunctivitis, but exacerbation can occur at any time.
  • Vernal keratoconjunctivitis. This form of the disease is also seasonal. Symptoms appear with the onset of the warm season, however, unlike the hay fever species, they do not subside by the end of flowering allergenic plant, and closer to autumn. IN severe cases the pathological process can affect the cornea of ​​the eye.
  • Atopic keratoconjunctivitis. If vernal keratoconjunctivitis is typical for children and adolescents, then atopic keratoconjunctivitis affects mainly adults. It often occurs against the background of asthma, atopic dermatitis, or. This type is accompanied by rhinitis of an allergic nature and is dangerous for the development of complications: corneal ulcers, blepharitis and even retinal detachment.
  • Large papillary. This type develops due to the prolonged presence of a foreign body in the eye: for example, contact lenses or ocular prostheses. In this case, the papillae on the conjunctiva increase, which leads to unpleasant symptoms.
  • Tuberculous-allergic (phlyctenulous or scrofulous). As a rule, children under 3 years of age are affected by this type. The conjunctiva affected by tuberculosis toxin reacts violently to contact with the allergen, as a result of which translucent grayish nodules appear on its surface - conflicts.

Depending on the intensity of clinical manifestations, acute, subacute and chronic course of the disease is distinguished.


The nature of allergic conjunctivitis is not fully understood, but among the main causes of this disease are the following:

  • pollen - pollen and particles of various plants;
  • household - dust, pillow and feather bed fillings, dust mites, cosmetics, hygiene products;
  • medicinal - medications;
  • epidermal - and animal hair, fish food, bird feathers;
  • mechanical - wearing lenses, using eye prostheses, having postoperative sutures on the eyes;
  • infectious - chronic bacterial infections;
  • food - food products;
  • hereditary.

In addition, this disease can develop under the influence of radiation.

Allergic conjunctivitis is often accompanied by frequent sneezing and coughing. The inflammatory process in this disease spreads to both eyes, although unilateral damage also occurs.

Allergic conjunctivitis is in many cases accompanied by atopic dermatitis and allergic rhinitis.

Symptoms and signs

The main symptoms of the disease are:

  • itching, pain and burning in the eyes;
  • hyperemia (redness) and swelling of the eyelids;
  • redness of the mucous membranes of the eyes;
  • photophobia;
  • lacrimation;
  • rapid eye fatigue;
  • mucous or purulent discharge.

The presence and severity of symptoms of the disease depend on the type of conjunctivitis.

Manifestations of different types of disease - table

Type of allergic conjunctivitis Symptoms
Seasonal hay fever
  • Severe itching;
  • burning;
  • swelling;
  • redness;
  • lacrimation and photophobia.
  • Moderate itching and burning;
  • swelling;
  • slight redness and slight discharge from the eyes.

Often accompanied by rhinitis.

  • redness;
  • slight discharge during a prolonged reaction (several days after administration of the drug) and redness;
  • swelling, lacrimation, and hemorrhages during an acute reaction (develop within an hour after taking the medicine).
Vernal keratoconjunctivitis
  • Severe itching;
  • redness;
  • sensation of a foreign body in the eyes;
  • thick and viscous discharge;
  • the appearance of large papillae on the conjunctiva.
Atopic keratoconjunctivitis
  • swelling;
  • scales on the edges of the eyelids;
  • lacrimation disorders.
Large papillary
  • Redness;
  • foreign body sensation;
  • enlargement of the papillae on the conjunctiva.
  • Irritation and cracks in the eyelids;
  • lacrimation;
  • photophobia;
  • the appearance of nodules on the conjunctiva.

Allergic conjunctivitis develops with at different speeds: From the moment of interaction with the allergen, either half an hour or several days can pass. Symptoms are most pronounced when acute course diseases. If the disease becomes chronic unpleasant manifestations smooth out, and the person feels only a slight burning sensation and eye fatigue.

Features of the disease

The manifestations of allergic conjunctivitis are the same in both adults and children, however, the treatment of different categories of patients has its own specifics.

In children

Allergic conjunctivitis practically does not occur in young children. The disease is mainly observed after 3 years of age, and children with a history of allergic diseases are most susceptible to the disease.

The causes of inflammation of the conjunctiva in children are the same as in adults. In addition, due to the special sensitivity of children's mucous membranes, allergic conjunctivitis in young patients can develop even from the smell of paint or tobacco smoke.

If in adults food provokes conjunctivitis extremely rarely, then in children this is one of the main reasons. causing inflammation conjunctiva.

A distinctive feature of childhood allergic conjunctivitis is the frequent occurrence bacterial infections. While teenagers and adults can restrain themselves, when itching appears, children begin to intensively rub their eyes, introducing infection to the irritated mucous membrane. Therefore, when treating children, doctors often immediately prescribe antimicrobial agents.

In pregnant and lactating women

During pregnancy, the disease occurs extremely rarely, but exacerbations are possible. The symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis in pregnant and lactating women do not differ from similar indicators in the normal state.

The disease itself, even in neglected form has no effect on the fetus. Negative effects are possible only during treatment, when using toxic drugs. Therefore, doctors try not to prescribe similar cases antihistamines or they recommend taking them in minimal doses sufficient for a therapeutic effect.

Most often, treatment of pregnant and lactating women comes down to the following measures:

  • limiting contact with allergens;
  • course of sorbents;
  • the most gentle local therapy.

When carrying out local treatment, drugs based on sodium cromoglycate are usually prescribed.

Diagnostic methods

If problems with the eyes occur, the patient should visit an ophthalmologist. If the doctor suspects allergic conjunctivitis, further examination and treatment will be carried out with the involvement of an allergist.

Before production final diagnosis The doctor collects anamnesis and conducts an external examination. Based on the collected data, the specialist can prescribe additional tests, such as:

  1. Biomicroscopy of the eyes using a slit lamp, giving a primary understanding of the bacterial, viral or allergic nature of conjunctivitis.
  2. Cytological examination of conjunctival scrapings, which makes it possible to more accurately establish the etiology of the disease and distinguish allergic conjunctivitis from viral and bacterial.
  3. Bacterioscopic examination of a smear of the conjunctiva, with the help of which the presence of a secondary infection is determined.
  4. Bacterioscopy of conjunctival microflora culture, which is considered a more reliable method than the previous method.
  5. Exposure and elimination test is the introduction of an allergen into the body, allowing the isolation of the substance that causes the reaction.
  6. Skin allergy tests: most often a prick test, which can be used to identify the allergen that causes conjunctivitis.

A thorough diagnosis makes it possible to identify the real reason allergic conjunctivitis and prescribe adequate treatment.

Treatment of allergic conjunctivitis

If during the diagnostic process it was possible to identify the allergen that caused the disease, treatment begins with maximum isolation of the patient from this pathogen. If complete elimination of the allergen is impossible (for example, with seasonal pollen allergies), you should resort to drug therapy.

Adequate treatment can eliminate itching, redness and other symptoms in 12–14 days.

Drug therapy

Depending on the severity and cause of the disease, the doctor may prescribe the following medications:

  • antihistamines: Zyrtec, Cetrin, Claritin, Loratadine;
  • membrane-stabilizing drops: Zaditen, Lecrolin;
  • blocking drops histamine receptors: Allergodil, Histimet, Opatanol;
  • derivatives of cromoglycic acid that block the production of histamine: Krom-Allerg, Lodoxamide, Hi-Krom;
  • tear substitutes (with concomitant dry eye syndrome): Hyphenosis, Oftolik, Systane, Vidisik, Inoxa;
  • eye drops enriched with vitamins (if the cornea is involved in inflammatory process): Taufon, Ujala, Khrustalin, Katahrom;
  • antibacterial drugs: Dexagentamicin, Garazon;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: eye drops with diclofenac;
  • corticosteroid drops and ointments with hydrocortisone or dexamethasone.

IN the latter case You should pay very close attention to treatment: hormonal agents It is better to use only in extreme cases, observing dosages and gradual withdrawal.

Attention! In an effort to quickly eliminate unpleasant symptoms, never self-medicate. Only a doctor can prescribe a specific remedy, based on age and specific situation.

For large papillary conjunctivitis before use medical supplies It is necessary to remove the source of irritation from the eyes. If these are lenses, you should find an alternative device for vision correction or select a similar device made of hypoallergenic material. In cases where unpleasant symptoms are caused by the presence of scars from operations, their surgical removal would be advisable.

At constant relapses For allergic conjunctivitis, immunotherapy is prescribed, designed to teach the body not to respond to contact with an allergen with such a violent reaction.

Medicines in the photo

Taufon - vitamin drops for eyes Zaditen - stabilizer of mast cell membranes Allergodil blocks histamine production Zyrtec is a second generation antihistamine Loratadine is included in the list of vital and essential drugs

Folk remedies

If the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis do not cause significant discomfort, it is possible to use folk remedies to combat this disease.

  1. Cold compresses. Cold helps relieve swelling and inflammation. This method helps well with spring keratoconjunctivitis.
  2. Tea brewing. A warm tea bag helps relieve itching and burning within 10–15 minutes.
  3. Decoctions of chamomile, fennel, barberry root, yarrow, elderberry. Good effect This type of herbal medicine works in combination with drug treatment.
  4. Castor oil. According to the folk recipe, dripping castor oil into the eyes helps fight conjunctivitis, but many doctors believe that using “grandmother’s” remedies can only worsen the situation.

Although natural remedies have no side effects, their use is possible only after consultation with your doctor.

Possible complications and preventive measures

The most a common complication allergic conjunctivitis is considered to be a bacterial infection, characteristic feature which is purulent discharge from the eyes. In addition, if left untreated, the following consequences are possible:

  • inflammation of the cornea (keratitis);
  • corneal ulcers;
  • cataract;
  • glaucoma;
  • retinal disinsertion.

In severe cases, partial or complete loss of vision is possible. However, with timely and adequate treatment, the disease goes away without any consequences. To avoid relapses, one must not forget about prevention.

The main preventive measure is limiting contact with the allergen. If it is not possible to avoid interaction with an irritating substance (for example, with seasonal allergies), it is possible prophylactic appointment medications prescribed by a doctor. At the same time, to avoid bacterial infections, you need to be especially careful about hand and eye hygiene.

Treatment prognosis and patient reviews

Allergic conjunctivitis - although an unpleasant disease, is not dangerous when proper treatment. This is evidenced by reviews from patients who recommend specific remedies to relieve symptoms that complicate life.

A 16-year-old child suddenly developed a severe allergy to construction dust because we moved to new apartment and began renovations. Namely: red mucous membranes, swelling and swelling of the upper eyelids with bags under the eyes. The sight is terrifying. Plus allergic runny nose. The pharmacist at the pharmacy recommended Visin Allergy drops. After the first instillation, within 5 minutes the eyes began to recede, and within one and a half to two hours the swelling went away and the face became normal. They dripped 4 times a day, as indicated in the instructions, for 4-5 days daily, and then occasionally as soon as it was suspected that the eyes were not ideal. True, we added the drug in allergy tablets to the drops.


For us, 3 years ago it started with conjunctivitis, it lasted 2-3 weeks (and that was because we were treated for the usual at first, and when we got to Allergodil (drops), then it became clear that it was an allergy. By the way, Opatanol did not help). In the second year, at exactly the same period, we began to have not only conjunctivitis, but also hay fever - our son really began to choke. That’s when we panicked and went to the allergy center. We took 2 courses to determine the allergen - they did not identify it, although a blood test showed the presence of the allergen. The next year, 2 weeks before the trees bloomed, they started taking medicine and taking drops, as a result the symptoms were very weak. And another important thing: when it comes from the street, you need to wash everything well open areas skin, with wet hands shake off all the dust from your hair and also treat your clothes. And, of course, at home try not to open the windows, do daily wet cleaning. In clear and windless weather, do not walk during this period.


As fate would have it, we now live with our family in Abkhazia. The climate is southern, warm and the flowering period begins in February, and some plants all year round are green. Of course, it’s beautiful, but it also has its downsides. For example, allergies. About 1.5 months ago, I noticed that the whites of my son’s eyes began to turn red. The hyperemia was especially obvious after a shower. We came to the allergist, she prescribed Xyzal drops for us, 2 times a day, 5 drops after meals. I cannot recommend Xizal, since I do not have a medical education. In our case, it almost relieved the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis.


Video about the disease

Despite the fact that many people who have cured allergic conjunctivitis tend to recommend their medicine to patients with similar problems, remember: only a doctor should prescribe therapy after full examination and allergen detection. Correct recommendations will help avoid complications and bring you closer full recovery. In addition, in the case of seasonal allergies, the doctor will select medications for prevention, which, if not removed, will significantly weaken the seasonal manifestations of the disease.

Allergic conjunctivitis is a local reaction of the mucous membrane of the eyes to contact with an allergen. The disease can be combined with skin reactions, symptoms of rhinitis, occurs mainly in young people. At the first signs of allergic conjunctivitis, it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist as soon as possible. Allergies can be unpredictable, accompanied not only by redness of the mucous membrane and swelling of the eyelids, but also bronchospasm, Quincke's edema and urticaria.

Main types of disease:

  • hay fever;
  • spicy;
  • chronic;
  • seasonal;
  • drug;
  • atopic keratoconjunctivitis.

Depending on the course of the pathological process, they can be acute or chronic. Experts also highlight both eyes. Without treatment, the disease acute form becomes chronic, can give frequent relapses, cause purulent infections and a decrease in local immunity.


How does allergic conjunctivitis manifest? The disease often occurs chronically, with exacerbations in the spring months. Symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis appear immediately after contact with the allergen. Manifestations of the disease can be triggered by allergic foods, pollen, use of medications, exacerbation of chronic rhinitis or bronchitis.

The main symptoms of chronic allergic conjunctivitis:

  • severe itching, burning of the eyelids;
  • lacrimation;
  • swelling and redness of the conjunctiva;
  • photosensitivity.

Symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis in an adult occur within 24 hours after exposure to the allergen. Intense itching forces the eyes to rub vigorously, which can lead to a secondary infection and cause suppuration of the eyelids. Most characteristic symptom Allergic conjunctivitis is severe redness of the mucous membrane. Individual enlarged follicles and purulent crusts may appear on it.

Note! The discharge from the eyes in the first days is usually transparent, but as the pathology develops it can become cloudy, become purulent and mucopurulent.


The main cause of allergic conjunctivitis is contact with an allergen. Various exogenous allergens can provoke an exacerbation of the disease. Most often, relapse of the disease is associated with flowering plants in the spring. It is in the spring months that many diseases of an allergenic nature worsen.

In the chronic relapsing form of the disease, house dust, animal hair, cosmetics and food products are allergens. The disease is often combined with bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis, obstructive bronchitis and chronic eczema.

Is allergic conjunctivitis contagious?

Is allergic conjunctivitis transmitted to others? Since the disease is based on an allergic reaction that is not spread by airborne droplets or any other means, the disease is considered not contagious. But sometimes allergic conjunctivitis worsens after suffering respiratory viral diseases, which are highly contagious and can pose a threat to others.

Complications and consequences of the disease

With timely treatment of allergic conjunctivitis of the eyes, the prognosis is favorable. If the doctor identifies the allergen and does everything to prevent the patient’s body from contacting it, the disease will recur extremely rarely. But in the absence effective therapy, untimely use of medications for allergic conjunctivitis may result in a secondary infection with the appearance of copious purulent discharge. Also a complication is that it can lead to a decrease in visual acuity.


To pick up effective treatment allergic conjunctivitis, it is necessary to carry out comprehensive diagnostics. An examination is prescribed by an ophthalmologist or allergist.

To determine the exact allergen, skin provocative tests, allergy tests, prick tests and others are performed. informative research. Additionally, it may be necessary to take a smear from the conjunctiva to determine the microflora and identify infectious agents.

Treatment of allergic conjunctivitis

How to treat allergic conjunctivitis in adults? The most important thing is to avoid contact with allergens. This helps to quickly eliminate the symptoms of the disease and improve the patient’s condition. Specific medications for the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis are selected by an ophthalmologist. Mainly used local remedies, which have antipruritic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects.

If the risk of secondary infection increases, it is prescribed antibacterial drops from allergic conjunctivitis. They destroy infectious pathogens, stop their active reproduction and prevent spread infectious process to adjacent tissues.

Regardless of the severity of the clinical manifestations of the pathology, ophthalmologists prescribe antihistamines orally and in the form of ointments, drops, gels and tablets (Claritin, Zyrtec, Lecrolin, Opatanol). Such products are used several times a day. They relieve itching, swelling and other manifestations of the disease. Severe conjunctivitis requires the use of corticosteroids with dexamethasone or hydrocortisone, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

In case of frequent relapses, specific immunotherapy is necessarily carried out, the purpose of which is to rid the patient of an allergic reaction by introducing gradually increasing doses of the allergen into the body. But this technique is carried out only in conditions medical institution. Specific immunotherapy are carried out by trained specialists who, if necessary, can provide emergency medical care and help quickly suppress an acute allergic reaction.

Important! Only a doctor, having the results of allergy diagnostics in hand, can tell how to treat allergic conjunctivitis in an adult and how to prevent relapses. Do not neglect the help of a specialist. The doctor will help you choose effective drug therapy and stop the development of the disease.


Following a diet for conjunctivitis of an allergic nature makes it possible to improve general health sick. Many patients with this disease exhibit hypersensitivity to certain foods. Diet is part complex treatment. Citrus fruits and chocolate are excluded from the diet - these are the foods that are highly allergic. Some experts recommend avoiding honey if bee products are poorly tolerated by the body. But when compiling a list of prohibited dishes, you need to focus on individual characteristics every patient.

An ophthalmologist should tell you what products are suitable for allergic conjunctivitis in a particular patient. Usually strict restrictions are not required. It is enough to avoid eating citrus fruits and a lot of sweets.

Treatment with folk remedies

Is allergic conjunctivitis effective? Home remedies can only be used as a complement to classical therapy.

It is not recommended to completely switch to traditional medicine due to high risk increased signs of an allergic reaction. Without antihistamines and local treatment, it is impossible to get rid of inflammation, itching and redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes.

But traditional methods can be used as a reasonable addition to primary drug therapy. Here are some proven and effective recipes:

  • if itching, swelling of the eyelids and redness of the eyes occur, wash them with aloe juice, which must be diluted slightly with water;
  • apply black tea bags to your eyes;
  • make lotions from chamomile infusion and others medicinal herbs(sage, St. John's wort, linden);
  • wash your eyes with an infusion of medicinal marshmallow (rinse 2 roots, cut them and pour boiling water for 8 hours).

It helps fight inflammation and prevent the development of an infectious process. It can be used on the eyes several times a day. Infusions and lotions are also made from anti-inflammatory herbs. It is important to use them regularly during the first days after the onset of symptoms of an exacerbation of the disease.

If the pathology recurs again and again, it is possible that, in addition to allergies, it progresses hidden infection. It’s better to get all tests done to identify the pathogen. Infectious diseases themselves can provoke the development of allergies. In this case, you can’t do without it. But folk recipes even with an infectious-allergic nature they will be useful: they relieve itching well and disinfect tissues.

Course of the disease in children

With allergic conjunctivitis in children, the general well-being of the child greatly deteriorates. He becomes moody, sleeps poorly, and refuses to eat. The disease is accompanied severe swelling mucous membrane, itching and redness of the eyes, active lacrimation.

Allergies can be triggered by food, plant pollen, household dust, animal dander, medications and foreign bodies. Symptoms of the disease appear almost instantly after contact with the allergen. Both eyes are involved in the pathological inflammatory process. In severe cases, photophobia occurs.

In children, chronic allergies in the eye mucosa are often complicated secondary infection. Therefore, it is extremely important to monitor infection safety and prohibit the child from touching or scratching his eyes with his hands. For prevention infectious complications with frequent relapses, antibacterial drugs are prescribed from the first day of the disease. Be sure to use antihistamines (Tavegil, Suprastin, Fenistil and others) - they are the main ones in the treatment of the disease. If you cannot completely protect your child from contact with allergens and the development of allergic conjunctivitis, you must always take first aid supplies with you. They are precisely antihistamines.

The course of allergic conjunctivitis in pregnant women

During pregnancy, hormonal changes occur in the body, and immune activity naturally decreases to protect the fetus from the threat of miscarriage. As a result of these changes, the preconditions are created for the appearance of hyperactivity of the immune system and the development of allergies. Many women are not even aware of their sensitivity to certain foods, medications or pollen. New cosmetics can also cause an inflammatory reaction.

The main manifestations of pathology during pregnancy:

  • itching in the eyes;
  • lacrimation;
  • redness of the mucous membrane and skin around the eyes;
  • swelling and sticking of the eyelids.

It is quite difficult to treat allergies during pregnancy. Common medications that quickly relieve symptoms of the disease are prohibited, but find suitable remedy perhaps the doctor will do this too.

Every year, experts conduct research in the field modern pharmacology, find out which drugs have a teratogenic effect on the fetus and can threaten pregnancy. Only doctors have such information, and they are the ones who can choose a treatment regimen that will not harm the health of the unborn child.


Prevention of the disease eliminates contact with common allergens. It is recommended to always comply hypoallergenic diet, do not use potentially dangerous products foods that most often provoke allergic reactions. If you are prone to conjunctivitis, you must periodically visit an ophthalmologist, conduct preventive studies and comprehensive ophthalmological diagnostics.

Greetings, dear readers and readers! Allergic conjunctivitis is a condition in which the connective membrane of the eye becomes inflamed.

In many cases, this eye disease develops in parallel with other diseases. allergic nature, which significantly complicates the possibility of diagnosing it on initial stages.

Allergic conjunctivitis in adults can occur as a result of an eye reaction to wearing contact lenses, taking certain medications, allergies to animals, etc. The peculiarity of this unpleasant form of pathology is that both eyes are affected at once.

Today I will tell you about treatment methods of this disease offers modern ophthalmology.

What factors provoke the development of allergic conjunctivitis and how does the disease manifest?

The following factors are identified that provoke the appearance of conjunctivitis: allergic origin:

  1. Household. This very first group of allergens includes the well-known household dust, dust mites, feathers, fluff, etc.
  2. Epidermal. Wool of various animals, bird feathers, fish food.
  3. Pollenaceae. The most strong allergens are pollen from plants that bloom in spring, and poplar fluff.
  4. Chemical. Wash, powder, perfume, air fresheners, cosmetics, etc.

Signs of allergic conjunctivitis appear as:

  • unbearable itching and burning in the eyes;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • inflammation and redness of the conjunctiva;
  • mucous or purulent discharge;
  • rapid visual fatigue;
  • hypersensitivity to bright light sources.

Another clear sign indicating allergic conjunctivitis is swelling in the lower eyelid. Besides listed symptoms the patient may be bothered by a cough. In the acute form of the disease, the symptoms are pronounced, and chronic allergic conjunctivitis proceeds more calmly (lasts for 6-12 months).

Symptoms of this ophthalmological pathology appear immediately after contact with allergens, which quickly penetrate the mucous membrane of the eye, resulting in inflammation.

What is the treatment of eye pathology based on?

Treatment process allergic form conjunctivitis is quite long-lasting. This is due not only to the difficulty of diagnosing the problem in the early stages of development, but also to the fact that the medications used during therapy do not immediately have the desired effect.

Treatment allergic type Conjunctivitis is carried out using the following groups of drugs:

  1. Antihistamines. Patients suffering from this disease are prescribed 2nd generation antihistamines (Claritin, Cetrin, Kestin) and 3rd generation (Erius, Xizal, Telfast). You need to take 1 tablet per day for 2 weeks. If necessary, treatment course can be extended to 2-3 months. These antihistamines have a beneficial effect on the entire body, stopping allergic manifestations.
  2. Topical corticosteroids. The indication for the use of this pharmacological group of drugs is severe inflammation and severe complications, developed against the background of this type of conjunctivitis. They are prescribed if the inflammatory process does not go away after taking other medications.

This medicinal group presented steroid ointments and drops, which include such active substances, like dexamethasone and hydrocortisone. Before use, be sure to consult a specialist, since the above medications are hormonal.

  • Antiseptics, antibiotics. To treat allergic conjunctivitis, ointments containing an antiseptic (based on tetracycline, gentamicin and erythromycin) are often used. With their help, it is possible to prevent the spread of germs.
  • Immunomodulatory. Medicines in this group are prescribed for chronic course diseases. The most popular medication is Histaglobulin (in the form of injections).
  • Reparants (for restoration of the conjunctiva). To eliminate the consequences of allergic keratitis, medications that have a healing effect are prescribed. With their help, it is possible to restore damaged eye tissue and eliminate the consequences of the disease (conjunctival ulcers, etc.).

An excellent drug is eye gel Solcoseryl, which must be used for 1-2 weeks after eliminating the symptoms of conjunctivitis. This gel helps to activate metabolic processes on cellular level, due to which the process of restoration of the damaged structure of eye tissues is significantly accelerated.

When asked how to treat allergic conjunctivitis, most ophthalmologists will answer that first of all you need to eliminate the allergen, and only then can you begin conservative treatment.

One of the most popular medications used to treat this disease are eye drops.

List of the most effective drops for conjunctivitis in children, see.

I bring to your attention the types of drops that qualified ophthalmologists recommend using for patients suffering from conjunctivitis of allergic origin:

  1. To constrict blood vessels. Such drops (Vizin, Okumetil, Octilia) constrict blood vessels, due to which it is possible to relieve swelling and redness of the eyes.
  2. Antihistamines. The main purpose of antihistamine eye drops (Lecrolin, Cromohexal, Alocomid, Opatanol, Hi-chrome) is to block histamine. They help relieve swelling and eliminate itching.
  3. Anti-inflammatory corticosteroids. Drops of this group (Dexamethasone, Prenacid, Maxidex, Hydrocortisone) are prescribed in case of acute or severe disease. Use strictly as prescribed by your eye doctor.
  4. Tear substitutes. The pain and burning sensation in the eyes that occurs with allergic conjunctivitis very often leads to the development of dry eye syndrome, especially in old age. To eliminate the problem, ophthalmologists advise using artificial tears (Vizin, Oftogel, Inox, Systane, Oksial).
  5. Fortified. Eye drops containing vitamins (Quinax, Katachrom, Emoxipin, Khrustalin) should be used by patients who have inflammation of the cornea as a result of allergic conjunctivitis.


The allergic type of conjunctivitis is a fairly serious disease that gives a person unpleasant painful sensations.

Due to the fact that its occurrence cannot be completely prevented, ophthalmologists strongly recommend contacting medical care immediately after the first symptoms of the disease appear. This will allow the specialist to select the appropriate medications, as well as draw up a competent and effective scheme treatment.

Take care of yourself and be healthy, Dear friends, see you again!

Sincerely, Olga Morozova.